mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 20:16:35 +00:00

50_TelegramBot: more silent cmds, caption formatting, several fixes git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16382 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
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# 49_TBot_List.pm
# This file is part of Fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# TBot_List (c) Johannes Viegener / https://github.com/viegener/Telegram-fhem/tree/master/TBot_List
# This module interacts with TelegramBot and PostMe devices
# Discussed in FHEM Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,67976.0.html
# $Id$
# 0.0 2017-01-15 Started
# add get normpeer getter to tbot
# get data from tbot in set / get
# setup needs to specfiy notifies
# implement attr
# handle reply msg
# change key building to routine
# change all handler calls to new parameters
# use name in queryData
# change key from lname to tbot
# lname handling
# TBot_List_handler invocations to be modified
# check in get queryanswer if list is amtching current device
# add handler from myutils
# add notify function
# change ensure cmd with name is handled correctly
# modify tbot to call handler with querydcata -- get routine - returns undef=nothandled 0=emptyanswerbuthandled other=answer
# 0.1 2017-01-17 Initial Version - mostly tested
# Documentation
# changed log levels
# corrected listNo calculation on dialog and define
# 0.2 2017-02-26 Initial SVN Checkin
# Add note to documentation on events and event-on attributes
# FIX: corrected allowedPeers definition
# Also support chats in start without args
# respond in chats / still only a single dialog per user allowed
# add entry for messages sent accidentially - absed on dialog
# removed debug statements
# make unsolicited entries configurable
# handle multiline entries --> remove line ends
# handle multiline entries --> multiple entries to be created
# 0.3 2017-03-16
# Fix: undef errors in listhandler resolved
# Menu für gesamte Liste
# Sortierung A-Z und Z-A für Liste
# allow double entries and correct handling
# 0.4 2017-05-13 Menu / Sort und fixes
# changed query data to prefix TBL_
# fhem-call get peerId is quiet
# 0.5 2017-05-13 Menu / Sort und fixes
# confirm delete configurable as attribute confirmDelete
# confirm add unsolicited configurable as attribute confirmUnsolicited
# 0.6 2017-07-16 confirmDelete & confirmUnsolicited
# added list getter for simple text list with \n and empty string if no entries
# switched from fhem( calls to AnalyzeCommandChain
# added count getter for count of list entries
# FIX: Some log entries / issues with inline commands
# new attribute deleteOnly to have deleteonly lists / no changes or adds
# document deleteOnly
# 0.7 2018-03-11 deleteonly lists / internal changes
# Make texts and addtl buttons configurable
# internal value if waiting for msg or reply -- otherwise notify not looping through events
# setters - start list / add new entry with question
# Ideas
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use URI::Escape;
use Scalar::Util qw(reftype looks_like_number);
# Forward declaration
sub TBot_List_Define($$);
sub TBot_List_Undef($$);
sub TBot_List_Set($@);
sub TBot_List_Get($@);
sub TBot_List_handler( $$$$;$ );
# Globals
## Module operation
# Initialize is called from fhem.pl after loading the module
# define functions and attributed for the module and corresponding devices
sub TBot_List_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "TBot_List_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "TBot_List_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "TBot_List_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "TBot_List_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "TBot_List_Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "TBot_List_Notify";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"telegramBots:textField ".
"optionDouble:0,1 ".
"handleUnsolicited:0,1 ".
"confirmDelete:0,1 ".
"confirmUnsolicited:0,1 ".
"deleteOnly:0,1 ".
"allowedPeers:textField ".
