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tpoitzsch df6a6f84df statistics: docu
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2015-06-20 12:55:28 +00:00

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# $Id$
# 98_statistic.pm
# (c) 2014 Torsten Poitzsch < torsten . poitzsch at gmx . de >
# This module computes statistic data of and for readings of other modules
# Copyright notice
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the text file GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# define <name> statistics <regexp>
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;
sub statistics_PeriodChange($);
sub statistics_DoStatisticsAll($$);
sub statistics_DoStatistics ($$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticMinMax ($$$$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticTendency ($$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticDelta ($$$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticDuration ($$$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticDurationSingle ($$$$$$);
sub statistics_storeSingularReadings ($$$$$$$$$$);
sub statistics_getStoredDevices($);
sub statistics_FormatDuration($);
sub statistics_maxDecPlaces($$);
sub statistics_UpdateDevReading($$$$);
# Modul Version for remote debugging
my $MODUL = "statistics";
# Syntax: readingName => statisticType
# statisticType: 0=noStatistic | 1=minMaxAvg(daily) | 2=delta | 3=stateDuration | 4=tendency | 5=minMaxAvg(hourly)
my %knownReadings = (
"brightness" => 1
,"count" => 2
,"current" => 1
,"energy" => 2
,"energy_current" => 1
,"energy_total" => 2
,"energyCalc" => 2
,"Total.Energy" => 2
,"humidity" => 1
,"lightsensor" => 3
,"lock" => 3
,"motion" => 3
,"power" => 1
,"pressure" => 4
,"rain" => 2
,"rain_rate" => 1
,"rain_total" => 2
,"temperature" => 1
,"total" => 2
,"voltage" => 1
,"wind" => 5
,"wind_speed" => 5
,"windSpeed" => 5
,"Window" => 3
,"window" => 3
# Syntax: attributeName => statisticType
# statisticType: 0=noStatistic | 1=minMaxAvg(daily) | 2=delta | 3=stateDuration | 4=tendency | 5=minMaxAvg(hourly)
my %addedReadingsAttr = (
"deltaReadings" => 2
,"durationReadings" => 3
,"minAvgMaxReadings" => 5
,"tendencyReadings" => 4
sub ##########################################
my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_;
my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2];
my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3];
my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2];
$sub =~ s/statistics_//;
my $instName = ( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : $hash;
Log3 $instName, $loglevel, "$MODUL $instName: $sub.$xline " . $text;
sub ##########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "statistics_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "statistics_Undefine";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "statistics_Notify";
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
$hash->{SetFn} = "statistics_Set";
$hash->{NotifyOrderPrefix} = "10-"; # Want to be called before the rest
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 "
."dayChangeTime "
."deltaReadings "
."durationReadings "
."excludedReadings "
."ignoreDefaultAssignments:0,1 "
."minAvgMaxReadings "
."periodChangePreset "
."specialDeltaPeriodHours "
."specialPeriod "
."singularReadings "
."tendencyReadings "
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> statistics <devicename-regexp> [prefix]"
if(@a<3 || @a>4);
my $name = $a[0];
my $devName = $a[2];
if (@a == 4) {$hash->{PREFIX} = $a[3];}
else {$hash->{PREFIX} = "stat";}
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$devName$/ };
return "Bad regexp: $@" if($@);
$hash->{DEV_REGEXP} = $devName;
$hash->{STATE} = "Waiting for notifications";
$hash->{fhem}{modulVersion} = '$Date$';
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 11, "statistics_PeriodChange", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, $val) = @_;
my $resultStr = "";
if ($cmd eq 'resetStatistics') {
if ($val ne "") {
my $regExp;
if ($val eq "all") { $regExp = ""; }
else { $regExp = $val.":.*"; }
foreach (sort keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} }) {
if ($_ =~ /^\.$regExp/ && $_ ne "state") {
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_};
$resultStr .= "\n * " . substr $_, 1;
if ( $resultStr eq "" ) {
$resultStr = "$name: No statistics to reset";
} else {
$resultStr = "$name: Statistic value(s) reset:" . $resultStr;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Statistic value(s) reset: $val",1);
# statistics_Log $hash, 3, $resultStr;
return $resultStr;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'doStatistics') {
return undef;
my $list = "resetStatistics:all" . statistics_getStoredDevices($hash);
$list .= " doStatistics:noArg";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
sub statistics_Notify($$)
my ($hash, $dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
# At startup: delete old Readings of monitored devices and rebuild from hidden readings
if ($devName eq "global" && grep (m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/,@{$dev->{CHANGED}})) {
foreach my $r (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($r =~ /^monitoredDevices.*/) {
statistics_Log $hash,5,"Initialization - Delete old reading '$r'.";
my %unknownDevices;
foreach my $r (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($r =~ /^\.(.*):.*/) { $unknownDevices{$1}++; }
my $val="";
foreach my $device (sort (keys(%unknownDevices))) {
if (not exists ($defs{$device})) {
if ($val ne "") { $val.=","; }
$val .= $device;
if ($val ne "") {
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Initialization - Found hidden readings for device(s) '$val'.";
# Ignore my own notifications
if($devName eq $name) {
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Notifications of myself received.";
return "" ;
# Return if the notifying device is not monitored
return "" if(!defined($hash->{DEV_REGEXP}));
my $regexp = $hash->{DEV_REGEXP};
if($devName !~ m/^($regexp)$/) {
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Notification of '".$dev->{NAME}."' received. Device not monitored.";
return "" ;
# Check if it notifies only for the statistic values
my $prefix = $hash->{PREFIX};
my $normalReadingFound = 0;
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
next if(!defined($s));
if ($s !~ /^$prefix[A-Z]/) { $normalReadingFound = 1;}
if ($normalReadingFound==1) {
statistics_DoStatistics $hash, $dev, 0;
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Notification of '".$dev->{NAME}."' received. Update statistics.";
} else {
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Notification of '".$dev->{NAME}."' received but for my own readings only.";
sub statistics_PeriodChange($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dummy;
my $val;
my $periodChangePreset = AttrVal($name, "periodChangePreset", 5);
my $isDayChange = ( ReadingsVal($name, "nextPeriodChangeCalc", "") =~ /Day Change/ );
# Determine the next day change time
my @th=localtime();
my $dayChangeDelay = 0;
my $dayChangeTime = timelocal(0,0,0,$th[3],$th[4],$th[5]+1900);
if (AttrVal($name, "dayChangeTime", "00:00") =~ /(\d+):(\d+)/ && $1<24 && $1 >=0 && $2<60 && $2>=0) {
$dayChangeDelay = $1 * 3600 + $2 * 60;
if ($dayChangeDelay == 0) { $dayChangeTime += 24*3600; } # Otherwise it would always lay in the past
$dayChangeTime += $dayChangeDelay - $periodChangePreset;
