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# $Id$
# 70_Jabber.pm
# An FHEM Perl module for connecting to an Jabber XMPP Server and
# send/recieve messages.
# Thanks to Predictor who had the initial idea for such a module.
# Copyright by BioS
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Version: 1.7 - 2016-12-29
# Changelog:
# v1.7 2016-12-29 Added possibility to change componentname via attr JabberDomain (thx Turbokid)
# v1.6 2016-07-10 Fix log message if otr message is empty (thx spikeh1)
# v1.5 2015-09-17 Added OTR (Off the Record) end to end encryption
# Added MUC (Multi-User-Channel) joining and handling
# v1.4 2015-08-27 Fixed broken callback registration in Net::XMPP >= 1.04
# v1.3 2015-01-10 Fixed DNS SRV resolving and resulting wrong to: address
# v1.2 2015-01-09 hardening XML::Stream Process() call and fix of ssl_verify
# v1.1 2014-07-28 Added UTF8 encoding / decoding to Messages
# v1.0 2014-04-10 Stable Release - Housekeeping & Add to SVN
# v0.3 2014-03-19 Fixed SetPresence() & Added extensive debugging capabilities by setting $debug to 1
# v0.2 2014-01-28 Added SSL option in addition to TLS
# v0.1 2014-01-18 Initial Release
# You will need the following perl Module and all it's depencies for this to work:
# Net::Jabber
# For using the SSL features and to connect securly to a Jabber server you also need this perl Module:
# Net::SSLeay
# For using OTR you need to compile Crypt::OTR from CPAN on your own
# The recommended debian packages to be installed are these:
# libnet-jabber-perl libnet-xmpp-perl libxml-stream-perl libdigest-sha1-perl libauthen-sasl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl
# Have Phun!
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Net::Jabber;
use base qw( Net::XMPP::Namespaces );
use Blocking;
sub Jabber_Set($@);
sub Jabber_Define($$);
sub Jabber_UnDef($$);
sub Jabber_PollMessages($);
sub Jabber_CheckConnection($);
# If you want extended logging and debugging infomations
# in fhem.log please set the following value to 1
my $debug = 0;
my %sets = (
"msg" => 1,
"msgmuc" => 1,
"msgotr" => 1,
"subscribe" => 1
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{SetFn} = "Jabber_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "Jabber_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Jabber_UnDef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "Jabber_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "dummy:1,0 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5 OnlineStatus:available,unavailable PollTimer RecvWhitelist ResourceName MucJoin MucRecvWhitelist OTREnable OTRSharedSecret JabberDomain ".$readingFnAttributes;
sub Jabber_Set($@)
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_;
if (!defined($sets{$cmd}))
return "Unknown argument " . $cmd . ", choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %sets);
if ($cmd eq 'msg')
return Jabber_Set_Message($hash, @args);
if ($cmd eq 'msgmuc')
return Jabber_Set_MUCMessage($hash, @args);
if ($cmd eq 'msgotr')
return Jabber_Set_OTRMessage($hash, @args);
if ($cmd eq 'subscribe')
return Jabber_Subcribe_To($hash, @args);
# Set's
sub Jabber_Set_Message($@)
my ($hash,$dst,@tmpMsg) = @_;
my $message = join(" ", @tmpMsg);
if (Jabber_CheckConnection($hash)) {
sub Jabber_Set_MUCMessage($@)
my ($hash,$dst,@tmpMsg) = @_;
my $message = join(" ", @tmpMsg);
if (Jabber_CheckConnection($hash)) {
#convert the groupchat id to a short id else this would be a private message which is not allowed via "groupchat" type
my $JID = new Net::Jabber::JID($dst);
my $senderShort = $JID->GetJID("base");
sub Jabber_Set_OTRMessage($@)
my ($hash,$dst,@tmpMsg) = @_;
my $message = join(" ", @tmpMsg);
if (Jabber_CheckConnection($hash)) {
if ($hash->{helper}{otractive}) {
my $JID = new Net::Jabber::JID($dst);
if (defined($hash->{helper}{otrJIDs}{$JID->GetJID("full")}) && defined($hash->{helper}{otrJIDs}{$JID->GetJID("full")}{verified}) ) {
#send a encrypted message as we have an connection
if (my $ciphertext = $hash->{OTR}->encrypt($JID->GetJID("full"), $message)) {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Secure sending to ".$JID->GetJID("full") if $debug;
} else {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Your message was not sent - no encrypted conversation is established" if $debug;
} else {
#establish a secure connection and send the message then.
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} No secure connection to ".$JID->GetJID("full")." - establishing and sending message later..." if $debug;
#send it later
push @{ $hash->{helper}{otrJIDs}{$JID->GetJID("full")}{waitingMsgs} }, {"jid" => $JID->GetJID("full"), "msg" => $message} ;
} else {
return "OTR not activated. Activate by using 'attr $hash->{NAME} OTREnable 1'";
sub Jabber_Subcribe_To($@)
my ($hash,$dst) = @_;
if (Jabber_CheckConnection($hash)) {
#respond with authorization so they can see our online state
#ask for authorization also so we can also see their online state (for future)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @args = split("[ \t]+", $def);
if (int(@args) < 8)
return "Invalid number of arguments: define <name> Jabber <server> <port> <username> <password> <tls> <ssl>";
my ($tmp1,$tmp2,$server, $port, $username, $password, $tls, $ssl) = @args;
$hash->{STATE} = 'Initialized';
if(defined($server) && defined($port) && defined($username) && defined($password) && defined($tls) && defined($ssl))
$hash->{helper}{server} = $server;
$hash->{helper}{username} = $username;
$hash->{helper}{password} = $password;
$hash->{helper}{port} = $port;
$hash->{helper}{tls} = $tls;
$hash->{helper}{ssl} = $ssl;
$hash->{helper}{otractive} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{otrJIDs} = {}; #hash
if ($tls == 1 || $ssl == 1) {
if(!eval("require Net::SSLeay;")) {
$hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected (Module error)";
$hash->{CONNINFO} = "Missing perl Module Net::SSLeay for TLS or SSL connection.";
return undef;
if(!eval("require Authen::SASL;")) {
$hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected (Module error)";
$hash->{CONNINFO} = "Missing perl Module Authen::SASL for Jabber Authentication.";
return undef;
Jabber_CheckConnection($hash) if($init_done);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$attr{$name}{PollTimer}, "Jabber_PollMessages", $hash,0);
return undef;
return "define not correct: define <name> Jabber <server> <port> <username> <password> <tls> <ssl>";
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
return undef;
# Attrib
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ($aName eq "OnlineStatus") {
if (defined($aVal) && defined($hash->{JabberDevice}) && $init_done) {
#Send Presence type only if we do not want to be available
if ($aVal ne "available") {
} else {
} elsif ($aName eq "MucJoin") {
#Join the MUC
if (defined($aVal) && defined($hash->{JabberDevice}) && $init_done) {
} elsif ($aName eq "OTREnable") {
#We dont care if Jabber is not connected already
if (defined($aVal) && $init_done) {
#OTR Enabled, init OTR
if ($aVal == 1) {
} elsif ($aName eq "OTRSharedSecret") {
#Nothing special to do will be used later..
