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Executable File

# 71_ZM_Monitor.pm
# This file is part of Fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ZoneMinder (c) Martin Gutenbrunner / https://github.com/delmar43/FHEM
# This module is designed to work as a logical device in connection with 70_ZoneMinder
# as a physical device.
# Discussed in FHEM Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,91847.0.html
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HttpUtils;
my @ZM_Functions = qw( None Monitor Modect Record Mocord Nodect );
my @ZM_Alarms = qw( on off on-for-timer );
sub ZM_Monitor_Initialize {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{NotifyOrderPrefix} = "71-";
$hash->{GetFn} = "ZM_Monitor_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "ZM_Monitor_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "ZM_Monitor_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "ZM_Monitor_Undef";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "ZM_Monitor_DetailFn";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "ZM_Monitor_Parse";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "ZM_Monitor_Notify";
$hash->{AttrList} = 'showLiveStreamInDetail:0,1 '.$readingFnAttributes;
$hash->{Match} = "^.*";
return undef;
sub ZM_Monitor_Define {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "TYPE=ZoneMinder";
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my $name = $a[0];
my $module = $a[1];
my $zmMonitorId = $a[2];
if(@a < 3 || @a > 3) {
my $msg = "ZM_Monitor ($name) - Wrong syntax: define <name> ZM_Monitor <ZM_MONITOR_ID>";
Log3 $name, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "idle", 1);
my $ioDevName = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
my $logDevAddress = $ioDevName.'_'.$zmMonitorId;
# Adresse rückwärts dem Hash zuordnen (für ParseFn)
# Log3 $name, 3, "ZM_Monitor ($name) - Logical device address: $logDevAddress";
$modules{ZM_Monitor}{defptr}{$logDevAddress} = $hash;
# Log3 $name, 3, "ZM_Monitor ($name) - Define done ... module=$module, zmHost=$zmHost, zmMonitorId=$zmMonitorId";
$hash->{helper}{ZM_MONITOR_ID} = $zmMonitorId;
return undef;
sub ZM_Monitor_UpdateStreamUrls {
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $ioDevName = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
my $zmPathZms = $hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_PATH_ZMS};
if (not $zmPathZms) {
return undef;
my $zmHost = $hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_HOST};
my $streamUrl = "http://$zmHost";
my $zmUsername = urlEncode($hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_USERNAME});
my $zmPassword = urlEncode($hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_PASSWORD});
my $authPart = "&user=$zmUsername&pass=$zmPassword";
ZM_Monitor_WriteStreamUrlToReading($hash, $streamUrl, 'streamUrl', $authPart);
my $pubStreamUrl = $attr{$ioDevName}{publicAddress};
if ($pubStreamUrl) {
my $authHash = ReadingsVal($ioDevName, 'authHash', '');
if ($authHash) { #if ZM_AUTH_KEY is defined, use the auth-hash. otherwise, use the previously defined username/pwd
$authPart = "&auth=$authHash";
ZM_Monitor_WriteStreamUrlToReading($hash, $pubStreamUrl, 'pubStreamUrl', $authPart);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
return undef;
# is build by using hosname, NPH_ZMS, monitorId, streamBufferSize, and auth
sub ZM_Monitor_getZmStreamUrl {
my ($hash) = @_;
#use private or public LAN for streaming access?
