mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
jpawlowski 763520abad All my modules: add metadata
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18995 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2019-03-22 20:09:53 +00:00

1884 lines
63 KiB

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(%data);
use HttpUtils;
use Encode;
use Data::Dumper;
use FHEM::Meta;
# initialize ##################################################################
sub THINKINGCLEANER_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
Log3 $hash, 5, "THINKINGCLEANER_Initialize: Entering";
my $webhookFWinstance =
join( ",", devspec2array('TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=TEMPORARY!=1') );
$hash->{DefFn} = "THINKINGCLEANER_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "THINKINGCLEANER_Undefine";
$hash->{SetFn} = "THINKINGCLEANER_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "THINKINGCLEANER_Attr";
$hash->{parseParams} = 1;
$hash->{AttrList} =
"disable:0,1 disabledForIntervals timeout:1,2,3,4,5 pollInterval:30,45,60,75,90 pollMultiplierWebhook pollMultiplierCleaning model webhookHttpHostname webhookPort webhookFWinstance:$webhookFWinstance restart:noArg "
. $readingFnAttributes;
# 98_powerMap.pm support
$hash->{powerMap} = {
model => 'modelid', # fallback to attribute
modelid => {
'Roomba_700_Series' => {
rname_E => 'energy',
rname_P => 'consumption',
map => {
presence => {
absent => 0,
deviceStatus => {
base => 0.1,
plug => 0.1,
base_recon => 33,
plug_recon => 33,
base_full => 33,
plug_full => 33,
base_trickle => 5,
plug_trickle => 5,
base_wait => 0.1,
plug_wait => 0.1,
'*' => 0,
return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash );
# regular Fn ##################################################################
sub THINKINGCLEANER_Define($$$) {
my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $infix = "THINKINGCLEANER";
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: called function THINKINGCLEANER_Define()";
eval {
require JSON;
import JSON qw( decode_json );
return "Please install Perl JSON to use module THINKINGCLEANER"
if ($@);
if ( int(@$a) < 2 ) {
my $msg =
"Wrong syntax: define <name> THINKINGCLEANER <ip-or-hostname>";
Log3 $name, 4, $msg;
return $msg;
# Initialize the device
return $@ unless ( FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash) );
my $address = @$a[2];
$hash->{DeviceName} = $address;
# set reverse pointer
$modules{THINKINGCLEANER}{defptr}{$name} = \$hash;
# set default settings on first define
if ( $init_done && !defined( $hash->{OLDDEF} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{cmdIcon} =
'on-max:text_max on-spot:refresh on-delayed:time_timer dock:measure_battery_50 locate:rc_SEARCH';
$attr{$name}{devStateIcon} =
'on-delayed:rc_STOP@green:off on-max:rc_BLUE@green:off on-spot:rc_GREEN@red:off on.*:rc_GREEN@green:off dock:rc_GREEN@orange:off off:rc_STOP:on standby|remote:rc_YELLOW:on locate:rc_YELLOW .*:rc_RED';
$attr{$name}{icon} = 'scene_cleaning';
$attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'on-max:on-spot:on-delayed:dock:locate';
if ( THINKINGCLEANER_addExtension( $name, "THINKINGCLEANER_CGI", $infix ) )
$hash->{fhem}{infix} = $infix;
$hash->{WEBHOOK_REGISTER} = "unregistered";
# start the status update timer
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $hash, 2 );
return undef;
sub THINKINGCLEANER_Undefine($$$) {
my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( defined( $hash->{fhem}{infix} ) ) {
THINKINGCLEANER_removeExtension( $hash->{fhem}{infix} );
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: called function THINKINGCLEANER_Undefine()";
# Stop the internal GetStatus-Loop and exit
# release reverse pointer
delete $modules{THINKINGCLEANER}{defptr}{$name};
return undef;
my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $state = ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "absent" );
my $deviceStatus = ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "off" );
my $presence = ReadingsVal( $name, "presence", "absent" );
my $power = ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "off" );
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: called function THINKINGCLEANER_Set()";
return "Argument is missing" if ( int(@$a) < 1 );
my $usage =
"Unknown argument "
. @$a[1]
. ", choose one of statusRequest:noArg toggle:noArg on:noArg on-spot:noArg on-max:noArg off:noArg power:off,on dock:noArg undock:noArg locate:noArg on-delayed:noArg cleaningDelay remoteControl:forward,backward,left,left-spin,right,right-spin,stop,drive scheduleAdd name damageProtection:off,on reboot:noArg autoUpdate:on,off vacuumDrive:off,on restartAC:on,off alwaysMAX:on,off autoDock:on,off keepAwakeOnDock:on,off songSubmit songReset:noArg dockAt stopAt";
my $cmd = '';
my $result;
# find existing schedules and offer set commands
my $sd0 = ReadingsVal( $name, "schedule0", "" );
my $sd1 = ReadingsVal( $name, "schedule1", "" );
my $sd2 = ReadingsVal( $name, "schedule2", "" );
my $sd3 = ReadingsVal( $name, "schedule3", "" );
my $sd4 = ReadingsVal( $name, "schedule4", "" );
my $sd5 = ReadingsVal( $name, "schedule5", "" );
my $sd6 = ReadingsVal( $name, "schedule6", "" );
my $schedules = "";
my $si = "0";
foreach ( $sd0, $sd1, $sd2, $sd3, $sd4, $sd5, $sd6 ) {
if ( $_ ne "" ) {
$schedules .= "," if ( $schedules ne "" );
$_ =~ s/(\d+)_(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})_(([A-Za-z]+),?)/$si\_$1_$2_$3/g;
$schedules .= $_;
$usage .= " scheduleDel:$schedules scheduleMod:$schedules"
if ( $schedules ne "" );
# statusRequest
if ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "statusrequest" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
# scheduleAdd
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "scheduleadd" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
. @$a[1] . " "
. @$a[2] . " "
. @$a[3] . " "
. @$a[4];
"Missing arguments. Usage: scheduleAdd <day> <time> <command>"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] )
|| !defined( @$a[3] )
|| !defined( @$a[4] ) );
"Invalid value for day, needs to be between 0(=sunday) and 6(=saturday)"
if ( @$a[2] !~ /^[0-6]$/ );
return "Invalid value for time, needs to be of format 00:00:00"
if ( @$a[3] !~ /^([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/ );
"Invalid value for command, choose one of clean max dock stop"
if ( @$a[4] !~ /^(clean|max|dock|stop)$/ );
my $time = THINKINGCLEANER_time2sec( @$a[3] );
my $command;
$command = "0"
if ( @$a[4] eq "clean" );
$command = "1"
if ( @$a[4] eq "max" );
$command = "2"
if ( @$a[4] eq "dock" );
