mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
martinp876 b8622f98c3 HMLAN: update timing format
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18152 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2019-01-05 23:18:38 +00:00

1460 lines
57 KiB
Executable File

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday time);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
sub HMLAN_Initialize($);
sub HMLAN_Define($$);
sub HMLAN_Undef($$);
sub HMLAN_RemoveHMPair($);
sub HMLAN_Attr(@);
sub HMLAN_Set($@);
sub HMLAN_ReadAnswer($$$);
sub HMLAN_Write($$$);
sub HMLAN_Read($);
sub HMLAN_uptime($@);
sub HMLAN_Parse($$);
sub HMLAN_Ready($);
sub HMLAN_SimpleWrite(@);
sub HMLAN_DoInit($);
sub HMLAN_KeepAlive($);
sub HMLAN_secSince2000();
sub HMLAN_relOvrLd($);
sub HMLAN_condUpdate($$);
sub HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($$$$);
my %sets = ( "open" => ""
,"close" => ""
,"reopen" => ""
,"restart" => ""
,"hmPairForSec" => "HomeMatic"
,"hmPairSerial" => "HomeMatic"
,"reassignIDs" => ""
my %gets = ( "assignIDs" => ""
my %HMcond = ( 0 =>'ok'
,2 =>'Warning-HighLoad'
,4 =>'ERROR-Overload'
my $HMmlSlice = 12; # number of messageload slices per hour (10 = 6min)
sub HMLAN_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm";
# Provider
$hash->{ReadFn} = "HMLAN_Read";
$hash->{WriteFn} = "HMLAN_Write";
$hash->{ReadyFn} = "HMLAN_Ready";
$hash->{SetFn} = "HMLAN_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "HMLAN_Get";
$hash->{NotifyFn}= "HMLAN_Notify";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "HMLAN_Attr";
$hash->{Clients} = ":CUL_HM:";
my %mc = (
"1:CUL_HM" => "^A......................",
$hash->{MatchList} = \%mc;
# Normal devices
$hash->{DefFn} = "HMLAN_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "HMLAN_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0 " .
"addvaltrigger " .
"hmId hmKey hmKey2 hmKey3 ".#hmKey4 hmKey5 " .
"respTime " .
"hmProtocolEvents:0_off,1_dump,2_dumpFull,3_dumpTrigger ".
"hmMsgLowLimit ".
"loadLevel ".
"hmLanQlen:1_min,2_low,3_normal,4_high,5_critical ".
"wdTimer:5,10,15,20,25 ".
"logIDs:multiple,sys,all,broadcast ".
sub HMLAN_Define($$) {#########################################################
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
if(@a != 3) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> HMLAN ip[:port]";
Log3 $hash, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
my $name = $a[0];
my $dev = $a[2];
$dev .= ":1000" if($dev !~ m/:/ && $dev ne "none" && $dev !~ m/\@/);
if($dev eq "none") {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name device is none, commands will be echoed only";
$attr{$name}{dummy} = 1;
return undef;
$attr{$name}{hmLanQlen} = "1_min"; #max message queue length in HMLan
no warnings 'numeric';
$hash->{helper}{q}{hmLanQlen} = int($attr{$name}{hmLanQlen})+0;
use warnings 'numeric';
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
$hash->{msgKeepAlive} = ""; # delay of trigger Alive messages
$hash->{helper}{k}{DlyMax} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin} = 30;
$hash->{helper}{q}{answerPend} = 0;#pending answers from LANIf
my @arr = ();
@{$hash->{helper}{q}{apIDs}} = \@arr;
$hash->{helper}{q}{scnt} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{q}{loadNo} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{q}{loadLastMax} = 0; # max load in last slice
my @ald = ("0") x $HMmlSlice;
$hash->{helper}{q}{ald} = \@ald; # array of load events
$hash->{msgLoadCurrent} = 0;
$defs{$name}{helper}{log}{all} = 0;# selective log support
$defs{$name}{helper}{log}{sys} = 0;
my @al = ();
@{$hash->{helper}{log}{ids}} = \@al;
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = 0;#define hash
$hash->{helper}{assIdRep} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} = 0;
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,253);#set disconnected
$hash->{owner} = "";
my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "HMLAN_DoInit");
return $ret;
sub HMLAN_Undef($$) {##########################################################
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if(defined($defs{$d}) &&
defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) &&
$defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash){
Log3 $hash, 2, "deleting port for $d";
delete $defs{$d}{IODev};
return undef;
sub HMLAN_RemoveHMPair($) {####################################################
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
sub HMLAN_Notify(@) {##########################################################
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
if ($dev->{NAME} eq "global" && grep (m/^INITIALIZED$/,@{$dev->{CHANGED}})){
if ($hash->{helper}{attrPend}){
my $aVal = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"logIDs","");
HMLAN_Attr("set",$hash->{NAME},"logIDs",$aVal) if($aVal);
delete $hash->{helper}{attrPend};
elsif ($dev->{NAME} eq $hash->{NAME}){
foreach (grep (m/CONNECTED$/,@{$dev->{CHANGED}})) { # connect/disconnect
if ($_ eq "DISCONNECTED") {HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,253);}
# elsif ($_ eq "CONNECTED") {covered by init;}
sub HMLAN_Attr(@) {############################################################
my ($cmd,$name, $aName,$aVal) = @_;
if ($aName eq "wdTimer" && $cmd eq "set"){#allow between 5 and 25 second
return "select wdTimer between 5 and 25 seconds" if ($aVal>30 || $aVal<5);
$attr{$name}{wdTimer} = $aVal;
$defs{$name}{helper}{k}{Start} = 0;
elsif($aName eq "hmLanQlen"){
if ($cmd eq "set"){
no warnings 'numeric';
$defs{$name}{helper}{q}{hmLanQlen} = int($aVal)+0;
use warnings 'numeric';
$defs{$name}{helper}{q}{hmLanQlen} = 1;
elsif($aName =~ m /^hmKey/){
my $retVal= "";
if ($cmd eq "set"){
# eQ3 default key A4E375C6B09FD185F27C4E96FC273AE4
my $kno = ($aName eq "hmKey")?1:substr($aName,5,1);
my ($no,$val) = (sprintf("%02X",$kno),$aVal);
if ($aVal =~ m/:/){#number given
($no,$val) = split ":",$aVal;
return "illegal number:$no" if (hex($no) < 1 || hex($no) > 255 || length($no) != 2);
$attr{$name}{$aName} = "$no:".