# Run period change procedure each full hour ("periodChangePreset" second before).
my $periodEndTime = 3600 * ( int((gettimeofday()+$periodChangePreset)/3600) + 1 ) - $periodChangePreset ;
# Run procedure also for given dayChangeTime
$val = "";
if ( gettimeofday()<$dayChangeTime && $dayChangeTime<=$periodEndTime ) {
$periodEndTime = $dayChangeTime;
$val = " (Day Change)";
$val = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($periodEndTime)) . $val;
InternalTimer( $periodEndTime, "statistics_PeriodChange", $hash, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "nextPeriodChangeCalc", $val, 0);
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Next period change will be calculated at $val";
return if( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 );
# Determine if time period switched (day, month, year)
my $periodSwitch = 0;
my $yearLast;
my $monthLast;
my $dayLast;
my $hourLast;
my $hourNow;
my $dayNow;
my $monthNow;
my $yearNow;
if ($isDayChange) {
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Calculating day change";
($dummy, $dummy, $hourLast, $dayLast, $monthLast, $yearLast) = localtime (gettimeofday() - $dayChangeDelay + $periodChangePreset - 59);
($dummy, $dummy, $hourNow, $dayNow, $monthNow, $yearNow) = localtime (gettimeofday() + $periodChangePreset);
if ($yearNow != $yearLast) { $periodSwitch = -4; }
elsif ($monthNow != $monthLast) { $periodSwitch = -3; }
elsif ($dayNow != $dayLast) { $periodSwitch = -2; }
if ($dayChangeDelay % 3600 == 0) { $periodSwitch = abs($periodSwitch); }
} else {
($dummy, $dummy, $hourLast, $dummy, $dummy, $dummy) = localtime (gettimeofday());
($dummy, $dummy, $hourNow, $dummy, $dummy, $dummy) = localtime (gettimeofday() + $periodChangePreset);
if ($hourNow != $hourLast) {
$periodSwitch = 1;
statistics_Log $hash,4,"Calculating hour change";
} else {
statistics_Log $hash,4,"Calculating statistics at startup";
statistics_DoStatisticsAll $hash, $periodSwitch;
return undef;
# Take each notified reading and perform the calculation
sub statistics_DoStatisticsAll($$)
my ($hash,$periodSwitch) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "" if(!defined($hash->{DEV_REGEXP}));
my $regexp = $hash->{DEV_REGEXP};
foreach my $devName (sort keys %defs) {
if ($devName ne $name && $devName =~ m/^($regexp)$/) {
statistics_Log $hash,4,"Doing statistics (period $periodSwitch) for device '$devName'";
statistics_DoStatistics($hash, $defs{$devName}, $periodSwitch);
if ($periodSwitch != 0 ) { WriteStatefile(); }
sub statistics_DoStatistics($$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $periodSwitch) = @_;
my $hashName = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $devType = $dev->{TYPE};
my $statisticDone = 0;
my %statReadings = ();
return if( AttrVal($hashName, "disable", 0 ) == 1 );
my $ignoreDefAssign = AttrVal($hashName, "ignoreDefaultAssignments", 0);
my $exclReadings = AttrVal($hashName, "excludedReadings", "");
my $regExp = '^'.$devName.'$|^'.$devName.',|,'.$devName.'$|,'.$devName.',';
# Return if the notifying device is already served by another statistics instance with same prefix
my $instanceMarker = "_98_statistics_".$hash->{PREFIX};
if (exists ($dev->{helper}{$instanceMarker})) {
my $servedBy = $dev->{helper}{$instanceMarker};
if ($servedBy ne $hashName) {
my $monReadingValue = ReadingsVal($hashName,"monitoredDevicesUnserved","");
if ($monReadingValue !~ /$regExp/) {
if($monReadingValue eq "") { $monReadingValue = $devName;}
else {$monReadingValue .= ",".$devName;}
statistics_Log $hash, 3, "Device '$devName' identified as supported but already servered by '$servedBy' with some reading prefix.";
} else {
# Build up Statistic-Reading-Hash, add readings defined in attributes to Statistic-Reading-Hash
%statReadings = %knownReadings
unless $ignoreDefAssign == 1;
while (my ($aName, $statType) = each (%addedReadingsAttr) )
my @addedReadings = split /,/, AttrVal($hashName, $aName, "");
foreach( @addedReadings )
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Assigned reading '$_' from attribute '$aName' to statistic type $statType.";
$statReadings{$_} = $statType;
# Loop through Statistic-Reading-Hash and start statistic calculation if the readings exists in the notifying device
while ( my ($rName, $statType) = each (%statReadings) )
# notifing device has known reading, no statistic for excluded readings
my $completeReadingName = $devName.":".$rName;
next if ($completeReadingName =~ m/^($exclReadings)$/ );
next if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$rName});
if ($statType == 1) { statistics_doStatisticMinMax ( $hash, $dev, $rName, $periodSwitch, 0 );}
elsif ($statType == 2) { statistics_doStatisticDelta ( $hash, $dev, $rName, $periodSwitch );}
elsif ($statType == 3) { statistics_doStatisticDuration ( $hash, $dev, $rName, $periodSwitch ); }
elsif ($statType == 4 && $periodSwitch>=1) { statistics_doStatisticTendency ( $hash, $dev, $rName );}
elsif ($statType == 5) { statistics_doStatisticMinMax ( $hash, $dev, $rName, $periodSwitch, 1 );}
$statisticDone = 1;
# If no statistic-reading has been found, do a duration stat for the device-state
if ($statisticDone != 1 && $ignoreDefAssign != 1)
if ( exists ($dev->{READINGS}{state}) && $dev->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} ne "defined" ) {
statistics_doStatisticDuration $hash, $dev, "state", $periodSwitch;
$statisticDone = 1;
if ($periodSwitch >0) {readingsEndUpdate($dev,1);}
else {readingsEndUpdate($dev,0);}
# Record device as monitored
my $monReadingName;
if ($statisticDone == 1) {
$monReadingName = "monitoredDevices".$devType;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Updated stats for: $devName",1);
} else {
$monReadingName = "monitoredDevicesUnsupported";
