mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 18:56:55 +00:00

95_PostMe.pm: Neue Version mit minimalen Änderungen 95_YAAHM.pm: Neue Version mit ein paar minimalen Fixes 00_OWX.pm: Neue Version, optionales IODev Attribut eingebaut git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16217 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
1674 lines
63 KiB
1674 lines
63 KiB
# PostMe.pm
# FHEM module to set up a system of sticky notes, similar to Post-Its
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# $Id$
# Not named Post-It, which is a trademark of 3M
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(%defs); # FHEM device/button definitions
use vars qw($FW_RET); # Returned data (html)
use vars qw($FW_RETTYPE); # image/png or the like
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
use Time::Local;
# Global variables
my $postmeversion = "2.07";
my $FW_encoding = "UTF-8";
# PostMe_Initialize
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub PostMe_Initialize ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{DefFn} = "PostMe_Define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "PostMe_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "PostMe_Get";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "PostMe_Undef";
$hash->{InitFn} = "PostMe_Init";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "PostMe_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "postmeTTSFun postmeTTSDev postmeMsgFun postme[0-9]+MsgRec postmeMailFun postme[0-9]+MailRec ".
"postmeStd postmeIcon postmeStyle:test,jQuery,HTML,SVG postmeClick:0,1 listseparator ".$readingFnAttributes;
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "PostMe_detailFn";
$data{FWEXT}{"/PostMe_widget"}{FUNC} = "PostMe_widget";
$data{FWEXT}{"/PostMe_widget"}{FORKABLE} = 1;
return undef;
# PostMe_Define - Implements DefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub PostMe_Define ($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $now = time();
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
$modules{PostMe}{defptr}{$a[0]} = $hash;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+2, "PostMe_Init", $hash,0);
return undef;
# PostMe_Undef - Implements Undef function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub PostMe_Undef ($$) {
my ($hash,$arg) = @_;
return undef;
# PostMe_Attr - Implements Attr function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, ???
sub PostMe_Attr($$$) {
my ($cmd, $listname, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
# PostMe_Init - Check, if default PostMes have been defined
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub PostMe_Init($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my $now = time();
my $err = 0;
#-- current number of PostMes
my $cnop = ReadingsVal($devname,"postmeCnt",0);
my @std = split(',',AttrVal("$devname","postmeStd",""));
for( my $i=0;$i<int(@std);$i++ ){
my $pmn = PostMe_Check($hash,$std[$i]);
if( !$pmn || ($pmn-1)!=$i ){
$err = 1;
Log 1,"[PostMe_Init] PostMe ".$std[$i]." not properly defined";
#-- no write operation if everything is ok
return undef
if( $err==0 );
#-- must be improved: Enforce first PostMes to be the standard ones
for( my $i=0;$i<int(@std);$i++ ){
# PostMe_Check - Check, if a PostMe exists with this name and return its number
# Parameter hash = ash of device addressed
# listname = name of PostMe
sub PostMe_Check($$) {
my ($hash,$listname) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my ($loop,$res);
#-- current number of PostMes
my $cnop = ReadingsVal($devname,"postmeCnt",0);
for( $loop=1;$loop<=$cnop;$loop++){
$res = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop), undef);
if(lc($res) eq lc($listname));
#-- no PostMe with this name
if( lc($res) ne lc($listname) ){
return undef;
return $loop;
# PostMe_Create - Create a new PostMe
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# listname = name of PostMe
sub PostMe_Create($$) {
my ($hash,$listname) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
if( PostMe_Check($hash,$listname) ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does already exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Create] $mga";
return "$mga";
#-- current number of PostMes
my $cnop = ReadingsVal($devname,"postmeCnt",0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, sprintf("postme%02dName",$cnop),$listname);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$cnop),"");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "postmeCnt",$cnop);
Log3 $devname,3,"[PostMe] Added a new PostMe named $listname";
return undef;
# PostMe_Delete - Delete an existing PostMe
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# listname = name of PostMe
sub PostMe_Delete($$) {
my ($hash,$listname) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my $loop;
if( index(AttrVal("$devname","postmeStd",""),$listname) != -1){
my $mga = "Error, the PostMe named $listname is a standard PostMe and cannot be deleted";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Delete] $mga";
return "$mga";
my $pmn=PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Delete] $mga";
return "$mga";
#-- current number of PostMes
my $cnop = ReadingsVal($devname,"postmeCnt",0);
#-- re-ordering
for( $loop=$pmn;$loop<$cnop;$loop++){
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop),
ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop+1),""));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$loop),
ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$loop+1),""));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "postmeCnt",$cnop);
fhem("deletereading $devname ".sprintf("postme%02dName",$cnop+1));
fhem("deletereading $devname ".sprintf("postme%02dCont",$cnop+1));
Log3 $devname,3,"[PostMe] Deleted PostMe named $listname";
return undef;
# PostMe_Rename - Renames an existing PostMe
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# listname = name of PostMe
