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synced 2025-03-01 03:24:51 +00:00
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2408 lines
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# $Id$
# 96_SIP.pm
# Based on FB_SIP from werner.meines@web.de
# Forum : https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,67443.0.html
# (c) 2017 Copyright: Wzut & plin
# All rights reserved
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and imPORTant notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# need: Net::SIP (cpan install Net::SIP)
# convert audio to PCM 8000 :
# sox <file>.wav -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -e a-law <file>.alaw
# oder
# sox <file> -r 8000 -c 1 -e a-law <file>.wav
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw( strftime );
use Net::SIP qw//;
use Net::SIP::Packet;
use IO::Socket;
use Socket;
use Net::Domain qw(hostname hostfqdn);
use Blocking; # http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Blocking_Call
#use Data::Dumper;
my $sip_version ="V1.91 / 31.07.18";
my $ua; # SIP user agent
my @fifo;
my %sets = (
"call" => "",
"listen:noArg" => "",
"reject:noArg" => "",
"reset:noArg" => "",
"fetch:noArg" => "",
"password" => ""
#my %gets = (
#"search_phonebook" => "",
#"show_phonebook" => ""
# );
sub SIP_Initialize($$)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "SIP_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SIP_Undef";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "SIP_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "SIP_Set";
#$hash->{GetFn} = "SIP_Get";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "SIP_Notify";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SIP_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "sip_watch_listen ". #
"sip_ringtime ". #
"sip_waittime ". #
"sip_ip ". #
"sip_port ". #
"sip_user ". #
"sip_registrar ". #
"sip_from ". #
"sip_call_audio_delay:0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2,2.25,2.5,2.75,3 ". #
"sip_audiofile_call ". #
"sip_audiofile_dtmf ". #
"sip_audiofile_ok ". #
"sip_audiofile_wfp ". # CE
"sip_dtmf_size:1,2,3,4 ". #
"sip_dtmf_send:audio,rfc2833 ". #
"sip_dtmf_loop:once,loop ". #
"sip_listen:none,dtmf,wfp,echo ". #
"sip_filter ". #
"sip_blocking ". #
"sip_elbc:yes,no ". #
"sip_force_interval ". #
"sip_force_max ". #
"T2S_Device ". #
"T2S_Timeout ". #
"audio_converter:sox,ffmpeg ". #
"history_file ".
"history_size ".
"phonebook ".
"disabled:0,1 ".$readingFnAttributes;
sub SIP_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = shift @a;
my $addr = "";
$hash->{STATE} = "defined";
$hash->{VERSION} = $sip_version;
$hash->{".reset"} = 0;
$attr{$name}{sip_ringtime} = '3' unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_ringtime}));
$attr{$name}{sip_user} = '620' unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_user}));
$attr{$name}{sip_registrar} = 'fritz.box' unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_registrar}));
$attr{$name}{sip_listen} = 'none' unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_listen}));
$attr{$name}{sip_dtmf_size} = '2' unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_dtmf_size}));
$attr{$name}{sip_dtmf_loop} = 'once' unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_dtmf_loop}));
$attr{$name}{sip_dtmf_send} = 'audio' unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_dtmf_send}));
$attr{$name}{sip_elbc} = 'yes' unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_elbc}));
$attr{$name}{sip_from} = 'sip:'.$attr{$name}{sip_user}.'@'.$attr{$name}{sip_registrar} unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_from}));
$attr{$name}{history_size} = 0 unless (exists($attr{$name}{history_size}));
$attr{$name}{history_file} = "./log/$name.sip" unless (exists($attr{$name}{history_file}));
unless (exists($attr{$name}{sip_ip}))
eval { $addr = inet_ntoa(scalar(gethostbyname(hostfqdn()))); };
if ($@)
Log3 $name,2,"$name, please check your FQDN hostname -> $@";
eval { $addr = inet_ntoa(scalar(gethostbyname(hostname()))); };
Log3 $name,2,"$name, please check your hostname -> ".$@ if ($@);
$attr{$name}{sip_ip} = $addr;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "SIP_updateConfig", $hash);
return undef;
sub SIP_Notify($$)
# $hash is my hash, $dev_hash is the hash of the changed device
my ($hash, $dev_hash) = @_;
my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash,0);
return undef if ($dev_hash->{NAME} ne AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"T2S_Device",""));
my $val = ReadingsVal($dev_hash->{NAME},"lastFilename","");
return undef if ((!$val) || (index(@{$events}[0],"lastFilename") == -1));
if (defined($hash->{audio1}) ||
defined($hash->{audio2}) ||
defined($hash->{audio3}) ||
(defined($hash->{callnr}) && defined($hash->{ringtime})))
{ SIP_wait_for_t2s($hash);}
return undef;
sub SIP_Attr (@)
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($cmd eq "set")
if (substr($attrName ,0,4) eq "sip_")
$_[3] = $attrVal;
$hash->{".reset"} = 1 if defined($hash->{LPID});
elsif (($attrName eq "disable") && ($attrVal == 1))
$_[3] = $attrVal;
$hash->{".reset"} = 1 if defined($hash->{LPID});
elsif ($attrName eq "audio_converter")
my $res = qx(which $attrVal);
$res =~ s/\n//;
$hash->{AC} = ($res) ? $res : undef;
elsif ($attrName eq "T2S_Device")
$_[3] = $attrVal;
#$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = $attrVal;
elsif ($cmd eq "del")
if (substr($attrName,0,4) eq "sip_")
$_[3] = $attrVal;
$hash->{".reset"} = 1 if defined($hash->{LPID});
elsif ($attrName eq "audio_converter")
$_[3] = $attrVal;
delete $hash->{AC};
elsif ($attrName eq "T2S_Device")
$_[3] = $attrVal;
#delete $hash->{NOTIFYDEV};
if ($hash->{".reset"})
Log3 $name,5,"$name , SIP_Attr : reset";
return undef;
sub SIP_updateConfig($)
# this routine is called 5 sec after the last define of a restart
# this gives FHEM sufficient time to fill in attributes
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $error;
if (!$init_done)
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5,"SIP_updateConfig", $hash);
