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synced 2025-03-09 02:27:05 +00:00
1300 lines
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1300 lines
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# $Id$
# ABU 20160307 First release
# ABU 20160321 Added first parsing algos
# ABU 20160311 Migrated to JSON
# ABU 20160412 Integrated basic set-mechanism, added internals, changed callback-routine
# ABU 20160413 Renamed to robonect, added status offline
# ABU 20160414 Changed final two Automower to Robonect
# ABU 20160414 Renamed private fn "decode"
# ABU 20160415 Renamed private fn "decode" again, set eventonchangedreading, removed debug, increased interval to 90
# ABU 20160416 Added logs, removed eventonchangedreading, added debug
# ABU 20160416 Removed logs, added eventonchangedreading, removed debug, added 1=true for json data
# ABU 20160426 Fixed decode warning, added error support
# ABU 20160515 Added splitFn and doku
# BJOERNAR 20160715 added duration and wlan-signal
# ABU 20160831 Integrated API-changes for RC9, added attribute timeout for httpData
# ABU 20160831 added calculations for duration and wlan - show in hours and percent
# ABU 20160901 rounded duration and wlan
# ABU 20161120 addaed encode_utf8 at json decode, tuned 0.5b repiar-stuff, added hibernate
# ABU 20161126 added summary
# ABU 20161129 fixed hash issues which prevents the module from loading
# ABU 20170301 fixed hybernate-check in set
# ABU 20170406 fixed hybernate-check in timer
# ABU 20170422 fixed doku
# ABU 20170427 fixed numerich undefs
# ABU 20170428 do not delete private hash data in undef
# ABU 20170428 do not define defptr in define
# ABU 20170428 fixed in define section: removed me and my secret, removed IP-check for DNS-Support
# ABU 20170428 removed setting attributes in define (eventonchange and pollInterval)
# ABU 20170428 masked decode_json in eval and added error-path
# ABU 20170501 added setkey/getkey for username and password
# ABU 20170501 added eval-error-logging
# ABU 20170501 changed verbose 3 to verbose 4
# ABU 20170501 tuned documentation
# ABU 20170516 removed useless print
# ABU 20170525 bugfixed winterschlaf again
# ABU 20171006 added options for Maehauftrag
# ABU 20171006 added "umlautfilter" for test
# ABU 20171006 added "health" for test
# ABU 20171010 finished health for test, added chck for undef at each reading
# ABU 20180507 replaced "umwelt" with "climate" in readings-section (roughly line 740)
# ABU 20180509 reading winterschlaf was not decoded correctly - fixed
# ABU 20180509 always try to decode health details - even without Attribute being set. Line 726-748.
# ABU 20180819 Added userdefined status. Line 102.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HttpUtils;
use Encode;
use JSON;
my $EOD = "feierabend";
my $HOME = "home";
my $AUTO = "auto";
my $MANUAL = "manuell";
my $JOB = "maehauftrag";
my $START = "start";
my $STOP = "stop";
my $OFFLINE = "offline";
my $HYBERNATE = "winterschlaf";
my $USER = "benutzername";
my $PW = "passwort";
#available get cmds
my %gets = (
"status" => "noArg",
"health" => "noArg"
#available set cmds
my %sets = (
$EOD => "noArg",
$HOME => "noArg",
$AUTO => "noArg",
$MANUAL => "noArg",
$JOB => "",
$START => "noArg",
$STOP => "noArg",
$HYBERNATE => "on,off",
$USER => "",
$PW => ""
my %commands = (
#GET_STATUS => "cmd=status",
SET_MODE => {$HOME=>"cmd=mode&mode=home", $MANUAL=>"cmd=mode&mode=man", $JOB=>"cmd=mode&mode=job", $AUTO=>"cmd=mode&mode=auto", $EOD=>"cmd=mode&mode=eod", $STOP=>"cmd=stop", $START=>"cmd=start"}
#set to 1 for debug
my $debug = 0;
#elements within group next
my %elements = (
# "robonect" =>
# {
"successful" => {ALIAS=>"kommunikation", "true"=>"erfolgreich", "false"=>"fehlgeschlagen", 1=>"erfolgreich", 0=>"fehlgeschlagen"},
"status" =>
ALIAS => "allgemein",
"status" => {ALIAS=>"status", 0=>"schlafen", 1=>"parken", 2=>"maehen", 3=>"suche-base", 4=>"laden", 5=>"suche", 7=>"fehler", 8=>"schleife-fehlt", 16=>"abgeschaltet", 17=>"schlafen", 18=>"wartezeit-tuere"},
"mode" => {ALIAS=>"modus", 0=>"automatik", 1=>"manuell", 2=>"home", 3=>"demo"},
"battery" => {ALIAS=>"batteriezustand"},
"duration" => {ALIAS=>"dauer"},
"hours" => {ALIAS=>"betriebsstunden"}
"health" =>
ALIAS => "erweitert",
"alarm" =>
ALIAS => "alarm",
"voltage3v3extmin" => {ALIAS=>"unterspannung_extern_3V3", "false"=> "bereit", "true"=>"alarm"},
"voltage3v3extmax" => {ALIAS=>"ueberspannung_extern_3V3", "false"=> "bereit", "true"=>"alarm"},
"voltage3v3intmin" => {ALIAS=>"unterspannung_intern_3V3", "false"=> "bereit", "true"=>"alarm"},
"voltage3v3intmax" => {ALIAS=>"ueberspannung_intern_3V3", "false"=> "bereit", "true"=>"alarm"},
