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# YAAHM.pm
# Yet Another Auto Home Module for FHEM
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# $Id$
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Wenn Geräteaktion auf Wecken steht, wird bei manuellem Wecken nicht ausgelöst. Also besser umstellen von ZEIT auf Weckevent
# Wieso Tageszeit ab 8:00, wenn schon um 7:30 geweckt wurde ?
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(%defs); # FHEM device/button definitions
use vars qw($FW_ME);
use vars qw($FW_inform);
use vars qw($FW_headerlines);
use vars qw($FW_id);
use Data::Dumper;
use Math::Trig;
use JSON; # imports encode_json, decode_json, to_json and from_json.
# Global variables
my $yaahmname;
my $yaahmlinkname = "Profile"; # link text
my $yaahmhiddenroom = "ProfileRoom"; # hidden room
my $yaahmpublicroom = "Unsorted"; # public room
my $yaahmversion = "3.1";
my $firstcall = 1;
my %yaahm_transtable_EN = (
"ok" => "OK",
"notok" => "Not OK",
"start" => "Start",
"status" => "Status",
"notstarted" => "Not started",
"next" => "Next",
"manual" => "Manual Time",
"exceptly" => "exceptionally",
"undecid" => "not decidable",
"off" => "off",
"swoff" => "switched off",
"and" => "and",
"clock" => "",
"device" => "Device",
"devices" => "Devices ",
"deviceaction" => "Device Action ",
"deviceactions" => "Device Actions ",
"active" => "Active",
"inactive" => "Inactive",
"overview" => "Summary",
"name" => "Name",
"event" => "Event",
"time" => "Time",
"timer" => "Timer",
"earliest" => "Earliest",
"latest" => "Latest",
"action" => "Action",
"weekly" => "Weekly ",
"day" => "Day",
"daytime" => "Daytime",
"nighttime" => "Nighttime",
"daylight" => "Daylight",
"daytype" => "Day Type",
"daily" => "Daily ",
"type" => "Type",
"description" => "Description",
"profile" => "Profile",
"profiles" => "Profiles",
"transition" => "Transition to",
"onlposfrm" => "only possible from",
"notposfrm" => "not possible from",
"aftermidnight" => "After Midnight",
"beforesunrise" => "Before Sunrise",
"sunrise" => "Sunrise",
"aftersunrise" => "After Sunrise",
"wakeup" => "WakeUp",
"morning" => "Morning",
"noon" => "Noon",
"afternoon" => "Afternoon",
"evening" => "Evening",
"beforesunset" => "Before Sunset",
"sunset" => "Sunset",
"aftersunset" => "After Sunset",
"sleep" => "Sleep",
"night" => "Night",
"beforemidnight" => "Before Midnight",
"date" => "Date",
"today" => "Today",
"tomorrow" => "Tomorrow",
"weekday" => "Day of Week",
"mode" => "Mode",
"normal" => "Normal",
"party" => "Party",
"absence" => "Absence",
"donotdisturb" => "DoNotDisturb",
"state" => "Security",
"secstate" => "Device states",
"unlocked" => "Unlocked",
"locked" => "Locked",
"unsecured" => "Not Secured",
"secured" => "Secured",
"protected" => "Protected",
"guarded" => "Guarded",
"monday" => ["Monday","Mon"],
"tuesday" => ["Tuesday","Tue"],
"wednesday" => ["Wednesday","Wed"],
"thursday" => ["Thursday","Thu"],
"friday" => ["Friday","Fri"],
"saturday" => ["Saturday","Sat"],
"sunday" => ["Sunday","Sun"],
"weekend" => ["Weekend","We"],
"holiday" => ["Holiday","Hol"],
"vacation" => ["Vacation","Vac"],
"workday" => ["Workday","Wor"],
"spring" => "Spring",
"summer" => "Summer",
"fall" => "Fall",
"winter" => "Winter"
my %yaahm_transtable_DE = (
"ok" => "OK",
"notok" => "Nicht OK",
"start" => "Start",
"status" => "Status",
"notstarted" => "Nicht gestartet",
"next" => "Nächste",
"manual" => "Manuelle Zeit",
"clock" => "Uhr",
"device" => "Gerät",
"devices" => "Geräte-",
"deviceaction" => "Geräte-Aktions-",
"deviceactions" => "Geräte-Aktionen",
"exceptly" => "ausnahmsweise",
"undecid" => "nicht bestimmbar",
"off" => "Aus",
"swoff" => "ausgeschaltet",
"and" => "und",
"active" => "Aktiv",
"inactive" => "Inaktiv",
"overview" => "Zusammenfassung",
"name" => "Name",
"event" => "Event",
"time" => "Zeit",
"timer" => "Timer",
"earliest" => "Frühestens",
"latest" => "Spätestens",
"action" => "Aktion",
"weekly" => "Wochen-",
"day" => "Tag",
"daytime" => "Tageszeit",
"nighttime" => "Nachtzeit",
"daylight" => "Tageslicht",
"daytype" => "Tagestyp",
"daily" => "Tages-",
"type" => "Typ",
"description" => "Beschreibung",
"profile" => "Profil",
"profiles" => "Profile",
"transition" => "Übergang zu",
"onlposfrm" => "nur möglich aus",
"notposfrm" => "nicht möglich aus",
"aftermidnight" => "Nach Mitternacht",
"beforesunrise" => "Vor Sonnenaufgang",
"sunrise" => "Sonnenaufgang",
"aftersunrise" => "Nach Sonnenaufgang",
"wakeup" => "Wecken",
"morning" => "Morgen",
"noon" => "Mittag",
"afternoon" => "Nachmittag",
"evening" => "Abend",
"beforesunset" => "Vor Sonnenuntergang",
"sunset" => "Sonnenuntergang",
"aftersunset" => "Nach Sonnenuntergang",
"sleep" => "Schlafen",
"night" => "Nacht",
"beforemidnight" => "Vor Mitternacht",
"date" => "Termin",
"today" => "Heute",
"tomorrow" => "Morgen",
"weekday" => "Wochentag",
"mode" => "Modus",
"normal" => "Normal",
"party" => "Party",
"absence" => "Abwesenheit",
"donotdisturb" => "Nicht Stören",
"state" => "Sicherheit",
"secstate" => "Device States",
"unlocked" => "Unverschlossen",
"locked" => "Verschlossen",
"unsecured" => "Nicht Gesichert",
"secured" => "Gesichert",
"protected" => "Geschützt",
"guarded" => "Überwacht",
"monday" => ["Montag","Mo"],
"tuesday" => ["Dienstag","Di"],
"wednesday" => ["Mittwoch","Mi"],
"thursday" => ["Donnerstag","Do"],
"friday" => ["Freitag","Fr"],
"saturday" => ["Samstag","Sa"],
"sunday" => ["Sonntag","So"],
"weekend" => ["Wochenende","We"],
"holiday" => ["Feiertag","Fei"],
"vacation" => ["Urlaubstag","Url"],
"workday" => ["Arbeitstag","Arb"],
"spring" => "Frühling",
"summer" => "Sommer",
"fall" => "Herbst",
"winter" => "Winter"
my $yaahm_tt;
#-- default values, need to be overwritten from save file
# first and second parameter
# entries in the default table with no time entry are single-timers
# entries in the default table with only first time are single-timers
# entries in the default table with only second time are single-timer offsets
# entries in the default table with first an second time are two-timer periods
# third parameter
# fourth parameter
my %defaultdailytable = (
"aftermidnight" => [undef,"00:01",undef,undef],
"beforesunrise" => [undef,"01:00",undef,undef],
"sunrise" => [undef,undef,undef,undef],
"aftersunrise" => [undef,"01:00",undef,undef],
"wakeup" => ["06:15",undef,undef,undef],
"morning" => ["08:00",undef,undef,undef],
"noon" => ["13:00",undef,undef,undef],
"afternoon" => ["14:00",undef,undef,undef],
"evening" => ["18:30",undef,undef,undef],
"beforesunset" => [undef,"01:00",undef,undef],
"sunset" => [undef,undef,undef,undef],
"aftersunset" => [undef,"01:00",undef,undef],
"sleep" => ["22:30",undef,undef,undef],
"night" => ["22:00",undef,undef,undef],
"beforemidnight" => [undef,"00:05",undef,undef]);
my $defaultdailykeys = "(".join(")|(",keys %defaultdailytable).")";
my %dailytable = ();
sub YAAHM_dsort {
$dailytable{$a}[0] cmp $dailytable{$b}[0]
my @weeklytable = (
my %defaultwakeuptable = (
"name" => "",
"action" => "",
"monday" => "06:15",
"tuesday" => "06:15",
"wednesday" => "06:15",
"thursday" => "06:15",
"friday" => "06:15",
"saturday" => "off",
"sunday" => "off");
my %defaultsleeptable = (
"name" => "",
"action" => "",
"monday" => "22:30",
"tuesday" => "22:30",
"wednesday" => "22:30",
"thursday" => "22:30",
"friday" => "23:00",
"saturday" => "23:00",
"sunday" => "22:30");
my @daytype = (
my %defaultdayproperties = (
"date" => "",
"weekday" => "",
"daytype" => 0,
"desc" => "",
"season" => "");
my @times = (keys %defaultdailytable);
my @modes = (
my @states = (
my @seasons = (
#-- modes or day types that affect the profile
my @profmode = ("party","absence","donotdisturb");
my @profday = ("holiday","vacation");
#-- color schemes
my @csmode;
my @csmode1 = ("#53f3c7","#8bfa56","#ff9458","#fd5777");
my @csstate;
my @csstate1 = ("#53f3c7","#ff9458","#f554e2","#fd5777");
#-- temporary fix for update purpose
sub YAAHM_restore($$){};
sub YAAHM_setWeeklyTime($){};
# YAAHM_Initialize
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_Initialize ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "YAAHM_Define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "YAAHM_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "YAAHM_Get";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "YAAHM_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "YAAHM_Attr";
my $attst = "linkname publicroom hiddenroom lockstate:locked,unlocked simulation:0,1 norepeat:0,1 ".
"modecolor0 modecolor1 modecolor2 modecolor3 statecolor0 statecolor1 statecolor2 statecolor3 ".
"timeHelper modeHelper modeAuto:0,1 stateDevices:textField-long stateInterval noicons:0,1 stateWarning stateHelper stateAuto:0,1 ".
"deviceActions:textField-long ".
"sunrise:SunRise,AstroTwilightMorning,NauticTwilightMorning,CivilTwilightMorning,CustomTwilightMorning ".
"sunset:SunSet,AstroTwilightEvening,NauticTwilightEvening,CivilTwilightEvening,CustomTwilightEvening ".
"holidayDevices:textField-long vacationDevices:textField-long specialDevices:textField-long";
$hash->{AttrList} = $attst;
if( !defined($yaahm_tt) ){
#-- in any attribute redefinition readjust language
my $lang = AttrVal("global","language","EN");
if( $lang eq "DE"){
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_DE;
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_EN;
$yaahmlinkname = $yaahm_tt->{"profiles"};
#-- default colors
@csmode = @csmode1;
@csstate = @csstate1;
$data{FWEXT}{YAAHMx}{LINK} = "?room=".$yaahmhiddenroom;
$data{FWEXT}{YAAHMx}{NAME} = $yaahmlinkname;
$data{FWEXT}{"/YAAHM_timewidget"}{FUNC} = "YAAHM_timewidget";
$data{FWEXT}{"/YAAHM_timewidget"}{FORKABLE} = 0;
return undef;
# YAAHM_Define - Implements DefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub YAAHM_Define ($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $now = time();
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $TYPE = $hash->{TYPE};
$hash->{VERSION} = $yaahmversion;
$yaahmname = $name;
#-- readjust language
my $lang = AttrVal("global","language","EN");
if( $lang eq "DE"){
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_DE;
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_EN;
#-- default colors
@csmode = @csmode1;
@csstate = @csstate1;
my $NOTIFYDEV = "global,$name";
unless ( defined( $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} ) && $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} eq $NOTIFYDEV )
#$changed = 1;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "Initialized", 1 );
$yaahmlinkname = defined($attr{$name}{"linkname"}) ? $attr{$name}{"linkname"} : $yaahmlinkname;
$yaahmhiddenroom = defined($attr{$name}{"hiddenroom"}) ? $attr{$name}{"hiddenroom"} : $yaahmhiddenroom;
$data{FWEXT}{YAAHMx}{LINK} = "?room=".$yaahmhiddenroom;
$data{FWEXT}{YAAHMx}{NAME} = $yaahmlinkname;
$attr{$name}{"room"} = $yaahmhiddenroom;
my $date = YAAHM_restore($hash,0);
#-- data seems to be ok, restore
if( defined($date) ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_Define] data hash restored from save file with date $date";
if( !defined($hash->{DATA}{"XT"}) ){
$hash->{DATA}{"XT"} = {};
#-- intialization
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_Define] data hash is initialized";
#-- ZERO device action entries profile
$hash->{DATA}{"XT"} = {};
#-- clone daily default profile
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"} = {%defaultdailytable};
#-- clone weekly default profile
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"} = ();
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[0]{"name"} = $yaahm_tt->{"wakeup"};
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[1]{"name"} = $yaahm_tt->{"sleep"};
#-- clone days for today and tomorrow
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"} = ();
#-- initial mode and state
#-- determine Astro device
if( !exists($modules{Astro}{defptr}) ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM] does not find an Astro device, loading module Astro separately";
require "95_Astro.pm";
my @keys = sort keys %{$modules{Astro}{defptr}};
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM] finds ".int(@keys)." Astro devices, module not loaded separately";
$modules{YAAHM}{defptr}{$name} = $hash;
InternalTimer ($now + 5, 'YAAHM_CreateEntry', $hash, 0);
# YAAHM_Undef - Implements Undef function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub YAAHM_Undef ($$) {
my ($hash,$arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
delete $data{FWEXT}{YAAHMx};
if (defined $defs{$name."_weblink"}) {
FW_fC("delete ".$name."_weblink");
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$name. " V".$yaahmversion."]"." Weblink ".$name."_weblink deleted";
if (defined $defs{$name."_shortlink"}) {
FW_fC("delete ".$name."_shortlink");
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$name. " V".$yaahmversion."]"." Weblink ".$name."_shortlink deleted";
return undef;
# YAAHM_Attr - Implements Attr function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, ???
sub YAAHM_Attr($$$) {
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{"$name"};
#-- in any attribute redefinition readjust language
my $lang = AttrVal("global","language","EN");
if( $lang eq "DE"){
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_DE;
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_EN;
if ( $attrName eq "timeHelper" ) {
my $dh = (defined($attr{$name}{"timeHelper"})) ? $attr{$name}{"timeHelper"} : undef;
#-- remove this function from all entries
if( $cmd eq "del" ){
foreach my $key (keys %defaultdailytable){
my $xval = $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[2];
if( $xval =~ /^{$dh/){
my @cmds = split(',',$xval);
$xval = join(',',@cmds);
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[2] = $xval;
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "set") && ($attrName =~ /modecolor(\d)/) ) {
my $ci = $1;
if( $ci >= 0 && $ci <= 3 ){
$csmode[$ci] = $attrVal;
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "del") && ($attrName =~ /modecolor(\d)/) ) {
my $ci = $1;
if( $ci >= 0 && $ci <= 3 ){
$csmode[$ci] = $csmode1[$ci];
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "set") && ($attrName =~ /statecolor(\d)/) ) {
my $ci = $1;
if( $ci >= 0 && $ci <= 3 ){
$csstate[$ci] = $attrVal;
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "del") && ($attrName =~ /statecolor(\d)/) ) {
my $ci = $1;
if( $ci >= 0 && $ci <= 3 ){
$csstate[$ci] = $csstate1[$ci];
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "set") && ($attrName eq "linkname") ) {
$yaahmlinkname = $attrVal;
$data{FWEXT}{YAAHMx}{NAME} = $yaahmlinkname;
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "set") && ($attrName eq "publicroom") ) {
$yaahmpublicroom = $attrVal;
FW_fC("attr ".$name."_shortlink room ".$yaahmpublicroom);
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "set") && ($attrName eq "hiddenroom") ){
#-- remove old hiddenroom from FHEMWEB instances
foreach my $dn (sort keys %defs) {
if ($defs{$dn}{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB" && $defs{$dn}{NAME} !~ /FHEMWEB:/) {
my $hr = AttrVal($defs{$dn}{NAME}, "hiddenroom", "");
$hr =~ s/$yaahmhiddenroom//;
$hr =~ s/,,//;
$hr =~ s/,$//;
FW_fC("attr ".$defs{$dn}{NAME}." hiddenroom ".$hr);
#-- new value
$yaahmhiddenroom = $attrVal;
$data{FWEXT}{YAAHMx}{LINK} = "?room=".$yaahmhiddenroom;
FW_fC("attr ".$name."_weblink room ".$yaahmhiddenroom);
#-- place into FHEMWEB instances
foreach my $dn (sort keys %defs) {
if ($defs{$dn}{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB" && $defs{$dn}{NAME} !~ /FHEMWEB:/) {
my $hr = AttrVal($defs{$dn}{NAME}, "hiddenroom", "");
if (index($hr,$yaahmhiddenroom) == -1){
if ($hr eq "") {
FW_fC("attr ".$defs{$dn}{NAME}." hiddenroom ".$yaahmhiddenroom);
}else {
FW_fC("attr ".$defs{$dn}{NAME}." hiddenroom ".$hr.",".$yaahmhiddenroom);
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$name. " V".$yaahmversion."]"." Added hidden room '".$yaahmhiddenroom."' to ".$defs{$dn}{NAME};
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "delete") && ($attrName eq "stateDevices") ) {
fhem("deletereading $name sdev_housestate");
fhem("deletereading $name sec_housestate");
fhem("deletereading $name sym_housestate");
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "set") && ($attrName eq "stateInterval") ) {
my $next = gettimeofday()+AttrVal($name,"stateInterval",60)*60;
YAAHM_InternalTimer("check",$next, "YAAHM_checkstate", $hash, 0);
}elsif ( ($cmd eq "delete") && ($attrName eq "stateInterval") ) {
my $next = gettimeofday()+3600;
YAAHM_InternalTimer("check",$next, "YAAHM_checkstate", $hash, 0);
}elsif ( $attrName eq "holidayDevices" ) {
return "Value for $attrName has invalid format"
unless ( $cmd eq "del" || $attrVal =~ m/^[A-Za-z\d._]+(?:,[A-Za-z\d._]*)*$/ );
}elsif ( $attrName eq "vacationDevices" ) {
return "Value for $attrName has invalid format"
unless ( $cmd eq "del" || $attrVal =~ m/^[A-Za-z\d._]+(?:,[A-Za-z\d._]*)*$/ );
# YAAHM_CreateEntry - Puts the YAAHM entry into the FHEM menu
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_CreateEntry($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$yaahmlinkname = defined($attr{$name}{"linkname"}) ? $attr{$name}{"linkname"} : $yaahmlinkname;
$yaahmpublicroom = defined($attr{$name}{"publicroom"}) ? $attr{$name}{"publicroom"} : $yaahmpublicroom;
$yaahmhiddenroom = defined($attr{$name}{"hiddenroom"}) ? $attr{$name}{"hiddenroom"} : $yaahmhiddenroom;
#-- this is the long YAAHM entry
FW_fC("defmod ".$name."_weblink weblink htmlCode {YAAHM_Longtable(\"".$name."\")}");
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$name. " V".$yaahmversion."]"." Weblink ".$name."_weblink created";
FW_fC("attr ".$name."_weblink room ".$yaahmhiddenroom)
#-- this is the short YAAHM entry
FW_fC("defmod ".$name."_shortlink weblink htmlCode {YAAHM_Shorttable(\"".$name."\")}");
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$name. " V".$yaahmversion."]"." Weblink ".$name."_shortlink created";
FW_fC("attr ".$name."_shortlink room ".$yaahmpublicroom)
foreach my $dn (sort keys %defs) {
if ($defs{$dn}{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB" && $defs{$dn}{NAME} !~ /FHEMWEB:/) {
my $hr = AttrVal($defs{$dn}{NAME}, "hiddenroom", "");
if (index($hr,$yaahmhiddenroom) == -1){
if ($hr eq "") {
FW_fC("attr ".$defs{$dn}{NAME}." hiddenroom ".$yaahmhiddenroom);
}else {
FW_fC("attr ".$defs{$dn}{NAME}." hiddenroom ".$hr.",".$yaahmhiddenroom);
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$name. " V".$yaahmversion."]"." Added hidden room '".$yaahmhiddenroom."' to ".$defs{$dn}{NAME};
#-- Start updater
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ 3, "YAAHM_updater",$hash,0);
YAAHM_InternalTimer("check",time()+ 5, "YAAHM_checkstate", $hash, 0);
# YAAHM_Set - Implements the Set function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_Set($@) {
my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @args ) = @_;
my $imax;
my $if;
my $msg;
my $exec = ( defined($attr{$name}{"simulation"})&&$attr{$name}{"simulation"}==1 ) ? 0 : 1;
if ( $cmd =~ /^manualnext.*/ ) {
#--timer address
if( $args[0] =~ /^\d+/ ) {
#-- check if valid
if( $args[0] >= int(@{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}}) ){
$msg = "Error, timer number ".$args[0]." does not exist, number must be smaller than ".int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_Set] ".$msg;
return $msg;
$cmd = "next_".$args[0];
my $if = undef;
for( my $i=0;$i<int(@{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});$i++){
$if = $i
if ($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"name"} eq $args[0] );
#-- check if valid
if( !defined($if) ){
$msg = "Error: timer name ".$args[0]." not found";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_Set] ".$msg;
return $msg;
$cmd = "next_".$if;
return YAAHM_nextWeeklyTime($name,$cmd,$args[1],$exec);
}elsif ( $cmd =~ /^checkstate.*/ ) {
YAAHM_InternalTimer("check",time()+ $args[0], "YAAHM_checkstate", $hash, 0);
}elsif ( $cmd =~ /^correctstate.*/ ) {
}elsif ( $cmd =~ /^time.*/ ) {
return YAAHM_time($name,$args[0],$exec);
}elsif ( $cmd =~ /^mode.*/ ) {
return YAAHM_mode($name,$args[0],$exec);
}elsif ( $cmd =~ /^state.*/ ) {
return YAAHM_state($name,$args[0],$exec);
}elsif ( $cmd =~ /^lock(ed)?$/ ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "lockstate", "locked", 0 );
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^unlock(ed)?$/ ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "lockstate", "unlocked", 0 );
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^save/ ) {
return YAAHM_save($hash);
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^restore/ ) {
return YAAHM_restore($hash,1);
} elsif ( $cmd =~ /^initialize/ ) {
$firstcall = 1;
YAAHM_InternalTimer("check",time()+ 5, "YAAHM_checkstate", $hash, 0);
} elsif ( $cmd eq "createWeekly" ){
return "[YAAHM] missing name for new weekly profile"
if( !defined($args[0]) );
#-- find index
$imax = int(@{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});
$if= undef;
for( my $j=0;$j<$imax;$j++){
if($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$j]{"name"} eq $args[0]){
$if = $j;
return "[YAAHM] name $args[0] for weekly profile to be created is already in use"
if( defined($if) );
#-- clone wakeuptable
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$imax]{"name"} = $args[0];
#-- save everything
return "[YAAHM] weekly profile $args[0] created successfully";
} elsif ( $cmd eq "deleteWeekly" ){
return "[YAAHM] missing name for weekly profile to be deleted"
if( !defined($args[0]) );
return "[YAAHM] Default weekly profile cannot be deleted"
if( ($args[0] eq $yaahm_tt->{"wakeup"}) || ($args[0] eq $yaahm_tt->{"sleep"}) );
#-- find index
$imax = int(@{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});
$if= undef;
for( my $j=2;$j<$imax;$j++){
if($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$j]{"name"} eq $args[0]){
$if = $j;
return "[YAAHM] name $args[0] for weekly profile to be deleted is not known"
if( !defined($if) );
#-- delete timer
fhem("delete ".$name.".wtimer_".$if.".IF");
#-- delete readings
for( my $j=$if;$j<$imax-1;$j++){
$hash->{READINGS}{"ring_".$j}{VAL} = $hash->{READINGS}{"ring_".($j+1)}{VAL};
$hash->{READINGS}{"ring_".$j."_1"}{VAL} = $hash->{READINGS}{"ring_".($j+1)."_1"}{VAL};
$hash->{READINGS}{"next_".$j}{VAL} = $hash->{READINGS}{"next_".($j+1)}{VAL};
$hash->{READINGS}{"today_".$j}{VAL} = $hash->{READINGS}{"today_".($j+1)}{VAL};
$hash->{READINGS}{"today_".$j."_e"}{VAL} = $hash->{READINGS}{"today_".($j+1)."_e"}{VAL};
$hash->{READINGS}{"tomorrow_".$j}{VAL} = $hash->{READINGS}{"tomorrow_".($j+1)}{VAL};
$hash->{READINGS}{"tomorrow_".$j."_e"}{VAL} = $hash->{READINGS}{"tomorrow_".($j+1)."_e"}{VAL};
$hash->{READINGS}{"tr_wake_".$j}{VAL} = $hash->{READINGS}{"tr_wake".($j+1)}{VAL};
fhem("deletereading ".$name." ring_".($imax-1));
fhem("deletereading ".$name." ring_".($imax-1)."_1");
fhem("deletereading ".$name." ring_".($imax-1)."x");
fhem("deletereading ".$name." ring_".($imax-1)."_1x");
fhem("deletereading ".$name." next_".($imax-1));
fhem("deletereading ".$name." today_".($imax-1));
fhem("deletereading ".$name." today_".($imax-1)."_e");
fhem("deletereading ".$name." tomorrow_".($imax-1));
fhem("deletereading ".$name." tomorrow_".($imax-1)."_e");
fhem("deletereading ".$name." tr_wake_".($imax-1));
#-- save everything
return "[YAAHM] weekly profile $args[0] deleted successfully";
} else {
my $str = "";
return "[YAAHM] Unknown argument " . $cmd . ", choose one of".