} elsif ($aName eq "JabberDomain" && $init_done) {
#restart connection...
return undef;
# Joins a MUC and save the nick/name for later processing
my ($hash,$MUCJID) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#find rooms to leave
my %oldrooms;
if (defined($hash->{helper}{myMUCJIDs})) {
foreach my $oldroom (@{$hash->{helper}{myMUCJIDs}}) {
$oldrooms{$oldroom} = 1;
$hash->{helper}{myMUCJIDs} = ();
#format of line: room@server/nick:pass,room2@server/nick2:pass
my @rooms = split /,/, $MUCJID;
foreach my $roompass (@rooms) {
my ($room,$pass) = split /:/,$roompass;
#add room to array
push @{ $hash->{helper}{myMUCJIDs} }, $room;
#remove from rooms to leave
if (exists($oldrooms{$room})) {
delete $oldrooms{$room};
#create new presence object
my $presence = Net::Jabber::Presence->new;
my $muc = $presence->NewChild('http://jabber.org/protocol/muc');
if($pass) {
#remove history
my $hist = $muc->AddHistory();
#join the room (or change the nick)
#leave old rooms
foreach my $room (keys %oldrooms) {
$hash->{JabberDevice}->PresenceSend(to => $room, type => 'unavailable');
# Checking for waiting Messages from the Jabber Server
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $connectiondied = 0;
if(!$init_done) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$attr{$name}{PollTimer}, "Jabber_PollMessages", $hash,0);
return undef; # exit if FHEM is not ready yet.
if (Jabber_CheckConnection($hash)) {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Jabber PollMessages" if $debug;
#We need to manually do what XML::Stream normally do on 'Process()' as we do not want to block it for too long.
#They only accept a multiple of second as timeout, but that is too much if we block FHEM every second a second
#If we find that there is something to do we call Process()
my $doProcess = 0;
#If there is something to read from the XMPP Server
if (defined($hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SELECT}->can_read(0.01))) {
$doProcess = 1;
#From XML::Stream - Check if a connection needs a keepalive or has been timed out.
#Again, we would block for at least one second (every 10 seconds) if we call Process() here
if ($doProcess == 0) {
#From XML::Stream - Check if a connection needs a keepalive, and send that keepalive.
foreach my $sid (keys(%{$hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}}))
next if ($sid eq "default");
next if ($sid =~ /^server/);
next if ($hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} == -1);
if ((time - $hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{keepalive}) > 10)
$hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} = -1 if !defined($hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->Send($sid," "));
if (! $hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} == 1)
#Keep-Alive failed - we must call Process() to handle it
$doProcess = 1;
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Keep Alive Failed" if $debug;
#From XML::Stream - Check if a connection timed out, if not respond, if it timed out, call Process()
foreach my $sid (keys(%{$hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}}))
next if ($sid eq "default");
next if ($sid =~ /^server/);
if (exists($hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{activitytimeout}) &&
$doProcess = 1
if (exists($hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{activitytimeout}) &&
((time - $hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{activitytimeout}) > 10) &&
($hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{status} != 1));
#We do Process() - if the connection has died we reconnect.
if ($doProcess == 1) {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} DoProcess Call" if $debug;
#Check for previous errors in process(), before XMPP::Connection will break down FHEM
$connectiondied = 0;
if (defined($hash->{JabberDevice})) {
if (exists($hash->{JabberDevice}->{PROCESSERROR}) && ($hash->{JabberDevice}->{PROCESSERROR} == 1)) {
#XMPP::Connection would kill FHEM now.. But we try to handle it.
$hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected";
$hash->{CONNINFO} = "Jabber connection error (Previous XMPP Process() error!)";
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Jabber connection error (Previous XMPP Process() error!)" if $debug;
$connectiondied = 1;
} else {
#Do Process(), if it is undef, connection is gone or some other problem...
if (!defined($hash->{JabberDevice}->Process(1))) {
$hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected";
$hash->{CONNINFO} = "Jabber connection died";
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Jabber connection error (Process() is undef!)" if $debug;
$connectiondied = 1;
} else {
$connectiondied = 1;
if ($connectiondied == 1) {
#connection died
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Connection died" if $debug;
$hash->{JabberDevice} = undef;
if (Jabber_CheckConnection($hash)) {
#Send Presence type only if we do not want to be availible
if ($attr{$name}{OnlineStatus} ne "available") {
} else {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Poll End" if $debug;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$attr{$name}{PollTimer}, "Jabber_PollMessages", $hash,0);
# Checking the Connection to the Jabber Server
sub Jabber_CheckConnection($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (!defined($hash->{JabberDevice})) {
#Not defined, create a new Jabber connection
my $dev = undef;
if ($debug > 0) {
$dev = new Net::Jabber::Client(debuglevel=>2,debugfile=>"/tmp/jabberdebug.log");
} else {
$dev = new Net::Jabber::Client();
$hash->{JabberDevice} = $dev;
#Default to SSL = nonverify (0x00) - this has been changed in XML::Stream 1.23_04 and cause problems because you need a CA verify list.
if (defined($hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{default}->{ssl_verify})) {
$hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{default}->{ssl_verify} = 0x00;
#Default to to SRV lookups, ugly hack because older versions of XMPP::Connection dont call the respective value in XML::Stream..