"voltagebattmin" => {ALIAS=>"unterspannung_batterie", "false"=> "bereit", "true"=>"alarm"},
"voltagebattmax" => {ALIAS=>"ueberspannung_batterie", "false"=> "bereit", "true"=>"alarm"},
"temperatureMin" => {ALIAS=>"zu_kalt", "false"=> "bereit", "true"=>"alarm"},
"temperatureMax" => {ALIAS=>"zu_warm", "false"=> "bereit", "true"=>"alarm"},
"humidityMax" => {ALIAS=>"zu_feucht", "false"=> "bereit", "true"=>"alarm"},
"voltages" =>
ALIAS => "spannung",
"ext3v3" => {ALIAS=>"extern"},
"int3v3" => {ALIAS=>"intern"},
"batt" => {ALIAS=>"batterie"},
"climate" =>
ALIAS => "umwelt",
"temperature" => {ALIAS=>"temperatur"},
"humidity" => {ALIAS=>"feuchte"},
"timer" =>
ALIAS => "timer",
"status" => {ALIAS=>"status", 0=>"deaktiviert", 1=>"aktiv", 2=>"standby"},
"next" =>
ALIAS => "timer",
"date" => {ALIAS=>"startdatum"},
"time" => {ALIAS=>"startzeit"},
#"date" => {ALIAS=>"start-unix"},
"wlan" =>
ALIAS => "wlan",
"signal" => {ALIAS=>"signal"}
"error" =>
ALIAS => "fehler",
"error_code" => {ALIAS=>"code"},
"error_message" => {ALIAS=>"nachricht"},
"date" => {ALIAS=>"datum"},
"time" => {ALIAS=>"zeit"}
# }
#this table is used to replace special chars
my %umlaute = ("<22>" => "ä", "<22>" => "ü", "<22>" => "ö","<22>" => "Ä", "<22>" => "Ü", "<22>" => "Ö", "<22>" => "ß");
#Init this device
#This declares the interface to fhem
sub Robonect_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = 'Robonect_Define';
$hash->{UndefFn} = 'Robonect_Undef';
$hash->{SetFn} = 'Robonect_Set';
$hash->{GetFn} = 'Robonect_Get';
$hash->{AttrFn} = 'Robonect_Attr';
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = 'Robonect_Shutdown';
$hash->{ReadyFn} = 'Robonect_Ready';
$hash->{DbLog_splitFn} = 'Robonect_DbLog_split';
$hash->{AttrList} = "do_not_notify:1,0 " . #supress any notification (including log)
"showtime:1,0 " . #shows time instead of received value in state
"credentials " . #user/password combination for authentication in mower, stored in a credentials file
"basicAuth " . #user/password combination for authentication in mower
"pollInterval " . #interval to poll in seconds
"timeout " . #http-timeout
"useHealth " . #if true, poll for health
"$readingFnAttributes "; #standard attributes
#Define this device
#Is called at every define
sub Robonect_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
#device name
my $name = $a[0];
#set verbose to 5, if debug enabled
$attr{$name}{verbose} = 5 if ($debug eq 1);
my $tempStr = join (", ", @a);
Log3 ($name, 5, "define $name: enter $hash, attributes: $tempStr");
#too less arguments
#return "wrong syntax - define <name> Robonect <ip-adress> [<user> <password>]" if (int(@a) < 3);
return "wrong syntax - define <name> Robonect <ip-adress>" if (int(@a) < 3);
#check IP
my $ip = $a[2];
#remove whitespaces
$ip =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
#removed IP-check - can also be a name
#Syntax ok
#if ($ip =~ m/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/)
# my @octs = split (".", $ip);
# foreach my $octet (@octs)
# {
# return "wrong syntax - $octet has an invalid range. Allowed is 0..255" if (($octet >= 256) or ($octet <= -1));
# }
# return "wrong syntax - IP must be supplied correctly <0..254>.<0..254>.<0..254>.<0..254>";
#wrong syntax for IP
#return "wrong syntax - IP must be supplied correctly <0..254>.<0..254>.<0..254>.<000..254>" if (int(@a) < 3);
#assign name and port
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{IP} = $ip;
#backup name for a later rename
$hash->{DEVNAME} = $name;
#get first info and launch timer
InternalTimer(gettimeofday(), "Robonect_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
#finally create decice
#defptr is needed to supress FHEM input
#removed according Rudis recommendation
#$modules{Robonect}{defptr}{$name} = $hash;
#default event-on-changed-reading for all readings
#removed according Rudis recommendation
#$attr{$name}{"event-on-change-reading"} = ".*";
#default poll-interval
#removed according Rudis recommendation
#$attr{$name}{"pollInterval"} = 90;
Log3 ($name, 5, "exit define");
return undef;
#Release this device
#Is called at every delete / shutdown
sub Robonect_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
Log3 ($name, 5, "enter undef $name: hash: $hash name: $name");
#kill interval timer
#close port
Robonect_Shutdown ($hash);
#remove module. Refer to DevName, because module may be renamed
delete $modules{KNX}{defptr}{$hash->{DEVNAME}};
#removed according to Rudis recommendation
#remove name
#delete $hash->{NAME};
#remove backuped name
#delete $hash->{DEVNAME};
Log3 ($name, 5, "exit undef");
return undef;
#Release this device
