mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 03:24:51 +00:00

-added helptext for HideOlderThan git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@17605 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
532 lines
27 KiB
532 lines
27 KiB
# $Id$
# needs a defined Device 57_Calendar
# needs perl-modul Date::Parse
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Date::Parse;
#use Date::Calc qw(Day_of_Week);
sub CALVIEW_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "CALVIEW_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "CALVIEW_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "CALVIEW_Set";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "CALVIEW_Notify";
$hash->{AttrList} = "datestyle:ISO8601 " .
"disable:0,1 " .
"do_not_notify:1,0 " .
"filterSummary:textField-long " .
"fulldaytext " .
"isbirthday:1,0 " .
"maxreadings " .
"modes:next ".
"oldStyledReadings:1,0 " .
"sourcecolor:textField-long " .
"timeshort:1,0 " .
"yobfield:_location,_description,_summary " .
"weekdayformat:de-long,de-short,en-long,en-short " .
sub CALVIEW_Define($$){
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
return "\"set CALVIEW\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 );
my $name = $a[0];
my $inter = 43200;
$inter= $a[4] if($#a==4);
my $modes = $a[3];
my @calendars = split( ",", $a[2] );
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
my $calcounter = 1;
foreach my $calender (@calendars)
return "invalid Calendername \"$calender\", define it first" if((devspec2array("NAME=$calender")) != 1 );
$hash->{KALENDER} = $a[2];
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $inter;
$modes = "next" if (!defined($modes));
if ( $modes =~ /^\d+$/) {
if($modes == 1) {$attr{$name}{modes} = "next";}
elsif($modes == 0){$attr{$name}{modes} = "next";}
elsif($modes == 2){$attr{$name}{modes} = "next";}
elsif($modes == 3){$attr{$name}{modes} = "next";}
elsif($modes eq "next"){$attr{$name}{modes} = "next";}
else {return "invalid mode \"$modes\", use 0,1,2 or next!"}
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+2, "CALVIEW_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub CALVIEW_Undef($$){
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
return undef;
sub CALVIEW_Set($@){
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
return "\"set CALVIEW\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 );
return "\"set CALVIEW\" Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of update" if($a[1] eq '?');
my $name = shift @a;
my $opt = shift @a;
my $arg = join("", @a);
if($opt eq "update"){CALVIEW_GetUpdate($hash);}
sub CALVIEW_GetUpdate($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#cleanup readings
delete ($hash->{READINGS});
# new timer
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "CALVIEW_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
readingsBeginUpdate($hash); #start update
my @termine = getsummery($hash);
my $max = AttrVal($name,"maxreadings",0);
if(defined $max && $max =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/){if($max > 190){$max = 190;}}
else{my $max = 190;}
my $counter = 1;
my $samedatecounter = 2;
my $lastterm;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$year += 1900; $mon += 1;
my $date = sprintf('%02d.%02d.%04d', $mday, $mon, $year);
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time + 86400);
$year += 1900; $mon += 1;
my $datenext = sprintf('%02d.%02d.%04d', $mday, $mon, $year);
my @termineNew;
my @tempstart;
my @bts;
my @tempend;
my $isostarttime;
my $isoendtime;
my ($D,$M,$Y);
my ($eD,$eM,$eY);
my @arrWeekdayDe = ("Sonntag","Montag", "Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag");
my @arrWeekdayDeShrt = ("So","Mo", "Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa");
my @arrWeekdayEn = ("Sunday","Monday", "Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");
my @arrWeekdayEnShrt = ("Sun","Mon", "Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat");
foreach my $item (@termine ){
#start datum und zeit behandeln
if( defined($item->[0])&& length($item->[0]) > 0) {
@bts=str2time($M."/".$D."/".$Y." ".$tempstart[1]);
$isostarttime = $Y."-".$M."-".$D."T".$tempstart[1];
else {$item->[0] = "no startdate"}
#end datum und zeit behandeln
if( defined($item->[2])&& length($item->[2]) > 0) {
$isoendtime = $eY."-".$eM."-".$eD."T".$tempend[1];
else {$item->[2] = "no enddate"}
#replace the "\," with ","
if(length($item->[1]) > 0){ $item->[1] =~ s/\\,/,/g; }
if( defined($item->[4]) && length($item->[4]) > 0){ $item->[4] =~ s/\\,/,/g; } elsif( !defined($item->[4])){$item->[4] = " ";}
if( defined($item->[5]) && length($item->[5]) > 0){ $item->[5] =~ s/\\,/,/g; } elsif( !defined($item->[5])){$item->[5] = " ";}
#berechnen verbleibender tage bis zum termin
my $eventDate = fhemTimeLocal(0,0,0,$D,$M-1,$Y-1900);
my $daysleft = floor(($eventDate - time) / 60 / 60 / 24 + 1);
my $daysleft_long;
#my $weekday = Day_of_Week($Y, $M, $D);
my ($tsec,$tmin,$thour,$tmday,$tmon,$year,$weekday,$tyday,$tisdst) = localtime(time + (86400 * $daysleft));
#"weekdayname:de-long,de-short,en-long,en-short " .
