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Phill 3891daec94 39_Talk2Fhem.pm: Time idendification fixes
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16428 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2018-03-17 18:52:44 +00:00

2363 lines
78 KiB
Raw Blame History

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# Copyright notice
# (c) 2018 Oliver Georgi
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# $Id$
# 13.12.2017 0.0.2 diverses
# 16.12.2017 0.0.3 neuer pass check: else in @ sowie %
# nicht alle pass keys werden durchlaufen sondern nur die geforderten
# pass ^()$ ergänzt
# 19.12.2017 0.1.0 FHEM-Modul Funktionen eingefügt
# Attribute T2F_keywordlist und T2F_modwordlist erzeugt
## 30.12.2017 0.2.0 Umgebungssuchen in regexp unterstützt
# # Kommentierung ermöglicht
# Syntaxcheck der Definition
# Multiple Datumsangaben korrigiert
# Wochentagsangaben korrigiert
# Syntaxvereinfachung
# Regexp-Listen erweitert
# Multilingual DE EN
# 02.01.2018 0.2.1 Liste der erase Wörter erweitert
# problem bei wordlist ergänzung
# multideviceable
# Regexp in HASH auswertung
# Automatische Umlautescaping
# komma in wordlists
# 26.01.2018 0.3.2 extra word search && in phrase
# reihenfolge der DEF wird berücksichtigt
# FHEM helper hash für globale verwendet
# Code aufgeräumt
# including definition files
# zugriff auf Umgebungsmuster und Zeitphrasen
# Phraseindikator ? und !
# $n@ for keylistsaccess added
# Zahlenwörter in Zeitphrase konvertieren
# Eventgesteurte Befehle
# Leerer set parameter löst den letzten befehl nochmal aus
# 10.02.2018 0.4.0
# wieder Erkennung verbessert
# Logikfehler bei verschachtelten Sätzen mit "und" behoben
# Neue pass checks float, numeral
# Extraktion des Klammernarrays auch bei Keylistenselector $n@
# Bug on none existing namelists
# Fhem $_ modifikations bug behoben
# Log ausgaben verbessert
# Neues Attribut T2F_if
# Neues Attribut T2F_origin
# Neuer GET standardfilter
# Neuer GET log
# Neue Variable $IF
# Errormessages detaliert
# Neuer Get @keylist @modlist
# 12.02.2018 0.4.1
# Community Notes
# Nested Modifikations
# Neuer Get modificationtypes
# 19.02.2018 0.4.2
# pass word changed
# english adjust
# nested bracket crash in arraymod fixed
# syntaxissues on extendet commands fixed
# umlautfix
# 20.02.2018 0.4.3
# Bug that not load attributes at bootup fixed
# Function normalication updated
# 21.02.2018 0.4.4
# bracket extraction bug fixed
# def not load at bootup fixed
# 03.03.2018 0.4.5
# timephrase modified
# recognize order in hash replacement
# Commandref fix unwanted characters
# possibility of nested brackets in modifiacator
# stabitility fixes in user regexp
# replace ; to ;; in timecommands
# Add 1 day if timecode is in past in hour phrases
# Added async warning if keywordlist is unkown
# 04.03.2018 0.4.6
# Breacket decoding bug fixed
# 04.02.2018 0.5.0
# Feature: Object radiusing
# 05.02.2018 0.5.1
# Semicolon adding concretized
# Problem with first letter umlaut in type modificator fixed
# Fixed problems Attributes not ready
# Matched/Unmatched corrected
# Else in arraymodifikation expanded
# 17.03.2018 0.5.2
# Startup bug fixed
# && Regexp removes match from Command
# Time identification added
# Newlines in configuration now replaced by space
# 18.03.2018 0.5.3
# Time identification fixes
# answerx
# klammern in keywordlists sollen die $n nummerierung nicht beeinflussen
# in keywordlists sind vermutlich nur maximal eine klammerebene möglich direkte regex arrays sind endlos verschachtelbar
# zusätzlich unmodifizierte zeit greifbar machen
#vordefinierte regex zu verfügung stellen
# (i[nm]|vor|auf|unter|hinter)? ?(de[rmn]|die|das)? ?
# neue option notime: deaktiviert für diese Phrase die Zeitenerkennung
package main;
use strict;
#use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::Local;
use Text::ParseWords;
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_multiple extract_bracketed);
#use Encode qw(decode encode);
my %Talk2Fhem_globals;
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{erase} = ['\bplease\b', '\balso\b', '^msgtext:'];
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{numbers} = {
'zero' => 0
,'^one\S*' => 1
,'^(two|twice)' => 2
,'^(three|third)' => 3
,'^four\S*' => 4
,'^five\S*' => 5
,'^six\S*' => 6
,'^seven\S*' => 7
,'^eight\S*' => 8
,'^nine\S*' => 9
,'^ten\S*' => 10
,'^eleven\S*' => 11
,'^twelve\S*' => 12
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre} = join("|", ('\d+', keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}}));
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{pass} = {
true => '^(yes|1|true|on|open|up|bright.*)$',
false => '^(no|0|false|off|close|down|dark.*)$',
numeral => {re=>"($Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{numberre})",fc=>sub{
return ($_[0]) if $_[0] =~ /\d+/;
my $v = $_[0];
foreach ( keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{numbers}} ) {
my $tmp = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_);
last if ($v =~ s/$tmp/$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{numbers}{$_}/i);
integer => '\b(\d+)\b',
float => {re=>'\b(\d+)(\s*[,.])?(\s*(\d+))?\b',fc=>'"$1".("$4"?".$4":"")'},
word => '\b(\w{4,})\b',
empty => '^\s*$'
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{datephrase} = {
'tomorrow'=> {days=>1}
, 'day after tomorrow'=> {days=>2}
, 'yesterday'=> {days=>-1}
, 'the day before yesterday'=> {days=>-2}
, 'in (\d+) week\S?'=> {days=>'(7*$1)'}
, 'in (\d+) month(\S\S)?'=> {month=>'"$1"'}
, 'in (\d+) year(\S\S)?'=> {year=>'"$1"'}
, 'next week'=> {days=>7}
, 'next month'=> {month=>1}
, 'next year'=> {year=>1}
, '(on )?sunday'=> {wday=>0}
, '(on )?monday'=> {wday=>1}
, '(on )?tuesday'=> {wday=>2}
, '(on )?Wednesday'=> {wday=>3}
, '(on )?thursday'=> {wday=>4}
, '(on )?friday'=> {wday=>5}
, '(on )?saturday'=> {wday=>6}
, 'in (\d+) days?'=> {days=>'"$1"'}
, 'on (\d\S*(\s\d+)?)'=> {date=>'"$1"'}
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{timephrase} = {
'(in|and|after)? (\d+) hours?' => {hour=>'"$2"'}
, '(in|and|after)? (\d+) minutes?' => {min=>'"$2"'}
, '(in|and|after)? (\d+) seconds?' => {sec=>'"$2"'}
, 'now' => {min=>3}
, 'after' => {min=>30}
, 'later' => {hour=>1}
, 'right now' => {unix=>'time'}
, 'immediately' => {unix=>'time'}
, 'by (\d+) (o.clock)?' => {time=>'"$1"'}
, 'at (\d+) (o.clock)?' => {time=>'"$1"'}
, 'morning' => {time=>'"09:00"'}
, 'evening' => {time=>'"18:00"'}
, 'afternoon' => {time=>'"16:00"'}
, 'morning' => {time=>'"10:30"'}
, 'noon' => {time=>'"12:00"'}
, 'at lunchtime' => {time=>'"12:00"'}
, 'today' => {time=>'"12:00"'}
#$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{erase} = ['\bbitte\b', '\bauch\b', '\smachen\b', '\sschalten\b', '\sfahren\b', '\bkann\b', '\bsoll\b', '\bnach\b', '^msgtext:'];
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{erase} = ['\bbitte\b', '\bauch\b','\bkann\b', '\bsoll\b'];
# true => '^(ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|öffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*)$',
# false => '^(nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie\S\S?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*)$',
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers} = {
#ACHTUNG keine Klammern verwenden sonst ändert numberre die suchmuster positionen z.b. in get_time_by_phrase
'null' => 0
,'ein\S*|erste\S*' => 1
,'zwei\S*' => 2
,'drei\S*|dritt\S*' => 3
,'vier\S*' => 4
,'fünf\S*' => 5
,'sechs\S*' => 6
,'sieb\S*' => 7
,'acht\S*' => 8
,'neun\S*' => 9
,'zehn\S*' => 10
,'elf\S*' => 11
,'zwölf\S*' => 12
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre} = join("|", ('\d+', keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}}));
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{pass} = {
true => '\b(ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|\S*ffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*|start.*|(ab)?spiele\S?)\b',
false => '\b(nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie\S\S?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*|stop.*|beende\S?)\b',
numeral => {re=>"($Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre})",fc=>sub{
return ($_[0]) if $_[0] =~ /\d+/;
my $v = $_[0];
foreach ( keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}} ) {
my $tmp = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_);
last if ($v =~ s/$tmp/$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}{$_}/i);
integer => '\b(\d+)\b',
float => {re=>'\b(\d+)(\s*[,.])?(\s*(\d+))?\b',fc=>'"$1".("$4"?".$4":"")'},
word => '\b(\w{4,})\b',
empty => '^\s*$'
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{dtspec} = [
# ---------------------------------- DATUMPHRASEN -----------------------------------------
{phr=>'morgen', dtmod=>{days=>1}},
{phr=>'übermorgen', dtmod=>{days=>2}},
{phr=>'gestern', dtmod=>{days=>-1}},
{phr=>'vorgestern', dtmod=>{days=>-2}},
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') wochen?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') monat(en)?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') jahr(en)?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) einem halben? jahr',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) einem viertel jahr',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) einem dreiviertel jahr',