(($val =~ m /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}$/ )
? $val
: unpack('H*', md5($val)));
$retVal = "$aName set to $attr{$name}{$aName}"
if($aVal ne $attr{$name}{$aName});
delete $attr{$name}{$aName};
return $retVal;
elsif($aName eq "hmMsgLowLimit"){
if ($cmd eq "set"){
return "hmMsgLowLimit:please add integer between 10 and 100"
if ( $aVal !~ m/^(\d+)$/
||$aVal >100 );
delete $defs{$name}{helper}{loadLvl}{h}{$aVal};
my %lvlHr = reverse %{$defs{$name}{helper}{loadLvl}{h}};
$lvlHr{batchLevel} = $aVal;
my %lvlH = reverse %lvlHr;
$defs{$name}{helper}{loadLvl}{h} = \%lvlH;
my @a = sort { $b <=> $a } keys %lvlH;
$defs{$name}{helper}{loadLvl}{a} = \@a;
$attr{$name}{loadLevel} = join(",",map{"$_:$lvlH{$_}"}sort keys%lvlH);
$defs{$name}{helper}{loadLvl}{bl} = $aVal;
if ($init_done){
return "better use loadLevel batchLevel";
elsif($aName eq "hmId"){
if ($cmd eq "set"){
my $owner_ccu = InternalVal($name,"owner_CCU",undef);
return "device owned by $owner_ccu" if ($owner_ccu);
return "wrong syntax: hmId must be 6-digit-hex-code (3 byte)"
if ($aVal !~ m/^[A-F0-9]{6}$/i);
elsif($aName eq "logIDs"){
if ($cmd eq "set"){
if ($init_done){
if ($aVal){
my @ids = split",",$aVal;
my @idName;
if (grep /sys/,@ids){
push @idName,"sys";
if (grep /all/,@ids){
push @idName,"all";
for (@ids) {s/broadcast/000000/g};
$_=substr(CUL_HM_name2Id($_),0,6) foreach(grep !/^$/,@ids);
$_="" foreach(grep !/^[A-F0-9]{6}$/,@ids);
@ids = HMLAN_noDup(@ids);
push @idName,CUL_HM_id2Name($_) foreach(@ids);
for (@idName) {s/000000/broadcast/g};
$attr{$name}{$aName} = join(",",@idName);
@{$defs{$name}{helper}{log}{ids}}=grep !/^(sys|all)$/,@ids;
$attr{$name}{$aName} = "";
$defs{$name}{helper}{attrPend} = 1;
my @ids = ();
@{$defs{$name}{helper}{log}{ids}}=grep !/^(sys|all)$/,@ids;
return "logging set to $attr{$name}{$aName}"
if ($aVal && $attr{$name}{$aName} ne $aVal);
elsif($aName eq "loadLevel"){
my %lvlH;
my $batchLevel = 40;#defailt batch level
if ($cmd eq "set"){
foreach my $lvl(sort split(",",$aVal)){
next if(!$lvl);
my @lvlSp = split(":",$lvl);
return "$lvl not parsed. Only one Level per Entry:".scalar @lvlSp if (scalar @lvlSp != 2);
return "$lvlSp[0] must be between 0 and 100" if ( $lvlSp[0] !~ m/^(\d+)$/
||$lvlSp[0] >100 );
$lvlH{$lvlSp[0]+0} = $lvlSp[1];
my %lvlHr = reverse %lvlH;
$lvlH{0} = "low" if (!defined $lvlH{0});
if (!defined $lvlHr{batchLevel}){
$lvlH{$batchLevel} = "batchLevel";
$batchLevel = $lvlHr{batchLevel};
$lvlH{0} = "low";
$lvlH{$batchLevel} = "batchLevel";
$lvlH{90} = "high";
$lvlH{99} = "suspended";
$defs{$name}{helper}{loadLvl}{h} = \%lvlH;
my @a = sort { $b <=> $a } keys %lvlH;
$defs{$name}{helper}{loadLvl}{a} = \@a;
$defs{$name}{helper}{loadLvl}{bl} = $batchLevel;
$attr{$name}{loadLevel} = join(",",map{"$_:$lvlH{$_}"}sort keys%lvlH) if ($cmd ne "set");
elsif($aName eq "dummy"){
if ($cmd eq "set" && $aVal != 0){
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAliveCk:".$name);
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAlive:".$name);
HMLAN_condUpdate($defs{$name},251);#state: dummy
if ($cmd eq "set"){
$attr{$name}{$aName} = $aVal;
delete $attr{$name}{$aName};
DevIo_OpenDev($defs{$name}, 1, "HMLAN_DoInit");
sub HMLAN_UpdtLogId() {####################################################
$modules{HMLAN}{AttrList} =~ s/logIDs:.*? //;
$modules{HMLAN}{AttrList} =~ s/logIDs:.*?$//;
$modules{HMLAN}{AttrList} .= " logIDs:multiple,sys,all,broadcast,"
sub HMLAN_UpdtMsgLoad($$) {####################################################
my($name,$val) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $hashQ = $defs{$name}{helper}{q};
$hash->{msgLoadCurrent} = $val;
my ($r) = grep { $_ <= $val } @{$hash->{helper}{loadLvl}{a}};
$hashQ->{loadLastMax} = $val if ($hashQ->{loadLastMax} < $val);
my $t = int(gettimeofday()/(3600/$HMmlSlice))%$HMmlSlice;
if ($hashQ->{loadNo} != $t){
$hashQ->{loadNo} = $t;
unshift @{$hashQ->{ald}},$hashQ->{loadLastMax};
#relative history my @a = map{$hashQ->{ald}[$_] -
#relative history $hashQ->{ald}[$_ + 1]} (0..($HMmlSlice-1));
#relative history $hash->{msgLoadHistory} = (60/$HMmlSlice)."min steps: ".join("/",@a);
pop @{$hashQ->{ald}};
$hash->{msgLoadHistoryAbs} = (60/$HMmlSlice)."min steps: ".join("/",@{$hashQ->{ald}});
# try to release high-load condition with a dummy message
# one a while
if (ReadingsVal($name,"cond","") =~ m /(Warning-HighLoad|ERROR-Overload)/){
$hash->{helper}{recoverTest} = 1;
$hashQ->{loadLastMax} = 0;
sub HMLAN_Get($@) {############################################################
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $ret = "";
return "\"get $hash->{NAME}\" no command given" if(@a < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %gets)
my $name = shift @a;
my $cmd = shift @a;
my $arg = join("", @a);
if($cmd eq "assignIDs") { #--------------------------------------
return "set $name $cmd doesn't support parameter" if(scalar(@a));
my @aIds = map{CUL_HM_id2Name($_)} keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}};
@aIds = map{CUL_HM_name2Id($_)." : $_"} sort @aIds;
$ret = "assignedIDs: ".scalar(@aIds)."\n".join("\n", @aIds);
return ($ret);# no not generate trigger outof command
sub HMLAN_Set($@) {############################################################
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "\"set $hash->{NAME}\" no command given" if(@a < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %sets)
my $name = shift @a;
my $cmd = shift @a;
my $arg = join("", @a);
if ($cmd eq "hmPairForSec") { #################################
$arg = 60 if(!$arg || $arg !~ m/^\d+$/);
$hash->{hmPair} = 1;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$arg, "HMLAN_RemoveHMPair", "hmPairForSec:$name", 1);
elsif($cmd eq "hmPairSerial") { #################################
return "Usage: set $name hmPairSerial <10-character-serialnumber>"
if(!$arg || $arg !~ m/^.{10}$/);
my $id = InternalVal($hash->{NAME}, "owner", "123456");
$hash->{HM_CMDNR} = $hash->{HM_CMDNR} ? ($hash->{HM_CMDNR}+1)%256 : 1;
HMLAN_Write($hash, undef, sprintf("As15%02XC401%s000000010A%s",
$hash->{HM_CMDNR}, $id, uc unpack('H*', $arg)));
$hash->{hmPair} = 1;
$hash->{hmPairSerial} = $arg;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+20, "HMLAN_RemoveHMPair", "hmPairForSec:".$name, 1);
elsif($cmd eq "reassignIDs") { #################################
return "set $name $cmd doesn't support parameter" if(scalar(@a));
elsif($cmd eq "reopen") { #################################
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,253);#set disconnected
DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "HMLAN_DoInit");
elsif($cmd eq "restart") { #################################
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "Y05,");