$hash->{JabberDevice}->{STREAM}->{SIDS}->{default}->{srv} = "_xmpp-client._tcp";
#fix for weak callbacks, since Net::XMPP v.1.05 they "weaken" the reference to prevent *possible* memory problems,
#but that causes the callbacks to not work anymore, so we unweaken it here by initializing the callbacks again :)
#For MUC we need to check if the history function is in the namespace, if not our libraries are old and we need to hack it in
#I found this option in NET::Jabber::Owl
if (!exists($Net::XMPP::Namespaces::NS{'__netjabber__:iq:muc:history'})) {
$hash->{JabberDevice}->AddNamespace(ns => '__netjabber__:iq:muc:history',
tag => 'history',
xpath => {
MaxChars => { path => '@maxchars' },
MaxStanzas => { path => '@maxstanzas' },
Seconds => { path => '@seconds' },
Since => { path => '@since' }
docs => {
module => 'Net::Jabber',
#patch the already existing muc namespace to support the history function so we can call "AddHistory" later...
$Net::XMPP::Namespaces::NS{'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'}->{xpath}->{History} = {
type => 'child',
path => 'history',
child => { ns => '__netjabber__:iq:muc:history' },
calls => ['Add', 'Get', 'Set', 'Defined' ],
#Needed for Message handling:
$hash->{JabberDevice}->SetMessageCallBacks(normal => sub { \&Jabber_INC_Message($hash,@_) }, chat => sub { \&Jabber_INC_Message($hash,@_) }, groupchat => sub { \&Jabber_INC_MUCMessage($hash,@_) } );
#Needed if someone wants to subscribe to us and is on the WhiteList
subscribe => sub { \&Jabber_INC_Subscribe($hash,@_) },
subscribed => sub { \&Jabber_INC_Subscribe($hash,@_) },
available => sub { \&Jabber_INC_Subscribe($hash,@_) },
unavailable => sub { \&Jabber_INC_Subscribe($hash,@_) },
unsubscribe => sub { \&Jabber_INC_Subscribe($hash,@_) },
unsubscribed => sub { \&Jabber_INC_Subscribe($hash,@_) },
error => sub { \&Jabber_INC_Subscribe($hash,@_) }
if(exists($attr{$name}{OTREnable}) && $attr{$name}{OTREnable} == 1) {
if (!$hash->{JabberDevice}->Connected()) {
my $componentname = $hash->{helper}{server};
if(exists($attr{$name}{JabberDomain}) && $attr{$name}{JabberDomain} ne '') {
$componentname = $attr{$name}{JabberDomain};
my $connectionstatus = $hash->{JabberDevice}->Connect(
if (!defined($connectionstatus)) {
$hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected";
$hash->{CONNINFO} = "Jabber connect error ($!)";
return 0;
my @authresult = $hash->{JabberDevice}->AuthSend(username=>$hash->{helper}{username},
if (!defined($authresult[0])) {
$hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected";
$hash->{CONNINFO} = "Jabber authentication error: Cannot Authenticate for an unknown reason. Connectionstatus is: $connectionstatus";
return 0;
if ($authresult[0] ne "ok") {
$hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected";
$hash->{CONNINFO} = "Jabber authentication error: @authresult";
return 0;
$hash->{STATE} = "Connected";
$hash->{CONNINFO} = "Connected to $hash->{helper}{server} with username $hash->{helper}{username}";
#join MUCs
if (defined($attr{$name}{MucJoin})) {
Jabber_MUCs_Join($hash,$attr{$name}{MucJoin}) if $attr{$name}{MucJoin} ne "";
#Send Presence type only if we do not want to be availible
if ($attr{$name}{OnlineStatus} ne "available") {
} else {
if (!$hash->{JabberDevice}->Connected()) {
$hash->{STATE} = "Disconnected";
$hash->{CONNINFO} = "Cannot connect for an unknown reason";
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
# Incoming Subscribe events
sub Jabber_INC_Subscribe
my($hash,$session_id, $presence) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} INC_Subscribe: Recv presence from: " . $presence->GetFrom() . " Type: ". $presence->GetType() if $debug;
my $sender = $presence->GetFrom();
my $JID = new Net::Jabber::JID($sender);
my $senderShort = $JID->GetJID("base");
my $senderLong = $JID->GetJID("full");
my $mucRegexMatch = 0;
#Check the Whitelist if the sender is allowed to send us.
if (defined($attr{$name}{MucRecvWhitelist})) {
if ($senderLong =~ m/$attr{$name}{MucRecvWhitelist}/) {
$mucRegexMatch = 1;
if ($senderShort =~ m/$attr{$name}{RecvWhitelist}/ || $mucRegexMatch) {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Regex m/$attr{$name}{RecvWhitelist}/ matched" if $debug && $senderShort =~ m/$attr{$name}{RecvWhitelist}/;
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Regex (MUC) m/$attr{$name}{MucRecvWhitelist}/ matched" if $debug && $mucRegexMatch && $senderLong =~ m/$attr{$name}{MucRecvWhitelist}/;
if ($presence->GetType() eq "subscribe") {
#respond with authorization so they can see our online state
#ask for authorization also so we can also see their online state (for future)
} else {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Regex m/$attr{$name}{RecvWhitelist}/ and m/$attr{$name}{MucRecvWhitelist}/ did not match" if $debug;
# Incoming Private (encrypted or plaintext) Message
sub Jabber_INC_Message {
my($hash,$session_id, $xmpp_message) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $sender = $xmpp_message->GetFrom();
my $message = $xmpp_message->GetBody();
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} INC_Message: $sender: $message" if $debug;
my $JID = new Net::Jabber::JID($sender);
my $senderShort = $JID->GetJID("base");
#Check the Whitelist if the sender is allowed to send us, but not the "shortname" as this will strip the sendernickname off
if ($senderShort =~ m/$attr{$name}{RecvWhitelist}/) {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Regex m/$attr{$name}{RecvWhitelist}/ matched" if $debug;
# check to see if this is a OTR Message, if OTR is enabled
my $otr_message_recv = 0;
if ($hash->{helper}{otractive}) {
if ($message =~ m/^\?OTR/) {
#try to decrypt it
my $discard_msg = 0;
($message, $discard_msg) = $hash->{OTR}->decrypt($JID->GetJID("full"), $message);
if (!$discard_msg && $message ne "") {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} INC_Message [OTR]: $sender: $message" if $debug;
$otr_message_recv = 1;
} elsif(!$discard_msg && $message eq "") {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} INC_Message [OTR]: We received an encrypted message from $senderShort but were unable to decrypt it (maybe also a control message)" if $debug;
#When we have got no message after the OTR decrypt, we can leave this function.