$command = "3"
if ( @$a[4] eq "stop" );
my $wday = @$a[2] - 1;
$wday = "6" if ( $wday < 0 );
$cmd = "$command&day=$wday&time=$time";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "add_schedule.json", $cmd );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# scheduleMod
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "schedulemod" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
. @$a[1] . " "
. @$a[2] . " "
. @$a[3] . " "
. @$a[4] . " "
. @$a[5];
"Missing arguments. Usage: scheduleMod <day> <index> <time> <command>"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] )
|| !defined( @$a[3] )
|| !defined( @$a[4] ) );
"Invalid value for day, needs to be between 0(=sunday) and 6(=saturday)"
if ( @$a[2] !~ /^[0-6]/ );
if ( @$a[2] =~ s/_(\d+)_\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}_.*//
&& !defined( @$a[5] ) )
@$a[4] = @$a[3];
@$a[5] = @$a[4];
@$a[3] = $1;
return "Invalid value for index, needs to be integer value"
if ( @$a[3] !~ /^\d+$/ );
return "Invalid value for time, needs to be of format 00:00:00"
if ( @$a[4] !~ /^([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/ );
"Invalid value for command, choose one of clean max dock stop"
if ( @$a[5] !~ /^(clean|max|dock|stop)$/ );
my $time = THINKINGCLEANER_time2sec( @$a[4] );
my $command;
$command = "0"
if ( @$a[5] eq "clean" );
$command = "1"
if ( @$a[5] eq "max" );
$command = "2"
if ( @$a[5] eq "dock" );
$command = "3"
if ( @$a[5] eq "stop" );
my $wday = @$a[2] - 1;
$wday = "6" if ( $wday < 0 );
$cmd = "$command&day=$wday&index=" . @$a[3] . "&time=$time";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "change_schedule.json",
$cmd );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# scheduleDel
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "scheduledel" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
. @$a[1] . " "
. @$a[2] . " "
. @$a[3];
return "Missing arguments. Usage: scheduleDel <day> <index>"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
"Invalid value for day, needs to be between 0(=sunday) and 6(=saturday)"
if ( @$a[2] !~ /^[0-6]/ );
@$a[3] = $1
if ( @$a[2] =~ s/_(\d+)_\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}_.*//
&& !defined( @$a[3] ) );
return "Invalid value for index, needs to be integer value"
if ( @$a[3] !~ /^\d+$/ );
my $wday = @$a[2] - 1;
$wday = "6" if ( $wday < 0 );
$cmd = "&day=$wday&index=" . @$a[3];
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "remove_schedule.json",
$cmd );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# remoteControl
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "remotecontrol" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
. @$a[1] . " "
. @$a[2] . " "
. @$a[3];
"No argument given, choose one of forward left right left-spin right-spin stop drive"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
if ( $power eq "off" ) {
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json",
"forward", "power" );
fhem "sleep 2;set $name "
. @$a[1] . " "
. @$a[2] . " "
. @$a[3];
if ( @$a[2] eq "forward" ) {
$cmd = @$a[2];
elsif ( @$a[2] eq "backward" ) {
$cmd = "drive_only&speed=-200&degrees=180";
elsif ( @$a[2] =~ /^(left|right|stop)$/ ) {
$cmd = "drive" . @$a[2];
elsif ( @$a[2] =~ /^(left|right|stop|left-spin|right-spin)$/ ) {
$cmd = @$a[2];
$cmd =~ s/(\w+)-spin/spin$1/;
elsif ( @$a[2] = "drive" ) {
"Missing arguments. Usage: remoteControl drive <speed> <degrees>"
if ( !defined( @$a[3] ) || !defined( @$a[4] ) );
return "Invalid value for speed"
if ( @$a[3] !~ /^-?\d+/
|| @$a[3] < -500
|| @$a[3] > 500 );
return "Invalid value for degree"
if ( @$a[4] !~ /^-?\d+/ || @$a[4] < 0 || @$a[4] > 360 );
$cmd = "drive_only&speed=" . @$a[3] . "&degrees=" . @$a[4];
else {
return "Unknown driving command";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"remoteControl" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# cleaningDelay
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "cleaningdelay" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value: minutes"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
"Invalid value for minutes: needs to be between 30 and 240 minutes"
if ( @$a[2] !~ /^\d+/ || @$a[2] < 30 || @$a[2] > 240 );
$cmd = "CleanDelay&minutes=" . @$a[2];
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"cleaningDelay" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# dockAt
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "dockat" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value: percent"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
"Invalid value for minutes: needs to be between 10 and 50 percent"
if ( @$a[2] !~ /^\d+/ || @$a[2] < 10 || @$a[2] > 50 );
$cmd = "DockAt" . @$a[2];
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"dockAt" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# stopAt
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "stopat" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value: percent"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
"Invalid value for minutes: needs to be between 6 and 50 percent"
if ( @$a[2] !~ /^\d+/ || @$a[2] < 6 || @$a[2] > 50 );
$cmd = "StopAt" . @$a[2];
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"stopAt" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# autoUpdate
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "autoupdate" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
$cmd = "UpdateOFF";
$cmd = "UpdateON" if ( @$a[2] eq "on" );
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"autoUpdate" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set " . @$a[1];
# songSubmit
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "songsubmit" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
$cmd = @$a[2];
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "newsong.json", $cmd );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set " . @$a[1];
# songReset
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "songreset" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "resetSongCommand";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set " . @$a[1];
# restartAC
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "restartac" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
$cmd = "MAXOFF";
$cmd = "MAXON" if ( @$a[2] eq "on" );
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"restartAC" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set " . @$a[1];
# alwaysMAX
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "alwaysmax" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
$cmd = "MAXOFF";
