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2012-10-31 20:33:42 +00:00

817 lines
29 KiB
Executable File

# Thx to Himtronics
# http://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/141831
# http://www.mikrocontroller.net/attachment/63563/km271-protokoll.txt
# Buderus documents: 63011376, 63011377, 63011378
# e.g. http://www.buderus.de/pdf/unterlagen/0063061377.pdf
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
sub KM271_Read($);
sub KM271_Ready($);
sub KM271_crc($);
sub KM271_setbits($$);
sub KM271_SetReading($$$$$);
my %km271_sets = (
"hk1_nachtsoll" => "07006565%02x656565:0700%02x", # 0.5 celsius
"hk1_tagsoll" => "0700656565%02x6565:0701%02x", # 0.5 celsius
"hk1_betriebsart" => "070065656565%02x65:0702%02x",
"hk2_nachtsoll" => "08006565%02x656565:0800%02x", # 0.5 celsius
"hk2_tagsoll" => "0800656565%02x6565:0801%02x", # 0.5 celsius
"hk2_betriebsart" => "080065656565%02x65:0802%02x",
"ww_soll" => "0C07656565%02x6565:0c07%02x", # 1.0 celsius
"ww_betriebsart" => "0C0E%02x6565656565:0c0e%02x",
"ww_on-for-timer" => "0C0E%02x6565656565:0c0e%02x",
"hk1_programm" => "1100%02x6565656565",
"hk1_timer" => "11%s",
"hk2_programm" => "1200%02x6565656565",
"hk2_timer" => "12%s",
"logmode" => "EE0000",
# Message address:byte_offset in the message
# Attributes:
# d:x (divide), p:x (add), bf:x (bitfield), a:x (array), ne (generate no event)
# mb:x (multi-byte-message, x-bytes, low byte), s (signed value)
# em (error message - special handling), t (timer - special handling), eh (error history - special handling)
my %km271_tr = (
"CFG_Sommer_ab" => "0000:1,p:-9,a:8",
"CFG_HK1_Nachttemperatur" => "0000:2,d:2",
"cFG_HK1_Nachttemperatur" => "0700:0,d:2", # fake reading for internal notify
"CFG_HK1_Tagtemperatur" => "0000:3,d:2",
"cFG_HK1_Tagtemperatur" => "0701:0,d:2", # fake reading for internal notify
"CFG_HK1_Betriebsart" => "0000:4,a:4",
"cFG_HK1_Betriebsart" => "0702:0,a:4", # fake reading for internal notify
"CFG_HK1_Max_Temperatur" => "000e:2",
"CFG_HK1_Auslegung" => "000e:4",
"CFG_HK1_Aufschalttemperatur" => "0015:0,a:9",
"CFG_Frost_ab" => "0015:2,s",
"CFG_HK1_Absenkungsart" => "001c:1,a:6",
"CFG_HK1_Heizsystem" => "001c:2,a:7",
"CFG_HK1_Temperatur_Offset" => "0031:3,s,d:2",
"CFG_HK1_Fernbedienung" => "0031:4,a:0",
"CFG_HK2_Nachttemperatur" => "0038:2,d:2",
"cFG_HK2_Nachttemperatur" => "0800:0,d:2", # fake reading for internal notify
"CFG_HK2_Tagtemperatur" => "0038:3,d:2",
"cFG_HK2_Tagtemperatur" => "0801:0,d:2", # fake reading for internal notify
"CFG_HK2_Betriebsart" => "0038:4,a:4",
"cFG_HK2_Betriebsart" => "0802:0,a:4", # fake reading for internal notify
"CFG_HK2_Max_Temperatur" => "0046:2",
"CFG_HK2_Auslegung" => "0046:4",
"CFG_HK2_Aufschalttemperatur" => "004d:0,a:9",
"CFG_WW_Vorrang" => "004d:1,a:0",
"CFG_HK2_Absenkungsart" => "0054:1,a:6",
"CFG_HK2_Heizsystem" => "0054:2,a:7",
"CFG_HK2_Temperatur_Offset" => "0069:3,s,d:2",
"CFG_HK2_Fernbedienung" => "0069:4,a:0",
"CFG_Gebaeudeart" => "0070:2,p:1",
"CFG_WW_Temperatur" => "007e:3",
"cFG_WW_Temperatur" => "0c07:0", # fake reading for internal notify
"CFG_WW_Betriebsart" => "0085:0,a:4",
"cFG_WW_Betriebsart" => "0c0e:0,a:4", # fake reading for internal notify
"CFG_WW_Aufbereitung" => "0085:3,a:0",
"CFG_WW_Zirkulation" => "0085:5,a:9",
"CFG_Sprache" => "0093:0,a:3",
"CFG_Anzeige" => "0093:1,a:1",
"CFG_Max_Kesseltemperatur" => "009a:3",
"CFG_Pumplogik" => "00a1:0",
"CFG_Abgastemperaturschwelle" => "00a1:5,p:-9,a:5",
"PRG_HK1_Programm" => "0100:0,a:2",
"CFG_Urlaubstage" => "0100:3",