if (!defined($message) || $message eq "") {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Message is empty after OTR decrypt." if $debug;
return undef;
# Some IM clients send HTML, we need
# to convert it to plain text
# remove tags
$message =~ s/<(.|\n)+?>//g;
# convert "'s
$message =~ s/"/\\"/g;
# trim whitespaces at beginning and end
$message =~ s/^[\n\r\s]+|[\n\r\s]+$//g;
#now, if the message is empty, (or was only filled with xml tags for various status infos), drop it
if ($message ne "") {
if ($otr_message_recv) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"OTRMessage","$sender: $message");
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} ReadingsUpdate [OTR]: $message" if $debug;
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"Message","$sender: $message");
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} ReadingsUpdate: $message" if $debug;
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
} else {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Message was empty or full of xml tags - no readings update" if $debug;
} else {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Regex m/$attr{$name}{RecvWhitelist}/ did not match" if $debug;
# Incoming MUC (Multi-User-Channel) Message
sub Jabber_INC_MUCMessage {
my($hash,$session_id, $xmpp_message) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $sender = $xmpp_message->GetFrom();
my $message = $xmpp_message->GetBody();
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} INC_MUCMessage: $sender: $message\n" if $debug;
my $JID = new Net::Jabber::JID($sender);
my $senderShort = $JID->GetJID("base");
my $senderLong = $JID->GetJID("full");
#filter MUC messages (ie subject set on join)
#filter own messages to prevent loop
foreach my $muc (@{$hash->{helper}{myMUCJIDs}}) {
my $mucJID = new Net::Jabber::JID($muc);
if ($JID->GetJID("full") eq $mucJID->GetJID("base")) {
#room send something to us
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} ignoring message from room $senderShort" if $debug;
return undef;
} elsif ($JID->GetJID("full") eq $mucJID->GetJID("full")) {
#we received our own message
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} ignoring message from ourself" if $debug;
return undef;
#Check the Whitelist if the sender is allowed to send us, but not the "shortname" as this will strip the sendernickname off
if ($senderLong =~ m/$attr{$name}{MucRecvWhitelist}/) {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Regex (MUC) m/$attr{$name}{MucRecvWhitelist}/ matched" if $debug;
# Some IM clients send HTML, we need
# to convert it to plain text
# remove tags
$message =~ s/<(.|\n)+?>//g;
# convert "'s
$message =~ s/"/\\"/g;
# trim whitespaces at beginning and end
$message =~ s/^[\n\r\s]+|[\n\r\s]+$//g;
#now, if the message is empty, (or was only filled with xml tags for various status infos), drop it
if ($message ne "") {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"MucMessage","$sender: $message");
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} ReadingsUpdate: $message" if $debug;
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
} else {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Message was empty or full of xml tags - no readings update" if $debug;
} else {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Regex (MUC) m/$attr{$name}{MucRecvWhitelist}/ did not match" if $debug;
# OTR Specific functions
my ($hash) = @_;
#check if Crypt::OTR is installed
if(!eval("require Crypt::OTR;")) {
$hash->{helper}{otractive} = 0;
$hash->{STATE} = $hash->{STATE}. " (OTR Error)";
$hash->{OTR_STATE} = "Missing perl Module Crypt::OTR, OTR disabled.";
# $hash->{CONNINFO} = "Missing perl Module Crypt::OTR, OTR disabled.";
return undef;
#find if the current directory is writeable to store our key, if not we will use /tmp as this is the most availible one.
my $otrCfgDir = AttrVal('global','modpath','.')."/log";
$otrCfgDir = "/tmp" if ! -e $otrCfgDir || ! -w $otrCfgDir;
my $otr_accname = $hash->{NAME};
my $otr_proto = "FHEMJabber";
my $otr = new Crypt::OTR(
account_name => $otr_accname,
protocol => $otr_proto,
config_dir => $otrCfgDir,
$hash->{OTR} = $otr;
$hash->{OTR}->set_callback('inject' => sub { \&Jabber_OTR_inject($hash,@_) });
$hash->{OTR}->set_callback('otr_message' => sub { \&Jabber_OTR_system_message($hash,@_) });
$hash->{OTR}->set_callback('verified' => sub { \&Jabber_OTR_connected_verified($hash,@_) });
$hash->{OTR}->set_callback('unverified' => sub { \&Jabber_OTR_connected_unverified($hash,@_) });
$hash->{OTR}->set_callback('disconnect' => sub { \&Jabber_OTR_disconnected($hash,@_) });
$hash->{OTR}->set_callback('smp_request' => sub { \&Jabber_OTR_smprequest($hash,@_) });
if (! -e $otrCfgDir."/otr.private_key-".lc($otr_accname)."-".lc($otr_proto)) {
#say we are genning Private key, and log the info, then execute it in another fork of fhem to prevent a 2h block
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Generating OTR private key, be prepared that this will take 2 hours or more. Check OTR_STATE (this is a one-time task)";
$hash->{OTR_STATE} = "Generating OTR private key...";
if(!exists($hash->{helper}{OTR_GENKEY_PID})) {
$hash->{helper}{OTR_GENKEY_PID} = BlockingCall("Jabber_OTR_GenPrivateKey", $hash->{NAME}."|".$otr_accname."|".$otr_proto."|".$otrCfgDir, "Jabber_OTR_GenPrivateKeyComplete");
} else {
$hash->{OTR_STATE} = "Still generating OTR private key. Please be patient!";
} else {
if(!exists($hash->{helper}{OTR_GENKEY_PID})) {
#Private key is there, everything is fine.
