mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
hexenmeister c1107909d2 added: simple NVMe support
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@26656 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2022-11-05 19:10:11 +00:00

1138 lines
34 KiB

# Copyright notice
# (c) 2014 Alexander Schulz
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
my $VERSION = "";
my $DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 60; # in minuten
sub SMARTMON_refreshReadings($);
sub SMARTMON_obtainParameters($);
sub SMARTMON_getSmartDataReadings($$);
sub SMARTMON_interpretKnownData($$$);
sub SMARTMON_readSmartData($;$);
sub SMARTMON_readDeviceData($%);
sub SMARTMON_sec2Dauer($);
sub SMARTMON_hour2Dauer($);
sub SMARTMON_execute($$);
sub SMARTMON_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
Log 5, "SMARTMON Initialize";
$hash->{DefFn} = "SMARTMON_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SMARTMON_Undefine";
$hash->{GetFn} = "SMARTMON_Get";
#$hash->{SetFn} = "SMARTMON_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SMARTMON_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "show_raw:0,1,2 disable:0,1 include parameters ssh_host show_device_info:0,1 ".$readingFnAttributes;
sub SMARTMON_Log($$$) {
my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_;
my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2];
my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3];
my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2];
$sub =~ s/SMARTMON_//;
my $instName = ( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : $hash;
Log3 $hash, $loglevel, "SMARTMON $instName: $sub.$xline " . $text;
my $device;
sub SMARTMON_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 4, "Define $def");
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Define: ".Dumper(@a));
return "Usage: define <name> SMARTMON <device> [M1]" if(@a < 3);
$hash->{DEVICE} = $a[2];
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $a[3]*60;
} else {
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
# erstes update zeitversetzt starten
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "SMARTMON_Update", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub SMARTMON_Undefine($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 4, "Undefine");
return undef;
sub SMARTMON_Get($@)
# http://www.linux-community.de/Internal/Artikel/Print-Artikel/LinuxUser/2004/10/Die-Zuverlaessigkeit-von-Festplatten-ueberwachen-mit-smartmontools
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $a[0];
if(@a < 2)
return "$name: get needs at least one parameter";
my $cmd= $a[1];
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Get: ".Dumper(@a));
if($cmd eq "update")
return undef;
my $param="";
if($hash->{PARAMETERS}) {$param=" ".$hash->{PARAMETERS};}
if($cmd eq "list")
if(@a<3) {return "$name: get list needs at least one parameter"; }
my $subcmd=$a[2];
my @t;
my $r;
if($subcmd eq "info") {
my $tdev = $hash->{DEVICE};
if(@a>3) {$tdev=$a[3];}
($r, @t) = SMARTMON_execute($hash, "sudo smartctl -i".$param." ".$tdev);
if($subcmd eq "data") {
my $tdev = $hash->{DEVICE};
if(@a>3) {$tdev=$a[3];}
($r, @t) = SMARTMON_execute($hash, "sudo smartctl -A".$param." ".$tdev);
if($subcmd eq "health") {
my $tdev = $hash->{DEVICE};
if(@a>3) {$tdev=$a[3];}
($r, @t) = SMARTMON_execute($hash, "sudo smartctl -H".$param." ".$tdev);
if($subcmd eq "devices") {
($r, @t) = SMARTMON_execute($hash, "sudo smartctl --scan");
my $tt;
if(defined($t[0])) {
if(scalar(@t)>0) {
$tt = join('',@t);
if(!$tt) {return "unknown parameter";}
return $tt."\nreturn code: ".$r;
if($cmd eq "version")
return $VERSION;
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of update:noArg version:noArg list:devices,info,data,health";
sub SMARTMON_Attr($$$) {
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
$attrVal= "" unless defined($attrVal);
Log 5, "SMARTMON Attr: $cmd $name $attrName $attrVal";
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $orig = AttrVal($name, $attrName, "");
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {# set, del
if( $orig ne $attrVal ) {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