# Define function is called for actually defining a device of the corresponding module
# this includes name of the PosteMe device and the listname
sub TBot_List_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t]+", $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 3, "TBot_List_Define $name: called ";
my $errmsg = '';
my $definemsg = "define <name> TBot_List <postmedevice> <listname>";
# Check parameter(s)
if( int(@a) != 4 ) {
$errmsg = "syntax error: $definemsg";
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List $name: " . $errmsg;
return $errmsg;
my $postme = $a[2];
if ( ( defined( $defs{$postme} ) ) && ( $defs{$postme}{TYPE} eq "PostMe" ) ) {
$hash->{postme} = $postme;
} else {
$errmsg = "specify valid PostMe device in $definemsg ";
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List $name: " . $errmsg;
return $errmsg;
$hash->{listname} = $a[3];
$hash->{TYPE} = "TBot_List";
$hash->{STATE} = "Undefined";
TBot_List_Setup( $hash );
# Undef function is corresponding to the delete command the opposite to the define function
# Cleanup the device specifically for external ressources like connections, open files,
# external memory outside of hash, sub processes and timers
sub TBot_List_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 3, "TBot_List_Undef $name: called ";
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Undef $name: done ";
return undef;
## Instance operational methods
# set function for executing set operations on device
sub TBot_List_Set($@)
my ( $hash, $name, @args ) = @_;
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Set $name: called ";
### Check Args
my $numberOfArgs = int(@args);
return "TBot_List_Set: No cmd specified for set" if ( $numberOfArgs < 1 );
my $cmd = shift @args;
my $addArg = ($args[0] ? join(" ", @args ) : undef);
# check cmd / handle ?
my $ret = TBot_List_CheckSetGet( $hash, $cmd, $hash->{setoptions} );
return $ret if ( $ret );
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: Processing TBot_List_Set( $cmd ) - args :".(defined($addArg)?$addArg:"<undef>").":";
if ($cmd eq 'start') {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: start of dialog requested ";
$ret = "start requires a telegrambot and optionally a peer" if ( ( $numberOfArgs < 2 ) && ( $numberOfArgs > 3 ) );
my $tbot;
my $tpeer;
my $tchat;
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tbot = $args[0];
$ret = "No telegramBot specified :$tbot:" if ( ! TBot_List_isTBot( $hash, $tbot ) );
if ( ! $ret ) {
$ret = "TelegramBot specified :$tbot: is not monitored" if ( ! TBot_List_hasConfigTBot( $hash, $tbot ) );
if ( ! $ret ) {
if ( $numberOfArgs == 2 ) {
$tchat = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgChatId", undef );
$tpeer = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgPeerId", "" );
} else {
$tpeer = AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "get $tbot peerId ".$args[1] );
$ret = "No peer found or specified :$tbot: ".(( $numberOfArgs == 2 )?"":$args[1]) if ( ! $tpeer );
if ( ! $ret ) {
# listno will be calculated at start of new dialog
my $listNo = TBot_List_calcListNo($hash);
if ( ! $listNo ) {
$ret = "specify valid list for PostMe device ".$hash->{postme}." in $name :".$hash->{listname}.":";
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List $name: " . $ret;
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List_Set $name: Error :".$ret if ( $ret );
# start uses a botname and an optional peer
$tpeer .= " ".$tchat if ( defined( $tchat ) );
$ret = TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list", $tbot, $tpeer ) if ( ! $ret );
} elsif($cmd eq 'end') {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: end of dialog requested ";
$ret = "end requires a telegrambot and optionally a peer" if ( $numberOfArgs != 3 );
my $tbot;
my $tpeer;
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tbot = $args[0];
$ret = "No telegramBot specified :$tbot:" if ( ! TBot_List_isTBot( $hash, $tbot ) );
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tpeer = AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "get $tbot peerId ".$args[1], 1 );
$ret = "No peer found or specified :$tbot: ".$args[1] if ( ! $tpeer );
# start uses a botname and an optional peer
$ret = TBot_List_handler( $hash, "end", $tbot, $tpeer ) if ( ! $ret );
} elsif($cmd eq 'reset') {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: reset requested ";
TBot_List_Setup( $hash );
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Set $name: $cmd ".((defined( $ret ))?"failed with :$ret: ":"done succesful ");
return $ret
# get function for gaining information from device
sub TBot_List_Get($@)
my ( $hash, $name, @args ) = @_;
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Get $name: called ";
### Check Args
my $numberOfArgs = int(@args);
return "TBot_List_Get: No value specified for get" if ( $numberOfArgs < 1 );
my $cmd = $args[0];
my $arg = $args[1];