return undef;
sub ZM_Monitor_WriteStreamUrlToReading {
my ( $hash, $streamUrl, $readingName, $authPart ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $zmPathZms = $hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_PATH_ZMS};
my $zmMonitorId = $hash->{helper}{ZM_MONITOR_ID};
my $buffer = ReadingsVal($name, 'streamReplayBuffer', '1000');
my $imageUrl = $streamUrl."$zmPathZms?mode=single&scale=100&monitor=$zmMonitorId".$authPart;
my $imageReadingName = $readingName;
$imageReadingName =~ s/Stream/Image/g;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $imageReadingName, $imageUrl, 1);
$streamUrl = $streamUrl."$zmPathZms?mode=jpeg&scale=100&maxfps=30&buffer=$buffer&monitor=$zmMonitorId".$authPart;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $readingName, "$streamUrl", 1);
sub ZM_Monitor_DetailFn {
my ( $FW_wname, $deviceName, $FW_room ) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$deviceName};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $showLiveStream = $attr{$name}{showLiveStreamInDetail};
return "<div>To view a live stream here, execute: attr $name showLiveStreamInDetail 1</div>" if (not $showLiveStream);
my $streamDisabled = (ReadingsVal($deviceName, 'monitorFunction', 'None') eq 'None');
if ($streamDisabled) {
return '<div>Streaming disabled</div>';
my $streamUrl = ReadingsVal($deviceName, 'pubStreamUrl', undef);
if (not $streamUrl) {
$streamUrl = ReadingsVal($deviceName, 'streamUrl', undef);
if ($streamUrl) {
return "<div><img src='$streamUrl'></img></div>";
} else {
return undef;
sub ZM_Monitor_Undef {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef;
sub ZM_Monitor_Get {
my ( $hash, $name, $opt, @args ) = @_;
# return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of config";
return undef;
sub ZM_Monitor_Set {
my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @args ) = @_;
if ( "monitorFunction" eq $cmd ) {
my $arg = $args[0];
if (grep { $_ eq $arg } @ZM_Functions) {
my $arguments = {
method => 'changeMonitorFunction',
zmMonitorId => $hash->{helper}{ZM_MONITOR_ID},
zmFunction => $arg
my $result = IOWrite($hash, $arguments);
return $result;
return "Unknown value $arg for $cmd, choose one of ".join(' ', @ZM_Functions);
} elsif ("motionDetectionEnabled" eq $cmd ) {
my $arg = $args[0];
if ($arg eq '1' || $arg eq '0') {
my $arguments = {
method => 'changeMonitorEnabled',
zmMonitorId => $hash->{helper}{ZM_MONITOR_ID},
zmEnabled => $arg
my $result = IOWrite($hash, $arguments);
return $result;
return "Unknown value $arg for $cmd, choose one of 0 1";
} elsif ("alarmState" eq $cmd) {
my $arg = $args[0];
if (grep { $_ eq $arg } @ZM_Alarms) {
$arg .= ' '.$args[1] if ( 'on-for-timer' eq $arg );
my ( $unnamedParams, $namedParams ) = parseParams(join(' ', @args));
my $cause = 'fhem';
my $notes = '';
if( defined($namedParams->{'cause'}) ) {
$cause = $namedParams->{'cause'};
if( defined($namedParams->{'notes'}) ) {
$notes = $namedParams->{'notes'};
my $arguments = {
method => 'changeMonitorAlarm',
zmMonitorId => $hash->{helper}{ZM_MONITOR_ID},
zmAlarm => $arg,
zmCause => $cause,
zmNotes => $notes
my $result = IOWrite($hash, $arguments);
return $result;
return "Unknown value $arg for $cmd, chose one of ".join(' '. @ZM_Alarms);
} elsif ("text" eq $cmd) {
my $arg = join ' ', @args;
if (not $arg) {
$arg = '';
my $arguments = {
method => 'changeMonitorText',
zmMonitorId => $hash->{helper}{ZM_MONITOR_ID},
text => $arg
my $result = IOWrite($hash, $arguments);
return $result;
return 'monitorFunction:'.join(',', @ZM_Functions).' motionDetectionEnabled:0,1 alarmState:on,off,on-for-timer text';
