mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-09 20:57:11 +00:00
rudolfkoenig a1397d1c34 THE SPLIT
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@2076 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2012-11-04 13:49:43 +00:00

919 lines
28 KiB

# $Id$
# (c) 2012 Copyright: Martin Fischer (m_fischer at gmx dot de)
# All rights reserved
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HttpUtils;
use File::Copy qw(cp mv);
sub CommandUpdate($$);
sub update_CheckFhemRelease($$);
sub update_CheckUpdates($$$$);
sub update_CleanUpLocalFiles($$$);
sub update_DoUpdate(@);
sub update_DoHousekeeping($);
sub update_GetRemoteFiles($$$);
sub update_ListChanges($);
sub update_MakeDirectory($);
sub update_ParseControlFile($$$$);
sub update_WriteLocalControlFile($$$);
if(!eval "require FhemUtils::release") {
require release;
foreach my $pack (split(" ",uc($UPDATE{packages}))) {
$UPDATE{$pack}{control} = "controls_".lc($pack).".txt";
my %hash = (
Fn => "CommandUpdate",
Hlp => "[development|stable] [<file>|check|fhem],update Fhem",
$cmds{update} = \%hash;
my ($cl,$param) = @_;
my $modpath = (-d "updatefhem.dir" ? "updatefhem.dir":$attr{global}{modpath});
my $moddir = "$modpath/FHEM";
my $srcdir = "";
my $update = "";
my $force = 0;
my $ret = "";
# split arguments
my @args = split(/ +/,$param);
# set default trunk
$BRANCH = (!defined($attr{global}{updatebranch}) ? $DISTRIB_BRANCH : uc($attr{global}{updatebranch}));
$ret = "global attribute 'updatebranch': unknown keyword: '$BRANCH'. Keyword should be 'STABLE' or 'DEVELOPMENT'";
Log 1, "update $ret";
return "$ret";
if (!defined($args[0])) {
} elsif (uc($args[0]) ne "STABLE" && uc($args[0]) ne "DEVELOPMENT") {
} elsif (uc($args[0]) eq "STABLE" || uc($args[0]) eq "DEVELOPMENT") {
$args[0] = uc($args[0]);
$BRANCH = $args[0];
# set path for fhem.de
my $branch = lc($BRANCH);
$branch = "SVN" if ($BRANCH eq "DEVELOPMENT");
$srcdir = $UPDATE{path}."/".lc($branch);
# check arguments
if (defined($args[1]) && $args[1] eq "?" ||
(int(@args) > 3 && uc($args[1]) eq "HOUSEKEEPING") ||
(int(@args) > 2 && uc($args[2]) ne "FORCE" &&
(uc($args[1]) eq "CHECK" ||
uc($args[1]) eq "FHEM" ||
uc($args[1]) eq "FULL")) ||
(int(@args) > 2 &&
(uc($args[1]) ne "CHECK" &&
uc($args[1]) ne "FHEM" &&
uc($args[1]) ne "FULL" &&
uc($args[1]) ne "HOUSEKEEPING"))) {
return "Usage: update [development|stable] [<file>|check|fhem|full] [force]";
# check arguments for housekeeping
if (defined($args[1]) && uc($args[1]) eq "HOUSEKEEPING" && (int(@args) > 2 )) {
return "Usage: update housekeeping";
# set default update
if (!defined($args[1]) ||
(defined($args[1]) &&
(uc($args[1]) eq "FORCE") ||
uc($args[1]) eq "HOUSEKEEPING")) {
$update = "FHEM";
} else {
$update = $args[1];
# force update
$force = 1 if (defined($args[1]) && uc($args[1]) eq "FORCE" ||
defined($args[2]) && uc($args[2]) eq "FORCE");
if (defined($args[1]) && uc($args[1]) eq "CHECK") {
$ret = update_ListChanges($srcdir);
} elsif (defined($args[1]) && uc($args[1]) eq "HOUSEKEEPING") {
$ret = update_DoHousekeeping($update);
$ret = "nothing to do..." if (!$ret);
} else {
$ret = update_DoUpdate($srcdir,$BRANCH,$update,$force,$cl);
return $ret;