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,253);#set disconnected
elsif($cmd eq "close") { #################################
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,253);#set disconnected
elsif($cmd eq "open") { #################################
DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "HMLAN_DoInit");
return ("",1);# no not generate trigger outof command
sub HMLAN_ReadAnswer($$$) {# This is a direct read for commands like get
my ($hash, $arg, $regexp) = @_;
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
return ("No FD", undef)
if(!$hash && !defined($hash->{FD}));
my ($mdata, $rin) = ("", '');
my $buf;
my $to = 3; # 3 seconds timeout
$to = $hash->{RA_Timeout} if($hash->{RA_Timeout}); # ...or less
for(;;) {
return ("Device lost when reading answer for get $arg", undef)
vec($rin, $hash->{FD}, 1) = 1;
my $nfound = select($rin, undef, undef, $to);
if($nfound < 0) {
next if ($! == EAGAIN() || $! == EINTR() || $! == 0);
my $err = $!;
return("HMLAN_ReadAnswer $arg: $err", undef);
return ("Timeout reading answer for get $arg", undef) if($nfound == 0);
$buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);# and now read
return ("No data", undef) if(!defined($buf));
if($buf) {
Log3 $hash, 5, "HMLAN/RAW (ReadAnswer): $buf";
$mdata .= $buf;
if($mdata =~ m/\r\n/) {
if($regexp && $mdata !~ m/$regexp/) {
HMLAN_Parse($hash, $mdata);
else {
return (undef, $mdata);
sub HMLAN_Write($$$) {#########################################################
my ($hash,$fn,$msg) = @_;
return if(!defined $msg);
if (defined($fn) && $fn eq "cmd"){
if (length($msg)>21){
my ($mtype,$src,$dst) = (substr($msg, 8, 2),
substr($msg, 10, 6),
substr($msg, 16, 6));
if ( $mtype eq "02" && $src eq $hash->{owner} && length($msg) == 24
&& defined $hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst}){
# Acks are generally send by HMLAN autonomously
# Special
Log3 $hash, 5, "HMLAN: Skip ACK";
# my $IDHM = '+'.$dst.',01,00,F1EF'; # used by HMconfig - meaning??
# my $IDadd = '+'.$dst; # guess: add ID?
# my $IDack = '+'.$dst.',02,00,'; # guess: ID acknowledge
# my $IDack = '+'.$dst.',FF,00,'; # guess: ID acknowledge
# my $IDsub = '-'.$dst; # guess: ID remove?
# my $IDnew = '+'.$dst.',00,01,'; # newChannel- trailing 01 to be sent if talk to neu channel
my $IDadd = '+'.$dst.',00,00,'; # guess: add ID?
if (!$hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst} && $dst ne "000000"){
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, $IDadd);
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst}{name} = CUL_HM_id2Name($dst);
$hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} = scalar(keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}});
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = $hash->{helper}{assIdCnt}
.(($hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} eq $hash->{helper}{assIdRep})
:" report:$hash->{helper}{assIdRep}")
Log3 $hash, 2, "HMLAN_Send: cmd too short:".($fn?$fn:"noFn").":".($msg?$msg:"no_msg");
elsif($msg =~ m /init:(......)/){
my $dst = $1;
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst} &&
$modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{newChn} ){
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst}{cfg} = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{newChn};
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst}{name} = CUL_HM_id2Name($dst);
$hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} = scalar(keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}});
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = $hash->{helper}{assIdCnt}
.(($hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} eq $hash->{helper}{assIdRep})
:" report:$hash->{helper}{assIdRep}")
elsif($msg =~ m /remove:(......)/){
my $dst = $1;
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst} &&
$modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{newChn} ){
delete $hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst};
$hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} = scalar(keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}});
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = $hash->{helper}{assIdCnt}
.(($hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} eq $hash->{helper}{assIdRep})
:" report:$hash->{helper}{assIdRep}")
my $tm = int(gettimeofday()*1000) % 0xffffffff;
$msg = sprintf("S%08X,00,00000000,01,%08X,%s",$tm, $tm, substr($msg, 4));
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, $msg);
sub HMLAN_Read($) {############################################################
# called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data
my ($hash) = @_;
my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
return "" if(!defined($buf));
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $hmdata = $hash->{PARTIAL};
Log3 $hash, 5, "HMLAN/RAW: $hmdata/$buf";
$hmdata .= $buf;
while($hmdata =~ m/\n/) {
my $rmsg;
($rmsg,$hmdata) = split("\n", $hmdata, 2);
$rmsg =~ s/\r//;
HMLAN_Parse($hash, $rmsg) if($rmsg);
$hash->{PARTIAL} = $hmdata;
sub HMLAN_uptime($@) {#########################################################
my ($hmtC,$hash) = @_; # hmTime Current
$hmtC = hex($hmtC);
if ($hash && $hash->{helper}{ref}){ #will calculate new ref-time
my $ref = $hash->{helper}{ref};#shortcut
my $sysC = int(time()*1000); #current systime in ms
my $offC = $sysC - $hmtC; #offset calc between time and HM-stamp
if ($ref->{hmtL} && ($hmtC > $ref->{hmtL})){
if (($sysC - $ref->{kTs})<20){ #if delay is more then 20ms, we dont trust
if ($ref->{sysL}){
$ref->{drft} = ($offC - $ref->{offL})/($sysC - $ref->{sysL});
$ref->{sysL} = $sysC;
$ref->{offL} = $offC;
else{# hm had a skip in time, start over calculation
delete $hash->{helper}{ref};
$hash->{helper}{ref}{hmtL} = $hmtC;
$hash->{helper}{ref}{kTs} = 0;
my $sec = int($hmtC/1000);
return sprintf("%03d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
int($hmtC/86400000), int($sec/3600),
int(($sec%3600)/60), $sec%60, $hmtC % 1000);
sub HMLAN_Parse($$) {##########################################################
my ($hash, $rmsg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @mFld = split(',', $rmsg);
my $letter = substr($mFld[0],0,1); # get leading char
if ($letter =~ m/^[ER]/){#@mFld=($src, $status, $msec, $d2, $rssi, $msg)
# max speed for devices is 100ms after receive - example:TC
my ($mNo,$flg,$type,$src,$dst,$p) = unpack('A2A2A2A6A6A*',$mFld[5]);
my $mLen = length($mFld[5])/2;
my $CULinfo = "";
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, "HMLAN_Parse: $name R:".$mFld[0]
.(($mFld[0] =~ m/^E/)?' ':'')
.' stat:' .$mFld[1]
.' t:' .$mFld[2]
.' d:' .$mFld[3]
.' r:' .$mFld[4]
.' m:'.$mNo
.' '.$flg.$type
.' '.$src
.' '.$dst
.' '.$p;
