mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:36:37 +00:00
177 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File
177 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File
# This is quite a big mess here.
use IO::File;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Server-Side script to check out the fhem SVN repository, and upload the
# changed files to the server
print "\n\n";
print localtime() . "\n";
my $homedir="/home/rudi/fhemupdate";
system("svn update .");
system("svn update .");
die "SVN failed, exiting\n" if($?);
for(my $loop = 0; $loop < 2; $loop++) {
# new Style
my $uploaddir2= ($loop ? "fhemupdate4" : "fhemupdate2");
system("mkdir -p $uploaddir2");
my %filelist2 = (
"./fhem.pl.txt" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"." },
"./CHANGED" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"." },
"FHEM/.*.pm" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM" },
"FHEM/FhemUtils/.*.pm" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM/FhemUtils"},
"FHEM/FhemUtils/update-.*", => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM/FhemUtils"},
"FHEM/lib/.*.pm" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM/lib"},
"FHEM/lib/SWAP/.*.xml" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM/lib/SWAP"},
"FHEM/lib/SWAP/panStamp/.*" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM/lib/SWAP/panStamp"},
"FHEM/lib/SWAP/justme/.*" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM/lib/SWAP/justme"},
"FHEM/lib/Device/.*.pm" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM/lib/Device"},
"FHEM/lib/Device/Firmata/.*.pm"=>{ type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM/lib/Device/Firmata"},
"../culfw/Devices/CUL/.*.hex" => { type=>",fhem,", dir=>"FHEM",
dir3=>"FHEM", },
"www/pgm2/.*" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/jscolor/.*" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/gplot/.*.gplot" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/dark/.*.png" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/bright/.*.png" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/bright/.*.png" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/fhemSVG/.*.svg" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/openautomation/.*.svg" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/openautomation/.*.txt" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/darktouchpad/.*.png" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/default/.*" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/default/remotecontrol/.*" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"www/images/smallscreen/.*" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"docs/commandref(_..)?.html" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"docs/faq(_..)?.html" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"docs/HOWTO(_..)?.html" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"docs/fhem.*.png" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
"docs/.*.jpg" => { type=>"fhem,", dir=>"www/pgm2"},
# Can't make negative regexp to work, so do it with extra logic
my %skiplist2 = (
# "www/pgm2" => ".pm\$",
# Read in the file timestamps
my %filetime2;
my %filesize2;
my %filedir2;
my %filetype2;
foreach my $fspec (keys %filelist2) {
$fspec =~ m,^(.+)/([^/]+)$,;
my ($dir,$pattern) = ($1, $2);
my $tdir = $filelist2{$fspec}{$loop ? "dir3" : "dir"};
$tdir = $dir if(!$tdir);
opendir DH, $dir || die("Can't open $dir: $!\n");
foreach my $file (grep { /$pattern/ && -f "$dir/$_" } readdir(DH)) {
next if($skiplist2{$tdir} && $file =~ m/$skiplist2{$tdir}/);
my @st = stat("$dir/$file");
my @mt = localtime($st[9]);
$filetime2{"$tdir/$file"} = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d",
$mt[5]+1900, $mt[4]+1, $mt[3], $mt[2], $mt[1], $mt[0];
$filesize2{"$tdir/$file"} = $st[7];
$filedir2{"$tdir/$file"} = $dir;
$filetype2{"$tdir/$file"} = $filelist2{$fspec}{type};
my %oldtime;
if(open FH, "filetimes.txt") {
while(my $l = <FH>) {
my ($ts, $fs, $file) = split(" ", $l, 3);
$oldtime{"$file.txt"} = $ts if($file =~ m/fhem.pl/);
$oldtime{$file} = $ts;
open FH, ">filetimes.txt" || die "Can't open filetimes.txt: $!\n";
my %controls = (fhem=>0);
foreach my $k (keys %controls) {
my $fname = "controls_$k.txt";
$controls{$k} = new IO::File ">$fname" || die "Can't open $fname: $!\n";
if(open(ADD, "../../fhemupdate.control.$k")) {
while(my $l = <ADD>) {
my $fh = $controls{$k};
print $fh $l;
close ADD;
my $cnt;
foreach my $f (sort keys %filetime2) {
my $fn = $f;
$fn =~ s/.txt$// if($fn =~ m/.pl.txt$/);
print FH "$filetime2{$f} $filesize2{$f} $fn\n";
foreach my $k (keys %controls) {
my $fh = $controls{$k};
print $fh "UPD $filetime2{$f} $filesize2{$f} $fn\n"
my $newfname = $f;
if(!$oldtime{$f} || $oldtime{$f} ne $filetime2{$f}) {
$f =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,;
my ($tdir, $file) = ($1, $2);
system("mkdir -p $tdir") unless(-d $tdir);
system("cp ../$filedir2{$f}/$file $tdir/$file");
close FH;
foreach my $k (keys %controls) {
close $controls{$k};
if(0) {
my $fname="controls_fhem.txt";
my @st = stat("fhemupdate4/$fname");
my @mt = localtime($st[9]);
my $ftime = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d",
$mt[5]+1900, $mt[4]+1, $mt[3], $mt[2], $mt[1], $mt[0];
my $fsize = $st[7];
my $rsyncopts="-a --delete --compress --verbose";
system("rsync $rsyncopts fhemupdate4/. fhem.de:fhem/fhemupdate4/svn");
if(-f "commandref_changed") {
system("scp docs/commandref.html docs/commandref_DE.html fhem.de:fhem");
system("scp CHANGED MAINTAINER.txt fhem.de:fhem");
system("scp fhem.de:fhem/stats/data/fhem_statistics_db.sqlite ..");
system("sh mksvnlog.sh > SVNLOG");
system("scp SVNLOG fhem.de:fhem");