mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 02:27:05 +00:00
1257 lines
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1257 lines
57 KiB
# $Id$
# The module is a timer for executing actions with only one InternalTimer.
# Github - FHEM Home Automation System
# https://github.com/fhem/Timer
# FHEM Forum: Automatisierung
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/board,20.0.html
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,103848.html | https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,103986.0.html
# 2019 | 2020 - HomeAuto_User, elektron-bbs
# notes:
# - module mit package umsetzen
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
my @action = ("on","off","DEF");
my @names;
my @designations;
my $description_all;
my $cnt_attr_userattr = 0;
my $language = uc(AttrVal("global", "language", "EN"));
if ($language eq "DE") {
@designations = ("Sonnenaufgang","Sonnenuntergang","lokale Zeit","Uhr","SA","SU");
$description_all = "alle"; # using in RegEx
@names = ("Nr.","Jahr","Monat","Tag","Stunde","Minute","Sekunde","Gerät oder Bezeichnung","Aktion","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa","So","aktiv","");
} else {
@designations = ("Sunrise","Sunset","local time","","SR","SS");
$description_all = "all"; # using in RegEx
@names = ("No.","Year","Month","Day","Hour","Minute","Second","Device or label","Action","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun","active","");
sub Timer_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{AttrFn} = "Timer_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 ".
"Show_DeviceInfo:alias,comment ".
"Timer_preselection:on,off ".
"Table_Border_Cell:on,off ".
"Table_Border:on,off ".
"Table_Header_with_time:on,off ".
"Table_Style:on,off ".
"Table_Size_TextBox:15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 ".
"Table_View_in_room:on,off ".
"stateFormat:textField-long ";
$hash->{DefFn} = "Timer_Define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "Timer_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "Timer_Get";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Timer_Undef";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "Timer_Notify";
#$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "Timer_FW_Detail"; # displays html instead of status icon in fhemweb room-view
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "Timer_FW_Detail";
$hash->{FW_deviceOverview} = 1;
$hash->{FW_addDetailToSummary} = 1; # displays html in fhemweb room-view
# Predeclare Variables from other modules may be loaded later from fhem
our $FW_wname;
sub Timer_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @arg = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $arg[0]; ## Definitionsname, mit dem das Gerät angelegt wurde
my $typ = $hash->{TYPE}; ## Modulname, mit welchem die Definition angelegt wurde
my $filelogName = "FileLog_$name";
my ($cmd, $ret);
my ($autocreateFilelog, $autocreateHash, $autocreateName, $autocreateDeviceRoom, $autocreateWeblinkRoom) = ('%L' . $name . '-%Y-%m.log', undef, 'autocreate', $typ, $typ);
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global,TYPE=$typ";
return "Usage: define <name> $name" if(@arg != 2);
if ($init_done) {
if (!defined(AttrVal($autocreateName, "disable", undef)) && !exists($defs{$filelogName})) {
### create FileLog ###
$autocreateFilelog = AttrVal($autocreateName, "filelog", undef) if (defined AttrVal($autocreateName, "filelog", undef));
$autocreateFilelog =~ s/%NAME/$name/g;
$cmd = "$filelogName FileLog $autocreateFilelog $name";
Log3 $filelogName, 2, "$name: define $cmd";
$ret = CommandDefine(undef, $cmd);
if($ret) {
Log3 $filelogName, 2, "$name: ERROR: $ret";
} else {
### Attributes ###
CommandAttr($hash,"$filelogName room $autocreateDeviceRoom");
CommandAttr($hash,"$filelogName logtype text");
CommandAttr($hash,"$name room $autocreateDeviceRoom");
### Attributes ###
CommandAttr($hash,"$name room $typ") if (!defined AttrVal($name, "room", undef)); # set room, if only undef --> new def
### default value´s ###
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state" , "Defined");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "internalTimer" , "stop");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 0);
return undef;
sub Timer_Set($$$@) {
my ( $hash, $name, @a ) = @_;
return "no set value specified" if(int(@a) < 1);
my $setList = "addTimer:noArg ";
my $cmd = $a[0];
my $cmd2 = $a[1];
my $Timers_Count = 0;
my $Timers_Count2;
my $Timers_diff = 0;
my $Timer_preselection = AttrVal($name,"Timer_preselection","off");
my $value;
foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($d =~ /^Timer_(\d)+$/) {
$d =~ s/Timer_//;
$setList.= "deleteTimer:" if ($Timers_Count == 1);
$setList.= $d.",";
if ($Timers_Count != 0) {
$setList = substr($setList, 0, -1); # cut last ,
$setList.= " saveTimers:noArg";
$setList.= " sortTimer:noArg" if ($Timers_Count > 1);
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Set | cmd=$cmd" if ($cmd ne "?");
if ($cmd eq "sortTimer") {
my @timers_unsortet;
my @userattr_values;
my @attr_values_names;
my $timer_nr_new;
my $array_diff = 0; # difference, Timer can be sorted >= 1
my $array_diff_cnt1 = 0; # need to check 1 + 1
my $array_diff_cnt2 = 0; # need to check 1 + 1
foreach my $readingsName (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($readingsName =~ /^Timer_(\d+)$/) {
my $value = ReadingsVal($name, $readingsName, 0);
$value =~ /^.*\d{2},(.*),(on|off|DEF)/;
push(@timers_unsortet,$1.",".ReadingsVal($name, $readingsName, 0).",$readingsName"); # unsort Reading Wert in Array
$array_diff_cnt2 = substr($readingsName,-2) * 1;
$array_diff = 1 if ($array_diff_cnt1 != $array_diff_cnt2 && $array_diff == 0);
my @timers_sort = sort @timers_unsortet; # Timer in neues Array sortieren
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@timers_unsortet); $i++) {
$array_diff++ if ($timers_unsortet[$i] ne $timers_sort[$i]);
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "Timer_Check") if ($array_diff != 0);
return "cancellation! No sorting necessary." if ($array_diff == 0); # check, need action continues
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@timers_sort); $i++) {
readingsDelete($hash, substr($timers_sort[$i],-8)); # Readings Timer loeschen
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@timers_sort); $i++) {
$timer_nr_new = sprintf("%02s",$i + 1); # neue Timer-Nummer
if ($timers_sort[$i] =~ /^.*\d{2},(.*),(DEF),.*,(Timer_\d+)/) { # filtre DEF values - Perl Code (DEF must in S2 - Timer nr old $3)
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Set | $cmd: ".$timers_sort[$i];
if (defined AttrVal($name, $3."_set", undef)) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Set | $cmd: ".$3." remember values";
