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git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@2076 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2012-11-04 13:49:43 +00:00

1137 lines
39 KiB

# FHEM module to commmunicate with 1-Wire Counter/RAM DS2423
# Attention: This module may communicate with the OWX module,
# but currently not with the 1-Wire File System OWFS
# Prefixes for subroutines of this module:
# OW = General 1-Wire routines Peter Henning)
# OWX = 1-Wire bus master interface (Peter Henning)
# OWFS = 1-Wire file system (??)
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning, 2012
# Version 2.25 - October, 2012
# Setup bus device in fhem.cfg as
# define <name> OWCOUNT [<model>] <ROM_ID> [interval]
# where <name> may be replaced by any name string
# <model> is a 1-Wire device type. If omitted, we assume this to be an
# DS2423 Counter/RAM
# <ROM_ID> is a 12 character (6 byte) 1-Wire ROM ID
# without Family ID, e.g. A2D90D000800
# [interval] is an optional query interval in seconds
# get <name> id => FAM_ID.ROM_ID.CRC
# get <name> present => 1 if device present, 0 if not
# get <name> interval => query interval
# get <name> memory <page> => 32 byte string from page 0..13
# get <name> midnight <channel> => todays starting value for counter
# get <name> counter <channel> => value for counter
# get <name> counters => values for both counters
# set <name> interval => set query interval for measurement
# set <name> memory <page> => 32 byte string into page 0..13
# set <name> midnight <channel> => todays starting value for counter
# set <name> init yes => re-initialize device
# Additional attributes are defined in fhem.cfg, in some cases per channel, where <channel>=A,B
# Note: attributes are read only during initialization procedure - later changes are not used.
# attr <name> event on-change/on-update = when to write an event (default= on-update)
# attr <name> UnitInReading = whether the physical unit is written into the reading = 1 (default) or 0
# attr <name> <channel>Name <string>|<string> = name for the channel | a type description for the measured value
# attr <name> <channel>Unit <string>|<string> = unit of measurement for this channel | its abbreviation
# attr <name> <channel>Offset <float> = offset added to the reading in this channel
# attr <name> <channel>Factor <float> = factor multiplied to (reading+offset) in this channel
# attr <name> <channel>Mode <string> = counting mode = normal(default) or daily
# attr <name> <channel>Period <string> = period for rate calculation = hour (default), minute or second
# In normal counting mode each returned counting value will be factor*(reading+offset)
# In daily counting mode each returned counting value will be factor*(reading+offset)-midnight
# where midnight is stored as string in the 32 byte memory associated with the counter
# Log Lines
# after each interval <date> <name> <channel>: <value> <unit> <value> <unit>/<period> <channel>: <value> <unit> <value> <unit>/<period>
# example: 2012-07-30_00:07:55 OWX_C Taste: 17.03 p 28.1 p/h B: 7.0 cts 0.0 cts/min
# after midnight <new date> <name> <old day> <old date> <channel>: <value> <unit> <channel>: <value> <unit>
# example: 2012-07-30_00:00:57 OWX_C D_29: 2012-7-29_23:59:59 Taste: 110.0 p, B: 7.0 cts
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
#-- Prototypes to make komodo happy
use vars qw{%attr %defs};
use strict;
use warnings;
sub Log($$);
#-- channel name - fixed is the first array, variable the second
my @owg_fixed = ("A","B");
my @owg_channel;
my @owg_rate;
#-- channel values - always the raw values from the device
my @owg_val;
my @owg_midnight;
my $owg_str;
my %gets = (
"id" => "",
"present" => "",
"interval" => "",
"memory" => "",
"midnight" => "",
"counter" => "",
"counters" => ""
my %sets = (
"interval" => "",
"memory" => "",
"midnight" => "",
"init" => ""
my %updates = (
"present" => "",
"counter" => ""
# The following subroutines are independent of the bus interface
# Prefix = OWCOUNT
# OWCOUNT_Initialize
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWCOUNT_Initialize ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "OWCOUNT_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "OWCOUNT_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "OWCOUNT_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "OWCOUNT_Set";
#-- see header for attributes
my $attlist = "IODev do_not_notify:0,1 showtime:0,1 model:DS2423 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5 UnitInReading:0,1 ".