my $weekdayname;
if ( AttrVal($name,"weekdayformat","de-long") eq "de-short") {$weekdayname = $arrWeekdayDeShrt[$weekday]}
elsif (AttrVal($name,"weekdayformat","de-long") eq "en-long") {$weekdayname = $arrWeekdayEn[$weekday]}
elsif (AttrVal($name,"weekdayformat","de-long") eq "en-short") {$weekdayname = $arrWeekdayEnShrt[$weekday]}
else {$weekdayname = $arrWeekdayDe[$weekday]}
if( !defined($item->[6])){$item->[6] = " ";}
if( $daysleft == 0){$daysleft_long = "heute";}
elsif( $daysleft == 1){$daysleft_long = "morgen";}
else{$daysleft_long = "in ".$daysleft." Tagen";}
push @termineNew,{
bdate => $tempstart[0],
btime => $tempstart[1],
bdatetimeiso => $isostarttime,
daysleft => $daysleft,
daysleftLong => $daysleft_long,
summary => $item->[1],
source => $item->[3],
location => $item->[4],
description => $item->[5],
categories => $item->[6],
edate => $tempend[0],
etime => $tempend[1],
edatetimeiso => $isoendtime,
btimestamp => $bts[0],
mode => $item->[7],
weekday => $weekday,
weekdayname => $weekdayname,
duration => $item->[8]};
my $todaycounter = 1;
my $tomorrowcounter = 1;
my $readingstyle = AttrVal($name,"oldStyledReadings",0);
my $isbday = AttrVal($name,"isbirthday",0);
my $yobfield = AttrVal($name,"yobfield","_description");
my $filterSummary = AttrVal($name,"filterSummary",".*:.*");
my @arrFilters = split(',' , $filterSummary );
my $sourceColor = AttrVal($name,"sourcecolor","");
my @arrSourceColors = split(',' , $sourceColor );
# sort the array by btimestamp
my @sdata = map $_->[0],
sort { $a->[1][0] <=> $b->[1][0] }
map [$_, [$_->{btimestamp}]], @termineNew;
if($readingstyle == 0){
my $age = 0;
my @termyear;
my $validterm = 0;
for my $termin (@sdata){
my $termcolor="white";
#if($termin->{summary} =~ /$filterSummary/ ){
foreach my $filter (@arrFilters){
my @arrFilter= split(':' , $filter);
my $sourceFilter = $arrFilter[0];
my $summaryFilter = $arrFilter[1];
if( $termin->{source} =~ /$sourceFilter/i && $termin->{summary} =~ /$summaryFilter/i ){ $validterm =1;}
foreach my $color (@arrSourceColors){
my @arrSourceColor = split(':' , $color);
my $sourceName = $arrSourceColor[0];
my $sourceColor = $arrSourceColor[1];
if( $termin->{source} =~ /$sourceName/i ){ $termcolor = $sourceColor;}
if ($validterm ==1){
#alter berechnen wenn attribut gesetzt ist. alter wird aus "jahr des termins" - "geburtsjahr aus location oder description" errechnet
if($isbday == 1 ){
@termyear = split(/\./,$termin->{bdate});
if($yobfield eq "_location" && defined($termin->{location}) && length($termin->{location}) > 0 && $termin->{location} =~ /(\d{4})/) { my ($byear) = $termin->{location} =~ /(\d{4})/ ; $age = $termyear[2] - $byear;}
elsif($yobfield eq "_description" && defined($termin->{description})&& length($termin->{description}) > 0 && $termin->{description} =~ /(\d{4})/) { my ($byear) = $termin->{description} =~ /(\d{4})/ ; $age = $termyear[2] - $byear;}
elsif($yobfield eq "_summary" && defined($termin->{summary}) && length($termin->{summary}) > 0 && $termin->{summary} =~ /(\d{4})/ ) { my ($byear) = $termin->{summary} =~ /(\d{4})/ ; $age = $termyear[2] - $byear;}
else {$age = " "}
my $timeshort = "";
my $nextday = $startday + 1;
$nextday = sprintf ('%02d', $nextday);
Log3 $name , 5, "CALVIEW $name - nextday = $nextday , endday = $endday , startday = $startday , btime ".$termin->{btime}." , etime ".$termin->{etime}."";
#if( $endday eq $nextday && $termin->{btime} eq $termin->{etime} ){ $timeshort = AttrVal($name,"fulldaytext","ganztägig"); }
if( $termin->{duration} == 86400 ){ $termin->{duration} = AttrVal($name,"fulldaytext","ganztägig");$timeshort = AttrVal($name,"fulldaytext","ganztägig"); }
else {
if(AttrVal($name,"timeshort","0") eq 0) {$timeshort = $termin->{btime}." - ".$termin->{etime}; }
elsif(AttrVal($name,"timeshort","0") eq 1) {
