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synced 2025-03-01 03:24:51 +00:00
438 lines
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438 lines
13 KiB
# $Id$
package main;
# Syntax of the AttrTemplate file:
# - empty lines are ignored
# - lines starting with # are comments (see also desc:)
# - lines starting with the following keywords are special, all others are
# regular FHEM commands
# - name:<name> name of the template, marks the end of the previous template.
# - filter:<devspec2array-expression>, describing the list of devices this
# template is applicable for. Well be executed when the set function is
# executed.
# - prereq:<cond>, where cond is a perl expression, or devspec2array returning
# exactly one device. Evaluated at initialization(!).
# - par:<name>:<comment>:<perl>. if there is an additional argument in the set,
# name in all commands will be replaced with it. Else <perl> will be
# excuted: if returns a value, name in the commands will be replaced with it,
# else a dialog will request the user to enter a value for name.
# For each name starting with RADIO_, a radio select button is offered. Such
# parameters must defined last.
# - pardefault:<name>:<comment>:<perl>.
# Same as par, but the dialog is always shown, with the input is prefilled.
# - desc: additional text for the "set attrTemplate help ?". If missing, the
# last comment before name: will be used for this purpose.
# - farewell:<text> to be shown after the commands are executed.
# - order:<val> sort the templates for help purposes.
# - option:<perl> if perl code return false, skip all commands until next
# option (or name:)
# - loop:<variable>:1:2:3:... replicate the commands between this line and
# loop:END, and replace <variable> in each iteration with the values in the
# colon separated list
my %templates;
my $initialized;
my %cachedUsage;
use vars qw($FW_addJs); # Only for helper like AttrTemplate
my $me = "AttrTemplate_Initialize";
my $dir = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/lib/AttrTemplate";
if(!opendir(dh, $dir)) {
Log 1, "$me: cant open $dir: $!";
my @files = grep /\.template$/, sort readdir dh;
%templates = ();
%cachedUsage = ();
my %prereqFailed;
for my $file (@files) {
if(!open(fh,"$dir/$file")) {
Log 1, "$me: cant open $dir/$file: $!";
my ($name, %h, $lastComment);
while(my $line = <fh>) {
next if($line =~ m/^$/);
if($line =~ m/^# *(.*)$/) { # just a replacement for missing desc
$lastComment = $1;
} elsif($line =~ m/^name:(.*)/) {
$name = $1;
my (@p,@c,%t);
$templates{$name}{ptype} = \%t;
$templates{$name}{pars} = \@p;
$templates{$name}{cmds} = \@c;
$templates{$name}{desc} = $lastComment if($lastComment);
$lastComment = "";
} elsif($line =~ m/^filter:(.*)/) {
$templates{$name}{filter} = $1;
} elsif($line =~ m/^prereq:(.*)/) {
my $prereq = $1;
if($prereq =~ m/^{.*}$/) {
$prereqFailed{$name} = 1
if(AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $prereq) ne "1");
} else {
$prereqFailed{$name} = 1
} elsif($line =~ m/^(par|pardefault):(.*)/) {
push(@{$templates{$name}{pars}}, $2);
my @v = split(";",$2,2);
$templates{$name}{ptype}{$v[0]} = $1;
} elsif($line =~ m/^desc:(.*)/) {
$templates{$name}{desc} = $1;
} elsif($line =~ m/^farewell:(.*)/) {
$templates{$name}{farewell} = $1;
} elsif($line =~ m/^order:(.*)/) {
$templates{$name}{order} = $1;
} else {
push(@{$templates{$name}{cmds}}, $line);
for my $name (keys %prereqFailed) {
@templates = sort {
my $ao = $templates{$a}{order};
my $bo = $templates{$b}{order};
$ao = (defined($ao) ? $ao : $a);
$bo = (defined($bo) ? $bo : $b);
return $ao cmp $bo;
} keys %templates;
my $nr = @templates;
$initialized = 1;
Log 2, "AttrTemplates: got $nr entries" if($nr);
$FW_addJs = "" if(!defined($FW_addJs));