#Is called at every delete / shutdown
sub Robonect_Shutdown($)
my ($hash) = @_;
#hash may be de-referenced already
my $name = "robonect-not_named_any_more";
$name = $hash->{NAME} if (ref($hash) eq "HASH");
Log3 ($name, 5, "enter shutdown $name: hash: $hash name: $name");
Log3 ($name, 5, "exit shutdown");
return undef;
#This function is called from fhem from rime to time
sub Robonect_Ready($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($name, 5, "enter ready $name: hash: $hash name: $name");
Log3 ($name, 5, "exit ready");
return undef;
#Reads info from the mower
sub Robonect_Get($@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $tempStr = join (", ", @a);
Log3 ($name, 5, "enter get $name: $name hash: $hash, attributes: $tempStr");
#backup cmd
my $cmd = $a[1];
#lower cmd
$cmd = lc($cmd);
#create response, if cmd is wrong or gui asks
my $cmdTemp = Robonect_getCmdList ($hash, $cmd, %gets);
return $cmdTemp if (defined ($cmdTemp));
my ($userName, $passWord) = Robonect_getCredentials ($hash);
#basic url
my $url = "http://" . $hash->{IP} . "/json?";
#append userdata, if given
$url = $url . "user=" . $userName . "&pass=" . $passWord . "&" if (defined ($userName) and defined ($passWord));
#append command
#$url = $url . $commands{GET_STATUS};
$url = $url . "cmd=" . $cmd;
my $httpData;
$httpData->{url} = $url;
$httpData->{loglevel} = AttrVal ($name, "verbose", 2);
$httpData->{loglevel} = 5;
$httpData->{hideurl} = 0;
$httpData->{callback} = \&Robonect_callback;
$httpData->{hash} = $hash;
#$httpData->{cmd} = $commands{GET_STATUS};
$httpData->{cmd} = "cmd=" . $cmd;
$httpData->{timeout} = AttrVal ($name, "timeout", 4);
Log3 ($name, 5, "exit get");
my $err = $httpData->{err};
if (defined ($err) and (length ($err) > 0))
return $err;
return "update requested";
#Sends commands to the mower
sub Robonect_Set($@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $tempStr = join (", ", @a);
Log3 ($name, 5, "enter set $name: $name hash: $hash, attributes: $tempStr");
#backup cmd
my $cmd = $a[1];
#lower cmd
$cmd = lc($cmd);
#create response, if cmd is wrong or gui asks
my $cmdTemp = Robonect_getCmdList ($hash, $cmd, %sets);
return $cmdTemp if (defined ($cmdTemp));
my ($userName, $passWord) = Robonect_getCredentials ($hash);
my $decodedCmd = $commands{SET_MODE}{$cmd};
#if command is hybernate, do this
if ($cmd eq lc($HYBERNATE))
Log3 ($name, 5, "set - got hybernate for set-command");
my $val = lc($a[2]);
$val = "off" if (!defined ($val));
if ($val =~ m/on/)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $HYBERNATE, "on", 1);
Log3 ($name, 5, "set - activated hybernate");
elsif ($val =~ m/off/)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $HYBERNATE, "off", 1);
Log3 ($name, 5, "set - deactivated hybernate");
return "only on or off are supported for $HYBERNATE";
#if command is user
elsif ($cmd eq lc($USER))
setKeyValue("ROBONECT_USER_$name", $a[2]);
Log3 ($name, 5, "set - wrote username");
#if command is password
elsif ($cmd eq lc($PW))
setKeyValue("ROBONECT_PW_$name", $a[2]);
Log3 ($name, 5, "set - wrote password");
#else proceed with communication to mower
#execute it
elsif (defined ($decodedCmd))
my $url = "http://" . $hash->{IP} . "/json?";
#append userdata, if given
$url = $url . "user=" . $userName . "&pass=" . $passWord . "&" if (defined ($userName) and defined ($passWord));
#append command
$url = $url . $decodedCmd;
#execute for alle "extra" arguments
for (my $i = 2; $i < @a; $i++)
my $cmdAttr = $a[$i];
my ($key, $val) = split (/=/, $cmdAttr);
if (defined ($key) and defined ($val) and (length ($key) > 0) and (length ($val) > 0))
$url = $url . "&" . $key . "=" . $val;
Log3 ($name, 5, "set - found option. Key:$key Value:$val")
Log3 ($name, 1, "set - found incomplete option. Key:$key Value:$val")
Log3 ($name, 5, "set - complete call-string: $url");
my $httpData;
$httpData->{url} = $url;
$httpData->{loglevel} = AttrVal ($name, "verbose", 2);
$httpData->{loglevel} = 5;
$httpData->{hideurl} = 0;
$httpData->{callback} = \&Robonect_callback;
$httpData->{hash} = $hash;
$httpData->{cmd} = $decodedCmd;
return $httpData->{err};
#BUllshit - never gets called
Log3 ($name, 5, "exit set");
#called on every mod of the attributes
sub Robonect_Attr(@)
my ($cmd,$name,$attr_name,$attr_value) = @_;
Log3 ($name, 5, "enter attr $name: $name, attrName: $attr_name");
#if($cmd eq "set")
# if(($attr_name eq "debug") and (($attr_value eq "1") or ($attr_value eq "true")))
# {
# #todo
# }
Log3 ($name, 5, "exit attr");
return undef;
#Split reading for DBLOG
sub Robonect_DbLog_split($) {
my ($event) = @_;
my ($reading, $value, $unit);
my $tempStr = join (", ", @_);
