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# $Id$
# 2024.01.26 v0.2.30
# - CHANGE: voice_reading auf neue API umgestellt
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A2UONLFQW0PADH Echo Show 8 Gen3
# 2023.11.15 v0.2.29
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A1D6RDUOWH31HF JLR Incontrol
# 2023.11.12 v0.2.28
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A347N36W21919O Yamaha ATS-2090 Soundbar
# 2023.11.10 v0.2.27
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A1WZKXFLI43K86 Fire TV Stick 4K Max
# Unterstützung A11QM4H9HGV71H Echo Show 5
# - CHANGE: Verbose Settings für HttpUtils
# 2023.11.08 v0.2.26
# - BUG: User-Agent https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=82631.msg1292057#msg1292057
# 2023.10.31 v0.2.25
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung ASQZWP4GPYUT7 Echo Plus 2 Gen2
# 2023.10.31 v0.2.24
# - CHANGE: voice_reading TTS Antworten rausfiltern
# 2023.10.27 v0.2.23
# - BUG: Logeinträge bei set "speak" entfernt
# 2023.10.27 v0.2.22
# - CHANGE: voice_reading auf neue API umgestellt
# - FEATURE voice_person (Zeigt wer das letzte Voice Command gesagt hat, wenn eingerichtet)
# 2023.01.19 v0.2.21
# - BUG: Refresh Token
# Attribut "fhem_home"
# - FEATURE Neues Reading "parse_error"
# 2022.11.22 v0.2.20
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A4ZXE0RM7LQ7A Echo Dot Gen5
# 2022.11.21 v0.2.19
# - BUG: Auswertung FHEM Verzeichnis Attribut "fhem_home" eingeführt Standardwert = "/opt/fhem"
# 2022.11.21 v0.2.18
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A2DS1Q2TPDJ48U Echo Dot Gen5 with Clock
# Unterstützung AQCGW9PSYWRF Polk React Soundbar
# Unterstützung A1VGB7MHSIEYFK Fire TV Cube Gen3
# 2022.11.14 v0.2.17
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A1EIANJ7PNB0Q7 Echo Show 15
# 2022.09.12 v0.2.16
# - BUG: Activities Result "DISCARDED_NON_DEVICE_DIRECTED_INTENT" entfernt
# 2022.01.12 v0.2.15
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A2Z8O30CD35N8F Sonos Arc
# Unterstützung A3EVMLQTU6WL1W Fire TV Stick 4K Max
# Unterstützung A39Y3UG1XLEJLZ Fitbit Sense
# Unterstützung A1XWJRHALS1REP Echo Show 5 2. Generation
# 2021.10.19 v0.2.14
# - BUG: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg1175268.html#msg1175268 (Danke Benutzer JudgeDredd)
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A31DTMEEVDDOIV FireTV Stick
# 2021.09.15 v0.2.13
# - CHANGE: Probleme set tunein (Danke Benutzer adn77)
# 2021.06.24 v0.2.12
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A15996VY63BQ2D Echo Show 8 Gen2
# Unterstützung A2WFDCBDEXOXR8 Bose Soundbar 700
# 2021.05.18 v0.2.11
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A1DL2DVDQVK3Q Fire Tab HD 10
# 2021.04.26 v0.2.10
# - CHANGE: Logeintrag "[Echodevice] [echodevice_SendCommand] [12] IGNORIERE Command=activities Abfrage in CMD_Queue schon vorhanden!" auf Loglevel 4 geändert
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung AIPK7MM90V7TB Echo Show Gen3
# 2021.02.10 v0.2.9
# - BUG: Probleme wenn getbehavior keine Antwort liefert.
# - CHANGE: CMD_Queue check
# ($hash->{model} eq "Reverb" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos One" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos Beam" Unterscheidung entfernt
# - FEATURE: Geräte Kennung THIRD_PARTY_AVS_SONOS_BOOTLEG hinzugefügt
# 2021.02.07 v0.2.8
# - BUG: Sonso aktualisiert keine voice Readings
# 2021.01.28 v0.2.7
# - BUG: Routinen werden nicht mehr angezeigt
# 2021.01.18 v0.2.6
# - BUG: item_shopping_delete,item_shopping_add,item_task_delete,item_task.add
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A23FPV4BT7FH68 Yamaha YAS-209 Soundbar
# Untersützung A265XOI9586NML Fire TV Stick 4K
# 2020.12.11 v0.2.5
# - FEATURE: Text Kommando an Amazon schicken "set textcommand"
# Unterstützung A2WN1FJ2HG09UN Ultimate Alexa
# 2020.11.19 v0.2.4
# - CHANGE: get custom-history-records Dialog angepasst
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A2U21SRK4QGSE1 Echo Dot Gen4
# 2020.11.18 v0.2.3
# - FEATURE: get custom-history-records
# Unterstützung A2H4LV5GIZ1JFT Echo Dot Gen4 with Clock
# Unterstützung AVE5HX13UR5NO Zero Touch (Logitech)
# Unterstützung A3GZUE7F9MEB4U Sony WH-100XM3
# Unterstützung A2J0R2SD7G9LPA Lenovo P10
# Unterstützung A1J16TEDOYCZTN Amazon Tablet
# Unterstützung A38EHHIB10L47V Fire HD 8 Tablet
# Unterstützung A112LJ20W14H95 Media Display
# Unterstützung A1H0CMF1XM0ZP4 Bose Soundtouch
# Unterstützung AAMFMBBEW2960 Garmin DriveSmart 65 with Amazon Alexa
# Unterstützung A2IVLV5VM2W81 Mobile Voice iOS";}
# Unterstützung A2TF17PFR55MTB Mobile Voice Android
# Unterstützung A3V3VA38K169FO Fire Tablet
# Unterstützung AVD3HM0HOJAAL Sonos One
# Unterstützung A1C66CX2XD756O Fire HD 8 Tablet
# Unterstützung A17LGWINFBUTZZ Anker Roav Car Charger
# Unterstützung A2XPGY5LRKB9BE FitBit watch
# Unterstützung A2Y04QPFCANLPQ Bose QC35 II
# Unterstützung A3BW5ZVFHRCQPO Alexa Car
# Unterstützung A303PJF6ISQ7IC Echo Auto
# Unterstützung A1ZB65LA390I4K Fire HD 10 Tablet
# Unterstützung AVU7CPPF2ZRAS Fire HD 8 Plus (2020)
# Unterstützung A24Z7PEXY4MDTK Sony WF-1000X
# Unterstützung ABN8JEI7OQF61 Sony WF-1000XM3
# Unterstützung A7S41FQ5TWBC9 Sony WH-1000XM4
# 2020.11.06 v0.2.2
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A3RMGO6LYLH7YN Echo Dot Gen4
# 2020.10.07 v0.2.1
# - BUG: Not a HASH reference at ./FHEM/37_echodevice.pm line 2975
# 2020.10.05 v0.2.0
# - BUG: Not a HASH reference at ./FHEM/37_echodevice.pm line 3532
# 2020.09.25 v0.1.9
# - BUG: Not a HASH reference at ./FHEM/37_echodevice.pm line 2687
# 2020.05.06 v0.1.8
# - BUG: Zu viele Loginfos bei set "NPM_login refresh"
# 2020.04.27 v0.1.7
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A1WAR447VT003J Yamaha MusicCast 20
# - BUG: set "NPM_login refresh"
# - CHANGE: get status erweitert
# 2020.04.22 v0.1.5
# - CHANGE: Mehr Loginfos bei set "NPM_login refresh"
# 2020.04.20 v0.1.4
# - CHANGE: Keepalive aktiviert (cookielogin6)
# 2020.04.14 v0.1.3
# - CHANGE: Mehr Loginfos bei set "NPM_login new"
# 2020.04.12 v0.1.2
# - CHANGE: Mehr Loginfos bei set "NPM_login new"
# 2020.04.08 v0.1.1
# - CHANGE: Keepalive aktiviert
# - BUG: set "NPM_login new"
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A3RBAYBE7VM004 ECHO Studio
# Unterstützung A3SSG6GR8UU7SN ECHO SUB
# Unterstützung A1HNT9YTOBE735 Telekom Smart Speaker
# set sounds: (Sounds gemäß Routine-Übersicht)
# 2019.12.24 v0.1.0
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A1Z88NGR2BK6A2 ECHO Show 8
# Unterstützung A2JKHJ0PX4J3L3 ECHO FireTv Cube 4K
# 2019.12.22 v0.0.60
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A3VRME03NAXFUB ECHO Flex
# Unterstützung AKOAGQTKAS9YB ECHO Connect
# Unterstützung A3NTO4JLV9QWRB Gigaset L800HX
# 2019.11.05 v0.0.59
# - FEATURE: Nachricht an Handy App schicken "set mobilmessage"
# - CHANGE: Hilfetexte erweitert
# 2019.10.27 v0.0.58
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A30YDR2MK8HMRV ECHO Gen 3
# 2019.10.17 v0.0.57
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A3FX4UWTP28V1P ECHO Gen 3
# 2019.10.09 v0.0.56
# - FEATURE: Hintergrundbild ECHO SHOW ändern "set homescreen"
# 2019.09.20 v0.0.55
# - CHANGE: speak_volume Auswertung Account-Device/Echo-Device
# DEF xxx@xxx.de xxx = NPM Login Modus
# - BUGFIX: presence
# 2019.07.22 v0.0.54
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A1RABVCI4QCIKC ECHO dot 3
# 2019.02.19 v0.0.53
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A4ZP7ZC4PI6TO ECHO 5
# Unterstützung A1RTAM01W29CUP Alexa App for PC
# Unterstützung A21Z3CGI8UIP0F HEOS
# 2019.02.19 v0.0.52
# - FEATURE: Alarme "_originalDate" als Reading
# - BUGFIX: Readings *_count Wert
# 2019.02.18 v0.0.51z
# - BUGFIX: NPM Proxy IP Adresse / Port usw.
# set routine_play - Unterstützung Smart Home Geräte
# set speak - Sonderzeichen " entfernen
# get conversations https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg903955.html#msg903955
# Bluetooth Geräte bereinigen
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung AppRegisterLogin per NPM
# Unterstützung A10L5JEZTKKCZ8 VOBOT
# Unterstützung A1JJ0KFC4ZPNJ3 ECHO Input
# Unterstützung AKPGW064GI9HE Fire TV Stick 4K
# Unterstützung A37SHHQ3NUL7B5 Bose Home Speaker 500
# Unterstützung AVN2TMX8MU2YM Bose Home Speaker 500
# set speak_ssml https://docs.aws.amazon.com/polly/latest/dg/supported-ssml.html
# https://developer.amazon.com/de/docs/custom-skills/speech-synthesis-markup-language-ssml-reference.html
# get status - Statusinformationen zum Modul
# Attribut "ignorevoicecommand" https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg906424.html#msg906424
# Alarme "_recurringPattern" als Reading
# - CHANGE: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg869460.html#msg869460
# 2018.12.02 v0.0.50
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A32DDESGESSHZA Echo Dot Gen3
# 2018.11.13 v0.0.49
# - BUGFIX: reading voice
# Sonos Beam A3NPD82ABCPIDP
# - FEATURE: reading voice_timestamp
# 2018.10.30 v0.0.48i
# - CHANGE: Attribut browser_useragent_random (Standard=0)
# Neuer Status "connected but loginerror"
# - BUGFIX: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg850171.html#msg850171
# CMD_QUEUE leeren wenn loginerror
# set loginwithcaptcha
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A3R9S4ZZECZ6YL Fire Tab HD 10
# Unterstützung A3L0T0VL9A921N Fire Tab HD 8
# Unterstützung A2M4YX06LWP8WI Fire Tab 7
# Unterstützung A2E0SNTXJVT7WK Fire TV V1
# Unterstützung A2GFL5ZMWNE0PX Fire TV
# Unterstützung A12GXV8XMS007S Fire TV
# Unterstützung A3HF4YRA2L7XGC Fire TV Cube
# Unterstützung ADVBD696BHNV5 Fire TV Stick V1
# Unterstützung A2LWARUGJLBYEW Fire TV Stick V2
# Unterstützung AP1F6KUH00XPV ECHO Stereopaar
# 2018.10.25 v0.0.47
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung neuer Sonos Beam A15ERDAKK5HQQG
# - BUGFIX: browser_language default = de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
# browser_useragent default = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0
# 2018.10.17 v0.0.46b
# - BUGFIX: Attribut intervalvoice 0=realtime bis 100 Sekunden
# - FEATURE: Reading "bluetooth_MAC-Adresse" zeigt Connected Status an (ECHO Device)
# Readings "config_address_from","config_address_to" und "config_address_between" (Account Device)
# Unterstützung neuer ECHO Show Gen2 AWZZ5CVHX2CD
# Unterstützung neuer ECHO Dot Gen3 A32DOYMUN6DTXA
# 2018.10.15 v0.0.45
# - FEATURE: Attribut intervalvoice 0=realtime bis 100 Sekunden
# 2018.10.10 v0.0.44
# - FEATURE: set alarm_off und alarm_on (Wecker und Musikwecker)
# set alarm_normal und alarm_repeat
# set routine_play (Abspielen und ausführen von Routinen)
# set info (Beliebig_Auf_Wiedersehen,Beliebig_Bestaetigung,Beliebig_Geburtstag,Beliebig_Guten_Morgen,Beliebig_Gute_Nacht,Beliebig_Ich_Bin_Zuhause,Beliebig_Kompliment,Erzaehle_Geschichte,Erzaehle_Was_Neues,Erzaehle_Witz,Kalender_Heute,Kalender_Morgen,Kalender_Naechstes_Ereignis,Nachrichten,Singe_Song,Verkehr,Wetter)
# set config_address_from config_address_to config_address_between (Einstellungen Verkehr)
# get address (Hier kann die Adresse gesucht werden für die set Befehle config_address_from config_address_to config_address_between)
# Unterstützung neuer ECHO Plus 2 A18O6U1UQFJ0XK
# Lautstärke sollte jetzt immer regelbar sein!
# - BUGFIX: Reading "currentTuneInID"
# 2018.10.08 v0.0.43a
# - CHANGE: set speak von Multiroom Geräten entfernt
# - BUGFIX: set Account Device
# get conversations
# 2018.09.03 v0.0.42
# - BUGFIX: Login
# - CHANGE: readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged to readingsBulkUpdate
# 2018.08.23 v0.0.41
# - BUGFIX: Login
# 2018.08.22 v0.0.40
# - FEATURE: set speak Natives TTS
# "set loginwithcaptcha"
# - CHANGE: browser_language default = de-DE
# browser_useragent default = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0
# Attribut "browser_save_data" wird jetzt auch am ECHO angezeigt
# - BUGFIX: 2FACode Authentifizierung
# "get actions" mit leeren Gerätennamen. Fehler im LOG
# Attribut disable
# Login
# 2018.06.08 v0.0.39
# - BUGFIX: get html_results
# 2018.06.07 v0.0.38
# - FEATURE: Anzeigen der Amazon Login Ergebnisse (get html_results)
# Attribut "browser_save_data"
# 2018.05.30 v0.0.37
# - BUGFIX: ReLogin bei "COOKIE ERROR"
# - FEATURE: Neues Attribut "browser_language"
# 2018.05.17 v0.0.36
# - CHANGE: Accept-Language: de,en-US
# 2018.05.17 v0.0.35
# - BUGFIX: Attribut "cookie"
# 2018.05.07 v0.0.34
# - BUGFIX: Attribut "intervalsettings"
# ReLogin bei "COOKIE ERROR"
# 2018.04.09 v0.0.33
# - CHANGE: get "help" zusätzliche Anleitung MP3 Streamserver & IceCast2
# TTS_Nachrichten werden mindestens mit der Laustärke von Reading "volume_alarm" abgespielt.
# Zwei Faktor Authentifizierung (set login2FACode) Danke Benutzer JoWiedmann https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg787815.html#msg787815
# Verstecken von Readings "COOKIE","AWS_Access_Key" und "aws_secret_key"
# - FEATURE: Neues Reading "currentTuneInID"
# set "tts_translate" Übersetzung von der Webseite http://www.online-translator.com/ Reading="tts_translate_result"
# Neues Attribut "TTS_Translate_From"
# TTS Translate unterstützt folgende Sprachen:dutch,english,french,german,italian,japanese,korean,portuguese,russian,spanish und turkish
# TTS MP3 Länge ermitteln. Reading = "tts_lenght"
# TTS Nachrichte abspielen wenn schon ein TuneIn Sender läuft.
# - BUGFIX: Log Eintrag bei TTS & Attribut: "TTS_normalize" entfernt
# Name Attribut "TTS_Voice" WelshEnglish_Female_Gwyneth
# get settings
# Verzeichnis "echodevice" wurde nicht automatisch angelegt
# 2018.03.20 v0.0.32
# - FEATURE: Neues Attribut: "TTS_normalize" (only mp3 Outputformat!)
# - BUGFIX: remove sleep 0.5
# 2018-03-19 v0.0.31
# - BUGFIX: Amazone TTS Nachrichten < 3 Zeichen
# File "cache/pollyspeech.py", line 4, in <module>
# get "devices" https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg783487.html#msg783487
# 2018-03-18 v0.0.30
# - FEATURE: Text2Speech (TTS) inkl. Google und Amazon Stimmen
# Musik aus dem eigenen LAN abspielen
# Neue Attribute: ALLE "TTS_Voice" und "TTS_IgnorPlay"
# Neue Set Befehle: ACCOUNT "AWS_Access_Key","AWS_OutputFormat","AWS_Secret_Key","POM_Filename","POM_IPAddress","POM_TuneIn","TTS_Filename","TTS_IPAddress" und "TTS_TuneIn"
# Neue Set Befehle: Nur ECHO "tts", "playownmusic", "playownplaylist", "deleteownplaylist", und "saveownplaylist"
# - CHANGE: get "help"
# Reihenfolge get settings https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg781731.html#msg781731
# v0.0.29
# - FEATURE: Zwei Faktor Authentifizierung (set login2FACode) Danke Benutzer JoWiedmann https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg780848.html#msg780848
# v0.0.28
# - CHANGE: get "Conversations" auf nonBlocking
# get "tunein" auf nonBlocking & move to Echo Device & play link
# get "tracks" auf nonBlocking
# get "devices" auf nonBlocking
# set "autocreat_devices" auf nonBlocking
# httpversion = "1.1"
# - FEATURE: get "actions"
# get "primeplayeigene_albums"
# get "primeplayeigene_tracks"
# get "primeplayeigene_artists"
# get "primeplayeigeneplaylist"
# get "help"
# Multiroom add get settings & tunein
# - BUGFIX: primeplayeigene
# v0.0.27
# - BUGFIX: Not an ARRAY reference at ./FHEM/37_echodevice.pm line 1610
# v0.0.26
# - BUGFIX: read readings if amazon device is connected
# v0.0.25
# - BUGFIX: set reminder_normal
# Attribut disable
# no Internet connect
# - FEATURE: Attribut browser_useragent_random (Standard=1)
# Attribut intervallogin (Standard=60)
# v0.0.24
# - BUGFIX: Timer Readings
# v0.0.23
# - BUGFIX: Nested quantifiers in regex
# - CHANGE: Reading version
# v0.0.22
# - FEATURE: Attribut browser_useragent https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Attribute
# v0.0.21
# - CHANGE: Header
# v0.0.20
# - CHANGE: Cookie erstellen auf nonBlocking
# Cookie erstellen Timeout 10 sekunden
# - BUGFIX: div.
# v0.0.19
# - BUGFIX: Fehlt bei "get" der Punkt "conversations"
# Fehlt bei "set" der Punkt "textmessage"
# v0.0.18
# - FEATURE: autocreate Standard Raum "Amazon"
# - CHANGE: COOKIE wird nicht mehr erneuert!
# v0.0.17
# - FEATURE: refresh ECHO devices (Attribut autocreate_refresh)
# define icon to echo
# - CHANGE: Header
# v0.0.16
# - FEATURE: autocreate ECHO Spot
# v0.0.15
# - CHANGE: deletereading auf FHEM Command umgestellt
# - BUGFIX: MausicAlarm
# v0.0.14
# - FEATURE: autocreate ECHO Multiroom
# autocreate Sonos One
# autocreate Reverb
# - CHANGE: model im Klartext z.B. Echo Dot
# v0.0.13
# - BUGFIX: Cookie
# v0.0.12
# - FEATURE: Support Musicalarm
# v0.0.11.2
# - FEATURE: neue Readings timer_XX, reminder_X und alarm_xx
# neue Readings deviceAddress, timeZoneId
# Zeigt den Status für Mikrofon Reading = microphone
# Zeigt den Status ob der ECHO online ist. Reading = online
# - BUGFIX: Reading voice leer
# Div. Logeinträge wenn Variablen leer sind
# - CHANGE : Reading active entfernt
# v0.0.10
# - BUGFIX: Einkaufsliste und ToDo Liste (Fehler beim hinzufügen und entfernen von Einträgen)
# v0.0.9
# - BUGFIX: ECHO Devices Readings wurden nicht aktualisiert
# v0.0.8
# - FEATURE: Attribut tuneid_default (Hier kann ein Standard TuneIn Sender angegeben werden)
# set notifications_delete (löschen von Erinnerungen, Timer und Wecker)
# autocreate ECHO Show Geräte
# löschen und hinzufügen von Einkauflisten- und Task Einträgen
# v0.0.7
# - FEATURE: Interval Anpassung beim abspielen eines Songs
# - CHANGE: set reminder_normal ohne Datumsangabe (Reminder sofort ausgeführt))
# v0.0.6
# - CHANGE : Log Einträge reduziert
# Reading "voice" zum Echo Device verschoben
# - BUGFIX: set reminder_normal Text (Reminder sofort ausgeführt))
# ACCOUNT DEVICE macht jetzt die abfragen für wakeword, volume_alarm, dnd, active, bluetooth
# Standard Interval 60 Sekunden
# v0.0.5
# - CHANGE : set reminder_normal (durch weglassen der Uhrzeit wird der Reminder sofort ausgeführt)
# - FEATURE: Attribut reminder_delay (wird für reminder_normal benötigt. Standardwert = 10 sekunden)
# v0.0.4
# - CHANGE: set reminder vom ACCOUNT DEVICE entfernt
# set reminder zum Echo DEVICE hinzugefügt
# - FEATURE: set reminder_normal
# set reminder_repeat
# v0.0.3
# - BUGFIX: Anzeige set befehle primeplayeigene,primeplayeigeneplaylist,primeplaylist und primeplaysender
# v0.0.2
# - FEATURE: set primeplayeigene
# set primeplayeigeneplaylist
# set primeplaylist
# set primeplaysender
# v.0.0.1
# - BUGFIX: blocking restart fhem
# readings
# Copyright by Michael Winkler
# e-mail: michael.winkler at online.de
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it andor modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.0.html
package main;
#use strict;
use Time::Local;
use Encode;
use Encode qw/from_to/;
use URI::Escape;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use utf8;
use Date::Parse;
use Time::Piece;
use lib ('./FHEM/lib', './lib');
use MP3::Info;
use MIME::Base64;
my $ModulVersion = "0.2.30";
my $AWSPythonVersion = "0.0.3";
my $NPMLoginTyp = "unbekannt";
my $QueueNumber = 0;
sub echodevice_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{DefFn} = "echodevice_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "echodevice_Undefine";
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "echodevice_Notify";
$hash->{GetFn} = "echodevice_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "echodevice_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "echodevice_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 ".
"IODev ".
"TTS_Voice:AustralianEnglish_Female_Nicole,AustralianEnglish_Male_Russell,BrazilianPortuguese_Female_Vitoria,BrazilianPortuguese_Male_Ricardo,BritishEnglish_Female_Amy,BritishEnglish_Female_Emma,BritishEnglish_Male_Brian,CanadianFrench_Female_Chantal,CastilianSpanish_Female_Conchita,CastilianSpanish_Male_Enrique,Danish_Female_Naja,Danish_Male_Mads,Dutch_Female_Lotte,Dutch_Male_Ruben,French_Female_Celine,French_Male_Mathieu,German_Female_Google,German_Female_Marlene,German_Female_Vicki,German_Male_Hans,Icelandic_Female_Dora,Icelandic_Male_Karl,IndianEnglish_Female_Aditi,IndianEnglish_Female_Raveena,Italian_Female_Carla,Italian_Male_Giorgio,Japanese_Female_Mizuki,Japanese_Male_Takumi,Korean_Female_Seoyeon,Norwegian_Female_Liv,Polish_Female_Ewa,Polish_Female_Maja,Polish_Male_Jacek,Polish_Male_Jan,Portuguese_Female_Ines,Portuguese_Male_Cristiano,Romanian_Female_Carmen,Russian_Female_Tatyana,Russian_Male_Maxim,Swedish_Female_Astrid,Turkish_Female_Filiz,USEnglish_Female_Ivy,USEnglish_Female_Joanna,USEnglish_Female_Kendra,USEnglish_Female_Kimberly,USEnglish_Female_Salli,USEnglish_Male_Joey,USEnglish_Male_Justin,USEnglish_Male_Matthew,USSpanish_Female_Penelope,USSpanish_Male_Miguel,WelshEnglish_Female_Gwyneth,WelshEnglish_Male_Geraint ".
