mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:06:37 +00:00
1061 lines
32 KiB
1061 lines
32 KiB
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Color;
use JSON;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::File;
use IO::Handle;
use Data::Dumper;
use constant { getDevices => '13', # 19
getGroups => '1E', # 30
addToGroup => '20', # 32
removeFromGroup => '21', # 33
getGroupInfo => '26', # 38
setGroupName => '27', # 39
setName => '28', # 40
setDim => '31', # 49
setOnOff => '32', # 50
setCT => '33', # 51
setRGB => '36', # 54
setPhysical => '38',
goToScene => '52', # 82
getStatus => '68', # 104
setSoftOn => 'DB', # -37
setSoftOff => 'DC', # -36
switch => 0x1,
ctdimmer => 0x2,
dimmer => 0x4,
colordimmer => 0x8,
extcolordimmer => 0x10,
motiondetector => 0x20,
pushbuton => 0x41,
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{ReadFn} = "LIGHTIFY_Read";
$hash->{WriteFn} = "LIGHTIFY_Write";
$hash->{Clients} = ":HUEDevice:";
$hash->{DefFn} = "LIGHTIFY_Define";
$hash->{RenameFn} = "LIGHTIFY_Rename";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "LIGHTIFY_Notify";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "LIGHTIFY_Undefine";
$hash->{SetFn} = "LIGHTIFY_Set";
#$hash->{GetFn} = "LIGHTIFY_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "LIGHTIFY_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1,0 disabledForIntervals pollDevices:1";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> LIGHTIFY host" if(@a < 3);
my $name = $a[0];
my $host = $a[2];
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{Host} = $host;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 60;
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
if( $init_done ) {
} elsif( $hash->{STATE} ne "???" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'initialized', 1 );
$attr{$name}{pollDevices} = 1;
return undef;
my ($new,$old) = @_;
foreach my $chash ( values %{$modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}} ) {
next if( !$chash->{IODev} );
next if( $chash->{IODev}{NAME} ne $new );
HUEDevice_IODevChanged($chash, $old, $new);
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
return if($dev->{NAME} ne "global");
return if(!grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}));
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if( IsDisabled($name) > 0 );
$hash->{MSG_NR} = 0;
my @send_queue = ();
$hash->{SEND_QUEUE} = \@send_queue;
$hash->{UNCONFIRMED} = 0;
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $hash->{Host},
PeerPort => 4000, #AttrVal($name, "port", 4000),
Timeout => 4,
if($socket) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'connected', 1 );
$hash->{LAST_CONNECT} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() );
$hash->{FD} = $socket->fileno();
$hash->{CD} = $socket; # sysread / close won't work on fileno
$selectlist{$name} = $hash;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: connected to $hash->{Host}";
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getDevices ." 00 00 00 00 01" );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getGroups ." 00 00 00 00 00" );
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: failed to connect to $hash->{Host}";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "LIGHTIFY_Connect", $hash, 0);
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if( !$hash->{CD} );
close($hash->{CD}) if($hash->{CD});
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'disconnected', 1 );
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Disconnected";
$hash->{LAST_DISCONNECT} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() );
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
my ($hash, $flag, $hex, $force) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if( IsDisabled($name) > 0 );
return "not connected" if( !$hash->{CD} );
if( !$force && $hash->{UNCONFIRMED} ) {
for(my $i = int(@{$hash->{SEND_QUEUE}}); $i >= 0; --$i) {
my $a = $hash->{SEND_QUEUE}[$i];
next if( !$a );
if( $flag eq $a->[0] && $hex eq $a->[1] ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: discard: $flag, $hex";
if( 1 ) {
splice @{$hash->{SEND_QUEUE}}, $i, 1;
} else {
return undef;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: enque: $flag, $hex";
push @{$hash->{SEND_QUEUE}}, [$flag, $hex, $hash->{CL}];
return undef;
substr($hex,2*1,2+1,sprintf( '%02X', $hash->{MSG_NR} ) );
