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# $Id$
# 98_MaxScanner.pm
# The MaxScanner enables FHEM to capture temperature and valve-position of thermostats
# in regular intervals
# This module is written by john.
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# 25.10.15 -
# initial build
# Task-list
# * define minimal Scan-Interval
# * define credit threshold
# * multiple shutters
# * notify for shutter contacts and implicated thermostats
# * check text off/on as desi-Temp
# 06.01.16
# * RestartTimer
# 09.01.16
# * change: using of instead of NotifyFn explicit notify
# * fixed : erreous initial scenario
# * new : get associatedDevices
# * change. scanTemp substitues scnEnabled
# 11.01.16 -
# * change: limit logging, when window open detected
# 13.01.16 -
# * change: FIND, minor changes
# 15.01.16 -
# * fixed : Work- check of external change of desired was incorrect
# 07.03.16 -
# * fixed : startup after initialization of fhem
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw(%defs);
use vars qw($readingFnAttributes);
use vars qw(%attr);
use vars qw(%modules);
my $MaxScanner_Version = " - 07.03.2016";
my $MaxScanner_ModulName = "MaxScanner";
# minimal poll-rate for thermostat in minutes given by firmware
my $MaxScanner_BaseIntervall = 3;
my $MaxScanner_DefaultCreditThreshold = 300;
# attributes for thermostat instance
my $MaxScanner_TXPerMinutes = 32; # transmissions per hour
my $MaxScanner_AttrEnabled = 'scanTemp';
my $MaxScanner_AttrShutterList = 'scnShutterList';
my $MaxScanner_AttrProcessByDesiChange = 'scnProcessByDesiChange';
my $MaxScanner_AttrModeHandling = 'scnModeHandling';
# attributes for module instance
my $MaxScanner_AttrCreditThreshold = 'scnCreditThreshold';
my $MaxScanner_AttrMinInterval = 'scnMinInterval';
# define user defined attributes
my @MaxScanner_AttrForMax = (
#$MaxScanner_AttrEnabled . ':0,1',
$MaxScanner_AttrProcessByDesiChange . ':0,1',
$MaxScanner_AttrModeHandling . ':NOCHANGE,AUTO,MANUAL'
# output format: <module name> <instance-name> <calling sub without prefix>.<line nr> <text>
sub MaxScanner_Log($$$)
my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_;
my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2];
my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3];
my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2];
my $ss = $MaxScanner_ModulName . "_";
$sub =~ s/$ss//;
my $instName =
( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : $MaxScanner_ModulName;
Log3 $hash, $loglevel, "$MaxScanner_ModulName $instName $sub.$xline " . $text;
sub MaxScanner_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = $MaxScanner_ModulName . '_Define';
$hash->{UndefFn} = $MaxScanner_ModulName . '_Undef';
$hash->{SetFn} = $MaxScanner_ModulName . '_Set';
$hash->{GetFn} = $MaxScanner_ModulName . '_Get';
$hash->{AttrFn} = $MaxScanner_ModulName . '_Attr';
$hash->{NotifyFn} = $MaxScanner_ModulName . '_Notify';
$hash->{AttrList} =
. ':150,200,250,300,350,400 '
. $MaxScanner_AttrMinInterval
. ':3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30 '
. 'disable:0,1 '
. $readingFnAttributes;
MaxScanner_Log '', 3, "Init Done with Version $MaxScanner_Version";
sub MaxScanner_RestartTimer($$)
my ( $hash, $seconds ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$seconds = 1 if ( $seconds <= 0 );
my $sdNextScan = gettimeofday() + $seconds;
InternalTimer( $sdNextScan, $MaxScanner_ModulName . '_Timer', $name, 1 );
sub MaxScanner_Define($$$)
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my $name = $a[0];
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "parameters: @a";
if ( @a < 2 )
return 'wrong syntax: define <name> ' . $MaxScanner_ModulName;
# only one scanner instance is allowed
# get the count of instances
my @scanners = keys %{ $modules{$MaxScanner_ModulName}{defptr} };
my $scannerCount = @scanners;
if ($scannerCount > 0)
return 'only one scanner instance is allowed';
$hash->{helper}{thermostats} = ();
$hash->{helper}{initDone} = '';
$hash->{VERSION} = $MaxScanner_Version;
# register modul
$modules{$MaxScanner_ModulName}{defptr}{$name} = $hash;
# create timer
#my $xsub = $MaxScanner_ModulName . "_Timer";
#InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 20, $xsub, $name, 0 );
# MaxScanner_RestartTimer($hash,20);
# MaxScanner_Log $hash, 2, 'timer started';
return undef;
sub MaxScanner_Undef($$)
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash->{NAME} );
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 2, "done";
return undef;
sub MaxScanner_Get($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of associatedDevices:noArg";
my $cmd = lc( $a[1] );
my @carr;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, 'cmd:' . $cmd;
# check the commands
if ( $cmd eq 'associateddevices' )
if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{associatedDevices} ) )
@carr = @{ $hash->{helper}{associatedDevices} };
$ret = join( '<br/>', @carr );
} else
$ret = 'no devices';
return $ret;
sub MaxScanner_Set($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $reINT = '^([\\+,\\-]?\\d+$)'; # int
# standard commands with no parameter
my @cmdPara = ();
my @cmdNoPara = ('run');
my @allCommands = ( @cmdPara, @cmdNoPara );
my $strAllCommands =
join( " ", (@cmdPara) ) . ' ' . join( ":noArg ", @cmdNoPara ) . ':noArg ';
my $usage = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . $strAllCommands;
# we need at least one argument
return $usage if ( @a < 2 );
my $cmd = $a[1];
if ( $cmd eq "?" )
return $usage;
my $value = $a[2];