" manualnext time:".join(',',@times)." mode:".join(',',@modes).
" state:".join(',',@states)." locked:noArg unlocked:noArg save:noArg correctstate:noArg checkstate:0,5,10 restore:noArg initialize:noArg createWeekly deleteWeekly";
# YAAHM_Get - Implements the Get function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @args) = @_;
my $res = "";
my $msg;
my $name = $args[0];
my $arg = (defined($args[1]) ? $args[1] : "");
if ($arg eq "version") {
return "YAAHM.version => $yaahmversion";
}elsif ($arg eq "test") {
return "ok";
}elsif ( $arg eq "next" || $arg eq "sayNext" ){
my $if;
#--timer address
if( $args[2] =~ /^\d+/ ) {
#-- check if valid
if( $args[2] >= int(@{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}}) ){
$msg = "Error, timer number ".$args[2]." does not exist, number musst be smaller than ".int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_Get] ".$msg;
return $msg;
$if = undef;
for( my $i=0;$i<int(@{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});$i++){
$if = $i
if ($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"name"} eq $args[1] );
#-- check if valid
if( !defined($if) ){
$msg = "Error: timer name ".$args[2]." not found";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_Get] ".$msg;
return $msg;
if( $arg eq "next" ){
return YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime($hash,$if,0);
return YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime($hash,$if,1);
}elsif ($arg eq "template") {
$res = "################## subroutine for housestate transitions ###########\n";
$res .= "sub HouseStateHelper(\@){\n".
" my (\$event,\$param1,\$param2) = \@_;\n\n".
" Log 1,\"[HouseStateHelper] event=\$event\";\n\n".
" my \$time = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housetime\",\"\");\n".
" my \$phase = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housephase\",\"\");\n".
" my \$state = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housestate\",\"\");\n".
" my \$party = (ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housemode\",\"\") eq \"party\") ? 1 : 0;\n".
" my \$absence = (ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housemode\",\"\") eq \"absence\") ? 1 : 0;\n".
" my \$dndist = (ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housemode\",\"\") eq \"donotdisturb\") ? 1 : 0;\n";
#-- iterate through table
for( my $i=0;$i<int(@states);$i++) {
$res .= " #---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
my $if = ($i == 0) ? "if" : "}elsif";
$res .= " ".$if."( \$event eq \"".$states[$i]."\" ){\n\n";
$res .= " }\n}\n";
$res .= "################## subroutine for housemode transitions ###########\n";
$res .= "sub HouseModeHelper(\@){\n".
" my (\$event,\$param1,\$param2) = \@_;\n\n".
" Log 1,\"[HouseStateHelper] event=\$event\";\n\n".
" my \$time = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housetime\",\"\");\n".
" my \$phase = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housephase\",\"\");\n".
" my \$state = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housestate\",\"\");\n".
" my \$party = (ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housemode\",\"\") eq \"party\") ? 1 : 0;\n".
" my \$absence = (ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housemode\",\"\") eq \"absence\") ? 1 : 0;\n".
" my \$dndist = (ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housemode\",\"\") eq \"donotdisturb\") ? 1 : 0;\n";
#-- iterate through table
for( my $i=0;$i<int(@modes);$i++) {
$res .= " #---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
my $if = ($i == 0) ? "if" : "}elsif";
$res .= " ".$if."( \$event eq \"".$modes[$i]."\" ){\n\n";
$res .= " }\n}\n";
$res .= "################## subroutine for housetime transitions ###########\n";
$res .= "sub HouseTimeHelper(\@){\n".
" my (\$event,\$param1,\$param2) = \@_;\n\n".
" Log 1,\"[HouseTimeHelper] event=\$event\";\n\n".
" my \$time = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housetime\",\"\");\n".
" my \$phase = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housephase\",\"\");\n".
" my \$state = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housestate\",\"\");\n".
" my \$party = (ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housemode\",\"\") eq \"party\") ? 1 : 0;\n".
" my \$absence = (ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housemode\",\"\") eq \"absence\") ? 1 : 0;\n".
" my \$dndist = (ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"housemode\",\"\") eq \"donotdisturb\") ? 1 : 0;\n".
" my \$todaytype = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"tr_todayType\",\"\");\n".
" my \$todaydesc = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"todayDesc\",\"\");\n".
" my \$tomorrowtype = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"tr_tomorrowType\",\"\");\n".
" my \$tomorrowdesc = ReadingsVal(\"".$name."\",\"tomorrowDesc\",\"\");\n";
#-- iterate through table
foreach my $key (sort YAAHM_dsort keys %dailytable){
$res .= " #---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
my $if = ($key eq "aftermidnight") ? "if" : "}elsif";
$res .= " ".$if."( \$event eq \"".$key."\" ){\n\n";
$res .= " }\n}\n";
return $res;
} else {
$res = "0,1";
for(my $i = 2; $i<int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});$i++){
$res .= ",".$i;
return "Unknown argument $arg choose one of next:".$res." sayNext:".$res." version:noArg template:noArg";
# YAAHM_save
# Parameter hash = hash of the YAAHM device
sub YAAHM_save($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $date = TimeNow();
$hash->{DATA}{"savedate"} = $date;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "savedate", $date, 1 );
my $jhash0 = toJSON($hash->{DATA});
my $error = FileWrite("YAAHMFILE",$jhash0);
# YAAHM_restore
# Parameter hash = hash of the YAAHM device
sub YAAHM_restore($$) {
my ($hash,$doit) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($error,$jhash0) = FileRead("YAAHMFILE");
if( defined($error) && $error ne "" ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_restore] read error=$error";
return undef;
my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
my $jhash1 = eval{ $json->decode( $jhash0 ) };
my $date = $jhash1->{"savedate"};
#-- just for the first time, reading an old savefile
$date = localtime(time)
if( !defined($date));
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "savedate", $date, 0 );
if( $doit==1 ){
$hash->{DATA} = {%{$jhash1}};
Log3 $name,5,"[YAAHM_restore] Data hash restored from save file with date ".$date;
return 1;
return $date;
# YAAHM_setParm - Receives parameter values from the javascript FE
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM device
sub YAAHM_setParm($@) {
my ($name, @a) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $cmd = $a[0];
my $key = $a[1];
my $dea = $a[2];
my $msg = "";
my $val;
#-- device action profile
# start, end/offset, execution, active in mode / daytype
if ($cmd eq "xt") {
for( my $i=1;$i<6;$i++){
$val = $a[$i+1];
if( ($val eq "undef")||($val eq "") ){
$val = undef;
}elsif( ($i>3) && ($i<5) && ($val !~ /\d?\d:\d\d/)){
$msg = "wrong time specification $val in device action profile for device no. $key, must be hh:mm";
Log 1,"[YAAHM_setParm] ".$msg;
$hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"name"} = $a[2];
#-- check ??
$hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"event"} = $a[3];
$hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"earliest"} = $a[4];
$hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"latest"} = $a[5];
$hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"cmd"} = $a[6];
return $msg;
#-- daily profile
# start, end/offset, execution, active in mode / daytype
}elsif ($cmd eq "dt") {
for( my $i=1;$i<5;$i++){
$val = $a[$i+1];
if( ($val eq "undef")||($val eq "") ){
$val = undef;
}elsif( ($i<3) && ($val !~ /\d?\d:\d\d/)){
$msg = "wrong time specification $val in daily profile for timer no. $key, must be hh:mm";
Log 1,"[YAAHM_setParm] ".$msg;
$val = "00:00";
}elsif( $i<3 ){
my ($hour,$min) = split(':',$val);
if( $hour>23 || $min>59 ){
$msg = "wrong time specification $val in daily profile for timer no. $key > 23:59";
Log 1,"[YAAHM_setParm] ".$msg;
$val = "00:00";
return $msg;
#-- weekly profile
}elsif ($cmd eq "wt") {
#-- action
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$a[1]]{"action"} = $a[2];
#-- next time
$val = $a[3];
if( ($val eq "undef")||($val eq "") ){
$val = undef;
}elsif( $val =~/^off/ ){
#-- ok
}elsif( $val =~ /\d?\d:\d\d/ ){
#-- ok
my ($hour,$min) = split(':',$val);
if( $hour>23 || $min>59 ){
$msg = "wrong time specification next=$val for weekly timer ".$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$a[1]]{"name"}." > 23:59";
Log 1,"[YAAHM_setParm] ".$msg;
$val = "off";
$msg = "wrong time specification next=$val for weekly timer ".$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$a[1]]{"name"}.", must be hh:mm of 'off'";
Log 1,"[YAAHM_setParm] ".$msg;
$val = "off";
#-- next waketime
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$a[1]]{"next"} = $val;
#-- activity party/absence
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$a[1]]{"acti_m"} = $a[4];
#-- activity vacation/holiday
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$a[1]]{"acti_d"} = $a[5];
#-- weekdays
for( my $i=0;$i<9;$i++){
$val = $a[$i+6];
if( ($val eq "undef")||($val eq "") ){
$val = undef;
}elsif( $val =~/^off/ ){
#-- ok
}elsif( $val =~ /\d?\d:\d\d/ ){
#-- ok
my ($hour,$min) = split(':',$val);
if( $hour>23 || $min>59 ){
$msg = "wrong time specification $val for weekly timer ".$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$a[1]]{"name"}." > 23:59 ";
Log 1,"[YAAHM_setParm] ".$msg;
$val = "off";
$msg = "wrong time specification $val for weekly timer ".$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$a[1]]{"name"}.", must be hh:mm or 'off'";
Log 1,"[YAAHM_setParm] ".$msg;
$val = "off";
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$a[1]]{$weeklytable[$i]} = $val;
return $msg;
# YAAHM_time - Change the house time (aftermidnight .. beforemidnight)
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM device
# Careful: $exec=0 is needed in case we want to prevent execution of helper here
sub YAAHM_time {
my ($name,$targettime,$exec) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $prevtime = defined($hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"time"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"time"} : "";
my $currmode = defined($hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"mode"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"mode"} : "normal";
my $currstate = defined($hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"} : "unsecured";
my $msg = "";
#-- local checks
#-- double change
#if( $prevtime eq $targettime ){
# $msg = "Transition skipped, the time event $targettime has been executed already";
#-- don't
if( $msg ne "" ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] ".$msg;
return $msg;
#-- doit
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $lval = sprintf("%02d%02d",$hour,$min);
my $mval = $dailytable{"morning"}[0];
my $nval = $dailytable{"night"}[0];
#-- is this a daily timer event ?
my $regex = "((".join(")|(",@times)."))";
my $isdaily = ( $targettime =~ /$regex/ )?1:0;
if( $isdaily ){
my $tval = $dailytable{$targettime}[0];
$mval =~ s/://;
$nval =~ s/://;
$tval =~ s/://;
#-- targetphase always according to real time, not to command time
my $targetphase = ( ($lval >= $mval) && ( $nval > $lval ) ) ? "daytime" : "nighttime";
#-- iterate through table to find next event
my $nexttime;
my $sval;
my $oval="0000";
foreach my $key (sort YAAHM_dsort keys %dailytable){
$nexttime = $key;
$sval = $dailytable{$key}[0];
if (!defined($sval));
$sval =~ s/://;
if ( ($lval <= $sval) && ( $lval > $oval ) );
$oval = $sval;
my $ma = defined($attr{$name}{"modeAuto"}) && ($attr{$name}{"modeAuto"} == 1);
my $sa = defined($attr{$name}{"stateAuto"}) && ($attr{$name}{"stateAuto"} == 1);
#-- automatically leave party mode at morning time or when going to bed
# TODO Fehler ! Wird nach party um Mitternacht aufgerufen und sichert das Haus, aber in jeder Zeile ein fehler undefined
if( $currmode eq "party" && $targettime =~ /(morning)|(sleep)/ && $ma ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Leaving party mode because modeAuto=1";
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
if( $currstate eq "unsecured" && $targettime eq "sleep" && $sa ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Securing the house because stateAuto=1";
$msg .= YAAHM_state($name,"secured",$exec)."\n"
#-- automatically leave absence mode at wakeup time
# Ist das wirklich clever ? Was passiert, wenn der Wecker nicht ausgestellt wurde
}elsif( $currmode eq "absence" && $targettime =~ /(wakeup)/ && $ma ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Leaving absence mode because modeAuto=1";
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
#-- automatically leave donotdisturb mode at any time event
}elsif( $currmode eq "donotdisturb" && $ma ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Leaving donotdisturb mode because modeAuto=1";
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
#-- automatically secure the house at night time or when going to bed (if not absence, and if not party)
}elsif( $currmode eq "normal" && $currstate eq "unsecured" && $targettime =~ /(night)|(sleep)/ && $sa ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Securing the house because stateAuto=1";
$msg = YAAHM_state($name,"secured",$exec)."\n";
$hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"time"} = $targettime;
#-- before fixing new times
# if manual wake/sleep/timer, the time for the current day needs to be set to empty,
# but second execution on the same day is blocked if attribute norepeat is set.
if( $targettime eq "wakeup" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[0]{"next"} = "";
}elsif( $targettime eq "sleep" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[1]{"next"} = "";
}elsif( $targettime =~ /timer_(\d+)/ ){
my $i = $1;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"next"} = "";
#-- helper function not executed, e.g. by call from external timer
if( !defined($exec) || $exec==0);
#-- execute the helper function
my $xval;
my $ival;
my $wupn;
#-- after fixing new time
#-- TODO here: what should we do, if the timer is NOT enabled and we get up or go to bed anyhow ???