$cmd = "MAXON" if ( @$a[2] eq "on" );
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"alwaysMAX" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set " . @$a[1];
# autoDock
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "autodock" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
$cmd = "AutoDockOFF";
$cmd = "AutoDockON" if ( @$a[2] eq "on" );
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"autoDock" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set " . @$a[1];
# keepAwakeOnDock
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "keepawakeondock" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
$cmd = "keepAwakeOnDockOFF";
$cmd = "keepAwakeOnDockON" if ( @$a[2] eq "on" );
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"keepAwakeOnDock" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set " . @$a[1];
# name
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "name" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "Missing value: name"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
return "Wrong format for name"
if ( @$a[2] !~ /^\w+$/ );
$cmd = "rename_device&name=" . @$a[2];
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"name" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set " . @$a[1];
# reboot
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "reboot" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "crash";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be rebooted.";
# locate
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "locate" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "find_me";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"locate" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be located.";
# dock
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "dock" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "dock";
$result = THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd )
if ( $deviceStatus !~ /^(base.*|plug.*)$/ );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be docked.";
# undock
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "undock" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "leavehomebase";
$result = THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd )
if ( $deviceStatus =~ /^(base.*)$/ );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be undocked.";
# damageProtection
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "damageprotection" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "No argument given, choose one of on off"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
$cmd = "DriveNormal";
$cmd = "DriveAlways" if ( lc( @$a[2] eq "off" ) );
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"damageProtection" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set " . @$a[1];
# vacuumDrive
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "vacuumdrive" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "No argument given, choose one of on off"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
$cmd = "VacuumDriveON";
$cmd = "VacuumDriveOFF" if ( lc( @$a[2] eq "off" ) );
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"vacuumDrive" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to set vacuumDrive.";
# power
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "power" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
return "No argument given, choose one of on off"
if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
$cmd = "poweroff";
$cmd = "forward" if ( lc( @$a[2] eq "on" ) );
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"power" )
if ( ( $cmd eq "forward" && $state ne "on" && $power ne "on" )
|| $cmd eq "poweroff" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# on-delayed
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "on-delayed" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "delayedclean";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"on-delayed" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# on-spot
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "on-spot" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
if ( $power eq "off" ) {
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json",
"forward", "power" );
return fhem "sleep 2;set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "spot";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"on-spot" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled.";
# on-max
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "on-max" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
if ( $power eq "off" ) {
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json",
"forward", "power" );
return fhem "sleep 2;set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "max";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"on-max" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be turned on.";
# on
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "on" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
if ( $power eq "off" ) {
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json",
"forward", "power" );
return fhem "sleep 2;set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "clean";
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd, "on" )
if ( $state ne "on" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be turned on.";
# off
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "off" ) {
if ( $state ne "absent" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "THINKINGCLEANER set $name " . @$a[1];
$cmd = "clean";
if ( $state ne "on-delayed" && $state =~ /^(dock|on.*)$/ ) {
$result =
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "command.json", $cmd,
"off" );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be set to standby mode.";
# toggle
elsif ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "toggle" ) {
if ( $state ne "on" ) {
return THINKINGCLEANER_Set( $hash, $name, "on" );
else {
return THINKINGCLEANER_Set( $hash, $name, "off" );
# return usage hint
else {
return $usage;
return undef;
my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal ) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: called function THINKINGCLEANER_Attr()";
"Invalid value for attribute $attrName: can only by FQDN or IPv4 or IPv6 address"
if ( $attrVal
&& $attrName eq "webhookHttpHostname"
&& $attrVal !~ /^([A-Za-z_.0-9]+\.[A-Za-z_.0-9]+)|[0-9:]+$/ );
"Invalid value for attribute $attrName: needs to be different from the defined name/address of your Roomba, we need to know how Rooma can connect back to FHEM here!"
