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# $Id$
# 34_ESPEasy.pm is a FHEM Perl module to control ESP8266 /w ESPEasy
# Copyright 2017 by dev0
# FHEM forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?action=profile;u=7465
# This file is part of FHEM.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use MIME::Base64;
use TcpServerUtils;
use HttpUtils;
use Color;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# global/default values
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $module_version = "1.33"; # Version of this module
my $minEEBuild = 128; # informational
my $minJsonVersion = 1.02; # checked in received data
my $d_Interval = 300; # interval
my $d_httpReqTimeout = 10; # timeout http req
my $d_colorpickerCTww = 2000; # color temp for ww (kelvin)
my $d_colorpickerCTcw = 6000; # color temp for cw (kelvin)
my $d_maxHttpSessions = 3; # concurrent connects to a single esp
my $d_maxQueueSize = 250; # max queue size,
my $d_resendFailedCmd = 0; # resend failed http requests by default?
my $d_displayTextEncode = 1; # urlEncode Text for Displays
my $d_displayTextWidth = 0; # display width, 0 => disable formating
my $d_bridgePort = 8383;
# IP ranges that are allowed to connect to ESPEasy without attr allowedIPs set.
# defined as regexp beause it's quicker than check against IP ranges...
my $d_allowedIPs = ",,,,"
. "fe80::/10,fc00::/7,::1";
my $d_localIPs = "^(127|192.168|172.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|10|169.254)\\.|"
. "^(f(e[89ab]|[cd])|::1)";
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "setCmds" => "min. number of parameters"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my %ESPEasy_setCmds = (
"gpio" => "2",
"pwm" => "2",
"pwmfade" => "3",
"pulse" => "3",
"longpulse" => "3",
"servo" => "3",
"lcd" => "3",
"lcdcmd" => "1",
"mcpgpio" => "2",
"oled" => "3",
"oledcmd" => "1",
"pcapwm" => "2",
"pcfgpio" => "2",
"pcfpulse" => "3",
"pcflongpulse" => "3",
"irsend" => "3", #_P035_IRTX.ino
"status" => "2",
"raw" => "1",
"reboot" => "0",
"erase" => "0",
"reset" => "0",
"statusrequest" => "0",
"clearreadings" => "0",
"help" => "1",
"lights" => "1",
"dots" => "1",
"tone" => "3",
"rtttl" => "1",
"dmx" => "1",
"motorshieldcmd" => "5",
"candle" => "0", # params are splited by ":" not " "
"neopixel" => "4",
"neopixelall" => "3",
"neopixelline" => "5",
"oledframedcmd" => "1",
"serialsend" => "1", #_P020_Ser2Net.ino
"buzzer" => "0",
"inputswitchstate" => "0", # _0P001_Switch.ini
"event" => "1",
"nfx" => "1"
my @ESPEasy_maplightCmds =
qw( on off toggle pct ct rgb dim line one all fade colorfade rainbow kitt
comet theatre scan dualscan twinkle twinklefade sparkle wipe fire stop
fadetime fadedelay count speed bgcolor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "setCmds" => "syntax", ESPEasy_paramPos() will parse for some <.*> positions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my %ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage = (
"gpio" => "gpio <pin> <0|1|off|on>",
"pwm" => "pwm <pin> <level>",
"pulse" => "pulse <pin> <0|1|off|on> <duration>",
"longpulse" => "longpulse <pin> <0|1|off|on> <duration>",
"servo" => "servo <servoNo> <pin> <position>",
"lcd" => "lcd <row> <col> <text>",
"lcdcmd" => "lcdcmd <on|off|clear>",
"mcpgpio" => "mcpgpio <pin> <0|1|off|on>",
"oled" => "oled <row> <col> <text>",
"oledcmd" => "oledcmd <on|off|clear>",
"pcapwm" => "pcapwm <pin> <Level>",
"pcfgpio" => "pcfgpio <pin> <0|1|off|on>",
"pcfpulse" => "pcfpulse <pin> <0|1|off|on> <duration>", #missing docu
"pcflongpulse" => "pcflongPulse <pin> <0|1|off|on> <duration>",#missing docu
"status" => "status <device> <pin>",
"pwmfade" => "pwmfade <pin> <target> <duration>", #Forum #55728.msg530220
"irsend" => "irsend <RAW> <B32 raw code> <frequenz> <pulse length> <blank length> "
. "| irsend <NEC|JVC|RC5|RC6|SAMSUNG|SONY|PANASONIC> <code> <bits>",
"raw" => "raw <esp_comannd> <...>",
"reboot" => "reboot",
"erase" => "erase",
"reset" => "reset",
"statusrequest" => "statusRequest",
"clearreadings" => "clearReadings",
"help" => "help <".join("|", sort keys %ESPEasy_setCmds).">",
"lights" => "lights <rgb|ct|pct|on|off|toggle> [color] [fading time] [pct]",
"dots" => "dots <params>",
"tone" => "tone <pin> <freq> <duration>",
"rtttl" => "rtttl <RTTTL>",
"dmx" => "dmx <ON|OFF|LOG|value|channel=value[,value][...]>",
"motorshieldcmd" => "motorshieldcmd <DCMotor|Stepper> <Motornumber> "
. "<Forward|Backward|Release> <Speed|Steps> "
"candle" => "CANDLE:<FlameType>:<Color>:<Brightness>",
"neopixel" => "NeoPixel <led_nr> <red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255>",
"neopixelall" => "NeoPixelAll <red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255>",
"neopixelline" => "NeoPixelLine <start_led_nr> <end_led_nr> <red 0-255> ".
"<green 0-255> <blue 0-255>",
"oledframedcmd" => "oledframedcmd <on|off>",
"serialsend" => "serialsend <string>",
"buzzer" => "buzzer",
"inputswitchstate" => "inputswitchstate",
"event" => "event <string>", #Forum #73291
"nfx" => "nfx <off|on|dim|line|one|all|rgb|fade|colorfade|rainbow|kitt|comet|theatre|scan|dualscan|twinkle|twinklefade|sparkle|wipe|fire|stop> <parameter>", #Forum #73949
"rgb" => "rgb <rrggbb> [fadetime] [delay +/-ms]",
"pct" => "pct <pct> [fadetime]",
"ct" => "ct <ct> [fadetime] [pct bri]",
"on" => "on [fadetime] [delay +/-ms]",
"off" => "off [fadetime] [delay +/-ms]",
"toggle" => "toggle [fadetime]",
# more light related commands - Forum #73949
"dim" => "dim <value 0-255>",
"line" => "line <startpixel> <endpixel> <rrggbb>",
"one" => "one <pixel> <rrggbb>",
"all" => "all <rrggbb> [fadetime] [delay +/-ms]",
"fade" => "fade <rrggbb> [fadetime ms] [delay +/-ms]",
"colorfade" => "colorfade <rrggbb_start> <rrggbb_end> [startpixel] [endpixel]",
"rainbow" => "rainbow [speed +/- 0-50]",
"kitt" => "kitt <rrggbb> [speed 0-50]",
"comet" => "comet <rrggbb> [speed +/- 0-50]",
"theatre" => "theatre <rrggbb> [rrggbb background] [speed +/- 0-50]",
"scan" => "scan <rrggbb> [rrggbb background] [speed 0-50]",
"dualscan" => "dualscan <rrggbb> [rrggbb background] [speed 0-50]",
"twinkle" => "twinkle <rrggbb> [rrggbb background] [speed 0-50]",
"twinklefade" => "twinklefade <rrggbb> [number of pixels] [speed 0-50]",
"sparkle" => "sparkle <rrggbb> [rrggbb background] [speed 0-50]",
"wipe" => "wipe <rrggbb> [rrggbb dot] [speed +/- 0-50]",
"fire" => "fire [fps] [brightness 0-255] [cooling 20-100] [sparking 50-200]",
"stop" => "stop",
"fadetime" => "fadetime <value in ms>",
"fadedelay" => "fadedelay <value in +/-ms>",
"count" => "count <value>",
"speed" => "speed <value 0-50>",
"bgcolor" => "bgcolor <rrggbb>"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bridge "setCmds" => "min. number of parameters"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my %ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds = (
"user" => "0",
"pass" => "0",
"clearqueue" => "0",
"help" => "1"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "setBridgeCmds" => "syntax", ESPEasy_paramPos() parse for some <.*> positions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my %ESPEasy_setBridgeCmdsUsage = (
"user" => "user <username>",
"pass" => "pass <password>",
"clearqueue" => "clearqueue",
"help" => "help <".join("|", sort keys %ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds).">"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# pin names can be used instead of gpio numbers.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my %ESPEasy_pinMap = (
"D0" => 16,
"D1" => 5,
"D2" => 4,
"D3" => 0,
"D4" => 2,
"D5" => 14,
"D6" => 12,
"D7" => 13,
"D8" => 15,
"D9" => 3,
"D10" => 1,
"RX" => 3,
"TX" => 1,
"SD2" => 9,
"SD3" => 10
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build id
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my %ESPEasy_build_id = (
"1" => { "type" => "ESP Easy", "ver" => "STD" },
"17" => { "type" => "ESP Easy Mega", "ver" => "STD" },
"33" => { "type" => "ESP Easy 32", "ver" => "STD" },
"65" => { "type" => "ARDUINO Easy", "ver" => "STD" },
"81" => { "type" => "NANO Easy", "ver" => "STD" }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#grep ^sub 34_ESPEasy.pm | awk '{print $1" "$2";"}'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "ESPEasy_Define";
$hash->{GetFn} = "ESPEasy_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "ESPEasy_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "ESPEasy_Attr";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "ESPEasy_Undef";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "ESPEasy_Shutdown";
$hash->{DeleteFn} = "ESPEasy_Delete";
$hash->{RenameFn} = "ESPEasy_Rename";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "ESPEasy_Notify";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "ESPEasy_Read"; #ESP http request will be parsed here
$hash->{WriteFn} = "ESPEasy_Write"; #called from logical module's IOWrite
$hash->{Clients} = ":ESPEasy:"; #used by dispatch,$hash->{TYPE} of receiver
my %matchList = ( "1:ESPEasy" => ".*" );
$hash->{MatchList} = \%matchList;
$hash->{ParseFn} = "ESPEasy_dispatchParse";
$hash->{Match} = ".+";
$hash->{AttrList} = "allowedIPs "
."authentication:1,0 "
."autocreate:1,0 "
."autosave:1,0 "
."colorpicker:RGB,HSV,HSVp "
."deniedIPs "
."disable:1,0 "
."displayTextEncode:1,0 "
."displayTextWidth "
."do_not_notify:0,1 "
."httpReqTimeout "
."IODev "
."Interval "
."adjustValue "
."parseCmdResponse "
."pollGPIOs "
."presenceCheck:1,0 "
."readingPrefixGPIO "
."readingSuffixGPIOState "
."readingSwitchText:1,0 "
."setState:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,100 "
."combineDevices "
."rgbGPIOs "
."maxQueueSize:10,25,50,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000,10000,25000,50000,100000 "
."maxHttpSessions:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 "
."resendFailedCmd:0,1 "
."mapLightCmds "
."colorpickerCTww "
."colorpickerCTcw "
# ."wwcwGPIOs "
# ."wwcwMaxBri:0,1 "
# ."ctWW_reducedRange "
# ."ctCW_reducedRange "
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_Define($$) # only called when defined, not on reload.
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $usg = "\nUse 'define <name> ESPEasy <bridge> <PORT>".
"\nUse 'define <name> ESPEasy <ip|fqdn> <PORT> <IODev> <IDENT>";
return "Wrong syntax: $usg" if(int(@a) < 3);
my $name = $a[0];
my $type = $a[1];
my $host = $a[2];
my $port;
$port = $a[3] if defined $a[3];
$port = 8383 if !defined $port && $host eq "bridge";
my $iodev = $a[4] if defined $a[4];
my $ident = $a[5] if defined $a[5];
my $ipv = $port =~ m/^IPV6:/ ? 6 : 4;
return "ERROR: only 1 ESPEasy bridge can be defined!"
if($host eq "bridge" && $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}{$ipv});
return "ERROR: missing arguments for subtype device: $usg"
if ($host ne "bridge" && !(defined $a[4]) && !(defined $a[5]));
return "ERROR: too much arguments for a bridge: $usg"
if ($host eq "bridge" && defined $a[4]);
(ESPEasy_isIPv4($host) || ESPEasy_isFqdn($host) || $host eq "bridge")
? $hash->{HOST} = $host
: return "ERROR: invalid IPv4 address, fqdn or keyword bridge: '$host'";
# check fhem.pl version (internalTimer modifications are required)
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,55728.msg497094.html#msg497094
AttrVal('global','version','') =~ m/^fhem.pl:(\d+)\/.*$/;
return "ERROR: fhem.pl is too old to use $type module."
." Version 11000/2016-03-05 is required at least."
if (not(defined $1) || $1 < 11000);
$hash->{PORT} = $port if defined $port;
$hash->{IDENT} = $ident if defined $ident;
$hash->{VERSION} = $module_version;
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
#--- BRIDGE -------------------------------------------------
if ($hash->{HOST} eq "bridge") {
$hash->{SUBTYPE} = "bridge";
$hash->{IPV} = $ipv;
$modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}{$ipv} = $hash;
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, "$type $name: Opening bridge port tcp/$port (v$module_version)";
if ($init_done && !defined($hash->{OLDDEF})) {
#if (not defined getKeyValue($type."_".$name."-firstrun")) {
CommandAttr(undef,"$name room $type");
CommandAttr(undef,"$name group $type Bridge");
CommandAttr(undef,"$name authentication 0");
CommandAttr(undef,"$name combineDevices 0");
$hash->{".bau"} = getKeyValue($type."_".$name."-user");
$hash->{".bap"} = getKeyValue($type."_".$name."-pass");
# only informational
$hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS} = $d_maxHttpSessions;
$hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE} = $d_maxQueueSize;
# Check OS IPv6 support
if ($ipv == 6) {
use constant HAS_AF_INET6 => defined eval { Socket::AF_INET6() };
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: Your system seems to have no IPv6 support."