my $tmps = substr $termin->{btime},0,5 ;
my $tmpe = substr $termin->{etime},0,5 ;
$timeshort = $tmps." - ".$tmpe ;
#standard reading t_[3steliger counter] anlegen
if($isbday == 1 ){ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_age", $age);}
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_bdate", $termin->{bdate});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_btime", $termin->{btime});
if(AttrVal($name,"datestyle","_description") eq "ISO8601"){readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_bdatetimeiso", $termin->{bdatetimeiso});readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_edatetimeiso", $termin->{edatetimeiso});}
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_daysleft", $termin->{daysleft});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_daysleftLong", $termin->{daysleftLong});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_summary", $termin->{summary});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_source", $termin->{source});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_sourcecolor", $termcolor);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_location", $termin->{location});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_description", $termin->{description});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_categories", $termin->{categories});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_edate", $termin->{edate});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_etime", $termin->{etime});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_mode", $termin->{mode});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_timeshort", $timeshort );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_weekday", $termin->{weekday} );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_weekdayname", $termin->{weekdayname} );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_duration", $termin->{duration});
#wenn termin heute today readings anlegen
if ($date eq $termin->{bdate} ){
if($isbday == 1 ){ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_age", $age);}
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_bdate", "heute");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_btime", $termin->{btime});
if(AttrVal($name,"datestyle","_description") eq "ISO8601"){readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_bdatetimeiso", $termin->{bdatetimeiso});readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_edatetimiso", $termin->{edatetimeiso});}
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_daysleft", $termin->{daysleft});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_daysleftLong", $termin->{daysleftLong});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_summary", $termin->{summary});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_source", $termin->{source});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_sourcecolor", $termcolor);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_location", $termin->{location});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_description", $termin->{description});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_categories", $termin->{categories});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_edate", $termin->{edate});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_etime", $termin->{etime});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_mode", $termin->{mode});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_timeshort", $timeshort );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_weekday", $termin->{weekday} );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_weekdayname", $termin->{weekdayname} );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_duration", $termin->{duration});