if ( $attrVal
&& $attrName eq "webhookHttpHostname"
&& $attrVal eq $hash->{DeviceName} );
"Invalid value for attribute $attrName: FHEMWEB instance $attrVal not existing"
if (
&& $attrName eq "webhookFWinstance"
&& ( !defined( $defs{$attrVal} )
|| $defs{$attrVal}{TYPE} ne "FHEMWEB" )
"Invalid value for attribute $attrName: needs to be an integer value"
if ( $attrVal && $attrName eq "webhookPort" && $attrVal !~ /^\d+$/ );
"Invalid value for attribute $attrName: minimum value is 1 second, maximum 5 seconds"
if ( $attrVal
&& $attrName eq "timeout"
&& ( $attrVal < 1 || $attrVal > 5 ) );
return "Invalid value for attribute $attrName: minimum value is 16 seconds"
if ( $attrVal && $attrName eq "pollInterval" && $attrVal < 16 );
"Invalid value for attribute $attrName: minimum factor is 1.25, maximum is 4"
if ( $attrVal
&& $attrName eq "pollMultiplierWebhook"
&& ( $attrVal < 1.25 || $attrVal > 4 ) );
"Invalid value for attribute $attrName: minimum factor is 0.2, maximum is 30"
if ( $attrVal
&& $attrName eq "pollMultiplierCleaning"
&& ( $attrVal < 0.2 || $attrVal > 30 ) );
# webhook*
if ( $attrName =~ /^webhook.*/ ) {
my $webhookHttpHostname = (
$attrName eq "webhookHttpHostname"
? $attrVal
: AttrVal( $name, "webhookHttpHostname", "" )
my $webhookFWinstance = (
$attrName eq "webhookFWinstance"
? $attrVal
: AttrVal( $name, "webhookFWinstance", "" )
$hash->{WEBHOOK_URI} = "/"
. AttrVal( $webhookFWinstance, "webname", "fhem" )
$hash->{WEBHOOK_PORT} = (
$attrName eq "webhookPort"
? $attrVal
: AttrVal(
$name, "webhookPort",
InternalVal( $webhookFWinstance, "PORT", "" )
$hash->{WEBHOOK_URL} = "";
$hash->{WEBHOOK_COUNTER} = "0";
if ( $webhookHttpHostname ne "" && $hash->{WEBHOOK_PORT} ne "" ) {
$hash->{WEBHOOK_URL} =
. $webhookHttpHostname . ":"
. $hash->{WEBHOOK_PORT}
. $hash->{WEBHOOK_URI};
my $cmd =
. $hash->{WEBHOOK_URI}
. "&h_port="
. $hash->{WEBHOOK_PORT};
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "register_webhook.json", $cmd );
$hash->{WEBHOOK_REGISTER} = "sent";
else {
$hash->{WEBHOOK_REGISTER} = "incomplete_attributes";
return undef;
# module Fn ####################################################################
sub THINKINGCLEANER_addExtension($$$) {
my ( $name, $func, $link ) = @_;
my $url = "/$link";
return 0
if ( defined( $data{FWEXT}{$url} )
&& $data{FWEXT}{$url}{deviceName} ne $name );
Log3 $name, 2,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: Registering THINKINGCLEANER for webhook URI $url ...";
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{deviceName} = $name;
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{FUNC} = $func;
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{LINK} = $link;
return 1;
sub THINKINGCLEANER_removeExtension($) {
my ($link) = @_;
my $url = "?/$link";
my $name = $data{FWEXT}{$url}{deviceName};
Log3 $name, 2,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: Unregistering THINKINGCLEANER for webhook URI $url...";
delete $data{FWEXT}{$url};
my ($request) = @_;
# data received
if ( defined( $FW_httpheader{UUID} ) ) {
if ( defined( $modules{THINKINGCLEANER}{defptr} ) ) {
while ( my ( $key, $value ) =
each %{ $modules{THINKINGCLEANER}{defptr} } )
my $uuid = ReadingsVal( $key, "uuid", undef );
next if ( !$uuid || $uuid ne $FW_httpheader{UUID} );
$defs{$key}{WEBHOOK_LAST} = TimeNow();
Log3 $key, 4,
"THINKINGCLEANER $key: Received webhook for matching UUID at device $key";
my $delay = undef;