"TTS_IgnorPlay:0,1 ".
"TTS_normalize:slider,5,1,40 ".
"TTS_Translate_From:dutch,english,french,german,italian,japanese,korean,portuguese,russian,spanish,turkish ".
"intervalsettings ".
"intervallogin ".
"intervalvoice:slider,0,1,100 ".
"ignorevoicecommand ".
"speak_volume:slider,0,1,100 ".
"server ".
"cookie ".
"reminder_delay ".
"tunein_default ".
"autocreate_refresh:0,1 ".
"browser_useragent ".
"browser_language ".
"browser_save_data:0,1 ".
"browser_useragent_random:0,1 ".
"npm_proxy_port ".
"npm_proxy_ip ".
"npm_proxy_listen_ip ".
"npm_refresh_intervall ".
"npm_bin ".
"npm_bin_node ".
"fhem_home ".
sub echodevice_Define($$$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my ($found, $dummy);
return "syntax: define <name> echodevice <account> <password>" if(int(@a) != 4 );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$attr{$name}{server} = "layla.amazon.de" if( defined($attr{$name}) && !defined($attr{$name}{server}) );
if($a[2] =~ /crypt/ || $a[2] =~ /@/ || $a[2] =~ /^\+/) {
$hash->{model} = "ACCOUNT";
my $user = $a[2];
my $pass = $a[3];
if ($user eq 'xxx@xxx.xx' and $pass eq "xxx") {
# Amazon NPM Login Modus
$hash->{LOGINMODE} = "NPM";
else {
# Amazon normal Login Modus
my $username = echodevice_encrypt($user);
my $password = echodevice_encrypt($pass);
$hash->{DEF} = "$username $password";
$hash->{helper}{".USER"} = $username;
$hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"} = $password;
$hash->{LOGINMODE} = "NORMAL";
$hash->{helper}{TWOFA} = "";
$hash->{helper}{SERVER} = $attr{$name}{server};
$hash->{helper}{SERVER} = "layla.amazon.de" if(!defined($hash->{helper}{SERVER}));
$hash->{helper}{RUNLOGIN} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} = 0;
$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"account"} = $hash;
# set default settings on first define
if ($init_done and $attr{$name}{icon} eq "" and $attr{$name}{room} eq "") {
$attr{$name}{icon} = 'echo';
$attr{$name}{room} = 'Amazon';
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5 , "echodevice_FirstStart" , $hash, 0);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 10 , "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
else {
# Attribute
my $DeviceTyp = $a[2];
my $DeviceSerial = $a[3];
# Amazon ECHO Device
$hash->{model} = echodevice_getModel($DeviceTyp);#$a[2];
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "model", $hash->{model}, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "INITIALIZED", 1);
$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $DeviceTyp;
$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $DeviceSerial;
$hash->{LOGINMODE} = "IODEV";
$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceSerial} = $hash;
my $account = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"account"};
Log3 $name, 0, "[echodevice_Define] load ECHO Devicename=$name Devicetype=" . $DeviceTyp . " Devicemodel=" . $hash->{model};
$hash->{IODev} = $account;
$attr{$name}{IODev} = $account->{NAME} if( !defined($attr{$name}{IODev}) && $account);
if ($hash->{model} ne "THIRD_PARTY_AVS_MEDIA_DISPLAY") {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_MODE", $hash->{LOGINMODE} ,0);
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Define] Getting auth URL return";
return undef;
sub echodevice_Undefine($$) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
delete( $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"ACCOUNT"} ) if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT");
delete( $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}} ) if($hash->{model} ne "ACCOUNT");
return undef;
sub echodevice_Notify($$) {
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if($dev->{NAME} ne "global");
return if(!grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}));
Log3 "echodevice", 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Notify] echodevice: notify reload";
return undef;
sub echodevice_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
shift @a;
my $command = shift @a;
my $parameter = join(' ',@a);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $usage = "Unknown argument $command, choose one of ";
return $usage if ($hash->{model} eq 'unbekannt');
return $usage if ($hash->{model} eq 'Sonos One');
return $usage if ($hash->{model} eq 'Sonos Beam');
if ($hash->{model} eq "Reverb") {
$usage .= "help:noArg " ;
elsif ($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {
$usage .= "settings:noArg devices:noArg actions:noArg tracks:noArg help:noArg conversations:noArg html_results:noArg address status:noArg customer-history-records:noArg NPM_check:noArg";
else {
$usage .= "tunein settings:noArg primeplayeigene_albums primeplayeigene_tracks primeplayeigene_artists primeplayeigeneplaylist:noArg help:noArg html_results:noArg ";
#return "no get" if ($hash->{model} eq "Echo Multiroom");
return $usage if $command eq '?';
if ($command ne "help" || $command ne "help_results" || $command ne "status") {
elsif (IsDisabled($name)) {
$hash->{STATE} = "disabled";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled", 1);
return "$name is disabled. Aborting...";
else {
my $ConnectState = "";
if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {$ConnectState = $hash->{STATE}} else {$ConnectState = $hash->{IODev}->{STATE}}
if ($command eq "help") {
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p><strong>Hilfe:</strong></p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Dokumentation Modul  </strong></td><td><strong></strong></td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Beschreibung"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Readings"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Readings' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Readings</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Attribute"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Attribute' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Attribute</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Set"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Set' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Set</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Get"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Get' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Get</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Medieninformationen ermitteln"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Medieninformationen_ermitteln' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Medieninformationen_ermitteln</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Cookie_ermitteln"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Cookie_ermitteln' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Cookie_ermitteln</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Loginmit Captcha"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Login_captcha' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Login_captcha</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."MP3 Playlisten"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#MP3_Playlisten' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#MP3_Playlisten</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Amazon Stimmen"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#AWS_Konfiguration' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#AWS_Konfiguration</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Diverse Anleitungen</strong></td><td></td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Amazon ECHO TTS/POM"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/amazon-echo-tts-mp3s' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/amazon-echo-tts-mp3s</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."MPD Streamserver"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/mpd-streamserver' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/mpd-streamserver</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."MPD Web Frontend"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/mpd-webfrontend' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/mpd-webfrontend</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."IceCast2"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/icecast2' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/icecast2</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."NPM Login"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/modul-echodevice-npm' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/modul-echodevice-npm</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Forum</strong></td><td></td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>"."Forums Thread"." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.0.html' .'"'. "</a>https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.0.html</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>";
$return .= "</tbody></table></html>";
return $return;
if ($command eq "html_results") {
my $timestamp ;
my $epoch_timestamp ;
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p><strong>Amazon HTML Results:</strong></p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Datum  </strong></td><td><strong>HTML Result Dateiname</strong></td></tr>";
opendir(DH, $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results");
my @files = readdir(DH);
my @filessorted = sort @files;
foreach my $file (@filessorted){
# skip . and ..
next if($file =~ /^\.$/);
next if($file =~ /^\.\.$/);
# Datum
$epoch_timestamp = 0 ;
$timestamp = 0 ;
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/" . $file)) {
$epoch_timestamp = (stat($FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/" . $file))[9];
$timestamp = localtime($epoch_timestamp);
if ($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT" || index($file, $name) == 0 ) {
# $file is the file used on this iteration of the loop
$return .= "<tr><td>".$timestamp." </td><td><a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . $FW_ME . '/echodevice/results/' . $file .'"'. "</a>" . $file . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>";
$return .= "</tbody></table></html>";
return $return;
if ($command eq "status") {
my $return = '<html>';
#Allgemeine Informationen
$return .= '<table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p><strong>Modul Infos:</strong></p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Beschreibung  </strong></td><td><strong>Bereich  </strong></td><td><strong>Wert</strong></td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>STATE </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "unbekannt") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>Version </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . ReadingsVal( $name, "version", "unbekannt") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>NPM Cookie Version </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . echodevice_NPMCheckVersion($hash,"cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/package.json","get status") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>COOKIE_STATE </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_STATE", "unbekannt") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>COOKIE_TYPE </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "unbekannt") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>COOKIE_MODE </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . $hash->{LOGINMODE} . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>amazon_refreshtoken </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . ReadingsVal( $name, "amazon_refreshtoken", "unbekannt") . "</td></tr>";
#$return .= "<tr><td>.COOKIE </td><td>Reading</td><td>123</td></tr>";
# Attribute auslesen
while ( my ($key, $value) = each %{$attr{$name}} ) {
$return .= "<tr><td>" . $key . " </td><td>Attribut</td><td>" . $value . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table>";
#Allgemeine Cookie Infos
$return .= '<table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p><strong>Amazon Cookie:</strong></p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Beschreibung  </strong></td><td><strong>Bereich  </strong></td><td><strong>Wert</strong></td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>.COOKIE </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . substr(ReadingsVal( $name, ".COOKIE", "unbekannt" ), 0, 20) . "....</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>COOKIE_STATE </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_STATE", "unbekannt") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>COOKIE_TYPE </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "unbekannt") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>amazon_refreshtoken </td><td>Reading</td><td>" . ReadingsVal( $name, "amazon_refreshtoken", "unbekannt") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>.COOKIE </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . substr($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}, 0, 20) . "....</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>.COMMSID </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . substr($hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"}, 0, 20) . "....</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>.CSRF </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . substr($hash->{helper}{".CSRF"}, 0, 3) . "....</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>.DIRECTID </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . substr($hash->{helper}{".DIRECTID"}, 0, 20) . "....</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>RUNLOGIN </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . $hash->{helper}{RUNLOGIN} . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>RUNNING_REQUEST </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>LOGINERROR </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>FHEM_HOME </td><td>Attribut</td><td>" . AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table>";
$return .= "</html>";
return $return;
if ($command eq "NPM_check") {
$return = echodevice_NPMCheck($hash);
return $return;
if ($ConnectState ne "connected") {
return "$name is not connected. Aborting...";
if ($command eq "settings") {
return "OK" if($hash->{model} ne "ACCOUNT");
elsif($command eq "actions") {
elsif($command eq "devices") {
elsif($command eq "conversations") {
elsif($command eq "tunein") {
elsif($command eq "tracks") {
elsif($command eq "primeplayeigene_albums") {
elsif($command eq "primeplayeigene_tracks") {
elsif($command eq "primeplayeigene_artists") {
elsif($command eq "primeplayeigeneplaylist") {
elsif($command eq "address") {
elsif($command eq "customer-history-records") {
return undef;
sub echodevice_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
shift @a;
my $command = shift @a;
my $parameter = join(' ',@a);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ShoppingListe = ReadingsVal($name, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", "");
my $TaskListe = ReadingsVal($name, "list_TASK", "");
my $tracks = AttrVal($name, 'tracks', AttrVal(AttrVal($name, 'IODev', $name), 'tracks', undef));
my $usage = 'Unknown argument $command, choose one of ';
return $usage if ($hash->{model} eq 'unbekannt');
if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {
$usage .= 'autocreate_devices:noArg item_shopping_add item_task_add ';
$usage .= 'AWS_Access_Key AWS_Secret_Key TTS_IPAddress TTS_Filename TTS_TuneIn POM_TuneIn POM_IPAddress POM_Filename AWS_OutputFormat:mp3,ogg_vorbis,pcm textmessage ';# if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"}));
$usage .= 'config_address_from config_address_to config_address_between mobilmessage ';
$usage .= 'login:noArg loginwithcaptcha login2FACode ' if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL");
$usage .= 'NPM_install:noArg NPM_login:new,refresh NPM_check:noArg' if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NPM");
# Einkaufsliste
my $ShoppingListe = ReadingsVal($name, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", "");
my $TaskListe = ReadingsVal($name, "list_TASK", "");
$ShoppingListe =~ s/ / /g;
$TaskListe =~ s/ / /g;
$usage .= ' item_shopping_delete:'.$ShoppingListe;
$usage .= ' item_task_delete:'.$TaskListe;
elsif ($hash->{model} eq "Echo Multiroom" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos Display" || $hash->{model} eq "Echo Stereopaar") {
$usage .= 'volume:slider,0,1,100 play:noArg pause:noArg next:noArg previous:noArg forward:noArg rewind:noArg shuffle:on,off repeat:on,off ';
$usage .= 'tunein primeplaylist primeplaysender primeplayeigene primeplayeigeneplaylist tts tts_translate:textField-long playownmusic:textField-long saveownplaylist:textField-long speak speak_ssml ';
if(defined($tracks)) {
$tracks =~ s/ /_/g;
$tracks =~ s/:/,/g;
$usage .= 'track:'.$tracks.' ';
else {
$usage .= 'track ';
# startownplaylist
$usage .= echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist($hash);
else {
$usage .= 'volume:slider,0,1,100 play:noArg pause:noArg next:noArg previous:noArg forward:noArg rewind:noArg shuffle:on,off repeat:on,off dnd:on,off volume_alarm:slider,0,1,100 ';
$usage .= 'info:Beliebig_Auf_Wiedersehen,Beliebig_Bestaetigung,Beliebig_Geburtstag,Beliebig_Guten_Morgen,Beliebig_Gute_Nacht,Beliebig_Ich_Bin_Zuhause,Beliebig_Kompliment,Erzaehle_Geschichte,Erzaehle_Was_Neues,Erzaehle_Witz,Kalender_Heute,Kalender_Morgen,Kalender_Naechstes_Ereignis,Nachrichten,Singe_Song,Verkehr,Wetter sounds:glocken,kirchenglocke,summer,tuerklingel_1,tuerklingel_2,tuerklingel_3,jubelnde_menschenmenge,publikumsapplaus,flugzeug,katastrophenalarm,motoren_an,schilde_hoch,sirenen,zappen,boing_1,boing_2,kamera,lufthupe,quitschende_tuer,tickende_uhr,trompete,hahn,hundegebell,katzenmauzen,loewengebruell,wolfsgeheul,gruselig_quitschende_tuer,weihnachtsglocken tunein primeplaylist primeplaysender primeplayeigene primeplayeigeneplaylist alarm_normal alarm_repeat reminder_normal reminder_repeat speak speak_ssml tts tts_translate:textField-long playownmusic:textField-long saveownplaylist:textField-long ';
$usage .= 'textcommand ';
$usage .= 'homescreen ' if ($hash->{model} eq "Echo Show 5" || $hash->{model} eq "Echo Show 8" || $hash->{model} eq "Echo Show" || $hash->{model} eq "Echo Show Gen2" || $hash->{model} eq "Echo Show Gen3");
# startownplaylist
$usage .= echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist($hash);
if(defined($tracks)) {
$tracks =~ s/ /_/g;
$tracks =~ s/:/,/g;
$usage .= 'track:'.$tracks.' ';
else {
$usage .= 'track ';
$usage .= 'bluetooth_connect:'.$hash->{helper}{bluetooth}.' bluetooth_disconnect:'.$hash->{helper}{bluetooth}.' ' if(defined($hash->{helper}{bluetooth}));
# Routinen auslesen
my $BehaviorName ;
my @Behaviors = ();
foreach my $BehaviorID (sort keys %{$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"getbehavior"}}) {
#Log3 $name, 3, "[DEBUG] BehaviorID = " . $BehaviorID;
$BehaviorName = $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$BehaviorID}{triggers}[0]{payload}{utterance};
$BehaviorName =~ s/ /_/g;
#Log3 $name, 3, "[DEBUG] Name = " . $BehaviorName;
push @Behaviors, $BehaviorName . "@" . $BehaviorID;
# Reminder/Alarm auslesen
my @ncstrings = ();
my @Alarms = ();
my $NotifiResult ;
my $NotifiType ;
foreach my $NotifiID (sort keys %{$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}}) {
if ($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$NotifiID} ne "") {
$NotifiResult = $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$NotifiID} ;
$NotifiType = (split("_",$NotifiResult))[0];
$NotifiResult =~s/ /_/g;
$NotifiResult =~s/,/_/g;
$NotifiResult =~s/@/_/g;
$NotifiResult .= "@" . $NotifiID ;
if (lc($NotifiType) eq "alarm" || lc($NotifiType) eq "musicalarm") {
push @Alarms, $NotifiResult;
push @ncstrings, $NotifiResult;
if (@Alarms) {
@Alarms = sort @Alarms;
$usage .= 'alarm_off:' . join(",", @Alarms). ' ';
$usage .= 'alarm_on:' . join(",", @Alarms). ' ';
if (@ncstrings) {
@ncstrings = sort @ncstrings;
$usage .= 'notifications_delete:' . join(",", @ncstrings). ' ';
if (@Behaviors) {
@Behaviors = sort @Behaviors;
$usage .= 'routine_play:' . join(",", @Behaviors). ' ';
return $usage if $command eq '?';
#return echodevice_Login($hash) if($command eq "login");
return echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin1","") if($command eq "login");
if($command eq "NPM_install"){
return echodevice_NPMInstall($hash);
if($command eq "NPM_login"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
return echodevice_NPMLoginNew($hash) if ($a[0] eq "new") ;
return echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh($hash) if ($a[0] eq "refresh");
if($command eq "loginwithcaptcha"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("HTML Result file does exits. Pleas activate the attribut browser_save_data") if ((!-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $name . "_cookielogin4.html"));
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
$hash->{helper}{CAPTCHA} = $a[0];
if($command eq "login2FACode"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
$hash->{helper}{TWOFA} = $a[0];
if(IsDisabled($name)) {
$hash->{STATE} = "disabled";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled", 1);
return "$name is disabled. Aborting...";
my $ConnectState = "";
if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {$ConnectState = $hash->{STATE}} else {$ConnectState = $hash->{IODev}->{STATE}}
if ($ConnectState ne "connected" && $command ne "login" && $command ne "login2FACode") {
return "$name is not connected. Aborting...";
# Allgemeine Einstellungen
if($command eq "bluetooth_connect"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
my @parameters = split("/",$a[0]);
$parameters[0] =~ s/-/:/g;
my $json = encode_json( { bluetoothDeviceAddress => $parameters[0] } );
elsif($command eq "autocreate_devices") {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "autocreate_devices", "running", 0 );
elsif($command eq "bluetooth_disconnect"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
my @parameters = split("/",$a[0]);
$parameters[0] =~ s/-/:/g;
my $json = encode_json( { bluetoothDeviceAddress => $parameters[0] } );
elsif($command eq "dnd"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
my $json = encode_json( { deviceSerialNumber => $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"},
deviceType => $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE},
enabled => ($a[0] eq "on")?"true":"false" } );
$json =~s/\"true\"/true/g;
$json =~s/\"false\"/false/g;
elsif($command eq "volume") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined( $a[0] ) );
# Voluemeangabe prüfen
if ($a[0] >= 0 && $a[0] <= 100 ) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", $a[0], 1);
else {
return echodevice_getHelpText("Argument $a[0] does not seem to be a valid integer between 0 and 100");
elsif($command eq "volume_alarm") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined( $a[0] ) );
# Voluemeangabe prüfen
if ($a[0] >= 0 && $a[0] <= 100 ) {
my $json = encode_json( { deviceSerialNumber => $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"},
deviceType => $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE},
softwareVersion => $hash->{helper}{VERSION},
volumeLevel => int($a[0]) } );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume_alarm", $a[0], 1);
else {
return echodevice_getHelpText("Argument $a[0] does not seem to be a valid integer between 0 and 100");
elsif($command eq "config_address_from" || $command eq "config_address_to" || $command eq "config_address_between") {
# Listen
elsif($command eq "item_task_delete" ) {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($parameter) );
elsif($command eq "item_shopping_delete" ) {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($parameter) );
elsif($command eq "item_task_add" ) {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
my $json = JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode( { 'createdDateTime' => int(time),
'listId' => $hash->{helper}{TO_DO_LIST_ID},
'completed' => "false",
'value' => decode_utf8($parameter) } );
$json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g;
$json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g;
$parameter =~ s/ /_/g;
if ($TaskListe eq "") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_TASK", $parameter , 1);}
else {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_TASK", $parameter . "," . $TaskListe , 1); }
elsif($command eq "item_shopping_add" ) {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($parameter) );
my $json = JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode( { 'createdDateTime' => int(time),
'listId' => $hash->{helper}{SHOPPING_LIST_ID},
'completed' => "false",
'value' => decode_utf8($parameter) } );
$json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g;
$json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g;
$parameter =~ s/ /_/g;
if ($ShoppingListe eq "") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", $parameter , 1);}
else {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", $parameter . "," . $ShoppingListe , 1); }
# Erinnerungen / Timer / Wecker
elsif($command eq "reminder_normal" || $command eq "alarm_normal") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
my $reminder_delay = AttrVal($name, "reminder_delay", 10);
my $ReminderText ;
my $ReminderDate ;
my $Type;
$Type = "Reminder" if ($command eq "reminder_normal");
$Type = "Alarm" if ($command eq "alarm_normal");
# Reading festhalten
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, lc($Type) . "_normal", join(' ',@a), 1);
my ($Tsec, $Tmin, $Thour, $Tmday, $Tmon, $Tyear, $Twday, $Tyday, $Tisdst) = localtime();
# Prüfen es sich um ein Datum handelt
if (index($a[0], "-") != -1){
$ReminderDate = str2time($a[0] . " " . $a[1]);
splice @a, 0, 1;
splice @a, 0, 1;
$ReminderText = join(' ',@a);
elsif (index($a[0], ":") != -1){
$ReminderDate = str2time(sprintf("%04d",$Tyear+1900)."-".sprintf("%02d",$Tmon+1)."-".sprintf("%02d",$Tmday)." ". $a[0]);
splice @a, 0, 1;
$ReminderText = join(' ',@a);
else {
$ReminderText = $parameter;
$ReminderDate = time + $reminder_delay;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($ReminderDate);
my $json = encode_json( { alarmTime => $ReminderDate*1000,
createdDate => int(time)*1000,
deviceSerialNumber => $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"},
deviceType => $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE},
id => "create".$Type,
isRecurring => "false",
isSaveInFlight => "true",
originalDate => sprintf("%04d",$year+1900)."-".sprintf("%02d",$mon+1)."-".sprintf("%02d",$mday),
originalTime => sprintf("%02d",$hour).":".sprintf("%02d",$min).":".sprintf("%02d",$sec).".000",
reminderLabel => decode_utf8($ReminderText),
status => "ON",
type => $Type});
$json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g;
$json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g;
elsif($command eq "reminder_repeat" || $command eq "alarm_repeat") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("There are some arguments missing. [Zeitangabe] [Wiederholumgsmode] nachrichtentext ") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
my $Type;
$Type = "Reminder" if ($command eq "reminder_repeat");
$Type = "Alarm" if ($command eq "alarm_repeat");
# Reading festhalten
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, lc($Type)."_repeat", join(' ',@a), 1);
# Vorbereitungen
my @parameters = split(":",$a[0]);
my $ReminderRecc = $a[1];
splice @a, 0, 1;
splice @a, 0, 1;
my $ReminderText = join(' ',@a);
my $recurringPattern = "";
if ($ReminderRecc eq "1") {$recurringPattern = "P1D";}
elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "2") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WD";}
elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "3") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WE";}
elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "4") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-1";}
elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "5") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-2";}
elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "6") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-3";}
elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "7") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-4";}
elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "8") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-5";}
elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "9") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-6";}
elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "10") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-7";}
else {$recurringPattern = "P1D";}
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime();
my $json = encode_json( { alarmTime => int(time)*1000,
createdDate => int(time)*1000 ,
deviceSerialNumber => $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"},
deviceType => $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE},
id => "create".$Type,
isRecurring => "true",
isSaveInFlight => "true",
recurringPattern => $recurringPattern,
originalDate => sprintf("%04d",$year+1900)."-".sprintf("%02d",$mon+1)."-".sprintf("%02d",$mday),
originalTime => sprintf("%02d",$parameters[0]).":".sprintf("%02d",$parameters[1]).":00.000",
status => "ON",
reminderLabel => decode_utf8($ReminderText),
type => $Type});
$json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g;
$json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g;
Log3( $name, 5, "[$name] set ".lc($Type)."_repeat $parameters[0]:$parameters[1] $ReminderRecc Message = $ReminderText");
elsif($command eq "notifications_delete"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]));
my @parameters = split("@",$parameter);
# Reminder aus dem hash entfernen
$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]} = "";
elsif($command eq "alarm_off"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]));
elsif($command eq "alarm_on"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]));
# Routinen
elsif($command eq "routine_play"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]));
# Nachrichten
elsif($command eq "textmessage"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
return echodevice_getHelpText("There are some arguments missing. [conversationId] nachrichtentext ") if ( !defined($a[1]) );
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a));
elsif($command eq "mobilmessage"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a));
