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viegener f16cb8077c 49_TBot_List: acknowledge and categories
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# 49_TBot_List.pm
# This file is part of Fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# TBot_List (c) Johannes Viegener / https://github.com/viegener/Telegram-fhem/tree/master/TBot_List
# This module interacts with TelegramBot and PostMe devices
# Discussed in FHEM Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,67976.0.html
# $Id$
# 0.0 2017-01-15 Started
# add get normpeer getter to tbot
# get data from tbot in set / get
# setup needs to specfiy notifies
# implement attr
# handle reply msg
# change key building to routine
# change all handler calls to new parameters
# use name in queryData
# change key from lname to tbot
# lname handling
# TBot_List_handler invocations to be modified
# check in get queryanswer if list is amtching current device
# add handler from myutils
# add notify function
# change ensure cmd with name is handled correctly
# modify tbot to call handler with querydcata -- get routine - returns undef=nothandled 0=emptyanswerbuthandled other=answer
# 0.1 2017-01-17 Initial Version - mostly tested
# Documentation
# changed log levels
# corrected listNo calculation on dialog and define
# 0.2 2017-02-26 Initial SVN Checkin
# Add note to documentation on events and event-on attributes
# FIX: corrected allowedPeers definition
# Also support chats in start without args
# respond in chats / still only a single dialog per user allowed
# add entry for messages sent accidentially - absed on dialog
# removed debug statements
# make unsolicited entries configurable
# handle multiline entries --> remove line ends
# handle multiline entries --> multiple entries to be created
# 0.3 2017-03-16
# Fix: undef errors in listhandler resolved
# Menu für gesamte Liste
# Sortierung A-Z und Z-A für Liste
# allow double entries and correct handling
# 0.4 2017-05-13 Menu / Sort und fixes
# changed query data to prefix TBL_
# fhem-call get peerId is quiet
# 0.5 2017-05-13 Menu / Sort und fixes
# confirm delete configurable as attribute confirmDelete
# confirm add unsolicited configurable as attribute confirmUnsolicited
# 0.6 2017-07-16 confirmDelete & confirmUnsolicited
# added list getter for simple text list with \n and empty string if no entries
# switched from fhem( calls to AnalyzeCommandChain
# added count getter for count of list entries
# FIX: Some log entries / issues with inline commands
# new attribute deleteOnly to have deleteonly lists / no changes or adds
# document deleteOnly
# 0.7 2018-03-11 deleteonly lists / internal changes
# show entry content in response for add/del
# start list with peerid und chatid als Parameter
# add silentstart as additional set option to start the chat silent
# 0.8 2022-03-10 acknowledge and categories
# list allows optiona parameter specifying limits of content
# attribute acknowledge adds the button for done entries
# acknoledge category string (prefix) is attr value
# allow categories for setting to different entries
# no ack for done entries
# doc for acknowledge - categories
# change sequence on kat entries
# Make texts and addtl buttons configurable
# internal value if waiting for msg or reply -- otherwise notify not looping through events
# setters - start list / add new entry with question
# Ideas
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use URI::Escape;
use Scalar::Util qw(reftype looks_like_number);
my $categorymatch = "[[:alnum:] _]";
# Forward declaration
sub TBot_List_Define($$);
sub TBot_List_Undef($$);
sub TBot_List_Set($@);
sub TBot_List_Get($@);
sub TBot_List_handler( $$$$;$ );
# Globals
## Module operation
# Initialize is called from fhem.pl after loading the module
# define functions and attributed for the module and corresponding devices
sub TBot_List_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "TBot_List_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "TBot_List_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "TBot_List_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "TBot_List_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "TBot_List_Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "TBot_List_Notify";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"telegramBots:textField ".
"optionDouble:0,1 ".
"handleUnsolicited:0,1 ".
"confirmDelete:0,1 ".
"acknowledge:textField ".
"confirmUnsolicited:0,1 ".
"deleteOnly:0,1 ".
"allowedPeers:textField ".
"categories:textField ".
