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# Developed with VSCodium and richterger perl plugin
# (c) 2016-2021 Copyright: Marko Oldenburg (fhemdevelopment at cooltux dot net)
# All rights reserved
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# $Id$
package FHEM::NUKIDevice;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FHEM::Meta;
require FHEM::Devices::Nuki::Device;
use GPUtils qw(GP_Import);
# Import from main context
GP_Import(qw( readingFnAttributes ));
sub ::NUKIDevice_Initialize { goto &Initialize }
sub Initialize {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = '^{.*}$';
$hash->{SetFn} = \&FHEM::Devices::Nuki::Device::Set;
$hash->{DefFn} = \&FHEM::Devices::Nuki::Device::Define;
$hash->{UndefFn} = \&FHEM::Devices::Nuki::Device::Undef;
$hash->{NotifyFn} = \&FHEM::Devices::Nuki::Device::Notify;
$hash->{AttrFn} = \&FHEM::Devices::Nuki::Device::Attr;
$hash->{ParseFn} = \&FHEM::Devices::Nuki::Device::Parse;
$hash->{AttrList} =
'IODev '
. 'model:smartlock,opener,smartdoor,smartlock3 '
. 'disable:1 '
. $readingFnAttributes;
return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash );
=item device
=item summary Modul to control the Nuki Smartlock's
=item summary_DE Modul zur Steuerung des Nuki Smartlocks.
=begin html
<a name="NUKIDevice"></a>
<u><b>NUKIDevice - Controls the Nuki Smartlock</b></u>
The Nuki module connects FHEM over the Nuki Bridge with a Nuki Smartlock or Nuki Opener. After that, it´s possible to control your Nuki devices<br>
Normally the Nuki devices are automatically created by the bridge module.
<a name="NUKIDevicedefine"></a>
<code>define <name> NUKIDevice <Nuki-Id> <IODev-Device> <Device-Type></code>
Device-Type is 0/4 for the Smartlock and 2 for the Opener.
<code>define Frontdoor NUKIDevice 1 NBridge1 0</code><br>
This statement creates a NUKIDevice with the name Frontdoor, the NukiId 1 and the IODev device NBridge1.<br>
After the device has been created, the current state of the Smartlock is automatically read from the bridge.
<a name="NUKIDevicereadings"></a>
<li>batteryCharging - is the battery charging true/false.</li>
<li>batteryPercent - current battry state in percent.</li>
<li>batteryState - battery state ok/low</li>
<li>deviceType - type name of nuki device smartlock/smartlock3/opener</li>
<li>firmwareVersion - version of device firmware</li>
<li>name - name of the device</li>
<li>nukiid - id of the nuki device</li>
<li>paired - paired information false/true</li>
<li>rssi - value of rssi</li>
<li>state - Status of the Smartlock or error message if any error.</li>
<li>stateName - Status of the Smartlock or error message if any error.</li>
<li>succes - true, false Returns the status of the last closing command. Ok or not Ok.</li>
<li>batteryState - battery state ok/low</li>
<li>deviceType - type name of nuki device smartlock/smartlock3/opener</li>
<li>firmwareVersion - version of device firmware</li>
<li>mode - Operation mode (door mode/continuous mode)</li>
<li>name - name of the device</li>
<li>nukiid - id of the nuki device</li>
<li>paired - paired information false/true</li>
<li>ringactionState - state of ring (0/1)</li>
<li>ringactionTimestamp - timestamp of ring</li>
<li>rssi - value of rssi</li>
<li>state - Status of the Smartlock or error message if any error.</li>
<li>stateName - Status of the Smartlock or error message if any error.</li>
<li>succes - true, false Returns the status of the last closing command. Ok or not Ok.</li>
<a name="NUKIDeviceset"></a>
<li>statusRequest - retrieves the current state of the smartlock from the bridge.</li>
<li>lock - lock</li>
<li>unlock - unlock</li>
<li>unlatch - unlock / open Door</li>
<li>unpair - Removes the pairing with a given Smart Lock</li>
<li>locknGo - lock when gone</li>
<li>locknGoWithUnlatch - lock after the door has been opened</li>
<li>statusRequest - retrieves the current state of the smartlock from the bridge.</li>
<li>activateRto - activate ring to open mode / ringing the bell activates the electric strike actuation </li>
<li>deactivateRto - deactivate ring to open mode</li>
<li>electricStrikeActuation - electric strike actuation</li>
<li>activateContinuousMode - activate Nuki Opener Mode with Ring to Open continuously</li>
<li>deactivateContinuousMode - deactivate Ring to Open continuously</li>
<a name="NUKIDeviceattribut"></a>
<li>disable - disables the Nuki device</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="NUKIDevice"></a>
<u><b>NUKIDevice - Zur Steuerung von Nuki Geräte</b></u>
Das Nuki Modul verbindet FHEM über die Nuki Bridge mit einem Nuki Smartlock oder Opener. Nach der Einrichtung können diese Geräte gesteuert werden.<br>
Die Nuki Geräte werden automatisch nach dem erstellen der Nuki Bridge in FHEM eingerichtet.
