mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
1892 lines
60 KiB
1892 lines
60 KiB
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
# This block is only needed when FileLog is loaded bevore FHEMWEB
sub FW_pO(@);
sub FW_pH(@);
sub FW_addContent(;$);
use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem)
use vars qw($FW_RET); # Returned data (html)
use vars qw($FW_RETTYPE);
use vars qw($FW_cmdret); # error msg forwarding from toSVG
use vars qw($FW_detail); # for redirect after toSVG
use vars qw($FW_plotmode);# Global plot mode (WEB attribute), used by weblink
use vars qw($FW_plotsize);# Global plot size (WEB attribute), used by weblink
use vars qw($FW_ss); # is smallscreen
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
use vars qw(%FW_pos); # scroll position
use vars qw(%FW_webArgs); # all arguments specified in the GET
sub FileLog_seekTo($$$$$);
sub FileLog_dailySwitch($);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "FileLog_Define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "FileLog_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "FileLog_Get";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FileLog_Undef";
#$hash->{DeleteFn} = "FileLog_Delete";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "FileLog_Log";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "FileLog_Attr";
# logtype is used by the frontend
no warnings 'qw';
my @attrList = qw(
use warnings 'qw';
$hash->{AttrList} = join(" ", @attrList);
$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "FileLog_fhemwebFn";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "FileLog_fhemwebFn";
$hash->{SVG_sampleDataFn} = "FileLog_sampleDataFn";
$hash->{SVG_regexpFn} = "FileLog_regexpFn";
$data{FWEXT}{"/FileLog_toSVG"}{CONTENTFUNC} = "FileLog_toSVG";
$data{FWEXT}{"/FileLog_logWrapper"}{CONTENTFUNC} = "FileLog_logWrapper";
InternalTimer(time()+0.1, sub() { # Forum #39792
map { HandleArchiving($defs{$_},1) } devspec2array("TYPE=FileLog");
FileLog_dailySwitch($hash); # Forum #42415
map {
FileLog_initEMI($defs{$_}, "filelog-event-min-interval", undef,1);
FileLog_initEMI($defs{$_}, "addLog", undef, 1);
my $mi = $defs{$_}{addLogMinInterval};
InternalTimer(time()+$mi, "FileLog_addLog", $defs{$_}, 0) if($mi);
} devspec2array("TYPE=FileLog");
}, $hash, 0);
my ($hash) = @_;
map { FileLog_Switch($defs{$_}) } devspec2array("TYPE=FileLog");
my $t = time();
my $off = fhemTzOffset($t);
$t = 86400*(int(($t+$off)/86400)+1)+1-$off; # tomorrow, 1s after midnight
InternalTimer($t, "FileLog_dailySwitch", $hash, 0);
# Initialize the filelog-event-min-interval or addLog structures
my ($hash, $aName, $aVal, $log) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @rets;
$aVal = AttrVal($name, $aName, undef) if(!defined($aVal));
return undef if(!$aVal);
$hash->{".$aName"} = ();
my $mints = 99999999;
foreach my $triple (split(",", $aVal)) {
my ($devspec, $rere, $ts) = split(":", $triple);
if(!defined($ts) || $ts !~ m/^\d+$/) {
push(@rets, "$triple => interval is not numeric");
$mints = $ts if($mints > $ts);
foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($devspec)) {
my $dhash = $defs{$sdev};
if(!defined($dhash)) {
push @rets, "no device $sdev found";
my $rh = $dhash->{READINGS};
my $match=0;
if($rh) {
foreach my $r (keys %{$rh}) {
if($r =~ m/$rere/) {
$hash->{".$aName"}{$sdev}{$r}{LAST} = time_str2num($rh->{$r}{TIME});
$hash->{".$aName"}{$sdev}{$r}{MIN} = $ts;
push(@rets, "$triple => no $rere found for $sdev") if(!$match);
if(@rets) {
my $msg = "$name $aName ".join(", ", @rets);
Log3 $name, 3, $msg if($log);
return $msg;
$hash->{"${aName}MinInterval"} = $mints
if($aName eq "addLog" && $mints != 99999999);
return undef;
my ($log) = @_;
my $al = $log->{".addLog"};
return if(!$al);
my $now = time();
foreach my $sdev (keys %{$al}) {
foreach my $re (keys %{$al->{$sdev}}) {
next if($now - $al->{$sdev}{$re}{LAST} < $al->{$sdev}{$re}{MIN});
my $rv = ReadingsVal($sdev, $re, undef);
return if(!defined($rv));
$defs{$sdev}{CHANGED} = ["$re: $rv"];
$defs{$sdev}{NTFY_TRIGGERTIME} = FmtDateTime($now);
FileLog_Log($log, $defs{$sdev});
my $mi = $log->{addLogMinInterval};
InternalTimer($now+$mi, "FileLog_addLog", $log, 0) if($mi);
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $fh;
if(@a == 5 && $a[4] eq "readonly") {
$hash->{READONLY} = 1;
return "wrong syntax: define <name> FileLog filename regexp [readonly]"
if(int(@a) != 4);
return "Bad regexp: starting with *" if($a[3] =~ m/^\*/);
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$a[3]$/ };
return "Bad regexp: $@" if($@);
my @t = localtime;
my $f = ResolveDateWildcards($a[2], @t);
if(!$hash->{READONLY}) {
$fh = new IO::File ">>$f";
return "Can't open $f: $!" if(!defined($fh));
$hash->{FH} = $fh;
$hash->{FD} = $fh->fileno() if($fh);
$hash->{REGEXP} = $a[3];
$hash->{logfile} = $a[2];
$hash->{currentlogfile} = $f;
$hash->{STATE} = "active";
InternalTimer(0, sub(){ notifyRegexpChanged($hash, $a[3]); }, $hash);
return undef;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
close($hash->{FH}) if($hash->{FH});
return undef;
# Unused
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
return if(!$hash->{currentlogfile});
return undef;
my ($log) = @_;
my $fh = $log->{FH};
my @t = localtime;
my $cn = ResolveDateWildcards($log->{logfile}, @t);
if($cn ne $log->{currentlogfile}) { # New logfile
$log->{currentlogfile} = $cn;
return 1 if($log->{READONLY});
$fh->close() if($fh);
$fh = new IO::File ">>$cn";
if(!defined($fh)) {
Log3 $log, 0, "Can't open $cn";
return 0;
$log->{FH} = $fh;
$log->{FD} = $fh->fileno();
setReadingsVal($log, "linesInTheFile", 0, TimeNow());
return 1;
return 0;
# Log is my entry, Dev is the entry of the changed device
my ($log, $dev) = @_;
return if($log->{READONLY});
my $ln = $log->{NAME};
return if(IsDisabled($ln));
my $events = deviceEvents($dev, AttrVal($ln, "addStateEvent", 0));
return if(!$events);
my $n = $dev->{NAME};
my $re = $log->{REGEXP};
