mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
2018-03-13 19:19:38 +00:00

801 lines
27 KiB

# Developed with Kate
# (c) 2017-2018 Copyright: Marko Oldenburg (leongaultier at gmail dot com)
# All rights reserved
# Special thanks goes to comitters:
# - Olaf Schnicke Thanks for many many Code
# - Dieter Hehlgans Thanks for Commandref
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
my $version = "1.0.3";
# Declare functions
sub HEOSGroup_Initialize($);
sub HEOSGroup_Define($$);
sub HEOSGroup_Undef($$);
sub HEOSGroup_Attr(@);
sub HEOSGroup_Notify($$);
sub HEOSGroup_Parse($$);
sub HEOSGroup_WriteReadings($$);
sub HEOSGroup_Set($$@);
sub HEOSGroup_PreProcessingReadings($$);
sub HEOSGroup_GetGroupInfo($);
sub HEOSGroup_GetGroupVolume($);
sub HEOSGroup_GetGroupMute($);
sub HEOSGroup_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = '.*{"command":."group.*|.*{"command":."event\/group.*';
# Provider
$hash->{SetFn} = "HEOSGroup_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "HEOSGroup_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "HEOSGroup_Undef";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "HEOSGroup_Notify";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "HEOSGroup_Attr";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "HEOSGroup_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ".
"disable:1 ".
foreach my $d(sort keys %{$modules{HEOSGroup}{defptr}}) {
my $hash = $modules{HEOSGroup}{defptr}{$d};
$hash->{VERSION} = $version;
sub HEOSGroup_Define($$) {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t]+", $def );
splice( @a, 1, 1 );
my $iodev;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $param ( @a ) {
if( $param =~ m/IODev=([^\s]*)/ ) {
$iodev = $1;
splice( @a, $i, 3 );
return "too few parameters: define <name> HEOSGroup <gid>" if( @a < 2 );
my ($name,$gid) = @a;
$hash->{GID} = $gid;
$hash->{VERSION} = $version;
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "HEOSPlayer".abs($gid);
AssignIoPort($hash,$iodev) if( !$hash->{IODev} );
if(defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME})) {
Log3 $name, 3, "HEOSGroup ($name) - I/O device is " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME};
} else {
Log3 $name, 1, "HEOSGroup ($name) - no I/O device";
$iodev = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME};
my $code = abs($gid);
$code = $iodev."-".$code if( defined($iodev) );
my $d = $modules{HEOSGroup}{defptr}{$code};
return "HEOSGroup device $hash->{GID} on HEOSMaster $iodev already defined as $d->{NAME}."
if( defined($d) && $d->{IODev} == $hash->{IODev} && $d->{NAME} ne $name );
Log3 $name, 3, "HEOSGroup ($name) - defined with Code: $code";
$attr{$name}{room} = "HEOS" if( !defined( $attr{$name}{room} ) );
$attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = "on:10px-kreis-gruen off:10px-kreis-rot" if( !defined( $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} ) );
if( $init_done ) {
InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+int(rand(2)), "HEOSGroup_GetGroupInfo", $hash, 0 );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+int(rand(4)), "HEOSGroup_GetGroupVolume", $hash, 0 );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+int(rand(6)), "HEOSGroup_GetGroupMute", $hash, 0 );
} else {
InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+15+int(rand(2)), "HEOSGroup_GetGroupInfo", $hash, 0 );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+15+int(rand(4)), "HEOSGroup_GetGroupVolume", $hash, 0 );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+15+int(rand(6)), "HEOSGroup_GetGroupMute", $hash, 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'state','Initialized');
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'volumeUp', 5);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'volumeDown', 5);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
$modules{HEOSGroup}{defptr}{$code} = $hash;
return undef;
sub HEOSGroup_Undef($$) {
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $code = abs($hash->{GID});