for( my $i=0;$i<int(@owg_fixed);$i++ ){
$attlist .= " ".$owg_fixed[$i]."Name";
$attlist .= " ".$owg_fixed[$i]."Offset";
$attlist .= " ".$owg_fixed[$i]."Factor";
$attlist .= " ".$owg_fixed[$i]."Unit";
$attlist .= " ".$owg_fixed[$i]."Mode:normal,daily";
$attlist .= " ".$owg_fixed[$i]."Period:hour,minute,second";
$hash->{AttrList} = $attlist;
# OWCOUNT_Define - Implements DefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub OWCOUNT_Define ($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my ($name,$model,$fam,$id,$crc,$interval,$scale,$ret);
#-- default
$name = $a[0];
$interval = 300;
$scale = "";
$ret = "";
#-- check syntax
return "OWCOUNT: Wrong syntax, must be define <name> OWCOUNT [<model>] <id> [interval]"
if(int(@a) < 2 || int(@a) > 5);
#-- check if this is an old style definition, e.g. <model> is missing
my $a2 = $a[2];
my $a3 = defined($a[3]) ? $a[3] : "";
if( $a2 =~ m/^[0-9|a-f|A-F]{12}$/ ) {
$model = "DS2423";
$id = $a[2];
if(int(@a)>=4) { $interval = $a[3]; }
} elsif( $a3 =~ m/^[0-9|a-f|A-F]{12}$/ ) {
$model = $a[2];
return "OWCOUNT: Wrong 1-Wire device model $model"
if( $model ne "DS2423");
$id = $a[3];
if(int(@a)>=5) { $interval = $a[4]; }
} else {
return "OWCOUNT: $a[0] ID $a[2] invalid, specify a 12 digit value";
#-- 1-Wire ROM identifier in the form "FF.XXXXXXXXXXXX.YY"
# determine CRC Code - only if this is a direct interface
$crc = defined($hash->{IODev}->{INTERFACE}) ? sprintf("%02x",OWX_CRC("1D.".$id."00")) : "00";
#-- Define device internals
$hash->{ROM_ID} = "1D.".$id.$crc;
$hash->{OW_ID} = $id;
$hash->{OW_FAMILY} = "1D";
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
#-- Couple to I/O device
Log 3, "OWCOUNT: Warning, no 1-Wire I/O device found for $name."
$modules{OWCOUNT}{defptr}{$id} = $hash;
$hash->{STATE} = "Defined";
Log 3, "OWCOUNT: Device $name defined.";
#-- Initialization reading according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
#-- Start timer for initialization in a few seconds
InternalTimer(time()+1, "OWCOUNT_InitializeDevice", $hash, 0);
#-- Start timer for updates
InternalTimer(time()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "OWCOUNT_GetValues", $hash, 0);
return undef;
# OWCOUNT_InitializeDevice - delayed setting of initial readings and channel names
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWCOUNT_InitializeDevice($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
#-- Set channel names, channel units and alarm values
for( my $i=0;$i<int(@owg_fixed);$i++) {
#-- initial readings
$owg_val[$i] = 0.0;
$owg_midnight[$i] = 0.0;
#-- name
my $cname = defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Name"}) ? $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Name"} : $owg_fixed[$i]."|event";
my @cnama = split(/\|/,$cname);
if( int(@cnama)!=2){
Log 1, "OWCOUNT: Incomplete channel name specification $cname. Better use $cname|<type of data>";
#-- unit
my $unit = defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Unit"}) ? $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Unit"} : "counts|cts";
my @unarr= split(/\|/,$unit);
if( int(@unarr)!=2 ){
Log 1, "OWCOUNT: Incomplete channel unit specification $unit. Better use <long unit desc>|$unit";
#-- rate unit
my $period = defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Period"}) ? $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Period"} : "hour";
#-- offset and scale factor
my $offset = defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Offset"}) ? $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Offset"} : 0;