# Check that GIT repository is not activated
#--- DEVICE -------------------------------------------------
else {
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $d_Interval;
$hash->{SUBTYPE} = "device";
AssignIoPort($hash,$iodev) if !defined $hash->{IODev};
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5+rand(5), "ESPEasy_statusRequest", $hash);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'opened',1);
my $io = (defined($hash->{IODev}{NAME})) ? $hash->{IODev}{NAME} : "none";
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "$type $name: Opened for $ident $host:$port using bridge $io";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_Get($@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "argument is missing" if(int(@a) != 2);
my $reading = $a[1];
my $ret;
if ($reading =~ m/^pinmap$/i && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device") {
$ret .= "\nName => GPIO\n";
$ret .= "------------\n";
foreach (sort keys %ESPEasy_pinMap) {
$ret .= $_." " x (5-length $_ ) ."=> $ESPEasy_pinMap{$_}\n";
return $ret;
} elsif ($reading =~ m/^user$/i && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
return $hash->{".bau"} ? $hash->{".bau"} : "username is not defined, yet.";
} elsif ($reading =~ m/^pass$/i && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
return $hash->{".bap"} ? $hash->{".bap"} : "password is not defined, yet.";
} elsif (lc $reading =~ m/^queueSize$/i && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
foreach (keys %{ $hash->{helper}{queue} }) {
$ret .= "$_:".scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$_"}}." ";
return $ret;
} elsif (exists($hash->{READINGS}{$reading})) {
return defined($hash->{READINGS}{$reading})
? $hash->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL}
: "reading $reading exists but has no value defined";
} else {
$ret = "unknown argument $reading, choose one of";
foreach my $reading (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
$ret .= " $reading:noArg";
return ($hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge")
? $ret . " user:noArg pass:noArg queueSize:noArg"
: $ret . " pinMap:noArg";
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_Set($$@)
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @params) = @_;
my ($type,$self) = ($hash->{TYPE},ESPEasy_whoami());
$cmd = lc($cmd) if $cmd;
return if (IsDisabled $name);
Log3 $name, 3, "$type: set $name $cmd ".join(" ",@params)
if $cmd !~ m/^(\?|user|pass)$/;
# ----- BRDIGE ----------------------------------------------
if ($hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
# are there all required argumets?
&& scalar @params < $ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds{$cmd}) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Missing argument: 'set $name $cmd "
.join(" ",@params)."'";
return "Missing argument: $cmd needs at least "
."$ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds{$cmd} parameter(s)\n"
."Usage: 'set $name $ESPEasy_setBridgeCmdsUsage{$cmd}'";
# handle unknown cmds
if(!exists $ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds{$cmd}) {
my @cList = sort keys %ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds;
my $clist = join(" ", @cList);
my $hlist = join(",", @cList);
$clist =~ s/help/help:$hlist/; # add all cmds as params to help cmd
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ". $clist;
if ($cmd eq "help") {
my $usage = $ESPEasy_setBridgeCmdsUsage{$params[0]};
$usage =~ s/Note:/\nNote:/g;
return "Usage: set $name $usage";
elsif ($cmd =~ m/^clearqueue$/i) {
delete $hash->{helper}{queue};
Log3 $name, 3, "$type $name: Queues erased.";
return undef;
elsif ($cmd =~ m/^user|pass$/ ) {
$cmd eq "user" ? $hash->{".bau"} = $params[0] : $hash->{".bap"} = $params[0];
# ----- DEVICE ----------------------------------------------
else {
# cmds are included in hash
# are there all required argumets?
if($ESPEasy_setCmds{$cmd} && scalar @params < $ESPEasy_setCmds{$cmd}) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Missing argument: "
."'set $name $cmd ".join(" ",@params)."'";
return "Missing argument: $cmd needs at least $ESPEasy_setCmds{$cmd} ".
"parameter(s)\n"."Usage: 'set $name $ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage{$cmd}'";
#Lights Plugin
my $lightCmds = join("|",@ESPEasy_maplightCmds);
if (defined AttrVal($name,"mapLightCmds",undef) && $cmd =~ m/^$lightCmds$/i) {
unshift @params, $cmd;
$cmd = lc AttrVal($name,"mapLightCmds","");
else {
# enable ct|pct commands if attr wwcwGPIOs is set
if (AttrVal($name,"wwcwGPIOs",0) && $cmd =~ m/^(ct|pct)$/i) {
my $ret = ESPEasy_setCT($hash,$cmd,@params);
return $ret if ($ret);
# enable rgb commands if attr rgbGPIOs is set
if (AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",0) && $cmd =~ m/^(rgb|on|off|toggle)$/i) {
my $ret = ESPEasy_setRGB($hash,$cmd,@params);
return $ret if ($ret);
} #else
# handle unknown cmds
if (!exists $ESPEasy_setCmds{$cmd}) {
my @cList = sort keys %ESPEasy_setCmds;
my $clist = join(" ", @cList);
my $hlist = join(",", @cList);
foreach (@cList) {$clist =~ s/ $_/ $_:noArg/ if $ESPEasy_setCmds{$_} == 0}
# expand ct
my $ct = "ct:colorpicker,CT,"
$clist =~ s/ct /$ct /;
# expand colorpicker
my $cp = AttrVal($name,"colorpicker","HSVp");
my $cpRepl = "rgb|bgcolor|fade|all|comet|twinkle|twinklefade|sparkle|theatre|scan|dualscan|wipe";
$clist =~ s/(($cpRepl)\s)/$2:colorpicker,$cp /g; # add colorPicker if rgb cmd is available
# expand pct colorpicker widget (-100)
my $pct = "pct:colorpicker,BRI,0,1,100";
$clist =~ s/pct /$pct /;
# expand dim colorpicker widget (-255)
my $dim = "dim:colorpicker,BRI,0,1,255";
$clist =~ s/dim /$dim /;
# slider for some values...
my $fadetime = "fadetime:slider,0,100,10000";
$clist =~ s/fadetime /$fadetime /;
my $fadedelay = "fadedelay:slider,-5000,10,5000";
$clist =~ s/fadedelay /$fadedelay /;
my $speed = "speed:slider,-50,1,50";
$clist =~ s/speed /$speed /;
my $count = "count:slider,1,1,50";
$clist =~ s/count /$count /;
my $rainbow = "rainbow:slider,-10,1,10";
$clist =~ s/rainbow/$rainbow/;
# expand help
$clist =~ s/help/help:$hlist/;
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Unknown set command $cmd" if $cmd ne "?";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ". $clist;
# urlEncode <text> parameter
@params = ESPEasy_urlEncodeDisplayText($hash,$cmd,@params);
# pin mapping (eg. D8 -> 15)
my $pp = ESPEasy_paramPos($cmd,'<pin>');
if ($pp && $params[$pp-1] =~ m/^[a-zA-Z]/) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Pin mapping ". uc $params[$pp-1] .
" => $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $params[$pp-1]}";
$params[$pp-1] = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $params[$pp-1]};
# onOff mapping (on/off -> 1/0)
$pp = ESPEasy_paramPos($cmd,'<0|1|off|on>');
if ($pp && not($params[$pp-1] =~ m/^(0|1)$/)) {
my $state;
if ($params[$pp-1] =~ m/^off$/i) {
$state = 0;
elsif ($params[$pp-1] =~ m/^on$/i) {
$state = 1;
else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: $cmd ".join(" ",@params)." => unknown argument: '$params[$pp-1]'";
return undef;
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: onOff mapping ". $params[$pp-1]." => $state";
$params[$pp-1] = $state;
if ($cmd eq "help") {
my $usage = $ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage{$params[0]};
$usage =~ s/Note:/\nNote:/g;
return "Usage: set $name $usage";
if ($cmd eq "statusrequest") {
return undef;
if ($cmd eq "clearreadings") {
return undef;
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: IOWrite(\$defs{$hash->{NAME}}, $hash->{HOST}, $hash->{PORT}, ".
"$hash->{IDENT}, $cmd, ".join(",",@params).")";
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Device seems to be in sleep mode, sending command nevertheless."
if (defined $hash->{SLEEP} && $hash->{SLEEP} ne "0");
my $parseCmd = ESPEasy_isParseCmd($hash,$cmd); # should response be parsed and dispatched
IOWrite($hash, $hash->{HOST}, $hash->{PORT}, $hash->{IDENT}, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params);
return undef
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_Read($) {
my ($hash) = @_; #hash of temporary child instance
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ipv = $hash->{IPV} ? $hash->{IPV} : ($hash->{PEER} =~ m/:/ ? 6 : 4);
my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}{$ipv}; #hash of original instance
my $bname = $bhash->{NAME};
my $btype = $bhash->{TYPE};
# Levering new TcpServerUtils security feature.
#$attr{$name}{allowfrom} = ".*" if !$attr{$name}{allowfrom};
# Accept and create a child
if( $hash->{SERVERSOCKET} ) {
my $aRet = ESPEasy_TcpServer_Accept($hash,"ESPEasy");
# use received IP instead of configured one (NAT/PAT could have modified)
my $peer = $hash->{PEER};
# Read 1024 byte of data
my $buf;
my $ret = sysread($hash->{CD}, $buf, 1024);
# If there is an error in connection return
if( !defined($ret ) || $ret <= 0 ) {
CommandDelete( undef, $hash->{NAME} );
#$bhash->{SESSIONS} = scalar devspec2array("TYPE=$btype:FILTER=TEMPORARY=1")-1;
# Check attr disabled
return if (IsDisabled $bname);
# Check allowed IPs
if ( !( ESPEasy_isPeerAllowed($peer,AttrVal($bname,"allowedIPs", $d_allowedIPs)) &&
!ESPEasy_isPeerAllowed($peer,AttrVal($bname,"deniedIPs",0)) ) ) {
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Peer address rejected";
Log3 $bname, 4, "$btype $name: Peer address accepted";
my @data = split( '\R\R', $buf );
my $header = ESPEasy_header2Hash($data[0]);
# mask password in authorization header with ****
my $logHeader = { %$header };
# public IPs
if (!defined $logHeader->{Authorization} && $peer !~ m/$d_localIPs/) {
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: No basic auth set while using public IP "
. "address. $peer rejected.";
$logHeader->{Authorization} =~ s/Basic\s.*\s/Basic ***** / if defined $logHeader->{Authorization};
# Dump logHeader
Log3 $bname, 5, "$btype $name: Received header: ".ESPEasy_dumpSingleLine($logHeader)
if (defined $logHeader);
# Dump content
Log3 $bname, 5, "$btype $name: Received content: $data[1]" if defined $data[1];
# Check content length if defined
if (defined $header->{'Content-Length'}
&& $header->{'Content-Length'} != length($data[1])) {
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Invalid content length ".
"($header->{'Content-Length'} != ".length($data[1]).")";
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Received content: $data[1]"
if defined $data[1];
ESPEasy_sendHttpClose($hash,"400 Bad Request","");
# check authorization
if (!defined ESPEasy_isAuthenticated($hash,$header->{Authorization})) {
ESPEasy_sendHttpClose($hash,"401 Unauthorized","");
# No error occurred, send http respose OK to ESP
ESPEasy_sendHttpClose($hash,"200 OK",""); #if !grep(/"sleep":1/, $data[1]);
# JSON received...
my $json;
if (defined $data[1] && $data[1] =~ m/"module":"ESPEasy"/) {
# perl module JSON not installed
if ( !$bhash->{helper}{pm}{JSON} ) {
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $bname: Perl module 'JSON' is not installed. Can't process received data from $peer.";
# use encode_utf8 if available else replace any disturbing chars
? ( eval { $json = decode_json( encode_utf8($data[1]) ); 1; } )
: ( eval { $json = decode_json( $data[1] =~ s/[^\x20-\x7E]/_/gr ); 1; } );
if ($@) {
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNING: Invalid JSON received. "
. "Check your ESP configuration ($peer).\n$@";
# check that ESPEasy software is new enough
return if ESPEasy_checkVersion($bhash,$peer,$json->{data}{ESP}{build},$json->{version});