elsif($command eq "message_delete"){
#return "No argument given" if ( !defined($a[0]));
#my @parameters = split("@",$parameter);
# Reminder aus dem hash entfernen
#$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]} = "";
# Medien
elsif($command eq "tunein" || $command eq "ttstunein"){
my $tuneinID ;
if ( !defined($a[0]) && AttrVal($name,"tunein_default","none") eq "none" ) {
return echodevice_getHelpText("No argument given. You can set attribut tunein_default!");
elsif (!defined($a[0])) {$tuneinID = AttrVal($name,"tunein_default","none");}
else {$tuneinID = $a[0];}
# Player aktualisieren
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tunein", $tuneinID, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1);
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
elsif($command eq "primeplaylist"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
# Reading festhalten
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "primeplaylist", $a[0], 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1);
my $json = encode_json( { asin => $a[0] } );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 5, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
elsif($command eq "primeplayeigeneplaylist"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
# Reading festhalten
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "primeplayeigeneplaylist", $a[0], 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1);
my $json = encode_json( { playlistId => $a[0] } );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
elsif($command eq "primeplaysender"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
# Reading festhalten
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "primeplaysender", $a[0], 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1);
my $json = encode_json( { seed => '{"type":"KEY","seedId":"' . $a[0] .'"}' ,stationName => $a[0],seedType => "KEY" } );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
elsif($command eq "primeplayeigene"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
# Reading festhalten
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "primeplayeigene", $a[0], 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1);
my @PlayItem = split (/@/s, $parameter);
my $json = encode_json( { albumArtistName => $PlayItem[0],albumName => $PlayItem[1]} );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
elsif($command eq "track"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
# Reading festhalten
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "track", $a[0], 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1);
my $json = encode_json( { trackId => $a[0],
playQueuePrime => "false"} );
$json =~s/\"true\"/true/g;
$json =~s/\"false\"/false/g;
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
elsif($command eq "AWS_Access_Key" || $command eq "AWS_Secret_Key" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, lc(".$command"), echodevice_encrypt($parameter), 1);
elsif($command eq "TTS_Filename" || $command eq "POM_Filename" || $command eq "TTS_TuneIn" || $command eq "POM_TuneIn" || $command eq "AWS_OutputFormat" || $command eq "TTS_IPAddress" || $command eq "POM_IPAddress" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, lc($command), $parameter, 1);
elsif($command eq "tts") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. The ECHO device $name is playing other media.") if (AttrVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME},"TTS_IgnorPlay",1) == 0 && ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "stopped") eq "playing" && ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-") eq "-");
return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. The ECHO device $name is playing other media.") if (AttrVal($name,"TTS_IgnorPlay",1) == 0 && ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "stopped") eq "playing" && ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-") eq "-");
return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. Please define TTS_IPAdrees at the ECHO ACCOUNT DEVICE " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) if (ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_IPAddress"), "none") eq "none");
my $TTS_Voice = AttrVal($name,"TTS_Voice","German_Female_Google");
if ($TTS_Voice eq "German_Female_Google") {
else {
elsif($command eq "tts_translate") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. The ECHO device $name is playing other media.") if (AttrVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME},"TTS_IgnorPlay",1) == 0 && ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "stopped") eq "playing" && ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-") eq "-");
return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. The ECHO device $name is playing other media.") if (AttrVal($name,"TTS_IgnorPlay",1) == 0 && ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "stopped") eq "playing" && ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-") eq "-");
return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. Please define TTS_IPAdrees at the ECHO ACCOUNT DEVICE " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) if (ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_IPAddress"), "none") eq "none");
my $TTS_Voice = AttrVal($name,"TTS_Voice","German_Female_Google");
my $TTS_Translate_From = AttrVal($name,"TTS_Translate_From","german");
my $TTS_CodeOutput = "en";
my $TTS_CodeInput = "de";
# Output
if (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'english') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "en";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'french') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "fr";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'portuguese') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "pt";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'spanish') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "es";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'dutch') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "nl";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'italian') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "it";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'japanese') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "ja";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'korean') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "ko";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'russian') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "ru";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'turkish') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "tr";
elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'german') >= 0) {
$TTS_CodeOutput = "de";
else {
return "TTS can not play. Please define other TTS_Voice. Language not supported. Supported languages are:dutch,english,french,german,italian,japanese,korean,portuguese,russian,spanish and turkish";
# Input
if ($TTS_Translate_From eq "dutch") {$TTS_CodeInput = "nl"}
elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "english") {$TTS_CodeInput = "en"}
elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "french") {$TTS_CodeInput = "fr"}
elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "german") {$TTS_CodeInput = "de"}
elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "italian") {$TTS_CodeInput = "it"}
elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "japanese") {$TTS_CodeInput = "ja"}
elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "portuguese") {$TTS_CodeInput = "pl"}
elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "russian") {$TTS_CodeInput = "ru"}
elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "spanish") {$TTS_CodeInput = "es"}
elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "turkish") {$TTS_CodeInput = "tr"}
if ($TTS_CodeInput eq $TTS_CodeOutput) {
return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. Please define other TTS_Voice or TTS_Translate_From. Input and output languages are the same!");
my $json = "{ dirCode:'" . $TTS_CodeInput . "-" . $TTS_CodeOutput . "', template:'General', text:'" .urlEncode($parameter) . "', lang:'de', limit:'3000',useAutoDetect:false, key:'123', ts:'MainSite',tid:'', IsMobile:false}";
elsif($command eq "playownmusic") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
return echodevice_getHelpText("POM can not play. Please define POM_IPAdrees at the ECHO ACCOUNT DEVICE ") . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} if (ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("POM_IPAddress"), "none") eq "none");
elsif($command eq "saveownplaylist") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
elsif($command eq "playownplaylist") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
my $WEBAddress = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("POM_IPAddress"), "none");
return echodevice_getHelpText("POM can not play. Please define POM_IPAdrees at the ECHO ACCOUNT DEVICE ") . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} if ($WEBAddress eq "none");
echodevice_PlayOwnMP3($hash,"http://" . $WEBAddress . "/playlists/" . $parameter);
elsif($command eq "deleteownplaylist") {
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg")if ( !defined($a[0]) );
# Playliste löschen
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists/". $parameter)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists/".$parameter}
elsif($command eq "speak"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a));
elsif($command eq "speak_ssml"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a));
elsif($command eq "sounds"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a));
elsif($command eq "info"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a));
elsif($command eq "homescreen"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a));
elsif($command eq "textcommand"){
return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) );
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a));
else {
# Player aktualisieren
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 2, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
return ;
sub echodevice_SendMessage($$$) {
my ($hash,$command,$value) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $json = encode_json( {} );
if($command eq "volume") {
$json = encode_json( { type => 'VolumeLevelCommand',
volumeLevel => 0+$value,
contentFocusClientId => undef } );
elsif ($command eq "play") {
$json = encode_json( { type => 'PlayCommand',
contentFocusClientId => undef } );
elsif ($command eq "pause") {
$json = encode_json( { type => 'PauseCommand',
contentFocusClientId => undef } );
elsif ($command eq "next") {
$json = encode_json( { type => 'NextCommand',
contentFocusClientId => undef } );
elsif ($command eq "previous") {
$json = encode_json( { type => 'PreviousCommand',
contentFocusClientId => undef } );
elsif ($command eq "forward") {
$json = encode_json( { type => 'ForwardCommand',
contentFocusClientId => undef } );
elsif ($command eq "rewind") {
$json = encode_json( { type => 'RewindCommand',
contentFocusClientId => undef } );
elsif ($command eq "shuffle") {
$json = encode_json( { type => 'ShuffleCommand',
shuffle => ($value eq "on"?"true":"false"),
contentFocusClientId => undef } );
elsif ($command eq "repeat") {
$json = encode_json( { type => 'RepeatCommand',
repeat => ($value eq "on"?"true":"false"),
contentFocusClientId => undef } );
else {
Log3 ($name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendMessage] Unknown command $command $value");
return ;
Log3 ($name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendMessage] command $command $value");
$json =~s/\"true\"/true/g;
$json =~s/\"false\"/false/g;
sub echodevice_SendCommand($$$) {
my ( $hash, $type, $SendData ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $SendUrl;
my $SendDataL;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendCommand] [$type] START";
if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {
return undef if(!defined($hash->{helper}{SERVER}));
$SendUrl = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER};
else {
return undef if(!defined($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{SERVER}));
$SendUrl = "https://".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{SERVER};
my $SendParam ;
my $SendMetode = "GET" ;
# Ohne JSON
if ($type eq "bluetoothstate") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/bluetooth?cached=true&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "endpoints") {
$SendUrl = "https://alexa.amazon.de/api/endpoints";
$SendMetode = "GET";
elsif ($type eq "notifications") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/notifications?cached=true&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "getdnd") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/dnd/device-status-list?_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "getbehavior") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/v2/automations?limit=100";
elsif ($type eq "getdevicesettings") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/device-preferences";
elsif ($type eq "getisonline") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/devices-v2/device?cached=true&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "wakeword") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/wake-word?_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "alarmvolume") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/device-notification-state?_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "activities") {
#$SendUrl = "https://www.amazon.de/alexa-privacy/apd/rvh/customer-history-records/?startTime=0&endTime=2005090388459&recordType=VOICE_HISTORY&maxRecordSize=100";
$SendUrl = "https://www.amazon.de/alexa-privacy/apd/rvh/customer-history-records-v2/?startTime=0&endTime=2005090388459&pageType=VOICE_HISTORY";
$SendMetode = "POST";
$SendDataL = '{"previousRequestToken": null}';
$SendData = '{"previousRequestToken": null}';
elsif ($type eq "csrfPageUrl") {
$SendUrl = "https://www.amazon.de/alexa-privacy/apd/activity?ref=activityHistory";
$SendMetode = "GET";
$SendDataL = "" ;
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "activities1") {
if (int(AttrVal($name,"intervalvoice",999999)) != 999999) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/activities?startTime=&size=10&offset=1&_=".int(time);
else {
$SendUrl .= "/api/activities?startTime=&size=50&offset=1&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "player") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/np/player?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&screenWidth=1392&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "media") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/media/state?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&screenWidth=1392&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "reminderitem") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/notifications/createReminder";
$SendMetode = "PUT";
elsif ($type eq "command") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/np/command?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE};
$SendMetode = "POST";
elsif ($type eq "tunein" || $type eq "ttstunein" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/entertainment/v1/player/queue?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE};
$SendData = encode_json( { contentToken => 'music:'. encode_base64(encode_base64('["music/tuneIn/stationId","'.$SendData.'"]|{"previousPageId":"TuneIn_SEARCH"}', ''), '') } );
$SendDataL = $SendData ;
$SendMetode = "PUT";
elsif ($type eq "getnotifications" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/notifications";
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "notifications_delete" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/notifications/".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."-".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."-".$SendData;
$SendMetode = "DELETE";
$SendData = "";
$SendDataL = $SendData ;
elsif ($type eq "routine_play") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview";
$SendMetode = "POST";
my @parameters = split("@",$SendData);
my $sequenceJson = encode_json($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$parameters[1]}{sequence});
$sequenceJson =~ s/"/\\"/g;
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [DEBUG] JSONORG=" . $sequenceJsonTest;
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [DEBUG] JSONNEW=" . $sequenceJson;
$SendData = '{"behaviorId":"'.$parameters[1].'","sequenceJson":"'.$sequenceJson.'","status":"'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$parameters[1]}{status}.'"}';
my $AlexaType = $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE};
my $AlexaDSN = $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"};
$SendData =~ s/ALEXA_CURRENT_DEVICE_TYPE/$AlexaType/g;
$SendData =~ s/ALEXA_CURRENT_DSN/$AlexaDSN/g;
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "mobilmessage") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview";
$SendMetode = "POST";
my $Messagetext = $SendData;
$Messagetext =~ s/"/'/g;
$SendData = '{"behaviorId":"PREVIEW","sequenceJson":"{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence\",\"startNode\":{\"operationPayload\":{\"notificationMessage\":\"' . $Messagetext .'\",\"alexaUrl\":\"#v2/behaviors\",\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"title\":\"FHEM\"},\"type\":\"Alexa.Notifications.SendMobilePush\",\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"skillId\":\"amzn1.ask.1p.routines.messaging\",\"name\":null},\"sequenceId\":\"amzn1.alexa.sequence.8f5aa289-c6d4-4a6f-a1b9-5b182e23be1e\"}","status":"ENABLED"}';
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "alarm_off" || $type eq "alarm_on" ) {
my @parameters = split("@",$SendData);
my @AlarmType = split("_",$SendData);
my @StateType = split("_",$type);
my $SetTo = uc($StateType[1]);
$SendUrl = "https://alexa.amazon.de/api/notifications/".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."-".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"};#."-12".$parameters[1]."12";
$SendMetode = "PUT";
$SendData = '{"id":"'.$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}.'-'.$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}.'-'.$parameters[1].'","createdDate":0,"deferredAtTime":null,"deviceSerialNumber":"'.$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}.'","deviceType":"'.$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}.'","geoLocationTriggerData":null,"musicAlarmId":'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{$AlarmType[0]}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]}{"musicAlarmId"}.',"musicEntity":'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{$AlarmType[0]}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]}{"musicEntity"}.',"notificationIndex":"'.$parameters[1].'","originalDate":"'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{$AlarmType[0]}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]}{"originalDate"}.'","originalTime":"'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{$AlarmType[0]}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]}{"originalTime"}.'","personProfile":null,"provider":'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{$AlarmType[0]}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]}{"provider"}.',"recurringPattern":';
if ($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{$AlarmType[0]}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]}{"recurringPattern"} eq "null" || lc($AlarmType[0]) eq "musicalarm") {
$SendData .= "null";
else {
$SendData .= '"'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{$AlarmType[0]}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]}{"recurringPattern"}.'","sound":{"cid":"c13489","attributes":{"displayName":"Simple Alarm","folder":null,"id":"system_alerts_melodic_01","providerId":"ECHO","sampleUrl":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/deeappservice.prod.notificationtones/system_alerts_melodic_01.mp3"},"_changing":false,"_previousAttributes":{},"changed":{},"id":"system_alerts_melodic_01","_pending":false,"hasSynced":false,"_isExpired":false,"_listeners":{"l13490":{"displayName":"Simple Alarm","folder":null,"id":"system_alerts_melodic_01","providerId":"ECHO","sampleUrl":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/deeappservice.prod.notificationtones/system_alerts_melodic_01.mp3"}},"_listenerId":"l13490","_events":{"sync":[{"context":{"displayName":"Simple Alarm","folder":null,"id":"system_alerts_melodic_01","providerId":"ECHO","sampleUrl":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/deeappservice.prod.notificationtones/system_alerts_melodic_01.mp3"},"ctx":{"displayName":"Simple Alarm","folder":null,"id":"system_alerts_melodic_01","providerId":"ECHO","sampleUrl":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/deeappservice.prod.notificationtones/system_alerts_melodic_01.mp3"}}]},"providerId":null,"displayName":null,"sampleUrl":null,"folder":null}';
$SendData .= ',"remainingTime":'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{$AlarmType[0]}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]}{"remainingTime"}.',"reminderLabel":null,"skillInfo":null,"sound":{"displayName":"Simple Alarm","folder":null,"id":"system_alerts_melodic_01","providerId":"ECHO","sampleUrl":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/deeappservice.prod.notificationtones/system_alerts_melodic_01.mp3"},"status":"'.$SetTo.'","targetPersonProfiles":null,"timeZoneId":null,"timerLabel":null,"triggerTime":0,"type":"'.$AlarmType[0].'","version":"16","alarmTime":'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{$AlarmType[0]}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]}{"alarmTime"}.',"alarmIndex":null,"isSaveInFlight":true}';
elsif ($type eq "message_delete" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/device-preferences/G090L90964350E96";
$SendMetode = "PUT";
elsif ($type eq "track" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/cloudplayer/queue-and-play?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"};
$SendMetode = "POST";
elsif ($type eq "primeplaylist" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/prime/prime-playlist-queue-and-play?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"};
$SendMetode = "POST";
elsif ($type eq "primeplayeigeneplaylist" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/cloudplayer/queue-and-play?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"};
$SendMetode = "POST";
elsif ($type eq "primeplaysender" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/gotham/queue-and-play?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"};
$SendMetode = "POST";
elsif ($type eq "primeplayeigene" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/cloudplayer/queue-and-play?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"};
$SendMetode = "POST";
elsif ($type eq "textmessage" ) {
my @parameters = split(" ",$SendData);
my $conversationid = shift @parameters;
my $parameter = join(" ",@parameters);
$SendUrl = "https://alexa-comms-mobile-service.amazon.com/users/".$hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"}."/conversations/".$conversationid."/messages";
$SendMetode = "POST";
$SendData = JSON->new->pretty(1)->utf8(1)->encode([{ "type" => "message/text",
"payload" => {"text" => decode_utf8($parameter)} }] );
$SendData =~s/\//\\\//;
elsif ($type eq "volume_alarm" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/device-notification-state/".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."/".$hash->{helper}{VERSION}."/".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"};
$SendMetode = "PUT";
elsif ($type eq "dnd" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/dnd/status";
$SendMetode = "PUT";
elsif ($type eq "bluetooth_connect" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/bluetooth/pair-sink/".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."/".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"};
$SendMetode = "POST";
elsif ($type eq "bluetooth_disconnect" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/bluetooth/disconnect-sink/".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."/".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"};
$SendMetode = "POST";
elsif ($type eq "namedListsIDs") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/namedLists";
elsif ($type eq "listitems_task" || $type eq "listitems_shopping" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/todos?size=100&startTime=&endTime=&completed=false&type=".$SendData."&deviceSerialNumber=&deviceType=&_=".int(time);
$SendDataL = $SendData ;
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "item_shopping_add" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/namedLists/" . $hash->{helper}{SHOPPING_LIST_ID} . "/item";
$SendMetode = "POST";
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "item_task_add" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/namedLists/" . $hash->{helper}{TO_DO_LIST_ID} . "/item";
$SendMetode = "POST";
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "item_task_delete" ) {
my $json = JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode( {'value' => $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{TASK}{TEXT}{$SendData},
'listId' => $hash->{helper}{TO_DO_LIST_ID},
'id' => $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{TASK}{ID}{$SendData}});
$json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g;
$json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g;
$SendUrl .= "/api/namedLists/" . $hash->{helper}{TO_DO_LIST_ID} . "/item/" . $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{TASK}{ID}{$SendData};
$SendMetode = "DELETE";
$SendData = $json;
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "item_shopping_delete" ) {
my $json = JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode( {'value' => $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{SHOPPING_ITEM}{TEXT}{$SendData},
'listId' => $hash->{helper}{SHOPPING_LIST_ID},
'id' => $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{SHOPPING_ITEM}{ID}{$SendData}});
$json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g;
$json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g;
$SendUrl .= "/api/namedLists/" . $hash->{helper}{SHOPPING_LIST_ID} . "/item/" . $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{SHOPPING_ITEM}{ID}{$SendData};
$SendMetode = "DELETE";
$SendData = $json;
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "account" ) {
#Log3 $name, 2, "[$name] [echodevice_SendCommand] [$type] START";
$SendUrl = "https://alexa-comms-mobile-service.amazon.com/accounts";
$SendMetode = "GET";
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "homegroup" ) {
$SendUrl = "https://alexa-comms-mobile-service.amazon.com/users/".$hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"}."/identities?includeUserName=true";
$SendMetode = "GET";
elsif ($type eq "conversations" ) {
$SendUrl = "https://alexa-comms-mobile-service.amazon.com/users/".$hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"}."/conversations?latest=true&includeHomegroup=true&unread=false&modifiedSinceDate=1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&includeUserName=true";
elsif ($type eq "devices" || $type eq "autocreate_devices" || $type eq "devicesstate") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/devices-v2/device?cached=true&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "searchtunein" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/tunein/search?query=".uri_escape_utf8(decode_utf8($SendData))."&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"}."&_=".int(time);
$SendDataL = $SendData ;
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "searchtracks" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/cloudplayer/playlists/IMPORTED-V0-OBJECTID?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&size=50&offset=&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"}."&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "getcards" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/cards?limit=50&beforeCreationTime=".int(time)."000&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "primeplayeigene_Albums" || $type eq "primeplayeigene_Tracks") {
my $querytype = substr($type,16);
$SendData =~ s/ /+/g;
$SendUrl .= "/api/cloudplayer/search?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}. "&size=50&category=$querytype&query=". $SendData . "&offset=0" . "&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"}."&_=".int(time);
$SendDataL = $SendData ;
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "primeplayeigene_Artists" ) {
$SendData =~ s/ /+/g;
$SendUrl .= "/api/cloudplayer/albums?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}. "&size=50&artistName=". $SendData ."&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"}."&_=".int(time);
$SendDataL = $SendData ;
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "getprimeplayeigeneplaylist" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/cloudplayer/playlists?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}. "&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"}."&_=".int(time);
elsif ($type eq "tts_translate" ) {
$SendUrl = "http://www.online-translator.com/services/soap.asmx/GetTranslation";
$SendMetode = "POST";
elsif ($type eq "sounds" ) {
#Allgemeine Veariablen
$SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview";
$SendMetode = "POST";
$SendData = echodevice_getsequenceJson($hash,lc($SendData),"");
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "info" ) {
#Allgemeine Veariablen
$SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview";
$SendMetode = "POST";
$SendData = echodevice_getsequenceJson($hash,lc($SendData),"");
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "getsettingstraffic") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/traffic/settings";
$SendMetode = "GET";
$SendDataL = "";
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "address") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/traffic/suggest?q=".urlEncode($SendData)."&suggestionType=LOCATION_ADDRESS";
$SendMetode = "GET";
$SendDataL = $SendData ;
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "customer-history-records") {