$devName .= "#$devType";
$regExp = '^'.$devName.'$|^'.$devName.',|,'.$devName.'$|,'.$devName.',';
my $monReadingValue = ReadingsVal($hashName,$monReadingName,"");
if ($monReadingValue !~ /$regExp/) {
if($monReadingValue eq "") { $monReadingValue = $devName;}
else {$monReadingValue .= ",".$devName;}
my $monReadingValue = ReadingsVal($hashName,"monitoredDevicesUnknownType","");
if ($monReadingValue =~ /$regExp/) {
$monReadingValue =~ s/$devName,?//;
$monReadingValue =~ s/,$//;
if ($monReadingValue ne "") {
} else {
delete $hash->{READINGS}{monitoredDevicesUnknownType};
return undef;
# Calculates Min/Average/Max Values
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticMinMax ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $periodSwitch, $doHourly) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
return if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
# Get reading, cut out first number without units
my $value = $dev->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL};
$value =~ s/\s*(-?[\d.]*).*/$1/e;
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Calculating min/avg/max statistics for '".$dev->{NAME}.":$readingName = $value'";
# statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle: $hash, $readingName, $value, $saveLast
# Hourly statistic (if needed)
if ($doHourly) { statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Hour", $value, ($periodSwitch != 0); }
# Daily statistic
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Day", $value, ( $periodSwitch >= 2 || $periodSwitch <= -2 );
# Monthly statistic
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Month", $value, ( $periodSwitch >= 3 || $periodSwitch <= -3 );
# Yearly statistic
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Year", $value, ( $periodSwitch == 4 || $periodSwitch == -4 );
return ;
# Calculates single MaxMin Values and informs about end of day and month
sub statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $period, $value, $saveLast) = @_;
my $result;
my $hiddenReadingName = ".".$dev->{NAME}.":".$readingName.$period;
my $name=$hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $statReadingName = $hash->{PREFIX};
$statReadingName .= ucfirst($readingName).$period;
my @hidden;
my @stat;
my $lastValue;
my $firstRun = not exists($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName});
if ( $firstRun ) {
# Show since-Value
$hidden[1] = 0; $hidden[3] = 0; $hidden[9] = 1;
$stat[1] = $value; $stat[3] = $value; $stat[5] = $value;
$stat[7] = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S",localtime() );
} else {
# Do calculations if hidden reading exists
@hidden = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}; # Internal values
@stat = split / /, $dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName}{VAL};
my $timeDiff = int(gettimeofday())-$hidden[7];
$hidden[1] += $hidden[5] * $timeDiff; # sum
$hidden[3] += $timeDiff; # time
if ($value < $stat[1]) { $stat[1]=$value; } # Min
if ($hidden[3]>0) {$stat[3] = $hidden[1] / $hidden[3];} # Avg
if ($value > $stat[5]) { $stat[5]=$value; } # Max
my $decPlaces = statistics_maxDecPlaces($value, $hidden[11]);
# Prepare new current reading
$result = sprintf( "Min: %.".$decPlaces."f Avg: %.".$decPlaces."f Max: %.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1], $stat[3], $stat[5]);
if ($hidden[9] == 1) { $result .= " (since: $stat[7] )"; }
# Store current reading as last reading, Reset current reading
if ($saveLast) {
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName . "Last", $result, 1);
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Set '".$statReadingName . "Last'='$result'";
$hidden[1] = 0; $hidden[3] = 0; $hidden[9] = 0; # No since value anymore
$result = "Min: $value Avg: $value Max: $value";
# Store current reading
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName, $result, 0);
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Set '$statReadingName'='$result'";
# Store single readings
my $singularReadings = AttrVal($name, "singularReadings", "");
if ($singularReadings ne "") {
# statistics_storeSingularReadings $hashName,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast
my $statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1];
if ($saveLast) { $lastValue = $statValue; $statValue = $value; }
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Min",$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast);
$statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[3];
if ($saveLast) { $lastValue = $statValue; $statValue = $value; }
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Avg",$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast);
$statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[5];
if ($saveLast) { $lastValue = $statValue; $statValue = $value; }
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Max",$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast);
# Store hidden reading
$result = "Sum: $hidden[1] Time: $hidden[3] LastValue: ".$value." LastTime: ".int(gettimeofday())." ShowDate: $hidden[9] DecPlaces: $decPlaces";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $hiddenReadingName, $result, 0);
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Set '$hiddenReadingName'='$result'";
# Calculates tendency values
sub statistics_doStatisticTendency ($$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $decPlaces = 0;
return if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
# Get reading, cut out first number without units
my $value = $dev->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL};
$value =~ s/\s*(-?[\d.]*).*/$1/e;