## kommen wir via reset Kommando ?
if ($hash->{".reset"})
$hash->{".reset"} = 0;
Log3 $name,4, "$name, Listen Kill PID : ".$hash->{LPID};
delete $hash->{helper}{LISTEN_PID};
delete $hash->{LPID};
Log3 $name,4,"$name, Reset Listen done";
Log3 $name,4, "$name, CALL Kill PID : ".$hash->{CPID};
delete $hash->{helper}{CALL_PID};
delete $hash->{CPID};
Log3 $name,4,"$name, Reset Call done";
if (IsDisabled($name))
return undef;
my $t2s = AttrVal($name,"T2S_Device",undef);
#$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = $t2s if defined($t2s);
notifyRegexpChanged($hash, $t2s.":lastFilename") if defined($t2s);
if (AttrVal($name,"audio_converter","") && defined($t2s))
my $converter = AttrVal($name,"audio_converter","");
my $res = qx(which $converter);
$res =~ s/\n//;
$hash->{AC} = ($res) ? $res : undef;
if (AttrVal($name,"sip_listen", "none") ne "none")
$error = SIP_try_listen($hash);
if ($error)
Log3 $name, 1, $name.", listen -> $error";
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return undef;
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return undef;
sub SIP_Register($$)
my ($hash,$type) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{LPID} = $$;
my $logname = $name."[".$hash->{LPID}."]";
my $ip = AttrVal($name,"sip_ip","");
my $port = int(AttrVal($name,"sip_port",0));
my $leg;
return "missing attribute sip_ip" if (!$ip);
return "this is the IP address of your registrar , not your FHEM !" if ($ip eq AttrVal($name,"sip_registrar",""));
return "invalid IP address $ip" if (($ip eq "") || ($ip eq ""));
if ($port)
$port +=10 if ($type eq "calling");
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, trying to use port $port";
$leg = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp', LocalHost => $ip, LocalPort => $port);
# if port is already used try another one
if (!$leg)
Log3 $name,1,"$logname, cannot open port $port at $ip : ".$!;
$port += 10;
$leg = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp', LocalHost => $ip, LocalPort => $port) || return "can't open port $port at $ip : ".$!;
Log3 $name,2,"$logname, using secundary port $port with IP $ip";
$leg = $ip.":".$port;
$leg = $ip;
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, using Leg.pm to find a free port";
my $registrar = AttrVal($name,"sip_registrar","fritz.box");
my $user = AttrVal($name,"sip_user","620");
my $from = AttrVal($name,"sip_from","sip:".$user."@".$registrar);
# create new agent
$ua = Net::SIP::Simple->new(
registrar => $registrar,
domain => $registrar,
leg => $leg,
from => $from,
auth => [ $user , SIP_readPassword($name) ]);
# Register agent
# optional registration
my $sub_register;
$sub_register = sub
my $expire = $ua->register(registrar => $registrar ) || return "registration failed: ".$ua->error;
my $cmd = "ps -e | grep '".$hash->{parent}." '";
my $result = qx($cmd);
if (index($result,"perl") == -1)
Log3 $name,1,"$logname, can´t find my parent ".$hash->{parent}." in process list !";
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, register new expire : ".FmtDateTime(time()+$expire);
if (AttrVal($name,"sip_listen","none") ne "none")
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rBU", [$name,"state;$type|listen_alive;".$hash->{LPID}."|expire;$expire"],0);
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "state;$type"], 0);
# need to refresh registration periodically
$ua->add_timer( $expire/2, $sub_register );
if($ua->register) # returned expires time or undef if failed
#Log3 $name,4,Dumper($ua);
return 0;
my $ret = ($ua->error) ? $ua->error : "registration error";
return $ret;
sub SIP_CALLStart($)
my ($arg) = @_;
return unless(defined($arg));
my ($name,$nr,$ringtime,$msg,$repeat) = split("\\|",$arg);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $logname = $name."[".$$."]";
$ua = undef;
my $rtp_done = 0;
my $dtmf = 'ABCD*#123--4567890';
my $delay = AttrVal($name,"sip_call_audio_delay",0); # Verzoegerung in 1/4 Sekunden Schritten
my $w = ($delay) ? -1 : 0;
my $fi = 0;
#$repeat = 0 if (!$repeat);
my $packets = int($delay*50);
my $timeout = 0;
my $final;
my $peer_hangup;
my $peer_hangup2;
my $stopvar;
my $state;
my $no_answer;
my $call;
my $codec;
my $call_established = 0;
my $calltime =0;
my @files;
my $anz;
my $stat;
my $ph_ok = 0;
my $sound_of_silence = sub
return unless $packets-- > 0;
return chr(0) x 160; # 160 bytes for PCMU/8000 = 1/50 Sekunde Sound
$hash->{parent} = getppid();
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, my parent is ".$hash->{parent};
my $error = SIP_Register($hash,"calling");
return $name."|0|CallRegister: $error|0" if ($error);
$hash->{helper}{LALL_EST} = 0;
if ((substr($msg,0,1) ne "-") && $msg)
$codec = "PCMA/8000" if ($msg =~ /\.al(.+)$/);
$codec = "PCMU/8000" if ($msg =~ /\.ul(.+)$/);
return $name."|0|CallStart: please use filetype .alaw (for a-law) or .ulaw (for u-law)|0" if !defined($codec);
push @files,$sound_of_silence if ($delay);
if ($repeat < 0) { $repeat = $repeat * -1; $ph_ok= 1; }
for(my $i=0; $i<=$repeat; $i++) { push @files,$msg; }
$anz = @files;
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, CallStart with $anz files - first file : $files[0] - $codec , repeat $repeat";
$call = $ua->invite( $nr,
init_media => $ua->rtp('send_recv', $files[0]),
cb_rtp_done => \$rtp_done,
cb_final => sub { my ($status,$self,%info) = @_;
$final = $info{code};
$stat = $status;
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, cb_final - status : $status" if (!defined($final));
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, cb_final - status : $status - final : $final" if (defined($final));
if (($status eq "FAIL") && defined($final))
if (int($final) == 481) { BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "call_state;ringing"], 0);} # bis Net::SIP 0.808
elsif (int($final) == 486) { $fi=1; } # canceled
elsif (int($final) == 603) { $fi=1; } # declined - ab Net::SIP 0.812
elsif (($status eq "OK") && !defined($final) && !$call_established) # der Angrufene hat abgenommen
Log3 $name,4, $logname.", call established";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = time();
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "call_state;established"], 0);
$call_established++; # nur 1x , bei mehr als einem File kommen wir ofters hier vorbei
recv_bye => \$peer_hangup,
#ring_time => 5,
#cb_noanswer => \$no_answer, klappt hier nicht wir gehen ueber add_timer
rtp_param => [8, 160, 160/8000, $codec]) || return $name."|0|invite failed: ".$ua->error;
$dtmf = (substr($msg,0,1) eq "-") ? substr($msg,1) : $dtmf;
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, CallStart DTMF : $dtmf";
$delay = 0; # wenn delay sein muss dann ueber DTMF ----
$repeat = 0; # keine Wiederholungen
$call = $ua->invite($nr,
init_media => $ua->rtp( 'recv_echo',undef,0 ),
rtp_param => [0, 160, 160/8000, 'PCMU/8000'],
cb_final => sub { my ($status,$self,%info) = @_;
$final = $info{code};
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, cb_final - Status : $status" if (!defined($final));
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, cb_final - status : $status - final : $final" if (defined($final));
if (($status eq "FAIL") && defined($final))
if (int($final) == 481) { BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "call_state;ringing"], 0); } # bis Net::SIP 0.808
elsif (int($final) == 486) { $fi=1; } # canceled
elsif (int($final) == 603) { $fi=1; } # declined - ab Net::SIP 0.812
elsif (($status eq "OK") && !defined($final)) # der Angrufene hat abgenommen
Log3 $name,4, $logname.", call established";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = time();
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "call_state;established"], 0);
$call_established = 1; # setzen für die spätere Entscheidung bye oder cancel
#cb_noanswer => \$no_answer,
#ring_time => 5, siehe oben -> add_timer
cb_cleanup => sub {0},
recv_bye => \$peer_hangup) || return $name."|0|invite failed ".$ua->error."|0";
if (AttrVal($name,"sip_dtmf_send","audio") eq "audio")
{ $call->dtmf( $dtmf, methods => 'audio', duration => 500, cb_final => \$rtp_done); }
else { $call->dtmf( $dtmf, cb_final => \$rtp_done); }
return "$name|0|invite call failed |0".$call->error if ($call->error);
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, calling : $nr";
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "call_state;calling $nr"], 0);
#return "$name|1|no answer" if ($no_answer);
$ua->loop( \$stopvar,\$peer_hangup,\$rtp_done,\$fi );
$timeout = 1 if defined($stopvar); # hat der bereits zugeschlagen ?
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, 0. Ende des ersten Loops";
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, 1. rtp_done : $rtp_done" if defined($rtp_done);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, 2. fi : $fi" if defined($fi);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, 3. Final : $final" if defined($final);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, 4. timeout : ".$timeout;
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, 5. peer_hangup : $peer_hangup" if defined($peer_hangup);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, 6. call_established : ".$call_established;
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, 7. no_answer : $no_answer" if defined($no_answer);
# Lebt der Call noch und gibt es ueberhaupt etwas zum wiederholen ?
while ( !$peer_hangup && !$peer_hangup2 && !$fi && !$stopvar && $msg && ($anz > 1))
shift(@files); # done with file
@files || last; # raus hier sobald kein File mehr da ist
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, next file : $files[0]" if defined($files[0]);
Log3 $name,3,"$logname, opps no file" if !defined($files[0]);
# re-invite on current call for next file
$rtp_done = undef; # wichtig ! u.U. haengen wir hier fest wenn der Anrufer jetzt auflegt
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); # minimale pause
init_media => $ua->rtp('send_recv', $files[0]),
#rtp_param => [0, 160, 160/8000, 'PCMU/8000'], unbedingt weglassen ! fuehrt zu Verzerrungen bei der Wiedergabe
cb_rtp_done => \$rtp_done,
recv_bye => \$peer_hangup2, # FIXME: do we need to repeat this? Wzut : I think so ...
