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# $Id$
# 98_PID20.pm
# The PID device is a loop controller, used to set the value e.g of a heating
# valve dependent of the current and desired temperature.
# This module is derived from the contrib/99_PID by Alexander Titzel.
# The framework of the module is derived from proposals by betateilchen.
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# V 1.00.c
# 03.12.2013 - bugfix : pidActorLimitUpper wrong assignment
# V 1.00.d
# 09.12.2013 - verbose-level adjusted
# 20.12.2013 - bugfix: actorErrorPos: wrong assignment by pidCalcInterval-attribute, if defined
# V 1.00.e
# 01.01.2014 - fix: {helper}{actorCommand} assigned to an emptry string if not defined
# V 1.00.f
# 22.01.2014 fix:pidDeltaTreshold only int was assignable, now even float
# V 1.00.g
# 29.01.2014 fix:calculation of i-portion is independent from pidCalcInterval
# V 1.00.h
# 26.02.2014 fix:new logging format; adjusting verbose-levels
# 26.03.2014 (betateilchen)
# code review, pod added, removed old version info (will be provided via SVN)
# V 1.01
# 19.10.2014 fix in sub PID20_Set : wrong parameter $hash instead of $name, when calling PID20_Calc
# V 30.10.14 - fix in PID20_Calc when setting $retStr (thanks to Thorsten Pferdekaemper)
# V
# 20.11.2014 Bug: processing of D-Portion and handling of disable
# V
# 27.11.2014 Change: all readings are updated cyclically
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/say switch/;
use vars qw(%defs);
use vars qw($readingFnAttributes);
use vars qw(%attr);
use vars qw(%modules);
my $PID20_Version = "";
sub PID20_Calc($);
sub PID20_Log($$$)
my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_;
my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2];
my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3];
my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2];
$sub = substr( $sub, 6 ); # without PID20
my $instName = ( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : "PID20";
Log3 $hash, $loglevel, "PID20 $instName: $sub.$xline " . $text;
sub PID20_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "PID20_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "PID20_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "PID20_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "PID20_Get";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "PID20_Notify";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"pidActorValueDecPlaces:0,1,2,3,4,5 "
. "pidActorInterval "
. "pidActorTreshold "
. "pidActorErrorAction:freeze,errorPos "
. "pidActorErrorPos "
. "pidActorKeepAlive "
. "pidActorLimitLower "
. "pidActorLimitUpper "
. "pidCalcInterval "
. "pidDeltaTreshold "
. "pidDesiredName "
. "pidFactor_P "
. "pidFactor_I "
. "pidFactor_D "
. "pidMeasuredName "
. "pidSensorTimeout "
. "pidReverseAction "
. "pidUpdateInterval "
# . "pidDebugEnable:0,1 ";
. "pidDebugSensor:0,1 "
. "pidDebugActuation:0,1 "
. "pidDebugCalc:0,1 "
. "pidDebugDelta:0,1 "
. "pidDebugUpdate:0,1 "
. "pidDebugNotify:0,1 "
. "disable:0,1 "
. $readingFnAttributes;
sub PID20_TimeDiff($)
my ($strTS) = @_;
#my ( $package, $filename, $line ) = caller(0);
#print "PID $strTS line $line \n";
my $serTS = ( defined($strTS) && $strTS ne "" ) ? time_str2num($strTS) : gettimeofday();
my $timeDiff = gettimeofday() - $serTS;
