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# This file is part of the smarthomatic module for FHEM.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Stefan Baumann, Uwe Freese
# You can find smarthomatic at www.smarthomatic.org.
# You can find FHEM at www.fhem.de.
# This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with smarthomatic. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use feature qw(switch);
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
use SHC_parser;
my $parser = new SHC_parser();
my %dev_state_icons = (
"PowerSwitch" => ".*1\\d{7}:on:off .*0\\d{7}:off:on set.*:light_question:off",
"Dimmer" => "on:on off:off set.*:light_question:off",
"EnvSensor" => undef,
"RGBDimmer" => undef,
"SoilMoistureMeter" => ".*H:\\s\\d\\..*:ampel_rot"
my %web_cmds = (
"PowerSwitch" => "on:off:toggle:statusRequest",
"Dimmer" => "on:off:statusRequest",
"EnvSensor" => undef,
"RGBDimmer" => undef,
"SoilMoistureMeter" => undef
# Array format: [ reading1, str_format1, reading2, str_format2 ... ]
# "on" reading translates 0 -> "off"
# 1 -> "on"
my %dev_state_format = (
"PowerSwitch" => ["port", "Port: "],
"Dimmer" => ["on", "", "brightness", "B: "],
"EnvSensor" => [ # Results in "T: 23.4 H: 27.3 Baro: 978.34 B: 45"
"temperature", "T: ",
"humidity", "H: ",
"barometric_pressure", "Baro: ",
"brightness", "B: ",
"distance", "D: ",
"port", "Port: ",
"ains", "Ain: "
"RGBDimmer" => ["color", "Color: "],
"SoilMoistureMeter" => ["humidity", "H: "]
# Supported set commands
# use "" if no set commands are available for device type
# use "cmd_name:cmd_additional_info"
# cmd_additional_info: Description available at http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/DevelopmentModuleIntro#X_Set
my %sets = (
"PowerSwitch" => "on:noArg off:noArg toggle:noArg statusRequest:noArg " .
# Used from SetExtensions.pm
"blink on-for-timer on-till off-for-timer off-till intervals " .
"DigitalPort " .
"DigitalPortTimeout " .
"DigitalPin " .
"DigitalPinTimeout ",
"Dimmer" => "on:noArg off:noArg toggle:noArg statusRequest:noArg pct:slider,0,1,100 ani " .
# Used from SetExtensions.pm
"blink on-for-timer on-till off-for-timer off-till intervals",
"EnvSensor" => "",
"RGBDimmer" => "Color " .
"SoilMoistureMeter" => "",
"Custom" => "Dimmer.Brightness " .
# Supported get commands
# use syntax from set commands
my %gets = (
"PowerSwitch" => "",
"Dimmer" => "",
"EnvSensor" => "din:all,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ain:all,1,2,3,4,5 ain_volt:1,2,3,4,5",
"RGBDimmer" => "",
"Custom" => ""
sub SHCdev_Parse($$);
sub SHCdev_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = "^Packet Data: SenderID=[1-9]|0[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9]|[0-3][0-9][0-9][0-9]|40[0-8][0-9]|409[0-6]";
$hash->{SetFn} = "SHCdev_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "SHCdev_Get";
$hash->{DefFn} = "SHCdev_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SHCdev_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "SHCdev_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev"
." readonly:1"
." forceOn:1"
." $readingFnAttributes"
." devtype:EnvSensor,Dimmer,PowerSwitch,RGBDimmer,SoilMoistureMeter";
sub SHCdev_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
if (@a < 3 || @a > 4) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> SHCdev <SenderID> [<AesKey>] ";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
# Correct SenderID for SHC devices is from 1 - 4096 (leading zeros allowed)
$a[2] =~ m/^([1-9]|0[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9]|[0-3][0-9][0-9][0-9]|40[0-8][0-9]|409[0-6])$/i;
return "$a[2] is not a valid SHCdev SenderID" if (!defined($1));
my $aeskey;
if (@a == 3) {
$aeskey = 0;
} else {
return "$a[3] is not a valid SHCdev AesKey" if ($a[3] lt 0 || $a[3] gt 15);
$aeskey = $a[3];
my $name = $a[0];
my $addr = $a[2];
return "SHCdev device $addr already used for $modules{SHCdev}{defptr}{$addr}->{NAME}." if ($modules{SHCdev}{defptr}{$addr}
&& $modules{SHCdev}{defptr}{$addr}->{NAME} ne $name);
$hash->{addr} = $addr;
$hash->{aeskey} = $aeskey;
$modules{SHCdev}{defptr}{$addr} = $hash;
if (defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME})) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: I/O device is " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME};