{phr=>'nächste.? woche', dtmod=>{days=>7}},
{phr=>'nächste.? monat', dtmod=>{month=>1}},
{phr=>'nächste.? jahr', dtmod=>{year=>1}},
{phr=>'(am )?sonntag', dtmod=>{wday=>0}},
{phr=>'(am )?montag', dtmod=>{wday=>1}},
{phr=>'(am )?dienstag', dtmod=>{wday=>2}},
{phr=>'(am )?mittwoch', dtmod=>{wday=>3}},
{phr=>'(am )?donnerstag', dtmod=>{wday=>4}},
{phr=>'(am )?freitag', dtmod=>{wday=>5}},
{phr=>'(am )?samstag', dtmod=>{wday=>6}},
{phr=>'in ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') tag(en)?',
{phr=>'am (\d\S*(\s\d+)?)', dtmod=>{date=>'"$1"'}},
# ---------------------------------- ZEITPHRASEN -----------------------------------------
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') stunden?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) einer (halben?|viertel|dreiviertel) ?stunde',
dtmod=>{fc=>sub () {
my $res = $_[0];
if ($2=~/halbe/) {$res += 1800}
elsif ($2=~/^viertel$/) {$res += 900}
elsif ($2=~/^dreiviertel$/) {$res += 2700}
return $res;
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') minuten?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') sekunden?',
{phr=>'gleich', dtmod=>{min=>3}},
{phr=>'nachher', dtmod=>{min=>30}},
{phr=>'später', dtmod=>{hour=>1}},
{phr=>'heute', dtmod=>{notime=>'"12:00"',time=>'"00:00"'}},
{phr=>'nachts?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"03:00"',pm=>0}},
{phr=>'früh', dtmod=>{notime=>'"09:00"',pm=>0}},
{phr=>'vormittags?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"10:30"',pm=>0}},
{phr=>'abends?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"18:00"',pm=>1}},
{phr=>'nachmittags?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"16:00"',pm=>1}},
{phr=>'mittags?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"12:00"',pm=>1}},
# fc modify time. $_[0] = ermittelte zeit. Zugriff auf $1 $2 !unmodifiert! $_[1] = zeit der vorherigen erkennung $_[2] = phr $_[3] = dtmod !evaled! $_[4] = $pm
# um 8:30 uhr um 8 : 30 uhr
{phr=>'um (\d+\s?\:\s?\d+)( uhr)?',
fc=>sub () {
my $res = (($_[0] + 3600) < $_[1]) ? ($_[0]+3600*24) : $_[0];
# Füge 12 hinzu wenn explicit pm und zeit nicht abends
$res += 12*3600 if (defined($_[4]) and $_[4] and $1 =~ /^(0?[0-9]|1[0-2])/);
#eventuell bei den beiden näcshten wenn es nachmittag ist nur 12 addieren
# um 8 uhr 30 um acht uhr zwölf
{phr=>'um ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') uhr ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.')',
fc=>sub () {
my $res = (($_[0] + 3600) < $_[1]) ? ($_[0]+3600*24) : $_[0];
# Füge 12 hinzu wenn explicit pm und zeit nicht abends
$res += 12*3600 if (defined($_[4]) and $_[4] and $_[3]{time} =~ /^(0?[0-9]|1[0-2])/);
# um 8 uhr um acht uhr
{phr=>'um ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') uhr',
fc=>sub () {
my $res = (($_[0] + 3600) < $_[1]) ? ($_[0]+3600*24) : $_[0];
# Füge 12 hinzu wenn explicit pm und zeit nicht abends
$res += 12*3600 if (defined($_[4]) and $_[4] and $_[3]{time} =~ /^(0?[0-9]|1[0-2])/);
# um
{phr=>'um (halb|viertel vor|viertel nach|viertel|dreiviertel)? ?('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.')',
fc=>sub () { my $res=$_[0];
# Log 1, "0 ".localtime($_[0]);
# Log 1, "1 ".localtime($_[1]);
# Log 1, "2 ".$_[2];
# Log 1, "3 ".$_[3];
# Log 1, "4 ".$_[4];
my @evt = localtime($_[0]);
if ($evt[2] < 13) {
my @now = localtime($_[1]);
if ($_[0] < $_[1] or $now[2] > 12) {
$res += 3600*12;
if ($res < $_[1]) {
$res += 3600*12;
if ($1 eq "halb") {
$res -= 1800;
} elsif ($1 eq "viertel vor") {
$res -= 900;
} elsif ($1 eq "viertel nach") {
$res += 900;
} elsif ($1 eq "viertel") {
$res -= 2700;
} elsif ($1 eq "dreiviertel") {
$res -= 900;
$res += 12*3600 if (defined($_[4]) and $_[4] and $_[3]{time} =~ /^(0?[0-9]|1[0-2])/);
{phr=>'jetzt', dtmod=>{unix=>'time'}},
{phr=>'sofort', dtmod=>{unix=>'time'}},
sub Talk2Fhem_Initialize($);
sub Talk2Fhem_Define($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Undef($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Delete($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Notify($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Set($@);
sub Talk2Fhem_addND($);
sub Talk2Fhem_UpdND($);
sub Talk2Fhem_Get($$@);
sub Talk2Fhem_Attr(@);
sub Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($$$);
sub Talk2Fhem_parseParams($);
sub Talk2Fhem_realtrim($);
sub Talk2Fhem_normalize($);
sub Talk2Fhem_parseArray($;$$);
sub Talk2Fhem_loadList($$;$);
sub Talk2Fhem_language($);
sub Talk2Fhem_mkattime($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_exec($$$);
sub T2FL($$$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Undef";
# $hash->{DeleteFn} = "X_Delete";
$hash->{SetFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Get";
# $hash->{ReadFn} = "X_Read";
# $hash->{ReadyFn} = "X_Ready";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Notify";
# $hash->{RenameFn} = "X_Rename";
# $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "X_Shutdown";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"disable:0,1 T2F_disableumlautescaping:0,1 T2F_origin T2F_filter T2F_if:textField-long T2F_keywordlist:textField-long T2F_modwordlist:textField-long T2F_language:EN,DE";
sub Talk2Fhem_Define($$)
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
$hash->{STATE} = "Loading";
if ($def =~ /^\S+ Talk2Fhem$/) {
$hash->{DEF} = "# <regex> = <command>\n# Examples:\n# timer (löschen|zurück)\t= set \$NAME cleartimers\n# ereignis\\S* (löschen|zurück)\t= set \$NAME cleartriggers";
my $error = undef;
my @def = split(/ /, $def);
my $name = shift(@def);
my $dev = shift(@def);
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
if ($init_done) {
($_ = Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_keywordlist")) && return;
($_ = Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_modwordlist")) && return;
$error = Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($hash, "phrase", "@def");
T2FL($name, 1, $error) if $error;
# T2FL($name, 5, "T2F Phrasehash:\n".Dumper($Talk2Fhem_phrase{$name})) unless $error;
T2FL($name, 5, "T2F Phrasehash:\n".Dumper($hash->{helper}{phrase})) unless $error;
$hash->{STATE} = "Ready";
return $error;
sub Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($$$) {
my $hash = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $text = "@_";
my @h = Talk2Fhem_parseParams($text);
return ("Error while parsing Definition.\n$h[0]"."\n\n$text" ) unless(ref($h[0]) eq "HASH");
# Not ready yet
return unless $hash->{helper};
my $disu =AttrVal($hash, "T2F_disableumlautescaping", 0);
my %keylist = %{$hash->{helper}{T2F_keywordlist}} if $hash->{helper}{T2F_keywordlist};
my $i=0;
while ($i <= $#h) {
my $elmnt = $h[$i];
my @a = $$elmnt{key}=~/(?<!\\)\(/g;
my @b = $$elmnt{key}=~/(?<!\\)\)/g;
return("Error while parsing Definition HASH.\nOdd numbers of brackets ():\n".$$elmnt{key}) unless $#a eq $#b;
if ($$elmnt{key} eq '$include') {
T2FL $hash->{NAME}, 4, "Loading Configfile $$elmnt{val}";
# open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $$elmnt{val})
# open fh, "<", $$elmnt{val}
# or return "Could not open file '$$elmnt{val}' $!";
my ($error, @content) = FileRead($$elmnt{val});
return "$error '$$elmnt{val}'" if $error;
#local $/;
my @file = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(join("\n",@content));
return ("Error while parsing File $$elmnt{val}.\n$file[0]"."\n\n$text" ) unless(ref($file[0]) eq "HASH");
splice @h, $i, 1;
splice @h, $i, 0, @file;
# push(@h, @file);
if ($$elmnt{val} =~ /^\((.*)\)/) {
#my %r = eval($$elmnt{val});
#Log 1, "Hallo: ".$1;
my %r;
my $harr = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($1, undef, 1);
for my $el (@$harr) {
my @test = split(/[\s\t]*=>[\t\s\n]*/,$el,2);
my $t = $test[1] =~ /^[^"']/;
#Log 1, Dumper @test;
#Log 1, Dumper $t;
my $h = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($el, '\s*=>[\t\s\n]*', $t);
#my @arr = /(.*?)=>(.*)/;
#$h = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($_, "=>", 1) if $$h[0]=~ /answer/;
$r{$$h[0]} = $$h[1];
return("Error while parsing Definition HASH.\n".$$elmnt{val}."\n\n$text") unless (%r);
$$elmnt{val} = \%r;
}elsif ($$elmnt{val} =~ /^\(.*[^)]$/) {
return("Error while parsing Definition HASH.\nDid you forget closing ')' in:\n".$$elmnt{val}."\n\n$text");
} else {
my $tmp=$$elmnt{val};
$$elmnt{val} = undef;
$$elmnt{val}{($target eq "phrase") ? "cmd" : $target} = $tmp;
#alternative syntax wenn nur ein value
# elsif ($$elmnt{key} =~ /^\$if.*?\s+(.*)/) {
#return("Syntax Error. Can't locate IF condition.") unless $1;
#return("Syntax Error. Can't locate IF regexp.") unless $$elmnt{val};
#$hash->{helper}{ifs} = { IF=>$$elmnt{val}, regexp=>"$1" };
#splice @h, $i, 1;
# }
# Regexp Auflösung und Analyse
my $d=0;
my @hitnokeylist=(AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "T2F_origin", undef));
my @phrs = map { Talk2Fhem_realtrim($_) } split(/[\t\s]*\&\&[\t\s]*/, $$elmnt{key});
for my $phr (@phrs) {
my $keylistname;
my $tmp = $phr;