$todaycounter ++;
#wenn termin morgen tomorrow readings anlegen
elsif ($datenext eq $termin->{bdate}){
if($isbday == 1 ){readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_age", $age);}
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_bdate", "morgen");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_btime", $termin->{btime});
if(AttrVal($name,"datestyle","_description") eq "ISO8601"){readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_bdatetimeiso", $termin->{bdatetimeiso});readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_edatetimeiso", $termin->{edatetimeiso});}
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_daysleft", $termin->{daysleft});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_daysleftLong", $termin->{daysleftLong});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_summary", $termin->{summary});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_source", $termin->{source});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_sourcecolor", $termcolor);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_location", $termin->{location});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_description", $termin->{description});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_categories", $termin->{categories});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_edate", $termin->{edate});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_etime", $termin->{etime});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_mode", $termin->{mode});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_timeshort", $timeshort );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_weekday", $termin->{weekday} );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_weekdayname", $termin->{weekdayname} );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_duration", $termin->{duration});
$endday = '';
$nextday ='';
last if ($counter++ == $max);
$validterm = 0;
$age = " ";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "t: ".($counter-1)." td: ".($todaycounter-1)." tm: ".($tomorrowcounter-1));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "c-term", $counter-1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "c-tomorrow", $tomorrowcounter-1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "c-today", $todaycounter-1);
my $lastreadingname = "";
my $doppelcounter = 2;
my $inverteddate;
for my $termin (@sdata){ #termin als reading term_[3steliger counter]
my @tempvar = split /\./, $termin->{bdate};
$inverteddate = "$tempvar[2].$tempvar[1].$tempvar[0]";
if($lastreadingname eq $termin->{bdate}."-".$termin->{btime}){ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $inverteddate."-".$termin->{btime}."-$doppelcounter" , $termin->{summary}); $doppelcounter ++;}
else{readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $inverteddate."-".$termin->{btime} , $termin->{summary}); $doppelcounter = 2;}
$lastreadingname = $termin->{bdate}."-".$termin->{btime};
last if ($counter++ == $max);
for my $termin (@sdata){ #check ob temin heute
if ($date eq $termin->{bdate}){readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter).$termin->{btime}, $termin->{summary});$todaycounter ++;}
#check ob termin morgen
elsif ($datenext eq $termin->{bdate}){readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter).$termin->{btime}, $termin->{summary});$tomorrowcounter++;}
readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); #end update
sub getsummery($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my @terminliste ;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @calendernamen = split( ",", $hash->{KALENDER});
my $modi = $attr{$name}{modes};
my @modes = split(/,/,$modi);
foreach my $calendername (@calendernamen){
