mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-05 18:16:44 +00:00
zap 454fe2d41f FULLY: Fixed speak and overlayMessage
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@25516 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2022-01-20 16:00:19 +00:00

1173 lines
35 KiB
Executable File

# 89_FULLY.pm 2.3
# $Id$
# Control Fully browser on Android tablets from FHEM.
# Requires Fully App Plus license!
# This program free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License V2.
# (c) 2022 by zap (zap01 <at> t-online <dot> de)
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HttpUtils;
use JSON;
use SetExtensions;
# Declare functions
sub FULLY_Initialize ($);
sub FULLY_Define ($$);
sub FULLY_Undef ($$);
sub FULLY_Shutdown ($);
sub FULLY_Set ($@);
sub FULLY_Get ($@);
sub FULLY_Attr ($@);
sub FULLY_Detail ($@);
sub FULLY_Notify ($$);
sub FULLY_UpdateDeviceInfo ($);
sub FULLY_Execute ($$$$);
sub FULLY_ExecuteNB ($$$$);
sub FULLY_ExecuteCB ($$$);
sub FULLY_ScreenOff ($);
sub FULLY_GetDeviceInfo ($);
sub FULLY_UpdateReadings ($$);
sub FULLY_Encrypt ($);
sub FULLY_Decrypt ($);
sub FULLY_Ping ($$);
sub FULLY_SetPolling ($$;$);
my $FULLY_VERSION = '2.3';
# Timeout for Fully requests
# Polling interval
my @FULLY_POLL_RANGE = (10, 86400);
# Minimum version of Fully app
# Default protocol and port for Fully requests
my $FULLY_DEFAULT_PROT = 'http';
my $FULLY_DEFAULT_PORT = '2323';
# Initialize module
sub FULLY_Initialize ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "FULLY_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FULLY_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "FULLY_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "FULLY_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "FULLY_Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "FULLY_Notify";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "FULLY_Shutdown";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "FULLY_Detail";
$hash->{AttrList} = "pingBeforeCmd:0,1,2 pollInterval:slider,10,10,86400 requestTimeout:slider,1,1,20 repeatCommand:0,1,2 " .
"disable:0,1 expert:0,1 waitAfterPing:0,1,2 updateAfterCommand:0,1 " .
# Define device
sub FULLY_Define ($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $a[0];
my $host = '';
return "Usage: define devname FULLY [http|https]://IP_or_Hostname [password] [poll-interval]"
if (@a < 3);
if ($a[2] =~ /^(https?):\/\/(.+)/) {
$hash->{prot} = $1;
$host = $2;
else {
$hash->{prot} = $FULLY_DEFAULT_PROT;
$host = $a[2];
if ($host =~ /^([^:]+):([0-9]+)$/) {
$hash->{host} = $1;
$hash->{port} = $2;
else {
$hash->{host} = $host;
$hash->{port} = $FULLY_DEFAULT_PORT;
$hash->{version} = $FULLY_VERSION;
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = 'global,TYPE=FULLY';
$hash->{onForTimer} = 'off';
$hash->{nextUpdate} = 'off';
$hash->{fully}{schedule} = 0;
if (@a == 4) {
if ($a[3] =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
$hash->{fully}{interval} = $a[3];
else {
$hash->{fully}{password} = $a[3];
elsif (@a == 5) {
$hash->{fully}{password} = $a[3];
$hash->{fully}{interval} = $a[4];
if (!exists($hash->{fully}{password})) {
my ($errpass, $encpass) = getKeyValue ($name.'_password');
if (!defined($errpass) && defined($encpass)) {
$hash->{fully}{password} = FULLY_Decrypt ($encpass);
else {
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Fully password not defined");
if (!$init_done && exists($hash->{fully}{password})) {
FULLY_Log ($hash, 1, "Version $FULLY_VERSION Opening device ".$hash->{host});
FULLY_GetDeviceInfo ($name);
if (exists($hash->{fully}{interval})) {
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 1, $hash->{fully}{interval});
if ($init_done && !exists($hash->{fully}{password}) && exists($hash->{CL})) {
asyncOutput ($hash->{CL}, "Please use command 'set $name authentication' to set the Fully password");
return undef;
# Set or delete attribute
sub FULLY_Attr ($@)
my ($cmd, $name, $attrname, $attrval) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($cmd eq 'set') {