my $factor = defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Factor"}) ? $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Factor"} : 1;
#-- put into readings
$owg_channel[$i] = $cnama[0];
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{TYPE} = $cnama[1];
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{UNIT} = $unarr[0];
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{UNITABBR} = $unarr[1];
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{PERIOD} = $period;
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{OFFSET} = $offset;
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{FACTOR} = $factor;
$owg_rate[$i] = $cnama[0]."_rate";
my $runit = "";
if( $period eq "hour" ){
$runit = "/h";
}elsif( $period eq "minute" ){
$runit = "/min";
} else {
$runit = "/s";
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{TYPE} = $cnama[1]."_rate";
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{UNIT} = $unarr[0].$runit;
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{UNITABBR} = $unarr[1].$runit;
#-- some special cases
# Energy/Power
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{UNIT} = "kW"
if ($unarr[0].$runit eq "kWh/h" );
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{UNITABBR} = "kW"
if ($unarr[1].$runit eq "kWh/h" );
#Log 1,"OWCOUNT InitializeDevice with period $period and UNITABBR = ".$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{UNITABBR};
#-- set status according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
#-- OWX interface
if( !defined($interface) ){
return "OWCOUNT: Interface missing";
} elsif( $interface eq "OWX" ){
#-- OWFS interface
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSAD_GetPage($hash,"reading");
#-- Unknown interface
return "OWCOUNT: InitializeDevice with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- Initialize all the display stuff
# OWCOUNT_FormatValues - put together various format strings and assemble STATE variable
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWCOUNT_FormatValues($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($offset,$factor,$period,$unit,$runit,$midnight,$vval,$vrate);
my ($value1,$value2,$value3,$value4,$value5) = ("","","","","");
my $galarm = 0;
my $tn = TimeNow();
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my ($seco,$mino,$houro,$dayo,$montho,$yearo,$dayrest);
my $daybreak = 0;
my $monthbreak = 0;
my $present = $hash->{PRESENT};
#-- remove units if they are unwanted
my $unir = defined($attr{$name}{"UnitInReading"}) ? $attr{$name}{"UnitInReading"} : 1;
#-- formats for output
for (my $i=0;$i<int(@owg_fixed);$i++){
my $cname = defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Name"}) ? $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Name"} : $owg_fixed[$i];
my @cnama = split(/\|/,$cname);
$owg_channel[$i]= $cnama[0];
$owg_rate[$i] = $cnama[0]."_rate";
$offset = $hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{OFFSET};
$factor = $hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{FACTOR};
$unit = $hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{UNITABBR};
$period = $hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{PERIOD};
$runit = $hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{UNITABBR};
#-- only if attribute value Mode=daily, take the midnight value from memory
if( defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Mode"} )){
if( $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Mode"} eq "daily"){
$midnight = $owg_midnight[$i];
#-- parse float from midnight
$midnight =~ /([\d\.]+)/;
$midnight = 0.0 if(!(defined($midnight)));
} else {
$midnight = 0.0;
} else {
$midnight = 0.0;