# should never happen, but who knows what some JSON module versions do...
$json->{data}{ESP}{name} = "" if !defined $json->{data}{ESP}{name};
$json->{data}{SENSOR}{0}{deviceName} = "" if !defined $json->{data}{SENSOR}{0}{deviceName};
# remove illegal chars from ESP name for further processing and assign to new var
(my $espName = $json->{data}{ESP}{name}) =~ s/[^A-Za-z\d_\.]/_/g;
(my $espDevName = $json->{data}{SENSOR}{0}{deviceName}) =~ s/[^A-Za-z\d_\.]/_/g;
# check that 'ESP name' or 'device name' is set
if ($espName eq "" && $espDevName eq "") {
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNIING 'ESP name' and 'device name' "
."missing ($peer). Check your ESP config. Skip processing data.";
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Data: $data[1]";
my $cd = ESPEasy_isCombineDevices($peer,$espName,AttrVal($bname,"combineDevices",0));
my $ident = $cd
? $espName ne "" ? $espName : $peer
: $espName.($espName ne "" && $espDevName ne "" ? "_" : "").$espDevName;
Log3 $bname, 4, "$btype $name: "
. "Dispatch to: '$ident', "
. "source: '$json->{data}{ESP}{name}'/"
. "'$json->{data}{SENSOR}{0}{deviceName}' "
. "(combinedDevice: ".($cd ? "true" : "false").")";
# push internals in @values
my @values;
my @intVals = qw(unit sleep build build_git build_notes version node_type_id);
foreach my $intVal (@intVals) {
next if !defined $json->{data}{ESP}{$intVal} || $json->{data}{ESP}{$intVal} eq "";
# push sensor value in @values
foreach my $vKey (keys %{$json->{data}{SENSOR}}) {
if(ref $json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey} eq ref {}
&& exists $json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey}{value}) {
# remove illegal chars
$json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey}{valueName} =~ s/[^A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]/_/g;
my $dmsg = "r||".$json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey}{valueName}
if ($dmsg =~ m/(\|\|\|\|)|(\|\|$)/) { #detect an empty value
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNING: value name or value is "
."missing ($peer). Skip processing this value.";
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Data: $data[1]";
next; #skip further processing for this value only
} #$data[1] =~ m/"module":"ESPEasy"/
else {
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNING: Wrong controller configured or "
."ESPEasy Version is too old.";
Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNING: ESPEasy version R"
.$minEEBuild." or later required.";
# session will not be close immediately if ESP goes to sleep after http send
# needs further investigation?
if ($hash->{TEMPORARY} && $json->{data}{ESP}{sleep}) {
CommandDelete(undef, $name);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_Write($$$$$@) #called from logical's IOWrite (end of SetFn)
my ($hash,$ip,$port,$ident,$parseCmd,$cmd,@params) = @_;
my ($name,$type,$self) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE},ESPEasy_whoami()."()");
if ($cmd eq "cleanup") {
delete $hash->{helper}{received};
return undef;
elsif ($cmd eq "statusrequest") {
return undef;
ESPEasy_httpReq($hash, $ip, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_Notify($$)
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
# $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global" set in DefineFn
return if(!grep(m/^(DELETE)?ATTR $name /, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}));
foreach (@{$dev->{CHANGED}}) {
if (m/^(DELETE)?ATTR ($name) (\w+)\s?(\d+)?$/) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: received event: $_";
if ($3 eq "disable") {
if (defined $1 || (defined $4 && $4 eq "0")) {
Log3 $name, 4,"$type $name: Device enabled";
ESPEasy_resetTimer($hash) if ($hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'opened',1);
else {
Log3 $name, 3,"$type $name: Device disabled";
ESPEasy_clearReadings($hash) if $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled",1)
elsif ($3 eq "Interval") {
if (defined $1) {
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $d_Interval;
elsif (defined $4 && $4 eq "0") {
$hash->{INTERVAL} = "disabled";
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name presence")
if defined $hash->{READINGS}{presence};
else { # Interval > 0
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $4;
elsif ($3 eq "setState") {
if (defined $1 || (defined $4 && $4 > 0)) {
else { #setState == 0
CommandSetReading(undef,"$name state opened");
else {
#Log 5, "$type $name: Attribute $3 not handeled by NotifyFn ";
} #main if
else { #should never be reached
#Log 5, "$type $name: WARNING: unexpected event received by NotifyFn: $_";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_Rename() {
my ($new,$old) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $type = $defs{"$new"}->{TYPE};
my $name = $defs{"$new"}->{NAME};
my $subtype = $defs{"$new"}->{SUBTYPE};
my @am;
# copy values from old to new device
# delete old entries
# replace IDENT in devices if bridge name changed
if ($subtype eq "bridge") {
foreach my $ldev (devspec2array("TYPE=$type")) {
my $dhash = $defs{$ldev};
my $dsubtype = $dhash->{SUBTYPE};
next if ($dsubtype eq "bridge");
my $dname = $dhash->{NAME};
my $ddef = $dhash->{DEF};
my $oddef = $dhash->{DEF};
$ddef =~ s/ $old / $new /;
if ($oddef ne $ddef){
$i = $i+2;
CommandModify(undef, "$dname $ddef");
CommandAttr(undef,"$dname IODev $new");
push (@am,$dname);
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Device $old renamed to $new";
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Attribute IODev set to '$name' in these "
."devices: ".join(", ",@am) if $subtype eq "bridge";
if (AttrVal($name,"autosave",AttrVal("global","autosave",1)) && $i>0) {
Log3 $type, 2, "$type $name: $i structural changes saved "
."(autosave is enabled)";
elsif ($i>0) {
Log3 $type, 2, "$type $name: There are $i structural changes. "
."Don't forget to save chages.";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_Attr(@)
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $ret;
if ($cmd eq "set" && !defined $aVal) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: attr $name $aName '': value must not be empty";
return "$name: attr $aName: value must not be empty";
# device attributes
if (defined $hash->{SUBTYPE} && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge"
&& ($aName =~ m/^(Interval|pollGPIOs|IODev|setState|readingSwitchText)$/
|| $aName =~ m/^(readingPrefixGPIO|readingSuffixGPIOState|adjustValue)$/
|| $aName =~ m/^(displayTextEncode|displayTextWidth)$/
|| $aName =~ m/^(presenceCheck|parseCmdResponse|rgbGPIOs|colorpicker)$/
|| $aName =~ m/^(wwcwGPIOs|colorpickerCTww|colorpickerCTcw|mapLightCmds)$/)) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Attribut '$aName' can not be used by bridge";
return "$type: attribut '$aName' cannot be used by bridge device";
# bridge attributes
elsif (defined $hash->{SUBTYPE} && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device"
&& ($aName =~ m/^(autocreate|autosave|authentication|httpReqTimeout)$/
|| $aName =~ m/^(maxHttpSessions|maxQueueSize|resendFailedCmd)$/
|| $aName =~ m/^(allowedIPs|deniedIPs|combineDevices)$/ )) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Attribut '$aName' can be used with "
."bridge device, only";
return "$type: attribut '$aName' can be used with the bridge device, only";
elsif ($aName =~ m/^(autosave|autocreate|authentication|disable)$/
|| $aName =~ m/^(presenceCheck|readingSwitchText|resendFailedCmd)$/
|| $aName =~ m/^(displayTextEncode)$/) {
$ret = "0,1" if ($cmd eq "set" && not $aVal =~ m/^(0|1)$/)}
elsif ($aName eq "combineDevices") {
$ret = "0 | 1 | ESPname | ip[/netmask][,ip[/netmask]][,...]"
if $cmd eq "set" && !(ESPEasy_isAttrCombineDevices($aVal) || $aVal =~ m/^[01]$/ )}
elsif ($aName =~ m/^(allowedIPs|deniedIPs)$/) {
$ret = "[comma separated list of] ip[/netmask] or a regexp"
if $cmd eq "set" && !ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($aVal,"regexp")}
elsif ($aName =~ m/^(pollGPIOs|rgbGPIOs|wwcwGPIOs)$/) {
$ret = "GPIO_No[,GPIO_No][...]"
if $cmd eq "set" && $aVal !~ m/^[a-zA-Z]{0,2}[0-9]+(,[a-zA-Z]{0,2}[0-9]+)*$/}
elsif ($aName eq "colorpicker") {
$ret = "RGB | HSV | HSVp"
if ($cmd eq "set" && not $aVal =~ m/^(RGB|HSV|HSVp)$/)}
elsif ($aName =~ m/^(colorpickerCTww|colorpickerCTcw)$/) {
$ret = "1000..10000"
if $cmd eq "set" && ($aVal < 1000 || $aVal > 10000)}
elsif ($aName eq "parseCmdResponse") {
my $cmds = lc join("|",keys %ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage);
$ret = "cmd[,cmd][...]"
if $cmd eq "set" && lc($aVal) !~ m/^($cmds){1}(,($cmds))*$/}
elsif ($aName eq "mapLightCmds") {
my $cmds = lc join("|",keys %ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage);
$ret = "ESPEasy cmd"
if $cmd eq "set" && lc($aVal) !~ m/^($cmds){1}(,($cmds))*$/}
elsif ($aName eq "setState") {
$ret = "integer"
if ($cmd eq "set" && not $aVal =~ m/^(\d+)$/)}
elsif ($aName eq "displayTextWidth") {
$ret = "number of charaters per line"
if ($cmd eq "set" && not $aVal =~ m/^(\d+)$/)}
elsif ($aName eq "readingPrefixGPIO") {
$ret = "[a-zA-Z0-9._-/]+"
if ($cmd eq "set" && $aVal !~ m/^[A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+$/)}
elsif ($aName eq "readingSuffixGPIOState") {
$ret = "[a-zA-Z0-9._-/]+"
if ($cmd eq "set" && $aVal !~ m/^[A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+$/)}
elsif ($aName eq "httpReqTimeout") {
$ret = "3..60 (default: $d_httpReqTimeout)"
if $cmd eq "set" && ($aVal < 3 || $aVal > 60)}
elsif ($aName eq "maxHttpSessions") {
($cmd eq "set" && ($aVal !~ m/^[0-9]+$/))
? ($ret = ">= 0 (default: $d_maxHttpSessions, 0: disable queuing)")
: ($hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS} = $aVal);
if ($cmd eq "del") {$hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS} = $d_maxHttpSessions}
elsif ($aName eq "maxQueueSize") {
($cmd eq "set" && ($aVal !~ m/^[1-9][0-9]+$/))
? ($ret = ">=10 (default: $d_maxQueueSize)")
: ($hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE} = $aVal);
if ($cmd eq "del") {$hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE} = $d_maxQueueSize}
elsif ($aName eq "Interval") {
($cmd eq "set" && ($aVal !~ m/^(\d)+$/ || $aVal <10 && $aVal !=0))
? ($ret = "0 or >=10")
: ($hash->{INTERVAL} = $aVal)
if (!$init_done) {
if ($aName =~ /^disable$/ && $aVal == 1) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled",1);
if (defined $ret) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: attr $name $aName '$aVal' != '$ret'";
return "$name: $aName must be: $ret";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#UndefFn: called while deleting device (delete-command) or while rereadcfg
sub ESPEasy_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my ($name,$type,$port) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE},$hash->{PORT});
# close server and return if it is a child process for incoming http requests
if (defined $hash->{TEMPORARY} && $hash->{TEMPORARY} == 1) {
my $ipv = $hash->{PEER} =~ m/:/ ? 6 : 4;
my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}{$ipv};
Log3 $bhash->{NAME}, 4, "$type $name: Closing tcp session.";
return undef
if($hash->{SUBTYPE} && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
my $ipv = $hash->{IPV};
delete $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}{$ipv}
TcpServer_Close( $hash );
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Socket on port tcp/$port closed";
else {
IOWrite($hash, $hash->{HOST}, undef, undef, undef, "cleanup", undef );
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ShutdownFn: called before fhem's shutdown command
sub ESPEasy_Shutdown($)
my ($hash) = @_;
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME}: Shutdown requested";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#DeleteFn: called while deleting device (delete-command) but after UndefFn
sub ESPEasy_Delete($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
#return if it is a child process for incoming http requests
if (not defined $hash->{TEMPORARY}) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME}: $hash->{NAME} deleted";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_dispatch($$$@) #called by bridge -> send to logical devices
my($hash,$ident,$host,@values) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if (IsDisabled $name);
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $ipv = $host =~ m/:/ ? 6 : 4;
my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}{$ipv};
my $bname = $bhash->{NAME};
my $ui = 1; #can be removed later
my $as = (AttrVal($bname,"autosave",AttrVal("global","autosave",1))) ? 1 : 0;
my $ac = (AttrVal($bname,"autocreate",AttrVal("global","autoload_undefined_devices",1))) ? 1 : 0;
my $msg = $ident."::".$host."::".$ac."::".$as."::".$ui."::".join("|||",@values);
# Log3 $bname, 5, "$type $name: Dispatch: $msg";
Dispatch($bhash, $msg, undef);
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_dispatchParse($$$) # called by logical device (defined by
{ # $hash->{ParseFn})
# we are called from dispatch() from the ESPEasy bridge device
# we never come here if $msg does not match $hash->{MATCH} in the first place
my ($IOhash, $msg) = @_; # IOhash points to the ESPEasy bridge, not device
my $IOname = $IOhash->{NAME};
my $type = $IOhash->{TYPE};
# 1:ident 2:ip 3:autocreate 4:autosave 5:uniqIDs 6:value(s)
my ($ident,$ip,$ac,$as,$ui,$v) = split("::",$msg);
# return undef if !$ident || $ident eq "";
return "" if !$ident || $ident eq "";
my $name;
my @v = split("\\|\\|\\|",$v);
# look in each $defs{$d}{IDENT} for $ident to get device name.
foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
next if($defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "ESPEasy");
if (InternalVal($defs{$d}{NAME},"IDENT","") eq "$ident") {
$name = $defs{$d}{NAME} ;