$SendUrl = "https://www.amazon.de/alexa-privacy/apd/rvh/customer-history-records/?startTime=0&endTime=2005090388459&recordType=VOICE_HISTORY&maxRecordSize=100";
$SendMetode = "GET";
$SendDataL = "" ;
$SendData = "";
elsif ($type eq "config_address_from" || $type eq "config_address_to" || $type eq "config_address_between") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/traffic/settings";
$SendMetode = "POST";
my $InternFrom ;
my $InternTo ;
my $InternBetween ;
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{from} = $SendData if ($type eq "config_address_from");
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{to} = $SendData if ($type eq "config_address_to");
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{between} = $SendData if ($type eq "config_address_between");
#JSON String zusammenbauen
if ($hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{from} ne "") {
$InternFrom = '"origin":{"label":"' . $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{from} . '"}'
else {
$InternFrom = '"origin":null';
if ($hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{to} ne "") {
$InternTo = '"destination":{"label":"' . $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{to} . '"}'
else {
$InternTo = '"destination":null';
if ($hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{between} ne "") {
$InternBetween = '"waypoints":[{"label":"' . $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{between} . '"}]'
else {
$InternBetween = '"waypoints":[]';
# Send JSON String fertigstellen
$SendData = '{'.$InternFrom.','.$InternTo.','.$InternBetween.',"preferredTransportMode":"CAR","transportNames":null}' ;
$SendDataL = $SendData ;
elsif ($type eq "volume") {
#Allgemeine Veariablen
$SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview";
$SendMetode = "POST";
$SendData = echodevice_getsequenceJson($hash,$type,$SendData);
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "speak") {
#Allgemeine Veariablen
$SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview";
$SendMetode = "POST";
my $sequenceJson;
# Sonderzeichen entfernen
$SendData =~s/"/ /g;
my $SpeakVolume;
$SpeakVolume = int(AttrVal($hash->{IODev}{NAME},"speak_volume",0));
$SpeakVolume = int(AttrVal($name,"speak_volume",0)) if($SpeakVolume == 0);
if($SpeakVolume > 0){
#if(ReadingsVal($name , "volume", 50) < ReadingsVal($name , "volume_alarm", 50)) {
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [SpeakVolume] send...";
$SendData = '{"behaviorId":"PREVIEW","sequenceJson":"{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence\",\"startNode\":{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.SerialNode\",\"nodesToExecute\":[{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"type\":\"Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume\",\"operationPayload\":{\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"locale\":\"de-DE\",\"value\":\"'.$SpeakVolume.'\",\"deviceType\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\"}},{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"type\":\"Alexa.Speak\",\"operationPayload\":{\"locale\":\"de-DE\",\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"deviceType\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\",\"textToSpeak\":\"'.$SendData.'\"}},{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"type\":\"Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume\",\"operationPayload\":{\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"locale\":\"de-DE\",\"value\":\"'.ReadingsVal($name , "volume", 50).'\",\"deviceType\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\"}}]}}","status":"ENABLED"}';
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [SpeakVolume] send... $SendData";
else {
$SendData = echodevice_getsequenceJson($hash,$type,$SendData);
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "speak_ssml") {
#Allgemeine Veariablen
$SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview";
$SendMetode = "POST";
my $sequenceJson;
# Sonderzeichen entfernen
$SendData =~s/"/'/g;
my $SpeakVolume;
$SpeakVolume = int(AttrVal($hash->{IODev}{NAME},"speak_volume",0));
$SpeakVolume = int(AttrVal($name,"speak_volume",0)) if($SpeakVolume == 0);
if($SpeakVolume > 0){
$SendData = '{"behaviorId":"PREVIEW","sequenceJson":"{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence\",\"startNode\":{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.SerialNode\",\"nodesToExecute\":[{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"type\":\"Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume\",\"operationPayload\":{\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"locale\":\"de-DE\",\"value\":\"'.$SpeakVolume.'\",\"deviceType\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\"}},{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"type\":\"AlexaAnnouncement\",\"operationPayload\":{\"expireAfter\":\"PT5S\",\"content\":[{\"locale\":\"\",\"display\":{\"title\":\"FHEM\",\"body\":\"Speak\"},\"speak\":{\"type\":\"ssml\",\"value\":\"' . $SendData . '\"}}],\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"target\":{\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"devices\":[{\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",\"deviceTypeId\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\"}]}}},{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"type\":\"Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume\",\"operationPayload\":{\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"locale\":\"de-DE\",\"value\":\"'.ReadingsVal($name , "volume", 50).'\",\"deviceType\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\"}}]}}","status":"ENABLED"}'
else {
$SendData = '{"behaviorId": "PREVIEW","sequenceJson": "{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence\",\"startNode\":{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"type\":\"AlexaAnnouncement\",\"operationPayload\":{\"expireAfter\":\"PT5S\",\"content\":[{\"locale\":\"\",\"display\":{\"title\":\"FHEM\",\"body\":\"Speak\"},\"speak\":{\"type\":\"ssml\",\"value\":\"' . $SendData . '\"}}],\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"target\":{\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"devices\":[{\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",\"deviceTypeId\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\"}]}}}}","status": "ENABLED"}';
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "homescreen" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/background-image";
$SendMetode = "POST";
$SendData = '{"backgroundImageID":"JqIFZhtBTx25wLGTJGdNGQ","backgroundImageType":"PERSONAL_PHOTOS","backgroundImageURL":"'.$SendData.'","deviceSerialNumber":"'.$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}.'","deviceType":"'.$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}.'","softwareVersion":"'.$hash->{helper}{VERSION}.'"}';
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "textcommand") {
$SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview";
$SendMetode = "POST";
my $Messagetext = $SendData;
$Messagetext =~ s/"/'/g;
$SendData = '{"behaviorId":"PREVIEW","sequenceJson":"{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence\",\"startNode\":{\"@type\": \"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"nodeState\": null,\"name\": null,\"type\": \"Alexa.TextCommand\",\"skillId\": \"amzn1.ask.1p.tellalexa\",\"operationPayload\": {\"customerId\": \"' . $hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"deviceType\": \"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\",\"deviceSerialNumber\": \"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",\"text\": \"' . $Messagetext .'\",\"locale\": \"de-DE\"},\"presentationDataList\": null,\"clientData\": null,\"context\": null,\"tag\": null},\"sequenceId\":\"amzn1.alexa.sequence.8f5aa289-c6d4-4a6f-a1b9-5b182e23be1e\"}","status":"ENABLED"}';
$SendDataL = $SendData;
elsif ($type eq "getsmarthome" ) {
$SendUrl .= "/api/phoenix/state";
$SendMetode = "POST";
$SendData = '{"stateRequests":[{"entityId":"AlexaBridge_'.$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}.'@'.$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}.'_'.$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}.'","entityType": "APPLIANCE"}]}';
$SendDataL = $SendData;
else {
# Log
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendCommand] [$type] PushToCmdQueue SendURL =" .echodevice_anonymize($hash, $SendUrl);
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendCommand] [$type] PushToCmdQueue SendData=" .$SendDataL;
#2018.01.14 - Übergabe SendCommandQuery
$SendParam = {
url => $SendUrl,
hash => $hash,
data => $SendData,
method => $SendMetode,
CL => $hash->{CL},
httpversion => "1.1",
type => $type
#2018.01.14 - PushToCmdQueue
my $QueueSize = scalar @{$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE}};
my $FoundCMDQueue = 0;
my $Loglevel = 3;
my @GetSettings = ("getnotifications","alarmvolume","bluetoothstate","getdnd","wakeword","listitems_task","listitems_shopping","getdevicesettings","getisonline","devices","namedListsIDs","devicesstate","account","cookielogin6","activities","getbehavior","getsettingstraffic");
# Doppelte Queue Einträge herausfiltern
foreach my $CMDQueue (@{$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE}}) {
if ($CMDQueue->{type} eq $type) {
if ((grep { $_ eq $type } @GetSettings)) {
$Loglevel = 4 if ($type eq "activities");
Log3 $name, $Loglevel, "[$name] [echodevice_SendCommand] [$QueueSize] IGNORIERE Command=" . $type . ' Abfrage in CMD_Queue schon vorhanden!';
$FoundCMDQueue = 1;
if ($FoundCMDQueue == 0) {
push @{$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE}}, $SendParam;
sub echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($) {
my ($hash, $param) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if(!defined($hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE}));
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} = 0 if(!defined($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST}));
#Header auslesen
my $AmazonHeader;
# Browser User Agent
my $HeaderLanguage = AttrVal($name,"browser_language","de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3");
my $UserAgent = AttrVal($name,"browser_useragent","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0");
if (AttrVal($name,"browser_useragent_random",0) == 1) {
$UserAgent = join('', map{('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9)[rand 62]} 0..20);
# Queuenumber
$QueueNumber += 1;
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "BrowserUserAgent", $UserAgent ,0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "BrowserLanguage", $HeaderLanguage ,0);
$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE_NUMBER} = $QueueNumber ;
# if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {$AmazonHeader = "Cookie: ".$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}."\r\ncsrf: ".$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"}."\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8";}
# else {$AmazonHeader = "Cookie: ".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".COOKIE"}."\r\ncsrf: ".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CSRF"}."\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8";}
if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {$AmazonHeader = "User-Agent: ". $UserAgent ."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage ."\r\nanti-csrftoken-a2z: " . ReadingsVal($name ,'.csrf-token',"") . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nCookie:".$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}."\r\ncsrf: ".$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"}."\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8";}
else {$AmazonHeader = "User-Agent: ". $UserAgent ."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nCookie:".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".COOKIE"}."\r\ncsrf: ".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CSRF"}."\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8";}
if(not($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST}) and @{$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE}})
my $params = {
url => $param->{url},
header => $AmazonHeader,
timeout => 10,
noshutdown => 1,
keepalive => 1,
method => $param->{method},
data => $param->{data},
CL => $param->{CL},
hash => $hash,
type => $param->{type},
httpversion => $param->{httpversion},
queuenumber => $QueueNumber,
NAME => $name,
callback => \&echodevice_Parse
my $request = pop @{$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE}};
map {$hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{$_} = $params->{$_}} keys %{$params};
map {$hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{$_} = $request->{$_}} keys %{$request};
my $type = $hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{type};
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} = 1;
my $QueueSize = scalar @{$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE}};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] [$type] [$QueueNumber] [$QueueSize] send command=" .echodevice_anonymize($hash, $hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{url}). " Data=" . $hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{data};
else {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] RUNNING_REQUEST=" . $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} . " type=" . $hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{type} if($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} == 1);
sub echodevice_SendLoginCommand($$$) {
my ( $hash, $type, $SendData ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $SendUrl;
my $param;
my $HeaderLanguage = AttrVal($name,"browser_language","de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3");
# Überspringen wenn Attr cookie gesetzt ist!
if(AttrVal( $name, "cookie", "none" ) ne "none" && $type ne "cookielogin6") {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] echodevice_FirstStart";
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type]";
# Browser User Agent
my $UserAgent = AttrVal($name,"browser_useragent","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0");
if (AttrVal($name,"browser_useragent_random",0) == 1) {
$UserAgent = join('', map{('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9)[rand 62]} 0..20);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "BrowserUserAgent", $UserAgent ,0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "BrowserLanguage", $HeaderLanguage ,0);
# This allows HttpUtils to use the 'verbose' setting of the device
$param->{NAME} = $name;
if ($type eq "cookielogin1" ) {
$param->{url} = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/";
$param->{method} = "GET";
$param->{ignoreredirects} = 1;
$param->{header} = "User-Agent: ". $UserAgent ."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1";
$param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse;
$param->{type} = $type;
$param->{hash} = $hash;
$param->{timeout} = 10;
$param->{httpversion} = "1.1";
# Informationen füs Log
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] Accept-Language: $HeaderLanguage";
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] User-Agent: $UserAgent";
#Daten zurücksetzen
$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} = "";
$hash->{helper}{".login_location"} = "";
$hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} = "";
$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} = "";
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".COOKIE", "" ,0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "NEW" ,0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_STATE", "START" ,0);
if ($type eq "cookielogin2" ) {
$param->{url} = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/";
$param->{method} = "GET";
$param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1";
$param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse;
$param->{type} = $type;
$param->{hash} = $hash;
$param->{timeout} = 10;
$param->{httpversion} = "1.1";
if ($type eq "cookielogin3" ) {
my $location = $hash->{helper}{".login_location"};
my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"};
my $postdata = $hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"};
#Log3 $name, 3, "cookielogin3: ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ;
#Log3 $name, 3, "cookielogin3: ".$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} ;
$param->{url} = "https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin";
$param->{method} = "POST";
$param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nReferer: $location\r\nCookie: $cookiestring";
$param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse;
$param->{data} = $postdata;
$param->{type} = $type;
$param->{hash} = $hash;
#$param->{timeout} = 10;
$param->{httpversion} = "1.0";
if ($type eq "cookielogin4" ) {
my $location = $hash->{helper}{".login_location"};
my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"};
my $postdata = $hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"};
my $sessionid = $hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"};
Log3 $name, 4, "cookielogin4: ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ;
Log3 $name, 4, "cookielogin4: ".$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} ;
$param->{url} = "https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin";
$param->{method} = "POST";
$param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nReferer: https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin/$sessionid\r\nCookie: $cookiestring";
$param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse;
if ($hash->{helper}{TWOFA} eq "" || substr $hash->{helper}{TWOFA}, 0, 1 eq "n" || substr $hash->{helper}{TWOFA}, 0, 1 eq "u" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "2FACode", "not used" ,0);
$param->{data} = $postdata."email=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}))."&password=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}));#."&rememberMe=true";
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] 2FACode not use";
#Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] " . $param->{data};
else {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "2FACode", "used " .$hash->{helper}{TWOFA} ,0);
my $zweiFA = $hash->{helper}{TWOFA} . "&rememberDevice";
$param->{data} = $postdata."email=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}))."&password=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"})).$zweiFA;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] 2FACode use " . $hash->{helper}{TWOFA} ;
$param->{ignoreredirects} = 1;
$param->{type} = $type;
$param->{hash} = $hash;
#$param->{timeout} = 10;
$param->{httpversion} = "1.0";
$hash->{helper}{TWOFA} = "";
if ($type eq "cookielogin4captcha" ) {
my $location = $hash->{helper}{".login_location"};
my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"};
my $sessionid = $hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"};
$param->{url} = "https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin";
$param->{method} = "POST";
$param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nReferer: https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin/$sessionid\r\nCookie: $cookiestring";
$param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse;
# Captcha Infos einlesen
my $HTMLFilename = $name . "_cookielogin4.html";
my $file = $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/" . $HTMLFilename ;
my $document = do {
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, "<", $file
or die "could not open $file: $!";
my @formparams = ('create', 'workflowState','appActionToken','appAction','showRmrMe','captchaObfuscationLevel','openid.identity','forceValidateCaptcha','pageId','ces','openid.return_to','prevRID','openid.assoc_handle','openid.mode','prepopulatedLoginId','failedSignInCount','openid.claimed_id','openid.ns','showPasswordChecked','rememberMe','use_image_captcha');
my $postdata = "";
foreach my $formparam (@formparams){
my $value = ($document =~ /type="hidden" name="$formparam" value="(.*)"/);
$value = $1;
$value =~ /^(.*?)"/;
$postdata .= $formparam."=".$1."&"
$param->{data} = $postdata."email=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}))."&guess=" .$hash->{helper}{CAPTCHA}."&password=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}));#."&rememberMe=true";
#Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] " . $param->{data};
$param->{ignoreredirects} = 1;
$param->{type} = $type;
$param->{hash} = $hash;
$param->{timeout} = 10;
$param->{httpversion} = "1.1";
$hash->{helper}{TWOFA} = "";
$hash->{helper}{CAPTCHA} = "";
if ($type eq "cookielogin5" ) {
my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"};
$param->{url} = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/api/bootstrap?version=0&_=".int(time);
$param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nReferer: https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/spa/index.html\r\nOrigin: https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."\r\nCookie: $cookiestring";
$param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse;
$param->{type} = $type;
$param->{hash} = $hash;
$param->{httpversion} = "1.1";
if ($type eq "cookielogin6" ) {
$param->{url} = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/api/bootstrap";
$param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nCookie: ".$hash->{helper}{'.COOKIE'};
$param->{callback} = \&echodevice_ParseAuth;
$param->{noshutdown} = 1;
$param->{keepalive} = 1;
$param->{type} = $type;
$param->{hash} = $hash;
$param->{timeout} = 10;
$param->{httpversion} = "1.1";
sub echodevice_Parse($$$) {
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $msgtype = $param->{type};
my $msgnumber = $param->{queuenumber};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] ";
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] DATA Dumper=" . Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $data));
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} = 0;
if ($msgtype eq "account") {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] DATA Dumper=" . Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $data));
# Rate exceeded: Too many requests https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg1251020.html#msg1251020
if (Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $data)) =~ m/Too many requests/ ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "parse_error", "Too many requests" ,0);
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] Too many requests" ;
else {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "parse_error", "OK" ,0);
# Nächsten Auftrag starten
# HTML Informationen mit schreiben
if (AttrVal($name,"browser_save_data",0) == 1) {
#Verzeichnis echodevice anlegen
mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice" );
mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice/results", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results" );
# Eventuell vorhandene Datei löschen
my $HTMLFilename = $name . "_" . $msgtype . ".html";
my $HeaderFilename = $name . "_" . $msgtype . "_header.html";
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $HTMLFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/".$HTMLFilename}
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $HeaderFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/".$HeaderFilename}
# Datei anlegen
open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/results/$HTMLFilename");
print FH $data;
# Datei anlegen
open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/results/$HeaderFilename");
print FH $param->{httpheader};
if ($msgtype eq "csrfPageUrl") {
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] search csrf-token";
my $regex = qr/meta name="csrf-token" content="([^"]+)"/;
while ($data =~ /$regex/g) {
my $csrf_token = $1;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".csrf-token", $1, 1);
if($msgtype eq "cookielogin1") {
my $location = $param->{httpheader};
$location =~ /Location: (.+?)\s/;
$location = $1;
#$location = "https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin?_encoding=UTF8&accountStatusPolicy=&disableCorpSignUp=&openid.assoc_handle=deflex&openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.identity=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.mode=checkid_setup&openid.ns=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0&openid.ns.pape=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fextensions%2Fpape%2F1.0&openid.pape.max_auth_age=0&openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Flayla.amazon.de%2Fgp%2Fyourstore%3Fie%3DUTF8%26action%3Dsign-out%26path%3D%252Fgp%252Fyourstore%26ref_%3Dpd_irl_gw_r%26signIn%3D1%26useRedirectOnSuccess%3D1";
$hash->{helper}{".login_location"} = $location;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 3 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_location"} ;
if($msgtype eq "cookielogin2") {
my (@cookies) = ($param->{httpheader} =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*)\s/g);
my $cookiestring = "";
my $sessionid = "";
foreach my $cookie (@cookies){
next if($cookie =~ /1970/);
$cookie =~ /(.*) (expires=|Version=|Domain)/;
$cookiestring .= $1." ";
#Session ID
my @SessionID = split("=",$1);
if (@SessionID[0] eq "session-id") {
$sessionid = @SessionID[1];
$sessionid =~ s/;//g;
Log3 $name, 4, "Cookie 2 : COO = ".$sessionid ;
$sessionid = $cookie;
#my @formparams = ('appActionToken', 'appAction', 'openid.return_to', 'prevRID', 'workflowState', 'showPasswordChecked');
my @formparams = ('create', 'workflowState','appActionToken', 'appAction', 'showRmrMe', 'openid.return_to', 'prevRID', 'openid.identity', 'openid.assoc_handle', 'openid.mode', 'failedSignInCount', 'openid.claimed_id', 'pageId', 'openid.ns', 'showPasswordChecked');
my $postdata = "";
foreach my $formparam (@formparams){
my $value = ($data =~ /type="hidden" name="$formparam" value="(.*)"/);
$value = $1;
$value =~ /^(.*?)"/;
$postdata .= $formparam."=".$1."&"
$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} = $postdata;
$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} = $cookiestring;
$hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} = $sessionid;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 2 : login_postdata = ".$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} ;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 2 : login_cookiestring = ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 2 : login_sessionid = ".$hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} ;
if($msgtype eq "cookielogin3") {
#my @formparams = ('appActionToken', 'appAction', 'openid.return_to', 'prevRID', 'workflowState', 'showPasswordChecked');
my @formparams = ('create', 'workflowState','appActionToken', 'appAction', 'showRmrMe', 'openid.return_to', 'prevRID', 'openid.identity', 'openid.assoc_handle', 'openid.mode', 'failedSignInCount', 'openid.claimed_id', 'pageId', 'openid.ns', 'showPasswordChecked');
my $postdata = "";
foreach my $formparam (@formparams){
my $value = ($data =~ /type="hidden" name="$formparam" value="(.*)"/);
$value = $1;
$value =~ /^(.*?)"/;
$postdata .= $formparam."=".$1."&"
my (@cookies2) = ($param->{httpheader} =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*)\s/g);
my $sessionid = "";
my $cookiestring2 = "";
foreach my $cookie (@cookies2){
next if($cookie =~ /1970/);
$cookie =~ /(.*) (expires|Version|Domain)/;
$cookiestring2 .= $1." ";
$cookiestring2 =~ /ubid-acbde=(.*);/;
$sessionid = $1;
$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} = $postdata;
$hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} = $sessionid;
$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} . $cookiestring2;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 3 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} ;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 3 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} ;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 3 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ;
if($msgtype eq "cookielogin4" || $msgtype eq "cookielogin4captcha") {
my (@cookies3) = ($param->{httpheader} =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*)\s/g);
my $cookiestring3 = "";
my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"};
foreach my $cookie (@cookies3){
#Log3 $name, 5, "Cookie: ".$cookie;
next if($cookie =~ /1970/);
$cookie =~ s/Version=1; //g;
$cookie =~ /(.*) (expires|Version|Domain)/;
$cookie = $1;
next if($cookiestring =~ /\Q$cookie\E/);
$cookiestring3 .= $cookie." ";
#Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [cookiestring3] = $cookiestring3";
$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}.= $cookiestring3;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 4 : ".$cookiestring3 ;
#$cookiestring3 =~s/"//g;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 4 : ".$cookiestring3 ;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 4 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ;
if($msgtype eq "cookielogin5") {
my (@cookies4) = ($param->{httpheader} =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*)\s/g);
my $cookiestring4 = "";
my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"};
foreach my $cookie (@cookies4){
#Log3 $name, 5, "Cookie: ".$cookie;
next if($cookie =~ /1970/);
$cookie =~ s/Version=1; //g;
$cookie =~ /(.*) (expires|Version)/;
$cookie = $1;
next if($cookiestring =~ /\Q$cookie\E/);
$cookiestring4 .= $cookie." ";
$cookiestring .= $cookiestring4;
$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}.= $cookiestring4;
if($cookiestring =~ /doctype html/) {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] Login failed";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "unauthorized", 1);
$hash->{STATE} = "LOGIN ERROR";
return undef;
#Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [cookiestring] = $cookiestring";
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = $cookiestring;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/ if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}));
$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1 if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}));
#Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 4 : ".$cookiestring ;
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".COOKIE", $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} ,0); # Cookie als READING festhalten!