"PRG_HK1_Timer01" => "0107:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer02" => "010e:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer03" => "0115:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer04" => "011c:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer05" => "0123:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer06" => "012a:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer07" => "0131:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer08" => "0138:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer09" => "013f:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer10" => "0146:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer11" => "014d:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer12" => "0154:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer13" => "015b:0,t",
"PRG_HK1_Timer14" => "0162:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Programm" => "0169:0,a:2",
"PRG_HK2_Timer01" => "0170:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer02" => "0177:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer03" => "017e:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer04" => "0185:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer05" => "018c:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer06" => "0193:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer07" => "019a:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer08" => "01a1:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer09" => "01a8:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer10" => "01af:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer11" => "01b6:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer12" => "01bd:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer13" => "01c4:0,t",
"PRG_HK2_Timer14" => "01cb:0,t",
"CFG_Uhrzeit_Offset" => "01e0:1,s",
"ERR_Fehlerspeicher1" => "0300:0,eh",
"ERR_Fehlerspeicher2" => "0307:0,eh",
"ERR_Fehlerspeicher3" => "030e:0,eh",
"ERR_Fehlerspeicher4" => "0315:0,eh",
"HK1_Betriebswerte1" => "8000:0,bf:0",
"HK1_Betriebswerte2" => "8001:0,bf:1",
"HK1_Vorlaufsolltemperatur" => "8002:0",
"HK1_Vorlaufisttemperatur" => "8003:0,ne", # great part of all messages
"HK1_Raumsolltemperatur" => "8004:0,d:2",
"HK1_Raumisttemperatur" => "8005:0,d:2",
"HK1_Einschaltoptimierung" => "8006:0",
"HK1_Ausschaltoptimierung" => "8007:0",
"HK1_Pumpe" => "8008:0",
"HK1_Mischerstellung" => "8009:0,ne", # great part of all messages
"HK1_Heizkennlinie_+10_Grad" => "800c:0",
"HK1_Heizkennlinie_0_Grad" => "800d:0",
"HK1_Heizkennlinie_-10_Grad" => "800e:0",
"HK2_Betriebswerte1" => "8112:0,bf:0",
"HK2_Betriebswerte2" => "8113:0,bf:1",
"HK2_Vorlaufsolltemperatur" => "8114:0",
"HK2_Vorlaufisttemperatur" => "8115:0,ne", # great part of all messages
"HK2_Raumsolltemperatur" => "8116:0,d:2",
"HK2_Raumisttemperatur" => "8117:0,d:2",
"HK2_Einschaltoptimierung" => "8118:0",
"HK2_Ausschaltoptimierung" => "8119:0",
"HK2_Pumpe" => "811a:0",
"HK2_Mischerstellung" => "811b:0,ne", # great part of all messages
"HK2_Heizkennlinie_+10_Grad" => "811e:0",
"HK2_Heizkennlinie_0_Grad" => "811f:0",
"HK2_Heizkennlinie_-10_Grad" => "8120:0",
"WW_Betriebswerte1" => "8424:0,bf:2",
"WW_Betriebswerte2" => "8425:0,bf:3",
"WW_Solltemperatur" => "8426:0",
"WW_Isttemperatur" => "8427:0",
"WW_Einschaltoptimierung" => "8428:0",
"WW_Pumpentyp" => "8429:0,bf:5",
"Kessel_Vorlaufsolltemperatur" => "882a:0",
"Kessel_Vorlaufisttemperatur" => "882b:0,ne", # great part of all messages
"Brenner_Einschalttemperatur" => "882c:0",
"Brenner_Ausschalttemperatur" => "882d:0",
"Kessel_Integral1" => "882e:0,ne",
"Kessel_Integral" => "882f:0,mb:2,ne", # great part of all messages