my $all = CallFn($calendername, "GetFn", $defs{$calendername},("-","events","format:custom='\$U|\$T1|\$T2|\$S|\$L|\$DS|\$CA|\$d'"));
Log3 $name , 5, "CALVIEW $name - All data: \n$all ...";
my @termine=split(/\n/,$all);
foreach my $line (@termine){
Log3 $name , 5, "CALVIEW $name - Termin: $line";
my @lineparts = split(/\|/,$line);
#my $terminstart = $lineparts[1];
#my $terminend = $lineparts[2];
#my $termintext = $lineparts[3];
#my $terminort = $lineparts[4];
#my $termindescription = $lineparts[5];
#my $termincategories = $lineparts[6];
#Log3 $name , 5, "CALVIEW $name - Termin splitted : $terminstart, $termintext, $terminend, $calendername, $terminort, $termindescription, $termincategories";
push(@terminliste, [$lineparts[1], $lineparts[3], $lineparts[2], $calendername, $lineparts[4], $lineparts[5], $lineparts[6], "next", $lineparts[7]]);
return @terminliste;
sub CALVIEW_Notify($$)
my ($hash, $extDevHash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # name calview device
my $extDevName = $extDevHash->{NAME}; # name externes device
my @calendernams = split( ",", $hash->{KALENDER});
my $event;
return "" if(IsDisabled($name)); # wenn attr disabled keine reaktion
foreach my $calendar (@calendernams){
if ($extDevName eq $calendar) {
foreach $event (@{$extDevHash->{CHANGED}}) {
if ($event eq "triggered") {
Log3 $name , 5, "CALVIEW $name - CALENDAR:$extDevName triggered, updating CALVIEW $name (CALVIEW_Notify) ...";
Log3 $name , 5, "CALVIEW $name - CALENDAR:$extDevName successfully got all updates for CALVIEW $name (CALVIEW_Notify). Now process updates...";
=item device
=item summary provides calendar events in a readable form
=begin html
<a name="CALVIEW"></a>
<ul>This module creates a device with deadlines based on calendar-devices of the 57_Calendar.pm module. You need to install the perl-modul Date::Parse!</ul>
<ul>Please configure the attribut HideOlderThen in your CALENDAR-Device, that controls if old events from past are shown!</ul>
<ul><code>define <Name> CALVIEW <calendarname(s) separate with ','> <next> <updateintervall in sec (default 43200)></code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlecalendar next</code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlecalendar,holiday next 900</code></ul>
<ul>- setting the update interval is not needed normally because every calendar update triggers a caview update</ul>
<a name="CALVIEW set"></a>
<ul><code>set <Name> update</code></ul>
<ul><code>set myView update</code></ul>
<ul>this will manually update all readings from the given CALENDAR Devices</ul>
not set - the default, disables displaying readings bdatetimeiso / edatetimeiso<br>
ISO8601 - enables readings bdatetimeiso / edatetimeiso (start and end time of term ISO8601 formated like 2017-02-27T00:00:00)
0 / not set - internal notify function enabled (default) <br>
1 - disable the internal notify-function of CALVIEW wich is triggered when one of the given CALENDAR devices has updated
<li>filterSummary <filtersouce>:<filtersummary>[,<filtersouce>:<filtersummary>]<br>
not set - displays all terms (default .*:.*) <br>
<filtersouce>:<filtersummary>[,<filtersouce>:<filtersummary>] - CALVIEW will display term where summary matches the <filtersouce>:<filtersummary>, several filters must be separated by comma (,)
e.g.: filterSummary Kalender_Abfall:Leichtverpackungen,Kalender_Abfall:Bioabfall
filterSummary Kalender_Abfall:Leichtverpackungen,Kalender_Feiertage:.*,Kalender_Christian:.*,Kalender_Geburtstage:.*
<li>fulldaytext [text]<br>
this text will be displayed in _timeshort reading for fullday terms (default ganztägig)
0 / not set - no age calculation (default) <br>
1 - age calculation active. The module calculates the age with year given in description or location (see att yobfield).