# is command defined ?
if ( ( grep { /$cmd/ } @allCommands ) <= 0 )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 2, "cmd:$cmd no match for : @allCommands";
return return "unknown command : $cmd";
# need we a parameter ?
my $hits = scalar grep { /$cmd/ } @cmdNoPara;
my $needPara = ( $hits > 0 ) ? '' : 1;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "hits: $hits needPara:$needPara";
# if parameter needed, it must be an integer
return "Value must be an integer"
if ( $needPara && !( $value =~ m/$reINT/ ) );
# command run
if ( $cmd eq "run" )
MaxScanner_Timer($name) if ( $hash->{helper}{initDone} );
return undef;
# handling of notifies
sub MaxScanner_Notify($$$)
my ( $hash, $dev ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $disable = AttrVal( $name, 'disable', '0' );
if ( grep( m/^(INITIALIZED)$/, @{ $dev->{CHANGED} } ) )
MaxScanner_Log( $hash, 4, 'INITIALIZED' );
# no action if not initialized
return if ( !$hash->{helper}{initDone} );
# no action if disabled
return if ( $disable eq '1' );
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
#MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, 'start: '.$devName;
# get associated devices
my @associated = @{ $hash->{helper}{associatedDevices} };
# if not found return
if ( !grep( /^$devName/, @associated ) )
# get the event of the device
my $devReadings = int( @{ $dev->{CHANGED} } );
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, 'is associated: ' . $devName . ' check readings:' . $devReadings;
my $found = '';
my $xevent = '';
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $devReadings ; $i++ )
# <onoff: 0> , <desiredTemperature: 12.0>
$xevent = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
$xevent = '' if ( !defined($xevent) );
#MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, 'check event:<'.$xevent.'>';
if ( $xevent =~ m/^(onoff|desiredTemperature|temperature):.*/ )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, 'matching event:<' . $xevent . '>';
$found = '1';
# return if no matching with intersting properties
return if ( !$found );
# loop over all instances of scanner
foreach my $instName ( sort keys %{ $modules{$MaxScanner_ModulName}{defptr} } )
my $instHash = $defs{$instName};
MaxScanner_Log $instHash, 3, 'will start <' . $instName . '> triggerd by ' . $devName . ' ' . $xevent;
# Gets the summary value of associated shutter contacts
sub MaxScanner_GetShutterValue($)
my ($thermHash) = @_;
my $retval = 0;
# if no shutters exist
if ( !defined( $thermHash->{helper}{shutterContacts} ) )
return $retval;
# get the array
my @shuttersTemp = @{ $thermHash->{helper}{shutterContacts} };
# loop over all shutters
foreach my $shutterName (@shuttersTemp)
my $windowIsOpen = ReadingsVal( $shutterName, "onoff", 0 );
MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 5, $shutterName . ' onoff:' . $windowIsOpen;
if ( $windowIsOpen > 0 )
$retval = 1;
MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 5, 'retval:' . $retval;
return $retval;
# looks for shutterContacts for the given thermostat
sub MaxScanner_ShutterCheck($$)
my ( $modHash, $thermHash ) = @_;
my $thermName = $thermHash->{NAME};
# get the list of associated shutter contacts
my $strShutterNameList = AttrVal( $thermName, $MaxScanner_AttrShutterList, "?" );
if ( $strShutterNameList eq '?' )
MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 5,
$thermName . ': found no definition for ' . $MaxScanner_AttrShutterList . ' got ' . $strShutterNameList;
#MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 5, "found shutter definition list : ".$strShutterNameList;
my @shutters;
my @shuttersTemp = split( /,/, $strShutterNameList );
#MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 5, "shuttersTemp : ".join(',', @shuttersTemp);
# validate each shutter contact
foreach my $shutterName (@shuttersTemp)
#MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 5, 'check shuttersTemp : '.$shutterName;
# ignore empty strings
if ( $shutterName eq '' )
# ignore duplicated names
if ( grep( /^$shutterName/, @shutters ) )
# ignore unknown devices
my $hash = $defs{$shutterName};
if ( !$hash )
MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 4, "unknown device : " . $shutterName;
# device is not a shutter contact
if ( $hash->{type} ne 'ShutterContact' )
MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 2, "device is not a shutter contact : " . $shutterName;
#MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 5, 'accept shuttersTemp : '.$shutterName;
push @shutters, $shutterName;
MaxScanner_Log $thermHash, 4, "accepted following shutters : " . join( ",", @shutters );
$thermHash->{helper}{shutterContacts} = [@shutters];
# looks for MAX components
# called by Run
sub MaxScanner_Find($)
my ($modHash) = @_;
my $modName = $modHash->{NAME};
my $numValidThermos = 0;
my @shutterContacts = ();
#------------------ look for all max-thermostats
$modHash->{helper}{thermostats} = ();
# loop over all max thermostats
foreach my $aaa ( sort keys %{ $modules{MAX}{defptr} } )
my $hash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$aaa};
# type must exist
# it seems, that maxlan environment holds some foreign entries
# see http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,11624.msg390975.html#msg390975
if ( !defined( $hash->{type} ) )
MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 5, 'missing property type for device: ' . $aaa;
# exit if it is not a HeatingThermostat
next if $hash->{type} !~ m/^HeatingThermostat.*/;
# basic properties are reqired
if ( !defined( $hash->{IODev} )
|| !defined( $hash->{NAME} ) )
MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 1, 'missing property IODEV or NAME for device: ' . $aaa;
# name of the max device
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 5, $name . " is HeatingThermostat";
# thermostat must be enabled for the scanner
if ( AttrVal( $name, $MaxScanner_AttrEnabled, '?' ) ne '1' )
MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 5,
$name . ' ' . $MaxScanner_AttrEnabled . ' is not active, therefore this device is ignored';
# MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 5, $name . ' is enabled for scanner';
# check special user attributes, if not exists, create them
my $xattr = AttrVal( $name, 'userattr', '' );
if ( !( $xattr =~ m/$MaxScanner_AttrShutterList/ ) )
# extend user attributes for scanner module
my $scnCommands = $xattr . " " . join( " ", @MaxScanner_AttrForMax );
my $fhemCmd = "attr $name userattr $scnCommands";
MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 4, $name . " initialized userAttributes";
# with keepAuto=1 Scanner cannot cooperate
if ( AttrVal( $name, 'keepAuto', '0' ) ne '0'
&& AttrVal( $name, 'scnProcessByDesiChange', '0' ) eq '0' )
MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 0, $name . 'don\'t use keepAuto in conjunction with changeMode processing !!!';
MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 5, $name . " is accepted";
# check for shutter contacts
MaxScanner_ShutterCheck( $modHash, $hash );
# if there exist shuttercontacts
if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{shutterContacts} ) )
# build sum of all sc's
push( @shutterContacts, @{ $hash->{helper}{shutterContacts} } );
MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 5, "shutterContacts : " . join( ",", @shutterContacts );
# create helper reading or thermostat
$hash->{helper}{NextScan} = int( gettimeofday() )
if ( !defined( $hash->{helper}{NextScan} ) );
# this is needed for sorting later
$modHash->{helper}{thermostats}{$name} = $hash->{helper}{NextScan};
# remove duplicates
my %shutterHash = map { $_ => 1 } @shutterContacts;
@shutterContacts = keys %shutterHash;
# $modHash->{helper}{shutterContacts} = [@shutterContacts];
my @thermos = keys %{ $modHash->{helper}{thermostats} };
my @allAssociatedDevices = ( @shutterContacts, @thermos );
$modHash->{helper}{associatedDevices} = [@allAssociatedDevices];
# return a hash with useful infos relating to weekprofile
sub MaxScanner_WeekProfileInfo($)
my ($name) = @_;
my %result = ();
my $loopCount = 0;
$result{desired} = undef;
# return if ($name ne 'HT.JOHN'); # !!!
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ( !$hash )
return undef;
my %dayNames = (
0 => "Sat",
1 => "Sun",
2 => "Mon",
3 => "Tue",
4 => "Wed",
5 => "Thu",
6 => "Fri"
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, "----- Start ---------";
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime(time);
# determine the current weekday
my $maxWday = $wday + 1;
# 7 equals 0 for max
$maxWday = 0 if ( $maxWday == 7 );
# determine next weekday
my $WdayNext = $maxWday + 1;
$WdayNext = 0 if ( $WdayNext == 7 );
# get the reading names for wanted readings
my $profileTime = "weekprofile-$maxWday-$dayNames{$maxWday}-time";
my $profileTemp = "weekprofile-$maxWday-$dayNames{$maxWday}-temp";
my $profileTempNext = "weekprofile-$WdayNext-$dayNames{$WdayNext}-temp";
# get desired-profile for the current day
# example:weekprofile-0-Sat-temp 20.0 °C / 21.0 °C / 21.0 °C / 21.0 °C / 20.0 °C / 20.0 °C
my $ltemp = ReadingsVal( $name, $profileTemp, '' );
# get profile for the next day
my $ltempNext = ReadingsVal( $name, $profileTempNext, '' );
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, "$profileTemp:$ltemp $profileTempNext:$ltempNext";
# current and next must be defined
if ( !$ltemp || !$ltempNext )
return undef;
# read profileTime
# example: weekprofile-0-Sat-time 00:00-06:00 / 06:00-08:00 / 08:00-16:00 / 16:00-22:00 / 22:00-23:55 / 23:55-00:00
my $lProfileTime = ReadingsVal( $name, $profileTime, '' );
# must be defined
if ( !$lProfileTime )
return undef;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, "$profileTime:$lProfileTime";
# split desired-value via slash
my @tempArr = split( '/', $ltemp );
# the same for the next profile-step
my @tempArrNext = split( '/', $ltempNext );
# prepare array for desired-values
${ result { tempArr } } = ();
# store all desired values of the day to an array
$loopCount = 1;
for my $ss (@tempArr)
# extract temperature by looking for number
my ($xval) = ( $ss =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/ );
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, "desi-Temp No. $loopCount:$xval";
push( @{ $result{tempArr} }, $xval );
# extract first temperature of the next day
my ($xval) = ( $tempArrNext[0] =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/ );
push( @{ $result{tempArr} }, $xval );
