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mahowi 1de61c55a3 59_WUup: handle version via Meta
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21699 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2020-04-16 07:40:18 +00:00

626 lines
21 KiB

# $Id$
# 59_WUup.pm
# Copyright: mahowi
# e-mail: mahowi@gmx.net
# Based on 55_weco.pm by betateilchen
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package FHEM::WUup; ## no critic ( RequireFilenameMatchesPackage )
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use UConv;
use FHEM::Meta;
use GPUtils qw(GP_Import GP_Export);
## Import der FHEM Funktionen
#-- Run before package compilation
# Import from main context
qw( attr
RemoveInternalTimer )
#-- Export to main context with different name
GP_Export(qw( Initialize ));
# Main routines
sub Initialize {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = \&Define;
$hash->{UndefFn} = \&Undef;
$hash->{SetFn} = \&Set;
$hash->{AttrFn} = \&Attr;
$hash->{AttrList} =
'disable:1,0 '
. 'disabledForIntervals '
. 'interval '
. 'unit_windspeed:km/h,m/s '
. 'unit_solarradiation:W/m²,lux '
. 'round '
. 'wubaromin wudailyrainin wudewptf wuhumidity wurainin '
. 'wusoilmoisture wusoiltempf wusolarradiation wutempf wuUV '
. 'wuwinddir wuwinddir_avg2m wuwindgustdir wuwindgustdir_10m '
. 'wuwindgustmph wuwindgustmph_10m wuwindspdmph_avg2m wuwindspeedmph '
. 'wuAqPM2.5 wuAqPM10 '
. $readingFnAttributes;
return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash );
sub Define {
my $hash = shift;
my $def = shift;
return $@ unless ( FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash) );
## no critic ( ProhibitComplexVersion )
use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->new( FHEM::Meta::Get( $hash, 'version' ) )->normal;
## use critic
my @param = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
return q{syntax: define <name> WUup <stationID> <password>}
if ( int(@param) != 4 );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{VERSION} = $VERSION;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 300;
$hash->{helper}{stationid} = $param[2];
$hash->{helper}{password} = $param[3];
$hash->{helper}{softwaretype} = 'FHEM';
$hash->{helper}{url} =
$hash->{helper}{url_rf} =
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'defined', 1 );
? &stateRequestTimer($hash)
: InternalTimer( gettimeofday(), \&stateRequestTimer, $hash, 0 );
Log3( $name, 3, qq{WUup ($name): defined} );
sub Undef {
my $hash = shift;
sub Set {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $cmd = shift // return qq{set $name needs at least one argument};
return &stateRequestTimer($hash) if ( $cmd eq 'update' );
return qq{Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of update:noArg};
sub Attr {
my $cmd = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $attrName = shift;
my $attrVal = shift;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ( $attrName eq 'disable' ) {
if ( $cmd eq 'set' and $attrVal == 1 ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'disabled', 1 );
Log3( $name, 3, qq{WUup ($name) - disabled} );
elsif ( $cmd eq 'del' ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'active', 1 );
Log3( $name, 3, qq{WUup ($name) - enabled} );
if ( $attrName eq 'disabledForIntervals' ) {
if ( $cmd eq 'set' ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'unknown', 1 );
Log3( $name, 3, qq{WUup ($name) - disabledForIntervals} );
elsif ( $cmd eq 'del' ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'active', 1 );
Log3( $name, 3, qq{WUup ($name) - enabled} );
if ( $attrName eq 'interval' ) {
if ( $cmd eq 'set' ) {
if ( $attrVal < 3 ) {
Log3( $name, 1,
qq{WUup ($name) - interval too small, please use something >= 3 (sec), default is 300 (sec).}
qq{interval too small, please use something >= 3 (sec), default is 300 (sec)};
else {
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $attrVal;
Log3( $name, 4, qq{WUup ($name) - set interval to $attrVal} );
elsif ( $cmd eq 'del' ) {
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 300;
Log3( $name, 4, qq{WUup ($name) - set interval to default} );
sub stateRequestTimer {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( !IsDisabled($name) ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'active', 1 )
if (