"Kessel_Fehler" => "8830:0,bf:6",
"Kessel_Betrieb" => "8831:0,bf:4",
"Brenner_Ansteuerung" => "8832:0,a:10",
"Abgastemperatur" => "8833:0",
"Brenner_Mod_Stellglied" => "8834:0",
"Brenner_Laufzeit1_Minuten2" => "8836:0",
"Brenner_Laufzeit1_Minuten1" => "8837:0",
"Brenner_Laufzeit1_Minuten" => "8838:0,mb:3",
"Brenner_Laufzeit2_Minuten2" => "8839:0",
"Brenner_Laufzeit2_Minuten1" => "883a:0",
"Brenner_Laufzeit2_Minuten" => "883b:0,mb:3",
"Aussentemperatur" => "893c:0,s",
"Aussentemperatur_gedaempft" => "893d:0,s",
"Versionsnummer_VK" => "893e:0",
"Versionsnummer_NK" => "893f:0",
"Modulkennung" => "8940:0",
"ERR_Letzter_Fehlerstatus" => "aa:0,em",
my %km271_rev;
my @km271_bitarrays = (
# 0 - HK_Betriebswerte1
[ "-", "Ausschaltoptimierung", "Einschaltoptimierung", "Automatik",
"Warmwasservorrang", "Estrichtrocknung", "Ferien", "Frostschutz",
"Manuell" ],
# 1 - HK_Betriebswerte2
[ "-", "Sommer", "Tag", "Keine Kommunikation mit FB", "FB fehlerhaft",
"Fehler Vorlauffuehler", "Maximaler Vorlauf",
"Externer Stoehreingang", "Frei" ],
# 2 - WW_Betriebswerte1
[ "-", "Automatik", "Desinfektion", "Nachladung", "Ferien",
"Fehler Desinfektion", "Fehler Fuehler", "Fehler WW bleibt kalt",
"Fehler Anode" ],
# 3 - WW_Betriebswerte2
[ "-", "Laden", "Manuell", "Nachladen", "Ausschaltoptimierung",
"Einschaltoptimierung", "Tag", "Warm", "Vorrang" ],
# 4 - Kessel_Betrieb
[ "-", "Abgastest", "Betrieb 1.Stufe", "Kesselschutz",
"Unter Betrieb", "Leistung frei", "Leistung hoch", "Betrieb 2.Stufe", "Frei" ],
# 5 - WW_Pumpentyp
[ "-", "Ladepumpe", "Zirkulationspumpe", "Absenkung Solar",
"Frei", "Frei", "Frei", "Frei", "Frei" ],
# 6 - Kessel_Fehler
[ "-", "Brennerstoerung", "Kesselfuehler", "Zusatzfuehler", "Kessel bleibt kalt",
"Abgasfuehler", "Abgas ueber Grenzwert", "Sicherungskette ausgeloest", "Externe Stoerung" ],
my @km271_arrays = (
# 0 - CFG_Fernbedienung, CFG_WW_Vorrang, CFG_Warmwasser
[ "Aus", "An" ],
# 1 - CFG_Anzeige
[ "Automatik", "Kessel", "Warmwasser", "Aussen" ],
# 2 - CFG_Programm
[ "Eigen", "Familie", "Frueh", "Spaet", "Vormittag", "Nachmittag",
"Mittag", "Single", "Senior" ],
# 3 - CFG_Sprache
[ "DE", "FR", "IT", "NL", "EN", "PL" ],
# 4 - CFG_Betriebsart
[ "Nacht", "Tag", "Automatik" ],
# 5 - CFG_Abgastemperaturschwelle
[ "Aus","50","55","60","65","70","75","80","85","90","95","100","105",
"230","235","240","245","250" ],
# 6 - CFG_Absenkungsart
[ "Abschalt","Reduziert","Raumhalt","Aussenhalt" ],
# 7 - CFG_Heizsystem
[ "Aus","Heizkoerper","-","Fussboden" ],
# 8 - CFG_Sommer_ab
[ "Sommer","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19",
"20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29","30","Winter" ],
# 9 - CFG_Aufschalttemperatur, CFG_Zirkulation
[ "Aus","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10" ],
# 10 - Brenneransteuerung
[ "Kessel aus", "1.Stufe an", "-", "-", "2.Stufe an bzw. Modulation frei" ],
# PRG_HK1_TimerXX, PRG_HK2_TimerXX
my %km271_days = (
0x00 => "Mo",
0x20 => "Di",
0x40 => "Mi",
0x60 => "Do",
0x80 => "Fr",
0xa0 => "Sa",
0xc0 => "So",
my %km271_set_betriebsart = (
"nacht" => 0,
"tag" => 1,
"automatik" => 2,
# Used by set hk?_programm
my %km271_set_programm = (
"eigen" => 0,
"familie" => 1,
"frueh" => 2,
"spaet" => 3,
"vormittag" => 4,
"nachmittag" => 5,
"mittag" => 6,
"single" => 7,
"senior" => 8,
# Used by set hk?_timer
my %km271_set_day = (
"mo" => 0x00,
"di" => 0x20,
"mi" => 0x40,
"do" => 0x60,
"fr" => 0x80,
"sa" => 0xa0,
"so" => 0xc0,
# Internal hash for storing actual timing parameter of heater, populated by "logmode" command
my %km271_timer;
my ($hash) = @_;
