mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 20:16:35 +00:00
1754 lines
62 KiB
Executable File
1754 lines
62 KiB
Executable File
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::Local;
use Encode qw(encode_utf8 decode_utf8);
use List::Util qw(sum);
use HttpUtils;
use Unit;
use FHEM::Meta;
# module hashes ###############################################################
my %HP1000_pwsMapping = (
# PWS => 'FHEM',
# name translation for general readings
light => 'luminosity',
solarradiation => 'solarradiation',
windcomp => 'wind_compasspoint',
windcomp_avg2m => 'wind_compasspoint_avg2m',
windcomp_avg10m => 'wind_compasspoint_avg10m',
winddir => 'wind_direction',
winddir_avg2m => 'wind_direction_avg2m',
windgustdir => 'wind_gust_direction',
windgustdir_10m => 'wind_gust_direction_avg10m',
# name translation for Metric standard
dewpoint => 'dewpoint',
indewpoint => 'indoorDewpoint',
humidity => 'humidity',
outhumiabs => 'humidityAbs',
relbaro => 'pressure',
absbaro => 'pressureAbs',
indoorhumidity => 'indoorHumidity',
inhumiabs => 'indoorHumidityAbs',
rainrate => 'rain',
dailyrain => 'rain_day',
weeklyrain => 'rain_week',
monthlyrain => 'rain_month',
yearlyrain => 'rain_year',
outtemp => 'temperature',
intemp => 'indoorTemperature',
windchill => 'wind_chill',
windgust => 'wind_gust',
windgust_10m => 'wind_gust_max10m',
windgustmps => 'wind_gust_mps',
windgustmps_10m => 'wind_gust_mps_max10m',
windspeed => 'wind_speed',
windspeed_avg2m => 'wind_speed_avg2m',
windspeedmps => 'wind_speed_mps',
windspdmps_avg2m => 'wind_speed_mps_avg2m',
# other formats
barommm => 'pressure_mm',
absbarommm => 'pressureAbs_mm',
windgustbft => 'wind_gust_bft',
windgustbft_10m => 'wind_gust_bft_max10m',
windgustkn => 'wind_gust_kn',
windgustkn_10m => 'wind_gust_kn_max10m',
windspeedbft => 'wind_speed_bft',
windspdbft_avg2m => 'wind_speed_bft_avg2m',
windspeedkn => 'wind_speed_kn',
windspdkn_avg2m => 'wind_speed_kn_avg2m',
# name translation for Angloamerican standard
dewptf => 'dewpoint_f',
indoordewptf => 'indoorDewpoint_f',
outhumi => 'humidity',
outhumiabsf => 'humidityAbs_f',
baromin => 'pressure_in',
absbaromin => 'pressureAbs_in',
inhumi => 'indoorHumidity',
indoorhumidityabsf => 'indoorHumidityAbs',
rainin => 'rain_in',
dailyrainin => 'rain_day_in',
weeklyrainin => 'rain_week_in',
monthlyrainin => 'rain_month_in',
yearlyrainin => 'rain_year_in',
tempf => 'temperature_f',
indoortempf => 'indoorTemperature_f',
windchillf => 'wind_chill_f',
windgustfts => 'wind_gust_fts',
windgustfts_10m => 'wind_gust_fts_max10m',
windgustmph => 'wind_gust_mph',
windgustmph_10m => 'wind_gust_mph_max10m',
windspeedfts => 'wind_speed_fts',
windspdfts_avg2m => 'wind_speed_fts_avg2m',
windspeedmph => 'wind_speed_mph',
windspdmph_avg2m => 'wind_speed_mph_avg2m',
my %HP1000_wuParams = (
action => 1,
baromin => 1,
clouds => 1,
dailyrainin => 1,
dateutc => 1,
dewptf => 1,
humidity => 1,
ID => 1,
indoorhumidity => 1,
indoortempf => 1,
lowbatt => 1,
monthlyrainin => 1,
rainin => 1,
realtime => 1,
rtfreq => 1,
softwaretype => 1,
solarradiation => 1,
tempf => 1,
UV => 1,
weather => 1,
weeklyrainin => 1,
windchillf => 1,
winddir => 1,
winddir_avg2m => 1,
windgustdir => 1,
windgustdir_10m => 1,
windgustmph => 1,
windgustmph_10m => 1,
windspdmph_avg2m => 1,
windspeedmph => 1,
yearlyrainin => 1,
# initialize ##################################################################
sub HP1000_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
Log3 $hash, 5, "HP1000_Initialize: Entering";
if ( !$modules{dewpoint}{LOADED}
&& -f "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/98_dewpoint.pm" )
my $ret = CommandReload( undef, "98_dewpoint" );
Log3 undef, 1, $ret if ($ret);
my $webhookFWinstance =
join( ",", devspec2array('TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=TEMPORARY!=1') );
$hash->{GetFn} = "HP1000_Get";
$hash->{DefFn} = "HP1000_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "HP1000_Undefine";
$hash->{DbLog_splitFn} = "Unit_DbLog_split";
$hash->{parseParams} = 1;
$hash->{AttrList} =
"disable:1,0 disabledForIntervals do_not_notify:1,0 wu_push:1,0 wu_indoorValues:1,0 wu_id wu_password wu_realtime:1,0 wu_dataValues extSrvPush_Url stateReadingsLang:en,de,at,ch,nl,fr,pl webhookFWinstances:sortable-strict,$webhookFWinstance stateReadings stateReadingsFormat:0,1 bogusFilter:0,1 "
. $readingFnAttributes;
my @wu;
foreach ( keys %HP1000_wuParams ) {
next unless ( $HP1000_pwsMapping{$_} );
push @wu, $HP1000_pwsMapping{$_};
$hash->{AttrList} .= " wu_pushValues:multiple," . join( ",", sort @wu );
# Unit.pm support
$hash->{readingsDesc} = {
'Activity' => { rtype => 'oknok', },
'UV' => { rtype => 'uvi', },
'UVR' => { rtype => 'uwpscm', },
'UVcondition' => { rtype => 'condition_uvi', },
'UVcondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', },
'battery' => { rtype => 'oknok', },
'condition' => { rtype => 'condition_weather', },
'daylight' => { rtype => 'yesno', },
'dewpoint' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Td', },
'dewpoint_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Td', },
'extsrv_state' => { rtype => 'oknok', },
'humidity' => { rtype => 'pct', formula_symbol => 'H', },
'humidityAbs' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Tabs', },
'humidityAbs_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Tabs', },
'humidityCondition' => { rtype => 'condition_hum', },
'humidityCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', },
'indoorDewpoint' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Tdi', },
'indoorDewpoint_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Tdi', },
'indoorHumidity' => { rtype => 'pct', formula_symbol => 'Hi', },
'indoorHumidityAbs' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Tabsi', },
'indoorHumidityAbs_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Tabsi', },
'indoorHumidityCondition' => { rtype => 'condition_hum', },
'indoorHumidityCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', },
'indoorTemperature' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Ti', },
'indoorTemperature_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Ti', },
#'indoorTemperatureCondition' => {},
'indoorTemperatureCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', },
'israining' => { rtype => 'yesno', },
'luminosity' => { rtype => 'lx', },
'pressure' => { rtype => 'hpamb', },
'pressureAbs' => { rtype => 'hpamb', },
'pressureAbs_in' => { rtype => 'inhg', },
'pressureAbs_mm' => { rtype => 'mmhg', },
'pressure_in' => { rtype => 'inhg', },
'pressure_mm' => { rtype => 'mmhg', },
'rain' => { rtype => 'mm', },
'rain_day' => { rtype => 'mm', },
'rain_day_in' => { rtype => 'in', },
'rain_in' => { rtype => 'in', },
'rain_month' => { rtype => 'mm', },