# check cmd / handle ?
my $ret = TBot_List_CheckSetGet( $hash, $cmd, $hash->{getoptions} );
return $ret if ( $ret );
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Get $name: Processing TBot_List_Get( $cmd )";
if($cmd eq "textList") {
$ret = TBot_List_getTextList($hash);
} elsif($cmd eq "list") {
my @list = TBot_List_getList( $hash );
$ret = "";
$ret = join("\n", @list ) if ( scalar( @list ) != 0 );
} elsif($cmd eq "count") {
my @list = TBot_List_getList( $hash );
$ret = scalar( @list );
} elsif($cmd eq 'queryAnswer') {
# parameters cmd - queryAnswer <tbot> <peer> <querydata>
if ( $numberOfArgs != 4 ) {
$ret = "queryAnswer requires a telegrambot peer and querydata to be specified";
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Get $name: queryAnswer requested tbot:".$args[1].": peer:".$args[2].": qdata:".$args[3].":";
my $tbot;
my $tpeer;
my $qdata = $args[3];
if ( $qdata =~ s/^TBL_(.*)%(.*)$/$2/ ) {
my $qname = $1;
if ( $qname eq $name ) {
# handle this only if name in query data is me
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tbot = $args[1];
$ret = "No telegramBot specified :$tbot:" if ( ! TBot_List_isTBot( $hash, $tbot ) );
if ( ! $ret ) {
$tpeer = AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "get $tbot peerId ".$args[2] );
$ret = "No peer specified :$tbot: ".$args[2] if ( ! $tpeer );
# end uses a botname and a peer
$ret = TBot_List_handler( $hash, $qdata, $tbot, $tpeer ) if ( ! $ret );
} else {
# $ret = "query data does not contain a name and cmd separated with \% :$qdata: ".$args[1];
# no return if qdata not in corresponding form
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Get $name: $cmd ".(($ret)?"failed with :$ret: ":"done succesful ");
return $ret
# attr function for setting fhem attributes for the device
sub TBot_List_Attr(@) {
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Attr $name: called ";
return "\"TBot_List_Attr: \" $name does not exist" if (!defined($hash));
if (defined($aVal)) {
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Attr $name: $cmd on $aName to $aVal";
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "TBot_List_Attr $name: $cmd on $aName to <undef>";
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ( ($aName eq 'optionDouble') ) {
$aVal = ($aVal eq "1")? "1": "0";
} elsif ( ($aName eq "confirmDelete" ) || ($aName eq "confirmUnsolicited" ) || ($aName eq "deleteOnly" ) ) {
$aVal = ($aVal eq "1")? "1": "0";
} elsif ($aName eq 'allowedPeers') {
return "\"TBot_List_Attr: \" $aName needs to be given in digits - and space only" if ( $aVal !~ /^[[:digit:] -]*$/ );
$_[3] = $aVal;
return undef;
# notify function provide dev and
# is corresponding to the delete command the opposite to the define function
sub TBot_List_Notify($$)
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
return undef if(!defined($hash) or !defined($dev));
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $events;
my $devname = $dev->{NAME};
# Debug "notify name:".$name.": - dev : ".$devname;
if ( TBot_List_hasConfigTBot( $hash, $devname ) ) {
# yes it is monitored
# grab events if not yet defined
$events = deviceEvents($dev,0);
TBot_List_handleEvents( $hash, $devname, $events );
## Helper list handling
# get the different config values
sub TBot_List_getConfigListname($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return $hash->{listname};
sub TBot_List_getConfigListno($)
my ($hash) = @_;
if ( ! defined($hash->{listno}) ) {
return $hash->{listno};
sub TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return $hash->{postme};
sub TBot_List_isAllowed($$)
my ($hash, $peer) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $peers = AttrVal($name,'allowedPeers',undef);
return 1 if ( ! $peers );
$peers = " ".$peers." ";
return ( $peers =~ / $peer / );
sub TBot_List_hasOptionDouble($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return ( AttrVal($name,'optionDouble',0) ? 1:0 );
sub TBot_List_hasConfigTBot($$)
my ($hash, $tbot) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $bots = AttrVal($name,'telegramBots',undef);
return 0 if ( ! $bots );
$bots = " ".$bots." ";