# newname = newname of PostMe
sub PostMe_Rename($$$) {
my ($hash,$listname,$newname) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my $loop;
if( index(AttrVal("$devname","postmeStd",""),$listname) != -1){
my $mga = "Error, the PostMe named $listname is a standard PostMe and cannot be renamed";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Rename] $mga";
return "$mga";
my $pmn=PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Rename] $mga";
return "$mga";
my $pnn=PostMe_Check($hash,$newname);
if( $pnn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $newname does already exist and is not empty";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Rename] $mga";
return "$mga";
Log3 $devname,3,"[PostMe] Renamed PostMe named $listname into $newname";
return undef;
# PostMe_Add - Add something to a PostMe
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub PostMe_Add($$@) {
my ($hash,$listname,@args) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my $pmn=PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Add] $mga";
return "$mga";
my $raw = join(' ',@args);
#-- remove meta data
my $item = $raw;
$item =~ s/\[.*\]//g;
$item =~ s/\]//g;
$item =~ s/\[//g;
#-- safety catch: No action when item empty
if( $item eq "" ){
my $mga = "Error, empty item given";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Add] $mga";
return "$mga";
#-- check old content
my $old = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),"");
my $ind = index($old,$item);
if( $ind >= 0 ){
my $mga = "Error, item $item is already present in PostMe $listname";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Add] $mga";
return "$mga";
$old .= AttrVal($devname,"listseparator",',')
if($old ne "");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),$old.$item,1);
Log3 $devname,3,"[Postme] Added item $item to PostMe named $listname";
return undef;
# PostMe_Remove - Remove something from a PostMe
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub PostMe_Remove($$@) {
my ($hash,$listname,@args) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my $pmn=PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Remove] $mga";
return "$mga";
my $raw = join(' ',@args);
my $listsep = AttrVal($devname,"listseparator",',');
#-- remove meta data
my $item = $raw;
$item =~ s/\[.*\]//g;
#-- safety catch: No action when item empty
if( $item eq "" ){
my $mga = "Error, empty item given";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Remove] $mga";
return "$mga";
#-- get old content
my $new = "";
my $old = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),"");
my @lines= split($listsep,$old);
#-- item may be of type item\d\d
if( $item =~ /item(\d+)/ ){
$item = $lines[$1];
#-- check old content
my $ind = index($old,$item);
if( $ind < 0 ){
my $mga = "Error, item $item is not present in PostMe $listname";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Remove] $mga";
return "$mga";
#-- item may be a short version of the real entry
for( my $loop=0;$loop<int(@lines);$loop++){
$ind = index($lines[$loop],$item);
#-- cleanup reminders
if( $ind >= 0 ){
my $line = $lines[$loop];
my $itex = $line;
my $meta = $line;
$itex =~ s/\s*\[.*//;
#-- only if attributes present
if( $line =~ /.*\[.*\].*/){
$meta =~ s/.*\[//;
$meta =~ s/\]//;
my @lines2 = split('" ',$meta);
for( my $loop2=0;$loop2<int(@lines2);$loop2++){
my $attr = $lines2[$loop2];
$attr =~ /(.*)="(.*)/;
$attr = $1;
my $val = $2;
#-- different item
$new .= $lines[$loop].$listsep;
$new =~ s/$listsep$listsep/$listsep/;
$new =~ s/^$listsep//;
$new =~ s/$listsep$//;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),$new,1);
Log3 $devname,3,"[Postme] Removed item $item from PostMe named $listname";
return undef;
# PostMe_Clear - clear a PostMe
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# name = name of PostMe
sub PostMe_Clear($$) {
my ($hash,$listname) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my $pmn=PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Clear] $mga";
return "$mga";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),"",1 );
Log3 $devname,3,"[PostMe_Clear] Cleared PostMe named $listname";
return undef;
# PostMe_Modify - Annotate an item from a PostMe with meta data
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub PostMe_Modify($$@) {
my ($hash,$listname,@args) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my $pmn=PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Remove] $mga";
return "$mga";
my $listsep = AttrVal($devname,"listseparator",',');
#-- difficult to separate item from new meta data. For now, first term is the item,
# second term is the attribute and remaining terms are the value
my $item = $args[0];
my $attr = $args[1];
my $val = join(' ',@args);
#-- safety catch: No action when item empty
if( $item eq "" ){
my $mga = "Error, empty item given";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Modify] $mga";
return "$mga";
#-- check old content
my $old = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),"");
my $ind = index($old,$item);
if( $ind < 0 ){
my $mga = "Error, item $item is not present in PostMe $listname";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Remove] $mga";
return "$mga";
#-- item
my @lines = split($listsep,$old);
my $new = "";
for( my $loop=0;$loop<int(@lines);$loop++){
$old = $lines[$loop];
$ind = index($old,$item);
#-- different item
if( $ind < 0 ){
$new .= $old.$listsep;
#-- correct item
}elsif( $ind == 0 ){
#-- item may be a short version of the real entry, or may consist of several words
my $fullitem = $old;
$fullitem =~ s/\s*\[.*//;
$item = $fullitem
if( $fullitem ne $item );
$new .= $item.' [';
#-- no attributes present so far
if( ($old !~ /.*\[.*\].*/) && ($val) ){
$new .= $attr.'="'.$val.'"';
#-- attributes present already
$old =~ s/.*\[//;
$old =~ s/\]//;
#-- particular attribute not yet present
if( index($old,$attr) < 0){
if( $val ){
$new .= $old.' '.$attr.'="'.$val.'"'