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} OTR found privatekey, good!" if $debug;
$hash->{helper}{otractive} = 1;
$hash->{OTR_STATE} = "OTR enabled and active";
Log 3, "$hash->{NAME} OTR successfully enabled and active" if $debug;
} else {
$hash->{OTR_STATE} = "Still generating OTR private key. Please be patient!";
Log 3, "$hash->{NAME} OTR still generating OTR private key. Please be patient!";
# Generating private key in another process via Blocking.pm
sub Jabber_OTR_GenPrivateKey($)
my ($callargs) = @_;
my ($hashname, $otr_accname,$otr_proto,$otrCfgDir) = split("\\|", $callargs);
my $otr = new Crypt::OTR(
account_name => $otr_accname,
protocol => $otr_proto,
config_dir => $otrCfgDir,
return "$hashname";
# Completing generating private key
sub Jabber_OTR_GenPrivateKeyComplete($)
my ($hashname) = @_;
return unless(defined($hashname));
my $hash = $defs{$hashname};
$hash->{OTR_STATE} = "Finished generating OTR private key. OTR is now active.";
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} Finished generating OTR private key";
$hash->{helper}{otractive} = 1;
log 0, "$hash->{NAME} OTR successfully enabled and active" if $debug;
# called when OTR is ready to send a message after function calls (e.g. decrypt / smp / etc).
sub Jabber_OTR_inject {
my ($hash, $self, $account_name, $protocol, $dest_account, $message) = @_;
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} [OTR Inject] Inject called: $message" if $debug;
Jabber_Set_Message($hash, $dest_account, $message);
#most times we await an answer, ignore the polltimer and check for new messages immediantly
# called to display an OTR control message for a particular user or protocol
sub Jabber_OTR_system_message {
my ($hash, $self, $account_name, $protocol, $other_user, $otr_message) = @_;
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} [OTR Sys MSG] $otr_message" if $debug;
return 1;
#called when an OTR Session has been established and has been verified by the SMP Protocol
sub Jabber_OTR_connected_verified {
my ($hash, $self, $from_account) = @_;
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} [OTR] verified connection with $from_account established" if $debug;
$hash->{helper}{otrJIDs}{$from_account}{verified} = 1;
#after this callback, OTR sends another message before the connection is fully established, so we have to delay that again for 5 secs before sending the actual message
my %h = (hash => $hash, from_account => $from_account);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "Jabber_OTRDelaySend", \%h,0);
#called when an OTR Session has been established and is not verified
sub Jabber_OTR_connected_unverified {
my ($hash, $self, $from_account) = @_;
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} [OTR] unverified connection with $from_account established" if $debug;
$hash->{helper}{otrJIDs}{$from_account}{verified} = 0;
#after this callback, OTR sends another message before the connection is fully established, so we have to delay that again for 5 secs before sending the actual message
my %h = (hash => $hash, from_account => $from_account);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "Jabber_OTRDelaySend", \%h,0);
#called when the other end want to verify our identity
sub Jabber_OTR_smprequest {
my ($hash, $self, $account_name, $other_user) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} [OTR] User $other_user wants to verify our identity, sending shared secret response" if $debug;
if (defined($attr{$name}{OTRSharedSecret})) {
$hash->{OTR}->continue_smp($other_user, $attr{$name}{OTRSharedSecret});
} else {
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} [OTR] Error, no shared secret defined, sending bogus secret" if $debug;
$hash->{OTR}->continue_smp($other_user, "ImaBogusSecretBecauseNothingDefined");
# Delayed sending message after established a secure connection
# This is needed because AFTER the function "un/verified" is called
# the system is still in the process of opening the encrypted communication
sub Jabber_OTRDelaySend($$) {
my $h = shift;
my $hash = $h->{hash};
my $from_account = $h->{from_account};
#if we have unsent messages, send them now.
if (defined($hash->{helper}{otrJIDs}{$from_account}{waitingMsgs})) {
foreach my $waitingMsg (@{$hash->{helper}{otrJIDs}{$from_account}{waitingMsgs}}) {
#called when an OTR Session has been disconnected
sub Jabber_OTR_disconnected {
my ($hash, $self, $from_account) = @_;
Log 0, "$hash->{NAME} [OTR] $from_account disconnected secure channel" if $debug;
delete ($hash->{helper}{otrJIDs}{$from_account});
=item device
=item summary connect FHEM to the Jabber Network, send and receiving messages
=item summary_DE verbindet FHEM and Jabber Netz, kann Nachrichten senden und empfangen
=begin html
<a name="Jabber"></a>
This Module allows FHEM to connect to the Jabber Network, send and receiving messages from and to a Jabber server.<br>
Jabber is another description for (XMPP) - a communications protocol for message-oriented middleware based
on XML and - depending on the server - encrypt the communications channels.<br>
For the user it is similar to other instant messaging Platforms like Facebook Chat, ICQ or Google's Hangouts
but free, Open Source and by default encrypted between the Jabber servers.<br>
You need an account on a Jabber Server, you can find free services and more information on <a href="http://www.jabber.org/">jabber.org</a><br>
Discuss the module in the <a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,18967.0.html">specific thread here</a>.<br>
This Module requires the following perl Modules to be installed (using SSL):<br>
Since version 1.5 it allows FHEM also to join MUC (Multi-User-Channels) and the use of OTR for end to end encryption<br>
If you want to use OTR you must compile and install Crypt::OTR from CPAN on your own.<br>
<a name="JabberDefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Jabber &lt;server&gt; &lt;port&gt; &lt;username&gt; &lt;password&gt; &lt;TLS&gt; &lt;SSL&gt;</code><br>
You have to create an account on a free Jabber server or setup your own Jabber server.<br>
<code>define JabberClient1 Jabber jabber.org 5222 myusername mypassword 1 0</code>
<a name="JabberSet"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; msg &lt;username&gt; &lt;msg&gt;</code>
sends a message to the specified username
<code>set JabberClient1 msg myname@jabber.org It is working!</code><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; msgmuc &lt;channel&gt; &lt;msg&gt;</code>
sends a message to the specified MUC group channel
<code>set JabberClient1 msgmuc roomname@jabber.org Woot!</code><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; msgotr &lt;username&gt; &lt;msg&gt;</code>
sends an Off-the-Record encrypted message to the specified username, if no OTR session is currently established it is being tried to esablish an OTR session with the specified user.<br>
If the user does not have OTR support the message is discarded.