if($attrName eq "disable") {
if($attrName eq "parameters") {
if($attrName eq "ssh_host") {
if($attrName eq "show_raw") {
if($attrName eq "include") {
if($attrName eq "show_device_info") {
#return $attrName ." set to ". $attrVal;
return undef;
if( $cmd eq "del" ) {# set,
if($attrName eq "show_raw") {
delete $attr{$name}{$attrName};
if($attrName eq "show_device_info") {
delete $attr{$name}{$attrName};
if($attrName eq "include") {
delete $attr{$name}{$attrName};
if($attrName eq "parameters") {
delete $hash->{PARAMETERS};
if($attrName eq "ssh_host") {
delete $hash->{SSHHOST};
sub SMARTMON_Update($)
my ($hash) = @_;
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Update");
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "SMARTMON_Update", $hash, 1);
# Alle Readings neuerstellen
sub SMARTMON_refreshReadings_($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Refresh readings");
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( AttrVal($name, "disable", "") eq "1" ) {
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Update disabled");
$hash->{STATE} = "Inactive";
} else {
# Parameter holen
my $map = SMARTMON_obtainParameters($hash);
$hash->{STATE} = "Active";
foreach my $aName (keys %{$map}) {
my $value = $map->{$aName};
#SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Update: ".$value);
# Nur aktualisieren, wenn ein gueltiges Value vorliegt
if(defined $value) {
# Alle anderen Readings entfernen
foreach my $rName (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if(!defined($map->{$rName})) {
delete $hash->{READINGS}->{$rName};
# MadMax-Fhem: start non blocking
# MadMax-Fhem: start non blocking
# MadMax-Fhem: start non blocking
sub SMARTMON_refreshReadings($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( AttrVal($name, "disable", "") eq "1" )
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Update disabled");
$hash->{STATE} = "Inactive";
# should there be additionally a reading indication the error?
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 3, "Blocing call already running!");
# timeout 30s maybe too long? maybe attribute? / parameter could also be Name instead of hash!?
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("SMARTMON_refreshReadingsNonBlocking", $hash, "SMARTMON_refreshReadingsDone", 30, "SMARTMON_refreshReadingsAbort", $hash);
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Blocing call started.");
sub SMARTMON_refreshReadingsNonBlocking($)
my ($hash) = @_;
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Blocking-fn entered.");
my $map = SMARTMON_obtainParameters($hash);
# puting the return value together (must be one string when using blocking call)
my $ret = $hash->{NAME} . "|" . encode_json($map);
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Blocking-fn return value $ret.");
return $ret;
sub SMARTMON_refreshReadingsDone($)
my ($Data) = @_;
# but who is deleting RUNNING_PID then!?
return unless(defined($Data));
# get the parts from given parameter (must be one string when using blocking call)
my @DataParts = split("\\|", $Data);
my $hash = $defs{$DataParts[0]};
# and "rebuild" the map
my $map = decode_json($DataParts[1]);
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Blocing call finished. Updating Readings.");
$hash->{STATE} = "Active";
foreach my $aName (keys %{$map})
my $value = $map->{$aName};
#SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Update: ".$value);
# Nur aktualisieren, wenn ein gueltiges Value vorliegt
if(defined $value)
# Alle anderen Readings entfernen
foreach my $rName (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}})
delete $hash->{READINGS}->{$rName};
sub SMARTMON_refreshReadingsAbort($)
my ($hash) = @_;
# should there be additionally a reading indication the error?
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 1, "Blocing call aborted!");
# is there additional things to do? But what?
# MadMax-Fhem: end non blocking
# MadMax-Fhem: end non blocking
# MadMax-Fhem: end non blocking
# Alle Readings erstellen
sub SMARTMON_obtainParameters($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Obtain parameters");
my $map;