push(@userattr_values,"Timer_$timer_nr_new".",".AttrVal($name, $3."_set",0)); # userattr value in Array with new numbre
Timer_delFromUserattr($hash,$3."_set:textField-long"); # delete from userattr (old numbre)
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Set | $cmd: added to array attr_values_names -> "."Timer_$timer_nr_new"."_set:textField-long";
push(@attr_values_names, "Timer_$timer_nr_new"."_set:textField-long");
$timers_sort[$i] = substr( substr($timers_sort[$i],index($timers_sort[$i],",")+1) ,0,-9);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "Timer_".$timer_nr_new , $timers_sort[$i], 1);
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@attr_values_names); $i++) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Set | $cmd: from array to attrib userattr -> $attr_values_names[$i]";
addToDevAttrList($name,$attr_values_names[$i]); # added to userattr (new numbre)
addStructChange("modify", $name, "attr $name userattr"); # note with question mark
if (scalar(@userattr_values) > 0) { # write userattr_values
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@userattr_values); $i++) {
my $timer_nr = substr($userattr_values[$i],0,8)."_set";
my $value_attr = substr($userattr_values[$i],index($userattr_values[$i],",")+1);
CommandAttr($hash,"$name $timer_nr $value_attr");
if ($cmd eq "addTimer") {
$Timers_Count = 0;
foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($d =~ /^Timer_(\d+)$/) {
$Timers_Count2 = $1 * 1;
if ($Timers_Count != $Timers_Count2 && $Timers_diff == 0) { # only for diff
if ($Timer_preselection eq "on") {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$value = $year + 1900 .",".sprintf("%02s", ($mon + 1)).",".sprintf("%02s", $mday).",".sprintf("%02s", $hour).",".sprintf("%02s", $min).",00,,on,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0";
} else {
$value = "$description_all,$description_all,$description_all,$description_all,$description_all,00,,on,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0";
$Timers_Count = $Timers_Count + 1 if ($Timers_diff == 0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $Timers_Count) , $value, 1);
if ($cmd eq "saveTimers") {
open(SaveDoc, '>', "./FHEM/lib/$name"."_conf.txt") || return "ERROR: file $name"."_conf.txt can not open!";
foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
print SaveDoc "Timer_".$1.",".$hash->{READINGS}->{$d}->{VAL}."\n" if ($d =~ /^Timer_(\d+)$/);
print SaveDoc "\n";
foreach my $e (sort keys %{$attr{$name}}) {
my $LE = "";
$LE = "\n" if (AttrVal($name, $e, undef) !~ /\n$/);
print SaveDoc $e.",".AttrVal($name, $e, undef).$LE if ($e =~ /^Timer_(\d+)_set$/);
if ($cmd eq "deleteTimer") {
readingsDelete($hash, "Timer_".$cmd2);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state" , "Timer_$cmd2 deleted");
if ($Timers_Count == 0) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "internalTimer" , "stop",1);
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "Timer_Check");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
my $deleteTimer = "Timer_$cmd2"."_set:textField-long";
Timer_PawList($hash); # list, Probably associated with
addStructChange("modify", $name, "attr $name userattr Timer_$cmd2"); # note with question mark
return $setList if ( $a[0] eq "?");
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $setList" if (not grep /$cmd/, $setList);
return undef;
sub Timer_Get($$$@) {
my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @a ) = @_;
my $list = "loadTimers:no,yes";
my $cmd2 = $a[0];
my $Timer_cnt_name = -1;
my $room = AttrVal($name, "room", "Unsorted");
if ($cmd eq "loadTimers") {
if ($cmd2 eq "no") {
return "";
if ($cmd2 eq "yes") {
my $error = "";
my $line = 0;
my @lines_readings;
my @attr_values;
my @attr_values_names;
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "Timer_Check");
open (InputFile,"<./FHEM/lib/$name"."_conf.txt") || return "ERROR: No file $name"."_conf.txt found in ./FHEM/lib directory from FHEM!";
while (<InputFile>) {
# Timer_04,alle,alle,alle,12,00,00,Update FHEM,Def,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
if ($_ =~ /^(.*),.*,.*,.*,.*,.*,.*,.*,(.*),.*,.*,.*,.*,.*,.*,.*,[0-1]$/) {
chomp ($_); # Zeilenende entfernen
$_ =~ s/,Def,/,DEF,/g if ($2 =~ /Def/); # Compatibility modify Def to DEF
push(@lines_readings,$_); # lines in array
my @values = split(",",$_); # split line in array to check
#$error.= "- scalar arrray\n" if (scalar(@values) != 17);
push(@attr_values_names, $values[0]."_set") if($values[8] eq "DEF");
for (my $i=0;$i<@values;$i++) {
$error.= "- ".$values[0]." is no $name description" if ($i == 0 && $values[0] !~ /^Timer_\d{2}$/);
$error.= "- ".$values[1]." invalid value" if ($i == 1 && $values[1] !~ /^\d{4}$|^$description_all$/);
if ($i >= 2 && $i <= 5 && $values[$i] ne "$description_all") {
$error.= "- ".$values[$i]." not decimal" if ($i >= 2 && $i <= 3 && $values[$i] !~ /^\d{2}$/);
$error.= "- ".$values[2]." wrong value (allowed 1-12)" if ($i == 2 && ($values[2] * 1) < 1 && ($values[2] * 1) > 12);
$error.= "- ".$values[3]." wrong value (allowed 1-31)" if ($i == 3 && ($values[3] * 1) < 1 && ($values[3] * 1) > 31);
if ($i >= 4 && $i <= 5 && $values[$i] ne $designations[4] && $values[$i] ne $designations[5]) { # SA -> 4 SU -> 5
$error.= "- ".$values[$i]." not support" if ($i >= 4 && $i <= 5 && $values[$i] !~ /^\d{2}$/);
$error.= "- ".$values[4]." wrong value (allowed 00-23)" if ($i == 4 && ($values[4] * 1) > 23);
$error.= "- ".$values[5]." wrong value (allowed 00-59)" if ($i == 5 && ($values[5] * 1) > 59);
$error.= "- ".$values[$i]." is no % 10\n" if ($i == 6 && $values[$i] % 10 != 0);
$error.= "- ".$values[$i]." is no allowed action \n" if ($i == 8 && not grep { $values[$i] eq $_ } @action);
$error.= "- ".$values[$i]." is not 0 or 1 \n" if ($i >= 9 && $values[$i] ne "0" && $values[$i] ne "1");
if ($error ne "") {
close InputFile;
$error.= "\nYour language is wrong! ($language)" if ($error =~ /-\s(all\s|alle\s|SA\s|SU\s|SR\s|SS\s)/);
return "ERROR: your file is NOT valid!\n\nline $line\n$error";
if ($_ =~ /^Timer_\d{2}_set,/) {
push(@attr_values, substr($_,13));
} elsif ($_ !~ /^Timer_\d{2},/) {
$attr_values[$Timer_cnt_name].= $_ if ($Timer_cnt_name >= 0);
if ($_ =~ /.*}.*/){ # letzte } Klammer finden
my $err = perlSyntaxCheck($attr_values[$Timer_cnt_name], ()); # check PERL Code
if($err) {
$err = "ERROR: your file is NOT valid! \n \n".$err;
close InputFile;
return $err;
close InputFile;
foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) { # delete all readings
readingsDelete($hash, $d) if ($d =~ /^Timer_(\d+)$/);
foreach my $f (sort keys %{$attr{$name}}) { # delete all attributes Timer_xx_set ...
