mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-06 00:26:35 +00:00
martinp876 dafa4a2cf4 98_apptime:improve nice calculation
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@19468 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2019-05-26 07:13:48 +00:00

415 lines
12 KiB

# 98_apptime:application timing
# $Id$
# based on $Id$
# for use with fhem.pl 16214+ due to change in timers
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use B qw(svref_2object);
use vars qw(%defs); # FHEM device/button definitions
use vars qw(%intAt);
use vars qw($nextat);
use vars qw(@intAtA); # Internal timer array (new!)
use vars qw(%prioQueues);
sub apptime_getTiming($$$@);
sub apptime_Initialize($);
my $apptimeStatus;
sub apptime_Initialize($){
$apptimeStatus = 1;#set active by default
$cmds{"apptime"}{Fn} = "apptime_CommandDispTiming";
$cmds{"apptime"}{Hlp} = "[clear|<field>|timer|nice] [top|all] [<filter>],application function calls and duration";
my $intatlen = 0;
my $maxintatlen = 0;
my $maxintatdone = 0;
my $minTmrHandleTm = 1000000;
my $maxTmrHandleTm = 0;
my $totDly = 0;
my $totCnt = 0;
sub HandleTimeout() {
return undef if(!$nextat);
my $now = gettimeofday();
if($now < $nextat) {
$selectTimestamp = $now;
return ($nextat-$now);
my $handleStart = $now;
# Check the internal list.
$intatlen = int(@intAtA);
$maxintatlen = $intatlen if ($maxintatlen < $intatlen);
my $nd = 0;
my ($fn,$arg,$fnname,$shortarg,$cv);
$nextat = 0;
while(@intAtA) { # may be changed by timer execution !
my $at = $intAtA[0];
my $tim = $at->{TRIGGERTIME};
if($tim && $tim > $now) {
$nextat = $tim;
delete $intAt{$at->{atNr}} if($at->{atNr}); # "handling" of old %intAt
$fn = $at->{FN};
$fnname = $fn;
if (ref($fn) ne "") {
$cv = svref_2object($fn);
$fnname = $cv->GV->NAME;
$arg = $at->{ARG};
$shortarg = (defined($arg)?$arg:"_");
$shortarg = "HASH_unnamed" if ( (ref($shortarg) eq "HASH")
&& !defined($shortarg->{NAME}) );
($shortarg,undef) = split(/:|;/,$shortarg,2); # for special long args with delim ;
apptime_getTiming("global","tmr-".$fnname.";".$shortarg, $fn, $tim, $arg); # this can delete a timer and can add a timer
$maxintatdone = $nd if ($maxintatdone < $nd);
$now = gettimeofday();
if(%prioQueues) {
my $nice = minNum(19,keys %prioQueues);
my $entry = shift(@{$prioQueues{$nice}});
delete $prioQueues{$nice} if(!@{$prioQueues{$nice}});
$cv = svref_2object($entry->{fn});
$fnname = $cv->GV->NAME;
$shortarg = (defined($entry->{arg})?$entry->{arg}:"");
$shortarg = "HASH_unnamed" if ( (ref($shortarg) eq "HASH")
&& !defined($shortarg->{NAME}) );
($shortarg,undef) = split(/:|;/,$shortarg,2);
apptime_getTiming("global","nice-".$fnname.";".$shortarg, $entry->{fn}, $now, $entry->{arg});
$nextat = 1 if(%prioQueues);
$now = gettimeofday(); # if some callbacks took longer
$selectTimestamp = $now;
$handleStart = $now - $handleStart;
$minTmrHandleTm = $handleStart if ($minTmrHandleTm > $handleStart);
$maxTmrHandleTm = $handleStart if ($maxTmrHandleTm < $handleStart);
return undef if !$nextat;
return ($now < $nextat) ? ($nextat-$now) : 0;
sub CallFn(@) {
my $d = shift;
my $n = shift;
if(!$d || !$defs{$d}) {