#-- correct values for proper offset, factor
# careful: midnight value has not been corrected so far !
#-- 1 decimal
if( $factor == 1.0 ){
$vval = int(($owg_val[$i] + $offset - $midnight)*10)/10;
#-- 3 decimals
} else {
$vval = int((($owg_val[$i] + $offset)*$factor - $midnight)*1000)/1000;
#-- get the old values
my $oldval = $hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{VAL};
my $oldtim = $hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{TIME};
$oldtim = "" if(!defined($oldtim));
#-- safeguard against the case where no previous measurement
if( length($oldtim) > 0 ){
#-- time difference in seconds
($yearo,$montho,$dayrest) = split(/-/,$oldtim);
$dayo = substr($dayrest,0,2);
($houro,$mino,$seco) = split(/:/,substr($dayrest,3));
my $delt = ($hour-$houro)*3600 + ($min-$mino)*60 + ($sec-$seco);
#-- correct time for wraparound at midnight
if( ($delt<0) && ($present==1)){
$daybreak = 1;
$delt += 86400;
#-- correct $vval for wraparound of 32 bit counter
if( ($vval < $oldval) && ($daybreak==0) && ($present==1) ){
Log 1,"OWCOUNT TODO: Counter wraparound";
if( $daybreak==1 ){
#-- linear interpolation
my $dt = ((24-$houro)*3600 -$mino*60 - $seco)/( ($hour+24-$houro)*3600 + ($min-$mino)*60 + ($sec-$seco) );
my $dv = $oldval*(1-$dt)+$vval*$dt;
#-- correct reading in daily mode
if( $midnight > 0.0 ){
$vval -= $dv;
$delt *= (1-$dt);
$oldval = 0.0;
#-- in any mode store the interpolated value in the midnight store
$midnight += $dv;
#-- string buildup for monthly logging
$value4 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.1f %s", $owg_channel[$i], $dv,$unit);
if( $day<$dayo ){
$monthbreak = 1;
Log 1, "OWCOUNT: Change of month";
#-- string buildup for yearly logging
$value5 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.1f %s", $owg_channel[$i], $dv,$unit);
#-- rate
if( ($delt > 0.0) && $present ){
$vrate = ($vval-$oldval)/$delt;
} else {
$vrate = 0.0;
#-- correct rate for period setting
if( $period eq "hour" ){
}elsif( $period eq "minute" ){
if( !defined($runit) ){
Log 1,"OWCOUNT: Error in rate unit definition. i=$i, owg_rate[i]=".$owg_rate[$i];
$runit = "ERR";
#-- string buildup for return value and STATE
if( $unir ){
#-- 1 decimal
if( $factor == 1.0 ){
$value1 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.1f %s %5.2f %s", $owg_channel[$i], $vval,$unit,$vrate,$runit);
$value2 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.1f %s %5.2f %s", $owg_channel[$i], $vval,$unit,$vrate,$runit);
#-- 3 decimals
} else {
$value1 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.3f %s %5.2f %s", $owg_channel[$i], $vval,$unit,$vrate,$runit);
$value2 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.2f %s %5.2f %s", $owg_channel[$i], $vval,$unit,$vrate,$runit);
}else {
#-- 1 decimal
if( $factor == 1.0 ){
$value1 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.1f %5.2f", $owg_channel[$i], $vval,$vrate);
$value2 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.1f %5.2f", $owg_channel[$i], $vval,$vrate);
#-- 3 decimals
} else {
$value1 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.3f %5.2f", $owg_channel[$i], $vval,$vrate);
$value2 .= sprintf( "%s: %5.2f %5.2f", $owg_channel[$i], $vval,$vrate);
$value3 .= sprintf( "%s: " , $owg_channel[$i]);
#-- put into READINGS
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{VAL} = $vval;
#-- but times and rate only when valid
if( $present ){
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{TIME} = $tn;
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{VAL} = $vrate;
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{TIME} = $tn;
} else {
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{TIME} = "";
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{VAL} = "";
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_rate[$i]"}{TIME} = "";
#-- insert comma
if( $i<int(@owg_fixed)-1 ){
$value1 .= " ";
$value2 .= ", ";
$value3 .= ", ";
$value4 .= ", ";
$value5 .= ", ";
$hash->{STATE} = $value2;
#-- write units as header if they are unwanted in lines
if( $unir == 0 ){
#TODO: the entry into CHANGED must be into the lowest array position
if( $daybreak == 1 ){