# /usr/sbin/smartctl in /etc/sudoers aufnehmen
# fhem ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: [...,] /usr/sbin/smartctl
# Natuerlich muss der user auch der Gruppe "sudo" angehören.
# Health
my $param="";
if($hash->{PARAMETERS}) {$param=" ".$hash->{PARAMETERS};}
my ($rcode, @adev_health) = SMARTMON_execute($hash, "sudo smartctl -H".$param." ".$hash->{DEVICE}." | grep 'test result:'");
my $dev_health;
my $tt;
if(defined($adev_health[0])) {
if(scalar(@adev_health)>0) {
$dev_health = join('',@adev_health);
delete $map->{"overall_health_test"};
if(defined($dev_health)) {
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "health: $dev_health");
if($dev_health=~m/test\s+result:\s+(\S+).*/) {
$map->{"overall_health_test"} = $1;
$map = SMARTMON_getSmartDataReadings($hash, $map);
return $map;
# Readings zu gelesenen RAW-Daten
sub SMARTMON_getSmartDataReadings($$) {
my ($hash, $map) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# Attribut lesen, splitten, als Keys eines Hashes setzen
my $t_include = AttrVal($name, "include", undef);
my %h_include;
if(defined($t_include)) {
my @a_include = split(/,\s*/, trim($t_include));
%h_include = map { int($_) => 1 } @a_include; # 1 oder 001 soll gleichwertig sein
# S.M.A.R.T. RAW-Daten auslesen
my $dmap = SMARTMON_readSmartData($hash, defined($t_include)?\%h_include:undef);
# Bekannte Werte einspielen
# per Referenz uebergeben!
my $done_map = SMARTMON_interpretKnownData($hash, \%{$dmap}, \%{$map});
my $cnt_oldage=0;
my $cnt_prefail=0;
my $sr = AttrVal($name, "show_raw", "0");
foreach my $id (sort keys %{$dmap}) {
if($id eq "RC") {next}
# warnings zaehlen
if($dmap->{$id}->{failed} ne "-") {
if($dmap->{$id}->{type} eq "Pre-fail") {$cnt_prefail++;}
if($dmap->{$id}->{type} eq "Old_age") {$cnt_oldage++;}
# restlichen RAW-Werte ggf. einspielen, per Attribut (show_raw) abschaltbar
if( $sr eq "1" || $sr eq "2" ) {
# nur wenn noch nicht frueher interpretiert werden,
# oder wenn explizit erwuenscht (Attribut show_raw)
if(!defined($done_map->{$id}) || $sr eq "2") {
my $m = $dmap->{$id};
if($m->{format} eq 0) {
my $rName = $m->{name};
#my $raw = $dmap->{$id}->{raw};
$map->{sprintf("%03d_%s",$id,$rName)} =
sprintf("Flag: %s Val: %s Worst: %s Thresh: %s ".
"Type: %s Updated: %s When_Failed: %s Raw: %s",
} else {
my $rName = $m->{name};
$map->{$id} = $m->{text};
$map->{warnings}="Pre-fail: $cnt_prefail Old_age: $cnt_oldage";
SMARTMON_readDeviceData($hash, \%{$map});
return $map;
sub SMARTMON_readDeviceData($%) {
my ($hash, $map) = @_;
my $param="";
if($hash->{PARAMETERS}) {$param=" ".$hash->{PARAMETERS};}
my ($r, @dev_data) = SMARTMON_execute($hash, "sudo smartctl -i".$param." ".$hash->{DEVICE});
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "device data: ".Dumper(@dev_data));
my $sd = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "show_device_info", "0");
if(defined($dev_data[0])) {
while(scalar(@dev_data)>0) {
my $line = $dev_data[0];
shift @dev_data;
my($k,$v) = split(/:\s*/,$line);
if(defined $v) {
$v = trim($v);
if(($k eq "Device Model") || ($k eq "Model Number")) {
$map->{"deviceModel"}=$v if($sd eq '1');
if($k eq "Serial Number") {
$map->{"deviceSerial"}=$v if($sd eq '1');
if($k eq "Firmware Version") {
$map->{"deviceFirmware"}=$v if($sd eq '1');
if(($k eq "User Capacity") || ($k eq "Total NVM Capacity")) {
$map->{"deviceCapacity"}=$v if($sd eq '1');
# Readings zu bekannten Werten erstellen
sub SMARTMON_interpretKnownData($$$) {
my ($hash, $dmap, $map) = @_;
my $known;
# smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [armv7l-linux-3.4.98-sun7i+] (local build)
# Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net
# SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
# Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