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Calculating hourly tendency statistics for '".$dev->{NAME}.":$readingName = $value'";
my $statReadingName = $hash->{PREFIX} . ucfirst($readingName) . "Tendency";
my $hiddenReadingName = ".".$dev->{NAME}.":".$readingName."Tendency";
my @hidden; my @stat;
my $firstRun = not exists($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName});
if ( $firstRun ) {
@stat = split / /, "1h: - 2h: - 3h: - 6h: -";
statistics_Log $hash,4,"Initializing statistic of '$hiddenReadingName'.";
$hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL} = "";
} else {
@stat = split / /, $dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName}{VAL};
my $result = $value;
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Add $value to $hiddenReadingName";
if (exists ($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL})) { $result .= " " . $hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}; }
@hidden = split / /, $result; # Internal values
# determine decPlaces with stored values
foreach (@hidden)
$decPlaces = statistics_maxDecPlaces($_, $decPlaces);
if ( exists($hidden[7]) ) {
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Remove last value ".$hidden[7]." from '$hiddenReadingName'";
delete $hidden[7];
if ( exists($hidden[1]) ) {$stat[1] = sprintf "%+.".$decPlaces."f", $value-$hidden[1];}
if ( exists($hidden[2]) ) {$stat[3] = sprintf "%+.".$decPlaces."f", $value-$hidden[2];}
if ( exists($hidden[3]) ) {$stat[5] = sprintf "%+.".$decPlaces."f", $value-$hidden[3];}
if ( exists($hidden[6]) ) {$stat[7] = sprintf "%+.".$decPlaces."f", $value-$hidden[6];}
$result = "1h: " . $stat[1] ." 2h: ". $stat[3] ." 3h: ". $stat[5] ." 6h: ". $stat[7];
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName, $result, 1);
# Store single readings
my $singularReadings = AttrVal($name, "singularReadings", "");
if ($singularReadings ne "") {
# statistics_storeSingularReadings $hashName,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Tendency","1h",$stat[1],0,0);
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Tendency","2h",$stat[1],0,0);
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Tendency","3h",$stat[1],0,0);
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Tendency","6h",$stat[1],0,0);
$result = join( " ", @hidden );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $hiddenReadingName, $result, 0);
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Set '$hiddenReadingName = $result'";
return ;
# Calculates deltas for day, month and year
sub statistics_doStatisticDelta ($$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $periodSwitch) = @_;
my $dummy;
my $result;
my $showDate;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $decPlaces = 0;
return if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
# Get reading, extract first number without units
my $value = $dev->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL};
$value =~ s/\s*(-?[\d.]*).*/$1/e;
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Calculating delta statistics for '".$dev->{NAME}.":$readingName = $value'";
my $hiddenReadingName = ".".$dev->{NAME}.":".$readingName;
my $statReadingName = $hash->{PREFIX};
$statReadingName .= ucfirst($readingName);
my @hidden; my @stat; my @last;
my $firstRun = not exists($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName});
if ( $firstRun ) {
# Show since-Value and initialize all readings
$showDate = 8;
@stat = split / /, "Hour: 0 Day: 0 Month: 0 Year: 0";
$stat[9] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime();
@last = split / /, "Hour: - Day: - Month: - Year: -";
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Initializing statistic of '$hiddenReadingName'.";
} else {
# Do calculations if hidden reading exists
@stat = split / /, $dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName}{VAL};
@hidden = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}; # Internal values
$showDate = $hidden[3];
$decPlaces = statistics_maxDecPlaces($value, $hidden[5]);
if (exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName."Last"})) {
@last = split / /, $dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName."Last"}{VAL};
} else {
@last = split / /, "Hour: - Day: - Month: - Year: -";
my $deltaValue = $value - $hidden[1];
# Do statistic
$stat[1] += $deltaValue;
$stat[3] += $deltaValue;
$stat[5] += $deltaValue;
$stat[7] += $deltaValue;
if ($periodSwitch>=1) { statistics_doStatisticSpecialPeriod ( $hash, $dev, $readingName, $decPlaces, $stat[1] ); }
# Determine if "since" value has to be shown in current and last reading
# If change of year, change yearly statistic
if ($periodSwitch == 4 || $periodSwitch == -4) {
$last[7] = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[7];
$stat[7] = 0;
if ($showDate == 1) { $showDate = 0; } # Do not show the "since:" value for year changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 2) { $showDate = 1; $last[9] = $stat[9]; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first year change
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Shifting current year in last value of '$statReadingName'.";
# If change of month, change monthly statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 3 || $periodSwitch <= -3){
$last[5] = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[5];
$stat[5] = 0;
if ($showDate == 3) { $showDate = 2; } # Do not show the "since:" value for month changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 4) { $showDate = 3; $last[9] = $stat[9]; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first month change
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Shifting current month in last value of '$statReadingName'.";