my $iRe = AttrVal($ln, "ignoreRegexp", undef);
my $max = int(@{$events});
my $tn = $dev->{NTFY_TRIGGERTIME};
if($log->{mseclog}) {
my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday();
$tn .= sprintf(".%03d", $microseconds/1000);
my $ct = $dev->{CHANGETIME};
my $fh;
my $switched;
my $written = 0;
my $fmt = AttrVal($ln, "outputFormat", undef);
my $emi = $log->{".filelog-event-min-interval"};
my $al = $log->{".addLog"};
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $events->[$i];
$s = "" if(!defined($s));
my $t = (($ct && $ct->[$i]) ? $ct->[$i] : $tn);
if($n =~ m/^$re$/ || "$n:$s" =~ m/^$re$/ || "$t:$n:$s" =~ m/^$re$/) {
next if($iRe && ($n =~ m/^$iRe$/ || "$n:$s" =~ m/^$iRe$/));
if($emi && $emi->{$n} && $s =~ m/^([^:]+):/) {
my $emie = $emi->{$n}{$1};
if($emie) {
my $ts = time_str2num($t);
if($ts - $emie->{LAST} >= $emie->{MIN}) {
$emie->{LAST} = $ts;
} else {
if($al && $al->{$n} && $s =~ m/^([^:]+):/) {
my $ale = $al->{$n}{$1};
$ale->{LAST} = time_str2num($t) if($ale);
$t =~ s/ /_/; # Makes it easier to parse with gnuplot
if(!$switched) {
$switched = 1;
$fh = $log->{FH};
$s =~ s/\n/ /g;
if($fmt) {
my ($TIMESTAMP,$NAME,$EVENT) = ($t, $n, $s);
print $fh eval $fmt;
} else {
print $fh "$t $n $s\n";
return "" if(!$written);
if($fh) {
# Skip sync, it costs too much HD strain, esp. on SSD
# $fh->sync if !($^O eq 'MSWin32'); #not implemented in Windows
my $owr = ReadingsVal($ln, "linesInTheFile", 0);
my $eot = AttrVal($ln, "eventOnThreshold", 0);
if($eot && ($owr+$written) % $eot == 0) {
readingsSingleUpdate($log, "linesInTheFile", $owr+$written, 1);
} else {
setReadingsVal($log, "linesInTheFile", $owr+$written, $tn);
return "";
my @a = @_;
my $do = 0;
$a[2] = "" if(!defined($a[2]));
if($a[2] eq "mseclog") {
$defs{$a[1]}{mseclog} = ($a[0] eq "set" && (!defined($a[3]) || $a[3]) );
if($a[0] eq "set" && $a[2] eq "ignoreRegexp") {
return "Missing argument for ignoreRegexp" if(!defined($a[3]));
eval { "HALLO" =~ m/$a[3]/ };
return $@;
if($a[0] eq "set" && $a[2] eq "disable") {
$do = (!defined($a[3]) || $a[3]) ? 1 : 2;
if($a[0] eq "set" && $a[2] eq "outputFormat") {
my ($TIMESTAMP,$EVENT,$NAME) = ("2000-01-01_01:01:01","test","test");
eval $a[3];
return $@ if($@);
if(@a> 2 && $a[2] eq "filelog-event-min-interval" && $init_done) {
return FileLog_initEMI($defs{$a[1]}, "filelog-event-min-interval",
$a[0] eq "set" ? join(" ",@a[3..@a-1]) : "", 0);
if(@a> 2 && $a[2] eq "addLog" && $init_done) {
my $me = $defs{$a[1]};
my $ret = FileLog_initEMI($me, "addLog",
$a[0] eq "set" ? join(" ",@a[3..@a-1]) : "", 0);
return $ret if($ret);
RemoveInternalTimer($me, "FileLog_addLog");
$do = 2 if($a[0] eq "del" && (!$a[2] || $a[2] eq "disable"));
return if(!$do);
$defs{$a[1]}{STATE} = ($do == 1 ? "disabled" : "active");
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if( $hash->{REGEXP} eq 'fakelog' );
return "no set argument specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
my %sets = (reopen=>0, clear=>0, absorb=>1, addRegexpPart=>2,
my $cmd = $a[1];
if(!defined($sets{$cmd})) {
my $r = "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ".join(" ",sort keys %sets);
my $fllist = join(",", grep { $me ne $_ } devspec2array("TYPE=FileLog"));
$r =~ s/absorb/absorb:$fllist/;
$r =~ s/clear/clear:noArg/;
$r =~ s/reopen/reopen:noArg/;
return $r;
return "$cmd needs $sets{$cmd} parameter(s)" if(@a-$sets{$cmd} != 2);
if(($cmd eq "reopen") or ($cmd eq "clear")) {
if(!FileLog_Switch($hash)) { # No rename, reopen anyway
my $fh = $hash->{FH};
my $cn = $hash->{currentlogfile};
if($cmd eq "clear") {
$fh = new IO::File(">$cn");
setReadingsVal($hash, "linesInTheFile", 0, TimeNow());
} else {
$fh = new IO::File(">>$cn");
return "Can't open $cn" if(!defined($fh));
$hash->{FH} = $fh;
$hash->{FD} = $fh->fileno();
} elsif($cmd eq "addRegexpPart") {
my %h;
my $re = "$a[2]:$a[3]";
map { $h{$_} = 1 } split(/\|/, $hash->{REGEXP});
$h{$re} = 1;
$re = join("|", sort keys %h);
return "Bad regexp: starting with *" if($re =~ m/^\*/);
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$re$/ };
return "Bad regexp: $@" if($@);
$hash->{REGEXP} = $re;
$hash->{DEF} = $hash->{logfile} ." $re";
notifyRegexpChanged($hash, $re);
} elsif($cmd eq "removeRegexpPart") {
my %h;
map { $h{$_} = 1 } split(/\|/, $hash->{REGEXP});
return "Cannot remove regexp part: not found" if(!$h{$a[2]});
return "Cannot remove last regexp part" if(int(keys(%h)) == 1);
delete $h{$a[2]};
my $re = join("|", sort keys %h);
return "Bad regexp: starting with *" if($re =~ m/^\*/);
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$re$/ };
return "Bad regexp: $@" if($@);
$hash->{REGEXP} = $re;
$hash->{DEF} = $hash->{logfile} ." $re";
notifyRegexpChanged($hash, $re);
} elsif($cmd eq "absorb") {
my $victim = $a[2];
return "need another FileLog as argument."
if(!$victim ||
!$defs{$victim} ||
$defs{$victim}{TYPE} ne "FileLog" ||
$victim eq $me);
my $vh = $defs{$victim};
my $mylogfile = $hash->{currentlogfile};
return "Cant open the associated files"
if(!open(FH1, $mylogfile) ||
!open(FH2, $vh->{currentlogfile}) ||
!open(FH3, ">$mylogfile.new"));
my $fh = $hash->{FH};
my $b1 = <FH1>; my $b2 = <FH2>;
while(defined($b1) && defined($b2)) {
if($b1 lt $b2) {
print FH3 $b1; $b1 = <FH1>;
} else {
print FH3 $b2; $b2 = <FH2>;
while($b1 = <FH1>) { print FH3 $b1; }
while($b2 = <FH2>) { print FH3 $b2; }
close(FH1); close(FH2); close(FH3);
rename("$mylogfile.new", $mylogfile);
$fh = new IO::File(">>$mylogfile");
$hash->{FH} = $fh;
$hash->{FD} = $fh->fileno();
$hash->{REGEXP} .= "|".$vh->{REGEXP};
$hash->{DEF} = $hash->{logfile} . " ". $hash->{REGEXP};
notifyRegexpChanged($hash, $hash->{REGEXP});
CommandDelete(undef, $victim);
return undef;
if(!$modules{SVG}{LOADED} && -f "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/98_SVG.pm") {
my $ret = CommandReload(undef, "98_SVG");
Log3 undef, 1, $ret if($ret);
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
return "<div id=\"$d\" align=\"center\" class=\"FileLog col2\">".