# Define function is called for actually defining a device of the corresponding module
# this includes name of the PosteMe device and the listname
sub TBot_List_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t]+", $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 3, "TBot_List_Define $name: called ";
my $errmsg = '';
my $definemsg = "define <name> TBot_List <postmedevice> <listname>";
# Check parameter(s)
if( int(@a) != 4 ) {
$errmsg = "syntax error: $definemsg";
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List $name: " . $errmsg;
return $errmsg;
my $postme = $a[2];
if ( ( defined( $defs{$postme} ) ) && ( $defs{$postme}{TYPE} eq "PostMe" ) ) {
$hash->{postme} = $postme;
} else {
$errmsg = "specify valid PostMe device in $definemsg ";
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List $name: " . $errmsg;
return $errmsg;
$hash->{listname} = $a[3];
$hash->{TYPE} = "TBot_List";
$hash->{STATE} = "Undefined";
TBot_List_Setup( $hash );
# Undef function is corresponding to the delete command the opposite to the define function
# Cleanup the device specifically for external ressources like connections, open files,
# external memory outside of hash, sub processes and timers
sub TBot_List_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 3, "TBot_List_Undef $name: called ";
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Undef $name: done ";
return undef;
## Instance operational methods
# set function for executing set operations on device
sub TBot_List_Set($@)
my ( $hash, $name, @args ) = @_;
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Set $name: called ";
### Check Args
my $numberOfArgs = int(@args);
return "TBot_List_Set: No cmd specified for set" if ( $numberOfArgs < 1 );
my $cmd = shift @args;
my $addArg = ($args[0] ? join(" ", @args ) : undef);
# check cmd / handle ?
my $ret = TBot_List_CheckSetGet( $hash, $cmd, $hash->{setoptions} );
return $ret if ( $ret );
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: Processing TBot_List_Set( $cmd ) - args :".(defined($addArg)?$addArg:"<undef>").":";
if ( ($cmd eq 'start') || ($cmd eq 'silentStart') ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: start of dialog requested ";
$ret = "start requires a telegrambot and optionally a peer" if ( ( $numberOfArgs < 2 ) && ( $numberOfArgs > 3 ) );
my $tbot;
my $tpeer;
my $tchat;
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tbot = $args[0];
$ret = "No telegramBot specified :$tbot:" if ( ! TBot_List_isTBot( $hash, $tbot ) );
if ( ! $ret ) {
$ret = "TelegramBot specified :$tbot: is not monitored" if ( ! TBot_List_hasConfigTBot( $hash, $tbot ) );
if ( ! $ret ) {
if ( $numberOfArgs == 2 ) {
$tchat = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgChatId", undef );
$tpeer = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgPeerId", "" );
} elsif ( $numberOfArgs == 4 ) {
$tpeer = AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "get $tbot peerId ".$args[1] );
$tchat = AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "get $tbot peerId ".$args[2] );
} else {
$tpeer = AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "get $tbot peerId ".$args[1] );
$tchat = undef;
$ret = "No peer found or specified :$tbot: ".(( $numberOfArgs == 2 )?"":$args[1]) if ( ! $tpeer );
if ( ! $ret ) {
# listno will be calculated at start of new dialog
my $listNo = TBot_List_calcListNo($hash);
if ( ! $listNo ) {
$ret = "specify valid list for PostMe device ".$hash->{postme}." in $name :".$hash->{listname}.":";
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List $name: " . $ret;
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List_Set $name: Error :".$ret if ( $ret );
# start uses a botname and an optional peer
$tpeer .= " ".$tchat if ( defined( $tchat ) );
my $lstcmd = ($cmd eq 'silentStart')?"listsilent":"list";
$ret = TBot_List_handler( $hash, $lstcmd, $tbot, $tpeer ) if ( ! $ret );
} elsif($cmd eq 'end') {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: end of dialog requested ";
$ret = "end requires a telegrambot" if ( $numberOfArgs != 3 );
my $tbot;
my $tpeer;
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tbot = $args[0];
$ret = "No telegramBot specified :$tbot:" if ( ! TBot_List_isTBot( $hash, $tbot ) );
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tpeer = AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "get $tbot peerId ".$args[1], 1 );
$ret = "No peer found or specified :$tbot: ".$args[1] if ( ! $tpeer );
# start uses a botname and an optional peer
$ret = TBot_List_handler( $hash, "end", $tbot, $tpeer ) if ( ! $ret );
} elsif($cmd eq 'reset') {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: reset requested ";
TBot_List_Setup( $hash );
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: $cmd ".((defined( $ret ))?"failed with :$ret: ":"done succesful ");
return $ret
# get function for gaining information from device
sub TBot_List_Get($@)
my ( $hash, $name, @args ) = @_;
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Get $name: called ";
### Check Args
my $numberOfArgs = int(@args);
return "TBot_List_Get: No value specified for get" if ( $numberOfArgs < 1 );
my $cmd = $args[0];
my $arg = $args[1];