$timeDiff = 0 if ( $timeDiff < 0 );
return $timeDiff;
sub PID20_Define($$$)
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my $name = $a[0];
my $reFloat = '^([\\+,\\-]?\\d+\\.?\d*$)'; # gleitpunkt
if ( @a != 4 )
return "wrong syntax: define <name> PID20 " . "<sensor>:reading:[regexp] <actor>[:cmd] ";
# Sensor
my ( $sensor, $reading, $regexp ) = split( ":", $a[2], 3 );
# if sensor unkonwn
if ( !$defs{$sensor} )
my $msg = "$name: Unknown sensor device $sensor specified";
PID20_Log $hash, 1, $msg;
return $msg;
# if reading of sender is unkown
if ( ReadingsVal( $sensor, $reading, 'unknown' ) eq 'unkown' )
my $msg = "$name: Unknown reading $reading for sensor device $sensor specified";
PID20_Log $hash, 1, $msg;
return $msg;
$hash->{helper}{sensor} = $sensor;
# defaults for regexp
if ( !$regexp )
$regexp = $reFloat;
$hash->{helper}{reading} = $reading;
$hash->{helper}{regexp} = $regexp;
# Actor
my ( $actor, $cmd ) = split( ":", $a[3], 2 );
if ( !$defs{$actor} )
my $msg = "$name: Unknown actor device $actor specified";
PID20_Log $hash, 1, $msg;
return $msg;
$hash->{helper}{actor} = $actor;
$hash->{helper}{actorCommand} = ( defined($cmd) ) ? $cmd : "";
$hash->{helper}{stopped} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{adjust} = "";
$modules{PID20}{defptr}{$name} = $hash;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'initializing', 1 );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10, "PID20_Calc", $name, 0 );
return undef;
sub PID20_Undef($$)
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash->{NAME} );
return undef;
# we need a gradient for delta as base for d-portion calculation
sub PID20_Notify($$)
my ( $hash, $dev ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $sensorName = $hash->{helper}{sensor};
my $DEBUG = AttrVal( $name, 'pidDebugNotify', '0' ) eq '1';
my $disable = AttrVal( $name, 'disable', '0' );
# no action if disabled
if ( $disable eq '1' )
return "";
return if ( $dev->{NAME} ne $sensorName );
my $sensorReadingName = $hash->{helper}{reading};
my $regexp = $hash->{helper}{regexp};
my $desiredName = AttrVal( $name, 'pidDesiredName', 'desired' );
my $desired = ReadingsVal( $name, $desiredName, undef );
my $max = int( @{ $dev->{CHANGED} } );
PID20_Log $hash, 4, "check $max readings for " . $sensorReadingName;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $max ; $i++ )
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
# continue, if no match with reading-name
$s = "" if ( !defined($s) );
PID20_Log $hash, 5, "check event:<$s>";
next if ( $s !~ m/$sensorReadingName/ );
# ---- build difference current - old value
# get sensor value
my $sensorStr = ReadingsVal( $sensorName, $sensorReadingName, undef );
$sensorStr =~ m/$regexp/;
my $sensorValue = $1;
# calc difference of delta/deltaOld
my $delta = $desired - $sensorValue if ( defined($desired) );
my $deltaOld = ( $hash->{helper}{deltaOld} + 0 ) if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{deltaOld} ) );
my $deltaDiff = ( $delta - $deltaOld ) if ( defined($delta) && defined($deltaOld) );
PID20_Log $hash, 5,
"Diff: delta["
. sprintf( "%.2f", $delta ) . "]"
. " - deltaOld["
. sprintf( "%.2f", $deltaOld ) . "]"
. "= Diff["
. sprintf( "%.2f", $deltaDiff ) . "]"
if ($DEBUG);