my ($srcdir,$BRANCH,$update,$force,$cl) = @_;
my $modpath = (-d "updatefhem.dir" ? "updatefhem.dir":$attr{global}{modpath});
my $moddir = "$modpath/FHEM";
my $server = $UPDATE{server};
my $fail;
my $ret = "";
# Get fhem.pl version
my $checkFhemRelease = update_CheckFhemRelease($force,$srcdir);
return $checkFhemRelease if ($checkFhemRelease);
# get list of files
my $rControl_ref = {};
my $lControl_ref = {};
foreach my $pack (split(" ",uc($UPDATE{packages}))) {
Log 3, "update get $server/$srcdir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}";
my $controlFile = GetFileFromURL("$server/$srcdir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}");
return "Can't get '$UPDATE{$pack}{control}' from $server" if (!$controlFile);
# parse remote controlfile
($fail,$rControl_ref) = update_ParseControlFile($pack,$controlFile,$rControl_ref,0);
return "$fail\nUpdate canceled..." if ($fail);
# parse local controlfile
($fail,$lControl_ref) = update_ParseControlFile($pack,"$moddir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}",$lControl_ref,1);
return "$fail\nUpdate canceled..." if ($fail);
# Check for new / modified files
my ($checkUpdates,$updateFiles_ref) = update_CheckUpdates($update,$force,$lControl_ref,$rControl_ref);
if (!keys %$updateFiles_ref) {
return $checkUpdates;
} else {
$ret = $checkUpdates;
# do a backup first
my $doBackup = (!defined($attr{global}{backup_before_update}) ? 1 : $attr{global}{backup_before_update});
if ($doBackup) {
my $cmdret = AnalyzeCommand(undef, "backup");
if ($cmdret !~ m/backup done.*/) {
Log 1, "update Backup: The operation was canceled. Please check manually!";
$ret .= "Something went wrong during backup:\n$cmdret\n";
$ret .= "The operation was canceled. Please check manually!";
return $ret;
$ret .= "Backup:\n$cmdret\n";
# get new / modified files
my $getUpdates;
($fail,$getUpdates) = update_GetRemoteFiles($srcdir,$updateFiles_ref,$cl);
$ret .= $getUpdates if($getUpdates);
foreach my $pack (split(" ",uc($UPDATE{packages}))) {
# write local controlfile
my $localControlFile = update_WriteLocalControlFile($pack,$lControl_ref,$rControl_ref);
$ret .= $localControlFile if ($localControlFile);
return $ret if($fail);
if (uc($update) eq "FULL" || uc($update) eq "FHEM") {
my $doHousekeeping = update_DoHousekeeping($update);
$ret .= $doHousekeeping if ($doHousekeeping);
$ret .= "\nUpdate completed!";
return $ret;
my ($update) = @_;
my $modpath = (-d "updatefhem.dir" ? "updatefhem.dir":$attr{global}{modpath});
my $moddir = "$modpath/FHEM";
my $cleanup;
my $pack = uc($update);
my $ret;
# parse local controlfile
my $fail;
my $lControl_ref;
($fail,$lControl_ref) = update_ParseControlFile($pack,"$moddir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}",$lControl_ref,1);
return "$fail\nHousekeeping canceled..." if ($fail);
my %lControl = %$lControl_ref;
# first run: create directories
foreach my $f (sort keys %{$lControl{$pack}}) {
my $lCtrl = $lControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl};
my $str;
next if ($lCtrl ne "DIR");
if ($lCtrl eq "DIR") {
$str = update_CleanUpLocalFiles($lCtrl,"$f","");
if($str) {
$cleanup .= "==> $str\n" ;
Log 1, "update $str";
# second run: move named files
foreach my $f (sort keys %{$lControl{$pack}}) {