# If change of day, change daily statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 2 || $periodSwitch <= -2){
$last[3] = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[3];
$stat[3] = 0;
if ($showDate == 5) { $showDate = 4; } # Do not show the "since:" value for day changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 6) { # Shows the "since:" value for the first day change
$showDate = 5;
$last[9] = $stat[9];
# Next monthly and yearly values start normaly at 00:00 and show only date (no time)
if (AttrVal($name, "dayChangeTime", "00:00") =~ /00:00|0:00/) {
my $periodChangePreset = AttrVal($name, "periodChangePreset", 5);
$stat[5] = 0;
$stat[7] = 0;
$stat[9] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(gettimeofday()+$periodChangePreset); # start
statistics_Log $hash,4,"Shifting current day in last value of '$statReadingName'.";
# If change of hour, change hourly statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 1){
$last[1] = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1];
$stat[1] = 0;
if ($showDate == 7) { $showDate = 6; } # Do not show the "since:" value for day changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 8) { $showDate = 7; $last[9] = $stat[9]; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first hour change
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Shifting current hour in last value of '$statReadingName'.";
# Store hidden reading
$result = "LastValue: $value ShowDate: $showDate DecPlaces: $decPlaces";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $hiddenReadingName, $result, 0);
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Set '$hiddenReadingName'='$result'";
# Store visible statistic readings (delta values)
$result = sprintf "Hour: %.".$decPlaces."f Day: %.".$decPlaces."f Month: %.".$decPlaces."f Year: %.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1], $stat[3], $stat[5], $stat[7];
if ( $showDate >=2 ) { $result .= " (since: $stat[9] )"; }
readingsBulkUpdate($dev,$statReadingName,$result, 1);
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Set '$statReadingName'='$result'";
# if changed, store previous visible statistic (delta) values
if ($periodSwitch != 0) {
$result = "Hour: $last[1] Day: $last[3] Month: $last[5] Year: $last[7]";
if ( $showDate =~ /1|3|5|7/ ) { $result .= " (since: $last[9] )"; }
readingsBulkUpdate($dev,$statReadingName."Last",$result, 1);
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Set '".$statReadingName."Last'='$result'";
# Store single readings
my $singularReadings = AttrVal($name, "singularReadings", "");
if ($singularReadings ne "") {
# statistics_storeSingularReadings $hashName,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast
my $statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1];
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Delta","Hour",$statValue,$last[1],$periodSwitch >= 1);
$statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[3];
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Delta","Day",$statValue,$last[3],$periodSwitch >= 2 || $periodSwitch <= -2);
$statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[5];
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Delta","Month",$statValue,$last[5],$periodSwitch >= 3 || $periodSwitch <= -3);
$statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[7];
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Delta","Year",$statValue,$last[7],$periodSwitch == 4 || $periodSwitch == -4);
return ;
# Calculates deltas for period of several hours
sub statistics_doStatisticSpecialPeriod ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $decPlaces, $value) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $specialPeriod = AttrVal($name, "specialDeltaPeriodHours", 0);
return if $specialPeriod == 0;
my $statReadingName = $hash->{PREFIX} . ucfirst($readingName) . "SpecialPeriod";
my $hiddenReadingName = ".".$dev->{NAME} . ":" . $readingName . "SpecialPeriod";
# Update hidden stack
my @hidden = ();
if (exists ($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}))
{ @hidden = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}; }
unshift @hidden, $value;
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Add $value to $hiddenReadingName";
while ( $#hidden > $specialPeriod )
my $lastValue = pop @hidden;
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Remove last value '$lastValue' from '$hiddenReadingName'";
# Calculate specialPeriodValue
my $result = 0;
foreach (@hidden) { $result += $_; }
$result = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $result;
if ($#hidden != $specialPeriod) { $result .= " (".$#hidden.".hours)"; }
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName, $result, 1);
# Store hidden stack
$result = join( " ", @hidden );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $hiddenReadingName, $result, 0);
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Set '$hiddenReadingName = $result'";
# Calculates single Duration Values and informs about end of day and month
sub statistics_doStatisticDuration ($$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $periodSwitch) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
return if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
# Get reading
my $state = $dev->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL};
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Calculating duration statistics for '".$dev->{NAME}.":$readingName = $state'";
# Daily Statistic
statistics_doStatisticDurationSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Day", $state, ($periodSwitch >= 2 || $periodSwitch <= -2);
# Monthly Statistic
statistics_doStatisticDurationSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Month", $state, ($periodSwitch >= 3 || $periodSwitch <= -3);