# ----- build difference of timestamps (ok)
my $deltaOldTsStr = $hash->{helper}{deltaOldTS};
my $deltaOldTsNum = time_str2num($deltaOldTsStr) if ( defined($deltaOldTsStr) );
my $nowTsNum = gettimeofday();
my $tsDiff = ( $nowTsNum - $deltaOldTsNum )
if ( defined($deltaOldTsNum) && ( ( $nowTsNum - $deltaOldTsNum ) > 0 ) );
PID20_Log $hash, 5, "tsDiff: tsDiff = $tsDiff " if ($DEBUG);
# ----- calculate gradient of delta
my $deltaGradient = $deltaDiff / $tsDiff
if ( defined($deltaDiff) && defined($tsDiff) && ( $tsDiff > 0 ) );
$deltaGradient = 0 if ( !defined($deltaGradient) );
my $sdeltaDiff = ($deltaDiff) ? sprintf( "%.2f", $deltaDiff ) : "";
my $sTSDiff = ($tsDiff) ? sprintf( "%.2f", $tsDiff ) : "";
my $sDeltaGradient = ($deltaGradient) ? sprintf( "%.6f", $deltaGradient ) : "";
PID20_Log $hash, 5,
"deltaGradient: (Diff[$sdeltaDiff]" . "/tsDiff[$sTSDiff]" . "=deltaGradient per sec [$sDeltaGradient]"
if ($DEBUG);
# ----- store results
$hash->{helper}{deltaGradient} = $deltaGradient;
$hash->{helper}{deltaOld} = $delta;
$hash->{helper}{deltaOldTS} = TimeNow();
return "";
sub PID20_Get($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $usage = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of params:noArg";
return $usage if ( @a < 2 );
my $cmd = lc( $a[1] );
given ($cmd)
when ('params')
my $ret = "Defined parameters for PID20 $name:\n\n";
$ret .= 'Actor name : ' . $hash->{helper}{actor} . "\n";
$ret .= 'Actor cmd : ' . $hash->{helper}{actorCommand} . "\n\n";
$ret .= 'Sensor name : ' . $hash->{helper}{sensor} . "\n";
$ret .= 'Sensor reading : ' . $hash->{helper}{reading} . "\n\n";
$ret .= 'Sensor regexp : ' . $hash->{helper}{regexp} . "\n\n";
$ret .= 'Factor P : ' . $hash->{helper}{factor_P} . "\n";
$ret .= 'Factor I : ' . $hash->{helper}{factor_I} . "\n";
$ret .= 'Factor D : ' . $hash->{helper}{factor_D} . "\n\n";
$ret .= 'Actor lower limit: ' . $hash->{helper}{actorLimitLower} . "\n";
$ret .= 'Actor upper limit: ' . $hash->{helper}{actorLimitUpper} . "\n";
return $ret;
default { return $usage; }
sub PID20_Set($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $reFloat = '^([\\+,\\-]?\\d+\\.?\d*$)';
my $usage =
"Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of stop:noArg start:noArg restart "
. AttrVal( $name, 'pidDesiredName', 'desired' );
return $usage if ( @a < 2 );
my $cmd = lc( $a[1] );
my $desiredName = lc( AttrVal( $name, 'pidDesiredName', 'desired' ) );
#PID20_Log $hash, 3, "name:$name cmd:$cmd $desired:$desired";
given ($cmd)
when ("?")
return $usage;
when ($desiredName)
return "Set " . AttrVal( $name, 'pidDesiredName', 'desired' ) . " needs a <value> parameter"
if ( @a != 3 );
my $value = $a[2];
$value = ( $value =~ m/$reFloat/ ) ? $1 : undef;
return "value " . $a[2] . " is not a number"
if ( !defined($value) );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $cmd, $value, 1 );
PID20_Log $hash, 3, "set $name $cmd $a[2]";
when ("start")
return "Set start needs a <value> parameter"
if ( @a != 2 );
$hash->{helper}{stopped} = 0;
when ("stop")
return "Set stop needs a <value> parameter"
if ( @a != 2 );
$hash->{helper}{stopped} = 1;
when ("restart")
return "Set restart needs a <value> parameter"
if ( @a != 3 );
my $value = $a[2];
$value = ( $value =~ m/$reFloat/ ) ? $1 : undef;
#PID20_Log $hash, 1, "value:$value";
return "value " . $a[2] . " is not a number"