if ($attrname eq 'pollInterval') {
if ($attrval >= $FULLY_POLL_RANGE[0] && $attrval <= $FULLY_POLL_RANGE[1]) {
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 1, $attrval);
elsif ($attrval == 0) {
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 0);
else {
return "FULLY: Polling interval must be in range ".$FULLY_POLL_RANGE[0]."-".$FULLY_POLL_RANGE[1];
elsif ($attrname eq 'requestTimeout') {
return "FULLY: Timeout must be greater than 0" if ($attrval < 1);
elsif ($attrname eq 'disable') {
if ($attrval eq '0') {
# Set the polling interval to default or the value specified in pollInterval
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Device activated");
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 1);
elsif ($attrval eq '1') {
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 0);
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Device deactivated");
elsif ($cmd eq 'del') {
if ($attrname eq 'pollInterval') {
# Set the polling interval to default
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 1);
elsif ($attrname eq 'disable') {
# Set the polling interval to default or the value specified in pollInterval
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Device activated");
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 1);
return undef;
# Set polling on or off
sub FULLY_SetPolling ($$;$)
my ($hash, $mode, $interval) = @_;
return if (!$init_done);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$interval //= AttrVal ($name, 'pollInterval', $hash->{fully}{interval} // $FULLY_POLL_INTERVAL);
if ($mode == 0 || $interval == 0) {
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'FULLY_UpdateDeviceInfo');
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Polling deactivated")
if (!exists($hash->{nextUpdate}) || $hash->{nextUpdate} ne 'off');
$hash->{nextUpdate} = 'off';
elsif ($mode == 1) {
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'FULLY_UpdateDeviceInfo');
if (!exists($hash->{fully}{password})) {
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Polling not activated. Fully password not defined");
$interval = $FULLY_POLL_RANGE[0] if ($interval < $FULLY_POLL_RANGE[0]);
$interval = $FULLY_POLL_RANGE[1] if ($interval > $FULLY_POLL_RANGE[1]);
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Polling activated")
if (exists($hash->{nextUpdate}) && $hash->{nextUpdate} eq 'off');
$hash->{nextUpdate} = strftime "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime (time+$interval);
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$interval, "FULLY_UpdateDeviceInfo", $hash, 0);
# Delete device
sub FULLY_Undef ($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash);
return undef;
# Shutdown FHEM
sub FULLY_Shutdown ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash);
return undef;
# FHEM notifications
sub FULLY_Notify ($$)
my ($hash, $devhash) = @_;
return if (AttrVal ($hash->{NAME}, 'disable', 0) == 1);
my $events = deviceEvents ($devhash, 1);
return if (!$events);
if ($devhash->{NAME} eq 'global' && grep (/INITIALIZED/, @$events)) {
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 1);
# Enhance device detail view
sub FULLY_Detail ($@)
my ($FW_wname, $name, $room, $pageHash) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $html = qq(
<span class='mkTitle'>Device Administration</span>
<table class="block wide">
<tr class="odd">
<td><div class="col1">
<a target="_blank" href="$hash->{prot}://$hash->{host}:$hash->{port}">Remote Admin</a>
return $html;
# Set commands
sub FULLY_Set ($@)
my ($hash, $name, $opt, @a) = @_;
my $options = "brightness:slider,0,1,255 photo:noArg clearCache:noArg clearWebstorage:noArg ".
"clearCookies:noArg exit:noArg foreground:noArg lock:noArg startApp ".
"motionDetection:on,off off:noArg on:noArg on-for-timer playSound playVideo restart:noArg ".
"screenOffTimer screenSaver:start,stop screenSaverTimer screenSaverURL speak startURL ".
"stopSound:noArg stopVideo:noArg lockKiosk:noArg unlockKiosk:noArg unlock:noArg url ".
