mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-01-31 18:59:33 +00:00
2021-04-21 08:30:11 +00:00

2410 lines
76 KiB

# $Id$
# "Hue Personal Wireless Lighting" is a trademark owned by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.,
# see www.meethue.com for more information.
# I am in no way affiliated with the Philips organization.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FHEM::Meta;
use POSIX;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
use HttpUtils;
use IO::Socket::INET;
if( !$modules{HUEDevice}{LOADED} ) {
my $ret = CommandReload( undef, "31_HUEDevice" );
Log3 undef, 1, $ret if( $ret );
sub HUEBridge_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
# Provider
$hash->{ReadFn} = "HUEBridge_Read";
$hash->{WriteFn} = "HUEBridge_Write";
$hash->{Clients} = ":HUEDevice:";
$hash->{DefFn} = "HUEBridge_Define";
$hash->{RenameFn} = "HUEBridge_Rename";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "HUEBridge_Notify";
$hash->{SetFn} = "HUEBridge_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "HUEBridge_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "HUEBridge_Attr";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "HUEBridge_Undefine";
$hash->{AttrList} = "key disable:1 disabledForIntervals createGroupReadings:1,0 httpUtils:1,0 noshutdown:1,0 pollDevices:1,2,0 queryAfterSet:1,0 $readingFnAttributes";
#$hash->{isDiscoverable} = { ssdp => {'hue-bridgeid' => '/.*/'}, upnp => {} };
return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash );
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $buf;
my $len = sysread($hash->{CD}, $buf, 10240);
my $peerhost = $hash->{CD}->peerhost;
my $peerport = $hash->{CD}->peerport;
my $close = 0;
if( !defined($len) || !$len ) {
$close = 1;
} elsif( $hash->{websocket} ) {
$hash->{buf} .= $buf;
do {
my $fin = (ord(substr($hash->{buf},0,1)) & 0x80)?1:0;
my $op = (ord(substr($hash->{buf},0,1)) & 0x0F);
my $mask = (ord(substr($hash->{buf},1,1)) & 0x80)?1:0;
my $len = (ord(substr($hash->{buf},1,1)) & 0x7F);
my $i = 2;
if( $len == 126 ) {
$len = unpack( 'n', substr($hash->{buf},$i,2) );
$i += 2;
} elsif( $len == 127 ) {
$len = unpack( 'q', substr($hash->{buf},$i,8) );
$i += 8;
if( $mask ) {
$mask = substr($hash->{buf},$i,4);
$i += 4;
#FIXME: hande !$fin
return if( $len > length($hash->{buf})-$i );
my $data = substr($hash->{buf}, $i, $len);
$hash->{buf} = substr($hash->{buf},$i+$len);
#Log 1, ">>>$data<<<";
if( $data eq '?' ) {
#ignore keepalive
} elsif( $op == 0x01 ) {
my $obj = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($data) };
if( $obj ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: websocket data: ". Dumper $obj;
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: unhandled websocket text $data";
my $code;
my $id = $obj->{id};
$code = $name ."-". $id if( $obj->{r} eq 'lights' );
$code = $name ."-S". $id if( $obj->{r} eq 'sensors' );
$code = $name ."-G". $id if( $obj->{r} eq 'groups' );
$code = $name ."-G". $obj->{gid} if( $obj->{r} eq 'scenes' && $obj->{gid} );
if( !$code ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ignoring event: $data";
if( $obj->{t} eq 'event' && $obj->{e} eq 'changed' ) {
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
HUEDevice_Parse($chash, $obj);
HUEBridge_updateGroups($hash, $chash->{ID}) if( !$chash->{helper}{devtype} );
} elsif( HUEDevice_moveToBridge( $obj->{uniqueid}, $name, $obj->{id} ) ) {
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
HUEDevice_Parse($chash, $obj);
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: message for unknown device received: $code";
} elsif( $obj->{t} eq 'event' && $obj->{e} eq 'scene-called' ) {
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
#HUEDevice_Parse($chash, $obj);
HUEDevice_Parse($chash, { state => { scene => $obj->{scid} } } );
#readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'scene', $obj->{scid}, 1 );
} elsif( $obj->{t} eq 'event' && $obj->{e} eq 'added' ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: websocket add: $data";
if( !HUEDevice_moveToBridge( $obj->{uniqueid}, $name, $obj->{id} ) ) {
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
if( $obj->{r} eq 'lights' ) {
$obj = $obj->{light};
} elsif( $obj->{r} eq 'sensors' ) {
$obj = $obj->{sensor};
} elsif( $obj->{r} eq 'goups' ) {
$obj = $obj->{group};
HUEDevice_Parse($chash, $obj);
} elsif( $obj->{t} eq 'event' && $obj->{e} eq 'deleted' ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: todo: handle websocket delete $data";
# do what ?
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: unknown websocket data: $data";
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: unhandled websocket data: $data";
} while( $hash->{buf} && !$close );
} elsif( $buf =~ m'^HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols'i ) {
$hash->{websocket} = 1;
#my $buf = plex_msg2hash($buf, 1);
#Log 1, $buf;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: websocket: Switching Protocols ok";
} else {
#Log 1, $buf;
$close = 1;
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: websocket: Switching Protocols failed";
if( $close ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: websocket closed";
my ($hash,$chash,$name,$id,$obj)= @_;
return HUEBridge_Call($hash, $chash, 'groups/' . $1, $obj) if( $id =~ m/^G(\d.*)/ );
return HUEBridge_Call($hash, $chash, 'sensors/' . $1, $obj) if( $id =~ m/^S(\d.*)/ );
return HUEBridge_Call($hash, $chash, 'lights/' . $id, $obj);
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 3, "HUEBridge_Detect";
my ($err,$ret) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet({
url => "https://discovery.meethue.com/",
method => "GET",
if( defined($err) && $err ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "HUEBridge_Detect: error detecting bridge: ".$err;
my $host = '';
if( defined($ret) && $ret ne '' && $ret =~ m/^[\[{].*[\]}]$/ ) {
my $obj = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($ret) };
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: json error: $@ in $ret" if( $@ );
if( defined($obj->[0])
&& defined($obj->[0]->{'internalipaddress'}) ) {
$host = $obj->[0]->{'internalipaddress'};
if( !defined($host) || $host eq '' ) {
Log3 $name, 3, 'HUEBridge_Detect: error detecting bridge.';
Log3 $name, 3, "HUEBridge_Detect: ${host}";
$hash->{host} = $host;
return $host;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
return $@ unless ( FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash) );
my @args = split("[ \t]+", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> HUEBridge [<host>] [interval]" if(@args < 2);
my ($name, $type, $host, $interval) = @args;
if( !defined($host) ) {
$hash->{NUPNP} = 1;
} else {
delete $hash->{NUPNP};
$interval= 60 unless defined($interval);
if( $interval < 10 ) { $interval = 10; }
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'initialized', 1 );
$hash->{host} = $host;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$attr{$name}{"key"} = join "",map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..16 unless defined( AttrVal($name, "key", undef) );
$hash->{helper}{last_config_timestamp} = 0;
if( !defined($hash->{helper}{count}) ) {
$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{helper}{count} = 0 if( !defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{helper}{count}) );
$hash->{helper}{count} = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{helper}{count}++;
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
if( $init_done ) {
HUEBridge_OpenDev( $hash ) if( !IsDisabled($name) );
return undef;
my ($new,$old) = @_;
foreach my $chash ( values %{$modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}} ) {
next if( !$chash->{IODev} );
next if( $chash->{IODev}{NAME} ne $new );
HUEDevice_IODevChanged($chash, $old, $new);
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
return if($dev->{NAME} ne "global");
return if(!grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}));
if( IsDisabled($name) > 0 ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'inactive', 1 ) if( ReadingsVal($name,'inactive','' ) ne 'disabled' );
return undef;
return undef;
sub HUEBridge_Undefine($$)
my ($hash,$arg) = @_;
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
return $hash if( ref($hash) ne 'HASH' );
my $header;
foreach my $key (keys %{$hash}) {
#$header .= "\r\n" if( $header );
$header .= "$key: $hash->{$key}\r\n";
return $header;
sub HUEBridge_closeWebsocket($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