$code = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} ."-". $code if( defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) );
Log3 $name, 3, "HEOSGroup ($name) - device $name deleted with Code: $code";
return undef;
sub HEOSGroup_Attr(@) {
my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal ) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $token = $hash->{IODev}->{TOKEN};
if( $attrName eq "disable" ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" and $attrVal eq "1" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "disabled", 1 );
Log3 $name, 3, "HEOSGroup ($name) - disabled";
} elsif( $cmd eq "del" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "active", 1 );
Log3 $name, 3, "HEOSGroup ($name) - enabled";
if( $attrName eq "disabledForIntervals" ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "HEOSGroup ($name) - enable disabledForIntervals";
readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "Unknown", 1 );
} elsif( $cmd eq "del" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "active", 1 );
Log3 $name, 3, "HEOSGroup ($name) - delete disabledForIntervals";
sub HEOSGroup_Notify($$) {
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if(IsDisabled($name));
my $events = deviceEvents($dev,1);
return if( !$events );
my %playerEevents = map { my ( $key, $value ) = split /:\s/; ( $key, $value ) } @$events;
foreach my $key ( keys %playerEevents ) {
#### playing Infos
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $key, $playerEevents{$key} ) if( grep { $_ =~ /$key/ } ("channel", "currentAlbum", "currentArtist", "currentImageUrl", "currentMedia", "currentMid", "currentQid", "currentSid", "currentStation", "currentTitle", "error", "playStatus", "repeat", "shuffle" ) );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
sub HEOSGroup_Set($$@) {
my ($hash, $name, @aa) = @_;
my ($cmd, @args) = @aa;
my $gid = $hash->{GID};
my $action;
my $heosCmd;
my $rvalue;
my $favorit;
my $favoritcount = 1;
my $string = "gid=$gid";
#senden von Befehlen unterdrücken solange state nicht on ist
return undef unless ( ReadingsVal($name, "state", "off") eq "on" );
if( $cmd eq 'getGroupInfo' ) {
return "usage: $cmd" if( @args != 0 );
$heosCmd = $cmd;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'mute' ) {
my $param = "on|off";
return "usage: $cmd $param" if( @args != 1 || ! grep { $_ =~ /$args[0]/ } split(/\|/, $param) );
$heosCmd = 'setGroupMute';
$action = "state=$args[0]";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'volume' ) {
return "usage: $cmd 0-100" if( @args != 1 || $args[0] !~ /(\d+)/ || $args[0] > 100 || $args[0] < 0 );
$heosCmd = 'setGroupVolume';
$action = "level=$args[0]";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'volumeUp' ) {
return "usage: $cmd 0-10" if( @args != 1 || $args[0] !~ /(\d+)/ || $args[0] > 10 || $args[0] < 1 );
$heosCmd = 'GroupVolumeUp';
$action = "step=$args[0]";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'volumeDown' ) {
return "usage: $cmd 0-10" if( @args != 1 || $args[0] !~ /(\d+)/ || $args[0] > 10 || $args[0] < 1 );
$heosCmd = 'groupVolumeDown';
$action = "step=$args[0]";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'clearGroup' ) {
return "usage: $cmd" if( @args != 0 );
$heosCmd = 'createGroup';
$string = "pid=$gid";
} elsif( grep { $_ eq $cmd } ("play", "stop", "pause", "next", "prev", "channel", "channelUp", "channelDown", "playlist" ) ) {
#ab hier Playerbefehle emuliert
$string = "pid=$gid";
if( $cmd eq 'repeat' ) {
return "usage: repeat one,all,off" if( @args != 1 );
$heosCmd = 'setPlayMode';
$rvalue = 'on_'.$args[0];
$rvalue = 'off' if($rvalue eq 'on_off');
$action = "repeat=$rvalue&shuffle=".ReadingsVal($name,'shuffle','off');
} elsif( $cmd eq 'shuffle' ) {
return "usage: shuffle on,off" if( @args != 1 );
$heosCmd = 'setPlayMode';
$rvalue = 'on_'.ReadingsVal($name,'repeat','off');
$rvalue = 'off' if($rvalue eq 'on_off');
$action = "repeat=$rvalue&shuffle=$args[0]";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'play' ) {
return "usage: play" if( @args != 0 );