# 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x002f 200 200 051 Pre-fail Always - 0
# 3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0027 184 183 021 Pre-fail Always - 1800
# 4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 28
# 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 200 200 140 Pre-fail Always - 0
# 7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x002e 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
# 9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 096 096 000 Old_age Always - 3444
# 10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x0032 100 253 000 Old_age Always - 0
# 11 Calibration_Retry_Count 0x0032 100 253 000 Old_age Always - 0
# 12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 28
# 192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 20
# 193 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 7
# 194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 103 097 000 Old_age Always - 44
# 196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
# 197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
# 198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0030 100 253 000 Old_age Offline - 0
# 199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
# 200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate 0x0008 100 253 000 Old_age Offline - 0
if($dmap->{3}) {
$map->{spin_up_time} = $dmap->{3}->{raw};
if($dmap->{4}) {
$map->{start_stop_count} = $dmap->{4}->{raw};
if($dmap->{5}) {
$map->{reallocated_sector_count} = $dmap->{5}->{raw};
if($dmap->{9}) {
$map->{power_on_hours} = $dmap->{9}->{raw};
$map->{power_on_text} = SMARTMON_hour2Dauer($dmap->{9}->{raw});
if($dmap->{10}) {
$map->{spin_retry_count} = $dmap->{10}->{raw};
if($dmap->{12}) {
$map->{power_cycle_count} = $dmap->{12}->{raw};
if($dmap->{190}) {
$map->{airflow_temperature} = $dmap->{190}->{raw};
if($dmap->{194}) {
$map->{temperature} = $dmap->{194}->{raw};
if($dmap->{"RC"}) {
$map->{last_exit_code} = $dmap->{"RC"}->{raw};
# > NVMe
# smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [x86_64-linux-5.18.0-0.deb11.4-amd64] (local build)
# Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org
# SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)
# Critical Warning: 0x00
# Temperature: 38 Celsius
# Available Spare: 100%
# Available Spare Threshold: 1%
# Percentage Used: 1%
# Data Units Read: 88.487 [45,3 GB]
# Data Units Written: 253.077 [129 GB]
# Host Read Commands: 1.006.924
# Host Write Commands: 19.046.809
# Controller Busy Time: 6
# Power Cycles: 45
# Power On Hours: 789
# Unsafe Shutdowns: 39
# Media and Data Integrity Errors: 0
# Error Information Log Entries: 67
# Warning Comp. Temperature Time: 0
# Critical Comp. Temperature Time: 0
# Temperature Sensor 1: 50 Celsius
# Temperature Sensor 2: 51 Celsius
# Temperature Sensor 3: 52 Celsius
# Temperature Sensor 4: 53 Celsius
# Temperature Sensor 5: 54 Celsius
# Temperature Sensor 6: 55 Celsius
# Temperature Sensor 7: 56 Celsius
# Temperature Sensor 8: 57 Celsius
if($dmap->{"Power On Hours"}) {
my $poh = $dmap->{"Power On Hours"}->{text};
$map->{power_on_hours} = $poh;
my $poht = $poh =~ s/\.//r;
$map->{power_on_text} = SMARTMON_hour2Dauer($poht);
$known->{"Power On Hours"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Power Cycles"}) {
$map->{power_cycle_count} = $dmap->{"Power Cycles"}->{text};
$known->{"Power Cycles"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Temperature"}) {
my($tv, $tu) = split(/\s+/, trim($dmap->{"Temperature"}->{text}));
$map->{temperature} = $tv;
if($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 1"}) {
my($tv, $tu) = split(/\s+/, trim($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 1"}->{text}));
$map->{temperature1} = $tv;
$known->{"Temperature Sensor 1"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 2"}) {
my($tv, $tu) = split(/\s+/, trim($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 2"}->{text}));
$map->{temperature2} = $tv;
$known->{"Temperature Sensor 2"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 3"}) {
my($tv, $tu) = split(/\s+/, trim($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 3"}->{text}));
$map->{temperature3} = $tv;
$known->{"Temperature Sensor 3"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 4"}) {
my($tv, $tu) = split(/\s+/, trim($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 4"}->{text}));
$map->{temperature4} = $tv;
$known->{"Temperature Sensor 4"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 5"}) {