# autocreate device if no device has $ident asigned.
if (!($name) && $ac eq "1") {
$name = ESPEasy_autocreate($IOhash,$ident,$ip,$as);
# cleanup helper
delete $IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}{$ident}
if defined $IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}{$ident};
delete $IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}
if scalar keys %{$IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}} == 0;
# autocreate is disabled
elsif (!($name) && $ac eq "0") {
Log3 $IOname, 2, "$type $IOname: autocreate is disabled (ident: $ident)"
if not defined $IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}{$ident};
$IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}{$ident} = "disabled";
return $ident;
return $name if (IsDisabled $name);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Received: $msg";
if (defined $hash && $hash->{TYPE} eq "ESPEasy" && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device") {
my @logInternals;
foreach (@v) {
my ($cmd,$reading,$value,$vType) = split("\\|\\|",$_);
# reading prefix replacement (useful if we poll values)
my $replace = '"'.AttrVal($name,"readingPrefixGPIO","GPIO").'"';
$reading =~ s/^GPIO/$replace/ee;
# --- setReading ----------------------------------------------
if ($cmd eq "r") {
# reading suffix replacement only for setreading
$replace = '"'.AttrVal($name,"readingSuffixGPIOState","").'"';
$reading =~ s/_state$/$replace/ee;
# map value to on/off if device is a switch
$value = ($value eq "1") ? "on" : "off"
if ($vType == 10 && AttrVal($name,"readingSwitchText",1) && !AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",0)
&& $value =~ /^(0|1)$/);
# delete ignored reading and helper
if (defined ReadingsVal($name,".ignored_$reading",undef)) {
delete $hash->{READINGS}{".ignored_$reading"};
delete $hash->{helper}{received}{".ignored_$reading"};
# delete warning if there is any (send from httpRequestParse before)
if (exists ($hash->{"WARNING"})) {
if (defined $hash->{"WARNING"}) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: RESOLVED: ".$hash->{"WARNING"};
delete $hash->{"WARNING"};
# attr adjustValue
my $orgVal = $value;
$value = ESPEasy_adjustValue($hash,$reading,$value);
if (!defined $value) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: $reading: $orgVal [ignored]";
$reading = ".ignored_$reading";
$value = $orgVal;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, 1);
my $adj = ($orgVal ne $value) ? " [adjusted]" : "";
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: $reading: $value".$adj
if defined $value && $reading !~ m/^\./; #no leading dot
# used for presence detection
$hash->{helper}{received}{$reading} = time();
# recalc RGB reading if a PWM channel has changed
if (AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",0) && $reading =~ m/\d$/i) {
my ($r,$g,$b) = ESPEasy_gpio2RGB($hash);
# if (($r ne "" && uc ReadingsVal($name,"rgb","") ne uc $r.$g.$b) || ReadingsAge($name,"rgb",0) > 5 ) {
if (($r ne "" && uc ReadingsVal($name,"rgb","") ne uc $r.$g.$b) ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "rgb", $r.$g.$b, 1);
# --- setInternal ---------------------------------------------
elsif ($cmd eq "i") {
# add human readable text to node_type_id
$value .= defined $ESPEasy_build_id{$value}{type}
? ": " . $ESPEasy_build_id{$value}{type}
: ": unknown node type id"
if $reading eq "node_type_id";
# no value given
$value = "not defined" if !defined $value || $value eq "";
# set internal
$hash->{"ESP_".uc($reading)} = $value;
# add to log
# --- Error ---------------------------------------------------
elsif ($cmd eq "e") {
if (!defined $hash->{"WARNING"} || $hash->{"WARNING"} ne $value) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: $value";
$hash->{"WARNING"} = $value;
# CommandTrigger(undef, "$name ....");
#readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, 1);
# --- DeleteReading -------------------------------------------
elsif ($cmd eq "dr") {
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name $reading");
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: Reading $reading deleted";
else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Unknown command received via dispatch";
} # foreach @v
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Internals: ".join(" ",@logInternals)
if scalar @logInternals > 0;
ESPEasy_checkPresence($hash) if ReadingsVal($name,"presence","") ne "present";
else { #autocreate failed
Log3 undef, 2, "ESPEasy: Device $name not defined";
return $name; # must be != undef. else msg will processed further -> help me!
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_autocreate($$$$)
my ($IOhash,$ident,$ip,$autosave) = @_;
my $IOname = $IOhash->{NAME};
my $IOtype = $IOhash->{TYPE};
my $devname = "ESPEasy_".$ident;
my $define = "$devname ESPEasy $ip 80 $IOhash->{NAME} $ident";
Log3 undef, 2, "$IOtype $IOname: Autocreate $define";
my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define);
if(!$cmdret) {
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname room $IOhash->{TYPE}");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname group $IOhash->{TYPE} Device");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname setState 3");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname Interval $d_Interval");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname presenceCheck 1");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname readingSwitchText 1");
if (AttrVal($IOname,"autosave",AttrVal("global","autosave",1))) {
Log3 undef, 2, "$IOtype $IOname: Structural changes saved.";
else {
Log3 undef, 2, "$IOtype $IOname: Autosave is disabled: "
."Do not forget to save changes.";
else {
Log3 undef, 1, "$IOtype $IOname: WARNING: an error occurred "
."while creating device for $ident: $cmdret";
return $devname;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_httpReq($$$$$$@)
my ($hash, $host, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params) = @_;
my ($name,$type,$self) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE},ESPEasy_whoami()."()");
# command queue (in)
return undef if ESPEasy_httpReqQueue(@_);
# increment http session counter
my $orgParams = join(",",@params);
my $orgCmd = $cmd;
# raw is used for command not implemented right now
if ($cmd eq "raw") {
$cmd = $params[0];
$params[0] = ",".$params[0] if defined $params[0];
my $plist = join(",",@params);
my $path = ($cmd =~ m/(reboot|reset|erase)/i) ? "/?cmd=" : "/control?cmd=";
my $url = "http://".$host.":".$port.$path.$cmd.$plist;
# there is already a log entry with verbose 3 from device
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: Send $cmd$plist to $host for ident $ident" if ($cmd !~ m/^(status)/);
my $timeout = AttrVal($name,"httpReqTimeout",$d_httpReqTimeout);
my $httpParams = {
url => $url,
timeout => $timeout,
keepalive => 0,
httpversion => "1.0",
hideurl => 0,
method => "GET",
hash => $hash,
cmd => $orgCmd, # passthrought to parseFn
plist => $orgParams, # passthrought to parseFn
host => $host, # passthrought to parseFn
port => $port, # passthrought to parseFn
ident => $ident, # passthrought to parseFn
parseCmd => $parseCmd, # passthrought to parseFn (attr parseCmdResponse => (0)|1)
callback => \&ESPEasy_httpReqParse
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: NonblockingGet for ident:$ident => $url";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_httpReqParse($$$)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
my @values;
# command queue
if ($err ne "") {
#dispatch $err to logical device
@values = ("e||_lastError||$err||0");
# keep in helper for support reason
$hash->{"WARNING_$param->{host}"} = $err;
# logqueue
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: httpReq failed: $param->{host} $param->{ident} "
."'$param->{cmd} $param->{plist}' ";
# unshift command back to queue (resend)
if (AttrVal($name,"resendFailedCmd",$d_resendFailedCmd)
&& $hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS}) {
my @p = ($param->{hash}, $param->{host}, $param->{port}, $param->{ident},
$param->{parseCmd}, $param->{cmd}, $param->{plist});
unshift @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$param->{host}}}, \@p;
# logqueue
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Requeuing: $param->{host} $param->{ident} "
."'$param->{cmd} $param->{plist}' "
."(".scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$param->{host}}}.")";
# check that response from cmd should be parsed (client attr parseCmdResponse)
elsif ($data ne "" && !$param->{parseCmd}) {
ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($hash, $param->{host});
return undef;
elsif ($data ne "") { # no error occurred
# command queue
delete $hash->{"WARNING_$param->{host}"};
(my $logData = $data) =~ s/\n//sg;
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: http response for ident:$param->{ident} "
."cmd:'$param->{cmd},$param->{plist}' => '$logData'";
if ($data =~ m/^{/) { #it could be json...
my $res;
if ( !$hash->{helper}{pm}{JSON} ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Perl module JSON missing, can't process data.";
return undef;
# use encode_utf8 if available else replace any disturbing chars
? ( eval { $res = decode_json( encode_utf8($data) ); 1; } )
: ( eval { $res = decode_json( $data =~ s/[^\x20-\x7E]/_/gr ); 1; } );
if ($@) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: deformed JSON data received "
."from $param->{host} requested by $param->{ident}.";
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: $@";
@values = ("e||_lastError||$@||0");
return undef;
# maps plugin type (answer for set state/gpio) to SENSOR_TYPE_SWITCH
my $vType = (defined $res->{plugin} && $res->{plugin} eq "1") ? "10" : "0";
# Plugin lights:123 nfx:124
if (defined $res->{plugin} && $res->{plugin} =~ m/^(123|124)$/) {
foreach (keys %{ $res }) {
push @values, "r||$_||".$res->{$_}."||".$vType
if $res->{$_} ne "" && $_ ne "plugin";
else {
# push values/cmds in @values
push @values, "r||GPIO".$res->{pin}."_mode||".$res->{mode}."||".$vType;
push @values, "r||GPIO".$res->{pin}."_state||".$res->{state}."||".$vType;
push @values, "r||_lastAction"."||".$res->{log}."||".$vType if $res->{log} ne "";
} #it is json...
else { # no json returned => unknown state
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: No json fmt: ident:$param->{ident} ".
"$param->{cmd} $param->{plist} => $data";
if ($param->{cmd} eq "status" && $param->{plist} =~ m/^gpio,(\d+)$/i) {
# push values/cmds in @values
if (defined $1) {
push @values, "r||GPIO".$1."_mode||"."?"."||0";
push @values, "r||GPIO".$1."_state||".$data."||0";
} # ($data ne "")
ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($hash, $param->{host});
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_httpReqQueue(@)
my ($hash, $host, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params) = @_;
my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
$hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host} = 0 if !defined $hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host};
# is queueing enabled?
if ($hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS}) {
# do queueing if max sessions are already in use
if ($hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host} >= $hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS} ) {
# max queue size reached
if (!defined $hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}
|| scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}} < $hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE}) {
push(@{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}}, \@_);
# logqueue
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Queuing: $host $ident '$cmd ".join(",",@params)."' (". scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}} .")";
return 1;
else {
# logqueue
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: set $cmd ".join(",",@params)." (skipped "
."due to queue size exceeded: $hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE})";
# if ($cmd ne "status");
# ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($hash,$host);
return 1;
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($$)
my ($hash,$host) = @_;
my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
if (defined $hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"} && scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}}) {
my $p = shift @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}};
my ($dhash, $dhost, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params) = @{ $p };
# logqueue
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Dequeuing: $host $ident '$cmd ".join(",",@params)."' (". scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}} .")";
ESPEasy_httpReq($dhash, $dhost, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params);
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_statusRequest($) #called by device
my ($hash) = @_;
my ($name, $type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
unless (IsDisabled $name) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: set statusRequest";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_pollGPIOs($) #called by device
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $sleep = $hash->{SLEEP};
my $a = AttrVal($name,'pollGPIOs',undef);
if (!defined $a) {
# do nothing, just return
elsif (defined $sleep && $sleep eq "1") {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Polling of GPIOs is not possible as long as deep sleep mode is active.";
else {
my @gpios = split(",",$a);
foreach my $gpio (@gpios) {
if ($gpio =~ m/^[a-zA-Z]/) { # pin mapping (eg. D8 -> 15)
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Pin mapping ".uc $gpio." => $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gpio}";
$gpio = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gpio};
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: IOWrite(\$defs{$name}, $hash->{HOST}, $hash->{PORT}, $hash->{IDENT}, 1, status, gpio,".$gpio.")";
IOWrite($hash, $hash->{HOST}, $hash->{PORT}, $hash->{IDENT}, 1, "status", "gpio,".$gpio);
} #foreach
} #else
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_resetTimer($;$)
my ($hash,$sig) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
$sig = "" if !$sig;
if ($init_done == 1) {
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "ESPEasy_statusRequest");
if ($sig eq "stop") {
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: internalTimer stopped";
return undef;
return undef if AttrVal($name,"Interval",$d_Interval) == 0;
unless(IsDisabled($name)) {
my $s = AttrVal($name,"Interval",$d_Interval) + rand(5);
my $ts = $s + gettimeofday();
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Start internalTimer +".int($s)." => ".FmtDateTime($ts);
InternalTimer($ts, "ESPEasy_statusRequest", $hash);
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_tcpServerOpen($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $port = ($hash->{PORT}) ? $hash->{PORT} : 8383;
my $ret = TcpServer_Open( $hash, $port, "global" );
exit(1) if ($ret && !$init_done);
readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "initialized", 1 );
return $ret;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Duplicated sub from TcpServerUtils as a workaround for new security feature:
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,72717.0.html
sub ESPEasy_TcpServer_Accept($$)
my ($hash, $type) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @clientinfo = $hash->{SERVERSOCKET}->accept();
if(!@clientinfo) {
Log3 $name, 1, "Accept failed ($name: $!)" if($! != EAGAIN);
return undef;
my ($port, $iaddr) = $hash->{IPV6} ?
sockaddr_in6($clientinfo[1]) :
my $caddr = $hash->{IPV6} ?