'rain_month_in' => { rtype => 'in', },
'rain_week' => { rtype => 'mm', },
'rain_week_in' => { rtype => 'in', },
'rain_year' => { rtype => 'mm', },
'rain_year_in' => { rtype => 'in', },
'solarradiation' => { rtype => 'wpsm', },
'temperature' => { rtype => 'c', },
'temperature_f' => { rtype => 'f', },
#'temperatureCondition' => {},
'temperatureCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', },
#'windCondition' => {},
'windCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', },
#'windWarning' => {},
'wind_compasspoint' => { rtype => 'compasspoint', },
'wind_compasspoint_avg2m' => { rtype => 'compasspoint', },
'wind_compasspoint_avg10m' => { rtype => 'compasspoint', },
'wind_chill' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Wc', },
'wind_chill_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Wc', },
'wind_direction' =>
{ rtype => 'compasspoint', formula_symbol => 'Wdir', },
'wind_direction_avg2m' =>
{ rtype => 'compasspoint', formula_symbol => 'Wdir', },
'wind_gust' => { rtype => 'kmph', formula_symbol => 'Wg', },
'wind_gust_bft' => { rtype => 'bft', formula_symbol => 'Wg', },
'wind_gust_direction_avg10m' =>
{ rtype => 'compasspoint', formula_symbol => 'Wdir', },
'wind_gust_fts' => { rtype => 'fts', formula_symbol => 'Wg', },
'wind_gust_kn' => { rtype => 'kn', formula_symbol => 'Wg', },
'wind_gust_mph' => { rtype => 'mph', formula_symbol => 'Wg', },
'wind_gust_mph_max10m' => { rtype => 'mph', formula_symbol => 'Wg', },
'wind_gust_mps' => { rtype => 'mps', formula_symbol => 'Wg', },
'wind_gust_max10m' => { rtype => 'kmph', formula_symbol => 'Wg', },
'wind_speed' => { rtype => 'kmph', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wind_speed_avg2m' => { rtype => 'kmph', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wind_speed_bft' => { rtype => 'bft', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wind_speed_bft_avg2m' => { rtype => 'bft', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wind_speed_kn' => { rtype => 'kn', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wind_speed_kn_avg2m' => { rtype => 'kn', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wind_speed_mph' => { rtype => 'mph', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wind_speed_mph_avg2m' => { rtype => 'mph', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wind_speed_mps' => { rtype => 'mps', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wind_speed_mps_avg2m' => { rtype => 'mps', formula_symbol => 'W', },
'wu_state' => { rtype => 'oknok', },
# 98_powerMap.pm support
$hash->{powerMap} = {
rname_E => 'energy',
rname_P => 'consumption',
map => {
Activity => {
'dead' => 0,
'alive' => 5,
state => {
'*' => 'Activity',
return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash );
# regular Fn ##################################################################
sub HP1000_Define($$$) {
my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "Usage: define <name> HP1000 [<ID> <PASSWORD>]"
if ( int(@$a) < 2 );
$hash->{ID} = @$a[2] if ( defined( @$a[2] ) );
$hash->{PASSWORD} = @$a[3] if ( defined( @$a[3] ) );
"Device already defined: "
. $modules{HP1000}{defptr}{NAME}
. " (there can only be one instance as per restriction of the weather station itself)"
if ( defined( $modules{HP1000}{defptr} ) && !defined( $hash->{OLDDEF} ) );
# Initialize the module and the device
return $@ unless ( FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash) );
# check FHEMWEB instance when user first defines the device
if ( $init_done && !defined( $hash->{OLDDEF} ) ) {
my $FWports;
foreach ( devspec2array('TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=TEMPORARY!=1') ) {
$hash->{FW} = $_
if ( AttrVal( $_, "webname", "fhem" ) eq "weatherstation" );
if ( !defined( $hash->{FW} ) ) {
$hash->{FW} = "WEBweatherstation";
my $port = 8084;
until ( !grep ( /^$port$/, @{$FWports} ) ) {
if ( !defined( $defs{ $hash->{FW} } ) ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
"HP1000 $name: Creating new FHEMWEB instance "
. $hash->{FW}
. " with webname 'weatherstation'";
fhem "define " . $hash->{FW} . " FHEMWEB $port global";
fhem "attr " . $hash->{FW} . " closeConn 1";
fhem "attr " . $hash->{FW} . " webname weatherstation";
fhem 'attr ' . $name . ' stateReadings temperature humidity';
fhem 'attr ' . $name . ' stateReadingsFormat 1';
if ( HP1000_addExtension( $name, "HP1000_CGI", "updateweatherstation" ) ) {
$hash->{fhem}{infix} = "updateweatherstation";
else {
return "Error registering FHEMWEB infix";
# create global unique device definition
$modules{HP1000}{defptr} = $hash;
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 120, "HP1000_SetAliveState", $hash, 0 );
return undef;
sub HP1000_Undefine($$$) {
my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_Undefine()";
HP1000_removeExtension( $hash->{fhem}{infix} );
# release global unique device definition
delete $modules{HP1000}{defptr};
return undef;
sub HP1000_Get($$$) {
my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $wu_id = AttrVal( $name, "wu_id", "" );
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_Get()";
return "Argument is missing" if ( int(@$a) < 1 );
my $usage = "Unknown argument " . @$a[1] . ", choose one of";
$usage .= " createWUforecast" if ( $wu_id ne "" );
my $cmd = '';
my $result;
# createWUforecast
if ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "createwuforecast" ) {
return "Attribute wu_id "
. "does not contain a PWS ID to create a Wunderground device"
if ( $wu_id eq "" );
my @wudev = devspec2array("TYPE=Wunderground:FILTER=PWS_ID=$wu_id");
if ( !@wudev ) {
return "Missing WU API key" if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) );
Log3 $name, 3, "HP1000 get $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2];
$result =
fhem "define $name" . "_WU Wunderground " . @$a[2] . " $wu_id";
$result = $name . "_WU created"
if ( !defined($result) );
else {
$result = "Found existing WU device for this PWS ID: $wudev[0]";
# return usage hint
else {
return $usage;
return $result;
# module Fn ####################################################################
sub HP1000_CGI() {
my ($request) = @_;
my $hash;
my $name = "";
my $link;
my $URI;
my $result = "Initialized";
my $webArgs;
my $servertype;
#TODO: should better be blocked in FHEMWEB already
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Booting up" )
unless ($init_done);
# data received
if ( $request =~ /^\/updateweatherstation\.(\w{3})\?(.+=.+)/ ) {
$servertype = lc($1);
$URI = $2;
# get device name
$name = $data{FWEXT}{"/updateweatherstation"}{deviceName}
if ( defined( $data{FWEXT}{"/updateweatherstation"} ) );
$hash = $defs{$name};
# return error if no such device
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