# klammern zählen die nicht geslasht sind und kein spezialklammern sind (?
while ($tmp =~ /(?<!\\)\((?!\?)(@(\w+))?/g) {
if ($1) {
$keylistname = $2;
unless ($keylist{$keylistname}) {
asyncOutput($hash->{CL}, "Warning: Unkown keywordlist $1. In phrase: $phr");
#return(T2FL($hash, 1, "Unkown keywordlist $1. In phrase: $phr"));
my $re = join("|", @{$keylist{$keylistname}});
$phr =~ s/@(\w+)/$re/;
#speichern welcher array in welcher klammer steht
$hitnokeylist[$d] = $keylistname;
push(@{$$elmnt{regexps}}, Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($phr, $disu));
$$elmnt{hitnokeylist} = \@hitnokeylist;
# for (@h) {
# next unless ($$_{val}{if});
# my $test = AnalyzeCommandChain ($hash, "IF ((".$$_{val}{if}.")) ({1})");
# if ($test and $test ne "1") {
# T2FL $hash, 1, "Condition ".$$_{val}{if}." failed: ".$test;
# return($test."\n\n".$text);
# }
# }
$hash->{helper}{$target} = \@h;
sub Talk2Fhem_Undef($$)
my ( $hash, $name) = @_;
$hash->{helper} = undef;
return undef;
sub Talk2Fhem_Delete($$)
my ( $hash, $name ) = @_;
return undef;
sub Talk2Fhem_Notify($$)
my ($own_hash, $dev_hash) = @_;
my $ownName = $own_hash->{NAME};
my $devName; # Device that created the events
for (@{$$own_hash{helper}{notifiers}}) {
$devName = $dev_hash->{NAME} if $_ eq $dev_hash->{NAME};
return "" unless $devName;
my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash, 1);
my @nots = @{$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}};
my $i=0;
# for my $i (0 .. $#nots) {
while ($i <= $#{$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}}) {
my $not = ${$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}}[$i];
if (grep { $devName eq $_ } (@{$$not{devs}})) {
T2FL $own_hash, 4, "Event detected ".$$not{if};
my $res = fhem($$not{if});
T2FL $own_hash, 5, "Result: ".$res;
if ($res == 1) {
T2FL $own_hash, 3, "Execute command: ".$$not{cmd};
my $fhemres = fhem($$not{cmd});
readingsSingleUpdate($own_hash, "response", $fhemres, 1);
splice(@{$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}}, $i--, 1);
} elsif ($res) {
T2FL $own_hash, 1, "Error on condition ($$not{if}): $res";
readingsSingleUpdate($own_hash, "response", $res, 1);
splice(@{$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}}, $i--, 1);
return "" if(IsDisabled($ownName));
if($devName eq "global" && grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$events}))
sub Talk2Fhem_Set($@)
my ( $hash, $name, @args ) = @_;
(return "\"set $name\" needs at least one argument") unless(scalar(@args));
(return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of ! cleartriggers:noArg cleartimers:noArg") if($args[0] eq "?");
if ($args[0] eq "cleartimers") {
AnalyzeCommand($hash->{CL}, "delete at_".$name."_.*");
} elsif ($args[0] eq "cleartriggers") {
$$hash{helper}{notifies} = [];
} else {
$hash->{STATE} = "Loading";
shift @args if $args[0] eq "!";
@args = ReadingsVal($name, "set", undef) unless(scalar(@args));
#my $txt = s/[^\x00-\xFF]//g;
#my $txt = decode("utf8", "@args");
my $txt = "@args";
Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_keywordlist") unless $hash->{helper}{T2F_keywordlist};
Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_modwordlist") unless $hash->{helper}{T2F_modwordlist};
Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($hash, "phrase", $hash->{DEF}) unless $hash->{helper}{phrase};
Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($hash, "if", AttrVal($name, "T2F_if","")) if (AttrVal($name, "T2F_if",0) and ! $hash->{helper}{if});
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "set", "$txt", 1);
$hash->{STATE} = "Ready";
$hash->{STATE} = "Working";
my %res = Talk2Fhem_exec("$txt", $hash, $name);
if (%res && ! $res{err} && $res{cmds}) {
if ($res{cmds}) {
for my $h (@{$res{cmds}}) {
my $fhemcmd = ($$h{at}?Talk2Fhem_mkattime($name, $$h{at})." ":"").($$h{at}?($$h{cmd} =~ s/;/;;/gr):$$h{cmd});
unless ($$h{ifs}) { # kein IF
T2FL $name, 5, "Executing Command: ".$fhemcmd;
my $fhemres = AnalyzeCommandChain ($hash->{CL}, $fhemcmd) unless (IsDisabled($name));
$$h{"fhemcmd"} = $fhemcmd;
push(@{$res{fhemres}}, $fhemres) if ($fhemres);
T2FL $name, 5, "Pushed: ".$fhemcmd;
} else { # If
#Event erstellen
my %r;
$r{hash} = $hash;
$r{if} = "IF ((".(join(") and (", @{$$h{ifs}})).")) ({1})";
my $test = AnalyzeCommandChain ($hash->{CL}, $r{if});
if ($test and $test ne "1") {
T2FL $name, 1, "Condition $r{if} failed: ".$test;
push(@{$res{fhemres}}, $test);
} my %s = (); # make it unique
push(@{$r{devs}}, grep { ! $s{$_}++ } map {/\[(.*?)[:\]]/g} @{$$h{ifs}});
$r{cmd} = $fhemcmd;
} else {
# Nothing to do
T2FL $name, 1, "Nothing to do: ".$txt;
#push(@{$res{err}}, "FHEM: ".$fhemres) if $fhemres;
my $status;
if ($res{fhemres}) { $status = "response" }
elsif (IsDisabled($name)) {$status = "disabled"}
elsif ($res{err}) {$status = "err"}
elsif ($res{answers}) {$status = "answers"}
else {$status = "done"}
#T2FL($hash, 1, "CL:\n".Dumper($hash->{CL}));
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "client", $hash->{CL}{NAME});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "ifs", join(" and ", @{$res{ifs}})) if $res{ifs};
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "cmds", join(";\n", map { ($$_{at}?Talk2Fhem_mkattime($name, $$_{at})." ":"").$$_{cmd} } @{$res{cmds}})) if $res{cmds};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "cmds", join(";\n", map { $$_{"fhemcmd"} } @{$res{cmds}})) if $res{cmds};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "answers", join(" und ", @{$res{answers}})) if $res{answers};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "err", join("\n", @{$res{err}})) if $res{err};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "response", join("\n", @{$res{fhemres}})) if $res{fhemres};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "status", $status);
### in done könnte
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
$hash->{STATE} = "Ready";
sub Talk2Fhem_addND($) {
#Log 1, Dumper $_[0]{cmds};
my $hash = $_[0]{hash};
unless(IsDisabled($$hash{NAME})) {
my %h;
for (keys %{$_[0]}) {
next if /hash/;
$h{$_} = $_[0]{$_};
push(@{$$hash{helper}{notifies}}, \%h);
sub Talk2Fhem_UpdND($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my %s = (); # make it unique
my @ntfs = @{$$hash{helper}{notifies}};
@{$$hash{helper}{notifiers}} = grep { ! $s{$_}++ } map { @{$$_{devs}} } @ntfs;
#$$hash{NOTIFYDEV} = join ",",@{$$hash{helper}{notifiers}};
notifyRegexpChanged($hash, join "|",@{$$hash{helper}{notifiers}});
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "notifies", join( "\\n", map {$$_{if}} @ntfs), 1);
T2FL $hash, 4, "Updated NotifyDev: ".join( "|", @{$$hash{helper}{notifiers}});
T2FL $hash, 5, "Updated NotifyDev: ".Dumper @ntfs;
sub Talk2Fhem_Get($$@)
my ( $hash, $name, $opt, @args ) = @_;
my $lang = Talk2Fhem_language($hash);
return "\"get $name\" needs at least one argument" unless(defined($opt));
if($opt eq "keylistno")
my $res;
my $keylist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_keywordlist", ""));
foreach (keys %$keylist) {
$res .= $_.":\n";
my $arr = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$keylist{$_});
for (my $i=0;$i<=$#$arr;$i++) {
$res .= ($i+1).": ".$arr->[$i]."\n";
return $res;
elsif($opt =~ /^\@/)
my $keylist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_keywordlist", ""));
my $modlist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_modwordlist", ""));
my $r;
(my $kwl = $opt) =~ s/^\@//;
(my $mwl = $args[0]) =~ s/^\@//;
my $kw = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$keylist{$kwl});
my $mw = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$modlist{$mwl});