# we need some delay as to the Robo seems to send webhooks but it's status does
# not really reflect the change we'd expect to get here already so give 'em some
# more time to think about it...
$delay = "2"
if ( defined( $defs{$key}{LAST_COMMAND} )
&& time() - time_str2num( $defs{$key}{LAST_COMMAND} ) < 3 );
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $defs{$key}, $delay );
return ( undef, undef );
# no data received
else {
Log3 undef, 5, "THINKINGCLEANER: received malformed request\n$request";
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Call failure: " . $request );
sub THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus($;$) {
my ( $hash, $delay ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "off" ) ne "off"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "absent" ) ne "absent"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "standby" ) ne "standby"
? AttrVal( $name, "pollMultiplierCleaning", "0.5" )
: (
$hash->{WEBHOOK_REGISTER} eq "success"
? AttrVal( $name, "pollMultiplierWebhook", "2" )
: "1"
$hash->{INTERVAL} =
AttrVal( $name, "pollInterval", "45" ) * $hash->{INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER};
my $interval = (
? $delay
: $hash->{INTERVAL}
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: called function THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus()";
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $interval,
"THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus", $hash, 0 );
if ( $delay || AttrVal( $name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 );
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "full_status.json" );
sub THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand($$;$$) {
my ( $hash, $service, $cmd, $type ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $address = $hash->{DeviceName};
my $http_method = "GET";
my $http_noshutdown = AttrVal( $name, "http-noshutdown", "1" );
my $timeout;
$cmd = ( defined($cmd) && $cmd ne "" ) ? "command=$cmd" : "";
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: called function THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand()";
my $http_proto = "http";
my $http_user = "";
my $http_passwd = "";
my $URL;
my $response;
my $return;
$http_method = "POST"
if ( $service eq "register_webhook.json" || $service eq "newsong.json" );
if ( !defined($cmd) || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "THINKINGCLEANER $name: REQ $service";
else {
$cmd = "?" . $cmd . "&"
if ( $http_method eq "GET" || $http_method eq "" );
Log3 $name, 4, "THINKINGCLEANER $name: REQ $service/" . urlDecode($cmd);
$URL = $http_proto . "://" . $address . "/" . $service;
$URL .= $cmd if ( $http_method eq "GET" || $http_method eq "" );
if ( AttrVal( $name, "timeout", "3" ) =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$timeout = AttrVal( $name, "timeout", "3" );
else {
Log3 $name, 3,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: wrong format in attribute 'timeout'";
$timeout = 3;
# send request via HTTP-GET method
if ( $http_method eq "GET" || $http_method eq "" || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
. urlDecode($URL)
. " (noshutdown="
. $http_noshutdown . ")";
url => $URL,
timeout => $timeout,
noshutdown => $http_noshutdown,
data => undef,
hash => $hash,
service => $service,
cmd => $cmd,
type => $type,
callback => \&THINKINGCLEANER_ReceiveCommand,
httpversion => "1.1",
loglevel => AttrVal( $name, "httpLoglevel", 4 ),
header => {
'User-Agent' => 'FHEM-THINKINGCLEANER/1.0.0',
Accept => 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
'Accept-Charset' => 'UTF-8',
# send request via HTTP-POST method
elsif ( $http_method eq "POST" ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
. $URL
. " (POST DATA: "
. urlDecode($cmd)
. ", noshutdown="
. $http_noshutdown . ")";
url => $URL,
timeout => $timeout,
noshutdown => $http_noshutdown,
data => $cmd,
hash => $hash,
service => $service,
cmd => $cmd,
type => $type,
callback => \&THINKINGCLEANER_ReceiveCommand,
httpversion => "1.1",
loglevel => AttrVal( $name, "httpLoglevel", 4 ),
header => {
'User-Agent' => 'FHEM-THINKINGCLEANER/1.0.0',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
Accept => 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
'Accept-Charset' => 'UTF-8',
# other HTTP methods are not supported
else {
Log3 $name, 1,
. $http_method
. " is not supported.";
if ( $service eq "command.json" ) {
$hash->{LAST_COMMAND} = TimeNow();
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $hash, 6 );
sub THINKINGCLEANER_ReceiveCommand($$$) {
my ( $param, $err, $data ) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $service = $param->{service};
my $cmd = $param->{cmd};
my $state = ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "off" );
my $power = ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "off" );
my $presence = ReadingsVal( $name, "presence", "absent" );
my $type = ( $param->{type} ) ? $param->{type} : "";
my $return;