"$defs{$d}{STATE}</div>" if($FW_ss && $pageHash);
my $row = 0;
my $ret = sprintf("<table class=\"FileLog %swide\">",
$pageHash ? "" : "block ");
foreach my $f (FW_fileList($defs{$d}{logfile})) {
my $class = (!$pageHash ? (($row++&1)?"odd":"even") : "");
$ret .= "<tr class=\"$class\">";
$ret .= "<td><div class=\"dname\">$f</div></td>";
my $idx = 0;
foreach my $ln (split(",", AttrVal($d, "logtype", "text"))) {
if($FW_ss && $idx++) {
$ret .= "</tr><tr class=\"".(($row++&1)?"odd":"even")."\"><td>";
my ($lt, $name) = split(":", $ln);
$name = $lt if(!$name);
$ret .= FW_pH("$FW_ME/FileLog_logWrapper&dev=$d&type=$lt&file=$f",
"<div class=\"dval\">$name</div>", 1, "dval", 1);
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "</table>";
return $ret if($pageHash);
return $ret if( $defs{$d}{REGEXP} eq 'fakelog' );
# DETAIL only from here on
my $hash = $defs{$d};
$ret .= "<br>Regexp parts";
$ret .= "<br><table class=\"block wide\">";
my @ra = split(/\|/, $hash->{REGEXP});
if(@ra > 1) {
foreach my $r (@ra) {
$ret .= "<tr class=\"".(($row++&1)?"odd":"even")."\">";
my $cmd = "cmd.X= set $d removeRegexpPart&val.X=$r"; # =.set: avoid JS
$ret .= "<td>$r</td>";
$ret .= FW_pH("$cmd&detail=$d", "removeRegexpPart", 1,undef,1);
$ret .= "</tr>";
my @et = devspec2array("TYPE=eventTypes");
if(!@et) {
$ret .= FW_pH("$FW_ME/docs/commandref.html#eventTypes",
"To add a regexp an eventTypes definition is needed",
1, undef, 1);
} else {
my %dh;
my $etList = AnalyzeCommand(undef, "get $et[0] list");
$etList = "" if(!$etList);
foreach my $l (split("\n", $etList)) {
my @a = split(/[ \r\n]/, $l);
$a[1] = "" if(!defined($a[1]));
$a[1] =~ s/\.\*//g;
$a[1] =~ s/,.*//g;
next if(@a < 2);
$dh{$a[0]}{".*"} = 1;
$dh{$a[0]}{$a[1].".*"} = 1;
my $list = "";
foreach my $dev (sort keys %dh) {
$list .= " $dev:" . join(",", sort keys %{$dh{$dev}});
$list =~ s/(['"])/./g;
$ret .= "<tr class=\"".(($row++&1)?"odd":"even")."\">";
$ret .= '<td colspan="2">';
$ret .= FW_detailSelect($d, "set", $list, "addRegexpPart");
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
$ret .= "</table>";
my $newIdx=1;
while($defs{"SVG_${d}_$newIdx"}) {
my $name = "SVG_${d}_$newIdx";
$ret .= FW_pH("cmd=define $name SVG $d:template:CURRENT;".
"set $name copyGplotFile&detail=$name",
"<div class=\"dval\">Create SVG plot</div>", 0, "dval", 1);
return $ret;
my ($arg) = @_;
return("text/html;", "bad url: cannot create SVG def")
my @aa = split(":", $FW_webArgs{arg});
my $max = 0;
for my $d (keys %defs) {
$max = ($1+1) if($d =~ m/^SVG_(\d+)$/ && $1 >= $max);
$defs{$aa[0]}{currentlogfile} =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
$aa[2] = "CURRENT" if($1 eq $aa[2]);
$FW_cmdret = FW_fC("define SVG_$max SVG $aa[0]:$aa[1]:$aa[2]");
$FW_detail = "SVG_$max" if(!$FW_cmdret);
# Show the content of the log (plain text), or an image and offer a link
# to convert it to an SVG instance
# If text and no reverse required, try to return the data as a stream;
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $d = $FW_webArgs{dev};
my $type = $FW_webArgs{type};
my $file = $FW_webArgs{file};
my $ret = "";
if(!$d || !$type || !$file) {
FW_addContent(">FileLog_logWrapper: bad arguments</div");
return 0;
if(defined($type) && $type eq "text") {
$defs{$d}{logfile} =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Dir and File
my $path = "$1/$file";
$path =~ s/%L/$attr{global}{logdir}/g
if($path =~ m/%/ && $attr{global}{logdir});
$path = AttrVal($d,"archivedir","") . "/$file" if(!-f $path);
FW_pO "<div class=\"tiny\">" if($FW_ss);
FW_pO "<pre class=\"log\">";
my $suffix = "</pre>".($FW_ss ? "</div>" : "")."</div>";
my $reverseLogs = AttrVal($FW_wname, "reverseLogs", 0);
if(!$reverseLogs) {
$suffix .= "</body></html>";
return FW_returnFileAsStream($path, $suffix, "text/html", 1, 0);
if(!open(FH, $path)) {
FW_addContent(">$path: $!</div></body></html");
return 0;
my $cnt = join("", reverse <FH>);
$cnt = FW_htmlEscape($cnt);
FW_pO $cnt;
FW_pO $suffix;
return 1;
} else {
FW_pO "<script type='text/javascript' src='$FW_ME/pgm2/svg.js'></script>";
FW_pO "<br>";
if(AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode) ne "gnuplot") {
FW_pO SVG_zoomLink("$cmd;zoom=-1", "Zoom-in", "zoom in");
FW_pO SVG_zoomLink("$cmd;zoom=1", "Zoom-out","zoom out");
FW_pO SVG_zoomLink("$cmd;off=-1", "Prev", "prev");
FW_pO SVG_zoomLink("$cmd;off=1", "Next", "next");
FW_pO "<table><tr><td>";
FW_pO "<td>";
my $logtype = $defs{$d}{NAME};
my $wl = "&pos=" . join(";", map {"$_=$FW_pos{$_}"} keys %FW_pos);
$wl .= "&plotReplace=$FW_webArgs{plotReplace}" if($FW_webArgs{plotReplace});
my $arg = "$FW_ME/SVG_showLog&dev=$logtype&logdev=$d".
if(AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode) eq "SVG") {
my ($w, $h) = split(",", AttrVal($d,"plotsize",$FW_plotsize));
FW_pO "<embed src=\"$arg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" " .
"width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\" name=\"$d\"/>\n";
} else {
FW_pO "<img src=\"$arg\"/>";
FW_pO "<br>";
FW_pH "$FW_ME/FileLog_toSVG&arg=$d:$type:$file", "Create SVG instance";
FW_pO "</td>";
FW_pO "</td></tr></table>";
FW_pO "</div>";
return 0;
# We use this function to be able to scroll/zoom in the plots created from the
# logfile. When outfile is specified, it is used with gnuplot post-processing,
# when outfile is "-" it is used to create SVG graphics
# Up till now following functions are impemented:
# - int (to cut off % from a number, as for the actuator)
# - delta-h / delta-d to get rain/h and rain/d values from continuous data.
# It will set the %data values
# mindate<x>, min<x>, maxdate<x>, max<x>, avg<x>, cnt<x>, currdate<x>,
# currval<x>, sum<x>
# for each requested column, beginning with <x> = 1
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "Usage: get $a[0] <infile> <outfile> <from> <to> [<column_spec>...]\n".