$hash->{MSG_NR} &= 0xFF;
$hex =~ s/ //g;
my $length = length($hex)/2+1;
$hex = sprintf( '%02X%02X', $length & 0xff, $length >> 8 ) . $flag . $hex;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: sending: ". $hex;
#return undef if( IsDisabled($name) > 0 );
#return "not connected" if( !$hash->{CD} );
syswrite($hash->{CD}, pack('H*', $hex));
$hash->{helper}{CL} = $hash->{CL};
$hash->{UNCONFIRMED}++ if( !$force );
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "LIGHTIFY_sendNext");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "LIGHTIFY_sendNext", $hash, 0);
return undef;
my ($hash,$chash,$name,$id,$obj)= @_;
#Log 3, Dumper $obj;
return undef if( !$chash );
my $flag = '00';
my $light = $chash->{ID};
if( $chash->{helper}->{devtype} && $chash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'G' ) {
my $group = $chash->{ID};
$group =~ s/^.//;
$group = sprintf( "%02X", $group );
if( $group eq '00' ) {
$light = 'FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF';
} else {
$flag = '02';
$light = "$group 00 00 00 00 00 00 00";
if( $obj ) {
if( defined($obj->{name}) ) {
my $name;
for( my $i = 0; $i < 15; ++$i ) {
$name .= sprintf( "%02X ", ord(substr($obj->{name},$i,1)) );
$name .= '00';
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, $flag, setGroupName ." 00 00 00 00 $group 00 $name" );
CommandAttr(undef,"$chash->{NAME} alias $obj->{name}");
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
#LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getGroups ." 00 00 00 00 00" );
return undef;
$chash->{helper}{on} = -1;
if( $obj ) {
if( defined($obj->{name}) ) {
my $name;
for( my $i = 0; $i < 15; ++$i ) {
$name .= sprintf( "%02X ", ord(substr($obj->{name},$i,1)) );
$name .= '00';
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, $flag, setName ." 00 00 00 00 $light $name" );
CommandAttr(undef,"$chash->{NAME} alias $obj->{name}");
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
#LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getDevices ." 00 00 00 00 01" );
return undef;
my $force = ($chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} && $chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} == -1);
my $transitiontime = 2;
my $json = { state => { xreachable => 1, } };
if( $obj ) {
if( defined($obj->{on}) ) {
my $onoff = "00";
$onoff = "01" if( $obj->{on} );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, $flag, setOnOff ." 00 00 00 00 $light $onoff", $force ) if( 1 || $obj->{on} != $chash->{helper}{on} );
$json->{state}{on} = $obj->{on} ? JSON::true : JSON::false;
if( defined($obj->{ct}) ) {
my $ct = int(1000000 / $obj->{ct});
$ct = sprintf( '%02X%02X', $ct & 0xff, $ct >> 8 );
$transitiontime = $obj->{transitiontime} if( defined($obj->{transitiontime}) );
my $t = sprintf( '%02X%02X', $transitiontime & 0xff, $transitiontime >> 8 );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, $flag, setCT ." 00 00 00 00 $light $ct $t", $force );
$json->{state}{colormode} = 'ct';
$json->{state}{ct} = $obj->{ct};
} elsif( defined($obj->{hue}) || defined($obj->{sat}) ) {
my $hue = ReadingsVal($chash->{NAME}, 'hue', 65535 );
my $sat = ReadingsVal($chash->{NAME}, 'sat', 254 );
my $bri = ReadingsVal($chash->{NAME}, 'bri', 254 );
$hue = $obj->{hue} if( defined($obj->{hue}) );
$sat = $obj->{sat} if( defined($obj->{sat}) );
$bri = $obj->{bri} if( defined($obj->{bri}) );
$json->{state}{colormode} = 'hs';
$json->{state}{bri} = $obj->{bri};
$json->{state}{hue} = $obj->{hue};
$json->{state}{sat} = $obj->{sat};
my $h = $hue / 65535.0;
my $s = $sat / 254.0;
my $v = $bri / 254.0;
my ($r,$g,$b) = Color::hsv2rgb($h,$s,$v);
$r *= 255;
$g *= 255;
$b *= 255;
my $rgb = sprintf( "%02X%02X%02X", $r+0.5, $g+0.5, $b+0.5 );
$transitiontime = $obj->{transitiontime} if( defined($obj->{transitiontime}) );
my $t = sprintf( '%02X%02X', $transitiontime & 0xff, $transitiontime >> 8 );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, $flag, setRGB ." 00 00 00 00 $light $rgb 00 $t", $force );
if( defined($obj->{bri})
&& !defined($obj->{hue}) && !defined($obj->{sat}) ) {
my $bri = $obj->{bri};
$bri /= 2.54;
$bri = sprintf( "%02X", $bri );
$transitiontime = $obj->{transitiontime} if( defined($obj->{transitiontime}) );
my $t = sprintf( '%02X%02X', $transitiontime & 0xff, $transitiontime >> 8 );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, $flag, setDim ." 00 00 00 00 $light $bri $t", $force );