my $l=11;
map { $l = length($_) if length($_) > $l } (@$kw);
$r .= "Keywordlist".(" " x ($l-11))." : "."Modwordlist\n";
$r .= $opt.(" " x ($l-length($opt)))." : ".$args[0]."\n\n";
for my $i (0..$#$kw) {
$r .= ($$kw[$i]//"").(" " x ($l-length(($$kw[$i]//""))))." : ".($$mw[$i]//"")."\n";
elsif($opt eq "standardfilter")
my $atr=AttrVal($name, "T2F_filter", 0);
my $filter = join(',',@{$Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($name)}{erase}});
if ($atr) {
return("Attribute T2F_filter is not empty please delete it.");
} else {
fhem("attr $name T2F_filter $filter");
return("Filterattribute set to standard.");
elsif($opt eq "log")
elsif($opt eq "modificationtypes")
my $res = ref $Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{pass}{$args[0]} && $Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{pass}{$args[0]}{re} || $Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{pass}{$args[0]};
return(($lang eq "DE" ? "Folgende RegExp wird erwartet:\n" : "The following regexp is expected:\n").$res);
elsif($opt eq "datedefinitions")
return(Dumper %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{datephrase}});
elsif($opt eq "timedefinitions")
return(Dumper %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{timephrase}});
elsif($opt eq "version")
return(Dumper $Talk2Fhem_globals{version});
# ...
my $keylist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_keywordlist", ""));
my $modlist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_modwordlist", ""));
return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of keylistno:noArg log:noArg standardfilter:noArg version:noArg".
" @".join(" @",map { $_.":@".join(",@", sort keys %$modlist) } sort keys %$keylist).
" modificationtypes:".join(",", sort keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{pass}}).
" datedefinitions:noArg timedefinitions:noArg";
sub Talk2Fhem_Attr(@)
my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrValue ) = @_;
# $cmd - Vorgangsart - kann die Werte "del" (löschen) oder "set" (setzen) annehmen
# $name - Gerätename
# $attrName/$attrValue sind Attribut-Name und Attribut-Wert
return unless $init_done;
#Log 1, Dumper @_;
if ($attrName eq "T2F_keywordlist" or $attrName eq "T2F_modwordlist") {
$defs{$name}{helper}{phrase} = undef;
$defs{$name}{helper}{if} = undef;
if ($cmd eq "set") {
T2FL $name, 4, "Attribute checking!";
return Talk2Fhem_loadList($defs{$name}, $attrName, $attrValue);
} else {
delete $defs{$name}{helper}{$attrName};
if ($attrName eq "T2F_if") {
if ($cmd eq "set") {
return(Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($defs{$name}, "if", $attrValue));
} else {
delete $defs{$name}{helper}{if};
#elsif ($attrName eq "T2F_filter")
#Log 1, "HALLO".$defs{global}{STATE};
#my $preattr = AttrVal($name, "T2F_filter", "");
#if ($preattr eq "") {
# $_[3] = join(",", @{$Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($name)}{erase}}).",".$attrValue;
return undef;
sub Talk2Fhem_parseParams_old($)
my ($val) = @_;
my %res; my $i=0;
foreach my $v (split(/\n/,$val)) {
# if ($v =~ /^[ \t]*(?!#)(.*?)[ \t]+=[ \t]+(.*?)[ \t]*$/) {
$v =~ s/#.*//;
next unless $v;
if ($v =~ /^[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]+=[ \t]+(.*?)[ \t]*$/) {
return ("#$i Missing REGEXP '$v'") unless ($1);
return ("#$i Missing Command '$v'") unless ($2);
$res{$1} = $2;
} else {
return ("#$i Syntaxerror. '$v'\nDid you forget whitespace before or after '='");
sub Talk2Fhem_realtrim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^[\s\t\n]*|[\s\t\n]*$//g;
# $string =~ s/^[\s\t\n]*|[\s\t\n]*$//g;
return $string;
sub Talk2Fhem_normalize($)
my $string = shift;
#mach probleme bei "ue"
# $string =~ s/\s{2,}|\b\w\b|\t|\n|['".,;:\!\?]/ /g;
$string =~ s/\s{2,}|\t|\n|['".,;\!\?]/ /g;
return $string;
sub Talk2Fhem_parseParams($)
my ($def) = @_;
my $val = $def;
my $i=0;
my %hres;
my @res;
while ($val =~ /(.*?)[ \t]+=[ \t\n]+((.|\n)*?)(?=(\n.*?[ \t]+=[ \t\n]|$))/) {
my $pre = Talk2Fhem_realtrim($`);
if ($pre) {
return ("Syntaxerror: $pre") if ($pre !~ /^#/);
$val = $';
next if (Talk2Fhem_realtrim($1) =~ /^#/);
my $key = $1;
my $val = $2; my $r;
$key = Talk2Fhem_realtrim($key);
foreach my $line (split("\n", $val)) {
$line =~ s/#.*//;
$line = Talk2Fhem_realtrim($line);
$r .= ($r?" ":"").$line;
if ( wantarray ) {
push(@res, {key => $key, val => $r});
} else {
$hres{$key} = $r;
return ("Syntaxerror: $val") if (Talk2Fhem_realtrim($val));
return(@res) if ( wantarray );
sub Talk2Fhem_parseArray($;$$)
my ($val, $split, $keep) = @_;
$split = "," unless $split;
my @r = map {Talk2Fhem_realtrim($_)} quotewords($split, $keep, $val);
sub Talk2Fhem_loadList($$;$)
my $hash = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $list = (shift || AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, $type, ""));
$list = Talk2Fhem_parseParams($list);
return ("Error while parsing Keywordlist.\n$list" ) unless(ref($list) eq "HASH");
delete $hash->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist} if $type eq "T2F_keywordlist";
delete $hash->{helper}{$type};
foreach (keys %$list) {
# $$list{$_} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$list{$_});
$hash->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist}{$_} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$list{$_}) if /^\&/;
$hash->{helper}{$type}{s/^\&//r} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$list{$_});
# my $modlist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_modwordlist", ""));;
# return ("Error while parsing Modwordlist.\n$modlist" ) unless(ref($modlist) eq "HASH");
# foreach (keys %$modlist)
## $$modlist{$_} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$modlist{$_});
# $hash->{helper}{modlist}{$_} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$modlist{$_});
sub Talk2Fhem_language($)
my ($name) = @_;
my $lang = AttrVal($name, "T2F_language", AttrVal("global", "language", "DE"));
$lang = "DE" unless $lang =~ /DE|EN/;
sub Talk2Fhem_mkattime($$) {
my $myname = $_[0];
my $i = $_[1];
my @ltevt = localtime($i);
my $d=0; my $dev="at_".$myname."_".$i."_".$d;
while ($defs{$dev}) {$dev = "at_".$myname."_".$i."_".++$d}
return("define at_".$myname."_".$i."_".$d." at "
."-".sprintf("%02d", ($ltevt[4]+1))
."-".sprintf("%02d", $ltevt[3])
."T".sprintf("%02d", $ltevt[2])
.":".sprintf("%02d", $ltevt[1])
.":".sprintf("%02d", $ltevt[0]));
sub Talk2Fhem_exec($$$) {
my %assires;
my %lastcmd;
sub Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($$$$$@);
sub Talk2Fhem_addevt($$$$;$$);
sub Talk2Fhem_err($$$;$);
sub Talk2Fhem_filter($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($;$);
sub Talk2Fhem_test($$);
my ($txt, $me, $myname) = @_;
#my $kl = $me->{helper}{T2F_keywordlist};
#my $ml = $me->{helper}{T2F_modwordlist};
(Talk2Fhem_err($myname, "No Text given!",\%assires,1) && return(%assires)) unless $txt;
my $lang = Talk2Fhem_language($myname);
my %Talk2Fhem = %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}};
T2FL($myname, 5, "Talk2Fhem Version: ".$Talk2Fhem_globals{version});
T2FL($myname, 3, "Decoding Text: ".$txt);
my $t2ffilter = AttrVal($myname,"T2F_filter",0);
T2FL($me, 5, "Using User Filter: ".$t2ffilter) if $t2ffilter;
my $lastevt;
my $lastif;
my $lastifmatch;
my $origin = AttrVal($myname, "T2F_origin", "");
$txt =~ s/$origin//;
$origin = $&;
$txt = Talk2Fhem_normalize(Talk2Fhem_realtrim($txt));
readingsSingleUpdate($me, "origin", $origin, 1);
#Zeiten könnten auch ein und enthalten deswegen nicht wenn auf und eine Zahl folgt
my @cmds = split(/ und (?!$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre})/, $txt);