# incoming messages from physical device module (70_ZoneMinder in this case).
sub ZM_Monitor_Parse {
my ( $io_hash, $message) = @_;
my @msg = split(/\:/, $message, 2);
my $msgType = $msg[0];
if ($msgType eq 'event') {
return ZM_Monitor_handleEvent($io_hash, $msg[1]);
} elsif ($msgType eq 'eventDetails') {
return ZM_Monitor_handleZoneUpdate($io_hash, $msg[1]);
} elsif ($msgType eq 'createMonitor') {
return ZM_Monitor_handleMonitorCreation($io_hash, $msg[1]);
} elsif ($msgType eq 'monitor') {
return ZM_Monitor_handleMonitorUpdate($io_hash, $msg[1]);
} else {
Log3 $io_hash, 0, "Unknown message type: $msgType";
return undef;
sub ZM_Monitor_handleEvent {
my ( $io_hash, $message ) = @_;
my $ioName = $io_hash->{NAME};
my @msgTokens = split(/\|/, $message);
my $zmMonitorId = $msgTokens[0];
my $alertState = $msgTokens[1];
my $eventTs = $msgTokens[2];
my $eventId = $msgTokens[3];
my $logDevAddress = $ioName.'_'.$zmMonitorId;
Log3 $io_hash, 5, "ZM_Monitor Handling event for logical device $logDevAddress";
# wenn bereits eine Gerätedefinition existiert (via Definition Pointer aus Define-Funktion)
if(my $hash = $modules{ZM_Monitor}{defptr}{$logDevAddress}) {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $hash, 5, "ZM_Monitor ($name) Logical device $logDevAddress found. Writing readings";
ZM_Monitor_queryEventDetails($hash, $eventId);
ZM_Monitor_createEventStreamUrl($hash, $eventId);
my $state;
if ($alertState eq "on") {
$state = "alert";
} elsif ($alertState eq "off") {
$state = "idle";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $state, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "alert", $alertState, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastEventTimestamp", $eventTs);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastEventId", $eventId);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastEventNotes", '');
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
Log3 $hash, 5, "ZM_Monitor ($name) Writing readings done. Now returning log dev name: $hash->{NAME}";
# Rückgabe des Gerätenamens, für welches die Nachricht bestimmt ist.
return $hash->{NAME};
} else {
# Keine Gerätedefinition verfügbar. Daher Vorschlag define-Befehl: <NAME> <MODULNAME> <ADDRESSE>
my $autocreate = "UNDEFINED ZM_Monitor_$logDevAddress ZM_Monitor $zmMonitorId";
Log3 $io_hash, 5, "ZM_Monitor logical device with address $logDevAddress not found. returning autocreate: $autocreate";
return $autocreate;
sub ZM_Monitor_queryEventDetails {
my ( $hash, $eventId ) = @_;
my $arguments = {
method => 'queryEventDetails',
zmMonitorId => $hash->{helper}{ZM_MONITOR_ID},
zmEventId => $eventId
my $result = IOWrite($hash, $arguments);
sub ZM_Monitor_handleZoneUpdate {
my ( $io_hash, $message ) = @_;
my $ioName = $io_hash->{NAME};
my @msgTokens = split(/\|/, $message);
my $zmMonitorId = $msgTokens[0];
my $zmEventId = $msgTokens[1];
my $zmNotes = $msgTokens[2];
my $logDevAddress = $ioName.'_'.$zmMonitorId;
if(my $hash = $modules{ZM_Monitor}{defptr}{$logDevAddress}) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'lastEventNotes', $zmNotes, 1);
return $hash->{NAME}
} else {
# Keine Gerätedefinition verfügbar. Daher Vorschlag define-Befehl: <NAME> <MODULNAME> <ADDRESSE>
my $autocreate = "UNDEFINED ZM_Monitor_$logDevAddress ZM_Monitor $zmMonitorId";
Log3 $io_hash, 5, "ZM_Monitor logical device with address $logDevAddress not found. returning autocreate: $autocreate";
return $autocreate;
#for now, this is nearly a duplicate of writing the streamUrl reading.