my $lCtrl = $lControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl};
my $str;
next if ($lCtrl ne "MOV");
if ($lCtrl eq "MOV" && $f !~ /\*/) {
$str = update_CleanUpLocalFiles($lCtrl,"$modpath/$f","$modpath/$lControl{$pack}{$f}{move}");
$cleanup .= "==> $str\n";
Log 1, "update $str";
# third run: move glob
foreach my $f (sort keys %{$lControl{$pack}}) {
my $lCtrl = $lControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl};
my $str;
next if ($lCtrl ne "MOV");
if ($lCtrl eq "MOV" && $f =~ /\*/) {
# get filename and path
#my $fname = substr $f,rindex($f,'/')+1;
my $fpath = substr $f,0,rindex($f,'/')+1;
foreach my $file (<$modpath/$f>) {
$str = update_CleanUpLocalFiles($lCtrl,"$file","$modpath/$lControl{$pack}{$f}{move}/");
$cleanup .= "==> $str\n";
Log 1, "update $str";
# last run: delete
foreach my $f (sort keys %{$lControl{$pack}}) {
my $lCtrl = $lControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl};
my $str;
next if ($lCtrl ne "DEL");
if ($f =~ /\*/) {
# get filename and path
#my $fname = substr $f,rindex($f,'/')+1;
my $fpath = substr $f,0,rindex($f,'/')+1;
foreach my $file (<$modpath/$f>) {
if ($lCtrl eq "DEL") {
$str = update_CleanUpLocalFiles($lCtrl,"$file","");
$cleanup .= "==> $str\n";
Log 1, "update $str";
} else {
if ($lCtrl eq "DEL") {
$str = update_CleanUpLocalFiles($lCtrl,"$modpath/$f","");
$cleanup .= "==> $str\n";
Log 1, "update $str";
if ($cleanup) {
$ret = "\nHousekeeping:\n$cleanup";
return $ret;
my ($update,$force,$lControl_ref,$rControl_ref) = @_;
return "Wildcards are not ( yet ;-) ) allowed." if ($update =~ /(\*|\?)/);
my @exclude;
my $excluded = (!defined($attr{global}{exclude_from_update}) ? "" : $attr{global}{exclude_from_update});
my $found = 0;
my $pack;
my $ret;
my $singleFile = 0;
my $search = lc($update);
my @suggest;
my %updateFiles = ();
# select package
$pack = "FHEM";
$pack = uc($update) if ($force);
# build searchstring
if (uc($update) ne "FULL" && uc($update) ne "FHEM") {
$singleFile = 1;
if ($update =~ m/^(\S+)\.(.*)$/) {
$search = lc($1);
if ($search =~ m/(\d+)_(.*)/) {
$search = lc($2);
# search for new / modified files
my %rControl = %$rControl_ref;
my %lControl = %$lControl_ref;
foreach my $f (sort keys %{$rControl{$pack}}) {
# skip housekeeping
next if ($rControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} eq "DEL" ||
$rControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} eq "DIR" ||
$rControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} eq "MOV");
# get remote filename
my $fname = substr $f,rindex($f,'/')+1;
# suggest filenames for given searchstring
if ($singleFile && lc($fname) ne lc($update)) {
if ($search && lc($fname) =~ m/$search/) {
# skip if some file was specified and the name does not match
next if ($singleFile && $fname ne $update);
if ($excluded =~ /$fname/) {
$lControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} = "EXC";
$lControl{$pack}{$f}{date} = (!defined($lControl{$pack}{$f}{date}) ?
$rControl{$pack}{$f}{date} :
$lControl{$pack}{$f}{size} = (!defined($lControl{$pack}{$f}{size}) ?
$rControl{$pack}{$f}{size} :
$lControl{$pack}{$f}{file} = (!defined($lControl{$pack}{$f}{file}) ?