$d = "<undefined>" if(!defined($d));
Log 0, "Strange call for nonexistent $d: $n";
return undef;
if(!$defs{$d}{TYPE}) {
Log 0, "Strange call for typeless $d: $n";
return undef;
my $fn = $modules{$defs{$d}{TYPE}}{$n};
return "" if(!$fn);
my @ret = apptime_getTiming($d,$fn,$fn,0,@_);
if(wantarray){return @ret;}
else {return $ret[0];}
sub apptime_getTiming($$$@) {
my ($e,$fnName,$fn,$tim,@arg) = @_;
my $h;
my $ts1;
if ($apptimeStatus){
if (!$defs{$e}{helper} ||
!$defs{$e}{helper}{bm} ||
!$defs{$e}{helper}{bm}{$fnName} ){
%{$defs{$e}{helper}{bm}{$fnName}} =(max => 0, mAr => "",
cnt => 1, tot => 0,
dmx => -1000, dtotcnt => 0, dtot => 0,
mTS => "");
$h = $defs{$e}{helper}{bm}{$fnName};
$h = $defs{$e}{helper}{bm}{$fnName};
$ts1 = gettimeofday();
if ($tim > 1){
my $td = $ts1-$tim;
$totDly += $td;
$totDly = 0 if(!$totCnt);
$h->{dtot} += $td;
$h->{dtot} = 0 if(!$h->{dtotcnt});
$h->{dmx} = $td if ($h->{dmx} < $td);
no strict "refs";
my @ret = &{$fn}(@arg);
use strict "refs";
if ($apptimeStatus){
$ts1 = gettimeofday()-$ts1;
if ($ts1 && $h->{max} < $ts1){
$h->{max} = $ts1;
$h->{mAr} = @arg?\@arg:undef;
$h->{mTS}= strftime("%d.%m. %H:%M:%S", localtime());
$h->{tot} += $ts1;
$h->{tot} = 0 if(!$h->{cnt});
return @ret;
sub apptime_CommandDispTiming($$@) {
my ($cl,$param) = @_;
my ($sFld,$top,$filter) = split" ",$param;
$sFld = "max" if (!$sFld);
$top = "top" if (!$top);
my %fld = (name=>0,function=>1,max=>2,count=>3,total=>4,average=>5,maxDly=>6,avgDly=>7,cont=>98,pause=>98,clear=>99,timer=>2,nice=>2);
return "$sFld undefined field, use one of ".join(",",sort keys %fld)
if(!defined $fld{$sFld});
my @bmArr;
my @a = map{"$defs{$_}:$_"} keys (%defs); # prepare mapping hash 2 name
$_ =~ s/[HASH\(\)]//g foreach(@a);
if ($sFld eq "pause"){# no further collection of data, clear also
$apptimeStatus = 0;#stop collecting data
elsif ($sFld eq "cont") {# further collection of data, clear also
$apptimeStatus = 1;#continue collecting data
elsif ($sFld eq "timer"){
$sFld = "max";
$filter = defined($filter)?$filter:"";
$filter = "\^tmr-.*".$filter if ($filter !~ /^\^tmr-/);
elsif ($sFld eq "nice") {
$sFld = "max";
$filter = defined($filter)?$filter:"";
$filter = "\^nice-.*".$filter if ($filter !~ /^\^nice-/);
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
next if(!$defs{$d}{helper}||!$defs{$d}{helper}{bm});
if ($sFld eq "clear"){
delete $defs{$d}{helper}{bm};
$totDly = 0;
$totCnt = 0;
$maxintatlen = 0;
$maxintatdone = 0;
elsif ($sFld =~ m/(pause|cont)/){
foreach my $f (sort keys %{$defs{$d}{helper}{bm}}) {
next if(!defined $defs{$d}{helper}{bm}{$f}{cnt} || !$defs{$d}{helper}{bm}{$f}{cnt});
next if($filter && $d !~ m/$filter/ && $f !~ m/$filter/);
my ($n,$t) = ($d,$f);
($n,$t) = split(";",$f,2) if ($d eq "global");
$t = "" if (!defined $t);
my $h = $defs{$d}{helper}{bm}{$f};
my $arg = "";
if ($h->{mAr} && scalar(@{$h->{mAr}})){
foreach my $i (0..scalar(@{$h->{mAr}})){
if(ref(${$h->{mAr}}[$i]) eq 'HASH' and exists(${$h->{mAr}}[$i]->{NAME})){
${$h->{mAr}}[$i] = "HASH(".${$h->{mAr}}[$i]->{NAME}.")";
$arg = join ("; ", map { $_ // "(undef)" } @{$h->{mAr}});
push @bmArr,[($n,$t