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: called function THINKINGCLEANER_ReceiveCommand()";
# device not reachable
if ($err) {
# powerstate
$state = "absent";
$power = "off";
if ( !defined($cmd) || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "THINKINGCLEANER $name: RCV TIMEOUT $service";
else {
Log3 $name, 4,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: RCV TIMEOUT $service/" . urlDecode($cmd);
$presence = "absent";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", $presence )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "presence", "" ) ne $presence );
# data received
elsif ($data) {
$presence = "present";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", $presence )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "presence", "" ) ne $presence );
if ( !defined($cmd) || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "THINKINGCLEANER $name: RCV $service";
else {
Log3 $name, 4,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: RCV $service/" . urlDecode($cmd);
if ( $data ne "" ) {
if ( $data =~ /^{/ || $data =~ /^\[/ ) {
if ( !defined($cmd) || ref($cmd) eq "HASH" || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: RES $service\n" . $data;
else {
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: RES $service/"
. urlDecode($cmd) . "\n"
. $data;
eval '$return = decode_json( Encode::encode_utf8($data) ); 1';
if ($@) {
if ( !defined($cmd) || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: RES ERROR $service - unable to parse malformed JSON: $@\n"
. $data;
else {
Log3 $name, 5,
. urlDecode($cmd)
. " - unable to parse malformed JSON: $@\n"
. $data;
return undef;
else {
if ( !defined($cmd) || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: RES ERROR $service - not in JSON format\n"
. $data;
else {
Log3 $name, 5,
. urlDecode($cmd)
. " - not in JSON format\n"
. $data;
return undef;
$return = Encode::encode_utf8($data)
if ( $return && ref($return) ne "HASH" );
# process return data
# full_status
if ( $service eq "full_status.json" ) {
if ( defined($return)
&& ref($return) eq "HASH" )
$state = "off";
if ( $return->{result} ne "success" ) {
$state = "error";
else {
foreach my $r ( keys %{$return} ) {
next if ( ref( $return->{$r} ) ne "HASH" );
my $rPrefix = $r;
$rPrefix = "" if ( $r eq "firmware" );
$rPrefix = "battery" if ( $r eq "power_status" );
$rPrefix = "" if ( $r eq "tc_status" );
$rPrefix = "button" if ( $r eq "buttons" );
$rPrefix = "sensor" if ( $r eq "sensors" );
foreach my $r2 ( keys %{ $return->{$r} } ) {
next unless ( $r2 && $r2 ne "" );
# INTERNALS or dynamic values
if ( $r2 eq "cleaning" ) {
# let state be on if cleaning is clearly going on
$state = "on"
if ( $return->{$r}{$r2} eq "1"
&& $state !~ /dock|on-.*/ );
elsif ( $r2 eq "modelnr" ) {
$hash->{modelid} =
"Roomba_" . $return->{$r}{$r2} . "_Series";
$attr{$name}{model} =
"Roomba_" . $return->{$r}{$r2} . "_Series";
elsif ( $r2 eq "time_h_m" ) {
$hash->{SYSTEMTIME} = $return->{$r}{$r2};
elsif ( lc($r2) eq "selected_timezone" ) {
$hash->{TIMEZONE} = $return->{$r}{$r2};
elsif ( $r2 eq "boot_version" ) {
elsif ( $r2 eq "cleaning_distance_miles" ) {
elsif ( $r2 eq "wifi_version" ) {
elsif ( $r2 eq "version" ) {
$hash->{SWVERSION} = $return->{$r}{$r2};
elsif ( $r2 eq "schedule_serial_number" ) {
my $serial = (
: "0"
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash,
"schedule.json" )
if ( $serial ne $return->{$r}{$r2} );
my $v = $return->{$r}{$r2};
my $readingName;
if ( $r2 eq "cleaner_state" ) {
$readingName = "deviceStatus";
$v =~ s/^st_//;
# change state based on cleaner_state
if ( $v =~ /^clean_(.*)$/ ) {
$state = "on-$1";
elsif ($state ne "on"
&& $v eq "delayed" )
$state = "on-delayed";
elsif ($state ne "on"
&& $v =~
/^(off|clean|stopped|cleanstop|wait)$/ )
$state = "standby";
elsif (
$v =~ /^dock|locate$/
|| ( $state ne "on"
&& $v !~ /^(base.*|plug.*)$/ )
$state = $v;
my $cvals;
$cvals->{cleaningDistance} =
ReadingsVal( $name, "cleaningDistance", "0" );
$cvals->{cleaningDistanceLast} =
ReadingsVal( $name, "cleaningDistanceLast",
"0" );
$cvals->{cleaningDistanceStart} = ReadingsVal(
$cvals->{cleaningDistanceTotal} =
# left at base station / begin stats
if ( $v !~ /^(base.*|plug.*)$/
&& ReadingsVal( $name, $readingName, "" )
=~ /^(base.*|plug.*)$/ )
$cvals->{cleaningDistanceStart} =
# arrived at base station / end stats
elsif ( $v =~ /^(base.*|plug.*)$/
&& ReadingsVal( $name, $readingName, "" )
!~ /^(base.*|plug.*)$/ )
if ( $cvals->{cleaningDistanceStart} > 0 ) {
$cvals->{cleaningDistanceLast} =
$cvals->{cleaningDistanceTotal} -
$cvals->{cleaningDistanceStart} =
$cvals->{cleaningDistance} = "0";
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{$cvals} ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $key, $value )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, $key, "" ) ne
$value );
elsif ($r2 eq "cleaning_time"
&& $v eq "0"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "cleaningTime", "0" ) ne
"0" )