$rControl{$pack}{$f}{file} :
Log 1, "update excluded by configuration: $fname";
if ($singleFile && $fname eq $update) {
#if (!@exclude && $lControl{$pack}{$f}{date} &&
# $rControl{$pack}{$f}{date} ne $lControl{$pack}{$f}{date}) {
if (!@exclude && $lControl{$pack}{$f}{date}) {
$updateFiles{$f}{file} = $fname;
$updateFiles{$f}{size} = $rControl{$pack}{$f}{size};
$updateFiles{$f}{date} = $rControl{$pack}{$f}{date};
$found = 1;
next if (!$force &&
$lControl{$pack}{$f}{date} &&
$rControl{$pack}{$f}{date} eq $lControl{$pack}{$f}{date});
if ($excluded !~ /$fname/) {
$updateFiles{$f}{file} = $fname;
$updateFiles{$f}{size} = $rControl{$pack}{$f}{size};
$updateFiles{$f}{date} = $rControl{$pack}{$f}{date};
$found = 1;
my $nothing = "nothing to do...";
if ($found) {
if (@exclude) {
my $exc;
foreach my $f (sort @exclude) {
my $fname = substr $f,rindex($f,'/')+1;
$exc .= "==> $fname\n" if ($rControl{$pack}{$f}{date} ne $lControl{$pack}{$f}{date});
if (!keys(%updateFiles)) {
$ret .= $nothing;
Log 1, "update $nothing";
} else {
if ($exc) {
$ret = "\nFile(s) skipped for an update! Excluded by configuration:\n$exc";
} else {
if ($singleFile && !@suggest) {
$ret = "'$update' not found.";
Log 1, "update $nothing";
if ($singleFile && @suggest) {
$ret = "'$update' not found. Did you mean:\n";
foreach my $f (sort @suggest) {
if ($excluded =~ /$f/) {
$ret .= "==> $f (excluded from updates)\n";
} else {
$ret .= "==> $f\n";
$ret .= $nothing;
Log 1, "update $nothing";
if (!$singleFile && !keys(%updateFiles)) {
$ret .= $nothing;
Log 1, "update $nothing";
return ($ret,\%updateFiles);
my ($srcdir,$updateFiles_ref,$cl) = @_;
my $modpath = (-d "updatefhem.dir" ? "updatefhem.dir":$attr{global}{modpath});
my $moddir = "$modpath/FHEM";
my $server = $UPDATE{server};
my %diffSize = ();
my $fail = 0;
my $localFile;
my $newFhem = 0;
my $remoteFile;
my @reloadModules;
my $writeError;
my $ret;
foreach my $f (sort keys %$updateFiles_ref) {
$remoteFile = $f;
$localFile = "$modpath/$f";
# mark for a restart of fhem.pl
if ($f =~ m/fhem.pl$/) {
$newFhem = 1;
$localFile = $0 if (! -d "updatefhem.dir");
$remoteFile = "$f.txt";
# replace special char % in filename
$remoteFile =~ s/%/%25/g;
# get remote filename
my $fname = substr $f,rindex($f,'/')+1;
my $fpath = $f;
$fpath =~ s/$fname//g;
# get remote File
Log 3, "update get $server/$srcdir/$remoteFile";
my $fileContent = GetFileFromURL("$server/$srcdir/$remoteFile");
my $fileLength = length($fileContent);
my $ctrlLength = $updateFiles_ref->{$f}->{size};
if ($fileLength ne $ctrlLength) {
$diffSize{$fname}{filelength} = $fileLength;
$diffSize{$fname}{ctrllength} = $ctrlLength;
$diffSize{$fname}{updatefile} = $f;
Log 1, "update skip '$fname'. Size does not correspond to " .
"controlfile: $ctrlLength bytes download: $fileLength bytes";
} else {
# mark for a reload of a modified module if its in use
if ($f =~ m/^.*(\d\d_)(.*).pm$/) {
my $modFile = "$1$2";
my $modName = $2;
push(@reloadModules,$modFile) if ($modules{$modName} && $modules{$modName}{LOADED});
my $mkdir;
$mkdir = update_MakeDirectory($fpath);
$ret .= $mkdir if ($mkdir);
next if ($mkdir);
if (open (FH, ">$localFile")) {
print FH $fileContent;
close (FH);
Log 5, "update write $localFile";
} else {
delete $updateFiles_ref->{$f};
Log 1, "update Can't write $localFile: $!";
$writeError .= "Can't write $localFile: $!\n";
if ($writeError) {
$ret .= "\nFile(s) skipped for an update! Error while writing:\n";
$ret .= "$writeError";
if (keys(%diffSize)) {
$ret .= "\nFile(s) skipped for an update! Size does not correspond:\n";
foreach my $f (sort keys(%diffSize)) {
delete $updateFiles_ref->{$diffSize{$f}{updatefile}};
$ret .= "==> $f: size from controlfile: $diffSize{$f}{ctrllength} bytes, " .