CommandDeleteAttr($hash, $name." ".$f) if ($f =~ /^Timer_(\d+)_set$/);
my @userattr_values = split(" ", AttrVal($name, "userattr", "none"));
for (my $i=0;$i<@userattr_values;$i++) { # delete userattr values Timer_xx_set:textField-long ...
delFromDevAttrList($name, $userattr_values[$i]) if ($userattr_values[$i] =~ /^Timer_(\d+)_set:textField-long$/);
foreach my $e (@lines_readings) { # write new readings
my $Timer_nr = substr($e,0,8);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "$Timer_nr" , substr($e,9,length($e)-9), 1) if ($e =~ /^Timer_\d{2},/);
for (my $i=0;$i<@attr_values_names;$i++) { # write new userattr
for (my $i=0;$i<@attr_values;$i++) { # write new attr value
chomp ($attr_values[$i]); # Zeilenende entfernen
CommandAttr($hash,"$name $attr_values_names[$i] $attr_values[$i]");
Timer_PawList($hash); # list, Probably associated with
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state" , "Timers loaded", 1);
FW_directNotify("FILTER=(room=$room|$name)", "#FHEMWEB:WEB", "location.reload('true')", "");
return undef;
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
sub Timer_Attr() {
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrValue) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $typ = $hash->{TYPE};
if ($cmd eq "set" && $init_done == 1 ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Attr | set $attrName to $attrValue";
if ($attrName eq "disable") {
if ($attrValue eq "1") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "internalTimer" , "stop",1);
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "Timer_Check");
} elsif ($attrValue eq "0") {
if ($attrName =~ /^Timer_\d{2}_set$/) {
my $err = perlSyntaxCheck($attrValue, ()); # check PERL Code
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.1, "Timer_PawList", $hash);
return $err if($err);
if ($cmd eq "del") {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Attr | Attributes $attrName deleted";
if ($attrName eq "disable") {
if ($attrName eq "userattr") {
if (defined AttrVal($FW_wname, "confirmDelete", undef) && AttrVal($FW_wname, "confirmDelete", undef) == 0) {
return "Please execute again if you want to force the attribute to delete!" if ($cnt_attr_userattr == 1);
$cnt_attr_userattr = 0;
if ($attrName =~ /^Timer_\d{2}_set$/) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Attr | Attributes $attrName deleted";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.1, "Timer_PawList", $hash);
sub Timer_Undef($$) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "Timer_Check");
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Undef | device is delete";
return undef;
sub Timer_Notify($$) {
my ($hash, $dev_hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $typ = $hash->{TYPE};
return "" if(IsDisabled($name)); # Return without any further action if the module is disabled
my $devName = $dev_hash->{NAME}; # Device that created the events
my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash, 1);
if($devName eq "global" && grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$events}) && $typ eq "Timer") {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Notify is running and starting $name";
### Compatibility Check Def to DEF ###
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Notify Compatibility check";
foreach my $d (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ( $d =~ /^Timer_\d+$/ && ReadingsVal($name, $d, "") =~ /,Def,/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: $d with ".ReadingsVal($name, $d, "")." must modify!";
my $ReadingsMod = ReadingsVal($name, $d, "");
$ReadingsMod =~ s/,Def,/,DEF,/g;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $d , $ReadingsMod, 0);
return undef;
##### HTML-Tabelle Timer-Liste erstellen #####
sub Timer_FW_Detail($$$$) {
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $html = "";
my $selected = "";
my $Timers_Count = 0;
my $Table_Border = AttrVal($name,"Table_Border","off");
my $Table_Border_Cell = AttrVal($name,"Table_Border_Cell","off");
my $Table_Header_with_time = AttrVal($name,"Table_Header_with_time","off");
my $Table_Size_TextBox = AttrVal($name,"Table_Size_TextBox",20);
my $Table_Style = AttrVal($name,"Table_Style","off");
my $Table_View_in_room = AttrVal($name,"Table_View_in_room","on");
my $style_code1 = "";
my $style_code2 = "";
my $time = FmtDateTime(time());
my $horizon = AttrVal($name,"Offset_Horizon","REAL");
my $FW_room_dupl = $FW_room;
my @timer_nr;
my $cnt_max = scalar(@names);
return $html if((!AttrVal($name, "room", undef) && $FW_detail eq "") || ($Table_View_in_room eq "off" && $FW_detail eq ""));
if ($Table_Style eq "on") {
### style via CSS for Checkbox ###
$html.= '<style>
/* Labels for checked inputs */
input:checked {
/* Checkbox element, when checked */
input[type="checkbox"]:checked {
box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px #13ab15;
-moz-box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px #13ab15;
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px #13ab15;
-o-box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px #13ab15;
/* Checkbox element, when NO checked */
input[type="checkbox"] {
box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px #b5b5b5;
-moz-box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px #b5b5b5;
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px #b5b5b5;
-o-box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px #b5b5b5;
/* Checkbox element, when checked and hover */
box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px red;
-moz-box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px red;
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px red;
-o-box-shadow: 2px -2px 1px red;
/* Save element */
input[type="reset"] {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: attr2html is running";
foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($d =~ /^Timer_\d+$/) {
push(@timer_nr, substr($d,index($d,"_")+1));
$style_code2 = "border:2px solid #00FF00;" if($Table_Border eq "on");
$html.= "<div style=\"text-align: center; font-size:medium; padding: 0px 0px 6px 0px;\">$designations[0]: ".sunrise_abs($horizon)." $designations[3] | $designations[1]: ".sunset_abs($horizon)." $designations[3] | $designations[2]: ".TimeNow()." $designations[3]</div>" if($Table_Header_with_time eq "on");
$html.= "<div id=\"table\"><table class=\"block wide\" style=\"$style_code2\">";
# Timer Jahr Monat Tag Stunde Minute Sekunde Gerät Aktion Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So aktiv speichern
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2019 09 03 18 15 00 Player on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# Spalte: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# T 1 id: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ($id = timer_nr * 20 + $Spalte)
# T 2 id: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ($id = timer_nr * 20 + $Spalte)
## Ueberschrift
$html.= "<tr class=\"odd\">";
$style_code1 = "border:1px solid #D8D8D8;" if($Table_Border_Cell eq "on");
for(my $spalte = 0; $spalte <= $cnt_max - 1; $spalte++) {
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1 Padding-top:3px; Padding-left:5px; text-decoration:underline\">".$names[$spalte]."</td>" if ($spalte == 0); # Timer-Nummer - auto Breite
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" width=70 style=\"$style_code1 Padding-top:3px; text-decoration:underline\">".$names[$spalte]."</td>" if ($spalte >= 1 && $spalte <= 6); # Dropdown-Listen - definierte Breite
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1 Padding-top:3px; text-decoration:underline\">".$names[$spalte]."</td>" if ($spalte > 6 && $spalte < $cnt_max - 1); # auto Breite
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1 Padding-top:3px; Padding-right:5px; text-decoration:underline\">".$names[$spalte]."</td>" if ($spalte == $cnt_max - 1); # Button save - auto Breite
$html.= "</tr>";
for(my $zeile = 0; $zeile < $Timers_Count; $zeile++) {
$html.= sprintf("<tr class=\"%s\">", ($zeile & 1)?"odd":"even");
my $id = $timer_nr[$zeile] * 20; # id 20, 40, 60 ...
# Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Zeile $zeile, id $id, Start";
my @select_Value = split(",", ReadingsVal($name, "Timer_".$timer_nr[$zeile], "$description_all,$description_all,$description_all,$description_all,$description_all,00,Lampe,on,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,"));
for(my $spalte = 1; $spalte <= $cnt_max; $spalte++) {
$style_code1 .= "Padding-bottom:5px; " if ($zeile == $Timers_Count - 1); # letzte Zeile
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1\">".sprintf("%02s", $timer_nr[$zeile])."</td>" if ($spalte == 1); # Spalte Timer-Nummer
if ($spalte >=2 && $spalte <= 7) { ## DropDown-Listen fuer Jahr, Monat, Tag, Stunde, Minute, Sekunde
my $start = 0; # Stunde, Minute, Sekunde
my $stop = 12; # Monat
my $step = 1; # Jahr, Monat, Tag, Stunde, Minute
$start = substr($time,0,4) if ($spalte == 2); # Jahr
$stop = $start + 10 if ($spalte == 2); # Jahr
$start = 1 if ($spalte == 3 || $spalte == 4); # Monat, Tag
$stop = 31 if ($spalte == 4); # Tag
$stop = 23 if ($spalte == 5); # Stunde
$stop = 59 if ($spalte == 6); # Minute
$stop = 50 if ($spalte == 7); # Sekunde
$step = 10 if ($spalte == 7); # Sekunde
# Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Zeile $zeile, id $id, select";
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1\"><select id=\"".$id."\">"; # id need for java script
$html.= "<option>$description_all</option>" if ($spalte <= 6); # Jahr, Monat, Tag, Stunde, Minute
if ($spalte == 5 || $spalte == 6) { # Stunde, Minute
$selected = $select_Value[$spalte-2] eq $designations[4] ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$html.= "<option $selected value=\"".$designations[4]."\">".$designations[4]."</option>"; # Sonnenaufgang -> pos 4 array
$selected = $select_Value[$spalte-2] eq $designations[5] ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$html.= "<option $selected value=\"".$designations[5]."\">".$designations[5]."</option>"; # Sonnenuntergang -> pos 5 array
for(my $k = $start ; $k <= $stop ; $k += $step) {
$selected = $select_Value[$spalte-2] eq sprintf("%02s", $k) ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "";
$html.= "<option $selected value=\"" . sprintf("%02s", $k) . "\">" . sprintf("%02s", $k) . "</option>";
if ($spalte == 8) { ## Spalte Geraete
$id ++;
my $comment = "";
$comment = AttrVal($select_Value[$spalte-2],"alias","") if (AttrVal($name,"Show_DeviceInfo","") eq "alias");
$comment = AttrVal($select_Value[$spalte-2],"comment","") if (AttrVal($name,"Show_DeviceInfo","") eq "comment");
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1\"><input size=\"$Table_Size_TextBox\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Timer_".($zeile + 1)."\" id=\"".$id."\" value=\"".$select_Value[$spalte-2]."\"><br><small>$comment</small></td>";
if ($spalte == 9) { ## DropDown-Liste Aktion
$id ++;
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1\"><select id=\"".$id."\">"; # id need for java script
foreach (@action) {
$html.= "<option> $_ </option>" if ($select_Value[$spalte-2] ne $_);
$html.= "<option selected=\"selected\">".$select_Value[$spalte-2]."</option>" if ($select_Value[$spalte-2] eq $_);
if ($spalte > 9 && $spalte < $cnt_max) { ## Spalte Wochentage + aktiv
$id ++;
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"days\" id=\"".$id."\" value=\"0\" onclick=\"Checkbox(".$id.")\"></td>" if ($select_Value[$spalte-2] eq "0");
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"days\" id=\"".$id."\" value=\"1\" onclick=\"Checkbox(".$id.")\" checked></td>" if ($select_Value[$spalte-2] eq "1");
if ($spalte == $cnt_max) { ## Button Speichern
$id ++;
$html.= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"$style_code1 Padding-right:5px\"> <INPUT type=\"reset\" onclick=\"pushed_savebutton(".$id.")\" value=\"💾\"/></td>"; # 🖫 💾
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: attr2html | Timer=".$timer_nr[$zeile]." ".$names[$spalte-1]."=".$select_Value[$spalte-2]." cnt_max=$cnt_max ($spalte)" if ($spalte > 1 && $spalte < $cnt_max);
$html.= "</tr>"; ## Zeilenende
$html.= "</table>"; ## Tabellenende
## Tabellenende + Script
$html.= '</div>
/* checkBox Werte von Checkboxen Wochentage */
function Checkbox(id) {
var checkBox = document.getElementById(id);
if (checkBox.checked) {
checkBox.value = 1;
} else {
checkBox.value = 0;
/* Aktion wenn Speichern */
function pushed_savebutton(id) {
var allVals = [];
var timerNr = (id - 17) / 20;
var start = id - 17 + 1;
for(var i=start; i<id; i++) {
/* check Semicolon description */
var n = allVals[7].search(";"); /* return -1 if not found */
if (n != -1) {
FW_errmsg("ERROR: Semicolon not allowed in description!", 4000);
FW_cmd(FW_root+ \'?XHR=1"'.$FW_CSRF.'"&cmd={FW_pushed_savebutton("'.$name.'","\'+allVals+\'","'.$FW_room_dupl.'")}\');
/* Popup DEF - Zusammenbau (PERL -> Rueckgabe -> Javascript) */
function show_popup(button) {
FW_cmd(FW_root+\'?cmd={Timer_Popup("'.$name.'","\'+button+\'")}&XHR=1"'.$FW_CSRF.'"\', function(data){popup_return(data)});
/* Popup DEF - Aktionen */
function popup_return(txt) {
var div = $("<div id=\"popup_return\">");
var oldPos = $("body").scrollTop();
dialogClass:"no-close", modal:true, width:"auto", closeOnEscape:false,
title: " infobox for user ",
buttons: [
{text:"close", click:function(){
return $html;
### for function from pushed_savebutton ###
sub FW_pushed_savebutton {
my $name = shift;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $selected_buttons = shift; # neu,alle,alle,alle,alle,alle,00,Beispiel,on,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
my @selected_buttons = split("," , $selected_buttons);
my $timer = $selected_buttons[0];
my $timers_count = 0; # Timer by counting
my $timers_count2 = 0; # need to check 1 + 1
my $timers_diff = 0; # need to check 1 + 1
my $FW_room_dupl = shift;
my $cnt_names = scalar(@selected_buttons);
my $devicefound = 0; # to check device exists
my $reload = 0;
my $room = AttrVal($name, "room", "Unsorted");
my $timestamp = TimeNow(); # Time now -> 2016-02-16 19:34:24
my @timestamp_values = split(/-|\s|:/ , $timestamp); # Time now splitted
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year) = ($timestamp_values[5], $timestamp_values[4], $timestamp_values[3], $timestamp_values[2], $timestamp_values[1], $timestamp_values[0]);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: FW_pushed_savebutton is running";
return "ERROR: Comma not allowed in description!" if ($cnt_names > 17);
foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($d =~ /^Timer_(\d+)$/) {
$timers_count2 = $1 * 1;
if ($timers_count != $timers_count2 && $timers_diff == 0) { # only for diff
$timer = $timers_count;
$timers_diff = 1;
for(my $i = 0;$i < $cnt_names;$i++) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: FW_pushed_savebutton | ".$names[$i]." -> ".$selected_buttons[$i];