" where column_spec is <col>:<regexp>:<default>:<fn>\n" .
" see the FileLogGet entries in the .gplot files\n" .
" <infile> is without directory, - means the current file\n" .
" <outfile> is a prefix, - means stdout\n"
if(int(@a) < 4);
shift @a;
my $inf = shift @a;
my $outf = shift @a;
my $from = shift @a;
my $to = shift @a; # Now @a contains the list of column_specs
my $internal;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if($outf eq "INT") {
$outf = "-";
$internal = 1;
my $reformatFn = AttrVal($name, "reformatFn", "");
my $tempfileName;
if($inf eq "-") {
# In case now is after midnight, before the first event is logged.
$inf = $hash->{currentlogfile};
} else {
my $linf;
if($inf eq "CURRENT") {
if($from =~ m/^(....)-(..)-(..)/) { # compute the log filename
my ($fy,$fm,$fd) = ($1,$2,$3);
$linf = ResolveDateWildcards($hash->{logfile},
localtime(time_str2num("$fy-$fm-$fd 00:00:00")));
if(AttrVal($name, "createGluedFile", 0)) {
if($to =~ m/^(....)-(..)-(..)/) {
my ($ty,$tm,$td) = ($1,$2,$3);
my $linf_to = ResolveDateWildcards($hash->{logfile},
localtime(time_str2num("$ty-$tm-$td 00:00:00")));
if($linf ne $linf_to){ # append each file into a temporary one
$tempfileName = $linf.".transit.temp.log";
my $lf = $linf;
if(open(my $out,'>',$tempfileName)){
my $sec = time_str2num("$fy-$fm-$fd 00:00:00");
my $secTo = time_str2num("$ty-$tm-$td 00:00:00");
if(($secTo-$sec)%86400) { #DST change inbetween, #99215
$secTo = $sec + 86400*int(($secTo-$sec+3600)/86400);
my $lastFile = "";
while($sec <= $secTo) { # Loop over each day
$sec += 86400;
if($linf ne $lastFile) {
$lastFile = $linf;
if(open(my $i,'<',$linf)){
print $out join("",<$i>);
$linf = $tempfileName;
$linf = $hash->{currentlogfile} if($linf =~ m/%/ || ! -f $linf);
} else {
$linf = $hash->{currentlogfile};
} else {
$linf = "$1/$inf" if($hash->{currentlogfile} =~ m,^(.*)/[^/]*$,);
$linf = "" if(!$linf); # Missing log directory
# Look for the file in the log directory...
if(!-f $linf) {
# ... or in the archivelog
$linf = AttrVal($name, "archivedir",".") ."/". $inf;
$inf = $linf;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name get: Input file $inf, from:$from to:$to";
my $ifh = new IO::File $inf if($inf);
FileLog_seekTo($inf, $ifh, $hash, $from, $reformatFn) if($ifh);
# Return the the plain file data, $outf is ignored
if(!@a) {
return "" if(!$ifh);
my $out = "";
while(my $l = <$ifh>) {
if($reformatFn) { no strict; $l = &$reformatFn($l); use strict; }
next if($l lt $from);
last if($l gt $to);
$out .= $l;
return $out;
# Digest the input.
# last1: first delta value after d/h change
# last2: last delta value recorded (for the very last entry)
# last3: last delta timestamp (d or h)
my (@d, @fname);
my (@min, @max, @sum, @cnt, @lastv, @lastd, @mind, @maxd, @firstv, @firstd);
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@a); $i++) {
my @fld = split(":", $a[$i], 4);
my %h;
if($outf ne "-") {
$fname[$i] = "$outf.$i";
$h{fh} = new IO::File "> $fname[$i]";
$h{re} = $fld[1]; # Filter: regexp
$h{df} = defined($fld[2]) ? $fld[2] : ""; # default value
$h{fn} = $fld[3]; # function
$h{didx} = 10 if($fld[3] && $fld[3] eq "delta-d"); # delta idx, substr len
$h{didx} = 13 if($fld[3] && $fld[3] eq "delta-h");
if($fld[0] =~ m/"(.*)"/o) {
$h{col} = $1;
$h{type} = 0;
} else {
$h{col} = $fld[0]-1;
$h{type} = 1;
if($h{fn}) {
$h{type} = 4;
$h{type} = 2 if($h{didx});
$h{type} = 3 if($h{fn} eq "int");
$h{ret} = "";
$d[$i] = \%h;
$min[$i] = 999999;
$max[$i] = -999999;
$sum[$i] = 0;
$cnt[$i] = 0;
$lastv[$i] = 0;
$lastd[$i] = "undef";
$firstv[$i] = 0;
$firstd[$i] = "undef";
$mind[$i] = "undef";
$maxd[$i] = "undef";
my %lastdate;
my $d; # Used by eval functions
my ($rescan, $rescanNum, $rescanIdx, @rescanArr);
$rescan = 0;
for(;;) {
my $l;
if($rescan) {
last if($rescanIdx<1 || !$rescanNum);
$l = $rescanArr[$rescanIdx--];
} else {
$l = <$ifh> if($ifh);
last if(!$l);
if($reformatFn) { no strict; $l = &$reformatFn($l); use strict; }
next if($l lt $from && !$rescan);
last if($l gt $to);
my @fld = split("[ \r\n]+", $l); # 40% CPU
for my $i (0..int(@a)-1) { # Process each req. field
my $h = $d[$i];
next if($rescan && $h->{ret});
my @missingvals;
next if($h->{re} && $l !~ m/$h->{re}/); # 20% CPU
my $col = $h->{col};
my $t = $h->{type};
my $val = undef;
my $dte = $fld[0];
if($t == 0) { # Fixed text
$val = $col;
} elsif($t == 1) { # The column
$val = $fld[$col] if(defined($fld[$col]));
} elsif($t == 2) { # delta-h or delta-d
next if($rescan);
my $hd = $h->{didx}; # TimeStamp-Length
my $ld = substr($fld[0],0,$hd); # TimeStamp-Part (hour or date)
if(!defined($h->{last1}) || $h->{last3} ne $ld) {
if(defined($h->{last1})) {
my @lda = split("[_:]", $lastdate{$hd});
my $ts = "12:00:00"; # middle timestamp
$ts = "$lda[1]:30:00" if($hd == 13);
my $v = $fld[$col]-$h->{last1};