Log (5, "splitFn - enter, attributes: $tempStr");
#detect reading - real reading or state?
my $isReading = "false";
$isReading = "true" if ($event =~ m/: /);
#split input-string
my @strings = split (" ", $event);
my $startIndex = undef;
$unit = "";
return undef if (not defined ($strings[0]));
#real reading?
if ($isReading =~ m/true/)
#first one is always reading
$reading = $strings[0];
$reading =~ s/:?$//;
$startIndex = 1;
#plain state
#for reading state nothing is supplied
$reading = "state";
$startIndex = 0;
return undef if (not defined ($strings[$startIndex]));
#per default join all single pieces
$value = join(" ", @strings[$startIndex..(int(@strings) - 1)]);
#numeric value?
#if ($strings[$startIndex] =~ /^[+-]?\d*[.,]?\d+/)
if ($strings[$startIndex] =~ /^[+-]?\d*[.,]?\d+$/)
$value = $strings[$startIndex];
#single numeric value? Assume second par is unit...
if ((defined ($strings[$startIndex + 1])) && !($strings[$startIndex+1] =~ /^[+-]?\d*[.,]?\d+/))
$unit = $strings[$startIndex + 1] if (defined ($strings[$startIndex + 1]));
#numeric value?
#if ($strings[$startIndex] =~ /^[+-]?\d*[.,]?\d+/)
# $value = $strings[$startIndex];
# $unit = $strings[$startIndex + 1] if (defined ($strings[$startIndex + 1]));
#string or raw
# $value = join(" ", @strings[$startIndex..(int(@strings) - 1)]);
Log (5, "splitFn - READING: $reading, VALUE: $value, UNIT: $unit");
return ($reading, $value, $unit);
#Called on the interval timer, if enabled
sub Robonect_GetUpdate($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($name, 5, "enter update $name: $name");
#evaluate reading hybernate
#my $hybernate = $hash->{READINGS}{$HYBERNATE}{VAL};
my $hybernate = ReadingsVal($name, $HYBERNATE, undef);
Log3 ($name, 5, "XXX: $hybernate");
#supress sending, if hybernate is set
if (!defined ($hybernate) or ($hybernate =~ m/(off)|[0]/i))
#get status
my @callAttr;
$callAttr[0] = $name;
$callAttr[1] = "status";
Robonect_Get ($hash, @callAttr);
#try to poll health, if desired
my $useHealth = AttrVal($name,"useHealth",undef);
if (defined ($useHealth) and ($useHealth =~ m/[1]|([oO][nN])/))
$callAttr[1] = "health";
Robonect_Get ($hash, @callAttr);
my $interval = AttrVal($name,"pollInterval",90);
#reset timer
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $interval, "Robonect_GetUpdate", $hash, 1) if ($interval > 0);
Log3 ($name, 5, "exit update");
#Private function which handles http-responses
sub Robonect_callback ($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#wenn ein Fehler bei der HTTP Abfrage aufgetreten ist
if($err ne "")
Log3 ($name, 4, "callback - error while requesting ".$param->{url}." - $err");
$hash->{LAST_COMM_STATUS} = $err;
#set reading with failure - notify only, when state has not changed
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $OFFLINE, 1);
#wenn die Abfrage erfolgreich war ($data enth<74>lt die Ergebnisdaten des HTTP Aufrufes)
elsif($data ne "")
Log3 ($name, 4, "callback - url ".$param->{url}." returned: $data");
#repair V5.0b
$data =~ s/:"/,"/g;
$data = "" if (!defined($data));
#execute in eval to be safe - therefore $answer may be undef
my $answer = undef;
eval '$answer = decode_json (encode_utf8($data))';
#try to replaye german special chars
if (defined ($answer) and (length ($answer) > 0))
my $umlautkeys = join ("|", keys(%umlaute));
$answer =~ s/($umlautkeys)/$umlaute{$1}/g;
#backup error from eval
my $evalErr = $@;
if (not defined($answer))
my $err = "callback - error while decoding content";
$err = $err . ": " . $evalErr if (defined ($evalErr));
Log3 ($name, 2, $err);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "fehler_aktuell", "cannot decode content", 1);
return undef;
Log3 ($name, 4, "callback - url ".$param->{url}." repaired: $data");
my ($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "successful", undef, undef);
$hash->{LAST_CMD} = $param->{cmd};
$hash->{LAST_COMM_STATUS} = "success: " . $value;
Log3 ($name, 5, "callback - communication ok");
#my %tmp = %$answer;
#print "answer: ", %tmp, "\n";
#answer may be undefined due to eval
if ($answer->{successful} =~ m/(true)|(1)/)
Log3 ($name, 5, "callback - update readings");
#($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "successful", undef);
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value);
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "status", "status", undef);
if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/))
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $value);
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "status", "mode", undef);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "status", "battery", undef);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