"No HP1000 device for webhook /updateweatherstation" )
unless ( IsDevice( $name, 'HP1000' ) );
# Only allow data via explicitly named FHEMWEB instances,
# e.g. the user is taking care about correct incoming data
# routing to that instance via reverse proxy
$hash->{FW} = AttrVal( $name, "webhookFWinstances", "" );
# Otherwise, only allow data via FHEMWEB instance with
# webname 'weatherstation' as hardcoded in weatherstation firmware
if ( $hash->{FW} eq "" ) {
foreach ( devspec2array('TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=TEMPORARY!=1') ) {
if ( AttrVal( $_, "webname", "fhem" ) eq "weatherstation" ) {
$hash->{FW} = $_;
# incorrect FHEMWEB instance used
my @webhookFWinstances = split( ",", $hash->{FW} );
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
"incorrect FHEMWEB instance to receive data" )
unless ( grep ( /^$FW_wname$/, @webhookFWinstances ) );
# extract values from URI
foreach my $pv ( split( "&", $URI ) ) {
next if ( $pv eq "" );
$pv =~ s/\+/ /g;
$pv =~ s/%([\dA-F][\dA-F])/chr(hex($1))/ige;
my ( $p, $v ) = split( "=", $pv, 2 );
$webArgs->{$p} = Encode::encode_utf8($v)
if ( $v ne "" );
if ( !defined( $webArgs->{softwaretype} )
|| !defined( $webArgs->{dateutc} )
|| !defined( $webArgs->{action} ) )
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: received insufficient data:\n" . Dumper($webArgs);
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Insufficient data" );
if ( $webArgs->{action} ne "updateraw" ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: action $webArgs->{action} is not implemented:\n"
. Dumper($webArgs);
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
"Action $webArgs->{action} was not implemented" );
if (
defined( $hash->{ID} )
&& defined( $hash->{PASSWORD} )
&& ( $hash->{ID} ne $webArgs->{ID}
|| $hash->{PASSWORD} ne $webArgs->{PASSWORD} )
Log3 $name, 4,
"HP1000: received data containing wrong credentials:\n"
. Dumper($webArgs);
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Wrong credentials" );
# no data received
else {
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Missing data" );
my $uptime = time() - $fhem_started;
delete $hash->{FORECASTDEV} if ( $hash->{FORECASTDEV} );
my @wudev = devspec2array(
"TYPE=Wunderground:FILTER=PWS_ID=" . AttrVal( $name, "wu_id", "-" ) );
$hash->{FORECASTDEV} = $wudev[0]
if ( defined( $wudev[0] ) );
HP1000_SetAliveState( $hash, 1 );
$hash->{IP} = $defs{$FW_cname}{PEER};
$hash->{SERVER_TYPE} = $servertype;
$hash->{SWVERSION} = $webArgs->{softwaretype};
$hash->{INTERVAL} = (
? time_str2num( $webArgs->{dateutc} ) -
time_str2num( $hash->{SYSTEMTIME_UTC} )
: 0
$hash->{SYSTEMTIME_UTC} = $webArgs->{dateutc};
$hash->{UPLOAD_TYPE} = "default";
$hash->{UPLOAD_TYPE} = "customize"
if ( defined( $webArgs->{solarradiation} ) );
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: received data (uptime=$uptime):\n" . Dumper($webArgs);
# rename wind speed values as those are in m/sec and
# we want km/h to be our metric default
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) {
$webArgs->{windspeedmps} = $webArgs->{windspeed};
delete $webArgs->{windspeed};
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) {
$webArgs->{windgustmps} = $webArgs->{windgust};
delete $webArgs->{windgust};
# Special handling for humidity values
$webArgs->{inhumi} = $webArgs->{indoorhumidity}
if ( defined( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} ) );
$webArgs->{indoorhumidity} = $webArgs->{inhumi}
if ( defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} ) );
$webArgs->{outhumi} = $webArgs->{humidity}
if ( defined( $webArgs->{humidity} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} ) );
$webArgs->{humidity} = $webArgs->{outhumi}
if ( defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{humidity} ) );
my %HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent = (
# Metric => 'Angloamerican',
dewpoint => 'dewptf',
indewpoint => 'indoordewptf',
humidity => 'outhumi',
outhumiabs => 'outhumiabsf',
relbaro => 'baromin',
absbaro => 'absbaromin',
indoorhumidity => 'inhumi',
inhumiabs => 'indoorhumidityabsf',
rainrate => 'rainin',
dailyrain => 'dailyrainin',
weeklyrain => 'weeklyrainin',
monthlyrain => 'monthlyrainin',
yearlyrain => 'yearlyrainin',
outtemp => 'tempf',
intemp => 'indoortempf',
windchill => 'windchillf',
windgustmps => 'windgustmph',
windspeedmps => 'windspeedmph',
my %HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev =
%{ { reverse %HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent } };
# Filter values that seem bogus
if ( AttrVal( $name, 'bogusFilter', 0 ) ne '0' ) {
foreach ($webArgs) {
next unless ( looks_like_number( $webArgs->{$_} ) );
if ( $webArgs->{$_} < -273.2 ) {
Log3 $name, 4,
"HP1000: "
. "Received value '"
. $webArgs->{$_}
. "' for '$_' seems out of range - removed from data set";
delete $webArgs->{$_};
# calculate readings for Metric standard from Angloamerican standard
# calculate Celsius based values based on Fahrenheit
foreach ( 'dewptf', 'tempf', 'indoortempf', 'windchillf' ) {
my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev{$_};
next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) );
$webArgs->{$k} = UConv::f2c( $webArgs->{$_} );
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: "
. "Adding calculated value for $k=$webArgs->{$k} from $_=$webArgs->{$_}";
# calculate hPa based values based on inHg
foreach ( 'baromin', 'absbaromin' ) {
my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev{$_};
next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) );
$webArgs->{$k} = UConv::inhg2hpa( $webArgs->{$_} );
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: "
. "Adding calculated value for $k=$webArgs->{$k} from $_=$webArgs->{$_}";
# calculate milimeter based values based on inch
foreach (
'rainin', 'dailyrainin', 'weeklyrainin',
'monthlyrainin', 'yearlyrainin'
my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev{$_};
next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) );
$webArgs->{$k} = UConv::in2mm( $webArgs->{$_} );
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: "
. "Adding calculated value for $k=$webArgs->{$k} from $_=$webArgs->{$_}";
# calculate kph based values based on mph
foreach ( 'windgustmph', 'windspeedmph' ) {
my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev{$_};
next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) );
$webArgs->{$k} = UConv::mph2mps( $webArgs->{$_} );
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: "
. "Adding calculated value for $k=$webArgs->{$k} from $_=$webArgs->{$_}";
# windgust in km/h (convert from windgustmps)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmps} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) )
$webArgs->{windgust} =