return if($FW_addJs =~ m/attrTemplateHelp/);
$FW_addJs .= << 'JSEND';
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
if($("select.set").val() == "attrTemplate") {
$('<div id="attrTemplateHelp" class="makeTable help"></div>')
var cmd = "{AttrTemplate_Help('"+$(this).val()+"')}";
FW_cmd(FW_root+"?cmd="+cmd+"&XHR=1", function(ret) {
} else {
my ($n) = @_;
return "" if(!$templates{$n});
my $ret = "";
$ret = $templates{$n}{desc} if($templates{$n}{desc});
$ret .= "<br><pre>".join("\n",@{$templates{$n}{cmds}})."</pre>";
if(AttrVal("global", "showInternalValues", undef)) {
my @atList = grep /set\s.*\sattrTemplate\s/,@{$templates{$n}{cmds}};
foreach my $at (@atList) {
next if($at !~ m/set\s.*\sattrTemplate\s(.*?) /);
$ret .= "<br><b>attrTemplate $1:</b><br>".AttrTemplate_Help($1);
return $ret;
my ($hash, $list, $name, $cmd, @a) = @_;
$list = "" if(!defined($list));
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list"
if(AttrVal("global", "disableFeatures", "") =~ m/\battrTemplate\b/);
AttrTemplate_Initialize() if(!$initialized);
my $haveDesc;
if($cmd ne "attrTemplate") {
if(!$cachedUsage{$name}) {
my @list;
for my $k (@templates) {
my $h = $templates{$k};
my $matches;
$matches = devspec2array($h->{filter}, undef, [$name]) if($h->{filter});
if(!$h->{filter} || $matches) {
push @list, $k;
$haveDesc = 1 if($h->{desc});
$cachedUsage{$name} = (@list ?
"attrTemplate:".($haveDesc ? "?,":"").join(",",@list) : "");
$list .= " " if($list ne "");
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list$cachedUsage{$name}";
return "Missing template_entry_name parameter for attrTemplate" if(@a < 1);
my $entry = shift(@a);
if($entry eq "?") {
my @hlp;
for my $k (@templates) {
my $h = $templates{$k};
my $matches;
$matches = devspec2array($h->{filter}, undef, [$name]) if($h->{filter});
if(!$h->{filter} || $matches) {
push @hlp, "$k: $h->{desc}" if($h->{desc});
return "no help available" if(!@hlp);
if($hash->{CL} && $hash->{CL}{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB") {
return "<html><ul><li>".join("</li><br><li>",
map { $_=~s/:/<br>/; $_ } @hlp)."</li></ul></html>";
return join("\n", @hlp);
if($entry eq "checkPar") {
my @ret;
foreach $entry (sort keys %templates) {
my $h = $templates{$entry};
for my $k (@{$h->{pars}}) {
my ($parname, $comment, $perl_code) = split(";",$k,3);
nex if(!$perl_code);
$perl_code =~ s/(?<!\\)DEVICE/bla/g;
$perl_code =~ s/\\DEVICE/DEVICE/g;
$cmdFromAnalyze = $perl_code;
my $ret = eval $perl_code;
push @ret,"$entry:$parname:$@" if($@);
return "No errors found" if (!@ret);
return join("\n", @ret);
my $h = $templates{$entry};
return "Unknown template_entry_name $entry" if(!$h);
my (@na, %repl, @mComm, @mList, $missing);
for(my $i1=0; $i1<@a; $i1++) { # parse parname=value form the command line
my $fnd;
for my $k (@{$h->{pars}}) {
my ($parname, $comment, $perl_code) = split(";",$k,3);
if($a[$i1] =~ m/$parname=(.*)/) {
$repl{$parname} = $1;
return "Empty parameters are not allowed" if($1 eq "");
push(@na,$a[$i1]) if(!$fnd);
@a = @na;
for my $k (@{$h->{pars}}) {
my ($parname, $comment, $perl_code) = split(";",$k,3);
next if(defined($repl{$parname}));
if(@a) { # old-style, without prefix
$repl{$parname} = $a[0];
if($perl_code) {
$perl_code =~ s/(?<!\\)DEVICE/$name/g;
$perl_code =~ s/\\DEVICE/DEVICE/g;
my $ret = eval $perl_code;
return "ERROR executing perl-code $perl_code for param $parname: $@ "
if(defined($ret)) {
$repl{$parname} = $ret;
next if($h->{ptype}{$parname} ne "pardefault");
push(@mList, "$parname=...");
push(@mComm, "$parname= with $comment");
$missing = 1;
if($missing) {
if($hash->{CL} && $hash->{CL}{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB") {
"<input type='hidden' value='set $name attrTemplate $entry'>".