#will need some love to make better use of existing code.
sub ZM_Monitor_createEventStreamUrl {
my ( $hash, $eventId ) = @_;
my $ioDevName = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
my $zmPathZms = $hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_PATH_ZMS};
if (not $zmPathZms) {
return undef;
my $zmHost = $hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_HOST};
my $streamUrl = "http://$zmHost";
my $zmUsername = urlEncode($hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_USERNAME});
my $zmPassword = urlEncode($hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_PASSWORD});
my $authPart = "&user=$zmUsername&pass=$zmPassword";
ZM_Monitor_WriteEventStreamUrlToReading($hash, $streamUrl, 'eventStreamUrl', $authPart, $eventId);
my $pubStreamUrl = $attr{$ioDevName}{publicAddress};
if ($pubStreamUrl) {
my $authHash = ReadingsVal($ioDevName, 'authHash', '');
if ($authHash) { #if ZM_AUTH_KEY is defined, use the auth-hash. otherwise, use the previously defined username/pwd
$authPart = "&auth=$authHash";
ZM_Monitor_WriteEventStreamUrlToReading($hash, $pubStreamUrl, 'pubEventStreamUrl', $authPart, $eventId);
sub ZM_Monitor_handleMonitorUpdate {
my ( $io_hash, $message ) = @_;
my $ioName = $io_hash->{NAME};
my @msgTokens = split(/\|/, $message); #$message = "$monitorId|$function|$enabled|$streamReplayBuffer|$monitorType";
my $zmMonitorId = $msgTokens[0];
my $function = $msgTokens[1];
my $enabled = $msgTokens[2];
my $streamReplayBuffer = $msgTokens[3];
my $monitorType = $msgTokens[4];
my $logDevAddress = $ioName.'_'.$zmMonitorId;
if ( my $hash = $modules{ZM_Monitor}{defptr}{$logDevAddress} ) {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, 'monitorFunction', $function);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, 'motionDetectionEnabled', $enabled);
my $bufferChanged = readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, 'streamReplayBuffer', $streamReplayBuffer);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
$hash->{model} = $monitorType;
return $hash->{NAME};
# } else {
# my $autocreate = "UNDEFINED ZM_Monitor_$logDevAddress ZM_Monitor $zmMonitorId";
# Log3 $io_hash, 5, "logical device with address $logDevAddress not found. returning autocreate: $autocreate";
# return $autocreate;
return undef;
sub ZM_Monitor_handleMonitorCreation {
my ( $io_hash, $message ) = @_;
my $ioName = $io_hash->{NAME};
my @msgTokens = split(/\|/, $message); #$message = "$monitorId|$monitorType";
my $zmMonitorId = $msgTokens[0];
my $logDevAddress = $ioName.'_'.$zmMonitorId;
if ( my $hash = $modules{ZM_Monitor}{defptr}{$logDevAddress} ) {
$hash->{model} = $msgTokens[1];
return $hash->{NAME};
} else {
my $autocreate = "UNDEFINED ZM_Monitor_$logDevAddress ZM_Monitor $zmMonitorId";
Log3 $io_hash, 5, "logical device with address $logDevAddress not found. returning autocreate: $autocreate";
return $autocreate;
return undef;
sub ZM_Monitor_WriteEventStreamUrlToReading {
my ( $hash, $streamUrl, $readingName, $authPart, $eventId ) = @_;
my $zmPathZms = $hash->{IODev}{helper}{ZM_PATH_ZMS};
$streamUrl = $streamUrl."/" if (not $streamUrl =~ m/\/$/);
my $zmMonitorId = $hash->{helper}{ZM_MONITOR_ID};
my $imageUrl = $streamUrl."$zmPathZms?mode=single&scale=100&monitor=$zmMonitorId".$authPart;
my $imageReadingName = $readingName;
$imageReadingName =~ s/Stream/Image/g;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $imageReadingName, $imageUrl, 1);
$streamUrl = $streamUrl."$zmPathZms?source=event&mode=jpeg&event=$eventId&frame=1&scale=100&rate=100&maxfps=30".$authPart;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $readingName, $streamUrl, 1);
sub ZM_Monitor_Notify {
my ($own_hash, $dev_hash) = @_;
my $name = $own_hash->{NAME}; # own name / hash