# CHECK if $cmd[0] hit Talk2Fhem_test. Unless dont split. And make a deeper analysis.
#if ($#cmd)
# before test remove time and if phrases simple
# unless (Talk2Fhem_test($me, $cmds[0]))
# Nun schauen wir mal was vor und nach dem und ist.
# könnte phrasentreffer auf kompletten satz ausschluss geben
@cmds = grep { $_ } @cmds;
# Tiefe UND analyse
# Präposition und Artikel
my $art = '(([ai][nm]|beim?|auf|unter|hinter|über|vo[rnm]) )?((de[rmns]|die|das) )?';
my $uart = '(eine?[smnr]?)';
my @regtargets;
for (keys %{$me->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist}}) { push(@regtargets, \@{$me->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist}{$_}}) };
my $reg = '\b'.${art}.'('.join("|",map { @$_ } @regtargets).')\b';
my @andlockinfo; #my @sets;
for (@regtargets) {
my $regtarget = join("|", @$_);
# d Satzteil x Teilposition y cmds Position
my $d=0; my $x=0; my $y=0; my $prepost; my $prepre;
for (@cmds) {
# erkenne target
if (/\s?\b(${art})(${regtarget})\b/i)
my ($pre,$post,$target) = ($`,$',$&);
my @targets=($target);
# weitere targets. Bei Auflistungen ohne und
while ($post =~ s/(,|\s)+(${art}(${regtarget}))\b//i) {
push(@targets, $2);
my $xx = -1;
# Fülle andlockinfo hash
for (@targets) {
my $s = $andlockinfo[$d]{count}++;
my $ref = \%{$andlockinfo[$d]{part}[$x+(++$xx)]};
# füge targets hinzu mit korregierten leerzeichen
$$ref{target} .= ((($$ref{target}||"")!~/\s$/ and $_!~/^\s/)?" ":"").$_;
$$ref{no} = $y;
$$ref{pre} = $pre || undef;
if ($post) {
#entferne Targets anderer Kategorien
$post =~ s/\s?$reg\s?/ /gi;
$post = undef if $post =~ /^\s*$/;
$$ref{post} = $post || undef;
$x += $xx if $xx ne -1;
$andlockinfo[$d]{pre} = ($pre || $prepre) if $pre || $prepre;# and !$andlockinfo[$d]{pre};
$andlockinfo[$d]{post} = ($post || $prepost) if $post || $prepost;# and !$andlockinfo[$d]{post};
$prepost=undef; $prepre=undef;
# wenn es ein post existiert fange neuen Satzteil an und speichere pre und post
if ($andlockinfo[$d]{count} > 1 and $post) {
$prepost = $andlockinfo[$d]{post};
$prepre = $andlockinfo[$d]{pre};
else {
$d++; $x=-1;
$x++; $y++;
#print Dumper @andlockinfo;
#Bilde komplette Sätze und füge nicht berücksichtigte sätze an richtiger position ein
my @ncmds; my $o=0;
for (my $i=0;$i<=$#andlockinfo;$i++) {
my $a = $andlockinfo[$i];
if (ref $a) {
for ($o..($$a{part}[0]{no}-1)) {
push(@ncmds, $cmds[$_]);
for my $p (@{$$a{part}}) {
push(@ncmds, ($$p{pre}//$$a{pre}||"").$$p{target}.($$p{post}//$$a{post}||""));
$o = $$p{no}+1;
push(@ncmds, splice(@cmds,$o));
@cmds = @ncmds ? @ncmds : @cmds;
T2FL($myname, 4, "After correction:\n".(join("\n", @cmds)));
foreach (@cmds) {
next unless $_;
my $cmd = $_;
my $specials;
$$specials{origin} = $origin;
T2FL($myname, 4, "Command part: '$cmd'");
my $rawcmd = $cmd;
my $time = time;
### wieder und dann/danach am Anfang legen die zeit auf das vorherige event
if ($lastevt and ($cmd =~ /\bwieder |^(dann|danach).*/i)) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Word again found. Reusing timeevent. ".localtime($lastevt));
$time = $lastevt;
my $evtime = Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($myname, $time, $time, \$cmd, \$specials, @{$Talk2Fhem{dtspec}});
#my $evtime = Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($myname, $time, $time, \$cmd, \$specials, %{$Talk2Fhem{datephrase}});
#$evtime = Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($myname, $evtime, $time, \$cmd, \$specials, %{$Talk2Fhem{timephrase}});
#T2FL($myname, 4, "Extracted Timephrase. '$$specials{timephrase}'") if $$specials{timephrase};
T2FL($myname, 4, "Extracted Timephrase. '$$specials{timephrase}'") if $$specials{timephrase};
T2FL($myname, 5, "Commandpart after datedecoding. '$cmd'") if $cmd ne $rawcmd;
unless($evtime) {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, "Error while time calculating: $rawcmd",\%assires,1);
$cmd = Talk2Fhem_filter($myname, $cmd);
if ($time < $evtime) {
T2FL($myname, 4, "Eventtime found: ".localtime($evtime));
} elsif ($time-10 > $evtime) {
T2FL($myname, 3, "Time is in past: $time $evtime");
} elsif ($lastevt) {$lastevt++}
foreach my $phr (@{$me->{helper}{if}}) {
my $sc = Talk2Fhem_addevt($myname, $phr, $lastevt, $cmd, \%assires, $specials);
push(@{$$specials{ifs}} , @{$lastif}) if ($lastif);
$lastif = $$specials{ifs};
$lastifmatch .= ($lastifmatch ? " und " : " ").$$specials{match};
$$specials{ifmatch} = $lastifmatch;
$cmd = Talk2Fhem_normalize(Talk2Fhem_realtrim($cmd));
# Maximal 2 Wörter vor dem wieder, ansonsten wird von einem neuen Kommando ausgegangen.
# dann wird nach der letzten Zahl, wort länger als 3 buchstaben oder wahr falsch wörter gesucht.
#if ($cmd =~ /^.?(\S+\s){0,2}wieder.* (\S+)$/i) {
if (%lastcmd and
( $cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{float})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{integer})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{word})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{true})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{false})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{numberre})/i)) {
$$specials{dir} = $1;
# hier erfolgt ein hitcheck, damit erkannt wird ob das kommando ohne wieder ein eigenständiger befehl ist.
# frage ist ob zusätzlich über specials eine rückgabe gegeben werden soll ob die konfig "wieder" fähig ist. z.b. überhaupt ein $n vorhanden ist.