return ;
# Calculates single duration values
sub statistics_doStatisticDurationSingle ($$$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $period, $state, $saveLast) = @_;
my $result;
my $hiddenReadingName = ".".$dev->{NAME}.":".$readingName.$period;
my $name=$hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
$state =~ s/ /_/g;
my $statReadingName = $hash->{PREFIX};
$statReadingName .= ucfirst($readingName).$period;
my %hidden;
my %stat;
my $firstRun = not exists($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName});
my $lastState;
if ( $firstRun ) {
# Show since-Value
$hidden{"showDate:"} = 1;
$saveLast = 0;
$lastState = $state;
$hidden{"(since:"} = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S)",localtime() );
$hidden{$state} = 0;
$hidden{$state."_Count"} = 1;
} else {
# Do calculations if hidden reading exists
%hidden = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}; # Internal values
$lastState = $hidden{"lastState:"};
my $timeDiff = int(gettimeofday())-$hidden{"lastTime:"};
$hidden{$lastState.":"} += $timeDiff;
if $state ne $lastState;
$hidden{"lastState:"} = $state;
$hidden{"lastTime:"} = int(gettimeofday());
# Prepare new current reading, delete hidden reading if it is used again
$result = "";
foreach my $key (sort keys %hidden)
if ($key !~ /^(lastState|lastTime|showDate|\(since):$/) {
# Create current summary reading
$result .= " " if $result;
if ($key !~ /_Count:$/)
#Store current value for single readings
$stat{$key} = statistics_FormatDuration($hidden{$key});
$result .= "$key ".$stat{$key};
# Reset hidden reading if period change
if ($saveLast) { delete $hidden{$key}; }
$result .= "$key ".$hidden{$key};
#Store current value for single readings
$stat{$key} = $hidden{$key};
# Reset hidden reading if period change
if ($saveLast && $key ne $state."_Count") {
delete $hidden{$key};
elsif ($saveLast && $key eq $state."_Count") {
$hidden{$key} = 1;
if ($hidden{"showDate:"} == 1) { $result .= " (since: ".$hidden{"(since:"}; }
# Store current reading as last reading, Reset current reading
if ($saveLast) {
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName . "Last", $result, 1);
statistics_Log $hash, 4, "Set '".$statReadingName . "Last = $result'";
$result = $state.": 00:00:00 ".$state."_Count: 1";
$hidden{$state.":"} = 0;
$hidden{$state."_Count:"} = 1;
$hidden{"showDate:"} = 0;
# Store current reading
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName, $result, 0);
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Set '$statReadingName = $result'";
# Store single readings
my $singularReadings = AttrVal($name, "singularReadings", "");
if ($singularReadings ne "") {
while (my ($statKey, $statValue) = each(%stat) )
unless ($saveLast)
chop ($statKey);
# statistics_storeSingularReadings
# $hashName,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statKey,$period,$statValue,0,$saveLast);
my $newValue = $hidden{$statKey};
chop ($statKey);
# statistics_storeSingularReadings
# $hashName,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statKey,$period,$newValue,$statValue,$saveLast);
# Store hidden reading
$result = "";
while (my ($key, $duration) = each(%hidden)){
$result .= " " if $result;
$result .= "$key $duration";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $hiddenReadingName, $result, 0);
statistics_Log $hash, 5, "Set '$hiddenReadingName = $result'";
sub statistics_storeSingularReadings ($$$$$$$$$$)
my ($hashName,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast) = @_;
return if $singularReadings eq "";
if ($statType =~ /Delta|Tendency/) { $statReadingName .= $period;}
else { $statReadingName .= $statType;}
my $devName=$dev->{NAME};
if ("$devName:$readingName:$statType:$period" =~ /^($singularReadings)$/) {
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName, $statValue, 1);
statistics_Log $hashName, 5, "Set ".$statReadingName." = $statValue";
if ($saveLast) {
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName."Last", $lastValue, 1);
statistics_Log $hashName, 5, "Set ".$statReadingName."Last = $lastValue";
sub statistics_getStoredDevices ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $result="";
foreach my $r (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($r =~ /^\.(.*):.*/) {
my $device = $1;
my $regExp = '^'.$1.'$|^'.$1.',|,'.$1.'$|,'.$1.',';
if ($result !~ /$regExp/) {
$result.="," . $device;
return $result;
sub statistics_FormatDuration($)
my ($value) = @_;
my $returnstr ="";
if ($value > 86400) { $returnstr = sprintf "%dd ", int($value/86400); }
# Stunden
if ($value == 86400) {
$returnstr = "24:00:00";
} else {
$value %= 86400;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d:", int($value/3600);
$value %= 3600;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d:", int($value/60);
$value %= 60;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d", $value;
return $returnstr;
sub statistics_maxDecPlaces($$)
my ($value, $decMax) = @_;
$decMax = 0 if ! defined $decMax;
if ( $value =~ /.*\.(.*)/ ) {
my $decPlaces = length($1);
$decMax = $decPlaces >= $decMax ? $decPlaces : $decMax;
return $decMax;
sub statistics_UpdateDevReading($$$$)
my ($dev, $rname, $val, $event) = @_;
$dev->{READINGS}{$rname}{VAL} = $val;
$dev->{READINGS}{$rname}{TIME} = TimeNow();
if ($event==1) {
if (exists ($dev->{CHANGED})) {
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
$dev->{CHANGED}[$max] = "$rname: $val";
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $rname, $val, 1);
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<div style="width:800px">
This modul calculates for certain readings of given devices statistical values and adds them to the devices.
