mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-02-25 22:15:09 +00:00
sidey79 54e2e808ae SD_Protocols.pm: Updated to v2.0.7
SD_ProtocolData.pm: Updated to v1.53 new protocols and sensors

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@27949 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2023-09-12 19:59:34 +00:00

2326 lines
79 KiB
Raw Blame History

# $Id$
# The file is part of the SIGNALduino project
# v3.5.x - https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM
# 2016-2019 S.Butzek, Ralf9
# 2019-2021 S.Butzek, HomeAutoUser, elektron-bbs
package lib::SD_Protocols;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw(croak carp);
use constant HAS_DigestCRC => defined eval { require Digest::CRC; };
use constant HAS_JSON => defined eval { require JSON; };
our $VERSION = '2.07';
use Storable qw(dclone);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Data::Dumper;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols
=item new()
This function will initialize the given Filename containing a valid protocolHash.
First Parameter is for filename (full or relativ path) to be loaded.
Returns created object
sub new {
my $class = shift;
croak "Illegal parameter list has odd number of values" if @_ % 2;
my %args = @_;
my $self = {};
$self->{_protocolFilename} = $args{filename} // q[];
$self->{_protocols} = undef;
$self->{_filetype} = $args{filetype} // 'PerlModule';
$self->{_logCallback} = undef;
bless $self, $class;
if ( $self->{_protocolFilename} ) {
( $self->{_filetype} eq 'json' )
? $self->LoadHashFromJson( $self->{_protocolFilename} )
: $self->LoadHash( $self->{_protocolFilename} );
return $self;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols
=item STORABLE_freeze()
This function is not currently explained.
sub STORABLE_freeze {
my $self = shift;
return join( q[:], ( $self->{_protocolFilename}, $self->{_filetype} ) );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols
=item STORABLE_thaw()
This function is not currently explained.
sub STORABLE_thaw {
my ( $self, $cloning, $frozen ) = @_;
( $self->{_protocolFilename}, $self->{_filetype} ) =
split( /:/xms, $frozen );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols
=item _checkInvocant()
This function, checks if input param is a valid object otherwise it will croak with error message
Input: ($object);
Output: $object or croak if not an object
sub _checkInvocant {
my $thing = shift;
my $caller = caller;
if( !defined $thing ) {
croak "The invocant is not defined";
elsif( !ref $thing ) {
croak "The invocant is not a reference";
elsif( !blessed $thing ) {
croak "The invocant is not an object";
elsif( !$thing->isa($caller) ) {
croak "The invocant is not a subclass of $caller";
return $thing;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols
=item LoadHashFromJson()
This function, will load protocol hash from json file into a hash.
First Parameter is for filename (full or relativ path) to be loaded.
Returns error or undef on success
Input: ($object,$filename);
sub LoadHashFromJson {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $filename = shift // $self->{_protocolFilename};
return if ( $self->{_filetype} ne 'json' );
if ( !-e $filename ) {
return qq[File $filename does not exsits];
open( my $json_fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename )
or croak("Can't open \$filename\": $!\n");
my $json_text = do { local $/ = undef; <$json_fh> };
close $json_fh or croak "Can't close '$filename' after reading";
if (!HAS_JSON)
croak("Perl Module JSON not availble. Needs to be installed.");
my $json = JSON->new;
$json = $json->relaxed(1);
my $ver = $json->incr_parse($json_text);
my $prot = $json->incr_parse();
$self->{_protocols} = $prot // 'undef';
$self->{_protocolsVersion} = $ver->{version} // 'undef';
$self->{_protocolFilename} = $filename;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item LoadHash()
This function, will load protocol hash from perlmodule file.
First Parameter is for filename (full or relativ path) to be loaded.
Returns error or undef on success
Input: ($object,$filename);
sub LoadHash {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $filename = shift // $self->{_protocolFilename};
return if ( $self->{_filetype} ne "PerlModule" );
if ( !-e $filename ) {
return qq[File $filename does not exists];
return $@ if ( !eval { require $filename; 1 } );
$self->{_protocols} = \%lib::SD_ProtocolData::protocols;
$self->{_protocolsVersion} = $lib::SD_ProtocolData::VERSION;
delete( $INC{$filename} ); # Unload package, because we only wanted the hash
$self->{_protocolFilename} = $filename;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item protocolexists()
This function, will return true if the given ID exists otherwise false
Input: ($object,$protocolID);
sub protocolExists {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $pId= shift // carp "Illegal parameter number, protocol id was not specified";
return exists($self->{_protocols}->{$pId});
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item getProtocolList()
This function, will return a reference to the protocol hash
sub getProtocolList {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
return $self->{_protocols};
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item getKeys()
This function, will return all keys from the protocol hash
sub getKeys {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $filter = shift // undef;
if (defined $filter)
my (@keys) = grep { exists $self->{_protocols}->{$_}->{$filter} } keys %{$self->{_protocols}};
return @keys;
my (@ret) = keys %{ $self->{_protocols} };
return @ret;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item checkProperty()
This function, will return a value from the Protocolist and
check if the key exists and a value is defined optional you can specify a optional default value that will be returned
returns undef if the var is not defined
Input: ($object,$id,$valueName);
sub checkProperty {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $id = shift // return;
my $valueName = shift // return;
my $default = shift // undef;
return $self->{_protocols}->{$id}->{$valueName}
if exists( $self->{_protocols}->{$id}->{$valueName} )
&& defined( $self->{_protocols}->{$id}->{$valueName} );
return $default; # Will return undef if $default is not provided
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item getProperty()
This function, will return a value from the Protocolist without any checks
returns undef if the var is not defined
Input: ($object,$protocolID,$valueName);
sub getProperty {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $id = shift // return;
my $valueName = shift // return;
return $self->{_protocols}->{$id}->{$valueName}
if ( exists $self->{_protocols}->{$id}->{$valueName} );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item getProtocolVersion()
This function, will return a version value of the Protocolist
sub getProtocolVersion {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
return $self->{_protocolsVersion};
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item setDefaults()
This function will add common Defaults to the Protocollist
sub setDefaults {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
for my $id ( $self->getKeys() )
my $format = $self->getProperty($id,'format');
if ( defined $format && ($format eq 'manchester' || $format =~ 'FSK') )
# Manchester defaults :
my $cref = $self->checkProperty( $id, 'method' );
( !defined $cref && $format eq 'manchester' )
? $self->{_protocols}->{$id}->{method} =
: undef;
if ( defined $cref ) {
$cref =~ s/^\\&//xms;
( ref $cref ne 'CODE' )
? $self->{_protocols}->{$id}->{method} = eval { \&$cref }
: undef;
elsif ( defined( $self->getProperty( $id, 'sync' ) ) ) {
# Messages with sync defaults :
elsif ( defined( $self->getProperty( $id, 'clockabs' ) ) ) {
# Messages without sync defaults :
( !defined( $self->checkProperty( $id, 'length_min' ) ) )
? $self->{_protocols}->{$id}->{length_min} = 8
: undef;
else {
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item binStr2hexStr()
This function will convert binary string into its hex representation as string
Input: binary string
hex string
sub binStr2hexStr {
shift if ref $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
my $num = shift // return;
return if ( $num !~ /^[01]+$/xms );
my $WIDTH = 4;
my $index = length($num) - $WIDTH;
my $hex = '';
do {
my $width = $WIDTH;
if ( $index < 0 ) {
$width += $index;
$index = 0;
my $cut_string = substr( $num, $index, $width );
$hex = sprintf( '%X', oct("0b$cut_string") ) . $hex;
$index -= $WIDTH;
} while ( $index > ( -1 * $WIDTH ) );
return $hex;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item LengthInRange()
This function checks if a given length is in range of the valid min and max length for the given protocolId
Input: ($object,$protocolID,$message_length);
on success array (returnCode=1, '')
otherwise array (returncode=0,"Error message")
sub LengthInRange {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided';
my $message_length = shift // return (0,'no message_length provided');
return (0,'protocol does not exists') if (!$self->protocolExists($id));
if ($message_length < $self->checkProperty($id,'length_min',-1)) {
return (0, 'message is to short');
elsif (defined $self->getProperty($id,'length_max') && $message_length > $self->getProperty($id,'length_max')) {
return (0, 'message is to long');
return (1,q{});
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mc2dmc()
This function is a helper for remudlation of a manchester signal to a differental manchester signal afterwards
Input: $object,$bitData (string)
string of converted bits
or array (-1,"Error message")
sub mc2dmc
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my @bitmsg;
my $i;
$bitData =~ s/1/lh/g; # 0 ersetzen mit low high
$bitData =~ s/0/hl/g; # 1 ersetzen durch high low ersetzen
for ($i=1;$i<length($bitData)-1;$i+=2)
push (@bitmsg, (substr($bitData,$i,1) eq substr($bitData,$i+1,1)) ? 0 : 1); # demodulated differential manchester
return join "", @bitmsg ; # demodulated differential manchester as string
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2Funkbus()
This function is a output helper for funkbus manchester signals.