if( $targettime =~ /((wakeup)|(sleep)|(timer_(\d+)))/ ){
my $timerno="";
if( $targettime eq "wakeup" ){
}elsif( $targettime eq "sleep" ){
}elsif( $targettime =~ /timer_(\d+)/ ){
$timerno = $1;
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timerno]{"name"};
$ival = (ReadingsVal($name.".wtimer_".$timerno.".IF","mode","") ne "disabled");
$xval = $ival ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timerno]{"action"} : "";
my $norep = AttrVal($name,"norepeat",0);
if( $exec==1 ){
if( $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timerno]{"done"} && $norep ){
$msg = "Not executing action for timer $targettime, already done";
Log3 $name,3,"[YAAHM_time] ".$msg;
return $msg;
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] executing action $xval for timer $targettime";
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timerno]{"done"} = 1;
}elsif( $exec==0 ){
$msg .= "Simulation ".$xval." from timer ".$targettime;
$msg .= " (disabled)"
if !$ival;
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] ".$msg;
return $msg;
#-- any other
$xval = $dailytable{$targettime}[2];
$msg = "Simulation ".$xval;
if( $exec==1 ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] executing $xval";
}elsif( $exec==0 ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] ".$msg;
return $msg;
# YAAHM_nextWeeklyTime - set the next weekly time
# Parameter name = name of device addressed
sub YAAHM_nextWeeklyTime {
my ($name,$cmd,$time,$exec) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $msg;
#--determine which timer (duplicate check when coming from set)
$cmd =~ /.*next_([0-9]+)$/;
my $i = $1;
if( $i >= int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}}) ){
$msg = "Error, timer number $i does not exist, number musst be smaller than ".int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_nextWeeklyTime] ".$msg;
return $msg;
$time = lc($time);
#-- check value - may be empty
if( $time eq "" || $time eq "default" ){
$time = "";
#-- nontrivial
#-- off=ok, do nothing
if( $time eq "off"){
#-- time=ok, check
}elsif( $time =~ /(\d?\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))?/ ){
if( $1 >= 24 || $2 >= 60){
$msg = "Error, time specification $time for timer ".$cmd." > 23:59 ";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_nextWeeklyTime] ".$msg;
return $msg;
$time = sprintf("%02d:\%02d",$1,$2);
$msg = "Error, time specification $time invalid for timer ".$cmd.", must be hh:mm";;
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_nextWeeklyTime] ".$msg;
return $msg;
#-- all logic in setweeklytime
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"next"} = $time;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"done"} = 0;
# YAAHM_mode - Change the house mode (normal, party, absence)
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM device
sub YAAHM_mode {
my ($name,$targetmode,$exec) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $prevmode = defined($hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"mode"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"mode"} : "normal";
my $currstate = defined($hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"} : "unsecured";
my $msg = "";
my $tr_msg = "";
#-- local checks
#-- double change
if( $prevmode eq $targetmode ){
$msg = "transition skipped, we are already in $targetmode mode";
#-- transition into party and absence is only possible from normal mode
}elsif( $prevmode ne "normal" && $targetmode ne "normal"){
$msg = "Transition into $targetmode mode is only possible from normal mode";
$tr_msg = $yaahm_tt->{transition}.' "'.$yaahm_tt->{$targetmode}.'" '.$yaahm_tt->{"onlposfrm"}.' '.$yaahm_tt->{"mode"}.'="'.$yaahm_tt->{"normal"}.'"';
#-- global checks
#-- transition into party mode only possible in unlocked state
}elsif( $targetmode eq "party" && $currstate ne "unsecured" ){
$msg = "Transition into party mode is only possible from unsecured state";
$tr_msg = $yaahm_tt->{transition}.' "'.$yaahm_tt->{$targetmode}.'" '.$yaahm_tt->{"onlposfrm"}.' '.$yaahm_tt->{"state"}.'="'.$yaahm_tt->{"unsecured"}.'"';
#-- don't
if( $msg ne "" ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_mode] ".$msg;
return $msg;
$hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"mode"} = $targetmode;
#-- doit, if not simulation
if (defined($attr{$name}{"modeHelper"})){
if( !defined($exec) || $exec==1 ){
$msg = "Simulation {".$attr{$name}{"modeHelper"}."('".$targetmode."')}";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_mode] ".$msg;
return $msg;
# YAAHM_state - Change the house state (unscured, secured, guarded)
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM device
sub YAAHM_state {
my ($name,$targetstate,$exec) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $prevstate = defined($hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"} : "unsecured";
my $currmode = defined($hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"mode"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"mode"} : "normal";
my $msg = "";
my $tr_msg = "";
#-- local checks
#-- double change
#if( $prevstate eq $targetstate ){
# $msg = "transition skipped, we are already in $targetstate state";
#-- global checks
#-- changing away from unlocked in party mode is not possible
if( $targetstate ne "unlocked" && $currmode eq "party" ){
$msg = "Not possible in party mode";
$tr_msg = $yaahm_tt->{transition}.' "'.$yaahm_tt->{$targetstate}.'" '.$yaahm_tt->{"notposfrm"}.' '.$yaahm_tt->{"mode"}.'="'.$yaahm_tt->{"party"}.'"';
#-- don't
if( $msg ne "" ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_state] ".$msg;
return $msg;
$hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"} = $targetstate;
#-- doit, if not simulation
if (defined($attr{$name}{"stateHelper"})){
if( !defined($exec) || $exec==1 ){
$msg = "Simulation {".$attr{$name}{"stateHelper"}."('".$targetstate."')}";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_state] ".$msg;
return $msg;
YAAHM_InternalTimer("check",time()+ 30, "YAAHM_checkstate", $hash, 0);
# YAAHM_checkstate - check state devices
# Parameter someHash = either internal hash of timer
# => need to dereference it for getting device hash
# or device hash
sub YAAHM_checkstate($) {
my ($someHash) = @_;
my $hash;
if( defined($someHash->{HASH}) ){
$hash = $someHash->{HASH};
$hash = $someHash;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $next;
$next = gettimeofday()+AttrVal($name,"stateInterval",60)*60;
YAAHM_InternalTimer("check",$next, "YAAHM_checkstate", $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM_checkstate] on device ".$hash->{NAME}." called";
my $istate;
my $cstate = defined($hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"} : "";
return undef
if( !defined($attr{$name}{"stateDevices"}) );
if($states[$istate] eq $cstate);
my (@devlist,@devl);
my ($dev,$devs,$devh,);
my @devf = ();
my $isf = 0;
@devlist = split(',',$attr{$name}{"stateDevices"});
foreach my $devc (@devlist) {
@devl = split(':',$devc);
$dev = $devl[0];
$devs = $devl[$istate+1];
if( defined($devs) && ($devs ne "") ){
$devh = Value($dev);
if( $devs ne $devh ){
$isf = 1;
push(@devf,"<tr><td style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$dev."</td><td style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\"><div style=\"color:red\">".$yaahm_tt->{'notok'}.
"</div></td><td style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$devh."</td></tr>");
if( defined(AttrVal($name,"stateWarning",undef)) ){
push(@devf,"<tr><td style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$dev."</td><td style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\"><div style=\"color:green\">".$yaahm_tt->{'ok'}."</div></td><td></td></tr>");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"sym_housestate",(($isf==0)?"<html><div style=\"color:green\">&#x2713;</div></html>":"<html><div style=\"color:red\">&#x274c;</div></html>"));
return undef
# YAAHM_correctstate - correct state devices
# Parameter someHash = either internal hash of timer
# => need to dereference it for getting device hash
# or device hash
sub YAAHM_correctstate($) {
my ($someHash) = @_;
my $hash;
if( defined($someHash->{HASH}) ){
$hash = $someHash->{HASH};
$hash = $someHash;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_correctstate] on device ".$hash->{NAME}." called";
my $istate;
my $cstate = defined($hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"} : "";
return undef
if( !defined($attr{$name}{"stateDevices"}) );
if($states[$istate] eq $cstate);
my (@devlist,@devl);
my ($dev,$devs,$devh,);
my @devf = ();
my $isf = 0;
@devlist = split(',',$attr{$name}{"stateDevices"});
foreach my $devc (@devlist) {
@devl = split(':',$devc);
$dev = $devl[0];
$devs = $devl[$istate+1];
if( defined($devs) && ($devs ne "") ){
$devh = Value($dev);
if( $devs ne $devh ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_correctstate] calling set ".$dev." ".$devs;
fhem("set ".$dev." ".$devs);
$isf = 1;
if($isf == 1);
return undef
# YAAHM_informer - Tell FHEMWEB to inform this page
# Parameter me = hash of FHEMWEB instance
sub YAAHM_informer($) {
my ($me) = @_;
$me->{inform}{type} = "status";
$me->{inform}{filter} = "YYY";
#$me->{inform}{since} = time()-5;
$me->{inform}{fmt} = "JSON";
my $filter = $me->{inform}{filter};
my %h = map { $_ => 1 } devspec2array($filter);
$h{global} = 1 if( $me->{inform}{addglobal} );
$h{"#FHEMWEB:$FW_wname"} = 1;
$me->{inform}{devices} = \%h;
%FW_visibleDeviceHash = FW_visibleDevices();
$me->{NTFY_ORDER} = $FW_cname; # else notifyfn won't be called
%ntfyHash = ();
# YAAHM_startDeviceActions- start the device action function
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM device
sub YAAHM_startDeviceActions($) {
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $res;
my $avl = AttrVal($name,"deviceActions",undef);
if( !$avl );
my ($dea,$dev,$evt);
#-- number of action devices
my $devactno;
my @actdevlist = split(',',$avl);
#-- check for obsolete keys and remove from hash
my %devacthash = %{$hash->{DATA}{"XT"}};
my %actdevattr = map {$_ => 1} @actdevlist;
foreach my $key (keys %devacthash){
if($actdevattr{$key} != 1){
#-- start timer
for( my $i=0;$i < $devactno ;$i++){
$dea = $actdevlist[$i];
$dev = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"name"};
if( $dea ne $dev){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_startDeviceActions] key $dea not equal to name $dev, no action timer started";
$evt = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"event"};
my $early = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"earliest"};
my $late = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"latest"};
my $exec = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"cmd"};
my $cond;
#-- event given is a housetime event (including wakeup/sleep)
if( $evt =~ /$defaultdailykeys/ ){
$cond = "[$name:\"housetime: $evt\"]";
#-- event is a weekly timer event (excluding wakeup/sleep)
# $cond = "[$name:\"weeklytimer $evt\"]";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_startDeviceActions] event $evt not in list of allowed events";
#-- neither earliest nor latest
if( (!defined($early)||($early eq "")) && (!defined($late)||($late eq "")) ){
$cond = "($cond and ([$name:exec] eq \"0\"))";
#-- only latest
}elsif( (!defined($early)||($early eq "")) && defined($late) && $late =~ /\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?/ ){
$cond = "((($cond and [?00:00-$late]) or [$late]) and ([".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF:exec] eq \"0\"))";
#-- only earliest
}elsif( defined($early) && (!defined($late)||($late eq "")) && $early =~ /\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?/ ){
$cond = "($cond and [?00:00-$early]) (setreading ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF event 1) ".
"DOELSEIF ((([$early] and ([".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF:event] eq \"1\")) or ($cond and [?$early-23:59:59])) and ([".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF:exec] eq \"0\"))";
#-- earliest and latest
}elsif( defined($early) && defined($late) && $early =~ /\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?/ && $late =~ /\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?/){
$cond = "($cond and [?00:00-$early]) (setreading ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF event 1) ".
"DOELSEIF ((([$early] and ([".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF:event] eq \"1\")) or ($cond and [?$early-$late]) or [$late]) and ([".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF:exec] eq \"0\"))";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_startDeviceActions] no proper conditions found for action timer $dev with evt $evt";
#$hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"time"} = $tfinal;
$res = "defmod ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF DOIF $cond (".$exec.") (setreading ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF exec 1)";
fhem("attr ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF comment ".$dev);
fhem("attr ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF userReadings event:none{},exec:none{}");
fhem("attr ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF do always");
fhem("attr ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF room ".(defined($attr{$name}{"publicroom"}) ? $attr{$name}{"publicroom"} : $yaahmpublicroom));
fhem("set ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF enable");
fhem("setreading ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF event 0");
fhem("setreading ".$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF exec 0");
#-- save everything
return "Device actions started";
# YAAHM_startDayTimer - start the daily timer function
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM device
sub YAAHM_startDayTimer($) {
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $res = "defmod $name.dtimer.IF DOIF ";
my $msg;
#--cleanup after definition fault
fhem("deletereading $name t_aftermidnight")
if( ReadingsVal($name,"t_aftermidnight",undef) );
fhem("deletereading $name t_aftersunrise")
if( ReadingsVal($name,"t_aftersunrise",undef) );
fhem("deletereading $name t_aftersunset")
if( ReadingsVal($name,"t_aftersunset",undef) );
fhem("deletereading $name t_beforemidnight")
if( ReadingsVal($name,"t_beforemidnight",undef) );
fhem("deletereading $name t_beforesunrise")
if( ReadingsVal($name,"t_beforesunrise",undef) );
fhem("deletereading $name t_beforesunset")
if( ReadingsVal($name,"t_beforesunset",undef) );
delete $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"daytime"};
delete $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"nighttime"};
#-- TODO check for plausibility
#--aftermidnight must be >= 00:01
my $check=$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"aftermidnight"}[0];
$check =~ s/://;
if( $check <= 0 ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_startDayTimer] aftermidnight is minimum 00:01, used this value";
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"aftermidnight"}[0] = "00:01";
#-- Internal timer for night time
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $nval = $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"night"}[0];
if( $nval !~ /\d?\d:\d\d/ ){
$msg = "Error in night time specification";
Log3 1,$name,"[YAAHM_startDayTimer] ".$msg;
return $msg;
my ($hourn,$minn) = split(':',$nval);
my $deltan = ($hourn-$hour)*3600+($minn-$min)*60-$sec;
my $delta = $deltan;
$delta += 86400
if( $delta<0 );
YAAHM_RemoveInternalTimer ("nighttime", $hash);
YAAHM_InternalTimer ("nighttime", gettimeofday()+$delta, "YAAHM_tonight", $hash, 0);
#-- Internal timer for daytime
my $mval = $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"morning"}[0];
if( $mval !~ /\d?\d:\d\d/ ){
$msg = "Error in morning time specification";
Log3 1,$name,"[YAAHM_startDayTimer] ".$msg;
return $msg;
($hourn,$minn) = split(':',$mval);
my $deltam = ($hourn-$hour)*3600+($minn-$min)*60-$sec;
$delta = $deltam;
$delta += 86400
if( $delta<0 );
YAAHM_RemoveInternalTimer ("daytime", $hash);
YAAHM_InternalTimer ("daytime", gettimeofday()+$delta, "YAAHM_today", $hash, 0);
#-- currently day or night ?
my $currtime = (($deltam < 0) && ($deltan > 0)) ? "daytime" : "nighttime";
#-- put data into readings
#-- compose external timer
foreach my $key (sort YAAHM_dsort keys %defaultdailytable){
next if( !defined($hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[2]) );
my $f1 = defined($defaultdailytable{$key}[0]);
my $f2 = defined($defaultdailytable{$key}[1]);
my $f3 = defined($hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[2]) && $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[2] ne "";
#-- to prevent double execution of functions do this in YAAHM_time, NOT in timer
my $xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','".$key."',1)}";
#-- entries in the default table with no entry are single-timers
if( !$f1 and !$f2 ){
$res .= "([[".$name.":s_".$key."]])\n(".$xval.")\nDOELSEIF"
if( $f3 );
#-- entries in the default table with only first time are single-timers
}elsif( $f1 and !$f2 ){
$res .= "([[".$name.":s_".$key."]])\n(".$xval.")\nDOELSEIF"
if( $f3 );
#-- entries in the default table with only second time are single-timer offsets
}elsif( !$f1 and $f2 ){
$res .= "([[".$name.":s_".$key."]])\n(".$xval.")\nDOELSEIF"
if( $f3 );
#-- entries in the default table with first and second time are two-timer periods
}elsif( $f1 and $f2 ){
$res .= "([[".$name.":s_".$key."]-[".$name.":t_".$key."]])\n(".$xval.")\nDOELSEIF"
if( $f3 );
#-- something wrong
$msg = "Daily timer $name.dtimer.IF NOT started, something wrong with entry ".$key;
Log 1,"[YAAHM_startDayTimer] ".$msg;
return $msg;
#-- take out last DOELSEIF
$res =~ s/\nDOELSEIF$//;
fhem("attr $name.dtimer.IF do always");
fhem("attr $name.dtimer.IF room ".(defined($attr{$name}{"publicroom"}) ? $attr{$name}{"publicroom"} : $yaahmpublicroom));
fhem("set $name.dtimer.IF enable");
#-- save everything
return "Daily timer $name.dtimer.IF started";
# YAAHM_startWeeklyTimer - start the Weekly timer function
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM device
sub YAAHM_startWeeklyTimer($) {
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $res;
my $wupn;
#-- start timer
for( my $i=0;$i < int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}} );$i++){
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"name"};
$res = "defmod ".$name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF DOIF ([".$name.":ring_".$i."] eq \"off\")\n()\nDOELSEIF\n(([[".$name.":ring_".$i."]])";
#-- check for mode activation
my $g4a = defined($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_m"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_m"} : "";
my $v4a = ($g4a ne "") ? "(normal)|(".join(')|(',split(',',$g4a)).")" : "(normal)";
#-- check for daytype activation
my $g4b = defined($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_d"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_d"} : "";
my $v4b = ($g4b ne "") ? "(workday)|(weekend)|(".join(')|(',split(',',$g4b)).")" : "(workday)|(weekend)";
$res .= "\nand ((([" .$name. ":housemode] =~ \"".$v4a."\")";
$res .= "\nand ([" .$name. ":todayType] =~ \"".$v4b."\")) ";
$res .= "\nor ([".$name.":ring_".$i."x] =~ \".*\(man\)\")) ";
#-- to prevent double execution of functions do this in YAAHM_time, NOT in timer
my $xval;
if( $i==0 ){
$xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','wakeup',1)}";
}elsif( $i==1 ){
$xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','sleep',1)}";
$xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','timer_".$i."',1)}";
#-- action
$res .= ")\n(".$xval.")";
#-- doit
fhem("attr ".$name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF comment $g4b");
fhem("attr ".$name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF do always");
fhem("attr ".$name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF room ".(defined($attr{$name}{"publicroom"}) ? $attr{$name}{"publicroom"} : $yaahmpublicroom));
fhem("set ".$name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF enable");
#-- save everything
return "Weekly timers started";
# YAAHM_setWeeklyTime - set the Weekly times into readings
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_setWeeklyTime($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- weekly profile times
my ($daytype_0,$daytype_1,$weektime_0,$weektime_1,$ring_0x,$ring_1x,$ring_0e,$ring_1e,$ring_0,$ring_1,$nexttime,$wupad,$wupam);
#-- iterate over timers
for( my $i=0;$i<int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}} );$i++){
#-- obtain next time spec => will override all
$nexttime = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "next" };
#-- highest priority is a disabled timer - no wakeup at all
if( ReadingsVal($name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF","mode","") eq "disabled" ){
$ring_0 = "off";
$ring_0x = "off";
$ring_0e = "disabled (timer)";
$ring_1 = "off";
$ring_1x = "off";
$ring_1e = "disabled (timer)";
#-- if the timer is enabled, we'll use its timing values
#-- timer active for the following daytypes
$wupad = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_d"}.",workday,weekend";
#-- start with tomorrow
#-- because today we might also have an influence of housemode
$daytype_1 = $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"};
$ring_1 = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ $weeklytable[$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"weekday"}] } ;
$ring_1x = $ring_1;
$ring_1e = "enabled";
#-- holiday/vacation have higher priority, check for corresponding time
if( $daytype_1 eq "holiday" ){
#-- holiday special time
$weektime_1 = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "holiday" } ;
if( defined($weektime_1) && ($weektime_1 =~ /\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?/) ){
$ring_1 = $weektime_1;
$ring_1x = $weektime_1;
}elsif( index($wupad, "holiday") != -1 ){
#-- no change
$ring_1 = "off (".$yaahm_tt->{"holiday"}[1].")";
$ring_1x = "off (".$yaahm_tt->{"holiday"}[1].")";
$ring_1e = "disabled (holiday)";
}elsif( $daytype_1 eq "vacation" ){
#-- vacation special time
$weektime_1 = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "vacation" } ;
if( defined($weektime_1) && ($weektime_1 =~ /\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?/) ){
$ring_1 = $weektime_1;
$ring_1x = $weektime_1;
}elsif( index($wupad, "vacation") != -1 ){
#--no change
$ring_1 = "off (".$yaahm_tt->{"vacation"}[1].")";
$ring_1x = "off (".$yaahm_tt->{"vacation"}[1].")";
$ring_1e = "disabled (vacation)";
#-- now today
#-- because today we might also have an influence of housemode
$daytype_0 = $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"};
$ring_0 = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ $weeklytable[$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"weekday"}] } ;
$ring_0x = $ring_0;
$ring_0e = "enabled";
#-- holiday/vacation have higher priority, check for corresponding time
if( $daytype_0 eq "holiday" ){
#-- holiday special time
$weektime_0 = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "holiday" } ;
if( defined($weektime_0) && ($weektime_0 =~ /\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?/) ){
$ring_0 = $weektime_0;
$ring_0x = $weektime_0;
}elsif( index($wupad, "holiday") != -1 ){
#-- no change
$ring_0 = "off (".$yaahm_tt->{"holiday"}[1].")";
$ring_0x = "off (".$yaahm_tt->{"holiday"}[1].")";
$ring_0e = "disabled (holiday)";
}elsif( $daytype_0 eq "vacation" ){
#-- vacation special time
$weektime_0 = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "vacation" } ;
if( defined($weektime_0) && ($weektime_0 =~ /\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?/) ){
$ring_0 = $weektime_0;
$ring_0x = $weektime_0;
}elsif( index($wupad, "vacation") != -1 ){
#--no change
$ring_0 = "off (".$yaahm_tt->{"vacation"}[1].")";
$ring_0x = "off (".$yaahm_tt->{"vacation"}[1].")";
$ring_0e = "disabled (vacation)";
#-- next higher priority for "off" (only today !) is housemode
my $wupam = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_m"}.",normal";
if( index($wupam, ReadingsVal($name,"housemode","")) == -1 ){
$ring_0x = "off (".substr(ReadingsVal($name,"tr_housemode",""),0,3).")";
$ring_0e = "disabled (".ReadingsVal($name,"housemode","").")";
$ring_0x = $ring_0;
#-- highest priority is a "next" time specification
if( defined($nexttime) && ($nexttime =~ /(\d?\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?)|(off)/) ){
#-- current time
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $lga = sprintf("%02d%02d",$hour,$min);
#-- today's waketime
my $tga = $ring_0;
$tga =~ s/://;
#-- tomorrow's waketime
my $tgm = $ring_1;
$tgm =~ s/://;
#-- "next" input
my $nga = (defined $nexttime)?$nexttime:"";
$nga =~ s/://;
#-- "next" is the same as todays waketime and todays waketime not over => restore !
if( ($nga eq $tga) && ($tga > $lga)){
$nexttime = "";
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "next" }="";
#-- "next" is the same as tomorrows waketime and todays waketime over => restore !