my($tv, $tu) = split(/\s+/, trim($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 5"}->{text}));
$map->{temperature5} = $tv;
$known->{"Temperature Sensor 5"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 6"}) {
my($tv, $tu) = split(/\s+/, trim($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 6"}->{text}));
$map->{temperature6} = $tv;
$known->{"Temperature Sensor 6"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 7"}) {
my($tv, $tu) = split(/\s+/, trim($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 7"}->{text}));
$map->{temperature7} = $tv;
$known->{"Temperature Sensor 7"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 8"}) {
my($tv, $tu) = split(/\s+/, trim($dmap->{"Temperature Sensor 8"}->{text}));
$map->{temperature8} = $tv;
$known->{"Temperature Sensor 8"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Critical Warning"}) {
$map->{critical_warning} = $dmap->{"Critical Warning"}->{text};
$known->{"Critical Warning"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Available Spare"}) {
$map->{available_spare} = $dmap->{"Available Spare"}->{text};
$known->{"Available Spare"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Available Spare Threshold"}) {
$map->{available_spare_threshold} = $dmap->{"Available Spare Threshold"}->{text};
$known->{"Available Spare Threshold"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Percentage Used"}) {
$map->{percentage_used} = $dmap->{"Percentage Used"}->{text};
$known->{"Percentage Used"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Data Units Read"}) {
$map->{data_units_read} = $dmap->{"Data Units Read"}->{text};
$known->{"Data Units Read"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Data Units Written"}) {
$map->{data_units_written} = $dmap->{"Data Units Written"}->{text};
$known->{"Data Units Written"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Host Read Commands"}) {
$map->{host_read_commands} = $dmap->{"Host Read Commands"}->{text};
$known->{"Host Read Commands"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Host Write Commands"}) {
$map->{host_write_commands} = $dmap->{"Host Write Commands"}->{text};
$known->{"Host Write Commands"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Controller Busy Time"}) {
$map->{controller_busy_time} = $dmap->{"Controller Busy Time"}->{text};
$known->{"Controller Busy Time"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Unsafe Shutdowns"}) {
$map->{unsafe_shutdowns} = $dmap->{"Unsafe Shutdowns"}->{text};
$known->{"Unsafe Shutdowns"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Media and Data Integrity Errors"}) {
$map->{media_and_data_integrity_errors} = $dmap->{"Media and Data Integrity Errors"}->{text};
$known->{"Media and Data Integrity Errors"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Error Information Log Entries"}) {
$map->{error_information_log_entries} = $dmap->{"Error Information Log Entries"}->{text};
$known->{"Error Information Log Entries"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Warning Comp. Temperature Time"}) {
$map->{warning_comp_temperature_time} = $dmap->{"Warning Comp. Temperature Time"}->{text};
$known->{"Warning Comp. Temperature Time"}=1;
if($dmap->{"Critical Comp. Temperature Time"}) {
$map->{critical_comp_temperature_time} = $dmap->{"Critical Comp. Temperature Time"}->{text};
$known->{"Critical Comp. Temperature Time"}=1;
return $known;
# Ausrechnet aus der Zahl der Sekunden Anzeige in Tagen:Stunden:Minuten:Sekunden.
sub SMARTMON_sec2Dauer($){
my ($t) = @_;
my $d = int($t/86400);
my $r = $t-($d*86400);
my $h = int($r/3600);
$r = $r - ($h*3600);
my $m = int($r/60);
my $s = $r - $m*60;
return sprintf("%02d Tage %02d Std. %02d Min. %02d Sec.",$d,$h,$m,$s);
# Ausrechnet aus der Zahl der Stunden Anzeige in Tagen:Stunden:Minuten:Sekunden.
sub SMARTMON_hour2Dauer($){
my ($t) = @_;
#return SMARTMON_sec2Dauer($t*3600);
$t =~ /([0-9]*)/;
my $d=int($1/24);
$t = $1-($d*24);
#my $d=int($t/24);
#$t = $t-($d*24);
my $y=int($d/365);
$d = $d-($y*365);
return sprintf("%d Jahre %d Tage %d Std.",$y,$d,$t);