require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "KM271_Read";
$hash->{ReadyFn} = "KM271_Ready";
$hash->{DefFn} = "KM271_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "KM271_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "KM271_Set";
$hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 all_km271_events loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 ww_timermode:automatik,tag";
my @a = ();
$hash->{SENDBUFFER} = \@a;
%km271_rev = ();
foreach my $k (sort keys %km271_tr) { # Reverse map
my $v = $km271_tr{$k};
my ($addr, $b) = split("[:,]", $v);
$km271_rev{$addr}{$b} = $k;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: define <name> KM271 [devicename|none]"
if(@a != 3);
my $name = $a[0];
my $dev = $a[2];
if($dev eq "none") {
Log 1, "KM271 device is none, commands will be echoed only";
return undef;
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "KM271_DoInit");
return $ret;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "\"set KM271\" needs at least an argument" if(@a < 2);
my $fmt = $km271_sets{$a[1]};
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " .
join(" ", sort keys %km271_sets) if(!defined($fmt));
my ($val, $numeric_val);
if($fmt =~ m/%/) {
return "\"set KM271 $a[1]\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 3);
$val = $a[2];
$numeric_val = ($val =~ m/^[.0-9]+$/);
if($a[1] =~ m/^hk.*soll$/) {
return "Argument must be numeric (between 10 and 30)" if(!$numeric_val || $val < 10 || $val > 30);
$val *= 2;
elsif($a[1] =~ m/^ww.*soll$/) {
return "Argument must be numeric (between 30 and 60)" if(!$numeric_val || $val < 30 || $val > 60);
elsif($a[1] =~ m/_betriebsart$/) {
$val = $km271_set_betriebsart{$val};
return "Unknown arg, use one of " .
join(" ", sort keys %km271_set_betriebsart) if(!defined($val));
elsif($a[1] =~ m/_programm$/) {
$val = $km271_set_programm{$val};
return "Unknown arg, use one of " .
join(" ", sort keys %km271_set_programm) if(!defined($val));
elsif($a[1] =~ m/^ww.*for-timer$/) { # WW on-for-timer command
my @time = split(":", $val);
return "Duration must have the format HH:MM" if(@time < 2);
$val = $time[0];
$numeric_val = ($val =~ m/^[.0-9]+$/);
return "Duration must have the format HH:MM" if(!$numeric_val || $val < 0 || $val > 23);
my $val2 = $time[1];
$numeric_val = ($val2 =~ m/^[.0-9]+$/);
return "Duration must have the format HH:MM" if(!$numeric_val || $val2 < 0 || $val2 > 59);
return "Duration must be greater than 00:00" if($val + $val2 == 0);
if($modules{KM271}{ldata}{$name}) {
CommandDelete(undef, $name . "_ww_autoOff");
delete $modules{KM271}{ldata}{$name};
my $to = sprintf("%02d:%02d", $val, $val2);
CommandDefine(undef, $name . "_ww_autoOff at +$to set $name ww_betriebsart nacht");
$modules{KM271}{ldata}{$name} = $to;
$val = $km271_set_betriebsart{AttrVal($name, "ww_timermode", "tag")};
elsif($a[1] =~ m/^hk.*timer$/) { # Timer calculation
return "\"set KM271 $a[1]\" needs typically 5 parameters (position on-day on-time off-day off-time)" if(@a < 4);
$val = $a[2];
$numeric_val = ($val =~ m/^[.0-9]+$/);
# 42 slots for a timer, but each interval uses two of them (on and off)
return "Position must be numeric (between 1 and 21)" if(!$numeric_val || $val < 1 || $val > 21);
my $pos = $val;
my $offval;
if ($a[3] eq "delete") {
# Delete the interval
$offval = "c290"; # Code for not used
$val = $offval;
} else {
# Set interval: more arguments are needed
return "\"set KM271 $a[1]\" needs at least 5 parameters (position day on-time day off-time)" if(@a < 7);
my $offday = $km271_set_day{$a[5]};
return "Unknown day, use one of " .