) || return $name."|0|reinvite failed: ".$ua->error."|0";
$ua->loop( \$rtp_done,\$peer_hangup2,\$peer_hangup,\$stopvar );
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, loop rtp_done : $rtp_done" if defined($rtp_done);
$timeout = 1 if defined($stopvar); # nach eventuellen reinvte nochmal testen
# timeout or dtmf done, hang up
if ( $timeout || $rtp_done)
$stopvar = undef;
if ($timeout && !$call_established)
$hash->{helper}{CALL_STATUS} = "cancel";
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, call->cancel";
$call->cancel( cb_final => \$stopvar );
$hash->{helper}{CALL_STATUS} = "bye";
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, call->bye";
$call->bye( cb_final => \$stopvar );
$ua->loop( \$stopvar );
$calltime = ($hash->{helper}{CALL_EST}) ? int(time()-$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST}) : 0;
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, RTP done : $rtp_done" if defined($rtp_done);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, Hangup : $peer_hangup" if defined($peer_hangup);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, Hangup2 : $peer_hangup2" if defined($peer_hangup2);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, Timeout : $timeout";
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, Final : $final" if defined($final);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, while : $w" if defined($w);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, Status : $stat" if defined($stat);
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, Calltime : $calltime" if defined($calltime);
if (defined($rtp_done))
if ($rtp_done eq "OK") {return $name."|1|ok|$calltime";} # kein Audio
if (defined($final))
my $txt;
$txt = "canceled" if (int($final) == 486);
$txt = "no answer" if (int($final) == 487);
$txt = "declined" if (int($final) == 603);
return $name."|1|$txt|$calltime" if ($txt);
else {return $name."|1|ok|$calltime" if ($rtp_done !=0);}
# immer noch kein richtiger Text zur Rueckgabe ?
$final = "unknown" if (!defined($final) && !$timeout);
$final = "timeout" if (!defined($final) && $timeout);
$final = "peer hangup" if defined($peer_hangup);
$final = "peer_hangup" if defined($peer_hangup2); # ts,ts hat der doch glatt im reinvite noch abgebochen
# geben wir doch ok zurueck wenn er sich die Nachricht min 1x angehört hat
return $name."|1|ok peer hangup|$calltime" if ($ph_ok && defined($peer_hangup2) && ($stat eq "OK") && ($w>0)); # bei delay 1x mehr !
return $name."|1|$final|$calltime";
sub SIP_CALLDone($)
my ($string) = @_;
return unless(defined($string));
my @r = split("\\|",$string);
my $hash = $defs{$r[0]};
my $error = (defined($r[1])) ? $r[1] : "0";
my $final = (defined($r[2])) ? $r[2] : "???";
my $calltime = (defined($r[3])) ? $r[3] : 0;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $success = (substr($final,0,2) eq "ok") ? 1 : 0;
my @a;
my @fo = (300,0,0);
my (undef,$nr,$ringtime,$msg,$repeat,$force) = split("\\|",$hash->{helper}{CALL}); # zerlegen wir den Original Call
Log3 $name, 4,"$name, CALLDone -> $string";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME} = $calltime;
$hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE} = $final;
$hash->{helper}{CALL_ERROR} = $error;
$hash->{helper}{CALL_NAME} = SIP_search_phonebook($hash,$name,$nr);
delete($hash->{helper}{CALL_PID}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{CALL_PID}));
delete($hash->{CPID}) if (defined($hash->{CPID}));
delete $hash->{lastnr} if (defined($hash->{lastnr}));
if ($force)
$force =~ s/^\&//;
@fo = split(",",$force);
$fo[2]++ if(!$success); # Anzahl bisheriger Durchläufe
if ($error ne "1")
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call","done");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_time",int($calltime)) if defined($calltime);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "last_error",$final);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_state","fail");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_success","0");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_attempt",$fo[2]) if ($force);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_attempt","0") if (!$force);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state",$hash->{'.oldstate'}) if defined($hash->{'.oldstate'});
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call","done");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_state",lc($final));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_success",$success);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_time",int($calltime)) if defined($calltime);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state",$hash->{'.oldstate'}) if defined($hash->{'.oldstate'});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_attempt",$fo[2]) if ($force);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_attempt","0") if (!$force);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
if ($force && !$success)
$repeat++; $repeat--;
my $nr2 = $nr;
$nr2 =~ tr/0-9//cd;
$nr2 .= "_";
$nr2 .= unpack ("%16C*",$msg);
if ($fo[2] < $fo[1]) # bisherige Anzahl kleiner max Wiederholungen ?
$force = "&".join(",", @fo);
my $time_s = strftime("\%H:\%M:\%S", gmtime($fo[0]));
$error = CommandDefine(undef, "at_forcecall_".$nr2." at +".$time_s." set $name call $nr $ringtime $msg *".$repeat." ".$force);
if (!$error) { $attr{"at_forcecall_".$nr2}{room} = AttrVal($name,"room","Unsorted"); }
else { Log3 $name,2,"$name, $error"; }
Log3 $name,4,"$name, at_forcecall_".$nr2." at +".$time_s." set $name call $nr $ringtime $msg *".$repeat." ".$force;
Log3 $name,3,"$name, at_forcecall_".$nr2." max count $fo[1] reached giving up !";
} ### end force and !$success
my $nextcall = shift @fifo; # sind da noch Calls in der Queue ?
if ($nextcall)
@a = split(" ",$nextcall);
$error = SIP_Set($hash,@a);
Log3 $name,3,"$name, error setting nextcall $nextcall -> $error" if ($error);
return undef;
} else { Log3 $name,5,"$name, fifo is empty"; }
if (exists($hash->{'.elbc'}))
@a = (undef,"listen");
Log3 $name,4,"$name, try restarting listen process after call ends";
$error = SIP_Set($hash,@a);
Log3 $name,3,"$name, error restarting listen -> $error" if ($error);
delete $hash->{'.elbc'};
} else { Log3 $name,5,"$name, no elbc"; }
delete $hash->{helper}{CALL};
return undef;
sub SIP_Set($@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $cmd = (defined($a[1])) ? $a[1] : "?";
my $subcmd;
my $error;
return join(" ", sort keys %sets) if ($cmd eq "?");
if (($cmd eq "call") || ($cmd eq "listen"))
my $pwd = SIP_readPassword($name);
unless (defined $pwd)
$error = "Error: no SIP user password set. Please define it with 'set $name password Your_SIP_User_Password'";
Log3 $name,2,"$name, $error";
return $error;
if ($cmd eq "call")
my $nr = (defined($a[2])) ? $a[2] : "";
my $ringtime = (defined($a[3])) ? $a[3] : 30;
my $msg = (defined($a[4])) ? $a[4] : AttrVal($name, "sip_audiofile_call", "");
return "missing target call number" if (!$nr);
return "invalid max time : $ringtime" unless $ringtime =~ m/^\d+$/;
if (exists($hash->{CPID}))
return "there is already a call activ for target $nr" if (defined($hash->{lastnr}) && ($hash->{lastnr} eq $nr));
my $call = join(" ",@a);
push (@fifo,$call);
Log3 $name ,4,"$name, add call $call to fifo so we can do it later !";
return undef;
my $anz = @a;
$anz--; # letztes Element
my $force = (substr($a[$anz],0,1) eq "&") ? $a[$anz] : 0;
if ($force)
Log3 $name,3,"$name, force call $force";
$force =~ s/^\&//;
my @fo = split(",", $force);
$fo[0] = int(AttrVal($name,"sip_force_interval",300)) if (!$fo[0]);
$fo[1] = int(AttrVal($name,"sip_force_max",99)) if (!$fo[1]);
$fo[2] = 0 if (!$fo[2]);
$force = "&".join("," , @fo);
$anz--; # checken wir dann noch auf repeat
my $repeat = 0;
if ((substr($a[$anz],0,1) eq "*") && ($anz > 3))
$repeat = $a[$anz];
$repeat =~ s/^\*//;
$repeat ++; $repeat --;
} # * weg , Rest als Int
Log3 $name,4,"$name, msg will be repeat $repeat times" if ($repeat);
if (exists($hash->{LPID}) && (AttrVal($name,"sip_elbc","no") eq "yes"))
Log3 $name,4,"$name, listen process ".$hash->{LPID}." must be killed befor we start a new call !";
delete $hash->{helper}{LISTEN_PID};
delete $hash->{LPID};
$hash->{'.elbc'} = 1; # haben wir gerade einen listen Prozess abgeschossen ?
if ($msg)
if (substr($msg,0,1) eq "-")
Log3 $name, 4, $name.", message DTMF = $msg";
elsif (substr($msg,0,1) eq "!") # Text2Speech Text ?
if ($msg eq AttrVal($name,"sip_audiofile_call", ""))
@a = split(" ",AttrVal($name,"sip_audiofile_call", ""));
unshift (@a, ('t2s_name','tts')); # zwei Platzhalter einfügen , Text beginnt jetzt in $a[2]
shift @a;
shift @a;
pop @a if ($force); # das & muss ggf. auch noch weg
pop @a if ($repeat); # das * muss ggf. auch weg
$a[0] = "t2s_name";
$a[1] = "tts"; # Kommando des Set Befehls
$a[2] =~ s/^\!//; # das ! muss weg
if (!$a[2]) # ist denn jetzt noch etwas übrig geblieben ?