if ( !defined($value) );
$hash->{helper}{stopped} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{adjust} = $value;
PID20_Log $hash, 3, "set $name $cmd $value";
when ("calc") # inofficial function, only for debugging purposes
return $usage;
# disabled = 0
# idle = 1
# processing = 2
# stopped = 3
# alarm = 4
sub PID20_Calc($)
my $reUINT = '^([\\+]?\\d+)$'; # uint without whitespaces
my $re01 = '^([0,1])$'; # only 0,1
my $reINT = '^([\\+,\\-]?\\d+$)'; # int
my $reFloatpos = '^([\\+]?\\d+\\.?\d*$)'; # gleitpunkt positiv float
my $reFloat = '^([\\+,\\-]?\\d+\\.?\d*$)'; # float
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $sensor = $hash->{helper}{sensor};
my $reading = $hash->{helper}{reading};
my $regexp = $hash->{helper}{regexp};
my $DEBUG_Sensor = AttrVal( $name, 'pidDebugSensor', '0' ) eq '1';
my $DEBUG_Actuation = AttrVal( $name, 'pidDebugActuation', '0' ) eq '1';
my $DEBUG_Delta = AttrVal( $name, 'pidDebugDelta', '0' ) eq '1';
my $DEBUG_Calc = AttrVal( $name, 'pidDebugCalc', '0' ) eq '1';
my $DEBUG_Update = AttrVal( $name, 'pidDebugUpdate', '0' ) eq '1';
my $DEBUG = $DEBUG_Sensor || $DEBUG_Actuation || $DEBUG_Calc || $DEBUG_Delta || $DEBUG_Update;
my $actuation = "";
my $actuationDone = ReadingsVal( $name, 'actuation', "" );
my $actuationCalc = ReadingsVal( $name, 'actuationCalc', "" );
my $actuationCalcOld = $actuationCalc;
my $actorTimestamp =
( $hash->{helper}{actorTimestamp} )
? $hash->{helper}{actorTimestamp}
: FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() - 3600 * 24 );
my $sensorStr = ReadingsVal( $sensor, $reading, "" );
my $sensorValue = "";
my $sensorTS = ReadingsTimestamp( $sensor, $reading, undef );
my $sensorIsAlive = 0;
my $iPortion = ReadingsVal( $name, 'p_i', 0 );
my $pPortion = ReadingsVal( $name, 'p_p', "" );
my $dPortion = ReadingsVal( $name, 'p_d', "" );
my $stateStr = "";
my $deltaOld = ReadingsVal( $name, 'delta', 0 );
my $delta = "";
my $deltaGradient = ( $hash->{helper}{deltaGradient} ) ? $hash->{helper}{deltaGradient} : 0;
my $calcReq = 0;
my $readingUpdateReq = '';
# ---------------- check conditions
while (1)
# --------------- retrive values from attributes
$hash->{helper}{actorInterval} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidActorInterval', 180 ) =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : 180;
$hash->{helper}{actorThreshold} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidActorTreshold', 1 ) =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : 1;
$hash->{helper}{actorKeepAlive} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidActorKeepAlive', 1800 ) =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : 1800;
$hash->{helper}{actorValueDecPlaces} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidActorValueDecPlaces', 0 ) =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : 0;
$hash->{helper}{actorErrorAction} =
( AttrVal( $name, 'pidActorErrorAction', 'freeze' ) eq 'errorPos' ) ? 'errorPos' : 'freeze';
$hash->{helper}{actorErrorPos} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidActorErrorPos', 0 ) =~ m/$reINT/ ) ? $1 : 0;
$hash->{helper}{calcInterval} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidCalcInterval', 60 ) =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : 60;