#-- particular attribute already present
my @lines2 = split('" ',$old);
for( my $loop2=0;$loop2<int(@lines2);$loop2++){
my $ind2 = index($lines2[$loop2],$attr);
#-- different attribute
if( $ind2 < 0){
$new .= $lines2[$loop2].'" ';
#-- correct attribute
#-- overwrite, if val ist given
if( $val ){
$new .= $attr.'="'.$val.'" ';
#-- remove, if no val is given
$new .= ']'.$listsep;
#-- correction of sloppy formatting above
$new =~ s/\s\[\]//g;
$new =~ s/\s\]/\]/g;
$new =~ s/\[\s/\[/g;
$new =~ s/""/"/g;
$new =~ s/$listsep$//g;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),$new,1);
Log3 $devname,3,"[Postme] Modified item $item in PostMe named $listname";
return undef;
# PostMe_Special - process all special annotations of a PostMe
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# listanem = name of the PostMe
# clean = 0 normal processing, = 1 clean all reminders
sub PostMe_Special($$$) {
my ($hash,$listname,$clean) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my $pmn=PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Special] $mga";
return "$mga";
my $listsep = AttrVal($devname,"listseparator",',');
#-- check content
my $cont = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),"");
#-- item
my @lines = split($listsep,$cont);
for( my $loop=0;$loop<int(@lines);$loop++){
my $line = $lines[$loop];
my $item = $line;
my $meta = $line;
$item =~ s/\s*\[.*//;
#-- only if attributes present
if( $line =~ /.*\[.*\].*/){
$meta =~ s/.*\[//;
$meta =~ s/\]//;
my @lines2 = split('" ',$meta);
for( my $loop2=0;$loop2<int(@lines2);$loop2++){
my $attr = $lines2[$loop2];
$attr =~ /(.*)="(.*)/;
$attr = $1;
my $val = $2;
if( $clean==0 );
# PostMe_procSpecial - process special annotations
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# name = name of the PostMe
# item = item content
# attr = attribute name
# val = attribute value
sub PostMe_procSpecial($$$$$){
my($hash,$listname,$item,$attr,$val) =@_;
my $devname=$hash->{NAME};
#-- get the number of this list
my $pmn = PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_procSpecial] $mga";
return "$mga";
if( $attr eq "at" ){
my ($timeraw,$year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min,$sec,$delta,$deltah,$deltam,$repeat);
my ($secn,$minn,$hourn,$dayn,$monn,$yearn) = localtime(time);
my $str = "{";
if( $val =~ /((\d\d\:\d\d)|(\d\d\:\d\d\:\d\d)|(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d\:\d\d\:\d\d))(\-(\d\d:\d\d)(P(\d+))?)/ ){
$timeraw = $1;
$delta = $6;
$repeat = ($8)?$8:1;
$timeraw =~ /((\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T)?(\d\d)\:(\d\d)\:?(\d\d)?/;
#($year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min,$sec) = ($2,$3-1,$4,$5,$6,$7);
$year =($2)?$2 : $yearn+1900;
$mon =($3)?$3-1: $monn;
$mon = ( ($mon>=0)&&($mon<=11) )? $mon:0;
$day =($4)?$4 : $dayn;
$day = ( ($day>=1)&&($day<=31) )? $day:0;
$hour =($5)?$5 : $hourn;
$hour = ( ($hour>=0)&&($hour<=23) )? $hour:0;
$min =($6)?$6 : $minn;
$min = ( ($min>=0)&&($min<=59) )? $min:0;
$sec =($7)?$7 : "00";
$sec = ( ($sec>=0)&&($sec<=59) )? $sec:0;
$delta =~ /(\d\d):(\d\d)/;
my $deltas = min(3600*$deltah+60*$deltam,86400);
$repeat = ( ($repeat>=0)&&($repeat<=10) )? $repeat:0;
my $ftime = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year);
my $ftimel= localtime($ftime);
#-- determine send strings
my $mrcpt = AttrVal($devname,sprintf("postme%02dMailRec",$pmn),undef);
my $mfun = AttrVal($devname,"postmeMailFun",undef);
if( $mrcpt && $mfun ){
$str .= "$mfun('$mrcpt','$listname','$item => $ftimel');;";
my $trcpt = AttrVal($devname,sprintf("postme%02dMsgRec",$pmn),undef);
my $tfun = AttrVal($devname,"postmeMsgFun",undef);
if( $trcpt && $tfun ){
$str .= "$tfun('$trcpt','$listname','$item => $ftimel');;";
$str .="}";
#-- define name for timer
my $safename = PostMe_safeItem($hash,$listname,$item,"at");
fhem("define ".$safename."_00 at $ftime $str");
fhem("attr ".$safename."_00 room hidden");
if( $delta ){
for(my $i=1;$i<=$repeat;$i++){
my $stime = $ftime-$i*$deltas;
my $sname = $safename.sprintf("_%02d",$i);
fhem("define ".$sname." at $stime $str");
fhem("attr ".$sname." room hidden");
}elsif( $attr eq "notify" ){
if( !$val);
my $str = "{";
#-- determine send strings
my $mrcpt = AttrVal($devname,sprintf("postme%02dMailRec",$pmn),undef);
my $mfun = AttrVal($devname,"postmeMailFun",undef);
if( $mrcpt && $mfun ){
$str .= "$mfun('$mrcpt','$listname','$item');;";
my $trcpt = AttrVal($devname,sprintf("postme%02dMsgRec",$pmn),undef);
my $tfun = AttrVal($devname,"postmeMsgFun",undef);
if( $trcpt && $tfun ){
$str .= "$tfun('$trcpt','$listname','$item');;";
$str .="}";
#-- define name for notify
my $safename = PostMe_safeItem($hash,$listname,$item,"notify");
fhem("define ".$safename." notify $val $str");
fhem("attr ".$safename." room hidden");
# PostMe_cleanSpecial - process special annotations by cleaning leftover procedures
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# name = name of the PostMe
# item = item content
# attr = attribute name
sub PostMe_cleanSpecial($$$$){
my($hash,$listname,$item,$attr) =@_;
my $devname=$hash->{NAME};
if( $attr eq "at" ){
#-- define name for timer
my $safename = PostMe_safeItem($hash,$listname,$item,"at");
fhem("delete ".$safename.".*");
}elsif( $attr eq "notify" ){
#-- define name for notify
my $safename = PostMe_safeItem($hash,$listname,$item,"notify");
fhem("delete ".$safename.".*");
# PostMe_safeItem - transform an item content into a FHEM name
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# name = name of the PostMe
# item = item content
# attr = attribute name
sub PostMe_safeItem($$$$){
my($hash,$listname,$item,$attr) =@_;
my $devname=$hash->{NAME};
my $safeitem=join('_',split(' ',$item));
$safeitem = substr($safeitem,0,4);