"size after download: $diffSize{$f}{filelength} bytes\n";
if (keys(%$updateFiles_ref)) {
my $str = keys(%$updateFiles_ref)." file(s) have been updated";
$ret .= "\n$str:\n";
Log 1, "update $str.";
foreach my $f (sort keys(%$updateFiles_ref)) {
my ($date,$time) = split("_",$updateFiles_ref->{$f}->{date});
$ret .= "==> $date $time $f\n";
if (!$newFhem && @reloadModules) {
$ret .= "\nModule(s) reloaded:\n";
foreach my $modFile (@reloadModules) {
my $cmdret = CommandReload($cl,$modFile);
if (!$cmdret) {
Log 1, "update reloaded module: $modFile";
$ret .= "==> $modFile\n";
} else {
$ret .= "==> $modFile:\n$cmdret\n";
if ($newFhem) {
my $str = "A new version of fhem.pl was installed, 'shutdown restart' is required!";
Log 1, "update $str";
$ret .= "\n$str\n";
} else {
my $str = "No files have been updated because one or more errors have occurred!";
$fail = 1;
$ret .= "\n$str\n";
Log 1, "update $str";
return ($fail,$ret);
my ($srcdir) = @_;
my $modpath = (-d "updatefhem.dir" ? "updatefhem.dir":$attr{global}{modpath});
my $moddir = "$modpath/FHEM";
my $excluded = (!defined($attr{global}{exclude_from_update}) ? "" : $attr{global}{exclude_from_update});
my $fail;
my $pack;
my $server = $UPDATE{server};
my $ret = "List of new / modified files since last update:\n";
# select package
$pack = "FHEM";
# get list of files
Log 3, "update get $server/$srcdir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}";
my $controlFile = GetFileFromURL("$server/$srcdir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}");
return "Can't get $UPDATE{$pack}{control} from $server" if (!$controlFile);
# parse remote controlfile
my $rControl_ref = {};;
($fail,$rControl_ref) = update_ParseControlFile($pack,$controlFile,$rControl_ref,0);
return "$fail" if ($fail);
# parse local controlfile
my $lControl_ref = {};
($fail,$lControl_ref) = update_ParseControlFile($pack,"$moddir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}",$lControl_ref,1);
return "$fail" if ($fail);
# Check for new / modified files
my $str;
my %rControl = %$rControl_ref;
my %lControl = %$lControl_ref;
foreach my $f (sort keys %{$rControl{$pack}}) {
next if ($rControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} eq "DEL" ||
$rControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} eq "DIR" ||
$rControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} eq "MOV");
next if ($lControl{$pack}{$f} &&
$rControl{$pack}{$f}{date} eq $lControl{$pack}{$f}{date});
$str = "$rControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} $f\n";
if ($f !~ m/\*/) {
my $ef = substr $f,rindex($f,'/')+1;
if ($excluded =~ /$ef/) {
$str = "--- $f (excluded from updates)\n";
$ret .= $str;
if (!$str) {
$ret .= "nothing to do...";
} else {
# get list of changes
$ret .= "\nList of last changes:\n";
my $changed = GetFileFromURL("$server/$srcdir/CHANGED");
if (!$changed || $changed =~ m/Error 404/g) {
$ret .= "Can't get list of changes from $server";
} else {
my @lines = split(/\015\012|\012|\015/,$changed);
foreach my $line (@lines) {
last if ($line eq "");
$ret .= $line."\n";
return $ret;
my ($force,$srcdir) = @_;
my $server = $UPDATE{server};
my $versRemote;
my $ret = undef;
# get fhem to check version
Log 3, "update get $server/$srcdir/FHEM/FhemUtils/release.pm";
my $uRelease = GetFileFromURL("$server/$srcdir/FHEM/FhemUtils/release.pm");
Log 5, "update get $server/$srcdir/FHEM/FhemUtils/release.pm";
return "Can't get release.pm from $server" if (!$uRelease);
foreach my $l (split("[\r\n]", $uRelease)) {
Log 5, "update release.pm: $l";
if ($l =~ m/^\$DISTRIB_ID="(.*)"/) {
if ($l =~ m/^\$DISTRIB_RELEASE="(\d+.\d+)"/) {
if ($l =~ m/^\$DISTRIB_BRANCH="(.*)"/) {
Log 1, "update The operation was canceled, while checking the remote Release.";
return "Can't read remote Release Informations. Update canceled now."