Input: $object,$name,$bitData,$id,$mcbitnum
hex string
or array (-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2Funkbus
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // 'anonymous';
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');
my $mcbitnum = shift // length $bitData;
return (-1,' message is to short') if ($mcbitnum < $self->checkProperty($id,'length_min',-1) );
return (-1,' message is to long') if (defined $self->getProperty($id,'length_max' ) && $mcbitnum > $self->getProperty($id,'length_max') );
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBitFunkbus, $name Funkbus: raw=$bitData], 5 );
$bitData =~ s/1/lh/g; # 0 ersetzen mit low high
$bitData =~ s/0/hl/g; # 1 ersdetzen durch high low ersetzen
my $s_bitmsg = $self->mc2dmc($bitData); # Convert to differential manchester
if ($id == 119) {
my $pos = index($s_bitmsg,'01100');
if ($pos >= 0 && $pos < 5) {
$s_bitmsg = '001' . substr($s_bitmsg,$pos);
return (-1,'wrong bits at begin') if (length($s_bitmsg) < 48);
} else {
return (-1,'wrong bits at begin');
} else {
$s_bitmsg = q[0] . $s_bitmsg;
my $data;
my $xor = 0;
my $chk = 0;
my $p = 0; # parity
my $hex = q[];
for (my $i=0; $i<6;$i++) { # checksum
$data = oct(q[b].substr($s_bitmsg, $i*8,8));
$hex .= sprintf('%02X', $data);
if ($i<5) {
$xor ^= $data;
} else {
$chk = $data & 0x0F;
$xor ^= $data & 0xE0;
$data &= 0xF0;
while ($data) { # parity
$p^=($data & 1);
return (-1,'parity error') if ($p == 1);
my $xor_nibble = (($xor & 0xF0) >> 4) ^ ($xor & 0x0F);
my $result = 0;
$result = ($xor_nibble & 0x8) ? $result ^ 0xC : $result;
$result = ($xor_nibble & 0x4) ? $result ^ 0x2 : $result;
$result = ($xor_nibble & 0x2) ? $result ^ 0x8 : $result;
$result = ($xor_nibble & 0x1) ? $result ^ 0x3 : $result;
return (-1,'checksum error') if ($result != $chk);
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBitFunkbus, $name Funkbus: len=]. length($s_bitmsg).q[ bit49=].substr($s_bitmsg,48,1).qq[ parity=$p res=$result chk=$chk msg=$s_bitmsg hex=$hex], 4 );
return (1,$hex);
=item MCRAW()
This function is desired to be used as a default output helper for manchester signals.
It will check for length_max and return a hex string
Input: $object,$name,$bitData,$id,$mcbitnum
hex string
or array (-1,"Error message")
sub MCRAW {
my ( $self, $name, $bitData, $id, $mcbitnum ) = @_;
$self // carp 'Not called within an object';
return (-1," message is to long") if ($mcbitnum > $self->checkProperty($id,"length_max",0) );
=item mcBit2Sainlogic()
This function checks the Manchester signals from a Sainlogic weather sensor.
It will check for length_max, length_min and return a hex string
Input: $object,$name,$bitData,$id,$mcbitnum
array (1,hex string)
or array (-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2Sainlogic {
my ( $self, $name, $bitData, $id, $mcbitnum ) = @_;
$self // carp 'Not called within an object';
$self->_logging( "$name: lib/mcBit2Sainlogic, protocol $id, lenght $mcbitnum", 5 );
$self->_logging( "$name: lib/mcBit2Sainlogic, $bitData", 5 );
return (-1,' message is to long') if ($mcbitnum > $self->checkProperty($id,"length_max",0) );
if ($mcbitnum < 128) {
my $start = index($bitData, '010100');
$self->_logging( "$name: lib/mcBit2Sainlogic, protocol $id, start found at pos $start", 5 );
if ($start < 0 || $start > 10) {
$self->_logging( "$name: lib/mcBit2Sainlogic, protocol $id, start 010100 not found", 4 );
return (-1, "$name: lib/mcBit2Sainlogic, start 010100 not found");
while($start < 10) {
$bitData = q[1] . $bitData;
$start = index($bitData, '010100');
$bitData = substr($bitData, 0, 128);
$mcbitnum = length($bitData);
$self->_logging( "$name: lib/mcBit2Sainlogic, $bitData", 5 );
return (-1,' message is to short') if ($mcbitnum < $self->checkProperty($id,"length_min",0) );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols
=item registerLogCallback()
sub registerLogCallback {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $callback = shift // carp 'coderef must be provided';
( ref $callback eq 'CODE' )
? $self->{_logCallback} = $callback
: carp 'coderef must be provided for callback';
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols
=item _logging()
This function transfers the data to the sub which is referenced by the code ref.
example: $self->_logging('something happend','3')
sub _logging {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $message = shift // carp 'message must be provided';
my $level = shift // 3;
if ( defined $self->{_logCallback} ) {
$self->{_logCallback}->( $message, $level );
######################### package lib::SD_Protocols #########################
### all functions for RAWmsg processing or module preparation ###
# ASK/OOK method functions #
sub _ASK_OOK_methods_behind_here {
# only for functionslist - no function!
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item dec2binppari()
This function calculated. It converts a decimal number with a width of 8 bits into binary format,
calculates the parity, appends the parity bit and returns this 9 bit.
Input: $num
calculated number binary with parity
sub dec2binppari { # dec to bin . parity
shift if ref $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
my $num = shift // carp 'must be called with an number';
my $parity = 0;
my $nbin = sprintf( "%08b", $num );
for my $c ( split //, $nbin ) {
$parity ^= $c;
return qq[$nbin$parity]; # bin(num) . paritybit
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2AS()
extract the message from the bitdata if it looks like valid data
Input: ($object,$name,$bitData,$protocolID, optional: length $bitData);
on success array (returnCode=1, hexData)
otherwise array (returncode=-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2AS {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // 'anonymous';
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');
my $mcbitnum = shift // length $bitData;
if(index($bitData,'1100',16) >= 0) # $rawData =~ m/^A{2,3}/)
{ # Valid AS detected!
my $message_start = index($bitData,'1100',16);
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2AS, AS protocol detected], 5 );
my $message_end=index($bitData,'1100',$message_start+16);
$message_end = length($bitData) if ($message_end == -1);
my $message_length = $message_end - $message_start;
return (-1,' message is to short') if ($message_length < $self->checkProperty($id,'length_min',-1) );
return (-1,' message is to long') if (defined $self->getProperty($id,'length_max' ) && $message_length > $self->getProperty($id,'length_max') );
my $msgbits =substr($bitData,$message_start);
my $ashex = lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr($msgbits); # output with length before
$self->_logging( qq[$name: AS, protocol converted to hex: ($ashex) with length ($message_length) bits \n], 5 );
return (1,$ashex);
return (-1,undef);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2Grothe()
extract the message from the bitdata if it looks like valid data
Input: ($object,$name,$bitData,$protocolID, optional: length $bitData);
on success array (returnCode=1, hexData)
otherwise array (returncode=-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2Grothe {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // "anonymous";
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');;;
my $message_length = shift // length $bitData;
my $bitLength;
$bitData = substr($bitData, 0, $message_length);
my $preamble = '01000111';
my $pos = index($bitData, $preamble);
if ($pos < 0 || $pos > 5) {
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Grothe, protocol id $id, start pattern ($preamble) not found], 3 );
return (-1,qq[Start pattern ($preamble) not found]);
} else {
if ($pos == 1) { # eine Null am Anfang zuviel
$bitData =~ s/^0//; # eine Null am Anfang entfernen
$bitLength = length($bitData);
my ($rcode, $rtxt) = $self->LengthInRange($id, $bitLength);
if (!$rcode) {
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Grothe, protocol id $id, $rtxt], 3 );
return (-1,qq[$rtxt]);
my $hex = lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr($bitData);
$self->_logging( q[lib/mcBit2Grothe, protocol id $id detected, $bitData ($bitLength], 4 );
return (1,$hex); ## Return the bits unchanged in hex
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2Hideki()
extract the message from the bitdata if it looks like valid data
Input: ($object,$name,$bitData,$protocolID, optional: length $bitData);
on success array (returnCode=1, hexData)
otherwise array (returncode=-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2Hideki {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // 'anonymous';
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');
my $mcbitnum = shift // length $bitData;
if ($mcbitnum == 89) { # optimization when the beginning was missing
my $bit0 = substr($bitData,0,1);
$bit0 = $bit0 ^ 1;
$bitData = $bit0 . $bitData;