"volume overlayMessage authentication";
# Fully commands without argument
my %cmds = (
"clearCache" => "clearCache",
"clearWebstorage" => "clearWebstorage",
"clearCookies" => "clearCookies",
"photo" => "getCamshot",
"exit" => "exitApp",
"restart" => "restartApp",
"on" => "screenOn",
"off" => "screenOff",
"lock" => "enabledLockedMode",
"unlock" => "disableLockedMode",
"lockKiosk" => "lockKiosk",
"unlockKiosk" => "unlockKiosk",
"stopSound" => "stopSound",
"stopVideo" => "stopVideo",
"foreground" => "toForeground"
my @c = ();
my @p = ();
return "Device disabled" if (AttrVal ($name, 'disable', 0) == 1);
return "FULLY: Missing password, choose one of authentication"
if (!exists($hash->{fully}{password}) && $opt ne 'authentication');
my $expert = AttrVal ($name, 'expert', 0);
$options .= " setStringSetting setBooleanSetting" if ($expert);
my $updateAfterCommand = AttrVal ($name, 'updateAfterCommand', 0);
if (exists ($cmds{$opt})) {
push (@c, $cmds{$opt});
elsif ($opt eq 'authentication') {
my $password = shift @a;
if (!defined($password)) {
setKeyValue ($name."_password", undef);
delete $hash->{fully}{password};
return 'Password for FULLY authentication deleted';
my $encpass = FULLY_Encrypt ($password);
return 'Encryption of password failed' if ($encpass eq '');
my $err = setKeyValue ($name."_password", $encpass);
return "Can't store credentials. $err" if (defined($err));
$hash->{fully}{password} = $password;
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 1);
return 'Password for FULLY authentication stored';
elsif ($opt eq 'on-for-timer') {
my $par = shift @a // "forever";
if ($par eq 'forever') {
push (@c, "setBooleanSetting", "screenOn");
push (@p, { "key" => "keepScreenOn", "value" => "true" }, undef);
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, "FULLY_ScreenOff");
elsif ($par eq 'off') {
push (@c, "setBooleanSetting", "setStringSetting");
push (@p, { "key" => "keepScreenOn", "value" => "false" },
{ "key" => "timeToScreenOffV2", "value" => "0" });
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, "FULLY_ScreenOff");
elsif ($par =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
push (@c, "setBooleanSetting", "screenOn");
push (@p, { "key" => "keepScreenOn", "value" => "false" }, undef);
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$par, "FULLY_ScreenOff", $hash, 0);
else {
return "Usage: set $name on-for-timer [{ Seconds | forever | off }]";
$hash->{onForTimer} = $par;
elsif ($opt eq 'screenOffTimer') {
my $value = shift @a // return "Usage: set $name $opt {seconds}";
push (@c, "setStringSetting");
push (@p, { "key" => "timeToScreenOffV2", "value" => "$value" });
elsif ($opt eq 'screenSaver') {
my $state = shift @a;
return "Usage: set $name $opt { start | stop }" if (!defined ($state) || $state !~ /^(start|stop)$/);
push (@c, ($state eq 'start') ? "startScreensaver" : "stopScreensaver");
elsif ($opt eq 'screenSaverTimer') {
my $value = shift @a // return "Usage: set $name $opt {seconds}";
push (@c, "setStringSetting");
push (@p, { "key" => "timeToScreensaverV2", "value" => "$value" });
elsif ($opt eq 'screenSaverURL') {
my $value = shift @a // return "Usage: set $name $opt {URL}";
push (@c, "setStringSetting");
push (@p, { "key" => "screensaverURL", "value" => "$value" });
elsif ($opt eq 'startURL') {
my $value = shift @a // return "Usage: set $name $opt {URL}";
push (@c, "setStringSetting");
push (@p, { "key" => "startURL", "value" => "$value" });
elsif ($opt eq 'startApp') {
my $app = shift @a // return "Usage set $name $opt {APK-Name}";
push (@c, "startApplication");
push (@p, { "package" => "$app" } );
elsif ($opt eq 'brightness') {