delete $hash->{buf};
delete $hash->{websocket};
close($hash->{CD}) if( defined($hash->{CD}) );
sub HUEBridge_openWebsocket($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if( !defined($hash->{websocketport}) );
my ($host,undef) = split(':',$hash->{host},2);
if( my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"$host:$hash->{websocketport}", Timeout=>2, Blocking=>1, ReuseAddr=>1) ) {
$hash->{CD} = $socket;
$hash->{FD} = $socket->fileno();
$hash->{PORT} = $socket->sockport if( $socket->sockport );
$selectlist{$name} = $hash;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: websocket opened to $host:$hash->{websocketport}";
my $ret = "GET ws://$host:$hash->{websocketport} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$ret .= HUEBridge_hash2header( { 'Host' => "$host:$hash->{websocketport}",
'Upgrade' => 'websocket',
'Connection' => 'Upgrade',
'Pragma' => 'no-cache',
'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
'Sec-WebSocket-Key' => 'RkhFTQ==',
'Sec-WebSocket-Version' => '13',
} );
$ret .= "\r\n";
#Log 1, $ret;
syswrite($hash->{CD}, $ret );
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: failed to open websocket";
sub HUEBridge_fillBridgeInfo($$)
my ($hash,$config) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{name} = $config->{name};
$hash->{modelid} = $config->{modelid};
$hash->{bridgeid} = $config->{bridgeid};
$hash->{swversion} = $config->{swversion};
$hash->{apiversion} = $config->{apiversion};
if( defined($config->{websocketport}) ) {
$hash->{websocketport} = $config->{websocketport};
HUEBridge_openWebsocket($hash) if( !defined($hash->{CD}) );
if( $hash->{apiversion} ) {
my @l = split( '\.', $config->{apiversion} );
$hash->{helper}{apiversion} = ($l[0] << 16) + ($l[1] << 8) + $l[2];
if( !defined($config->{'linkbutton'})
&& !defined($attr{$name}{icon}) ) {
$attr{$name}{icon} = 'hue_filled_bridge_v1' if( $hash->{modelid} && $hash->{modelid} eq 'BSB001' );
$attr{$name}{icon} = 'hue_filled_bridge_v2' if( $hash->{modelid} && $hash->{modelid} eq 'BSB002' );
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
HUEBridge_Detect($hash) if( defined($hash->{NUPNP}) );
my ($err,$ret) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet({
url => "http://$hash->{host}/description.xml",
method => "GET",
timeout => 3,
if( defined($err) && $err ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "HUEBridge_OpenDev: error reading description: ". $err;
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "HUEBridge_OpenDev: got description: $ret";
$ret =~ m/<modelName>([^<]*)/;
$hash->{modelName} = $1;
$ret =~ m/<manufacturer>([^<]*)/;
$hash->{manufacturer} = $1;
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'config', undef);
if( !defined($result) ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "HUEBridge_OpenDev: got empty config";
return undef;
Log3 $name, 5, "HUEBridge_OpenDev: got config " . Dumper $result;
if( !defined($result->{'linkbutton'}) || !AttrVal($name, 'key', undef) )
HUEBridge_fillBridgeInfo($hash, $result);
$hash->{mac} = $result->{mac};
#$hash->{bridgeid} = $result->{bridgeid};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'connected', 1 );
return undef;
sub HUEBridge_Pair($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'pairing', 1 );
my $result = HUEBridge_Register($hash);
if( $result->{'error'} )
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "HUEBridge_Pair", $hash, 0);
return undef;
$attr{$name}{key} = $result->{success}{username} if( $result->{success}{username} );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'paired', 1 );
return undef;
my ($lights) = @_;
my %lights = ();
foreach my $part ( split(',', $lights) ) {
my $light = $part;
$light = $defs{$light}{ID} if( defined $defs{$light} && $defs{$light}{TYPE} eq 'HUEDevice' );
if( $light =~ m/^G/ ) {
my $lights = $defs{$part}->{lights};
if( $lights ) {
foreach my $light ( split(',', $lights) ) {
$lights{$light} = 1;
} else {
$lights{$light} = 1;
my @lights = sort {$a<=>$b} keys(%lights);
return \@lights;
# hash is the bridge device
my ($hash,$id) = @_;
$hash = $defs{$hash} if( ref($hash) ne 'HASH' );
return undef if( !$hash );
if( $id =~ m/\[id=(.*)\]$/ ) {
$id = $1;
if( my $scenes = $hash->{helper}{scenes} ) {
return $id if( defined($hash->{helper}{scenes}{$id}) );
$id = lc($id);
$id =~ s/\((.*)\)$/\\\($1\\\)/;
foreach my $key ( keys %{$scenes} ) {
my $scene = $scenes->{$key};
return $key if( lc($key) eq $id );
#return $key if( $scene->{name} eq $id );
return $key if( lc($scene->{name}) =~ m/^$id$/ );
return '<unknown>';
# hash is the client device
my ($hash,$id) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#Log3 $name, 4, "HUEBridge_scene2id_deCONZ: $id, hash: " . Dumper $hash;
$hash = $defs{$hash} if( ref($hash) ne 'HASH' );
return undef if( !$hash );
if( $id =~ m/\[id=(.*)\]$/ ) {
$id = $1;
if( my $scenes = $hash->{helper}{scenes} ) {
$id = lc($id);
$id =~ s/\((.*)\)$/\\\($1\\\)/;
for my $scene ( @{$scenes} ) {
#Log3 $name, 4, "HUEBridge_scene2id_deCONZ scene:". Dumper $scene;
return $scene->{id} if( lc($scene->{name}) =~ m/^$id$/ );
return '<unknown>';
my ($hash,$lights) = @_;
$hash = $defs{$hash} if( ref($hash) ne 'HASH' );
return undef if( !$hash );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $group;
foreach my $chash ( values %{$modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}} ) {
next if( !$chash->{IODev} );
next if( !$chash->{lights} );
next if( $chash->{IODev}{NAME} ne $name );
next if( $chash->{helper}{devtype} ne 'G' );
next if( $chash->{lights} ne $lights );
$group .= ',' if( $group );
$group .= AttrVal($chash->{NAME}, 'alias', $chash->{NAME});
return $group;
sub HUEBridge_Set($@);
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_;
my ($arg, @params) = @args;
$hash->{".triggerUsed"} = 1;
return "$name: not paired" if( ReadingsVal($name, 'state', '' ) =~ m/^link/ );
#return "$name: not connected" if( $hash->{STATE} ne 'connected' );
# usage check
if($cmd eq 'statusRequest') {
return "usage: statusRequest" if( @args != 0 );
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
delete $hash->{LOCAL};
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'swupdate') {
return "usage: swupdate" if( @args != 0 );
my $obj = {
'swupdate' => { 'updatestate' => 3, },
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'config', $obj);
if( !defined($result) || $result->{'error'} ) {
return $result->{'error'}->{'description'};
$hash->{updatestate} = 3;
$hash->{helper}{updatestate} = $hash->{updatestate};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'updating', 1 );
return "starting update";
} elsif($cmd eq 'autocreate') {
return "usage: autocreate [sensors]" if( $arg && $arg ne 'sensors' );
return HUEBridge_Autocreate($hash,1,$arg);
} elsif($cmd eq 'autodetect') {
return "usage: autodetect" if( @args != 0 );
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'lights', undef, 'POST');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return $result->{success}{'/lights'} if( $result->{success} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'delete') {
return "usage: delete <id>" if( @args != 1 );
if( defined $defs{$arg} && $defs{$arg}{TYPE} eq 'HUEDevice' ) {
$arg = $defs{$arg}{ID};
return "$arg is not a hue light number" if( $arg !~ m/^\d+$/ );
my $code = $name ."-". $arg;
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
CommandDelete( undef, "$chash->{NAME}" );
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "lights/$arg", undef, 'DELETE');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'creategroup') {
return "usage: creategroup <name> <lights>" if( @args < 2 );
my $obj = { 'name' => join( ' ', @args[0..@args-2]),
'lights' => HUEBridge_string2array($args[@args-1]),
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'groups', $obj, 'POST');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
if( $result->{success} ) {
my $code = $name ."-G". $result->{success}{id};
return "created $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME}" if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'deletegroup') {
return "usage: deletegroup <id>" if( @args != 1 );
if( defined $defs{$arg} && $defs{$arg}{TYPE} eq 'HUEDevice' ) {
return "$arg is not a hue group" if( $defs{$arg}{ID} != m/^G/ );
$defs{$arg}{ID} =~ m/G(.*)/;
$arg = $1;
my $code = $name ."-G". $arg;
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
CommandDelete( undef, "$chash->{NAME}" );