} else {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: no I/O device";
return undef;
sub SHCdev_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $addr = $hash->{addr};
return undef;
sub SHCdev_Parse($$)
my ($hash, $msg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (!$parser->parse($msg)) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "SHC_TEMP: parser error: $msg";
return "";
my $msgtypename = $parser->getMessageTypeName();
my $msggroupname = $parser->getMessageGroupName();
my $msgname = $parser->getMessageName();
my $raddr = $parser->getSenderID();
my $rhash = $modules{SHCdev}{defptr}{$raddr};
my $rname = $rhash ? $rhash->{NAME} : $raddr;
if (!$modules{SHCdev}{defptr}{$raddr}) {
Log3 $name, 3, "SHC_TEMP: Unknown device $rname, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED SHCdev_$rname SHCdev $raddr";
if (($msgtypename ne "Status") && ($msgtypename ne "AckStatus")) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$rname: Ignoring MessageType $msgtypename";
return "";
Log3 $name, 4, "$rname: Msg: $msg";
Log3 $name, 4, "$rname: MsgType: $msgtypename, MsgGroupName: $msggroupname, MsgName: $msgname";
my @list;
push(@list, $rname);
$rhash->{SHCdev_lastRcv} = TimeNow();
$rhash->{SHCdev_msgtype} = "$msggroupname : $msgname : $msgtypename";
my $readonly = AttrVal($rname, "readonly", "0");
given ($msggroupname) {
when ('Generic') {
given ($msgname) {
when ('Version') {
my $major = $parser->getField("Major");
my $minor = $parser->getField("Minor");
my $patch = $parser->getField("Patch");
my $vhash = $parser->getField("Hash");
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "version", "$major.$minor.$patch-$vhash");
when ('DeviceInfo') {
my $devtype = $parser->getField("DeviceType");
my $major = $parser->getField("VersionMajor");
my $minor = $parser->getField("VersionMinor");
my $patch = $parser->getField("VersionPatch");
my $vhash = $parser->getField("VersionHash");
# Assign device type
my $devtypeOld = AttrVal( $rname, "devtype", undef );
if (!defined($devtypeOld)) {
$attr{$rname}{devtype} = $devtype;
Log3 $name, 3, "$rname: Assign device type = " . $attr{$rname}{devtype};
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "version", "$major.$minor.$patch-$vhash");
when ('BatteryStatus') {
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "battery", $parser->getField("Percentage"));
when ('GPIO') {
given ($msgname) {
when ('DigitalPortTimeout') {
my $pins = "";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 8 ; $i++) {
my $pinx = $parser->getField("On", $i);
my $timeoutx = $parser->getField("TimeoutSec", $i);
my $channel = $i + 1;
if ($channel == 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "on", $pinx);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "pin" . $channel, $pinx);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "timeout" . $channel, $timeoutx);
$pins .= $pinx;
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "port", $pins);
when ('DigitalPort') {
my $pins = "";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 8 ; $i++) {
my $pinx = $parser->getField("On", $i);
my $channel = $i + 1;
if ($channel == 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "on", $pinx);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "pin" . $channel, $pinx);
$pins .= $pinx;
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "port", $pins);
when ('AnalogPort') {
my $pins = "";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
my $pinx_on = $parser->getField("On", $i);
my $pinx_volt = $parser->getField("Voltage", $i);
my $channel = $i + 1;
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "ain" . $channel, $pinx_on);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "ain_volt" . $channel, $pinx_volt);
$pins .= $pinx_on;
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "ains", $pins);
when ('Weather') {
given ($msgname) {
when ('Temperature') {
my $tmp = $parser->getField("Temperature") / 100; # parser returns centigrade
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "temperature", $tmp);
when ('HumidityTemperature') {
my $hum = $parser->getField("Humidity") / 10; # parser returns 1/10 percent