Log3 $name,4,"name, no valid text found in message : $msg";
return "No message text after [!] found";
# gibt es denn Text schon als mp3 ?
my $filename = SIP_check_T2S_File($hash,@a);
$cmd = "$name call $nr $ringtime $filename";
$cmd .= " *".$repeat if ($repeat);
$cmd .= " ".$force if ($force);
Log3 $name,5,"$name, set call new -> $cmd";
return CommandSet(undef,$cmd);
# die nächsten vier brauchen wir unbedingt fuer T2S
$hash->{callnr} = $nr;
$hash->{ringtime} = $ringtime;
$hash->{forcecall} = $force;
$hash->{repeat} = $repeat;
$error = SIP_create_T2S_File($hash,@a); # na dann lege schon mal los
return $error if defined($error); # Das ging leider schief
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"call_state","waiting T2S",1);
# geben wir T2S mal ein paar Sekunden
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+int(AttrVal($name,"T2S_Timeout",5)), "SIP_wait_for_t2s", $hash);
return undef;
elsif (-e $msg)
Log3 $name, 4, $name.", audio file $msg found";
$error = SIP_MP3_conv($hash,$msg,$name) if ($msg =~/\.mp3$/);
if (!$error)
$msg =~ s/mp3/alaw/;
$error = "unknown audio type, please use only .alaw , .ulaw or .mp3" if (($msg !~ /\.al(.+)$/) && ($msg !~ /\.ul(.+)$/));
$error = "audio file $msg not found" if(!-e $msg);
$error = "audio file $msg not found";
if ($error)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "last_error",$error,1);
Log3 $name, 3, "$name, $error !";
$hash->{repeat} = 0;
$hash->{forcecall} = 0;
return $error;
else { Log3 $name, 4, $name.", calling $nr, ringtime: $ringtime , no message"; }
$hash->{lastnr} = $nr;
my $arg = "$name|$nr|$ringtime|$msg|$repeat"; # da muss force nicht mit
Log3 $name, 4, "$name, $arg";
#BlockingCall($blockingFn, $arg, $finishFn, $timeout, $abortFn, $abortArg);
$hash->{helper}{CALL_PID} = BlockingCall("SIP_CALLStart",$arg, "SIP_CALLDone") unless(exists($hash->{helper}{CALL_PID}));
$hash->{CPID} = $hash->{helper}{CALL_PID}{pid};
$hash->{helper}{CALL} = $arg."|$force"; # hier retten wir aber force
Log3 $name, 4, "$name, call -> ".$hash->{helper}{CALL};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, call has pid ".$hash->{CPID};
$hash->{helper}{CALL_START} = time();
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TYPE} = "out";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_NR} = $nr;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_state","invite");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call",$nr);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
$hash->{'.oldstate'} = ReadingsVal($name,"state",undef);
return undef;
{ # das war wohl nix :(
Log3 $name, 3, "$name, CALL process start failed, arg : $arg";
$error = "can't execute call number $nr as NonBlockingCall";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "last_error",$error);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "call_state","fail");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
delete $hash->{lastnr} if (defined($hash->{lastnr}));
return $error;
elsif ($cmd eq "listen")
my $type = AttrVal($name,"sip_listen","none");
return "there is already a listen process running with pid ".$hash->{LPID} if exists($hash->{LPID});
return "please set attr sip_listen to dtmf or wfp or echo first" if (AttrVal($name,"sip_listen","none") eq "none");
$error = SIP_try_listen($hash);
if ($error)
Log3 $name, 1, $name.", listen -> $error";
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return $error;
return undef;
elsif (($cmd eq "dtmf_event") && defined($a[2]))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "dtmf",$a[2],1);
return undef;
elsif ($cmd eq "fetch")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "caller","fetch",1);
return undef;
elsif ($cmd eq "reject")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "caller","reject",1);
return undef;
elsif ($cmd eq "reset")
$hash->{".reset"} = 1;
return undef;
# die ersten beiden brauchen wir nicht mehr
shift @a;
shift @a;
# den Rest als ein String
$subcmd = join(" ",@a);
if ($cmd eq "password")
return SIP_storePassword($name,$subcmd);
return "Unknown argument: $cmd, choose one of ".join(" ", sort keys %sets);
sub SIP_Get($@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $cmd = $a[1];
return "get $name needs at least one argument" if(int(@a) < 2);
shift @a;
shift @a;
# den Rest als ein String
my $subcmd = join(" ",@a);
if ($cmd eq "search_phonebook")
return SIP_search_phonebook($hash,$name,$subcmd);
# return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %gets);
return undef;
sub SIP_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
$ua->cleanup if (defined($ua));
BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{LISTEN_PID}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{LISTEN_PID}));
return undef;
sub SIP_ListenStart($)
my ($name) = @_;
return unless(defined($name));
my $logname = $name."[".$$."]";
my $hash = $defs{$name}; # $hash / $name gueltig in diesem Block
$hash->{parent} = getppid();
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, my parent is ".$hash->{parent};
my $dtmfloop; # Ende-Flag für die DTMF-Schleife
my $okloop; # Ende-Flag für die OK-Ansage
my $okloopbye = 0; # Ende-Flag für recv_bye währne der OK-Ansage
my $byebye = 0; # Anrufer hat aufgelegt
my $packets = 50;
my $block_it;
my $calltime = 0;
my $sub_create;
my $sub_invite_wfp;
my $sub_filter;
my $sub_bye;
my $sub_dtmf;
my $send_something;
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = 0;
$ua = undef;
my $error = SIP_Register($hash,"listen_".AttrVal($name,"sip_listen",""));
return $name."|ListenRegister: $error" if ($error);
my $msg1 = AttrVal($name, "sip_audiofile_dtmf", "");
my $msg2 = AttrVal($name, "sip_audiofile_ok", "");
my $msg3 = AttrVal($name, "sip_audiofile_wfp", "");
$msg1 = SIP_check_file($hash,$hash->{audio1}) if (defined($hash->{audio1}));
$msg1 = SIP_check_file($hash,$msg1) if (!defined($hash->{audio1}) && $msg1);
$msg2 = SIP_check_file($hash,$hash->{audio2}) if (defined($hash->{audio2}));
$msg2 = SIP_check_file($hash,$msg2) if (!defined($hash->{audio2}) && $msg2);
$msg3 = SIP_check_file($hash,$hash->{audio3}) if (defined($hash->{audio3}));
$msg3 = SIP_check_file($hash,$msg3) if (!defined($hash->{audio3}) && $msg3);
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, using $msg1 for audio_dtmf" if ($msg1);
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, using $msg2 for audio_ok" if ($msg2);
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, using $msg3 for audio_wfp" if ($msg3);
$hash->{dtmf} = 0;
$hash->{dtmf_event} = "";
$hash->{old} ="-";
$send_something = sub
return unless $packets-- > 0;
my $buf = sprintf "%010d",$packets;
$buf .= "1234567890" x 15;
return $buf; # 160 bytes for PCMU/8000
$sub_dtmf = sub
my ($event,$dur) = @_;
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, DTMF Event: $event - $dur ms";
return if (int($dur) < 90);
if (($event eq "#") || ($event eq "*"))
$hash->{dtmf} = 1;
$hash->{dtmf_event} = "";
$hash->{old} = $event;
if (($event ne $hash->{old}) && $hash->{dtmf})
$hash->{dtmf} ++;
$hash->{old} = $event;
$hash->{dtmf_event} .= $event;
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, DTMF: ".$hash->{dtmf_event}." , Anz: ".$hash->{dtmf};
if ($hash->{dtmf} > int(AttrVal($name,"sip_dtmf_size",2)))
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "dtmf_event;".$hash->{dtmf_event}], 0);
$hash->{dtmf} = 0;
$hash->{dtmf_event} = "";
$hash->{old} = "-";
$dtmfloop = 1;
$sub_create = sub
my ($call,$request,$leg,$from) = @_;
$hash->{helper}{call} = $call;
$hash->{request} = $request;
$hash->{leg} = $leg;
$hash->{from} = $from;
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, cb_create : ".$request->method;
my $response = ($block_it) ? $request->create_response('487','Request Terminated') : $request->create_response('180','Ringing');
$call->{endpoint}->new_response( $call->{ctx},$response,$leg,$from );
$sub_invite_wfp = sub
my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = @_;
my $waittime = int(AttrVal($name, "sip_waittime", 10));
my $i;
$packets = 50;
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = 0;
Log3 $name, 5,"$logname, cb_invite_wfp";
for($i=1; $i<=$waittime; $i++)
if ($block_it) #und gleich wieder weg
sleep int(AttrVal($name, "sip_waittime", 2)); # kleine Pause
Log3 $name, 4,"$logname, SIP_invite -> ringing $i";
select(undef, undef, undef, 1); # 1 Sekunde Pause
my $action = BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "caller_state;ringing $i"], 1);
Log3 $name, 5,"$logname, cb_invite_wfp action $action";
if ( $action eq "fetch" )
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = time();
$hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE} = "fetch";
Log3 $name, 4,"$logname, cb_invite_wfp fetch";
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "caller_state;fetching"], 0);
elsif ( $action eq "reject" )
Log3 $name, 4,"$logname, cp_invite_wfp reject";
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "caller_state;rejected"], 0);
my $call = $hash->{helper}{call};
my $request = $hash->{request};
my $leg = $hash->{leg};
my $from = $hash->{from};
my $response = $request->create_response('603','Declined');
$call->{endpoint}->new_response( $call->{ctx},$response,$leg,$from );
$hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE} ="reject";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME}= 0;
SIP_write_history($hash,$logname); # wir kommen nicht zu Bye!