$safeitem =~ tr/äöüÄÖÜß'/a_o_u_A_O_U_S__/;
my $safelist=join('_',split(' ',$listname));
$safelist = substr($safelist,0,4);
$safelist =~ tr/äöüÄÖÜß'/a_o_u_A_O_U_S__/;
my $safeattr = substr($attr,0,2);
return $devname."rem_".$safelist."_".$safeitem."_".$safeattr;
# PostMe_LineIn - format a single PostMe line from input
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# line = raw data in the form item [att1="val1" att2="val2"]
sub PostMe_LineIn($$) {
my ($hash,$line) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
# PostMe_LineOut - format a single PostMe line for output
# Parameter line = raw data in the form item [att1="val1" att2="val2"]
# (multiple items separated by comma)
# format = 0 - item only
sub PostMe_LineOut($$$$) {
my ($hash,$listname,$line,$format) = @_;
my $devname = $hash->{NAME};
my ($i,$line2,$item,$meat,$new,@lines,%meta);
#Log 1,"LINEOUT format = $format, line=$line";
#-- format == 0 - single item line
if( $format < 10){
$item = $line;
$item =~ s/\s+\[.*//;
$line =~ s/.*\[//;
$line =~ s/\]//;
my @list1 = split(/ /,$line);
foreach my $item2(@list1) {
my ($i,$j)= split(/=/, $item2);
$meta{$i} = $j;
#Log 1,"line=$line, item=$item";
return $item;
#-- formats >= 10 for all items in a PostMe
}elsif( $format >= 10){
my $listsep = AttrVal($devname,"listseparator",',');
my @lines = split($listsep,$line);
#-- format 13, return array
return \@lines
if( $format==14 );
my $new = "";
my $item;
my $meat;
for( my $loop=0;$loop<int(@lines);$loop++){
$line2 = $lines[$loop];
$i = index($line2,'[');
if( $i >=0 ){
$item = substr($line2,0,$i);
$meat = substr($line2,$i);
$item =~ s/\s*$//;
$meat =~ s/.*\[//;
$meat =~ s/\]//;
my @list1 = split('" ',$meat);
foreach my $item2(@list1) {
my ($i,$j)= split(/=/, $item2);
$j =~ s/^"//;
$meta{$i} = $j;
#Log 1,"Setting META $i to VALUE $j";
$item = $line2;
$meat = "";
$item =~ s/\s*$//;
#-- format 10: plain format, item only
$new .= $item.','
if( $format == 10);
#-- format 11: meta data in brackets
if( $format == 11){
if( $meat ne "" ){
$new .= $item.'('.$meat.'),';
$new .= $item.',';
#-- format 13: Telegram format item w indexing
$new .= '('.$item.sprintf(':%sitem%02d) ',$listname,$loop)
if( $format == 13);
#-- json format by hand
if( $format == 15 ){
$new .= '{"item": "'.$item.'"';
if( $meat ne "" ){
$new .= ',"meta": {';
foreach my $k (keys %meta){
$new .= '"'.$k.'": "'.$meta{$k}.'",';
$new .= '}';
$new .= '},';
$new =~ s/""/"/g;
$new =~ s/,}/}/g;
$new =~ s/,$//;
return $new;
# PostMe_tgi - format a single PostMe as inline keyboard for telegram (items w. indexing)
# Parameter devname = device name
# listname = list name
sub PostMe_tgi($$) {
my ($devname,$listname) = @_;
my $pmn;
my $res = "";
my $hash = $defs{$devname};
if( !$hash ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe device named $devname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_tgi] $mga";
return "$mga";
#Log 1,"[PostMe_Get] with name=$listname key=$key args=@args";
$pmn = PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_tgi] $mga";
return "$mga";
$res = PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),""),13);
$res.= " ".$listname;
return $res;
# PostMe_tgj - format a single PostMe as simple array
# Parameter devname = device name
# listname = list name
sub PostMe_tgj($$) {
my ($devname,$listname) = @_;
my $pmn;
my $hash = $defs{$devname};
if( !$hash ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe device named $devname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_tgk] $mga";
return "$mga";
#Log 1,"[PostMe_Get] with name=$listname key=$key args=@args";
$pmn = PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_tgk] $mga";
return "$mga";
my @ret=PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),""),14);
return \@ret;
# PostMe_Set - Implements the Set function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub PostMe_Set($@) {
my ( $hash, $devname, $key, @args ) = @_;
#-- for the selector: which values are possible
if ($key eq "?"){
#--prevent any default set
return undef;
#-- obsolete
my @cmds = ("create","delete","rename","add","modify","remove","clear");
return "Unknown argument $key, choose one of " .join(" ",@cmds);
my $listname = shift @args;
if( $key eq "create"){
}elsif( $key eq "delete"){
}elsif( $key eq "rename"){
}elsif( $key eq "add"){
}elsif( $key eq "modify"){
}elsif( $key eq "remove"){
}elsif( $key eq "clear"){
# PostMe_Get - Implements the Get function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub PostMe_Get($$$@) {
my ($hash, $devname, $key, @args) = @_;
my $pmn;
my $res = "";
my $hasMail = defined(AttrVal($devname,"postmeMailFun",undef)) ? 1 : 0;
my $hasMsgr = defined(AttrVal($devname,"postmeMsgFun",undef)) ? 1 : 0;
my $hasTTS = defined(AttrVal($devname,"postmeTTSFun",undef)) ? 1 : 0;
#-- for the selector: which values are possible
if ($key eq "?"){
#-- prevent any default get
return undef;
#-- obsolete
#-- current number of PostMes
my $cnop = ReadingsVal($devname,"postmeCnt",0);
my $pml = "";
for( my $i=1;$i<=$cnop;$i++){
$pml .= ","
if( $i >1);
$pml .= ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$i),"");
my @cmds = ("version:noArg","all:noArg","allspecial","list:".$pml,"special:".$pml);
$res = "Unknown argument $key choose one of ".join(" ",@cmds);
$res.= " mail:".$pml
$res.= " message:".$pml
$res.= " TTS:".$pml
$res.= " JSON:".$pml;
return $res;
my $listname = @args[0];
if ($key eq "version") {
return "PostMe.version => $postmeversion";
#-- list one PostMe
} elsif( ($key eq "list")||($key eq "special")||($key eq "JSON")||($key eq "mail")||($key eq "message")||($key eq "TTS") ){
$pmn = PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
my $mga = "Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