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
return "$arg is not a hue group number" if( $arg !~ m/^\d+$/ );
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "groups/$arg", undef, 'DELETE');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'savescene') {
my $result;
if( $hash->{helper}{apiversion} && $hash->{helper}{apiversion} >= (1<<16) + (11<<8) ) {
return "usage: savescene <name> <lights>" if( @args < 2 );
my $obj = { 'name' => join( ' ', @args[0..@args-2]),
'recycle' => JSON::true,
'lights' => HUEBridge_string2array($args[@args-1]),
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "scenes", $obj, 'POST');
} else {
return "usage: savescene <id> <name> <lights>" if( @args < 3 );
my $obj = { 'name' => join( ' ', @args[1..@args-2]),
'lights' => HUEBridge_string2array($args[@args-1]),
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "scenes/$arg", $obj, 'PUT');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
if( $result->{success} ) {
return "created $result->{success}{id}" if( $result->{success}{id} );
return "created $arg";
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'modifyscene') {
return "usage: modifyscene <id> <light> <light args>" if( @args < 3 );
my( $light, @aa ) = @params;
$light = $defs{$light}{ID} if( defined $defs{$light} && $defs{$light}{TYPE} eq 'HUEDevice' );
my %obj;
if( (my $joined = join(" ", @aa)) =~ /:/ ) {
my @cmds = split(":", $joined);
for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#cmds; ++$i ) {
HUEDevice_SetParam(undef, \%obj, split(" ", $cmds[$i]) );
} else {
my ($cmd, $value, $value2, @a) = @aa;
HUEDevice_SetParam(undef, \%obj, $cmd, $value, $value2);
my $result;
if( $hash->{helper}{apiversion} && $hash->{helper}{apiversion} >= (1<<16) + (11<<8) ) {
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "scenes/$arg/lightstates/$light", \%obj, 'PUT');
} else {
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "scenes/$arg/lights/$light/state", \%obj, 'PUT');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'deletescene') {
return "usage: deletescene <id>" if( @args != 1 );
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "scenes/$arg", undef, 'DELETE');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'scene') {
return "usage: scene <id>|<name>" if( !@args );
$arg = HUEBridge_scene2id($hash, join(' ', @args));
my $obj = { 'scene' => $arg };
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "groups/0/action", $obj, 'PUT');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "HUEBridge_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'createrule' || $cmd eq 'updaterule') {
return "usage: createrule <name> <conditions&actions json>" if( $cmd eq 'createrule' && @args < 2 );
return "usage: updaterule <id> <conditions&actions json>" if( $cmd eq 'updaterule' && @args < 2 );
$args[@args-1] = '
{ "name":"Wall Switch Rule",
{"address":"/groups/0/action","method":"PUT", "body":{"scene":"S3"}}
]}' if( 0 || !$args[@args-1] );
my $json = join( ' ', @args[1..@args-1]);
my $obj = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($json) };
if( $@ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: json error: $@ in $json";
return undef;
my $result;
if( $cmd eq 'updaterule' ) {
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "rules/$args[0]", $obj, 'PUT');
} else {
$obj->{name} = join( ' ', @args[0..@args-2]);
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'rules', $obj, 'POST');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return "created rule id $result->{success}{id}" if( $result->{success} && $result->{success}{id} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'updateschedule') {
return "usage: $cmd <id> <attributes json>" if( @args < 2 );
return "$arg is not a hue schedule number" if( $arg !~ m/^\d+$/ );
my $json = join( ' ', @args[1..@args-1]);
my $obj = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($json) };
if( $@ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: json error: $@ in $json";
return undef;
my $result;
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "schedules/$arg", $obj, 'PUT');
return "Error: " . $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return "Schedule id $arg updated" if( $result->{success} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'enableschedule' || $cmd eq 'disableschedule') {
return "usage: $cmd <id>" if( @args != 1 );
return "$arg is not a hue schedule number" if( $arg !~ m/^\d+$/ );
my $newStatus = 'enabled';
$newStatus = 'disabled' if($cmd eq 'disableschedule');
$args[1] = sprintf( '{"status":"%s"}', $newStatus );
return HUEBridge_Set($hash, $name,'updateschedule',@args)
} elsif($cmd eq 'deleterule') {
return "usage: deleterule <id>" if( @args != 1 );
return "$arg is not a hue rule number" if( $arg !~ m/^\d+$/ );
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "rules/$arg", undef, 'DELETE');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'createsensor') {
return "usage: createsensor <name> <type> <uniqueid> <swversion> <modelid>" if( @args < 5 );
return "usage: type must be one of: Switch OpenClose Presence Temperature Humidity GenericFlag GenericStatus " if( $args[@args-4] !~ m/Switch|OpenClose|Presence|Temperature|Humidity|Lightlevel|GenericFlag|GenericStatus/ );
my $obj = { 'name' => join( ' ', @args[0..@args-5]),
'type' => "CLIP$args[@args-4]",
'uniqueid' => $args[@args-3],
'swversion' => $args[@args-2],
'modelid' => $args[@args-1],
'manufacturername' => 'FHEM-HUE',
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'sensors', $obj, 'POST');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return "created sensor id $result->{success}{id}" if( $result->{success} );
# if( $result->{success} ) {
# my $code = $name ."-S". $result->{success}{id};
# my $devname = "HUEDevice" . $id;
# $devname = $name ."_". $devname if( $hash->{helper}{count} );
# my $define = "$devname HUEDevice sensor $id IODev=$name";
# Log3 $name, 4, "$name: create new device '$devname' for address '$id'";
# my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define);
# return "created $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME}" if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) );
# }
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'deletesensor') {
return "usage: deletesensor <id>" if( @args != 1 );
if( defined $defs{$arg} && $defs{$arg}{TYPE} eq 'HUEDevice' ) {
return "$arg is not a hue sensor" if( $defs{$arg}{ID} !~ m/^S/ );
$defs{$arg}{ID} =~ m/S(.*)/;
$arg = $1;
my $code = $name ."-S". $arg;
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
CommandDelete( undef, "$chash->{NAME}" );
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
return "$arg is not a hue sensor number" if( $arg !~ m/^\d+$/ );
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "sensors/$arg", undef, 'DELETE');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'configsensor' || $cmd eq 'setsensor' || $cmd eq 'updatesensor') {
return "usage: $cmd <id> <json>" if( @args < 2 );
if( defined $defs{$arg} && $defs{$arg}{TYPE} eq 'HUEDevice' ) {
return "$arg is not a hue sensor" if( $defs{$arg}{ID} !~ m/^S/ );
$defs{$arg}{ID} =~ m/S(.*)/;
$arg = $1;
return "$arg is not a hue sensor number" if( $arg !~ m/^\d+$/ );
my $json = join( ' ', @args[1..@args-1]);
my $decoded = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($json) };
if( $@ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: json error: $@ in $json";
return undef;
$json = $decoded;
my $endpoint = '';
$endpoint = 'state' if( $cmd eq 'setsensor' );
$endpoint = 'config' if( $cmd eq 'configsensor' );
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "sensors/$arg/$endpoint", $json, 'PUT');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
my $code = $name ."-S". $arg;
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'deletewhitelist') {
return "usage: deletewhitelist <key>" if( @args != 1 );
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "config/whitelist/$arg", undef, 'DELETE');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'touchlink') {
return "usage: touchlink" if( @args != 0 );
my $obj = { 'touchlink' => JSON::true };
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'config', $obj, 'PUT');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return undef if( $result->{success} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'checkforupdate') {
return "usage: checkforupdate" if( @args != 0 );
my $obj = { swupdate => {'checkforupdate' => JSON::true } };