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "cleaningTimeLast",
ReadingsVal( $name, "cleaningTime", "0" ) );
elsif ($r2 eq "auto_update"
|| $r2 eq "vacuum_drive"
|| $r2 eq "restart_AC"
|| $r2 eq "always_MAX"
|| $r2 eq "auto_dock"
|| $r2 eq "keepAwakeOnDock"
|| $r2 eq "webview_advanced" )
$readingName = $r2;
$v = "off";
$v = "on" if ( $return->{$r}{$r2} eq "1" );
elsif ( $r2 eq "bin_status" ) {
$readingName = $r2;
$v = "ok";
$v = "full" if ( $return->{$r}{$r2} eq "1" );
elsif ( $r2 eq "tc-roomba-conn" ) {
$readingName = "roombaConnection";
$power = "off";
$power = "on"
if ( $v ne "0" );
elsif ( $r2 eq "clean_delay" ) {
$readingName = "cleaningDelay";
elsif ( $r2 eq "DHCP" ) {
$readingName = "networkDHCP";
elsif ( $r2 eq "cleaning_distance" ) {
$readingName = "cleaningDistanceTotal";
my $cleaningDistance =
$v -
ReadingsVal( $name, "cleaningDistanceStart",
"0" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "cleaningDistance",
$cleaningDistance )
if (
$name, "cleaningDistance", ""
) ne $cleaningDistance
elsif ( $r2 eq "battery_charge" ) {
$readingName = "batteryLevel";
elsif ( $rPrefix ne "" && $r2 !~ /^battery/ ) {
$readingName = $rPrefix . ucfirst($r2);
else {
$readingName = $r2;
if ($readingName && $readingName ne "") {
$readingName =~ s/_(state|button|current)$//;
$readingName =~ s/[-_](\w)/\U$1/g;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash,
$readingName, $v );
else {
Log3 $name, 4,
. "ERROR: variable readingName is not initialized - r=$r r2=$r2 v=$v".Dumper($return);
elsif ( $state ne "undefined" ) {
Log3 $name, 2,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: ERROR: Undefined state of device";
$state = "undefined";
# command
elsif ( $service eq "command.json" ) {
if ( $return->{result} eq "success" ) {
# power
if ( $type eq "power" ) {
# off
if ( $cmd =~ /=poweroff&/ ) {
$state = "standby"
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceState", "" ) !~
/^(dock.*|plug.*)$/ );
$power = "off";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "deviceStatus", "off" )
if (
ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "" ) ne "off" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "roombaConnection", "0" )
if (
ReadingsVal( $name, "roombaConnection", "" ) ne
"0" );
# on
else {
$power = "on";
$state = "standby";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "deviceStatus", "wait" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "" ) ne
"wait" );
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $hash, 6 );
# off
elsif ( $type eq "off" ) {
$state = "standby";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "deviceStatus", "clean" )
if (
ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "" ) ne "clean" );
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $hash, 10 );
# on
elsif ( $type eq "on" ) {
$power = "on";
$state = "on";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "deviceStatus", "clean" )
if (
ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "" ) ne "clean" );
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $hash, 6 );
# on-spot
elsif ( $type eq "on-spot" ) {
$power = "on";
$state = "on-spot";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "deviceStatus", "clean_spot" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "" ) ne
"clean_spot" );
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $hash, 6 );
# on-max
elsif ( $type eq "on-max" ) {
$power = "on";
$state = "on-max";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "deviceStatus", "clean_max" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "" ) ne
"clean_max" );
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $hash, 6 );
# dock
elsif ( $type eq "dock" ) {
$power = "on";
$state = "dock";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "deviceStatus", "dock" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "" ) ne "dock" );
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $hash, 6 );
# remoteControl
elsif ( $type eq "remoteControl" ) {
$power = "on";
$state = "remote";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "deviceStatus", "remote" )
if (
ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "" ) ne "remote" );
# vacuumDrive
elsif ( $type eq "vacuumDrive" ) {
my $v = "off";
$v = "on" if ( $cmd =~ /=VacuumDriveON&/ );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "vacuumDrive", $v )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "vacuumDrive", "" ) ne $v );
# cleaningDelay
elsif ( $type eq "cleaningDelay" ) {
my $v = $cmd;
$v =~ s/.*minutes=(\d+).*/$1/;
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "cleaningDelay", $v )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "cleaningDelay", "" ) ne $v );
# locate
elsif ( $type eq "locate" ) {
$power = "on";
$state = "locate";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "deviceStatus", "locate" )
if (
ReadingsVal( $name, "deviceStatus", "" ) ne "locate" );
THINKINGCLEANER_GetStatus( $hash, 10 );
# schedule
elsif ( $service eq "schedule.json" ) {