}elsif( ($nga eq $tgm) && ($tga < $lga)){
$nexttime = "";
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "next" }="";
#-- "next" is off
}elsif( $nga eq "off" ){
#-- today's waketime not over => we mean today
if( $tga ne "off" && ($tga > $lga)){
if( $ring_0x !~ /^off/ ){
$ring_0x = "off (man)";
$ring_0 = "off";
#-- today's waketime over => we mean tomorrow
if( $ring_1x !~ /^off/ ){
$ring_1x = "off (man)";
$ring_1 .= " (off)";
#-- "next" is nontrivial timespec
#-- "next" after current time => we mean today
if( $nga > $lga ){
$ring_0x = "$nexttime (man)";
$ring_0 = $nexttime;
#-- "next" before current time => we mean tomorrow
$ring_1x = "$nexttime (man)";
$ring_1 .= " ($nexttime)";
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0"} = $ring_0;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1"} = $ring_1;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0x"} = $ring_0x;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1x"} = $ring_1x;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0e"} = $ring_0e;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1e"} = $ring_1e;
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "today_".$i,$ring_0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "tomorrow_".$i,$ring_1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "today_".$i."_e",$ring_0e );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "tomorrow_".$i."_e",$ring_1e );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i,$ring_0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i."_1",$ring_1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i."x",$ring_0x );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i."_1x",$ring_1x );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "next_".$i,$nexttime );
# YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime - say the next weekly time
# Parameter hash = hash of YAAHM dvice
# timer = number of timer
# sp = 1 => output for speech device
sub YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime($$$) {
my ($hash,$timer,$sp) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($tod,$tom,$ton,$hl,$ml,$tl,$ht,$mt,$tt,$tsay,$chg,$msg,$hw,$mw,$pt,$rea,$done,$norep);
#--determine which timer (duplicate check when coming from set)
if( $timer >= int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}}) ){
$msg = "Error, timer number $timer does not exist, number musst be smaller than ".int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime] ".$msg;
return $msg;
#-- init message
$msg = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timer]{"name"};
#-- get timer values from readings, because these include vacation settings and special time
$tod = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timer]{"ring_0x"};
$tom = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timer]{"ring_1x"};
$done = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timer]{"done"};
$norep = AttrVal($name,"norepeat",0);
#-- current local time
($hl,$ml) = split(':',strftime('%H:%M', localtime(time)));
$tl = 60*$hl+$ml;
#-- today off AND tomorrow any time or off => compare this time with current time
if( $tod =~ /^off.*/ ){
#-- tomorrow any time
if( $tom =~ /(\d?\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))?/ && $tom !~ /.*\(off\)$/ ){
($ht,$mt) = split('[\s:]',$tom);
#-- wakeup tomorrow later than now
if( $tt < $tl ){
$hw = $1*1;
$mw = $2*1;
$pt = sprintf("%d:%02d",$hw,$mw)." ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"});
$msg .= " ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"})." $hw ".$yaahm_tt->{"clock"};
$msg .=" $mw"
if( $mw != 0 );
$pt = "off ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"today"});
$msg .= " ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"today"})." ".$yaahm_tt->{"swoff"};
}elsif( $tom =~ /^off/ || $tom =~ /.*\(off\)$/ ){
$pt = "off ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"today"})." ".$yaahm_tt->{"and"}." ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"});
$msg .= " ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"today"})." ".$yaahm_tt->{"and"}." ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"})." ".$yaahm_tt->{"swoff"};
$pt = $yaahm_tt->{"undecid"};
$msg .= " ".$yaahm_tt->{"undecid"};
#-- today nontrivial => compare this time with current time
}elsif( $tod =~ /(\d?\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))?/ ){
($ht,$mt) = split('[\s:]',$tod);
#-- wakeup later today, and ( not yet done - or done, but repeat possible)
if( ($tt >= $tl) && (($done == 0) | (($done == 1)&&($norep == 0))) ){
$hw = $1*1;
$mw = $2*1;
$pt = sprintf("%d:%02d",$hw,$mw)." ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"today"});
$msg .= " ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"today"})." $hw ".$yaahm_tt->{"clock"};
$msg .=" $mw"
if( $mw != 0 );
#-- todays time already past => tomorrow - but this may be off
}elsif( ($tom eq "off") || ($tom =~ /.*\(off\)/) ){
$pt = "off ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"});
$msg .= " ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"})." ".$yaahm_tt->{"swoff"};
}elsif( $tom =~ /(\d?\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))?( \((\d?\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))?\))?/ ){
if( defined($5) && $5 ne ""){
$hw = $6*1;
$mw = $7*1;
$hw = $1*1;
$mw = $2*1;
$pt = sprintf("%d:%02d",$hw,$mw)." ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"});
$msg .= " ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"})." $hw ".$yaahm_tt->{"clock"};
$msg .=" $mw"
if( $mw != 0 );
}elsif( $tom =~ /^off/ || $tom =~ /.*\(off\)$/ ){
$pt = "off ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"});
$msg .= " ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"})." ".$yaahm_tt->{"swoff"};
$pt = $yaahm_tt->{"undecid"};
$msg .= " ".$yaahm_tt->{"undecid"};
$pt = $yaahm_tt->{"undecid"};
$msg .= " ".$yaahm_tt->{"undecid"};
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timer]{"wake"} = $pt;
if( $sp==0 ){
return $pt
return $msg;
# YAAHM_checkMonthly - check Monthly calendar at each
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_checkMonthly($$$) {
my ($hash,$event,$param) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($ret,$line,$fline,$date);
my (@lines,@chunks,@tday,@eday,@sday,@tmor,@two);
my ($stoday,$stom,$stwom,$tod);
my $todaylong = "";
my $tomlong = "";
my $twodaylong= "";
#-- Vorschau täglich oder wenn neu gestartet
if( ($event eq "test") || (($event eq 'event') && ($param eq 'aftermidnight')) ){
my $specialDevs = AttrVal( $name, "specialDevices", "" );
foreach my $specialDev ( split( /,/, $specialDevs ) ) {
my ($todaydesc,$tomdesc,$twomdesc);
#-- device of type holiday
if( IsDevice( $specialDev, "holiday" )){
$stoday = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+86400));
$stwom = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+2*86400));
$tod = holiday_refresh( $specialDev, $stoday );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$todaydesc .= $tod.",";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found today=special date \"$tod\" in holiday $specialDev";
$tod = holiday_refresh( $specialDev, $stom );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$tomdesc .= $tod.",";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=special date \"$tod\" in holiday $specialDev";
$tod = holiday_refresh( $specialDev, $stwom );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$twomdesc .= $tod.",";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found twodays=special date \"$tod\" in holiday $specialDev";
#-- device of type calendar
}elsif( IsDevice($specialDev, "Calendar" )){
$stoday = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+86400));
$stwom = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+2*86400));
@tday = split('\.',$stoday);
@tmor = split('\.',$stom);
@two = split('\.',$stwom);
$fline=Calendar_Get($defs{$specialDev},,"get","events","format:full filter:mode=~'alarm|start|upcoming'");
#-- more complicated to check here,
# format is '<id> upcoming [<datetoannounce> <timetoannouce>] <datestart> <timestart>-<dateend> <timeend> [<description>]
#-- more complicated to check here,
# format is '<id> start/upcoming <datestart> <timestart>-<dateend> <timeend> [<description>]
# d30479...5e6 start/upcoming 03.10.2018 00:00- Tag der Deutschen Einheit
my ($cstart,$cdesc);
@lines = split('\n',$fline);
foreach $fline (@lines){
@chunks = split(' ',$fline);
if( int(@chunks)>=7 ){
$cstart = 4;
$cdesc = 7;
$cstart = 2;
$cdesc = 5,
@sday = split('\.',$chunks[$cstart]);
$tod = ($chunks[$cdesc]) ? $chunks[$cdesc] : "???";
#-- today
my $rets = ($sday[2]-$tday[2])*365+($sday[1]-$tday[1])*31+($sday[0]-$tday[0]);
if( $rets==0 ){
$todaydesc .= $tod.",";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found today=special date \"$tod\" in calendar $specialDev";
$rets = ($sday[2]-$tmor[2])*365+($sday[1]-$tmor[1])*31+($sday[0]-$tmor[0]);
if( $rets==0 ){
$tomdesc .= $tod.",";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=special date \"$tod\" in calendar $specialDev";
$rets = ($sday[2]-$two[2])*365+($sday[1]-$two[1])*31+($sday[0]-$two[0]);
if( $rets==0 ){
$twomdesc .= $tod.",";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found twodays=special date \"$tod\" in calendar $specialDev";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] unknown special device $specialDev";
#-- accumulate descriptions
$todaylong .= $todaydesc
$tomlong .= $tomdesc
$twodaylong .= $twomdesc
$todaylong =~ s/,$//;
$tomlong =~ s/,$//;
$twodaylong =~ s/,$//;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"special"} = $todaylong;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"special"} = $tomlong;
#-- put into readings
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "todaySpecial",$todaylong );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tomorrowSpecial",$tomlong);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysSpecial",$twodaylong);
# YAAHM_today - internal function to switch into daytime
# Parameter timerHash = internal hash of timer
# => need to dereference it for getting device hash
sub YAAHM_today($) {
my ($timerHash) = @_;
my $next;
my $hash = $timerHash->{HASH};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$next = gettimeofday()+86400;
YAAHM_InternalTimer("today",$next, "YAAHM_today", $hash, 0);
Log 1,"[YAAHM_today] on device ".$hash->{NAME}." called for this day";
return undef;
# YAAHM_tonight - internal function to switch into nighttime
# Parameter timerHash = internal hash of timer
# => need to dereference it for getting device hash
sub YAAHM_tonight($) {
my ($timerHash) = @_;
my $next;
my $hash = $timerHash->{HASH};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$next = gettimeofday()+86400;
YAAHM_InternalTimer("tonight",$next, "YAAHM_tonight", $hash, 0);
Log 1,"[YAAHM_tonight] on device ".$hash->{NAME}." called for this day";
return undef;
# YAAHM_updater - internal update function 1 minute after midnight
# Parameter timerHash = on first call, device hash.
# = on later calls: internal hash of timer
# => need to dereference it for getting device hash
sub YAAHM_updater($) {
my ($timerHash) = @_;
my $hash;
my $next;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- start timer for updates - when device is reloaded
if( defined($firstcall) && ($firstcall==1) ){
#-- timerHash is device hash
$hash = $timerHash;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$next = gettimeofday()+(23-$hour)*3600+(59-$min)*60+(59-$sec)+34;
#-- continue timer for updates
#-- timerHash is internal hash
$hash = $timerHash->{HASH};
$next = gettimeofday()+86400;
#-- safeguard if hash is not properly indirected
if( defined($hash->{HASH}) ){
$hash = $hash->{HASH};
YAAHM_InternalTimer("aftermidnight",$next, "YAAHM_updater", $hash, 0);
Log 1,"[YAAHM_updater] on device ".$hash->{NAME}." called for this day";
return undef;
# YAAHM_InternalTimer - start named internal timer
# Parameter modifier = name suffix
# tim = time
# callback = callback function
sub YAAHM_InternalTimer($$$$$) {
my ($modifier, $tim, $callback, $hash, $waitIfInitNotDone) = @_;
my $mHash;
if ($modifier eq "") {
$mHash = $hash;
} else {
my $timerName = "$hash->{NAME}_$modifier";
if (exists ($hash->{TIMER}{$timerName})) {
$mHash = $hash->{TIMER}{$timerName};
} else {
$mHash = { HASH=>$hash, NAME=>"$hash->{NAME}_$modifier", MODIFIER=>$modifier};
$hash->{TIMER}{$timerName} = $mHash;
InternalTimer($tim, $callback, $mHash, $waitIfInitNotDone);
# YAAHM_RemoveInternalTimer - kill named internal timer
# Parameter
sub YAAHM_RemoveInternalTimer($$) {
my ($modifier, $hash) = @_;
my $timerName = "$hash->{NAME}_$modifier";
if ($modifier eq "") {
} else {
my $myHash = $hash->{TIMER}{$timerName};
if (defined($myHash)) {
delete $hash->{TIMER}{$timerName};
# YAAHM_GetDayStatus
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- readjust language
my $lang = AttrVal("global","language","EN");
if( $lang eq "DE"){
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_DE;
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_EN;
#-- iterate over timers to reset the "done" flag
for( my $i=0;$i<int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}} );$i++){
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"done"} = 0;
my ($ret,$line,$fline,$date);
my (@lines,@chunks,@tday,@eday,@sday,@tmor,@ttwo);
my ($todaydesc,$todaytype,$tomdesc,$tomtype,$twodesc,$twotype);
my $stoday = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time));
my $stom = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+86400));
my $stwo = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+2*86400));
#-- workday has lowest priority
$todaytype = "workday";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"date"} = $stoday;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"weekday"} = (strftime('%w', localtime(time))+6)%7;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"} = "workday";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"workday"}[0];
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"vacflag"} = 0;
$tomtype = "workday";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"date"} = $stom;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"weekday"} = (strftime('%w', localtime(time+86400))+6)%7;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} = "workday";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"workday"}[0];
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"vacflag"} = 0;
$twotype = "workday";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"date"} = $stwo;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"weekday"} = (strftime('%w', localtime(time+2*86400))+6)%7;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} = "workday";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"workday"}[0];
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"vacflag"} = 0;
#-- vacation has higher priority
my $vacdayDevs = AttrVal( $name, "vacationDevices", "" );
foreach my $vacdayDev ( split( /,/, $vacdayDevs ) ) {
#-- device of type holiday
if( IsDevice( $vacdayDev, "holiday" )){
$stoday = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+86400));
$stwo = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+2*86400));
my $tod = holiday_refresh( $vacdayDev, $stoday );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$todaydesc = $tod;
$todaytype = "vacation";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found today=vacation \"$todaydesc\" in holiday $vacdayDev";
$tod = holiday_refresh( $vacdayDev, $stom );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$tomdesc = $tod;
$tomtype = "vacation";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=vacation \"$tomdesc\" in holiday $vacdayDev";
$tod = holiday_refresh( $vacdayDev, $stwo );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$twodesc = $tod;
$twotype = "vacation";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found twodays=vacation \"$twodesc\" in holiday $vacdayDev";
#-- device of type calendar
}elsif( IsDevice($vacdayDev, "Calendar" )){
$stoday = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+86400));
$stwo = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+2*86400));
@tday = split('\.',$stoday);
@tmor = split('\.',$stom);
@ttwo = split('\.',$stwo);
#-- more complicated to check here
$fline=Calendar_Get($defs{$vacdayDev},"get","events","format:full filter:mode=~'alarm|start|upcoming'");
#-- more complicated to check here,
# format is '<id> start/end <datestart> <timestart>-<dateend> <timeend> [<description>]
# 58b54d...4b end 22.05.2018 00:00-03.06.2018 00:00 Pfingstferien
@lines = split('\n',$fline);
foreach $fline (@lines){
@chunks = split(' ',$fline);
@sday = split('\.',$chunks[2]);
@eday = split('\.',substr($chunks[3],6,10));
#-- today
my $rets = ($sday[2]-$tday[2])*365+($sday[1]-$tday[1])*31+($sday[0]-$tday[0]);
my $rete = ($eday[2]-$tday[2])*365+($eday[1]-$tday[1])*31+($eday[0]-$tday[0]);
if( ($rete>=0) && ($rets<=0) ){
$todaydesc = $chunks[5];
$todaytype = "vacation";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found today=vacation \"$todaydesc\" in calendar $vacdayDev";
$rets = ($sday[2]-$tmor[2])*365+($sday[1]-$tmor[1])*31+($sday[0]-$tmor[0]);
$rete = ($eday[2]-$tmor[2])*365+($eday[1]-$tmor[1])*31+($eday[0]-$tmor[0]);
if( ($rete>=0) && ($rets<=0) ){
$tomdesc = $chunks[5];
$tomtype = "vacation";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=vacation \"$tomdesc\" in calendar $vacdayDev";
$rets = ($sday[2]-$ttwo[2])*365+($sday[1]-$ttwo[1])*31+($sday[0]-$ttwo[0]);
$rete = ($eday[2]-$ttwo[2])*365+($eday[1]-$ttwo[1])*31+($eday[0]-$ttwo[0]);
if( ($rete>=0) && ($rets<=0) ){
$twodesc = $chunks[5];
$twotype = "vacation";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found twodays=vacation \"$twodesc\" in calendar $vacdayDev";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] unknown vacation device $vacdayDev";
#-- put into readings
if( $todaytype eq "vacation" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"} = "vacation";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} = $todaydesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"vacflag"} = 1;
if( $tomtype eq "vacation" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} = "vacation";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} = $tomdesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"vacflag"} = 1;
if( $twotype eq "vacation" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} = "vacation";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $twodesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"vacflag"} = 1;
#-- weekend has higher priority
if( strftime('%u', localtime(time)) > 5){
$todaytype = "weekend";
if( $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"} ne "workday" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"weekend"}[0].", ".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"weekend"}[0];
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"} = "weekend";
if( strftime('%u', localtime(time+86400)) > 5){
$tomtype = "weekend";
if( $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} ne "workday" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"weekend"}[0].", ".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"weekend"}[0];
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} = "weekend";
if( strftime('%u', localtime(time+2*86400)) > 5){
$twotype = "weekend";
if( $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} ne "workday" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"weekend"}[0].", ".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"weekend"}[0];
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} = "weekend";
#-- holidays have the highest priority
my $holidayDevs = AttrVal( $name, "holidayDevices", "" );
foreach my $holidayDev ( split( /,/, $holidayDevs ) ) {
#-- device of type holiday
if( IsDevice( $holidayDev, "holiday" )){
$stoday = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+86400));
$stwo = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+2*86400));
my $tod = holiday_refresh( $holidayDev, $stoday );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$todaydesc = $tod;
$todaytype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found today=holiday \"$todaydesc\" in holiday $holidayDev";
$tod = holiday_refresh( $holidayDev, $stom );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$tomdesc = $tod;
$tomtype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=holiday \"$tomdesc\" in holiday $holidayDev";
$tod = holiday_refresh( $holidayDev, $stwo );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$twodesc = $tod;
$twotype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found twodays=holiday \"$twodesc\" in holiday $holidayDev";
#-- device of type calendar
}elsif( IsDevice($holidayDev, "Calendar" )){
$stoday = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+86400));
$stwo = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+2*86400));
$line=Calendar_Get($defs{$holidayDev},"get","events","format:text filter:mode=~'alarm|start|upcoming'");
#-- more complicated to check here,