UConv::mps2kph( $webArgs->{windgustmps} );
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: "
. "Adding calculated value for windgust=$webArgs->{windgust} from windgustmps=$webArgs->{windgustmps}";
# windspeed in km/h (convert from windspeedmps)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmps} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) )
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: Adding calculated value for windspeed from windspeedmps";
$webArgs->{windspeed} =
UConv::mps2kph( $webArgs->{windspeedmps} );
# windgust in km/h (convert from windgustmph)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmph} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) )
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: Adding calculated value for windgust from windgustmph";
$webArgs->{windgust} =
UConv::mph2kph( $webArgs->{windgustmph} );
# windspeed in km/h (convert from windspeedmph)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) )
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: Adding calculated value for windspeed from windspeedmph";
$webArgs->{windspeed} =
UConv::mps2kph( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} );
# calculate readings for Angloamerican standard from Metric standard
# calculate Fahrenheit based values based on Celsius
foreach ( 'dewpoint', 'outtemp', 'intemp', 'windchill' ) {
my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent{$_};
next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) );
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for $k from $_";
$webArgs->{$k} = UConv::c2f( $webArgs->{$_} );
# calculate inHg based values based on hPa
foreach ( 'relbaro', 'absbaro' ) {
my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent{$_};
next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) );
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for $k from $_";
$webArgs->{$k} = UConv::hpa2inhg( $webArgs->{$_}, 2 );
# calculate inch based values based on milimeter
foreach ( 'rainrate', 'dailyrain', 'weeklyrain', 'monthlyrain',
'yearlyrain' )
my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent{$_};
next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) );
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for $k from $_";
$webArgs->{$k} = UConv::mm2in( $webArgs->{$_}, 2 );
# calculate kph based values based on mph
foreach ( 'windgustmps', 'windspeedmps' ) {
my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent{$_};
next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) );
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for $k from $_";
$webArgs->{$k} = UConv::mps2mph( $webArgs->{$_} );
# windgustmph in mph (convert from windgustmps)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmps} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{windgustmph} ) )
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: Adding calculated value for windgustmph from windgustmps";
$webArgs->{windgustmph} =
UConv::mps2mph( $webArgs->{windgustmps} );
# windspeedmph in mph (convert from windspeedmps)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmps} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ) )
Log3 $name, 5,
"HP1000: Adding calculated value for windspeedmph from windspeedmps";
$webArgs->{windspeedmph} =
UConv::mps2mph( $webArgs->{windspeedmps} );
# write general readings
while ( ( my $p, my $v ) = each %$webArgs ) {
# ignore those values
if ( $p eq "action"
|| $p eq "dateutc"
|| $p eq "lowbatt"
|| $p eq "realtime"
|| $p eq "rtfreq"
|| $p eq "softwaretype"
|| $p eq "humidity"
|| $p eq "indoorhumidity"
|| $p eq "UV"
|| $p eq "UVR"
|| $p eq "ID"
|| $p eq "PASSWORD" );
$p = $HP1000_pwsMapping{$p} ? $HP1000_pwsMapping{$p} : "_" . $p;
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $p, $v );
# calculate additional readings
# battery
my $battery = "ok";
if ( defined( $webArgs->{lowbatt} ) ) {
$battery = "low" if ( $webArgs->{lowbatt} );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "battery", $battery );
# israining
my $israining = 0;
$israining = 1
if ( defined( $webArgs->{rainrate} ) && $webArgs->{rainrate} > 0 );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "israining", $israining );
# solarradiation in W/m2 (convert from lux)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{light} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{solarradiation} ) )
$webArgs->{solarradiation} =
UConv::lux2wpsm( $webArgs->{light}, 2 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "solarradiation",
$webArgs->{solarradiation} );
# luminosity in lux (convert from W/m2)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{solarradiation} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{light} ) )
$webArgs->{light} =
UConv::wpsm2lux( $webArgs->{solarradiation} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "luminosity", $webArgs->{light} );
# daylight
my $daylight = 0;
$daylight = 1
if ( defined( $webArgs->{light} ) && $webArgs->{light} > 50 );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "daylight", $daylight );
# condition
if ( defined( $webArgs->{light} ) ) {
my $temp =
( defined( $webArgs->{outtemp} ) ? $webArgs->{outtemp} : "10" );
my $hum = ( $webArgs->{outhumi} ? $webArgs->{outhumi} : "50" );
$temp, $hum, $webArgs->{light}, $daylight, $israining
# temperatureCondition
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windchill} ) ) {
my $avg =
HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "windchill", 600, $webArgs->{windchill} );
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 ) {
my ( $cond, $rgb ) = UConv::c2condition($avg);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "temperatureCondition", $cond );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "temperatureCondition_rgb",
$rgb );
# indoorTemperatureCondition
if ( defined( $webArgs->{intemp} ) ) {
my ( $v, $rgb ) = UConv::c2condition( $webArgs->{intemp}, 1 );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "indoorTemperatureCondition", $v );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "indoorTemperatureCondition_rgb",
$rgb );
# humidityCondition
if ( defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} ) ) {
my ( $v, $rgb ) = UConv::humidity2condition( $webArgs->{outhumi} );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "humidityCondition", $v );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "humidityCondition_rgb", $rgb );
# indoorHumidityCondition
if ( defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} ) ) {
my ( $v, $rgb ) = UConv::humidity2condition( $webArgs->{inhumi}, 1 );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "indoorHumidityCondition", $v );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "indoorHumidityCondition_rgb",
$rgb );