Until now statistics for the following readings are automatically built:
<li><b>Min|Avg|Max</b> Minimum, average and maximum of instantaneous values:
over a period of day, month and year:
<i>brightness, current, energy_current, humidity, temperature, voltage</i>
over a period of hour, day, month and year:
<i>wind, wind_speed, windSpeed</i>
<li><b>Tendency</b> over 1h, 2h, 3h und 6h: <i>pressure</i>
<li><b>Delta</b> between start and end values - over a period of hour, day, month and year:
<i>count, energy, energy_total, power, total, rain, rain_rate, rain_total</i>
<li><b>Duration</b> (and counter) of the states (on, off, open, closed...) over a period of day, month and year:
<i>lightsensor, lock, motion, Window, window, state (if no other reading is recognized)</i>
Further readings can be added via the <a href="#statisticsattr">attributes</a> <code>deltaReadings, durationReadings, minAvgMaxReadings, tendencyReadings</code>.
This allows also to assign a reading to another statistic type.
<code>define &lt;name&gt; statistics &lt;deviceNameRegExp&gt; [Prefix]</code>
Example: <code>define Statistik statistics Sensor_.*|Wettersensor</code>
Regular expression of device names. <b>!!! Not the device readings !!!</b>
Optional. Prefix set is place before statistical data. Default is <i>stat</i>
<li><code>resetStatistics &lt;All|DeviceName&gt;</code>
Resets the statistic values of the selected device.
Calculates the current statistic values of all monitored devices.
<ul>not implemented yet
<a name="statisticsattr"></a>
<li><code>dayChangeTime &lt;time&gt;</code>
Time of day change. Default is 00:00. For weather data the day change can be set e.g. to 06:50.
<li><code>deltaReadings &lt;readings&gt;</code>
Comma separated list of reading names for which a delta statistic shall be calculated.
<li><code>durationReadings &lt;readings&gt;</code>
Comma separated list of reading names for which a duration statistic shall be calculated.
<li><code>excludedReadings &lt;DeviceRegExp:ReadingNameRegExp&gt;</code>
Regular expression of the readings that shall be excluded from the statistics.<br>
The reading have to be entered in the form <i>deviceName:readingName</i>.
E.g. <code>FritzDect:current|Sensor_.*:humidity</code>
<li><code>ignoreDefaultAssignments <code>&lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code></code>
Ignores the default assignments of readings to a statistic type (see above).<br>
So, only the readings that are listed in the specific attributes are evaluated.
<li><code>minAvgMaxReadings &lt;readings&gt;</code>
Comma separated list of reading names for which a min/average/max statistic shall be calculated.
<li><code>periodChangePreset &lt;seconds&gt;</code>
Preponed start of the calculation of periodical data. Default is 5 seconds before each full hour.
Allows thus the correct timely assignment within plots. Should be adapted to the CPU speed or load of the server.
<li><code>singularReadings &lt;DeviceRegExp:ReadingRegExp&gt;:statTypes:period</code>
<li>statTypes: Min|Avg|Max|Delta|<i>DurationState</i>|<span style="color:blue;">Tendency</span></li>
<li>period: Hour|Day|Month|Year|<span style="color:blue;">1h|2h|3h|6h</span></li>
Regulare expression of statistic values, which for which singular readings are created <u>additionally</u> to the summary readings. Eases the creation of plots. For duration readings the name of the state has to be used as statTypes.
Example: <code>Wettersensor:rain:Delta:(Hour|Day)|(FritzDect:(current|power):(Avg|Max|Delta):(Hour|Day)</code>
<li><code>specialDeltaPeriodHours &lt;hours&gt;</code>
Adds, for readings of delta statistics, a singular reading for the given period of hours (e.g. for the rain of the last 72 hours)
<li><code>tendencyReadings &lt;readings&gt;</code>
Comma separated list of reading names for which a tendendy statistic shall be calculated.
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=begin html_DE
<a name="statistics"></a>
(<a href="commandref.html#statistics">en</a> | de)
<div style="width:800px">
Dieses Modul wertet von den angegebenen Ger&auml;ten (als regul&auml;rer Ausdruck) bestimmte Werte statistisch aus und f&uuml;gt das Ergebnis den jeweiligen Ger&auml;ten als neue Werte hinzu.
Es unterscheidet in vier Statistik-Typen denen bereits standardm&auml;ssig Ger&auml;tewerte zugeordnet sind:
<li><b>Min|Avg|Max</b> Minimum, Durchschnitt und Maximum von Momentanwerten:
&uuml;ber den Zeitraum Tag, Monat und Jahr:
<i>brightness, current, energy_current, humidity, temperature, voltage</i>
&uuml;ber den Zeitraum Stunde, Tag, Monat und Jahr:
<i>wind, wind_speed, windSpeed</i>
<li><b>Tendency</b> Tendenz &uuml;ber 1h, 2h, 3h und 6h: <i>pressure</i>
<li><b>Delta</b> Differenz zwischen Anfangs- und Endwerte innerhalb eines Zeitraums (Stunde, Tag, Monat, Jahr):
<i>count, energy, energy_total, power, total, rain, rain_rate, rain_total</i>
<li><b>Duration</b> Dauer und Anzahl der Zust&auml;nde (on, off, open, closed...) innerhalb eines Zeitraums (Tag, Monat, Jahr):
<i>lightsensor, lock, motion, Window, window, state (wenn kein anderer Ger&auml;tewert g&uuml;ltig)</i>
&Uuml;ber die <a href="#statisticsattr">Attribute</a> <code>deltaReadings, durationReadings, minAvgMaxReadings, tendencyReadings</code> k&ouml;nnen weitere Ger&auml;tewerte hinzugef&uuml;gt oder
einem anderem Statistik-Typ zugeordnet werden.