$value4 = sprintf("D_%d: %d-%d-%d_23:59:59 %s",$dayo,$yearo,$montho,$dayo,$value4);
#-- needs to be higher array elements,
$hash->{CHANGED}[1] = $value4;
Log 1,$name." ".$value4;
if( $monthbreak == 1){
$value5 = sprintf("M_%d: %d-%d-%d_23:59:59 %s",$montho,$yearo,$montho,$dayo,$value5);
#-- needs to be higher array elements,
$hash->{CHANGED}[2] = $value5;
Log 1,$name." ".$value5;
return $value1;
# OWCOUNT_Get - Implements GetFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, a = argument array
sub OWCOUNT_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $reading = $a[1];
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = $hash->{OW_MODEL};
my $value = undef;
my $ret = "";
my $page;
my $channo = undef;
my $channel;
#-- check syntax
return "OWCOUNT: Get argument is missing @a"
if(int(@a) < 2);
#-- check argument
return "OWCOUNT: Get with unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".join(",", sort keys %gets)
#-- get id
if($a[1] eq "id") {
$value = $hash->{ROM_ID};
return "$name.id => $value";
#-- get present
if($a[1] eq "present") {
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
$value = OWX_Verify($master,$hash->{ROM_ID});
$hash->{PRESENT} = $value;
return "$name.present => $value";
#-- get interval
if($a[1] eq "interval") {
$value = $hash->{INTERVAL};
return "$name.interval => $value";
#-- reset presence
#$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
#-- get memory page/counter according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
#-- check syntax for getting memory page 0..13 or midnight A/B
if( ($reading eq "memory") || ($reading eq "midnight") ){
if( $reading eq "memory" ){
return "OWCOUNT: set needs parameter when reading memory: <page>"
if( int(@a)<2 );
if( ($page<0) || ($page>13) ){
return "OWXCOUNT: Wrong memory page requested";
return "OWCOUNT: set needs parameter when reading midnight: <channel>"
if( int(@a)<2 );
#-- find out which channel we have
if( ($a[2] eq $owg_channel[0]) || ($a[2] eq "A") ){
}elsif( ($a[2] eq $owg_channel[1]) || ($a[2] eq "B") ){
} else {
return "OWCOUNT: invalid midnight counter address, must be A, B or defined channel name"
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXCOUNT_GetPage($hash,$page);
#-- OWFS interface
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSAD_GetPage($hash,"reading");
#-- Unknown interface
return "OWCOUNT: Get with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- when we have a return code, we have an error
if( $ret ){
return $ret;
return "OWCOUNT: $name.$reading [$page] =>".$owg_str;
#-- check syntax for getting counter
if( $reading eq "counter" ){
return "OWCOUNT: get needs parameter when reading counter: <channel>"
if( int(@a)<2 );
#-- find out which channel we have
if( ($a[2] eq $owg_channel[0]) || ($a[2] eq "A") ){
}elsif( ($a[2] eq $owg_channel[1]) || ($a[2] eq "B") ){
} else {
return "OWCOUNT: invalid counter address, must be A, B or defined channel name"
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXCOUNT_GetPage($hash,$page);
#-- OWFS interface
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSAD_GetPage($hash,"reading");
#-- Unknown interface
return "OWCOUNT: Get with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- check syntax for getting counters
}elsif( $reading eq "counters" ){
return "OWCOUNT: get needs no parameter when reading counters"
if( int(@a)==1 );
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXCOUNT_GetPage($hash,14);
$ret = OWXCOUNT_GetPage($hash,15);
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSAD_GetValues($hash);
return "OWCOUNT: GetValues with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- process results
if( $ret ){
return "OWCOUNT: Could not get values from device $name";
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
return "OWCOUNT: $name.$reading => ".OWCOUNT_FormatValues($hash);
# OWCOUNT_GetValues - Updates the reading from one device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWCOUNT_GetValues($) {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = $hash->{OW_MODEL};
my $value = "";
my $ret = "";
my $offset;
my $factor;
#-- define warnings
my $warn = "none";
$hash->{ALARM} = "0";