Log 1,"[PostMe_Get] $mga";
return "$mga";
##-- list
if( $key eq "list" ){
$res = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$pmn),"");
$res .= ": ";
$res .= PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),"")."\n",10);
return $res;
##-- list
}elsif( $key eq "special" ){
##-- JSON
}elsif( $key eq "JSON" ){
$res = PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),""),15);
return '{"'.$listname.'": ['.$res.']}';
##-- send by mail
}elsif( $key eq "mail" ){
my $rcpt = AttrVal($devname,sprintf("postme%02dMailRec",$pmn),undef);
my $text = PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),undef),11);
my $fun = AttrVal($devname,"postmeMailFun",undef);
if( $rcpt && $text && $fun ){
my $ref = \&$fun;
my $mga = "$listname sent by mail";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state",$mga,1 );
Log3 $devname,3,"[PostMe] ".$mga;
return undef;
##-- send by instant messenger
}elsif( $key eq "message" ){
my $rcpt = AttrVal($devname,sprintf("postme%02dMsgRec",$pmn),undef);
my $text = PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),undef),11);
$text =~ s/,/,\n/g;
my $fun = AttrVal($devname,"postmeMsgFun",undef);
if( $rcpt && $text && $fun ){
my $ref = \&$fun;
my $mga = "$listname sent by messenger";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state",$mga,1 );
Log3 $devname,3,"[PostMe] ".$mga;
return undef;
##-- speak as TTS
}elsif( $key eq "TTS" ){
my $dev = AttrVal($devname,"postmeTTSDev",undef);
my $text = $listname.": ".PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),undef),10);
my $fun = AttrVal($devname,"postmeTTSFun",undef);
if( $text && $fun ){
my $ref = \&$fun;
my $mga = "$listname spoken by TTS";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state",$mga,1 );
Log3 $devname,3,"[PostMe] ".$mga;
return undef;
#-- list all PostMe
} elsif ($key eq "all") {
#-- current number of PostMes
my $cnop = ReadingsVal($devname,"postmeCnt",0);
for( my $loop=1;$loop<=$cnop;$loop++){
$res .= ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop),"");
$res .= ": ".PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$loop),"")."\n",10);
$res .= "\n";
return $res;
#-- process all PostMe special annotations
} elsif ($key eq "allspecial") {
#-- current number of PostMes
my $cnop = ReadingsVal($devname,"postmeCnt",0);
for( my $loop=1;$loop<=$cnop;$loop++){
$listname = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop),"");
return $res;
# PostMe_detailFn - Displays PostMes in detailed view of FHEM
# Parameter = web argument list
sub PostMe_detailFn(){
my ($FW_wname, $devname, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$devname};
$hash->{mayBeVisible} = 1;
my $pmname=$hash->{NAME};
my $pmfirst = ReadingsVal($devname, "postme01Name","");
my $pmlist="";
my $pmoption="";
#-- current number of PostMes
my $cnop = ReadingsVal($devname,"postmeCnt",0);
for( my $loop=1;$loop<=$cnop;$loop++){
my $n = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop),"");
$pmlist .= $n;
$pmlist .= ","
if( $loop != $cnop);
if( $loop == 1){
$pmoption .= '<option selected="selected" value="'.$n.'">'.$n.'</option>';
$pmoption .= '<option value="'.$n.'">'.$n.'</option>';
my $icon = AttrVal($devname, "icon", "");
$icon = FW_makeImage($icon,$icon,"icon") . " " if($icon);
my $html = '<div id="ddtable" class="makeTable wide"><table class="block wide"><tr class="odd">'.
'<td width="300px"><div>'.$icon.'</div></td>'.
'<td informId="'.$pmname.'"><div id="'.$pmname.'" title="Initialized" class="col2">'.ReadingsVal($devname,"state","").'</div></td>'.
$html .= '<script type="text/javascript">function oc(){var p1=document.getElementById("val1_set'.$pmname.'").value;var p2=document.getElementById("val2_set'.$pmname.'").value;'.
'var p3;if(document.getElementById("sel_set'.$pmname.'").selectedIndex == 3) p3=p2; else p3=p1+" "+p2;document.getElementById("val_set'.$pmname.'").value=p3;}'.
'function dc1(i){if(i == 3)document.getElementById("val1_set'.$pmname.'").style.visibility = "hidden";'.
'else document.getElementById("val1_set'.$pmname.'").style.visibility = "visible";'.
'if(i > 4)document.getElementById("val2_set'.$pmname.'").style.visibility = "hidden"; else document.getElementById("val2_set'.$pmname.'").style.visibility = "visible";}'.
'function dc2(i){if(i > 4)document.getElementById("val_get'.$pmname.'").style.visibility = "hidden";'.
'else document.getElementById("val_get'.$pmname.'").style.visibility = "visible";};</script>';
$html .= '<table><tr><td>'.
'<form method="post" action="/fhem" autocomplete="off"><input id="pm.setter" type="hidden" name="fwcsrf" value="none"/>'.
'<input type="hidden" name="detail" value="'.$pmname.'"/><input type="hidden" name="dev.set'.$pmname.'" value="'.$pmname.'"/>'.
'<input type="submit" name="cmd.set'.$pmname.'" value="set" class="set"/><div class="set downText"> '.$pmname.' </div>'.
'<select id="sel_set'.$pmname.'" informId="sel_set'.$pmname.'" name="arg.set'.$pmname.'" class="set" style="width:100px;" '.
'<option selected="selected" value="add">add</option><option value="modify">modify</option><option value="remove">remove</option><option value="create">create</option>'.
'<option value="rename">rename</option><option value="clear">clear</option><option value="delete">delete</option>'.
'<select id="val1_set'.$pmname.'" informId="val1_set'.$pmname.'" name="val1.set'.$pmname.'" class="set" onchange="oc()">'.$pmoption.'</select>'.
'<input type="text" id="val2_set'.$pmname.'" informId="val2_set'.$pmname.'" name="val2.set'.$pmname.'" class="set" size="30" value="" onchange="oc()"/>'.
'<input type="hidden" id="val_set'.$pmname.'" informId="val_set'.$pmname.'" name="val.set'.$pmname.'" class="set" size="30" value="'.$pmfirst.'"/></form></td></tr>';
$html .= '<tr><td>'.