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Hideki, L=$mcbitnum add bit $bit0 at begin $bitData], 5 );
my $message_start = index($bitData,'10101110'); # normal rawMSG
my $invert = 0;
my $message_start_invert = index($bitData,'01010001'); # invert rawMSG
# 10101110 can occur again in raw MSG -> comparison with inverted start 01010001
if ( $message_start < 0 || ( $message_start_invert!= -1 && $message_start > 0 && ($message_start_invert < $message_start) ) ) {
$bitData =~ tr/01/10/; # invert message
$message_start = index($bitData,'10101110'); # 0x75 but in reverse order
$invert = 1;
if ($message_start >= 0 ) # 0x75 but in reverse order
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Hideki, Hideki protocol (invert=$invert) detected], 5 );
# Todo: Mindest Laenge fuer startpunkt vorspringen
# Todo: Wiederholung auch an das Modul weitergeben, damit es dort geprueft werden kann
my $message_end = index($bitData,'10101110',$message_start+71); # pruefen auf ein zweites 0x75, mindestens 72 bit nach 1. 0x75, da der Regensensor minimum 8 Byte besitzt je byte haben wir 9 bit
$message_end = length($bitData) if ($message_end == -1);
my $message_length = $message_end - $message_start;
return (-1,' message is to short') if ($message_length < $self->checkProperty($id,'length_min',-1) );
return (-1,' message is to long') if (defined $self->getProperty($id,'length_max' ) && $message_length > $self->getProperty($id,'length_max') );
my $hidekihex = q{};
my $idx;
for ($idx=$message_start; $idx<$message_end; $idx=$idx+9)
my $byte = q{};
$byte= substr($bitData,$idx,8); ## Ignore every 9th bit
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Hideki, byte in order $byte], 5 );
$byte = scalar reverse $byte;
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Hideki, byte reversed $byte , as hex: "].sprintf('%X', oct("0b$byte")), 5 );
$hidekihex=$hidekihex.sprintf('%02X', oct("0b$byte"));
($invert == 0)
? $self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Hideki, receive data is not inverted], 4 )
: $self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Hideki, receive data is inverted], 4 );
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Hideki, protocol converted to hex: $hidekihex with $message_length bits, messagestart $message_start], 4 );
return (1,$hidekihex); ## Return only the original bits, include length
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Hideki, start pattern (10101110) not found], 4 );
return (-1,undef);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2Maverick()
This function extract the message from the bitdata if it looks like valid data
Input: ($object,$name,$bitData,$protocolID, optional: length $bitData);
on success array (returnCode=1, hexData)
otherwise array (returncode=-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2Maverick {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // 'anonymous';
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');
my $mcbitnum = shift // length $bitData;
if ($bitData =~ m/(101010101001100110010101)/xms)
{ # Valid Maverick header detected
my $header_pos=$+[1];
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2Maverick, protocol detected: header_pos = $header_pos], 4 );
my $hex=lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr(substr($bitData,$header_pos,26*4));
return (1,$hex); ## Return the bits unchanged in hex
} else {
return return (-1,undef);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2OSV1()
extract the message from the bitdata if it looks like valid data
Input: ($object,$name,$bitData,$protocolID, optional: length $bitData);
on success array (returnCode=1, hexData)
otherwise array (returncode=-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2OSV1 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // 'anonymous';
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');;;
my $mcbitnum = shift // length $bitData;
return (-1,' message is to short') if ($mcbitnum < $self->checkProperty($id,'length_min',-1) );
return (-1,' message is to long') if (defined $self->getProperty($id,'length_max') && $mcbitnum > $self->getProperty($id,'length_max') );
if (substr($bitData,20,1) != 0) {
$bitData =~ tr/01/10/; # invert message and check if it is possible to deocde now
my $calcsum = oct( '0b' . reverse substr($bitData,0,8));
$calcsum += oct( '0b' . reverse substr($bitData,8,8));
$calcsum += oct( '0b' . reverse substr($bitData,16,8));
$calcsum = ($calcsum & 0xFF) + ($calcsum >> 8);
my $checksum = oct( '0b' . reverse substr($bitData,24,8));
if ($calcsum != $checksum) { # Checksum
return (-1,qq[OSV1 - ERROR checksum not equal: $calcsum != $checksum]);
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV1, input data: $bitData], 4 );
my $newBitData = '00001010'; # Byte 0: Id1 = 0x0A
$newBitData .= '01001101'; # Byte 1: Id2 = 0x4D
my $channel = substr($bitData,6,2); # Byte 2 h: Channel
if ($channel eq '00') { # in 0 LSB first
$newBitData .= '0001'; # out 1 MSB first
} elsif ($channel eq '10') { # in 4 LSB first
$newBitData .= '0010'; # out 2 MSB first
} elsif ($channel eq '01') { # in 4 LSB first
$newBitData .= '0011'; # out 3 MSB first
} else { # in 8 LSB first
return (-1,qq[$name: OSV1 - ERROR channel not valid: $channel]);
$newBitData .= '0000'; # Byte 2 l: ????
$newBitData .= '0000'; # Byte 3 h: address
$newBitData .= reverse substr($bitData,0,4); # Byte 3 l: address (Rolling Code)
$newBitData .= reverse substr($bitData,8,4); # Byte 4 h: T 0,1
$newBitData .= '0' . substr($bitData,23,1) . '00'; # Byte 4 l: Bit 2 - Batterie 0=ok, 1=low (< 2,5 Volt)
$newBitData .= reverse substr($bitData,16,4); # Byte 5 h: T 10
$newBitData .= reverse substr($bitData,12,4); # Byte 5 l: T 1
$newBitData .= '0000'; # Byte 6 h: immer 0000
$newBitData .= substr($bitData,21,1) . '000'; # Byte 6 l: Bit 3 - Temperatur 0=pos | 1=neg, Rest 0
$newBitData .= '00000000'; # Byte 7: immer 0000 0000
# calculate new checksum over first 16 nibbles
$checksum = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 64; $i = $i + 4) {
$checksum += oct( '0b' . substr($newBitData, $i, 4));
$checksum = ($checksum - 0xa) & 0xff;
$newBitData .= sprintf('%08b',$checksum); # Byte 8: new Checksum
$newBitData .= '00000000'; # Byte 9: immer 0000 0000
my $osv1hex = '50' . lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr($newBitData); # output with length before
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV1, protocol id $id translated to RFXSensor format], 4 );
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV1, converted to hex: $osv1hex], 4 );
return (1,$osv1hex);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2OSV2o3()
extract the message from the bitdata if it looks like valid data
Input: ($object,$name,$bitData,$protocolID, optional: length $bitData);
on success array (returnCode=1, hexData)
otherwise array (returncode=-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2OSV2o3 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // "anonymous";
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');;;
my $mcbitnum = shift // length $bitData;
my $preamble_pos;
my $message_end;
my $message_length;
my $msg_start;
#$bitData =~ tr/10/01/;
if ($bitData =~ m/^.?(01){12,17}.?10011001/xms)
# Valid OSV2 detected!
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV2, mesprotocol detected: preamble_pos = $preamble_pos], 4 );
return return (-1," sync not found") if ($preamble_pos <24);
$message_end=$-[1] if ($bitData =~ m/^.{44,}(01){16,17}.?10011001/); #Todo regex .{44,} 44 should be calculated from $preamble_pos+ min message lengh (44)
if (!defined($message_end) || $message_end < $preamble_pos) {
$message_end = length($bitData);
} else {
$message_end += 16;
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV2, message end pattern found at pos $message_end lengthBitData=].length($bitData), 4 );
$message_length = ($message_end - $preamble_pos)/2;
return (-1," message is to short") if ($message_length < $self->checkProperty($id,'length_min',-1));
return (-1," message is to long") if (defined $self->getProperty($id,'length_max') && $message_length > $self->getProperty($id,'length_max') );
my $idx=0;
my $osv2bits="";
my $osv2hex ="";
for ($idx=$preamble_pos;$idx<$message_end;$idx=$idx+16)
if ($message_end-$idx < 8 )
my $osv2byte=substr($bitData,$idx,16);
my $rvosv2byte=q{};
for (my $p=0;$p<length($osv2byte);$p=$p+2)
$rvosv2byte = substr($osv2byte,$p,1).$rvosv2byte;
$rvosv2byte =~ tr/10/01/;
if (length($rvosv2byte) == 8) {
$osv2hex=$osv2hex.sprintf('%02X', oct("0b$rvosv2byte")) ;
} else {
$osv2hex=$osv2hex.sprintf('%X', oct("0b$rvosv2byte")) ;
$osv2bits = $osv2bits.$rvosv2byte;
my $osv2len=length($osv2hex)*4;
$osv2hex = sprintf '%02X%s', $osv2len,$osv2hex;
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV2, protocol converted to hex: ($osv2hex) with length $osv2len bits], 4 );
return (1,$osv2hex);
elsif ($bitData =~ m/1{12,24}(0101)/g) { # min Preamble 12 x 1, Valid OSV3 detected!