defines the number of max term as readings
here the CALENDAR modes can be selected , to be displayed in the view
0 the default style of readings <br>
1 readings look like "2015.06.21-00:00" with value "Start of Summer"
<li>sourcecolor <calendername>:<colorcode>[,<calendername>:<colorcode>]<br>
here you can define the termcolor for terms from your calendars for the calview tabletui widget, several calendar:color pairs must be separated by comma
0 time in _timeshort readings formated 00:00:00 <br>
1 time in _timeshort readings formated 00:00
_description - (default) year of birth will be read from term description <br>
_location - year of birth will be read from term location <br>
_summary - year of birth will be read from summary (uses the first sequence of 4 digits in the string)
formats the name of the reading weekdayname <br>
- de-long - (default) german, long name like Dienstag <br>
- de-short - german, short name like Di <br>
- en-long - english, long name like Tuesday <br>
- en-short - english, short name like Tue <br>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="CALVIEW"></a>
<ul>Dieses Modul erstellt ein Device welches als Readings Termine eines oder mehrere Kalender(s), basierend auf dem 57_Calendar.pm Modul, besitzt. Ihr müsst das Perl-Modul Date::Parse installieren!</ul>
<ul>Bitte setzt das Attribut HideOlderThen in eurem CALENDAR_Device, da sonst auch vergangene Termine gezeigt werden.</ul>
<ul><code>define <Name> CALVIEW <Kalendername(n) getrennt durch ','> <next> <updateintervall in sek (default 43200)></code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlekalender next</code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlekalender,holiday next 900</code></ul>
<ul>- die Einstellung des Aktualisierungsintervalls wird normalerweise nicht benötigt, da jede Kalenderaktualisierung ein Caview-Update auslöst</ul>
<a name="CALVIEW set"></a>
<ul>update readings:</ul>
<ul><code>set <Name> update</code></ul>
<ul><code>set myView update</code></ul><br>
nicht gesetzt - Standard, Readings bdatetimeiso / edatetimeiso werden nicht gezeigt<br>
ISO8601 - aktiviert die readings bdatetimeiso / edatetimeiso (zeigen Terminstart und Ende im ISO8601 Format zB. 2017-02-27T00:00:00)
0 / nicht gesetzt - aktiviert die interne Notify-Funktion (Standard) <br>
1 - deaktiviert die interne Notify-Funktion welche ausgelöst wird wenn sich einer der Kalender aktualisiert hat
<li>filterSummary <filtersouce>:<filtersummary>[,<filtersouce>:<filtersummary>]<br>
not set - zeigt alle Termine (Standard) <br>
<filtersouce>:<filtersummary>[,<filtersouce>:<filtersummary>] - CALVIEW filtert Termine die <filtersquelle>:<filtertitel> entsprechen, mehrere Filter sind durch Komma (,) zu trennen.
zb.: filterSummary Kalender_Abfall:Leichtverpackungen,Kalender_Abfall:Bioabfall
filterSummary Kalender_Abfall:Leichtverpackungen,Kalender_Feiertage:.*,Kalender_Christian:.*,Kalender_Geburtstage:.*
<li>fulldaytext [text]<br>
Dieser Text wird bei ganztägigen Terminen in _timeshort Readings genutzt (default ganztägig)
0 / nicht gesetzt - keine Altersberechnung (Standard) <br>
1 - aktiviert die Altersberechnung im Modul. Das Alter wird aus der in der Terminbeschreibung (description) angegebenen Jahreszahl (Geburtsjahr) berechnet. (siehe Attribut yobfield)
bestimmt die Anzahl der Termine als Readings
hier können die CALENDAR modi gewählt werden, welche in der View angezeigt werden sollen
0 die Standarddarstellung für Readings <br>
1 aktiviert die Termindarstellung im "alten" Format "2015.06.21-00:00" mit Wert "Start of Summer"
<li>sourcecolor <calendername>:<colorcode>[,<calendername>:<colorcode>]<br>
Hier kann man die Farben für die einzelnen Calendar definieren die dann zb im Tabletui widget genutzt werden kann.
Die calendar:color Elemente sind durch Komma zu trennen.
So kann man zb die google-Kalender Farben auch in der TUI für eine gewohnte Anzeige nutzen.
0 Zeit in _timeshort Readings im Format 00:00:00 - 00:00:00 <br>
1 Zeit in _timeshort Readings im Format 00:00 - 00:00
_description - (der Standard) Geburtsjahr wird aus der Terminbechreibung gelesen <br>
_location - Geburtsjahr wird aus dem Terminort gelesen <br>
_summary - Geburtsjahr wird aus dem Termintiele gelesen (verwendet wird die erste folge von 4 Ziffern im String))
formatiert den Namen im Reading weekdayname <br>
- de-long - (default) Deutsch, lang zb Dienstag <br>
- de-short - Deutsch, kurze zb Di <br>
- en-long - English, lang zb Tuesday <br>
- en-short - English, kurze zb Tue <br>
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