$hash->{helper}{deltaTreshold} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidDeltaTreshold', 0 ) =~ m/$reFloatpos/ ) ? $1 : 0;
$hash->{helper}{disable} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'disable', 0 ) =~ m/$re01/ ) ? $1 : '';
$hash->{helper}{sensorTimeout} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidSensorTimeout', 3600 ) =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : 3600;
$hash->{helper}{reverseAction} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidReverseAction', 0 ) =~ m/$re01/ ) ? $1 : 0;
$hash->{helper}{updateInterval} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidUpdateInterval', 600 ) =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : 600;
$hash->{helper}{measuredName} = AttrVal( $name, 'pidMeasuredName', 'measured' );
$hash->{helper}{desiredName} = AttrVal( $name, 'pidDesiredName', 'desired' );
$hash->{helper}{actorLimitLower} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidActorLimitLower', 0 ) =~ m/$reFloat/ ) ? $1 : 0;
my $actorLimitLower = $hash->{helper}{actorLimitLower};
$hash->{helper}{actorLimitUpper} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidActorLimitUpper', 100 ) =~ m/$reFloat/ ) ? $1 : 100;
my $actorLimitUpper = $hash->{helper}{actorLimitUpper};
$hash->{helper}{factor_P} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidFactor_P', 25 ) =~ m/$reFloatpos/ ) ? $1 : 25;
$hash->{helper}{factor_I} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidFactor_I', 0.25 ) =~ m/$reFloatpos/ ) ? $1 : 0.25;
$hash->{helper}{factor_D} = ( AttrVal( $name, 'pidFactor_D', 0 ) =~ m/$reFloatpos/ ) ? $1 : 0;
if ( $hash->{helper}{disable} )
$stateStr = "disabled";
if ( $hash->{helper}{stopped} )
$stateStr = "stopped";
my $desired = ReadingsVal( $name, $hash->{helper}{desiredName}, "" );
# sensor found
PID20_Log $hash, 2, "--------------------------" if ($DEBUG);
PID20_Log $hash, 2, "S1 sensorStr:$sensorStr sensorTS:$sensorTS" if ($DEBUG_Sensor);
$stateStr = "alarm - no $reading yet for $sensor" if ( !$sensorStr && !$stateStr );
# sensor alive
if ( $sensorStr && $sensorTS )
my $timeDiff = PID20_TimeDiff($sensorTS);
$sensorIsAlive = 1 if ( $timeDiff <= $hash->{helper}{sensorTimeout} );
$sensorStr =~ m/$regexp/;
$sensorValue = $1;
$sensorValue = "" if ( !defined($sensorValue) );
PID20_Log $hash, 2,
"S2 timeOfDay:"
. gettimeofday()
. " timeDiff:$timeDiff sensorTimeout:"
. $hash->{helper}{sensorTimeout}
. " --> sensorIsAlive:$sensorIsAlive"
if ($DEBUG_Sensor);
# sensor dead
$stateStr = "alarm - dead sensor" if ( !$sensorIsAlive && !$stateStr );
# missing desired
$stateStr = "alarm - missing desired" if ( $desired eq "" && !$stateStr );
# check delta threshold
$delta = ( $desired ne "" && $sensorValue ne "" ) ? $desired - $sensorValue : "";
$calcReq = 1 if ( !$stateStr && $delta ne "" && ( abs($delta) >= abs( $hash->{helper}{deltaTreshold} ) ) );
PID20_Log $hash, 2,
"D1 desired[" . ( $desired ne "" ) ? sprintf( "%.1f", $desired )
: "" . "] - sensorValue: [" . ( $sensorValue ne "" ) ? sprintf( "%.1f", $sensorValue )
: "" . "] = delta[" . ( $delta ne "" ) ? sprintf( "%.2f", $delta )
: "" . "] calcReq:$calcReq"
if ($DEBUG_Delta);
#request for calculation
# ---------------- calculation request
if ($calcReq)
# reverse action requested
my $workDelta = ( $hash->{helper}{reverseAction} == 1 ) ? -$delta : $delta;