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, "temp next day:$xval";
# analyze the time-periods of the profile
#00:00-08:00 / 08:00-22:00 / 22:00-00:00
my @atime = split( '/', $lProfileTime );
# create serial form of current date
my $xDate = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $mday, $mon, $year );
my @t = localtime($xDate);
$xDate = sprintf( "%02d:%02d", $t[2], $t[1] );
# split profile-time using slash as splitter
# and remove supernummery spaces ==> 00:00-23:55 23:55-00:00
my @btime = split( '\s*/\s*', $lProfileTime );
# MaxScanner_Log $hash,5,"profile-time:@atime xDate:$xDate";
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, "profile-time:@btime";
my $curTime = gettimeofday();
my $count = 0;
# prepeare array
@{ $result{timeArr} } = ();
# loop over all time-slots
$result{tempFound} = 0;
for my $ss (@btime)
# extract start-time and stop-time
my ( $a1, $a2 ) = ( $ss =~ /(\d+:\d+)\-(\d+:\d+)/ );
if ( !defined($a2) )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 2, "$name a2 not defined for $ss";
# adjust stop-time when special time 24:00
$a2 = '24:00' if ( $a2 eq "00:00" ); # ende anpassen
# extract hour and minute of stop-time
my ( $xhour, $xmin ) = ( $a2 =~ /(\d+):(\d+)/ );
# create serial date
$xDate = mktime( 0, $xmin, $xhour, $mday, $mon, $year );
# create string form
my $sDate = FmtDateTime($xDate);
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, "stopDate:$sDate segment-count:$count";
# store the stop time to result-container
push( @{ $result{timeArr} }, $xDate );
# if current time > found stop-date
if ( $curTime > $xDate )
{ # mark the last found segment
$result{tempFound} = $count + 1;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, "segment-count:$count found with " . FmtDateTime($xDate);
$count = $count + 1;
# prepare the hash
# stop-time for the current time-slot
$result{nextSwitchDate} = @{ $result{timeArr} }[ $result{tempFound} ];
# desired for the next time slot
$result{nextDesired} = @{ $result{tempArr} }[ $result{tempFound} + 1 ];
# desired for the current time slot
$result{desired} = @{ $result{tempArr} }[ $result{tempFound} ];
# desired must be defined
if ( !defined( $result{desired} ) )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 2, "$name: desired not defined";
return undef;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "tempFound-Idx :" . $result{tempFound};
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "nextSwitchDate:" . FmtDateTime( $result{nextSwitchDate} );
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "desired :" . $result{desired};
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "nextDesired :$result{nextDesired}";
return \%result;
# loop over all thermostats and check what is to do
sub MaxScanner_Work($$$)
my $reUINT = '^([\\+]?\\d+)$'; # uint without whitespaces
my ( $modHash, $thermi_sort, $numWorkIntervall ) = @_;
my $isCul = '';
my $settingDone = ''; # end loop if a set command was performed
my @scan_time;
my $modName = $modHash->{NAME};
my $boolSimulateJohn = '';
# loop the sorted list over enabled thermostats
foreach my $therm (@$thermi_sort)
#MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 3, Dumper($therm);
my $hash = $defs{$therm};
my $sdCurTime = gettimeofday(); #serial date of current date
my $strCurTime = FmtDateTime($sdCurTime);
my $boolDesiChange = AttrVal( $therm, $MaxScanner_AttrProcessByDesiChange, '0' ) eq '1';
my $strModeHandling = uc AttrVal( $therm, $MaxScanner_AttrModeHandling, 'AUTO' );
my $dontChangeMe = '';
#. check timestamp of the reading temperature
my $strTempTime = ReadingsTimestamp( $therm, 'temperature', '' );
if ( $strTempTime eq "" )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 1, '!! READING:temperature is not defined !!';
# get desired timestamp
my $strDesiTime = ReadingsTimestamp( $therm, 'desiredTemperature', '' );
# get next scan serial date
my $sdNextScan = $hash->{helper}{NextScan};
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4,
'ns:' . FmtDateTime($sdNextScan) . ' strDesiTime:' . $strDesiTime . ' Is Mode DesicChange:' . $boolDesiChange;
# convert temperature time into serial format
my $sdTempTime = time_str2num($strTempTime);
# convert desired timestamp into serial format if possible, otherwise use current time
my $sdDesiTime = ($strDesiTime) ? time_str2num($strDesiTime) : gettimeofday();
#. check Cul
my $strCulName;
my $strCreditTime = '';
my $numCulCredits;
my $numDutyCycle = '?';
my $strIOHash = $defs{$therm}{IODev}; # CULMAX0, hash of IO-Devices
my $strIOName = $strIOHash->{NAME};
my $strIOType = $strIOHash->{TYPE}; # CUL_MAX,MAXLAN type des IO-Devices
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, 'TYPE:'.$strIOType.' IOName:'.$strIOName.' simCube:'.$boolSimulateJohn;
# if com-device is a MAXLAN
if ( $strIOType eq "MAXLAN" )
# determine name of IO devices
$strCulName = $strIOName;
# get dutycycle
my $strDutyCycle = ReadingsVal( $strCulName, 'dutycycle', '?' );
# if not a number try to get it via internal value
$strDutyCycle = InternalVal( $strCulName, 'dutycycle', 0 )
if ( $strDutyCycle eq "?" );
# get the timestamp of reading dutycycle
$strCreditTime = ReadingsTimestamp( $strCulName, 'dutycycle', '' );