if ( defined( $webArgs->{UV} ) ) {
# UV is already in UV-index format when upload-type
# is set to 'customize'. Wunderground format is 'customize'.
if ( $hash->{UPLOAD_TYPE} eq "customize" ) {
$webArgs->{UVR} = UConv::uvi2uwpscm( $webArgs->{UV} )
unless ( defined( $webArgs->{UVR} ) );
else {
$webArgs->{UVR} = $webArgs->{UV};
$webArgs->{UV} = UConv::uwpscm2uvi( $webArgs->{UVR} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "UV", $webArgs->{UV} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "UVR", $webArgs->{UVR} );
# UVcondition
my ( $v, $rgb ) = UConv::uvi2condition( $webArgs->{UV} );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "UVcondition", $v );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "UVcondition_rgb", $rgb );
# pressure_mm in mmHg (convert from hpa)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{relbaro} ) ) {
$webArgs->{barommm} = UConv::hpa2mmhg( $webArgs->{relbaro} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pressure_mm", $webArgs->{barommm} );
# pressureAbs_mm in mmHg (convert from hpa)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{absbaro} ) ) {
$webArgs->{absbarommm} =
UConv::hpa2mmhg( $webArgs->{absbaro} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pressureAbs_mm", $webArgs->{absbarommm} );
# indoorDewpoint in Celsius
if ( defined( $webArgs->{intemp} )
&& defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} )
&& exists &dewpoint_dewpoint )
my $h = (
$webArgs->{inhumi} > 110
? 110
: ( $webArgs->{inhumi} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{inhumi} )
$webArgs->{indewpoint} =
round( dewpoint_dewpoint( $webArgs->{intemp}, $h ), 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "indoorDewpoint", $webArgs->{indewpoint} );
# indoorDewpoint in Fahrenheit
if ( defined( $webArgs->{indoortempf} )
&& defined( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} )
&& exists &dewpoint_dewpoint )
my $h = (
$webArgs->{indoorhumidity} > 110 ? 110
: (
$webArgs->{indoorhumidity} <= 0 ? 0.01
: $webArgs->{indoorhumidity}
$webArgs->{indoordewptf} =
round( dewpoint_dewpoint( $webArgs->{indoortempf}, $h ), 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "indoorDewpoint_f",
$webArgs->{indoordewptf} );
# humidityAbs
if ( defined( $webArgs->{outtemp} )
&& defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} )
&& looks_like_number( $webArgs->{outtemp} )
&& looks_like_number( $webArgs->{outhumi} )
&& exists &dewpoint_absFeuchte )
my $h = (
$webArgs->{outhumi} > 110
? 110
: ( $webArgs->{outhumi} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{outhumi} )
$webArgs->{outhumiabs} =
round( dewpoint_absFeuchte( $webArgs->{outtemp}, $h ), 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "humidityAbs", $webArgs->{outhumiabs} );
# humidityAbs_f
if ( defined( $webArgs->{tempf} )
&& defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} )
&& looks_like_number( $webArgs->{tempf} )
&& looks_like_number( $webArgs->{outhumi} )
&& exists &dewpoint_absFeuchte )
my $h = (
$webArgs->{outhumi} > 110
? 110
: ( $webArgs->{outhumi} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{outhumi} )
$webArgs->{outhumiabsf} =
round( dewpoint_absFeuchte( $webArgs->{tempf}, $h ), 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "humidityAbs_f", $webArgs->{outhumiabsf} );
# indoorHumidityAbs
if ( defined( $webArgs->{intemp} )
&& defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} )
&& looks_like_number( $webArgs->{intemp} )
&& looks_like_number( $webArgs->{inhumi} )
&& exists &dewpoint_absFeuchte )
my $h = (
$webArgs->{inhumi} > 110
? 110
: ( $webArgs->{inhumi} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{inhumi} )
$webArgs->{inhumiabs} =
round( dewpoint_absFeuchte( $webArgs->{intemp}, $h ), 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "indoorHumidityAbs", $webArgs->{inhumiabs} );
# indoorHumidityAbs_f
if ( defined( $webArgs->{indoortempf} )
&& defined( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} )
&& looks_like_number( $webArgs->{indoortempf} )
&& looks_like_number( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} )
&& exists &dewpoint_absFeuchte )
my $h = (
$webArgs->{indoorhumidity} > 110 ? 110
: (
$webArgs->{indoorhumidity} <= 0 ? 0.01
: $webArgs->{indoorhumidity}
$webArgs->{indoorhumidityabsf} =
round( dewpoint_absFeuchte( $webArgs->{indoortempf}, $h ), 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "indoorHumidityAbs_f",
$webArgs->{indoorhumidityabsf} );
# wind_compasspoint
if ( defined( $webArgs->{winddir} ) ) {
$webArgs->{windcomp} =
UConv::direction2compasspoint( $webArgs->{winddir} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_compasspoint", $webArgs->{windcomp} );
# wind_speed_bft in Beaufort (convert from km/h)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) {
$webArgs->{windspeedbft} =
UConv::kph2bft( $webArgs->{windspeed} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_speed_bft", $webArgs->{windspeedbft} );
# wind_speed_kn in kn (convert from km/h)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) {
my $v = UConv::kph2kn( $webArgs->{windspeed} );
$webArgs->{windspeedkn} = ( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_speed_kn", $webArgs->{windspeedkn} );
# wind_speed_fts in ft/s (convert from mph)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ) ) {
my $v = UConv::mph2fts( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} );
$webArgs->{windspeedfts} = ( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_speed_fts", $webArgs->{windspeedfts} );
# wind_gust_bft in Beaufort (convert from km/h)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) {
$webArgs->{windgustbft} =
UConv::kph2bft( $webArgs->{windgust} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_gust_bft", $webArgs->{windgustbft} );
# wind_gust_kn in m/s (convert from km/h)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) {
my $v = UConv::kph2kn( $webArgs->{windgust} );
$webArgs->{windgustkn} = ( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_gust_kn", $webArgs->{windgustkn} );
# wind_gust_fts ft/s (convert from mph)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmph} ) ) {
my $v = UConv::mph2fts( $webArgs->{windgustmph} );
$webArgs->{windgustfts} = ( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_gust_fts", $webArgs->{windgustfts} );
# averages/wind_direction_avg10m
# averages/wind_direction_avg2m
if ( defined( $webArgs->{winddir} ) ) {
my $v =
round( HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "winddir", 600, $webArgs->{winddir} ),
0 );
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 600 ) {
$webArgs->{windgustdir_10m} = $v;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash,
"wind_gust_direction_avg10m", $webArgs->{windgustdir_10m} );
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 120 ) {
my $v2 = round( HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "winddir", 120 ), 0 );
$webArgs->{winddir_avg2m} = $v2;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_direction_avg2m",
$webArgs->{winddir_avg2m} );
# averages/wind_compasspoint_avg10m
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustdir_10m} ) ) {
$webArgs->{windcomp_avg10m} =
UConv::direction2compasspoint( $webArgs->{windgustdir_10m} );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_compasspoint_avg10m",
$webArgs->{windcomp_avg10m} );
# averages/wind_compasspoint_avg2m
if ( defined( $webArgs->{winddir_avg2m} ) ) {