$json->{state}{bri} = $obj->{bri};
my $fake = (0 && $chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} && $chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} != 0);
if( $obj && $fake ) {
HUEDevice_Parse( $chash, $json );
$chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} = AttrVal($name, "delayedUpdate", 0);;
#$chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} = 1 if( !$chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$chash->{helper}->{update_timeout}, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $chash, 0);
} else {
if( $flag eq '00' && $light ne 'FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF' ) {
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getStatus ." 00 00 00 00 $light" );
$chash->{helper}{transitiontime} = int($transitiontime/10) if( $obj );
#InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $chash, 0);
} else {
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getDevices ." 00 00 00 00 01" );
my %ret = ();
return \%ret;
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_;
$hash->{".triggerUsed"} = 1;
my $list = "";
$list .= "on off " if( $hash->{CD} );
$list .= "raw " if( $hash->{CD} );
$list .= "reconnect:noArg ";
$list .= "goToScene " if( $hash->{CD} );
$list .= "setRGBW " if( $hash->{CD} );
$list .= "setSoftOn setSoftOff " if( $hash->{CD} );
$list .= "statusRequest:noArg " if( $hash->{CD} );
if( $cmd eq 'on' ) {
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', setOnOff ." 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 01", 1 );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getDevices ." 00 00 00 00 01" );
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'off' ) {
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', setOnOff ." 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00", 1 );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getDevices ." 00 00 00 00 01" );
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'raw' ) {
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( '00', $hash, join( '', @args ) );
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'received' ) {
my $hex = join( '', @args );
$hex =~ s/ //g;
LIGHTIFY_Parse($hash, $hex);
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'reconnect' ) {
delete $hash->{CL};
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'statusRequest' ) {
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getDevices ." 00 00 00 00 01" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'getGroups' ) {
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getGroups ." 00 00 00 00 00" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'getGroupInfo' ) {
return "usage: getGroupInfo <groupId>" if( !$args[0] );
return "usage: <groupId> musst be numeric" if( $args[0] !~ /^\d*$/ );
return "usage: <groupId> musst be in the range [0-255]" if( $args[0] < 0 || $args[0] > 255 );
my $group = $args[0];
$group = 1 if( !$group || $group < 1 );
$group = sprintf( "%02i", $group );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getGroupInfo ." 00 00 00 00 $group 00" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'addToGroup' ) {
return "usage: addToGroup <groupId> <addr> <name>" if( !$args[2] );
return "usage: <groupId> musst be numeric" if( $args[0] !~ /^\d*$/ );
return "usage: <groupId> musst be in the range [0-255]" if( $args[0] < 0 || $args[0] > 255 );
return "usage: <addr> musst be a 16 hex digit device address" if( $args[1] !~ /^[A-F0-9]{16}$/i );
my $group = $args[0];
$group = 1 if( !$group || $group < 1 );
$group = sprintf( "%02i", $group );
my $new = join( ' ', @args[2..@args-1]);
my $name;
for( my $i = 0; $i < 15; ++$i ) {
$name .= sprintf( "%02X ", ord(substr($new,$i,1)) );
my $length = sprintf( "%02X ", length($name) );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '02', addToGroup ." 00 00 00 00 $group 00 $args[1] $length $name" );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getGroups ." 00 00 00 00 00" );
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'removeFromGroup' ) {
return "usage: removeFromGroup <groupId> <addr>" if( !$args[1] );
return "usage: <groupId> musst be numeric" if( $args[0] !~ /^\d*$/ );
return "usage: <groupId> musst be in the range [0-255]" if( $args[0] < 0 || $args[0] > 255 );