'<form method="post" action="/fhem" autocomplete="off"><input id="pm.getter" type="hidden" name="fwcsrf" value="none"/>'.
'<input type="hidden" name="detail" value="'.$pmname.'"/><input type="hidden" name="dev.get'.$pmname.'" value="'.$pmname.'"/>'.
'<input type="submit" name="cmd.get'.$pmname.'" value="get" class="get"/><div class="get downText"> '.$pmname.' </div>'.
'<select id="sel_get'.$pmname.'" informId="sel_get'.$pmname.'" name="arg.get'.$pmname.'" class="get" style="width:100px;" '.
'<option selected="selected" value="list">list</option><option value="special">special</option><option value="mail">mail</option><option value="message">message</option><option value="TTS">TTS</option>'.
'<option value="JSON">JSON</option><option value="all">all</option><option value="allspecial">allspecial</option><<option value="version">version</option>'.
'<select type="hidden" id="val_get'.$pmname.'" informId="val_get'.$pmname.'" name="val.get'.$pmname.'" class="get">'.$pmoption.'</select>'.
$html .= '<script type="text/javascript">var req = new XMLHttpRequest();req.open(\'GET\', document.location.href, false);req.send(null);'.
'var csrfToken = req.getResponseHeader(\'X-FHEM-csrfToken\');if( csrfToken == null ){csrfToken = "null";}'.
return $html;
# PostMe_widget - Displays PostMes as widgets
# Parameter = web argument list
sub PostMe_widget($) {
my ($arg) = @_;
my $type = $FW_webArgs{type};
$type = "show"
if( !$type);
my $devname = $FW_webArgs{postit};
my $listname = $FW_webArgs{name};
my $pmn;
my $res = "";
#-- device name
if( !$devname ){
Log 1,"[PostMe_widget] Error, web argument postit=... is missing";
return undef;
my $hash = $defs{$devname};
my $style = AttrVal($devname,"postmeStyle","jQuery");
my $icon = AttrVal($devname,"postmeIcon","images/default/pin_red_32.png");
my $click = AttrVal($devname,"postmeClick","0");
my $css = '<link href="www/pgm2/'.AttrVal($FW_wname, "stylesheetPrefix", "").'style.css" rel="stylesheet"/>';
##################################################-- type=pins => list with pins
if( $type eq "pins"){
#-- current number of Postmes
my $cnop = ReadingsVal($devname,"postmeCnt",0);
#-- jQuery rendering
if( $style eq "jQuery" ){
$FW_RETTYPE = "text/html";
$res .= $css;
#-- we need our own jQuery object
$res .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="/fhem/pgm2/jquery.min.js"></script>';
$res .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="/fhem/pgm2/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>';
#-- this is for the selector
$res .= '<div id="postme" class="postmeclass">';
for( my $loop=1;$loop<=$cnop;$loop++){
my $name2 = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop),"");
my $sel = sprintf("sel%02d",$loop);
$res .= '<div id="'.$sel.'"><img src="'.$icon.'"/>'.$name2.'</div><br/>';
$res .= '</div>';
#-- this is the scripting for the dialog box
$res .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
$res .= 'var $jParent = window.parent.jQuery;';
$res .= '$jParent( ".roomBlock1" ).prepend( "<div id=\'postmedia\' style=\'width:200px\'></div>" );';
$res .= 'var dlg1 = $jParent("#postmedia");';
$res .= 'dlg1 = dlg1.dialog({width:300,autoOpen:false';
$res .= ',open:function(event, ui){$(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide();}';
#-- button only when needed
$res .= ',buttons:[{text: "OK",click:function(){dlg1.dialog("close");}}]'
if ($click == 1);
$res .= '});';
#-- this is the scripting for the connection selector-dialog
for( my $loop=1;$loop<=$cnop;$loop++){
my $name2 = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop),"");
my $sel = sprintf("sel%02d",$loop);
if( $click == 0){
$res .= '$("#'.$sel.'").mouseover(function(){dlg1.load("/fhem/PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$name2.'",';
$res .= 'function(){dlg1.dialog("open")})});';
$res .= '$("#'.$sel.'").mouseout(function(){dlg1.dialog("close")});';
$res .= '$("#'.$sel.'").click(function(){dlg1.load("/fhem/PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$name2.'",';
$res .= 'function(){dlg1.dialog("open")})});';
$res .= '</script>';
FW_pO $res;
#-- HTML rendering
}elsif( $style eq "HTML"){
$FW_RETTYPE = "text/html; charset=$FW_encoding";
$res .= $css;
$res .= '<div class="postmeclass">';
for( my $loop=1;$loop<=$cnop;$loop++){
my $name2 = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop),"");
if( $click == 0){
$res .= '<div onmouseover="postit=window.open(\'PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$name2.'\',\'postit\',\'height=200,width=200,top=400,left=400,menubar=no,toolbar=no,titlebar=no\');" ';
$res .= 'onmouseout="postit.close()"><img src="'.$icon.'"/>'.$name2.'</div><br/>';
$res .= '<div onclick="postit=window.open(\'PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$name2.'\',\'postit\',\'height=200,width=200,top=400,left=400,menubar=no,toolbar=no,titlebar=no\');">';
$res .= '<img src="'.$icon.'"/>'.$name2.'</div><br/>';
FW_pO $res.'</div>';
#-- SVG rendering
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
FW_pO '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="100px" height="100px">';
for( my $loop=1;$loop<=$cnop;$loop++){
my $name2 = ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dName",$loop),"");
$res.= sprintf('<text x="10" y="%02d" fill="blue" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold" ',10+15*$loop);
$res.= 'onmouseover="postit=window.open(\'PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$name2.'\',\'postit\',\'height=200,width=200,top=400,left=400,menubar=no,toolbar=no,titlebar=no\');" ';
$res.= 'onmouseout="postit.close()">'.$name2.'</text>';
$res.= <g>
FW_pO $res.'</svg>';
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET);
#-- PostMe name
if( !$listname ){
Log 1,"[PostMe_widget] Error, web argument name=... is missing";
return undef;
$pmn = PostMe_Check($hash,$listname);
if( !$pmn ){
Log 1,"[PostMe_widget] Error, a PostMe named $listname does not exist";
return undef;