$preamble_pos = $-[1];
$msg_start = $preamble_pos + 4;
if ($bitData =~ m/\G.+?(1{24})0101/xms) { # preamble + sync der zweiten Nachricht
$message_end = $-[1];
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV2, protocol OSV3 with two messages detected: length of second message = ] . ($mcbitnum - $message_end - 28), 4 );
else { # es wurde keine zweite Nachricht gefunden
$message_end = $mcbitnum;
$message_length = $message_end - $msg_start;
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV2, protocol OSV3 detected: msg_start = $msg_start, message_length = $message_length], 4 );
return (-1," message with length ($message_length) is to short") if ($message_length < $self->checkProperty($id,'length_min',-1) );
my $idx=0;
my $osv3hex =q{};
for ($idx=$msg_start; $idx<$message_end; $idx=$idx+4)
if (length($bitData)-$idx < 4 )
my $osv3nibble = q{};
my $rvosv3nibble = q{};
for (my $p=0;$p<length($osv3nibble);$p++)
$rvosv3nibble = substr($osv3nibble,$p,1).$rvosv3nibble;
$osv3hex=$osv3hex.sprintf('%X', oct("0b$rvosv3nibble"));
#$osv3bits = $osv3bits.$rvosv3nibble;
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV2, protocol OSV3 = $osv3hex], 4 );
my $korr = 10;
# Check if nibble 1 is A
if (substr($osv3hex,1,1) ne 'A')
my $n1=substr($osv3hex,1,1);
$korr = hex(substr($osv3hex,3,1));
substr($osv3hex,1,1,'A'); # nibble 1 = A
substr($osv3hex,3,1,$n1); # nibble 3 = nibble1
# Korrektur nibble
my $insKorr = sprintf('%X', $korr);
# Check for ending 00
if (substr($osv3hex,-2,2) eq '00')
#substr($osv3hex,1,-2); # remove 00 at end
$osv3hex = substr($osv3hex, 0, length($osv3hex)-2);
my $osv3len = length($osv3hex);
$osv3hex .= '0';
my $turn0 = substr($osv3hex,5, $osv3len-4);
my $turn = '';
for ($idx=0; $idx<$osv3len-5; $idx=$idx+2) {
$turn = $turn . substr($turn0,$idx+1,1) . substr($turn0,$idx,1);
$osv3hex = substr($osv3hex,0,5) . $insKorr . $turn;
$osv3hex = substr($osv3hex,0,$osv3len+1);
$osv3hex = sprintf("%02X", length($osv3hex)*4).$osv3hex;
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSV2, protocol OSV3 converted to hex: ($osv3hex) with length (].((length($osv3hex)-2)*4).q[) bits], 4 );
return (1,$osv3hex);
return (-1,undef);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2OSPIR()
This function extract the message from the bitdata if it looks like valid data
Input: ($object,$name,$bitData,$protocolID, optional: length $bitData);
on success array (returnCode=1, hexData)
otherwise array (returncode=-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2OSPIR {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // 'anonymous';
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');
my $mcbitnum = shift // length $bitData;
if ($bitData =~ m/(1{14}|0{14})/xms)
{ # Valid Oregon PIR detected
my $header_pos=$+[1];
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2OSPIR, protocol detected: header_pos = $header_pos], 4 );
my $hex=lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr($bitData);
return (1,$hex); ## Return the bits unchanged in hex
} else {
return return (-1,undef);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2SomfyRTS()
This function extract the message from the bitdata if it looks like valid data
Input: ($object,$name,$bitData,$protocolID, optional: length $bitData);
on success array (returnCode=1, hexData)
otherwise array (returncode=-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2SomfyRTS {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // 'anonymous';
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');
my $mcbitnum = shift // length $bitData;
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2SomfyRTS, bitdata: $bitData ($mcbitnum)], 4 );
if ($mcbitnum == 57) {
$bitData = substr($bitData, 1, 56);
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2SomfyRTS, bitdata: $bitData, truncated to length: ]. length($bitData), 4 );
my $encData = lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr($bitData);
return (1, $encData);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item mcBit2TFA()
extract the message from the bitdata if it looks like valid data
Input: ($object,$name,$bitData,$protocolID, optional: length $bitData);
on success array (returnCode=1, hexData)
otherwise array (returncode=-1,"Error message")
sub mcBit2TFA {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object' && return (0,'no object provided');
my $name = shift // "anonymous";
my $bitData = shift // carp 'bitData must be perovided' && return (0,'no bitData provided');
my $id = shift // carp 'protocol ID must be provided' && return (0,'no protocolId provided');;;
my $mcbitnum = shift // length $bitData;
my $preamble_pos;
my $message_end;
my $message_length;
#if ($bitData =~ m/^.?(1){16,24}0101/) {
if ($bitData =~ m/(1{9}101)/xms )
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2TFA, 30.3208.0 preamble_pos = $preamble_pos], 4 );
return return (-1,q[ sync not found]) if ($preamble_pos <=0);
my @messages;
my $i=1;
my $retmsg = q{};
$message_end = index($bitData,'1111111111101',$preamble_pos);
if ($message_end < $preamble_pos)
$message_end=$mcbitnum; # length($bitData);
$message_length = ($message_end - $preamble_pos);
my $part_str=substr($bitData,$preamble_pos,$message_length);
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2TFA, message start($i)=$preamble_pos end=$message_end with length=$message_length], 4 );
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2TFA, message part($i)=$part_str], 5 );
my ($rcode, $rtxt) = $self->LengthInRange($id, $message_length);
if ($rcode) {
my $hex=lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr($part_str);
push (@messages,$hex);
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2TFA, message part($i)=$hex], 4 );
else {
$retmsg = q[, ] . $rtxt;
} while ($message_end < $mcbitnum);
my %seen;
my @dupmessages = map { 1==$seen{$_}++ ? $_ : () } @messages;
return ($i,q[loop error, please report this data $bitData]) if ($i==10);
if (scalar(@dupmessages) > 0 ) {
$self->_logging( qq[lib/mcBit2TFA, repeated hex $dupmessages[0] found $seen{$dupmessages[0]} times"], 4 );
return (1,$dupmessages[0]);
} else {
return (-1,qq[ no duplicate found$retmsg]);
return (-1,undef);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item postDemo_EM()
This function checks the bit sequence. On an error in the CRC or no start, it issues an output.
Input: $id,$sum,$msg
prepares message
sub postDemo_EM {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my ( $name, @bit_msg ) = @_;
my $msg = join( q[], @bit_msg );
my $msg_start = index( $msg, '0000000001' ); # find start
$msg = substr( $msg, $msg_start + 10 ); # delete preamble + 1 bit
my $new_msg = q[];
my $crcbyte;
my $msgcrc = 0;
my $msgLength = length $msg;
if ( $msg_start > 0 && $msgLength == 89 ) {
for my $count ( 0 .. $msgLength ) {
next if $count % 9 != 0;
$crcbyte = substr( $msg, $count, 8 );
if ( $count < ( length($msg) - 10 ) ) {
$new_msg .= join q[],
reverse @bit_msg[ $msg_start + 10 + $count .. $msg_start + 17 + $count ];
$msgcrc = $msgcrc ^ oct("0b$crcbyte");
return (1,split(//xms,$new_msg)) if ($msgcrc == oct( "0b$crcbyte" ));
$self->_logging( q[lib/postDemo_EM, protocol - CRC ERROR], 3 );
return 0, undef;
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_EM, protocol - Start not found or length msg ($msgLength) not correct], 3);
return 0, undef;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item postDemo_Revolt()
This function checks the bit sequence. On an error in the CRC, it issues an output.
Input: $object,$name,@bit_msg
(returncode = 0 on success, prepared message or undef)
sub postDemo_Revolt {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $name = shift // carp 'no $name provided';
my @bit_msg = @_;
my $protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
my $sum = 0;
my $checksum = oct( '0b' . ( join "", @bit_msg[ 88 .. 95 ] ) );
$self->_logging( qq[lib/postDemo_Revolt, length=$protolength], 5 );
for ( my $b = 0 ; $b < 88 ; $b += 8 ) {
# build sum over first 11 bytes
$sum += oct( '0b' . ( join "", @bit_msg[ $b .. $b + 7 ] ) );
$sum = $sum & 0xFF;
if ($sum != $checksum) {
my $dmsg = lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr( join "", @bit_msg[ 0 .. 95 ] );
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_Revolt, ERROR checksum mismatch, $sum != $checksum in msg $dmsg], 3 );
return 0, undef;
my @new_bitmsg = splice @bit_msg, 0,88;
return 1, @new_bitmsg;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item postDemo_FS20()
This function checks the bit sequence. On an error in the CRC or no start, it issues an output.