# liest RAW-Daten
# Params:
# HASH: Device-HASH
# Include-HASH: Wenn definiert,werden nur die ID zurueckgegeben, die in
# diesem HASH enthalten sind.
sub SMARTMON_readSmartData($;$) {
my ($hash, $include) = @_;
my $map;
my $param="";
if($hash->{PARAMETERS}) {$param=" ".$hash->{PARAMETERS};}
my ($r, @dev_data) = SMARTMON_execute($hash, "sudo smartctl -A".$param." ".$hash->{DEVICE});
### TEST
#SMARTMON_Log($hash, 1, "TEST device SMART data !!!");
#my $r = "TEST";
#my @dev_data = (
#"smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [x86_64-linux-5.18.0-0.deb11.4-amd64] (local build)",
#"Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org",
#"SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)",
#"Critical Warning: 0x00",
#"Temperature: 38 Celsius",
#"Available Spare: 100%",
#"Available Spare Threshold: 1%",
#"Percentage Used: 1%",
#"Data Units Read: 88.487 [45,3 GB]",
#"Data Units Written: 253.077 [129 GB]",
#"Host Read Commands: 1.006.924",
#"Host Write Commands: 19.046.809",
#"Controller Busy Time: 6",
#"Power Cycles: 45",
#"Power On Hours: 91.999.999",
#"Unsafe Shutdowns: 39",
#"Media and Data Integrity Errors: 0",
#"Error Information Log Entries: 67",
#"Warning Comp. Temperature Time: 0",
#"Critical Comp. Temperature Time: 0",
#"Temperature Sensor 1: 50 Celsius",
#"Temperature Sensor 2: 51 Celsius",
#"Temperature Sensor 3: 52 Celsius",
#"Temperature Sensor 4: 53 Celsius",
#"Temperature Sensor 5: 54 Celsius",
#"Temperature Sensor 6: 55 Celsius",
#"Temperature Sensor 7: 56 Celsius",
#"Temperature Sensor 8: 57 Celsius",
#"Testwert: 38 Papageien"
### TEST
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "device SMART data: ".Dumper(@dev_data));
if(defined($r)) {$map->{"RC"}->{raw} = $r;}
if(defined($dev_data[0])) {
while(scalar(@dev_data)>0) {
shift @dev_data;
if(scalar(@dev_data)>0 && $dev_data[0]=~m/ID#.*/) {
shift @dev_data;
while(scalar(@dev_data)>0) {
my ($d_id, $d_attr_name, $d_flag, $d_value, $d_worst, $d_thresh,
$d_type, $d_updated, $d_when_failed, $d_raw_value)
= split(/\s+/, trim($dev_data[0]));
shift @dev_data;
if(!defined($include) || defined($include->{$d_id})) {
if(defined($d_attr_name)) {
#$map->{$d_attr_name} = "Value: $d_value, Worst: $d_worst, Type: $d_type, Raw: $d_raw_value";
$map->{$d_id}->{name} = $d_attr_name;
$map->{$d_id}->{flag} = $d_flag;
$map->{$d_id}->{value} = $d_value;
$map->{$d_id}->{worst} = $d_worst;
$map->{$d_id}->{thresh} = $d_thresh;
$map->{$d_id}->{type} = $d_type;
$map->{$d_id}->{updated} = $d_updated;
$map->{$d_id}->{failed} = $d_when_failed;
$map->{$d_id}->{raw} = $d_raw_value;
$map->{$d_id}->{format} = 0;
} elsif (scalar(@dev_data)>0 && $dev_data[0]=~m/NVMe/) {
shift @dev_data;
while(scalar(@dev_data)>0) {
my ($d_attr_name, $d_value) = split(/:/, trim($dev_data[0]));
shift @dev_data;
$d_attr_name = trim($d_attr_name);
$d_value = trim($d_value);
if(!defined($include) || defined($include->{$d_attr_name})) {
if(defined($d_attr_name)) {
$map->{$d_attr_name}->{name} = $d_attr_name;
$map->{$d_attr_name}->{text} = $d_value;
$map->{$d_attr_name}->{format} = 1;
return $map;
# BS-Befehl ausfuehren
sub SMARTMON_execute($$) {
my ($hash, $cmd) = @_;
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Execute: $cmd");
local $SIG{'CHLD'}='DEFAULT';
if($hash->{SSHHOST}) {$cmd="ssh ".$hash->{SSHHOST}." \"$cmd\"";}
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "cmd: ".$cmd);
my @ret = qx($cmd);
my $rcode = $?>>8;
SMARTMON_Log($hash, 5, "Returncode: ".$rcode);
return ($rcode,@ret);
=item device
=item summary provides some statistics about the S.M.A.R.T. capable drive
=item summary_DE liefert einige Statistiken ueber S.M.A.R.T. kompatible Ger&auml;te
=begin html
<!-- ================================ -->
<a name="SMARTMON"></a>
This module is a FHEM frontend to the Linux tool smartctl.