##################################################-- type=pin => single pin
if( $type eq "pin"){
#-- jQuery rendering
if( $style eq "jQuery"){
my $sel = sprintf("sel%02d",$pmn);
$FW_RETTYPE = "text/html";
$res .= $css;
#-- we need our own jQuery object
$res .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="/fhem/pgm2/jquery.min.js"></script>';
$res .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="/fhem/pgm2/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>';
#-- this is for the selector
$res .= '<div id="postme" class="postmeclass">';
$res .= '<div id="'.$sel.'"><img src="'.$icon.'"/>'.$listname.'</div><br/>';
$res .= '</div>';
#-- this is the scripting for the dialog box
$res .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
$res .= 'var $jParent = window.parent.jQuery;';
$res .= '$jParent( ".roomBlock1" ).prepend( "<div id=\'postmedia\' style=\'width:200px\'></div>" );';
$res .= 'var dlg1 = $jParent("#postmedia");';
$res .= 'dlg1 = dlg1.dialog({width:300,autoOpen:false';
$res .= ',open:function(event, ui){$(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide();}';
#-- button only when needed
$res .= ',buttons:[{text: "OK",click:function(){dlg1.dialog("close");}}]'
if ($click == 1);
$res .= '});';
#-- this is the scripting for the connection selector-dialog
if( $click == 0){
$res .= '$("#'.$sel.'").mouseover(function(){dlg1.load("/fhem/PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$listname.'",';
$res .= 'function(){dlg1.dialog("open")})});';
$res .= '$("#'.$sel.'").mouseout(function(){dlg1.dialog("close")});';
$res .= '$("#'.$sel.'").click(function(){dlg1.load("/fhem/PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$listname.'",';
$res .= 'function(){dlg1.dialog("open")})});';
$res .= '</script>';
FW_pO $res;
#-- HTML rendering
}elsif( $style eq "HTML"){
$FW_RETTYPE = "text/html";
$res .= $css;
$res .= '<div class="postmeclass">';
if( $click == 0){
$res.= '<div onmouseover="postit=window.open(\'PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$listname.'\',\'postit\',\'height=200,width=200,top=400,left=400,menubar=no,toolbar=no,titlebar=no\');" ';
$res.= 'onmouseout="postit.close()">';
$res.= '<div onclick="postit=window.open(\'PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$listname.'\',\'postit\',\'height=200,width=200,top=400,left=400,menubar=no,toolbar=no,titlebar=no\');">';
FW_pO $res.'<img src="'.$icon.'"/>'.$listname.'</div>';
#-- SVG rendering
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
FW_pO '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="100px" height="100px">';
$res.= '<text x="10" y="10" fill="blue" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold" ';
$res.= 'onmouseover="postit=window.open(\'PostMe_widget?postit='.$devname.'&name='.$listname.'\',\'postit\',\'height=200,width=200,top=400,left=400,menubar=no,toolbar=no,titlebar=no\');" ';
$res.= 'onmouseout="postit.close()">'.$listname.'</text>';
FW_pO $res.'</svg>';
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET);
################################################## default (type missing) => content of a single postme
my @lines=split(AttrVal($devname,"listseparator",','),ReadingsVal($devname, sprintf("postme%02dCont",$pmn),""));
if( !(int(@lines)>0) ){
#Log 1,"[PostMe_widget] Asking to display empty PostMe $listname";
return undef;
#-- HTML rendering
if( $style ne "SVG"){
$FW_RETTYPE = "text/html; charset=$FW_encoding";
$res .= $css;
$res .= '<div class="postmeclass2" style="width:200px">';
$res .= '<b>'.$listname.'</b><br/>';
for (my $i=0;$i<int(@lines);$i++){
#--special for meta data
my $line=PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,$lines[$i],0);
$res.= $line.'<br/>';
FW_pO $res.'</div>';
#--- SVG rendering
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
FW_pO '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="100px" height="100px">';
$res = '<text x="10" y="10" fill="blue" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold">';
$res.= $listname.'</text>';
for (my $i=0;$i<int(@lines);$i++){
$res.= sprintf('<text x="10" y="%02d" fill="blue" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:10px">',25+$i*12);
$res.= PostMe_LineOut($hash,$listname,$lines[$i],0);
$res.= '</text>';
FW_pO $res.'</svg>';
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET);
=item helper
=item summary to set up a system of sticky notes, similar to Post-Its™
=item summary_DE zur Definition eines Systems von Klebezetteln ähnlich des Post-Its™
=begin html
<a name="PostMe"></a>
<p> FHEM module to set up a system of sticky notes, similar to Post-Its™</p>
<a name="PostMedefine"></a>
<code>define <postit> PostMe</code>
<br />Defines the PostMe system, <postit> is an arbitrary name for the system. </p>
<a name="PostMeusage"></a>
See <a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Modul_PostMe">German Wiki page</a>
An arbitrary number of lists may be added to the system with the <i>create</i> command.<br/>
List items may consist of one or more words, and are added/removed by the <i>add</i> and
<i>remove</i> command, but no separator characters are allowed in one item<br/>
Attention: A comma "," is the <i>default</i> separator for list items, see attributes below.</br/>
Meta data for items (=annotations)may be included in the items by using "[" and "]"; characters, e.g.<br/>
<code>set <postit> add <name> <item> [<attribute1>="<data1>" ...</code><br/>
These attribute-value pairs may be added, modified and removed with the <i>modify</i> command.
<b>Special annotations</b> will be evaluated further, either on creation or manually by executing the commands<br/>
<code>get <postit> special <name></code> resp. <code>get <postit> allspecial</code>
<li>The attribute <i>at="<timespec/datespec>"</i>, when given a timespec/datespec value, will result in a single or multiple
reminding messages for this item. The syntax for this timespec/datespec value is<br/>
The first part is the time/date specification when the item is <i>due</i>.