## to set time to check input ## SA -> pos 4 array | SU -> pos 5 array ##
if ($i >= 1 && $i <=6 && ( $selected_buttons[$i] ne "$description_all" && $selected_buttons[$i] ne $designations[4] && $selected_buttons[$i] ne $designations[5] )) {
$sec = $selected_buttons[$i] if ($i == 6);
$min = $selected_buttons[$i] if ($i == 5);
$hour = $selected_buttons[$i] if ($i == 4);
$mday = $selected_buttons[$i] if ($i == 3);
$month = $selected_buttons[$i]-1 if ($i == 2);
$year = $selected_buttons[$i]-1900 if ($i == 1);
if ($i == 7) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: FW_pushed_savebutton | check: exists device or name -> ".$selected_buttons[$i];
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if (defined($defs{$d}{NAME}) && $defs{$d}{NAME} eq $selected_buttons[$i]) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: FW_pushed_savebutton | ".$selected_buttons[$i]." is checked and exists";
if ($devicefound == 0 && ($selected_buttons[$i+1] eq "on" || $selected_buttons[$i+1] eq "off")) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: FW_pushed_savebutton | ".$selected_buttons[$i]." is NOT exists";
return "ERROR: device not exists or no description! NO timer saved!";
return "ERROR: The time is in the past. Please set a time in the future!" if ((time() - fhemTimeLocal($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month - 1, $year)) > 0);
return "ERROR: The next switching point is too small!" if ((fhemTimeLocal($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month - 1, $year) - time()) < 60);
readingsDelete($hash,"Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $timer)."_set") if ($selected_buttons[8] ne "DEF" && ReadingsVal($name, "Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $timer)."_set", 0) ne "0");
my $oldValue = ReadingsVal($name,"Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $selected_buttons[0]) ,0);
my $newValue = substr($selected_buttons,(index($selected_buttons,",") + 1));
$reload++ if ($oldValue ne $newValue && $FW_room_dupl);
my @Value_split = split(/,/ , $oldValue);
$oldValue = $Value_split[7];
@Value_split = split(/,/ , $newValue);
$newValue = $Value_split[7];
if ($Value_split[6] eq "" && $Value_split[7] eq "DEF") { # standard name, if no name set in DEF option
my $replace = "Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $selected_buttons[0]);
$selected_buttons =~ s/,,/,$replace,/g;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $selected_buttons[0]) , substr($selected_buttons,(index($selected_buttons,",") + 1)));
my $state = "Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $selected_buttons[0])." saved";
my $userattrName = "Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $selected_buttons[0])."_set:textField-long";
my $popup = 0;
if (($oldValue eq "on" || $oldValue eq "off") && $newValue eq "DEF") {
$state = "Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $selected_buttons[0])." is saved and revised userattr. Please set DEF in attribute Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $selected_buttons[0])."_set !";
addStructChange("modify", $name, "attr $name userattr"); # note with question mark
if ($oldValue eq "DEF" && ($newValue eq "on" || $newValue eq "off")) {
$state = "Timer_".sprintf("%02s", $selected_buttons[0])." is saved and deleted from userattr";
Timer_delFromUserattr($hash,$userattrName) if (AttrVal($name, "userattr", undef));
addStructChange("modify", $name, "attr $name userattr"); # note with question mark
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state" , $state, 1);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
Timer_PawList($hash); # list, Probably associated with
## popup user message (jump to javascript) ##
if ($popup != 0) {
FW_directNotify("FILTER=(room=$room|$name)", "#FHEMWEB:WEB", "show_popup(".$selected_buttons[0].")", "");
$reload = 0 if ($reload != 0); # reset, need to right running
## refresh site, need for userattr & right view checkboxes ##
FW_directNotify("FILTER=(room=$room|$name)", "#FHEMWEB:WEB", "location.reload('true')", "") if ($reload != 0);
Timer_Check($hash) if ($selected_buttons[16] eq "1" && ReadingsVal($name, "internalTimer", "stop") eq "stop");
### Popup DEF - Zusammenbau (Rueckgabe -> Javascript) ###
sub Timer_Popup {
my $name = shift;
my $selected_button = shift;
$selected_button = sprintf("%02s", $selected_button);
my $ret = "";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Timer_Popup is running";
if ($language eq "DE") {
$ret.= "<p style=\"text-decoration-line: underline;\">Hinweis:</p>";
$ret.= "Das Attribut <code>userattr</code> wurde automatisch angepasst.<br>";
$ret.= "Um <code>DEF</code> zu definieren, geben Sie bitte das FHEM Kommando oder den PERL Code in das Attribut <code>Timer_$selected_button"."_set</code> ein.<br>";
$ret.= "<small><code>attr $name Timer_$selected_button"."_set \"DEF Code\"</code> (ohne \" \")</small><br><br>";
$ret.= "Die Eingabe entspricht der FHEM-Befehlszeile im Browser.<br>";
$ret.= "<p style=\"text-decoration-line: underline;\">DEF Beispiele:</p>";
$ret.= "• FHEM Kommando: <code>set TYPE=IT:FILTER=room=03_Stube.*:FILTER=state=on off</code><br>";
$ret.= "• PERL Code: <code>{ Log 1, \"$name: schaltet jetzt\" }</code><br><br>";
$ret.= "<i>Weitere Beispiele oder Intervallschaltungen finden Sie in der gerätespezifischen Hilfe.</i><br><br>";
$ret.= "Klicken Sie auf close, um fortzufahren.";
} else {
$ret.= "<p style=\"text-decoration-line: underline;\">Note:</p>";
$ret.= "The attribute <code>userattr</code> has been automatically revised.<br>";
$ret.= "To define <code>DEF</code>, please input the FHEM command or PERL code in attribute <code>Timer_$selected_button"."_set</code>.<br>";
$ret.= "<small><code>attr $name Timer_$selected_button"."_set \"DEF code\"</code> (without \" \")</small><br><br>";
$ret.= "The input is made equal to the FHEM command line in the browser.<br>";
$ret.= "<p style=\"text-decoration-line: underline;\">DEF examples:</p>";
$ret.= "• FHEM command: <code>set TYPE=IT:FILTER=room=03_Stube.*:FILTER=state=on off</code><br>";
$ret.= "• PERL code: <code>{ Log 1, \"$name: switch now\" }</code><br><br>";
$ret.= "<i>For more examples or interval switching please look into the Device specific help.</i><br><br>";
$ret.= "Click close to continue.";
return $ret;
### for delete Timer value from userattr ###
sub Timer_delFromUserattr($$) {
my $hash = shift;
my $deleteTimer = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (AttrVal($name, "userattr", undef) =~ /$deleteTimer/) {
delFromDevAttrList($name, $deleteTimer);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: delete $deleteTimer from userattr Attributes";
### for Check ###
sub Timer_Check($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @timestamp_values = split(/-|\s|:/ , TimeNow()); # Time now (2016-02-16 19:34:24) splitted in array
my $dayOfWeek = strftime('%w', localtime); # Wochentag