"<p>Need the following parameters for the attrTemplate $entry</p><br>".
"<table class='block wide'><tr>".
join("</tr><tr>", map {
my @t=split("= with ",$_,2);
my $v=defined($repl{$t[0]}) ? $repl{$t[0]} : "";
"<td>$t[1]</td><td>" .($t[0] =~ m/^RADIO_/ ?
"<input type='radio' name='$name.s' value='$t[0]'>":
"<input type='text' name='$t[0]' size='20' value='$v'></td>")
} @mComm)."</tr></table>".
$("#FW_okDialog input[type=radio]").first().prop("checked",true);
$("#FW_okDialog").parent().find(".ui-dialog-buttonpane button")
var cmd = "";
$("#FW_okDialog input").each(function(){
var t=$(this).attr("type");
if(t=="hidden")cmd +=";"+$(this).val();
if(t=="text") cmd +=" "+$(this).attr("name")+"="+$(this).val();
if(t=="radio") cmd +=" "+$(this).val()+"="+
($(this).prop("checked") ? 1:0);
if(resp) {
resp = "<pre>"+resp+"</pre>";
return FW_okDialog(resp);
})}, 100);
} else {
return "Usage: set $name attrTemplate $entry @mList\n".
"Replace the ... after\n".join("\n", @mComm);
# Loop unrolling
my @cmds;
for(my $i1 = 0; $i1 < @{$h->{cmds}}; $i1++) {
my $cmd = $h->{cmds}[$i1];
if($cmd =~ m/^loop:([^:]*):/) {
my @loop = split(":", $cmd);
my $var = $1;
my $i2;
for($i2=$i1+1; $i2<@{$h->{cmds}}; $i2++) {
last if($h->{cmds}[$i2] =~ m/^loop:END/)
for(my $i3=2; $i3<@loop; $i3++) {
for(my $i4=$i1+1; $i4<$i2; $i4++) {
$cmd = $h->{cmds}[$i4];
$cmd =~ s/$var/$loop[$i3]/g;
push @cmds, $cmd;
} else {
push @cmds, $cmd;
my $cmdlist = join("\n",@cmds);
$repl{DEVICE} = $name;
Log3 $name, 5, "AttrTemplate replace ".
join(",", map { "$_=>$repl{$_}" } sort keys %repl);
map { $cmdlist =~ s/(?<!\\)$_/$repl{$_}/g; } sort keys %repl;
map { $cmdlist =~ s/\\$_/$_/g; } sort keys %repl;
my $cl = $hash->{CL};
my $cmd = "";
my @ret;
my $option = 1;
my $withHtml;
map {
if($_ =~ m/^(.*)\\$/) {
$cmd .= "$1\n";
} else {
$cmd .= $_;
if($cmd =~ m/^option:(.*)$/s) {
my $optVal = $1;
if($optVal =~ m/^\s*{.*}\s*$/) {
$option = (AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $optVal) eq "1");
} else {
$option = defined($defs{devspec2array($optVal)});
} elsif($option) {
$cmd =~ s/##.*//; #114109
Log3 $name, 5, "AttrTemplate exec $cmd";
my $r = AnalyzeCommand($cl, $cmd);
if($r) {
if($r =~ m,^<html>(.*)</html>$,s) {
$r = $1;
$withHtml = 1;
push(@ret, $r);
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "AttrTemplate skip $cmd";
$cmd = "";
} split("\n", $cmdlist);
if(@ret) {
my $r = join("\n", @ret);
$r = "<html>$r</html>" if($withHtml);
return $r;
if($h->{farewell}) {
my $fw = $h->{farewell};
if(!$cl || $cl->{TYPE} ne "FHEMWEB") {
$fw =~ s/<br>/\n/gi;
$fw =~ s/<[^>]+>//g; # remove html tags
return $fw if(!$cl);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, sub{asyncOutput($cl, $fw)}, undef, 0);
return undef;