$value = 0;
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "status", "duration", undef);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, sprintf ("%d", $value/3600)) if (defined($value) and ($value =~ m/(?:\d*\.)?\d+/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "status", "hours", undef);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "timer", "status", undef);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "timer", "next", "date");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "timer", "next", "time");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
$value = -95;
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "wlan", "signal", undef);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
if (defined($value) and ($value =~ m/(?:\d*\.)?\d+/))
$value = sprintf ("%d", ($value + 95) / 0.6);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key . "-prozent", $value);
#try to decode health, if desired
#my $useHealth = AttrVal($name,"useHealth",undef);
#if (defined ($useHealth) and ($useHealth =~ m/[1]|([oO][nN])/))
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "health", "alarm", "voltagebattmin");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "health", "alarm", "voltagebattmax");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "health", "alarm", "temperatureMin");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "health", "alarm", "temperatureMax");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "health", "alarm", "humidityMax");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "health", "voltages", "batt");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "health", "climate", "temperature");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
($key, $value) = Robonect_decodeContent ($hash, $answer, "health", "climate", "humidity");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $value) if (defined ($value) and !($value =~ m/undef/));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
#answer may be undefined due to eval
my $errorOccured = $answer->{status}->{status};
if (defined ($errorOccured) and ($errorOccured =~ m/7/))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "fehler_aktuell", $answer->{error}->{error_message}, 1);
#no error
elsif (defined ($errorOccured))
my $hashref = $hash->{READINGS};
my %readings = %$hashref;
#delete readings
foreach my $key (keys %readings)
#delete $readings{$key} if ($key =~ m/^fehler.*/);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$key} if ($key =~ m/^fehler.*/);
#delete $hash->{READINGS}{$key} if ($key =~ m/^fehler-aktuell.*/);
#Private function to get json-content
sub Robonect_decodeContent ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $msg, $key1, $key2, $key3) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $rdName = undef;
my $rdValue = undef;
my $template = undef;
if (defined ($key2) && defined ($key3))
$template = $elements{$key1}{$key2}{$key3};
$rdName = $elements{$key1}{$key2}{ALIAS} . "-" . $template->{ALIAS};
$rdValue = $msg->{$key1}->{$key2}->{$key3};
elsif (defined ($key2))
$template = $elements{$key1}{$key2};
$rdName = $elements{$key1}{ALIAS} . "-" . $template->{ALIAS};
$rdValue = $msg->{$key1}->{$key2};
$template = $elements{$key1};
$rdValue = $msg->{$key1};
$rdName = $template->{ALIAS};
$rdValue = "undef" if (not defined ($rdValue));
$rdValue = $template->{$rdValue} if (defined ($template->{$rdValue}));
Log3 ($name, 5, "decodeContent - NAME: $rdName, VALUE: $rdValue");
return $rdName, $rdValue;
#Private function to evaluate credentials
sub Robonect_decodeAnswer ($$$)
my ($hash, $getCmd, @readings) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @list;
foreach my $reading (@readings)
my $answer = undef;
my $transval = undef;
my ($header, $key, $value) = undef;
$header = $reading->{header};
$key = $reading->{key};
$value = $reading->{value};
if ($header =~ m/robonect/i)
$answer->{name} = $getCmd . "-" . $elements{$header}{$key}{ALIAS};
$transval = $elements{$header}{$key}{$value};
$answer->{name} = $getCmd . "-" . $elements{"robonect"}{$header}{ALIAS} . "-" . $elements{"robonect"}{$header}{$key}{ALIAS};
$transval = $elements{"robonect"}{$header}{$key}{$value};
if (defined($transval))
$answer->{value} = $transval;
$answer->{value} = $value;
#$answer->{name} = $getCmd . "-" . $answer->{name};
Log3 ($name, 5, "decodeAnswer - NAME: $answer->{name}, VALUE: $answer->{value}");
push (@list, $answer);
return @list;
#Private function to evaluate credentials
sub Robonect_getCredentials ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $userName = undef;