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rBU", [$name, "caller;none|caller_state;waiting|caller_nr;---|caller_time;0|caller_name;---"], 0);
if (($i>$waittime) || $block_it)
$calltime = ($hash->{helper}{CALL_EST}) ? int(time()-$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST}) : 0;
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rBU", [$name, "caller;none|caller_state;waiting|caller_nr;---|caller_time;$calltime|caller_name;---"], 0);
return 0;
$sub_filter = sub
my ($a,undef) = @_;
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, SIP_filter : $a";
$block_it = 0;
$hash->{helper}{CALL_START} = time(); # nochmal prüfen !
my ($caller,undef) = split("\;", $a);
my @callers;
my $caller_nr;
my $caller_name;
$caller =~ s/\"|\>|\<|^\s+|\s+$//g; # fhem mag keine <> in ReadingsVal :(
($caller_nr,undef) = split("\@", $caller);
($caller_name,$caller_nr) = split("\:", $caller_nr);
$caller_name =~ s/sip//g;
$caller_name =~ s/\s+$//g; # Leerzeichen am Anfang und Ende nochmal entfernen
$caller_nr = "0000" if(!$caller_nr);
Log3 $name, 4, "$logname, SIP_filter: caller $caller, caller_nr $caller_nr, caller_name $caller_name";
$caller_name = SIP_search_phonebook($hash,$logname,$caller_nr) if (!$caller_name || ($caller_name eq $caller_nr));
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rBU", [$name, "caller;$caller|caller_nr;$caller_nr|caller_name;$caller_name|caller_time;0|caller_state;calling"], 0);
$hash->{helper}{CALL_NAME} = $caller_name;
$hash->{helper}{CALL_NR} = $caller_nr;
my $block = AttrVal($name,"sip_blocking",undef);
if (defined($block))
my @blockers = split (/,/,$block);
foreach (@blockers)
if ((index($caller_nr, $_) > -1) || ($_ eq ".*"))
$hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE} = "block";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME} = 0;
SIP_write_history($hash,$logname); # wir kommen nicht zu Bye!
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "caller_state;blocking"], 0);
Log3 $name, 4, "$logname, blocking $caller_nr found on $block";
$block_it = 1;
#$byebye = 1;
return 1;
my $filter = AttrVal($name,"sip_filter",undef);
if (defined($filter))
@callers = split (/,/,$filter);
foreach (@callers) { return 1 if (index($caller_nr, $_) > -1); }
$hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE} = "ignore";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME} = 0;
SIP_write_history($hash,$logname); # wir kommen nicht zu Bye!
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name, "caller_state;ignoring"], 0);
Log3 $name, 4, "$logname, ignoring $caller_nr number not found in $filter";
return 0;
return 1;
$sub_bye = sub
my ($event) = @_;
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, SIP_bye : $event";
$calltime = ($hash->{helper}{CALL_EST}) ? int(time()-$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST}) : 0;
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rBU", [$name, "caller;none|caller_state;hangup|caller_time;$calltime|caller_nr;---|caller_name;---"], 0);
$hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE}="ok" if (!defined($hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE})); #wfp oder filter kann es schon vorbesetzt haben !
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME}= $calltime;
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = 0;
$byebye = 1;
return 1;
if (AttrVal($name,"sip_listen", "none") eq "dtmf")
$dtmfloop = 0; # Ende-Flag für die DTMF-Schleife
$okloop = 0; # Ende-Flag für die OK-Ansage
$okloopbye = 0; # Ende-Flag für recv_bye während der OK-Ansage
# ToDo : was kann davon noch nach while(1) ?
#$byebye = 0; # Anrufer hat aufgelegt . sthet nun in while(1)
#BlockingInformParent("SIP_rBU", [$name, "caller;none|caller_state;waiting"], 0);
my $call;
$byebye = 0; # eingefügt mit V1.82 Fehler gefunden von tmp88 ,Forum : https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,67443.msg819729.html#msg819729
$hash->{dtmf} = 0;
$hash->{dtmf_event} = "";
$hash->{old} ="-";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TYPE} = "dtmf";
$ua->listen (cb_create => \&$sub_create,
cb_invite => sub {
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, cb_invite_dtmf";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = 0;
if (!$block_it)
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name,"caller_state;ringing"],0);
sleep int(AttrVal($name, "sip_ringtime", 3)); #Anrufer hört das typische Klingeln wenn die Gegenseite nicht abnimmt
filter => \&$sub_filter,
cb_established => sub {
(my $status,$call) = @_;
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, cb_est_dtmf";
if (!$block_it)
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = time();
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name,"caller_state;established"],0);
else {
sleep 1;
return 0;
} # sobald invite verlassen wird, wird in cb_established verzweigt
# Der SIP-Client ist jetzt im echo-Modus und zwar so lange, bis der Anrufer auflegt,
# das bekommen wir durch recv_bye mit
my $dtmf_loop = 1; # für jeden Anruf neu setzen
while ($dtmf_loop) # Schleife für Code-Ansage, DTMF-Erkennung, okay-Ansage
$dtmfloop = 0;
$okloop = 0;
$okloopbye = 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, while dtmf_loop : start reinvite1";
init_media => $ua->rtp('send_recv',($msg1) ? $msg1 : $send_something),
rtp_param => [8, 160, 160/8000, 'PCMA/8000'],
cb_rtp_done => sub { $packets = 25; },
cb_dtmf => \&$sub_dtmf,
recv_bye => \&$sub_bye);
$ua->loop(\$dtmfloop, \$byebye);
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, while dtmf_loop : dtmfloop : $dtmfloop , byebye : $byebye";
if (!$byebye)
{ # Anrufer hat nicht aufgelegt
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, while dtmf_loop : reinvite2";
init_media => $ua->rtp('send_recv',($msg2) ? $msg2 : $send_something),
rtp_param => [8, 160, 160/8000, 'PCMA/8000'],
cb_rtp_done => sub { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); $okloop = 1; $packets = 50;},
recv_bye => sub { $okloopbye = 1; },
cb_cleanup => sub {0},
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, while dtmf_loop : after reinvite2 $okloop , $okloopbye";
$ua->loop(\$okloop,\$okloopbye); # ohne diese loop endet der Anruf sofort
else { $dtmf_loop = 0; $byebye = 1; Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, aufgelegt";} # Schleife beenden, Anrufer hat aufgelegt
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, while dtmf_loop, okloopbye : $okloopbye , byebye : $byebye";
if ( $okloopbye || $byebye )
# wenn jemand mitten im "okay" auflegt
$dtmf_loop = 0; # beende die innere Loop
$byebye = 1;
else {
$dtmf_loop = ((AttrVal($name,"sip_dtmf_loop","once") eq 'once')) ? 0 : 1;
$calltime = (defined($hash->{helper}{CALL_EST})) ? int(time()-$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST}) : 0;
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rBU", [$name, "caller;none|caller_state;hangup|caller_time;$calltime|caller_nr;---|caller_name;---"], 0);
$hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE} = "ok";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME} = $calltime;
} # führt ggf. zum Schleifenende
} # end inner loop
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, end while dtmf_loop, byebye : $byebye";
if (!$byebye)
{ # Anrufer hat nicht aufgelegt und nur ein DTMF angefordert
my $hanguploop;
$call->bye( cb_final => \$hanguploop );
$ua->loop( \$hanguploop );
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, while(1)";
} # while(1)
elsif (AttrVal($name,"sip_listen", "none") eq "wfp")
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TYPE} = "wfp";
cb_create => \&$sub_create,
cb_invite => \&$sub_invite_wfp,
cb_established => sub { $hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = time(); Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, cb_est_wfp";},
filter => \&$sub_filter,
recv_bye => \&$sub_bye,
init_media => $ua->rtp('send_recv',($msg3) ? $msg3 : $send_something),
#cb_rtp_done => sub {Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, wfp cb_rtp_done";}, legt nicht mehr auf wenn aktiv !