$heosCmd = 'setPlayState';
$action = "state=$cmd";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'stop' ) {
return "usage: stop" if( @args != 0 );
$heosCmd = 'setPlayState';
$action = "state=$cmd";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'pause' ) {
return "usage: pause" if( @args != 0 );
$heosCmd = 'setPlayState';
$action = "state=$cmd";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'next' ) {
return "usage: next" if( @args != 0 );
$heosCmd = 'playNext';
} elsif( $cmd eq 'prev' ) {
return "usage: prev" if( @args != 0 );
$heosCmd = 'playPrev';
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /channel/ ) {
my $favorit = ReadingsVal($name,"channel", 1);
$favoritcount = scalar(@{$hash->{IODev}{helper}{favorites}}) if ( defined $hash->{IODev}{helper}{favorites} );
$heosCmd = 'playPresetStation';
if ( $cmd eq 'channel' ) {
return "usage: $cmd 1-$favoritcount" if( @args != 1 || $args[0] !~ /(\d+)/ || $args[0] > $favoritcount || $args[0] < 1);
$action = "preset=$args[0]";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'channelUp' ) {
return "usage: $cmd" if( @args != 0 );
if ( $favorit > $favoritcount ) {
if ( AttrVal($name, 'channelring', 0) == 1 ) {
$favorit = 1;
} else {
$favorit = $favoritcount;
$action = "preset=".$favorit;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'channelDown' ) {
return "usage: $cmd" if( @args != 0 );
if ( $favorit <= 0 ) {
if ( AttrVal($name, 'channelring', 0) == 1 ) {
$favorit = $favoritcount;
} else {
$favorit = 1;
$action = "preset=".$favorit;
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /Playlist/ ) {
my @cids = map { $_->{cid} } grep { $_->{name} =~ /\Q$args[0]\E/i } (@{ $hash->{IODev}{helper}{playlists} });
if ( scalar @args == 1 && scalar @cids > 0 ) {
if ( $cmd eq 'playPlaylist' ) {
$heosCmd = $cmd;
$action = "sid=1025&cid=$cids[0]&aid=4";
} elsif ( $cmd eq 'deletePlaylist' ) {
$heosCmd = $cmd;
$action = "cid=$cids[0]";
$string = "sid=1025";
} else {
my @playlists = map { $_->{name} } (@{ $hash->{IODev}{helper}{playlists}});
return "usage: $cmd ".join(",",@playlists);
} else {
my $list = "getGroupInfo:noArg mute:on,off volume:slider,0,5,100 volumeUp:slider,0,1,10 volumeDown:slider,0,1,10 clearGroup:noArg repeat:one,all,off shuffle:on,off play:noArg stop:noArg pause:noArg next:noArg prev:noArg channelUp:noArg channelDown:noArg ";
$list .= " channel:slider,1,1,".scalar(@{$hash->{IODev}{helper}{favorites}}) if ( defined $hash->{IODev}{helper}{favorites} );
if ( defined $hash->{IODev}{helper}{playlists} ) {
my @playlists = map { my %n; $n{name} = $_->{name}; $n{name} =~ s/\s+/\&nbsp;/g; $n{name} } (@{ $hash->{IODev}{helper}{playlists}});
$list .= " playlist:".join(",",@playlists) if( scalar @playlists > 0 );
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
$string .= "&$action" if( defined($action));
Log3 $name, 4, "HEOSGroup ($name) - IOWrite: $heosCmd $string IODevHash=$hash->{IODev}";
return undef;
sub HEOSGroup_Parse($$) {
my ($io_hash,$json) = @_;
my $name = $io_hash->{NAME};
my $gid;
my $decode_json;
my $code;
$decode_json = eval{decode_json(encode_utf8($json))};
Log3 $name, 3, "HEOSGroup ($name) - JSON error while request: $@";
Log3 $name, 4, "HEOSGroup ($name) - ParseFn wurde aufgerufen";
if( defined($decode_json->{gid}) ) {
$gid = $decode_json->{gid};
$code = abs($gid);
$code = $io_hash->{NAME} ."-". $code if( defined($io_hash->{NAME}) );
if( my $hash = $modules{HEOSGroup}{defptr}{$code} ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "on", 1 );
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "HEOSGroup ($hash->{NAME}) - find logical device: $hash->{NAME}";
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "HEOSGroup ($hash->{NAME}) - find GID in root from decode_json";
return $hash->{NAME};
} else {
my $devname = "HEOSGroup".abs($gid);
return "UNDEFINED $devname HEOSGroup $gid IODev=$name";
} else {
my %message = map { my ( $key, $value ) = split "="; $key => $value } split('&', $decode_json->{heos}{message});
$gid = $message{pid} if( defined($message{pid}) );