Input: $object,$name,@bit_msg
(returncode = 0 on success, prepared message or undef)
sub postDemo_FS20 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $name = shift // carp 'no $name provided';
my @bit_msg = @_;
my $protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
my $datastart = 0;
my $sum = 6;
my $b = 0;
my $i = 0;
for ( $datastart = 0 ; $datastart < $protolength ; $datastart++ ) {
# Start bei erstem Bit mit Wert 1 suchen
last if $bit_msg[$datastart] == 1;
if ( $datastart == $protolength ) { # all bits are 0
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FS20, ERROR message all bits are zeros], 3 );
return 0, undef;
splice( @bit_msg, 0, $datastart + 1 ); # delete preamble + 1 bit
$protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
$self->_logging( qq[lib/postDemo_FS20, pos=$datastart length=$protolength], 5 );
if ( $protolength == 46 || $protolength == 55 )
{ # If it 1 bit too long, then it will be removed (EOT-Bit)
if ( $protolength == 45 || $protolength == 54 ) { ### FS20 length 45 or 54
my $b=0;
for ( my $b = 0 ; $b < $protolength - 9 ; $b += 9 ) {
# build sum over first 4 or 5 bytes
$sum += oct( '0b' . ( join "", @bit_msg[ $b .. $b + 7 ] ) );
my $checksum = oct( '0b' . ( join "", @bit_msg[ $protolength - 9 .. $protolength - 2 ] ) ) ; # Checksum Byte 5 or 6
if ( ( ( $sum + 6 ) & 0xFF ) == $checksum )
{ # Message from FHT80 roothermostat
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FS20, FS20, Detection aborted, checksum matches FHT code], 5 );
return 0, undef;
if ( ( $sum & 0xFF ) == $checksum ) { ## FH20 remote control
for my $b ($b..$protolength-1) {
next if $b % 9 != 0;
my $parity = 0; # Parity even
for my $i ($b..$b+8) { # Parity over 1 byte + 1 bit
$parity += $bit_msg[$i];
if ( $parity % 2 != 0 ) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FS20, FS20, ERROR - Parity not even], 3 );
return 0, undef;
} # parity ok
for ( my $b = $protolength - 1 ; $b > 0 ; $b -= 9 ) { # delete 5 or 6 parity bits
splice( @bit_msg, $b, 1 );
if ( $protolength == 45 ) { ### FS20 length 45
splice( @bit_msg, 32, 8 ); # delete checksum
splice( @bit_msg, 24, 0, ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); # insert Byte 3
else { ### FS20 length 54
splice( @bit_msg, 40, 8 ); # delete checksum
my $dmsg = lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr( join "", @bit_msg );
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FS20, remote control post demodulation $dmsg length $protolength], 4 );
return ( 1, @bit_msg ); ## FHT80TF ok
else {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FS20, ERROR - wrong checksum], 4 );
else {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FS20, ERROR - wrong length=$protolength (must be 45 or 54)], 5 );
return 0, undef;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item postDemo_FHT80()
This function checks the bit sequence. On an error in the CRC or no start, it issues an output.
Input: $object,$name,@bit_msg
(returncode = 0 on success, prepared message or undef)
sub postDemo_FHT80 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $name = shift // carp 'no $name provided';
my @bit_msg = @_;
my $datastart = 0;
my $protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
my $sum = 12;
my $b = 0;
my $i = 0;
for ($datastart = 0; $datastart < $protolength; $datastart++) { # Start bei erstem Bit mit Wert 1 suchen
last if $bit_msg[$datastart] == 1;
if ($datastart == $protolength) { # all bits are 0
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80, ERROR message all bit are zeros], 3 );
return 0, undef;
splice(@bit_msg, 0, $datastart + 1); # delete preamble + 1 bit
$protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80, pos=$datastart length=$protolength], 5 );
if ($protolength == 55) { # If it 1 bit too long, then it will be removed (EOT-Bit)
if ($protolength == 54) { ### FHT80 fixed length
for($b = 0; $b < 45; $b += 9) { # build sum over first 5 bytes
$sum += oct( "0b".(join "", @bit_msg[$b .. $b + 7]));
my $checksum = oct( "0b".(join "", @bit_msg[45 .. 52])); # Checksum Byte 6
if ((($sum - 6) & 0xFF) == $checksum) { ## Message from FS20 remote contro
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80, Detection aborted, checksum matches FS20 code], 5 );
return 0, undef;
if (($sum & 0xFF) == $checksum) { ## FHT80 Raumthermostat
for($b = 0; $b < 54; $b += 9) { # check parity over 6 byte
my $parity = 0; # Parity even
for($i = $b; $i < $b + 9; $i++) { # Parity over 1 byte + 1 bit
$parity += $bit_msg[$i];
if ($parity % 2 != 0) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80, ERROR - Parity not even], 3 );
return 0, undef;
} # parity ok
for($b = 53; $b > 0; $b -= 9) { # delete 6 parity bits
splice(@bit_msg, $b, 1);
if ($bit_msg[26] != 1) { # Bit 5 Byte 3 must 1
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80, ERROR - byte 3 bit 5 not 1], 3 );
return 0, undef;
splice(@bit_msg, 40, 8); # delete checksum
splice(@bit_msg, 24, 0, (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)); # insert Byte 3
my $dmsg = lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr(join "", @bit_msg);
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80, roomthermostat post demodulation $dmsg], 4 );
return (1, @bit_msg); ## FHT80 ok
else {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80, ERROR - wrong checksum], 4 );
else {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80, ERROR - wrong length=$protolength (must be 54)], 5 );
return 0, undef;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item postDemo_FHT80TF()
This function checks the bit sequence. On an error in the CRC or no start, it issues an output.
Input: $object,$name,@bit_msg
(returncode = 0 on success, prepared message or undef)
sub postDemo_FHT80TF {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $name = shift // carp 'no $name provided';
my @bit_msg = @_;
my $protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
my $datastart = 0;
my $sum = 12;
my $b = 0;
if ($protolength < 46) { # min 5 bytes + 6 bits
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80TF, ERROR lenght of message < 46], 4 );
return 0, undef;
for ($datastart = 0; $datastart < $protolength; $datastart++) { # Start bei erstem Bit mit Wert 1 suchen
last if $bit_msg[$datastart] == 1;
if ($datastart == $protolength) { # all bits are 0
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80TF, ERROR message all bit are zeros], 3 );
return 0, undef;
splice(@bit_msg, 0, $datastart + 1); # delete preamble + 1 bit
$protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
if ($protolength == 45) { ### FHT80TF fixed length
for(my $b = 0; $b < 36; $b += 9) { # build sum over first 4 bytes
$sum += oct( "0b".(join "", @bit_msg[$b .. $b + 7]));
my $checksum = oct( "0b".(join "", @bit_msg[36 .. 43])); # Checksum Byte 5
if (($sum & 0xFF) == $checksum) { ## FHT80TF Tuer-/Fensterkontakt
for(my $b = 0; $b < 45; $b += 9) { # check parity over 5 byte
my $parity = 0; # Parity even
for(my $i = $b; $i < $b + 9; $i++) { # Parity over 1 byte + 1 bit
$parity += $bit_msg[$i];
if ($parity % 2 != 0) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80TF, ERROR Parity not even], 4 );
return 0, undef;
} # parity ok
for(my $b = 44; $b > 0; $b -= 9) { # delete 5 parity bits
splice(@bit_msg, $b, 1);
if ($bit_msg[26] != 0) { # Bit 5 Byte 3 must 0
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80TF, ERROR - byte 3 bit 5 not 0], 3 );
return 0, undef;
splice(@bit_msg, 32, 8); # delete checksum
my $dmsg = lib::SD_Protocols::binStr2hexStr(join "", @bit_msg);
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_FHT80TF, door/window switch post demodulation $dmsg], 4 );
return (1, @bit_msg); ## FHT80TF ok
return 0, undef;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item postDemo_WS2000()
This function checks the bit sequence. On an error in the CRC or no start, it issues an output.