join(" ", sort keys %km271_set_day) if(!defined($offday));
# Time validation off-time
my @time = split(":", $a[6]);
return "Fifth argument must be a valid time (e.g. 14:50)" if(@time < 2);
$val = $time[0];
$numeric_val = ($val =~ m/^[.0-9]+$/);
return "Fifth argument must be a valid time (e.g. 14:50)" if(!$numeric_val || $val < 0 || $val > 23);
$val = $time[1];
$numeric_val = ($val =~ m/^[.0-9]+$/);
return "Fifth argument must be a valid time (e.g. 14:50)" if(!$numeric_val || $val < 0 || $val > 59);
# Calculate off-day and -time (unit: 10 min) for heater
$offval = sprintf("%02x%02x", $offday, int(($time[0]*60 + $val) / 10));
my $onday = $km271_set_day{$a[3]};
return "Unknown day, use one of " .
join(" ", sort keys %km271_set_day) if(!defined($onday));
# Time validation on-time
@time = split(":", $a[4]);
return "Third argument must be a valid time (e.g. 13:40)" if(@time < 2);
$val = $time[0];
$numeric_val = ($val =~ m/^[.0-9]+$/);
return "Third argument must be a valid time (e.g. 13:40)" if(!$numeric_val || $val < 0 || $val > 23);
$val = $time[1];
$numeric_val = ($val =~ m/^[.0-9]+$/);
return "Third argument must be a valid time (e.g. 13:40)" if(!$numeric_val || $val < 0 || $val > 59);
# Calculate on-day and time (unit: 10 min) for heater
$val = sprintf("%02x%02x", $onday | 0x01, int(($time[0]*60 + $val) / 10));
return "On- and off timepoints must not be identical" if(substr($val, 2, 2) eq substr($offval, 2, 2) && $onday == $offday);
# Calculate offsets for command and internal timer hash
my $offset = int(($pos*2 + 1)/3)*7;
my $keyoffset = $offset + ($a[1] =~ m/^hk1/ ? 0 : 15)*7;
my $key = sprintf("01%02x", $keyoffset);
# Are two updates needed (intervall is spread over two lines)?
if (($pos + 1) % 3 == 0) {
my $key2 = sprintf("01%02x", $keyoffset + 7);
return "Internal timer-hash is not populated, use logmode command and try again later"
if (!defined($km271_timer{$key}{0}) || !defined($km271_timer{$key}{1}) || !defined($km271_timer{$key2}{1}) || !defined($km271_timer{$key2}{2}));
# Update internal hash
$km271_timer{$key}{2} = $val;
$km271_timer{$key2}{0} = $offval;
$offval .= $km271_timer{$key2}{1} . $km271_timer{$key2}{2};
# Dirty trick: Changes of the timer are not notified by the heater, so internal notification is added after the colon
$offval = sprintf("%02x%s:%s%s", $offset + 7, $offval, $key2, $offval);
# Push first command
push @{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}}, sprintf($fmt, $offval);
} else {
# Only one update needed
if ($pos % 3 == 1) {
return "Internal timer-hash is not populated, use logmode command and try again later" if (!defined($km271_timer{$key}{2}));
# Update internal hash
$km271_timer{$key}{0} = $val;
$km271_timer{$key}{1} = $offval;
} else {
return "Internal timer-hash is not populated, use logmode command and try again later" if (!defined($km271_timer{$key}{0}));
# Update internal hash
$km271_timer{$key}{1} = $val;
$km271_timer{$key}{2} = $offval;
$val = $km271_timer{$key}{0} . $km271_timer{$key}{1} . $km271_timer{$key}{2};
# Dirty trick: Changes of the timer are not notified by the heater, so internal notification is added after the colon
$val = sprintf("%02x%s:%s%s", $offset, $val, $key, $val);
my $data = sprintf($fmt, $val, $val);
push @{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}}, $data;
if(!exists($hash->{WAITING}) && !exists($hash->{DATASENT})) {
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "02", 1);
return undef;
# Called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($data, $crc);
my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
return "" if(!defined($buf));
$buf = unpack('H*', $buf);
Log 5, "KM271RAW: $buf";