return "" if(IsDisabled($name)); # Return without any further action if the module is disabled
my $devName = $dev_hash->{NAME}; # Device that created the events
my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash,1);
return if( !$events );
foreach my $event (@{$events}) {
$event = "" if(!defined($event));
Log3 $name, 4, "ZM_Monitor ($name) - Incoming event: $event";
my @msg = split(/\:/, $event, 2);
if ($msg[0] eq 'authHash') {
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "ZM_Monitor ($name) - ignoring";
# Examples:
# $event = "readingname: value"
# or
# $event = "INITIALIZED" (for $devName equal "global")
# processing $event with further code
# Eval-Rückgabewert für erfolgreiches
# Laden des Moduls
# Beginn der Commandref
=item device
=item summary Logical device to change Monitor operation modes in ZoneMinder
=item summary_DE Logisches Modul zum Verändern der Kameraeinstellungen in ZoneMinder
=begin html
<a name="ZM_Monitor"></a>
<a name="ZM_Monitordefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; ZM_Monitor &lt;ZM-Monitor ID&gt;</code>
This is usually called by autocreate and triggered by the ZoneMinder IODevice.
<a name="ZM_Monitorset"></a>
<li><code>alarmState</code><br>Puts a monitor into alarm state or out of alarm state via the ZoneMinder trigger port. Can also take one or both of <code>cause="xxx" notes="xxx"</code> parameters</li>
<li><code>monitorFunction</code><br>Sets the operating mode of a Monitor in ZoneMinder via the ZoneMinder API.</li>
<li><code>motionDetectionEnabled</code><br>Enables or disables monitor detection of a monitor via ZoneMinder API.</li>
<li><code>text</code><br/>Allows you to set a text for a Timestamp's <code>%Q</code> portion in ZoneMinder via the ZoneMinder trigger port.</li>
<a name="ZM_Monitorattr"></a>
<li><code>showLiveStreamInDetail</code><br/>If set to <code>1</code>, a live-stream of the current monitor will be shown on top of the FHEMWEB detail page.</li>
<a name="ZM_Monitorreadings"></a>
<li><code>alert</code><br/>The alert state.</li>
<li><code>eventImageUrl</code><br/>Link to the first image of the latest event recording, based on the ZM-Host parameter used in the device definition.</li>
<li><code>eventStreamUrl</code><br/>Link to the latest event recording, based on the ZM-Host parameter used in the device definition.</li>
<li><code>lastEventId</code><br/>ID of the latest event in ZoneMinder.</li>
<li><code>lastEventTimestamp</code><br/>Timestamp of the latest event from ZoneMinder.</li>
<li><code>monitorFunction</code><br/>Current operation mode of the monitor.</li>
<li><code>motionDetectionEnabled</code><br/>Equals the 'enabled' setting in ZoneMinder. Allows you to put the monitor into a more passive state (according to ZoneMinder documentation).</li>
<li><code>pubEventImageUrl</code><br/>Link to the first image of the latest event recording, based on the <code>publicAddress</code> attribute used in the ZoneMinder device.</li>
<li><code>pubEventStreamUrl</code><br/>Link to the latest event recording, based on the <code>publicAddress</code> attribute used in the ZoneMinder device.</li>
<li><code>pubImageUrl</code><br/>Link to the current live image, based on the <code>publicAddress</code> attribute used in the ZoneMinder device.</li>
<li><code>pubStreamUrl</code>Link to the live-stream, based on the <code>publicAddress</code> attribute used in the ZoneMinder device.<br/></li>
<li><code>streamReplayBuffer</code><br/>Taken from the ZoneMinder configuration. Used for the <code>buffer</code> parameter of stream URLs.</li>
<li><code>streamUrl</code><br/>Link to the live-stream, based on the ZM-Host parameter used in the device definition.</li>
=end html
# Ende der Commandref