my $deltaOld = -$deltaOld if ( $hash->{helper}{reverseAction} == 1 );
# calc p-portion
$pPortion = $workDelta * $hash->{helper}{factor_P};
# calc d-Portion
$dPortion = ($deltaGradient) * $hash->{helper}{calcInterval} * $hash->{helper}{factor_D};
# calc i-portion respecting windUp
# freeze i-portion if windUp is active
my $isWindup = $actuationCalcOld
&& ( ( $workDelta > 0 && $actuationCalcOld > $actorLimitUpper )
|| ( $workDelta < 0 && $actuationCalcOld < $actorLimitLower ) );
if ( $hash->{helper}{adjust} ne "" )
$iPortion = $hash->{helper}{adjust} - ( $pPortion + $dPortion );
$iPortion = $actorLimitUpper if ( $iPortion > $actorLimitUpper );
$iPortion = $actorLimitLower if ( $iPortion < $actorLimitLower );
PID20_Log $hash, 5, "adjust request with:" . $hash->{helper}{adjust} . " ==> p_i:$iPortion";
$hash->{helper}{adjust} = "";
} elsif ( !$isWindup ) # integrate only if no windUp
# normalize the intervall to minute=60 seconds
$iPortion = $iPortion + $workDelta * $hash->{helper}{factor_I} * $hash->{helper}{calcInterval} / 60;
$hash->{helper}{isWindUP} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{isWindUP} = $isWindup;
# calc actuation
$actuationCalc = $pPortion + $iPortion + $dPortion;
PID20_Log $hash, 2, "P1 delta:" . sprintf( "%.2f", $delta ) . " isWindup:$isWindup" if ($DEBUG_Calc);
PID20_Log $hash, 2,
"P2 pPortion:"
. sprintf( "%.2f", $pPortion )
. " iPortion:"
. sprintf( "%.2f", $iPortion )
. " dPortion:"
. sprintf( "%.2f", $dPortion )
. " actuationCalc:"
. sprintf( "%.2f", $actuationCalc )
if ($DEBUG_Calc);
$readingUpdateReq = 1; # in each case update readings
# ---------------- acutation request
my $noTrouble = ( $desired ne "" && $sensorIsAlive );
# check actor fallback in case of sensor fault
if ( !$sensorIsAlive && ( $hash->{helper}{actorErrorAction} eq "errorPos" ) )
$stateStr .= "- force pid-output to errorPos";
$actuationCalc = $hash->{helper}{actorErrorPos};
$actuationCalc = "" if ( !defined($actuationCalc) );
# check acutation diff
$actuation = $actuationCalc;
# limit $actuation
$actuation = $actorLimitUpper if ( $actuation ne "" && ( $actuation > $actorLimitUpper ) );
$actuation = $actorLimitLower if ( $actuation ne "" && ( $actuation < $actorLimitLower ) );
# check if round request
my $fmt = "%." . $hash->{helper}{actorValueDecPlaces} . "f";
$actuation = sprintf( $fmt, $actuation ) if ( $actuation ne "" );
my $actuationDiff = abs( $actuation - $actuationDone )
if ( $actuation ne "" && $actuationDone ne "" );
PID20_Log $hash, 2,
"A1 act:$actuation actDone:$actuationDone "
. " actThreshold:"
. $hash->{helper}{actorThreshold}
. " actDiff:$actuationDiff"
if ($DEBUG_Actuation);
# check threshold-condition for actuation
my $rsTS = $actuationDone ne "" && $actuationDiff >= $hash->{helper}{actorThreshold};
# ...... special handling if acutation is in the black zone between actorLimit and (actorLimit - actorThreshold)
# upper range
my $rsUp =
$actuationDone ne ""
&& $actuation > $actorLimitUpper - $hash->{helper}{actorThreshold}
&& $actuationDiff != 0
&& $actuation >= $actorLimitUpper;
# low range
my $rsDown =
$actuationDone ne ""
&& $actuation < $actorLimitLower + $hash->{helper}{actorThreshold}
&& $actuationDiff != 0
&& $actuation <= $actorLimitLower;