$webArgs->{windcomp_avg2m} =
UConv::direction2compasspoint( $webArgs->{winddir_avg2m} );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_compasspoint_avg2m",
$webArgs->{windcomp_avg2m} );
# averages/wind_speed_avg2m in km/h
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) {
my $v = HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "windspeed", 120, $webArgs->{windspeed} );
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 120 ) {
$webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} = $v;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_avg2m",
$webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} );
# averages/wind_speed_mph_avg2m in mph
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ) ) {
my $v =
HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "windspeedmph", 120, $webArgs->{windspeedmph} );
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 120 ) {
$webArgs->{windspdmph_avg2m} = $v;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_mph_avg2m",
$webArgs->{windspdmph_avg2m} );
# averages/wind_speed_bft_avg2m in Beaufort (convert from km/h)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ) ) {
$webArgs->{windspdbft_avg2m} =
UConv::kph2bft( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_bft_avg2m",
$webArgs->{windspdbft_avg2m} );
# averages/wind_speed_kn_avg2m in Kn (convert from km/h)
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ) ) {
$webArgs->{windspdkn_avg2m} =
UConv::kph2kn( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_kn_avg2m",
$webArgs->{windspdkn_avg2m} );
# averages/wind_speed_mps_avg2m in m/s
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ) ) {
my $v = UConv::kph2mps( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} );
$webArgs->{windspdmps_avg2m} =
( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_mps_avg2m",
$webArgs->{windspdmps_avg2m} );
# maximum/wind_gust_max10m
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) {
my $v = HP1000_GetMax( $hash, "windgust", 600, $webArgs->{windgust} );
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 600 ) {
$webArgs->{windgust_10m} = $v;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_gust_max10m",
$webArgs->{windgust_10m} );
my ( $val, $rgb, $cond, $warn ) =
UConv::kph2bft( $webArgs->{windgust_10m} );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "windCondition", $cond );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "windCondition_rgb", $rgb );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "windWarning", $warn );
# maximum/wind_gust_mph_max10m
if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmph} ) ) {
my $v =
HP1000_GetMax( $hash, "windgustmph", 600, $webArgs->{windgustmph} );
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 600 ) {
$webArgs->{windgustmph_10m} = $v;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_gust_mph_max10m",
$webArgs->{windgustmph_10m} );
# from WU API - can we somehow calculate these as well?
# weather - [text] -- metar style (+RA)
# clouds - [text] -- SKC, FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC
# soiltempf - [F soil temperature]
# soilmoisture - [%]
# leafwetness - [%]
# visibility - [nm visibility]
# condition_forecast (based on pressure trend)
# dayNight
# soilTemperature
# brightness in % ??
# state
my $stateReadings = AttrVal( $name, "stateReadings", "" );
my $stateReadingsLang = AttrVal( $name, "stateReadingsLang", "en" );
my $stateReadingsFormat = AttrVal( $name, "stateReadingsFormat", "0" );
# $result =
# makeSTATE( $name, $stateReadings,
# $stateReadingsLang, $stateReadingsFormat );
$result = makeSTATE( $name, $stateReadings, $stateReadingsFormat );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", $result );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
HP1000_PushWU( $hash, $webArgs )
if AttrVal( $name, "wu_push", 0 ) eq "1";
HP1000_PushSrv( $hash, $webArgs )
if AttrVal( $name, "extSrvPush_Url", undef );
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "success" );
sub HP1000_addExtension($$$) {
my ( $name, $func, $link ) = @_;
my $url = "/$link";
Log3 $name, 2, "Registering HP1000 $name for URL $url...";
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{deviceName} = $name;
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{FUNC} = $func;
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{LINK} = $link;
sub HP1000_removeExtension($) {
my ($link) = @_;
my $url = "/$link";
my $name = $data{FWEXT}{$url}{deviceName};
Log3 $name, 2, "Unregistering HP1000 $name for URL $url...";
delete $data{FWEXT}{$url};
sub HP1000_SetAliveState($;$) {
my ( $hash, $alive ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_SetAliveState()";
my $activity = "dead";
$activity = "alive" if ($alive);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "Activity", $activity );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 120, "HP1000_SetAliveState", $hash, 0 );
sub HP1000_PushSrv($$) {
my ( $hash, $webArgs ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $timeout = AttrVal( $name, "timeout", 7 );
my $http_noshutdown = AttrVal( $name, "http-noshutdown", "1" );
my $srv_url = AttrVal( $name, "extSrvPush_Url", "" );
my $cmd = "";
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_PushSrv()";
$srv_url =~ s/\$SERVER_TYPE/$hash->{SERVER_TYPE}/g
if ( $hash->{SERVER_TYPE} );
if ( $srv_url !~
elsif ( $4 !~ /\?/ ) {
$cmd = "?";
else {
$cmd = "&";
$webArgs->{PASSWORD} = "";
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{$webArgs} ) {
if ( $key eq "softwaretype" || $key eq "dateutc" ) {
$value = urlEncode($value);
$cmd .= "$key=" . $value . "&";
Log3 $name, 4,
"HP1000 $name: pushing data to external Server: $srv_url$cmd";
url => $srv_url . $cmd,
timeout => $timeout,
noshutdown => $http_noshutdown,
data => undef,
hash => $hash,
callback => \&HP1000_ReturnSrv,
httpversion => "1.1",
loglevel => AttrVal( $name, "httpLoglevel", 5 ),
header => {
Agent => 'FHEM-HP1000/1.0.0',
'User-Agent' => 'FHEM-HP1000/1.0.0',
sslargs => {
SSL_verify_mode => 0,
sub HP1000_PushWU($$) {
# See: http://wiki.wunderground.com/index.php/PWS_-_Upload_Protocol
my ( $hash, $webArgs ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $timeout = AttrVal( $name, "timeout", 7 );
my $http_noshutdown = AttrVal( $name, "http-noshutdown", "1" );
my $wu_user = AttrVal( $name, "wu_id", "" );
my $wu_pass = AttrVal( $name, "wu_password", "" );
my $wu_realtime = AttrVal( $name, "wu_realtime", undef );
my $wu_indoorValues = AttrVal( $name, "wu_indoorValues", 1 );
my $wu_dataValues = AttrVal( $name, "wu_dataValues", undef );
my $wu_pushValues = AttrVal( $name, "wu_pushValues", undef );
my @whitelist =
( 'action', 'dateutc', 'ID', 'PASSWORD', 'rtfreq', 'softwaretype' );
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_PushWU()";
if ( $wu_user eq "" && $wu_pass eq "" ) {
Log3 $name, 4,
"HP1000 $name: "
. "missing attributes for Weather Underground transfer: wu_user and wu_password";
my $return = "error: missing attributes wu_user and wu_password";
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wu_state", $return );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
if ( defined($wu_realtime) && $wu_realtime eq "0" ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: Explicitly turning off realtime";
delete $webArgs->{realtime};
delete $webArgs->{rtfreq};
elsif ($wu_realtime) {