$dayOfWeek = 7 if ($dayOfWeek eq "0"); # Sonntag nach hinten (Position 14 im Array)
my $intervall = 60; # Intervall to start new InternalTimer (standard)
my $cnt_activ = 0; # counter for activ timers
my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday();
my $horizon = AttrVal($name,"Offset_Horizon","REAL");
my @sunriseValues = split(":" , sunrise_abs($horizon)); # Sonnenaufgang (06:34:24) splitted in array
my @sunsetValues = split(":" , sunset_abs($horizon)); # Sonnenuntergang (19:34:24) splitted in array
my $state;;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Check is running, Sonnenaufgang $sunriseValues[0]:$sunriseValues[1]:$sunriseValues[2], Sonnenuntergang $sunsetValues[0]:$sunsetValues[1]:$sunsetValues[2]";
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Check is running, drift $microseconds microSeconds";
foreach my $d (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($d =~ /^Timer_\d+$/) {
my @values = split("," , $hash->{READINGS}->{$d}->{VAL});
#Jahr Monat Tag Stunde Minute Sekunde Gerät Aktion Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So aktiv
#alle, alle, alle, alle, alle, 00, BlueRay_Player_LG, on, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
#0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
my $set = 1;
if ($values[15] == 1) { # Timer aktiv
$values[3] = $sunriseValues[0] if $values[3] eq $designations[4]; # Stunde | Sonnenaufgang -> pos 4 array
$values[4] = $sunriseValues[1] if $values[4] eq $designations[4]; # Minute | Sonnenaufgang -> pos 4 array
$values[3] = $sunsetValues[0] if $values[3] eq $designations[5]; # Stunde | Sonnenuntergang -> pos 5 array
$values[4] = $sunsetValues[1] if $values[4] eq $designations[5]; # Stunde | Sonnenuntergang -> pos 5 array
for (my $i = 0;$i < 5;$i++) { # Jahr, Monat, Tag, Stunde, Minute
$set = 0 if ($values[$i] ne "$description_all" && $values[$i] ne $timestamp_values[$i]);
$set = 0 if ($values[(($dayOfWeek*1) + 7)] eq "0"); # Wochentag
$set = 0 if ($values[5] eq "00" && $timestamp_values[5] ne "00"); # Sekunde (Intervall 60)
$set = 0 if ($values[5] ne "00" && $timestamp_values[5] ne $values[5]); # Sekunde (Intervall 10)
$intervall = 10 if ($values[5] ne "00");
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: $d - set=$set intervall=$intervall dayOfWeek=$dayOfWeek column array=".(($dayOfWeek*1) + 7)." (".$values[($dayOfWeek*1) + 7].") $values[0]-$values[1]-$values[2] $values[3]:$values[4]:$values[5]";
if ($set == 1) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: $d - set $values[6] $values[7] ($dayOfWeek, $values[0]-$values[1]-$values[2] $values[3]:$values[4]:$values[5])";
CommandSet($hash, $values[6]." ".$values[7]) if ($values[7] ne "DEF");
# $state = "$d set $values[6] $values[7] accomplished";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state" , "$d set $values[6] $values[7] accomplished", 1);
if ($values[7] eq "DEF") {
if (AttrVal($name, $d."_set", undef)) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: $d - exec at command: ".AttrVal($name, $d."_set", undef);
my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, SemicolonEscape(AttrVal($name, $d."_set", undef)));
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: $d\_set - ERROR: $ret" if($ret);
} else {
$state = "$d missing userattr to work!";
if ($intervall == 60) {
if ($timestamp_values[5] != 0 && $cnt_activ > 0) {
$intervall = 60 - $timestamp_values[5];
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "internalTimer" , $intervall, 1);
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: time difference too large! interval=$intervall, Sekunde=$timestamp_values[5]";
## calculated from the starting point at 00 10 20 30 40 50 if Seconds interval active ##
if ($intervall == 10) {
if ($timestamp_values[5] % 10 != 0 && $cnt_activ > 0) {
$intervall = $intervall - ($timestamp_values[5] % 10);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "internalTimer" , $intervall, 1);
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: time difference too large! interval=$intervall, Sekunde=$timestamp_values[5]";
$intervall = ($intervall - $microseconds / 1000000); # Korrektur Zeit wegen Drift
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$intervall, "Timer_Check", $hash, 0) if ($cnt_activ > 0);
$state = "no timer active" if ($cnt_activ == 0 && ReadingsVal($name, "internalTimer", "stop") ne "stop");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state" , "$state", 1) if defined($state);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "internalTimer" , "stop") if ($cnt_activ == 0 && ReadingsVal($name, "internalTimer", "stop") ne "stop");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "internalTimer" , $intervall, 0) if($cnt_activ > 0);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
### list, Probably associated with ###
sub Timer_PawList($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $associatedWith = "";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Timer_PawList is running";
foreach my $d (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($d =~ /^Timer_(\d+)$/) {
my @values = split("," , ReadingsVal($name, $d, ""));
### clear value, "Probably associated with" ne DEF
if ($values[7] ne "DEF") {
if (not grep /$values[6]/, $associatedWith) {
$associatedWith = $associatedWith eq "" ? $values[6] : $associatedWith.",".$values[6];
### Self-administration test, "Probably associated with" for DEF
} elsif ($values[7] eq "DEF") {
my $Timer_set_attr = AttrVal($name, $d."_set", "");
if ($Timer_set_attr ne "") {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Timer_PawList | look at DEF: ".$Timer_set_attr;
$Timer_set_attr =~ /(get|set)\s(\w+)\s/;
if ($2) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Timer_PawList | found in DEF: ".$2;
if (not grep /$2/, $associatedWith) {
$associatedWith = $associatedWith eq "" ? $2 : $associatedWith.",".$2;
### END ###
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Timer_PawList | Reading .associatedWith is: ".$associatedWith;
if ($associatedWith ne "") {
CommandSetReading(undef, "$name .associatedWith $associatedWith");
} else {
readingsDelete($hash,".associatedWith") if(ReadingsVal($name, ".associatedWith", undef));
## current list "Probably associated with" finish ##
# Eval-Rückgabewert für erfolgreiches
# Laden des Moduls
# Beginn der Commandref
=item [helper]
=item summary Programmable timer
=item summary_DE Programmierbare Zeitschaltuhr
=begin html
<a name="Timer"></a>
<h3>Timer Modul</h3>
The timer module is a programmable timer.<br><br>
In Frontend you can define new times and actions. The smallest possible definition of an action is a 10 second interval.<br>
You can use the dropdown menu to make the settings for the time switch point. Only after clicking on the <code> Save </code> button will the setting be taken over.