my $value = shift @a // return "Usage: set $name brightness 0-255";
$value = 255 if ($value > 255);
push (@c, "setStringSetting");
push (@p, { "key" => "screenBrightness", "value" => "$value" });
elsif ($opt eq 'motionDetection') {
my $state = shift @a // return "Usage: set $name motionDetection { on | off }";
my $value = $state eq 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
push (@c, "setBooleanSetting");
push (@p, { "key" => "motionDetection", "value" => "$value" });
elsif ($opt eq 'speak') {
my $text = join(' ',@a);
return 'Usage: set $name speak {Text}' if (!defined($text) || $text eq '');
my $enctext = FULLY_SubstDeviceReading ($text);
push (@c, "textToSpeech");
push (@p, { "text" => "$enctext" });
elsif ($opt eq 'overlayMessage') {
my $text = join(' ',@a);
return 'Usage: set $name overlayMessage [{Text}]' if (!defined($text));;
my $enctext = $text ne '' ? FULLY_SubstDeviceReading ($text) : '';
push (@c, "setOverlayMessage");
push (@p, { "text" => "$enctext" });
elsif ($opt eq 'playSound') {
my $url = shift @a // return "Usage: set $name playSound {url} [loop]";
my $loop = shift @a;
$loop = defined ($loop) ? 'true' : 'false';
push (@c, "playSound");
push (@p, { "url" => "$url", "loop" => "$loop"});
elsif ($opt eq 'playVideo') {
my $url = shift @a // return "Usage: set $name $opt {url} [showControls] [exitOnTouch] [exitOnCompletion] [loop]";
my %pvo = ('loop' => 0, 'showControls' => 0, 'exitOnTouch' => 0, 'exitOnCompletion' => 0);
while (my $pvf = shift @a) {
return "Illegal option $pvf" if (!exists($pvo{$pvf}));
$pvo{$pvf} = 1;
$pvo{'url'} = $url;
push (@c, "playVideo");
push (@p, \%pvo);
elsif ($opt eq 'volume') {
my $level = shift @a;
my $stream = shift @a;
return "Usage: set $name volume {level} {stream}"
if (!defined ($stream) || $level !~ /^[0-9]+$/ || $stream !~ /^[0-9]+$/);
push (@c, "setAudioVolume");
push (@p, { "level" => "$level", "stream" => "$stream"});
elsif ($opt eq 'url') {
my $url = shift @a;
if (defined ($url)) {
push (@c, "loadURL");
push (@p, { "url" => "$url" });
else {
push (@c, "loadStartURL");
elsif ($opt eq 'setStringSetting' || $opt eq 'setBooleanSetting') {
return "FULLY: Command $opt only available in expert mode" if ($expert == 0);
my $key = shift @a;
my $value = join(' ',@a);
return "Usage: set $name $opt {key} {value}" if (!defined($value) || $value eq '');
push (@c, $opt);
push (@p, { "key" => "$key", "value" => "$value" });
else {
return "FULLY: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".$options;
# Execute command requests
if ($updateAfterCommand) {
push (@c, 'deviceInfo');
push (@p, undef);
FULLY_ExecuteNB ($hash, \@c, \@p, 1) if (scalar (@c) > 0);
return undef;
# Get commands
sub FULLY_Get ($@)
my ($hash, $name, $opt, @a) = @_;
my $options = "info:noArg update:noArg";
return "Device disabled" if (AttrVal ($name, 'disable', 0) == 1);
return "No password defined for Fully access" if (!exists($hash->{fully}{password}));
if ($opt eq 'info') {
my $result = FULLY_Execute ($hash, 'deviceInfo', undef, 1) //
return FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, 'Command deviceInfo failed');
return FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, $result->{'statustext'} // $result->{'status'})
if (exists($result->{'status'}));
return join ("\n", map { "$_ = $result->{$_}" } sort keys %$result);
elsif ($opt eq 'update') {
FULLY_GetDeviceInfo ($name);
else {
return "FULLY: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".$options;
return undef;
# Write error message to FHEM log and return specified value
sub FULLY_Log ($$$;$)
my ($hash, $level, $message, $retval) = @_;