<code>set JabberClient1 msgotr myname@jabber.org Meet me at 7pm at the place today :*</code><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; subscribe &lt;username&gt;</code>
asks the username for authorization (not needed normally)
<code>set JabberClient1 subscribe myname@jabber.org</code><br>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="JabberAttr"></a>
<a name="OnlineStatus"></a>
<li><code>OnlineStatus available|unavailable</code><br>
Sets the online status of the client, available (online in Clients) or unavailable (offline in Clients)<br>
It is possible, on some servers, that FHEM can even recieve messages if the status is unavailable<br>
Default: <code>available</code>
<a name="ResourceName"></a>
<li><code>ResourceName &lt;name&gt;</code><br>
In XMPP/Jabber you can have multiple clients connected with the same username. <br>
The resource name finally makes the Jabber-ID unique to each client.<br>
Here you can define the resource name.<br>
Default: <code>FHEM</code>
<a name="PollTimer"></a>
<li><code>PollTimer &lt;seconds&gt;</code><br>
This is the interval in seconds at which the jabber server get polled.<br>
Every interval the client checks if there are messages waiting and checks the connection to the server.<br>
Don't set it over 10 seconds, as the client could get disconnected.<br>
Default: <code>2</code>
<a name="RecvWhitelist"></a>
<li><code>RecvWhitelist &lt;Regex&gt;</code><br>
Only if the Regex match, the client accepts and interpret the message. Everything else will be discarded.<br>
Default: <code>.*</code><br>
<a name="MucJoin"></a>
<li><code>MucJoin channel1@server.com/mynick[:password]</code><br>
Allows you to join one or more MUC's (Multi-User-Channel) with a specific Nick and a optional Password<br>
Default: empty (no messages accepted)<br>
Join a channel: <code>channel1@server.com/mynick</code><br>
Join more channels: <code>channel1@server.com/mynick,channel2@server.com/myothernick</code><br>
Join a channel with a password set: <code>channel1@server.com/mynick:password</code><br>
<a name="MucRecvWhitelist"></a>
<li><code>MucRecvWhitelist &lt;Regex&gt;</code><br>
Same as RecvWhitelist but for MUC: Only if the Regex match, the client accepts and interpret the message. Everything else will be discarded.<br>
Default: empty (no messages accepted)<br>
All joined channels allowed: <code>.*</code><br>
Specific channel allowed only: <code>mychannel@jabber.org</code><br>
Specific Nick in channel allowed only: <code>mychannel@jabber.org/NickOfFriend</code><br>
<a name="OTREnable"></a>
<li><code>OTREnable 1|0</code><br>
Enabled the use of Crypt::OTR for end to end encryption between a device and FHEM<br>
You must have Crypt::OTR installed and a private key is being generated the first time you enable this option<br>
Key generation can take more than 2 hours on a quiet system but will not block FHEM instead it will inform you if it has been finished<br>
Key generation is a one-time-task<br>
Default: empty (OTR disabled)
<a name="OTRSharedSecret"></a>
<li><code>OTRSharedSecret aSecretKeyiOnlyKnow@@*</code><br>
Optional shared secret to allow the other end to start a trust verification against FHEM with this shared key.<br>
If the user starts a trust verification process the fingerprint of the FHEM private key will be saved at the user's device and the connection is trusted.<br>
This will allow to inform the user if the private key has changed (ex. in Man-in-the-Middle attacks)<br>
Default: empty, please define a shared secret on your own.