#-- restart timer for updates
InternalTimer(time()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "OWCOUNT_GetValues", $hash, 1);
#-- reset presence - maybe this is too strong
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
#-- Get readings according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXCOUNT_GetPage($hash,14);
$ret = OWXCOUNT_GetPage($hash,15);
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSAD_GetValues($hash);
return "OWCOUNT: GetValues with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- process results
if( defined($ret) ){
return "OWCOUNT: Could not get values from device $name";
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
#-- old state, new state
my $oldval = $hash->{STATE};
my $newval = $hash->{STATE};
#--logging depends on setting of the event-attribute
Log 5, $value;
my $ev = defined($attr{$name}{"event"}) ? $attr{$name}{"event"} : "on-update";
if( ($ev eq "on-update") || (($ev eq "on-change") && ($newval ne $oldval)) ){
$hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $value;
DoTrigger($name, undef);
return undef;
# OWCOUNT_Set - Set one value for device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# a = argument array
sub OWCOUNT_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $key = $a[1];
my $value = $a[2];
#-- for the selector: which values are possible
if (@a == 2){
my $newkeys = join(" ", keys %sets);
return $newkeys ;
#-- check syntax
return "OWCOUNT: Set needs one parameter"
if( int(@a)!=3 );
#-- check argument
if( !defined($sets{$a[1]}) ){
return "OWCOUNT: Set with unknown argument $a[1]";
#-- define vars
my $ret = undef;
my $page;
my $data;
my $channo = undef;
my $channel;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = $hash->{OW_MODEL};
#-- reset the device
if($key eq "init") {
return "OWCOUNT: init needs parameter 'yes'"
if($value ne "yes");
return "OWCOUNT: Re-initialized device";
#-- set new timer interval
if($key eq "interval") {
# check value
return "OWCOUNT: Set with short interval, must be > 1"
if(int($value) < 1);
# update timer
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $value;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "OWCOUNT_GetValues", $hash, 1);
return undef;
#-- set memory page/counter according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
#-- check syntax for setting memory page 0..13 or midnight A/B
if( ($key eq "memory") || ($key eq "midnight") ){
if( $key eq "memory" ){
return "OWCOUNT: set needs parameter when writing memory: <page>"
if( int(@a)<2 );
if( ($page<0) || ($page>13) ){
return "OWXCOUNT: Wrong memory page write attempted";
return "OWCOUNT: set needs parameter when writing midnight: <channel>"
if( int(@a)<2 );
#-- find out which channel we have
if( ($a[2] eq $owg_channel[0]) || ($a[2] eq "A") ){
}elsif( ($a[2] eq $owg_channel[1]) || ($a[2] eq "B") ){
} else {
return "OWCOUNT: invalid midnight counter address, must be A, B or defined channel name"
for( my $i=4;$i<int(@a);$i++){
$data.=" ".$a[$i];
if( length($data) > 32 ){
Log 1,"OWXCOUNT: memory data truncated to 32 characters";
}elsif( length($data) < 32 ){
for(my $i=length($data)-1;$i<32;$i++){
$data.=" ";
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXCOUNT_SetPage($hash,$page,$data);
#-- OWFS interface
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSAD_setPage($hash,$page,$data);
#-- Unknown interface
return "OWCOUNT: Set with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- process results - we have to reread the device
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
Log 4, "OWCOUNT: Set $hash->{NAME} $key $value";
# OWCOUNT_Undef - Implements UndefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWCOUNT_Undef ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef;
# The following subroutines in alphabetical order are only for a 1-Wire bus connected
# via OWFS
# Prefix = OWFSCOUNT
# The following subroutines in alphabetical order are only for a 1-Wire bus connected
# directly to the FHEM server
# Prefix = OWXCOUNT
# OWXAD_GetPage - Get one memory page + counter from device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# page = 0..15
sub OWXCOUNT_GetPage($$) {