# handle status.
#HMcnd stat
# 00 00= msg without relation
# 00 01= ack that HMLAN waited for
# 00 02= msg send, no ack requested
# 00 08= nack - ack was requested, msg repeated 3 times, still no ack
# 00 21= ??(seen with 'R') - see below
# 00 2x= should: AES was accepted, here is the response
# 00 30= should: AES response failed
# 00 4x= AES response accepted
# 00 50= ??(seen with 'R')
# 00 8x= response to a message send autonomous by HMLAN (e.g. A112 -> wakeup)
# 01 xx= ?? 0100 AES response send (gen autoMsgSent)
# 02 xx= prestate to 04xx. Message is still sent. This is a warning
# 04 xx= nothing sent anymore. Any restart unsuccessful except power
# parameter 'cond'- condition of the IO device
# Cond text
# 0 ok
# 1 AES request by HMLAN pending
# 2 Warning-HighLoad
# 4 Overload condition - no send anymore
my ($HMcnd,$stat) = map{hex($_)} unpack('A2A2',($mFld[1]));
if ($HMcnd == 0x01){#HMLAN responded to AES request
$CULinfo = ($mFld[3] eq "FF")?"AESpending"
# config message: reset timer handling
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{flg} = 0 if ($type eq "00");
if ($stat){# message with status information
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,$HMcnd) if ($hash->{helper}{q}{HMcndN} != $HMcnd);
my $myId = $attr{$name}{hmId};
if ($stat & 0x03 && $dst eq $myId){HMLAN_qResp($hash,$src,0);}
elsif ($stat & 0x08 && $src eq $myId){HMLAN_qResp($hash,$dst,0);}
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst}{flg} = 0 if(defined $hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst});
#got response => unblock sending
if ($stat & 0x0A){#08 and 02 dont need to go to CUL, internal ack only
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, "HMLAN_Parse: $name no ACK from $dst" if($stat & 0x08);
elsif (($stat & 0x70) == 0x30){Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, "HMLAN_Parse: $name AES code rejected for $dst $stat";
$CULinfo = "AESerrReject";
elsif (($stat & 0x70) == 0x20){$CULinfo = "AESCom-ok"; }
elsif ( $stat & 0x40) {$CULinfo = "AESCom-".($stat & 0x10?"fail":"ok");}
my $rssi = hex($mFld[4])-65536;
#update some User information ------
$hash->{uptime} = HMLAN_uptime($mFld[2]);
$hash->{RSSI} = $rssi;
$hash->{RAWMSG} = $rmsg;
$hash->{"${name}_TIME"} = TimeNow();
my $dly = 0; #--------- calc messageDelay ----------
if ($hash->{helper}{ref} && $hash->{helper}{ref}{drft}){
my $ref = $hash->{helper}{ref};#shortcut
my $sysC = int(time()*1000); #current systime in ms
$dly = int($sysC - (hex($mFld[2]) + $ref->{offL} + $ref->{drft}*($sysC - $ref->{sysL})));
$hash->{helper}{dly}{lst} = $dly;
my $dlyP = $hash->{helper}{dly};
$dlyP->{min} = $dly if (!$dlyP->{min} || $dlyP->{min}>$dly);
$dlyP->{max} = $dly if (!$dlyP->{max} || $dlyP->{max}<$dly);
if ($dlyP->{cnt}) {$dlyP->{cnt}++} else {$dlyP->{cnt} = 1} ;
$hash->{msgParseDly} = "min:" .$dlyP->{min}
." max:" .$dlyP->{max}
." last:".$dlyP->{lst}
." cnt:" .$dlyP->{cnt};
################# debugind help
#my $st = $sysC - $dly;#time send
#my $stms = sprintf("%03d",$st%1000);
#my @slt = localtime(int($st/1000));
#Log 1,"HMLAN dlyTime st:$slt[2]:$slt[1]:$slt[0].".$stms." dly:$dly";
$dly = 0 if ($dly<0);
# HMLAN sends ACK for flag 'A0' but not for 'A4'(config mode)-
# we ack ourself an long as logic is uncertain - also possible is 'A6' for RHS
my $wait = 0.100 - $dly/1000;
$modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$src}{helper}{io}{nextSend} = gettimeofday()+$wait
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$src} && $wait > 0);
if (hex($flg)&0xA4 == 0xA4 && $hash->{owner} eq $dst){
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, "HMLAN_Parse: $name ACK config";
HMLAN_Write($hash,undef, "As15".$mNo."8002".$dst.$src."00");
if ($letter eq 'R' && $hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{flg}){
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{flg} = 0 if($dst ne "000000"); #release send-holdoff
if ($hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{msg}){ #send delayed msg if any
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
,"HMLAN_SdDly: $name $src";
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, $hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{msg});
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{msg} = ""; #clear message
# prepare dispatch-----------
# HM format A<len><msg>:<info>:<RSSI>:<IOname> Info is not used anymore
my $dmsg = sprintf("A%02X%s:$CULinfo:$rssi:$name",
$mLen, uc($mFld[5]));
my %addvals = (RAWMSG => $rmsg, RSSI => hex($mFld[4])-65536);
Dispatch($hash, $dmsg, \%addvals) if($mFld[5] !~ m/99.112999999000000/);#ignore overload test
elsif($mFld[0] =~ m /HHM-(LAN|USB)-IF/){#HMLAN version info
$hash->{IFmodel} = $1;
$hash->{uptime} = HMLAN_uptime($mFld[5],$hash);
$hash->{helper}{assIdRep} = hex($mFld[6]);
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = $hash->{helper}{assIdCnt}
.(($hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} eq $hash->{helper}{assIdRep})
:" report:$hash->{helper}{assIdRep}")
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRec} = 1;
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRpt} = 0;
my $load = defined $mFld[7] ? hex($mFld[7]):0;
Log3 $hash, ($hash->{helper}{log}{sys}?0:5)
, 'HMLAN_Parse: '.$name. " V:$mFld[1]"
." sNo:$mFld[2] d:$mFld[3]"
." O:$mFld[4] t:$mFld[5] IDcnt:$mFld[6] L:$load %";
my $myId = AttrVal($name, "hmId", "");
$myId = $attr{$name}{hmId} = $mFld[4] if (!$myId);
my (undef,$info) = unpack('A11A29',$rmsg);
if (!$hash->{helper}{info} || $hash->{helper}{info} ne $info){
my $fwVer = hex($mFld[1]);
$fwVer = sprintf("%d.%d", ($fwVer >> 12) & 0xf, $fwVer & 0xffff);
$hash->{owner} = $mFld[4];
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"D-firmware" ,$fwVer);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"D-serialNr" ,$mFld[2]);
$hash->{helper}{info} = $info;
if($mFld[4] ne $myId && !AttrVal($name, "dummy", 0)) {
Log3 $hash, 1, 'HMLAN setting owner to '.$myId.' from '.$mFld[4];
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "A$myId");
elsif($rmsg =~ m/^I00.*/) {;
# Ack from the HMLAN
else {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name Unknown msg >$rmsg<";
sub HMLAN_Ready($) {###########################################################
my ($hash) = @_;
return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, "HMLAN_DoInit");
sub HMLAN_SimpleWrite(@) {#####################################################
my ($hash, $msg, $nonl) = @_;