<a name="NUKIDevicedefine"></a>
<code>define <name> NUKIDevice <Nuki-Id> <IODev-Device> <Device-Type></code>
Der Device-Type kann 0/4 für ein Smartlock sein oder 2 für den Opener.
<code>define Frontdoor NUKIDevice 1 NBridge1 0</code><br>
Diese Anweisung erstellt ein NUKIDevice mit Namen Haustür, der NukiId 1 sowie dem IODev Device NBridge1.<br>
Nach dem anlegen des Devices wird automatisch der aktuelle Zustand des Smartlocks aus der Bridge gelesen.
<a name="NUKIDevicereadings"></a>
<li>batteryCharging - wird die Batterie geladen true/false.</li>
<li>batteryPercent - aktueller Ladestand der Batterie.</li>
<li>batteryState - Staus der Batterie ok/low</li>
<li>deviceType - der Typenname des Nuki Gerätes smartlock/smartlock3/opener</li>
<li>firmwareVersion - Version der Geräte Firmware</li>
<li>name - Name des Nuki Gerätes</li>
<li>nukiid - die Geräte Id</li>
<li>paired - paired Informationen false/true</li>
<li>rssi - Wert für die empfangene Signalstärke</li>
<li>state - Status des Smartlock bzw . Fehlermeldung von Fehler vorhanden.</li>
<li>succes - true, false. Gibt den Status des letzen Befehls zurück.</li>
<li>batteryCharging - wird die Batterie geladen true/false.</li>
<li>batteryPercent - aktueller Ladestand der Batterie.</li>
<li>batteryState - Staus der Batterie ok/low</li>
<li>deviceType - der Typenname des Nuki Gerätes smartlock/smartlock3/opener</li>
<li>firmwareVersion - Version der Geräte Firmware</li>
<li>name - Name des Nuki Gerätes</li>
<li>nukiid - die Geräte Id</li>
<li>paired - paired Informationen false/true</li>
<li>ringactionState - Status der Klingel. Wurde eben geklingelt (0/1)</li>
<li>ringactionTimestamp - Zeitstempel des klingelns</li>
<li>rssi - Wert f ür die empfangene Signalst ärke</li>
<li>state - Status des Opener bzw . Fehlermeldung von Fehler vorhanden.</li>
<li>succes - true, false. Gibt den Status des letzen Befehls zurück.</li>
<a name="NUKIDeviceset"></a>
<li>statusRequest - ruft den aktuellen Status des Smartlocks von der Bridge ab.</li>
<li>lock - verschließen</li>
<li>unlock - aufschließen</li>
<li>unlatch - entriegeln/Falle öffnen.</li>
<li>unpair - entfernt das pairing mit dem Smart Lock</li>
<li>locknGo - verschließen wenn gegangen</li>
<li>locknGoWithUnlatch - verschließen nach dem die Falle geöffnet wurde.</li>
<li>statusRequest - ruft den aktuellen Status des Opener von der Bridge ab.</li>
<li>activateRto - aktiviert den ring to open Modus / ein klingeln aktiviert den Türöffner</li>
<li>deactivateRto - deaktiviert den ring to open Modus</li>
<li>electricStrikeActuation - aktiviert den Türöffner</li>
<li>activateContinuousMode - aktiviert dauerhaft öffnen der Tür durch klingeln Modus</li>
<li>deactivateContinuousMode - deaktiviert diesen Modus</li>
<a name="NUKIDeviceattribut"></a>
<li>disable - disables the Nuki device</li>
=end html_DE
=for :application/json;q=META.json 74_NUKIDevice.pm
"abstract": "Modul to control the Nuki Smartlock's over the Nuki Bridge",
"x_lang": {
"de": {
"abstract": "Modul to control the Nuki Smartlock's over the Nuki Bridge"
"keywords": [
"release_status": "stable",
"license": "GPL_2",
"version": "v2.0.2",
"author": [
"Marko Oldenburg <leongaultier@gmail.com>"
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
"prereqs": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"FHEM": 5.00918799,
"perl": 5.024,
"Meta": 0,
"JSON": 0,
"Date::Parse": 0
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
=end :application/json;q=META.json