$gid = $message{gid} if( defined($message{gid}) );
$gid = $decode_json->{payload}{gid} if( defined($decode_json->{payload}{gid}) );
Log3 $name, 4, "HEOSGroup ($name) - GID: $gid";
$code = abs($gid);
$code = $io_hash->{NAME} ."-". $code if( defined($io_hash->{NAME}) );
if( my $hash = $modules{HEOSGroup}{defptr}{$code} ) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "HEOSGroup ($hash->{NAME}) - find logical device: $hash->{NAME}";
return $hash->{NAME};
} else {
my $devname = "HEOSGroup".abs($gid);
return "UNDEFINED $devname HEOSGroup $gid IODev=$name";
sub HEOSGroup_WriteReadings($$) {
my ($hash,$decode_json) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "HEOSGroup ($name) - processing data to write readings";
#### Aufbereiten der Daten soweit nötig (bei Events zum Beispiel)
my $readingsHash = HEOSGroup_PreProcessingReadings($hash,$decode_json)
if( $decode_json->{heos}{message} =~ /^gid=/ );
#### schreiben der Readings
### Event Readings
if( ref($readingsHash) eq "HASH" ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "HEOSGroup ($name) - response json Hash back from HEOSGroup_PreProcessingReadings";
my $t;
my $v;
while( ( $t, $v ) = each (%{$readingsHash}) ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $t, $v ) if( defined( $v ) );
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'on' );
### GroupInfos
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'name', $decode_json->{payload}{name} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'gid', $decode_json->{payload}{gid} );
if ( ref($decode_json->{payload}{players}) eq "ARRAY" ) {
my @members;
foreach my $player (@{ $decode_json->{payload}{players} }) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'leader', $player->{name} ) if ( $player->{role} eq "leader" );
push( @members, $player->{name}) if ( $player->{role} eq "member" );
if ( scalar @members > 1 ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'member', join(",",@members) );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'member', $members[0] );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
Log3 $name, 5, "HEOSGroup ($name) - readings set for $name";
return undef;
### my little Helpers
sub HEOSGroup_PreProcessingReadings($$) {
my ($hash,$decode_json) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $reading;
my %buffer;
my %message = map { my ( $key, $value ) = split "="; $key => $value } split('&', $decode_json->{heos}{message});
Log3 $name, 4, "HEOSGroup ($name) - preprocessing readings";
if ( $decode_json->{heos}{command} =~ /volume_changed/ or $decode_json->{heos}{command} =~ /set_volume/ or $decode_json->{heos}{command} =~ /get_volume/ ) {
my @value = split('&', $decode_json->{heos}{message});
$buffer{'volume'} = substr($value[1],6);
$buffer{'mute'} = substr($value[2],5) if( $decode_json->{heos}{command} =~ /volume_changed/ );
} elsif ( $decode_json->{heos}{command} =~ /volume_up/ or $decode_json->{heos}{command} =~ /volume_down/ ) {
my @value = split('&', $decode_json->{heos}{message});
$buffer{'volumeUp'} = substr($value[1],5) if( $decode_json->{heos}{command} =~ /volume_up/ );
$buffer{'volumeDown'} = substr($value[1],5) if( $decode_json->{heos}{command} =~ /volume_down/ );
} elsif ( $decode_json->{heos}{command} =~ /get_mute/ ) {
my @value = split('&', $decode_json->{heos}{message});
$buffer{'mute'} = substr($value[1],6);
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "HEOSGroup ($name) - no match found";
return undef;
Log3 $name, 4, "HEOSGroup ($name) - Match found for decode_json";
return \%buffer;
sub HEOSGroup_GetGroupInfo($) {
my $hash = shift;
sub HEOSGroup_GetGroupVolume($) {
my $hash = shift;
sub HEOSGroup_GetGroupMute($) {
my $hash = shift;
=item device
=item summary Modul to controls the Denon multiroom soundsystem
=item summary_DE Modul zum steuern des Denon Multiroom-Soundsystem
=begin html
<a name="HEOSGroup"></a>
In combination with HEOSMaster and HEOSPlayer this FHEM Module controls the Denon multiroom soundsystem using a telnet socket connection and the HEOS Command Line Interface (CLI).