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'config', $obj, 'PUT');
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
return undef if( $result->{success} );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'active') {
return "can't activate disabled bridge." if(AttrVal($name, "disable", undef));
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'active', 1 );
return undef;
} elsif($cmd eq 'inactive') {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'inactive', 1 );
return undef;
} else {
my $list = "active inactive delete creategroup deletegroup savescene deletescene modifyscene";
if( my $scenes = $hash->{helper}{scenes} ) {
my %count;
map { $count{$scenes->{$_}{name}}++ } keys %{$scenes};
$list .= " scene:". join(",", sort map { my $scene = $scenes->{$_}{name};
my $group = '';
if( $scenes->{$_}{lights} && $count{$scene} > 1 ) {
my $lights = join( ",", @{$scenes->{$_}{lights}} );
$group = HUEbridge_groupOfLights($hash,$lights);
$group = join( ";", map { my $l = $hash->{helper}{lights}{$_}{name}; $l?$l:$_;} @{$scenes->{$_}{lights}} ) if( !$group && $hash->{helper}{lights} );
$group = $lights if( !$group );
$group =~ s/,/;/g;
$group = '' if( $group =~ /,/ );
$group = $_ if( !$group );
$scene .= " ($group)";
$scene .= " [id=$_]" if( 1 || $group =~ /;/ );
$scene =~ s/ /#/g; $scene;
} keys %{$scenes} );
} else {
$list .= " scene";
$list .= " swupdate:noArg" if( defined($hash->{updatestate}) && $hash->{updatestate} =~ '^2' );
$list .= " createrule updaterule updateschedule enableschedule disableschedule deleterule createsensor deletesensor configsensor setsensor updatesensor deletewhitelist touchlink:noArg checkforupdate:noArg autodetect:noArg autocreate:noArg statusRequest:noArg";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_;
my ($arg, @params) = @args;
return "$name: not paired" if( ReadingsVal($name, 'state', '' ) =~ m/^link/ );
#return "$name: not connected" if( $hash->{STATE} ne 'connected' );
return "$name: get needs at least one parameter" if( !defined($cmd) );
# usage check
if($cmd eq 'devices'
|| $cmd eq 'lights') {
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'lights', undef);
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
$hash->{helper}{lights} = $result;
my $ret = "";
foreach my $key ( sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$result} ) {
my $code = $name ."-". $key;
my $fhem_name = '';
$fhem_name = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME} if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) );
$ret .= sprintf( "%2i %-25s %-15s %-25s", $key, $result->{$key}{name}, $fhem_name, $result->{$key}{type} );
$ret .= sprintf( "capabilities: %s", encode_json($result->{$key}{capabilities}) ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' && defined($result->{$key}{capabilities}) );
$ret .= sprintf( "\n%2s %-25s %-15s %-25s config: %s", "", "", "", "", encode_json($result->{$key}{config}) ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' && defined($result->{$key}{config}) );
$ret .= sprintf( "\n%2s %-25s %-15s %-25s state: %s", "", "", "", "", encode_json($result->{$key}{state}) ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' && defined($result->{$key}{state}) );
$ret .= "\n";
if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' ) {
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-25s %-15s %-25s %s\n", "ID", "NAME", "FHEM", "TYPE", "DETAIL" ) .$ret if( $ret );
} else {
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-25s %-15s %-25s\n", "ID", "NAME", "FHEM", "TYPE" ) .$ret if( $ret );
return $ret;
} elsif($cmd eq 'groups') {
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'groups', undef);
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
$result->{0} = { name => 'Lightset 0', type => 'LightGroup', lights => ["ALL"] };
$hash->{helper}{groups} = $result;
my $ret = "";
foreach my $key ( sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$result} ) {
my $code = $name ."-G". $key;
my $fhem_name = '';
$fhem_name = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME} if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) );
$fhem_name = "" if( !$fhem_name );
$result->{$key}{type} = '' if( !defined($result->{$key}{type}) ); #deCONZ fix
$result->{$key}{class} = '' if( !defined($result->{$key}{class}) ); #deCONZ fix
$result->{$key}{lights} = [] if( !defined($result->{$key}{lights}) ); #deCONZ fix
$ret .= sprintf( "%2i: %-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s", $key, $result->{$key}{name}, $fhem_name, $result->{$key}{type}, $result->{$key}{class} );
if( !$arg && $hash->{helper}{lights} ) {
$ret .= sprintf( " %s\n", join( ",", map { my $l = $hash->{helper}{lights}{$_}{name}; $l?$l:$_;} @{$result->{$key}{lights}} ) );
} else {
$ret .= sprintf( " %s\n", join( ",", @{$result->{$key}{lights}} ) );
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-15s %-15s %-15s %-15s %s\n", "ID", "NAME", "FHEM", "TYPE", "CLASS", "LIGHTS" ) .$ret if( $ret );
return $ret;
} elsif($cmd eq 'scenes') {
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'scenes', undef);
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
$hash->{helper}{scenes} = $result;
my $ret = "";
foreach my $key ( sort {$result->{$a}{name} cmp $result->{$b}{name}} keys %{$result} ) {
$ret .= sprintf( "%-20s %-25s %-10s", $key, $result->{$key}{name}, $result->{$key}{type} );
$ret .= sprintf( " %i %i %i %-40s %-20s", $result->{$key}{recycle}, $result->{$key}{locked},$result->{$key}{version}, $result->{$key}{owner}, $result->{$key}{lastupdated}?$result->{$key}{lastupdated}:'' ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' );
my $lights = "";
$lights = join( ",", @{$result->{$key}{lights}} ) if( $result->{$key}{lights} );
my $group = HUEbridge_groupOfLights($hash,$lights);
if( !$arg && $group ) {
$ret .= sprintf( " %s\n", $group );
} elsif( !$arg && $hash->{helper}{lights} ) {
$ret .= sprintf( " %s\n", join( ",", map { my $l = $hash->{helper}{lights}{$_}{name}; $l?$l:$_;} @{$result->{$key}{lights}} ) );
} else {
$ret .= sprintf( " %s\n", $lights );
if( $ret ) {
my $header = sprintf( "%-20s %-25s %-10s", "ID", "NAME", "TYPE" );
$header .= sprintf( " %s %s %s %-40s %-20s", "R", "L", "V", "OWNER", "LAST UPDATE" ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' );
$header .= sprintf( " %s\n", "LIGHTS" );
$ret = $header . $ret;
return $ret;
} elsif($cmd eq 'rule') {
return "usage: rule <id>" if( @args != 1 );
return "$arg is not a hue rule number" if( $arg !~ m/^\d+$/ );
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, "rules/$arg", undef);
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
my $ret = encode_json($result->{conditions}) ."\n". encode_json($result->{actions});
return $ret;
} elsif($cmd eq 'rules') {
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'rules', undef);
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
my $ret = "";
foreach my $key ( sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$result} ) {
$ret .= sprintf( "%2i: %-20s", $key, $result->{$key}{name} );
$ret .= sprintf( " %s", encode_json($result->{$key}{conditions}) ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' );
$ret .= sprintf( "\n%-24s %s", "", encode_json($result->{$key}{actions}) ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' );
$ret .= "\n";
if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' ) {
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-20s %s\n", "ID", "NAME", "CONDITIONS/ACTIONS" ) .$ret if( $ret );
} else {
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-20s\n", "ID", "NAME" ) .$ret if( $ret );
return $ret;
} elsif($cmd eq 'schedules') {
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'schedules', undef);
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
# 064:MO
# 032:DI
# 016:MI
# 008:DO
# 004:FR
# 002:SA
# 001:SO
my $ret = "";
foreach my $key ( sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$result} ) {
$ret .= sprintf( "%2i: %-20s %-12s", $key, $result->{$key}{name},$result->{$key}{status} );
$ret .= sprintf( "%s", $result->{$key}{localtime} ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' );
$ret .= "\n";
if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' ) {
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-20s %-11s %s\n", "ID", "NAME", "STATUS", "TIME" ) .$ret if( $ret );
} else {
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-20s %-12s\n", "ID", "NAME", "STATUS" ) .$ret if( $ret );
return $ret;