<a name="JabberReadings"></a>
<b>Generated Readings/Events:</b>
<li>Private Messages
<li><b>Message</b> - Complete message including JID and text</li>
<li><b>LastMessage</b> - Only text portion of the Message</li>
<li><b>LastSenderJID</b> - Only JID portion of the Message</li>
<li>Encrypted Private Messages (if OTREnable=1)
<li><b>OTRMessage</b> - Complete decrypted message including JID and text</li>
<li><b>OTRLastMessage</b> - Only text portion of the Message</li>
<li><b>OTRLastSenderJID</b> - Only JID portion of the Message</li>
<li>MUC Room Messages (if MUCJoin is set)
<li><b>MucMessage</b> - Complete message including room's JID and text</li>
<li><b>MucLastMessage</b> - Only text portion of the Message</li>
<li><b>MucLastSenderJID</b> - Only JID portion of the Message</li>
<a name="JabberNotes"></a>
<b>Author's Notes:</b>
<li>You can react and reply on incoming private messages with a notify like this:<br>
<pre><code>define Jabber_Notify notify JabberClient1:Message.* {
my $lastsender=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastSenderJID","0");
my $lastmsg=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastMessage","0");
my $temperature=ReadingsVal("BU_Temperatur","temperature","0");
fhem("set JabberClient1 msg ". $lastsender . " Temp: ".$temperature);
<li>You can react and reply on MUC messages with a notify like this, be aware that the nickname in $lastsender is stripped off in the msgmuc function<br>
<pre><code>define Jabber_Notify notify JabberClient1:MucMessage.* {
my $lastsender=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastSenderJID","0");
my $lastmsg=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastMessage","0");
my $temperature=ReadingsVal("BU_Temperatur","temperature","0");
fhem("set JabberClient1 msgmuc ". $lastsender . " Temp: ".$temperature);
<li>You can react and reply on OTR private messages with a notify like this:<br>
<pre><code>define Jabber_Notify notify JabberClient1:OTRMessage.* {
my $lastsender=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastSenderJID","0");
my $lastmsg=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastMessage","0");
my $temperature=ReadingsVal("BU_Temperatur","temperature","0");
fhem("set JabberClient1 msgotr ". $lastsender . " Temp: ".$temperature);
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="Jabber"></a>
Dieses Modul verbindet sich mit dem Jabber Netzwerk, sendet und empf&auml;ngt Nachrichten von und zu einem Jabber Server.<br>
Jabber ist eine andere Beschreibung f&uuml;r "XMPP", ein Kommunikationsprotokoll f&uuml;r Nachrichtenorientierte "middleware", basierend
auf XML.<br>
Fester bestandteil des Protokolls ist die Verschl&uuml;sselung zwischen Client und Server.<br>
F&uuml;r den Benutzer ist es &auml;hnlich anderer Chat-Plattformen wie zum Beispiel dem facebook Chat, ICQ oder Google Hangouts -
jedoch frei Verf&uuml;gbar, open Source und normalerweise Verschl&uuml;sselt (was Serverabh&auml;ngig ist).<br>
F&uuml;r dieses Modul brauchst du einen Account auf einem Jabber Server. Kostenlose accounts und Server findet man unter <a href="http://www.jabber.org/">jabber.org</a><br>
Diskussionen zu diesem Modul findet man im <a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,18967.0.html">FHEM Forum hier</a>.<br>
Dieses Modul ben&ouml;tigt die folgenden Perl Module (inkl. SSL M&ouml;glichkeit)<br>
Seit Version 1.5 kann dieses Modul in Multi-User-Channel (sogenannte MUC) beitreten und Off-the-Record (OTR) Ende-zu-Ende Verschl&uuml;sselung benutzen.<br>
Wenn du OTR benutzen m&ouml;chtest musst du dir Crypt::OTR von CPAN selbst installieren.<br>
OTR ist nochmal ein zus&auml;tzlicher Sicherheitsrelevater Punkt, da die Kommunikation wirklich von Endger&auml;t zu FHEM verschl&uuml;sselt wird und man sich nicht auf die Jabber Server Transportverschl&uuml;sselung verlassen muss.<br>
<a name="JabberDefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Jabber &lt;server&gt; &lt;port&gt; &lt;username&gt; &lt;password&gt; &lt;TLS&gt; &lt;SSL&gt;</code><br>
Du ben&ouml;tigst nat&uuml;rlich echte Accountdaten.<br>
<code>define JabberClient1 Jabber jabber.org 5222 myusername mypassword 1 0</code>
<a name="JabberSet"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; msg &lt;username&gt; &lt;msg&gt;</code>
Sendet eine Nachricht "msg" an den Jabberuser "username"
<code>set JabberClient1 msg myname@jabber.org It is working!</code><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; msgmuc &lt;channel&gt; &lt;msg&gt;</code>
Sendet eine Nachricht "msg" an dieJabber-MUC-Gruppe "channel".<br>
Dabei wird ein eventuell mitgegebener Nickname von "channel" entfernt, so kann man direkt das Reading LastMessageJID benutzen.<br>
<code>set JabberClient1 msgmuc roomname@jabber.org Woot!</code><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; msgotr &lt;username&gt; &lt;msg&gt;</code>
Sendet eine OTR verschl&uuml;sselte Nachricht an den "username", wenn keine aktive OTR Sitzung aufgebaut ist, wird versucht eine aufzubauen.<br>
Wenn der Empf&auml;nger OTR nicht versteht, wird die Nachricht verworfen, d.h. sie wird auf keinen Fall im Klartext &uuml;bertragen.
<code>set JabberClient1 msgotr myname@jabber.org Wir sehen uns heute um 18:00 Uhr :*</code><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; subscribe &lt;username&gt;</code>
Fr&auml;gt eine Authorisierung beim "username" an (normalerweise wird das nicht ben&ouml;tigt)
<code>set JabberClient1 subscribe myname@jabber.org</code><br>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="JabberAttr"></a>
<a name="OnlineStatus"></a>
<li><code>OnlineStatus available|unavailable</code><br>
Setzt den Online-status, ob der Client anderen gegen&uuml;ber Online ist (available) oder Offline erscheint (unavailable)<br>
Es ist m&ouml;glich dass einige Server eingehende Nachrichten trotzdem FHEM zustellen obwohl er "unavailable" ist<br>
Standard: <code>available</code>
<a name="ResourceName"></a>
<li><code>ResourceName &lt;name&gt;</code><br>