# take the middle term of ...
my ( $a1, $a2, $a3 ) = ( $strDutyCycle =~ /([\s]*)(\d+)(.*)/ );
if ( defined($a2) )
$numDutyCycle = $a2;
} else
$numDutyCycle = 100;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 2, '!! dutycyle not a number: <' . $strDutyCycle . '>; force to 100';
# transform dutycycle to CulCredits
$numCulCredits = ( 100 - $numDutyCycle ) * 10;
$isCul = '';
# we got a CUL
# determine name of IO devices
$strCulName = $strIOHash->{IODev}{NAME};
# get the credit's timestamp
$strCreditTime = ReadingsTimestamp( $strCulName, 'credit10ms', '' );
# get the credits
$numCulCredits = ReadingsVal( $strCulName, 'credit10ms', 0 );
# force dynamic scanning for CUL
$isCul = '1';
# simulate cube
if ($boolSimulateJohn && $therm eq 'HT.JOHN')
$isCul = '';
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, '!! Simulate cube with HT.JOHN isCul:'.$isCul;
# because cube not knows msgcnt, we fix the timestamp
my $strLastTransmit =
($isCul) ? ReadingsTimestamp( $therm, 'msgcnt', '' ) : FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() - 20 );
# msgcnt must exist
if ( $strLastTransmit eq '' )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 1, '!! Reading:msgcnt is not defined';
# convert timestamp lastTransmit to serial date
my $sdLastTransmit = time_str2num($strLastTransmit);
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4,
"CulName:$strCulName CulCredits:$numCulCredits " . "CreditTime:$strCreditTime dutyCycle:$numDutyCycle";
# somtimes we get "no answer" instead of a number
if ( !( $numCulCredits =~ m/$reUINT/ ) )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 1, '!! credit10ms/dutycycle must be a number';
# creditTime must exist
if ( $strCreditTime eq '' )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 1, '!! READINGS:credit10ms is not defined';
# convert credit time to serial date
my $sdCreditTime = time_str2num($strCreditTime);
# get current desired temperature
my $numDesiTemp = ReadingsVal( $therm, 'desiredTemperature', '' );
if ( $numDesiTemp eq 'on' || $numDesiTemp eq 'off' ) #Hint by MrHeat
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, 'reading desiredTemperature: thermostat is forced on/off. Skipping thermostat';
# desi temp must be a number
elsif ( $numDesiTemp eq '' )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 1, '!! reading desiredTemperature is not available';
# get current mode
my $strMode = ReadingsVal( $therm, 'mode', '' );
# current mode must be defined
if ( $strMode eq "" )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 1, '!! reading mode is not available';
# get weekprofile-Info
my $weekProfile = MaxScanner_WeekProfileInfo($therm);
# must be defined
if ( !defined($weekProfile) )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 1, '!! weekprofile is not available';
# don't change mode if the latency is active; only cul is affected
if ( $sdLastTransmit + 5 >= $sdCurTime && $isCul )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, 'no action due transmission latency';
# get desired of weekprofile
my $normDesiTemp = $weekProfile->{desired};
# get window-open temperature
my $numWinOpenTemp = ReadingsVal( $therm, 'windowOpenTemperature', '-1' );
# get the additional credits calculated from the elapsed time
my $numCreditDiff = ( $sdCurTime - $sdCreditTime );
my $numCreditThreshold = AttrVal( $modName, $MaxScanner_AttrCreditThreshold, $MaxScanner_DefaultCreditThreshold );
# calculate resulting credits
my $numCredit = $numCulCredits + $numCreditDiff;
# limit the result
$numCredit = 900 if ( $numCredit > 900 );
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4,
. $numCulCredits
. ' Credits:'
. int($numCredit)
. ' isCul:'
. $isCul
. ' CreditThreshold:'
. $numCreditThreshold;
# determine next scan time depending on the time of last scan
my $sdNextScanOld = $sdNextScan;
# preset the minimal timestamp:
my $nextPlan = $sdNextScan;
# if dynamic scanning
if ($isCul)
# 17 secs before next scan time
$nextPlan = $sdTempTime + $numWorkIntervall * 60 - 17;
# static scanning (CUBE)
$nextPlan = $sdNextScan + $numWorkIntervall * 60;
# adjust the next scantime until it is in future
$nextPlan = $nextPlan + ( 60 * $MaxScanner_BaseIntervall ) while ( $sdCurTime > $nextPlan );
$sdNextScan = $nextPlan;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, 'ns:' . FmtTime($sdNextScan) . ' nsOld:' . FmtTime($sdNextScanOld);
# basic inits if thermostat if not not already done
if ( !defined( $hash->{helper}{TemperatureTime} ) )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, 'create helpers with ns:' . FmtDateTime($sdNextScan);
$hash->{helper}{TemperatureTime} = $sdTempTime; # timestamp of the last receive of temperature
$hash->{helper}{DesiTime} = $sdDesiTime; # timestamp of the last receive of desired
$hash->{helper}{WinWasOpen} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{TempBeforeWindOpen} = $numDesiTemp;
# $hash->{helper}{LastWasAutoReset} = '';
$hash->{helper}{leadDesiTemp} = ($boolDesiChange) ? $normDesiTemp : $numDesiTemp;
$hash->{helper}{desiredOffset} = ($boolDesiChange) ? $numDesiTemp - $normDesiTemp : 0;
$hash->{helper}{switchDate} = undef;
$hash->{helper}{LastCmdDate} = $sdCurTime;
$hash->{helper}{gotTempTS} = '';
# gather the timestamp for next profile switch
my $switchDate = ( defined($weekProfile) ) ? $weekProfile->{nextSwitchDate} : $sdDesiTime;
# create a helper if not already done
$hash->{helper}{switchDate} = $switchDate
if ( !defined( $hash->{helper}{switchDate} ) );
# if switchDate is changed, then adjust leading desired
if ( $hash->{helper}{switchDate} != $switchDate )
$hash->{helper}{gotTempTS} = '';
$hash->{helper}{switchDate} = $switchDate;
$hash->{helper}{leadDesiTemp} = $normDesiTemp;
$hash->{helper}{TempBeforeWindOpen} = $normDesiTemp; # MrHeat
$hash->{helper}{desiredOffset} = 0;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, "reset leadDesiTemp:" . $hash->{helper}{leadDesiTemp}.' Mode:'.$strMode;