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "NEW" ,0);
if($msgtype eq "cookielogin6") {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_STATE", "OK" ,0);
if ($msgtype eq "endpoints") {
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] $data";
if($msgtype eq "notifications_delete" || $msgtype eq "alarm_on" || $msgtype eq "alarm_off" || $msgtype eq "reminderitem") {
my $IODev = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] sendToFHEM get $IODev settings";
print (fhem( "get $IODev settings" )) ;
if($data =~ /doctype html/ || $data =~ /cookie is missing/){
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] Invalid cookie";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "unauthorized", 1);
$hash->{STATE} = "COOKIE ERROR";
return undef;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] connection error $msgtype $err";
return undef;
if($data =~ /No routes found/){
# Spezial set Volume
if ($msgtype eq "command") {}
else {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] No routes found $msgtype";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "timeout", 1);
return undef;
if($data =~ /UnknownOperationException/){
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] Unknown Operation";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "unknown", 1);
return undef;
if($msgtype eq "setting" || $msgtype eq "command"){
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
return undef;
elsif($msgtype eq "null" || $msgtype eq "primeplayeigeneplaylist" || $msgtype eq "primeplayeigene" || $msgtype eq "primeplaysender" || $msgtype eq "primeplaylist" || $msgtype eq "textmessage" || $msgtype eq "volume_alarm" || $msgtype eq "bluetooth_disconnect" || $msgtype eq "bluetooth_connect" || $msgtype eq "dnd" || $msgtype eq "list" || $msgtype eq "track") {
return undef;
elsif($msgtype eq "item_task_delete" || $msgtype eq "item_task_add") {
return undef;
elsif($msgtype eq "item_shopping_delete" || $msgtype eq "item_shopping_add") {
return undef;
if($@) {
if($data =~ /doctype html/ || $data =~ /cookie is missing/){
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] Invalid cookie";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "unauthorized", 1);
$hash->{STATE} = "COOKIE ERROR";
#InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10, "echodevice_CheckAuth", $hash, 0) if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT");
return undef;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "error", 1);
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] json evaluation error ".$@."\n".Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $data));
return undef;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "state", "connected", 1);
# Prüfen ob es sich um ein json String handelt!
if (index($data, '{') == -1) {$data = '{"data": "nodata"}';}
my $json = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($data) };
my $Person ;
if($msgtype eq "activities") {
if (ref($json) eq "HASH") {
if(defined($json->{customerHistoryRecords}) && ref($json->{customerHistoryRecords}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $recordKey (@{$json->{customerHistoryRecords}}) {
my @recordKeys = split("#",$recordKey->{recordKey});
$sourceDeviceIds = @recordKeys[3];
$Person = 0;
if ($recordKey->{utteranceType} eq "GENERAL") {
if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$sourceDeviceIds})) {
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$sourceDeviceIds};
my $timestamp = int(ReadingsVal($echohash->{NAME},'voice_timestamp',9999));
if($timestamp >= int($recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{timestamp})) {
if ($recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{personsInfo}[0]{personFirstName} ne ReadingsVal($echohash->{NAME},'voice_person',"unbekannt") and $recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{personsInfo}[0]{personFirstName} ne "") {
$Person = 1;
else {
$echohash->{".updateTimestamp"} = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000));
if ($Person eq 1) {
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "voice_person", $recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{personsInfo}[0]{personFirstName}, 1);
else {
if ($recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{personsInfo}[0]{personFirstName} ne "") {
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "voice_person", $recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{personsInfo}[0]{personFirstName}, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "voice_timestamp", $recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{timestamp}, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "voice", $recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{transcriptText}, 1);
$echohash->{CHANGETIME}[0] = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000));
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [" . $echohash->{NAME} . "] Alexatext = ".$sourceDeviceIds . " transcriptText=" . $recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{transcriptText} ." Person=" . $recordKey->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}[0]{personsInfo}[0]{personFirstName};
# Timer für Realtime Check!
my $IntervalVoice = int(AttrVal($name,"intervalvoice",999999));
if ($IntervalVoice != 999999 && $hash->{STATE} eq "connected" && AttrVal($name,"disable",0) == 0) {
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] refresh voice command IntervalVoice=$IntervalVoice ";
$hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 1;
$hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate} = time();
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_refreshvoice");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $IntervalVoice , "echodevice_refreshvoice", $hash, 0);
else {
$hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 0;
else {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] WRONG JSON Type Type=" . ref($json);
if($msgtype eq "activities2") {
if (ref($json) eq "HASH") {
if(defined($json->{activities}) && ref($json->{activities}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $card (@{$json->{activities}}) {
# Device ID herausfiltern
my $sourceDeviceIds = "";
foreach my $cards (@{$card->{sourceDeviceIds}}) {
$sourceDeviceIds = $cards->{serialNumber};
# Informationen in das ECHO Device eintragen
if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$sourceDeviceIds})) {
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$sourceDeviceIds};
#my $timestamp = int(time - ReadingsAge($echohash->{NAME},'voice',time))-5;
my $timestamp = int(ReadingsVal($echohash->{NAME},'voice_timestamp',9999));
my $IgnoreVoiceCommand = AttrVal($name,"ignorevoicecommand","");
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [" . $echohash->{NAME} . "] timestamp = $timestamp / " . int($card->{creationTimestamp});
#next if($timestamp eq $card->{creationTimestamp});
next if($timestamp >= int($card->{creationTimestamp}));
#next if($timestamp >= int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000));
next if($card->{description} !~ /firstUtteranceId/);
next if($IgnoreVoiceCommand ne "" && $card->{description} =~ m/$IgnoreVoiceCommand/i);
next if($card->{activityStatus} eq "DISCARDED_NON_DEVICE_DIRECTED_INTENT");
my $textjson = $card->{description};
$textjson =~ s/\\//g;
my $cardjson = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($textjson) };
next if($@);
next if(!defined($cardjson->{summary}));
next if($cardjson->{summary} eq "");
$echohash->{".updateTimestamp"} = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000));
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "voice", $cardjson->{summary}, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "voice_timestamp", $card->{creationTimestamp}, 1);
$echohash->{CHANGETIME}[0] = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000));
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [" . $echohash->{NAME} . "] Alexatext = ".$cardjson->{summary};
# Timer für Realtime Check!
my $IntervalVoice = int(AttrVal($name,"intervalvoice",999999));
if ($IntervalVoice != 999999 && $hash->{STATE} eq "connected" && AttrVal($name,"disable",0) == 0) {
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] refresh voice command IntervalVoice=$IntervalVoice ";
$hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 1;
$hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate} = time();
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_refreshvoice");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $IntervalVoice , "echodevice_refreshvoice", $hash, 0);
else {
$hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 0;
else {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] WRONG JSON Type Type=" . ref($json);
elsif($msgtype eq "account") {
my $i=1;
if ($data eq '{"data": "nodata"}') {
else {
if(ref($json) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $account (@{$json}) {
$hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"} = $account->{commsId} if(defined($account->{commsId}));
$hash->{helper}{".DIRECTID"} = $account->{directedId} if(defined($account->{directedId}));
last if(1<$i++);
elsif($msgtype eq "cards") {
my $timestamp = int(time - ReadingsAge($name,'voice',time));
return undef if(!defined($json->{cards}));
return undef if(ref($json->{cards}) ne "ARRAY");
foreach my $card (reverse(@{$json->{cards}})) {
#next if($card->{cardType} ne "TextCard");
#next if($card->{sourceDevice}{serialNumber} ne $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"});
next if($timestamp >= int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000));
next if(!defined($card->{playbackAudioAction}{mainText}));
$hash->{".updateTimestamp"} = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000));
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "voice", $card->{playbackAudioAction}{mainText}, 1 );
$hash->{CHANGETIME}[0] = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000));
return undef;
elsif($msgtype eq "media") {
if (defined($json->{currentState} )) {
if ($json->{currentState} ne "IDLE") {
#echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"player",""); # Player läuft! Daten abfragen!
else {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progress", "0", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progresslen", "0", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "shuffle", $json->{shuffling}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{shuffling}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "repeat", $json->{looping}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{looping}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", $json->{volume}, 1) if(defined($json->{volume}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "mute", $json->{muted}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{muted}));
elsif($msgtype eq "player") {
# Beenden wenn keine Daten vorhanden!
my $TempTuneInName ;
my $TempTuneInURL ;
# Play Status
if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{state}) || $json->{playerInfo}{state} eq "IDLE" ){
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "stopped", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtwork", "-", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTitle", "-", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtist", "-", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentAlbum", "-", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTuneInID", "-", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "channel", "-", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progress", 0, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progresslen", 0, 1);
else {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", lc($json->{playerInfo}{state}), 1);
if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText})) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTitle", $json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{title}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{title}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtist", $json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText1}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText1}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentAlbum", $json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText2}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText2}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTitle", "-", 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{title}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtist", "-", 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText1}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentAlbum", "-", 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText2}));
if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{provider})) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "channel", $json->{playerInfo}{provider}{providerName}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{provider}{providerName}));
$TempTuneInName = "TuneIn" if (lc($json->{playerInfo}{provider}{providerName}) eq 'tunein live-radio' || lc($json->{playerInfo}{provider}{providerName}) eq 'tunein-liveradio') ;
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "channel", "-", 1);
if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{mainArt})) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtwork", $json->{playerInfo}{mainArt}{url}, 1);
$TempTuneInURL = $json->{playerInfo}{mainArt}{url};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtwork", "-", 1);
if (lc($json->{playerInfo}{state}) eq "playing") {
# TuneIn ID festhalten
if ($TempTuneInURL ne "" && $TempTuneInName eq "TuneIn") {
my @TuneInID = split("/",$TempTuneInURL);
if (@TuneInID >= 3) {
$TempTuneInName = @TuneInID[3];
$TempTuneInName =~ s/(\D+)//;
$TempTuneInName =~ s/(\D+)//;
$TempTuneInName = "s" . $TempTuneInName;
else {
$TempTuneInName = "-";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTuneInID", $TempTuneInName , 1);
else {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTuneInID", "-", 1);
else {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTuneInID", "-", 1);
if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress})) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progress", $json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaProgress}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaProgress}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progress", 0, 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaProgress}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progresslen", $json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaLength}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaLength}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progresslen", 0, 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaLength}));
if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{volume})) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", $json->{playerInfo}{volume}{volume}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{volume}{volume}));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "mute", $json->{playerInfo}{volume}{muted}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{volume}{muted}));
if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{transport}{shuffle})) {
if($json->{playerInfo}{transport}{shuffle} eq "SELECTED") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "shuffle", "true", 1);}
else{readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "shuffle", "false", 1);}
if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{transport}{repeat})) {
if($json->{playerInfo}{transport}{repeat} eq "SELECTED") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "repeat", "true", 1);}
else{readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "repeat", "false", 1);}
elsif($msgtype eq "getbehavior") {
$hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"} = ();
return if (ref($json) ne "ARRAY");
foreach my $behavior (@{$json}) {
$hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$behavior->{automationId}} = ();
$hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$behavior->{automationId}}{triggers} = $behavior->{triggers};
$hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$behavior->{automationId}}{sequence} = $behavior->{sequence};
$hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$behavior->{automationId}}{status} = $behavior->{status};
elsif($msgtype eq "namedListsIDs") {
if (ref($json) eq "HASH") {
if(!defined($json->{lists})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{lists}) ne "ARRAY") {}
else {
foreach my $device (@{$json->{lists}}) {
if ($device->{type} eq "SHOPPING_LIST") {$hash->{helper}{SHOPPING_LIST_ID} = $device->{itemId}}
if ($device->{type} eq "TO_DO") {$hash->{helper}{TO_DO_LIST_ID} = $device->{itemId}}
else {
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] WRONG JSON Type Type=" . ref($json);
elsif($msgtype eq "listitems_task" || $msgtype eq "listitems_shopping" ) {
my $listtype ;#= $param->{listtype};
my @listitems;
my $Firststart = "1";
my $Text ;
my $TextOriginal;
$listtype = "TASK" if ($msgtype eq "listitems_task");
$listtype = "SHOPPING_ITEM" if ($msgtype eq "listitems_shopping");
foreach my $item ( @{ $json->{values} } ) {
if ($Firststart eq "1"){
$hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{$item->{type}} = ();
$Firststart = "0";
$TextOriginal = $item->{text};
next if ($item->{complete});
$item->{text} =~ s/,/;/g;
$item->{text} =~ s/ /_/g;
$Text = $item->{text};
push @listitems, $item->{text};
$hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{$item->{type}}{"ID"}{$item->{text}} = (split("#", $item->{itemId}))[1];
$hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{$item->{type}}{"TEXT"}{$item->{text}} = $TextOriginal;
if (@listitems) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "list_".$listtype, join(",", @listitems), 1 );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "list_".$listtype, "", 1 );
elsif($msgtype eq "getnotifications") {
my @ncstrings;
@ncstrings = ();
$hash->{helper}{"notifications"} = ();
my $RunningID = time();
my $NotifiCount ;
my $NotifiReTime = 99999999;
my $TimerReTime = 99999999 ;
my $iFrom ;
my $HelperNotifyID ;
if (ref($json) eq "HASH") {
foreach my $device (@{$json->{notifications}}) {
#next if ($device->{status} eq "OFF" && (lc($device->{type}) ne "reminder" || lc($device->{type}) ne "timer"));
$HelperNotifyID = $device->{notificationIndex};
my $ncstring ;
if(lc($device->{type}) eq "reminder") {
$ncstring = $device->{type} . "_" . FmtDateTime($device->{alarmTime}/1000) . "_";
$ncstring .= $device->{recurringPattern} . "_" if (defined($device->{recurringPattern}));
$ncstring .= $device->{reminderLabel} ;
elsif(lc($device->{type}) eq "timer") {
$ncstring = $device->{type} . "_" . $device->{remainingTime}
else {
$ncstring = $device->{type} . "_" . $device->{originalTime} ;
$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$device->{notificationIndex}} = $ncstring;
#Reading anlegen
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}};
if (!defined($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{"count_" . $device->{type}})) {
$NotifiCount = 1;
else {
$NotifiCount = int($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{"count_" . $device->{type}}) + 1
next if(!defined($echohash));
if(lc($device->{type}) eq "reminder") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_alarmtime" , FmtDateTime($device->{alarmTime}/1000), 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_alarmticks" , $device->{alarmTime}/1000, 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_id" , $device->{notificationIndex},1);
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_recurring" , $device->{recurringPattern},1) if (defined($device->{recurringPattern}));
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_recurring" , 0,1) if (!defined($device->{recurringPattern}));
elsif(lc($device->{type}) eq "timer") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_remainingtime" , int($device->{remainingTime} / 1000), 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_id" , $device->{notificationIndex},1);
if (int($device->{remainingTime} / 1000) < $TimerReTime) {
$TimerReTime = int($device->{remainingTime} / 1000);
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_remainingtime" , int($device->{remainingTime} / 1000), 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_id" , $device->{notificationIndex},1);
if ($TimerReTime <$NotifiReTime) {$NotifiReTime = $TimerReTime;}
else {
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID} = ();
if ($device->{musicEntity} eq "") {
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"musicEntity"} = "null";
else {
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"musicEntity"} = '"'.$device->{musicEntity}.'"';
if ($device->{musicAlarmId} eq "") {
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"musicAlarmId"} = "null";
else {
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"musicAlarmId"} = '"'.$device->{musicAlarmId}.'"';
if ($device->{recurringPattern} eq "") {
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"recurringPattern"} = "null";
else {
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"recurringPattern"} = $device->{recurringPattern};
if ($device->{provider} eq "") {
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"provider"} = "null";
else {
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"provider"} = '"'.$device->{provider}.'"';
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"remainingTime"} = $device->{remainingTime};
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"alarmTime"} = $device->{alarmTime};
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"originalDate"} = $device->{originalDate};
$hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"originalTime"} = $device->{originalTime};
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_originalTime" , $device->{originalTime}, 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_originalDate" , $device->{originalDate}, 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_id" , $device->{notificationIndex},1);
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_status" , lc($device->{status}),1);
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_recurring" , $device->{recurringPattern},1) if (defined($device->{recurringPattern}));
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_recurring" , 0,1) if (!defined($device->{recurringPattern}));
# Infos im Hash hinterlegen
$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{"count_" . $device->{type}} = $NotifiCount;
$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{lc($device->{type})."_aktiv"} = 1;
# Notifications Counter setzen
foreach my $DeviceID (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}}) {
foreach my $NotifyCounter (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}}) {
if ($NotifyCounter =~ m/count/ ) {
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID};
readingsSingleUpdate($echohash, lc((split ("_", $NotifyCounter))[1]). "_count" ,$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{$NotifyCounter} , 1);
# Timer neu setzen wenn der Timer gleich abläuft
if ($NotifiReTime < 60 && $NotifiReTime > 0) {InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $NotifiReTime , "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);}
# Readings bereinigen
my $nextupdate = int(AttrVal($name,"intervalsettings",60));
foreach my $DeviceID (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}}) {
next if (echodevice_getModel($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{model}) eq "Echo Multiroom");
next if (echodevice_getModel($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{model}) eq "Sonos Display");
next if (echodevice_getModel($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{model}) eq "Echo Stereopaar");
next if (echodevice_getModel($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{model}) eq "unbekannt");
my $DeviceName = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{NAME};
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID};
# Timer auswerten
my $TimerAktiv = 0;
foreach my $i (1..20) {
my $ReadingAge = int(ReadingsAge($DeviceName, "timer_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_remainingtime", 2000));
if ($ReadingAge == 2000){last;}
elsif ($ReadingAge > $nextupdate) {
readingsDelete($echohash, "timer_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "timer_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_remainingtime") ;
else {$TimerAktiv=1;}
if ($TimerAktiv == 0) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "timer_count" , 0,1);
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "timer_id" , "-",1);
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "timer_remainingtime" , 0,1);
# Erinnerungen auswerten
my $ReminderAktiv = 0;
$ReminderAktiv = $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"reminder_aktiv"} if (defined($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"reminder_aktiv"}));
if ($ReminderAktiv eq "0") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "reminder_count" , 0,1);
else {
$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"reminder_aktiv"} = 0
$iFrom = int(ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "reminder_count", 0)) +1 ;
foreach my $i ($iFrom..20) {
if (ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_alarmticks", "none") ne "none"){
readingsDelete($echohash, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_alarmticks") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_alarmtime") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_recurring") ;
else {last;}
# Alarm auswerten
my $AlarmAktiv = 0;
$AlarmAktiv = $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"alarm_aktiv"} if (defined($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"alarm_aktiv"}));
if ($AlarmAktiv eq "0") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "alarm_count" , 0,1);
else {
$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"alarm_aktiv"} = 0
$iFrom = int(ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "alarm_count", 0)) +1 ;
foreach my $i ($iFrom..20) {
if (ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id", "none") ne "none"){
readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_originalTime") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_originalDate") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_status") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_recurring") ;
else {last;}
# Musikalarm auswerten
my $MusikAlarmAktiv = 0;
$MusikAlarmAktiv = $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"musikalarm_aktiv"} if (defined($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"musicalarm_aktiv"}));
if ($MusikAlarmAktiv eq "0") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "musicalarm_count" , 0,1);
else {
$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"musicalarm_aktiv"} = 0
$iFrom = int(ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "musicalarm_count", 0)) +1 ;
foreach my $i ($iFrom..20) {
if (ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id", "none") ne "none"){
readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_originalTime") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_originalDate") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_status") ;
readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_recurring") ;
else {last;}
elsif($msgtype eq "homegroup") {
$hash->{helper}{HOMEGROUP} = $json->{homeGroupId} if(defined($json->{homeGroupId}));
$hash->{helper}{SIPS} = $json->{aor} if(defined($json->{aor}));
elsif($msgtype eq "bluetoothstate") {
my @btstrings;
my @btdevices;
my $echohash;
my $ConnectState;
foreach my $device (@{$json->{bluetoothStates}}) {
@btstrings = ();
if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) {
foreach my $btdevice (@{$device->{pairedDeviceList}}) {
next if(!defined($btdevice->{friendlyName}));
next if (echodevice_getModel($btdevice->{deviceType}) eq "Reverb");
next if (echodevice_getModel($btdevice->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt");
$echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}};
$btdevice->{address} =~ s/:/-/g;
$btdevice->{friendlyName} =~ s/ /_/g;
$btdevice->{friendlyName} =~ s/,/./g;
if (int($btdevice->{connected}) == 0) {$ConnectState = "disconnected";}
elsif (int($btdevice->{connected}) == 1) {$ConnectState = "connected"}
else {$ConnectState = "unknown";}
readingsSingleUpdate($echohash, "bluetooth_" . $btdevice->{address} ,$ConnectState , 1);
my $btstring .= $btdevice->{address}."/".$btdevice->{friendlyName};
push @btstrings, $btstring;
push @btdevices, "bluetooth_" . $btdevice->{address};
$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}->{helper}{bluetooth} = join(",", @btstrings) if (@btstrings);
$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}->{helper}{bluetooth} = "-" if(!defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}->{helper}{bluetooth}));
# Bluetooth Geräte bereinigen!
my $echohash;
foreach my $DeviceID (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}}) {
$echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID};
foreach my $BluetoothDevice (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{READINGS}}) {
if ( grep( /^$BluetoothDevice$/, @btdevices ) ) {
#Log3 $name, 5, "DEBUG $name [bluetoothstate] FOUND Device=" . $DeviceID . " Reading=" . $BluetoothDevice if ($BluetoothDevice =~ m/bluetooth_/ );
else {
readingsDelete($echohash, $BluetoothDevice ) if ($BluetoothDevice =~ m/bluetooth_/ );
elsif($msgtype eq "getdnd") {
foreach my $device (@{$json->{doNotDisturbDeviceStatusList}}) {
if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) {
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Reverb");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Multiroom");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Stereopaar");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos Display");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos One");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos Beam");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt");
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}};
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "dnd", $device->{enabled}?"on":"off", 1);
elsif($msgtype eq "alarmvolume") {
foreach my $device (@{$json->{deviceNotificationStates}}) {
if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) {
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Reverb");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Multiroom");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos Display");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Stereopaar");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt");
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}};
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "volume_alarm", $device->{volumeLevel}, 1)if(defined($device->{volumeLevel}));
elsif($msgtype eq "dndset") {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "dnd", $json->{enabled}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{enabled}));
elsif($msgtype eq "tunein") {
elsif($msgtype eq "ttstunein") {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{helper}{lasttuneindelay} , "echodevice_StartLastMedia" , $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] Setze echodevice_StartLastMedia Timer in " . $hash->{helper}{lasttuneindelay} . " Sekunden.";
elsif($msgtype eq "tts_translate") {
my $TTS_Translate_Result = "ERROR no result!!!!";
my $TTS_Translate_ResultTags = "";
if (defined($json->{d})) {
if (defined($json->{d}{result})) {
$TTS_Translate_Result = $json->{d}{result};
if (defined($json->{d}{resultNoTags})) {
$TTS_Translate_ResultTags = $json->{d}{resultNoTags};
# Prüfen ob Text erkannt wurde
if (index($TTS_Translate_Result,'<div') >=0 && $TTS_Translate_ResultTags ne "" ) {
# Kein Text erkannt!
my @TTS_ResultArray = split("\n",$TTS_Translate_ResultTags);
$TTS_Translate_Result = substr($TTS_ResultArray[1], 5,index($TTS_ResultArray[1],",")-5 );
# Verzeichnis anlegen
my $filedir = "cache";
mkdir($filedir, 0777) unless(-d $filedir );
# Text in Datei zwischenspeichern
open(FH, ">$filedir/$name.html");
print FH $TTS_Translate_Result;