if (!$force &&
$ret = "The installed version $DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION is newer than the remote\n";
$ret .= "version $NEW_DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION.\n";
$ret .= "A downgrade is not recommended! Your default updatebranch is '$BRANCH'.\n";
$ret .= "You can force the downgrade with the argument 'force' (e.g. 'update force')\n";
$ret .= "at your own risk. In case of problems within the downgrade process, there is\n";
$ret .= "no support from the developers!";
Log 1, "update Downgrade is not allowed!";
Log 1, "update check Releases => local: $DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION remote: $NEW_DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION";
return $ret;
my ($pack,$lControl_ref,$rControl_ref) = @_;
my $modpath = (-d "updatefhem.dir" ? "updatefhem.dir":$attr{global}{modpath});
my $moddir = "$modpath/FHEM";
return "Can't write $moddir/".$UPDATE{$pack}{control}.": $!" if (!open(FH, ">$moddir/".$UPDATE{$pack}{control}));
Log 5, "update write $moddir/".$UPDATE{$pack}{control};
my %rControl = %$rControl_ref;
my %lControl = %$lControl_ref;
foreach my $f (sort keys %{$rControl{$pack}}) {
my $ctrl = $rControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} if (defined($rControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl}));
my $date = $rControl{$pack}{$f}{date} if (defined($rControl{$pack}{$f}{date}));
my $size = $rControl{$pack}{$f}{size} if (defined($rControl{$pack}{$f}{size}));
my $file = $rControl{$pack}{$f}{file} if (defined($rControl{$pack}{$f}{file}));
my $move = $rControl{$pack}{$f}{move} if (defined($rControl{$pack}{$f}{move}));
if ($ctrl eq "UPD") {
if (defined($lControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl}) && $lControl{$pack}{$f}{ctrl} eq "EXC") {
$date = defined($lControl{$pack}{$f}{date}) ? $lControl{$pack}{$f}{date} :
$size = defined($lControl{$pack}{$f}{size}) ? $lControl{$pack}{$f}{size} :
$file = defined($lControl{$pack}{$f}{file}) ? $lControl{$pack}{$f}{file} :
Log 5, "update ".$UPDATE{$pack}{control}.": $ctrl $date $size $file";
print FH "$ctrl $date $size $file\n";
if ($ctrl eq "DIR") {
Log 5, "update ".$UPDATE{$pack}{control}.": $ctrl $file";
print FH "$ctrl $file\n";
if ($ctrl eq "MOV") {
Log 5, "update ".$UPDATE{$pack}{control}.": $ctrl $file $move";
print FH "$ctrl $file $move\n";
if ($ctrl eq "DEL") {
Log 5, "update ".$UPDATE{$pack}{control}.": $ctrl $file";
print FH "$ctrl $file\n";
return undef;
my ($pack,$controlFile,$control_ref,$local) = @_;
my %control = %$control_ref if ($control_ref && ref($control_ref) eq "HASH");
my $from = ($local ? "local" : "remote");
my $ret;
if ($local) {
my $str = "";
# read local controlfile in string
if (open FH, "$controlFile") {
$str = do { local $/; <FH> };
$controlFile = $str
# parse file
if ($controlFile) {
foreach my $l (split("[\r\n]", $controlFile)) {
Log 5, "update $from controls_".lc($pack).".txt: $l";
my ($ctrl,$date,$size,$file,$move) = "";
if ($l =~ m/^(UPD) (20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (\d+) (\S+)$/) {
$ctrl = $1;
$date = $2;
$size = $3;
$file = $4;
} elsif ($l =~ m/^(DIR) (\S+)$/) {
$ctrl = $1;
$file = $2;
} elsif ($l =~ m/^(MOV) (\S+) (\S+)$/) {
