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# $Id$
# Avarage computing
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "average_Define";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "average_Notify";
$hash->{NotifyOrderPrefix} = "10-"; # Want to be called before the rest
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my ($name, $type, $re, $rest) = split("[ \t]+", $def, 4);
if(!$re || $rest) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> average device[:event]";
return $msg;
# Checking for misleading regexps
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$re$/ };
return "Bad regexp: $@" if($@);
$hash->{REGEXP} = $re;
$hash->{STATE} = "active";
return undef;
my ($avg, $dev) = @_;
my $avgName = $avg->{NAME};
return "" if(AttrVal($avgName, "disable", undef));
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $re = $avg->{REGEXP};
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
my $tn;
my $myIdx = $max;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
# Filtering
next if(!defined($s));
my ($evName, $val) = split(" ", $s, 2); # resets $1
# Log 1,"mytestavg pre-filter: ".$devName.$evName." s=".$s;
next if($devName !~ m/^$re$/ && "$devName:$s" !~ m/^$re$/ || $s =~ m/_avg_/);
if(defined($1)) {
my $reArg = $1;
$val = $reArg if(defined($reArg) && $reArg =~ m/^(-?\d+\.?\d*)/);
next if(!defined($val) || $val !~ m/^(-?\d+\.?\d*)/);
$val = $1;
# Log 1,"mytestavg pst-filter: ".$devName.$evName." val=".$val;
# Avg computing
$evName =~ s/[^A-Za-z_-].*//;
$tn = TimeNow() if(!$tn);
my $r = $dev->{READINGS};
my @dNow = split("[ :-]", $tn);
for(my $idx = 0; $idx <= 1; $idx++) {
my $secNow = 3600*$dNow[3] + 60*$dNow[4] + $dNow[5];
$secNow += $dNow[2]*86400 if($idx);
my $cumName = "${evName}_cum_" . ($idx ? "month" : "day");
my $avgName = "${evName}_avg_" . ($idx ? "month" : "day");
my $minName = "${evName}_min_" . ($idx ? "month" : "day"); ##MH
my $maxName = "${evName}_max_" . ($idx ? "month" : "day"); ##MH
if(!$r->{$cumName}) {
$r->{$cumName}{VAL} = $secNow*$val;
$r->{$avgName}{VAL} = $val;
$r->{$maxName}{VAL} = $val; ##MH
$r->{$minName}{VAL} = $val; ##MH
$r->{$cumName}{TIME} = $r->{$avgName}{TIME} = $tn;
##MH take care of existing average definitions - just add this one..
if(!$r->{$maxName}) {
$r->{$maxName}{VAL} = $val;
$r->{$maxName}{TIME} = $tn;
##MH take care of existing average definitions - just add this one..
if(!$r->{$minName}) {
$r->{$minName}{VAL} = $val;
$r->{$minName}{TIME} = $tn;
my @dLast = split("[ :-]", $r->{$cumName}{TIME});
my $secLast = 3600*$dLast[3] + 60*$dLast[4] + $dLast[5];
$secLast += $dLast[2]*86400 if($idx);
if($idx == 0 && ($dLast[2] == $dNow[2]) ||
$idx == 1 && ($dLast[1] == $dNow[1])) {
my $cum = $r->{$cumName}{VAL} + ($secNow-$secLast) * $val;
$r->{$cumName}{VAL} = $cum;
$r->{$avgName}{VAL} = sprintf("%0.1f", $cum/$secNow);
##MH change only if current value bigger than maxvalue
if($r->{$maxName}{VAL} < $val) {
$r->{$maxName}{VAL} = sprintf("%0.1f", $val); ##MH
$r->{$maxName}{TIME} = $tn; ##MH
##MH change only if current value smaller than minvalue
if($r->{$minName}{VAL} > $val) {
$r->{$minName}{VAL} = sprintf("%0.1f", $val); ##MH
$r->{$minName}{TIME} = $tn; ##MH
} else {
$dev->{CHANGED}[$myIdx++] = "$avgName: ".$r->{$avgName}{VAL};
$dev->{CHANGED}[$myIdx++] = "$maxName: ".$r->{$maxName}{VAL}; ##MH
$dev->{CHANGED}[$myIdx++] = "$minName: ".$r->{$minName}{VAL}; ##MH
$r->{$cumName}{VAL} = $secNow*$val;
$r->{$avgName}{VAL} = $val;
##MH set to current value
$r->{$maxName}{VAL} = sprintf("%0.1f", $val); ##MH
$r->{$maxName}{TIME} = $tn; ##MH
$r->{$minName}{VAL} = sprintf("%0.1f", $val); ##MH
$r->{$minName}{TIME} = $tn; ##MH
$r->{$cumName}{TIME} = $r->{$avgName}{TIME} = $tn;
return undef;
=begin html
<a name="average"></a>
Compute additional average, minimum and maximum values for current day and
<a name="averagedefine"></a>
<code>define <name> average <regexp></code><br>
The syntax for <regexp> is the same as the
regexp for <a href="#notify">notify</a>.<br>
If it matches, and the event is of the form "eventname number", then this
module computes the daily and monthly average, maximum and minimum values
and generates events of the form
<device> <eventname>_avg_day: <computed_average>
<device> <eventname>_min_day: <minimum day value>
<device> <eventname>_max_day: <maximum day value>
<device> <eventname>_avg_month: <computed_average>
<device> <eventname>_min_month: <minimum month value>
<device> <eventname>_max_month: <maximum month value>
at the beginning of the next day or month respectively.<br>
The current average, minimum, maximum and the cumulated values are stored
in the device readings.
# Compute the average, minimum and maximum for the temperature events of
# the ws1 device
define avg_temp_ws1 average ws1:temperature.*
# Compute the average, minimum and maximum for each temperature event
define avg_temp_ws1 average .*:temperature.*
# Compute the average, minimum and maximum for all temperature and humidity events
# Events:
# ws1 temperature: 22.3
# ws1 humidity: 67.4
define avg_temp_ws1 average .*:(temperature|humidity).*
# Hunt only for the humidity: take the value from the first
# parenthesis ($1 in perl regexp) if it is a number
# Event: ws1 T: 52.3 H: 67.4
define avg_temp_ws1 average ws1:.*H:.([-\d\.]+)
<a name="averageset"></a>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="averageget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="averageattr"></a>
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<a name="averageevents"></a>
<b>Generated events:</b>
<li><eventname>_avg_day: $avg_day
<li><eventname>_avg_month: $avg_month
<li><eventname>_min_day: $min_day
<li><eventname>_min_month: $min_month
<li><eventname>_max_day: $max_day
<li><eventname>_max_month: $max_month
=end html