my $passWord = undef;
#use username and password previously defined with set and stored in "registry"
my ($errUsr, $user) = getKeyValue("ROBONECT_USER_$name");
Log3 ($name, 4, "credentials - Error while getting value USER: " . $errUsr) if (defined ($errUsr));
my ($errPw, $password) = getKeyValue("ROBONECT_PW_$name");
Log3 ($name, 4, "credentials - Error while getting value PASSWORD: " . $errPw) if (defined ($errPw));
if (defined ($user) and defined ($password))
Log3 ($name, 5, "credentials - found with key-value");
return $userName, $passWord;
#parse basicAuth - overrules getKeyValue
my $basicAuth = AttrVal ($name, "basicAuth", undef);
if (defined ($basicAuth))
#if the string does NOT contain a ":", assume base64-encoded data
if (not ($basicAuth =~ m/:/))
$basicAuth = decode_base64 ($basicAuth);
Log3 ($name, 5, "credentials - found encrypted data");
#try to split
my @plainAuth = split (":", $basicAuth);
#found plain authentication
if (int(@plainAuth) == 2)
$userName = $plainAuth[0];
$passWord = $plainAuth[1];
Log3 ($name, 5, "credentials - found plain or decrypted data");
Log3 ($name, 0, "credentials - user/pw combination not correct");
#parse credential-File - overrules basicAuth ang getKeyValue
my $credentials = AttrVal ($name, "credentials", undef);
#cannot open file
if(!open(CFG, $credentials))
Log3 ($name, 0, "cannot open credentials file: $credentials") ;
#read it
my @cfg = <CFG>;
my %creds;
eval join("", @cfg);
#extract it
$userName =~ $creds{$name}{username};
$passWord =~ $creds{$name}{password};
Log3 ($name, 5, "credentials - found in file");
return $userName, $passWord;
#Private function to evaluate command-lists
sub Robonect_getCmdList ($$$)
my ($hash, $cmd, %cmdArray) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#return, if cmd is valid
return undef if (defined ($cmd) and defined ($cmdArray{$cmd}));
#response for gui or the user, if command is invalid
my $retVal;
foreach my $mySet (keys %cmdArray)
#append set-command
$retVal = $retVal . " " if (defined ($retVal));
$retVal = $retVal . $mySet;
#get options
my $myOpt = $cmdArray{$mySet};
#append option, if valid
$retVal = $retVal . ":" . $myOpt if (defined ($myOpt) and (length ($myOpt) > 0));
$myOpt = "" if (!defined($myOpt));
#Logging makes me crazy...
#Log3 ($name, 5, "parse cmd-table - Set:$mySet, Option:$myOpt, RetVal:$retVal");
if (!defined ($retVal))
$retVal = "error while parsing set-table" ;
$retVal = "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of " . $retVal;
return $retVal;
=begin html
<a name="Robonect"></a>
<p>Robonect is a after-market wifi-module for robomowers based on the husky G3-control. It was developed by Fabian H. and can be optained at www.robonect.de. This module gives you access to the basic commands. This module will not work without libjson-perl! Do not forget to install it first!</p>
<p><a name="RobonectDefine"></a> <b>Define</b></p>
<code>define <name> Robonect <ip-adress or name></code>
<p>Setting Winterschlaf prevents communicating with the mower.</p>
<p>The authentication can be supplied in the definition as plaine text or in a differen way - see the attributes. Per default the status is polled every 90s.</p>
define myMower Robonect
define myMower Robonect myMowersDNSName
<p><a name="RobonectSet"></a> <b>Set</b></p>
Sets the mower to automatic mode. The mower follows the internal timer, until another mode is chosen. The mower can be stopped with stop at any time. After using stop: be aware, that it continues
mowing only if the timer supplies an active slot AND start is executed before.
This sets the mower to manual mode. The internal timer is ignored. Mowing starts with start and ends with stop.
This sends the mower directly home. Until you switch to auto or manuell, no further mowing work is done.
This sends the mower home for the rest of the actual timeslot. At the next active timeslot mowing is continued automatically.
Start mowing in manual mode or in automatic mode at active timer-slot.
Stops mowing immediately. The mower does not drive home. It stands there, until battery is empty. Use with care!
This command starts a single mowing-task. It can be applied as much parameters as you want. For example you can influence start-/stop-time and duration.<br>
The parameters have to be named according the robonect-API (no doublechecking!).<br>
Lauch at 15:00, Duration 120 minutes, do not use a remote-start-point, do not change mode after finishing task
set myMower maehauftrag start=15:00 duration=120 remotestart=0 after=4
<li>winterschlaf <on, off><br>
If set to on, no polling is executet. Please use this during winter.