$retval //= $message;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, $level, "FULLY: [$name] $message";
return $retval;
# Execute Fully command (blocking)
sub FULLY_Execute ($$$$)
my ($hash, $command, $param, $doping) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (!exists($hash->{fully}{password})) {
asyncOutput ($hash->{CL}, "Please use command 'set $name authentication' to set the Fully password")
if (exists($hash->{CL}));
return undef;
# Get attributes
my $timeout = AttrVal ($name, 'requestTimeout', $FULLY_TIMEOUT);
my $repeatCommand = minNum (AttrVal ($name, 'repeatCommand', 0), 2);
my $ping = minNum (AttrVal ($name, 'pingBeforeCmd', 0), 2);
my $response = '';
my $url = $hash->{prot}.'://'.$hash->{host}.':'.$hash->{port}."/?cmd=$command";
if (defined ($param)) {
foreach my $parname (keys %$param) {
if (defined($param->{$parname})) {
$url .= "&$parname=".$param->{$parname};
# Ping tablet device
FULLY_Ping ($hash, $ping) if ($doping && $ping > 0);
my $i = 0;
while ($i <= $repeatCommand && (!defined ($response) || $response eq '')) {
$response = GetFileFromURL ("$url&password=".$hash->{fully}{password}.'&type=json', $timeout);
FULLY_Log ($hash, 4, "HTTP response empty") if (defined($response) && $response eq '');
my $result = eval { decode_json ($response) };
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Error in JSON data") if (!defined($result));
return $result;
# Substitute device readings in string
sub FULLY_SubstDeviceReading ($)
my ($text) = @_;
while ($text =~ /\[(.+):(.+)\]/) {
my ($device, $reading) = ($1, $2);
my $value = ReadingsVal ($device, $reading, '');
$text =~ s/\[$device:$reading\]/$value/g;
return (urlEncode ($text));
# Execute Fully commands (non blocking)
sub FULLY_ExecuteNB ($$$$)
my ($hash, $command, $param, $doping) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# Get attributes
my $timeout = AttrVal ($name, 'requestTimeout', $FULLY_TIMEOUT);
my $repeatCommand = minNum (AttrVal ($name, 'repeatCommand', 0), 2);
my $ping = minNum (AttrVal ($name, 'pingBeforeCmd', 0), 2);
my @urllist;
my $nc = scalar (@$command);
for (my $i=0; $i<$nc; $i++) {
my $url = $hash->{prot}.'://'.$hash->{host}.':'.$hash->{port}."/?cmd=".$$command[$i];
if (defined ($param) && defined ($$param[$i])) {
foreach my $parname (keys %{$$param[$i]}) {
if (defined ($$param[$i]->{$parname})) {
$url .= "&$parname=".$$param[$i]->{$parname};
FULLY_Log ($hash, 4, "Pushing $url on command stack");
push (@urllist, "$url&password=".$hash->{fully}{password}."&type=json");
# Ping tablet device
FULLY_Ping ($hash, $ping) if ($doping && $ping > 0);
my $reqpar = {
url => $urllist[0],
orgurl => $urllist[0],
urllist => [@urllist],
timeout => $timeout,
method => "GET",
hash => $hash,
cmdno => 1,
cmdcnt => $nc,
repeat => $repeatCommand,
execcnt => 0,
callback => \&FULLY_ExecuteCB
FULLY_Log ($hash, 4, "Executing command ".$urllist[0]);
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ($reqpar);
# Callback function for non blocking requests
sub FULLY_ExecuteCB ($$$)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ($err eq '') {
# Process response
FULLY_Log ($hash, 5, $data, 0);
my $result = eval { decode_json ($data) };
if (!defined($result)) {
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Error in JSON data");
if (!exists($result->{status})) {
$result->{status} = 'OK';
$result->{statustext} //= 'N/A';
$result->{execstate} = $result->{status};
if (exists($result->{statustext})) {
$result->{statustext} =~ s/password=[^&]+//;
$result->{execstate} .= " $result->{statustext}";
else {
$result->{statustext} = 'N/A';
FULLY_UpdateReadings ($hash, $result);
if ($result->{status} =~ /^Error/i) {