inet_ntop(AF_INET6(), $iaddr) :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Removed from sub because we have our own access control system that works in
# a more readable and flexible way (network ranges with allow/deny and regexps).
# Our new allowed ranges default are also now:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# my $af = $attr{$name}{allowfrom};
# if(!$af) {
# my $re = "^(127|192.168|172.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|10|169.254)\\.|".
# "^(fe[89ab]|::1)";
# if($caddr !~ m/$re/) {
# my %empty;
# $hash->{SNAME} = $hash->{NAME};
# my $auth = Authenticate($hash, \%empty);
# delete $hash->{SNAME};
# if($auth == 0) {
# Log3 $name, 1,
# "Connection refused from the non-local address $caddr:$port, ".
# "as there is no working allowed instance defined for it";
# close($clientinfo[0]);
# return undef;
# }
# }
# }
# if($af) {
# if($caddr !~ m/$af/) {
# my $hostname = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
# if(!$hostname || $hostname !~ m/$af/) {
# Log3 $name, 1, "Connection refused from $caddr:$port";
# close($clientinfo[0]);
# return undef;
# }
# }
# }
#$clientinfo[0]->blocking(0); # Forum #24799
if($hash->{SSL}) {
# Forum #27565: SSLv23:!SSLv3:!SSLv2', #35004: TLSv12:!SSLv3
my $sslVersion = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "sslVersion",
AttrVal("global", "sslVersion", "TLSv12:!SSLv3"));
# Certs directory must be in the modpath, i.e. at the same level as the
# FHEM directory
my $mp = AttrVal("global", "modpath", ".");
my $ret = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($clientinfo[0], {
SSL_server => 1,
SSL_key_file => "$mp/certs/server-key.pem",
SSL_cert_file => "$mp/certs/server-cert.pem",
SSL_version => $sslVersion,
SSL_cipher_list => 'HIGH:!RC4:!eNULL:!aNULL',
Timeout => 4,
my $err = $!;
if( !$ret
&& $err != EWOULDBLOCK
&& $err ne "Socket is not connected") {
$err = "" if(!$err);
$err .= " ".($SSL_ERROR ? $SSL_ERROR : IO::Socket::SSL::errstr());
Log3 $name, 1, "$type SSL/HTTPS error: $err"
if($err !~ m/error:00000000:lib.0.:func.0.:reason.0./); #Forum 56364
return undef;
my $cname = "${name}_${caddr}_${port}";
my %nhash;
$nhash{NR} = $devcount++;
$nhash{NAME} = $cname;
$nhash{PEER} = $caddr;
$nhash{PORT} = $port;
$nhash{FD} = $clientinfo[0]->fileno();
$nhash{CD} = $clientinfo[0]; # sysread / close won't work on fileno
$nhash{TYPE} = $type;
$nhash{SSL} = $hash->{SSL};
$nhash{STATE} = "Connected";
$nhash{SNAME} = $name;
$nhash{TEMPORARY} = 1; # Don't want to save it
$nhash{BUF} = "";
$attr{$cname}{room} = "hidden";
$defs{$cname} = \%nhash;
$selectlist{$nhash{NAME}} = \%nhash;
my $ret = $clientinfo[0]->setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1);
Log3 $name, 4, "Connection accepted from $nhash{NAME}";
return \%nhash;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_header2Hash($) {
my ($string) = @_;
my %header = ();
foreach my $line (split("\r\n", $string)) {
my ($key,$value) = split(": ", $line,2);
next if !$value;
$value =~ s/^ //;
$header{$key} = $value;
return \%header;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isAuthenticated($$)
my ($hash,$ah) = @_;
my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
my $ipv = $hash->{PEER} =~ m/:/ ? 6 : 4;
my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}{$ipv};
my ($bname,$btype) = ($bhash->{NAME},$bhash->{TYPE});
my $u = $bhash->{".bau"};
my $p = $bhash->{".bap"};
my $attr = AttrVal($bname,"authentication",0);
if (!defined $u || !defined $p || $attr == 0) {
if (defined $ah){
Log3 $bname, 2, "$type $name: No basic authentication active but ".
"credentials received";
else {
Log3 $bname, 4, "$type $name: No basic authentication required";
return "not required";
elsif (defined $ah) {
my ($a,$v) = split(" ",$ah);
if ($a eq "Basic" && decode_base64($v) eq $u.":".$p) {
Log3 $bname, 4, "$type $name: Basic authentication accepted";
return "accepted";
else {
Log3 $bname, 2, "$type $name: Basic authentication rejected";
else {
Log3 $bname, 2, "$type $name: Basic authentication active but ".
"no credentials received";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isParseCmd($$) #called by device
my ($hash,$cmd) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $doParse = 0;
my @cmds = split(",",AttrVal($name,"parseCmdResponse","status"));
foreach (@cmds) {
if (lc($_) eq lc($cmd)) {
$doParse = 1;
return $doParse;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_sendHttpClose($$$) {
my ($hash,$code,$response) = @_;
my ($name,$type,$con) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE},$hash->{CD});
my $ipv = $hash->{PEER} =~ m/:/ ? 6 : 4;
my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}{$ipv};
my $bname = $bhash->{NAME};
print $con "HTTP/1.1 ".$code."\r\n",
"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n",
"Connection: close\r\n",
"Content-Length: ".length($response)."\r\n\r\n",
Log3 $bname, 4, "$type $name: Send http close '$code'";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_paramPos($$)
my ($cmd,$search) = @_;
my @usage = split(" ",$ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage{$cmd});
my $pos = 0;
my $i = 0;
foreach (@usage) {
if ($_ eq $search) {
$pos = $i;
return $pos; # return 0 if no match, else position
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_paramCount($)
return () = $_[0] =~ m/\s/g # count \s in a string
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_clearReadings($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my @dr;
foreach (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
# next if $_ =~ m/^(presence)$/;
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name $_");
# fhem("deletereading $name $_");
if (scalar @dr >= 1) {
delete $hash->{helper}{received};
delete $hash->{helper}{fpc}; # used in checkPresence
Log3 $name, 3, "$type $name: Readings [".join(",",@dr)."] wiped out";
return undef
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_checkVersion($$$$)
my ($hash,$dev,$ve,$vj) = @_;
my ($type,$name) = ($hash->{TYPE},$hash->{NAME});
my $ov = "_OUTDATED_ESP_VER_$dev";
if ($vj < $minJsonVersion) {
$hash->{$ov} = "R".$ve."/J".$vj;
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: no data processed. ESPEasy plugin "
."'FHEM HTTP' is too old [$dev: R".$ve." J".$vj."]. ".
"Use ESPEasy R$minEEBuild at least.";
return 1;
delete $hash->{$ov} if exists $hash->{$ov};
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_checkPresence($)
my ($hash,$isPresent) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $interval = AttrVal($name,'Interval',$d_Interval);
my $addTime = 10; # if there is extreme heavy system load
return undef if AttrVal($name,'presenceCheck',1) == 0;
return undef if $interval == 0;
my $presence = "absent";
# check each received reading
foreach my $reading (keys %{$hash->{helper}{received}}) {
if (ReadingsAge($name,$reading,0) < $interval+$addTime) {
#dev is present if any reading is newer than INTERVAL+$addTime
$presence = "present";
# update presence only if FirstPrecenceCheck is $interval seconds ago.
$hash->{helper}{fpc} = time() if (!defined $hash->{helper}{fpc});
if ($presence eq "present" || (time() - $hash->{helper}{fpc}) > $interval) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: presence: $presence";
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_setState($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
return undef if not AttrVal($name,"setState",1);
if (AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",0)) {
my ($r,$g,$b) = ESPEasy_gpio2RGB($hash);
if ($r ne "") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state", "R: $r G: $g B: $b", 1)
else {
my $interval = AttrVal($name,"Interval",$d_Interval);
my $addTime = 3;
my @ret;
foreach my $reading (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{received}}) {
next if $reading =~ m/^(\.ignored_.*|state|presence|_lastAction|_lastError|\w+_mode)$/;
next if $interval && ReadingsAge($name,$reading,1) > $interval+$addTime;
push(@ret, substr($reading,0,AttrVal($name,"setState",3))
.": ".ReadingsVal($name,$reading,""));
my $oState = ReadingsVal($name, "state", "");
my $presence = ReadingsVal($name, "presence", "opened");
if ($presence eq "absent" && $oState ne "absent") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","absent", 1 );
delete $hash->{helper}{received};
else {
my $nState = (scalar @ret >= 1) ? join(" ",@ret) : $presence;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state",$nState, 1 ); # if ($oState ne $nState);
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_setRGB($$@)
my ($hash,$cmd,@p) = @_;
my ($type,$name) = ($hash->{TYPE},$hash->{NAME});
my ($rg,$gg,$bg) = split(",",AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",""));
my ($r,$g,$b);
my $rgb = $p[0] if $cmd =~ m/^rgb$/i;
# return undef if !defined $rgb;
$rg = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $rg} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $rg};
$gg = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gg} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gg};
$bg = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $bg} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $bg};
if ($cmd =~ m/^(1|on)$/ || ($cmd =~ m/^rgb$/i && $rgb =~ m/^(1|on)$/)) {
$rgb = "FFFFFF" }
elsif ($cmd =~ m/^(0|off)$/ || ($cmd =~ m/^rgb$/i && $rgb =~ m/^(0|off)$/)) {
$rgb = "000000" }
elsif ($cmd =~ m/^toggle$/i || ($cmd =~ m/^rgb$/i && $rgb =~ m/^toggle$/i)) {
$rgb = ReadingsVal($name,"rgb","000000") ne "000000" ? "000000" : "FFFFFF"
if ($rgb =~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/) {
($r,$g,$b) = (hex($1), hex($2), hex($3));
else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: set $name $cmd $rgb: "
."'$rgb' is not a valid RGB value.";
return "'$rgb' is not a valid RGB value.";
ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ("$rg", $r*4));
ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ("$gg", $g*4));
ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ("$bg", $b*4));
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "rgb", uc $rgb, 1);
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_setCT($$@)
my ($hash,$cmd,@p) = @_;
my ($type,$name) = ($hash->{TYPE},$hash->{NAME});
my ($gww,$gcw) = split(",",AttrVal($name,"wwcwGPIOs",""));
my ($ww,$cw);
my ($pct,$ct);
my $ctWW = AttrVal($name,"colorpickerCTww",$d_colorpickerCTww);
my $ctCW = AttrVal($name,"colorpickerCTcw",$d_colorpickerCTcw);
my $ctWW_lim = AttrVal($name,"ctWW_reducedRange",undef);
my $ctCW_lim = AttrVal($name,"ctCW_reducedRange",undef);
$gww = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gww} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gww};
$gcw = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gcw} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gcw};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $cmd, $p[0], 1);
if ($cmd eq "ct") {
$ct = $p[0];
$pct = ReadingsVal($name,"pct",50);
elsif ($cmd eq "pct") {
$pct = $p[0];
$ct = ReadingsVal($name,"ct",3000);
# are we out of range?
$pct = 100 if $pct > 100;
$pct = 0 if $pct < 0;
$ct = $ctWW if $ct < $ctWW;
$ct = $ctCW if $ct > $ctCW;
#Log 1, "pct:$pct ct:$ct ctWW:$ctWW ctCW:$ctCW ctWW_lim:$ctWW_lim ctCW_lim:$ctCW_lim";
my $wwcwMaxBri = AttrVal($name,"wwcwMaxBri",0);
my ($fww,$fcw) = ESPEasy_ct2wwcw($ct, $ctWW, $ctCW, $wwcwMaxBri, $ctWW_lim, $ctCW_lim);
ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ($gww, int $pct*10.23*$fww));
ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ($gcw, int $pct*10.23*$fcw));
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ct2wwcw with constant brightness over temp range (or max bri if $maxBri == 1).