return "usage: <addr> musst be a 16 hex digit device address" if( $args[1] !~ /^[A-F0-9]{16}$/i );
my $group = $args[0];
$group = 1 if( !$group || $group < 1 );
$group = sprintf( "%02i", $group );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '02', removeFromGroup ." 00 00 00 00 $group 00 $args[1]" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'getStatus' ) {
return "usage: getStatus <addr>" if( !$args[0] );
return "usage: <addr> musst be a 16 hex digit device address" if( $args[0] !~ /^[A-F0-9]{16}$/i );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getStatus ." 00 00 00 00 $args[0]" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'goToScene' ) {
return "usage: goToScene <sceneId>" if( !$args[0] );
return "usage: <sceneId> musst be numeric" if( $args[0] !~ /^\d*$/ );
my $scene = $args[0];
$scene = 1 if( !$scene || $scene < 1 );
$scene = sprintf( "%02i", $scene );
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', goToScene ." 00 00 00 00 $scene" );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getDevices ." 00 00 00 00 01" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'saveScene' ) {
return "usage: saveScene <sceneId>" if( !$args[0] );
return "usage: <sceneId> musst be numeric" if( $args[0] !~ /^\d*$/ );
my $scene = $args[0];
$scene = 1 if( !$scene || $scene < 1 );
$scene = sprintf( "%02i", $scene );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '02', goToScene ." 00 00 00 00 $scene" );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getDevices ." 00 00 00 00 01" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'setSoftOn' ) {
return "usage: setSoftOn <addr> <transitiontime>" if( !defined($args[1]) );
return "usage: <addr> musst be a 16 hex digit device address" if( $args[0] !~ /^[A-F0-9]{16}$/i );
return "usage: <transitiontime> musst be numeric" if( $args[1] !~ /^\d*$/ );
return "usage: <transitiontime> musst be in the range [0-255]" if( $args[1] < 0 || $args[1] > 255 );
my $transitiontime = sprintf( '%02X', $args[1] & 0xff );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', setSoftOn ." 00 00 00 00 $args[0] $transitiontime" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'setSoftOff' ) {
return "usage: setSoftOff <addr> <transitiontime>" if( !defined($args[1]) );
return "usage: <addr> musst be a 16 hex digit device address" if( $args[0] !~ /^[A-F0-9]{16}$/i );
return "usage: <transitiontime> musst be numeric" if( $args[1] !~ /^\d*$/ );
return "usage: <transitiontime> musst be in the range [0-255]" if( $args[1] < 0 || $args[1] > 255 );
my $transitiontime = sprintf( '%02X', $args[1] & 0xff );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', setSoftOff ." 00 00 00 00 $args[0] $transitiontime" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'setPhysical' ) {
return "usage: setPhysical <addr>" if( !defined($args[0]) );
return "usage: <addr> musst be a 16 hex digit device address" if( $args[0] !~ /^[A-F0-9]{16}$/i );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', setPhysical ." 00 00 00 00 $args[0] 00" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'setRGBW' ) {
return "usage: setRGBW <addr> <RRGGBBWW>" if( !defined($args[1]) );
return "usage: <addr> musst be a 16 hex digit device address" if( $args[0] !~ /^[A-F0-9]{16}$/i );
return "usage: <RRGGBBWW> musst be a 8 hex digits rgbw color" if( $args[1] !~ /^[A-F0-9]{8}$/i );
return LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', setRGB ." 00 00 00 00 $args[0] $args[1] 0200" );
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
my ($hash) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "LIGHTIFY_poll");
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getDevices ." 00 00 00 00 01" );
my ($hash, $name, $cmd) = @_;
my $list = "";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $orig = $attrVal;
$attrVal = int($attrVal) if($attrName eq "interval");
$attrVal = 60 if($attrName eq "interval" && $attrVal < 60 && $attrVal != 0);
if( $attrName eq "disable" ) {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $cmd eq 'set' && $attrVal ne "0" ) {
} else {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = 0;
if( $cmd eq 'set' ) {
if( $orig ne $attrVal ) {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
return $attrName ." set to ". $attrVal;
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{UNCONFIRMED}-- if( $hash->{UNCONFIRMED} > 0 );