# Check, if we are waiting for a message from the heater
if (!exists($hash->{WAITING})) {
# Send data or waiting for acknowlegde
if(@{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}} || $hash->{DATASENT}) {
if($buf eq "10") {
if($hash->{DATASENT}) {
# Delete the command from the list
shift @{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}};
if ($hash->{NOTIFY}) {
$data = $hash->{NOTIFY};
goto INTERNAL_NOTIFY; # Timer changes are not reflected by the heater
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "02", 1) if(@{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}});
} else {
# Delete the command only after receiving ACK
$data = shift @{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}};
unshift @{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}}, $data;
# Dirty trick: separate notify message after the colon
my @dataList = split(":", $data);
$data = $dataList[0];
$data = KM271_encode($data);
$data .= "1003";
$crc = KM271_crc($data);
$data .= $crc;
$hash->{DATASENT} = $data;
$hash->{ERROR} = 0;
$hash->{RETRYCOUNT} = 0;
if (@dataList > 1) {
# Set notify message
$hash->{NOTIFY} = $dataList[1];
} else {
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $data, 1); # Send the data
} else {
if($hash->{DATASENT}) {
my $newStart = 0;
if ($buf eq "15") {
Log 1, "$name: NAK!"; # NACK from the KM271
if(++$hash->{ERROR} > 5) {
$newStart = 1;
} else {
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $hash->{DATASENT}, 1);
} else {
Log 1, "$name: Bogus data after sending packet ($buf)"; # Strange response from the KM271
$newStart = 1;
if ($newStart) {
# Start all over again
Log 1, "$name: Sending attempt for ($hash->{DATASENT}) failed!";
if(++$hash->{RETRYCOUNT} > 3) {
# Abort sending the actual command
Log 1, "$name: Sending ($hash->{DATASENT}) not successful!";
shift @{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}};
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "02", 1) if(@{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}});
} else {
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "02", 1);
} else {
if ($buf eq "02") { # KM271 Wants to send
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "10", 1); # We are ready
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
$hash->{WAITING} = time;
$hash->{ERROR} = 0;
} else {
# After timeout get out of waiting mode
delete($hash->{WAITING}) if(time - $hash->{WAITING} > 2.5);
$hash->{PARTIAL} .= $buf;
return if($hash->{PARTIAL} !~ m/^(.*)1003(..)$/);
($data, $crc) = ($1, $2);
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
if(KM271_crc($data . "1003") ne $crc) {
Log 1, "Wrong CRC in $name: $crc";
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "15", 1); # NAK
if(++$hash->{ERROR} > 5) {
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "02", 1) if(@{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}}); # Want to send
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "10", 1); # ACK, Data received ok
$data = KM271_decode($data);
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "02", 1) if(@{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}}); # Want to send
# Check for Error-Messages beginning with 'aa' first
if($data =~ m/^(aa)(.*)/) {}
elsif($data !~ m/^(....)(.*)/) {
Log 1, "$name: Bogus message: $data";
# Analyze the data
my ($fn, $arg) = ($1, $2);
my $msghash = $km271_rev{$fn};
my $all_events = AttrVal($name, "all_km271_events", "") ;
my $tn = TimeNow();
if($msghash) {
foreach my $off (keys %{$msghash}) {
my $key = $msghash->{$off};
my $val = hex(substr($arg, $off*2, 2));
my $ntfy = 1;
my @postprocessing = split(",", $km271_tr{$key});
shift @postprocessing;