# check cmd / handle ?
my $ret = TBot_List_CheckSetGet( $hash, $cmd, $hash->{getoptions} );
return $ret if ( $ret );
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Get $name: Processing TBot_List_Get( $cmd )";
if($cmd eq "textList") {
$ret = TBot_List_getTextList($hash);
} elsif($cmd eq "list") {
my @list = TBot_List_getList( $hash );
$ret = "";
if ( scalar( @list ) != 0 ) {
splice @list, 10 if ( $numberOfArgs == 2 );
$ret = join("\n", @list ) if ( scalar( @list ) != 0 );
} elsif($cmd eq "count") {
my @list = TBot_List_getList( $hash );
$ret = scalar( @list );
} elsif($cmd eq 'queryAnswer') {
# parameters cmd - queryAnswer <tbot> <peer> <querydata>
if ( $numberOfArgs != 4 ) {
$ret = "queryAnswer requires a telegrambot peer and querydata to be specified";
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Get $name: queryAnswer requested tbot:".$args[1].": peer:".$args[2].": qdata:".$args[3].":";
my $tbot;
my $tpeer;
my $qdata = $args[3];
if ( $qdata =~ s/^TBL_(.*)%(.*)$/$2/ ) {
my $qname = $1;
if ( $qname eq $name ) {
# handle this only if name in query data is me
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tbot = $args[1];
$ret = "No telegramBot specified :$tbot:" if ( ! TBot_List_isTBot( $hash, $tbot ) );
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tpeer = AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "get $tbot peerId ".$args[2] );
$ret = "No peer specified :$tbot: ".$args[2] if ( ! $tpeer );
# end uses a botname and a peer
$ret = TBot_List_handler( $hash, $qdata, $tbot, $tpeer ) if ( ! $ret );
} else {
# $ret = "query data does not contain a name and cmd separated with \% :$qdata: ".$args[1];
# no return if qdata not in corresponding form
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Get $name: $cmd ".(($ret)?"failed with :$ret: ":"done succesful ");
return $ret
# attr function for setting fhem attributes for the device
sub TBot_List_Attr(@) {
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Attr $name: called ";
return "\"TBot_List_Attr: \" $name does not exist" if (!defined($hash));
if (defined($aVal)) {
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Attr $name: $cmd on $aName to $aVal";
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Attr $name: $cmd on $aName to <undef>";
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ( ($aName eq 'optionDouble') ) {
$aVal = ($aVal eq "1")? "1": "0";
} elsif ( ($aName eq "confirmDelete" ) || ($aName eq "confirmUnsolicited" ) || ($aName eq "deleteOnly" ) ) {
$aVal = ($aVal eq "1")? "1": "0";
} elsif ($aName eq 'allowedPeers') {
return "\"TBot_List_Attr: \" $aName needs to be given in digits - and space only" if ( $aVal !~ /^[[:digit:] -]*$/ );
} elsif ($aName eq 'categories') {
return "\"TBot_List_Attr: \" $aName needs to be given separated by comma (,) only with letters, numbers and spaces" if ( $aVal !~ /^($categorymatch+,?)+$/ );
} elsif ($aName eq 'acknowledge') {
return "\"TBot_List_Attr: \" $aName needs to be given only with letters, numbers and spaces" if ( $aVal !~ /^($categorymatch+)$/ );
$_[3] = $aVal;
return undef;
# notify function provide dev and
# is corresponding to the delete command the opposite to the define function
sub TBot_List_Notify($$)
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
return undef if(!defined($hash) or !defined($dev));
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $events;
my $devname = $dev->{NAME};
# Debug "notify name:".$name.": - dev : ".$devname;
if ( TBot_List_hasConfigTBot( $hash, $devname ) ) {
# yes it is monitored
# grab events if not yet defined
$events = deviceEvents($dev,0);
TBot_List_handleEvents( $hash, $devname, $events );
## Helper list handling
# get the different config values
sub TBot_List_getConfigListname($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return $hash->{listname};
sub TBot_List_getConfigListno($)
my ($hash) = @_;
if ( ! defined($hash->{listno}) ) {
return $hash->{listno};
sub TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return $hash->{postme};
sub TBot_List_isAllowed($$)
my ($hash, $peer) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $peers = AttrVal($name,'allowedPeers',undef);
return 1 if ( ! $peers );
$peers = " ".$peers." ";
return ( $peers =~ / $peer / );
sub TBot_List_hasOptionDouble($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return ( AttrVal($name,'optionDouble',0) ? 1:0 );
sub TBot_List_hasConfigTBot($$)
my ($hash, $tbot) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $bots = AttrVal($name,'telegramBots',undef);
return 0 if ( ! $bots );
$bots = " ".$bots." ";
# Debug "Bots :".$bots.": tbot :".$tbot.":";
return ( $bots =~ / $tbot / );
# list or specific entry number
sub TBot_List_getList($;$)
my ($hash, $entry) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $rd = "postme".sprintf("%2.2d",TBot_List_getConfigListno($hash))."Name";
if ( ReadingsVal(TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash),$rd,"") ne TBot_List_getConfigListname($hash) ) {
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List_getList: list ".TBot_List_getConfigListname($hash)." not matching listno ".TBot_List_getConfigListno($hash);
return undef;
$rd = "postme".sprintf("%2.2d",TBot_List_getConfigListno($hash))."Cont";
my $listCont = ReadingsVal(TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash),$rd,"");
$listCont =~ s/[\n\t\r\f]+/ /sg;
my @entries = split( /,/, $listCont );
if ( defined( $entry ) ) {
return undef if ( ( $entry < 0 ) || ( $entry > scalar(@entries) ) );
return $entries[$entry];
return @entries;
# list or specific entry number
sub TBot_List_getTextList($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my @list = TBot_List_getList( $hash );
return "<LEER>" if ( scalar( @list ) == 0 );
return join("\r\n", @list );