if( $hash->{SEND_QUEUE} ) {
my $a = shift @{$hash->{SEND_QUEUE}};
if( $a ) {
$hash->{CL} = $a->[2];
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, $a->[0], $a->[1] ) if( $a );
delete $hash->{CL};
my ($hash,$chash,$id,$reachable,$onoff,$dim,$ct,$r,$g,$b) = @_;
my $json = { state => { } };
if( $chash ) {
$json->{uniqueid} = $id if( defined($id) );
$json->{state}{on} = $onoff if( defined($onoff) );
$json->{state}{reachable} = $reachable? 1 : 0 if( defined($reachable) );
if( !$chash->{helper}{type} ) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, "$chash->{NAME}: unknown light type";
} elsif( $chash->{helper}{type} == motiondetector ) {
$json->{type} = 'MotionDetector';
} elsif( $chash->{helper}{type} == extcolordimmer ) {
$json->{type} = 'Extended color light';
} elsif( $chash->{helper}{type} == colordimmer ) {
$json->{type} = 'Color light';
} elsif( $chash->{helper}{type} == ctdimmer ) {
$json->{type} = 'Color temperature tight';
} elsif( $chash->{helper}{type} == dimmer ) {
$json->{type} = 'Dimmable';
} else {
$json->{type} = 'On/Off';
my $has_ct = ($chash->{helper}{type} & 0x02) ? 1: 0;
my $has_rgb = ($chash->{helper}{type} & 0x08) ? 1 : 0;
my $is_sensor = ($chash->{helper}{type} >= 0x20) ? 1 : 0;
if( $is_sensor ) {
$json->{state}->{lastupdated} = TimeNow();
if( $chash->{helper}{type} == motiondetector ) {
if( $r eq '01' ) {
$json->{config}->{on} = 1;
$json->{state}->{presence} = $g eq '01'?1:0;
} else {
$json->{config}->{on} = 0;
} elsif( $has_rgb ) {
if( $has_ct && "$r$g$b" eq '111' ) {
$json->{state}->{colormode} = 'ct';
} elsif( defined($r) ) {
my( $r, $g, $b ) = (hex($r)/255.0, hex($g)/255.0, hex($b)/255.0);
my( $h, $s, $v ) = Color::rgb2hsv($r,$g,$b);
$json->{state}{colormode} = 'hs';
$json->{state}{hue} = int( $h * 65535 ),
$json->{state}{sat} = int( $s * 254 ),
$json->{state}{bri} = int( $v * 254 ),
} elsif( $has_ct && $ct ) {
$json->{state}->{colormode} = 'ct';
} else {
$json->{state}{ct} = int(1000000/$ct) if( $ct );
$json->{state}{bri} = int($dim/100*254) if( defined($dim) );
return $json;
my ($hash,$hex) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hex = uc($hex);
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: parsing: $hex";
my $length = hex(substr($hex,2*1,2*1).substr($hex,2*0,2*1));
my $flag = substr($hex,2*2,2*1);
my $cmd = substr($hex,2*3,2*1);
my $cnt = substr($hex,2*4,2*1);
my $err = substr($hex,2*8,2*1);
if( $err ne '00' ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'lastError', "for cmd: $cmd: err: $err", 0 );
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: got error: $err ";
return undef;
if( $cmd eq getDevices ) {
my $nr_lights = hex(substr($hex,2*10,2*1).substr($hex,2*9,2*1));
return undef if( !$nr_lights );
my $offset = ($length+2-11) / $nr_lights;
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: warning: offset for cmd $cmd is $offset instead of 50" if( $offset != 50 );
my $autocreated = 0;
for( my $i = 0; $i < $nr_lights; ++$i ) {
my $short = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*11,2*2);
my $id = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*13,2*8);
my $type = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*21,2*1);
my $firmware = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*22,2*4);
my $reachable = hex(substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*26,2*1));
my $groups = (substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*28,2*1).substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*27,2*1));
my $onoff = hex(substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*29,2*1));
my $dim = hex(substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*30,2*1));
my $ct = hex(substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*32,2*1).substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*31,2*1));
my $r = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*33,2*1);
my $g = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*34,2*1);
my $b = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*35,2*1);
my $w = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*36,2*1);
my $alias = pack('H*', substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*37,2*15));
$alias =~ s/\x00//g;
#my $count1 = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*53,2*4); #reportMissingCount