# Debug "Bots :".$bots.": tbot :".$tbot.":";
return ( $bots =~ / $tbot / );
# list or specific entry number
sub TBot_List_getList($;$)
my ($hash, $entry) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $rd = "postme".sprintf("%2.2d",TBot_List_getConfigListno($hash))."Name";
if ( ReadingsVal(TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash),$rd,"") ne TBot_List_getConfigListname($hash) ) {
Log3 $name, 1, "TBot_List_getList: list ".TBot_List_getConfigListname($hash)." not matching listno ".TBot_List_getConfigListno($hash);
return undef;
$rd = "postme".sprintf("%2.2d",TBot_List_getConfigListno($hash))."Cont";
my $listCont = ReadingsVal(TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash),$rd,"");
$listCont =~ s/[\n\t\r\f]+/ /sg;
my @entries = split( /,/, $listCont );
if ( defined( $entry ) ) {
return undef if ( ( $entry < 0 ) || ( $entry > scalar(@entries) ) );
return $entries[$entry];
return @entries;
# list or specific entry number
sub TBot_List_getTextList($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my @list = TBot_List_getList( $hash );
return "<LEER>" if ( scalar( @list ) == 0 );
return join("\r\n", @list );
# set text message to wait for or undef
# undef, store, reply, textmsg, ...
sub TBot_List_setMsgId($$$;$$) {
my ($hash, $tbot, $peer, $msgId, $postfix) = @_;
my $key = $tbot."_".$peer.(defined($postfix)?"_".$postfix:"");
if ( defined( $msgId ) ) {
$msgId =~ s/\s//g;
$hash->{inlinechats}{$key} = $msgId;
} else {
delete( $hash->{inlinechats}{$key} );
# set text message to wait for or undef
sub TBot_List_getMsgId($$$;$) {
my ($hash, $tbot, $peer, $postfix) = @_;
my $key = $tbot."_".$peer.(defined($postfix)?"_".$postfix:"");
return $hash->{inlinechats}{$key};
# translate multiple lines into comma separated list
sub TBot_List_changeMultiLine($) {
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/[\n\t\r\f]+/,/sg;
return $text;
## Handling of List in central routine from myUtils
# hash, tbot, events
sub TBot_List_handleEvents($$$)
my ($hash, $tbot, $events ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $unsolic = AttrVal($name,"handleUnsolicited",0);
# events - look for sentMsgId / msgReplyMsgId
foreach my $event ( @{$events} ) {
next if(!defined($event));
# msgPeer is chat here in chats
if ( $event =~ /sentMsgId\:/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handleEvents $name: found sentMsgId ". $event;
my $msgChat = InternalVal( $tbot, "sentMsgPeerId", "" );
my $msgWait = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, "textmsg" );
my $msgSent = InternalVal( $tbot, "sentMsgText", "" );
$msgSent =~ s/\s//g;
# Debug "wait :".$msgWait.": sent :".$msgSent.": msgPeer/chat :$msgChat:";
if ( defined( $msgWait ) && ( $msgSent eq $msgWait ) ) {
my $arg = ReadingsVal($tbot,"sentMsgId","");
# store key set means a reply is expected
if ( defined( TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, "store") ) ) {
# reply received
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, $arg, "reply");
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "store");
} else {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, $arg );
# remove old entry ids from chg entries
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "entry");
# reset internal msg
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "textmsg" );
} elsif ( $event =~ /msgId\:/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handleEvents $name: found msgId ". $event;
my $msgReplyId = ReadingsVal($tbot,"msgReplyMsgId","");
my $msgChat = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgChatId", "" );
my $replyMsg = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, "reply");
my $hasChat = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat );
# distinguish between reply (check for waiting reply)
if ( length($msgReplyId) != 0 ) {
# reply found
# Debug "reply :".$replyMsg.": rece reply :".$msgReplyId.": msgPeer/chat :$msgChat:";
if ( defined( $replyMsg ) && ( $replyMsg eq $msgReplyId ) ) {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "reply");
my $msgText = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgText", "" );