<br/>The second optional part beginning with a "-"-sign
denotes how much time befor this date you want to be alerted.
<br/>The third optional part beginning with a "P" character
allows to specify a <number> of periodic reminders, the period given by the second part.<br/>
Processing this attribute means, that several <i>at</i> devices will be set up in the room <i>hidden</i>
that are triggered when at the specified times.
See documentation in Wiki for examples.
<li>The attribute <i>notify="<eventspec>"</i>, when given an eventspec value, will result in a single or multiple
reminding messages for this item.<br/>
Processing this attribute means, that a <i>notify</i> device will be set up in the room <i>hidden</i>
that is triggered when the event is detected.</li>
The sticky notes may be integrated into any Web page by simply embedding the following tags
<li> <code><embed src="/fhem/PostMe_widget?type=pins&postit=<postit>"/></code> <br/>
to produce an interactive list of all PostMe names with pins from system <postit>.</li>
<li> <code><embed src="/fhem/PostMe_widget?type=pin&postit=<postit>&name=<name>"/></code> <br/>
to produce an interactive entry for PostMe <name>from system <postit></li>
The module provides interface routines that may be called from your own Perl programs, see documentation in the Wiki.
<a name="PostMeset"></a>
<li><code>set <postit> create <name></code>
<br />creates a sticky note named <name></li>
<li><code>set <postit> rename <name> <newname></code>
<br />renames the sticky note named <name> as <newname></li>
<li><code>set <postit> delete <name></code>
<br />deletes the sticky note named <name></li>
<li><code>set <postit> add <name> <item></code>
<br />adds to the sticky note named <name> an item <item></li>
<li><code>set <postit> modify <name> <item> <attribute> <data></code>
<br />adds/modifies/removes and attribute-value-pair <attribute>="<data>" to the item <item> on the sticky note named <name><br/>
adding, if this attribute is not yet present; modification, if it is present - <data> will then be overwritten; removal, if no <data> is given</li>
<li><code>set <postit> remove <name> <item></code><br />
<code>set <postit> remove <name> item<number></code>
<br />removes from the sticky note named <name> an item <item> or the one numbered <number> (starting at 0)</li>
<li><code>set <postit> clear <name></code>
<br />clears the sticky note named <name> from all items </li>
<a name="PostMeget"></a>
<li><code>get <postit> list <name></code>
<br />Show the sticky note named <name> and its content</li>
<li><code>get <postit> special <name></code>
<br />Process the special annotations (see above) of the sticky note named <name></li>
<li><code>get <postit> mail <name></code>
<br />Send the sticky note named <name> and its content via eMail to a predefined
recipient (e.g. sticky note <postme01Name> is sent to <postme01MailRec>).<br/> The mailing
subroutine <postmeMsgFun> is called with three parameters for recipient, subject
and text. </li>
<li><code>get <postit> message <name></code>
<br />Send the sticky note named <name> and its content via instant messenger to a predefined
recipient (e.g. sticky note <postme01Name> is sent to <postme01MsgRec>).<br/> The messenger
subroutine <postmeMsgFun> is called with three parameters for recipient, subject
and text. </li>
<li><code>get <postit> TTS <name></code>
<br />Speak the sticky note named <name> and its content. The TTS
subroutine <postmeTTSFun> is called with one parameter text. </li>
<li><code>get <postit> JSON <name></code>
<br />Return the sticky note named <name> in JSON format</li>
<li><code>get <postit> all</code>
<br />Show all sticky notes and their content</li>
<li><code>get <postit> allspecial</code>
<br />Process the special annotations (see above) of all sticky notes</li>
<li><code>get <postit> version</code>
<br />Display the version of the module</li>
<a name="PostMeattr"></a>
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeStd <name1,name2,...></code>
<br />Comma separated list of standard sticky notes that will be created on device start.</li>
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeClick 1|0 (default)</code>
<br />If 0, embedded sticky notes will pop up on mouseover-events and vanish on mouseout-events (default).<br/>
If 1, embedded sticky notes will pop up on click events and vanish after closing the note</li>
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeIcon <string></code>
<br />Icon for display of a sticky note</li>
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeStyle SVG|HTML|jQuery (default)</code>
<br />If jQuery, embedded sticky notes will produce jQuery code (default) <br/>
If HTML, embedded sticky notes will produce HTML code <br/>
If SVG, embedded sticky notes will produce SVG code</li>
<li><code>attr <postit> listseparator <character></code>
<br />Character used to separate list items (default ',')</li>
Note, that in the parameters sent to the following functions, ":" serves as separator between list name and items,
and "," serves as separator between items. They may be exchanged with simple regular expression operations.
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeMailFun <string></code>
<br />Function name for the eMail function. This subroutine
is called with three parameters for recipient, subject
and text.</li>
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeMailRec(01|02|...) <string></code>
recipient addresses for the above eMail function (per PostMe).</li>
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeMsgFun <string></code>
<br />Function name for the instant messenger function. This subroutine
is called with three parameters for recipient, subject
and text.</li>
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeMsgRec(01|02|...) <string></code>
recipient addresses for the above instant messenger function (per PostMe).</li>
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeTTSFun <string></code>
<br />Function name for the text-to-speech function. This subroutine
is called with two parameters, the device name and the composite text.
<li><code>attr <postit> postmeTTSDev(01|02|...) <string></code>
device name for the above TTS function.</li>
<li>Standard attributes <a href="#alias">alias</a>, <a href="#comment">comment</a>, <a
href="#event-on-update-reading">event-on-update-reading</a>, <a
href="#event-on-change-reading">event-on-change-reading</a>, <a href="#room"
>room</a>, <a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a>, <a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a>,
<a href="#webCmd">webCmd</a></li>
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<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Modul_PostMe">Deutsche Dokumentation im Wiki</a> vorhanden, die englische Version gibt es hier: <a href="/fhem/docs/commandref.html#PostMe">PostMe</a>
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