Once the master device is created, the players and groups of Your system are automatically recognized and created in FHEM. From now on the players and groups can be controlled and changes in the HEOS app or at the Receiver are synchronized with the state and media readings of the players and groups.
Groups can be created from a player with "groupWithMember".
<code>set living groupWithMember kitchen</code><br>
... creates a group named "living+kitchen" with player "living" as leader and player "kitchen" as member.
<a name="HEOSGroupreadings"></a>
<a name="HEOSGroupreadings"></a>
<li>channel - nr of now playing favorite</li>
<li>currentAlbum - name of now playing album</li>
<li>currentArtist - name of now playing artist</li>
<li>currentImageUrl - URL of cover art, station logo, etc.</li>
<li>currentMedia - type of now playing media (song|station|genre|artist|album|container)</li>
<li>currentMid - media ID</li>
<li>currentQid - queue ID</li>
<li>currentSid - source ID</li>
<li>currentStation - name of now playing station</li>
<li>currentTitle - name of now playing title</li>
<li>error - last error</li>
<li>gid - group ID</li>
<li>leader - leader of the group</li>
<li>member - member(s) of the group</li>
<li>mute - player mute state (on|off)</li>
<li>name - name of player (received from app)</li>
<li>playStatus - state of player (play|pause|stop)</li>
<li>repeat - player repeat state (on_all|on_one|off)</li>
<li>shuffle - player shuffle state (on|off)</li>
<li>state - state of player connection (on|off)</li>
<li>volume - player volume level (0-100)</li>
<li>volumeDown - player volume step level (1-10, default 5)</li>
<li>volumeUp - player volume step level (1-10, default 5)</li>
<a name="HEOSGroupset"></a>
<li>channel &ltnr&gt - plays favorite &ltnr&gt created with app</li>
<li>channelUp - switches to next favorite</li>
<li>channelDown- switches to previous favorite</li>
<li>clearGroup - dissolves the group (sets state to off)</li>
<li>getGroupInfo - get media info of the group</li>
<li>mute on|off - set mute state on|off</li>
<li>next - play next title in queue</li>
<li>pause - set state of player to "pause"</li>
<li>play - set state of player to "play"</li>
<li>playPlaylist &ltmyList&gt - play playlist &ltmyList&gt</li>
<li>prev - play previous title in queue</li>
<li>repeat - set player repeat state (on_all|on_one|off)</li>
<li>shuffle - set player shuffle state on|off</li>
<li>stop - set state of player to "stop"</li>
<li>volume - set volume 0..100</li>
<li>volumeDown - reduce volume by &ltvolumeDown&gt</li>
<li>volumeUp - increase volume by &ltvolumeUp&gt</li>
<a name="HEOSGroupstate"></a>
<li>state of group (on|off)</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="HEOSGroup"></a>
In Kombination mit HEOSMaster and HEOSPlayer steuert dieses FHEM Modul das Denon Multiroom-Soundsystem mit Hilfe einer telnet Socket-Verbindung und dem HEOS Command Line Interface (CLI).