# when triggermode ModeChange and mode is manual, we must switch to auto to force the new setpoint/desired
if ( !$boolDesiChange && ( $strMode eq 'manual' ) && ( $normDesiTemp != $numDesiTemp ) )
my $cmd = "set $therm desiredTemperature auto";
$hash->{helper}{LastCmdDate} = $sdCurTime;
$settingDone = 1;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, "switchTime: <<$cmd>>";
# force wait time for Cube-devices, after switch date is changed
if (! $isCul)
$sdNextScan = $sdCurTime + $numWorkIntervall * 60;
$hash->{helper}{NextScan} = int($sdNextScan);
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, 'forward NextScan for Cube-Devices ns:'.FmtDateTime($sdNextScan);
# now stop further actions with this thermostat, and wait for activation by the weekprofile
# next;
# if mode switch is active, then offset must be 0
if ( !$boolDesiChange && $hash->{helper}{desiredOffset} != 0 )
$hash->{helper}{desiredOffset} = 0;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, 'force desiredOffset to 0';
# determine nextScan for CUL-like devices
if ($isCul)
# if temperature time is younger than old time, then determine nextScan
if ( $sdTempTime != $hash->{helper}{TemperatureTime} )
$hash->{helper}{gotTempTS} = 1;
# remember timerstamp
$hash->{helper}{TemperatureTime} = $sdTempTime;
$hash->{helper}{NextScan} = int($sdNextScan);
$hash->{helper}{NextScanTimestamp} =
FmtDateTime( $hash->{helper}{NextScan} );
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, 'TEMPERATURE received at ' . $strTempTime . ', ==> new ns:' . FmtDateTime($sdNextScan);
# no wait time for cube devices
if ($sdCurTime >= $hash->{helper}{NextScan} && !$hash->{helper}{gotTempTS})
$hash->{helper}{gotTempTS} = 1;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, 'TEMPERATURE received is assumed (Cube)';
# get shutter's state
my $boolWinIsOpenByFK = MaxScanner_GetShutterValue($hash) > 0;
# opened window can also be detected by temperature fall
# Don't change mode, if WindowOpen is recognized by temperature fall
# then desiredTemp=WidowOpenTemp
my $boolWinIsOpenByTempFall = $numDesiTemp == $numWinOpenTemp;
# don't touch the thermostat, if windowOpen is recognized
if ( $boolWinIsOpenByFK || $boolWinIsOpenByTempFall )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3,
'<<stage 1>> no action due open window; desi-temp before window open:' . $hash->{helper}{TempBeforeWindOpen}
if ($hash->{helper}{WinWasOpen} == 0);
$hash->{helper}{WinWasOpen} = 1;
$dontChangeMe = 1;
# window is closed
# now window is closed and it was open before
if ( $hash->{helper}{WinWasOpen} > 0 )
# ----------- <<stage 1>> it was just closed ---------
if ( $hash->{helper}{WinWasOpen} == 1 )
# switch to state 2: we are waiting for desi-temp
$hash->{helper}{WinWasOpen} = 2;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3,
"strMode:$strMode DesiTemp:$numDesiTemp TempBeforeWindOpen:" . $hash->{helper}{TempBeforeWindOpen};
# now set in each case desired temperature,
# we expect desired temperature receive and than procede with scanner
# therefore we will get no problem, even there is a delay by command queue
$numCredit -= 110; # therfore our credit counter must be reduced
my $cmd =
"set $therm desiredTemperature "
. ( $strMode eq 'auto' ? 'auto' : '' ) . ' '
. $hash->{helper}{TempBeforeWindOpen}; #MrHeat
$hash->{helper}{LastCmdDate} = $sdCurTime;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, '<<stage 2>>due window is closed: ' . $cmd;
$hash->{helper}{DesiTime} = $sdDesiTime; # remember timestamp of desiTemp
# no further action after changing desired
# abort, due we waiting for feedback of desiTemp
# -------- <<stage 2 >> we are waiting for desitemp -----------------
elsif ( $hash->{helper}{WinWasOpen} == 2 )
# forward to next step only, if timestamp of desiredTemp is changed
if ( $hash->{helper}{DesiTime} == $sdDesiTime )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3,
'<<stage 3>> received new desiredTemperature after opened window: continue scanning now';
# window open statemachine closed
$hash->{helper}{WinWasOpen} = 0;
} else
# <<stage 0>> ----------------- window is closed and was closed before
# only notice, if after window was closed desiTemp is received.
$hash->{helper}{TempBeforeWindOpen} = $numDesiTemp;
# calculate expected desiTemp
my $expectedDesiTemp = $hash->{helper}{leadDesiTemp} + $hash->{helper}{desiredOffset};
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4,
"numDesiTemp:$numDesiTemp expectedDesiTemp:$expectedDesiTemp leadDesiTemp:" . $hash->{helper}{leadDesiTemp};
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "normDesiTemp:$normDesiTemp desiredOffset:" . $hash->{helper}{desiredOffset};
# if the expected value does not match, than desired was changed outside
# but when CUL than only, if we got temperature after a desired change by w-profile
if ( $expectedDesiTemp != $numDesiTemp && $hash->{helper}{gotTempTS} )
$hash->{helper}{leadDesiTemp} = $numDesiTemp;
$hash->{helper}{desiredOffset} = 0;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, "change leadDesiTemp due manipulation:" . $hash->{helper}{leadDesiTemp};
# if mode equals boost, the don't change anything
if ( $strMode eq 'boost' )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, 'no action due boost';
$dontChangeMe = 1;
# if we perform modeChange and are in auto mode and next scan is near to the profile switch date
# then do not perform switch, because the profile should change the desired just in time
if (!$boolDesiChange
&& $strMode eq 'auto'
&& $sdNextScan >= $weekProfile->{nextSwitchDate} - 60 )
if ($isCul)
$hash->{helper}{NextScan} = $weekProfile->{nextSwitchDate} + 60;
else {
$hash->{helper}{NextScan} = $weekProfile->{nextSwitchDate} + 60*3+10;
my $ss = FmtDateTime( $hash->{helper}{NextScan} );
$hash->{helper}{NextScanTimestamp} = $ss;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, 'no action due soon a week-profile switch point is reached ns:' . $ss;
$dontChangeMe = 1;