# "used range" can be set to reduce temp range to get a lighter leds with constant
# bri over reduced temp range.
# 1: temp to set 2:led-ww-temp 3:led-cw-temp 4:maxBri 5:used range ww 6:used range cw
sub ESPEasy_ct2wwcw($$$;$$$)
my ($t,$tww,$tcw,$maxBri,$tww_ur,$tcw_ur) = @_;
my $maxBriFactor;
$tcw -= $tww;
$t -= $tww;
my $fcw = $t / $tcw;
my $fww = 1 - $fcw;
if ($maxBri // $maxBri) {
$maxBriFactor = ($fcw > $fww) ? 1/$fcw : 1/$fww;
#Log 1, "maxBriFactor: $maxBriFactor (maxBri)";
else {
$tww_ur = $tww if !(defined $tww_ur) || $tww_ur < $tww || $tww_ur >= $tcw;
$tcw_ur = $tcw if !(defined $tcw_ur) || $tcw_ur > $tcw || $tcw_ur <= $tww;
$tww_ur -= $tww;
$tcw_ur -= $tww;
my $t = ($tww_ur < $tcw - $tcw_ur) ? $tww_ur : $tcw - $tcw_ur;
my $fcw = $t / $tcw;
my $fww = 1 - $fcw;
$maxBriFactor = ($fcw > $fww) ? 1/$fcw : 1/$fww;
#Log 1, "maxBriFactor: $maxBriFactor (constBri)";
return ( $fww * $maxBriFactor, $fcw * $maxBriFactor );
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_gpio2RGB($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($r,$g,$b,$rgb);
my $a = AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",undef);
return undef if !defined $a;
my ($gr,$gg,$gb) = split(",",AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",""));
$gr = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gr} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gr};
$gg = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gg} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gg};
$gb = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gb} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gb};
my $rr = AttrVal($name,"readingPrefixGPIO","GPIO").$gr;
my $rg = AttrVal($name,"readingPrefixGPIO","GPIO").$gg;
my $rb = AttrVal($name,"readingPrefixGPIO","GPIO").$gb;
$r = ReadingsVal($name,$rr,undef);
$g = ReadingsVal($name,$rg,undef);
$b = ReadingsVal($name,$rb,undef);
return ("","","") if !defined $r || !defined $g || !defined $b
|| $r !~ m/^\d+$/ || $g !~ m/^\d+$/i || $b !~ m/^\d+$/i;
return (sprintf("%2.2X",$r/4), sprintf("%2.2X",$g/4), sprintf("%2.2X",$b/4));
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_adjustSetCmds($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{rgb};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{ct};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{pct};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{on};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{off};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{toggle};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{dim};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{line};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{one};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{all};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{fade};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{colorfade};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{rainbow};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{kitt};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{comet};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{theatre};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{scan};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{dualscan};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{twinkle};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{twinklefade};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{sparkle};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{wipe};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{fire};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{stop};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{fadetime};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{fadedelay};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{count};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{speed};
delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{bgcolor};
if (defined AttrVal($name,"mapLightCmds",undef)) {
$ESPEasy_setCmds{rgb} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{ct} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{pct} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{on} = 0;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{off} = 0;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{toggle} = 0;
# used by nfx plugin
$ESPEasy_setCmds{dim} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{line} = 3;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{one} = 2;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{all} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{fade} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{colorfade}= 2;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{rainbow} = 0;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{kitt} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{comet} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{theatre} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{scan} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{dualscan} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{twinkle} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{twinklefade} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{sparkle} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{wipe} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{fire} = 0;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{stop} = 0;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{fadetime} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{fadedelay}= 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{speed} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{count} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{bgcolor} = 1;
if (defined AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",undef)) {
$ESPEasy_setCmds{rgb} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{on} = 0;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{off} = 0;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{toggle} = 0;
if (defined AttrVal($name,"wwcwGPIOs",undef)) {
$ESPEasy_setCmds{ct} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{pct} = 1;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{on} = 0;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{off} = 0;
$ESPEasy_setCmds{toggle} = 0;
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# attr <dev> devStateIcon { ESPEasy_devStateIcon($name) }
sub ESPEasy_devStateIcon($)
my $ret = Color::devStateIcon($_[0],"rgb","rgb");
$ret =~ m/^.*:on@#(..)(..)(..):toggle$/;
return undef if !defined $1;
my $symP = int((hex($1)+hex($2)+hex($3))/76.5)*10;
$symP = "00" if $symP == 0;
my $icon = "light_light_dim_".$symP;
$ret =~ s/:on@#/:$icon@#/;
return $ret;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_adjustValue($$$)
my ($hash,$r,$v) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $a = AttrVal($name,"adjustValue",undef);
return $v if !defined $a;
my ($VALUE,$READING,$NAME) = ($v,$r,$name); #capital vars for use in attribute
my @a = split(" ",$a);
foreach (@a) {
my ($regex,$formula) = split(":",$_);
if ($r =~ m/^$regex$/) {
no warnings;
my $adjVal = $formula =~ m/\$VALUE/ ? eval($formula) : eval($v.$formula);
use warnings;
if ($@) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: attribute 'adjustValue': "
."mad expression '$formula'";
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: $@";
else {
my $rText = (defined $adjVal) ? $adjVal : "'undef'";
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Adjusted reading $r: $v => $formula = $rText";
return $adjVal;
#last; #disabled to be able to match multiple readings
return $v;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_urlEncodeDisplayText($$@)
my ($hash, $cmd, @params) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $enc = AttrVal($name, "displayTextEncode", $d_displayTextEncode);
my $pp = ESPEasy_paramPos($cmd,'<text>');
if ($enc && $pp) {
my (@p, @t);
my $c = scalar @params;
# leading parameters
for (my $i=0; $i<$pp-1; $i++) {
push( @p, $params[$i] )
# collect all texts parameters
for (my $i=$pp-1; $i<$c; $i++) {
$params[$i] =~ s/,/./g; # comma is ESPEasy parameter splitter, can't be used
push @t, $params[$i];
my $text = join(" ", @t);
# fill line with leading/trailing spaces
my $width = AttrVal($name,"displayTextWidth", $d_displayTextWidth);
if ($width) {
$text = " " x ($p[1]-1) .$text. " " x ($width - length($text) - $p[1]+1);
$text = substr($text, 0, $width);
$p[1] = 1;
push(@p, urlEncode($text));
return @p;
return @params;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_loadRequiredModules($)
my ($hash) = @_;
foreach ("JSON", "Encode") {
eval "use $_; 1;";
if (!$@) {
$hash->{helper}{pm}{$_} = 1;
else {
$hash->{helper}{pm}{$_} = 0;
if ($init_done || $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
Log3 $name, 1, "$type $name: WARNING: Perl module $_ is not installed. "
. "Reduced functionality!";
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: $@" if $init_done;
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isAttrCombineDevices($)
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
my @ranges = split(/,| /,$_[0]);
foreach (@ranges) {
if (!($_ =~ m/^([A-Za-z0-9_\.]|[A-Za-z0-9_\.][A-Za-z0-9_\.]*[A-Za-z0-9\._])$/
|| ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($_)))
return 0
return 1;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if $peer is covered by $allowed (eg. is included in
# 1:peer address 2:allowed range
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isCombineDevices($$$)
my ($peer,$espName,$allowed) = @_;
return $allowed if $allowed =~ m/^[01]$/;
my @allowed = split(/,| /,$allowed);
foreach (@allowed) { return 1 if $espName eq $_ }
return 1 if ESPEasy_isPeerAllowed($peer,$allowed);
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check param to be a valid ip64 address or fqdn or hostname
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isValidPeer($)
my ($addr) = @_;
return 0 if !defined $addr;
my @ranges = split(/,| /,$addr);
foreach (@ranges) {
return 0 if !( ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($_)
|| ESPEasy_isFqdn($_) || ESPEasy_isHostname($_) );
return 1;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if given ip or ip range is guilty
# argument can be:
# - ipv4, ipv4/CIDR, ipv4/dotted, ipv6, ipv6/CIDR (or a regexp if opt. argument
# $regexChk is set)
# - space or comma separated list of above.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($;$)
my ($addr,$regexChk) = @_;
return 0 if !defined $addr;
my @ranges = split(/,| /,$addr);
foreach (@ranges) {
my ($ip,$nm) = split("/",$_);
if (ESPEasy_isIPv4($ip)) {
return 0 if defined $nm && !( ESPEasy_isNmDotted($nm)
|| ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv4($nm) );
elsif (ESPEasy_isIPv6($ip)) {
return 0 if defined $nm && !ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv6($nm);
elsif (defined $regexChk && !defined $nm) {
return 0 if $ip =~ m/^\*/ || $ip =~ m/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/; # faulty regexp/ip
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$ip$/ };
return $@ ? 0 : 1;
else {
return 0;
return 1;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if $peer is covered by $allowed (eg. is included in
# 1:peer address 2:allowed range
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isPeerAllowed($$)
my ($peer,$allowed) = @_;
return $allowed if $allowed =~ m/^[01]$/;
#return 1 if $allowed =~ /^\/0(.0.0.0)?$/; # not necessary but faster
my $binPeer = ESPEasy_ip2bin($peer);
my @a = split(/,| /,$allowed);
foreach (@a) {
return 1 if $peer =~ m/^$_$/; # a regexp is been used
next if !ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($_); # needed for combinedDevices
my ($addr,$ip,$mask) = ESPEasy_addrToCIDR($_);
return 0 if !defined $ip || !defined $mask; # return if ip or mask !guilty
my $binAllowed = ESPEasy_ip2bin($addr);
my $binPeerCut = substr($binPeer,0,$mask);
return 1 if ($binAllowed eq $binPeerCut);
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert IPv64 address to binary format and return network part of binary, only
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_ip2bin($)
my ($addr) = @_;
my ($ip,$mask) = split("/",$addr);
my @bin;
if (ESPEasy_isIPv4($ip)) {
$mask = 32 if !defined $mask;
@bin = map substr(unpack("B32",pack("N",$_)),-8), split(/\./,$ip);
elsif (ESPEasy_isIPv6($ip)) {
$ip = ESPEasy_expandIPv6($ip);
$mask = 128 if !defined $mask;
@bin = map {unpack('B*',pack('H*',$_))} split(/:/, $ip);
else {
return undef;
my $bin = join('', @bin);
my $binMask = substr($bin, 0, $mask);
return $binMask; # return network part of $bin
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# expand IPv6 address to 8 full blocks
# Advantage of IO::Socket : already installed and it seems to be the fastest way
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4800691/perl-ipv6-address-expansion-parsing
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_expandIPv6($)
my ($ipv6) = @_;
use Socket qw(inet_pton AF_INET6);
return join(":", unpack("H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4",inet_pton(AF_INET6, $ipv6)));
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert IPv64 address or range into CIDR notion
# return undef if addreess or netmask is not valid
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_addrToCIDR($)
my ($addr) = @_;
my ($ip,$mask) = split("/",$addr);
# no nm specified
return (ESPEasy_isIPv4($ip) ? ("$ip/32",$ip,32) : ("$ip/128",$ip,128)) if !defined $mask;
# netmask is already in CIDR format and all values are valid
return ("$ip/$mask",$ip,$mask)
if (ESPEasy_isIPv4($ip) && ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv4($mask))
|| (ESPEasy_isIPv6($ip) && ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv6($mask));
$mask = ESPEasy_dottedNmToCIDR($mask);
return (undef,undef,undef) if !defined $mask;
return ("$ip/$mask",$ip,$mask);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert dotted decimal netmask to CIDR format
# return undef if nm is not in dotted decimal format
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_dottedNmToCIDR($)
my ($mask) = @_;
return undef if !ESPEasy_isNmDotted($mask);
# dotted decimal to CIDR
my ($byte1, $byte2, $byte3, $byte4) = split(/\./, $mask);
my $num = ($byte1 * 16777216) + ($byte2 * 65536) + ($byte3 * 256) + $byte4;
my $bin = unpack("B*", pack("N", $num));
my $count = ($bin =~ tr/1/1/);
return $count; # return number of netmask bits
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isIPv4($)
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
return 1 if($_[0]
=~ m/^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/);
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isIPv6($)
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
return 1 if ($_[0]
=~ m/^(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))$/);
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isIPv64($)
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
return 1 if ESPEasy_isIPv4($_[0]) || ESPEasy_isIPv6($_[0]);
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isNmDotted($)
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
return 1 if ($_[0]
=~ m/^(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0)\.0\.0\.0|255\.(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0)\.0\.0|255\.255\.(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0)\.0|255\.255\.255\.(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0)$/);
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv4($)
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
return 1 if ($_[0] =~ m/^([0-2]?[0-9]|3[0-2])$/);
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv6($)
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
return 1 if ($_[0] =~ m/^([0-9]?[0-9]|1([0-1][0-9]|2[0-8]))$/);
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isFqdn($)
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
return 1 if ($_[0]
=~ m/^(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-)\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$)$/);
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_isHostname($)
return 0 if !defined $_[0];
return 1 if ($_[0] =~ m/^([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$/)
&& !(ESPEasy_isIPv4($_[0]) || ESPEasy_isIPv6($_[0]));
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_whoami() {return (split('::',(caller(1))[3]))[1] || '';}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_dumpSingleLine($)
my $saveIndent = $Data::Dumper::Indent; my $saveTerse = $Data::Dumper::Terse ;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
my $ret = Dumper($_[0]);
$Data::Dumper::Indent = $saveIndent; $Data::Dumper::Terse = $saveTerse;
return $ret;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_removeGit($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $file = $attr{global}{modpath}."/ESPEasy.txt";
if (-f $file) {
unlink $file;
my $controls = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/controls.txt";
open(FH, $controls) || return "Can't open $controls: $!";
my $ret = join("", <FH>);
if ($ret =~ m/controls_ESPEasy.txt/) {
my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
Log3 $name, 1, "";
Log3 $name, 1, "================================================================================";
Log3 $name, 1, "";
Log3 $name, 1, "ESPEasy is part of the official FHEM distribution.";
Log3 $name, 1, "";
Log3 $name, 1, "Please remove ESPEasy Github repository from FHEM update by using the following";
Log3 $name, 1, "FHEM command: ";
Log3 $name, 1, "";
Log3 $name, 1, "update delete https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ddtlabs/ESPEasy/master/controls_ESPEasy.txt";
Log3 $name, 1, "";
Log3 $name, 1, "================================================================================";
Log3 $name, 1, "";
return undef;
=item device
=item summary Control and access to ESPEasy (Espressif ESP8266 WLAN-SoC)
=item summary_DE Steuerung und Zugriff auf ESPEasy (Espressif ESP8266 WLAN-SoC)
=begin html
<a name="ESPEasy"></a>
<p>Provides access and control to Espressif ESP8266 WLAN-SoC w/ ESPEasy</p>
<li>You have to define a bridge device before any logical device can be
<li>You have to configure your ESP to use "FHEM HTTP" controller protocol.
Furthermore ESP controller IP must match FHEM's IP address. ESP controller
port and the FHEM ESPEasy bridge port must be the same.
Max. 2 ESPEasy bridges can be defined at the same time: 1 for IPv4 and 1 for IPv6
<li>Further information about this module is available here:
<a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,55728.0.html">Forum #55728</a>
<li></b>For security reasons: if one or more of your ESPEasy device uses a
public IP address then you have to enable this explicitly or the device(s)
will be ignored/rejected:
Enable all ESPEasy device IP addresses/subnets/regexs with the help of
bridge attributes
<a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_attr_allowedips">allowedIPs</a> /
<a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_attr_deniedips">deniedIPs</a>.
Enable authentication: see attribute
<a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_attr_authentication">authentication</a> and
bridge set <a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_set_user">user</a>
/ <a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_set_pass">pass</a> commands.