rtp_param => [8, 160, 160/8000, 'PCMA/8000']
); # options are invite and hangup
elsif (AttrVal($name,"sip_listen", "none") eq "echo")
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TYPE} = "echo";
filter => \&$sub_filter,
cb_create => \&$sub_create,
cb_invite => sub {
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, cb_invite_echo";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = 0;
if (!$block_it)
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, cb_invite";
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name,"caller_state;ringing"],0);
sleep int(AttrVal($name, "sip_ringtime", 3)); #Anrufer hört das typische Klingeln wenn die Gegenseite nicht abnimmt
cb_established => sub {
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, cb_estab_echo";
if (!$block_it)
Log3 $name, 5, "$logname, cb_est";
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = time();
BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name,"caller_state;established"],0);
sleep 1;
return 0;
init_media => $ua->rtp( 'recv_echo',undef,0 ),
rtp_param => [8, 160, 160/8000, 'PCMA/8000'],
recv_bye => \&$sub_bye,
else { return $name."|end"; }
return $name."|end"; # hier sollten wir eigentlich nie himkommen !
sub SIP_ListenDone($)
my ($string) = @_;
return unless(defined($string));
my @r = split("\\|",$string);
my $hash = $defs{$r[0]};
my $ret = (defined($r[1])) ? $r[1] : "unknown error";
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5,"$name, ListenDone -> $string";
delete $hash->{LPID};
if ($ret ne "end")
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
Log3 $name, 3 , "$name, listen error -> $ret";
return if(IsDisabled($name));
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+AttrVal($name, "sip_watch_listen", 60), "SIP_try_listen", $hash);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return if(IsDisabled($name));
return if(!AttrVal($name, "sip_dtmf", 0));
sub SIP_try_listen($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $waits = AttrVal($name, "sip_watch_listen", 60);
my $audio1 = AttrVal($name, "sip_audiofile_dtmf","-");
my $audio2 = AttrVal($name, "sip_audiofile_ok", "-");
my $audio3 = AttrVal($name, "sip_audiofile_wfp", "-");
my @a = ("tts","tts", "-");;
if (AttrVal($name,"sip_listen","none") eq "dtmf")
if ((substr($audio1,0,1) eq "!") && !defined($hash->{audio1})) # muss erst T2S gefragt werden ?
$audio1 =~ s/^\!//;
$hash->{audio1} = $audio1;
$a[2] = $audio1;
Log3 $name ,4,"$name, hole $audio1";
if ((substr($audio2,0,1) eq "!") && !defined($hash->{audio2})) # muss erst T2S gefragt werden ?
$audio2 =~ s/^\!//;
$hash->{audio2} = $audio2;
$a[2] = $audio2;
Log3 $name ,4,"$name, hole $audio2";
elsif ((substr($audio3,0,1) eq "!") && !defined($hash->{audio3}) && (AttrVal($name,"sip_listen","none") eq "wfp")) # muss erst T2S gefragt werden ?
$audio3 =~ s/^\!//;
$hash->{audio3} = $audio3;
$a[2] = $audio3;
Log3 $name ,4,"$name, hole $audio3";
if ($a[2] ne "-")
# prüfen ob es schon eine passende mp3 Datei gibt
my $filename = SIP_check_T2S_File($hash,@a);
if (!$filename)
my $ret = SIP_create_T2S_File($hash,@a);
if ($ret)
delete $hash->{audio1} if defined($hash->{audio1});
delete $hash->{audio2} if defined($hash->{audio2});
delete $hash->{audio3} if defined($hash->{audio3});
return $ret;
#starte die Überwachung von T2S
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+int(AttrVal($name,"T2S_Timeout",5)), "SIP_watchdog_T2S", $hash);
return undef;
Log3 $name, 4 , "$name, T2S not used $filename exits";
$hash->{audio1} = $filename if defined($hash->{audio1});
$hash->{audio2} = $filename if defined($hash->{audio2});
$hash->{audio3} = $filename if defined($hash->{audio3});
$hash->{helper}{LISTEN_PID} = BlockingCall("SIP_ListenStart",$name, "SIP_ListenDone") unless(exists($hash->{helper}{LISTEN_PID}));
if ($hash->{helper}{LISTEN_PID})
$hash->{LPID} = $hash->{helper}{LISTEN_PID}{pid};
Log3 $name, 4 , $name.", Listen new PID : ".$hash->{LPID};
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$waits, "SIP_watch_listen", $name); # starte die Überwachung
delete $hash->{audio1};
delete $hash->{audio2};
delete $hash->{audio3};
return 0;
Log3 $name, 2 , $name.", Listen Start failed, waiting $waits seconds for next try";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$waits, "SIP_try_listen", $hash);
return "Listen Start failed";
sub SIP_watch_listen($)
# Lebt denn der Listen Prozess überhaupt noch ?
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $listen_dead = 0;
return if (IsDisabled($name));
return if (!defined($hash->{LPID}));
my $cmd = "ps -e | grep '".$hash->{LPID}." '";
my $result = qx($cmd);
my $age = int(ReadingsAge($name, "expire", 0));
my $maxage = int(ReadingsNum($name,"expire",300)*0.7);
my $alive = ReadingsVal($name,"listen_alive","no");
my $waits = AttrVal($name, "sip_watch_listen", 60);
if (($age > $maxage) && ($alive ne "no")) # nach expire/2 Sekunden sollte sich der listen Prozess erneut melden
Log3 $name, 2 , "$name, expire timestamp is $age seconds old, restarting listen process";
$alive = "no";
elsif (index($result,"perl") == -1)
Log3 $name, 2 , $name.", cant find listen process ".$hash->{LPID}." in process list !";
$alive = "no";;
else { Log3 $name, 5 , $name.", listen process ".$hash->{LPID}." found"; }
if ($alive eq "no")
delete $hash->{helper}{LISTEN_PID};
delete $hash->{LPID};
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+2, "SIP_try_listen", $hash, 0);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$waits, "SIP_watch_listen", $name, 0);
sub SIP_wait_for_t2s($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $t2s_name = AttrVal($name,"T2S_Device",undef);
my $file = ReadingsVal($t2s_name,"lastFilename","");
my $msg = "";
Log3 $name,4,"$name, wait_for_t2s file : $file";
if (-e $file)
Log3 $name,4,"$name, new T2S file $file";
my $out = $file;
$out =~ s/mp3/alaw/;
my $error = SIP_MP3_conv($hash,$file,$name);
$msg = $out if (!$error && (-e $out));
Log3 $name,3,"$name, timeout waiting for T2S";
if ($hash->{callnr})
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"call_state","T2S timeout",1);
return undef;
if (!$hash->{callnr})
if (defined($hash->{audio3}))
$hash->{audio3} = $msg;
return undef;
elsif (defined($hash->{audio2}))
$hash->{audio2} = $msg;
return undef;
elsif (defined($hash->{audio1}))
$hash->{audio1} = $msg;
return undef;
# nun aber calling
my $repeat = "*".$hash->{repeat};
my @a;
if ($hash->{forcecall})
{ @a = ($name,"call",$hash->{callnr}, $hash->{ringtime},$msg,$repeat,$hash->{forcecall}) ; }
{ @a = ($name,"call",$hash->{callnr}, $hash->{ringtime},$msg,$repeat) ; }
my $ret = SIP_Set($hash , @a);
Log3 $name,3,"$name, error T2S Call : $ret" if defined($ret);
return undef;
# storePW & readPW Code geklaut aus 72_FRITZBOX.pm :)
sub SIP_storePassword($$)
my ($name, $password) = @_;
my $index = "SIP_".$name."_passwd";
my $key = getUniqueId().$index;
my $e_pwd = "";
if (eval "use Digest::MD5;1")
$key = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(unpack "H*", $key);
$key .= Digest::MD5::md5_hex($key);
for my $char (split //, $password)
my $encode=chop($key);
my $error = setKeyValue($index, $e_pwd);
return "error while saving SIP user password : $error" if(defined($error));
return "SIP user password successfully saved in FhemUtils/uniqueID Key $index";
sub SIP_readPassword($)
my ($name) = @_;
my $index = "SIP_".$name."_passwd";
my $key = getUniqueId().$index;
my ($password, $error);
#Log3 $name,5,"$name, read SIP user password from FhemUtils/uniqueID Key $key";
($error, $password) = getKeyValue($index);
if ( defined($error) )
Log3 $name,3, "$name, cant't read SIP user password from FhemUtils/uniqueID: $error";
return undef;
if ( defined($password) )
if (eval "use Digest::MD5;1")
$key = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(unpack "H*", $key);
$key .= Digest::MD5::md5_hex($key);
my $dec_pwd = '';
for my $char (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($password =~ /(..)/g))
my $decode=chop($key);
return $dec_pwd;
Log3 $name,3,"$name, no SIP user password found in FhemUtils/uniqueID";
return undef;
sub SIP_check_file($$)
my ($hash,$file) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $logname = $name."[".$$."]";
if (substr($file,0,1) eq "!")