my $tmp = $parser->getField("Temperature") / 100; # parser returns centigrade
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "humidity", $hum);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "temperature", $tmp);
when ('BarometricPressureTemperature') {
my $bar = $parser->getField("BarometricPressure") / 100; # parser returns pascal, use hPa
my $tmp = $parser->getField("Temperature") / 100; # parser returns centigrade
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "barometric_pressure", $bar);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "temperature", $tmp);
when ('Humidity') {
my $hum = $parser->getField("Humidity") / 10; # parser returns 1/10 percent
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "humidity", $hum);
when ('Environment') {
given ($msgname) {
when ('Brightness') {
my $brt = $parser->getField("Brightness");
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "brightness", $brt);
when ('Distance') {
my $brt = $parser->getField("Distance");
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "distance", $brt);
when ('Dimmer') {
given ($msgname) {
when ('Brightness') {
my $brightness = $parser->getField("Brightness");
my $on = $brightness == 0 ? 0 : 1;
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "on", $on);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "brightness", $brightness);
when ('Color') {
my $color = $parser->getField("Color");
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "color", $color);
when ('ColorAnimation') {
my $repeat = $parser->getField("Repeat");
my $autoreverse = $parser->getField("AutoReverse");
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "repeat", $repeat);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "autoreverse", $autoreverse);
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 10 ; $i = $i + 1) {
my $time = $parser->getField("Time" , $i);
my $color = $parser->getField("Color", $i);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "time$i", $time);
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "color$i", $color);
# If the devtype is defined add, if not already done, the according webCmds and devStateIcons
my $devtype2 = AttrVal( $rname, "devtype", undef );
if (defined($devtype2)) {
if (!defined($attr{$rname}{devStateIcon}) && defined($dev_state_icons{$devtype2})) {
$attr{$rname}{devStateIcon} = $dev_state_icons{$devtype2};
if (!defined($attr{$rname}{webCmd}) && defined($web_cmds{$devtype2})) {
$attr{$rname}{webCmd} = $web_cmds{$devtype2};
# Assemble state string according to %dev_state_format
my $devtype3 = AttrVal( $rname, "devtype", undef );
if (defined($devtype3) && defined($dev_state_format{$devtype3})) {
my $state_format_arr = $dev_state_format{$devtype3};
# Iterate over state_format array, if readings are available append it to the state string
my $state_str = "";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < @$state_format_arr ; $i = $i + 2) {
if ( defined($rhash->{READINGS}{$state_format_arr->[$i]})
&& defined($rhash->{READINGS}{$state_format_arr->[$i]}{VAL}))
my $val = $rhash->{READINGS}{$state_format_arr->[$i]}{VAL};
if ($state_str ne "") {
$state_str .= " ";
# "on" reading requires a special treatment because 0 translates to off, 1 translates to on
if ($state_format_arr->[$i] eq "on") {
$state_str .= $val == 0 ? "off" : "on";
} else {
$state_str .= $state_format_arr->[$i + 1] . $val;
readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "state", $state_str);
readingsEndUpdate($rhash, 1); # Do triggers to update log file
return @list;
sub SHCdev_Set($@)
my ($hash, $name, @aa) = @_;
my $cnt = @aa;
my $cmd = $aa[0];
my $arg = $aa[1];
my $arg2 = $aa[2];
my $arg3 = $aa[3];
my $arg4 = $aa[4];
return "\"set $name\" needs at least one parameter" if ($cnt < 1);
# Return list of device-specific set-commands.
# This list is used to provide the set commands in the web interface
my $devtype = AttrVal( $name, "devtype", undef );
if ($cmd eq "?") {
if (!defined($devtype)) {
} else {
return $sets{$devtype};
if (!defined($devtype)) {
return "devtype not yet specifed. Currently supported device types are " . join(", ", sort keys %sets);
if (!defined($sets{$devtype})) {
return "No set commands for " . $devtype . "device type supported ";