# format is <datestart> <timestart>-<dateend> <timeend> [<description>]
# 03.10.2018 00:00- Tag der Deutschen Einheit
@lines = split('\n',$line);
foreach $line (@lines){
$date = substr($line,0,10);
if( $date eq $stoday ){
$todaydesc = substr($line,17);
$todaytype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found today=holiday $date \"$todaydesc\" in calendar $holidayDev";
if( $date eq $stom ){
$tomdesc = substr($line,17);
$tomtype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=holiday $date \"$tomdesc\" in calendar $holidayDev";
if( $date eq $stwo ){
$twodesc = substr($line,17);
$twotype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found twodays=holiday $date \"$twodesc\" in calendar $holidayDev";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] unknown holiday device $holidayDev";
#-- put into store
if( $todaytype eq "holiday" ){
if( $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"} ne "workday" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} = $todaydesc.", ".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} = $todaydesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"} = "holiday";
if( $tomtype eq "holiday" ){
if( $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} ne "workday" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} = $tomdesc.", ".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} = $tomdesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} = "holiday";
if( $twotype eq "holiday" ){
if( $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} ne "workday" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $twodesc.", ".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $twodesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} = "holiday";
#-- sunrise, sunset and the offsets
#-- and do not forget to put them into readings, because these are read by the timer
foreach my $key (sort YAAHM_dsort keys %defaultdailytable){
my $f1 = defined($defaultdailytable{$key}[0]);
my $f2 = defined($defaultdailytable{$key}[1]);
#-- entries in the default table with no entry are single-timers
if( !$f1 and !$f2 ){
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "s_".$key, $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[0] );
#-- entries in the default table with only first time are single-timers
}elsif( $f1 and !$f2 ){
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "s_".$key, $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[0] );
#-- entries in the default table with only second time are single-timer offsets
}elsif( !$f1 and $f2 ){
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "s_".$key, $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[0] );
#-- entries in the default table with first and second time are two-timer periods
}elsif( $f1 and $f2 ){
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "s_".$key, $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[0] );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "t_".$key, $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[1] );
#-- something wrong
my $msg = "Readings update failed, something wrong with entry ".$key;
Log 1,"[YAAHM_GetDayStatus] ".$msg;
return $msg;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "todayType",$todaytype );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tr_todayType",$yaahm_tt->{$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"}}[0] );
if( $todaytype eq "workday"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "todayDesc","--" )
}elsif( $todaytype eq "vacation"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "todayDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} )
}elsif( $todaytype eq "weekend"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "todayDesc","--" )
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "todayDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} )
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tomorrowType",$tomtype );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tr_tomorrowType",$yaahm_tt->{$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"}}[0] );
if( $tomtype eq "workday"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tomorrowDesc","--" )
}elsif( $tomtype eq "vacation"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tomorrowDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} )
}elsif( $tomtype eq "weekend"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tomorrowDesc","--" )
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tomorrowDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} )
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysType",$tomtype );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tr_twodaysType",$yaahm_tt->{$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"}}[0] );
if( $tomtype eq "workday"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysDesc","--" )
}elsif( $tomtype eq "vacation"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} )
}elsif( $tomtype eq "weekend"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysDesc","--" )
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} )
return undef;
# YAAHM_sun - obtain time offsets for midnight etc. sunrise and sunset
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_sun($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- sunrise and sunset today and tomorrow and in two days
my ($sttoday,$sttom,$sttwo);
my $count = 0;
my $strise0 = "";
my $strise1 = "";
my $strise2 = "";
my ($msg,$stset0,$stseas0,$stset1,$stseas1,$stset2,$stseas2);
my $sunsetf = AttrVal($name,"sunset","SunSet");
my $sunrisef = AttrVal($name,"sunrise","SunRise");
$sttoday = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime(time));
#-- since the Astro module sometimes gives us strange results, we need to do this more than once
while( $strise0 !~ /^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/ && $count < 5){
$strise0 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", $sunrisef,$sttoday).":00";
if( $count == 5 ){
$msg = "Error, no proper sunrise today return from Astro module in 5 attempts";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_sun] ".$msg;
$strise0 = "06:00:00";
my ($hour,$min) = split(":",$strise0);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunrise"} = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
$stset0 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", $sunsetf,$sttoday).":00";
($hour,$min) = split(":",$stset0);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunset"} = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
$stseas0 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", "ObsSeasonN",$sttoday);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"season"} = $seasons[$stseas0];
$sttom = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime(time+86400));
$count = 0;
$msg = "";
#-- since the Astro module sometimes gives us strange results, we need to do this more than once
while( $strise1 !~ /^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/ && $count < 5){
$strise1 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", $sunrisef,$sttom).":00";
if( $count == 5 ){
$msg = "Error, no proper sunrise tomorrow return from Astro module in 5 attempts";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_sun] ".$msg;
$strise1 = "06:00:00";
($hour,$min) = split(":",$strise1);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"sunrise"} = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
$stset1 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", $sunsetf,$sttom).":00";
($hour,$min) = split(":",$stset1);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"sunset"} = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
$stseas1 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", "ObsSeasonN",$sttom);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"season"} = $seasons[$stseas1];
$sttwo = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime(time+2*86400));
$count = 0;
$msg = "";
#-- since the Astro module sometimes gives us strange results, we need to do this more than once
while( $strise2 !~ /^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/ && $count < 5){
$strise2 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", $sunrisef,$sttwo).":00";
if( $count == 5 ){
$msg = "Error, no proper sunrise twodays return from Astro module in 5 attempts";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_sun] ".$msg;
$strise2 = "06:00:00";
($hour,$min) = split(":",$strise2);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"sunrise"} = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
$stset2 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", $sunsetf,$sttom).":00";
($hour,$min) = split(":",$stset2);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"sunset"} = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
$stseas2 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", "ObsSeasonN",$sttwo);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"season"} = $seasons[$stseas2];
# YAAHM_sunoffsets - obtain time offsets for midnight etc. sunrise and sunset
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_sunoffsets($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- sunrise
my $st = $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunrise"};
my ($hour,$min) = split(":",$st);
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"sunrise"}[0] = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
#-- before sunrise
my ($ofh,$ofm);
my $of = $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"beforesunrise"}[1];
if( $of !~ /\d\d:\d\d/){
Log 1,"[YAAHM] Offset before sunrise not in format hh:mm, using 00:00";
$ofh = 0;
$ofm = 0;
($ofh,$ofm) = split(":",$of);
$ofm = $min-$ofm;
$ofh = $hour-$ofh;
if( $ofm < 0 ){
$ofm +=60;
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"beforesunrise"}[0] = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$ofh,$ofm);
#-- after sunrise
$of = $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"aftersunrise"}[1];
if( $of !~ /\d\d:\d\d/){
Log 1,"[YAAHM] Offset after sunrise not in format hh:mm, using 00:00";
$ofh = 0;
$ofm = 0;
($ofh,$ofm) = split(":",$of);
$ofm = $min+$ofm;
$ofh = $hour+$ofh;
if( $ofm > 59 ){
$ofm -=60;
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"aftersunrise"}[0] = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$ofh,$ofm);
#-- sunset
$st = $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunset"};
($hour,$min) = split(":",$st);
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"sunset"}[0] = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
#-- before sunset
$of = $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"beforesunset"}[1];
if( $of !~ /\d\d:\d\d/){
Log 1,"[YAAHM] Offset before sunset not in format hh:mm, using 00:00";
$ofh = 0;
$ofm = 0;
($ofh,$ofm) = split(":",$of);
$ofm = $min-$ofm;
$ofh = $hour-$ofh;
if( $ofm < 0 ){
$ofm +=60;
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"beforesunset"}[0] = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$ofh,$ofm);
#-- after sunset
$of = $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"aftersunset"}[1];
if( $of !~ /\d\d:\d\d/){
Log 1,"[YAAHM] Offset after sunset not in format hh:mm, using 00:00";
$ofh = 0;
$ofm = 0;
($ofh,$ofm) = split(":",$of);
$ofm = $min+$ofm;
$ofh = $hour+$ofh;
if( $ofm > 59 ){
$ofm -=60;
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"aftersunset"}[0] = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$ofh,$ofm);
#-- before midnight
$hour = 24;
$min = 0;
$of = $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"beforemidnight"}[1];
if( $of !~ /\d\d:\d\d/){
Log 1,"[YAAHM] Offset before midnight not in format hh:mm, using 00:05";
$ofh = 0;
$ofm = 5;
($ofh,$ofm) = split(":",$of);
$ofm = $min-$ofm;
$ofh = $hour-$ofh;
if( $ofm < 0 ){
$ofm +=60;
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"beforemidnight"}[0] = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$ofh,$ofm);
#-- after midnight
$hour = 0;
$min = 0;
$of = $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"aftermidnight"}[1];
if( $of !~ /\d\d:\d\d/){
Log 1,"[YAAHM] Offset after midnight not in format hh:mm, using 00:05";
$ofh = 0;
$ofm = 5;
($ofh,$ofm) = split(":",$of);
$ofm = $min+$ofm;
$ofh = $hour+$ofh;
if( $min > 59 ){
$ofm -=60;
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"aftermidnight"}[0] = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$ofh,$ofm);
# YAAHM_statewidget - returns SVG code for inclusion into page
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_statewidget($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return ""
if( AttrVal($name,"noicons",0) == 1);
my $state = $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"state"};
my ($color,$locks,$unlocks,$bells,$eyes);
if( $state eq "unsecured" ){
}elsif( $state eq "secured" ){
}elsif( $state eq "protected" ){
}elsif( $state eq "guarded" ){
Log 1,"[YAAHM_statewidget] Error, housestate $state not defined";
my $ret = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 40 40" width="40px" height="40px">';
$ret .= '<g transform="translate(5,0)">\n';
#-- shield
$ret .='<g transform="scale(0.1,0.1)">\n'.
'<path class="hs_is" fill="'.$color.'" d="M179.6,13c0,0-50.1,44.5-146.1,48.5c0,0,13.5,158,50.5,197s95.6,80,95.6,80s78.9-55.5,98.9-81.5 s37.5-75,47-196.5C325.5,60.5,251.8,64,179.6,13z"/>'.
'<path style="fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:10" d="M179.6,13c0,0-50.1,44.5-146.1,48.5c0,0,13.5,158,50.5,197s95.6,80,95.6,80s78.9-55.5,98.9-81.5 s37.5-75,47-196.5C325.5,60.5,251.8,64,179.6,13z"/></g>';
#-- small bell
$ret .= '<g class="hs_smb" transform="translate(0,23) scale(0.28,0.28)" visibility="'.$bells.'">\n';
$ret .= '<path d="M 25 6 C 23.354545 6 22 7.3545455 22 9 L 22 10.365234 C 17.172775 11.551105 14.001117 15.612755 14.001953 21.0625 '.
'L 14.001953 28.863281 C 14.001953 31.035281 12.718469 33.494563 11.980469 34.726562 L 10.167969 37.445312 C 9.9629687 37.751312 9.9431875 '.
'38.147656 10.117188 38.472656 C 10.291188 38.797656 10.631 39 11 39 L 39 39 C 39.369 39 39.708813 38.797656 39.882812 38.472656 C 40.056813 '.
'38.147656 40.037031 37.752313 39.832031 37.445312 L 38.044922 34.767578 C 36.668922 32.473578 36 30.587 36 29 L 36 21.199219 C 36 15.68167 '.
'32.827303 11.569596 28 10.369141 L 28 9 C 28 7.3545455 26.645455 6 25 6 z M 25 8 C 25.554545 8 26 8.4454545 26 9 L 26 10.044922 C 25.671339 '.
'10.019952 25.339787 10 25 10 C 24.660213 10 24.328661 10.020256 24 10.044922 L 24 9 C 24 8.4454545 24.445455 8 25 8 z " fill="black" stroke="black"/>'.
'.<path d="M 20.423828 41 C 21.197828 42.763 22.955 44 25 44 C 27.045 44 28.802172 42.763 29.576172 41 L 20.423828 41 z" fill="black"/></g>\n';
#-- lock
$ret .= '<g transform="translate(1,-2) scale(0.1,0.1)" visibility="visible" style="fill:black">\n';
$ret .= '<path d="M 130.57422 130.58594 C 129.00209 130.6591 127.9626 130.81157 126.67383 131.14062 C 121.6497 132.42339 117.28863 136.02241 114.93164 140.83398 '.
'C 114.02534 142.68411 113.52297 144.27216 113.15234 146.45508 C 113.00288 147.33557 112.9931 149.48213 112.9668 187.17578 C 112.9473 215.14019 '.
'112.96786 227.3203 113.03516 228.16016 C 113.33148 231.85916 114.6641 235.33647 116.91797 238.29492 C 117.57258 239.15416 119.29708 240.86998 '.
'120.20508 241.56445 C 122.81931 243.56391 125.66412 244.76433 128.79688 245.18945 C 130.22882 245.38381 208.07219 245.39507 209.54102 245.20117 '.
'C 217.01971 244.21392 223.13119 238.65732 224.92969 231.21289 C 225.49437 228.87561 225.45703 232.00604 225.45703 187.94336 C 225.45703 161.07427 '.
'225.42603 147.57463 225.36523 147.07227 C 225.02812 144.2871 223.98281 141.29331 222.58203 139.10742 C 219.44374 134.21016 214.3933 131.11459 '.
'208.72656 130.61328 C 208.60764 130.60277 208.27712 130.59537 208.06445 130.58594 L 191.28711 130.58594 L 191.28711 130.60938 L 169.33203 130.60938 '.
'L 147.37695 130.60938 L 147.37695 130.58594 L 130.57422 130.58594 z M 168.84766 141.69531 C 196.24408 141.67681 207.96833 141.69697 208.37305 141.76367 '.
'C 209.88322 142.01259 211.23437 142.69523 212.37109 143.78125 C 213.56262 144.91963 214.28722 146.23107 214.60742 147.82812 C 214.73627 148.47097 '.
'214.74661 152.13826 214.72461 188.36914 L 214.70117 228.20312 L 214.5 228.85352 C 213.61281 231.71117 211.36106 233.77649 208.56055 234.30469 C '.
'207.89347 234.43005 204.00466 234.44545 169.125 234.43945 C 131.56507 234.4334 130.40611 234.42765 129.63281 234.26562 C 128.63219 234.05598 127.28912 '.
'233.40183 126.47852 232.73047 C 124.95438 231.46815 123.97606 229.64008 123.74609 227.625 C 123.67879 227.03543 123.65738 215.18032 123.67578 187.48438 '.
'L 123.70312 148.18164 L 123.90234 147.47266 C 124.36618 145.82739 125.37129 144.27333 126.59375 143.31055 C 127.28146 142.76892 128.48475 142.14943 '.
'129.36719 141.88281 C 129.87599 141.72912 131.53564 141.72051 168.84766 141.69531 z "/>\n'.
'<path d="m 168.43291,207.79319 c -2.82175,-0.41393 -5.20902,-2.19673 -6.45085,-4.81746 -0.18456,-0.38949 -0.42714,-1.02683 -0.53907,-1.41632 -0.20211,-0.70332 '.
'-0.20369,-0.74985 -0.23134,-6.79219 l -0.0278,-6.08403 -0.4938,-0.46648 c -1.94776,-1.84005 -3.29729,-4.28865 -3.89177,-7.06126 -0.22834,-1.06501 '.
'-0.23065,-3.78941 -0.004,-4.90967 0.5504,-2.72228 1.69072,-4.87295 3.59555,-6.78128 1.86685,-1.87027 3.93834,-2.98308 6.53099,-3.50847 1.14974,-0.23298 '.
'3.66048,-0.21247 4.804,0.0393 5.18176,1.14065 9.02113,5.15685 9.96535,10.42433 0.21336,1.19023 0.21526,3.4008 0.004,4.5588 -0.4602,2.5216 -1.68503,4.94293 '.
'-3.41861,6.75821 -0.69412,0.72682 -0.76553,0.83257 -0.69333,1.02659 0.0464,0.1247 0.0688,2.7301 0.0528,6.15217 -0.027,5.78112 -0.0327,5.95363 -0.22,6.61733 '.
'-0.66956,2.3726 -2.29646,4.38412 -4.40661,5.44839 -0.87624,0.44194 -1.4689,0.63145 -2.43431,0.77844 -0.91656,0.13954 -1.37046,0.14668 -2.14096,0.0337 l 0,0 z"/></g>\n';
$ret .= '<g class="hs_unlocked" transform="translate(1,-2) scale(0.1,0.1)" visibility="'.$unlocks.'" style="fill:black">\n';
$ret .= '<path d="M 170.82812 73.273438 C 169.18654 73.276141 168.63971 73.313421 167.69531 73.492188 C 165.61131 73.886674 163.21555 74.79455 161.46875 75.849609 '.
'C 159.08962 77.286589 156.84235 79.476504 155.35742 81.806641 C 154.71611 82.812977 143.83472 103.12552 143.69141 103.58398 C 143.32362 104.76045 143.9985 '.
'106.3 145.13867 106.88867 C 145.89649 107.27994 146.17527 107.28572 149.68359 106.98633 C 153.46023 106.66405 153.66989 106.60755 154.45508 105.72266 C '.
'154.74018 105.40138 156.38998 102.44246 159.67383 96.359375 C 164.73578 86.982504 164.89996 86.708871 166.08984 85.746094 C 168.20634 84.033559 171.35111 '.
'83.652548 173.67188 84.828125 C 175.01748 85.50974 200.19425 99.256274 200.56836 99.513672 C 201.52002 100.16843 202.5089 101.37978 203 102.49023 C 203.13162 '.
'102.78785 203.32969 103.40656 203.43945 103.86523 C 203.70946 104.99358 203.65191 106.59046 203.30273 107.66992 C 203.08072 108.35626 193.2629 127.83267 '.
'192.83203 128.44141 L 192.7168 128.60352 L 204.32227 128.60352 C 204.34489 128.54135 206.0865 125.32409 208.24219 121.36133 C 210.41184 117.37291 212.41514 '.
'113.62986 212.69531 113.04297 C 216.53579 104.99821 213.90717 95.127045 206.625 90.25 C 205.84937 89.730545 181.06362 76.260203 178.6582 75.050781 C 177.5495 '.
'74.493339 176.37806 74.054405 175.24219 73.771484 C 173.49309 73.335818 172.90843 73.270038 170.82812 73.273438 z"/></g>\n';
$ret .= '<g class="hs_locked" transform="translate(1,-2) scale(0.1,0.1)" visibility="'.$locks.'" style="fill:black">\n';
$ret .= '<path d="M 169.33398 90.152344 C 161.36399 90.152344 153.39548 90.185221 152.80078 90.25 C 145.74301 91.018795 139.82758 95.841827 137.60547 102.63867 C '.
'137.17355 103.9598 136.90608 105.2186 136.76367 106.60938 C 136.70267 107.20469 136.66992 111.55655 136.66992 119.02344 L 136.66992 130.49805 L 147.37695 '.
'130.49805 L 147.40234 118.94727 L 147.42773 107.28516 L 147.62109 106.60352 C 148.34477 104.05797 150.12767 102.25431 152.73633 101.42969 L 153.5332 101.17773 '.
'L 169.24609 101.17773 L 184.95898 101.17773 L 185.70703 101.37695 C 186.11913 101.48679 186.71238 101.69727 187.02539 101.84375 C 189.21729 102.86946 190.84344 '.
'105.12709 191.19141 107.62891 C 191.25571 108.09078 191.28711 111.96821 191.28711 119.46289 L 191.28711 130.49805 L 201.99805 130.49805 L 201.99805 119.11719 C '.
'201.99805 111.72973 201.9653 107.37447 201.9043 106.74805 C 201.77551 105.42445 201.44824 103.83653 201.06445 102.67773 C 200.64348 101.40669 199.67547 99.408912 '.
'198.95703 98.326172 C 195.91418 93.74044 191.20002 90.830687 185.86914 90.25 C 185.27445 90.185221 177.30398 90.152344 169.33398 90.152344 z"/></g>\n';
#-- eye
$ret .= '<g class="hs_eye" transform="translate(18,24) scale(0.014,0.014)" visibility="'.$eyes.'" style="fill:black">\n';
$ret .= '<path d="M493.6,794C196.9,794,10,576.3,10,518.6C10,460.8,196.9,206,493.6,206C790.2,206,990,444,990,518.6C990,593.1,790.2,794,493.6,794z M480.2,368.2c-43.3,0-78.4,'.
'36.3-78.4,81c0,44.7,35.1,81,78.4,81c43.3,0,78.4-36.3,78.4-81C558.6,404.4,523.5,368.2,480.2,368.2z M715.6,327.7c28.6,39.3,48,79.2,48,132.1c0,129.9-102.1,235.2-228.1,'.