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: Explicitly turning on realtime";
$webArgs->{realtime} = 1;
if ( $wu_dataValues || $wu_pushValues ) {
my %HP1000_pwsMapping_rev = %{ { reverse %HP1000_pwsMapping } };
if ($wu_dataValues) {
my %dummy;
$wu_dataValues =~ s/\$name/$name/g;
my ( $err, @a ) = ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($wu_dataValues) );
if ($err) {
Log3 $name, 3,
"HP1000 $name: error parsing wu_dataValues: $err";
else {
my ( undef, $h ) = parseParams( \@a );
foreach ( keys %$h ) {
next unless $_ ne "";
my $n = $_;
if ( $HP1000_pwsMapping_rev{$_} ) {
$n = $HP1000_pwsMapping_rev{$_};
Log3 $name, 4,
"HP1000 $name: Remapping reading name from $_ to $n";
Log3 $name, 4,
"HP1000 $name: Adding new value for WU: $n=$h->{$_}"
unless ( defined( $webArgs->{$n} ) );
Log3 $name, 4,
"HP1000 $name: Replacing existing value for WU: $n=$h->{$_}"
if ( defined( $webArgs->{$n} ) );
$webArgs->{$n} = $h->{$_};
if ($wu_pushValues) {
foreach ( split( /,/, $wu_pushValues ) ) {
if ( $HP1000_pwsMapping_rev{$_} ) {
my $v = $HP1000_pwsMapping_rev{$_};
$v = "humidity" if ( $v eq "outhumi" );
$v = "indoorhumidity" if ( $v eq "inhumi" );
push @whitelist, $v;
else {
push @whitelist, $_;
$webArgs->{rtfreq} = 5
if ( defined( $webArgs->{realtime} )
&& !defined( $webArgs->{rtfreq} ) );
my $wu_url = (
defined( $webArgs->{realtime} )
&& $webArgs->{realtime} eq "1"
? "https://rtupdate.wunderground.com/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?"
: "https://weatherstation.wunderground.com/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?"
$webArgs->{ID} = $wu_user;
$webArgs->{PASSWORD} = $wu_pass;
my $cmd;
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{$webArgs} ) {
$value = urlEncode($value)
if ( $key =~ /^(softwaretype|dateutc)$/i );
if ( ( $wu_indoorValues || $key =~ m/^in/i )
&& ( !$wu_pushValues || grep ( $_ eq $key, @whitelist ) ) )
Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: pushing data to WU: $key=$value";
$cmd .= "$key=" . $value . "&";
url => $wu_url . $cmd,
timeout => $timeout,
noshutdown => $http_noshutdown,
data => undef,
hash => $hash,
callback => \&HP1000_ReturnWU,
httpversion => "1.1",
loglevel => AttrVal( $name, "httpLoglevel", 5 ),
header => {
Agent => 'FHEM-HP1000/1.0.0',
'User-Agent' => 'FHEM-HP1000/1.0.0',
sub HP1000_ReturnSrv($$$) {
my ( $param, $err, $data ) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# device not reachable
if ($err) {
my $return = "error: connection timeout";
Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: EXTSRV HTTP " . $return;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "extsrv_state", $return );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# data received
elsif ($data) {
my $logprio = 5;
my $return = "ok";
if ( $param->{code} ne "200" ) {
$logprio = 4;
$return = "error " . $param->{code} . ": $data";
Log3 $name, $logprio,
"HP1000 $name: EXTSRV HTTP return: " . $param->{code} . " - $data";
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "extsrv_state", $return );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
sub HP1000_ReturnWU($$$) {
my ( $param, $err, $data ) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# device not reachable
if ($err) {
my $return = "error: connection timeout";
Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: WU HTTP " . $return;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wu_state", $return );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# data received
elsif ($data) {
my $logprio = 5;
my $return = "ok";
if ( $data !~ m/^success.*/i ) {
$logprio = 4;
$return = "error";
$return .= " " . $param->{code} if ( $param->{code} ne "200" );
$return .= ": $data";
Log3 $name, $logprio,
"HP1000 $name: WU HTTP return: " . $param->{code} . " - $data";
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wu_state", $return );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
sub HP1000_GetAvg($$;$$) {
my ( $hash, $t, $s, $v ) = @_;
return HP1000_HistoryDb( $hash, $t, $s, $v, 1 );
sub HP1000_GetMax($$;$$) {
my ( $hash, $t, $s, $v ) = @_;
return HP1000_HistoryDb( $hash, $t, $s, $v, 2 );
sub HP1000_HistoryDb($$;$$$) {
my ( $hash, $t, $s, $v, $type ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return $v if ( $type && $type == 1 && $hash->{INTERVAL} < 1 );
return "0" if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} < 1 );
my $historySize = $s ? round( $s / $hash->{INTERVAL}, 0 ) : undef;
$historySize = "1" if ( defined($historySize) && $historySize < 1 );
if ( defined($v) && looks_like_number($v) ) {
my $v2 = unshift @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} }, $v
unless ( !$type && $v <= 0 );
my $v3 = splice @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} }, $historySize
if ($historySize);
Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: Added $v to history for $t:"
. Dumper( @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} } );
my $asize = scalar @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} };
return $v unless ($asize);
$historySize = $asize if ( !$historySize || $asize < $historySize );
my @a =
? @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} }[ 0 .. $historySize ]
: @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} }[0];
if ( $type == 1 ) {
return round( sum(@a) / @a, 1 );
elsif ( $type == 2 ) {
return maxNum( 0, @a );
return undef;
=item device
=item summary support for Wifi-based weather stations using PWS protocol from Wunderground
=item summary_DE unterstützt WLAN-basierte Wetterstationen mit Wunderground PWS Protokoll
=begin html
<a name="HP1000" id="HP1000"></a>
<a name="HP1000define" id="HP10000define"></a> <b>Define</b>
<code>define <WeatherStation> HP1000 [<ID> <PASSWORD>]</code><br />
<br />
Provides webhook receiver for Wifi-based weather station which support <a href="http://wiki.wunderground.com/index.php/PWS_-_Upload_Protocol">PWS protocol</a> from Weather Underground (e.g. HP1000, WH2600, WH2601, WH2621, WH2900, WH2950 of <a href="http://www.foshk.com/Wifi_Weather_Station/">Fine Offset Electronics</a> - sometimes also known as <a href="http://www.ambientweather.com/peorhowest.html">Ambient Weather</a> WS-1001-WIFI or similar). In Germany, these devices are commonly distributed by <a href="http://www.froggit.de/">froggit</a> or by <a href="http://www.conrad.de/">Conrad</a> under it's brand name Renkforce.<br />
There needs to be a dedicated FHEMWEB instance with attribute webname set to "weatherstation".<br />
No other name will work as it's hardcoded in the weather station device itself!<br />
If necessary, this module will create a matching FHEMWEB instance named WEBweatherstation during initial definition.<br />
<br />
As the URI has a fixed coding as well there can only be one single instance of this module FHEM installation.<br />
<br />
Example:<br />
<code># unprotected instance where ID and PASSWORD will be ignored<br />
define WeatherStation HP1000<br />
<br />
# protected instance: Weather Station needs to be configured<br />
# to send this ID and PASSWORD for data to be accepted<br />
define WeatherStation HP1000 MyHouse SecretPassword</code>
</div><br />
IMPORTANT: In your hardware device, make sure you use a DNS name as most revisions cannot handle IP addresses correctly.<br />
You might want to check to install a firmware update from <a href="http://www.foshk.com/support/">here</a>.