if ( $return->{result} eq "success" ) {
$hash->{SCHEDULE_SERIAL} = $return->{serial_number};
foreach my $r ( keys %{$return} ) {
next if ( ref( $return->{$r} ) ne "HASH" );
foreach my $wday ( keys %{ $return->{$r} } ) {
my $wdayStnd = $wday + 1;
$wdayStnd = "0" if ( $wdayStnd > 6 );
my $readingName = "schedule$wdayStnd";
my $v = "";
foreach my $ti ( @{ $return->{$r}{$wday} } ) {
my $command;
$command = "clean"
if ( $ti->{command} eq "0" );
$command = "max"
if ( $ti->{command} eq "1" );
$command = "doch"
if ( $ti->{command} eq "2" );
$command = "stop"
if ( $ti->{command} eq "3" );
$v .= "," if ( $v ne "" );
$v .=
$ti->{index} . "_"
. THINKINGCLEANER_sec2time( $ti->{time} )
. "_"
. $command;
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $readingName, $v )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, $readingName, "-" ) ne $v );
# add_schedule, change_schedule, remove_schedule
elsif ( $service =~ /^(add|change|remove)_schedule.json$/ ) {
if ( $return->{result} eq "success" ) {
THINKINGCLEANER_SendCommand( $hash, "schedule.json" );
# register_webhook
elsif ( $service eq "register_webhook.json" ) {
$hash->{WEBHOOK_REGISTER} = $return->{result};
else {
Log3 $name, 2,
"THINKINGCLEANER $name: ERROR: Response could not be interpreted";
# Set reading for power
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", $power )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "" ) ne $power );
# Set reading for state
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", $state )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "" ) ne $state );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
undef $return;
sub THINKINGCLEANER_time2sec($) {
my ($timeString) = @_;
my @time = split /:/, $timeString;
return $time[0] * 3600 + $time[1] * 60;
sub THINKINGCLEANER_sec2time($) {
my ($sec) = @_;
# return human readable format
my $hours = ( abs($sec) < 3600 ? 0 : int( abs($sec) / 3600 ) );
$sec -= ( $hours == 0 ? 0 : ( $hours * 3600 ) );
my $minutes = ( abs($sec) < 60 ? 0 : int( abs($sec) / 60 ) );
my $seconds = abs($sec) % 60;
$hours = "0" . $hours if ( $hours < 10 );
$minutes = "0" . $minutes if ( $minutes < 10 );
$seconds = "0" . $seconds if ( $seconds < 10 );
return "$hours:$minutes:$seconds";
=item device
=item summary control for Roomba cleaning robots using ThinkingCleaner add-on
=item summary_DE Steuerung von Roomba Staubsauger Robotern mit ThinkingCleaner add-on
=begin html
This module provides support for <a href="http://www.thinkingcleaner.com/">ThinkingCleaner</a> hardware add-on module for Roomba cleaning robots.
<a name="THINKINGCLEANERdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; THINKINGCLEANER &lt;IP-ADRESS or HOSTNAME&gt;</code>
<code>define Robby THINKINGCLEANER</code><br>
<a name="THINKINGCLEANERset"></a>
<li>cleaningDelay - sets cleaning delay in minutes when using on-delayed cleaning</li>
<li>damageProtection - turns damage protection on or off while sending remotrControl commands (on/off)</li>
<li>dock - Send Roomba back to it's docking station</li>
<li>locate - Play sound to help finding Roomba</li>
<li>off - Stop/pause cleaning</li>
<li>on - Start cleaning</li>
<li>on-delayed - Delayed start for cleaning according to cleaningDelay</li>
<li>on-max - Start cleaning with max setting</li>
<li>on-spot - Start spot cleaning</li>
<li>power - Turn Roomba on or off (on/off)</li>
<li>remoteControl - Send remote control commands</li>
<li>scheduleAdd - Add new cleaning schedule</li>
<li>scheduleDel - Delete existing cleaning schedule</li>
<li>scheduleMod - Modify existing cleaning schedule</li>
<li>statusRequest - Update device readings</li>
<li>toggle - Toogle between on and off</li>
<li>undock - Let Roomba leave it's docking station</li>
<li>vacuumDrive - Enable or disable vaccuming during remoteControl commands (on/off)</li>
<a name="THINKINGCLEANERattr"></a>
<li>pollInterval - Set regular polling interval in minutes (defaults to 45s)</li>
<li>pollMultiplierCleaning - Change interval multiplier used during cleaning (defaults to 0.5)</li>
<li>pollMultiplierWebhook - Change interval multiplier used during standby and webhook being enabled (defaults to 2)</li>
<li>webhookFWinstance - Set FHEMWEB instance for incoming webhook events used by Roomba (mandatory for webhook)</li>
<li>webhookHttpHostname - Set HTTP Hostname or IP address for incoming webhook events used by Roomba (mandatory for webhook)</li>
<li>webhookPort - Use different port instead of what defined FHEMWEB instance uses (optional)</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
Eine deutsche Version der Dokumentation ist derzeit nicht vorhanden. Die englische Version ist hier zu finden:
<a href='http://fhem.de/commandref.html#THINKINGCLEANER'>THINKINGCLEANER</a>
=end html_DE
=for :application/json;q=META.json 74_THINKINGCLEANER.pm
"author": [
"Julian Pawlowski <julian.pawlowski@gmail.com>"
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
"keywords": [
=end :application/json;q=META.json