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Command $param->{orgurl} failed: $result->{status} $result->{statustext}");
else {
$hash->{lastUpdate} = strftime "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime (time)
if ($param->{orgurl} =~ /deviceInfo/);
FULLY_Log ($hash, 4, "Command $param->{orgurl} executed: $result->{status} $result->{statustext}");
if ($param->{cmdno} < $param->{cmdcnt}) {
# Execute next request
my @urllist = @{$param->{urllist}};
my $reqpar = {
url => $urllist[$param->{cmdno}],
orgurl => $urllist[$param->{cmdno}],
urllist => $param->{urllist},
timeout => $param->{timeout},
method => "GET",
hash => $hash,
cmdno => $param->{cmdno}+1,
cmdcnt => $param->{cmdcnt},
repeat => $param->{repeat},
execcnt => 0,
callback => \&FULLY_ExecuteCB
FULLY_Log ($hash, 4, "Executing command ".$urllist[$param->{cmdno}]);
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ($reqpar);
else {
FULLY_Log ($hash, 4, 'Last command executed.');
else {
# Repeat failed request
if ($param->{execcnt} < $param->{repeat}) {
my $reqpar = {
url => $param->{orgurl},
orgurl => $param->{orgurl},
urllist => $param->{urllist},
timeout => $param->{timeout},
method => "GET",
hash => $hash,
cmdno => $param->{cmdno},
cmdcnt => $param->{cmdcnt},
repeat => $param->{repeat},
execcnt => $param->{execcnt}+1,
callback => \&FULLY_ExecuteCB
FULLY_Log ($hash, 4, "Repeating command ".$param->{orgurl});
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ($reqpar);
else {
if ($err =~ /^empty answer/) {
$err .= ' (probable reason: timeout)';
FULLY_UpdateReadings ($hash, {
"status" => "Error",
"statustext" => "$err",
"execstate" => "Error $err"
FULLY_Log ($hash, 2, "Error during request $param->{orgurl}. $err");
# Timer function: Turn screen off
sub FULLY_ScreenOff ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my @c = ("setBooleanSetting", "screenOff");
my @p = ({ "key" => "keepScreenOn", "value" => "false" }, undef);
FULLY_ExecuteNB ($hash, \@c, \@p, 1);
$hash->{onForTimer} = 'off';
# Timer function: Read device info
sub FULLY_UpdateDeviceInfo ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return if (AttrVal ($hash->{NAME}, 'disable', 0) == 1);
FULLY_ExecuteNB ($hash, ['deviceInfo'], undef, 1);
FULLY_SetPolling ($hash, 1);
# Get tablet device information
sub FULLY_GetDeviceInfo ($)
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
FULLY_ExecuteNB ($hash, ['deviceInfo'], undef, 1);
# Update readings
sub FULLY_UpdateReadings ($$)
my ($hash, $result) = @_;
my %readings = (
'isdeviceadmin' => 'bool',
'isdeviceowner' => 'bool',
'isindaydream' => 'bool',
'isinforcedsleep' => 'bool',
'isinscreensaver' => 'bool',
'islicensed' => 'bool',
'ismenuopen' => 'bool',
'ismobiledataenabled' => 'bool',
'isplugged' => 'bool',
'isrooted' => 'bool',
'keyguardlocked' => 'bool',
'kiosklocked' => 'bool',
'kioskmode' => 'bool',
'maintenancemode' => 'bool',
'motiondetectorstatus' => 'bool',
'mqttconnected' => 'bool',
'plugged' => 'bool',
'screenlocked' => 'bool',
'screenon' => 'bool',
'webviewua' => 'ignore'
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
foreach my $rn (keys %$result) {
my $key = lc($rn);
next if (exists($readings{$key}) && $readings{$key} eq 'ignore');
if (ref($result->{$rn}) eq 'ARRAY') {
if ($key eq 'sensorinfo') {
foreach my $e (@{$result->{$rn}}) {
$key = lc($e->{name});
$key =~ s/ /_/g;
my $rv = ref($e->{values}) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(',', @{$e->{values}}) : $e->{values};
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $key, $rv);
else {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $key, exists($readings{$key}) && $readings{$key} eq 'bool' ?