Input: $object,$name,@bit_msg
(returncode = 0 on failure, prepared message or undef)
sub postDemo_WS2000 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $name = shift // carp 'no $name provided';
my @bit_msg = @_;
my $protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
my @new_bit_msg = q{};
my @datalenghtws = (35,50,35,50,70,40,40,85);
my $datastart = 0;
my $datalength = 0;
my $datalength1 = 0;
my $index = 0;
my $data = 0;
my $dataindex = 0;
my $check = 0;
my $sum = 5;
my $typ = 0;
my $adr = 0;
my @sensors = (
for ($datastart = 0; $datastart < $protolength; $datastart++) { # Start bei erstem Bit mit Wert 1 suchen
last if $bit_msg[$datastart] == 1;
if ($datastart == $protolength) { # all bits are 0
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, ERROR message all bit are zeros],4);
return 0, undef;
$datalength = $protolength - $datastart;
$datalength1 = $datalength - ($datalength % 5); # modulo 5
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, protolength: $protolength, datastart: $datastart, datalength $datalength],5);
$typ = oct( '0b'.(join "", reverse @bit_msg[$datastart + 1.. $datastart + 4])); # Sensortyp
if ($typ > 7) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, Sensortyp $typ - ERROR typ to big (0-7)],5);
return 0, undef;
if ($typ == 1 && ($datalength == 45 || $datalength == 46)) {$datalength1 += 5;} # Typ 1 ohne Summe
if ($datalenghtws[$typ] != $datalength1) { # check lenght of message
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, Sensortyp $typ - ERROR lenght of message $datalength1 ($datalenghtws[$typ])],4);
return 0, undef;
} elsif ($datastart > 10) { # max 10 Bit preamble
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, ERROR preamble > 10 ($datastart)],4);
return 0, undef;
} else {
do {
if ($bit_msg[$index + $datastart] != 1) { # jedes 5. Bit muss 1 sein
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, Sensortyp $typ - ERROR checking bit $index],4);
return (0, undef);
$dataindex = $index + $datastart + 1;
my $rest = $protolength - $dataindex;
if ($rest < 4) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, Sensortyp $typ - ERROR rest of message < 4 ($rest)],4);
return (0, undef);
$data = oct( '0b'.(join '', reverse @bit_msg[$dataindex .. $dataindex + 3]));
if ($index == 5) {$adr = ($data & 0x07)} # Sensoradresse
if ($datalength == 45 || $datalength == 46) { # Typ 1 ohne Summe
if ($index <= $datalength - 5) {
$check = $check ^ $data; # Check - Typ XOR Adresse XOR bis XOR Check muss 0 ergeben
} else {
if ($index <= $datalength - 10) {
$check = $check ^ $data; # Check - Typ XOR Adresse XOR bis XOR Check muss 0 ergeben
$sum += $data;
$index += 5;
} until ($index >= $datalength -1 );
if ($check != 0) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, Sensortyp $typ Adr $adr - ERROR check XOR],4);
return (0, undef);
} else {
if ($datalength < 45 || $datalength > 46) { # Summe pruefen, au<61>er Typ 1 ohne Summe
$data = oct( "0b".(join '', reverse @bit_msg[$dataindex .. $dataindex + 3]));
if ($data != ($sum & 0x0F)) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, Sensortyp $typ Adr $adr - ERROR sum],4);
return (0, undef);
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS2000, Sensortyp $typ Adr $adr - $sensors[$typ]],4);
$datastart += 1; # [x] - 14_CUL_WS
@new_bit_msg[4 .. 7] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart .. $datastart+3]; # [2] Sensortyp
@new_bit_msg[0 .. 3] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+5 .. $datastart+8]; # [1] Sensoradresse
@new_bit_msg[12 .. 15] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+10 .. $datastart+13]; # [4] T 0.1, R LSN, Wi 0.1, B 1, Py 1
@new_bit_msg[8 .. 11] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+15 .. $datastart+18]; # [3] T 1, R MID, Wi 1, B 10, Py 10
if ($typ == 0 || $typ == 2) { # Thermo (AS3), Rain (S2000R, WS7000-16)
@new_bit_msg[16 .. 19] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+20 .. $datastart+23]; # [5] T 10, R MSN
} else {
@new_bit_msg[20 .. 23] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+20 .. $datastart+23]; # [6] T 10, Wi 10, B 100, Py 100
@new_bit_msg[16 .. 19] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+25 .. $datastart+28]; # [5] H 0.1, Wr 1, B Fak, Py Fak
if ($typ == 1 || $typ == 3 || $typ == 4 || $typ == 7) { # Thermo/Hygro, Wind, Thermo/Hygro/Baro, Kombi
@new_bit_msg[28 .. 31] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+30 .. $datastart+33]; # [8] H 1, Wr 10
@new_bit_msg[24 .. 27] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+35 .. $datastart+38]; # [7] H 10, Wr 100
if ($typ == 4) { # Thermo/Hygro/Baro (S2001I, S2001ID)
@new_bit_msg[36 .. 39] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+40 .. $datastart+43]; # [10] P 1
@new_bit_msg[32 .. 35] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+45 .. $datastart+48]; # [9] P 10
@new_bit_msg[44 .. 47] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+50 .. $datastart+53]; # [12] P 100
@new_bit_msg[40 .. 43] = reverse @bit_msg[$datastart+55 .. $datastart+58]; # [11] P Null
return (1, @new_bit_msg);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item postDemo_WS7035()
This function checks the bit sequence. On an error in the CRC or no start, it issues an output.
Input: $object,$name,@bit_msg
(returncode = 1 on success, prepared message or undef)
sub postDemo_WS7035 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $name = shift // carp 'no $name provided';
my @bit_msg = @_;
my $msg = join('',@bit_msg);
my $parity = 0; # Parity even
my $sum = 0; # checksum
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7035, $msg], 4 );
if (substr($msg,0,8) ne '10100000') { # check ident
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7035, ERROR - Ident not 1010 0000],3 );
return 0, undef;
} else {
for(my $i = 15; $i < 28; $i++) { # Parity over bit 15 and 12 bit temperature
$parity += substr($msg, $i, 1);
if ($parity % 2 != 0) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7035, ERROR - Parity not even],3 );
return 0, undef;
} else {
for(my $i = 0; $i < 39; $i += 4) { # Sum over nibble 0 - 9
$sum += oct('0b'.substr($msg,$i,4));
if (($sum &= 0x0F) != oct('0b'.substr($msg,40,4))) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7035, ERROR - wrong checksum],3 );
return 0, undef;
} else {
### ToDo: Regex anstelle der viele substr einfuegen ##
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7035, ]. substr($msg,0,4) ." ". substr($msg,4,4) ." ". substr($msg,8,4) ." ". substr($msg,12,4) ." ". substr($msg,16,4) ." ". substr($msg,20,4) ." ". substr($msg,24,4) ." ". substr($msg,28,4) ." ". substr($msg,32,4) ." ". substr($msg,36,4) ." ". substr($msg,40),4 );
substr($msg, 27, 4, ''); # delete nibble 8
return (1,split(//,$msg));
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item postDemo_WS7053()
This function checks the bit sequence. On an error in the CRC or no start, it issues an output.
Input: $object,$name,@bit_msg
(returncode = 0 on failure, prepared message or undef)
sub postDemo_WS7053 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $name = shift // carp 'no $name provided';
my @bit_msg = @_;
my $msg = join("",@bit_msg);
my $parity = 0; # Parity even
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7053, MSG = $msg],4);
my $msg_start = index($msg, '10100000');
if ($msg_start > 0) { # start not correct
$msg = substr($msg, $msg_start);
$msg .= '0';
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7053, cut $msg_start char(s) at begin],5);
if ($msg_start < 0) { # start not found
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7053, ERROR - Ident 10100000 not found],3);
return 0, undef;
} else {
if (length($msg) < 32) { # msg too short
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7053, ERROR - msg too short, length ] . length($msg),3);
return 0, undef;
} else {
for(my $i = 15; $i < 28; $i++) { # Parity over bit 15 and 12 bit temperature
$parity += substr($msg, $i, 1);
if ($parity % 2 != 0) {
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7053, ERROR - Parity not even] . length($msg),3);
return 0, undef;
} else {
# Todo substr durch regex ersetzen
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7053, before: ] . substr($msg,0,4) ." ". substr($msg,4,4) ." ". substr($msg,8,4) ." ". substr($msg,12,4) ." ". substr($msg,16,4) ." ". substr($msg,20,4) ." ". substr($msg,24,4) ." ". substr($msg,28,4),5);
# Format from 7053: Bit 0-7 Ident, Bit 8-15 Rolling Code/Parity, Bit 16-27 Temperature (12.3), Bit 28-31 Zero
my $new_msg = substr($msg,0,28) . substr($msg,16,8) . substr($msg,28,4);
# Format for CUL_TX: Bit 0-7 Ident, Bit 8-15 Rolling Code/Parity, Bit 16-27 Temperature (12.3), Bit 28 - 35 Temperature (12), Bit 36-39 Zero
$self->_logging(qq[lib/postDemo_WS7053, after: ] . substr($new_msg,0,4) ." ". substr($new_msg,4,4) ." ". substr($new_msg,8,4) ." ". substr($new_msg,12,4) ." ". substr($new_msg,16,4) ." ". substr($new_msg,20,4) ." ". substr($new_msg,24,4) ." ". substr($new_msg,28,4) ." ". substr($new_msg,32,4) ." ". substr($new_msg,36,4),5);
return (1,split("",$new_msg));
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item postDemo_lengtnPrefix()
calculates the hex (in bits) and adds it at the beginning of the message
Input: $object,$name,@bit_msg
(returncode = 0 on failure, prepared message or undef)
sub postDemo_lengtnPrefix {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $name = shift // carp 'no $name provided';
my @bit_msg = @_;
my $msg = join('',@bit_msg);
$msg=sprintf('%08b', length($msg)).$msg;
return (1,split('',$msg));
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item Convbit2Arctec()
This function convert 0 -> 01, 1 -> 10 to be compatible with IT Module.