$ctrl = $1;
$file = $2;
$move = $3;
} elsif ($l =~ m/^(DEL) (\S+)$/) {
$ctrl = $1;
$file = $2;
} else {
$ctrl = "ESC"
if ($ctrl eq "ESC") {
Log 1, "update File 'controls_".lc($pack).".txt' ($from) is corrupt";
$ret = "File 'controls_".lc($pack).".txt' ($from) is corrupt";
last if ($ret);
# if ($local) {
# next if ($l =~ m/^(DEL|MOV) /);
# }
$control{$pack}{$file}{ctrl} = $ctrl;
$control{$pack}{$file}{date} = $date;
$control{$pack}{$file}{size} = $size;
$control{$pack}{$file}{file} = $file;
$control{$pack}{$file}{move} = $move;
return ($ret, \%control);
my ($ctrl,$file,$move) = @_;
my $modpath = (-d "updatefhem.dir" ? "updatefhem.dir":$attr{global}{modpath});
my $ret;
# make dir
if ($ctrl eq "DIR") {
my $mret = update_MakeDirectory($file);
if ($mret) {
$ret = "create directory $modpath/$file failed: $mret";
# move file
if ($ctrl eq "MOV") {
my $mvret = mv "$file", "$move" if (-f $file);
if ($mvret) {
$ret = "moving $file to $move";
} else {
$ret = "moving $file to $move failed: $!";
# delete file
if ($ctrl eq "DEL") {
unlink "$file" if (-f $file);
if (!$!) {
$ret = "deleting $file";
} else {
$ret = "deleting $file failed: $!";
return $ret;
my $fullPath = shift;
my $modpath = (-d "updatefhem.dir" ? "updatefhem.dir":$attr{global}{modpath});
my $error;
my $dir;
my $recPath = "";
my $ret;
foreach $dir (split(/\//, $fullPath)) {
$recPath = "$recPath$dir/";
if ($dir ne "") {
if (! -d "$modpath/$recPath") {
mkdir "$modpath/$recPath";
if($!) {
$error .= "==> $modpath/$recPath: $!\n";
Log 1, "update Error while creating: $modpath/$recPath: $!";
if ($error) {
$ret = "\nError while creating:\n$error";
return $ret;
# vim: ts=2:et
=begin html
<a name="update"></a>
<code>update [development|stable] [&lt;file&gt;|check|fhem|full] [force]</code><br>
The installed fhem distribution and its installed extensions (just like the
webGUI PGM2) are updated via this command from the online repository. The
locally installed files will be checked against the online repository and
will be updated in case the files online are in a newer version. Modules
which are used while the update is in progress will be restarted in the new
version after the update has finished.
The new update function will process more advanced distribution information
as well as control commands for updating, removing or renaming existing files.
New file structures can also be set up by the new control command files.
The new update process will exclusively work with the file path which is
given by the global attribute "modpath" except for the fhem.pl file. The user
decides whether to use a stable, a developer- or a experimental-rated version
of fhem (experimental is not yet implemented).
Furthermore, the use of packages is supported just like in a manual installation
of fhem. On the moment this only refers to FHEM including PGM2 (FHEMWEB), others
may follow up. By using the update in this way, only files which are acutally
used will be updated.
<a name="updateattr"></a>
<li><a href="#backup_before_update">backup_before_update</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#exclude_from_update">exclude_from_update</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#updatebranch">updatebranch</a></li><br>
=end html