($result->{$rn} eq '0' ? 'no' : 'yes') : $result->{$rn});
my $screenOn = $result->{isScreenOn} // $result->{screenOn};
if (defined($screenOn)) {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'state', $screenOn eq '0' ? 'off' : 'on');
if (exists($result->{appVersionName}) && $result->{appVersionName} =~ /^([0-9]\.[0-9]+).*/) {
if ($1 < $FULLY_REQUIRED_VERSION && !exists($hash->{fully}{versionWarn})) {
FULLY_Log ($hash, 1, "Version of fully browser is $1. Version $FULLY_REQUIRED_VERSION is required.");
$hash->{fully}{versionWarn} = 1;
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
# Encrypt string with FHEM unique ID
sub FULLY_Encrypt ($)
my ($istr) = @_;
my $ostr = '';
my $id = getUniqueId() // '';
return '' if ($id eq '');
my $key = $id;
foreach my $c (split //, $istr) {
my $k = chop($key);
if ($k eq '') {
$key = $id;
$k = chop($key);
$ostr .= sprintf ("%.2x",ord($c)^ord($k));
return $ostr;
# Decrypt string with FHEM unique ID
sub FULLY_Decrypt ($)
my ($istr) = @_;
my $ostr = '';
my $id = getUniqueId() // '';
return '' if ($id eq '');
my $key = $id;
for my $c (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($istr =~ /(..)/g)) {
my $k = chop($key);
if ($k eq '') {
$key = $id;
$k = chop($key);
$ostr .= chr(ord($c)^ord($k));
return $ostr;
# Send ICMP request to tablet device
# Adapted from presence module.
# Thx Markus.
sub FULLY_Ping ($$)
my ($hash, $count) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $host = $hash->{host};
my $temp;
my $waitAfterPing = minNum (AttrVal ($name, 'waitAfterPing', 0), 2);
my $os = $^O;
FULLY_Log ($hash, 4, "Sending $count ping request(s) to tablet $host. OS=$os");
if ($^O =~ m/(Win|cygwin)/) {
$temp = qx(ping -n $count -4 $host >nul);
elsif ($^O =~ m/solaris/) {
$temp = qx(ping $host $count 2>&1 >/dev/null);
elsif ($^O =~ m/darwin/) {
$temp = qx(ping -c $count -t 1 $host 2>&1 >/dev/null);
else {
$temp = qx(ping -c $count -W 1 $host 2>&1 >/dev/null);
sleep ($waitAfterPing) if ($waitAfterPing > 0);
return $temp;
=item device
=item summary FULLY Browser Integration
=begin html
<a name="FULLY"></a>
Module for controlling of Fully browser on Android tablets. Requires a Plus license
of Fully browser app. Remote device management and remote admin in local network
must be enabled in Fully app. Requires Fully app version 1.27 or later.
<a name="FULLYdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; FULLY [&lt;Protocol&gt;://]&lt;HostOrIP&gt;[:&lt;Port&gt;] [&lt;password&gt;] [&lt;poll-interval&gt;]</code>
The parameter <i>password</i> is the password set in Fully browser. Parameter <i>Protocol</i> is
optional. Valid protocols are 'http' and 'https'. Default protocol is 'http'.
Default <i>Port</i> is 2323.<br/>
The password is optional. If you don't want the password to appear in the device definition,
set the password by using command 'set authentication'.
<a name="FULLYset"></a>
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; authentication [&lt;password&gt;]</b><br/>
Set Fully password. This password is used for each Fully opteration.
If no password is specified, the current password is deleted.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; brightness 0-255</b><br/>
Adjust screen brightness.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; clearCache</b><br/>
Clear browser cache.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; clearCookies</b><br/>
Clear cookies.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; clearWebstorage</b><br/>
Clear web storage.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; exit</b><br/>
Terminate Fully.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; foreground</b><br/>
Bring fully app to foreground.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; lockKiosk</b><br/>
Lock kiosk mode.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; motionDetection { on | off }</b><br/>
Turn motion detection by camera on or off.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; { lock | unlock }</b><br/>
Lock or unlock display.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; { on | off }</b><br/>
Turn tablet display on or off.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; on-for-timer [{ &lt;Seconds&gt; | <u>forever</u> | off }]</b><br/>
Set timer for display. Default is forever.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; overlayMessage { text }</b><br/>
Show overlay message. Placeholders in format [device:reading] are supported and will
be substituted by the corresponding reading value.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; photo</b><br/>
Take a picture with device cam. Setting motion detection must be enabled. Picture
can be viewed in remote admin interface under device info.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; playSound &lt;url&gt; [loop]</b><br/>
Play sound from URL.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; playVideo &lt;url&gt; [loop] [showControls] [exitOnTouch] [exitOnCompletion]</b><br/>
Play video from URL.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; restart</b><br/>
Restart Fully.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; screenOffTimer &lt;seconds&gt;</b><br/>
Turn screen off after some idle seconds, set to 0 to disable timer.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; screenSaver { start | stop }</b><br/>
Start or stop screen saver. Screen saver URL can be set with command <b>set screenSaverURL</b>.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; screenSaverTimer &lt;seconds&gt;</b><br/>
Show screen saver URL after some idle seconds, set to 0 to disable timer.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; screenSaverURL &lt;URL&gt;</b><br/>
Show this URL when screensaver starts, set daydream: for Android daydream or dim: for black.<br/>
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; setBooleanSetting &lt;Key&gt; &lt;Value&gt;</b><br/>
Set boolean value in Fully app. Command is ony available if attribute expert is 1.