In the drop-down list, the numerical values for year / month / day / hour / minute / second are available for selection.<br><br>
In addition, you can use the selection <code> SR </code> and <code> SS </code> in the hour and minute column. These rumps represent the time of sunrise and sunset.<br>
For example, if you select at minute <code> SS </code>, you have set the minutes of the sunset as the value. As soon as you set the value to <code> SS </code> at hour and minute
the timer uses the calculated sunset time at your location. <u><i>(For this calculation the FHEM global attributes latitude and longitude are necessary!)</u></i>
<u>Programmable actions are currently:</u><br>
<li><code> on | off</code> - The states must be supported by the device</li>
<li><code>DEF</code> - for a PERL code or a FHEM command <font color="red">*</font color> <br><br>
<ul><u>example for DEF:</u>
<li><code>{ Log 1, "Timer: now switch" }</code> (PERL code)</li>
<li><code>update</code> (FHEM command)</li>
<li><code>trigger Timer state:ins Log geschrieben</code> (FHEM-command)</li>
<li><code>set TYPE=IT:FILTER=room=Stube.*:FILTER=state=on off</code> (FHEM-command)</li></ul>
<b><font color="red">*</font color></b> To do this, enter the code to be executed in the respective attribute. example: <code>Timer_03_set</code>
<u>Interval switching of the timer is only possible in the following variants:</u><br>
<ul><li>minute, define second and set all other values (minute, hour, day, month, year) to <code>all</code></li>
<li>hourly, define second + minute and set all other values (hour, day, month, year) to <code>all</code></li>
<li>daily, define second + minute + hour and set all other values (day, month, year) to <code>all</code></li>
<li>monthly, define second + minute + hour + day and set all other values (month, year) to <code>all</code></li>
<li>annually, define second + minute + hour + day + month and set the value (year) to <code>all</code></li>
<li>sunrise, define second & define minute + hour with <code>SR</code> and set all other values (day, month, year) to <code>all</code></li>
<li>sunset, define second & define minute + hour with <code>SS</code> and set all other values (day, month, year) to <code>all</code></li></ul>
Any interval circuits can be defined in which in the associated timer attribute e.g. the following Perl code is inserted:<br>
<code>{if ($min % 5 == 0) {fhem("set FS10_6_11 toggle");}}</code><br>
This timer would run every 5 minutes if the timer is configured to run in a minute as described.<br>
The following variables for time and date are available:<br>
<code>$sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst, $week, $hms, $hm, $md, $ymd, $we, $twe</code><br>
This makes it possible, for example, to have a timer run every Sunday at 15:30:00.
<ul><code>define <NAME> Timer</code><br><br>
define timer Timer
<a name="addTimer"></a>
<li>addTimer: Adds a new timer</li><a name=""></a>
<a name="deleteTimer"></a>
<li>deleteTimer: Deletes the selected timer</li><a name=""></a>
<a name="saveTimers"></a>
<li>saveTimers: Saves the settings in file <code>Timers.txt</code> on directory <code>./FHEM/lib</code>.</li>
<a name="sortTimer"></a>
<li>sortTimer: Sorts the saved timers alphabetically.</li>
<a name="loadTimers"></a>
<li>loadTimers: Loads a saved configuration from file <code>Timers.txt</code> from directory <code>./FHEM/lib</code>.</li><a name=""></a>
<ul><li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="stateFormat">stateFormat</a><br>
It is used to format the value <code>state</code><br>
<u>example:</u> <code>{ ReadingsTimestamp($name, "state", 0) ."&nbsp;- ". ReadingsVal($name, "state", "none");}</code><br>
- will format to output: <code>2019-09-19 17:51:44 - Timer_04 saved</code></li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Border">Table_Border</a><br>
Shows the table border. (on | off = default)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Border_Cell">Table_Border_Cell</a><br>
Shows the cell frame. (on | off = default)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Header_with_time">Table_Header_with_time</a><br>
Shows or hides the sunrise and sunset with the local time above the table. (on | off, standard off)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Size_TextBox">Table_Size_TextBox</a><br>
Correction value to change the length of the text box for the device name / designation. (default 20)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Style">Table_Style</a><br>
Turns on the defined table style. (on | off, default off)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_View_in_room">Table_View_in_room</a><br>
Toggles the tables UI in the room view on or off. (on | off, standard on)<br>
<small><i>In the room <code> Unsorted </code> the table UI is always switched off!</i></small></li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Timer_preselection">Timer_preselection</a><br>
Sets the input values for a new timer to the current time. (on | off = default)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Timer_xx_set">Timer_xx_set</a><br>
Location for the FHEM command or PERL code of the timer (xx has the numerical value of 01-99). WITHOUT this attribute, which <b> only appears if action <code> DEF </code> is set </b>,
The module does not process FHEM command or PERL code from the user. <code><font color="red">*</font color> </code></li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Offset_Horizon">Offset_Horizon</a><br>
Different elevation angles are used to calculate sunrise and sunset times.<br>
(REAL = 0°, CIVIL = -6°, NAUTIC = -12°, ASTRONOMIC = -18°, default REAL)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Show_DeviceInfo">Show_DeviceInfo</a><br>
Shows the additional information (alias | comment, default off)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<b><i>Generated readings</i></b><br>
Memory values of the individual timer</li><br>
State of the internal timer (stop or Interval until the next call)</li><br><br></ul>
<ul><li>Entries in the system logfile like: <code>2019.09.20 22:15:01 3: Timer: time difference too large! interval=59, Sekunde=01</code> say that the timer has recalculated the time.</li></ul>
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<a name="Timer"></a>
<h3>Timer Modul</h3>
Das Timer Modul ist eine programmierbare Schaltuhr.<br><br>
Im Frontend können Sie neue Zeitpunkte und Aktionen definieren. Die kleinstmögliche Definition einer Aktion ist ein 10 Sekunden Intervall.<br>
Mittels der Dropdown Menüs können Sie die Einstellungen für den Zeitschaltpunkt vornehmen. Erst nach dem drücken auf den <code>Speichern</code> Knopf wird die Einstellung übernommen.<br><br>
In der DropDown-Liste stehen jeweils die Zahlenwerte für Jahr / Monat / Tag / Stunde / Minute / Sekunde zur Auswahl.<br>