# $v = 0 if($v < 0); # Skip negative delta (why?)
$dte = "$lda[0]_$ts";
$val = sprintf("%g", $v);
if($hd == 13) { # Generate missing 0 values / hour
my @cda = split("[_:]", $ld);
for(my $mi = $lda[1]+1; $mi < $cda[1]; $mi++) {
push @missingvals, sprintf("%s_%02d:30:00 0\n", $lda[0], $mi);
$h->{last1} = $fld[$col];
$h->{last3} = $ld;
$h->{last2} = $fld[$col];
$lastdate{$hd} = $fld[0];
} elsif($t == 3) { # int function
$val = $1 if($fld[$col] =~ m/^(\d+).*/o);
} else { # evaluate
$cmdFromAnalyze = $h->{fn};
$val = eval($cmdFromAnalyze);
$cmdFromAnalyze = undef;
next if(!defined($val) || $val !~ m/^-?[.\d]+$/o);
if($val < $min[$i]) {
$min[$i] = $val;
$mind[$i] = $dte;
if($val > $max[$i]) {
$max[$i] = $val;
$maxd[$i] = $dte;
$sum[$i] += $val;
if($firstd[$i] eq "undef") {
$firstv[$i] = $val;
$firstd[$i] = $dte;
$lastv[$i] = $val;
$lastd[$i] = $dte;
map { $cnt[$i]++; $min[$i] = 0 if(0 < $min[$i]); } @missingvals;
if($outf eq "-") {
$h->{ret} .= "$dte $val\n";
map { $h->{ret} .= $_ } @missingvals;
} else {
my $fh = $h->{fh}; # cannot use $h->{fh} in print directly
print $fh "$dte $val\n";
map { print $fh $_ } @missingvals;
last if(!$rescanNum);
# If no value found for some of the required columns, then look for the last
# matching entry outside of the range. Known as the "window left open
# yesterday" problem
if(!$rescan && $ifh) {
$rescanNum = 0;
map { $rescanNum++ if(!$d[$_]->{count} && $d[$_]->{df} eq "") } (0..$#a);
if($rescanNum) {
my $buf;
my $end = $hash->{pos}{"$inf:$from"};
my $start = $end - 1024;
$start = 0 if($start < 0);
$ifh->seek($end, 0);
my $l = <$ifh>;
$end = $ifh->tell if($l && $l lt $from);
$ifh->seek($start, 0);
sysread($ifh, $buf, $end-$start);
@rescanArr = split("\n", $buf);
$rescanIdx = $#rescanArr;
goto RESCAN;
$ifh->close() if($ifh);
unlink($tempfileName) if($tempfileName);
my $ret = "";
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@a); $i++) {
my $h = $d[$i];
my $hd = $h->{didx};
if($hd && $lastdate{$hd}) {
my $val = defined($h->{last1}) ? $h->{last2}-$h->{last1} : 0;
$min[$i] = $val if($min[$i] == 999999);
$max[$i] = $val if($max[$i] == -999999);
$lastv[$i] = $val if(!$lastv[$i]);
$sum[$i] = ($sum[$i] ? $sum[$i] + $val : $val);
my @lda = split("[_:]", $lastdate{$hd});
my $ts = "12:00:00"; # middle timestamp
$ts = "$lda[1]:30:00" if($hd == 13);
my $line = sprintf("%s_%s %0.1f\n", $lda[0],$ts,
defined($h->{last1}) ? $h->{last2}-$h->{last1} : 0);
if($outf eq "-") {
$h->{ret} .= $line;
} else {
my $fh = $h->{fh};
print $fh $line;
if($outf eq "-") {
$h->{ret} .= "$from $h->{df}\n" if(!$h->{ret} && $h->{df} ne "");
$ret .= $h->{ret} if($h->{ret});
$ret .= "#$a[$i]\n";
} else {
my $fh = $h->{fh};
if(!$h->{count} && $h->{df} ne "") {
print $fh "$from $h->{df}\n";
my $j = $i+1;
$data{"min$j"} = $min[$i];
$data{"max$j"} = $max[$i];
if($cnt[$i]) {
my $a = $sum[$i]/$cnt[$i];
$data{"avg$j"} = sprintf("%0.*f",abs($a)<=1 ? 3 : abs($a)<=10 ? 2 :1,$a);
} else {
$data{"avg$j"} = 0;
$data{"sum$j"} = $sum[$i];
$data{"cnt$j"} = $cnt[$i];
$data{"currval$j"} = $lastv[$i];
$data{"currdate$j"} = $lastd[$i];
$data{"firstval$j"} = $firstv[$i];
$data{"firstdate$j"} = $firstd[$i];
$data{"mindate$j"} = $mind[$i];
$data{"maxdate$j"} = $maxd[$i];
$data{"lastraw$j"} = $h->{last2} if($h->{last2});
Log3 $name, 4,
"$name get: line $j, regexp:".$d[$i]->{re}.", col:".$d[$i]->{col}.
", output lines:".$data{"cnt$j"};
if($internal) {
$internal_data = \$ret;
return undef;
return ($outf eq "-") ? $ret : join(" ", @fname);
# this is not elegant. Assume, that current seek pos is after a cr/nl
my ($fh, $pos) = @_;
my $buf;
while($pos > 0) { # skip current CR/NL
$fh->seek(--$pos, 0);
$fh->read($buf, 1);
last if($buf ne "\n" && $buf ne "\r");
$fh->seek($pos, 0);
while($pos > 0 && $fh->read($buf, 1)) {
return ++$pos if($buf eq "\n" || $buf eq "\r");
$fh->seek(--$pos, 0);
return 0;
my ($fname, $fh, $hash, $ts, $reformatFn) = @_;
# If its cached
if($hash->{pos} && $hash->{pos}{"$fname:$ts"}) {
$fh->seek($hash->{pos}{"$fname:$ts"}, 0);
$fh->seek(0, 2); # Go to the end
my $upper = $fh->tell;
my ($lower, $next, $last) = (0, $upper/2, -1);
for(my $iter=0; $iter<200; $iter++) { # Binary search
if($next == $last) {
$fh->seek($next, 0);
$fh->seek($next, 0);
my $data = <$fh>;
if(!$data) {
$last = $next;
if($reformatFn) { no strict; $data = &$reformatFn($data); use strict; }
if($data !~ m/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_\d\d:\d\d:\d\d /o) {
$next = seekBackOneLine($fh, $fh->tell);
$last = $next;
if(!$data || $data lt $ts) {
($lower, $next) = ($next, int(($next+$upper)/2));
} else {
($upper, $next) = ($next, int(($lower+$next)/2));
$last = 0 if($last < 0); # Forum #46512
$hash->{pos}{"$fname:$ts"} = $last;
my ($in, $p) = @_;
return if(!$in || $in !~ m/^\((.*)\)$/);
map { $p->{"\"$2\""}=1 if(m/^ *([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) */); } split(",",$1);
my ($flName, $flog, $max, $conf, $wName) = @_;
my $desc = "Input:Column,Regexp,DefaultValue,Function";
my @htmlArr;
my $fName = $defs{$flName}{currentlogfile};
my $reformatFn = AttrVal($flName, "reformatFn", "");
my $fh = new IO::File $fName;
if(!$fh) {
$fName = "<undefined>" if(!defined($fName));
Log3 $wName, 1, "FileLog get sample data: $fName: $!";
return ($desc, \@htmlArr, "");
$fh->seek(0, 2); # Go to the end
my $sz = $fh->tell;
$fh->seek($sz > 65536 ? $sz-65536 : 0, 0);
my $data;
$data = <$fh> if($sz > 65536); # discard the first/partial line
my $maxcols = 0;
my %h;
while($data = <$fh>) {
if($reformatFn) { no strict; $data = &$reformatFn($data); use strict; }
my @cols = split(" ", $data);
next if(@cols < 3);
$maxcols = @cols if(@cols > $maxcols);
$cols[2] = "*" if($cols[2] =~ m/^[-\.\d]+$/);
$h{"$cols[1].$cols[2]"} = $data;
$h{"$cols[1].*"} = "" if($cols[2] ne "*");
my $colnums = $maxcols;
my $colregs = join(",", sort keys %h);
my $example = join("<br>", grep /.+/,map { $h{$_} } sort keys %h);
$colnums = join(",", 3..$colnums);
my %tickh;
FileLog_addTics($conf->{ytics}, \%tickh);
FileLog_addTics($conf->{y2tics}, \%tickh);
$colnums = join(",", sort keys %tickh).",$colnums" if(%tickh);
for(my $r=0; $r < $max; $r++) {
my @f = split(":", ($flog->[$r] ? $flog->[$r] : ":::"), 4);
my $ret = "";
$f[1] =~ s/\\x(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge; # Convert \x3a to :
$colregs .= ",$f[1]" if($f[1] && !$h{$f[1]});
$ret .= SVG_sel("par_${r}_0", $colnums, $f[0], undef, "svgColumn");
$ret .= SVG_sel("par_${r}_1", $colregs, $f[1], undef, "svgRegexp");
$ret .= SVG_txt("par_${r}_2", "", $f[2], 2);
$ret .= SVG_txt("par_${r}_3", "", $f[3],10);
push @htmlArr, $ret;
return ($desc, \@htmlArr, $example);
my ($name, $filter) = @_;
$filter = " $filter ";
$filter =~ s/ [^: ]*:/ /g;
$filter =~ s/:[^ ]* / /g;
$filter =~ s/(^ | $)//g;
$filter =~ s/ /|/g;
return $filter;
=item helper
=item summary log events to a file
=item summary_DE schreibt Events in eine Logdatei
=begin html
<a name="FileLog"></a>
<a name="FileLogdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> FileLog <filename> <regexp> [readonly]</code>
Log events to <code><filename></code>. The log format is
YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS <device> <event><br>
The regexp will be checked against the device name
devicename:event or timestamp:devicename:event combination.