#my $count2 = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*57,2*4); #pollingCount
#Log 1, "count1: $count1, count2, $count2";
my $has_ct = (hex($type) & 0x02) ? 1: 0;
my $has_rgb = (hex($type) & 0x08) ? 1 : 0;
my $is_sensor = (hex($type) >= 0x20) ? 1 : 0;
#$has_ct = 1 if( $type eq '00' );
Log3 $name, 4, "$alias: $id:$short, type: $type (ct:$has_ct, rgb:$has_rgb, sensor:$is_sensor), firmware: $firmware, reachable: $reachable, groups: $groups, onoff: $onoff, dim: $dim, ct: $ct, rgb: $r$g$b, w: $w";
#my $code = $id;
my $code = $name ."-". $id;
$code = $name ."-S". $id if( $is_sensor );
if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: id '$id' already defined as '$modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME}'";
} else {
my $devname = "LIGHTIFY" . $id;
#my $define= "$devname HUEDevice $id";
my $define= "$devname HUEDevice $id IODev=$name";
$define= "$devname HUEDevice sensor $id IODev=$name" if( $is_sensor );
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: create new device '$devname' for address '$id'";
my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define);
if($cmdret) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Autocreate: An error occurred while creating device for id '$id': $cmdret";
} else {
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname alias ".$alias);
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname room LIGHTIFY");
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname IODev $name");
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
$chash->{helper}{type} = hex($type);
$chash->{helper}{type} = extcolordimmer if( !$chash->{helper}{type} );
my $json = LIGHTIFY_toJson($hash, $chash, $id, $reachable, $onoff, $dim, $ct, $r, $g, $b);
my $changed = HUEDevice_Parse( $chash, $json );
if( $changed || $chash->{helper}{transitiontime} ) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $chash, 0);
$chash->{helper}{transitiontime} -= 1 if( $chash->{helper}{transitiontime} );
if( $autocreated ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: autocreated $autocreated devices";
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "LIGHTIFY_poll");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "LIGHTIFY_poll", $hash, 0);
} elsif( $cmd eq getGroups ) {
my $nr_groups = hex(substr($hex,2*10,2*1).substr($hex,2*9,2*1));
#Log 1, unpack 'v', pack 'H*', substr($hex,2*9,2*2);
return undef if( !$nr_groups );
my $offset = ($length+2-11) / $nr_groups;
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: warning: offset for cmd $cmd is $offset instead of 18" if( $offset != 18 );
my @groups;
my $autocreated = 0;
for( my $i = 0; $i <= $nr_groups; ++$i ) {
my $id;
my $alias;
if( $i == 0 ) {
$id = 0;
$alias = 'Gruppe alles';
} else {
$id = hex(substr($hex,($i-1)*$offset*2+2*12,2*1).substr($hex,($i-1)*$offset*2+2*11,2*1));
$alias = pack('H*', substr($hex,($i-1)*$offset*2+2*13,2*15));
$alias =~ s/\x00//g;
my $group = sprintf( "%02X", $id );
$hash->{CL} = $hash->{helper}{CL};
LIGHTIFY_sendRaw( $hash, '00', getGroupInfo ." 00 00 00 00 $group 00" );
delete $hash->{CL};
push @groups, "$id: $alias";
#my $code = $id;
my $code = $name ."-G". $id;
if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: id '$id' already defined as '$modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME}'";
} else {
my $devname = "LIGHTIFYGroup" . $id;
my $define= "$devname HUEDevice group $id IODev=$name";
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: create new device '$devname' for group nr. '$id'";
my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define);
if($cmdret) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Autocreate: An error occurred while creating device for id '$id': $cmdret";
} else {
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname alias ".$alias);
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname room LIGHTIFY");
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname IODev $name");
$cmdret = CommandAttr(undef,"$devname subType switch") if( $id == 0 );
Log3 $name, 4, "groups: " .join( ', ', @groups );
if( $autocreated ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: autocreated $autocreated groups";
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
asyncOutput( $hash->{helper}{CL}, "got groups: ". join( ', ', @groups ) ) if( $hash->{helper}{CL} );
} elsif( $cmd eq getGroupInfo ) {