<code>define &lt;Name&gt; statistics &lt;Ger&auml;teNameRegExp&gt; [Prefix]</code>
Beispiel: <code>define Statistik statistics Wettersensor|Badsensor</code>
Regul&auml;rer Ausdruck f&uuml;r den Ger&auml;tenamen. <b>!!! Nicht die Ger&auml;tewerte !!!</b>
Optional. Der Prefix wird vor den Namen der statistischen Ger&auml;tewerte gesetzt. Standardm&auml;ssig <i>stat</i>
<li><code>resetStatistics &lt;All|Ger&auml;tename&gt;</code>
Setzt die Statistiken der ausgew&auml;hlten Ger&auml;te zur&uuml;ck.
Berechnet die aktuellen Statistiken aller beobachteten Ger&auml;te.
<ul>nicht implementiert
<a name="statisticsattr"></a>
<li><code>dayChangeTime &lt;Zeit&gt;</code>
Uhrzeit des Tageswechsels. Standardm&auml;ssig 00:00. Bei Wetterdaten kann der Tageswechsel z.B. auf 6:50 gesetzt werden.
<li><code>deltaReadings &lt;Ger&auml;tewerte&gt;</code>
Durch Kommas getrennte Liste von weiteren Ger&auml;tewerten, f&uuml;r welche die Differenz zwischen den Werten am Anfang und Ende einer Periode (Stunde/Tag/Monat/Jahr) bestimmt wird.
<li><code>durationReadings &lt;Ger&auml;tewerte&gt;</code>
Durch Kommas getrennte Liste von weiteren Ger&auml;tewerten, f&uuml;r welche die Dauer einzelner Ger&auml;tewerte innerhalb bestimmte Zeitr&auml;ume (Stunde/Tag/Monat/Jahr) erfasst wird.
<li><code>excludedReadings &lt;Ger&auml;tenameRegExp:Ger&auml;tewertRegExp&gt;</code>
Regul&auml;rer Ausdruck der Ger&auml;tewerte die nicht ausgewertet werden sollen.
z.B. <code>FritzDect:current|Sensor_.*:humidity</code>
<li><code>ignoreDefaultAssignments <code>&lt;0 | 1&gt;</code></code>
Ignoriert die Standardzuordnung von Ger&auml;tewerten zu Statistiktypen..<br>
D.h., nur die Ger&auml;tewerte, die &uuml;ber Attribute den Statistiktypen zugeordnet sind, werden ausgewertet.
<li><code>hideAllSummaryReadings &lt;0 | 1&gt;</code>
noch nicht implementiert - Es werden keine gesammelten Statistiken angezeigt, sondern nur die unter "singularReadings" definierten Einzelwerte
<li><code>minAvgMaxReadings &lt;Ger&auml;tewerte&gt;</code>
Durch Kommas getrennte Liste von Ger&auml;tewerten, f&uuml;r die in bestimmten Zeitr&auml;umen (Tag, Monat, Jahr) Minimum, Mittelwert und Maximum erfasst werden.
<li><code>periodChangePreset &lt;Sekunden&gt;</code>
Start der Berechnung der periodischen Daten, standardm&auml;ssig 5 Sekunden vor der vollen Stunde,
Erlaubt die korrekte zeitliche Zuordnung in Plots, kann je nach Systemauslastung verringert oder vergr&ouml;&szlig;ert werden.
<li><code>singularReadings &lt;Ger&auml;tRegExp:Ger&auml;teWertRegExp:Statistiktyp:Zeitraum&gt;</code>
<li>Statistiktyp: Min|Avg|Max|Delta|<i>DurationState</i>|<span style="color:blue;">Tendency</span></li>
<li>Zeitraum: Hour|Day|Month|Year|<span style="color:blue;">1h|2h|3h|6h</span></li>
Regul&auml;rer Ausdruck statistischer Werte, die <u>zus&auml;tzlich</u> auch als einzelne Werte gespeichert werden sollen.
Erleichtert die Erzeugung von Plots und anderer Auswertungen (notify).
F&uuml;r "duration"-Ger&auml;tewerte muss der Name des jeweiligen Statuswertes als <code>Statistiktyp</code> eingesetzt werden.
<li><code>specialDeltaPeriodHours &lt;Stunden&gt;</code>
F&uuml;gt den Delta-Statistiken einen singul&auml;ren Ger&auml;tewert f&uuml;r die angegebenen Stunden hinzu (z.b. f&uuml;r den Regen in den letzten 72 Stunden)
<li><code>tendencyReadings &lt;Ger&auml;tewerte&gt;</code>
Durch Kommas getrennte Liste von weiteren Ger&auml;tewerten, f&uuml;r die innerhalb bestimmter Zeitr&auml;ume (1h, 2h, 3h, 6h) die Differenz zwischen Anfangs- und Endwert ermittelt wird.
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a>
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