# now check if an id of an entry was stored then this is edit
my $entryno = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, "entry");
if ( defined( $entryno ) ) {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $msgChat, undef, "entry");
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_chg-$entryno", $tbot, $msgChat, $msgText );
} else {
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_add", $tbot, $msgChat, $msgText );
} elsif( ( defined( $hasChat ) ) && ( ! defined( $replyMsg ) ) && ( $unsolic ) ) {
# not waiting for reply but received message -> ask if entry should be added
my $msgText = ReadingsVal( $tbot, "msgText", "" );
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_expadd", $tbot, $msgChat, $msgText );
# create an inline key for the keyboard
# TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, $entry, )
sub TBot_List_inlinekey($$$)
my ($hash, $entry, $keycmd ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return $entry.":TBL_".$name."\%".$keycmd;
# hash, cmd, bot, peer, opt: arg
sub TBot_List_handler($$$$;$)
my ($hash, $cmd, $tbot, $peer, $arg ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret;
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot peer :$peer: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
my $lname = TBot_List_getConfigListname($hash);
my $msgId;
my $chatId;
my @list;
my $donly = AttrVal($name,'deleteOnly',0);
# in start case from group chat both ids will be given and need to be allowed
($peer, $chatId) = split( / /, $peer );
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR - $peer peer not allowed" if ( ( ! $ret ) && ( ! TBot_List_isAllowed( $hash, $peer ) ) );
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR - $chatId chat not allowed" if ( ( ! $ret ) && ( defined($chatId) ) && ( ! TBot_List_isAllowed( $hash, $peer ) ) );
# get Msgid and list as prefetch
if ( ! $ret ) {
$chatId = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer, "chat" ) if ( ! defined($chatId) );
$chatId = $peer if ( ! defined($chatId) );
$msgId = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer );
$msgId = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId ) if ( ! defined( $msgId ) );
@list = TBot_List_getList( $hash );
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_handler: $name - after prefetch peer :$peer: chatId :$chatId: msgId :".($msgId?$msgId:"<undef>").": ";
if ( $ret ) {
# do nothing if error found already
# Log 1,$ret;
} elsif ( ( $cmd eq "list_ok" ) || ( $cmd eq "list_done" ) ) {
# done means clean buttons and show only list
my $textmsg = (defined($arg)?$arg:"DONE"); # default for done
my $inline = " ";
if ( $cmd eq "list_ok" ) {
# get the list of entries in the list
my $liste = "";
foreach my $entry ( @list ) {
$liste .= "\n ".$entry;
$textmsg = "Liste ".$lname;
$textmsg .= " ist leer " if ( scalar(@list) == 0 );
$textmsg .= " : $arg " if ( defined($arg) );
$textmsg .= $liste;
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show final list
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId );
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer, undef, "chat" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( ( $cmd eq "list" ) || ( $cmd eq "list_edit" ) ) {
# list means create button table with list entries
# start the inline
my $inline = "";
# get the list of entries in the list
my $nre = 0;
my $double = (TBot_List_hasOptionDouble( $hash )?1:0);
foreach my $entry ( @list ) {
$entry =~ s/[\(\):]/_/g;
if ( $double == 1 ) {
$inline .= "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, $entry, "list_idx-".$nre );
$double = 2;
} elsif ( $double == 2 ) {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, $entry, "list_idx-".$nre ) .") ";
$double = 1;
} else {
$inline .= "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, $entry, "list_idx-".$nre ) .") ";
$inline .= ") " if ( $double == 2 );
$inline .= "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "ok", "list_ok" );
if ( $donly ) {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Leeren", "list_askclr" ).")";
} else {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "ändern", "list_menu" )."|".
TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "hinzu", "list_askadd" ).")";
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname;
$textmsg .= " ist leer " if ( scalar(@list) == 0 );
$textmsg .= " : $arg " if ( defined($arg) );
if ( $cmd eq "list" ) {
# remove msgId if existing
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# done old list now and start a new list message
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_done", $tbot, $peer, "wurde beendet" );
} else {
# there might be still a dialog in another chat
my $oldchatId = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer, "chat" );
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_done", $tbot, $peer, "wurde beendet" ) if ( $oldchatId && ( defined( TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $oldchatId ) ) ) );
# store text msg to recognize msg id in dummy
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $textmsg, "textmsg" );
# store chat
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $peer, $chatId, "chat" );
# send msg and keys
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryInline ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show new list
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_idx-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means change the entry or delete - ask for which option
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
# post new msg to ask for change
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show ask for removal
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nEintrag ".($no+1)." (".$list[$no].") ?";
# show ask msgs (depending on attr)
my $indata = ( AttrVal($name,'confirmDelete',1) ? "list_rem-$no" : "list_remyes-$no" );
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Entfernen", $indata );
if ( ! $donly ) {
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Aendern", "list_askchg-$no" )."|".
TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nach Oben", "list_totop-$no" );
$inline .= "|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Zurueck", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_totop-(\d+)$/ ) {
# totop means make it first entry in the
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
my $topentry = $list[$no];
# remove from array the entry with the index
splice(@list, $no, 1);
# add it at the beginning
unshift @list, $topentry;
my $text = join(",", @list );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
# show updated list -> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Nach oben gesetzt" );
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_rem-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means remove a numbered entry from list - first ask
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
# post new msg to ask for removal
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show ask for removal
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nSoll der Eintrag ".($no+1)." (".$list[$no].") entfernt werden?";
# show ask msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja", "list_remyes-$no" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_remyes-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means remove a numbered entry from list - now it is confirmed
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
# remove from array the entry with the index
splice(@list, $no, 1);
my $text = join(",", @list );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
# show updated list -> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Eintrag geloescht" );
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_menu" ) {
# post new msg to ask what to do on list
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show menu
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname." ?";
# show menu msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Sortieren", "list_asksrt" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Leeren", "list_askclr" )."|".
TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Zurück", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_asksrt" ) {
# post new msg to ask for srt
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show ask for sort
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname." sortieren ?";
# show ask msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja - von A-Z", "list_srtyes1" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja - von Z-A", "list_srtyes2" )."|".
TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /list_srtyes(\d)/ ) {
my $stype = $1;
# means sort all entries - now it is confirmed
# sort depending on stype
if ( scalar(@list) > 0 ) {
if ( $stype == 1 ) {
@list = sort {$a cmp $b} @list;
} else {
@list = sort {$b cmp $a} @list;
my $text = join( ",", @list );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