ESPEasy build >= <a href="https://github.com/ESP8266nu/ESPEasy"
target="_new">R128</a> (self compiled) or an ESPEasy precompiled image
>= <a href="http://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/ESPEasy#Loading_firmware" target="_new">R140_RC3</a><br>
<li>perl module JSON<br>
Use "cpan install JSON" or operating system's package manager to install
Perl JSON Modul. Depending on your os the required package is named:
libjson-perl or perl-JSON.
<h4>ESPEasy Bridge</h4>
<a name="ESPEasy_bridge_define"></a>
<b>Define </b>(bridge)<br><br>
<code>define <name> ESPEasy bridge <[IPV6:]port></code><br><br>
<a name=""><code><name></code></a><br>
Specifies a device name of your choise.<br>
example: <code>ESPBridge</code>
<a name=""><code><port></code></a><br>
Specifies TCP port for incoming ESPEasy http requests. This port must
<u>not</u> be used by any other application or daemon on your system and
must be in the range 1024..65535 unless you run your FHEM installation
with root permissions (not recommanded).<br>
If you want to define an IPv4 and an IPv6 bridge on the same TCP port
(recommanded) then it might be necessary on (some?) Linux
distributions to activate IPV6_V6ONLY socket option. Use <code>"echo
1>/proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only"</code> or systemctl for that purpose.<br>
eg. <code>8383</code><br>
eg. <code>IPV6:8383</code><br>
<code>define ESPBridge ESPEasy bridge 8383</code></li><br>
<br><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_get"></a>
<b>Get </b>(bridge)<br><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_get_reading"><reading></a><br>
returns the value of the specified reading</li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_get_queueSize">queueSize</a><br>
returns number of entries for each queue (<ip>:number
[<ip>:number] [...]).
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_get_user">user</a><br>
returns username used by basic authentication for incoming requests.
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_get_pass">pass</a><br>
returns password used by basic authentication for incoming requests.
<br><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_set"></a>
<b>Set </b>(bridge)<br><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_set_help">help</a><br>
Shows set command usage<br>
required values: <code>help|pass|user|clearQueue</code></li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_set_clearqueue">clearQueue</a><br>
Used to erase all command queues.<br>
required value: <code><none></code><br>
eg. : <code>set ESPBridge clearQueue</code></li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_set_pass">pass</a><br>
Specifies password used by basic authentication for incoming requests.<br>
Note that attribute <a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_attr_authentication">authentication</a>
must be set to enable basic authentication, too.<br>
required value: <code><password></code><br>
eg. : <code>set ESPBridge pass secretpass</code></li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_set_user">user</a><br>
Specifies username used by basic authentication for incoming requests.<br>
Note that attribute <a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_attr_authentication">authentication</a>
must be set to enable basic authentication, too.<br>
required value: <code><username></code><br>
eg. : <code>set ESPBridge user itsme</code></li><br>
<br><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr"></a>
<b>Attributes </b>(bridge)<br><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_allowedips">allowedIPs</a><br>
Used to limit IPs or IP ranges of ESPs which are allowed to commit data.
Specify IP, IP/netmask, regexp or a comma separated list of these values.
Netmask can be written as bitmask or dotted decimal. Domain names for dns
lookups are not supported.<br>
Possible values: IPv64 address, IPv64/netmask, regexp<br>
fe80::/10, fc00::/7, ::1
=> IPv4 single address
=> IPv4 CIDR network
=> IPv4 CIDR network
=> IPv4 range w/ regexp:
=> IPv6 single address
=> IPv6 network 2001:1a59:50a9::/48
=> IPv6 range w/ regexp: 2001:1a59:50a9::0100-0149
<span style="font-size:small;">Note that short IPv6 notation (::) must be
used in conjunction with regexps.</span>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_authentication">authentication</a><br>
Used to enable basic authentication for incoming requests.<br>
Note that user, pass and authentication attribute must be set to activate
basic authentication<br>
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 0</li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_autocreate">autocreate</a><br>
Used to overwrite global autocreate setting.<br>
Global autocreate setting will be detected by global attribut
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 0 (disabled)</li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_autosave">autosave</a><br>
Used to overwrite global autosave setting.<br>
Global autosave setting will be detected by global attribut 'autosave'.
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 0 (disabled)</li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_combinedevices">combineDevices</a><br>
Used to gather all ESP devices of a single ESP into 1 FHEM device even if
different ESP devices names are used.<br>
Possible values: 0, 1, IPv64 address, IPv64/netmask, ESPname or a comma
separated list consisting of these values.<br>
Netmasks can be written as bitmask or dotted decimal. Domain names for dns
lookups are not supported.<br>
Default: 0 (disabled for all ESPs)<br>
Eg. 1 (globally enabled)<br>
Eg. ESP01,ESP02<br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_deniedips">deniedIPs</a><br>
Used to define IPs or IP ranges of ESPs which are denied to commit data.
Syntax see <a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_attr_allowedips">allowedIPs</a>.<br>
This attribute will overwrite any IP or range defined by
<a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_attr_allowedips">allowedIPs</a>.<br>
Default: none (no IPs are denied)</li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_disable">disable</a><br>
Used to disable device.<br>
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 0 (eanble)</li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_httpreqtimeout">httpReqTimeout</a><br>
Specifies seconds to wait for a http answer from ESP8266 device.<br>
Possible values: 4..60<br>
Default: 10 seconds</li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_maxhttpsessions">maxHttpSessions</a><br>
Limit maximal concurrent outgoing http sessions to a single ESP.<br>
Set to 0 to disable this feature. At the moment (ESPEasy R147) it seems
to be possible to send 5 "concurrent" requests if nothing else keeps the
esp working.<br>
Possible values: 0..9<br>
Default: 3</li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_maxqueuesize">maxQueueSize</a><br>
Limit maximal queue size (number of commands in queue) for outgoing http
If command queue size is reached (eg. ESP is offline) any further
command will be ignored and discard.<br>
Possible values: >10<br>
Default: 250</li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_resendfailedcmd">resendFailedCmd</a><br>
Used to resend commands when http request returned an error<br>
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 0 (disabled)</li><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_attr_uniqids">uniqIDs</a><br>
This attribute has been removed.</li><br>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a>
<h4>ESPEasy Device</h4>
<a name="ESPEasy_device_define"></a>
<b>Define </b>(logical device)<br><br>
Notes: Logical devices will be created automatically if any values are
received by the bridge device and autocreate is not disabled. If you
configured your ESP in a way that no data is send independently then you
have to define logical devices. At least wifi rssi value could be defined
to use autocreate and presence detection.<br><br>
<code>define <name> ESPEasy <ip|fqdn> <port> <IODev> <identifier></code><br><br>
<a name=""><code><name></code></a><br>
Specifies a device name of your choise.<br>
example: <code>ESPxx</code>
<a name=""><code><ip|fqdn></code></a><br>
Specifies ESP IP address or hostname.<br>
example: <code></code><br>
example: <code>espxx.your.domain.net</code>
<a name=""><code><port></code></a><br>
Specifies http port to be used for outgoing request to your ESP. Should be 80<br>
example: <code>80</code>
<a name=""><code><IODev></code></a><br>
Specifies your ESP bridge device. See above.<br>
example: <code>ESPBridge</code>
<a name=""><code><identifier></code></a><br>
Specifies an identifier that will bind your ESP to this device.<br>
This identifier must be specified in this form:<br>
<esp name>_<esp device name>.<br>
If bridge attribute <a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_attr_combinedevices">combineDevices</a> is used then <esp name> is used, only.<br>
ESP name and device name can be found here:<br>
<esp name>: => ESP GUI => Config => Main Settings => Name<br>
<esp device name>: => ESP GUI => Devices => Edit => Task Settings => Name<br>
example: <code>ESPxx_DHT22</code><br>
example: <code>ESPxx</code>
<code>define ESPxx ESPEasy 80 ESPBridge EspXX_SensorXX</code>
<br><a name="ESPEasy_device_get"></a>
<b>Get </b>(logical device)<br><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_get_reading"><reading></a><br>
returns the value of the specified reading
<li><a name="ESPEasy_bridge_get_pinmap">pinMap</a><br>
returns possible alternative pin names that can be used in commands
<br><a name="ESPEasy_device_set"></a>
<b>Set </b>(logical device)
- Commands are case insensitive.<br>
- Users of Wemos D1 mini or NodeMCU can use Arduino pin names instead of
GPIO numbers.<br>
D1 => GPIO5, D2 => GPIO4, ...,TX => GPIO1 (see: get
<a href="#ESPEasy_bridge_get_pinmap">pinMap</a>)<br>
- low/high state can be written as 0/1 or on/off
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_clearreadings">clearReadings</a><br>
Delete all readings that are auto created by received sensor values
since last FHEM restart.<br>
<li>arguments: <code>none</code></li>
<li>example: set <esp> clearReadings</li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_help">help</a><br>
Shows set command usage.<br>
<li>arguments: <code>a valid set command</code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> help gpio</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_raw">raw</a><br>
Can be used for own ESP plugins or new ESPEasy commands that are not
considered by this module at the moment. Any argument will be sent
directly to the ESP.
<li>arguments: raw <cmd> [<arg1>] [<arg2>] [<...>]</li>
<li>example: set <esp> raw myCommand p1 p2 p3</li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_statusrequest">statusRequest</a><br>
Trigger a statusRequest for configured GPIOs (see attribut pollGPIOs)
and do a presence check<br>
<li>arguments: <code>n/a</code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> statusRequest</code></li>
<i><b>Note:</b> The following commands are built-in ESPEasy Software commands
that are send directly to the ESP after passing a syntax check. A detailed
description can be found here:
<a href="http://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/ESPEasy_Command_Reference"
target="_NEW">ESPEasy Command Reference</a></i><br><br>
<u>ESPEasy generic I/O commands:</u><br><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_gpio">GPIO</a><br>
Switch output pins to high/low<br>
<li>arguments: <code><pin> <0|1|off|on></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> gpio 14 on</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_pwm">PWM</a><br>
Direct PWM control of output pins<br>
<li>arguments: <code><pin> <level></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> pwm 14 512</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_pwmfade">PWMFADE</a><br>
Fade output pins to a pwm value<br>
<li>arguments: <code><pin> <target pwm> <duration 1-30s></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> pwmfade 14 1023 10</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_pulse">Pulse</a><br>
Direct pulse control of output pins<br>
<li>arguments: <code><pin> <0|1|off|on> <duration></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> pulse 14 on 10</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_logpulse">LongPulse</a><br>
Direct pulse control of output pins<br>
<li>arguments: <code><pin> <0|1|off|on> <duration></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> longpulse 14 on 10</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_pcfgpio">PCFGpio</a><br>
Control PCF8574 (8-bit I/O expander for I2C-bus)<br>
<li>arguments: <code><port> <0|1|off|on></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> PCFGpio 128 on</code></li>
Port numbering see:
<a href="https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/PCF8574#Input">
ESPEasy Wiki PCF8574</a>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_pcfpulse">PCFPulse</a><br>
Control PCF8574 (8-bit I/O expander for I2C-bus)
<li>arguments: <code><port> <0|1|off|on> <duration></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> PCFPulse 128 on 10</code></li>
Port numbering see:
<a href="https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/PCF8574#Input">
ESPEasy Wiki PCF8574</a>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_pcflongpulse">PCFLongPulse</a><br>
Control on PCF8574 (8-bit I/O expander for I2C-bus)
<li>arguments: <code><port> <0|1|off|on> <duration></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> PCFLongPulse 128 on 10</code></li>
Port numbering see:
<a href="https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/PCF8574#Input">
ESPEasy Wiki PCF8574</a>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_mcpgpio">mcpgpio</a><br>
Control MCP23017 output pins (16-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface)<br>
<li>arguments: <code><port> <0|1|off|on></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> mcpgpio 48 on</code></li>
Port numbering see:
<a href="https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/MCP23017#Input">
ESPEasy Wiki MCP23017</a>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_pcapwm">pcapwm</a><br>
Control PCA9685 (16-channel / 12-bit PWM I2C-bus controller)<br>
<li>arguments: <code><pin 0-15> <level 0-4095></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> pcapwm 15 4095</code></li>
<u>ESPEasy motor control commands:</u><br><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_servo">Servo</a><br>
Direct control of servo motors<br>
<li>arguments: <code><servoNo> <pin> <position></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> servo 1 14 100</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_motorshieldcmd">MotorShieldCMD</a><br>
Control a DC motor or stepper<br>
arguments: <code>DCMotor <motornumber> <forward|backward|release> <speed></code><br>
arguments: <code>Stepper <motornumber> <forward|backward|release> <steps> <single|double|interleave|microstep></code>
example: <code>set <esp> MotorShieldCMD DCMotor 1 forward 10</code><br>
example: <code>set <esp> MotorShieldCMD Stepper 1 backward 25 single</code>
<u>ESPEasy display related commands:</u><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_lcd">lcd</a><br>
Write text messages to LCD screen<br>
Pay attention to attributes
<a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_displaytextencode">displayTextEncode</a> and
<a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_displaytextwidth">displayTextWidth</a>.<br>
<li>arguments: <code><row> <col> <text></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> lcd 1 1 Test a b c</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_lcdcmd">lcdcmd</a><br>
Control LCD screen<br>
<li>arguments: <code><on|off|clear></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> lcdcmd clear</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_oled">oled</a><br>
Write text messages to OLED screen<br>
Pay attention to attributes
<a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_displaytextencode">displayTextEncode</a> and
<a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_displaytextwidth">displayTextWidth</a>.<br>
<li>arguments: <code><row> <col> <text></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> oled 1 1 Test a b c</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_oledcmd">oledcmd</a><br>
Control OLED screen<br>
<li>arguments: <code><on|off|clear></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> oledcmd clear</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_oledframedcmd">oledframedcmd</a><br>
Switch oledframed on/off<br>
<li>arguments: <code><on|off></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> oledframedcmd on</code></li>
<u>ESPEasy DMX related commands:</u>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_dmx">dmx</a><br>
Send DMX commands to a device<br>
<li>arguments: <code><on|off|log|value|channel=value[,value][...]></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> dmx 1=255,2=127</code></li>
<u>ESPEasy LED/Lights related commands:</u>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_lights">Lights</a> (plugin can be found <a
href="https://github.com/ddtlabs/ESPEasy-Plugin-Lights target="_NEW">here</a>)<br>
Control a rgb or ct light<br>
<li>arguments: <code><rgb|ct|pct|on|off|toggle> [<hex-rgb|color-temp|pct-value>] [<fading time>]</code></li>
<code>set <esp> lights rgb aa00aa</code><br>
<code>set <esp> lights rgb aa00aa 10</code><br>
<code>set <esp> lights ct 3200</code><br>
<code>set <esp> lights ct 3200 10</code><br>
<code>set <esp> lights pct 50</code><br>
<code>set <esp> lights on</code><br>
<code>set <esp> lights off</code><br>
<code>set <esp> lights toggle</code><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_nfx">nfx</a> (plugin can be found
<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/djcysmic/NeopixelBusFX">here</a>)<br>
Control nfx plugin<br>
Note: To use FHEMWEB's colorpicker and slider widgets you have to set
Attribut <a href="ESPEasy_device_attr_maplightscmds">mapLightCmds</a>.