} elsif($cmd eq 'sensors') {
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'sensors', undef);
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
my $ret = "";
foreach my $key ( sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$result} ) {
my $code = $name ."-S". $key;
my $fhem_name = '';
$fhem_name = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME} if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) );
$fhem_name = "" if( !$fhem_name );
$ret .= sprintf( "%2i: %-15s %-15s %-20s", $key, $result->{$key}{name}, $fhem_name, $result->{$key}{type} );
$ret .= sprintf( " %s", encode_json($result->{$key}{state}) ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' );
$ret .= sprintf( "\n%-56s %s", '', encode_json($result->{$key}{config}) ) if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' );
$ret .= "\n";
if( $arg && $arg eq 'detail' ) {
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-15s %-15s %-20s %s\n", "ID", "NAME", "FHEM", "TYPE", "STATE,CONFIG" ) .$ret if( $ret );
} else {
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-15s %-15s %-20s\n", "ID", "NAME", "FHEM", "TYPE" ) .$ret if( $ret );
return $ret;
} elsif($cmd eq 'whitelist') {
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'config', undef);
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
my $ret = "";
my $whitelist = $result->{whitelist};
foreach my $key ( sort {$whitelist->{$a}{'last use date'} cmp $whitelist->{$b}{'last use date'}} keys %{$whitelist} ) {
$ret .= sprintf( "%-20s %-20s %-30s %s\n", $whitelist->{$key}{'create date'}, , $whitelist->{$key}{'last use date'}, $whitelist->{$key}{name}, $key );
$ret = sprintf( "%-20s %-20s %-30s %s\n", "CREATE", "LAST USE", "NAME", "KEY" ) .$ret if( $ret );
return $ret;
} elsif($cmd eq 'startup' ) {
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, 'lights', undef);
return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} );
my $ret = "";
foreach my $key ( sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$result} ) {
my $code = $name ."-". $key;
my $fhem_name = '';
$fhem_name = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME} if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) );
$ret .= sprintf( "%2i: %-25s %-15s ", $key, $result->{$key}{name}, $fhem_name );
if( !$result->{$key}{config} || !$result->{$key}{config}{startup} ) {
$ret .= "not supported";
} else {
$ret .= sprintf( "%s\t%s", $result->{$key}{config}{startup}{mode}, $result->{$key}{config}{startup}{configured} );
$ret .= "\n";
$ret = sprintf( "%2s %-25s %-15s %s\t%s\n", "ID", "NAME", "FHEM", "MODE", "CONFIGURED" ) .$ret if( $ret );
return $ret;
} else {
my $list = "lights:noArg groups:noArg scenes:noArg rule rules:noArg sensors:noArg schedules:noArg whitelist:noArg";
if( $hash->{helper}{apiversion} && $hash->{helper}{apiversion} >= (1<<16) + (26<<8) ) {
$list .= " startup:noArg";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if(!$hash->{LOCAL}) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "HUEBridge_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
if( $hash->{websocketport} && !$hash->{PORT} ) {
my $type;
my $result;
my $poll_devices = AttrVal($name, "pollDevices", 1);
if( $poll_devices ) {
my ($now) = gettimeofday();
if( $poll_devices > 1 || $hash->{LOCAL} || $now - $hash->{helper}{last_config_timestamp} > 300 ) {
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, $hash, undef, undef);
$hash->{helper}{last_config_timestamp} = $now;
} else {
$type = 'lights';
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, $hash, 'lights', undef);
} else {
$type = 'config';
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash, $hash, 'config', undef);
return undef if( !defined($result) );
HUEBridge_dispatch( {hash=>$hash,chash=>$hash,type=>$type}, undef, undef, $result );
#HUEBridge_Parse($hash, $result);
return undef;
my %dim_values = (
0 => "dim06%",
1 => "dim12%",
2 => "dim18%",
3 => "dim25%",
4 => "dim31%",
5 => "dim37%",
6 => "dim43%",
7 => "dim50%",
8 => "dim56%",
9 => "dim62%",
10 => "dim68%",
11 => "dim75%",
12 => "dim81%",
13 => "dim87%",
14 => "dim93%",
my($hash,$lights) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $createGroupReadings = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"createGroupReadings",undef);
return if( !defined($createGroupReadings) );
$createGroupReadings = ($createGroupReadings eq "1");
my $groups = {};
foreach my $light ( split(',', $lights) ) {
foreach my $chash ( values %{$modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}} ) {
next if( !$chash->{IODev} );
next if( !$chash->{lights} );
next if( $chash->{IODev}{NAME} ne $name );
next if( $chash->{helper}{devtype} ne 'G' );
next if( ",$chash->{lights}," !~ m/,$light,/ );
next if( $createGroupReadings && !AttrVal($chash->{NAME},"createGroupReadings", 1) );
next if( !$createGroupReadings && !AttrVal($chash->{NAME},"createGroupReadings", undef) );
$groups->{$chash->{ID}} = $chash;
foreach my $chash ( values %{$groups} ) {
my $count = 0;
my %readings;
my ($hue,$sat,$bri);
foreach my $light ( split(',', $chash->{lights}) ) {
next if( !$light );
next if( !defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{"$name-$light"}) );
my $lhash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{"$name-$light"};
my $current = $lhash->{helper};
next if( !$current );
#next if( !$current->{on} );
next if( $current->{helper}{devtype} );
my( $h, $s, $v );
if( $current->{on} && $current->{colormode} && $current->{colormode} eq 'hs' ) {
$h = $current->{hue} / 65535;
$s = $current->{sat} / 254;
$v = $current->{bri} / 254;
} elsif( $current->{on} && $current->{rgb} && $current->{rgb} =~ m/^(..)(..)(..)/ ) {
my( $r, $g, $b ) = (hex($1)/255.0, hex($2)/255.0, hex($3)/255.0);
( $h, $s, $v ) = Color::rgb2hsv($r,$g,$b);
$s = 0 if( !defined($s) );
if( defined($h) ) {
#Log 1, ">>> $h $s $v";
if( defined($hue) ) {
my $a = $hue < $h ? $hue : $h;
my $b = $hue < $h ? $h : $hue;
my $d1 = $b-$a;
my $d2 = $a+1-$b;
if( $d1 < $d2 ) {
$hue = $a + $d1 / 2;
} else {
$hue = $b + $d2 / 2;
$sat += $s;
$bri += $v;
} else {
$hue = $h;
$sat = $s;
$bri = $v;
$readings{ct} += $current->{ct} if( $current->{ct} );
$readings{bri} += $current->{bri} if( defined($current->{bri}) );
$readings{pct} += $current->{pct} if( defined($current->{pct}) );
$readings{sat} += $current->{sat} if( defined($current->{sat}) );
$readings{on} |= ($current->{on}?'1':'0');
if( AttrVal($lhash->{NAME}, 'ignoreReachable', 0) ) {
$readings{reachable} |= 1;
} else {
$readings{reachable} |= ($current->{reachable}?'1':'0');
if( !defined($readings{alert}) ) {
$readings{alert} = $current->{alert};
} elsif( $current->{alert} && $readings{alert} ne $current->{alert} ) {
$readings{alert} = 'nonuniform';
if( !defined($readings{colormode}) ) {
$readings{colormode} = $current->{colormode};
} elsif( $current->{colormode} && $readings{colormode} ne $current->{colormode} ) {
$readings{colormode} = "nonuniform";
if( !defined($readings{effect}) ) {
$readings{effect} = $current->{effect};
} elsif( $current->{effect} && $readings{effect} ne $current->{effect} ) {
$readings{effect} = "nonuniform";
if( AttrVal($name, 'ignoreReachable', 0) ) {
delete $readings{reachable};
if( defined($hue) && $readings{colormode} && $readings{colormode} ne "ct" ) {
#Log 1, "$hue $sat $bri";
$readings{colormode} = 'hs';
$readings{hue} = int($hue * 65535);
$readings{sat} = int($sat * 254 / $count + 0.5);
$readings{bri} = int($bri * 254 / $count + 0.5);
$readings{pct} = int($bri * 100 / $count + 0.5);
} else {
foreach my $key ( qw( ct bri pct sat ) ) {
$readings{$key} = int($readings{$key} / $count + 0.5) if( defined($readings{$key}) );
if( defined($hue) ) {
$hue -= 1 if( $hue >= 1 );
my ($r,$g,$b) = Color::hsv2rgb($hue,$sat/$count,$bri/$count);
$r *= 255;
$g *= 255;
$b *= 255;
$readings{rgb} = sprintf( "%02x%02x%02x", $r+0.5, $g+0.5, $b+0.5 )
if( $readings{on} ) {
if( $readings{pct} > 0
&& $readings{pct} < 100 ) {
$readings{state} = $dim_values{int($readings{pct}/7)};
$readings{state} = 'off' if( $readings{pct} == 0 );
$readings{state} = 'on' if( $readings{pct} == 100 );
} else {
$readings{pct} = 0;
$readings{state} = 'off';
$readings{onoff} = $readings{on};
delete $readings{on};
foreach my $key ( keys %readings ) {
if( defined($readings{$key}) ) {
readingsBulkUpdate($chash, $key, $readings{$key}, 1) if( !defined($chash->{helper}{$key}) || $chash->{helper}{$key} ne $readings{$key} );
$chash->{helper}{$key} = $readings{$key};