# set text message to wait for or undef
# undef, store, reply, textmsg, ...
sub TBot_List_setMsgId($$$;$$) {
my ($hash, $tbot, $peer, $msgId, $postfix) = @_;
my $key = $tbot."_".$peer.(defined($postfix)?"_".$postfix:"");
if ( defined( $msgId ) ) {
$msgId =~ s/\s//g;
$hash->{inlinechats}{$key} = $msgId;
} else {
delete( $hash->{inlinechats}{$key} );
# set text message to wait for or undef
sub TBot_List_getMsgId($$$;$) {
my ($hash, $tbot, $peer, $postfix) = @_;
my $key = $tbot."_".$peer.(defined($postfix)?"_".$postfix:"");
return $hash->{inlinechats}{$key};
# translate multiple lines into comma separated list
sub TBot_List_changeMultiLine($) {
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/[\n\t\r\f]+/,/sg;
return $text;
## Handling of List in central routine from myUtils
# hash, tbot, events
sub TBot_List_handleEvents($$$)
my ($hash, $tbot, $events ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $unsolic = AttrVal($name,"handleUnsolicited",0);
# events - look for sentMsgId / msgReplyMsgId
foreach my $event ( @{$events} ) {
next if(!defined($event));
# msgPeer is chat here in chats
if ( $event =~ /sentMsgId\:/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handleEvents $name: found sentMsgId ". $event;
my $msgChat = InternalVal( $tbot, "sentMsgPeerId", "" );
my $msgWait = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, "textmsg" );
my $msgSent = InternalVal( $tbot, "sentMsgText", "" );
$msgSent =~ s/\s//g;
# Debug "wait :".$msgWait.": sent :".$msgSent.": msgPeer/chat :$msgChat:";
if ( defined( $msgWait ) && ( $msgSent eq $msgWait ) ) {
my $arg = ReadingsVal($tbot,"sentMsgId","");
# store key set means a reply is expected
if ( defined( TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, "store") ) ) {
# reply received
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, $arg, "reply");
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "store");
} else {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, $arg );
# remove old entry ids from chg entries
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "entry");
# reset internal msg
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "textmsg" );
} elsif ( $event =~ /msgId\:/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handleEvents $name: found msgId ". $event;
my $msgReplyId = ReadingsVal($tbot,"msgReplyMsgId","");
my $msgChat = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgChatId", "" );
my $replyMsg = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, "reply");
my $hasChat = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat );
# distinguish between reply (check for waiting reply)
if ( length($msgReplyId) != 0 ) {
# reply found
# Debug "reply :".$replyMsg.": rece reply :".$msgReplyId.": msgPeer/chat :$msgChat:";
if ( defined( $replyMsg ) && ( $replyMsg eq $msgReplyId ) ) {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "reply");
my $msgText = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgText", "" );
# now check if an id of an entry was stored then this is edit
my $entryno = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, "entry");
if ( defined( $entryno ) ) {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "entry");
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_chg-$entryno", $tbot, $msgChat, $msgText );
} else {
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_add", $tbot, $msgChat, $msgText );
} elsif( ( defined( $hasChat ) ) && ( ! defined( $replyMsg ) ) && ( $unsolic ) ) {
# not waiting for reply but received message -> ask if entry should be added
my $msgText = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgText", "" );
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_expadd", $tbot, $msgChat, $msgText );
# create an inline key for the keyboard
# TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, $entry, )
sub TBot_List_inlinekey($$$)
my ($hash, $entry, $keycmd ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return $entry.":TBL_".$name."\%".$keycmd;
# hash, cmd, bot, peer, opt: arg
sub TBot_List_handler($$$$;$)
my ($hash, $cmd, $tbot, $peer, $arg ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret;
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot peer :$peer: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
my $lname = TBot_List_getConfigListname($hash);
my $msgId;
my $chatId;
my @list;
my $donly = AttrVal($name,'deleteOnly',0);
# in start case from group chat both ids will be given and need to be allowed
($peer, $chatId) = split( / /, $peer );
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR - $peer peer not allowed" if ( ( ! $ret ) && ( ! TBot_List_isAllowed( $hash, $peer ) ) );
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR - $chatId chat not allowed" if ( ( ! $ret ) && ( defined($chatId) ) && ( ! TBot_List_isAllowed( $hash, $peer ) ) );