# ist der 2 wörter check noch notwendig?
unless (Talk2Fhem_test($me, $cmd =~ s/\s?wieder\s/ /r)) {
#Vorhiges Kommando mit letztem wort als "direction"
# Log 1, Dumper Talk2Fhem_test($me, $_ =~ s/\s?wieder\s/ /r);
T2FL($myname, 4, "Word again with direction ($$specials{dir}) found. Using last command. ${$lastcmd{phr}}{key}");
Talk2Fhem_addevt($myname, $lastcmd{phr}, $lastevt, $lastcmd{cmd}, \%assires, $specials);
} else {
T2FL($myname, 3, "Again word ignored because Command matches own Phrase!");
$$specials{dir} = undef;
#wieder wird nicht mehr benötigt
$cmd =~ s/\bwieder\b|^(dann|danach) / /g;
$cmd = Talk2Fhem_normalize(Talk2Fhem_realtrim(Talk2Fhem_filter($myname, $cmd)));
T2FL($myname, 4, "Command left: '$cmd'") if $rawcmd ne $cmd;
my $sc;
#foreach my $phr (keys(%{$Talk2Fhem_phrase{$myname}})) {
foreach my $phr (@{$me->{helper}{phrase}}) {
#Teste Phrasenregex
$lastcmd{phr} = $phr;
$lastcmd{cmd} = $cmd;
$sc = Talk2Fhem_addevt($myname, $phr, $lastevt, $cmd, \%assires, $specials);
# undef nicht gefunden, 0 fehler beim umwandeln, 1 erfolgreich
last if defined($sc);
unless ($sc) {
unless(defined($sc)) {
# undef
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, "No match: '$rawcmd'",\%assires,1);
} else {
# 0
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, "Error on Command: '$rawcmd'",\%assires,1) unless $assires{err};
# eventuell ganz abbrechen bei fehler, jetzt wird noch das nächste und ausgewertet
sub Talk2Fhem_filter($$) {
my ($name, $cmd) = @_;
my $filter = AttrVal($name,"T2F_filter",$Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($name)}{erase});
unless (ref($filter) eq "ARRAY") {
$filter = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($filter);
for (@$filter) {
$cmd =~ s/$_/ /gi;
$cmd =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
sub Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($$$$$@) {
#$evt (@lt) = Zeit bei der wir uns gerade befinden
#$now (@now) = Grundlage bei Zeiten mit relativen Zeitangaben
my ($myname, $evt, $now, $cmd, $spec, @tp) = @_;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "get_time_by_phrase. Using eventtime: ".localtime($evt)." now: ".localtime($now)." command: ".$$cmd);
return(0) unless ($evt);
my @lt = localtime($evt);
my @now = localtime($now);
my $disu = AttrVal($myname, "T2F_disableumlautescaping", 0);
my $pm; my $timeset;
foreach my $e (@tp) {
my $key = $$e{phr};
my %tf = %{$$e{dtmod}};
my $esckey = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($key, $disu);
my @opt = ($$cmd =~ /\b$esckey\b/i);
while ($$cmd =~ s/\b$esckey\b/ /i) {
$$$spec{timephrase} .= $&." ";
$pm = $tf{pm} if defined $tf{pm};
$timeset = $tf{notime} if defined $tf{notime};
# my %tf = %{$tp{$key}};
T2FL($myname, 4, "Timephrase found: =~ s/\\b$key\\b/");
foreach my $datemod (keys(%tf)) {
next if $datemod eq "fc";
next if $datemod eq "pm";
# Suche Ersetzungsvariablen
my $dmstore = $tf{$datemod};
while ($tf{$datemod} =~ /\$(\d+)/) {
my $d=$1;
my $v = $opt[($d-1)];
if ($v !~ /^\d+$/) {
foreach ( keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}} ) {
my $tmp = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu);
last if ($v =~ s/$tmp/$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}{$_}/i);
$tf{$datemod} =~ s/\$\d+/$v/;
$tf{$datemod} = eval($tf{$datemod}); # Kalkulationen
T2FL($myname, 5, "TIMEPHRASEDATA mod: '$datemod' raw: '$dmstore' result: '$tf{$datemod}' opt: '@opt' pm: '".($pm // "")."'" );
if ($datemod eq "days") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,0,($lt[3]+$tf{days}),$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = "12:00";
} elsif ($datemod eq "wday") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,0,($lt[3]-$lt[6]+$tf{wday}+(( $tf{wday} <= $lt[6] )?7:0)),$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = "12:00";
} elsif ($datemod eq "year") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,0,$lt[3],$lt[4],($lt[5]+$tf{year})) || 0;
$timeset = "12:00";
} elsif ($datemod eq "month") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,0,$lt[3],($lt[4]+$tf{month}),$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = "12:00";
} elsif ($datemod eq "sec") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(($now[0]+$tf{sec}),$now[1],$now[2],$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "min") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime($now[0],($now[1]+$tf{min}),$now[2],$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "hour") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime($now[0],$now[1],($now[2]+$tf{hour}),$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "time") {
my @t = map { s/\s//gr } split(":", $tf{time});
$evt = POSIX::mktime($t[2] || 0,$t[1] || 0,$t[0],$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "date") {
my @t = split(/\.|\s/, $tf{date});
if ($t[1]) {$t[1]--} else {$t[1] = $now[4]+1}
if ($t[2]) {if (length($t[2]) eq 2) { $t[2] = "20".$t[2] }; $t[2]=$t[2]-1900} else {$t[2] = $now[5]}
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,12,$t[0], $t[1], $t[2]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "unix") {
$evt = localtime($tf{unix});
$timeset = undef;
@now = localtime($evt);
@lt = localtime($evt);
if ($tf{fc}) {
if (ref $tf{fc} eq "CODE") {
my $lock = $evt;
$evt = &{$tf{fc}}($evt, $now, $key, \%tf, $pm);
T2FL($myname, 4, "Time modified by function. ".$lock." -> ".$evt) if $lock != $evt;
#notwendig wenn fc ohne zeitsetzer ode notime steht $timeset = undef;
$now = $evt;
#wenn keine Zeit gesetzt wurde setze $timeset.
if ($timeset) {
#Log 1, "TIMESET: $timeset";
my @t = split(":", $timeset);
my @lt = localtime($evt);
$evt = POSIX::mktime($t[2] || 0,$t[1] || 0,$t[0],$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
sub Talk2Fhem_test($$) {
my ($hash, $cmd) = @_;
foreach my $phr (@{$hash->{helper}{phrase}}) {
my $r = Talk2Fhem_addevt($hash->{NAME}, $phr, undef, $cmd);
return $r if $r;
sub Talk2Fhem_addevt($$$$;$$) {
#print Dumper @_;
my ($myname, $phr, $lastevt, $cmd, $res, $spec) = @_;
my $success;
my $rawcmd = $cmd;
my $cmdref = \$_[3];
my $disu =AttrVal($myname, "T2F_disableumlautescaping", 0);
my %keylist = %{$defs{$myname}{helper}{T2F_keywordlist}} if $defs{$myname}{helper}{T2F_keywordlist};
my %modlist = %{$defs{$myname}{helper}{T2F_modwordlist}} if $defs{$myname}{helper}{T2F_modwordlist};
#T2FL($me, 5, "Using lists:\n".Dumper(%keylist, %modlist));
# my @phrs = map { Talk2Fhem_realtrim($_) } split(/[\t\s]*\&\&[\t\s]*/, $$phr{key});
my @hitnokeylist = @{$$phr{hitnokeylist}};
my @fphrs = @{$$phr{regexps}};
my $pmatch;
#my $punmatch = $cmd;
my @dir = ($$spec{origin});
T2FL($myname, 5, "$myname Evaluate search:\n$cmd =~ /$$phr{key}/i") if ref $res;
for my $fphr (@fphrs) {
# if (my @d = ($cmd =~ qr/$fphr/i))
if ($fphr =~ s/^\?//){
my @d = ($cmd =~ /$fphr/i);
my $m = $&;
#Log 1, "A: ".$fphr;
#Log 1, "A: ".Dumper $m;
#Log 1, "B: ".Dumper @d;
my $b = () = $fphr =~ m/(?<!\\)\((?!\?)/g;
#Log 1, "C: $#d".Dumper $b;
# Wenn die klammer kein erfolg hat wird auch @d nicht gefüllt und muß manuell gefüllt werden
if ($#d == -1) {
for (1..$b) {
push(@d, undef);
# push(@d, "");
push(@dir, @d);
next if $m eq "?";
$pmatch .= $m;
# $punmatch =~ s/$m//gi;
$cmd =~ s/$m//gi;
} elsif ($fphr =~ /^\!/) {
return if (eval { $cmd =~ /$'/i });
} elsif (my @d = ($cmd =~ /$fphr/i ) ){
my $m = $&;
$pmatch .= $m;
# $punmatch =~ s/$m//gi;
$cmd =~ s/$m//gi;
# Klammerinhalt speichern wenn Klammer vorhanden
push(@dir, @d) if $fphr =~ /(?<!\\)\((?!\?)/;
# push(@dir, @d) if $fphr =~ /\((?!\?)/;
} else {
#T2FL($myname, 5, "$myname No hit with:\n$cmd =~ /$fphr/i");
$cmd = Talk2Fhem_normalize($cmd);
$$spec{match} = $pmatch;
$$spec{unmatch} = $cmd;
return(1) unless ref $res;
T2FL($myname, 5, "Command after Phrasecheck: ".$cmd) if $cmd ne $rawcmd;
T2FL($myname, 5, "Keylists: ".Dumper @hitnokeylist);
T2FL($myname, 5, "Filled lists: ".Dumper @fphrs);
T2FL($myname, 5, "Words: ".Dumper @dir);
my $punmatch=Talk2Fhem_realtrim($cmd);
T2FL($myname, 5, "Match: ".$pmatch);
T2FL($myname, 5, "Unmatch: ".$punmatch);
T2FL($myname, 4, "Hit with phrase: qr/$$phr{key}/i");
my %react;
####### TODO:
####### $[1..n,n,...] für multiple hit auswahl !!! Was ist das trennzeichen in der ausgabe?