my($hash,$config) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "parse status message for $name";
#Log3 $name, 5, Dumper $config;
$hash->{helper}{lights} = $config->{lights} if( $config->{lights} );
$hash->{helper}{groups} = $config->{groups} if( $config->{groups} );
$hash->{helper}{scenes} = $config->{scenes} if( $config->{scenes} );
#Log 3, Dumper $config;
$config = $config->{config} if( defined($config->{config}) );
HUEBridge_fillBridgeInfo($hash, $config);
$hash->{zigbeechannel} = $config->{zigbeechannel};
if( my $utc = $config->{UTC} ) {
substr( $utc, 10, 1, '_' );
if( my $localtime = $config->{localtime} ) {
$localtime = TimeNow() if( $localtime eq 'none' );
substr( $localtime, 10, 1, '_' );
$hash->{helper}{offsetUTC} = SVG_time_to_sec($localtime) - SVG_time_to_sec($utc);
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: missing localtime configuration";
if( defined( $config->{swupdate} ) ) {
my $txt = $config->{swupdate}->{text};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "swupdate", $txt, 1) if( $txt && $txt ne ReadingsVal($name,"swupdate","") );
if( defined($hash->{updatestate}) ){
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'update done', 1 ) if( $config->{swupdate}->{updatestate} == 0 && $hash->{helper}{updatestate} >= 2 );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'update failed', 1 ) if( $config->{swupdate}->{updatestate} == 2 && $hash->{helper}{updatestate} == 3 );
$hash->{updatestate} = $config->{swupdate}->{updatestate};
$hash->{helper}{updatestate} = $hash->{updatestate};
if( $config->{swupdate}->{devicetypes} ) {
my $devicetypes;
$devicetypes .= 'bridge' if( $config->{swupdate}->{devicetypes}->{bridge} );
$devicetypes .= ',' if( $devicetypes && scalar(@{$config->{swupdate}->{devicetypes}->{lights}}) );
$devicetypes .= join( ",", @{$config->{swupdate}->{devicetypes}->{lights}} ) if( $config->{swupdate}->{devicetypes}->{lights} );
$hash->{updatestate} .= " [$devicetypes]" if( $devicetypes );
} elsif ( defined( $hash->{swupdate} ) ) {
delete( $hash->{updatestate} );
delete( $hash->{helper}{updatestate} );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL}, 0);
my ($hash,$force,$sensors)= @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( !$force ) {
foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
next if($defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "autocreate");
return undef if(AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME},"disable",undef));
my $autocreated = 0;
my $result = HUEBridge_Call($hash,undef, 'lights', undef);
foreach my $key ( keys %{$result} ) {
my $id= $key;
my $code = $name ."-". $id;
if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: id '$id' already defined as '$modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME}'";
my $devname = "HUEDevice" . $id;
$devname = $name ."_". $devname if( $hash->{helper}{count} );
my $define= "$devname HUEDevice $id IODev=$name";
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: create new device '$devname' for address '$id'";
my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define);
if($cmdret) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Autocreate: An error occurred while creating device for id '$id': $cmdret";
} else {
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname alias ".$result->{$id}{name});
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname room HUEDevice");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname group HUEDevice");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname IODev $name");
$defs{$devname}{helper}{fromAutocreate} = 1 ;
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash,undef, 'groups', undef);
$result->{0} = { name => "Lightset 0", };
foreach my $key ( keys %{$result} ) {
my $id= $key;
my $code = $name ."-G". $id;
if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: id '$id' already defined as '$modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME}'";
my $devname= "HUEGroup" . $id;
$devname = $name ."_". $devname if( $hash->{helper}{count} );
my $define= "$devname HUEDevice group $id IODev=$name";
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: create new group '$devname' for address '$id'";
my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define);
if($cmdret) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Autocreate: An error occurred while creating group for id '$id': $cmdret";
} else {
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname alias ".$result->{$id}{name});
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname room HUEDevice");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname group HUEGroup");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname IODev $name");
$defs{$devname}{helper}{fromAutocreate} = 1 ;
if( $sensors || $hash->{websocket} ) {
$result = HUEBridge_Call($hash,undef, 'sensors', undef);
foreach my $key ( keys %{$result} ) {
my $id= $key;
my $code = $name ."-S". $id;
if( defined($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}) ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: id '$id' already defined as '$modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}->{NAME}'";
my $devname= "HUESensor" . $id;
$devname = $name ."_". $devname if( $hash->{helper}{count} );
my $define= "$devname HUEDevice sensor $id IODev=$name";
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: create new sensor '$devname' for address '$id'";
my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define);
if($cmdret) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Autocreate: An error occurred while creating sensor for id '$id': $cmdret";
} else {
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname alias ".$result->{$id}{name});
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname room HUEDevice");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname group HUESensor");
$cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname IODev $name");
$defs{$devname}{helper}{fromAutocreate} = 1 ;
if( $autocreated ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: autocreated $autocreated devices";
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
return "created $autocreated devices";
my ($hash,$obj) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#Log3 $name, 3, ref($obj);
#Log3 $name, 3, "Receiving: " . Dumper $obj;
if( ref($obj) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
if( defined($obj->[0]->{error})) {
my $error = $obj->[0]->{error}->{'description'};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'lastError', $error, 1 );
if( !AttrVal( $name,'queryAfterSet', 1 ) ) {
my $successes;
my $errors;
my %json = ();
foreach my $item (@{$obj}) {
if( my $success = $item->{success} ) {
next if( ref($success) ne 'HASH' );
foreach my $key ( keys %{$success} ) {
my @l = split( '/', $key );
next if( !$l[1] );
if( $l[1] eq 'lights' && $l[3] eq 'state' ) {
$json{$l[2]}->{state}->{$l[4]} = $success->{$key};
} elsif( $l[1] eq 'groups' && $l[3] eq 'action' ) {
my $code = $name ."-G". $l[2];
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
if( my $lights = $chash->{lights} ) {
foreach my $light ( split(',', $lights) ) {
$json{$light}->{state}->{$l[4]} = $success->{$key};
} elsif( my $error = $item->{error} ) {
my $msg = $error->{'description'};
Log3 $name, 3, $msg;
my $changed = "";
foreach my $id ( keys %json ) {
my $code = $name ."-". $id;
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
#$json{$id}->{state}->{reachable} = 1;
if( HUEDevice_Parse( $chash, $json{$id} ) ) {
$changed .= "," if( $changed );
$changed .= $chash->{ID};
HUEBridge_updateGroups($hash, $changed) if( $changed );
#return undef if( !$errors && $successes );
return ($obj->[0]);
} elsif( ref($obj) eq 'HASH' ) {
return $obj;
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $obj = {
'devicetype' => 'fhem',
if( !$hash->{helper}{apiversion} || $hash->{helper}{apiversion} < (1<<16) + (12<<8) ) {
$obj->{username} = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'key', '');
return HUEBridge_Call($hash, undef, undef, $obj);
#Executes a JSON RPC
my ($hash,$chash,$path,$obj,$method) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( IsDisabled($name) ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'inactive', 1 ) if( ReadingsVal($name,'state','' ) ne 'inactive' );
return undef;
#Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "Sending: " . Dumper $obj;
my $json = undef;
$json = encode_json($obj) if $obj;