$ret .= '</g></svg>';
return $ret
# YAAHM_modewidget - returns SVG code for inclusion into page
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub YAAHM_modewidget($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return ""
if( AttrVal($name,"noicons",0) == 1);
my $mode = $hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"mode"};
my ($color,$normals,$absents,$partys,$dnds);
if( $mode eq "normal" ){
}elsif( $mode eq "party" ){
}elsif( $mode eq "absence" ){
}elsif( $mode eq "donotdisturb" ){
Log 1,"[YAAHM_modewidget] Error, housemode $mode not defined";
my $ret = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 40 40" width="40px" height="40px">';
$ret .= ' <g transform="translate(6,5) scale(0.8,0.8)">';
$ret .= ' <circle class="hm_is" r="20" cx="20" cy="20" fill="'.$color.'" stroke="none"/>'.
' <circle r="20" cx="20" cy="20" style="fill:none;stroke:black"/>';
$ret .= ' <g class="hm_n" transform="translate(0,-6) scale(0.08,0.08)" style="fill:black" visibility="'.$normals.'">'.
'<path d="m 313.166,240.194 c 16.213,0 29.35,-13.139 29.35,-29.351 0,-16.213 -13.137,-29.351 -29.35,-29.351 -16.214,0 -29.351,13.138 -29.351,29.351 0,16.212 13.137,29.351 29.351,29.351 z"/>'.
'<path d="m 346.165,252.835 c -1.794,-4.361 -6.008,-6.992 -10.449,-6.989 -0.034,-0.002 -0.069,-0.005 -0.103,-0.005 l -44.897,0 c -0.05,0 -0.099,0.005 -0.148,0.007 -4.462,-0.026 -8.704,2.607 '.
' -10.506,6.987 l -34.027,82.713 -34.013,-82.677 c -1.156,-2.809 -4.349,-7.03 -10.858,-7.03 0,0 -33.673,0 -44.897,0 -0.041,0 -0.081,0.005 -0.121,0.006 -4.446,0.057 -8.666,2.623 -10.463,6.989 '.
' l -41.854,101.739 c -2.371,5.764 0.379,12.359 6.143,14.73 1.405,0.578 2.859,0.852 4.289,0.852 4.438,0 8.647,-2.636 10.441,-6.995 l 18.433,-44.807 0,7.792 -21.053,65.773 c -3.541,11.061 '.
' 4.711,22.368 16.326,22.368 l 4.727,0 0,52.187 c 0,8.382 6.944,15.141 15.393,14.841 8.047,-0.287 14.308,-7.145 14.308,-15.197 l 0,-51.831 11.758,0 0,52.187 c 0,8.381 6.943,15.141 '.
' 15.392,14.841 8.048,-0.286 14.309,-7.145 14.309,-15.197 l 0,-51.83 4.727,0 c 11.614,0 19.866,-11.307 16.326,-22.368 l -21.053,-65.773 0,-8.423 18.707,45.473 c 1.793,4.359 '.
' 6.003,6.995 10.441,6.995 0.887,0 1.782,-0.119 2.671,-0.337 0.84,0.194 1.687,0.301 2.525,0.301 4.438,0 8.647,-2.636 10.441,-6.995 l 18.504,-44.979 0,148.292 c 0,8.382 6.944,15.141 '.
' 15.393,14.841 8.047,-0.287 14.308,-7.145 14.308,-15.197 l 0,-80.144 c 0,-3.132 2.363,-5.866 5.488,-6.068 3.424,-0.221 6.27,2.49 6.27,5.866 l 0,80.701 c 0,8.381 6.944,15.141 15.392,14.841 '.
' 8.048,-0.286 14.309,-7.145 14.309,-15.197 l 0,-147.689 18.402,44.732 c 1.793,4.359 6.003,6.995 10.441,6.995 1.43,0 2.885,-0.274 4.29,-0.852 5.764,-2.371 8.514,-8.966 6.143,-14.73 L '.
' 346.165,252.835 Z"/>'.
'<path d="m 178.716,240.194 c 16.213,0 29.35,-13.139 29.35,-29.351 0,-16.213 -13.137,-29.351 -29.35,-29.351 -16.214,0 -29.351,13.138 -29.351,29.351 0,16.212 13.138,29.351 29.351,29.351 z"/></g>';
$ret .= '<g class="hm_a" transform="translate(2.5,0) scale(0.125,0.125)" style="fill:black" visibility="'.$absents.'">'.
'<path d="M59.717,110.045L53.353,98.45c-6.704,3.681-13.257,7.81-19.482,12.274l7.711,10.746 C47.376,117.315,53.476,113.47,59.717,110.045z" />'.
'<path d="M99.411,94.105l-3.415-12.779c-7.389,1.975-14.738,4.424-21.841,7.277l4.929,12.274 C85.699,98.22,92.535,95.943,99.411,94.105z" />'.
'<path d="M230.536,95.09c-6.834-3.415-13.958-6.452-21.186-9.029l-4.44,12.459c6.726,2.396,13.356,5.222,19.714,8.401 L230.536,95.09z" />'.
'<path d="M285.464,136.504l-9.739,8.943c4.823,5.251,9.373,10.85,13.528,16.632L300,154.368 C295.538,148.152,290.649,142.14,285.464,136.504z" />'.
'<path d="M243.18,117.654c5.932,3.935,11.694,8.28,17.115,12.909l8.588-10.059c-5.826-4.977-12.016-9.646-18.398-13.874 L243.18,117.654z" />'.
'<path d="M0,141.823l10.054,8.593c4.629-5.416,9.64-10.605,14.888-15.422l-8.943-9.741C10.358,130.426,4.977,136.003,0,141.823z" />'.
'<path d="M106.286,100.191l6.644,0.004l8.061-12.223l25.91,0.181l-11.593,39.963c0,1.166,0.948,2.116,2.114,2.116h10.66 l22.266-41.295l20.437,0.679c5.817,0,10.524-4.455,'.
' 10.524-9.951c0.004-5.491-4.711-9.946-10.519-9.946l-20.589,0.688 l-22.117-41.023l-10.665-0.002c-1.166,0.002-2.114,0.952-2.114,2.118l11.513,39.685l-25.97,'.
' 0.225l-7.923-11.987l-6.644,0.002 c-0.884,0-1.598,0.712-1.598,1.594v37.582C104.688,99.479,105.404,100.196,106.286,100.191z" />'.
'<path d="M171.31,150.616c-8.657-1.973-17.503-2.974-26.307-2.974c-55.361,0-102.631,37.757-114.949,91.814 c-2.361,10.361-3.28,20.82-2.863,31.161h13.237v-0.003c-0.425-9.353,'.
' 0.379-18.823,2.515-28.201 c4.329,1.122,23.682,6.492,23.067,12.719c-0.518,5.222-2.198,11.17-0.8,15.481h12.166c1.671-1.217,3.282-1.797,4.858-0.139 c0.042,0.046,0.097,'.
' 0.093,0.141,0.139h96.071c-22.612-14.403-25.811-39.848-25.811-39.848c-1.596-0.694,2.969-18.768-4.14-20.939 c-7.12-2.169-11.608-0.43-21.691-4.929'.
' c-10.096-4.499-6.316-10.786-4.658-25.789c0.708-6.402,2.337-12.133,4.413-16.636 c5.998-1.056,12.159-1.607,18.442-1.607c7.812,0,15.678,0.888,23.373,2.641c27.292,6.216,'.
' 50.529,22.69,65.43,46.38 c11.233,17.864,16.705,38.217,16.059,58.848c-0.864,0.628-1.792,1.254-2.762,1.883h15.907 c1.049-23.743-5.088-47.224-18.01-67.771C228.221,'.
' 176.164,202.05,157.617,171.31,150.616z" /></g>';
$ret .= '<g class="hm_p" transform="translate(7,4) scale(0.027,0.027)" style="fill:black" visibility="'.$partys.'">'.
'<path d="M64.6,951.8l114.8,36.8c16.1,5.1,33.2-3.7,38.5-19.8l0,0c5.1-16.1-3.7-33.2-19.8-38.5l-26.2-8.4l47.9-147.1c-10.3-1.8-20.5-4.3-30.5-7.5c-10.9-3.5-21.3-7.7-31.3-12.7l-48,'.
' 147.4l-26.5-8.5c-16.1-5.1-33.2,3.7-38.5,19.8l0,0C39.7,929.4,48.5,946.6,64.6,951.8z" />'.
'<path d="M167.2,725.7c26.3,13.8,61,22.3,90.8,22.3c58.8,0,115.7-27.5,152.3-73.6c33.4-42,43.9-96,52.9-147.6c4.7-27.1,20.8-142.7,21.4-152.9c0.5-8.4,'.
' 1.3-19.4-3-26.9c-3.7-6.7-10-11.8-17.3-14.1l-246.9-79c-3.1-1-6.2-1.5-9.3-1.5c-10.9,0-21.2,5.8-26.7,15.7c-31.4,56.6-62.7,113.8-88.9,173C78,473.2,64.9,506.3,63,'.
' 541.9c-1.7,29.8,3.7,60,15.4,87.4C96,670.5,127.5,704.9,167.2,725.7z M222.6,319.7l199,63.7c-9.8,82.7-19.7,145.2-28.9,183.5l-95.5-30.5l-62-19.8l-95.5-30.5C154.4,449.3,'.
' 182.6,392.8,222.6,319.7z" />'.
'<path d="M916.8,893.5l-26.5,8.5l-48-147.4c-10,4.9-20.4,9.2-31.3,12.7c-10,3.2-20.2,5.7-30.5,7.5l47.9,147l-26.2,8.4c-16.1,5.1-24.9,22.3-19.8,38.5l0,0c5.1,16.1,22.3,24.9,38.5,'.
' 19.8l114.8-36.8c16.1-5.1,24.9-22.3,19.8-38.5l0,0C950.1,897.2,932.9,888.4,916.8,893.5z" />'.
'<path d="M515.2,355.5c-0.7,3.1-0.9,6.4-0.5,9.8c0.1,1.2,15.4,132,28.5,195.1c7,34,15.8,67.9,34.7,97.4c15.9,24.9,37.5,46.1,62.7,61.4c30.4,18.6,65.8,28.6,101.5,28.6c20.2,0,'.
' 40.5-3.2,59.7-9.3c10.9-3.5,21.2-7.8,31-13c52.9-27.6,90.7-79.6,101.4-138.2c11.3-62.4-13.8-120.8-40.2-175.8c-23.4-48.8-49.2-96.3-75.4-143.6c-5.5-9.9-15.8-15.7-26.7-15.7c-3.1,'.
' 0-6.2,0.5-9.3,1.5l-246.9,79C525.1,336.2,517.5,345,515.2,355.5z M777.4,319.7c40.1,73.1,68.3,129.6,83,166.1l-95.5,30.5l-62,19.8l-95.5,30.5c-9.2-38.3-19.1-100.6-28.9-183.5L777.4,319.7z" /></g>';
$ret .= '<g class="hm_dnd" transform="translate(8,8) scale(0.05,0.05)" style="fill:white" visibility="'.$dnds.'">'.
'<path d="M471,330v82h41V289H41V121c0-5.336-2-10.169-6-14.5c-4-4.333-8.833-6.5-14.5-6.5 S10,102.167,6,106.5s-6,9.167-6,14.5v291h41v-82H471z"/>'.
'<path d="M105.5,205c10.333,0,19.333-3.667,27-11c7.667-7.334,11.5-16.168,11.5-26.5 c0-10.335-3.833-19.168-11.5-26.5c-7.667-7.333-16.667-11-27-11s-19.167,3.667-26.5,11s-11,'.
' 16.167-11,26.5s3.667,19.167,11,26.5 C86.333,201.333,95.167,205,105.5,205z"/>'.
'<path d="M512,258v-50c0-8-2.833-14.5-8.5-19.5c-5.67-5-12.837-8.167-21.5-9.5l-297-29h-2 c-5.333,0-9.833,1.833-13.5,5.5s-5.5,8.167-5.5,13.5v58H88c-12.667,0-19,5.167-19,'.
' 15.5S75.333,258,88,258H512z"/></g></g>';
$ret .= '</svg>';
return $ret
# YAAHM_timewidget - returns SVG code for inclusion into any room page
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM definition
sub YAAHM_timewidget($){
my ($arg) = @_;
my $name = $FW_webArgs{name};
$name =~ s/'//g;
my $sz = ($FW_webArgs{size} ? $FW_webArgs{size} : '400x400');
$sz =~ s/'//g;
my @size=split('x',$sz);
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
FW_pO '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 800 800" width="'.$size[0].'px" height="'.$size[1].'px">';
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $radius = 250;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $t_now = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
my $a_now = (60*$hour + $min)/1440 * 2 * pi;
my $x_now = -int(sin($a_now)*$radius*100)/100;
my $y_now = int(cos($a_now)*$radius*100)/100;
my $t_sunrise = defined($hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunrise"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunrise"} : "06:00";
$t_sunrise =~ s/^0//;
($hour,$min) = split(":",$t_sunrise);
my $sr = $hour + $min*60;
my $a_sunrise = (60*$hour + $min)/1440 * 2 * pi;
my $x_sunrise = -int(sin($a_sunrise)*$radius*100)/100;
my $y_sunrise = int(cos($a_sunrise)*$radius*100)/100;
my $t_morning = defined($hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"morning"}[0]) ? $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"morning"}[0] : "08:00";
$t_morning =~ s/^0//;
($hour,$min) = split(":",$t_morning);
my $mo = $hour + $min*60;
my $a_morning = (60*$hour + $min)/1440 * 2 * pi;
my $x_morning = -int(sin($a_morning)*$radius*100)/100;
my $y_morning = int(cos($a_morning)*$radius*100)/100;
my $t_noon = defined($hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"noon"}[0]) ? $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"noon"}[0] : "12:00";
$t_noon =~ s/^0//;
($hour,$min) = split(":",$t_noon);
my $a_noon = (60*$hour + $min)/1440 * 2 * pi;
my $x_noon = -int(sin($a_noon)*$radius*100)/100;
my $y_noon = int(cos($a_noon)*$radius*100)/100;
my $t_afternoon = defined($hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"afternoon"}[0]) ? $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"afternoon"}[0] : "14:00";
$t_afternoon =~ s/^0//;
($hour,$min) = split(":",$t_afternoon);
my $a_afternoon = (60*$hour + $min)/1440 * 2 * pi;
my $x_afternoon = -int(sin($a_afternoon)*$radius*100)/100;
my $y_afternoon = int(cos($a_afternoon)*$radius*100)/100;
my $t_sunset = defined($hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunset"}) ? $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunset"} : "18:00";
$t_sunset =~ s/^0//;
($hour,$min) = split(":",$t_sunset);
my $ss = $hour + $min*60;
my $a_sunset = (60*$hour + $min)/1440 * 2 * pi;
my $x_sunset = -int(sin($a_sunset)*$radius*100)/100;
my $y_sunset = int(cos($a_sunset)*$radius*100)/100;
my $t_evening = defined($hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"evening"}[0]) ? $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"evening"}[0] : "19:00";
$t_evening =~ s/^0//;
($hour,$min) = split(":",$t_evening);
my $ev = $hour + $min*60;
my $a_evening = (60*$hour + $min)/1440 * 2 * pi;
my $x_evening = -int(sin($a_evening)*$radius*100)/100;
my $y_evening = int(cos($a_evening)*$radius*100)/100;
my $t_night = defined($hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"night"}[0]) ? $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"night"}[0] : "22:00";
$t_night =~ s/^0//;
($hour,$min) = split(":",$t_night);
my $a_night = (60*$hour + $min)/1440 * 2 * pi;
my $x_night = -int(sin($a_night)*$radius*100)/100;
my $y_night = int(cos($a_night)*$radius*100)/100;
my $t_midnight = "0:00";
$t_midnight =~ s/^0//;
($hour,$min) = split(":",$t_midnight);
my $a_midnight = 0.0;
my $x_midnight = 0.0;
my $y_midnight = $radius;
FW_pO '<defs>'.
sprintf('<linearGradient id="grad1" x1="0%%" y1="0%%" x2="%d%%" y2="%d%%">',int(-$x_noon/$radius*100),int(-$y_noon/$radius*100)).
'<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,255,0);stop-opacity:1" />'.
'<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,100,0);stop-opacity:1" />'.
sprintf('<linearGradient id="grad2" x1="%d%%" y1="%d%%" x2="0%%" y2="0%%">',int(-$x_noon/$radius*100),int(-$y_noon/$radius*100)).
'<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:rgb(70,70,100);stop-opacity:1" />'.
'<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,150,0);stop-opacity:1" />'.
sprintf('<linearGradient id="grad3" x1="%d%%" y1="%d%%" x2="0%%" y2="0%%">',int(-$x_noon/$radius*100),int(-$y_noon/$radius*100)).
'<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:rgb(80,80,80);stop-opacity:1" />'.
'<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:rgb(120,120,100);stop-opacity:1" />'.