# upper or lower limit are exceeded
my $rsLimit = $actuationDone ne "" && ( $actuationDone < $actorLimitLower || $actuationDone > $actorLimitUpper );
my $actuationByThreshold = ( ( $rsTS || $rsUp || $rsDown ) && $noTrouble );
PID20_Log $hash, 2, "A2 rsTS:$rsTS rsUp:$rsUp rsDown:$rsDown noTrouble:$noTrouble"
if ($DEBUG_Actuation);
# check time condition for actuation
my $actTimeDiff = PID20_TimeDiff($actorTimestamp); # $actorTimestamp is valid in each case
my $actuationByTime = ($noTrouble) && ( $actTimeDiff > $hash->{helper}{actorInterval} );
PID20_Log $hash, 2,
"A3 actTS:$actorTimestamp"
. " actTimeDiff:"
. sprintf( "%.2f", $actTimeDiff )
. " actInterval:"
. $hash->{helper}{actorInterval}
. "-->actByTime:$actuationByTime "
if ($DEBUG_Actuation);
# check keep alive condition for actuation
my $actuationKeepAliveReq = ( $actTimeDiff >= $hash->{helper}{actorKeepAlive} )
if ( defined($actTimeDiff) && $actuation ne "" );
# build total actuation request
my $actuationReq = (
( $actuationByThreshold && $actuationByTime )
|| $actuationKeepAliveReq # request by keep alive
|| $rsLimit # upper or lower limit are exceeded
|| $actuationDone eq "" # startup condition
) && $actuation ne ""; # acutation is initialized
PID20_Log $hash, 2,
"A4 (actByTh:$actuationByThreshold && actByTime:$actuationByTime)"
. "||actKeepAlive:$actuationKeepAliveReq"
. "||rsLimit:$rsLimit=actnReq:$actuationReq"
if ($DEBUG_Actuation);
# ................ perform output to actor
if ($actuationReq)
$readingUpdateReq = 1; # update the readings
#build command for fhem
PID20_Log $hash, 5,
. $hash->{helper}{actor}
. " actorCommand:"
. $hash->{helper}{actorCommand}
. " actuation:"
. $actuation;
my $cmd = sprintf( "set %s %s %g", $hash->{helper}{actor}, $hash->{helper}{actorCommand}, $actuation );
# execute command
my $ret;
$ret = fhem $cmd;
# note timestamp
$hash->{helper}{actorTimestamp} = TimeNow();
$actuationDone = $actuation;
my $retStr = "";
$retStr = " with return-value:" . $ret if ( defined($ret) && ( $ret ne '' ) );
PID20_Log $hash, 3, "<$cmd> " . $retStr;
my $updateAlive = ( $actuation ne "" )
&& PID20_TimeDiff( ReadingsTimestamp( $name, 'actuation', gettimeofday() ) ) >= $hash->{helper}{updateInterval};
# my $updateReq = ( ( $actuationReq || $updateAlive ) && $actuation ne "" );
# PID20_Log $hash, 2, "U1 actReq:$actuationReq updateAlive:$updateAlive --> updateReq:$updateReq" if ($DEBUG_Update);
# ---------------- update request
if ($readingUpdateReq)
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $hash->{helper}{desiredName}, $desired ) if ( $desired ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $hash->{helper}{measuredName}, $sensorValue ) if ( $sensorValue ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'p_p', $pPortion ) if ( $pPortion ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'p_d', $dPortion ) if ( $dPortion ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'p_i', $iPortion ) if ( $iPortion ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'actuation', $actuationDone ) if ( $actuationDone ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'actuationCalc', $actuationCalc ) if ( $actuationCalc ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'delta', $delta ) if ( $delta ne "" );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
PID20_Log $hash, 5, "readings updated";