( ReadingsVal( $name, 'state', 0 ) eq 'defined'
or ReadingsVal( $name, 'state', 0 ) eq 'disabled'
or ReadingsVal( $name, 'state', 0 ) eq 'Unknown'
else {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'disabled', 1 );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $hash->{INTERVAL},
\&stateRequestTimer, $hash, 1 );
Log3( $name, 5,
qq{Sub stateRequestTimer ($name) - Request Timer is called} );
sub sendtowu {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ver = $hash->{VERSION};
my $url = $hash->{INTERVAL} < 300
? $hash->{helper}{url_rf}
: $hash->{helper}{url};
$url .= "?ID=$hash->{helper}{stationid}";
$url .= "&PASSWORD=$hash->{helper}{password}";
my $datestring = strftime "%F+%T", gmtime;
$datestring =~ s{:}{%3A}gxms;
$url .= "&dateutc=$datestring";
my ( $data, $d, $r, $o );
my $a = $attr{$name};
my $unit_windspeed = AttrVal( $name, 'unit_windspeed', 'km/h' );
my $unit_solarradiation = AttrVal( $name, 'unit_solarradiation', 'lux' );
my $rnd = AttrVal( $name, 'round', 4 );
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%$a) ) {
next if substr( $key, 0, 2 ) ne 'wu';
$key = substr( $key, 2, length($key) - 2 );
( $d, $r, $o ) = split( ":", $value );
if ( defined($r) ) {
$o //= 0;
$value = ReadingsVal( $d, $r, 0 ) + $o;
my $mph_metric =
$key =~ m{\w+mph [^\n]*}xms && $unit_windspeed eq 'm/s';
my $lux_radiation =
$key eq 'solarradiation' && $unit_solarradiation eq 'lux';
$value = $key =~ m{\w+f \z}xms ? UConv::c2f( $value, $rnd )
: $key =~ m{\w+mph [^\n]*}xms ? UConv::kph2mph( $value, $rnd )
: $key eq 'baromin' ? UConv::hpa2inhg( $value, $rnd )
: $key =~ m{rainin \z}xms ? UConv::mm2in( $value, $rnd )
: $mph_metric ? UConv::kph2mph( ( UConv::mps2kph( $value, $rnd ) ), $rnd )
: $lux_radiation ? UConv::lux2wpsm( $value, $rnd )
: $value;
$data .= "&$key=$value";
if ( defined($data) ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'data', $data );
Log3( $name, 4, qq{WUup ($name) - data sent: $data} );
$url .= $data;
$url .= "&softwaretype=$hash->{helper}{softwaretype}";
$url .= '&action=updateraw';
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} < 300 ) {
$url .= "&realtime=1&rtfreq=$hash->{INTERVAL}";
my $param = {
url => $url,
timeout => 6,
hash => $hash,
method => 'GET',
header => "agent: FHEM-WUup/$ver\r\nUser-Agent: FHEM-WUup/$ver",
callback => \&receive
Log3( $name, 5, qq{WUup ($name) - full URL: $url} );
else {
CommandDeleteReading( undef, "$name data" );
CommandDeleteReading( undef, "$name response" );
Log3( $name, 3, qq{WUup ($name) - no data} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'defined' );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
sub receive {
my $param = shift;
my $err = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( $err ne q{} ) {
Log3( $name, 3,
qq{WUup ($name) - error while requesting $param->{url} - $err} );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'ERROR', undef );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'response', $err, undef );
elsif ( $data ne q{} ) {
Log3( $name, 4, qq{WUup ($name) - server response: $data} );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'active', undef );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'response', $data, undef );
# Documentation
=encoding utf8
=item helper
=item summary sends weather data to Weather Underground
=item summary_DE sendet Wetterdaten zu Weather Underground
=begin html
<a name="WUup" id="WUup"></a>
<a name="WUupdefine" id="WUupdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; WUup &lt;stationId&gt; &lt;password&gt;</code>
This module provides connection to
<a href="https://www.wunderground.com">www.wunderground.com</a></br>
to send data from your own weather station.<br/>
<a name="WUupset" id="WUupset"></a>
<li><b>update</b> - send data to Weather Underground</li>
<a name="WUupget" id="WUupget"></a>
- not implemented -<br/>
<a name="WUupattr" id="WUupattr"></a>
<li><b><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></b></li>
<li><b>interval</b> - Interval (seconds) to send data to
Will be adjusted to 300 (which is the default) if set to a value lower than 3.<br />
If lower than 300, RapidFire mode will be used.</li>
<li><b>disable</b> - disables the module</li>
<li><b><a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></b></li>