# Currently the commands for every device type are defined in %sets but not used to verify the commands. Instead
# the SetExtension.pm modulesis used for this purpose.
# For more sophisticated device types this has to be revisited
my $readonly = AttrVal($name, "readonly", "0");
given ($devtype) {
when ('PowerSwitch') {
# Timeout functionality for SHCdev is not implemented, because FHEMs internal notification system
# is able to do this as well. Even more it supports intervals, off-for-timer, off-till ...
if ($cmd eq 'toggle') {
$cmd = ReadingsVal($name, "on", "0") eq "0" ? "on" : "off";
if (!$readonly && $cmd eq 'off') {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-$cmd", 1);
$parser->initPacket("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "Pos", 0);
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "On", 0);
} elsif (!$readonly && $cmd eq 'on') {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-$cmd", 1);
$parser->initPacket("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "Pos", 0);
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "On", 1);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'statusRequest') {
$parser->initPacket("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "Get");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'DigitalPort') {
$parser->initPacket("GPIO", "DigitalPort", "SetGet");
# if not enough (less than 8) pinbits are available use zero as default
my $pinbits = $arg . "00000000";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 8 ; $i = $i + 1) {
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPort", "On", substr($pinbits, $i , 1), $i);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'DigitalPortTimeout') { # TODO implement correctly
$parser->initPacket("GPIO", "DigitalPortTimeout", "SetGet");
# if not enough (less than 8) pinbits are available use zero as default
my $pinbits = $arg . "00000000";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 8 ; $i = $i + 1) {
my $pintimeout = "0"; # default value for timeout
if (exists $aa[$i + 2]) {
$pintimeout = $aa[$i + 2];
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: $i: Pin: " . substr($pinbits, $i , 1) . " Timeout: $pintimeout";
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPortTimeout", "On", substr($pinbits, $i , 1), $i);
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPortTimeout", "TimeoutSec", $pintimeout, $i);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'DigitalPin') {
$parser->initPacket("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "Pos", $arg);
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPin", "On", $arg2);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'DigitalPinTimeout') {
$parser->initPacket("GPIO", "DigitalPinTimeout", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPinTimeout", "Pos", $arg);
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPinTimeout", "On", $arg2);
$parser->setField("GPIO", "DigitalPinTimeout", "TimeoutSec", $arg3);
} else {
return SetExtensions($hash, "", $name, @aa);
when ('Dimmer') {
# Timeout functionality for SHCdev is not implemented, because FHEMs internal notification system
# is able to do this as well. Even more it supports intervals, off-for-timer, off-till ...
if ($cmd eq 'toggle') {
$cmd = ReadingsVal($name, "state", "on") eq "off" ? "on" : "off";
if (!$readonly && $cmd eq 'off') {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-$cmd", 1);
$parser->initPacket("Dimmer", "Brightness", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "Brightness", "Brightness", 0);
} elsif (!$readonly && $cmd eq 'on') {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-$cmd", 1);
$parser->initPacket("Dimmer", "Brightness", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "Brightness", "Brightness", 100);
} elsif (!$readonly && $cmd eq 'pct') {
my $brightness = $arg;
# Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Args: $arg, $arg2, $arg3, $brightness";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-pct:$brightness", 1);
$parser->initPacket("Dimmer", "Brightness", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "Brightness", "Brightness", $brightness);
} elsif (!$readonly && $cmd eq 'ani') {
#TODO Verify argument values
my $brightness = $arg;
# Log3 $name, 3, "$name: ani args: $arg, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $brightness";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-ani", 1);
$parser->initPacket("Dimmer", "Animation", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "Animation", "AnimationMode", $arg);
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "Animation", "TimeoutSec", $arg2);
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "Animation", "StartBrightness", $arg3);
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "Animation", "EndBrightness", $arg4);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'statusRequest') {
$parser->initPacket("Dimmer", "Brightness", "Get");
} else {
return SetExtensions($hash, "", $name, @aa);
when ('RGBDimmer') {
if ($cmd eq 'Color') {
#TODO Verify argument values
my $color = $arg;
# Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Color args: $arg, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-color:$color", 1);
$parser->initPacket("Dimmer", "Color", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "Color", "Color", $color);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'ColorAnimation') {
#TODO Verify argument values
$parser->initPacket("Dimmer", "ColorAnimation", "SetGet");
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "ColorAnimation", "Repeat", $arg);
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "ColorAnimation", "AutoReverse", $arg2);
my $curtime = 0;
my $curcolor = 0;