return "apptime initialized\n\nUse apptime ".$cmds{"apptime"}{Hlp} if ($maxTmrHandleTm < $minTmrHandleTm);
my $field = $fld{$sFld};
if ($field>1){@bmArr = sort { $b->[$field] <=> $a->[$field] } @bmArr;}
else {@bmArr = sort { $b->[$field] cmp $a->[$field] } @bmArr;}
my $ret = sprintf("active-timers: %d; max-active timers: %d; max-timer-load: %d ",$intatlen,$maxintatlen,$maxintatdone);
$ret .= sprintf("min-tmrHandlingTm: %0.1fms; max-tmrHandlingTm: %0.1fms; totAvgDly: %0.1fms\n",$minTmrHandleTm*1000,$maxTmrHandleTm*1000,($totCnt?$totDly/$totCnt*1000:0));
$ret .= ($apptimeStatus ? "" : "------ apptime PAUSED data collection ----------\n")
.sprintf("\n %-40s %-35s %6s %8s %10s %8s %8s %8s %-15s %s",
"name","function","max","count","total","average","maxDly","avgDly","TS Max call","param Max call");
my $end = ($top && $top eq "top")?40:@bmArr-1;
$end = @bmArr-1 if ($end>@bmArr-1);
$ret .= sprintf("\n %-40s %-35s %6d %8d %10.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %-15s %s",@{$bmArr[$_]})for (0..$end);
return $ret;
=item command
=item summary support to analyse function performance
=item summary_DE Unterst&uuml;tzung bei der Performanceanalyse von Funktionen
=begin html
<a name="apptime"></a>
apptime provides information about application procedure execution time.
It is designed to identify long running jobs causing latency as well as
general high <abbr>CPU</abbr> usage jobs.
No information about <abbr>FHEM</abbr> kernel times and delays will be provided.
Once started, apptime monitors tasks. User may reset counter during operation.
apptime adds about 1% <abbr>CPU</abbr> load in average to <abbr>FHEM</abbr>.
In order to remove apptime, <kbd>shutdown restart</kbd> is necessary.
<kbd>apptime</kbd> is started with the its first call and continously monitor operations.<br>
To unload apptime, <kbd>shutdown restart</kbd> is necessary.<br>
<dt><code><kbd>apptime clear</kbd></code></dt>
Reset all counter and start from zero.
<dt><code><kbd>apptime pause</kbd></code></dt>
Suspend accumulation of data. Data is not cleared.
<dt><code><kbd>apptime cont</kbd></code></dt>
Continue data collection after pause.
<dt><code><kbd>apptime [count|function|average|clear|max|name|total] [all]</kbd></code></dt>
Display a table sorted by the field selected.
<strong><kbd>all</kbd></strong> will display the complete table while by default only the top lines are printed.
Name of the entity executing the procedure.
If it is a function called by InternalTimer the name starts with <var>tmr-</var>.
By then it gives the name of the function to be called.
Procedure name which was executed.
If it is an <var>InternalTimer</var> call it gives its calling parameter.
Longest duration measured for this procedure in <abbr>ms</abbr>.
Number of calls for this procedure.
Accumulated duration of this procedure over all calls monitored.
Average time a call of this procedure takes.
Maximum delay of a timer call to its schedules time.
This column is not relevant for non-timer calls.
<dt><strong>param Max call</strong></dt>
Gives the parameter of the call with the longest duration.
=end html