Nachdem der Master einmal angelegt ist werden die Player und Gruppierungen des Systems automatisch erkannt und in FHEM angelegt. Von da an k&oumlnnen die Player und Gruppierungen gesteuert werden und Ver&aumlnderungen in der HEOS App oder am Reveiver werden mit dem Status und den Media Readings der Player und Gruppierungen synchronisiert.
Gruppierungen k&oumlnnen aus einem Player heraus mit "groupWithMember" erzeugt werden.
<code>set Wohnzimmer groupWithMember K&uumlche</code><br>
... erzeugt eine Gruppierung namens "Wohnzimmer+K&uumlche" mit dem Player "Wohnzimmer" als Leader und dem Player "K&uumlche" als Mitglied.
<a name="HEOSGroupreadings"></a>
<li>channel - Nr des gerade abgespielten Favoriten</li>
<li>currentAlbum - Name des gerade abgespielten Albums</li>
<li>currentArtist - Name des gerade abgespielten K&uumlnstlers</li>
<li>currentImageUrl - URL des Albumcovers, Senderlogos, etc.</li>
<li>currentMedia - Medientyp des gerade abgespielten Streams (song|station|genre|artist|album|container)</li>
<li>currentMid - media ID</li>
<li>currentQid - queue ID</li>
<li>currentSid - source ID</li>
<li>currentStation - Name des gerade abgespielten Senders</li>
<li>currentTitle - Name des gerade abgespielten Titels</li>
<li>error - letzte Fehlermeldung</li>
<li>gid - Gruppen-ID</li>
<li>leader - Leader der Gruppierung</li>
<li>member - Mitglied(er) der Gruppierung</li>
<li>mute - Player mute Status (on|off)</li>
<li>name - Name der Gruppierung</li>
<li>playStatus - Status des Players (play|pause|stop)</li>
<li>repeat - Player Repeat Status (on_all|on_one|off) </li>
<li>shuffle - Player Shuffle Status (on|off)</li>
<li>state - Status der Player-Verbindung (on|off)</li>
<li>volume - aktuelle Lautst&aumlrke (0-100)</li>
<li>volumeDown - Schrittweite Lautst&aumlrke (1-10, default 5)</li>
<li>volumeUp - Schrittweite Lautst&aumlrke (1-10, default 5)</li>
<a name="HEOSGroupset"></a>
<li>channel &ltnr&gt - spielt den vorher mit der App erstellten Favoriten &ltnr&gt ab</li>
<li>channelUp - schaltet auf den n&aumlchsten Favoriten in der Favoritenliste um</li>
<li>channelDown- schaltet auf vorherigen Favoriten in der Favoritenliste um</li>
<li>clearGroup - Aufl&oumlsen der Gruppierung (setzt state auf off)</li>
<li>getGroupInfo - holt die Media-Informationen der Gruppierung</li>
<li>mute on|off - setze den mute Status on|off</li>
<li>next - spielt n&aumlchsten Titel in Warteschlange</li>
<li>pause - setzt den Status des Players auf "pause"</li>
<li>play - setzt den Status des Players auf "play"</li>
<li>playPlaylist &ltmyList&gt - spielt die Playlist &ltmyList&gt ab</li>
<li>prev - spielt vorherigen Titel in Warteschlange</li>
<li>repeat - setzt den Player Repeat Status (on_all|on_one|off) </li>
<li>shuffle - setzt den Player Shuffle Status auf on|off</li>
<li>stop - setzt den Status des Players auf "stop"</li>
<li>volume - setzt die Lautst&aumlrke auf 0..100</li>
<li>volumeDown - verringert die Lautst&aumlrke um &ltvolumeDown&gt</li>
<li>volumeUp - erh&oumlht die Lautst&aumlrke um &ltvolumeUp&gt</li>
<a name="HEOSGroupstate"></a>
<li>Status der Gruppierung (on|off)</li>
=end html_DE