# Iterate over all given command line parameters and set Time and Color
# accordingly. Fill the remaining values with zero.
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 10 ; $i = $i + 1) {
if (!defined($aa[($i * 2) + 3])) {
$curtime = 0;
} else {
$curtime = $aa[($i * 2) + 3];
if (!defined($aa[($i * 2) + 4])) {
$curcolor = 0;
} else {
$curcolor = $aa[($i * 2) + 4];
# Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Nr: $i Time: $curtime Color: $curcolor";
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "ColorAnimation", "Time" , $curtime, $i);
$parser->setField("Dimmer", "ColorAnimation", "Color", $curcolor, $i);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-coloranimation", 1);
} else {
return SetExtensions($hash, "", $name, @aa);
return undef;
sub SHCdev_Get($@)
my ($hash, $name, @aa) = @_;
my $cnt = @aa;
my $cmd = $aa[0];
my $arg = $aa[1];
return "\"get $name\" needs at least one parameter" if ($cnt < 1);
my $devtype = AttrVal( $name, "devtype", undef );
if (!defined($devtype)) {
return "\"devtype\" not yet specifed. Currently supported device types are " . join(", ", sort keys %sets);
if (!defined($gets{$devtype})) {
return "No get commands for " . $devtype . " device type supported ";
given ($devtype) {
when ('EnvSensor') {
if ($cmd eq 'din') {
if ($arg =~ /[1-8]/) {
my $channel = "din" . $arg;
if ( defined($hash->{READINGS}{$channel})
&& defined($hash->{READINGS}{$channel}{VAL}))
return "$name.$channel => " . $hash->{READINGS}{$channel}{VAL};
return "Error: \"input " . $channel . "\" readings not yet available or not supported by device";
elsif ($arg eq "all")
if ( defined($hash->{READINGS}{port})
&& defined($hash->{READINGS}{port}{VAL}))
return "$name.port => " . $hash->{READINGS}{port}{VAL};
return "Error: \"input all\" readings not yet available or not supported by device";
if ($cmd eq 'ain') {
if ($arg =~ /[1-5]/) {
my $channel = "ain" . $arg;
if ( defined($hash->{READINGS}{$channel})
&& defined($hash->{READINGS}{$channel}{VAL}))
return "$name.$channel => " . $hash->{READINGS}{$channel}{VAL};
return "Error: \"input " . $channel . "\" readings not yet available or not supported by device";
elsif ($arg eq "all")
if ( defined($hash->{READINGS}{ains})
&& defined($hash->{READINGS}{ains}{VAL}))
return "$name.ains => " . $hash->{READINGS}{ains}{VAL};
return "Error: \"input all\" readings not yet available or not supported by device";
if ($cmd eq 'ain_volt') {
if ($arg =~ /[1-5]/) {
my $channel = "ain_volt" . $arg;
if ( defined($hash->{READINGS}{$channel})
&& defined($hash->{READINGS}{$channel}{VAL}))
return "$name.$channel => " . $hash->{READINGS}{$channel}{VAL};
return "Error: \"input " . $channel . "\" readings not yet available or not supported by device";
# This return is required to provide the get commands in the web interface
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of " . $gets{$devtype};
return undef;
sub SHCdev_Send($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{SHCdev_lastSend} = TimeNow();
my $msg = $parser->getSendString($hash->{addr}, $hash->{aeskey});
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Sending $msg";
IOWrite($hash, $msg);
=begin html
<a name="SHCdev"></a>
SHC is the device module that supports several device types available
at <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org">www.smarthomatic.org</a>.<br><br>
These device are connected to the FHEM server through the SHC base station (<a href="#SHC">SHC</a>).<br><br>
Currently supported are:<br>
<a name="SHCdev_Define"></a>
<code>define <name> SHCdev <SenderID> [<AesKey>]</code><br>
is a number ranging from 0 .. 4095 to identify the SHCdev device.<br><br>
is a optional number ranging from 0 .. 15 to select an encryption key.