# next; # !!!
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "Trigger Mode Desi-Change:$boolDesiChange ";
# if scan time is exceeded and no other setting was done,
# we check to trigger the thermostat
if ( !$dontChangeMe
&& !$settingDone
&& ( $sdCurTime >= $hash->{helper}{NextScan} ) )
# in each case store NextScan, this is the preliminary scan time,
# if there are not enough credits
# if we can transmit, the timestamp for NextScan will be again set ,
# after receiving of temperature
$hash->{helper}{NextScan} = int($sdNextScan);
# if we got enough credits, so we can trigger the thermostat
if ( $numCredit >= $numCreditThreshold )
# the estimated reduction of credits after execution of a trigger
$numCredit -= 110;
my $cmd;
my $leadDesiTemp = $hash->{helper}{leadDesiTemp};
my $desiOffset = $hash->{helper}{desiredOffset};
# trigger thermostat by changing the desired temperature
if ($boolDesiChange)
# perform trigger with offest and determin it
if ( $desiOffset == 0 )
# calc the difference between current and desired temperature
my $currentTemp = ReadingsVal( $therm, 'temperature', $normDesiTemp );
my $diff = $normDesiTemp - $currentTemp;
# calc the offset
if ( $diff >= 0 ) # soll > ist
$desiOffset = 0.5;
} else
{ # soll < ist
$desiOffset = -0.5;
# perform trigger without offset
# force to zero
$desiOffset = 0;
# calc the target desi temp
my $newTemp = $leadDesiTemp + $desiOffset;
# use current mode for default
my $setMode = ( $strMode eq 'manual' ) ? '' : 'auto';
if ( $strModeHandling eq 'AUTO' )
$setMode = 'auto';
} elsif ( $strModeHandling eq 'MANUAL' )
$setMode = '';
$cmd = "set $therm desiredTemperature $setMode $newTemp";
# trigger thermostat by changing of mode
my $modeCommand = ( $strMode eq 'manual' ) ? 'auto' : '';
$cmd = "set $therm desiredTemperature " . $modeCommand . " $leadDesiTemp";
# MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, 'cmd:'.$cmd.' modeCommand:'.$modeCommand.' strMode:'.$strMode
# exec command, at least 180 seconds after last command send
if ( $sdCurTime > $hash->{helper}{LastCmdDate} + 180 )
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, "<<$cmd>>";
$hash->{helper}{LastCmdDate} = $sdCurTime;
$hash->{helper}{desiredOffset} = $desiOffset;
# mark execution of a command, to shortcut the loop later
$settingDone = 1;
} else
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, ' Wait at least 180 sec . after last command';
# if we are using CUL, then dynamic scanning
if ($isCul)
$hash->{helper}{NextScan} = int( $sdCurTime + 60 );
} else # if CUBE
$hash->{helper}{NextScan} = int( $sdCurTime + $numWorkIntervall * 60 );
# there are to less credits or other preventing reasons, so we have to wait
# determine the waiting time
my $numDiffCredit = $numCreditThreshold - $numCredit;
my $numDiffTime = 0;
# the waiting time must be greater then the needed credits
# and must be a multiple of the baseinterval
while ( $numDiffCredit > $numDiffTime )
$numDiffTime += ( 60 * $MaxScanner_BaseIntervall );
# adjust, so the check is called, before the calculated scan time is running out
$sdNextScan += $numDiffTime - ( 60 * $MaxScanner_BaseIntervall );
$hash->{helper}{NextScan} = int($sdNextScan);
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3,
' not enough credits( '
. int($numCredit)
. ' ) need '
. int($numDiffCredit)
. "/$numDiffTime ns:"
. FmtDateTime($sdNextScan);
# move the timestamp of all thermostats, which follows on the current this ensures the round robin rule
foreach my $thAdjust (@$thermi_sort)
# if the timestamp is younger then the timestamp of the current thermostat, move it
if ( $defs{$thAdjust}{helper}{NextScan} < $hash->{helper}{NextScan} )
# adjust the timestamp
$defs{$thAdjust}{helper}{NextScan} += int($numDiffTime);
# string representation of nextScan
my $ss = FmtDateTime( $defs{$thAdjust}{helper}{NextScan} );
$defs{$thAdjust}{helper}{NextScanTimestamp} = $ss;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, "adjust $thAdjust to $ss";
# nothing is to do, so we wait
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, ' WAITING ... ns : ' . FmtTime( $hash->{helper}{NextScan} );
# store NextScan in an array, for optimized timer setup
push( @scan_time, $hash->{helper}{NextScan} );
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 5, '++++++++ ';
# foreach thermostat
# calculate the value for the timer
# sort the trigger times of the thermostats
my @scan_time_sort = sort @scan_time;
# minimal time difference
my $numDiffTime = 5;
my $numCurTime = int( gettimeofday() );
# if we got at least one thermostat
if ( @scan_time_sort >= 1 )
# use the scanTime with the smallest value
my $diff = $scan_time_sort[0] - $numCurTime;
# minimal difference
$diff = 2 if ( $diff < 2 );
if ( $diff > 2 )
$numDiffTime = int($diff);
MaxScanner_Log $modHash, 3, ' next scan in seconds : ' . $numDiffTime;
# return the waiting time in seconds
return $numDiffTime;
sub MaxScanner_Run($)
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $reUINT = '^([\\+]?\\d+)$';
my $numValidThermos = 0;
my $nn = $MaxScanner_BaseIntervall;
my $numMinInterval = ( AttrVal( $name, 'scnMinInterval', $nn ) =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : $nn;
my $retVal = 5;
# loop forever
while (1)
# find all thermostats
my $thermos = $hash->{helper}{thermostats};
if ( !$hash->{helper}{initDone} )
$hash->{helper}{initDone} = 1;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "init done";