} # end while
# ........ update statePID.
$stateStr = "idle" if ( !$stateStr && !$calcReq );
$stateStr = "processing" if ( !$stateStr && $calcReq );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', $stateStr, 0 );
PID20_Log $hash, 2, "C1 stateStr:$stateStr calcReq:$calcReq" if ($DEBUG_Calc);
#......... timer setup
my $next = gettimeofday() + $hash->{helper}{calcInterval};
RemoveInternalTimer($name); # prevent multiple timers for same hash
InternalTimer( $next, "PID20_Calc", $name, 1 );
#PID20_Log $hash, 2, "InternalTimer next:".FmtDateTime($next)." PID20_Calc name:$name DEBUG_Calc:$DEBUG_Calc";
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<a name="PID20"></a>
<a name="PID20define"></a>
<code>define <name> PID20 <sensor[:reading[:regexp]]> <actor:cmd ></code>
This module provides a PID device, using <sensor> and <actor><br/>
<a name="PID20set"></a>
<code>set <name> desired <value></code>
<ul>Set desired value for PID</ul>
<code>set <name> start</code>
<ul>Start PID processing again, using frozen values from former stop.</ul>
<code>set <name> stop</code>
<ul>PID stops processing, freezing all values.</ul>
<code>set <name> restart <value></code>
<ul>Same as start, but uses value as start value for actor</ul>
<a name="PID20get"></a>
<code>get <name> params</code>
<ul>Get list containing current parameters.</ul>
<a name="PID20attr"></a>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<li><b>disable</b> - disable the PID device, possible values: 0,1; default: 0</li>
<li><b>pidActorValueDecPlaces</b> - number of demicals, possible values: 0..5; default: 0</li>
<li><b>pidActorInterval</b> - number of seconds to wait between to commands sent to actor; default: 180</li>
<li><b>pidActorTreshold</b> - threshold to be reached before command will be sent to actor; default: 1</li>
<li><b>pidActorErrorAction</b> - required action on error, possible values: freeze,errorPos; default: freeze</li>
<li><b>pidActorErrorPos</b> - actor's position to be used in case of error; default: 0</li>
<li><b>pidActorKeepAlive</b> - number of seconds to force command to be sent to actor; default: 1800</li>
<li><b>pidActorLimitLower</b> - lower limit for actor; default: 0</li>
<li><b>pidActorLimitUpper</b> - upper limit for actor; default: 100</li>
<li><b>pidCalcInterval</b> - interval (seconds) to calculate new pid values; default: 60</li>
<li><b>pidDeltaTreshold</b> - if delta < delta-threshold the pid will enter idle state; default: 0</li>
<li><b>pidDesiredName</b> - reading's name for desired value; default: desired</li>
<li><b>pidFactor_P</b> - P value for PID; default: 25</li>
<li><b>pidFactor_I</b> - I value for PID; default: 0.25</li>
<li><b>pidFactor_D</b> - D value for PID; default: 0</li>
<li><b>pidMeasuredName</b> - reading's name for measured value; default: measured</li>
<li><b>pidSensorTimeout</b> - number of seconds to wait before sensor will be recognized n/a; default: 3600</li>
<li><b>pidReverseAction</b> - reverse PID operation mode, possible values: 0,1; default: 0</li>
<li><b>pidUpdateInterval</b> - number of seconds to wait before an update will be forced for plotting; default: 300</li>
<b>Generated Readings/Events:</b>
<li><b>actuation</b> - real actuation set to actor</li>
<li><b>actuationCalc</b> - internal actuation calculated without limits</li>
<li><b>delta</b> - current difference desired - measured</li>
<li><b>desired</b> - desired value</li>
<li><b>measured</b> - measured value</li>
<li><b>p_p</b> - p value of pid calculation</li>
<li><b>p_i</b> - i value of pid calculation</li>
<li><b>p_d</b> - d value of pid calculation</li>
<li><b>state</b> - current device state</li>
Names for desired and measured readings can be changed by corresponding attributes (see above).<br/>
<b>Additional information</b><br/><br/>
<li><a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,17067.0.html">Discussion in FHEM forum</a></li><br/>
<li><a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/PID20_-_Der_PID-Regler">Information in FHEM wiki</a></li><br/>
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