return if(!$hash || AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dummy", 0) != 0);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $len = length($msg);
# It is not possible to answer befor 100ms
if ($len>51){
my $HMcnd = $hash->{helper}{q}{HMcndN};
return if ( ($HMcnd == 4 || $HMcnd == 253)
&& !$hash->{helper}{recoverTest});# no send if overload or disconnect
delete $hash->{helper}{recoverTest}; # test done
my ($s,undef,$stat,undef,$t,undef,$d,undef,$r,undef,$no,$flg,$typ,$src,$dst,$p) =
my $hmId = AttrVal($name,"hmId","");
my $hDst = $hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst};# shortcut
my $tn = gettimeofday();
if($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst} &&
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{nextSend}){
my $dDly = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{nextSend} - $tn;
#$dDly -= 0.05 if ($typ eq "02");# delay at least 50ms for ACK, but not 100
select(undef, undef, undef, (($dDly > 0.1)?0.1:$dDly))
if ($dDly > 0.01);
if ($dst ne $hmId){ #delay send if answer is pending
if ( $hDst->{flg} && #HMLAN's ack pending
($hDst->{to} > $tn)){#won't wait forever! check timeout
$hDst->{msg} = $msg; #postpone message
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl($hash,$src,$dst,"5"),"HMLAN_Delay: $name $dst";
if ($src eq $hmId){
$hDst->{flg} = (hex($flg)&0x20)?1:0;# answer expected?
$hDst->{to} = $tn + 2;# flag timeout after 2 sec
$hDst->{msg} = "";
HMLAN_qResp($hash,$dst,1) if ($hDst->{flg} == 1);
if ($len > 52){#channel information included, send sone kind of clearance
my $chn = substr($msg,52,2);
if (!$hDst->{chn} || $hDst->{chn} ne $chn){
my $updt = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{newChn};
if ($updt && (!$hDst->{cfg} || $updt ne $hDst->{cfg})){
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, 'HMLAN_Send: '.$name.' S:'.$updt;
syswrite($hash->{TCPDev}, $updt."\r\n") if($hash->{TCPDev});
$hDst->{cfg} = $updt;
$hDst->{chn} = $chn;
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, 'HMLAN_Send: '.$name.' S:'.$s
.' stat: ' .$stat
.' t:' .$t
.' d:' .$d
.' r:' .$r
.' m:' .$no
.' ' .$flg.$typ
.' ' .$src
.' ' .$dst
.' ' .$p;
Log3 $hash, ($hash->{helper}{log}{sys}?0:5), 'HMLAN_Send: '.$name.' I:'.$msg;
$msg .= "\r\n" unless($nonl);
syswrite($hash->{TCPDev}, $msg) if($hash->{TCPDev});
if ($hash->{helper}{q}{scnt} == 10){
$hash->{helper}{q}{scnt} = 0;
HMLAN_KeepAlive("x:$name") ;
sub HMLAN_DoInit($) {##########################################################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $id = AttrVal($name, "hmId", "999999");
# readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","init",1);
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "A$id") if($id ne "999999");
my $s2000 = sprintf("%02X", HMLAN_secSince2000());
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "T$s2000,02,00,00000000");
$hash->{helper}{setTime} = int(gettimeofday())>>15;
delete $hash->{helper}{ref};
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRec} = 1; # ok for first time
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRpt} = 0; # ok for first time
my $tn = gettimeofday();
my $wdTimer = AttrVal($name,"wdTimer",25);
$hash->{helper}{k}{Start} = $tn;
$hash->{helper}{k}{Next} = $tn + $wdTimer;
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAliveCk:".$name);# avoid duplicate timer
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAlive:".$name);# avoid duplicate timer
InternalTimer($tn+$wdTimer, "HMLAN_KeepAlive", "keepAlive:".$name, 0);
# send first message to retrieve HMLAN condition
return undef;
sub HMLAN_assignIDs($){
# remove all assigned IDs and assign the ones from list
my ($hash) = @_;
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "C"); #clear all assigned IDs
HMLAN_Write($hash,"","init:$_") foreach(keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}});
sub HMLAN_writeAesKey($) {#####################################################
my ($name) = @_;
return if (!$name || !$defs{$name} || $defs{$name}{TYPE} ne "HMLAN");
my %keys = ();
my $vccu = InternalVal($name,"owner_CCU",$name);
$vccu = $name if(!AttrVal($vccu,"hmKey",""));
foreach my $i (1..3){
my ($kNo,$k) = split(":",AttrVal($vccu,"hmKey".($i== 1?"":$i),""));
if (defined($kNo) && defined($k)) {
$keys{$kNo} = $k;
my @kNos = reverse(sort(keys(%keys)));
foreach my $i (1..3){
my $k;
my $kNo;
if (defined($kNos[$i-1])) {
$kNo = $kNos[$i-1];
$k = $keys{$kNo};
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($defs{$name}, "Y0$i,".($k?"$kNo,$k":"00,"));
sub HMLAN_KeepAlive($) {#######################################################
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRec} = 0; # reset indicator
return if(!$hash->{FD});
my $tn = gettimeofday();
my $wdTimer = AttrVal($name,"wdTimer",25);
my $rht = int($tn)>>15 ;
if( $rht != $hash->{helper}{setTime}){# reset HMLAN watch about each 10h
$hash->{helper}{setTime} = $rht;
my $s2000 = sprintf("%02X", HMLAN_secSince2000());
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "T$s2000,02,00,00000000");
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "K");
my $kDly = int(($tn - $hash->{helper}{k}{Next})*1000)/1000;
$hash->{helper}{k}{DlyMax} = $kDly if($hash->{helper}{k}{DlyMax} < $kDly);
if ($hash->{helper}{k}{Start}){
my $kBuf = int($hash->{helper}{k}{Start} + 30 - $tn);
$hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin} = $kBuf if($hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin} > $kBuf);
$hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin} = 30;
$hash->{msgKeepAlive} = "dlyMax:".$hash->{helper}{k}{DlyMax}
." bufferMin:". $hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin};
$hash->{helper}{k}{Start} = $tn;
$hash->{helper}{k}{Next} = $tn + $wdTimer;
$hash->{helper}{ref}{kTs} = int($tn*1000);
my $rt = AttrVal($name,"respTime",1);
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAlive:".$name);# avoid duplicate timer
InternalTimer($tn+$wdTimer,"HMLAN_KeepAlive", "keepAlive:".$name, 1);
sub HMLAN_KeepAliveCheck($) {##################################################
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRec} != 1){# no answer
if ($hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRpt} >2){# give up here
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,253);# trigger timeout event
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRpt} = 0;
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,0) if ($hash->{helper}{q}{HMcndN} == 255);