# @TODO: repeat twice?
for( my $attempt=0; $attempt<2; $attempt++ ) {
my $blocking;
my $res = undef;
if( !defined($attr{$name}{httpUtils}) ) {
$blocking = 1;
$res = HUEBridge_HTTP_Call($hash,$path,$json,$method);
} else {
$blocking = $attr{$name}{httpUtils} < 1;
$res = HUEBridge_HTTP_Call2($hash,$chash,$path,$json,$method);
return $res if( !$blocking || defined($res) );
Log3 $name, 3, "HUEBridge_Call: failed, retrying";
HUEBridge_Detect($hash) if( defined($hash->{NUPNP}) );
Log3 $name, 3, "HUEBridge_Call: failed";
return undef;
my ($hash,$path,$obj,$method) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#return { state => {reachable => 0 } } if($attr{$name} && $attr{$name}{disable});
my $uri = "http://" . $hash->{host} . "/api";
if( defined($obj) ) {
$method = 'PUT' if( !$method );
if( ReadingsVal($name, 'state', '') eq 'pairing' ) {
$method = 'POST';
} else {
$uri .= "/" . AttrVal($name, "key", "");
} else {
$uri .= "/" . AttrVal($name, "key", "");
$method = 'GET' if( !$method );
if( defined $path) {
$uri .= "/" . $path;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Url: " . $uri;
Log3 $name, 4, "using HUEBridge_HTTP_Request: $method ". ($path?$path:'');
my $ret = HUEBridge_HTTP_Request(0,$uri,$method,undef,$obj,AttrVal($name,'noshutdown', 1));
#Log3 $name, 3, Dumper $ret;
if( !defined($ret) ) {
return undef;
} elsif($ret eq '') {
return undef;
} elsif($ret =~ /^error:(\d){3}$/) {
my $result = { error => "HTTP Error Code $1" };
return $result;
if( !$ret ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: empty answer received for $uri";
return undef;
} elsif( $ret =~ m'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: empty answer received for $uri";
return undef;
} elsif( $ret !~ m/^[\[{].*[\]}]$/ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: invalid json detected for $uri: $ret";
return undef;
my $decoded = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($ret) };
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: json error: $@ in $ret" if( $@ );
return HUEBridge_ProcessResponse($hash, $decoded);
my ($hash,$chash,$path,$obj,$method) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#return { state => {reachable => 0 } } if($attr{$name} && $attr{$name}{disable});
my $url = "http://" . $hash->{host} . "/api";
my $blocking = $attr{$name}{httpUtils} < 1;
$blocking = 1 if( !defined($chash) );
if( defined($obj) ) {
$method = 'PUT' if( !$method );
if( ReadingsVal($name, 'state', '') eq 'pairing' ) {
$method = 'POST';
$blocking = 1;
} else {
$url .= "/" . AttrVal($name, "key", "");
} else {
$url .= "/" . AttrVal($name, "key", "");
$method = 'GET' if( !$method );
if( defined $path) {
$url .= "/" . $path;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Url: " . $url;
#Log 2, $path;
if( $blocking ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "using HttpUtils_BlockingGet: $method ". ($path?$path:'');
my($err,$data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet({
url => $url,
timeout => 4,
method => $method,
noshutdown => AttrVal($name,'noshutdown', 1),
header => "Content-Type: application/json",
data => $obj,
if( !$data ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: empty answer received for $url";
return undef;
} elsif( $data =~ m'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: empty answer received for $url";
return undef;
} elsif( $data !~ m/^[\[{].*[\]}]$/ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: invalid json detected for $url: $data";
return undef;
my $json = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($data) };
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: json error: $@ in $data" if( $@ );
return undef if( !$json );
return HUEBridge_ProcessResponse($hash, $json);
HUEBridge_dispatch( {hash=>$hash,chash=>$chash,type=>$path},$err,$data );
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "using HttpUtils_NonblockingGet: $method ". ($path?$path:'');
my($err,$data) = HttpUtils_NonblockingGet({
url => $url,
timeout => 10,
method => $method,
noshutdown => AttrVal($name,'noshutdown', 1),
header => "Content-Type: application/json",
data => $obj,
hash => $hash,
chash => $chash,
type => $path,
callback => \&HUEBridge_dispatch,
return undef;
my ($param, $err, $data, $json) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#Log3 $name, 5, "HUEBridge_dispatch";
if( $err ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: http request failed: $err";
} elsif( $data || $json ) {
if( !$data && !$json ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: empty answer received";
return undef;
} elsif( $data && $data !~ m/^[\[{].*[\]}]$/ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: invalid json detected: $data";
return undef;
my $queryAfterSet = AttrVal( $name,'queryAfterSet', 1 );
if( !$json ) {
$json = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($data) } if( !$json );
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: json error: $@ in $data" if( $@ );
return undef if( !$json );
my $type = $param->{type};
if( ref($json) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
HUEBridge_ProcessResponse($hash,$json) if( !$queryAfterSet );
if( defined($json->[0]->{error}))
my $error = $json->[0]->{error}->{'description'};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'lastError', $error, 1 );
Log3 $name, 3, $error;
#return ($json->[0]);
if( $hash == $param->{chash} ) {
if( !defined($type) ) {
if( defined($json->{sensors}) ) {
my $sensors = $json->{sensors};
foreach my $id ( keys %{$sensors} ) {
my $code = $name ."-S". $id;
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
HUEDevice_Parse($chash, $sensors->{$id});
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: message for unknown sensor received: $code";
if( defined($json->{groups}) ) {
my $groups = $json->{groups};
foreach my $id ( keys %{$groups} ) {
my $code = $name ."-G". $id;
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
HUEDevice_Parse($chash, $groups->{$id});
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: message for unknown group received: $code";
$type = 'lights';
$json = $json->{lights};
if( $type eq 'lights' ) {
my $changed = "";
my $lights = $json;
foreach my $id ( keys %{$lights} ) {
my $code = $name ."-". $id;
if( my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} ) {
if( HUEDevice_Parse($chash, $lights->{$id}) ) {
$changed .= "," if( $changed );
$changed .= $chash->{ID};
} elsif( HUEDevice_moveToBridge( $lights->{$id}{uniqueid}, $name, $id ) ) {
HUEDevice_Parse($hash, $lights->{$id});
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: message for unknown device received: $code";
HUEBridge_updateGroups($hash, $changed) if( $changed );
} elsif( $type =~ m/^config$/ ) {
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: message for unknown type received: $type";
Log3 $name, 4, Dumper $json;
} elsif( $type =~ m/^lights\/(\d+)$/ ) {
if( HUEDevice_Parse($param->{chash}, $json) ) {
HUEBridge_updateGroups($hash, $param->{chash}{ID});
} elsif( $type =~ m/^lights\/(\d+)\/bridgeupdatestate$/ ) {
# only for https://github.com/bwssytems/ha-bridge
# see https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,11020.msg961555.html#msg961555
if( $queryAfterSet ) {
my $chash = $param->{chash};
if( $chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} ) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $chash, 0);
} else {
HUEDevice_GetUpdate( $chash );
} elsif( $type =~ m/^groups\/(\d+)$/ ) {
HUEDevice_Parse($param->{chash}, $json);
} elsif( $type =~ m/^sensors\/(\d+)$/ ) {
HUEDevice_Parse($param->{chash}, $json);
} elsif( $type =~ m/^lights\/(\d+)\/state$/ ) {
if( $queryAfterSet ) {
my $chash = $param->{chash};
if( $chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} ) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $chash, 0);
} else {
HUEDevice_GetUpdate( $chash );
} elsif( $type =~ m/^groups\/(\d+)\/action$/
|| $type =~ m/^groups\/(\d+)\/scenes\/(\d+)\/recall$/ ) {
my $chash = $param->{chash};
if( $chash->{helper}->{update_timeout} ) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $chash, 0);
} else {
HUEDevice_GetUpdate( $chash );
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: message for unknown type received: $type";
Log3 $name, 4, Dumper $json;
#adapted version of the CustomGetFileFromURL subroutine from HttpUtils.pm
my ($quiet, $url, $method, $timeout, $data, $noshutdown) = @_;
$timeout = 4.0 if(!defined($timeout));
my $displayurl= $quiet ? "<hidden>" : $url;
if($url !~ /^(http|https):\/\/([^:\/]+)(:\d+)?(\/.*)$/) {
Log3 undef, 1, "HUEBridge_HTTP_Request $displayurl: malformed or unsupported URL";
return undef;
my ($protocol,$host,$port,$path)= ($1,$2,$3,$4);
if(defined($port)) {
$port =~ s/^://;
} else {
$port = ($protocol eq "https" ? 443: 80);
$path= '/' unless defined($path);
my $conn;
if($protocol eq "https") {
eval "use IO::Socket::SSL";
if($@) {
Log3 undef, 1, $@;
} else {
$conn = IO::Socket::SSL->new(PeerAddr=>"$host:$port", Timeout=>$timeout);
} else {
$conn = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"$host:$port", Timeout=>$timeout);
if(!$conn) {
Log3 undef, 1, "HUEBridge_HTTP_Request $displayurl: Can't connect to $protocol://$host:$port";
undef $conn;
return undef;
$host =~ s/:.*//;
#my $hdr = ($data ? "POST" : "GET")." $path HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n";
my $hdr = $method." $path HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n";
if(defined($data)) {
$hdr .= "Content-Length: ".length($data)."\r\n";
$hdr .= "Content-Type: application/json";
$hdr .= "\r\n\r\n";
syswrite $conn, $hdr;
syswrite $conn, $data if(defined($data));
shutdown $conn, 1 if(!$noshutdown);
my ($buf, $ret) = ("", "");
for(;;) {
my ($rout, $rin) = ('', '');
vec($rin, $conn->fileno(), 1) = 1;
my $nfound = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, $timeout);
if($nfound <= 0) {
Log3 undef, 1, "HUEBridge_HTTP_Request $displayurl: Select timeout/error: $!";
undef $conn;
return undef;
my $len = sysread($conn,$buf,65536);
last if(!defined($len) || $len <= 0);
$ret .= $buf;
$ret=~ s/(.*?)\r\n\r\n//s; # Not greedy: switch off the header.