The regexp must match the complete string, not just a part of it.
<code><filename></code> may contain %-wildcards of the
POSIX strftime function of the underlying OS (see your strftime manual).
Common used wildcards are:
<li><code>%d</code> day of month (01..31)</li>
<li><code>%m</code> month (01..12)</li>
<li><code>%Y</code> year (1970...)</li>
<li><code>%w</code> day of week (0..6); 0 represents Sunday</li>
<li><code>%j</code> day of year (001..366)</li>
<li><code>%U</code> week number of year with Sunday as first day of week (00..53)</li>
<li><code>%W</code> week number of year with Monday as first day of week (00..53)</li>
FHEM also replaces <code>%L</code> by the value of the global logdir attribute.<br>
Before using <code>%V</code> for ISO 8601 week numbers check if it is
correctly supported by your system (%V may not be replaced, replaced by an
empty string or by an incorrect ISO-8601 week number, especially
at the beginning of the year)
If you use <code>%V</code> you will also have to use %G
instead of %Y for the year!<br>
If readonly is specified, then the file is used only for visualisation, and
it is not opened for writing.
<code>define lamplog FileLog %L/lamp.log lamp</code><br>
<code>define wzlog FileLog ./log/wz-%Y-%U.log
With ISO 8601 week numbers, if supported:<br>
<code>define wzlog FileLog ./log/wz-%G-%V.log
<a name="FileLogset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
Reopen a FileLog after making some manual changes to the
Clears and reopens the logfile.
<li>addRegexpPart <device> <regexp>
add a regexp part, which is constructed as device:regexp. The parts
are separated by |. Note: as the regexp parts are resorted, manually
constructed regexps may become invalid.
<li>removeRegexpPart <re>
remove a regexp part. Note: as the regexp parts are resorted, manually
constructed regexps may become invalid.<br>
The inconsistency in addRegexpPart/removeRegexPart arguments originates
from the reusage of javascript functions.
<li>absorb secondFileLog
merge the current and secondFileLog into one file, add the regexp of the
secondFileLog to the current one, and delete secondFileLog.<br>
This command is needed to create combined plots (weblinks).<br>
<li>secondFileLog will be deleted (i.e. the FHEM definition).</li>
<li>only the current files will be merged.</li>
<li>weblinks using secondFilelog will become broken, they have to be
adopted to the new logfile or deleted.</li>
<a name="FileLogget"></a>
<code>get <name> <infile> <outfile> <from>
<to> <column_spec> </code>
Read data from the logfile, used by frontends to plot data without direct
access to the file.<br>
Name of the logfile to open. Special case: "-" is the currently active
logfile, "CURRENT" opens the file corresponding to the "from"
If it is "-", you get the data back on the current connection, else it
is the prefix for the output file. If more than one file is specified,
the data is separated by a comment line for "-", else it is written in
separate files, numerated from 0.
<li><from> <to><br>
Used to grep the data. The elements should correspond to the
timeformat or be an initial substring of it.</li>
For each column_spec return a set of data in a separate file or
separated by a comment line on the current connection.<br>
Syntax: <col>:<regexp>:<default>:<fn><br>
The column number to return, starting at 1 with the date.
If the column is enclosed in double quotes, then it is a fix text,
not a column number.</li>
If present, return only lines containing the regexp. Case sensitive.
If no values were found and the default value is set, then return
one line containing the from value and this default. We need this
feature as gnuplot aborts if a dataset has no value at all.
One of the following:
Extract the integer at the beginning og the string. Used e.g.
for constructs like 10%</li>
<li>delta-h or delta-d<br>
Return the delta of the values for a given hour or a given day.
Used if the column contains a counter, as is the case for the
KS300 rain column.</li>
<li>everything else<br>
The string is evaluated as a perl expression. @fld is the
current line splitted by spaces. Note: The string/perl
expression cannot contain spaces, as the part after the space
will be considered as the next column_spec.</li>
get outlog out-2008.log - 2008-01-01 2008-01-08 4:IR:int: 9:IR::
<a name="FileLogattr"></a>
<li><a href="#addStateEvent">addStateEvent</a></li><br><br>
<a name="addLog"></a>
This attribute takes a comma-separated list of
devspec:reading:maxInterval triples. You may use regular expressions
for reading. The last value of the reading will be written to the
logfile, if after maxInterval seconds no event for this device/reading
has arrived.
<a name="archivedir"></a>
<a name="archivecmd"></a>
<a name="nrarchive"></a>
<li>archivecmd / archivedir / nrarchive<br>
When a new FileLog file is opened, the FileLog archiver wil be called.
This happens only, if the name of the logfile has changed (due to
time-specific wildcards, see the <a href="#FileLog">FileLog</a>
section), and there is a new entry to be written into the file.
If the attribute archivecmd is specified, then it will be started as a
shell command (no enclosing " is needed), and each % in the command
will be replaced with the name of the old logfile.<br>
If this attribute is not set, but nrarchive is set, then nrarchive old
logfiles are kept along the current one while older ones are moved to
archivedir (or deleted if archivedir is not set).<br>
Note: "old" means here the first ones in the alphabetically soreted
list. <br>
Note: setting these attributes for the global instance will effect the
<a href="#logfile">FHEM logfile</a> only.
<a name="archiveCompress"></a>
If nrarchive, archivedir and archiveCompress is set, then the files
in the archivedir will be compressed.
<a name="createGluedFile"></a>
If set (to 1), and the SVG-Plot requests a time-range wich is stored
in multiple files, a temporary file with the content of all files will
be created, in order to satisfy the request. Note: this may be slow.