FW_pO '<g id="Ebene_1" transform="translate(400,400)">';
#-- daytime arc
FW_pO '<path d="M 0 0 '.($x_morning*1.1).' '.($y_morning*1.1). ' A '.($radius*1.1).' '.($radius*1.1).' 0 1 1 '.($x_night*1.1).' '.($y_night*1.1).' Z" fill="none" stroke="rgb(0,255,200)" stroke-width="15" />';
#-- sunset to sunrise sector. We need a workaround here for the broken SVG engine of Firefox, splitting this in two arcs
FW_pO '<path d="M 0 0 '.$x_sunset. ' '.$y_sunset. ' A '.$radius.' '.$radius.' 0 0 1 '.$x_midnight.' '.$y_midnight.' Z" fill="rgb(70,70,100)"/>';
FW_pO '<path d="M 0 0 '.$x_midnight.' '.$y_midnight. ' A '.$radius.' '.$radius.' 0 0 1 '.$x_sunrise.' '. $y_sunrise. ' Z" fill="rgb(70,70,100)"/>';
#-- sunrise to morning sector
my $dir = ( $sr < $mo ) ? 0 : 1;
FW_pO '<path d="M 0 0 '.$x_sunrise.' '.$y_sunrise.' A '.$radius.' '.$radius.' 0 0 '.$dir.' '.$x_morning.' '.$y_morning.' Z" fill="url(#grad2)"/>';
#-- morning to evening sector
FW_pO '<path d="M 0 0 '.$x_morning.' '.$y_morning.' A '.$radius.' '.$radius.' 0 0 1 '.$x_evening.' '.$y_evening.' Z" fill="url(#grad1)"/>';
#-- evening to sunset sector
$dir = ( $ss > $ev ) ? 1 : 0;
FW_pO '<path d="M 0 0 '.$x_evening.' '.$y_evening.' A '.$radius.' '.$radius.' 0 0 '.$dir.' '.$x_sunset.' '.$y_sunset.' Z" fill="url(#grad2)"/>';
#-- midnight line
FW_pO '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="'.($radius*1.2).'" style="stroke:rgb(75, 75, 75);stroke-width:2" />';
FW_pO '<text x="-30" y="'.($radius*1.25).'" fill="rgb(75, 75, 75)" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold">0:00</text>';
#--sunrise line
FW_pO '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="'.($x_sunrise*1.2).'" y2="'.($y_sunrise*1.2).'" style="stroke:rgb(75, 75, 75);stroke-width:2" />';
FW_pO '<text x="'.($x_sunrise*1.25-30).'" y="'.($y_sunrise*1.25).'" fill="rgb(75, 75, 75)" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold">'.$t_sunrise.'</text>';
#--morning line
FW_pO '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="'.($x_morning*1.2).'" y2="'.($y_morning*1.2).'" style="stroke:rgb(75, 75, 75);stroke-width:2" />';
FW_pO '<text x="'.($x_morning*1.25-30).'" y="'.($y_morning*1.25).'" fill="rgb(75, 75, 75)" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold">'.$t_morning.'</text>';
#--noon line
FW_pO '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="'.($x_noon*1.2) .'" y2="'.($y_noon*1.2) .'" style="stroke:rgb(75, 75, 75);stroke-width:2" />';
FW_pO '<text x="'.($x_noon*1.25).'" y="'.($y_noon*1.25).'" fill="rgb(75, 75, 75)" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold">'.$t_noon.'</text>';
#--afternoon line
FW_pO '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="'.($x_afternoon*1.2) .'" y2="'.($y_afternoon*1.2) .'" style="stroke:rgb(75, 75, 75);stroke-width:2" />';
FW_pO '<text x="'.($x_afternoon*1.25).'" y="'.($y_afternoon*1.25).'" fill="rgb(75, 75, 75)" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold">'.$t_afternoon.'</text>';
#--sunset line
FW_pO '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="'.($x_sunset*1.2) .'" y2="'.($y_sunset*1.2) .'" style="stroke:rgb(75, 75, 75);stroke-width:2" />';
FW_pO '<text x="'.($x_sunset*1.25).'" y="'.($y_sunset*1.25).'" fill="rgb(75, 75, 75)" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold">'.$t_sunset.'</text>';
#--evening line
FW_pO '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="'.($x_evening*1.2) .'" y2="'.($y_evening*1.2) .'" style="stroke:rgb(75, 75, 75);stroke-width:2" />';
FW_pO '<text x="'.($x_evening*1.25).'" y="'.($y_evening*1.25).'" fill="rgb(75, 75, 75)" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold">'.$t_evening.'</text>';
#--night line
FW_pO '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="'.($x_night*1.2) .'" y2="'.($y_night*1.2) .'" style="stroke:rgb(75, 75, 75);stroke-width:2" />';
FW_pO '<text x="'.($x_night*1.25).'" y="'.($y_night*1.25).'" fill="rgb(75, 75, 75)" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold">'.$t_night.'</text>';
#--now line
FW_pO '<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="'.($x_now*1.2) .'" y2="'.($y_now*1.2) .'" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:4" />';
FW_pO '<text x="'.($x_now*1.25).'" y="'.($y_now*1.25).'" fill="rgb(255,0,0)" style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold">'.$t_now.'</text>';
FW_pO '</g>';
FW_pO '</svg>';
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET);
# YAAHM_toptable - returns incomplete HTML code for inclusion into any room page
# (action and overview fields)
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM definition
sub YAAHM_toptable($){
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( !defined($yaahm_tt) ){
#-- readjust language
my $lang = AttrVal("global","language","EN");
if( $lang eq "DE"){
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_DE;
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_EN;
#-- something's rotten in the state of denmark
my $st = $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunrise"};
my $ts;
my ($styl,$stym,$styr);
my $ret = "";
my $lockstate = ($hash->{READINGS}{lockstate}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{lockstate}{VAL} : "unlocked";
my $showhelper = ($lockstate eq "unlocked") ? 1 : 0;
%dailytable = %{$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}};
#-- number of action devices
my $devactno;
my @actdevlist;
my $avl = AttrVal($name,"deviceActions",undef);
if( !$avl){
$devactno = 0;
@actdevlist = split(',',$avl);
#-- temporary code to rewrite deviceactions array into a hash
my $xt = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"};
if( ref $xt eq ref {}){
Log 1,"[Temporary code] changing XT array into hash";
my %xtn={};
for(my $i=0;$i<$devactno;$i++){
my $dea=$actdevlist[$i];
my %deb=%{$hash->{DATA}{"XT"}[$i]};
#Log 1,"++++> Transferring key $dea";
my $dailyno = scalar keys %dailytable;
my $weeklyno = int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}} );
$ret .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$FW_ME/pgm2/yaahm.js\"></script><script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
$ret .= "var csmode = [\"".$csmode[0]."\",\"".$csmode[1]."\",\"".$csmode[2]."\",\"".$csmode[3]."\"];";
$ret .= "var csstate = [\"".$csstate[0]."\",\"".$csstate[1]."\",\"".$csstate[2]."\",\"".$csstate[3]."\"];";
$ret .= "var blinking = 0;\n";
$ret .= "var hscolor = \"".$csstate[0]."\";\n";
$ret .= "var devactno = ".$devactno.";\n";
$ret .= "var dailyno = ".$dailyno.";\n";
$ret .= "var dailykeys = [\"".join("\",\"",(sort YAAHM_dsort keys %dailytable))."\"];\n";
$ret .= "var weeklyno = ".$weeklyno.";\n";
$ret .= "var weeklykeys = [\"".join("\",\"",@weeklytable)."\"];\n"; # Day names !!!
$ret .= "var weeklynames = [";
for( my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$ret .= ","
if( $i!=0 );
$ret .= "\"".$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"name"}."\"";
$ret .= "];\n";
#-- watcher for next hidden divisions
for( my $i=2;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$ret .= "\$(\"body\").on('DOMSubtreeModified', \"#wt".$i."_o\",function () {nval = document.getElementById(\"wt".$i."_o\").innerHTML;document.getElementById(\"wt".$i."_n\").value = nval;})\n";
$ret .= "</script>\n";
$ret .= "<div informId=\"$name-housestate\" style=\"display:none\" id=\"hid_hs\">".ReadingsVal($name,"housestate",undef)."</div>".
"<div informId=\"$name-housemode\" style=\"display:none\" id=\"hid_hm\">".ReadingsVal($name,"housemode",undef)."</div>";
#-- formats for table borders
my ($stopleft,$stopmid,$stopright,$sbotleft,$sbotmid,$sbotright,$smidleft,$smidmid,$smidright,$saround);
$stopleft = "border-left:1px solid gray;border-top:1px solid gray;border-top-left-radius:10px;border-top-right-radius:0px;border-bottom-left-radius:0px;";
$stopmid = "border-top:1px solid gray;border-radius:0px;";
$stopright= "border-right:1px solid gray;border-top:1px solid gray;border-top-right-radius:10px;border-top-left-radius:0px;border-bottom-right-radius:0px;";
$sbotleft = "border-left:1px solid gray;border-bottom:1px solid gray;border-bottom-left-radius:10px;border-bottom-right-radius:0px;border-top-left-radius:0px;";
$sbotmid = "border-bottom:1px solid gray;border-radius:0px;";
$sbotright= "border-right:1px solid gray;border-bottom:1px solid gray;border-bottom-right-radius:10px;border-top-right-radius:0px;border-bottom-left-radius:0px;";
$smidleft = "border-left:1px solid gray;border-radius:0px;";
$smidmid = "border:none";
$smidright= "border-right:1px solid gray;border-radius:0px;";
$saround = "padding:5px;vertical-align:top;border:1px solid gray;border-radius:10px;";
### main table ############################################################################################
$ret .= "<table class=\"roomoverview\">\n";
### action ################################################################################################
# spanning 3 cols of main table
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div class=\"devType\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">".$yaahm_tt->{"action"}.
"</div> <div informId=\"$name-tr_errmsg\" class=\"devType\" style=\"font-weight:normal\">".ReadingsVal($name,"tr_errmsg",undef)."</div></td></tr>\n";
#-- mode/state table, spanning 3 cols of main table
my $cols = max(max(int(@modes),int(@states)),$weeklyno);
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"align:left\"><table class=\"readings\" style=\"border:1px solid gray;border-radius:10px\">".
"<tr><td rowspan=\"2\" height=\"40\" valign=\"bottom\" id=\"wid_hm\">".YAAHM_modewidget($hash)."</td><td colspan=\"5\" height=\"20\"></td></tr>".
"<tr class=\"odd\"><td width=\"100px\" class=\"dname\" style=\"padding:5px;\">".$yaahm_tt->{"mode"}."</td>".
"<td width=\"120px\"><div class=\"dval\" informId=\"$name-tr_housemode\">".ReadingsVal($name,"tr_housemode",undef)."</div></td><td></td>";
for( my $i=0; $i<$cols; $i++){
if( $i < int(@modes)){
$ret .= "<td width=\"120px\"><input type=\"button\" id=\"b_".$modes[$i]."\" value=\"".$yaahm_tt->{$modes[$i]}.
"\" style=\"width:120px;\" onclick=\"javascript:yaahm_mode('$name','".$modes[$i]."')\"/></td>";
$ret .= "<td width=\"120px\"></td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\"><td rowspan=\"2\" height=\"40\" id=\"wid_hs\">".YAAHM_statewidget($hash)."</td>".
"<td class=\"dname\" style=\"padding:5px;\">".$yaahm_tt->{"state"}."</td>".
"<td><div informId=\"$name-tr_housestate\">".ReadingsVal($name,"tr_housestate",undef).
"</div></td><td style=\"width:20px\"><div id=\"sym_hs\" informId=\"$name-sym_housestate\" style=\"align:center\">".ReadingsVal($name,"sym_housestate",undef)."</div></td>";
for( my $i=0; $i<$cols; $i++){
if( $i < int(@states)){
$ret .= "<td width=\"120px\"><input type=\"button\" id=\"b_".$states[$i]."\" value=\"".$yaahm_tt->{$states[$i]}.
"\" style=\"width:120px;\" onclick=\"javascript:yaahm_state('$name','".$states[$i]."')\"/></td>";
$ret .= "<td width=\"120px\"></td>";
#style=\"height:20px;border-bottom: 10px solid #333333;background-image: linear-gradient(#e5e5e5,#ababab);\"
$ret .= "</tr><td colspan=\"5\" height=\"20\"></td></tr>";
$ret .= "</table><br/>";
#-- manual next time table, just below mode/state table
$ret .= "<table class=\"readings\">";
my $nval = "";
my $wupn;
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"padding:5px; border-left: 1px solid gray; border-top:1px solid gray; border-bottom:1px solid gray; border-bottom-left-radius:10px; border-top-left-radius:10px;\">".$yaahm_tt->{"manual"}."</td>\n";
for (my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$styl= "border-bottom:1px solid gray;border-top:1px solid gray";
$styl= "border-bottom:1px solid gray;border-top:1px solid gray;border-right:1px solid gray;border-bottom-right-radius:10px;border-top-right-radius:10px";
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"name"};
$nval = ( defined($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"next"}) ) ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"next"} : "";
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;$styl\">$wupn<br/>".
"<div style=\"display:none\" id=\"wt%d_o\" informId=\"$name-next_$i\">$nval</div><input type=\"text\" id=\"wt%d_n\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$nval\" onchange=\"javascript:yaahm_setnext('$name',%d)\"/></td>\n",$i,$i,$i);
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table><br/></td></tr>";
### daily overview ################################################################################################
# spanning 3 cols of main table
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div class=\"devType\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">".$yaahm_tt->{"overview"}."</div></td></tr>\n";
#-- widget/state table, spanning 2 cols of main table
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><table>";
#-- time widget
$ret .= "<tr><td rowspan=\"8\" width=\"200\" style=\"padding-right:50px\"><img src=\"/fhem/YAAHM_timewidget?name='".$name."'&amp;size='200x200'\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" ></td>";
#-- continue summary with headers
$ret .= "<td colspan=\"2\" width=\"150\" style=\"$stopleft\"></td><td width=\"120\" style=\"$stopmid\">".$yaahm_tt->{"today"}."</td><td width=\"120\" style=\"$stopright\">".$yaahm_tt->{"tomorrow"}."</td>";
### device states inserted as new td spanning 8 rows ####################################################################################
$ret .= "<td rowspan=\"8\" style=\"$saround\"><table><tr><td height=\"20px\"><b>".
$yaahm_tt->{"state"}."</b></td></tr><tr><td height=\"20px\">".
"<div class=\"dval\" informId=\"$name-tr_housestate\">".ReadingsVal($name,"tr_housestate",undef)."</div></td></tr><tr><td>&#x2192;".
$yaahm_tt->{"secstate"}."<div class=\"dval\" informId=\"$name-sdev_housestate\">".ReadingsVal($name,"sdev_housestate","")."</div></td></tr></table></td>";
### device action table inserted as new td spanning 10 rows ################################################################################################
if( $avl ){
my ($dea,$dev,$tim);
$ret .= sprintf("<td rowspan=\"%d\" style=\"$saround\"><table>",$weeklyno+8);
$ret .= "<tr><td class=\"col1\" height=\"20\"><b>".$yaahm_tt->{"deviceactions"}."</b></td>";
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\"></td>";
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\"></td></tr>";
for( my $i=0;$i<$devactno;$i++){
#-- timer status
my $ts;
if( defined($defs{$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF"})){
if( ReadingsVal($name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF","state","") ne "inactive" ){
$ts = "<div style=\"color:green\">&#x2713;</div>";
$ts = "<div style=\"color:red\">&#x274c;</div>";
$ts = "";
$dea = $actdevlist[$i];
$dev = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"name"};
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_toptable] key $dea not equal to name $dev"
if( $dea ne $dev);
$ret .= "<tr><td class=\"col1\" height=\"20\" style=\"padding-right:5px\">".$dev."</td>";
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"padding:5px;\">$ts</td></tr>";
$ret .= "</table></td>";
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
### next lines of state summary ########################################################
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"$smidleft\"></td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidmid\">".$yaahm_tt->{$weeklytable[$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"weekday"}]}[0] .
"</td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidright\">".$yaahm_tt->{$weeklytable[$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"weekday"}]}[0]."</td></tr>";
#-- continue summary with entries
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"$smidleft\"></td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidmid\">".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"date"}.
"</td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidright\">".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"date"}."</td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"dname\" style=\"padding:5px;$smidleft\">".$yaahm_tt->{"daylight"}."</td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidmid\">".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunrise"}."-".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunset"}.
"</td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidright\">".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"sunrise"}."-".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"sunset"}."</td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"dname\" style=\"padding:5px;$smidleft\">".$yaahm_tt->{"daytime"}."</td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidmid\">".$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"morning"}[0]."-".
$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{"night"}[0]."</td><td style=\"$smidright\"></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"dname\" style=\"padding:5px;$smidleft\">".$yaahm_tt->{"daytype"}."</td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidmid\">".$yaahm_tt->{$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"}}[0].
"</td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidright\">".$yaahm_tt->{$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"}}[0]."</td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"dname\" style=\"padding:5px;$smidleft\">".$yaahm_tt->{"description"}."</td><td style=\"padding:5px;$smidmid\">".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"}.
"</td><td style=\"padding:5px;width:100px;$smidright\">".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"}."</td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"dname\" style=\"padding:5px;$sbotleft\">".$yaahm_tt->{"date"}."</td><td style=\"padding:5px;width:100px;$sbotmid\">".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"special"}.
"</td><td style=\"padding:5px;width:100px;$sbotright\">".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"special"}."</td></tr>\n";
#-- housetime/phase
$ret .= "<tr><td rowspan=\"".$weeklyno."\" style=\"text-align:center; white-space:nowrap;max-height:20px\">".
"<label><div class=\"dval\" informId=\"$name-tr_housetime\">".ReadingsVal($name,"tr_housetime","").
"</div>&nbsp;<div class=\"dval\" informId=\"$name-tr_housephase\">".ReadingsVal($name,"tr_housephase","")."</div></label></td>";
#-- weekly timers
for( my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++ ){
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"name"};
#-- timer status
if( defined($defs{$name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF"})){
if( ReadingsVal($name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF","mode","") ne "disabled" ){
$ts = "<div style=\"color:green\">&#x2713;</div>";
$ts = "<div style=\"color:red\">&#x274c;</div>";
$ts = "";
#-- ring times
my $ring_0x = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0x"};
my $ring_1x = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1x"};
my $wake = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"wake"};
#-- border styles
if( $i==0 ){
}elsif( $i == $weeklyno-1 ){
$ret.="<td style=\"padding:5px;$styl\">".$wupn.
"</td><td style=\"text-align:center;width:30px;padding:5px;$stym\">$ts</td>".
"<td style=\"padding:5px;$stym\"><div class=\"dval\" informId=\"$name-ring_".$i."x\">".$ring_0x."</div></td>".
"<td style=\"padding:5px;$stym\"><div class=\"dval\" informId=\"$name-ring_".$i."_1x\">".$ring_1x."</div></td>".
"<td style=\"padding:5px;$styr\"><div class=\"dval\" informId=\"$name-tr_wake_$i\">".$wake."</div></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table></td></tr>\n";
return $ret;
# YAAHM_Shorttable - returns complete HTML code for inclusion into any room page
# (action and overview fields)
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM definition
sub YAAHM_Shorttable($){
my ($name) = @_;
my $ret = YAAHM_toptable($name);
#-- complete the code of the page
$ret .= "</table>";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ 1, "YAAHM_informer", $defs{$FW_cname},0);
return $ret;
# YAAHM_Longtable - returns complete HTML code for the full YAAHM page
# (action, overview, daily and weekly profile)
# Parameter name = name of the YAAHM definition
sub YAAHM_Longtable($){
my ($name) = @_;
my $ret = "";
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $id = $defs{$name}{NR};
my $lockstate = ($hash->{READINGS}{lockstate}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{lockstate}{VAL} : "unlocked";
my $showhelper = ($lockstate eq "unlocked") ? 1 : 0;
%dailytable = %{$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}};
my $dailyno = scalar keys %dailytable;
my $weeklyno = int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}} );
$ret = YAAHM_toptable($name);
### device action table ################################################################################################
my $avl = AttrVal($name,"deviceActions",undef);
if( $avl){
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><div class=\"devType\" style=\"font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap;\">".$yaahm_tt->{"deviceaction"}.$yaahm_tt->{"profile"};
$ret .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" value=\"".$yaahm_tt->{"start"}." ".$yaahm_tt->{"deviceactions"}."\" onclick=\"javascript:yaahm_startDeviceAction('$name')\"/></td>\n";
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"3\">\n";
#-- number of action devices
my $devactno;
my @actdevlist = split(',',$avl);
my ($dea,$dev,$eval,$lval,$xval,$evt);
my ($styl,$stym,$styr);
$ret .= "<table class=\"block wide\" ><tr><td style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><b>".$yaahm_tt->{"name"}."</b></td><td></td><td></td><td style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><b>".$yaahm_tt->{"event"}."</b></td>";
$ret .= "<td style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><b>".$yaahm_tt->{"earliest"}."</b></td><td style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><b>".$yaahm_tt->{"latest"}."</b></td><td style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><b>".$yaahm_tt->{"action"}."</b></td></tr>";
for( my $i=0;$i<$devactno;$i++){
$dea = $actdevlist[$i];
$dev = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"name"};
#-- Here we may have a new and therefore empty deviceaction
if( !defined($dev) || $dev eq "" ){
$dev = $dea;
$evt = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"event"};
$eval = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"earliest"};
$lval = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"latest"};
$xval = $hash->{DATA}{"XT"}{$dea}{"cmd"};
$ret .= sprintf("<tr><td class=\"col1\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><label id=\"xt%d_n\">".$dev."</label></td>",$i);
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"padding:5px;\"><a href=\"/fhem?detail=$name.xtimer_".$i.".IF\">$name.xtimer_".$i.".IF</a></td>";
#-- timer status
my $ts;
if( defined($defs{$name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF"})){
if( ReadingsVal($name.".xtimer_".$i.".IF","state","") ne "inactive" ){
$ts = "<div style=\"color:green\">&#x2713;</div>";
$ts = "<div style=\"color:red\">&#x274c;</div>";
$ts = "";
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"padding:5px;\">$ts</td>";
$ret .= sprintf("<td><select id=\"xt%d_v\">",$i);
my @keys = keys(%defaultdailytable);
#-- iterate over daily times (including wakeup/sleep)
for(my $j=0;$j<int(@keys);$j++){
#if( $keys[$j] !~ /(wakeu/ ){
if( $keys[$j] eq $evt ){
$ret .= "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"".$keys[$j]."\">";
$ret .= "<option value=\"".$keys[$j]."\">"
$ret .= $yaahm_tt->{$keys[$j]}."</option>";
#-- iterate over timers
#for( my $i=2;$i<int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}} );$i++){
# my $name = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "name" };
# if( $name eq $evt ){
# $ret .= "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"".$name."\">";
# }else{
# $ret .= "<option value=\"".$name."\">"
# }
# $ret .= $name."</option>";
$ret .= "</select></td>";
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"xt%d_e\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$eval\"/></td>",$i);
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"xt%d_l\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$lval\"/></td>",$i);
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"xt%d_x\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"512\" value=\"$xval\"/></td></tr>",$i);
$ret .= "</table></td></tr>";
### daily profile table ################################################################################################
my $row = 1;
my $event = "";
my $sval = "";
my $eval = "";
my $xval = "";
my $dh = (defined($attr{$name}{"timeHelper"})) ? $attr{$name}{"timeHelper"} : undef;
#-- global status of timer
my ($tl,$ts);
if( defined($defs{$name.".dtimer.IF"})){
$tl = "<a href=\"/fhem?detail=$name.dtimer.IF\">$name.dtimer.IF</a>";
#-- green hook
if( ReadingsVal($name.".dtimer.IF","mode","") ne "disabled" ){
$ts = "<td style=\"color:green;padding-left:5px\">&#x2713;</td>\n";
#-- red cross
$ts = "<td style=\"color:red;padding-left:5px\">&#x274c;</td>\n";
$tl= $yaahm_tt->{"notstarted"};
$ts ="<td></td>";
#-- name link button status
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div class=\"devType\" style=\"font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap;\">".$yaahm_tt->{"daily"}.$yaahm_tt->{"profile"}."\n".