It is required for the basestation to communicate with remote devides
The default value is 0.<br><br>
Note: devices are autocreated on reception of the first message.<br>
<a name="SHCdev_Set"></a>
Supported by Dimmer and PowerSwitch (on always refers to pin1).
Supported by Dimmer and PowerSwitch (off always refers to pin1).
<li>pct <0..100><br>
Sets the brightness in percent. Supported by Dimmer.
<li>ani <AnimationMode> <TimeoutSec> <StartBrightness> <EndBrightness><br>
Description and details available at <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org/basics/message_catalog.html#Dimmer_Animation">www.smarthomatic.org</a>
Supported by Dimmer.
Supported by Dimmer and PowerSwitch.
<li>Color <ColorNumber><br>
A detailed description is available at <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org/basics/message_catalog.html#Dimmer_Color">www.smarthomatic.org</a>
The color palette can be found <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org/devices/rgb_dimmer.html">here</a>
Supported by RGBDimmer.
<li>ColorAnimation <Repeat> <AutoReverse> <Time0> <ColorNumber0> <Time1> <ColorNumber1> ... up to 10 time/color pairs<br>
A detailed description is available at <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org/basics/message_catalog.html#Dimmer_ColorAnimation">www.smarthomatic.org</a>
The color palette can be found <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org/devices/rgb_dimmer.html">here</a>
Supported by RGBDimmer.
<li>DigitalPin <Pos> <On><br>
A detailed description is available at <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org/basics/message_catalog.html#GPIO_DigitalPin">www.smarthomatic.org</a>
Supported by PowerSwitch.
<li>DigitalPinTimeout <Pos> <On> <Timeout><br>
A detailed description is available at <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org/basics/message_catalog.html#GPIO_DigitalPinTimeout">www.smarthomatic.org</a>
Supported by PowerSwitch.
<li>DigitalPort <On><br>
is a bit array (0 or 1) describing the port state. If less than eight bits were provided zero is assumed.
Example: set SHC_device DigitalPort 10110000 will set pin0, pin2 and pin3 to 1.<br>
A detailed description is available at <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org/basics/message_catalog.html#GPIO_DigitalPort">www.smarthomatic.org</a>
Supported by PowerSwitch.
<li>DigitalPortTimeout <On> <Timeout0> .. <Timeout7><br>
is a bit array (0 or 1) describing the port state. If less than eight bits were provided zero is assumed.
Example: set SHC_device DigitalPort 10110000 will set pin0, pin2 and pin3 to 1.<br>
<Timeout0> .. <Timeout7><br>
are the timeouts for each pin. If no timeout is provided zero is assumed.
A detailed description is available at <a href="http://www.smarthomatic.org/basics/message_catalog.html#GPIO_DigitalPortTimeout">www.smarthomatic.org</a>
Supported by PowerSwitch.
<li><a href="#setExtensions"> set extensions</a><br>
Supported by Dimmer and PowerSwitch.</li>
<a name="SHCdev_Get"></a>
<li>din <pin><br>
Returns the state of the specified digital input pin for pin = 1..8. Or the state of all pins for pin = all.
Supported by EnvSensor.
<li>ain <pin><br>
Returns the state of the specified analog input pin for pin = 1..5. Or the state of all pins for pin = all.
If the voltage of the pin is over the specied trigger threshold) it return 1 otherwise 0.
Supported by EnvSensor.
<li>ain <pin><br>
Returns the state of the specified analog input pin for pin = 1..5. Or the state of all pins for pin = all.
If the voltage of the pin is over the specied trigger threshold) it return 1 otherwise 0.
Supported by EnvSensor.
<li>ain_volt <pin><br>
Returns the voltage of the specified analog input pin for pin = 1..5 in millivolts, ranging from 0 .. 1100 mV.
Supported by EnvSensor.
<a name="SHCdev_Attr"></a>
The device type determines the command set, default web commands and the
default devStateicon. Currently supported are: EnvSensor, Dimmer, PowerSwitch, RGBDimmer, SoilMoistureMeter.<br><br>
Note: If the device is not set manually, it will be determined automatically
on reception of a device type specific message. For example: If a
temperature message is received, the device type will be set to EnvSensor.
if set to a value != 0 all switching commands (on, off, toggle, ...) will be disabled.
try to switch on the device whenever an off status is received.
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