<li>user <user><br>
One alternative to store authentication: username for robonect-logon is stored in FhemUtils or database (not encrypted).<br
If set, the attributes regarding authentication are ignored.
<li>password <password><br>
One alternative to store authentication: password for robonect-logon is stored in FhemUtils or database (not encrypted).<br
If set, the attributes regarding authentication are ignored.
<p><a name="RobonectGet"></a> <b>Get</b></p>
Gets the actual state of the mower - normally not needed, because the status is polled cyclic.
This one gets more detailed information - like voltages and temperatures. It is NOT SUPPORTED BY ALL MOWERS!!!<br>
If enabled via attribute, health is polled accordingly status.
<p><a name="RobonectAttr"></a> <b>Attributes</b></p>
Common attributes:<br>
<a href="#DbLogInclude">DbLogInclude</a><br>
<a href="#DbLogExclude">DbLogExclude</a><br>
<a href="#IODev">IODev</a><br>
<a href="#alias">alias</a><br>
<a href="#comment">comment</a><br>
<a href="#devStateIcon">devStateIcon</a><br>
<a href="#devStateStyle">devStateStyle</a><br>
<a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a><br>
<a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a><br>
<a href="#event-aggregator">event-aggregator</a><br>
<a href="#event-min-interval">event-min-interval</a><br>
<a href="#event-on-change-reading">event-on-change-reading</a><br>
<a href="#event-on-update-reading">event-on-update-reading</a><br>
<a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a><br>
<a href="#group">group</a><br>
<a href="#icon">icon</a><br>
<a href="#room">room</a><br>
<a href="#showtime">showtime</a><br>
<a href="#sortby">sortby</a><br>
<a href="#stateFormat">stateFormat</a><br>
<a href="#userReadings">userReadings</a><br>
<a href="#userattr">userattr</a><br>
<a href="#verbose">verbose</a><br>
<a href="#webCmd">webCmd</a><br>
<a href="#widgetOverride">widgetOverride</a><br>
<p><a name="RobonectCredentials"></a> <b>credentials</b></p>
If you supply a valid path to a credentials file, this combination is used to log in at robonect. This mechism overrules basicAuth.
<p><a name="RobonectBasicAuth"></a> <b>basicAuth</b></p>
You can supply username and password plain or base-64-encoded. For a base64-encoder, use google.
define myMower Robonect
attr myMower basicAuth me:mySecret
define myMower Robonect
attr myMower basicAuth bWU6bXlTZWNyZXQ=
<p><a name="RobonectPollInterval"></a> <b>pollInterval</b></p>
Supplies the interval top poll the robonect in seconds. Per default 90s is set.
<p><a name="RobonectTimeout"></a> <b>timeout</b></p>
Timeout for httpData to recive data. Default is 4s.
<p><a name="RobonectHealth"></a> <b>useHealth</b></p>
If set to 1, the health-status of the mower will be polled. Be aware NOT ALL MOWERS ARE SUPPORTED!<br>
Please refer to logfile or LAST_COMM_STATUS if the function does not seem to be working.
=end html
=item summary Communicates to HW-module robonect
=item summary_DE Kommuniziert mit dem HW-Modul Robonect
=begin html_DE
<a name="Robonect"></a>
<p>Robonect ist ein Nachr¨stmodul für automower, die auf der Husky-G3-Steuerung basieren. Es wurde von Fabian H. entwickelt und kann unter www.robonect.de bezogen werden. Dieses Modul gibt Euch Zugriff auf die nötigsten Kommandos. Dieses Modul benötigt libjson-perl. Bitte NICHT VERGESSEN zu installieren!</p>
<p><a name="RobonectDefine"></a> <b>Define</b></p>
<code>define <name> Robonect <IP-Adresse oder Name></code>
<p>Mit gesetztem Winterschlaf wird die Kommunikation zum Mäher unterbunden.</p>
<p>Die Zugangsinformationen können im Klartext bei der Definition angegeben werden. Wahlweise auch per Attribut. Standardmäßig wird der Status vom RObonect alle 90s aktualisiert.</p>
define myMower Robonect
define myMower Robonect myMowersDNSName
<p><a name="RobonectSet"></a> <b>Set</b></p>
Dies versetzt den Mäher in den Automatikmodus. Der Mäher reagiert nur auf den internen Timer, bis eine andere Betriebsart gewählt wird. Der Mäher kann mit Stop jederzeit
angehalten werden. Es wird erst wieder begonnen zu mähen, wenn der Timer (wieder) ein aktives Fenster hat UND Start gesendet wurde.
Dies versetzt den Mäher in den manuellen modus. Der interne Timer wird nicht beachtet. Der Mäher reagiert nur auf Start oder Stopp Befehle von FHEM.
Dies schickt den Mäher direkt nach hause. Weiteres mähen wird verhindert, bis auf manuell oder auto umgeschalten wird.
Dies schickt den Mäher für den aktuellen Timerslot direkt nach hause. Beim nächsten aktiven Timerslot wird weitergemäht.