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<li><a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></li>
<a name="eventOnThreshold"></a>
If set (to a nonzero number), the event linesInTheFile will be
generated, if the lines in the file is a multiple of the set number.
Note: the counter is only correct for files created after this
feature was implemented. A FHEM crash or kill will falsify the counter.
<a name="filelog-event-min-interval"></a>
This attribute takes a comma-separated list of
devspec:reading:minInterval triples. You may use regular expressions
for reading. The data will only be written, if at least minInterval
seconds elapsed since the last event of the matched type.
<li><a href="#ignoreRegexp">ignoreRegexp</a></li>
<li><a href="#label">label</a><br></li>
<a name="logtype"></a>
Used by FHEMWEB to offer gnuplot/SVG images made from the
logs. The string is made up of tokens separated by comma (,), each
token specifies a different configuration. The token may contain a
colon (:), the part before the colon defines the name of the program,
the part after is the string displayed in the web frontend.<br>
attr ks300log1 logtype
<li><a href="#mseclog">mseclog</a></li><br>
<a name="outputFormat"></a>
<li>outputFormat <perlCode><br>
If set, the result of the evaluated perlCode will be written to the file.
Default is "$TIMESTAMP $NAME $EVENT\n".<br>
Note: only this format ist compatible with the SVG Editor
<a name="reformatFn"></a>
<li>reformatFn <perlFunctionName><br>
used to convert "foreign" logfiles for the SVG Module, contains the
name(!) of a function, which will be called with a "raw" line from the
original file, and has to return a line in "FileLog" format.<br>
E.g. to visualize the NTP loopstats, set reformatFn to ntpLoopstats, and
copy the following into your 99_myUtils.pm:
my ($d) = @_;
return $d if($d !~ m/^(\d{5}) (\d+)\.(\d{3}) (.*)$/);
my ($r, $t) = ($4, FmtDateTime(($1-40587)*86400+$2));
$t =~ s/ /_/;
return "$t ntpLoopStats $r";
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="FileLog"></a>
<a name="FileLogdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> FileLog <filename> <regexp> [readonly]</code>
Speichert Ereignisse in einer Log-Datei mit Namen <code><filename></code>. Das Log-Format ist
YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS <device> <event><br>
Der Ausdruck unter regexp wird anhand des Gerätenames überprüft und zwar
devicename:event oder der timestamp:devicename:event-Kombination.
Der regexp muss mit dem kompletten String übereinstimmen und nicht nur teilweise.
<code><filename></code> können %-wildcards der POSIX
strftime-Funktion des darunterliegenden OS enthalten (siehe auch strftime
Allgemein gebräuchliche Wildcards sind:
<li><code>%d</code> Tag des Monats (01..31)</li>
<li><code>%m</code> Monat (01..12)</li>
<li><code>%Y</code> Jahr (1970...)</li>
<li><code>%w</code> Wochentag (0..6); beginnend mit Sonntag (0)</li>
<li><code>%j</code> Tag des Jahres (001..366)</li>
<li><code>%U</code> Wochennummer des Jahres, wobei Wochenbeginn = Sonntag (00..53)</li>
<li><code>%W</code> Wochennummer des Jahres, wobei Wochenbeginn = Montag (00..53)</li>
FHEM ersetzt <code>%L</code> mit dem Wert des global logdir Attributes.<br>
Bevor <code>%V</code> für ISO 8601 Wochennummern verwendet werden,
muss überprüft werden, ob diese Funktion durch das Brriebssystem
unterstützt wird (Es kann sein, dass %V nicht umgesetzt wird, durch
einen Leerstring ersetzt wird oder durch eine falsche ISO-Wochennummer
dargestellt wird - besonders am Jahresanfang)
Bei der Verwendung von <code>%V</code> muss gleichzeitig für das Jahr
ein <code>%G</code> anstelle von <code>%Y</code> benutzt werden.<br>
Falls man readonly spezifiziert, dann wird die Datei nur zum visualisieren
verwendet, und nicht zum Schreiben geöffnet.
<code>define lamplog FileLog %L/lamp.log lamp</code><br>
<code>define wzlog FileLog ./log/wz-%Y-%U.log
Mit ISO 8601 Wochennummern falls unterstützt:<br>
<code>define wzlog FileLog ./log/wz-%G-%V.log
<a name="FileLogset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
Erneutes Öffnen eines FileLogs nach händischen
Änderungen in dieser Datei.
Löschen und erneutes Öffnen eines FileLogs.
<li>addRegexpPart <device> <regexp>
Fügt ein regexp Teil hinzu, der als device:regexp aufgebaut ist.
Die Teile werden nach Regexp-Regeln mit | getrennt. Achtung: durch
hinzufügen können manuell erzeugte Regexps ungültig
<li>removeRegexpPart <re>
Entfernt ein regexp Teil. Die Inkonsistenz von addRegexpPart /
removeRegexPart-Argumenten hat seinen Ursprung in der Wiederverwendung
von Javascript-Funktionen.
<li>absorb secondFileLog
Führt den gegenwärtigen Log und den secondFileLog zu einer
gemeinsamen Datei zusammen, fügt danach die regexp des
secondFileLog dem gegenwärtigen Filelog hinzu und löscht dann
anschließend das secondFileLog.<br>
Dieses Komanndo wird zur Erzeugung von kombinierten Plots (weblinks)
<li>secondFileLog wird gelöscht (d.h. die FHEM-Definition und
die Datei selbst).</li>
<li>nur das aktuelle File wird zusammengeführt, keine
archivierten Versionen.</li>
<li>Weblinks, die das secondFilelog benutzen werden unbrauchbar, sie
müssen deshalb auf das neue Logfile angepasst oder
gelöscht werden.</li>
<a name="FileLogget"></a>
<code>get <name> <infile> <outfile> <from>
<to> <column_spec> </code>
Liest Daten aus einem Logfile und wird von einem Frontend benötigt, um
Daten ohne direkten Zugriff aus der Datei zu lesen.<br>
Name des Logfiles, auf das zugegriffen werden soll. Sonderfälle:
"-" steht für das aktuelle Logfile, und "CURRENT" öffnet die
zum "from" passende Datei.</li>
Bei einem "-", bekommt man die Daten auf der aktuellen Verbindung
zurück, anderenfall ist es das Name (eigentlich Prefix, s.u.) des
Output-Files. Wenn mehr als ein File angesprochen wird, werden die
einzelnen Dateinamen durch ein "-" getrennt, anderenfalls werden die
Daten in einzelne Dateien geschrieben, die - beginnend mit 0 -
durchnummeriert werden.
<li><from> <to><br>
Bezeichnet den gewünschten Datenbereich. Die beiden Elemente
müssen ganz oder mit dem Anfang des Zeitformates
Jede column_spec sendet die gewünschten Daten entweder in eine
gesonderte Datei oder über die gegenwärtige Verbindung durch
"-" getrennt.<br>
Syntax: <col>:<regexp>:<default>:<fn><br>
gibt die Spaltennummer zurück, beginnend mit 1 beim Datum.
Wenn die Spaltenmummer in doppelten Anführungszeichen steht,
handelt es sich um einen festen Text und nicht um eine
gibt, falls vorhanden, Zeilen mit Inhalten von regexp zurück.