<li><b>unit_windspeed</b> - change the units of your windspeed readings (m/s or km/h)</li>
<li><b>unit_solarradiation</b> - change the units of your solarradiation readings (lux or W/m²)</li>
<li><b>round</b> - round values to this number of decimals for calculation (default 4)</li>
<li><b>wu....</b> - Attribute name corresponding to
<a href="https://feedback.weather.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2924682-pws-upload-protocol?b_id=17298">parameter name from api.</a>
Each of these attributes contains information about weather data to be sent
in format <code>sensorName:readingName</code><br/>
Example: <code>attr WUup wutempf outside:temperature</code> will
define the attribute wutempf and <br/>
reading "temperature" from device "outside" will be sent to
network as parameter "tempf" (which indicates current temperature)
Units get converted to angloamerican system automatically
(°C -> °F; km/h(m/s) -> mph; mm -> in; hPa -> inHg)<br/><br/>
<u>The following information is supported:</u>
<li>winddir - instantaneous wind direction (0-360) [°]</li>
<li>windspeedmph - instantaneous wind speed ·[mph]</li>
<li>windgustmph - current wind gust, using software specific time period [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir - current wind direction, using software specific time period [°]</li>
<li>windspdmph_avg2m - 2 minute average wind speed [mph]</li>
<li>winddir_avg2m - 2 minute average wind direction [°]</li>
<li>windgustmph_10m - past 10 minutes wind gust [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir_10m - past 10 minutes wind gust direction [°]</li>
<li>humidity - outdoor humidity (0-100) [%]</li>
<li>dewptf- outdoor dewpoint [°F]</li>
<li>tempf - outdoor temperature [°F]</li>
<li>rainin - rain over the past hour -- the accumulated rainfall in the past 60 min [in]</li>
<li>dailyrainin - rain so far today in local time [in]</li>
<li>baromin - barometric pressure [inHg]</li>
<li>soiltempf - soil temperature [°F]</li>
<li>soilmoisture - soil moisture [%]</li>
<li>solarradiation - solar radiation[W/m²]</li>
<li>UV - [index]</li>
<li>AqPM2.5 - PM2.5 mass [µg/m³]</li>
<li>AqPM10 - PM10 mass [µg/m³]</li>
<li><b>data</b> - data string transmitted to www.wunderground.com</li>
<li><b>response</b> - response string received from server</li>
<li>Find complete api description
<a href="https://feedback.weather.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2924682-pws-upload-protocol?b_id=17298">here</a></li>
<li>Have fun!</li><br/>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="WUup" id="WUup"></a>
<a name="WUupdefine" id="WUupdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; WUup &lt;stationId&gt; &lt;password&gt;</code>
Dieses Modul stellt eine Verbindung zu <a href="https://www.wunderground.com">www.wunderground.com</a></br>
her, um Daten einer eigenen Wetterstation zu versenden..<br/>
<a name="WUupset" id="WUupset"></a>
<li><b>update</b> - sende Daten an Weather Underground</li>
<a name="WUupget" id="WUupget"></a>
- keine -<br/>
<a name="WUupattr" id="WUupattr"></a>
<li><b><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></b></li>
<li><b>interval</b> - Sendeinterval in Sekunden. Wird auf 300 (Default-Wert)
eingestellt, wenn der Wert kleiner als 3 ist.<br />
Wenn der Wert kleiner als 300 ist, wird der RapidFire Modus verwendet.</li>
<li><b>disable</b> - deaktiviert das Modul</li>
<li><b><a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></b></li>
<li><b>unit_windspeed</b> - gibt die Einheit der Readings für die
Windgeschwindigkeiten an (m/s oder km/h)</li>
<li><b>unit_solarradiation</b> - gibt die Einheit der Readings für die
Sonneneinstrahlung an (lux oder W/m²)</li>
<li><b>round</b> - Anzahl der Nachkommastellen zur Berechnung (Standard 4)</li>
<li><b>wu....</b> - Attributname entsprechend dem
<a href="https://feedback.weather.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2924682-pws-upload-protocol?b_id=17298">Parameternamen aus der API.</a><br />
Jedes dieser Attribute enthält Informationen über zu sendende Wetterdaten
im Format <code>sensorName:readingName</code>.<br/>
Beispiel: <code>attr WUup wutempf outside:temperature</code> definiert
das Attribut wutempf und sendet das Reading "temperature" vom Gerät "outside" als Parameter "tempf"
(welches die aktuelle Temperatur angibt).