Startet den Mähvorgang im manuellen Modus oder im Automatikmodus bei aktivem Zeitslot.
Beendet den Mähvorgang. Der Mäher fährt nicht nach Hause und beginnt nicht wieder zu mähen. Er bleibt stehen, bis die Batterie leer ist. Nur mit Bedacht benutzen!
Hiermit wird ein (einmaliger) Auftrag an den Mäher abgesetzt. Es k<>nnen beliebig viele Parameter mitgegeben werden. So kann zum Beispiel der Modus nach dem Auftrag,
sowie Start- oder Stoppzeit beeinflusst werden.<br>
Die Parameter müssen wie in der API des Robonect beschrieben lauten. Es erfolgt keine syntaktische Pr<50>fung!<br>
Startzeit 15 Uhr, Dauer 120 Minuten, keinen Fernstartpunkt verwenden, keine Betriebsartenumschaltung nach Auftragsende
set myMower maehauftrag start=15:00 duration=120 remotestart=0 after=4
<li>winterschlaf <on, off><br>
Wenn aktiviert, wird das Pollen unterbunden. Empfiehlt sich für die Winterpause.
<li>user <user><br>
Alternativ zur Angabe per Argument kann per Set-Befehl der Benutzername zur Anmeldung am Robonect hier einmalig eingegeben werden. Er wird im Klartext in FhemUtils oder der DB gespeichert.<br>
Wenn angegeben, werden die Attribute zur Authentisierung ignoriert.
<li>password <password><br>
Alternativ zur Angabe per Argument kann per Set-Befehl das Passwort zur Anmeldung am Robonect hier einmalig eingegeben werden. Er wird im Klartext in FhemUtils oder der DB gespeichert.<br>
Wenn angegeben, werden die Attribute zur Authentisierung ignoriert.
<p><a name="RobonectGet"></a> <b>Get</b></p>
Holt den aktuellen Status des Mähers. Wird normalerweise nicht benötigt, da automatisch gepolled wird.
Mit diesem Kommando k<>nnen detailliertere Informationen vom Mäher gelesen werden. Beispielsweise sind einge Spannungen und Umweltbedingungen verfügbar.<br>
Wenn das entsprechende Attribut gesetzt ist, wird health analog status gepolled.
This one gets more detailed information - like voltages and temperatures. It is NOT SUPPORTED BY ALL MOWERS!!!<br>
If enabled via attribute, health is polled accordingly status.
<p><a name="RobonectAttr"></a> <b>Attributes</b></p>
Common attributes:<br>
<a href="#DbLogInclude">DbLogInclude</a><br>
<a href="#DbLogExclude">DbLogExclude</a><br>
<a href="#IODev">IODev</a><br>
<a href="#alias">alias</a><br>
<a href="#comment">comment</a><br>
<a href="#devStateIcon">devStateIcon</a><br>
<a href="#devStateStyle">devStateStyle</a><br>
<a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a><br>
<a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a><br>
<a href="#event-aggregator">event-aggregator</a><br>
<a href="#event-min-interval">event-min-interval</a><br>
<a href="#event-on-change-reading">event-on-change-reading</a><br>
<a href="#event-on-update-reading">event-on-update-reading</a><br>
<a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a><br>
<a href="#group">group</a><br>
<a href="#icon">icon</a><br>
<a href="#room">room</a><br>
<a href="#showtime">showtime</a><br>
<a href="#sortby">sortby</a><br>
<a href="#stateFormat">stateFormat</a><br>
<a href="#userReadings">userReadings</a><br>
<a href="#userattr">userattr</a><br>
<a href="#verbose">verbose</a><br>
<a href="#webCmd">webCmd</a><br>
<a href="#widgetOverride">widgetOverride</a><br>
<p><a name="RobonectCredentials"></a> <b>credentials</b></p>
Hier kann ein Link auf ein credentials-file angegeben werden. Die Zugansinformationen werden dann aus der Datei geholt. Dieser Mechanismus überschreibt basicAuth.
<p><a name="RobonectBasicAuth"></a> <b>basicAuth</b></p>
Hier werden die Zugangsinformationen entweder im Klartext oder base-64-codiert übergeben. Base64-encoder gibts bei google.
define myMower Robonect
attr myMower basicAuth me:mySecret
define myMower Robonect
attr myMower basicAuth bWU6bXlTZWNyZXQ=
<p><a name="RobonectPollInterval"></a> <b>pollInterval</b></p>
Hier kann das polling-interval in Sekunden angegeben werden. Default sind 90s.
<p><a name="RobonectTimeout"></a> <b>timeout</b></p>
Für das holen der Daten per Wlan kann hier ein Timeout angegeben werden. Default sind 4s.
<p><a name="RobonectHealth"></a> <b>useHealth</b></p>
Wenn dieses Attribut auf 1 gesetzt wird, wird der health-status analog dem normalen Status gepolled.<br>
Wenn die Funktion nicht gegeben zu sein scheint, bitte den LAST_COMM_STATUS und das Logfile beachten.
=end html_DE