sub HMLAN_secSince2000() {#####################################################
# Calculate the local time in seconds from 2000.
my $t = time();
my @l = localtime($t);
my @g = gmtime($t);
$t += 60*(($l[2]-$g[2] + ((($l[5]<<9)|$l[7]) <=> (($g[5]<<9)|$g[7])) * 24) * 60 + $l[1]-$g[1])
# timezone and daylight saving...
- 946684800 # seconds between 01.01.2000, 00:00 and THE EPOCH (1970)
- 3600; # time zone
return $t;
sub HMLAN_qResp($$$) {#response-waiting queue##################################
my($hash,$id,$cmd) = @_;
my $hashQ = $hash->{helper}{q};
if ($cmd){
$hashQ->{answerPend} ++;
push @{$hashQ->{apIDs}},$id;
if ($hashQ->{answerPend} >= $hashQ->{hmLanQlen}){
$hash->{XmitOpen} = 2;#delay further sending
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "HMLAN_clearQ", "hmClearQ:$hash->{NAME}", 0);
$hashQ->{answerPend}-- if ($hashQ->{answerPend}>0);
@{$hashQ->{apIDs}}=grep !/$id/,@{$hashQ->{apIDs}};
RemoveInternalTimer("hmClearQ:$hash->{NAME}")if ($hash->{XmitOpen} == 0);
if ($hashQ->{HMcndN} == 4 ||
$hashQ->{HMcndN} == 253){ $hash->{XmitOpen} = 0;}
elsif($hashQ->{answerPend} >= $hashQ->{hmLanQlen}){$hash->{XmitOpen} = 2;}
else{ $hash->{XmitOpen} = 1;}
sub HMLAN_clearQ($) {#clear pending acks due to timeout########################
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
@{$hash->{helper}{q}{apIDs}} = (); #clear Q-status
$hash->{helper}{q}{answerPend} = 0;
Log3 $hash, 4, "HMLAN_ack: timeout - clear queue";
my $HMcnd = $hash->{helper}{q}{HMcndN};
if ($HMcnd == 4 || $HMcnd == 253) {$hash->{XmitOpen} = 0;
}else{ $hash->{XmitOpen} = 1;}
sub HMLAN_condUpdate($$) {#####################################################
my($hash,$HMcnd) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (AttrVal($name,"dummy",undef)){
$hash->{XmitOpen} = 0;
my $hashCnd = $hash->{helper}{cnd};#short to helper
my $hashQ = $hash->{helper}{q};#short to helper
$hash->{helper}{cnd}{$HMcnd} = 0 if (!$hash->{helper}{cnd} ||
if ($HMcnd == 4){#HMLAN needs a rest. Supress all sends exept keep alive
elsif ($HMcnd == 251 || $HMcnd == 253){#HMLAN dummy/disconnected
else{# revert from overload
if (InternalVal($name,"STATE","") eq "overload");
my $HMcndTxt = $HMcond{$HMcnd} ? $HMcond{$HMcnd} : "Unknown:$HMcnd";
Log3 $hash, 1, "HMLAN_Parse: $name new condition $HMcndTxt";
my $txt;
$txt .= $HMcond{$_}.":".$hash->{helper}{cnd}{$_}." "
foreach (keys%{$hash->{helper}{cnd}});
$hashQ->{HMcndN} = $HMcnd;
if ($HMcnd == 4 || $HMcnd == 251|| $HMcnd == 253 || $HMcnd == 255) {#transmission down
$hashQ->{answerPend} = 0;
@{$hashQ->{apIDs}} = (); #clear Q-status
$hash->{XmitOpen} = 0; #deny transmit
if ( $HMcnd == 253
&& $hash->{helper}{k}{Start}
&&(gettimeofday() - 29) > $hash->{helper}{k}{Start});
$hash->{XmitOpen} = ($hashQ->{answerPend} < $hashQ->{hmLanQlen})?"1":"2";#allow transmit
my $ccu = InternalVal($name,"owner_CCU","");
CUL_HM_UpdtCentralState($ccu) if ($ccu);
sub HMLAN_noDup(@) {#return list with no duplicates
my %all;
return "" if (scalar(@_) == 0);
$all{$_}=0 foreach (grep !/^$/,@_);
delete $all{""}; #remove empties if present
return (sort keys %all);
sub HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($$$$){#get verboseLevel for message
my ($hash,$src,$dst,$def) = @_;
return ($hash->{helper}{log}{all}||
(grep /($src|$dst)/,@{$hash->{helper}{log}{ids}}))?0:$def;
=item device
=item summary IO device for wireless homematic
=item summary_DE IO device für funkgesteuerte Homematic Devices
=begin html
<a name="HMLAN"></a>
The HMLAN is the fhem module for the eQ-3 HomeMatic LAN Configurator.<br>
A description on how to use <a href="https://git.zerfleddert.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/hmcfgusb">hmCfgUsb</a> can be found follwing the link.<br/>
The fhem module will emulate a CUL device, so the <a href="#CUL_HM">CUL_HM</a> module can be used to define HomeMatic devices.<br/>
In order to use it with fhem you <b>must</b> disable the encryption first with the "HomeMatic Lan Interface Configurator"<br>
(which is part of the supplied Windows software), by selecting the device, "Change IP Settings", and deselect "AES Encrypt Lan Communication".<br/>
This device can be used in parallel with a CCU and (readonly) with fhem. To do this:
<li>start the fhem/contrib/tcptee.pl program</li>
<li>redirect the CCU to the local host</li>
<li>disable the LAN-Encryption on the CCU for the Lan configurator</li>
<li>set the dummy attribute for the HMLAN device in fhem</li>
<a name="HMLANdefine"><b>Define</b></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; HMLAN &lt;ip-address&gt;[:port]</code><br>
port is 1000 by default.<br/>
If the ip-address is called none, then no device will be opened, so you can experiment without hardware attached.