my $nr = hex(substr($hex,2*10,2*1).substr($hex,2*9,2*1));
my $alias = pack('H*', substr($hex,2*11,2*15));
my $nr_lights = hex(substr($hex,2*27,2*1));
return undef if( !$nr_lights );
$alias =~ s/\x00//g;
my $offset = ($length+2-28) / $nr_lights; # should be 8
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: warning: offset for cmd $cmd is $offset instead of 8" if( $offset != 8 );
my @lights;
for( my $i = 0; $i < $nr_lights; ++$i ) {
my $light = substr($hex,$i*$offset*2+2*28,2*8);
push @lights, $light;
Log3 $name, 4, "group $nr: alias: $alias, lights: " .join( ',', @lights );
my $code = $name ."-G". $nr;
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
$chash->{lights} = join( ',', @lights );
asyncOutput( $hash->{helper}{CL}, "group info: $nr: $alias, lights: ". join( ', ', @lights ) ) if( $hash->{helper}{CL} );
} elsif( $cmd eq setOnOff ) {
my $id = substr($hex,2*11,2*8);
my $onoff = hex(substr($hex,2*19,2*1));
} elsif( $cmd eq getStatus ) {
my $id = substr($hex,2*11,2*8);
my $json;
my $code = $name ."-". $id;
my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code};
if( !$chash ) {
$code = $name ."-S". $id;
$chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code};
if( $length < 30 ) {
$json = { state => { } };
if( substr($hex,2*19,2*1) eq 'FF' ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$id, not reachable";
$json = { state => { reachable => 0 } };
} else {
my $reachable = hex(substr($hex,2*20,2*1));
my $onoff = hex(substr($hex,2*21,2*1));
my $dim = hex(substr($hex,2*22,2*1));
my $ct = hex(substr($hex,2*24,2*1).substr($hex,2*23,2*1));
my $r = substr($hex,2*25,2*1);
my $g = substr($hex,2*26,2*1);
my $b = substr($hex,2*27,2*1);
my $w = substr($hex,2*28,2*1);
Log3 $name, 4, "$id, reachable: $reachable, onoff: $onoff, dim: $dim, ct: $ct, rgb: $r$g$b, w: $w";
$json = LIGHTIFY_toJson($hash, $chash, $id, $reachable, $onoff, $dim, $ct, $r, $g, $b);
my $changed = HUEDevice_Parse( $chash, $json ) if( $chash );
if( $changed || $chash->{helper}{transitiontime} ) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $chash, 0);
$chash->{helper}{transitiontime} -= 1 if( $chash->{helper}{transitiontime} );
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: unhandled message $hex ";
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $buf;
my $ret = sysread($hash->{CD}, $buf, 1024);
if( !defined($ret) || !$ret ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: disconnected";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "LIGHTIFY_Connect", $hash, 0);
my $hex = unpack('H*', $buf);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: received: $hex";
$hash->{PARTIAL} .= $hex;
my $length = hex(substr($hash->{PARTIAL},2*1,2*1).substr($hash->{PARTIAL},2*0,2*1));
while( $hash->{PARTIAL} && $length+2 <= length($hash->{PARTIAL})/2 ) {
$hex = substr($hash->{PARTIAL},0,$length*2+2*2);
$hash->{PARTIAL} = substr($hash->{PARTIAL},$length*2+2*2);
$length = hex(substr($hash->{PARTIAL},2*1,2*1).substr($hash->{PARTIAL},2*0,2*1)) if( $hash->{PARTIAL} );
LIGHTIFY_Parse($hash, $hex);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL}, 0);
LIGHTIFY_sendNext( $hash ) if( !$hash->{PARTIAL} );
#InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+2, "LIGHTIFY_sendNext", $hash, 0);
=item tag protocol:zigbee
=item summary module for the osram lightify gateway
=item summary_DE Modul für das Osram LIGHTFY Gateway
=begin html
<a name="LIGHTIFY"></a>
Module to integrate a OSRAM LIGHTIFY gateway into FHEM;.<br><br>
The actual LIGHTIFY lights are defined as <a href="#HUEDevice">HUEDevice</a> devices.
All newly found devices and groups are autocreated at startup and added to the room LIGHTIFY.
<li>Autocreate only works for the first gateway. Devices on other gateways have to be manualy defined.</li>
<a name="LIGTHIFY_Define"></a>
<code>define <name> LIGHTIFY <host></code><br>
Defines a LIGHTIFY gateway device with address <host>.<br><br>
<code>define gateway LIGHTIFY</code><br>
<a name="LIGHTIFY_Get"></a>
<a name="LIGHTIFY_Set"></a>
<li>goToScene <sceneId></li>
<li>setSoftOn <addr> <transitiontime></li>
<li>setSoftOff <addr> <transitiontime></li>
Closes and reopens the connection to the gateway.</li>
Update light status.</li>
<a name="LIGHTIFY_Attr"></a>
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<li><a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></li>
=end html