It provides various information on the SMART System of the hard drive.
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SMARTMON &lt;device&gt; [&lt;Interval&gt;]</code><br>
This statement creates a new SMARTMON instance.
The parameters specify a device to be monitored and the update interval in minutes.<br>
Example: <code>define sm SMARTMON /dev/sda 60</code>
Exit code of smartctl.
Specifies the general condition of the HDD (PASSED or FAILED).
Specifies the number of stored alerts.
Furthermore, the available SMART parameters can be displayed as Readings (RAW and / or (partially) interpreted).
Displays the module version.
Updates all readings.
Displays various information:
<li>devices:<br>List of available devices in the system.</li>
<li>info:<br>Information about the current device.</li>
<li>data:<br>List of SMART parameters for the current device.</li>
<li>health:<br>Information about overall health status for the device.</li>
For the Last 3 commands can also be another Device specified (as an additional parameter).
Valid values: 0: no RAW Readings (default), 1: show all, are not included in interpreted Readings, 2: show all.
Valid values: 0: no device info as reading, 1: show show device info as readings.
Comma separated list of IDs for desired SMART parameters. If nothing passed, all available values are displayed.
Valid values: 0: Module active (default), 1: module is disabled (no updates).
Additional values for smartctl.
remote machine adresse. If defined, smartctrl is executed via SSH.
For more information see smartctrl documentation.
<!-- ================================ -->
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="SMARTMON"></a>
Dieses Modul ist ein FHEM-Frontend zu dem Linux-Tool smartctl.
Es liefert diverse Informationen zu dem S.M.A.R.T. System einer Festplatte.
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SMARTMON &lt;device&gt; [&lt;Interval&gt;]</code><br>
Diese Anweisung erstellt eine neue SMARTMON-Instanz.
Die Parameter geben ein zu &uuml;berwachenden Ger&auml;t und den Aktualisierungsinterval in Minuten an.<br>
Beispiel: <code>define sm SMARTMON /dev/sda 60</code>
Gibt den Exitcode bei der letzten Ausf&uuml;hrung vom smartctl.
Gibt den allgemeinen Zustand der Platte an. Kann PASSED oder FAILED sein.
Gibt die Anzahl der vermerkten Warnungen an.
Weiterhin k&ouml;nnen die verf&uuml;gbaren SMART-Parameter als Readings angezeigt werden (RAW und/oder (teilweise) interpretiert).
Zeigt die verwendete Modul-Version an.
Veranlasst die Aktualisierung der gelesenen Parameter.
Zeigt verschiedenen Informationen an:
<li>devices:<br>Liste der im System verf&uuml;gbaren Ger&auml;ten.</li>
<li>info:<br>Information zu dem aktuellen Ger&auml;t.</li>
<li>data:<br>Liste der SMART-Parameter zu dem aktuellen Ger&auml;t.</li>
<li>health:<br>Information zu dem allgemeinen Gesundheitsstatus f&uuml;r das verwendete Ger&auml;t.</li>
F&uuml;r letzten 3 Befehle kann auch noch ein anderes Ger&auml;t als zus&auml;tzliche Parameter mitgegeben werden.
G&uuml;ltige Werte: 0: keine RAW-Readings anzeigen (default), 1: alle anzeigen, die nicht in interpretierten Readings enthalten sind, 2: alle anzeigen.
G&uuml;ltige Werte: 0: keine Ger&auml;teinforamtionen in readings, 1: Ger&auml;teinformationen in readings anzeigen.
Kommaseparierte Liste der IDs gew&uuml;nschten SMART-Parameter. Wenn nichts angegeben, werden alle verf&uuml;gbaren angezeigt.
G&uuml;ltige Werte: 0: Modul aktiv (default), 1: Modul deaktiviert (keine Aktualisierungen).
Zusatzparameter f&uuml;r den Aufruf von smartctl.
Adresse einer entferten Maschine. Falls definiert, wird smartctrl dort per SSH ausgeführt.
F&uuml;r weitere Informationen wird die smartctrl-Dokumentation empfohlen.
=end html_DE