my %exec;
my @types = ("if", "cmd","answer");
my $mainbracket;
foreach my $type (@types) {
my $raw = $react{$type};
next unless $raw;
my $mainbracket = (sort { $b <=> $a } ($raw =~ /\$(\d+)/g))[0] unless ($mainbracket);
my $do = $raw;
my $dirbracket = $react{offset};
T2FL($myname, 5, "Handle reaction $type: $raw");
if ($raw) {
# Suche Ersetzungsvariablen
$do =~ s/\!\$\&/$punmatch/g;
$do =~ s/\$\&/$pmatch/g;
$do =~ s/\$DATE/$$spec{timephrase}/g;
my $tagain = ($$spec{dir} ? "wieder" : "");
$do =~ s/\$AGAIN/$tagain/g;
$do =~ s/\$TIME/$lastevt/g;
$do =~ s/\$NAME/$myname/g;
# $do =~ s/\$ORIGIN/$$spec{origin}/g;
$do =~ s/\$IF/$$spec{ifmatch}/g;
while ($do =~ /\$(\d+)\@/) {
my $no = $1;
my @keywords;
# wenn kein @array in klammer clipno
unless ($hitnokeylist[$no]) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Clipnumber $no is no array! Try to extract by seperator '|'");
my @cs = map { my @t = split('\|', $_ =~ s/^\(|\)$//gr); \@t } $$phr{key} =~ /(?<!\\)\((?!\?).*?\)/g;
@keywords = @{$cs[($no-1)]};
#wenn keine Liste in Klammer ist
if ($#keywords == -1) {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, T2FL($myname, 1, "Clipnumber $no includes no array in '$$phr{key}!"),$res,1);
} elsif ($hitnokeylist[$no]) {
@keywords = map { Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu) } @{$keylist{$hitnokeylist[$no]}};
my $i;
last if $dir[$no] =~ /^$keywords[$i]$/i;
my $k = ($$spec{dir} and ($no) == $mainbracket) ? $$spec{dir} : $keywords[$i];
T2FL($myname, 5, "Simple bracket selection (No. $no) with Keyword $i: '$k'");
$do =~ s/\$$no\@(?!(\[|\{|\(|\d))/$k/;
# Einfache Variablenersetzung ohne Array oder Hash
while ($do =~ /\$(\d+)(?!(\[|\{|\(|\d))/) {
my $r = ($$spec{dir} and ($1) == $mainbracket) ? $$spec{dir} : $dir[$1];
T2FL($myname, 5, "Simple bracket selection (No. $1): '$r'") if $r;
$do =~ s/\$$1(?!(\[|\{|\(|\d))/${r}/;
T2FL($myname, 4, "Replaced bracket: $raw -> $do") if $raw ne $do;
# while ($do =~ s/(.*)\$(\d+)(\[|\{|\()(.*?)(?3)/$1###/) {
# while ($do =~ s/(.*)\$(\d+)(\[|\{|\()(.*?)(\]|\}|\))/$1###/) {
while ($do =~ /(.*)\$(\d+)(?=\[|\{|\()/) {
my $pre = $1;
my $clipno = $2;
my $post = $';
my ($found, $rest) = extract_bracketed( $post, '{}[]()' );
unless ($found) {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, T2FL($myname, 1, "'$raw': Fehler in Kommandoteilmodifikator Nr. '\$$clipno' nach: '$pre'"),$res,1);
#Klammer aus Value in Hash überführen
$do = $pre."###".$rest;
$found =~ /(.)(.*)./;
my $utype = $1;
my $uhash = $2;
T2FL($myname, 4, "Advanced bracket replacement. \$$clipno$uhash = $do");
if ($uhash =~ /@(\w+)/) {
if ($modlist{$1}) {
$uhash = $`.'"'.Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts(join('","', @{$modlist{$1}}), $disu).'"'.$' ;
#ersetze ,, durch "","",
# zwei mal weil immer eins zu weit geschoben wird
#### ist noch notwendig???
$uhash =~ s/([\[,])([,\]])/$1""$2/g;
$uhash =~ s/([\[,])([,\]])/$1""$2/g;
T2FL($myname, 5, "Adding modlist: ".$uhash);
} else {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, T2FL($myname, 1, "Unbekannte modwordlist in '$$phr{key}' \@$1"),$res,1);
my $hash;
if ($utype eq "[") {
$hash = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($uhash)
} elsif ($utype eq "{") {
#$hash = eval($uhash)
my $harr = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($uhash); my $i=0;
for (@$harr) {
my $h = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($_, "=>");
$$hash{$$h[0]} = {val=>$$h[1],order=>$i++};
} elsif ($utype eq "(") {
##### klappt nicht weil in while regex nicht bis zur schließenden klammer getriggert wird wenn vorher ein } oder ] kommt
#$hash = eval($uhash);
T2FL($myname, 1, '$n() has no function at this moment. Possible worng Syntax: '.$$phr{key});
} else {
#sollte eigentlich nie eintreffen weil auf die zeichen explizit gesucht wird
T2FL($myname, 1, "Unkown modwordtype ($utype) in '$$phr{key}'");
#aktuelles Wort im Key auswählen
if (($clipno-1) > $#dir) {
T2FL($myname, 1, "Not enough clips in phrase '$$phr{key} =~ $raw'");
my $d = ($$spec{dir} and ($clipno) == $mainbracket) ? $$spec{dir} : $dir[$clipno];
T2FL($myname, 4, "Keyword (".($clipno)."): '$d'");
# Wort übersetzen
if (ref($hash) eq "HASH") {
T2FL($myname, 5, "HASH evaluation:\n".Dumper($hash));
#my $passed=0;
foreach my $h (sort {$$hash{$a}{order} <=> $$hash{$b}{order} } keys(%$hash)) {
#sollte eigentlich in den syntaxcheck
unless (defined $$hash{$h}{val}) {
T2FL($myname, 1, "Empty replacementstring! $h");
next if ($h eq "else");
unless ($h =~ /^\/.*\/$/ or defined ${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{$h}) {
T2FL($myname, 1, "Replacementtype unkown! $h");
next if ($h eq "empty");
next unless $d;
my $re;
my $fc;
if ($h =~ /^\/(.*)\/$/) {
$re = $1;
} else {
$re = ${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{$h};
if (ref($re) eq "HASH") {
$re = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($re, $disu);
if ($d =~ qr/$re/i) {
my $rp = $$hash{$h}{val};
if (ref $fc eq "CODE") {
T2FL($myname,5,"Functionmod '$fc' $rp");
my @res = $d =~ qr/$re/i;
$rp = &$fc(@res);
} elsif ($fc) {
T2FL($myname,5,"Functionmod '$$fc' $rp");
my $ev = eval($fc);
$rp =~ s/$re/$ev/gi;
T2FL($myname, 5, "Word found ($h): '$d' replace with '$rp'");
$do =~ s/###/$rp/;
# empty != undef
# if (defined($d) and $d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/ and ($$hash{empty}{val} or (! $$hash{empty}{val} and $$hash{else}{val}))) {
# empty undef
if (! defined($d) or $d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/) {
#$d existiert nicht
my $e = ($$hash{empty}{val} || $$hash{else}{val});
T2FL($myname, 5, "Empty word replace with '$e'");
$do =~ s/###/$e/;
if ($do =~ /###/) {
#Vergleich fehlgeschlagen
if ($$hash{else}{val}) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Unkown word '$d' replace with '$$hash{else}{val}'");
$do =~ s/###/$$hash{else}{val}/;
} else {
T2FL($myname, 1, "HASH Replacement Failed! $do");
#%$res = undef;
if (ref($hash) eq "ARRAY") {
my $else="";
my $empty="";
# keywords else und empty löschen und nächsten wert als parameter nehmen
@$hash = grep {
if ("$_" eq "else") { $else = " "; 0 }
else { if ($else eq " ") { $else = $_; 0 }
else { 1 } } } @$hash;
@$hash = grep {
if ("$_" eq "empty") { $empty = " "; 0 }
else { if ($empty eq " ") { $empty = $_; 0 }
else { 1 } } } @$hash;
T2FL($myname, 5, "ARRAY evaluation: else: $else empty: $empty\narray: @$hash");
# if (($d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/) and defined($d)) {
my $intd = $d;
foreach ( keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($myname)}{numbers}} ) {
my $tmp = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu);
if ($d =~ /$tmp/i) {
$intd = $Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($myname)}{numbers}{$_};
T2FL($myname, 5, "Numeral word found. '$d' converted to; $intd");
if (($d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/) or ! defined($d)) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Empty word replace with! $empty");
$do =~ s/###/$empty/;
} elsif (IsInt($intd)) {
unless ($$hash[$intd]) {
my $err = T2FL($myname, 3, "Field #$intd doesn't exist in Array!");
if ($else eq "") {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, $err, $res,1);
} else {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Integer ($intd) used for array selection! $$hash[$intd]");
$do =~ s/###/$$hash[$intd]/ if $$hash[$intd];
} elsif ($d) {
my @keywords;
# wenn kein @array in klammer clipno
unless (defined($hitnokeylist[$clipno])) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Clipnumber $clipno is no array! Try to extract by seperator '|'");
# my @cs = map { my @t = split('\|', $_ =~ s/^\(|\)$//gr); \@t } $$phr{key} =~ /(?<!\\)\((?!\?).*?\)/g;
# my @cs = map { my @t = split('\|', $_ =~ s/^\(|\)$//gr); \@t } $$phr{key} =~ /(?<! \\ ) \( (?! \? ) (?: (?R) | [^()]+ )+ \) /xg;
# Klammern extrahieren
my @cs = ("onlysometext".$$phr{key});
#unshift(@cs, undef) if $$phr{key} =~ /^\(/;
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#cs; $i++) {
my $c = $cs[$i];
#T2FL($myname, 5, "C: ".Dumper $c);