<br />
Einheiten werden automatisch ins anglo-amerikanische System umgerechnet.
(°C -> °;F; km/h(m/s) -> mph; mm -> in; hPa -> inHg)<br/><br/>
<u>Unterstützte Angaben</u>
<li>winddir - momentane Windrichtung (0-360) [°]</li>
<li>windspeedmph - momentane Windgeschwindigkeit [mph]</li>
<li>windgustmph - aktuelle Böe, mit Software-spezifischem Zeitraum [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir - aktuelle Böenrichtung, mit Software-spezifischer Zeitraum [°]</li>
<li>windspdmph_avg2m - durchschnittliche Windgeschwindigkeit innerhalb 2 Minuten [mph]</li>
<li>winddir_avg2m - durchschnittliche Windrichtung innerhalb 2 Minuten [°]</li>
<li>windgustmph_10m - Böen der vergangenen 10 Minuten [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir_10m - Richtung der Böen der letzten 10 Minuten [°]</li>
<li>humidity - Luftfeuchtigkeit im Freien (0-100) [%]</li>
<li>dewptf- Taupunkt im Freien [°F]</li>
<li>tempf - Außentemperatur [°F]</li>
<li>rainin - Regen in der vergangenen Stunde [in]</li>
<li>dailyrainin - Regenmenge bisher heute [in]</li>
<li>baromin - barometrischer Druck [inHg]</li>
<li>soiltempf - Bodentemperatur [°F]</li>
<li>soilmoisture - Bodenfeuchtigkeit [%]</li>
<li>solarradiation - Sonneneinstrahlung [W/m²]</li>
<li>UV - [Index]</li>
<li>AqPM2.5 - Feinstaub PM2,5 [µg/m³]</li>
<li>AqPM10 - Feinstaub PM10 [µg/m³]</li>
<li><b>data</b> - Daten, die zu www.wunderground.com gesendet werden</li>
<li><b>response</b> - Antwort, die vom Server empfangen wird</li>
<li>Die komplette API-Beschreibung findet sich
<a href="https://feedback.weather.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2924682-pws-upload-protocol?b_id=17298">hier</a></li>
<li>Viel Spaß!</li><br/>
=end html_DE
=for :application/json;q=META.json 59_WUup.pm
"abstract": "sends weather data to Weather Underground",
"description": "This module provides connection to Weather Underground to send data from your own weather station.",
"x_lang": {
"de": {
"abstract": "sendet Wetterdaten zu Weather Underground",
"description": "Dieses Modul stellt eine Verbindung zu Weather Underground her, um Daten einer eigenen Wetterstation zu versenden"
"license": [
"version": "v0.10.1",
"release_status": "stable",
"author": [
"Manfred Winter <mahowi@gmail.com>"
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
"keywords": [
"prereqs": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"FHEM": 0,
"FHEM::Meta": 0,
"UConv": 0,
"POSIX": 0,
"Time::HiRes": 0,
"perl": 5.010
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"resources": {
"x_wiki" : {
"title" : "Wetter und Wettervorhersagen - Eigene Wetterdaten hochladen",
"web" : "https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Wetter_und_Wettervorhersagen#Eigene_Wetterdaten_hochladen"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/fhem/WUup.git",
"web": "https://github.com/mahowi/WUup/blob/master/FHEM/59_WUup.pm",
"x_branch": "master",
"x_filepath": "FHEM/",
"x_raw": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mahowi/WUup/master/FHEM/59_WUup.pm"
"x_support_status": "supported"
=end :application/json;q=META.json