<a name="HMLANset"><b>Set</b></a>
<li><a href="#hmPairForSec">hmPairForSec</a></li>
<li><a href="#hmPairSerial">hmPairSerial</a></li>
<li><a href="#hmreopen">reopen</a>
reconnect the device
<li><a href="#hmrestart">restart</a>
Restart the device
<li><a href="#HMLANset_reassignIDs">reassignIDs</a>
Syncs the IDs between HMLAN and the FHEM list.
Usually this is done automatically and only is recomended if there is a difference in counts.
<a name="HMLANget"><b>Get</b></a>
<li><a href="#HMLANgetassignIDs">assignIDs</a>
Gibt eine Liste aller diesem IO zugewiesenen IOs aus.
<a name="HMLANattr"><b>Attributes</b></a>
<li><a href="#addvaltrigger">addvaltrigger</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#attrdummy">dummy</a></li>
<li><a href="#HMLANlogIDs">logIDs</a><br>
enables selective logging of HMLAN messages. A list of HMIds or names can be
entered, comma separated, which shall be logged.<br>
The attribute only allows device-IDs, not channel IDs.
Channel-IDs will be modified to device-IDs automatically.
<b>all</b> will log raw messages for all HMIds<br>
<b>sys</b> will log system related messages like keep-alive<br>
in order to enable all messages set "<b>all,sys</b>"<br>
<li><a name="HMLANloadLevel">loadLevel</a><br>
loadlevel will be mapped to reading vaues. <br>
the batchLevel value will be set to 40 if not entered. This is the level at which
background message generation e.g. for autoReadReg will be stopped<br>
<li><a href="#hmId">hmId</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey">hmKey</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey2">hmKey2</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey3">hmKey3</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey4">hmKey4</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey5">hmKey5</a><br>
AES keys for the HMLAN adapter. <br>
The key is converted to a hash. If a hash is given directly it is not converted but taken directly.
Therefore the original key cannot be converted back<br>
<li><a href="#hmProtocolEvents">hmProtocolEvents</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANrespTime">respTime</a><br>
Define max response time of the HMLAN adapter in seconds. Default is 1 sec.<br/>
Longer times may be used as workaround in slow/instable systems or LAN configurations.</li>
<li><a name="HMLAN#wdTimer">wdTimer</a><br>
Time in sec to trigger HMLAN. Values between 5 and 25 are allowed, 25 is default.<br>
It is <B>not recommended</B> to change this timer. If problems are detected with <br>
HLMLAN disconnection it is advisable to resolve the root-cause of the problem and not symptoms.</li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmLanQlen">hmLanQlen</a><br>
defines queuelength of HMLAN interface. This is therefore the number of
simultanously send messages. increasing values may cause higher transmission speed.
It may also cause retransmissions up to data loss.<br>
Effects can be observed by watching protocol events<br>
1 - is a conservatibe value, and is default<br>
5 - is critical length, likely cause message loss</li>
<a name="HMLANparameter"><b>parameter</b></a>
number of IDs that are assigned to HMLAN by FHEM.
If the number reported by HMLAN differ it will be reported as 'reported'.<br>
It is recommended to resync HMLAN using the command 'assignIDs'.
performance of keep-alive messages. <br>
<B>dlyMax</B>: maximum delay of sheduled message-time to actual message send.<br>
<B>bufferMin</B>: minimal buffer left to before HMLAN would likely disconnect
due to missing keepAlive message. bufferMin will be reset to 30sec if
attribut wdTimer is changed.<br>
if dlyMax is high (several seconds) or bufferMin goes to "0" (normal is 4) the system
suffers on internal delays. Reasons for the delay might be explored. As a quick solution
wdTimer could be decreased to trigger HMLAN faster.</li>
Current transmit load of HMLAN. When capacity reaches 100% HMLAN stops sending and waits for
reduction. See also:
<a href="#HMLANloadLevel">loadLevel</a><br></li>
Historical transmition load of IO.</li>
calculates the delay of messages in ms from send in HMLAN until processing in FHEM.
It therefore gives an indication about FHEM system performance.
<a name="HMLANreadings"><b>parameter and readings</b></a>
<li><B>prot_disconnect</B> <br>recent HMLAN disconnect</li>
<li><B>prot_init</B> <br>recent HMLAN init</li>
<li><B>prot_keepAlive</B> <br>HMLAN disconnect likely do to slow keep-alive sending</li>
<li><B>prot_ok</B> <br>recent HMLAN ok condition</li>
<li><B>prot_timeout</B> <br>recent HMLAN timeout</li>
<li><B>prot_Warning-HighLoad</B> <br>high load condition entered - HMLAN has about 10% performance left</li>
<li><B>prot_ERROR-Overload</B> <br>overload condition - HMLAN will receive bu tno longer transmitt messages</li>
<li><B>prot_Overload-released</B><br>overload condition released - normal operation possible</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="HMLAN"></a>
Das HMLAN ist das fhem-Modul f&uuml;r den eQ-3 HomeMatic LAN Configurator welcher als IO
in FHEM fungiert. Siehe <a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/HM-CFG-LAN_LAN_Konfigurations-Adapter">HM-CFG-LAN_LAN_Konfigurations-Adapter</a> zur Konfiguration.<br>
Eine weitere Beschreibung, wie der HomeMatic USB Konfigurations-Adapter
<a href="https://git.zerfleddert.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/hmcfgusb">(HM-CFG-USB)</a>
verwendet werden kann, ist unter dem angegebenen Link zu finden.<br/>
Dieses Ger&auml;t kann gleichzeitig mit einer CCU und (nur lesend) mit FHEM verwendet werden.
Hierf&uuml;r ist wie folgt vorzugehen:
<li>Starten des fhem/contrib/tcptee.pl Programms</li>
<li>Umleiten der CCU zum local host</li>
<li>Ausschalten der LAN-Encryption auf der CCU f&uuml;r den LAN-Configurator</li>
<li>Setzen des dummy Attributes f&uuml;r das HMLAN Ger&auml;t in FHEM</li>
<a name="HMLANdefine"><b>Define</b></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; HMLAN &lt;ip-address&gt;[:port]</code><br>
Der Standard-Port lautet: 1000.<br/>
Wenn keine IP-Adresse angegeben wird, wird auch kein Ger&auml;t ge&ouml;ffnet; man kann
also auch ohne angeschlossene Hardware experimentieren.
<a name="HMLANset"><b>Set</b></a>
<li><a href="#hmPairForSec">hmPairForSec</a></li>
<li><a href="#hmPairSerial">hmPairSerial</a></li>
<li><a href="#hmreopen">reopen</a>
Connection zum IO device neu starten</li>
<li><a href="#hmrestart">restart</a>
Neustart des IOdevice
<li><a href="#HMLANset_reassignIDs">reassignIDs</a>
Synchronisiert die im HMLAN eingetragenen IDs mit der von FHEM verwalteten Liste.