Zusätzlich können Sie in der Spalte Stunde und Minute die Auswahl <code>SA</code> und <code>SU</code> nutzen. Diese Kürzel stehen für den Zeitpunkt Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang.<br>
Wenn sie Beispielsweise bei Minute <code>SU</code> auswählen, so haben Sie die Minuten des Sonnenuntergang als Wert gesetzt. Sobald Sie bei Stunde und Minute den Wert auf <code>SU</code>
stellen, so nutzt der Timer den errechnenten Zeitpunkt Sonnenuntergang an Ihrem Standort. <u><i>(Für diese Berechnung sind die FHEM globalen Attribute latitude und longitude notwendig!)</u></i>
<u>Programmierbare Aktionen sind derzeit:</u><br>
<li><code> on | off</code> - Die Zustände müssen von dem zu schaltenden Device unterstützt werden</li>
<li><code>DEF</code> - für einen PERL-Code oder ein FHEM Kommando <font color="red">*</font color> <br><br>
<ul><u>Beispiele für DEF:</u>
<li><code>{ Log 1, "Timer: schaltet jetzt" }</code> (PERL-Code)</li>
<li><code>update</code> (FHEM-Kommando)</li>
<li><code>trigger Timer state:ins Log geschrieben</code> (FHEM-Kommando)</li>
<li><code>set TYPE=IT:FILTER=room=Stube.*:FILTER=state=on off</code> (FHEM-Kommando)</li></ul>
<b><font color="red">*</font color></b> Hierfür hinterlegen Sie den auszuführenden PERL-Code in das jeweilige Attribut. Bsp.: <code>Timer_03_set</code>
<u>Eine Intervallschaltung des Timer ist nur möglich in folgenden Varianten:</u><br>
<ul><li>minütlich, Sekunde definieren und alle anderen Werte (Minute, Stunde, Tag, Monat, Jahr) auf <code>alle</code> setzen</li>
<li>stündlich, Sekunde + Minute definieren und alle anderen Werte (Stunde, Tag, Monat, Jahr) auf <code>alle</code> setzen</li>
<li>täglich, Sekunde + Minute + Stunde definieren und alle anderen Werte (Tag, Monat, Jahr) auf <code>alle</code> setzen</li>
<li>monatlich, Sekunde + Minute + Stunde + Tag definieren und alle anderen Werte (Monat, Jahr) auf <code>alle</code> setzen</li>
<li>jährlich, Sekunde + Minute + Stunde + Tag + Monat definieren und den Wert (Jahr) auf <code>alle</code> setzen</li>
<li>Sonnenaufgang, Sekunde definieren & Minute + Stunde definieren mit <code>SA</code> und alle anderen Werte (Tag, Monat, Jahr) auf <code>alle</code> setzen</li>
<li>Sonnenuntergang, Sekunde definieren & Minute + Stunde definieren mit <code>SU</code> und alle anderen Werte (Tag, Monat, Jahr) auf <code>alle</code> setzen</li></ul>
Beliebige Intervallschaltungen können definiert werden, in dem im zugehörigen Timer-Attribut z.B. folgender Perl-Code eingefügt wird:<br>
<code>{if ($min % 5 == 0) {fhem("set FS10_6_11 toggle");}}</code><br>
Dieser Timer würde dann aller 5 Minuten ausgeführt, wenn der Timer wie beschrieben auf minütliches Ausführen konfiguriert ist.<br>
Folgende Variablen für Zeit- und Datumsangaben stehen zur Verfügung:<br>
<code>$sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst, $week, $hms, $hm, $md, $ymd, $we, $twe</code><br>
Damit ist es möglich, einen Timer beispielsweise nur jeden Sonntag um 15:30:00 Uhr etwas ausführen zu lassen.
<ul><code>define <NAME> Timer</code><br><br>
define Schaltuhr Timer
<a name="addTimer"></a>
<li>addTimer: Fügt einen neuen Timer hinzu.</li><a name=""></a>
<a name="deleteTimer"></a>
<li>deleteTimer: Löscht den ausgewählten Timer.</li><a name=""></a>
<a name="saveTimers"></a>
<li>saveTimers: Speichert die eingestellten Timer in der Datei <code>Timers.txt</code> im Verzeichnis <code>./FHEM/lib</code>. </li>
<a name="sortTimer"></a>
<li>sortTimer: Sortiert die gespeicherten Timer alphabetisch.</li>
<a name="loadTimers"></a>
<li>loadTimers: Läd eine gespeicherte Konfiguration aus der Datei <code>Timers.txt</code> aus dem Verzeichnis <code>./FHEM/lib</code>.</li><a name=""></a>
<ul><li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="stateFormat">stateFormat</a><br>
Es dient zur Formatierung des Wertes <code>state</code><br>
<u>Beispiel:</u> <code>{ ReadingsTimestamp($name, "state", 0) ."&nbsp;- ". ReadingsVal($name, "state", "none");}</code><br>
- wird zur formatieren Ausgabe: <code>2019-09-19 17:51:44 - Timer_04 saved</code></li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Border">Table_Border</a><br>
Blendet den Tabellenrahmen ein. (on | off, standard off)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Border_Cell">Table_Border_Cell</a><br>
Blendet den Cellrahmen ein. (on | off, standard off)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Header_with_time">Table_Header_with_time</a><br>
Blendet den Sonnenauf und Sonnenuntergang mit der lokalen Zeit über der Tabelle ein oder aus. (on | off, standard off)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Size_TextBox">Table_Size_TextBox</a><br>
Korrekturwert um die Länge der Textbox für die Gerätenamen / Bezeichung zu verändern. (standard 20)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_Style">Table_Style</a><br>
Schaltet den definierten Tabellen-Style ein. (on | off, standard off)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Table_View_in_room">Table_View_in_room</a><br>
Schaltet das Tabellen UI in der Raumansicht an oder aus. (on | off, standard on)<br>
<small><i>Im Raum <code>Unsorted</code> ist das Tabellen UI immer abgeschalten!</i></small></li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Timer_preselection">Timer_preselection</a><br>
Setzt die Eingabewerte bei einem neuen Timer auf die aktuelle Zeit. (on | off, standard off)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Timer_xx_set">Timer_xx_set</a><br>
Speicherort für das FHEM-Kommando oder den PERL-Code des Timers (xx hat den Zahlenwert von 01-99). OHNE dieses Attribut, welches <b>nur erscheint wenn die Aktion <code> DEF </code> eingestellt </b> ist,
verarbeitet das Modul kein Kommando oder PERL-Code vom Benutzer. <code> <font color="red">*</font color> </code></li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Offset_Horizon">Offset_Horizon</a><br>
Für die Berechnung der Zeiten von Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang werden verschiedene Höhenwinkel verwendet.<br>
(REAL = 0°, CIVIL = -6°, NAUTIC = -12°, ASTRONOMIC = -18°, Standard REAL)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<ul><li><a name="Show_DeviceInfo">Show_DeviceInfo</a><br>
Blendet die Zusatzinformation ein. (alias | comment, standard off)</li><a name=" "></a></ul><br>
<b><i>Generierte Readings</i></b><br>
Speicherwerte des einzelnen Timers</li><br>
Zustand des internen Timers (stop oder Intervall bis zum nächsten Aufruf)</li><br><br></ul>
<ul><li>Einträge im Systemlogfile wie: <code>2019.09.20 22:15:01 3: Timer: time difference too large! interval=59, Sekunde=01</code> sagen aus, das der Timer die Zeit neu berechnet hat.</li></ul>
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