my @header= split("\r\n", $1);
my $hostpath= $quiet ? "<hidden>" : $host . $path;
Log3 undef, 5, "HUEBridge_HTTP_Request $displayurl: Got data, length: ".length($ret);
if(!length($ret)) {
Log3 undef, 4, "HUEBridge_HTTP_Request $displayurl: Zero length data, header follows...";
for (@header) {
Log3 undef, 4, "HUEBridge_HTTP_Request $displayurl: $_";
undef $conn;
if($header[0] =~ /^[^ ]+ ([\d]{3})/ && $1 != 200) {
my $result = { error => "error: $1" };
return $result;
return $ret;
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $orig = $attrVal;
$attrVal = int($attrVal) if($attrName eq "interval");
$attrVal = 60 if($attrName eq "interval" && $attrVal < 60 && $attrVal != 0);
if( $attrName eq "disable" ) {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $cmd eq 'set' && $attrVal ne "0" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'disabled', 1 );
} else {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'active', 1 );
} elsif( $attrName eq "disabledForIntervals" ) {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $cmd eq 'set' ) {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
} else {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = "";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', IsDisabled($name)?'disabled':'active', 1 );
HUEBridge_OpenDev($hash) if( !IsDisabled($name) );
if( $cmd eq 'set' ) {
if( $orig ne $attrVal ) {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
return $attrName ." set to ". $attrVal;
=item tag cloudfree
=item tag publicAPI
=item tag protocol:zigbee
=item summary module for the phillips hue bridge
=item summary_DE Modul f&uuml;r die Philips HUE Bridge
=begin html
<a name="HUEBridge"></a>
Module to access the bridge of the phillips hue lighting system.<br><br>
The actual hue bulbs, living colors or living whites devices are defined as <a href="#HUEDevice">HUEDevice</a> devices.
All newly found lights and groups are autocreated at startup and added to the room HUEDevice.
<li>This module needs <code>JSON</code>.<br>
Please install with '<code>cpan install JSON</code>' or your method of choice.</li>
<a name="HUEBridge_Define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; HUEBridge [&lt;host&gt;] [&lt;interval&gt;]</code><br>
Defines a HUEBridge device with address &lt;host&gt;.<br><br>
If [&lt;host&gt;] is not given the module will try to autodetect the bridge with the hue portal services.<br><br>
The bridge status will be updated every &lt;interval&gt; seconds. The default and minimum is 60.<br><br>
After a new bridge is created the pair button on the bridge has to be pressed.<br><br>
<code>define bridge HUEBridge</code><br>
<a name="HUEBridge_Get"></a>
list the lights known to the bridge.</li>
list the groups known to the bridge.</li>
<li>scenes [detail]<br>
list the scenes known to the bridge.</li>
<li>schedules [detail]<br>
list the schedules known to the bridge.</li>
show startup behavior of all known lights</li>
<li>rule &lt;id&gt; <br>
list the rule with &lt;id&gt;.</li>
<li>rules [detail] <br>
list the rules known to the bridge.</li>
<li>sensors [detail] <br>
list the sensors known to the bridge.</li>
list the whitlist of the bridge.</li>
<a name="HUEBridge_Set"></a>
<li>autocreate [sensors]<br>
Create fhem devices for all light and group devices. sensors are autocreated only if sensors parameter is given.</li>
Initiate the detection of new ZigBee devices. After aproximately one minute any newly detected
devices can be listed with <code>get &lt;bridge&gt; devices</code> and the corresponding fhem devices
can be created by <code>set &lt;bridge&gt; autocreate</code>.</li>
<li>delete &lt;name&gt;|&lt;id&gt;<br>
Deletes the given device in the bridge and deletes the associated fhem device.</li>
<li>creategroup &lt;name&gt; &lt;lights&gt;<br>
Create a group out of &lt;lights&gt; in the bridge.
The lights are given as a comma sparated list of fhem device names or bridge light numbers.</li>
<li>deletegroup &lt;name&gt;|&lt;id&gt;<br>
Deletes the given group in the bridge and deletes the associated fhem device.</li>
<li>savescene &lt;name&gt; &lt;lights&gt;<br>
Create a scene from the current state of &lt;lights&gt; in the bridge.
The lights are given as a comma sparated list of fhem device names or bridge light numbers.</li>
<li>modifyscene &lt;id&gt; &lt;light&gt; &lt;light-args&gt;<br>
Modifys the given scene in the bridge.</li>
<li>scene &lt;id&gt;|&lr;name&gt;<br>
Recalls the scene with the given id.</li>
<li>updateschedule &lt;id&gt; &lt;attributes json&gt;<br>
updates the given schedule in the bridge with &lt;attributes json&gt; </li>
<li>enableschedule &lt;id&gt;<br>
enables the given shedule</li>
<li>disableschedule &lt;id&gt;<br>
disables the given shedule</li>
<li>createrule &lt;name&gt; &lt;conditions&amp;actions json&gt;<br>
Creates a new rule in the bridge.</li>
<li>deleterule &lt;id&gt;<br>
Deletes the given rule in the bridge.</li>
<li>createsensor &lt;name&gt; &lt;type&gt; &lt;uniqueid&gt; &lt;swversion&gt; &lt;modelid&gt;<br>
Creates a new CLIP (IP) sensor in the bridge.</li>
<li>deletesensor &lt;id&gt;<br>
Deletes the given sensor in the bridge and deletes the associated fhem device.</li>
<li>configsensor &lt;id&gt; &lt;json&gt;<br>
Write sensor config data.</li>
<li>setsensor &lt;id&gt; &lt;json&gt;<br>
Write CLIP sensor status data.</li>
<li>updatesensor &lt;id&gt; &lt;json&gt;<br>
Write sensor toplevel data.</li>
<li>deletewhitelist &lt;key&gt;<br>
Deletes the given key from the whitelist in the bridge.</li>
perform touchlink action</li>
perform checkforupdate action</li>
Update bridge status.</li>
Update bridge firmware. This command is only available if a new firmware is
available (indicated by updatestate with a value of 2. The version and release date is shown in the reading swupdate.<br>
A notify of the form <code>define HUEUpdate notify bridge:swupdate.* {...}</code>
can be used to be informed about available firmware updates.<br></li>
inactivates the current device. note the slight difference to the
disable attribute: using set inactive the state is automatically saved
to the statefile on shutdown, there is no explicit save necesary.<br>
this command is intended to be used by scripts to temporarily
deactivate the harmony device.<br>
the concurrent setting of the disable attribute is not recommended.</li>
activates the current device (see inactive).</li>
<a name="HUEBridge_Attr"></a>
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<li><a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></li>
0 -> use HttpUtils_BlockingGet<br>
1 -> use HttpUtils_NonblockingGet<br>
not set -> use old module specific implementation</li>
1 -> the bridge will poll all lights in one go instead of each device polling itself independently<br>
2 -> the bridge will poll all devices in one go instead of each device polling itself independently<br>
default is 1.</li>
create 'artificial' readings for group devices.</li>
0 -> create readings only for group devices where createGroupReadings ist set to 1
1 -> create readings for all group devices where createGroupReadings ist not set or set to 1
undef -> do nothing
the bridge will request the real device state after a set command. default is 1.</li>
Some bridge devcies require a different type of connection handling. raspbee/deconz only works if the connection
is not immediately closed, the phillips hue bridge now shows the same behavior. so this is now the default. </li>
=end html
=encoding utf8
=for :application/json;q=META.json 30_HUEBridge.pm
"abstract": "module for the phillips hue bridge",
"x_lang": {
"de": {
"abstract": "Modul für die Philips HUE Bridge"
"resources": {
"x_wiki": {
"web": "https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Hue"
"keywords": [
"release_status": "stable",
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
"prereqs": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"FHEM": 5.00918799,
"perl": 5.014,
"Meta": 0,
"JSON": 0,
"Data::Dumper": 0,
"IO::Socket::INET": 0
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"HUEDevice": 0
=end :application/json;q=META.json