# get Msgid and list as prefetch
if ( ! $ret ) {
$chatId = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer, "chat" ) if ( ! defined($chatId) );
$chatId = $peer if ( ! defined($chatId) );
$msgId = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer );
$msgId = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId ) if ( ! defined( $msgId ) );
@list = TBot_List_getList( $hash );
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handler: $name - after prefetch peer :$peer: chatId :$chatId: msgId :".($msgId?$msgId:"<undef>").": ";
if ( $ret ) {
# do nothing if error found already
# Log 1,$ret;
} elsif ( ( $cmd eq "list_ok" ) || ( $cmd eq "list_done" ) ) {
# done means clean buttons and show only list
my $textmsg = (defined($arg)?$arg:"DONE"); # default for done
my $inline = " ";
if ( $cmd eq "list_ok" ) {
# get the list of entries in the list
my $liste = "";
foreach my $entry ( @list ) {
$liste .= "\n ".$entry;
$textmsg = "Liste ".$lname;
$textmsg .= " ist leer " if ( scalar(@list) == 0 );
$textmsg .= " : $arg " if ( defined($arg) );
$textmsg .= $liste;
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show final list
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId );
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer, undef, "chat" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( ( $cmd eq "list" ) || ( $cmd eq "listsilent" ) || ( $cmd eq "list_edit" ) ) {
# list means create button table with list entries
# start the inline
my $inline = "";
# get the list of entries in the list
my $nre = 0;
my $double = (TBot_List_hasOptionDouble( $hash )?1:0);
foreach my $entry ( @list ) {
$entry =~ s/[\(\):]/_/g;
if ( $double == 1 ) {
$inline .= "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, $entry, "list_idx-".$nre );
$double = 2;
} elsif ( $double == 2 ) {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, $entry, "list_idx-".$nre ) .") ";
$double = 1;
} else {
$inline .= "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, $entry, "list_idx-".$nre ) .") ";
$inline .= ") " if ( $double == 2 );
$inline .= "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "ok", "list_ok" );
if ( $donly ) {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Leeren", "list_askclr" ).")";
} else {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "ändern", "list_menu" )."|".
TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "hinzu", "list_askadd" );
$inline .= ")";
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handler: inline values :".$inline.":";
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname;
$textmsg .= " ist leer " if ( scalar(@list) == 0 );
$textmsg .= " : $arg " if ( defined($arg) );
if ( ( $cmd eq "list" ) || ( $cmd eq "listsilent" ) ){
# remove msgId if existing
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# done old list now and start a new list message
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_done", $tbot, $peer, "wurde beendet" );
} else {
# there might be still a dialog in another chat
my $oldchatId = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer, "chat" );
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_done", $tbot, $peer, "wurde beendet" ) if ( $oldchatId && ( defined( TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $oldchatId ) ) ) );
# store text msg to recognize msg id in dummy
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $textmsg, "textmsg" );
# store chat
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer, $chatId, "chat" );
# send msg and keys
my $tbotset = ( $cmd eq "list" )?"queryInline":"silentInline";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." ".$tbotset." ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show new list
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_idx-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means change the entry or delete - ask for which option
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
# post new msg to ask for change
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show ask for removal
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nEintrag ".($no+1)." : ".$list[$no];
# show ask msgs (depending on attr)
my $indata = ( AttrVal($name,'confirmDelete',1) ? "list_rem-$no" : "list_remyes-$no" );
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Entfernen", $indata );
# 4 cases 1) donly --> all in one line // 2) !donly no ack no cat --> all in one line
# 3) !donly ack no cat --> all in one line // 4) donly and cat --> cat and ack separate line
if ( $donly ) {
# #1
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Zurueck", "list_edit" ).")";
} else {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Aendern", "list_askchg-$no" )."|".
TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nach Oben", "list_totop-$no" );
my $catattr = AttrVal($name,'categories',undef);
my $ack = AttrVal($name,'acknowledge',undef);
my $catentry = $list[$no];
if ( ! defined( $catattr ) ) {
# #2 and #3
if ( defined($ack) ) {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Erledigt", "list_askack-$no" ) if ( ( $catentry !~ /^($categorymatch+) -> / ) || ( $1 ne $ack ) );
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Zurueck", "list_edit" ).")";
} else {
# #4
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Zurueck", "list_edit" ).")";
$inline .= " (".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ohne Kat", "list_askcatrem-".$no );
if ( defined( $ack ) ) {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Erledigt", "list_askack-$no" ) if ( ( $catentry !~ /^($categorymatch+) -> / ) || ( $1 ne $ack ) );
my @cats = split( /,/, $catattr);
foreach my $cat ( @cats ) {
$cat =~ s/\s//g;
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Kat ".$cat, "list_setcat-,".$cat.",-=-".$no );
$inline .= ")";
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handler: inline values :".$inline.":";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_setcat-,($categorymatch*),-([+-=])-(\d+)$/ ) {
# setcat means entry will be prefixed with text
my $cat = $1;
my $plumin = $2;
my $no = $3;
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handler: list setcat cat:".$cat.": no : ".$no.": type : ".$plumin;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
# remove from array the entry with the index
my $catentry = $list[$no];
my $ack = AttrVal($name,'acknowledge',"");
$catentry =~ s/^$categorymatch+ -> //;
if ( length( $cat ) != 0 ) {
if ( $cat eq $ack ) {
$ret = "Erledigt Kennzeichen hinzugefügt"
} else {
$ret = "Kategorie ".$cat." hinzugefügt";
$catentry = $cat." -> ".$catentry;
} else {
$ret .= "Kategorie entfernt";
if ( $plumin eq "=" ) {
$list[$no] = $catentry ;
} elsif ( $plumin eq "-" ) {
splice( @list, $no, 1 );
unshift( @list, $catentry );
} else {
splice( @list, $no, 1 );
push( @list, $catentry );
my $text = join(",", @list );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show new list -> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list", $tbot, $peer, $ret );
$ret = undef;
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_totop-(\d+)$/ ) {
# totop means make it first entry in the
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
my $topentry = $list[$no];
# remove from array the entry with the index
splice(@list, $no, 1);
# add it at the beginning
unshift @list, $topentry;
my $text = join(",", @list );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
# show updated list -> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Nach oben gesetzt" );
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_rem-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means remove a numbered entry from list - first ask
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
# post new msg to ask for removal
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show ask for removal
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nSoll der Eintrag ".($no+1)." (".$list[$no].") entfernt werden?";
# show ask msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja", "list_remyes-$no" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_remyes-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means remove a numbered entry from list - now it is confirmed
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
# remove from array the entry with the index
my $rementry = splice(@list, $no, 1);
my $text = join(",", @list );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
# show updated list -> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Eintrag \"".$rementry."\" geloescht" );
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_askack-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means acknowledge a numbered entry from list - i.e. change entry to DONE at the end - first ask
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
# post new msg to ask for acknowledge
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
my $ack = AttrVal($name,'acknowledge',undef);
# show ask for acknowledge
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nIst der Eintrag ".($no+1)." (".$list[$no].") Erledigt?";
# show ask msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja", "list_setcat-,".$ack.",-+-".$no )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_idx-".$no ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_askcatrem-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means aksing to remove category assignment (also for done acknowledgment)
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
# post new msg to ask for acknowledge
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
my $ack = AttrVal($name,'acknowledge',undef);
# show ask for acknowledge
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nSoll die Kategorie von ".$list[$no]." entfernt werden?";
# show ask msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja", "list_setcat-,,---".$no )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_idx-".$no ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_menu" ) {
# post new msg to ask what to do on list
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show menu
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname." ?";
# show menu msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Sortieren", "list_asksrt" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Leeren", "list_askclr" )."|".
TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Zurück", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_asksrt" ) {
# post new msg to ask for srt
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show ask for sort
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname." sortieren ?";
# show ask msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja - von A-Z", "list_srtyes1" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja - von Z-A", "list_srtyes2" )."|".
TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /list_srtyes(\d)/ ) {
my $stype = $1;
# means sort all entries - now it is confirmed
# sort depending on stype
if ( scalar(@list) > 0 ) {
if ( $stype == 1 ) {
@list = sort { "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } @list;
} else {
@list = sort { "\L$b" cmp "\L$a" } @list;
my $text = join( ",", @list );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
# show updated list -> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Liste sortiert" );
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_askclr" ) {
# post new msg to ask for clr
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show ask for removal
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nSoll die gesamte Liste ".scalar(@list)." Einträge gelöscht werden?";
# show ask msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja - Liste löschen", "list_clryes" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_clryes" ) {
# means remove all entries - now it is confirmed
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
# show updated list -> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Liste geloescht" );
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_askadd-(\d+)$/ ) {
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_askadd" ) {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $msgId, "store" );
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname." Neuen Eintrag eingeben:";
# store text msg to recognize msg id in dummy
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $textmsg, "textmsg" );
# means ask for an entry to be added to the list
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." msgForceReply ".'@'.$chatId." $textmsg" );
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_add" ) {
# means add entry to list
$arg = TBot_List_changeMultiLine( $arg );
# ! means put on top
if ( $arg =~ /^\!(.+)$/ ) {
my $text = $1;
foreach my $entry ( @list ) {
$text .= ",".$entry ;
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
} else {
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname ".$arg );
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show new list -> call recursively
$ret = "Eintrag hinzugefuegt";
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list", $tbot, $peer, $ret );
$ret = undef;
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_askchg-(\d+)$/ ) {
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $msgId, "store" );
# remove old entry ids from chg entries
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $no, "entry" );
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname." Eintrag ".($no+1)." ändern : ".$list[$no];
# store text msg to recognize msg id in dummy
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $textmsg, "textmsg" );
# means ask for an entry to be added to the list
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." msgForceReply ".'@'.$chatId." $textmsg" );
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_chg-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means add entry to list
my $no = $1;
$arg = TBot_List_changeMultiLine( $arg );
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
my $nre = 0;
my $text = "";
foreach my $entry ( @list ) {
if ( $nre == $no ) {
$text .= ",".$arg ;
} else {
$text .= ",".$entry ;
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show new list -> call recursively
$ret = "Eintrag gändert";
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list", $tbot, $peer, $ret );
$ret = undef;
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_expadd$/ ) {
# means unsolicited message ask for adding - first ask
$arg = TBot_List_changeMultiLine( $arg );
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nSoll der Eintrag ".$arg." hinzugefuegt werden?";
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# store text for adding
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $arg, "expadd" );
if ( AttrVal($name,'confirmUnsolicited',1) ) {
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja", "list_expaddyes" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
# directly add entry --> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_expaddyes", $tbot, $peer );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_expaddyes" ) {
# means add entry to list
my $addentry = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, "expadd" );
if ( defined($addentry ) ) {
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname ".$addentry );
# show list again -> call recursively
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Eintrag \"".$addentry."\" hinzugefuegt" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
Log3 $name, 1, $ret if ( $ret );
return $ret;
# notify function provide dev and
# is corresponding to the delete command the opposite to the define function
sub TBot_List_isTBot($$)
my ($hash,$tbot) = @_;
my @tbots = devspec2array( "TYPE=TelegramBot" );
foreach my $abot ( @tbots ) {
return 1 if ( $abot eq $tbot ) ;
return 0;
# calculate listno where needed
sub TBot_List_calcListNo($)
my ($hash) = @_;
# listno will be calculated at start of new dialog
my $pcnt = ReadingsNum($hash->{postme},"postmeCnt",0);
my $curr = 0;
my $listNo;
while ( $curr < $pcnt ) {
my $rd = "postme".sprintf("%2.2d",$curr)."Name";
# Debug "rd : ".$rd;
if ( ReadingsVal($hash->{postme},$rd,"") eq $hash->{listname} ) {
$listNo = $curr;
$hash->{listno} = $listNo;
return $listNo;
# INTERNAL: Get Id for a camera or list of all cameras if no name or id was given or undef if not found
sub TBot_List_CheckSetGet( $$$ ) {
my ( $hash, $cmd, $options ) = @_;
if (!exists($options->{$cmd})) {
my @cList;
foreach my $k (keys %$options) {
my $opts = undef;
$opts = $options->{$k};
if (defined($opts)) {
push(@cList,$k . ':' . $opts);
} else {
push (@cList,$k);
} # end foreach
return "TBot_List_Set: Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList);
} # error unknown cmd handling
return undef;
## Setup
# make sure a reinitialization is triggered on next update
sub TBot_List_Setup($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Setup $name: called ";
$hash->{STATE} = "Undefined";
my %sets = (
"start" => undef,
"silentStart" => undef,
"end" => undef,
"reset" => undef,
my %gets = (
"queryAnswer" => undef,
"textList" => undef,
"list" => undef,
"count" => undef,
$hash->{getoptions} = \%gets;
$hash->{setoptions} = \%sets;
my %hh = ();
$hash->{inlinechats} = \%hh;
# get global notifications and from all telegramBots
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global,TYPE=TelegramBot";
$hash->{STATE} = "Defined";
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Setup $name: ended ";
## Documentation
=item summary Dialogs for PostMe lists in TelegramBot
=item summary_DE Dialoge über TelegramBot für PostMe-Listen
=begin html
<a name="TBot_List"></a>
This module connects for allowing inline keyboard interactions between a telegramBot and PostMe lists.