# Reading aktualisieren.
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tts_translate_result",$TTS_Translate_Result , 1);
# Datei wieder auslesen
open FILE, "$filedir/$name.html" or do {
chomp(my $TTS_Translate_Result = <FILE>);
close FILE;
# TTS Nachricht abspielen
if ($TTS_Translate_Result ne "ERROR no result!!!!") {
elsif($msgtype eq "wakeword") {
foreach my $device (@{$json->{wakeWords}}) {
if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) {
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}};
#readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "active", $device->{active}?"true":"false", 1) if(defined($device->{active}));
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "wakeword", $device->{wakeWord}, 1) if(defined($device->{wakeWord}));
#readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "midfield", $device->{midFieldState}, 1) if(defined($device->{midFieldState}));
elsif($msgtype eq "getdevicesettings") {
foreach my $device (@{$json->{devicePreferences}}) {
if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) {
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}};
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Multiroom");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Stereopaar");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt");
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "microphone", $device->{notificationEarconEnabled}?"false":"true", 1) if(defined($device->{notificationEarconEnabled}));
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "deviceAddress", $device->{deviceAddress}, 1) if(defined($device->{deviceAddress}));
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "timeZoneId", $device->{timeZoneId}, 1) if(defined($device->{timeZoneId}));
elsif($msgtype eq "getisonline") {
foreach my $device (@{$json->{devices}}) {
if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{serialNumber}})) {
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{serialNumber}};
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Multiroom");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Stereopaar");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos Display");
next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt");
readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "online", $device->{online}?"true":"false", 1) if(defined($device->{online}));
elsif($msgtype eq "conversations") {
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p>Conversations:</p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>ID</strong></td><td><strong>Date</strong></td><td><strong>Message</strong></td></tr>";
my $conversations_date = "";
my $conversations_msg = "";
if(!defined($json->{conversations})) {}
elsif(ref($json->{conversations}) ne "ARRAY") {}
foreach my $conversation (@{$json->{conversations}}) {
$conversations_date = $conversation->{lastMessage}{time};
$conversations_msg = substr($conversation->{lastMessage}{payload}{text},0,32);
$conversations_msg =~ s/[\x0A\x0D]//g;
} else {
$conversations_msg = "no previous messages";
$conversations_date = "no date";
$return .= "<tr><td>".$conversation->{conversationId}." </td><td>".$conversations_date." </td><td>".$conversations_msg." </td></tr>";
$return .= "</tbody></table></html>";
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return );
elsif($msgtype eq "devices" || $msgtype eq "autocreate_devices") {
my $autocreated = 0;
my $autocreate = 0;
my $isautocreated = 0;
$autocreate=1 if($msgtype eq "autocreate_devices");
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p>Devices:</p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Serial</strong></td><td><strong>Family</strong></td><td><strong>Devicetype</strong></td><td><strong>Name</strong></td></tr>";
if(!defined($json->{devices})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{devices}) ne "ARRAY") {}
else {
foreach my $device (@{$json->{devices}}) {
#next if($device->{deviceFamily} eq "UNKNOWN");
#next if($device->{deviceFamily} eq "FIRE_TV");
#next if($device->{deviceFamily} =~ /AMAZON/);
$isautocreated = 0;
if($autocreate && ($device->{deviceFamily} eq "UNKNOWN" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "FIRE_TV" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "TABLET" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "ECHO" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "KNIGHT" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "THIRD_PARTY_AVS_SONOS_BOOTLEG" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "THIRD_PARTY_AVS_MEDIA_DISPLAY" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "WHA" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "ROOK" )) {
if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"}) ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] device '$device->{serialNumber}' already defined";
if (AttrVal($name, "autocreate_refresh", 0) == 1) {
my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"};
print (fhem( "attr " . $devicehash->{NAME} ." alias " .$device->{accountName} )) if( defined($device->{accountName}) );
print (fhem( "attr " . $devicehash->{NAME} ." icon echo" ))if (-e "././www/images/fhemSVG/echo.svg");
else {
$isautocreated = 1;
my $devname = "ECHO_".$device->{serialNumber};
my $define= "$devname echodevice ".$device->{deviceType}." ".$device->{serialNumber};
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] create new device '$devname'";
my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define);
if($cmdret) {
Log3 $name, 1, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] Autocreate: An error occurred while creating device for serial '$device->{serialNumber}': $cmdret";
else {
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname alias ".$device->{accountName}) if( defined($device->{accountName}) );
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname icon echo" )if (-e "././www/images/fhemSVG/echo.svg");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname IODev $name");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname room Amazon");
$hash->{helper}{VERSION} = $device->{softwareVersion} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{VERSION}));
$hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $device->{deviceOwnerCustomerId} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"}));
$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}));
$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}));
elsif($device->{deviceFamily} eq "ECHO") {
Log3 $name, 4, "[echodevice_GetSettings] SET 2 DEF=" . $hash->{DEF} . " TYPE=".$device->{deviceType} . 'SN Hash=' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . ' SN Result=' . $device->{serialNumber} ;
$hash->{helper}{VERSION} = $device->{softwareVersion} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{VERSION}));
$hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $device->{deviceOwnerCustomerId} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"}));
$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}));
$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}));
if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"}) ) {
my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"};
if ($isautocreated == 0) {
$return .= "<tr><td>".$device->{serialNumber}." </td><td>".$device->{deviceFamily}." </td><td>".$device->{deviceType}." </td><td>".$device->{accountName}." </td></tr>";
else {
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>*".$device->{serialNumber}." </strong></td><td><strong>".$device->{deviceFamily}." </strong></td><td><strong>".$device->{deviceType}." </strong></td><td><strong>".$device->{accountName}." </strong></td></tr>";
foreach my $device (@{$json->{devices}}) {
my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"};
next if( !defined($devicehash) );
$devicehash->{model} = echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType});#$device->{deviceType};
readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "model", $devicehash->{model}, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "presence", ($device->{online}?"present":"absent"), 1);
#readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "state", "absent", 1) if(!$device->{online});
readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "version", $device->{softwareVersion}, 1);
$devicehash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber};
$devicehash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType};
$devicehash->{helper}{NAME} = $device->{accountName};
$devicehash->{helper}{FAMILY} = $device->{deviceFamily};
$devicehash->{helper}{VERSION} = $device->{softwareVersion};
$devicehash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $device->{deviceOwnerCustomerId};
if ($device->{deviceFamily} eq "ECHO" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "KNIGHT") {
Log3 $name, 4, "[echodevice_GetSettings] SET 4 DEF=" . $devicehash->{DEF} . " TYPE=".$device->{deviceType} . 'SN Hash=' . $devicehash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . ' SN Result=' . $device->{serialNumber} ;
$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber};
$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType};
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "autocreate_devices", "found: ".$autocreated, 0 ) if($msgtype eq "autocreate_devices");
$return .= "</tbody></table>";
$return .= "<p><strong>* ".$autocreated." devices created</strong></p>" if($msgtype eq "autocreate_devices");
$return .= "</html>";
$return =~ s/'/'/g;
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return );
elsif($msgtype eq "devicesstate") {
if (ref($json) eq "HASH") {
if(!defined($json->{devices})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{devices}) ne "ARRAY") {}
else {
foreach my $device (@{$json->{devices}}) {
my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"};
next if( !defined($devicehash) );
$devicehash->{model} = echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType});#$device->{deviceType};
Log3 $name, 4, "[echodevice_GetSettings] SET 6 DEF=" . $devicehash->{DEF} . " TYPE=".$device->{deviceType}. 'SN Hash=' . $devicehash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . ' SN Result=' . $device->{serialNumber} . " Model=" .$devicehash->{model} ;
readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "model", $devicehash->{model}, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "presence", ($device->{online}?"present":"absent"), 1);
#readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "state", "absent", 1) if(!$device->{online});
readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "version", $device->{softwareVersion}, 1);
$devicehash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber};
$devicehash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType};
$devicehash->{helper}{NAME} = $device->{accountName};
$devicehash->{helper}{FAMILY} = $device->{deviceFamily};
$devicehash->{helper}{VERSION} = $device->{softwareVersion};
$devicehash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $device->{deviceOwnerCustomerId};
# Multiroom
if ($device->{deviceType} eq "A3C9PE6TNYLTCH") {
Log3 $name, 4, "[echodevice_GetSettings] Multiroom Device erkannt" ;
my $EchoMembers = "";
foreach my $clusterMember (@{$device->{clusterMembers}}) {
if ($EchoMembers eq "") {$EchoMembers = $clusterMember;} else {$EchoMembers = $EchoMembers . "," . $clusterMember;}
Log3 $name, 4, "[echodevice_GetSettings] Multiroom Devices $EchoMembers" ;
readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "clusterMembers", $EchoMembers, 1);
if ($device->{deviceFamily} eq "ECHO" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "KNIGHT") {
Log3 $name, 4, "[echodevice_GetSettings] SET 5 DEF=" . $devicehash->{DEF} . " TYPE=".$device->{deviceType}. 'SN Hash=' . $devicehash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . ' SN Result=' . $device->{serialNumber} ;
$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber};
$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType};
else {
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] WRONG JSON Type Type=" . ref($json);
elsif($msgtype eq "searchtunein") {
my $tuneincount = 0;
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p>TuneIn:</p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>ID</strong></td><td><strong>Name</strong></td><td><strong>Start</strong></td></tr>";
if (!defined($json->{browseList})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{browseList}) ne "ARRAY") {}
else {
# Play on Device
foreach my $result (@{$json->{browseList}}) {
next if(!$result->{available});
next if($result->{contentType} ne "station");
$tuneincount ++;
$return .= "<tr><td>".$result->{id}." </td><td>".$result->{name}." </td><td><a href=" . '/fhem?cmd.Test=set%20' .$name .'%20tunein%20'.$result->{id}.'>play ' . "</a></td></tr>";
$return .= "</tbody></table>";
$return .= "<p><strong>".$tuneincount. " tunein IDs found</strong></p>";
$return .= "</html>";
$return =~ s/'/'/g;
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return );
elsif($msgtype eq "searchtracks") {
my $trackcount = 0;
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
my $tracktitle = "";
$return .= "<p>Tracks:</p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>ID</strong></td><td><strong>Title</strong></td></tr>";
if (!defined($json->{playlist}{entryList})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{playlist}{entryList}) ne "ARRAY") {}
else {
foreach my $track (@{$json->{playlist}{entryList}}) {
if(defined($track->{metadata}{title})){$tracktitle = $track->{metadata}{title};}
else {$tracktitle= "unknown title";}
$trackcount ++;
$return .= "<tr><td>".$track->{trackId}." </td><td>".$tracktitle." </td></tr>";
$return .= "</tbody></table>";
$return .= "<p><strong>".$trackcount." track IDs found</strong></p>";
$return .= "</html>";
$return =~ s/'/'/g;
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return );
elsif($msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Albums" || $msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Tracks" || $msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Artists" ) {
my $querytype = substr($msgtype,16);
my $albumcount = 0;
my $artistcolum = "";
$artistcolum = "<td><strong>Title  </strong></td><td><strong>ID  </strong></td>" if ($msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Tracks" ) ;
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p>$querytype:</p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Artist  </strong></td><td><strong>Albumname  </strong></td>$artistcolum<td><strong>Tracks  </strong></td><td><strong>Start</strong></td></tr>";
if (!defined($json->{selectItemList})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{selectItemList}) ne "ARRAY") {}
else {
# Play on Device
foreach my $result (@{$json->{selectItemList}}) {
#next if(!$result->{available});
#next if($result->{contentType} ne "station");
$albumcount ++;
if ($msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Tracks" ) {
$return .= "<tr><td>".$result->{metadata}{albumArtistName}." </td><td>".$result->{metadata}{albumName}." </td><td>".$result->{metadata}{title}." </td><td>".$result->{metadata}{objectId}." </td><td>1 </td><td><a href=" . '/fhem?cmd.Test=set%20' .$name .'%20track%20'.$result->{metadata}{objectId}.'>play ' . "</a></td></tr>";
else {
$return .= "<tr><td>".$result->{metadata}{albumArtistName}." </td><td>".$result->{metadata}{albumName}." </td><td>".$result->{numTracks}." </td><td><a href=" . '/fhem?cmd.Test=set%20' .$name .'%20primeplayeigene%20'.urlEncode($result->{metadata}{albumArtistName})."@".urlEncode($result->{metadata}{albumName}).'>play ' . "</a></td></tr>";
$return .= "</tbody></table>";
$return .= "<p><strong>".$albumcount. " ". lc($querytype) ." IDs found</strong></p>";
$return .= "</html>";
$return =~ s/'/'/g;
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return );
elsif($msgtype eq "getprimeplayeigeneplaylist" ) {
my $playlistcount = 0;
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p>Playlists:</p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Name  </strong></td><td><strong>ID  </strong></td><td><strong>Tracks  </strong></td><td><strong>Start</strong></td></tr>";
if (!defined($json->{playlists})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{playlists}) ne "HASH") {}
else {
foreach my $result (sort keys %{$json->{playlists}}) {
$playlistcount ++;
$return .= "<tr><td>".$result." </td><td>".$json->{playlists}{"$result"}[0]{playlistId}." </td><td>".$json->{playlists}{"$result"}[0]{trackCount}." </td><td><a href=" . '/fhem?cmd.Test=set%20' .$name .'%20primeplayeigeneplaylist%20'.$json->{playlists}{"$result"}[0]{playlistId}.'>play ' . "</a></td></tr>";
$return .= "</tbody></table>";
$return .= "<p><strong>".$playlistcount. " playlist IDs found</strong></p>";
$return .= "</html>";
$return =~ s/'/'/g;
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return );
elsif($msgtype eq "getcards") {
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p>Actions:</p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Title</strong></td><td><strong>Subtitle</strong></td><td><strong>Voice</strong></td><td><strong>Device</strong></td></tr>";
if (!defined($json->{cards})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{cards}) ne "ARRAY") {}
else {
foreach my $cards (@{$json->{cards}}) {
my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$cards->{sourceDevice}{serialNumber}"};
my $devicename = $devicehash->{NAME};
my $VoiceText = $cards->{playbackAudioAction}{mainText};
$VoiceText = "No voice command detected. Action was started by the Alexa app." if ($VoiceText eq "");
if ($devicename ne ""){
if (AttrVal( $devicename, "alias", "none" ) ne "none") {$devicename = AttrVal( $devicename, "alias", "none" );}
$return .= "<tr><td>".$cards->{title}." </td><td>".$cards->{subtitle}." </td><td>".$VoiceText." </td><td>".$devicename." </td></tr>";
$return .= "</tbody></table>";
$return .= "</html>";
$return =~ s/'/'/g;
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return );
elsif($msgtype eq "getsettingstraffic") {
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"} = ();
if ((!defined($json->{origin}{label}))) {
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{from} = "";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_from", "-", 1);
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{from} = encode_utf8($json->{origin}{label});
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_from", $json->{origin}{label}, 1);
if ((!defined($json->{destination}{label}))) {
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{to} = "";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_to", "-", 1);
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{to} = encode_utf8($json->{destination}{label});
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_to", $json->{destination}{label}, 1);
if (ref($json->{waypoints}) ne "ARRAY") {
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{between} = "";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_between", "-", 1);
if ($json->{waypoints}[0]{label} eq "") {
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{between} = "";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_between", "-", 1);
else {
$hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{between} = encode_utf8($json->{waypoints}[0]{label});
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_between", $json->{waypoints}[0]{label}, 1);
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
elsif($msgtype eq "address") {
my $addresscount = 0;
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p>Adressen:</p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Adresse</strong></td><td><strong> Start</strong></td><td><strong> Z.-Ziel</strong></td><td><strong> Ziel</strong></td></tr>";
if (!defined($json->{suggestionList})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{suggestionList}) ne "ARRAY") {}
else {
# Play on Device
foreach my $result (@{$json->{suggestionList}}) {
#next if(!$result->{available});
#next if($result->{contentType} ne "station");
$addresscount ++;
$return .= "<tr><td>".$result->{internalLabel}." </td><td> <a href=" . '/fhem?cmd.Test=set%20' .$name .'%20config_address_from%20'.urlEncode($result->{internalLabel}).'>set' . "</a></td><td> <a href=" . '/fhem?cmd.Test=set%20' .$name .'%20config_address_between%20'.urlEncode($result->{internalLabel}).'>set' . "</a></td><td> <a href=" . '/fhem?cmd.Test=set%20' .$name .'%20config_address_to%20'.urlEncode($result->{internalLabel}).'>set' . "</a></td></tr>";
$return .= "</tbody></table>";
$return .= "<p><strong>".$addresscount. " Adressen gefunden</strong></p>";
$return .= "</html>";
$return =~ s/'/'/g;
if ($addresscount == 0) {
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, "Die Adresse konnte nicht gefunden werden!" );
else {
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return );
elsif($msgtype eq "customer-history-records") {
my $addresscount = 0;
my $Voicetext;
my $return = '<html><table align="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" height="100%" class="mceEditable"><tbody>';
$return .= "<p>Sprachaufnahmen-Verlauf:</p>";
$return .= "<tr><td><strong>Datum</strong></td><td><strong> Echoname</strong></td><td><strong> Aufname</strong></td></tr>";
if (!defined($json->{customerHistoryRecords})) {}
elsif (ref($json->{customerHistoryRecords}) ne "ARRAY") {}
else {
# Play on Device
foreach my $result (@{$json->{customerHistoryRecords}}) {
foreach my $Voicerecords (@{$result->{voiceHistoryRecordItems}}) {
next if ($Voicerecords->{recordItemType} eq "TTS_REPLACEMENT_TEXT") ;
my ($S, $M, $H, $d, $m, $Y) = localtime($result->{timestamp} / 1000);
$m += 1;
$Y += 1900;
my $dt = sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%02d:%02d", $d,$m, $Y, $H, $M, $S);
$addresscount ++;
if ($Voicerecords->{transcriptText} eq "") {$Voicetext = "Falsch erkannt";} else {$Voicetext=$Voicerecords->{transcriptText};}
my $MP3Filename = $Voicerecords->{recordItemKey} . ".mp3";
$MP3Filename =~ s/#//g;
$return .= "<tr><td>" . $dt . " </td><td> ". $result->{device}{"deviceName"} . '</td><td> ' . '<audio controls><source src="' . $FW_ME . '/echodevice/VoiceRecords/' . $MP3Filename .'" type="audio/wav">' . '<a target="_blank" href=' . '"' . $FW_ME . '/echodevice/VoiceRecords/' . $MP3Filename .'"' . '>play' . "</a>" . '</audio>' . "</td><td><p>" . $Voicetext . "</p> </td></tr>";
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/VoiceRecords/". $MP3Filename)) {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3] Use EXIST MP3File = " . $MP3Filename ;
else {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3] Download MP3File = " . $MP3Filename ;
#Header auslesen
my $AmazonHeader;
# Browser User Agent
my $HeaderLanguage = AttrVal($name,"browser_language","de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3");
my $UserAgent = AttrVal($name,"browser_useragent","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0");
if (AttrVal($name,"browser_useragent_random",0) == 1) {
$UserAgent = join('', map{('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9)[rand 62]} 0..20);
if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {$AmazonHeader = "User-Agent: ". $UserAgent ."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nCookie:".$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}."\r\ncsrf: ".$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"}."\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8";}
else {$AmazonHeader = "User-Agent: ". $UserAgent ."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nCookie:".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".COOKIE"}."\r\ncsrf: ".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CSRF"}."\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8";}
my $params = {
url => "https://www.amazon.de/alexa-privacy/apd/rvh/audio?uid=" . urlEncode($Voicerecords->{utteranceId}),
header => $AmazonHeader,
timeout => 10,
noshutdown => 1,
keepalive => 1,
method => "GET",
CL => $param->{CL},
hash => $hash,
type => $MP3Filename,
httpversion => $param->{httpversion},
NAME => $name,
callback => \&echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3
$return .= "</tbody></table>";
$return .= "<p><strong>".$addresscount. " Sprachaufnahmen gefunden</strong></p>";
$return .= "</html>";
$return =~ s/'/'/g;
if ($addresscount == 0) {
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, "Es konnten keine Sprachaufnahmen gefunden werden!" );
else {
asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return );
else {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] [$msgnumber] json for unknown message \n".Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $json));
sub echodevice_GetSettings($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $nextupdate = int(AttrVal($name,"intervalsettings",60));
my $ConnectState = "";
return if($hash->{model} eq "unbekannt");
# ECHO Device disable
if (AttrVal($name,"disable",0) == 1) {
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_GetSettings");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $nextupdate, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
# ECHO am Account registrierern
if($hash->{model} ne "ACCOUNT") {
$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"DEVICETYPE"} = $hash->{helper}{"DEVICETYPE"} ;
$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"};
$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"VERSION"} = $hash->{helper}{"VERSION"};
if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {$ConnectState = $hash->{STATE}} else {$ConnectState = $hash->{IODev}->{STATE}}
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] start refresh settings" ;
if ($ConnectState eq "connected") {
if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"devices","") if ($hash->{helper}{VERSION} eq "");
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"namedListsIDs","") if ($hash->{helper}{SHOPPING_LIST_ID} eq "");
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"account","") if ($hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"} eq "");
# Voice Reading
my $IntervalVoice = int(AttrVal($name,"intervalvoice",999999));
$hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 0 if ($hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} eq "");
$hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate} = time() if ($hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate} eq "");
if ($hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} == 0 && $IntervalVoice != 999999) {
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] refresh voice command IntervalVoice=$IntervalVoice ";
$hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 1;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $IntervalVoice , "echodevice_refreshvoice", $hash, 0);
elsif ($hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} == 1 && time() - $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate} >= $IntervalVoice + 20 ){
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] restart refresh voice command IntervalVoice=$IntervalVoice DIFF " . (time() - $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate}) . ">=" . ($IntervalVoice + 20) ;
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_refreshvoice");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $IntervalVoice , "echodevice_refreshvoice", $hash, 0);
else {
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] refresh voice command";
else {
Log3 $name, 4, "[echodevice_GetSettings] Devicename=$name DEF=" . $hash->{DEF} . " DEVICETYPE=" . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . " Model=" . $hash->{model};
if ($hash->{model} eq "Reverb" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos One" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos Beam") {
if ($hash->{IODev}{STATE} eq "connected") {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $hash->{IODev}{STATE}, 1);
else {$nextupdate = 10;}
if (ReadingsVal($name, "playStatus", "off") ne "paused") {
my $CalcInterval = int(ReadingsVal($name, "progresslen", 0)) - (int(ReadingsVal($name, "progress", 0)) + $nextupdate);
if ($CalcInterval < 0) {}
elsif ($CalcInterval < ($nextupdate -1) ){$nextupdate = $CalcInterval + 4;}
Log3( $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] Timer CINTERVAL = " . $CalcInterval);
if ($hash->{IODev}{STATE} eq "connected") {
else {
$nextupdate = 10;
# Readings löschen
readingsDelete($hash, "COOKIE_STATE") ;
readingsDelete($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE") ;
readingsDelete($hash, "2FACode") ;
readingsDelete($hash, "BrowserUserAgent") ;
# Readings Bereinigung
readingsDelete($hash, "active") if (ReadingsVal($name , "active", "none") ne "none");
Log3( $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] Timer INTERVAL = " . $nextupdate);
else {
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] unknown state / state = $ConnectState" ;
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_GetSettings");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $nextupdate, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
sub echodevice_FirstStart($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $CookieDevice = "";
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "version", $ModulVersion ,0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "autocreate_devices", "stop", 0 );
# Migration NPM von Version älter 0.0.55
if ((ReadingsVal($name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "unbekannt") eq "READING_NPM" || ReadingsVal($name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "unbekannt") eq "NPM_Login" ) && ReadingsVal($name, "amazon_refreshtoken", "unbekannt") eq "vorhanden" && $hash->{DEF} ne "xxx\@xxx.xx xxx") {
$hash->{DEF} = "xxx\@xxx.xx xxx";
$hash->{LOGINMODE} = "NPM";
if(AttrVal( $name, "cookie", "none" ) ne "none") {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "ATTRIBUTE" ,0);
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = AttrVal( $name, "cookie", "none" );
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ s/Cookie: //g;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/;
$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1;
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".COOKIE", $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} ,0); # Cookie als READING festhalten!
elsif (ReadingsVal( $name, ".COOKIE", "none" ) ne "none") {
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = ReadingsVal( $name, ".COOKIE", "none" );
# Prüfen ob es sich um ein NPM Login handelt
if (index($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}, "{") != -1) {
# NPM Login erkannt
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "READING_NPM" ,0);
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /"localCookie":".*session-id=(.*?)","?/;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = "session-id=" . $1;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/ if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}));
$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1 if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}));
else {
# OLD Style
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "READING" ,0);
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ s/Cookie: //g;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/;
$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1;
else {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "NEW" ,0);
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_FirstStart] COOKIE = " . $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_FirstStart] COOKIE_TYPE = " . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "none" );
if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})) {
# Alte Readingsbereinigen
readingsDelete($hash, "COOKIE");
# Migration aws_secret_key & aws_access_key
if (ReadingsVal($name , "aws_access_key", "none") ne "none") {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".aws_access_key", ReadingsVal($name , lc("AWS_Access_Key"), "none") ,0);
readingsDelete($hash, "aws_access_key");
if (ReadingsVal($name , lc("aws_secret_key"), "none") ne "none") {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".aws_secret_key", ReadingsVal($name , lc("aws_secret_key"), "none") ,0);
readingsDelete($hash, "aws_secret_key");
# Login Timer setzen
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_LoginStart");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 10, "echodevice_LoginStart", $hash, 0);
sub echodevice_LoginStart($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $nextupdate = int(AttrVal($name,"intervallogin",60));
my $npm_refresh_intervall = int(AttrVal($name,"npm_refresh_intervall",6000));
my $DeviceState = "";
# Bestehenden Timer löschen
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_LoginStart");
# ECHO Device disable
if (AttrVal($name,"disable",0) == 1) {
$DeviceState = "disable";
else {
$DeviceState = "enable";
if ($hash->{STATE} ne "connected" && $hash->{STATE} ne "connected but loginerror") {
if ($hash->{STATE} eq "disable") {
else {
if (index(ReadingsVal($name , ".COOKIE", "0"), "{") != -1) {
echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin6","");# if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL");
else {
if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL") {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] start login";
$hash->{helper}{RUNLOGIN} = 0;
echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin1","") if(!defined($attr{$name}{cookie}));
elsif ($hash->{STATE} eq "connected but loginerror") {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] connected but loginerror";
echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin6","");# if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL");
else {
if (index(ReadingsVal($name , ".COOKIE", "0"), "{") != -1) {
# Refresh COOKIE
if (ReadingsAge($name,'.COOKIE',0) > $npm_refresh_intervall) {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] Alter COOKIE=" . ReadingsAge($name,'.COOKIE',0) ."/$npm_refresh_intervall Refresh Cookie!";
else {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] Alter COOKIE=" . ReadingsAge($name,'.COOKIE',0) . "/$npm_refresh_intervall";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $nextupdate, "echodevice_LoginStart", $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] [$DeviceState] set next internal timer start in $nextupdate seconds.";
sub echodevice_CheckAuth($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if($hash->{model} ne "ACCOUNT");