while(@postprocessing) {
my ($f,$farg) = split(":", shift @postprocessing);
if($f eq "d") { $val /= $farg; }
elsif($f eq "p") { $val += $farg; }
elsif($f eq "ne") { $ntfy = $all_events; }
elsif($f eq "s") { $val = $val-256 if($val > 127); }
elsif($f eq "bf") { $val = KM271_setbits($val, $farg); }
elsif($f eq "a") { $val = $km271_arrays[$farg][$val]; }
elsif($f eq "mb") {
$val += ReadingsVal($name, $key."1", 0) * 256;
$val += ReadingsVal($name, $key."2", 0) * 65536 if($farg == 3); }
elsif($f eq "em") { $val = "Fehlercode $val " . (hex(substr($arg, ($off+1)*2, 2)) == 0 ? "aufgehoben" : "aufgetreten"); }
elsif($f eq "t") { $val = sprintf("%s | %s | %s", KM271_setprg($val, hex(substr($arg, ($off+1)*2, 2)))
, KM271_setprg(hex(substr($arg, ($off+2)*2, 2)), hex(substr($arg, ($off+3)*2, 2)))
, KM271_setprg(hex(substr($arg, ($off+4)*2, 2)), hex(substr($arg, ($off+5)*2, 2))));
# Fill internal timer hash
$km271_timer{$fn}{0} = substr($arg, 0, 4);
$km271_timer{$fn}{1} = substr($arg, 4, 4);
$km271_timer{$fn}{2} = substr($arg, 8, 4); }
elsif($f eq "eh") { $val = KM271_seterror($arg); }
$key = ucfirst($key); # Hack to match the original and the fake reading
KM271_SetReading($hash, $tn, $key, $val, $ntfy);
} elsif($fn eq "0400") {
KM271_SetReading($hash, $tn, "NoData", $arg, 0);
} elsif($all_events) {
KM271_SetReading($hash, $tn, "UNKNOWN_$fn", $data, 1);
my ($hash) = @_;
return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, undef)
if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected");
# This is relevant for windows/USB only
my $po = $hash->{USBDev};
my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status;
return ($InBytes>0);
my ($hash) = @_;
push @{$hash->{SENDBUFFER}}, $km271_sets{"logmode"};
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "02", 1); # STX
return undef;
my ($val, $arridx) = @_;
my @ret;
for(my $idx = 1; $idx <= 8; $idx++) {
push(@ret, $km271_bitarrays[$arridx][$idx]) if($val & (1<<($idx-1)));
return $km271_bitarrays[$arridx][0] if(!int(@ret));
return join(",", @ret);
my ($val, $time) = @_;
my $ret = "-";
my $switch = $val & 0x0f;
if ($switch < 2) {
$ret = $switch == 0 ? "Aus: " : "An: ";
$ret .= $km271_days{$val & 0xf0};
$ret .= sprintf(" %02d:%02d", int($time / 6), ($time % 6)*10);
return $ret;
my $val = shift;
my $error = hex(substr($val, 0, 2));
my $ret = "Kein Fehler";
if ($error != 0) {
$ret = sprintf("Code %02d (+): %02d:%02dUhr vor ", $error, hex(substr($val, 2, 2)), hex(substr($val, 4, 2)));
$error = hex(substr($val, 8, 2));
if ($error == 0xff) {
$ret .= sprintf("%d Tagen | Fehler noch offen", hex(substr($val, 6, 2)));
} else {
my $days = hex(substr($val, 12, 2));
$ret .= sprintf("%d Tagen | (-): %02d:%02dUhr vor %d Tagen", hex(substr($val, 6, 2)) + $days, $error, hex(substr($val, 10, 2)), $days);
return $ret;
# Replacement for regular expression - s/10/1010/g - which works wrong for "0101"
my $in = shift;
my $out = '';
foreach my $a (split("", pack('H*', $in))) {
my $c = sprintf("%02x", ord($a));
$c =~ s/10/1010/g;
$out .= $c;
return $out;
# Replacement for regular expression - s/1010/10/g - which works wrong for "010101"
my $in = shift;
my $out = '';
my $flag = 0;
foreach my $a (split("", pack('H*', $in))) {
my $c = sprintf("%02x", ord($a));
if ($c eq "10") {
if ($flag) {
$flag = 0;
$c = '';
} else {
$flag = 1;
} else {
$flag = 0;
$out .= $c;
return $out;
my $in = shift;
my $x = 0;
foreach my $a (split("", pack('H*', $in))) {
$x ^= ord($a);
return sprintf("%02x", $x);
my ($hash,$tn,$key,$val,$ntfy) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "$name: $key $val" if($key ne "NoData");
setReadingsVal($hash, $key, $val, $tn);
DoTrigger($name, "$key: $val") if($ntfy);