my ($hash,$page) = @_;
my ($select, $res, $res2, $res3, @data);
#-- ID of the device, hash of the busmaster
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
my ($i,$j,$k);
#=============== wrong value requested ===============================
if( ($page<0) || ($page>15) ){
return "OWXCOUNT: Wrong memory page requested";
#=============== get memory + counter ===============================
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the read memory + counter command
# \xA5 TA1 TA2 reading 40 data bytes and 2 CRC bytes
my $ta2 = ($page*32) >> 8;
my $ta1 = ($page*32) & 255;
#Log 1, "OWXCOUNT: getting page Nr. $ta2 $ta1";
#-- reset the bus
#-- reading 9 + 3 + 40 data bytes and 2 CRC bytes = 54 bytes
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "OWX: Device $owx_dev not accessible in reading $page page";
#-- process results
if( length($res) < 54 ) {
#Log 1, "OWXCOUNT: warning, have received ".length($res)." bytes in first step";
#-- read the data in a second step
#-- process results
if( length($res) < 54 ) {
#Log 1, "OWXCOUNT: warning, have received ".length($res)." bytes in second step";
#-- read the data in a third step
#-- reset the bus
#-- process results
return "OWXCOUNT: invalid data length, ".length($res)." bytes in three steps"
if( length($res) < 54);
#return "invalid data"
# if (ord($data[17])<=0);
#return "invalid CRC"
# if (OWX_CRC8(substr($res,10,8),$data[18])==0);
#-- first 12 byte are 9 ROM ID +3 command, next 32 are memory
#-- memory part, treated as string
#-- counter part
if( ($page == 14) || ($page == 15) ){
if ( ($data[4] | $data[5] | $data[6] | $data[7]) ne "\x00" ){
Log 1, "OWXCOUNT: Device $owx_dev returns invalid data ".ord($data[4])." ".ord($data[5])." ".ord($data[6])." ".ord($data[7]);
return "OWXCOUNT: Device $owx_dev returns invalid data";
#-- first ignore memory and only use counter (Fehler gefunden von jamesgo)
my $value = (ord($data[3])<<24) + (ord($data[2])<<16) +(ord($data[1])<<8) + ord($data[0]);
if( $page == 14) {
$owg_val[0] = $value;
$owg_midnight[0] = $owg_str;
}elsif( $page == 15) {
$owg_val[1] = $value;
$owg_midnight[1] = $owg_str;
return undef;
# OWXCOUNT_SetPage - Set one memory page of device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# page = "alarm" or "status"
sub OWXCOUNT_SetPage($$$) {
my ($hash,$page,$data) = @_;
my ($select, $res, $res2, $res3);
#-- ID of the device, hash of the busmaster
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
#=============== wrong value requested ===============================
if( ($page<0) || ($page>15) ){
return "OWXCOUNT: Wrong memory page requested";
#=============== set memory =========================================
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the write scratchpad command
# \x0F TA1 TA2 and the read scratchpad command reading 3 data bytes
my $ta2 = ($page*32) >> 8;
my $ta1 = ($page*32) & 255;
#Log 1, "OWXCOUNT: setting page Nr. $ta2 $ta1";
#-- reset the bus
#-- reading 9 + 3 + 16 bytes = 29 bytes
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "OWX: Device $owx_dev not accessible in writing scratchpad";
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the read scratchpad command
# \xAA
#-- reset the bus
#-- reading 9 + 4 + 16 bytes = 28 bytes
# TODO: sometimes much less than 28
if( length($res) < 13 ){
return "OWX: Device $owx_dev not accessible in reading scratchpad";
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the copy scratchpad command
# \x5A followed by 3 byte authentication code
#-- reset the bus
#-- process results
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "OWXCOUNT: Device $owx_dev not accessible for writing";
return undef;
=begin html
<a name="OWCOUNT"></a>
<ul>FHEM module to commmunicate with 1-Wire Counter/RAM DS2423 #<br /><br /> Note:<br />
This 1-Wire module so far works only with the OWX interface module. Please define an <a
href="#OWX">OWX</a> device first. <br />
<br /><b>Example</b><br />
<code>define OWX_C OWCOUNT DS2423 CE780F000000 300</code>
<br />
<code>attr OWX_C AName Water|volume</code>
<br />
<code>attr OWX_C AUnit liters|l</code>
<br />
<code>attr OWX_CAMode daily</code>