# Erneut Login ausführen wenn Cookie nicht gesetzt wurde!
if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})) {
echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin1","") if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL");
else {
return undef;
sub echodevice_ParseAuth($$$) {
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $msgtype = $param->{type};
my $nextupdate = int(AttrVal($name,"intervallogin",60));
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [$msgtype] ";
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [$msgtype] DATA Dumper=" . Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $data));
# HTML Informationen mit schreiben
if (AttrVal($name,"browser_save_data",0) == 1) {
#Verzeichnis echodevice anlegen
mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice" );
mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice/results", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results" );
# Eventuell vorhandene Datei löschen
my $HTMLFilename = $name . "_" . $msgtype . ".html";
my $HeaderFilename = $name . "_" . $msgtype . "_header.html";
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $HTMLFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/".$HTMLFilename}
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $HeaderFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/".$HeaderFilename}
# Datei anlegen
open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/results/$HTMLFilename");
print FH $data;
# Datei anlegen
open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/results/$HeaderFilename");
print FH $param->{httpheader};
echodevice_LostConnect($hash,"connection error = $err");
return undef;
if($data =~ /cookie is missing/) {
echodevice_LostConnect($hash,"connection error = cookie is missing");
return undef;
my $json = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($data) };
if($@) {
echodevice_LostConnect($hash,"JSON error = no content");
return undef;
if ($hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} >= 1) {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseAuth] reset loginerror from " . $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} . " to 0" ;
$hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} = 0;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "connected", 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "COOKIE_STATE", "OK", 1);
$hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $json->{authentication}{customerId};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseAuth] JSON OK = {authentication}{authenticated}";
elsif($json->{authentication}) {
echodevice_LostConnect($hash,"JSON error = {authentication}");
return undef;
sub echodevice_LostConnect($$){
my ($hash,$State) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE} = (); # Query zurücksetzen
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_LostConnect] clear CMD_QUEUE" ;
if ($hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} >= 5) {
$hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} = 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_LostConnect] $State / Generate new COOKIE! / set loginerror to 0" ;
else {
$hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} = $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} + 1;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_LostConnect] $State / set loginerror to " . $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"};
echodevice_setState($hash,"connected but loginerror");
sub echodevice_getModel($){
my ($ModelNumber) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ($ModelNumber eq "AB72C64C86AW2" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo") {return "Echo";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3S5BH2HU6VAYF" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A32DOYMUN6DTXA" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A32DDESGESSHZA" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1RABVCI4QCIKC" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3RMGO6LYLH7YN" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen4";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2U21SRK4QGSE1" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen4";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2H4LV5GIZ1JFT" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen4 with Clock";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2DS1Q2TPDJ48U" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen5 with Clock";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A10A33FOX2NUBK" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Spot") {return "Echo Spot";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1NL4BVLQ4L3N3" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show") {return "Echo Show";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AWZZ5CVHX2CD" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show") {return "Echo Show Gen2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AIPK7MM90V7TB" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show") {return "Echo Show Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A4ZP7ZC4PI6TO" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 5") {return "Echo Show 5";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1XWJRHALS1REP" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 5") {return "Echo Show 5 Gen2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A11QM4H9HGV71H" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 5") {return "Echo Show 5 Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A4ZXE0RM7LQ7A" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 5") {return "Echo Show 5 Gen5";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1Z88NGR2BK6A2" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 8") {return "Echo Show 8";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A15996VY63BQ2D" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 8") {return "Echo Show 8 Gen2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2UONLFQW0PADH" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 8") {return "Echo Show 8 Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1EIANJ7PNB0Q7" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 15") {return "Echo Show 15 Gen1";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2M35JJZWCQOMZ" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Plus") {return "Echo Plus";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1JJ0KFC4ZPNJ3" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Input") {return "Echo Input";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A18O6U1UQFJ0XK" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Plus 2") {return "Echo Plus 2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "ASQZWP4GPYUT7" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Plus 2 gen2") {return "Echo Plus 2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3VRME03NAXFUB" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Flex") {return "Echo Flex";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3FX4UWTP28V1P" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo") {return "Echo Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A30YDR2MK8HMRV" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo") {return "Echo Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3RBAYBE7VM004" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Studio") {return "Echo Studio";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3SSG6GR8UU7SN" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Sub") {return "Echo Sub";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AILBSA2LNTOYL" || $ModelNumber eq "Reverb") {return "Reverb";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A15ERDAKK5HQQG" || $ModelNumber eq "Sonos Display") {return "Sonos Display";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2OSP3UA4VC85F" || $ModelNumber eq "Sonos One") {return "Sonos One";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3NPD82ABCPIDP" || $ModelNumber eq "Sonos Beam") {return "Sonos Beam";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2Z8O30CD35N8F" || $ModelNumber eq "Sonos Arc") {return "Sonos Arc";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A7WXQPH584YP" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Gen2") {return "Echo Gen2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3C9PE6TNYLTCH" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Multiroom") {return "Echo Multiroom";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AP1F6KUH00XPV" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Stereopaar") {return "Echo Stereopaar";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1DL2DVDQVK3Q" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire Tab HD 10") {return "Fire Tab HD 10";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3R9S4ZZECZ6YL" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire Tab HD 10") {return "Fire Tab HD 10";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3L0T0VL9A921N" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire Tab HD 8") {return "Fire Tab HD 8";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2M4YX06LWP8WI" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire Tab 7") {return "Fire Tab 7";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2E0SNTXJVT7WK" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV V1") {return "Fire TV V1";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2GFL5ZMWNE0PX" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV") {return "Fire TV";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A12GXV8XMS007S" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV") {return "Fire TV";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3HF4YRA2L7XGC" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Cube") {return "Fire TV Cube";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1VGB7MHSIEYFK" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Cube Gen3") {return "Fire TV Cube Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "ADVBD696BHNV5" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick V1") {return "Fire TV Stick V1";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2LWARUGJLBYEW" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick V2") {return "Fire TV Stick V2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AKPGW064GI9HE" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick 4K") {return "Fire TV Stick 4K";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A265XOI9586NML" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick 4K") {return "Fire TV Stick 4K";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3EVMLQTU6WL1W" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick 4K Max") {return "Fire TV Stick 4K Max";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A31DTMEEVDDOIV" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick 4K") {return "Fire TV";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1WZKXFLI43K86" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick 4K Max") {return "Fire TV Stick 4K Max Gen2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2JKHJ0PX4J3L3" || $ModelNumber eq "ECHO FireTv Cube 4K") {return "ECHO FireTv Cube 4K";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A10L5JEZTKKCZ8" || $ModelNumber eq "VOBOT") {return "VOBOT";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A37SHHQ3NUL7B5" || $ModelNumber eq "Bose Home Speaker 500") {return "Bose Home Speaker 500";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AVN2TMX8MU2YM" || $ModelNumber eq "Bose Home Speaker 500") {return "Bose Home Speaker 500";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1RTAM01W29CUP" || $ModelNumber eq "Alexa App for PC") {return "Alexa App for PC";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A21Z3CGI8UIP0F" || $ModelNumber eq "HEOS") {return "HEOS";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AKOAGQTKAS9YB" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Connect") {return "Echo Connect";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3NTO4JLV9QWRB" || $ModelNumber eq "Gigaset L800HX") {return "Gigaset L800HX";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1HNT9YTOBE735" || $ModelNumber eq "Telekom Smart Speaker") {return "Telekom Smart Speaker";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1WAR447VT003J" || $ModelNumber eq "Yamaha MusicCast 20") {return "Yamaha MusicCast 20";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AVE5HX13UR5NO" || $ModelNumber eq "Zero Touch (Logitech)") {return "Zero Touch (Logitech)";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3GZUE7F9MEB4U" || $ModelNumber eq "Sony WH-100XM3") {return "Sony WH-100XM3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2J0R2SD7G9LPA" || $ModelNumber eq "Lenovo P10") {return "Lenovo P10";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1J16TEDOYCZTN" || $ModelNumber eq "Amazon Tablet") {return "Amazon Tablet";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A38EHHIB10L47V" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire HD 8 Tablet") {return "Fire HD 8 Tablet";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A112LJ20W14H95" || $ModelNumber eq "Media Display") {return "Media Display";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1H0CMF1XM0ZP4" || $ModelNumber eq "Bose Soundtouch") {return "Bose Soundtouch";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AAMFMBBEW2960" || $ModelNumber eq "Garmin DriveSmart 65 with Amazon Alexa") {return "Garmin DriveSmart 65 with Amazon Alexa";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2IVLV5VM2W81" || $ModelNumber eq "Mobile Voice iOS") {return "Mobile Voice iOS";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2TF17PFR55MTB" || $ModelNumber eq "Mobile Voice Android") {return "Mobile Voice Android";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3V3VA38K169FO" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire Tablet") {return "Fire Tablet";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AVD3HM0HOJAAL" || $ModelNumber eq "Sonos One") {return "Sonos One";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1C66CX2XD756O" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire HD 8 Tablet") {return "Fire HD 8 Tablet";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A17LGWINFBUTZZ" || $ModelNumber eq "Anker Roav Car Charger") {return "Anker Roav Car Charger";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2XPGY5LRKB9BE" || $ModelNumber eq "FitBit watch") {return "FitBit watch";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2Y04QPFCANLPQ" || $ModelNumber eq "Bose QC35 II") {return "Bose QC35 II";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2WFDCBDEXOXR8" || $ModelNumber eq "Bose Soundbar") {return "Bose Soundbar";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3BW5ZVFHRCQPO" || $ModelNumber eq "Alexa Car") {return "Alexa Car";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A303PJF6ISQ7IC" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Auto") {return "Echo Auto";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1ZB65LA390I4K" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire HD 10 Tablet") {return "Fire HD 10 Tablet";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AVU7CPPF2ZRAS" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire HD 8 Plus (2020)") {return "Fire HD 8 Plus (2020)";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A24Z7PEXY4MDTK" || $ModelNumber eq "Sony WF-1000X") {return "Sony WF-1000X";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "ABN8JEI7OQF61" || $ModelNumber eq "Sony WF-1000XM3") {return "Sony WF-1000XM3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A7S41FQ5TWBC9" || $ModelNumber eq "Sony WH-1000XM4") {return "Sony WH-1000XM4";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2WN1FJ2HG09UN" || $ModelNumber eq "Ultimate Alexa") {return "Ultimate Alexa";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A23FPV4BT7FH68" || $ModelNumber eq "Yamaha YAS-209 Soundbar") {return "Yamaha YAS-209 Soundbar";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A347N36W21919O" || $ModelNumber eq "Yamaha ATS-2090 Soundbar") {return "Yamaha ATS-2090 Soundbar";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A39Y3UG1XLEJLZ" || $ModelNumber eq "Fitbit Sense") {return "Fitbit Sense";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1D6RDUOWH31HF" || $ModelNumber eq "JLR Incontrol") {return "JLR Incontrol";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AQCGW9PSYWRF" || $ModelNumber eq "Polk React Soundbar") {return "Polk React Soundbar";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "") {return "";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "ACCOUNT") {return "ACCOUNT";}
else {return "unbekannt";}
sub echodevice_getHelpText($){
my ($HelpTextType) = @_;
my $ReturnHelpText = "<html><p><strong>Help:</strong></p>";
if ($HelpTextType eq "no arg") {
$ReturnHelpText .= "No argument given.";
else {
$ReturnHelpText .= $HelpTextType;
#Allgemeine Infos
$ReturnHelpText .= "<br><br>More informations: <a target=" . "_blank" . " href=" .'"' . 'https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Set' .'"'. "</a>https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Set</html>";
return $ReturnHelpText;
sub echodevice_Attr($$$) {
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $attrName eq "cookie" ) {
#my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
$attrVal =~ s/Cookie: //g;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = $attrVal;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/;
$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1;
if ( $attrName eq "server" ) {
#my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
$hash->{helper}{SERVER} = $attrVal;
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
sub echodevice_anonymize($$) {
my ($hash, $string) = @_;
my $s1 = $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"};
my $s2 = $hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"};
my $s3 = $hash->{helper}{HOMEGROUP};
my $s4 = $hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"};
my $s5;
$s5 = echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{".USER"}));
$s5 = echodevice_decrypt($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".USER"}) if(defined($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".USER"}));;
$s1 = "SERIAL" if(!defined($s1));
$s2 = "CUSTOMER" if(!defined($s2));
$s3 = "HOMEGROUP" if(!defined($s3));
$s4 = "COMMSID" if(!defined($s4));
$s5 = "USER" if(!defined($s5));
$string =~ s/$s1/SERIAL/g;
$string =~ s/$s2/CUSTOMER/g;
$string =~ s/$s3/HOMEGROUP/g;
$string =~ s/$s4/COMMSID/g;
$string =~ s%$s5%USER%g;
return $string;
sub echodevice_encrypt($) {
my ($decoded) = @_;
my $key = getUniqueId();
my $encoded;
return $decoded if( $decoded =~ /\Qcrypt:\E/ );
for my $char (split //, $decoded) {
my $encode = chop($key);
$encoded .= sprintf("%.2x",ord($char)^ord($encode));
$key = $encode.$key;
return 'crypt:'.$encoded;
sub echodevice_decrypt($) {
my ($encoded) = @_;
my $key = getUniqueId();
my $decoded;
return $encoded if( $encoded !~ /crypt:/ );
$encoded = $1 if( $encoded =~ /crypt:(.*)/ );
for my $char (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($encoded =~ /(..)/g)) {
my $decode = chop($key);
$decoded .= chr(ord($char)^ord($decode));
$key = $decode.$key;
return $decoded;
sub echodevice_setState($$) {
my ($hash,$State) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_setState] to $State" if($hash->{STATE} ne $State) ;
foreach my $DeviceID (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}}) {
my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID};
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $echohash, "state" , $State,1);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "state", $State, 1);
sub echodevice_getsequenceJson($$$) {
my ($hash,$Bereich,$Parameter) = @_;
my $ResultString ;
my $BereichString;
my $BereichValue = "";
my $Optionals = "";
if (lc($Bereich) eq "kalender_heute") {
$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Calendar.PlayToday\"';
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "kalender_morgen") {
$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Calendar.PlayTomorrow\"';
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "kalender_naechstes_ereignis") {
$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Calendar.PlayNext\"'
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "nachrichten") {
$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.FlashBriefing.Play\"';
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "verkehr") {
$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Traffic.Play\"';
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "wetter") {
$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Weather.Play\"';
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "volume") {
$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume\"';
$BereichValue = '\"value\":\"'.$Parameter.'\",';
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "speak") {
$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Speak\"';
$BereichValue = '\"textToSpeak\":\"'.$Parameter.'\",';
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "erzaehle_geschichte") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.TellStory.Play\"';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "erzaehle_witz") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Joke.Play\"';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "erzaehle_was_neues") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.GoodMorning.Play\"';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "singe_song") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.SingASong.Play\"';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_auf_wiedersehen") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-goodbye/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_bestaetigung") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-confirmations/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_geburtstag") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-birthday/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_gute_nacht") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-goodnight/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_guten_morgen") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-goodmorning/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_ich_bin_zuhause") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-iamhome/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_kompliment") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-compliments/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "glocken") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"bell_02\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "kirchenglocke") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_church_bell_1x_02\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "summer") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"buzzers_pistols_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "tuerklingel_1") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_doorbell_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "tuerklingel_2") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_doorbell_chime_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "tuerklingel_3") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_doorbell_chime_02\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "jubelnde_menschenmenge") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_large_crowd_cheer_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "publikumsapplaus") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_crowd_applause_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "flugzeug") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"futuristic_10\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "katastrophenalarm") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_scifi_alarm_04\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "motoren_an") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_scifi_engines_on_02\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "schilde_hoch") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_scifi_sheilds_up_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "sirenen") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_scifi_alarm_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "zappen") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"zap_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "boing_1") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"boing_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "boing_2") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"boing_03\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "kamera") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"camera_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "lufthupe") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"air_horn_03\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "quitschende_tuer") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"squeaky_12\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "tickende_uhr") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"clock_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "trompete") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_trumpet_bugle_04\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "hahn") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_rooster_crow_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "hundegebell") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_dog_med_bark_1x_02\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "katzenmauzen") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_cat_meow_1x_01\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "loewengebruell") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_lion_roar_02\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "wolfsgeheul") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"amzn_sfx_wolf_howl_02\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "gruselig_quitschende_tuer") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"horror_10\",';}
elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "weihnachtsglocken") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Sound\"';$BereichValue = '\"soundStringId\":\"christmas_05\",';}
$ResultString = '{"behaviorId":"PREVIEW","sequenceJson":"{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence\",\"startNode\":{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",' . $BereichString . ',\"operationPayload\":{\"deviceType\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\",\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",'.$BereichValue .'\"locale\":\"de-DE\",\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\"}}}","status":"ENABLED"}';
return $ResultString;
sub echodevice_refreshvoice($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
sub echodevice_NPMInstall($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $InstallResult = '<html><p><strong>Installationsergebnis</strong></p><br>';
my $npm_bin = AttrVal($name,"npm_bin","/usr/bin/npm");
my $npm_fhem_home = AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem");
if (!(-d $npm_fhem_home)) {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] npm_fhem_home $npm_fhem_home existiert nicht!! Bitte das Attribut fhem_home entsprechend einrichten " ;
# Prüfen ob npm installiert ist
if (!(-e $npm_bin)) {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Das Bin <strong>' . $npm_bin . '</strong> wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte zuerst das Linux Paket NPM installieren. Folgenden Befehl koennt Ihr hier verwenden:</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="blue">sudo apt-get install npm</font></strong></p><br>';
$InstallResult .= '<p>Sollte das Linux Paket NPM schon installiert sein, muesst Ihr ggf. das Attribut "<strong>npm_bin</strong>" entsprechend anpassen. Standard=/usr/bin/npm</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMInstall] " . $npm_bin . " not found" ;
return $InstallResult;
# Verzeichnis anlegen
mkdir($npm_fhem_home . "/cache", 0777) unless(-d "cache" );
mkdir($npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie", 0777) unless(-d $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie" );
mkdir($npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules", 0777) unless(-d $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules" );
# Prüfen ob schon eine Installation vorhanden ist ggf. Modul löschen
if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js") {
$InstallResult .= "Vorhandene Installation wird aktualisiert<br>";
unlink "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js";
else {$InstallResult .= "Installation wird angestartet<br>";}
open CMD,'-|','sudo ' . $npm_bin . ' install --prefix ' . $npm_fhem_home . '/cache/alexa-cookie alexa-cookie2' or die $@;
my $line;
while (defined($line=<CMD>)) {$InstallResult .= $line. "<br>";}
close CMD;
# Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Modul vorhanden ist
if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js") {$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="green">Installation erfolgreich durchgefuehrt</font></strong></p>';}
else {$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="red">!!Installation fehlgeschlagen!!</font></strong></p>';}
# Zurückbutton
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
return $InstallResult;
sub echodevice_NPMLoginNew($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $number = $hash->{NR};
my $InstallResult = '<html><p><strong>Login Ergebnis</strong></p><br>';
my $npm_bin_node = AttrVal($name,"npm_bin_node","/usr/bin/node");
my $npm_fhem_home = AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem");
$NPMLoginTyp = "NPM Login New " . localtime();
# Prüfen ob node installiert ist
if (!(-e $npm_bin_node)) {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Das Bin <strong>' . $npm_bin_node . '</strong> wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte zuerst das Linux Paket NPM installieren. Folgenden Befehl koennt Ihr hier verwenden:</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="blue">sudo apt-get install npm</font></strong></p><br>';
$InstallResult .= '<p>Sollte das Linux Paket NPM schon installiert sein, muesst Ihr ggf. das Attribut "<strong>npm_bin_node</strong>" entsprechend anpassen. Standard=/usr/bin/node</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] " . $npm_bin_node . " not found" ;
return $InstallResult;
# Node Version prüfen
close NODEVER;
open NODEVER,'-|', 'node -v' or die $@;
my $NodeResult;
my $NodeLoop = "2";
do {
$NodeResult =~ s/v//g;
#Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Node Version $NodeResult";
if (version->declare($NodeResult)->numify < version->declare('8.10')->numify ) {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Die installierte Node Version <strong>' . $NodeResult . '</strong> ist zu alt. Bitte zuerst die Node Version auf Minimum <strong>8.12</strong> aktualisieren. Folgende Befehle koennt Ihr hier verwenden:</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="blue">sudo apt-get install curl</font></strong></p>';
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="blue">curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -</font></strong></p>';
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="blue">sudo apt-get update</font></strong></p>';
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="blue">sudo apt-get install nodejs</font></strong></p><br>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Node Version " . $NodeResult . " is to old! Pleas make an update";
return $InstallResult;
else {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Node Version " . $NodeResult;}
} while ($NodeLoop eq "1");
# Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Mdoul vorhanden ist
if (!(-e $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js")) {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Das alexa-cookie Modul wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte fuehrt am Amazon Account Device einen set "<strong>NPM_install</strong>" durch </p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] alexa-cookie modul not found" ;
return $InstallResult;
# Version prüfen;
echodevice_NPMCheckVersion($hash, $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/package.json","echodevice_NPMLoginNew");
my $ProxyPort = AttrVal($name,"npm_proxy_port","3002");
my $OwnIP = "";
# Eigene IP-Adresse ermitteln
my $cmdLine = 'ip -o addr show | awk \'/inet/ {print $2, $3, $4}\'';
my @ips = `$cmdLine`;
foreach my $ipLine (@ips) {
my ($interface, undef, $ipParts) = split(' ', $ipLine);
my ($ip) = split('/', $ipParts);
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Check Interface=$interface IP=$ip";
if ($interface ne 'lo' and (!(index($interface, "tun") != -1))) {
if (!(index($ip, ":") != -1)) {
$OwnIP = $ip ;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Interface=$interface IP=$ip";
else {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Ignor Interface=$interface IP=$ip";
my $ProxyIP = AttrVal($name,"npm_proxy_ip",$OwnIP);
if ($ProxyIP eq "") {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Die Ermittlung der IP-Adresse <strong>' . $ProxyIP . '</strong> des FHEM Servers hat nicht funktioniert, bitte das Attribut "<strong>npm_proxy_ip</strong>" entsprechend anpassen.</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] wrong IP-Address" ;
return $InstallResult;
# Proxy Listen IP
my $ProxyListenIP = AttrVal($name,"npm_proxy_listen_ip",$OwnIP);
# Prüfen ob der Port belegt ist
my $PORTLoop = "1";
my $NetstatFound = "1";
close PORT;
open PORT,'-|', 'netstat -a' or do {$NetstatFound= "0"};
if ($NetstatFound eq "1") {
my $PORTResult;
do {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Proxy Port $PORTResult" if ($PORTResult ne "");
if (index($PORTResult, ":" . $ProxyPort . " " ) != -1) {
$PORTLoop = "2";
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Proxy Port $PORTResult";
$PORTLoop = "3" if ($PORTResult eq "");
} while ($PORTLoop eq "1");
close PORT;
if ($PORTLoop eq "2") {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Der angegebene Proxy Port <strong>' . $ProxyPort . '</strong> ist in Benutzung, bitte das Attribut "<strong>npm_proxy_port</strong>" entsprechend anpassen.</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy Port $ProxyPort is in use" ;
return $InstallResult;
elsif ($PORTLoop eq "1") {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Die Pruefung des angegebenen Proxy Ports <strong>' . $ProxyPort . '</strong> hat nicht funktioniert. Zum Pruefen des Proxy Ports wird die Anwendung "netstat" benoetigt. Folgende Befehle koennt Ihr hier verwenden:</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="blue">sudo apt-get update</font></strong></p>';
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="blue">sudo apt-get install net-tools</font></strong></p><br>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy Port netstat not found" ;
return $InstallResult;
else {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy Port $ProxyPort is free";
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy IP $ProxyIP";
my $SkriptContent = "alexaCookie = require('alexa-cookie2');" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "fs = require('fs');" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "const config = {" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " logger: console.log," . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " setupProxy: true," . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " proxyOwnIp: '$ProxyIP'," . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " proxyPort: $ProxyPort," . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " proxyListenBind: '$ProxyListenIP'," . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " proxyLogLevel: 'info'" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "};" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "alexaCookie.generateAlexaCookie('LoginFHEM', 'xxxx', config, (err, result) => {" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " console.log('RESULT: ' + err + ' / ' + JSON.stringify(result));" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " fs.writeFileSync('" . $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json', JSON.stringify(result) , 'utf-8'); " . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " if (result && result.csrf) {" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " alexaCookie.stopProxyServer();" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " }" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "});" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
my $filename = $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js";
# Altes Skript löschen
if ((-e $filename)) {unlink $filename};
# Neues Skript anlegen
open(FH, ">$filename");
print FH $SkriptContent;
# Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Mdoul vorhanden ist
if (!(-e $filename)) {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Das Skript zum Amazon Login konnte nicht gefunden werden!</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] $filename not found" ;
return $InstallResult;
my $CreatCookie;
# Infos festhalten
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "amazon_refreshtoken", "wird erzeugt",1 );
# Skript ausführen
close CMD;
open CMD,'-|', $npm_bin_node . ' ' . $filename or die $@;
my $line;
my $Loop = "1";
my $LoopCount = 0;
do {
$CreatCookie .= $line. "<br>";
if ($line ne "") {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result $line"}
else {$LoopCount +=1;}
$Loop = "2" if (index($line, "Please check credentials") != -1) ;
$Loop = "2" if (index($line, "Proxy-Server listening on port") != -1) ;
$Loop = "3" if (index($line, "Final Registraton Result") != -1) ;
$Loop = "4" if ($line eq "" && $LoopCount > 100);
} while ($Loop eq "1");
if ($Loop eq "2") {
$InstallResult .= 'Bitte den Link anklicken und die Amazonanmeldung durchfuehren.<br>';
$InstallResult .= '<a target="_blank" href="http://' . $ProxyIP . ':' . $ProxyPort . '/">http://' . $ProxyIP . ':' . $ProxyPort . '</a><br>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result: Bitte den Link anklicken und die Amazonanmeldung durchfuehren.";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 3 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0);
return $InstallResult;
elsif($Loop eq "3") {
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="green">Refreshtoken wurde erfolgreich erstellt</font></strong></p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result: Refreshtoken wurde erfolgreich erstellt.";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 3 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0);
return $InstallResult;
elsif($Loop eq "4") {
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="red">Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!! Bitte das FHEM Log pruefen.</font></strong></p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result: Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!! Bitte das FHEM Log pruefen.";
return $InstallResult;
else {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result: Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!! Bitte das FHEM Log pruefen.!!!!!!";
return $InstallResult;
sub echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $number = $hash->{NR};
my $RefreshCookie = ReadingsVal($name , ".COOKIE", "0");
my $InstallResult = '<html><p><strong>Login Ergebnis</strong></p><br>';
my $npm_bin_node = AttrVal($name,"npm_bin_node","/usr/bin/node");
my $npm_fhem_home = AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem");
$NPMLoginTyp = "NPM Login Refresh " . localtime();
if (!(-d $npm_fhem_home)) {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] npm_fhem_home $npm_fhem_home existiert nicht!! Bitte das Attribut fhem_home entsprechend einrichten " ;
# Prüfen ob npm installiert ist
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] check $npm_bin_node" ;
if (!(-e $npm_bin_node)) {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Das Bin <strong>' . $npm_bin_node . '</strong> wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte zuerst das Linux Paket NPM installieren. Folgenden Befehl koennt Ihr hier verwenden:</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="blue">sudo apt-get install npm</font></strong></p><br>';
$InstallResult .= '<p>Sollte das Linux Paket NPM schon installiert sein, muesst Ihr ggf. das Attribut "<strong>npm_bin_node</strong>" entsprechend anpassen. Standard=/usr/bin/node</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] " . $npm_bin_node . " not found" ;
return $InstallResult;
# Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Mdoul vorhanden ist
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] check alexa-cookie.js" ;
if (!(-e $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js")) {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Das alexa-cookie Modul wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte fuehrt am Amazon Account Device einen set "<strong>NPM_install</strong>" durch </p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] alexa-cookie modul not found" ;
return $InstallResult;
# Version prüfen;
echodevice_NPMCheckVersion($hash,$npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/package.json","echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh");