# show updated list -> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Liste sortiert" );
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_askclr" ) {
# post new msg to ask for clr
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show ask for removal
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nSoll die gesamte Liste ".scalar(@list)." Einträge gelöscht werden?";
# show ask msg
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja - Liste löschen", "list_clryes" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_clryes" ) {
# means remove all entries - now it is confirmed
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
# show updated list -> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Liste geloescht" );
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_askadd" ) {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $msgId, "store" );
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname." Neuen Eintrag eingeben:";
# store text msg to recognize msg id in dummy
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $textmsg, "textmsg" );
# means ask for an entry to be added to the list
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." msgForceReply ".'@'.$chatId." $textmsg" );
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_add" ) {
# means add entry to list
$arg = TBot_List_changeMultiLine( $arg );
# ! means put on top
if ( $arg =~ /^\!(.+)$/ ) {
my $text = $1;
foreach my $entry ( @list ) {
$text .= ",".$entry ;
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
} else {
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname ".$arg );
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show new list -> call recursively
$ret = "Eintrag hinzugefuegt";
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list", $tbot, $peer, $ret );
$ret = undef;
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_askchg-(\d+)$/ ) {
my $no = $1;
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $msgId, "store" );
# remove old entry ids from chg entries
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $no, "entry" );
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname." Eintrag ".($no+1)." ändern : ".$list[$no];
# store text msg to recognize msg id in dummy
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $textmsg, "textmsg" );
# means ask for an entry to be added to the list
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." msgForceReply ".'@'.$chatId." $textmsg" );
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_chg-(\d+)$/ ) {
# means add entry to list
my $no = $1;
$arg = TBot_List_changeMultiLine( $arg );
if ( ( $no >= 0 ) && ( $no < scalar(@list) ) ) {
my $nre = 0;
my $text = "";
foreach my $entry ( @list ) {
if ( $nre == $no ) {
$text .= ",".$arg ;
} else {
$text .= ",".$entry ;
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." clear $lname " );
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname $text" );
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# show new list -> call recursively
$ret = "Eintrag gändert";
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list", $tbot, $peer, $ret );
$ret = undef;
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^list_expadd$/ ) {
# means unsolicited message ask for adding - first ask
$arg = TBot_List_changeMultiLine( $arg );
my $textmsg = "Liste ".$lname."\nSoll der Eintrag ".$arg." hinzugefuegt werden?";
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
# store text for adding
TBot_List_setMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, $arg, "expadd" );
if ( AttrVal($name,'confirmUnsolicited',1) ) {
my $inline = "(".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Ja", "list_expaddyes" )."|".TBot_List_inlinekey( $hash, "Nein", "list_edit" ).")";
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".$tbot." queryEditInline $msgId ".'@'.$chatId." $inline $textmsg" );
} else {
# directly add entry --> call recursively
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_expaddyes", $tbot, $peer );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
} elsif ( $cmd eq "list_expaddyes" ) {
# means add entry to list
my $addentry = TBot_List_getMsgId( $hash, $tbot, $chatId, "expadd" );
if ( defined($addentry ) ) {
AnalyzeCommandChain( $hash, "set ".TBot_List_getConfigPostMe($hash)." add $lname ".$addentry );
# show list again -> call recursively
if ( defined($msgId ) ) {
TBot_List_handler( $hash, "list_edit", $tbot, $peer, " Eintrag hinzugefuegt" );
} else {
$ret = "TBot_List_handler: $name - $tbot ERROR no msgId known for peer :$peer: chat :$chatId: cmd :$cmd: ".(defined($arg)?"arg :$arg:":"");
Log3 $name, 1, $ret if ( $ret );
return $ret;
# notify function provide dev and
# is corresponding to the delete command the opposite to the define function
sub TBot_List_isTBot($$)
my ($hash,$tbot) = @_;
my @tbots = devspec2array( "TYPE=TelegramBot" );
foreach my $abot ( @tbots ) {