Input: @bit_msg
converted message
sub Convbit2Arctec {
my ( $self, undef, @bitmsg ) = @_;
$self // carp 'Not called within an object';
@bitmsg // carp 'no bitmsg provided';
my $convmsg = join( "", @bitmsg );
my @replace = qw(01 10);
# Convert 0 -> 01 1 -> 10 to be compatible with IT Module
$convmsg =~ s/(0|1)/$replace[$1]/gx;
return ( 1, split( //, $convmsg ) );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item Convbit2itv1()
This function convert 0F -> 01 (F) to be compatible with CUL.
Input: $msg
converted message
sub Convbit2itv1 {
shift if ref $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
my ( undef, @bitmsg ) = @_;
@bitmsg // carp 'no bitmsg provided';
my $msg = join( "", @bitmsg );
$msg =~ s/0F/01/gsm; # Convert 0F -> 01 (F) to be compatible with CUL
return ( 1, split( //, $msg ) ) if ( index( $msg, 'F' ) == -1 );
return ( 0, 0 );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item ConvHE800()
This function checks the length of the bits.
If the length is less than 40, it adds a 0.
Input: $name, @bit_msg
scalar converted message on success
sub ConvHE800 {
my ( $self, $name, @bit_msg ) = @_;
$self // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
if ( $protolength < 40 ) {
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < ( 40 - $protolength ) ; $i++ ) {
push( @bit_msg, 0 );
return ( 1, @bit_msg );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item ConvHE_EU()
This function checks the length of the bits.
If the length is less than 72, it adds a 0.
Input: $name, @bit_msg
scalar converted message on success
sub ConvHE_EU {
my ( $self, $name, @bit_msg ) = @_;
my $protolength = scalar @bit_msg;
if ( $protolength < 72 ) {
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < ( 72 - $protolength ) ; $i++ ) {
push( @bit_msg, 0 );
return ( 1, @bit_msg );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item ConvITV1_tristateToBit()
This function Convert 0 -> 00, 1 -> 11, F => 01 to be compatible with IT Module.
Input: $msg
converted message
sub ConvITV1_tristateToBit {
shift if ref $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
my ($msg) = @_;
$msg =~ s/0/00/gsm;
$msg =~ s/1/11/gsm;
$msg =~ s/F/01/gsm;
$msg =~ s/D/10/gsm;
return ( 1, $msg );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item PreparingSend_FS20_FHT()
This function prepares the send message.
Input: $id,$sum,$msg
prepares message
sub PreparingSend_FS20_FHT {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $id = shift // carp 'no idprovided';
my $sum = shift // carp 'no sum provided';
my $msg = shift // carp 'no msg provided';
return if ( $id > 74 || $id < 73 );
my $temp = 0;
my $newmsg = q[P] . $id . q[#0000000000001]; # 12 Bit Praeambel, 1 bit
my $msgLength = length $msg;
for my $i ( 0 .. $msgLength - 1 ) {
next if $i % 2 != 0;
$temp = hex( substr( $msg, $i, 2 ) );
$sum += $temp;
$newmsg .= dec2binppari($temp);
$newmsg .= dec2binppari( $sum & 0xFF ); # Checksum
my $repeats = $id - 71; # FS20(74)=3, FHT(73)=2
return $newmsg . q[0P#R] . $repeats; # EOT, Pause, 3 Repeats
# xFSK method functions #
sub _xFSK_methods_behind_here {
# only for functionslist - no function!
=item ConvBresser_5in1()
This function checks number/count of set bits within bytes 14-25 and inverted data of 13 byte further.
Delete inverted data (nibble 1-27)and reduce message length (nibble 53).
Input: $hexData
Output: $hexData
scalar converted message on success
or array (1,"Error message")
sub ConvBresser_5in1 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $hexData = shift // croak 'Error: called without $hexdata as input';
my $d2;
my $bit;
my $bitsumRef;
my $bitadd = 0;
my $hexLength = length ($hexData);
return ( 1, 'ConvBresser_5in1, hexData is to short' )
if ( $hexLength < 52 ); # check double, in def length_min set
for (my $i = 0; $i < 13; $i++) {
$d2 = hex(substr($hexData,($i+13)*2,2));
return ( 1, qq[ConvBresser_5in1, inverted data at pos $i] ) if ((hex(substr($hexData,$i*2,2)) ^ $d2) != 255);
if ($i == 0) {
$bitsumRef = $d2;
} else {
while ($d2) {
$bitadd += $d2 & 1;
$d2 >>= 1;
return (1, qq[ConvBresser_5in1, checksumCalc:$bitadd != checksum:$bitsumRef ] ) if ($bitadd != $bitsumRef);
return substr($hexData, 28, 24);
=item ConvBresser_6in1()
This function checks CRC16 over bytes 2 - 17 and sum over bytes 2 - 17 (must be 255).
Input: $hexData
Output: $hexData
scalar converted message on success
or array (1,"Error message")
sub ConvBresser_6in1 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $hexData = shift // croak 'Error: called without $hexdata as input';
my $hexLength = length ($hexData);
return ( 1, 'ConvBresser_6in1, hexData is to short' ) if ( $hexLength < 36 ); # check double, in def length_min set
return ( 1,'ConvBresser_6in1, missing module , please install modul Digest::CRC' )
if (!HAS_DigestCRC);
my $crc = substr( $hexData, 0, 4 );
my $ctx = Digest::CRC->new(width => 16, poly => 0x1021);
my $calcCrc = sprintf( "%04X", $ctx->add( pack 'H*', substr( $hexData, 4, 30 ) )->digest );
$self->_logging(qq[ConvBresser_6in1, calcCRC16 = 0x$calcCrc, CRC16 = 0x$crc],5);
return ( 1, qq[ConvBresser_6in1, checksumCalc:0x$calcCrc != checksum:0x$crc] ) if ($calcCrc ne $crc);
my $sum = 0;
for (my $i = 2; $i < 18; $i++) {
$sum += hex(substr($hexData,($i) * 2, 2));
$sum &= 0xFF;
$self->_logging(qq[ConvBresser_6in1, sum = $sum],5);
return ( 1, qq[ConvBresser_6in1, sum $sum != 255] ) if ($sum != 255);
return $hexData;
=item ConvBresser_7in1()
This function makes xor 0xa over all bytes and checks LFSR_digest16
Input: $hexData
Output: $hexDataXorA
scalar converted message on success
or array (1,"Error message")
sub ConvBresser_7in1 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $hexData = shift // croak 'Error: called without $hexdata as input';
my $hexLength = length($hexData);
return (1, 'ConvBresser_7in1, hexData is to short') if ($hexLength < 44); # check double, in def length_min set
return (1, 'ConvBresser_7in1, byte 21 is 0x00') if (substr($hexData,42,2) eq '00'); # check byte 21
my $hexDataXorA ='';
for (my $i = 0; $i < $hexLength; $i++) {
my $xor = hex(substr($hexData,$i,1)) ^ 0xA;
$hexDataXorA .= sprintf('%X',$xor);
$self->_logging(qq[ConvBresser_7in1, msg=$hexData],5);
$self->_logging(qq[ConvBresser_7in1, xor=$hexDataXorA],5);
my $checksum = lib::SD_Protocols::LFSR_digest16(20, 0x8810, 0xba95, substr($hexDataXorA,4,40));
my $checksumcalc = sprintf('%04X',$checksum ^ hex(substr($hexDataXorA,0,4)));
$self->_logging(qq[ConvBresser_7in1, checksumCalc:0x$checksumcalc, must be 0x6DF1],5);
return ( 1, qq[ConvBresser_7in1, checksumCalc:0x$checksumcalc != checksum:0x6DF1] ) if ($checksumcalc ne '6DF1');
return $hexDataXorA;
=item LFSR_digest16()
This function checks 16 bit LFSR
Input: $bytes, $gen, $key, $rawData
Output: $lfsr
sub LFSR_digest16 {
my ($bytes, $gen, $key, $rawData) = @_;
carp "LFSR_digest16, too few arguments ($bytes, $gen, $key, $rawData)" if @_ < 4;
return (1, 'LFSR_digest16, rawData is to short') if (length($rawData) < $bytes * 2);
my $lfsr = 0;
for (my $k = 0; $k < $bytes; $k++) {
my $data = hex(substr($rawData, $k * 2, 2));
for (my $i = 7; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (($data >> $i) & 0x01) {
$lfsr ^= $key;
if ($key & 0x01) {
$key = ($key >> 1) ^ $gen;
} else {
$key = ($key >> 1);
return $lfsr;
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item ConvPCA301()
This function checks crc and converts data to a format which the PCA301 module can handle
croaks if called with less than one parameters
Input: $hexData
scalar converted message on success
or array (1,"Error message")