<br />
</ul><br />
<a name="OWCOUNTdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; OWCOUNT [&lt;model&gt;] &lt;id&gt;
<br /><br /> Define a 1-Wire counter.<br /><br />
<code>[&lt;model&gt;]</code><br /> Defines the counter model (and thus 1-Wire
family id), currently the following values are permitted: <ul>
<li>model DS2423 with family id 1D (default if the model parameter is
<br />12-character unique ROM id of the converter device without family id and
CRC code </li>
<br />Measurement interval in seconds. The default is 300 seconds. </li>
<br />
<a name="OWCOUNTset">
<li><a name="owcount_interval">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; interval &lt;int&gt;</code></a><br /> Measurement
interval in seconds. The default is 300 seconds. </li>
<li><a name="owcount_memory">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; memory &lt;page&gt;</code></a><br />Write 32 bytes to
memory page 0..13 </li>
<li><a name="owcount_midnight">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; midnight &lt;channel-name&gt;</code></a><br />Write
the day's starting value for counter &lt;channel&gt; (A, B or named channel, see
<br />
<a name="OWCOUNTget">
<li><a name="owcount_id">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; id</code></a>
<br /> Returns the full 1-Wire device id OW_FAMILY.ROM_ID.CRC </li>
<li><a name="owcount_present">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; present</code>
<br /> Returns 1 if this 1-Wire device is present, otherwise 0. </li>
<li><a name="owcount_interval2">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; interval</code></a><br />Returns measurement interval
in seconds. </li>
<li><a name="owcount_memory2">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; memory &lt;page&gt;</code></a><br />Obtain 32 bytes
from memory page 0..13 </li>
<li><a name="owcount_midnight2">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; midnight &lt;channel-name&gt;</code></a><br />Obtain
the day's starting value for counter &lt;channel&gt; (A, B or named channel, see
<li><a name="owcount_counter">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; counter &lt;channel-name&gt;</code></a><br />Obtain
the current value for counter &lt;channel&gt; (A, B or named channel, see
<li><a name="owcount_counters">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; counters</code></a><br />Obtain the current value
both counters</li>
<br />
<a name="OWCOUNTattr">
<ul>For each of the following attributes, the channel identification A,B may be used.
<li><a name="owcount_cname"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; &lt;channel&gt;Name
<br />name for the channel | a type description for the measured value. </li>
<li><a name="owcount_cunit"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; &lt;channel&gt;Unit
<br />unit of measurement for this channel | its abbreviation. </li>
<li><a name="owcount_coffset"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; &lt;channel&gt;Offset
<br />offset added to the reading in this channel. </li>
<li><a name="owcount_cfactor"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; &lt;channel&gt;Factor
<br />factor multiplied to (reading+offset) in this channel. </li>
<li><a name="owcount_cmode"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; &lt;channel&gt;Mode daily |
<br />factor multiplied to (reading+offset) in this channel. </li>
<li><a name="owcount_event"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; event on-change|on-update
</code></a>This attribte work similarly, but not identically to the standard event-on-update-change/event-on-update-reading attribute.
<ul><li><code>event on-update</code> (default) will write a notify/FileLog event any time a measurement is received.</li>
<li><code>event on-change</code> will write a notify/FileLog event only when a measurement is different from the previous one.</li>
<li>Standard attributes alias, comment, <a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a>, <a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a>, <a href="#webCmd">webCmd</a></li>
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