</div><br />
<br />
<a name="HP1000Attr" id="HP10000Attr"></a> <b>Attributes</b>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<br />
<a name="bogusFilter"></a><li><b>bogusFilter</b></li>
Will explicitly drop every numeric value that is below -273.2 (defaults to 0).<br />
This might help in case your station tends to send out of range values from time to time.
<a name="webhookFWinstances"></a><li><b>webhookFWinstances</b></li>
Explicitly specify allowed FHEMWEB instaces for data input (defaults to weatherstation)
<a name="wu_id"></a><li><b>wu_id</b></li>
Weather Underground (Wunderground) station ID
<a name="wu_password"></a><li><b>wu_password</b></li>
Weather Underground (Wunderground) password
<a name="wu_dataValues"></a><li><b>wu_dataValues</b></li>
Add or replace values before pushing data to Weather Underground.<br />
Format is key=value while value may be of <a href="#set">set magic format</a>
<a name="wu_indoorValues"></a><li><b>wu_indoorValues</b></li>
Include indoor values for Weather Underground (defaults to 1=yes)
<a name="wu_push"></a><li><b>wu_push</b></li>
Enable or disable to push data forward to Weather Underground (defaults to 0=no)
<a name="wu_pushValues"></a><li><b>wu_pushValues</b></li>
Restrict values to be transferred to Weather Underground,
otherwise all values will be transferred.
<a name="wu_realtime"></a><li><b>wu_realtime</b></li>
Send the data to the WU realtime server instead of using the standard server (defaults to 1=yes)
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="HP1000" id="HP1000"></a>
<a name="HP1000define" id="HP10000define"></a> <b>Define</b>
<code>define <WeatherStation> HP1000 [<ID> <PASSWORD>]</code><br />
<br />
Stellt einen Webhook für WLAN-basierte Wetterstationen bereit, die das <a href="http://wiki.wunderground.com/index.php/PWS_-_Upload_Protocol">PWS</a> Protokoll von Weather Underground verwenden (z.B. HP1000, WH2600, WH2601, WH2621, WH2900, WH2950 Wetterstation von <a href="http://www.foshk.com/Wifi_Weather_Station/">Fine Offset Electronics</a> - manchmal auch bekannt als <a href="http://www.ambientweather.com/peorhowest.html">Ambient Weather</a> WS-1001-WIFI oder ähnliches). In Deutschland werden die Geräte zumeist von <a href="http://www.froggit.de/">froggit</a> oder von <a href="http://www.conrad.de/">Conrad</a> unter dem Markennamen Renkforce vertrieben.<br />
Es muss noch eine dedizierte FHEMWEB Instanz angelegt werden, wo das Attribut webname auf "weatherstation" gesetzt wurde.<br />
Kein anderer Name funktioniert, da dieser fest in der Wetterstation hinterlegt ist!<br />
Sofern notwendig, erstellt dieses Modul eine passende FHEMWEB Instanz namens WEBweatherstation während der initialen Definition.<br />
<br />
Da die URI ebenfalls fest kodiert ist, kann mit einer einzelnen FHEM Installation maximal eine Instanz dieses Moduls gleichzeitig verwendet werden.<br />
<br />
Beispiel:<br />
<code># ungeschützte Instanz bei der ID und PASSWORD ignoriert werden<br />
define WeatherStation HP1000<br />
<br />
# geschützte Instanz: Die Wetterstation muss so konfiguriert sein, dass sie<br />
# diese ID und PASSWORD sendet, damit Daten akzeptiert werden<br />
define WeatherStation HP1000 MyHouse SecretPassword</code>
</div><br />
WICHTIG: Im Gerät selbst muss sichergestellt sein, dass ein DNS Name statt einer IP Adresse verwendet wird, da einige Revisionen damit nicht umgehen können.<br />
Ggf. sollte man <a href="http://www.foshk.com/support/">hier</a> einmal nach einer neueren Firmware schauen.
</div><br />
<a name="HP1000Attr" id="HP10000Attr"></a> <b>Attributes</b>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<br />
<a name="webhookFWinstances"></a><li><b>webhookFWinstances</b></li>
Explizite Angabe der FHEMWEB Instanzen, äber die Dateneingaben erlaubt sind (Standard ist weatherstation)
<a name="wu_id"></a><li><b>wu_id</b></li>
Weather Underground (Wunderground) Stations ID
<a name="wu_password"></a><li><b>wu_password</b></li>
Weather Underground (Wunderground) Passwort
<a name="wu_dataValues"></a><li><b>wu_dataValues</b></li>
Ersetzt Werte oder fügt neue Werte hinzu, bevor diese zu Weather Underground übertragen werden.<br />
Das Format entspricht key=value wobei value im <a href="#set">Format set magic sein</a> kann.
<a name="wu_indoorValues"></a><li><b>wu_indoorValues</b></li>
Gibt an, ob die Innenraumwerte mit zu Weather Underground übertragen werden sollen (Standard ist 1=an)
<a name="wu_push"></a><li><b>wu_push</b></li>
Pushen der Daten zu Weather Underground aktivieren oder deaktivieren (Standard ist 0=aus)
<a name="wu_pushValues"></a><li><b>wu_pushValues</b></li>
Schränkt die Werte ein, die an Weather Underground übertragen werden.
Andernfalls werden alle Werte übertragen.
<a name="wu_realtime"></a><li><b>wu_realtime</b></li>
Sendet die Daten an den WU Echtzeitserver statt an den Standard Server (Standard ist 1=an)
=end html_DE
=for :application/json;q=META.json 50_HP1000.pm
"author": [
"Julian Pawlowski <julian.pawlowski@gmail.com>"
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
=end :application/json;q=META.json