return 1 if ( $abot eq $tbot ) ;
return 0;
# calculate listno where needed
sub TBot_List_calcListNo($)
my ($hash) = @_;
# listno will be calculated at start of new dialog
my $pcnt = ReadingsNum($hash->{postme},"postmeCnt",0);
my $curr = 0;
my $listNo;
while ( $curr < $pcnt ) {
my $rd = "postme".sprintf("%2.2d",$curr)."Name";
# Debug "rd : ".$rd;
if ( ReadingsVal($hash->{postme},$rd,"") eq $hash->{listname} ) {
$listNo = $curr;
$hash->{listno} = $listNo;
return $listNo;
# INTERNAL: Get Id for a camera or list of all cameras if no name or id was given or undef if not found
sub TBot_List_CheckSetGet( $$$ ) {
my ( $hash, $cmd, $options ) = @_;
if (!exists($options->{$cmd})) {
my @cList;
foreach my $k (keys %$options) {
my $opts = undef;
$opts = $options->{$k};
if (defined($opts)) {
push(@cList,$k . ':' . $opts);
} else {
push (@cList,$k);
} # end foreach
return "TBot_List_Set: Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList);
} # error unknown cmd handling
return undef;
## Setup
# make sure a reinitialization is triggered on next update
sub TBot_List_Setup($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Setup $name: called ";
$hash->{STATE} = "Undefined";
my %sets = (
"start" => undef,
"end" => undef,
"reset" => undef,
my %gets = (
"queryAnswer" => undef,
"textList" => undef,
"list" => undef,
"count" => undef,
$hash->{getoptions} = \%gets;
$hash->{setoptions} = \%sets;
my %hh = ();
$hash->{inlinechats} = \%hh;
# get global notifications and from all telegramBots
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global,TYPE=TelegramBot";
$hash->{STATE} = "Defined";
Log3 $name, 4, "TBot_List_Setup $name: ended ";
## Documentation
=item summary Dialogs for PostMe lists in TelegramBot
=item summary_DE Dialoge über TelegramBot für PostMe-Listen
=begin html
<a name="TBot_List"></a>
This module connects for allowing inline keyboard interactions between a telegramBot and PostMe lists.
<a name="TBot_Listdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> TBot_List <PostMe device> <listname> </code>
Defines a TBot_List device, which will allow interaction between the telegrambot and the postme device
Example: <code>define testtbotlist TBot_List testposteme testlist</code><br>
Note: The module relies on events send from the corresponding TelegramBot devices. Specifically changes to the readings <code>sentMsgId</code> and <code>msgReplyMsgId</code> are required to enable to find the corresponding message ids to be able to modify messages. This needs to be taken into account when using the attributes event-on-*-reading on the TelegramBot device.<br>
<a name="TBot_Listset"></a>
<code>set <name> <what> [<value>]</code>
where <what> / <value> is one of
<li><code>start <telegrambot name> [ <peerid> ]</code><br>Initiate a new dialog for the given peer (or the last peer sending a message on the given telegrambot)
<li><code>end <telegrambot name> <peerid></code><br>Finalize a new dialog for the given peer on the given telegrambot
<a name="TBot_Listget"></a>
<code>get <name> <what> [<value>]</code>
where <what> / <value> is one of
<li><code>queryAnswer <telegrambot name> <peerid> <queryData> </code><br>Get the queryAnswer for the given query data in the dialog (will be called internally by the telegramBot on receiving querydata)
<li><code>textList</code><br>Returns a multiline string containing the list elements or <Leer>
<li><code>list</code><br>Returns a multiline string containing the list elements or an empty String
<a name="TBot_Listattr"></a>
<li><code>telegramBots <list of telegramBot names separated by space></code><br>This attribute takes the names of telegram bots, that are monitored by this Tbot_List device
<li><code>optionDouble <1 or 0></code><br>Specify if the list shall be done in two columns (double=1) or in a single column (double=0 or not set).
<li><code>allowedPeers <list of peer ids></code><br>If specifed further restricts the users for the given list to these peers. It can be specifed in the same form as in the telegramBot msg command but without the leading @ (so ids will be just numbers).
<li><code>handleUnsolicited <1 or 0></code><br>If set to 1 and new messages are sent in a chat where a dialog of this list is active the bot will ask if an entry should be added. This helps for accidential messages without out first pressing the "add" button.
<li><code>confirmDelete <1 or 0></code><br>If set to 1 the bot will ask for a confirmation if an entry should be deleted. This is the default. With a value of 0 the additional confirmation will not be requested.
<li><code>deleteOnly <1 or 0></code><br>If set to 1 the bot will only allow deletion of entries or the complete list (no new entries or entry text can be changed - neither sorting or similar will be possible). Default is 0 (all changes allowed).
<a name="TBot_Listreadings"></a>
<li>currently none</li>
=end html