I.a. findet dies automatisch statt, koennte aber in reset Fällen abweichen.
<a name="HMLANget"><b>Get</b></a>
<li><a href="#HMLANgetassignIDs">assignIDs</a>
Gibt eine Liste aller diesem IO zugewiesenen IOs aus.
<a name="HMLANattr"><b>Attributes</b></a>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#attrdummy">dummy</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#addvaltrigger">addvaltrigger</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#HMLANlogIDs">logIDs</a><br>
Schaltet selektives Aufzeichnen der HMLAN Meldungen ein. Eine Liste der
HMIds oder Namen, die aufgezeichnet werden sollen, k&ouml;nnen - getrennt durch
Kommata - eingegeben werden.<br>
Die Attribute erlauben ausschließlich die Angabe von Device-IDs und keine Kanal-IDs.
Die Kanal-IDs werden automatisch in Device-IDs umgewandelt.<br>
<b>all</b> zeichnet die Original-Meldungen f&uuml;r alle HMIds auf.<br>
<b>sys</b> zeichnet alle systemrelevanten Meldungen wie keep-alive auf.<br>
<b>all,sys</b> damit wird die Aufzeichnung aller Meldungen eingeschaltet<br>
<li><a name="HMLANloadLevel">loadLevel</a><br>
loadlevel mapped den Auslastungslevel auf die Namen in ein Reading. <br>
Der batchLevel Wert wird auf 40 gesetzt., sollte er fehlen.
Das ist der Levelbei dem die Hintergrundnachrichten z.B. durch autoReadReg gestoppt werden<br>
<li><a href="#hmId">hmId</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey">hmKey</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey2">hmKey2</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey3">hmKey3</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey4">hmKey4</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey5">hmKey5</a><br>
AES Schl&uuml;ssel f&uuml;r den HMLAN Adapter. <br>
Der Schl&uuml;ssel wird in eine hash-Zeichenfolge umgewandelt. Wenn eine Hash-Folge unmittelbar
eingegeben wird, erfolgt keine Umwandlung, sondern eine eine direkte Benutzung der Hash-Folge.
Deshalb kann der Originalschl&uuml;ssel auch nicht entschl&uuml;sselt werden.<br>
<li><a href="#hmProtocolEvents">hmProtocolEvents</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANrespTime">respTime</a><br>
Definiert die maximale Antwortzeit des HMLAN-Adapters in Sekunden. Standardwert ist 1 Sekunde.<br/>
L&auml;ngere Zeiten k&ouml;nnen &uuml;bergangsweise in langsamen und instabilen Systemen oder in
LAN-Konfigurationen verwendet werden.</li>
<li><a name="HMLAN#wdTimer">wdTimer</a><br>
Zeit in Sekunden, um den HMLAN zu triggern. Werte zwischen 5 und 25 sind zul&auml;ssig.
Standardwert ist 25 Sekunden.<br>
Es wird <B>davon abgeraten</B> diesen Timer zu ver&auml;ndern. Wenn Probleme mit
HMLAN-Abbr&uuml;chen bestehen wird empfohlen die Ursache des Problems zu finden
und zu beheben und nicht die Symptom.</li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmLanQlen">hmLanQlen</a><br>
Definiert die L&auml;nge der Warteschlange des HMLAN Interfaces. Es ist deshalb die Anzahl
der gleichzeitig zu sendenden Meldungen. Erh&ouml;hung des Wertes kann eine Steigerung der
&Uuml;bertragungsgeschwindigkeit verursachen, ebenso k&ouml;nnen wiederholte Aussendungen
Datenverlust bewirken.<br>
Die Auswirkungen werden durch die Ereignisse im Protokoll sichtbar.<br>
1 - ist ein Wert auf der sicheren Seite und deshalb der Standardwert<br>
5 - ist eine kritische L&auml;nge und verursacht wahrscheinlich Meldungsverluste</li>
<a name="HMLANparameter"><b>parameter</b></a>
Anzahl der IDs, die von FHEM einem HMLAN zugeordnet sind.
Sollte die Anzahl von der im HMLAN abweichen wird dies als 'reported' gemeldet.<br>
Wird eine Abweichung festgestellt kann man mit dem Kommando assignIDs das HMLAN synchronisieren.
G&uuml;te der keep-alive Meldungen. <br>
<B>dlyMax</B>: maximale Verz&ouml;gerungsdauer zwischen dem geplanten Meldungszeitpunkt
und der tats&auml;chlich gesendeten Meldung.<br>
<B>bufferMin</B>: minimal verf&uuml;gbarer Speicher bevor HMLAN voraussichtlich
unterbrochen wird bedingt durch die fehlende keepAlive Meldung. bufferMin
wird auf 30 Sekunden zur&uuml;ckgesetzt wenn das Attribut wdTimer ver&auml;ndert wird.<br>
Wenn dlyMax hoch ist (mehrere Sekunden) oder bufferMin geht gegen "0" (normal ist 4)
leidet das System unter den internen Verz&ouml;gerungen. Den Gr&uuml;nden hierf&uuml;r muss
nachgegangen werdensystem. Als schnelle L&ouml;sung kann der Wert f&uuml;r wdTimer
verkleinert werden, um HMLAN schneller zu triggern.</li>
Aktuelle Funklast des HMLAN. Da HMLAN nur eine begrenzte Kapzit&auml;t je Stunde hat
Telegramme abzusetzen stellt es bei 100% das Senden ein. Siehe auch
<a href="#loadLevel">loadLevel</a><br></li>
IO Funkbelastung vergangener Zeitabschnitte.</li>
Kalkuliert die Verz&ouml;gerungen einer Meldung vom Zeitpunkt des Abschickens im HMLAN
bis zu Verarbeitung in FHEM. Deshalb ist dies ein Indikator f&uuml;r die Leistungsf&auml;higkeit
des Systems von FHEM.
<a name="HMLANreadings"><b>Parameter und Readings</b></a>
<li><B>prot_disconnect</B> <br>letzter HMLAN disconnect</li>
<li><B>prot_init</B> <br>letzter HMLAN init</li>
<li><B>prot_keepAlive</B> <br>HMLAN unterbrochen, wahrscheinlich um langsame
keep-alive Meldungen zu senden.</li>
<li><B>prot_ok</B> <br>letzte HMLAN ok Bedingung</li>
<li><B>prot_timeout</B> <br>letzter HMLAN Timeout</li>
<li><B>prot_Warning-HighLoad</B> <br>hohe Auslastung erreicht -
HMLAN hat nur noch 10% seiner Leistungsf&auml;higkeit &uuml;brig</li>
<li><B>prot_ERROR-Overload</B> <br>&Uuml;berlastung -
HMLAN wird zwar Meldungen empfangen aber keine Meldungen mehr absenden</li>
<li><B>prot_Overload-released</B><br>&Uuml;berlastung beendet - normale Arbeitsweise ist m&ouml;glich</li>
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