Log3 $name,3,"$logname, Text : $file found, ignoring it";
return "";
if ($file =~/\.mp3$/)
my $ret = SIP_MP3_conv($hash,$file,$logname);
if ($ret)
Log3 $name,3,"$logname, $ret";
return "";
$file =~ s/mp3/alaw/;
if (($file !~ /\.al(.+)$/) && ($file !~ /\.ul(.+)$/))
Log3 $name,3,"$logname, audio file $file not type .alaw or .ulaw, ignoring it";
return "";
if (!-e $file)
Log3 $name,3,"$logname, audio file $file not found, ignoring it";
return "";
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, audio file $file found";
return $file;
sub SIP_create_T2S_File($@)
my ($hash,@a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $t2s_name = AttrVal($name,"T2S_Device",undef);
return "attr T2S_Device not set !" if !defined($t2s_name);
my $t2s_hash = (defined($defs{$t2s_name})) ? $defs{$t2s_name} : undef;
return "T2S_Device $t2s_name not found" if !defined($t2s_hash);
return "attr audio_converter not set" if !AttrVal($name,"audio_converter","");
return "external sox or ffmpeg programm not found, please install sox or ffmpeg first and set attr audio_converter" if !defined($hash->{AC});
my $t2s_file = ReadingsVal($t2s_name,"lastFilename",undef);
Log3 $name,3,"$name, Reading lastFilename not found at device $t2s_name, are you using a old version ?" if !defined($t2s_file);
my $ret = Text2Speech_Set($t2s_hash, @a); # na dann lege schon mal los
if (defined($ret))
Log3 $name,3,"$name, T2S error : $ret";
return $ret; # Das ging leider schief
return undef; # alles klar
sub SIP_check_T2S_File($@)
my ($hash,@a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $t2s_name = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"T2S_Device","");
return 0 if (!$t2s_name);
shift @a;
shift @a;
my $txt = join(" ",@a);
my $filename = (eval "use Digest::MD5;1") ? md5_hex("de|".$txt).".mp3" : "";
if ($filename)
my $file = AttrVal($t2s_name,"TTS_CacheFileDir", "cache"). "/".$filename;
Log3 $name,5,"$name, MD5: $txt -> $filename";
return $file if (-e $file);
Log3 $name,5,"$name, mp3 File file not found in cache";
return 0;
sub SIP_watchdog_T2S($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name,3,"$name, Timeout waiting for T2S";
if (defined($hash->{audio1}))
$hash->{audio1}="!T2S Timeout";
return undef;
if (defined($hash->{audio2}))
$hash->{audio2}="!T2S Timeout";
return undef;
if (defined($hash->{audio3}))
$hash->{audio3}="!T2S Timeout";
return undef;
# Benutzt um Infos aus dem Blockingprozess in die Readings zu schreiben
sub SIP_rSU($$) {
my ($name, $line) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my ($reading,$val) = split("\;",$line);
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name, readingS:$reading Val:$val";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, $val, 1);
# Sonderfall bei wfp , Abfrage des Readings caller auf fetch oder reject
#my $action = ReadingsVal($name,"caller","");
#return $action if (($reading eq "caller_state") && (substr($val,0,7) eq "ringing") && (($action eq "fetch") || ($action eq "reject")));
return ReadingsVal($name,"caller","") if (($reading eq "caller_state") && (substr($val,0,7) eq "ringing"));
return undef;
sub SIP_rBU($$) {
my ($name, $line) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my @pair = split("\\|",$line);
foreach (@pair)
my ($reading,$val) = split("\;",$_);
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name, readingB:$reading Val:$val";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $reading, $val);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return undef;
sub SIP_MP3_conv($$$)
my ($hash,$file,$logname) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret;
my $status;
my $cmd;
my $out = $file;
$out =~ s/mp3/alaw/;
if (-e $out)
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, not converted - using $out from cache";
return undef;
return "external sox or ffmpeg programm not found, please install sox or ffmpeg first and set attr audio_converter" if (!defined($hash->{AC}));
my $converter = AttrVal($name,"audio_converter","");
return "attr audio_converter not set" if(!$converter);
if ($converter eq "sox")
$cmd = $hash->{AC}." ".$file." -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -e a-law ".$out." 2>&1";
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, $cmd";
$ret = qx($cmd);
if ($ret)
unlink $out;
$ret =~ s/\n//g;
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, sox output : $ret";
elsif ($converter eq "ffmpeg")
$cmd = $hash->{AC}." -v quiet -y -i ".$file." -f alaw -ar 8000 ".$out;
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, $cmd";
$ret = qx($cmd);
else { return "unknow audio_converter"; }
return "$converter : $ret" if ($ret);
return "converted file $out not found" if (!-e $out);
return undef;
sub SIP_search_phonebook($$$)
my ($hash,$logname,$number) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $file = AttrVal($name,"phonebook",undef);
return "unknown" if (!$file);
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, Phonebook: $file, $number, ".int(AttrVal($name,"history_size",0));
my ($error, @lines) = FileRead($file);
if ($error)
Log3 $name,2,"$logname, phonebook : $error";
return "error";
my $i = @lines;
if (!@lines)
Log3 $name,2,"$logname, phonebook is empty";
return "empty";
Log3 $name,5,"$logname, read $i lines from phonebook";
my ($nr,$na) = split(",",$_);
($nr,$na) = split("\\|",$_) if (!$na); # Liste vllt doch durch | getrennt ?
if ($na && ($nr eq $number))
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, found $na for number $number in phonebook";
return $na;
Log3 $name,3,"$logname, no entry found in phonebook for number $number";
return $number;
sub SIP_write_history($$)
my ($hash,$logname) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if (!int(AttrVal($name,"history_size",0)));
$hash->{helper}{CALL_START} = time() if (!$hash->{helper}{CALL_START});
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TYPE} = "out" if (!$hash->{helper}{CALL_TYPE});
$hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME} = 0 if (!$hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME});
$hash->{helper}{CALL_NAME} = "????" if (!$hash->{helper}{CALL_NAME});
$hash->{helper}{CALL_NR} = "0000" if (!$hash->{helper}{CALL_NR});
$hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE} = "-" if (!$hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE});
my $file = AttrVal($name,"history_file","./log/$name.sip");
my ($error, @lines) = FileRead($file);
my $anz = @lines;
if ($error)
Log3 $name,2,"$logname, history file $file, $error";
return undef;
Log3 $name,4,"$logname, read $anz lines from history file $file";
while ($anz >= int(AttrVal($name,"history_size", 10))) { shift @lines; $anz--;}
my $line = FmtDateTime(int($hash->{helper}{CALL_START}))."|";
$line .= $hash->{helper}{CALL_TYPE}."|";
$line .= $hash->{helper}{CALL_NAME}."|";
$line .= $hash->{helper}{CALL_NR}."|";
$line .= $hash->{helper}{CALL_BYE}."|";
$line .= int($hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME})."|";
push @lines,$line;
$error = FileWrite($file, @lines);
if ($error)
Log3 $name,2,"$logname, history file $file, $error";
return undef;
delete $hash->{helper}{CALL_TIME};
$hash->{helper}{CALL_EST} = 0;
if ($name ne $logname)
{ BlockingInformParent("SIP_rSU", [$name,"history_lines;$anz"],0); }
{ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"history_lines",$anz,0);}
return undef;
sub SIP_html($;$)
my ($name,$header) = @_;
$name = "<none>" if(!$name);
$header = "SIP Call List" if(!$header);
my $error = (!$defs{$name} || $defs{$name}{TYPE} ne "SIP") ? "$name is not a SIP device" : "";
my $html = '<table class="roomoverview"><tr class="devTypeTr"><td><div class="devType">'.$header.'</div></td></tr><tr><td>';
$html .='<table class="block fbcalllist">
<tr align="center" class="fbcalllist header">
my $ehtml = "<tr align='center' number='1' class='odd'><td colspan='6'>";
my $end = "</table></td></tr></table>";
return $html.$ehtml.$error."</td></tr>".$end if($error);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my @lines;
if (!int(AttrVal($name,"history_size",0)))
$html .= $ehtml."please set attr $name history_size first</td></tr>".$end;
return $html;
my $file = AttrVal($name,"history_file","./log/$name.sip");
($error, @lines) = FileRead($file);
my $anz = @lines;
if ($error)
$html .= $ehtml."error reading $file, $error</td></tr>".$end;
return $html;
if (!$anz)
$html .= $ehtml."file $file is empty !</td></tr>".$end;
return $html;
my $i = 1;
my $style = "style='padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;'";
my $oe = ($i %2) ? 'odd' : 'even';
my @a = split("\\|",$_);
if (int($a[5])>0)
$sec = $a[5];
$dur = sprintf("%02s:%02s:%02s", $h, $m, $s);
} else { $dur = "-"; }
$html .= "<tr align='center' number='$i' class='$oe'>";
$html .= "<td $style>".$a[4]."</td>";
$html .= "<td $style>".$a[0]."</td>";
$html .= "<td $style>".$a[2]."</td>";
$html .= "<td $style>".$a[3]."</td>";
$html .= "<td $style>".$a[1]."</td>";
$html .= "<td $style>".$dur."</td></tr>\n";
$html .= $end;
return $html;
=item helper
=item summary SIP device
=item summary_DE SIP Gerät
=begin html
<a name="SIP"></a>
Define a SIP-Client device.<br>
Wiki : <a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SIP-Client">https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SIP-Client</a>
Forum : <a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,67443.0.html">https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,67443.0.html</a>
<a name="SIPdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> SIP</code>
<code>define MySipClient SIP</code><br>
<a name="SIPset"></a>
<code>set <name> <SIP password></code><br>
Stores the password for the SIP users. Without stored password the functions set call and set listen are blocked !<br>
IMPORTANT : if you rename the fhem Device you must set the password again!