<li>arguments: <code><off|on|dim|line|one|all|rgb|fade|colorfade|rainbow|kitt|comet|theatre|scan|dualscan|twinkle|twinklefade|sparkle|wipe|fire|stop|statusrequest|fadetime|fadedelay|speed|count|bgcolor> [<rgb>] [<fadeing time>] [<delay time>]</code></li>
set <esp> nfx all 00ff00 100<br>
set <esp> nfx rgb aa00ff 1000 10<br>
set <esp> nfx line 0 100 f0f0f0c<br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_candle">candle</a><br>
Control candle rgb plugin<br>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> CANDLE:4:FF0000:200</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_neopixel">neopixel</a><br>
Control neopixel plugin (single LED)<br>
<li>arguments: <code><led nr> <red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> neopixel 1 255 255 255</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_neopixelall">neopixelall</a><br>
Control neopixel plugin (all together)<br>
<li>arguments: <code><red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> neopixelall 255 255 255</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_neopixelline">neopixelline</a><br>
Control neopixel plugin (line)<br>
<li>arguments: <code><start led no> <stop led no> <red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> neopixelline 1 5 0 127 255</code></li>
<u>ESPEasy sound related commands:</u>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_tone">tone</a><br>
Play a tone on a pin via a speaker or piezo element (ESPEasy >=
<li>arguments: <code><pin> <freq Hz> <duration s></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> tone 14 4000 1</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_rtttl">rtttl</a><br>
Play melodies via <a target="_NEW"
(ESPEasy >= 2.0.0-dev6)
<li>arguments: <rtttl> <pin>:<rtttl codes></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> rtttl 14:d=10,o=6,b=180,c,e,g</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_buzzer">buzzer</a><br>
Beep a short time<br>
<li>arguments: <code>none</code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> buzzer</code></li>
<u>ESPEasy miscellaneous commands:</u>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_event">Event</a><br>
Trigger an ESP event. Such events can be used in ESP Easy rules.<br>
<li>arguments: <code><string></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> event testevent</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_irsend">irsend</a><br>
Send ir codes via "Infrared Transmit" Plugin<br>
Supported protocols are: NEC, JVC, RC5, RC6, SAMSUNG, SONY, PANASONIC at
the moment. As long as official documentation is missing you can find
some details here:
<a href="http://www.letscontrolit.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=328" target="_NEW">
IR Transmitter thread #1</a> and
href="https://www.letscontrolit.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=328&start=61" target="_NEW">
IR Transmitter thread #61</a>.<br>
arguments: <code><NEC|JVC|RC5|RC6|SAMSUNG|SONY|PANASONIC> <hex code> <bit length></code><br>
arguments: <code><RAW> <B32 raw> <frequenz> <pulse length> <blank length></code>
example: <code>set <esp> irsend NEC 7E81542B 32</code><br>
example: <code>set <esp> irsend RAW 3U0GGL8AGGK588A22K58ALALALAGL1A22LAK45ALALALALALALALALAL1AK5 38 512 256</code>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_serialsend">serialsend</a><br>
Used for ser2net plugin<br>
<li>arguments: <code><string></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> serialsend test</code></li>
<u>ESPEasy administrative commands</u> (be careful !!!):
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_erase">erase</a><br>
Wipe out ESP flash memory<br>
<li>arguments: <code>none</code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> erase</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_reboot">reboot</a><br>
Used to reboot your ESP<br>
<li>arguments: <code>none</code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> reboot</code></li>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_reset">reset</a><br>
Do a factory reset on the ESP<br>
<li>arguments: <code>none</code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> reset</code></li>
<u>ESPEasy experimental commands:</u> (The following commands can be changed or removed at any time)
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_rgb">rgb</a><br>
Used to control a rgb light wo/ an ESPEasy plugin.<br>
You have to set attribute <a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_rgbgpios">rgbGPIOs</a> to
enable this feature. Default colorpicker mode is HSVp but can be adjusted
with help of attribute <a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_colorpicker">colorpicker</a>
to HSV or RGB. Set attribute <a href="#webCmd">webCmd</a> to rgb to
display a colorpicker in FHEMWEB room view and on detail page.<br>
arguments: <code><rrggbb>|on|off|toggle</code>
<code>set <esp> rgb 00FF00</code><br>
<code>set <esp> rgb on</code><br>
<code>set <esp> rgb off</code><br>
<code>set <esp> rgb toggle</code><br>
<li>Full featured example:<br>
attr <ESP> colorpicker HSVp<br>
attr <ESP> devStateIcon { ESPEasy_devStateIcon($name) }<br>
attr <ESP> Interval 30<br>
attr <ESP> parseCmdResponse status,pwm<br>
attr <ESP> pollGPIOs D6,D7,D8<br>
attr <ESP> rgbGPIOs D6,D7,D8<br>
attr <ESP> webCmd rgb:rgb ff0000:rgb 00ff00:rgb 0000ff:toggle:on:off
<u>ESPEasy deprecated commands:</u> (will be removed in a later version)
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_status">status</a><br>
Request esp device status (eg. gpio)<br>
See attributes: parseCmdResponse, readingPrefixGPIO, readingSuffixGPIOState
<li>arguments: <code><pin></code></li>
<li>example: <code>set <esp> status 14</code></li>
<br><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr"></a>
<b>Attributes</b> (logical device)<br><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_adjustvalue">adjustValue</a><br>
Used to adjust sensor values<br>
Must be a space separated list of <reading>:<formula>.
Reading can be a regexp. Formula can be an arithmetic expression like
If $VALUE is omitted in formula then it will be added to the beginning of
the formula. So you can simple write 'temp:+20' or '.*:*4'<br>
Modified or ignored values are marked in the system log (verbose 4). Use
verbose 5 logging to see more details.<br>
If the used sub function returns 'undef' then the value will be ignored.
The following variables can be used if necessary:
<li>$VALUE contains the original value</li>
<li>$READING contains the reading name</li>
<li>$NAME contains the device name</li>
Default: none<br>
Eg. <code>attr ESPxx adjustValue humidity:+0.1
Eg. <code>attr ESPxx adjustValue
Sample function to ignore negative values:<br>
sub my_OwnFunction($$$) {<br>
my ($name,$reading,$value) = @_;<br>
return ($value < 0) ? undef : $value;<br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_colorpicker">colorpicker</a><br>
Used to select colorpicker mode<br>
Possible values: RGB,HSV,HSVp<br>
Default: HSVp
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_colorpickerctcw">colorpickerCTcw</a><br>
Used to select ct colorpicker's cold white color temperature in Kelvin<br>
Possible values: > colorpickerCTww<br>
Default: 6000
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_colorpickerctww">colorpickerCTww</a><br>
Used to select ct colorpicker's warm white color temperature in Kelvin<br>
Possible values: < colorpickerCTcw<br>
Default: 2000
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_disable">disable</a><br>
Used to disable device<br>
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 0
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_displaytextencode">displayTextEncode</a><br>
Used to disable url encoding for text that is send to oled/lcd displays.
Useful if you want to encode the text by yourself.<br>
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 1 (enabled)
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_displaytextwidth">displayTextWidth</a><br>
Used to specify number of characters per display line.<br>
If set then all characters before and after the text on the same line will
be overwritten with spaces. Attribute
<a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_displaytextencode">displayTextEncode</a> must not be
disabled to use this feature. A 128x64px display has 16 characters per
line if you are using a 8px font.<br>
Possible values: integer<br>
Default: 0 (disabled)
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_interval">Interval</a><br>
Used to set polling interval for presence check and GPIOs polling in
seconds. 0 will disable this feature.<br>
Possible values: secs > 10.<br>
Default: 300
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a><br>
Used to select I/O device (ESPEasy Bridge).
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_maplightscmds">mapLightCmds</a><br>
Enable the following commands and map them to the specified ESPEasy
command: rgb, ct, pct, on, off, toggle, dim, line, one, all, fade,
colorfade, rainbow, kitt, comet, theatre, scan, dualscan, twinkle,
twinklefade, sparkle, wipe, fire, stop, fadetime, fadedelay, count, speed,
bgcolor. Ask the ESPEasy maintainer to add more if required.<br>
Needed to use FHEM's colorpicker or slider widgets to control a
rgb/ct/effect/... plugin.<br>
required values: <code>a valid set command</code><br>
eg. <code>attr <esp> mapLightCmds Lights</code>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_presencecheck">presenceCheck</a><br>
Used to enable/disable presence check for ESPs<br>
Presence check determines the presence of a device by readings age. If any
reading of a device is newer than <a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_interval">interval</a>
seconds then it is marked as being present. This kind of check works for
ESP devices in deep sleep too but require at least 1 reading that is
updated regularly. Therefore the ESP must send the corresponding data
regularly (ESP device option "delay").<br>
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 1 (enabled)
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_readingswitchtext">readingSwitchText</a><br>
Use on,off instead of 1,0 for readings if ESP device is a switch.<br>
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 1 (enabled)
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_setstate">setState</a><br>
Summarize received values in state reading.<br>
A positive number determines the number of characters used for abbreviated
reading names. Only readings with an age less than
<a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_interval">interval</a> will be considered. If your are
not satisfied with format or behavior of setState then disable this
attribute (set to 0) and use global attributes userReadings and/or
stateFormat to get what you want.<br>
Possible values: integer >=0<br>
Default: 3 (enabled with 3 characters abbreviation)
The following two attributes should only be use in cases where ESPEasy
software do not send data on status changes and no rule/dummy can be used
to do that. Useful for commands like PWM, STATUS, ...
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_parsecmdresponse">parseCmdResponse</a><br>
Used to parse response of commands like GPIO, PWM, STATUS, ...<br>
Specify a module command or comma separated list of commands as argument.
Commands are case insensitive.<br>
Only necessary if ESPEasy software plugins do not send their data
independently. Useful for commands like STATUS, PWM, ...<br>
Possible values: <set cmd>[,<set cmd>][,...]<br>
Default: status<br>
Eg. <code>attr ESPxx parseCmdResponse status,pwm</code>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_pollgpios">pollGPIOs</a><br>
Used to enable polling for GPIOs status. This polling will do same as
command 'set ESPxx status <device> <pin>'<br>
Possible values: GPIO number or comma separated GPIO number list<br>
Default: none<br>
Eg. <code>attr ESPxx pollGPIOs 13,D7,D2</code>
The following two attributes control naming of readings that are
generated by help of parseCmdResponse and pollGPIOs (see above)
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_readingprefixgpio">readingPrefixGPIO</a><br>
Specifies a prefix for readings based on GPIO numbers. For example:
"set ESPxx pwm 13 512" will switch GPIO13 into pwm mode and set pwm to
512. If attribute readingPrefixGPIO is set to PIN and attribut
<a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_parsecmdresponse">parseCmdResponse</a> contains pwm
command then the reading name will be PIN13.<br>
Possible Values: <code>string</code><br>
Default: GPIO
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_readingsuffixgpiostate">readingSuffixGPIOState</a><br>
Specifies a suffix for the state-reading of GPIOs (see Attribute
<a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_pollgpios">pollGPIOs</a>)<br>
Possible Values: <code>string</code><br>
Default: no suffix<br>
Eg. attr ESPxx readingSuffixGPIOState _state
<a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a>
<b>Experimental</b> (The following attributes can be changed or removed at
any time):<br><br>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_rgbgpios">rgbGPIOs</a><br>
Use to define GPIOs your lamp is conneted to. Must be set to be able to
use <a href="#ESPEasy_device_set_rgb">rgb</a> set command.<br>
Possible values: Comma separated tripple of ESP pin numbers or arduino pin
Eg: 12,13,15<br>
Eg: D6,D7,D8<br>
Default: none
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