# sort the thermostats concering the nextScan timestamp
my @thermi_sort = sort { $thermos->{$a} <=> $thermos->{$b} } keys %{$thermos};
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "found " . scalar(@thermi_sort) . " thermostats";
# number of valid thermostats
$numValidThermos = scalar(@thermi_sort);
# stop, if we got no thermostat
last if ( $numValidThermos <= 0 );
# a maximum of 32 thermostats is allowed
$numValidThermos = $MaxScanner_TXPerMinutes if ( $numValidThermos > $MaxScanner_TXPerMinutes );
# calculate the optimal scan interval
my $numWorkIntervall = int( 60 / int( $MaxScanner_TXPerMinutes / $numValidThermos ) );
$numWorkIntervall = $numMinInterval if ( $numWorkIntervall < $numMinInterval );
# adjust the intervall, so it is a multiple of the BaseIntervall
$numWorkIntervall += ( $MaxScanner_BaseIntervall - ( $numWorkIntervall % $MaxScanner_BaseIntervall ) )
if ( $numWorkIntervall % $MaxScanner_BaseIntervall != 0 );
$hash->{helper}{workInterval} = $numWorkIntervall;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "optimal scan intervall:$numWorkIntervall";
$retVal = MaxScanner_Work( $hash, \@thermi_sort, $numWorkIntervall );
# exit loop
return $retVal;
# called by internal timer
sub MaxScanner_Timer($)
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $re01 = '^([0,1])$'; # only 0,1
my $stateStr = "processing";
my $numValidThermos = 0;
my $isDisabled = ( AttrVal( $name, 'disable', 0 ) =~ m/$re01/ ) ? $1 : '';
my $numDiffTime = 5;
my $sdNextScan;
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 3, '------------started ---------------- instance:' . $name;
# loop
while (1)
# no further action if disabled
if ($isDisabled)
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, "is disabled";
$stateStr = "disabled";
# remove the timer of the script version
# call runner
$numDiffTime = MaxScanner_Run($name);
# update state
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', $stateStr, 0 );
MaxScanner_RestartTimer( $hash, $numDiffTime );
$sdNextScan = gettimeofday() + $numDiffTime;
$hash->{helper}{nextWorkTime} = FmtDateTime($sdNextScan);
# attribute handling
sub MaxScanner_Attr($$$$)
my ( $command, $name, $attribute, $value ) = @_;
my $msg = undef;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $reUINT = '^([\\+]?\\d+)$';
MaxScanner_Log $hash, 4, 'name:' . $name . ' attribute:' . $attribute . ' value:' . $value . ' command:' . $command;
if ( $attribute eq 'disable' )
# call timer delayed
MaxScanner_RestartTimer( $hash, 1 ) if ( $hash->{helper}{initDone} );
#. threshold
elsif ( $attribute eq $MaxScanner_AttrCreditThreshold )
my $isInt = ( $value =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : '';
if ( !$isInt )
$msg = 'value must be a number:' . $value;
return $msg;
if ( $value < 150 || $value > 600 )
$msg = 'value out of range [150..600] ' . $value;
return $msg;
#. scnMinInterval
elsif ( $attribute eq $MaxScanner_AttrMinInterval )
my $isInt = ( $value =~ m/$reUINT/ ) ? $1 : '';
if ( !$isInt )
$msg = 'value must be a number:' . $value;
return $msg;
if ( $value < 3 || $value > 60 )
$msg = 'value out of range [3..60] ' . $value;
return $msg;
return $msg;
=begin html
<a name="MaxScanner"></a>
<p>The MaxScanner-Module enables FHEM to capture temperature and valve-position of thermostats in regular intervals. <p/>
<a name="MaxScannerdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> MaxScanner </code>
<a name="MaxScannerset"></a>
<code>set <name> run</code>
Runs the scanner loop immediately. (Is usually done by timer)
<a name="MaxScannerget"></a>
<code>get <name> associatedDevices</code><br/><br/>
<ul>Gets the asscociated devices (thermostats, shutterContacts)</ul><br/>
<a name="MaxScannerattr"></a>
<b>Attributes for the Scanner-Device</b><br/><br/>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<li><p><b>disable</b><br/>When value=1, then the scanner device is disabled; possible values: 0,1; default: 0</p></li>
<li><p><b>scnCreditThreshold</b><br/>the minimum value of available credits; when lower, the scanner will remain inactive; possible values: 150..600; default: 300</p></li>
<li><p><b>scnMinInterval</b><br/>scan interval in minutes, when the calculated interval is lower,
then scnMinintervall will be used instead;possible values: 3..60; default: 3</p></li>
<a name="MaxScannerthermoattr"></a>
<b>User-Attributes for the Thermostat-Device</b><br/>
<li><p><b>scanTemp</b><br/>When value=1, then scanner will use the thermostat; possible values: 0,1; default: 0</p></li>
<li><p><b>scnProcessByDesiChange</b><br/>When value=1, then scanner will use method "desired change" instead of "mode change"; possible values: 0,1; default: 0</p></li>
<li><p><b>scnModeHandling</b><br/>When scnProcessByDesiChange is active, this attribute select the way of handling the mode of the thermostat; possible values: [NOCHANGE,AUTO,MANUAL];default: AUTO</p></li>
<li><p><b>scnShutterList</b><br/>comma-separated list of shutterContacts associated with the thermostat</p></li>
<b>Additional information</b><br/><br/>
<li><a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,11624.0.html">Discussion in FHEM forum</a></li><br/>
<li><a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/MAX!_Temperatur-Scanner">WIKI information in FHEM Wiki</a></li><br/>
=end html
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