"<table><tr><td style=\"text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;white-space:nowrap;padding-left:5px\"><div id=\"dtlink\" style=\"font-weight:normal\">$tl</div></td>$ts";
$ret .= "<td style=\"vertical-align:middle;;padding-left:5px\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"".$yaahm_tt->{"start"}." ".$yaahm_tt->{"daily"}.$yaahm_tt->{"timer"}."\" onclick=\"javascript:yaahm_startDayTimer('$name')\"/></td>\n";
$ret .= "</tr></table></div></td></tr>";
#-- header line
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><table class=\"block wide\" id=\"dailytable\">\n";
$ret .= "<tr style=\"font-weight:bold\"><td rowspan=\"2\" class=\"devType col1\" style=\"min-width:120px;\">".$yaahm_tt->{"event"}."</td><td class=\"devType,col2\" style=\"text-align:right;min-width:180px;white-space:nowrap;\">".
$yaahm_tt->{"time"}." [hh:mm]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>".
"<td rowspan=\"2\" class=\"devType col3\" style=\"min-width:200px;\">".$yaahm_tt->{"action"}."</td>".
"<tr style=\"font-weight:bold\"><td class=\"devType col2\" style=\"text-align:right\">Start/Offset&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;End&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
#-- iterate through table
foreach my $key (sort YAAHM_dsort keys %dailytable){
$event= $yaahm_tt->{$key};
$sval = $dailytable{$key}[0];
$eval = $dailytable{$key}[1];
$xval = $dailytable{$key}[2];
$xval = "" if( !defined($xval) );
if( $dh ){
#-- timeHelper not in command list
if( $xval !~ /^{$dh/ ){
if( defined($xval) && length($xval)>0 ){
$xval ="{".$dh."('".$key."')},".$xval;
$xval ="{".$dh."('".$key."')}";
$ret .= sprintf("<tr class=\"%s\"><td class=\"col1\">$event</td>\n", ($row&1)?"odd":"even");
#-- First field
#-- Only reference for wakeup
if( $key =~ /^wakeup.*/ ){
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left\">".$yaahm_tt->{"weekly"}.$yaahm_tt->{"profile"}."</td><td></td><td></td></tr>\n";
#-- Only reference for sleep
}elsif( $key =~ /^sleep.*/ ){
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left\">".$yaahm_tt->{"weekly"}.$yaahm_tt->{"profile"}."</td><td></td><td></td></tr>\n";
#-- calculated value for sunrise/sunset
}elsif( $key =~ /.*((sunrise)|(sunset)|(midnight)).*/ ){
my $pre;
if( $key =~ /.*sunrise.*/ ){
$pre = $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunrise"}
}elsif( $key =~ /.*sunset.*/ ){
$pre = $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"sunset"}
$pre = "00:00";
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:right\">";
if( $key =~ /.*before.*/ ){
$ret .= "$pre - &nbsp;<input type=\"text\" id=\"dt".$key."_e\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$eval\"/>&nbsp;=&nbsp;$sval&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>"
}elsif( $key =~ /.*after.*/ ){
$ret .= "$pre + &nbsp;<input type=\"text\" id=\"dt".$key."_e\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$eval\"/>&nbsp;=&nbsp;$sval&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>"
$ret .= "$pre&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>"
#-- normal input of one time
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:right\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"dt".$key."_s\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$sval\"/></td>";
#-- Second field
$ret .= "<td class=\"col3\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"dt".$key."_x\" size=\"28\" maxlength=\"512\" value=\"$xval\"/></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table></td></tr></tr>";
### weekly profile table ################################################################################################
$row = 1;
$event = "";
$sval = "";
my $asg = "";
my $ast = "";
my $ass;
my $acc;
my $wupn;
my $wt = ( $weeklyno == 1) ? $yaahm_tt->{"profile"} :$yaahm_tt->{"profiles"};
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div class=\"devType\" style=\"font-weight:bold; white-space: nowrap;\">".$yaahm_tt->{"weekly"}.$wt.
"&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"button\" value=\"".$yaahm_tt->{"start"}." ".$yaahm_tt->{"weekly"}.$yaahm_tt->{"timer"}."\" onclick=\"javascript:yaahm_startWeeklyTimer('$name')\"/></div></td></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr><td><table class=\"block wide\" \" id=\"weeklytable\">\n";
#-- repeat name for every weekly table
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"font-weight:bold;text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$yaahm_tt->{"name"}."</td>";
for (my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"name"};
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\">$wupn</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
#-- repeat link for every weekly table
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"font-weight:bold;text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$yaahm_tt->{"timer"}."</td>";
#-- timer status
my $tss;
for (my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"name"};
#-- timer status
if( defined($defs{$name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF"})){
$tl = "<a href=\"/fhem?detail=".$name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF\">".$name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF</a>";
if( ReadingsVal($name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF","mode","") ne "disabled" ){
$tss="<div style=\"color:green\">&#x2713;</div>";
$tss="<div style=\"color:red\">&#x274c;</div>";
$tl = $yaahm_tt->{"notstarted"};
$tss= "";
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\"><div id=\"wt%dlink\">%s%s</div></td>",$i,$tl,$tss);
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
#-- repeat action for every weekly table
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"font-weight:bold;text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$yaahm_tt->{"action"}."</td>";
for (my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$xval = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"action"};
if( $dh && $i<2 ){
#-- timeHelper not in command list
$wupn = ($i==0) ? "wakeup" : "sleep";
if( $xval !~ /^{$dh/ ){
if( defined($xval) && length($xval)>0 ){
$xval ="{".$dh."('".$wupn."')},".$xval;
$xval ="{".$dh."('".$wupn."')}";
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\"><input class=\"expand\" type=\"text\" id=\"wt%d_x\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"512\" value=\"$xval\"/></td>",$i);
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
#-- specialday header
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"font-weight:bold;text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$yaahm_tt->{"daytype"}."</td>";
for (my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$yaahm_tt->{"time"}." [hh:mm]</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
#-- repeat specialday entry every weekly table
for (my $j=7;$j<9;$j++){
my $key = $weeklytable[$j];
$event = $yaahm_tt->{$key}[0];
$ret .= sprintf("<tr class=\"%s\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\">$event</td>\n", ($row&1)?"odd":"even");
for (my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$sval = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{$key};
$sval = ""
#-- check if weekday profile active here or not
$ass = ( defined($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_d"}) ) ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_d"} : "";
$acc = ( $ass =~ /.*$key.*/ ) ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "";
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"wt%s%d_s\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$sval\" $acc/></td>",$key,$i);
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
#-- weekday header
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"font-weight:bold;text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$yaahm_tt->{"weekday"}."</td>";
for (my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$yaahm_tt->{"time"}." [hh:mm]</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
#-- checkboxes for every weekly table
for(my $i=0;$i<int(@profmode);$i++){
$asg .= substr($yaahm_tt->{$profmode[$i]},0,3)."&nbsp;";
$ast .= $yaahm_tt->{$profmode[$i]}." ";
for(my $i=0;$i<int(@profday);$i++){
$asg .= $yaahm_tt->{$profday[$i]}[1]."&nbsp;";
$ast .= $yaahm_tt->{$profday[$i]}." ";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\">".$yaahm_tt->{"active"}."<br/><div title=\".$ast.\" >".$asg."</div></td>";
for (my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"name"};
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding:5px\">";
$asg = "";
$ass = ( defined($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_m"}) ) ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_m"} : "";
for( my $j=0;$j<int(@profmode);$j++ ){
$acc = $profmode[$j];
$acc = ( $ass =~ /.*$acc.*/ ) ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "";
$asg .= sprintf("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"acti_%d_m\" value=\"".$profmode[$j]."\" $acc/>&nbsp;",$i);
$ass = ( defined($hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_d"}) ) ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_d"} : "";
for( my $j=0;$j<int(@profday);$j++ ){
$acc = $profday[$j];
$acc = ( $ass =~ /.*$acc.*/ ) ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "";
$asg .= sprintf("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"acti_%d_d\" id=\"acti_%s%d_d\" value=\"".$profday[$j]."\" $acc onclick=\"yaahm_dtlogic(%d,'%s')\"/>&nbsp;",$i,$profday[$j],$i,$i,$profday[$j]);
$ret .= "$asg</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
#-- repeat weekday entry every weekly table
for (my $j=0;$j<7;$j++){
my $key = $weeklytable[$j];
$event = $yaahm_tt->{$key}[0];
$ret .= sprintf("<tr class=\"%s\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\">$event</td>\n", ($row&1)?"odd":"even");
for (my $i=0;$i<$weeklyno;$i++){
$sval = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{$key};
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:5px\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"wt%s%d_s\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$sval\"/></td>",$key,$i);
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table></td></tr>";
#-- complete the code of the page
$ret .= "</table>";
#InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ 3, "YAAHM_informer", $defs{$FW_cname},0);
return $ret;
=item helper
=item summary admimistration of profiles for daily, weekly and monthly processes
=item summary_DE Verwaltung von Profilen für tägliche, wöchentliche und monatliche Abläufe
=begin html
<a name="YAAHM"></a>
<p> Yet Another Auto Home Module to set up a cyclic processing of commands (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly profile)</p>
<a name="YAAHMusage"></a>
See <a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Modul_YAAHM">German Wiki page</a>
<a name="YAAHMdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; YAAHM</code>
<br />Defines the YAAHM system. </p>
Notes: <ul>
<li>This module uses the global attribute <code>language</code> to determine its output data<br/>
(default: EN=english). For German output set <code>attr global language DE</code>.</li>
<li>This module needs the JSON package</li>
<a name="YAAHMset"></a>
<li><a name="yaahm_time">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; time &lt;timeevent&gt;</code></a><br/>
Set the current house time (event), i.e. one of several values:
<li>(after|before) midnight | [before|after] sunrise | [before|after] sunset are calculated from astronomical data (&pm;offset).
These values vary from day to day, only the offset can be specified in the daily profile. </li>
<li>morning | noon | afternoon | evening | night are fixed time events specified in the daily profile.
The time phase between events morning and night is called <i>daytime</i>, the
time phase between events night and morning is called <i>nighttime</i></li>
<li>wakeup|sleep are time events specified in the weekly default profiles <i>Wakeup</i> and <i>Sleep</i>, i.e. the value may change from day to day.</li>
The actual changes to certain devices are made by the functions in the command field, or by an external <a href="#yaahm_timehelper">timeHelper function</a>.
<li><a name="yaahm_manualnext"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; manualnext &lt;timernumber&gt; &lt;time&gt;</code><br/>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; manualnext &lt;timername&gt; &lt;time&gt;</code><br/>
For the weekly timer identified by its number (starting at 0) or its name, set the next ring time manually. The time specification &lt;time&gt;must be in the format hh:mm, or "off", or "default".
<li>If the time specification &lt;time&gt; is later than the current time, it will be used for today. If it is earlier than the current time, it will be used tomorrow.</li>
<li>If the time specification is "off", the next pending waketime will be ignored.</li>
<li>If the time specification id "default", the manual waketime is removed and the value from the weekly schedule will be used.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_mode">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; mode normal | party | absence | donotdisturb</code>
<br />Set the current house mode, i.e. one of several values:
<li>normal - normal daily and weekly time profiles apply</li>
<li>party - can be used in the timeHelper function to suppress certain actions, like e.g. those that set the house (security) state to <i>secured</i> or the house time event to <i>night</i>.</li>
<li>absence - can be used in the timeHelper function to suppress certain actions. Valid until manual mode change</li>
<li>donotodisturb - can be used in the timeHelper function to suppress certain actions. Valid until manual mode change</li>
House modes are valid until manual mode change. If the attribute <i>modeAuto</i> is set (see below), mode will change automatically at certain time events.
The actual changes to certain devices are made by an external <a href="#yaahm_modehelper">modeHelper function</a>.
<li><a name="yaahm_state">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; state unsecured | secured | protected | guarded</code>
<br/>Set house (security) state, i.e. one of several values:
<li> unsecured - Example: doors etc.
<li> secured - Example: doors etc. are locked, windows may not be open
<li> protected - Example: doors etc. are locked, windows may not be open, alarm system is armed
<li> guarded - Example: doors etc. are locked, windows may not be open, alarm is armed, a periodic house check is run and a simulation as well
House (security) states are valid until manual change. If the attribute <i>stateAuto</i> is set (see below), state will change automatically at certain times.
The actual changes to certain devices are made by an external <a href="#yaahm_statehelper">stateHelper function</a>. If these external devices are in their proper state
for a particular house (security) state can be checked automatically, see the attribute <a href="#yaahm_statedevices">stateDevices</a>
<li><a name="yaahm_checkstate">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; checkstate 0|5|10</code>
<br/>Check the house (security) state for each of the devices defined in the stateDevices attribute in 0, 5 or 10 seconds from now</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_correctstate">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; correctstate</code>
<br/>Try to correct the house (security) state, by issueing a FHEM command <i>set &lt;device&gt; &lt;targetstate&gt;</i>
for each of the devices defined in the stateDevices attribute and not in the proper state for the given house (security) state</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_createweekly">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; createWeekly &lt;string&gt;</code>
<br/>Create a new weekly profile &lt;string&gt;</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_deleteweekly">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; deleteWeekly &lt;string&gt;</code>
<br/>Delete the weekly profile &lt;string&gt;</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_initialize">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; initialize</code>
<br/>Restart the internal timers</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_lock">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; locked|unlocked</code>
<br />Set the lockstate of the yaahm module to <i>locked</i> (i.e., yaahm setups
may not be changed) resp. <i>unlocked</i> (i.e., yaahm setups may be changed>)</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_save">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; save|restore</code>
<br />Manually save/restore the complete profile data to/from the external file YAAHMFILE (save done automatically at each timer start, restore at FHEM start)</li>
<a name="YAAHMget"></a>
<li><a name="yaahm_next"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; next &lt;timernumber&gt;</code><br/>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; next &lt;timername&gt;</code><br/>
For the weekly timer identified by its number (starting at 0) or its name, get the next ring time in a format suitable for text devices.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_saynext"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; sayNext &lt;timernumber&gt;</code><br/>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; sayNext &lt;timername&gt;</code><br/>
For the weekly timer identified by its number (starting at 0) or its name, get the next ring time in a format suitable for speech devices.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_version"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; version</code>
<br />Display the version of the module</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_template"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; template</code>
<br />Return an (empty) perl subroutine for the helper functions</li>
<a name="YAAHMattr"></a>
<li><a name="yaahm_linkname"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; linkname
<br />Name for yaahm web link, default:
<li><a name="yaahm_hiddenroom"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; hiddenroom
<br />Room name for hidden yaahm room (containing only the YAAHM device), default:
<li><a name="yaahm_lockstate"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; lockstate
<br /><i>locked</i> means that yaahm setups may not be changed, <i>unlocked</i>
means that yaahm setups may be changed</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_simulation"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; simulation
<br />a value of 1 means that commands issued directly on the device as "set ... " will not be executed, but only simulated. Does <i>not</i> prevent the button
click commands from the interactive web page to be executed.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_noicons"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; noicons
<br />when set to 1, animated icons are suppressed</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_modecolor"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; modecolor[0|1|2|3] <i>color</i></code></a>
<br />four color specifications to signal the modes normal (default <span style="color:#53f3c7">#53f3c7</span>),
party (default <span style="color:#8bfa56">#8bfa56</span>), absence (default <span style="color:#ff9458">#ff9458</span>),
donotodisturb (default <span style="color:#fd5777">#fd5777</span>), </li>
<li><a name="yaahm_statecolor"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; statecolor[0|1|2|3] <i>color</i></code></a>
<br />four color specifications to signal the states unsecured (default <span style="color:#53f3c7">#53f3c7</span>),
secured (default <span style="color:#ff9458">#ff9458</span>),
protected (default <span style="color:#f554e2">#f554e2</span>) and guarded (default <span style="color:#fd5777">#fd5777</span>)</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_timehelper"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; timeHelper &lt;name of perl program&gt;</code></a>
<br />name of a perl function that is called at each time step of the daily profile and for the two default weekly profiles</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_modehelper"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; modeHelper &lt;name of perl program&gt;</code></a>
<br />name of a perl function that is called at every change of the house mode</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_modeauto"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; modeAuto 0|1</code></a>
<br />If this attribute is set to 1, the house mode changes automatically at certain time events.
<li>On time (event) <i>sleep</i> or <i>morning</i>, <i>party</i> mode will be reset to <i>normal</i> mode.</li>
<li>On time (event) <i>wakeup</i>, <i>absence</i> mode will be reset to <i>normal</i> mode.</li>
<li>On <i>any</i> time (event), <i>donotdisturb</i> mode will be reset to <i>normal</i> mode.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_sunsetrise"></a><code>attr &lt;name&gt; sunrise SunRise|AstroTwilightMorning|NauticTwilightMorning|CivilTwilightMorning|CustomTwilightMorning </code></br>
<code>attr &lt;name&gt; sunset SunSet|AstroTwilightEvening|NauticTwilightEvening|CivilTwilightEvening|CustomTwilightEvening</code></br>
Use different definitions for sunset and sunrise, see Module Astro</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_norepeat"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; norepeat 0|1</code></a>
<br/> if set to 1, repeated executions of wakeup, sleep and other timer events from the weekly programme will be suppressed.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_statedevices"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; stateDevices (&lt;device&gt;:&lt;state-unsecured&gt;:&lt;state-secured&gt;:&lt;state-protected&gt;:&lt;state-guarded&gt;,)*</code></a>
<br />comma separated list of devices and their state in each of the house (security) states. Each of the listed devices will be checked in the interval given by the <i>stateInterval</i> attribute
for its proper state, and a <i>stateWarning</i> function will be called if it is not in the proper state.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_stateinterval"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; stateInterval &lt;integer&gt;</code></a>
<br />interval in minutes for checking all <i>stateDevices</i> for their proper state according of the house (security) state. Default 60 minutes.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_statewarning"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; stateWarning &lt;name of perl program&gt;</code></a>
<br />name of a perl function that is called as <i>stateWarning('device','desired state','actual state')</i>if a device is not in the desired state.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_statehelper"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; stateHelper &lt;name of perl program&gt;</code></a>
<br />name of a perl function that is called as <i>stateHelper('event')</i> at every change of the house (security) state</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_stateauto"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; stateAuto 0|1</code></a>
<br />If this attribute is set to 1, the house state changes automatically if certain modes are set or at certain time events
<li>If leaving <i>party</i> mode and time event <i>sleep</i>, and currently in (security) state <i>unsecured</i>, the state will change to <i>secured</i>.</li>
<li>If in <i>normal</i> mode and time event <i>sleep</i> or <i>night</i>, and currently in (security) state <i>unsecured</i>, the state will change to <i>secured</i>.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_deviceactions"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; deviceActions &lt;comma-separated list of virtual device actions&gt; </code></a>
<br />list of virtual device actions that yaahm is performing, e.g. roller_up, roller_down etc.</a></li>
<li><a name="yaahm_holidaydevices"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; holidayDevices &lt;comma-separated list of devices&gt; </code></a>
<br />list of devices that provide holiday information. The devices may be
<a href="#holiday">holiday devices</a> or <a href="#Calendar">Calendar devices</a></li>
<li><a name="yaahm_vacationdevices"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; vacationDevices &lt;comma-separated list of devices&gt; </code></a>
<br />list of devices that provide vacation information. The devices may be
<a href="#holiday">holiday devices</a> or <a href="#Calendar">Calendar devices</a></li>
<li><a name="yaahm_specialdevices"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; specialDevices &lt;comma-separated list of devices&gt; </code></a>
<br />list of devices that provide special date information (like e.g. garbage collection). The devices may be
<a href="#holiday">holiday devices</a> or <a href="#Calendar">Calendar devices</a></li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="YAAHM"></a>
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Modul_YAAHM">Deutsche Dokumentation im Wiki</a> vorhanden, die englische Version gibt es hier: <a href="commandref.html#YAAHM">YAAHM</a>
=end html_DE