Groß- und Kleinschreibung beachten. </li>
Wenn keine Werte gefunden werden, und der Default-Wert
(Voreinstellung) wurde gesetzt, wird eine Zeile zurückgegeben,
die den von-Wert (from) und diesen Default-Wert enthält.
Dieses Leistungsmerkmal ist notwendig, da gnuplot abbricht, wenn
ein Datensatz keine Daten enthält.
Kann folgende Inhalte haben:
Löst den Integer-Wert zu Beginn eines Strings heraus. Wird
z.B. bei 10% gebraucht.</li>
<li>delta-h oder delta-d<br>
Gibt nur den Unterschied der Werte-Spalte pro
Stunde oder pro Tag aus. Wird benötigt, wenn die Spalte
einen Zähler enthält, wie im Falles des KS300 in der
Spalte für die Regenmenge.</li>
<li>alles andere<br>
Dieser String wird als Perl-Ausdruck ausgewertet. @fld enthaelt
die aktuelle Zeile getrennt durch Leerzeichen. Achtung:
Dieser String/Perl-Ausdruck darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten.
get outlog out-2008.log - 2008-01-01 2008-01-08 4:IR:int: 9:IR::
<a name="FileLogattr"></a>
<li><a href="#addStateEvent">addStateEvent</a></li><br><br>
<a name="addLog"></a>
Dieses Attribut enthält eine durch Kommata getrennte Liste von
"devspec:readings:maxInterval" Tripel. readings kann ein regexp sein.
Falls nach maxInterval (Sekunden) kein passendes Event eingetroffen ist,
der letzte Wert wird zum Logfile hinzugefuegt.
<a name="archivedir"></a>
<a name="archivecmd"></a>
<a name="nrarchive"></a>
<li>archivecmd / archivedir / nrarchive<br>
Wenn eine neue FileLog-Datei geöffnet wird, wird der FileLog
archiver aufgerufen. Das geschieht aber nur , wenn der Name der Datei
sich geändert hat(abhängig von den zeitspezifischen
Wildcards, die weiter oben unter <a href="#FileLogdefine">FileLog
(define)</a> beschrieben werden) und gleichzeitig ein neuer Datensatz
in diese Datei geschrieben werden muss. <br>
Wenn das Attribut archivecmd benutzt wird, startet es als
shell-Kommando ( eine Einbettung in " ist nicht notwendig), und jedes %
in diesem Befehl wird durch den Namen des alten Logfiles ersetzt.<br>
Wenn dieses Attribut nicht gesetzt wird, aber dafür nrarchive,
werden nrarchive viele Logfiles im aktuellen Verzeichnis gelassen, und
ältere Dateien in das Archivverzeichnis (archivedir) verschoben
(oder gelöscht, falls kein archivedir gesetzt wurde).<br>
Achtung: "ältere Dateien" sind die, die in der alphabetisch
sortierten Liste oben sind.<br>
Hinweis: Werden diese Attribute als global instance gesetzt, hat das
auschließlich auf das <a href="#logfile">FHEM logfile</a>
Auswirkungen. </li><br>
<a name="archiveCompress"></a>
Falls nrarchive, archivedir und archiveCompress gesetzt ist, dann
werden die Dateien im archivedir komprimiert abgelegt.
<a name="createGluedFile"></a>
Falls gesetzt (1), und im SVG-Plot ein Zeitbereich abgefragt wird, was
in mehreren Logdateien gespeichert ist, dann wird für die Anfrage
eine temporäre Datei mit dem Inhalt aller Dateien erzeugt.
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<li><a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></li>
<a name="eventOnThreshold"></a>
Falls es auf eine (nicht Null-) Zahl gesetzt ist, dann wird das
linesInTheFile Event generiert, falls die Anzahl der Zeilen in der
Datei ein Mehrfaches der gesetzen Zahl ist. Achtung: der Zähler ist
nur für solche Dateien korrekt, die nach dem Impementieren dieses
Features angelegt wurden. Ein Absturz/Abschuß von FHEM
verfälscht die Zählung.
<a name="filelog-event-min-interval"></a>
Dieses Attribut enthält eine durch Kommata getrennte Liste von
"devspec:readings:minInterval" Tripel. readings kann ein regexp sein.
Die Daten werden nur dann geschrieben, falls seit dem letzten Auftreten
des gleichen Events mindestens minInterval Sekunden vergangen sind.
<li><a href="#ignoreRegexp">ignoreRegexp</a></li>
<a name="logtype"></a>
Wird vom SVG Modul benötigt, um daten grafisch aufzubereiten.
Der String wird aus komma-separierten Tokens
(,) erzeugt, wobei jeder Token ein eigenes gnuplot-Programm bezeichnet.
Die Token können Doppelpunkte (:) enthalten. Der Teil vor dem
Doppelpunkt bezeichnet den Namen des Programms; der Teil nach dem
Doppelpunkt ist der String, der im Web.Frontend dargestellt werden
soll. Gegenwärtig sind folgende Typen von gnuplot-Programmen
Zeichnet on als 1 and off als 0. Die geeignete
filelog-Definition für das Gerät fs20dev lautet:<br>
define fslog FileLog log/fs20dev-%Y-%U.log fs20dev
Zeichnet die Ist-Temperatur/Soll-temperatur/Aktor Kurven. Die
passende FileLog-Definition (für das FHT-Gerät mit
Namen fht1)sieht wie folgt aus: <br>
<code>define fhtlog1 FileLog log/fht1-%Y-%U.log
Zeichnet eine Kurve aus der Temperatur und dem Niederschlag (pro
Stunde und pro Tag) eines KS300. Die dazu passende
FileLog-Definition (für das KS300
Gerät mit Namen ks300) sieht wie folgt aus:<br>
define ks300log FileLog log/fht1-%Y-%U.log ks300:.*H:.*
Zeichnet eine Kurve aus der Feuchtigkeit und der
Windgeschwindigkeit eines ks300. Die geeignete
FileLog-Definition ist identisch mit der vorhergehenden
Definition. Beide programme erzeugen das gleiche Log.
Zeigt das LogFile in seiner ursprünglichen Form (Nur
Text).Eine gnuplot-Definition ist nicht notwendig.
Beispiel:<br> attr ks300log1 logtype
<li><a href="#mseclog">mseclog</a></li><br>
<a name="outputFormat"></a>
<li>outputFormat <perlCode><br>
Falls gesetzt, ist die Ausgabezeile das Ergebnis der Auswertung.
Voreinstellung ist "$TIMESTAMP $NAME $EVENT\n".<br>
Achtung: nur dieses Format ist kompatibel mit dem SVG-Editor.
<a name="reformatFn"></a>
<li>reformatFn <perlFunktionsName><br>
wird verwendet, um "fremde" Dateien für die SVG-Anzeige ins
FileLog-Format zu konvertieren. Es enthält nur den Namen einer
Funktion, der mit der ursprünglichen Zeile aufgerufen wird. Z.Bsp.
um die NTP loopstats Datei zu visualisieren kann man den Wert von
reformatFn auf ntpLoopstats setzen, und folgende Funktion in
99_myUtils.pm definieren:
my ($d) = @_;
return $d if($d !~ m/^(\d{5}) (\d+)\.(\d{3}) (.*)$/);
my ($r, $t) = ($4, FmtDateTime(($1-40587)*86400+$2));
$t =~ s/ /_/;
return "$t ntpLoopStats $r";
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