<a name="TBot_Listdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; TBot_List &lt;PostMe device&gt; &lt;listname&gt; </code>
Defines a TBot_List device, which will allow interaction between the telegrambot and the postme device
Example: <code>define testtbotlist TBot_List testposteme testlist</code><br>
Note: The module relies on events send from the corresponding TelegramBot devices. Specifically changes to the readings <code>sentMsgId</code> and <code>msgReplyMsgId</code> are required to enable to find the corresponding message ids to be able to modify messages. This needs to be taken into account when using the attributes event-on-*-reading on the TelegramBot device.<br>
<a name="TBot_Listset"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;what&gt; [&lt;value&gt;]</code>
where &lt;what&gt; / &lt;value&gt; is one of
<li><code>start &lt;telegrambot name&gt; [ &lt;peerid&gt; [ &lt;chatid&gt; ] ]</code><br>Initiate a new dialog for the given peer (or the last peer sending a message on the given telegrambot - if communication should happen in a group then both chatid with the groupid and peerid with the user id need to be specified)
<li><code>silentStart ...</code><br>Similar to start with same parameters to start the dialog silently (no notification)
<li><code>end &lt;telegrambot name&gt; &lt;peerid&gt;</code><br>Finalize a new dialog for the given peer on the given telegrambot
<a name="TBot_Listget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;what&gt; [&lt;value&gt;]</code>
where &lt;what&gt; / &lt;value&gt; is one of
<li><code>queryAnswer &lt;telegrambot name&gt; &lt;peerid&gt; &lt;queryData&gt; </code><br>Get the queryAnswer for the given query data in the dialog (will be called internally by the telegramBot on receiving querydata)
<li><code>textList</code><br>Returns a multiline string containing the list elements or <Leer>
<li><code>list</code><br>Returns a multiline string containing the list elements or an empty String
<a name="TBot_Listattr"></a>
<li><code>telegramBots &lt;list of telegramBot names separated by space&gt;</code><br>This attribute takes the names of telegram bots, that are monitored by this Tbot_List device
<li><code>optionDouble &lt;1 or 0&gt;</code><br>Specify if the list shall be done in two columns (double=1) or in a single column (double=0 or not set).
<li><code>allowedPeers &lt;list of peer ids&gt;</code><br>If specifed further restricts the users for the given list to these peers. It can be specifed in the same form as in the telegramBot msg command but without the leading @ (so ids will be just numbers).
<li><code>handleUnsolicited &lt;1 or 0&gt;</code><br>If set to 1 and new messages are sent in a chat where a dialog of this list is active the bot will ask if an entry should be added. This helps for accidential messages without out first pressing the "add" button.
<li><code>confirmDelete &lt;1 or 0&gt;</code><br>If set to 1 the bot will ask for a confirmation if an entry should be deleted. This is the default. With a value of 0 the additional confirmation will not be requested.
<li><code>deleteOnly &lt;1 or 0&gt;</code><br>If set to 1 the bot will only allow deletion of entries or the complete list (no new entries or entry text can be changed - neither sorting or similar will be possible). Default is 0 (all changes allowed).
<li><code>acknowledge &lt;text&gt;</code><br>If set entries can be marked as done (acknowledged) adding the corresponding prefix to the entry text (e.g. "DONE" will add "DONE ->" to the entry when marked done).
<li><code>categories &lt;list of categories separated by ,&gt;</code><br>Allows assigning different categories to entries. When modifying single entries each category will be separately offered for assigning to the entry. Assigning another category from the list means the former category assignment ill be removed. Entries with categories assigned are prefixed with the category. So for category "ABC" the entry will be prefixed with "ABC -> ".
<a name="TBot_Listreadings"></a>
<li>currently none</li>
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