In der Jabber-Welt kann ein Client mit einem Usernamen &ouml;fter mit einem Server verbunden sein (z.b. Handy, Computer, FHEM). <br>
Der "resource name" ergibt die finale Jabber-ID und macht die verschiedenen Verbindungen einzigartig (z.B. bios@jabber.org/FHEM).<br>
Hier kannst du den "resource name" setzen.<br>
Standard: <code>FHEM</code>
<a name="PollTimer"></a>
<li><code>PollTimer &lt;seconds&gt;</code><br>
Dies ist der Intervall in der &uuml;berpr&uuml;ft wird ob neue Nachrichten zur Verarbeitung beim Jabber Server anstehen.<br>
Ebenfalls wird hiermit die Verbindung zum Server &uuml;berpr&uuml;ft (Timeouts, DSL Disconnects etc.).<br>
Setze es nicht &uuml;ber 10 Sekunden, die Verbindung kann sonst die ganze Zeit getrennt werden, Sie wird zwar wieder aufgebaut, aber nach 10 Sekunden brechen die meisten Server die Verbindung automatisch ab.<br>
Standard: <code>2</code>
<a name="RecvWhitelist"></a>
<li><code>RecvWhitelist &lt;Regex&gt;</code><br>
Nur wenn die Jabber-ID einer privaten empfangenen Nachricht auf diese Regex zutrifft, akzeptiert FHEM die Nachricht und gibt sie an Notifys weiter. Alles andere wird verworfen.<br>
Standard: <code>.*</code><br>
<a name="MucJoin"></a>
<li><code>MucJoin channel1@server.com/mynick[:passwort]</code><br>
Tritt dem MUC mit dem spezifizierten Nickname und dem optionalem Passwort bei.<br>
Standard: nicht definiert<br>
Einen Raum betreten: <code>channel1@server.com/mynick</code><br>
Mehrere R&auml;ume betreten: <code>channel1@server.com/mynick,channel2@server.com/myothernick</code><br>
Einen Raum mit Passwort betreten: <code>channel1@server.com/mynick:password</code><br>
<a name="MucRecvWhitelist"></a>
<li><code>MucRecvWhitelist &lt;Regex&gt;</code><br>
Selbe funktion wie RecvWhitelist, aber f&uuml;r Gruppenr&auml;ume: Nur wenn die Regex zutrifft, wird die Nachricht verarbeitet. Alles andere wird ignoriert.<br>
Standard: nicht definiert (keine Nachricht wird akzeptiert)<br>
Alle Nachrichten aller betretenen R&auml;ume erlauben: <code>.*</code><br>
Alle Nachrichten bestimmter betretenen R&auml;ume erlauben: <code>mychannel@jabber.org</code><br>
Nur bestimmte User in bestimmten betretenen R&auml;umen erlauben: <code>mychannel@jabber.org/NickOfFriend</code><br>
<a name="OTREnable"></a>
<li><code>OTREnable 1|0</code><br>
Schaltet die Verschl&uuml;sselungsfunktionen von Crypt::OTR f&uuml;r sichere Ende-zu-Ende Kummunikation in FHEM an oder aus.<br>
Es muss zwangsl&auml;ufig daf&uuml;r Crypt::OTR installiert sein.<br>
<i>Ein Privater Schl&uuml;ssel wird bei Erstbenutzung generiert, das kann mehr als 2 Stunden dauern!</i><br>
Daf&uuml;r ist das eine einmalige Sache und FHEM wird dadurch nicht blockiert. Im Device sieht man im OTR_STATE wenn der Private Schl&uuml;ssel fertig ist.<br>
Erst danach ist OTR aktiv.<br>
Default: nicht definiert (OTR deaktiviert)
<a name="OTRSharedSecret"></a>
<li><code>OTRSharedSecret aSecretKeyiOnlyKnow@@*</code><br>
Optionales geheimes Passwort, dass man vom Endger&auml;t an FHEM schicken kann um zu beweisen, dass es sich tats&auml;chlich um FHEM handelt und nicht um einen
Hacker der sich (z.b. bei dem Internetprovider) zwischengeschaltet hat.
Normalerweise bekommt das Endger&auml;t eine Warnung wenn sich an einer bereits verifizierten Verbindung etwas ge&auml;ndert hat.<br>
Diese Warnung sollte man dann sehr ernst nehmen.
Default: nicht definiert, setze hier dein geheimes Passwort.
<a name="JabberReadings"></a>
<b>Generierte Readings/Events:</b>
<li>Privat Nachrichten
<li><b>Message</b> - Komplette Nachricht inkl. JID und Text</li>
<li><b>LastMessage</b> - Nur der Textteil der Nachricht</li>
<li><b>LastSenderJID</b> - Nur die Sender-JID der Nachricht</li>
<li>Verschl&uuml;sselte Private Nachrichten (wenn OTREnable=1)
<li><b>OTRMessage</b> - Komplette entschl&uuml;sselte Nachricht inkl. JID und Text</li>
<li><b>OTRLastMessage</b> - Nur der Textteil der Nachricht</li>
<li><b>OTRLastSenderJID</b> - Nur die Sender-JID der Nachricht</li>
<li>MUC Raum Nachrichten (wenn MUCJoin gesetzt ist)
<li><b>MucMessage</b> - Komplette Nachricht (Raumname/Nickname und Text)</li>
<li><b>MucLastMessage</b> - Nur der Textteil der Nachricht</li>
<li><b>MucLastSenderJID</b> - Nur die Sender-JID der Nachricht</li>
<a name="JabberNotes"></a>
<b>Notizen des Entwicklers:</b>
<li>Mit folgendem Notify-Beispiel kannst du auf eingehende Nachrichten reagieren, dieses Beispiel schickt das Reading "Temperatur" des Sensors "BU_Temperatur" bei jeder ankommenden Nachricht an den Sender zur&uuml;ck:<br>
<pre><code>define Jabber_Notify notify JabberClient1:Message.* {
my $lastsender=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastSenderJID","0");
my $lastmsg=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastMessage","0");
my $temperature=ReadingsVal("BU_Temperatur","temperature","0");
fhem("set JabberClient1 msg ". $lastsender . " Temp: ".$temperature);
<li>Auf MUC Nachrichten l&auml;sst sich folgend reagieren, Augenmerk darauf legen dass der Nickname aus $lastsender in der msgmuc Funktion entfernt wird, damit die Nachricht an den Raum geht<br>
<pre><code>define Jabber_Notify notify JabberClient1:MucMessage.* {
my $lastsender=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastSenderJID","0");
my $lastmsg=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastMessage","0");
my $temperature=ReadingsVal("BU_Temperatur","temperature","0");
fhem("set JabberClient1 msgmuc ". $lastsender . " Temp: ".$temperature);
<li>Auf OTR Nachrichten wird reagiert, wie auf normale private Nachrichten auch, jedoch wird mit der msgotr Funktion geantwortet:<br>
<pre><code>define Jabber_Notify notify JabberClient1:OTRMessage.* {
my $lastsender=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastSenderJID","0");
my $lastmsg=ReadingsVal("JabberClient1","LastMessage","0");
my $temperature=ReadingsVal("BU_Temperatur","temperature","0");
fhem("set JabberClient1 msgotr ". $lastsender . " Temp: ".$temperature);
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