Valid keys can be found in Fully remote admin interface.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; setStringSetting &lt;Key&gt; &lt;Value&gt;</b><br/>
Set string value in Fully app. Command is ony available if attribute expert is 1.
Valid keys can be found in Fully remote admin interface.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; speak &lt;text&gt;</b><br/>
Audio output of <i>text</i>. If <i>text</i> contains blanks it must be enclosed
in double quotes. The text can contain device readings in format [device:reading].
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; startApp &lt;PackageName&gt;</b><br/>
Start an app. App must be installed on the tablet and package name (not appname!)
must be specified.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; startURL &lt;URL&gt;</b><br/>
Show this URL when FULLY starts.<br/>
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; stopSound</b><br/>
Stop playback of sound if playback has been started with option <i>loop</i>.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; stopVideo</b><br/>
Stop playback of video if playback has been started with option <i>loop</i>.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; unlockKiosk</b><br/>
Unlock kiosk mode.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; url [&lt;URL&gt;]</b><br/>
Navigate to <i>URL</i>. If no URL is specified navigate to start URL.
<li><b>set &lt;name&gt; volume &lt;level&gt; &lt;stream&gt;</b><br/>
Set audio volume. Range of parameter <i>level</i> is 0-100, range of parameter
<i>stream</i> is 1-10.
<a name="FULLYget"></a>
<li><b>get &lt;name&gt; info</b><br/>
Display Fully information. This is command blocks FHEM until completion.
<li><b>get &lt;name&gt; stats</b><br/>
Show Fully statistics. Will be implemented later.
<li><b>get &lt;name&gt; update</b><br/>
Update readings.
<a name="FULLYattr"></a>
<a name="disable"></a>
<li><b>disable &lt;0 | 1&gt;</b><br/>
Disable device and automatic polling.
<a name="expert"></a>
<li><b>expert &lt;0 | 1&gt;</b><br/>
Activate expert mode.
<a name="pingBeforeCmd"></a>
<li><b>pingBeforeCmd &lt;Count&gt;</b><br/>
Send <i>Count</i> ping request to tablet before executing commands. Valid values
for <i>Count</i> are 0,1,2. Default is 0 (do not send ping request).
<a name="pollInterval"></a>
<li><b>pollInterval &lt;seconds&gt;</b><br/>
Set polling interval for FULLY device information.
If <i>seconds</i> is 0 polling is turned off. Valid values are from 10 to
86400 seconds.
<a name="repeatCommand"></a>
<li><b>repeatCommand &lt;Count&gt;</b><br/>
Repeat fully command on failure. Valid values for <i>Count</i> are 0,1,2. Default
is 0 (do not repeat commands).
<a name="requestTimeout"></a>
<li><b>requestTimeout &lt;seconds&gt;</b><br/>
Set timeout for http requests. Default is 5 seconds. Increase this value if commands
are failing with a timeout error.
<a name="updateAfterCommand"></a>
<li><b>updateAfterCommand &lt;0 | 1&gt;</b><br/>
When set to 1 update readings after a set command. Default is 0.
<a name="waitAfterPing"></a>
<li><b>waitAfterPing &lt;Seconds&gt;</b><br/>
Wait specified amount of time after sending ping request to tablet device. Valid
values for <i>Seconds</i> are 0,1,2. Default is 0 (do not wait). Only used if
attribute pingBeforeCmd is greater than 0.
=end html