<code>set <name> reset</code><br>
Stop any listen process and initialize device.<br>
<code>set <name> call <number> [<maxtime>] [<message>]</code><br>
Start a call to the given number.<br>
Optionally you can supply a max time. Default is 30.
Optionally you can supply a message which is either a full path to an audio file or a relativ path starting from the home directory of the fhem.pl.
<code>set <name> listen</code><br>
attr sip_listen = dtmf :<br>
Start a listening process that receives calls. The device goes into an echo mode when a call comes in. If you press # on the keypad followed by 2 numbers and hang up the reading <b>dtmf</b> will reflect that number.<br>
attr sip_listen = wfp :<br>
Start a listening process that waits for incoming calls. If a call comes in for the SIP-Client the state will change to <b>ringing</b>. If you manually set the state to <b>fetch</b> the call will be picked up and the sound file given in attribute sip_audiofile will be played to the caller. After that the devive will go gack into state <b>listenwfp</b>.<br>
<a name="SIPattr"></a>
Audio file that will be played after <b>fetch</b> command. The audio file has to be generated via <br>
sox <file>.wav -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -e a-law <file>.al<br>
since only raw audio format is supported.
<li>sip_listen (none , dtmf , wfp)</li>
My sip client info, defaults to sip:620@fritz.box
external IP address of the FHEM server.
Optionally portnumber used for sip client<br>
If attribute is not set a random port number between 44000 and 45000 will be used
Hostname or IP address of the SIP server you are connecting to, defaults to fritz.box.
Ringtime for incomming calls (dtmf &wfp)
User name of the SIP client, defaults to 620.
Maximum waiting time in state listen_for_wfp it will wait to pick up the call.
<li>sip_dtmf_size 1 to 4 , default is 2</li>
<li>sip_dtmf_loop once or loop , default once</li>
<li>sip_force_interval default 300</li>
<li>sip_force_max default 99</li>
<li>phonebook default none , filename of own phonebook. each row : number,name</li>
<li>history_size default 0 , max rows in history list</li>
<li>history_file default none, filename of history list</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="SIP"></a>
Definiert ein SIP-Client Device.<br>
Wiki : <a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SIP-Client">https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SIP-Client</a>
Forum : <a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,67443.0.html">https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,67443.0.html</a>
<a name="SIPdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> SIP</code>
<code>define MySipClient SIP</code><br>
<a name="SIPset"></a>
<code>set <name> <SIP Passwort></code><br>
Speichert das Passwort des SIP Users. Ohne gespeichertes Passwort sind die set call und set listen Funktionen gesperrt !<br>
WICHTIG : wird das SIP Device umbenannt muss dieser Befehl unbedingt wiederholt werden !
<code>set <name> reset</code><br>
Stoppt laufende listen-Prozess und initalisiert das Device.<br>
<code>set <name> call <nummer> [<maxtime>] [<nachricht>]</code><br>
Startet einen Anruf an die angegebene Nummer.<br>
Optional kann die maximale Zeit angegeben werden. Default ist 30.<br>
Optional kann eine Nachricht in Form eines Audiofiles angegeben werden . Das File ist mit dem vollen Pfad oder dem relativen ab dem Verzeichnis mit fhem.pl anzugeben..
<code>set <name> listen</code><br>
Attribut sip_listen = dtmf :
Der SIP-Client wird in einen Status versetzt in dem er Anrufe annimmt. Der Ton wird als Echo zurückgespielt. Über die Eingabe von # gefolgt von 2 unterschiedlichen Zahlen und anschließendem Auflegen kann eine Zahl in das Reading <b>dtmf</b> übergeben werden.<br>
Attribut sip_listen = wfp :
Der SIP-Client wird in einen Status versetzt in dem er auf Anrufe wartet. Erfolgt an Anruf an den Client, wechselt der Status zu <b>ringing</b>. Nun kann das Gespräch via set-Command <b>fetch</b> angenommen werden. Das als sip_audiofile angegebene File wird abgespielt. Anschließend wechselt der Status wieder zu <b>listenwfp</b>.<br>
<a name="SIPattr"></a>
User Name des SIP-Clients. Default ist 620 (Fritzbox erstes SIP Telefon)
Hostname oder IP-Addresse des SIP-Servers mit dem sich das Modul verbinden soll. (Default fritz.box)
SIP-Client-Info. Syntax : sip:sip_user@sip_registrar Default ist sip:620@fritz.box
Die IP-Addresse von FHEM im Heimnetz. Solange das Attribut nicht gesetzt ist versucht das Modul diese beim Start zu ermitteln.
Optinale Portnummer die vom Modul benutzt wird.<br>
Wenn dem Attribut kein Wert zugewiesen wurde verwendet das Modul eine zufällige Portnummer zwichen 44000 und 45000
Audiofiles können einfach mit dem externen Programm sox erzeugt werden :<br>
sox <file>.wav -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -e a-law <file>.al<br>
Unterstützt werden nur die beiden RAW Audio Formate a-law und u-law !<br>
Statt eines echten Audiofiles kann auch eine Text2Speech Nachricht eingetragen werden.<br>
Bsp : attr mySIP sip_audiofile_call !Hier ist dein FHEM Server
Audiofile das nach dem Command <b>fetch</b> abgespielt wird.
Audiofile das dem Angerufenen bei set call vorgespielt wird.
Audiofile das dem Anrufer bei listen_for_dtmf abgespielt wird.
Audiofile das bei erkannter DTMF Sequenz abgespielt wird.
<li>sip_listen (none , dtmf, wfp)</li>
Klingelzeit für eingehende Anrufe bei listen_for_dtmf
1 bis 4 , default 2 Legt die Läge des erwartenden DTMF Events fest.
<li>sip_dtmf_loop<br> once oder loop , default once</li>
Maximale Wartezeit im Status listen_for_wfp bis das Gespräch automatisch angenommen wird.
Name des Text2Speech Devices (Wird nur benötigt wenn Sprachnachrichten statt Audiofiles verwendet werden)
Wartezeit in Sekunden wie lange maximal auf Text2Speech gewartet wird.
<li>audo_converter<br>sox oder ffmpeg, default sox<br>
Ist f¨r Text2Speech unbedingt erforderlich um die mp3 Dateien in Raw Audio umzuwandeln.<br>
Installation z.B. mit sudo apt-get install sox und noch die mp3 Unterstützung mit sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3
<li>sip_force_interval default 300 </li>
<li>sip_force_max default 99</li>
<li>phonebook default none , Dateiname des eigenen Telefonbuchs. Inhalt: zeilenweise Nr,Name</li>
<li>history_size default 0 , max Anzahl von Zeilen in der Ruf/Anrufer Liste</li>
<li>history_file default none, Dateiname der Ruf/Anrufer Liste</li>
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