# Prüfen ob das Refresh Cookie gültig ist!
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] check Refresh Cookie String" ;
if (substr($RefreshCookie,0,1) ne "{") {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Das angegebene Refreshtoken Cookie ist ungeueltig! Refreshtoken="<strong>' . $RefreshCookie . '</strong>"</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=" . $RefreshCookie;
return $InstallResult;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] build " . $number . "refresh-cookie.js";
my $SkriptContent = "alexaCookie = require('alexa-cookie2');" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "fs = require('fs');" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "const config = {" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " logger: console.log," . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " formerRegistrationData: " . $RefreshCookie . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "};" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "alexaCookie.refreshAlexaCookie(config, (err, result) => {" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " console.log('RESULT: ' + err + ' / ' + JSON.stringify(result));" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " fs.writeFileSync('" . $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json', JSON.stringify(result) , 'utf-8'); " . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "});" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
my $filename = $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js";
#$InstallResult .= '<form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form><br>';
# Altes Skript löschen
if ((-e $filename)) {unlink $filename};
# Neues Skript anlegen
open(FH, ">$filename");
print FH $SkriptContent;
# Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Mdoul vorhanden ist
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] check " . $number . "refresh-cookie.js";
if (!(-e $filename)) {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Das Skript zum Amazon Login konnte nicht gefunden werden!</p>';
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] refresh-cookie.js not found" ;
return $InstallResult;
# Skript ausführen
close CMD;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] start $npm_bin_node $filename";
open CMD,'-|',$npm_bin_node . ' ' . $filename . ' &';
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] start InternalTimer echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0);
return ;#$InstallResult;
sub echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $number = $hash->{NR};
my $npm_fhem_home = AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem");
my $filename = $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json";
my $CanDelete = 0;
my $ExistSkript = "false";
my $CookieResult;
if ($NPMLoginTyp =~ m/Refresh/) {
$ExistSkript = $number . "refresh-cookie.js = true" if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js");
else {
$ExistSkript = $number . "create-cookie.js = true" if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js");
if (-e $filename) {
# Informationen eintragen
open(MAILDAT, "<$filename") || die "Datei wurde nicht gefunden\n";
if (index($_, "{") != -1) {
$CookieResult = $_;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [$NPMLoginTyp] write new refreshtoken";
# Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [$NPMLoginTyp] $CookieResult";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "amazon_refreshtoken", "vorhanden",1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, ".COOKIE", $CookieResult,1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "NPM_Login",1 );
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = $CookieResult;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /"localCookie":".*session-id=(.*?)","?/;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = "session-id=" . $1;
$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/ if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}));
$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1 if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}));
# result.json & Skripte löschen
if (-e $filename) {unlink $filename;}
if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js") {unlink $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js";}
if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js") {unlink $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js";}
else {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "amazon_refreshtoken", "wait for refreshtoken",1 );
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [$NPMLoginTyp] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=" . $_ . " EXIST " . $ExistSkript;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0);
else {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [$NPMLoginTyp] wait for refreshtoken exist " . $ExistSkript ;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0);
sub echodevice_NPMCheckVersion ($$$) {
my ($hash,$filename,$LogBereich) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $Modulversion = "unknown";
if (-e $filename) {
open(VERSION, "<$filename");
if ($_ =~ m/version/) {
my @Result = split(/"/,$_);
$Modulversion = @Result[3];
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [$LogBereich] Version alexa-cookie.js = $Modulversion";}
else {Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [$LogBereich] Version alexa-cookie.js = unknown";}
return $Modulversion;
sub echodevice_NPMCheck($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# Attribute auslesen
my $npm_fhem_home = AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem");
# Cache Verzeichnis prüfen
my $InstallResult = '<html><p><strong>ERGEBNIS ls -l ' . $npm_fhem_home .'/cache</strong></p><br>';
open CMD,'-|','ls -l ' . $npm_fhem_home . '/cache' or die $@;
my $line;
while (defined($line=<CMD>)) {$InstallResult .= $line. "<br>";}
close CMD;
# alexa-cookie Verzeichnis prüfen
$InstallResult .= '<html><p><strong>ERGEBNIS ls -l ' . $npm_fhem_home .'/cache/alexa-cookie</strong></p><br>';
open CMD,'-|','ls -l ' . $npm_fhem_home . '/cache/alexa-cookie' or die $@;
my $line;
while (defined($line=<CMD>)) {$InstallResult .= $line. "<br>";}
close CMD;
# Zurückbutton
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
return $InstallResult;
sub echodevice_AWSPython($$) {
my ($hash,$Skriptfile) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#Verzeichnis anlegen
my $filedir ="cache";
mkdir($filedir, 0777) unless(-d $filedir );
my $filename = $filedir ."/". $Skriptfile;
# Prüfen ob die Datei erstezt werden muss
if ($AWSPythonVersion eq ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("AWS_PythonVersion"), "0") && (-e $filename)) {
Log3 "echodevice", 4, "[$name] [echodevice_AWSPython] file $filename exist";
Log3 "echodevice", 3, "[$name] [echodevice_AWSPython] file $filename not exist or to old";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash->{IODev}, lc("AWS_PythonVersion"), $AWSPythonVersion, 1);
#altes Skript löschen
if ((-e $filename)) {unlink $filename};
#Skript Inhalt
my $SkriptContent = "# IAM API (CreateUser) adapted to Polly service\n";
$SkriptContent .= "import sys, os, base64, datetime, hashlib, hmac, urllib\n";
$SkriptContent .= "sys.path.append('../')\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# Parameter\n";
$SkriptContent .= "MessageText = sys.argv[1]\n";
$SkriptContent .= "MessageVoice = sys.argv[2]\n";
$SkriptContent .= "access_key = sys.argv[3]\n";
$SkriptContent .= "secret_key = sys.argv[4]\n";
$SkriptContent .= "OutputFormat = sys.argv[7]\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# DEFs\n";
$SkriptContent .= "def sign(key, msg):\n";
$SkriptContent .= " return hmac.new(key, msg.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest()\n";
$SkriptContent .= "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "def getSignatureKey(key, dateStamp, regionName, serviceName):\n";
$SkriptContent .= " kDate = sign(('AWS4' + key).encode('utf-8'), dateStamp)\n";
$SkriptContent .= " kRegion = sign(kDate, regionName)\n";
$SkriptContent .= " kService = sign(kRegion, serviceName)\n";
$SkriptContent .= " kSigning = sign(kService, 'aws4_request')\n";
$SkriptContent .= " return kSigning\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# ************* REQUEST VALUES *************\n";
$SkriptContent .= "method = 'POST'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "service = 'polly'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "region = 'eu-west-1'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "host = service+'.'+region+'.amazonaws.com'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "api = '/v1/speech'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "endpoint = 'https://'+host+api\n";
$SkriptContent .= "content_type = 'application/json'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# ************* REQUEST CONTENT ************\n";
$SkriptContent .= "request_parameters = '{'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '" . '"' . "OutputFormat" . '"' . ": " . '"' . "' + OutputFormat + '" . '"' . ",'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '" . '"' . "Text" . '"' . ": " . '"' . "' + MessageText + '" . '"' . ",'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '" . '"' . "TextType" . '"' . ": " . '"' . "text" . '"' . ",'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '" . '"' . "VoiceId" . '"' . ": " . '"' . "' + MessageVoice + '" . '"' . "'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '}'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# Create a date for headers and the credential string\n";
$SkriptContent .= "t = datetime.datetime.utcnow()\n";
$SkriptContent .= "amz_date = t.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')\n";
$SkriptContent .= "date_stamp = t.strftime('%Y%m%d')\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 1: CREATE A CANONICAL REQUEST *************\n";
$SkriptContent .= "canonical_uri = api\n";
$SkriptContent .= "canonical_querystring = ''\n";
$SkriptContent .= "canonical_headers = 'content-type:' + content_type + '\\n' + 'host:' + host + '\\n' + 'x-amz-date:' + amz_date + '\\n'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "signed_headers = 'content-type;host;x-amz-date'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "payload_hash = hashlib.sha256(request_parameters).hexdigest()\n";
$SkriptContent .= "canonical_request = method + '\\n' + canonical_uri + '\\n' + canonical_querystring + '\\n' + canonical_headers + '\\n' + signed_headers + '\\n' + payload_hash\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 2: CREATE THE STRING TO SIGN*************\n";
$SkriptContent .= "algorithm = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "credential_scope = date_stamp + '/' + region + '/' + service + '/' + 'aws4_request'\n";
$SkriptContent .= "string_to_sign = algorithm + '\\n' + amz_date + '\\n' + credential_scope + '\\n' + hashlib.sha256(canonical_request).hexdigest()\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 3: CALCULATE THE SIGNATURE *************\n";
$SkriptContent .= "signing_key = getSignatureKey(secret_key, date_stamp, region, service)\n";
$SkriptContent .= "signature = hmac.new(signing_key, (string_to_sign).encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 4: ADD SIGNING INFORMATION TO THE REQUEST *************\n";
$SkriptContent .= "authorization_header = algorithm + ' ' + 'Credential=' + access_key + '/' + credential_scope + ', ' + 'SignedHeaders=' + signed_headers + ', ' + 'Signature=' + signature\n";
$SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 5: ADD SIGNING INFORMATION TO FHEM *************\n";
$SkriptContent .= "f=open(sys.argv[5],'wb')\n";
$SkriptContent .= "f.write(amz_date)\n";
$SkriptContent .= "f.close()\n";
$SkriptContent .= "f=open(sys.argv[6],'wb')\n";
$SkriptContent .= "f.write(authorization_header)\n";
$SkriptContent .= "f.close()\n";
open(FH, ">$filename");
print FH $SkriptContent;
sub echodevice_Amazon($$$) {
my ($hash,$parameter,$type) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $AWS_Access_Key = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc(".AWS_Access_Key"), "none");
my $AWS_Secret_Key = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc(".AWS_Secret_Key"), "none");
if ( $AWS_Access_Key eq "none" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "No AWS_Access_Key Value",1 );
return "No AWS_Access_Key Value" ;
if ( $AWS_Secret_Key eq "none" ){
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "No AWS_Secret_Key Value",1 );
return "No AWS_Secret_Key Value";
my $TTS_Voice = AttrVal($name,"TTS_Voice","German_Female_Marlene");
my $AWS_Format = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("AWS_OutputFormat"), "mp3");
my @VoiceName = split("_",$TTS_Voice);
#Verzeichnis anlegen
my $filedir = "cache";
mkdir($filedir, 0777) unless(-d $filedir );
#Temp Dateien
my $AWS_File_AMZDate = $filedir . "/amzdate";
my $AWS_File_Header = $filedir . "/header";
if ((-e "$AWS_File_AMZDate")) {unlink "$AWS_File_AMZDate"}
if ((-e "$AWS_File_Header")) {unlink "$AWS_File_Header"}
# Länge der Nachricht prüfen. Bei kleiner 3 wird noch ein " ," angehängt!
$parameter .= " ," if (length($parameter) < 3) ;
# Python Skript ausführen
my $ret = system('python ' . $filedir . '/pollyspeech.py "' . $parameter .'" ' . @VoiceName[2] .' '. echodevice_decrypt($AWS_Access_Key) . " " . echodevice_decrypt($AWS_Secret_Key) . " " . $AWS_File_AMZDate . " " . $AWS_File_Header . " " . $AWS_Format);
# Infos auswerten
my $AWSDate;
open FILE, $AWS_File_AMZDate or do {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Amazon] Could not read from $AWS_File_AMZDate";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "Could not read from $AWS_File_AMZDate",1 );
chomp(my $AWSDate = <FILE>);
close FILE;
my $AWSHeader;
open FILE, $AWS_File_Header or do {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Amazon] Could not read from $AWS_File_Header";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "Could not read from $AWS_File_Header",1 );
chomp(my $AWSHeader = <FILE>);
close FILE;
# MP3 Download starten
my $params = {
url => "https://polly.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/speech",
header => "Authorization: ".$AWSHeader."\r\nX-Amz-Date: ".$AWSDate."\r\nContent-Type: application/json",
method => "POST",
data => '{"OutputFormat": "' . $AWS_Format . '","Text": "' . $parameter .'","TextType": "text","VoiceId": "' . @VoiceName[2] . '"}',
hash => $hash,
type => $type,
NAME => $name,
callback => \&echodevice_ParseTTSMP3
sub echodevice_Google($$$) {
my ($hash,$parameter,$type) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# ersetze Sonderzeichen die Google nicht auflösen kann
my $MessageText = decode_utf8($parameter);
$MessageText =~ s/ä/ae/g;
$MessageText =~ s/ö/oe/g;
$MessageText =~ s/ü/ue/g;
$MessageText =~ s/Ä/Ae/g;
$MessageText =~ s/Ö/Oe/g;
$MessageText =~ s/Ü/Ue/g;
$MessageText =~ s/ß/ss/g;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] TTS Message length=" . length($MessageText) ;
if (length($MessageText) > 200) {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] TTS Message to long!";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "TTS Message to long",1 );
$MessageText = substr($MessageText,0,202)
# MP3 Download starten
my $params = {
url => "http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=de&client=tw-ob&q=" . uri_escape($MessageText),
method => "GET",
hash => $hash,
type => $type,
NAME => $name,
callback => \&echodevice_ParseTTSMP3
sub echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3($) {
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $param->{type};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3] [$type] URL = " . $param->{url};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3] [$type] HEADER = " . $param->{header};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3] [$type] KEY = " . $param->{type};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3] [$type] ERROR = " . $err if ($err);
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3] [$type] DATA = " . $data;
#ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_Filename"), "")
my $MP3Filename = $param->{type};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3] [$type] MP3File = " . $MP3Filename;
if ($data eq "") {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_AmazonVoiceMP3] [$type] no data received";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "no data received",1 );
#Verzeichnis echodevice anlegen
mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice" );
mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice/VoiceRecords", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice/VoiceRecords" );
# MP3 Datei anlegen
open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/VoiceRecords/$MP3Filename");
print FH $data;
sub echodevice_ParseTTSMP3($) {
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $param->{type};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] URL = " . $param->{url};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] DATA = " . $param->{data};
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] HEADER = " . $param->{header};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] ERROR = " . $err if ($err);
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] DATA = " . $data;
#ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_Filename"), "")
my $MP3Filename = $name . ".mp3";
my $M3UFilename = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_Filename"), "live18-hq.aac.m3u");
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] MP3File = " . $MP3Filename;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] M3UFile = " . $M3UFilename;
if ($data eq "") {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] no data received";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "no data received",1 );
#Verzeichnis echodevice anlegen
mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice" );
# MP3/M3U Datei löschen
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/". $MP3Filename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/". $MP3Filename}
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/". $M3UFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/".$M3UFilename}
# MP3 Datei anlegen
open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/$MP3Filename");
print FH $data;
# MP3 TTS_normalize
my $TTS_normalize_value = 200;
$TTS_normalize_value = AttrVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}, "TTS_normalize", 100) if (AttrVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}, "TTS_normalize", 100) != 100 ) ;
$TTS_normalize_value = AttrVal($name, "TTS_normalize", 100) if (AttrVal($name, "TTS_normalize", 100) != 100 ) ;
if ($TTS_normalize_value != 200 ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] MP3 dBFS = " . $TTS_normalize_value ;
system("normalize-mp3 -a " . $TTS_normalize_value . "dBFS " . $FW_dir . "/echodevice/" . $MP3Filename . " > /dev/null 2>&1");
if (!-e "/usr/bin/normalize-mp3") {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] Missing /usr/bin/normalize-mp3";}
if (!-e "/usr/bin/mpg123") {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] Missing /usr/bin/mpg123";}
if (!-e "/usr/bin/lame") {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] Missing /usr/bin/lame";}
# M3U Datei erzeugen
open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/$M3UFilename");
print FH "http://" . ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_IPAddress"), "live18-hq.aac.m3u") . "/" . $MP3Filename;
# Länge feststellen
my $MP3_Info = get_mp3info("$FW_dir/echodevice/$MP3Filename");
my $MP3_Time;
if ($MP3_Info && defined($MP3_Info->{SECS})) {
$MP3_Time = int($MP3_Info->{SECS}+1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_lenght", $MP3_Time ,1 );
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] MP3 len = $MP3_Time Sekunden.";
$hash->{helper}{lasttuneindelay} = $MP3_Time;
$hash->{helper}{lastvolume} = ReadingsVal($name , "volume", 50);
$hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid} = ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-");
$hash->{helper}{lasttype} = $type;
if(ReadingsVal($name , "volume", 50) < ReadingsVal($name , "volume_alarm", 50)) {
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"volume",ReadingsVal($name , "volume_alarm", 50));
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] set volume to " . ReadingsVal($name , "volume_alarm", 50);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1.5 , "echodevice_StartTTSMessage" , $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] Setze echodevice_StartTTSMessage Timer";
sub echodevice_PlayOwnMP3($$) {
my ($hash,$M3UContent) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_PlayOwnMP3] M3UContent = " . $M3UContent;
#ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_Filename"), "")
my $M3UFilename = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("POM_Filename"), "stream.m3u");
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_PlayOwnMP3] M3UFile= " . $M3UFilename;
if ($M3UContent eq "") {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_PlayOwnMP3] no data received";
# M3U Datei löschen
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/". $M3UFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/".$M3UFilename}
# Content zusammenbauen
my $M3UContentWR;
my @M3UConntentArray = split /\n+/, $M3UContent;
foreach (@M3UConntentArray) {
if (lc(substr($_,0,4)) eq 'http') {
$M3UContentWR .= $_ . "\n";
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] " . $_;
# M3U Datei erzeugen
open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/$M3UFilename");
print FH $M3UContentWR;
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"tunein",ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("POM_TuneIn"), "s167655"));
sub echodevice_SaveOwnPlaylist($$) {
my ($hash,$M3UContent) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $M3UFilename;
my $M3UContentWR;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] M3UContent = " . $M3UContent;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] M3UFile = " . $M3UFilename;
if ($M3UContent eq "") {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] no content received";
# Playlist Name auslesen
my @M3UConntentArray = split /\n+/, $M3UContent;
$M3UFilename = @M3UConntentArray[0];
# Div. Zeichen ersetzen
$M3UFilename =~ s/\s+/_/g;
$M3UFilename =~ s/\W/_/g;
$M3UFilename .= ".m3u";
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] M3UFile = " . $M3UFilename;
# Content zusammenbauen
foreach (@M3UConntentArray) {
if (lc(substr($_,0,4)) eq 'http') {
$M3UContentWR .= $_ . "\n";
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] " . $_;
#Verzeichnis echodevice anlegen
mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice" );
#Verzeichnis playlists anlegen
mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists", 0755) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists" );
# M3U Datei löschen
if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists/". $M3UFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists/".$M3UFilename}
# M3U Datei erzeugen
open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/playlists/$M3UFilename");
print FH $M3UContentWR;
sub echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# startownplaylist
if (-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists") {
my $M3UFiles;
opendir(DH, $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists");
my @files = readdir(DH);
foreach my $file (@files){
# skip . and ..
next if($file =~ /^\.$/);
next if($file =~ /^\.\.$/);
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist] found filename = $file";
if ($M3UFiles eq "") {
$M3UFiles = $file;
else {
$M3UFiles .= ",".$file;
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist] return = " . "playownplaylist:" . $M3UFiles ." ";
if ($M3UFiles ne "") {
return "playownplaylist:" . $M3UFiles ." " . "deleteownplaylist:" . $M3UFiles ." ";
else {
return ;
else {
sub echodevice_StartLastMedia($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{helper}{lasttype};
if($hash->{helper}{lastvolume} < ReadingsVal($name , "volume_alarm", 50)) {
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_StartLastMedia] [$type] set volume to " . $hash->{helper}{lastvolume};
if ($hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid} ne "-" && $hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid} ne "s237481" && $hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid} ne "s204188") {
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"tunein",$hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid}) ;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_StartLastMedia] [$type] starte TuneIN ID " . $hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid};
# Settings erneut einlesen
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);
sub echodevice_StartTTSMessage($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# TTS starten
echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"ttstunein",ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_TuneIn"), "s237481"));
=item device
=item summary Amazon Echo remote control
=item summary_DE Amazon Echo remote control
=begin html
<a name="echodevice"></a>
Basic remote control for Amazon Echo devices. You can find the complete documentation here.
<br/><br/><a href="https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/" target="_blank"><b><font size=4 color="blue">https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/</font></b></a>
<code>define <name> echodevice <DeviceID> [DeviceType]</code>
Example: <code>define <Name> echodevice <Amazon account> <Amazon Kennwort></code>
Example: <code>define <Name> echodevice </code>
Manually reload setings (dnd, bluetooth, wakeword)
Displays a list of Amazon devices connected to your account
Poll interval in seconds (300)
Amazon access cookie, has to be entered for the module to work
Amazon server used for controlling the Echo
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="echodevice"></a>
Basic remote control fuer Amazon Echo devices. Die komplette Dokumentation findet Ihr hier.
<br/><br/><a href="https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/" target="_blank"><b><font size=4 color="blue">https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/</font></b></a>
<code>define <name> echodevice <DeviceID> [DeviceType]</code>
Example: <code>define <Name> echodevice <Amazon account> <Amazon Kennwort></code>
Example: <code>define <Name> echodevice </code>
Manually reload setings (dnd, bluetooth, wakeword)
Displays a list of Amazon devices connected to your account
Poll interval in seconds (300)
Amazon access cookie, has to be entered for the module to work
Amazon server used for controlling the Echo
=end html_DE
=cut |