sub ConvPCA301 {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $hexData = shift // croak 'Error: called without $hexdata as input';
return ( 1,
'ConvPCA301, Usage: Input #1, $hexData needs to be at least 24 chars long'
) if ( length($hexData) < 24 ); # check double, in def length_min set
return ( 1,'ConvPCA301, missing module , please install modul Digest::CRC' )
if (!HAS_DigestCRC);
my $checksum = substr( $hexData, 20, 4 );
my $ctx = Digest::CRC->new(
width => 16,
poly => 0x8005,
init => 0x0000,
refin => 0,
refout => 0,
xorout => 0x0000
my $calcCrc = sprintf( "%04X",
$ctx->add( pack 'H*', substr( $hexData, 0, 20 ) )->digest );
return ( 1, qq[ConvPCA301, checksumCalc:$calcCrc != checksum:$checksum] )
if ( $calcCrc ne $checksum );
my $channel = hex( substr( $hexData, 0, 2 ) );
my $command = hex( substr( $hexData, 2, 2 ) );
my $addr1 = hex( substr( $hexData, 4, 2 ) );
my $addr2 = hex( substr( $hexData, 6, 2 ) );
my $addr3 = hex( substr( $hexData, 8, 2 ) );
my $plugstate = substr( $hexData, 11, 1 );
my $power1 = hex( substr( $hexData, 12, 2 ) );
my $power2 = hex( substr( $hexData, 14, 2 ) );
my $consumption1 = hex( substr( $hexData, 16, 2 ) );
my $consumption2 = hex( substr( $hexData, 18, 2 ) );
return ("OK 24 $channel $command $addr1 $addr2 $addr3 $plugstate $power1 $power2 $consumption1 $consumption2 $checksum" );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item ConvKoppFreeControl()
This function checks crc and converts data to a format which the KoppFreeControl module can handle
croaks if called with less than one parameters
Input: $hexData
scalar converted message on success
or array (1,"Error message")
sub ConvKoppFreeControl {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $hexData = shift // croak 'Error: called without $hexdata as input';
# kr07C2AD1A30CC0F0328
# || |||| || ++-------- Transmitter Code 2
# || |||| ++-------------- Keycode
# || ++++------------------ Transmitter Code 1
# ++------------------------ kr wird von der culfw bei Empfang einer Kopp Botschaft als Kennung gesendet
# right rawMSG MN;D=07FA5E1721CC0F02FE000000000000;
# wrong rawMSG MN;D=0A018200CA043A90;
return ( 1,
'ConvKoppFreeControl, Usage: Input #1, $hexData needs to be at least 4 chars long'
) if ( length($hexData) < 4 ); # check double, in def length_min set
my $anz = hex( substr( $hexData, 0, 2 ) ) + 1;
return ( 1, 'ConvKoppFreeControl, hexData is to short' )
if ( length($hexData) < $anz * 2 ); # check double, in def length_min set
my $blkck = 0xAA;
for my $i ( 0 .. $anz - 1 ) {
my $d = hex( substr( $hexData, $i * 2, 2 ) );
$blkck ^= $d;
my $checksum = hex( substr( $hexData, $anz * 2, 2 ) );
return ( 1,
qq[ConvKoppFreeControl, checksumCalc:$blkck != checksum:$checksum] )
if ( $blkck != $checksum );
return ( "kr" . substr( $hexData, 0, $anz * 2 ) );
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test exists
=item ConvLaCrosse()
This function checks crc and converts data to a format which the LaCrosse module can handle
croaks if called with less than one parameter
Input: $hexData
scalar converted message on success
or array (1,"Error message")
Message Format:
.- [0] -. .- [1] -. .- [2] -. .- [3] -. .- [4] -.
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | || | | | | | | || | | |
| | | || | | | | | | || | `--------- CRC
| | | || | | | | | | |`-------- Humidity
| | | || | | | | | | |
| | | || | | | | | | `---- weak battery
| | | || | | | | | |
| | | || | | | | `----- Temperature T * 0.1
| | | || | | | |
| | | || | | `---------- Temperature T * 1
| | | || | |
| | | || `--------------- Temperature T * 10
| | | | `--- new battery
| | `---------- ID
`---- START
sub ConvLaCrosse {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $hexData = shift // croak 'Error: called without $hexdata as input';
croak qq[ConvLaCrosse, Usage: Input #1, $hexData is not valid HEX]
if (not $hexData =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/xms) ; # check valid hexData
return ( 1,'ConvLaCrosse, Usage: Input #1, $hexData needs to be at least 8 chars long' )
if ( length($hexData) < 8 ) ; # check number of length for this sub to not throw an error
return ( 1,'ConvLaCrosse, missing module , please install modul Digest::CRC' )
if (!HAS_DigestCRC);
my $ctx = Digest::CRC->new( width => 8, poly => 0x31 );
my $calcCrc = $ctx->add( pack 'H*', substr( $hexData, 0, 8 ) )->digest;
my $checksum = sprintf( "%d", hex( substr( $hexData, 8, 2 ) ) );
return ( 1, qq[ConvLaCrosse, checksumCalc:$calcCrc != checksum:$checksum] )
if ( $calcCrc != $checksum );
my $addr =
( ( hex( substr( $hexData, 0, 2 ) ) & 0x0F ) << 2 ) |
( ( hex( substr( $hexData, 2, 2 ) ) & 0xC0 ) >> 6 );
my $temperature = (
( ( hex( substr( $hexData, 2, 2 ) ) & 0x0F ) * 100 ) +
( ( ( hex( substr( $hexData, 4, 2 ) ) & 0xF0 ) >> 4 ) * 10 ) +
( hex( substr( $hexData, 4, 2 ) ) & 0x0F )
) / 10
) - 40;
return ( 1, qq[ConvLaCrosse, temp:$temperature (out of Range)] )
if ( $temperature >= 60 || $temperature <= -40 )
; # Shoud be checked in logical module
my $humidity = hex( substr( $hexData, 6, 2 ) );
my $batInserted = ( hex( substr( $hexData, 2, 2 ) ) & 0x20 ) << 2;
my $SensorType = 1;
my $humObat = $humidity & 0x7F;
if ( $humObat == 125 ) { # Channel 2 ??? doubtful
$SensorType = 2;
### humidity check is in Lacrosse module and some sensors without hum, send a value over 100 ###
# elsif ( $humObat > 99 ) { # Shoud be checked in logical module
# return ( -1, qq[ConvLaCrosse: hum:$humObat (out of Range)] );
# }
# build string for 36_LaCrosse.pm
$temperature = ( ( $temperature * 10 + 1000 ) & 0xFFFF );
my $t1 = ( $temperature >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
my $t2 = $temperature & 0xFF;
my $sensTypeBat = $SensorType | $batInserted;
return (qq[OK 9 $addr $sensTypeBat $t1 $t2 $humidity]);
############################# package lib::SD_Protocols, test not exists
=item PreparingSend_KOPP_FC()
This function calculated crc and prepares the send message.
Input: $blkctrInternal,$Keycode,$TransCode1,$TransCode2
prepares message
Message Format:
https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Kopp_Allgemein | https://github.com/heliflieger/a-culfw/blob/master/culfw/clib/kopp-fc.c
|| |||| || ++-------- Transmitter Code 2
|| |||| ++-------------- Keycode
|| ++++------------------ Transmitter Code 1
++------------------------ kr wird von der culfw bei Empfang einer Kopp Botschaft als Kennung gesendet
# $message = "s"
# . $keycodehex
# . $hash->{TIMEOUT}
# . "N"; # N for do not print messages (FHEM will write error messages to log files if CCD/CUL sends status info
sub PreparingSend_KOPP_FC {
my $self = shift // carp 'Not called within an object';
my $blkctrInternal = shift // carp 'Error: called without Internal blkctr as input';
my $Keycode = shift // carp 'Error: called without $Keycode as input';
my $TransCode1 = shift // carp 'Error: called without $TransCode1 as input';
my $TransCode2 = shift // carp 'Error: called without $TransCode2 as input';
my $blkck = 0xAA;
my $d;
# check from Keycode, TransCode1 and TransCode2 direct in modul 10_KOPP_FC.pm
$self->_logging(qq[lib/PreparingSend_KOPP_FC, called with all parameters],5);
my $dmsg = '07' . $TransCode1 . $blkctrInternal . $Keycode . 'CC0F' . $TransCode2;
## checksum to calculate
for my $i (0..7) {
$d = hex(substr($dmsg,$i*2,2));
$blkck ^= $d;
$dmsg.= sprintf("%02x",$blkck) . '000000000000;';
## additional length check | ToDo: must be checked, CUL data without preamble kr == 18
# if (length($dmsg) != 31) { # working dmsg with comma == 31 (30 + 1)
# $self->_logging(qq[lib/PreparingSend_KOPP_FC, ERROR! dmsg wrong length - STOPPING send],2);
# return;
# }
my $msg = 'SN;R=13;N=4;D=' . $dmsg; # N=4 | to compatible @Ralf
return $msg;