if ($c =~ /^\(\?.*\)$/) {
# Perl Special bracket delete it.
splice(@cs, $i, 1);
$c = $cs[$i];
(my $locked = $c) =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/g;
my @add = extract_multiple($locked, [sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '()') }],undef, 1);
splice(@cs, ($i+1) ,0 , @add);
last if $i > 10;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "CS: ".Dumper @cs);
# @keywords = @{$cs[($clipno-1)]};
# Log 1, Dumper @cs;
# @cs = grep { /^\(/ } @cs;
# Log 1, Dumper @cs;
# Log 1, "-----> ".$cs[($clipno-1)];
(my $clip = $cs[($clipno)]) =~ s/^\(|\)$//g;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "clip: ".Dumper $clip);
# push(@keywords, split('\|', $clip) extract_bracketed($clip, '()'));
my @extract;
for (extract_multiple($clip, [sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '()') }])) {
#T2FL($myname, 5, "EM: ".Dumper $_);
if ($_ =~ /^\(/) {
push (@extract, "") if ($#extract eq -1);
$extract[$#extract] .= $_;
if (s/^\|// or /^[^(]/) {
if ($_ ne "") {
push(@extract, split('\|', $_));
} else {
push(@extract, "");
} else {
push (@extract, "") if ($#extract eq -1);
$extract[$#extract] .= $_;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "A: ".Dumper @extract);
#@keywords = map { /^\(/ ? $_ : split('\|', $_=~s/^\||\|$//gr) } extract_multiple($clip, [sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '()') }]);
@keywords = @extract;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "keywords: ".Dumper @keywords);
# @keywords = split('\|',);
#Log 1, Dumper @keywords;
#wenn keine Liste in Klammer ist
if ($#keywords == -1 and $else eq "") {
my $err = T2FL($myname, 1, "Clipnumber $clipno includes no array or integer in '$$phr{key}!");
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, $err,$res,1);
} else {
@keywords = @{$keylist{$hitnokeylist[$clipno]}};
# T2FL($myname, 4, "Searching position of $d in @keywords");
@keywords = map { Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu) } @keywords;
T2FL($myname, 4, "Searching position of '$d' in '@keywords'");
my $i=0;
foreach (@keywords) {
# if ($d =~ /^\Q$_\E$/i) {
if (eval{$d =~ /^$_$/i}) {
unless (defined($$hash[$i])) {
my $err = T2FL($myname, 1, "Not enough elements in modwordlist! Position $i in (@$hash) doesn't exist.");
if ($else eq "") {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, $err, $res,1);
} else {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Found '$d' at position $i");
$do =~ s/###/$$hash[$i]/;
if ($do =~ /###/) {
if ($else ne "") {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Unkown word '$d' replace with '$else'");
$do =~ s/###/$else/;
} else {
T2FL($myname, 1, "ARRAY Replacement Failed! $do");
if ($do and ($do !~ /###/)) {
my $result;
if ($type eq "if") {
push(@{$$spec{ifs}}, $do);
#push(@{$exec{$type}}, $do);
$$cmdref = $punmatch;
T2FL($myname, 3, "New Command after IF: ".$$cmdref);
} elsif ($type eq "cmd") {
my $at;
# $at=Talk2Fhem_mkattime($myname, ($react{offset}) ? ($lastevt+$react{offset}) : $lastevt) if ($lastevt);
$$result{cmd} = $do;
$$result{at} = (($react{offset}) ? ($lastevt+$react{offset}) : $lastevt) if ($lastevt);
$$result{ifs} = $$spec{ifs} if $$spec{ifs};
#$$spec{ifs} = undef;
$success = 1;
} elsif ($type eq "answer") {
T2FL($myname, 4, "Answer eval: $do");
my $answ = eval("$do");
if (defined($answ)) {
$result = $answ;
#$exec{$type} = $answ;
$success = 1;
} else {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, T2FL($myname, 1, "Error in answer eval: ".$do),$res,1);
} elsif ($type eq "offset") {
} else {
T2FL($myname, 1, "Unkown KEY $type in Commandhash");
T2FL($myname, 3, "Result of $type: ".Dumper $result);
$exec{$type."s"} = $result if ($result);
#push(@{$$res{$type."s"}}, $result) if ($result);
} else {
T2FL($myname, 1, "No hit on advanced bracket selection: ".($do || $raw));
#%{$res} = undef;
$success = undef;
#Hier Befehle ausführen.
if ($success) {
for (keys %exec) {
push(@{$$res{$_}}, $exec{$_});
sub Talk2Fhem_err($$$;$) {
my ($myname, $t, $res, $v) = @_;
$v = 1 unless $v;
T2FL($myname, $v, $t);
push(@{${$res}{err}}, $t);
sub Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($;$) {
my ($cmd, $disable) = @_;
return($cmd) if $disable;
(my $res = $cmd) =~ s/[äöüß]/\\S\\S?/gi;
#Umlaute sind Arschlöcher
$res =~ s/(\\S\\S\?){2}/\\S\\S?/g;
sub T2FL($$$) {
Log3($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]);
my $h = $_[0];
$h = ref $h && $h || $defs{$h} || return;
if ($defs{$h->{NAME}}) {
$h->{helper}{LOG} .= $_[2]."\n";
# Beginn der Commandref
=item helper
=item summary A RegExp based language control module
=item summary_DE Ein auf RegExp basierendes Sprachsteuerung Modul
=begin html
<a name="Talk2Fhem"></a>
The module <i>Talk2Fhem</i> is a connection between natural language and FHEM commands.
The configuration is carried out conveniently via the FHEM web frontend.<br>
For a more detailed description and further examples see <a href="http://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Modul_Talk2Fhem">Talk2Fhem Wiki</a>.
<a name="Talk2Fhemdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Talk2Fhem</code>
Example: <code>define talk Talk2Fhem</code>
The actual configuration should first be done on the FHEM side.
The individual language phrases are configured line by line. A configuration
always starts by the regular expression, followed by at least one space or tab
from an equal sign. <br>
The command part begins after the equals sign with a space, tab, or newline. <br> <br>
<code>&lt;regexp&gt; = &lt;command&gt;</code>
<b>Short refernce:</b>
<code>&lt;RegExpPart&gt; [&amp;&amp; [?!]&lt;RegExpPart_n&gt;] = [ &lt;FHEM command&gt; | { &lt;Perl code&gt; } | (&lt;option&gt; =&gt; '&lt;wert&gt;' , ... ) ]</code>
Example: <code>helo world = {Log 1, Helo World}</code>
Everything after a hashtag '#' is ignored until the end of the line.
<ul>Regular expression describing the text at which the command should be executed</ul>
The executive part. The following formats are allowed:
<li>FHEM Command</li>
<li>(&lt;option&gt; =&gt; '&lt;value&gt;' , ... )</li>
<li><b>cmd</b><br>FHEM command as above</li>
<li><b>offset</b><br>Integer value in seconds that is added at the time</li>
<li><b>answer</b><br>Perl code whose return is written in the Reading answer</li>
Bracket transfer:
Brackets set in the regular expression can be transferred to the command section with $1, $2, [...], $n and
be modified. The following modification options are available here.
<li>$n <br>Get the word straight without change.</li>
<li>$n{&lt;type&gt; =&gt; &lt;value&gt;}<br>
Types are:<br>
true, false, integer, empty, else<br>
true, false, integer, float, numeral, /&lt;regexp&gt;/, word, empty, else<br>
<b>true</b> corresponds to: ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|..?ffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*<br>
<b>false</b> corresponds to: nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie..?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*<br>
<b>integer</b> Word is an integer<br>
<b>float</b> Word is a float number<br>
<b>numeral</b> Word is numeral or an integer<br>
<b>/&lt;regexp&gt;/</b> Word is matching &lt;regexp&gt;<br>
<b>word</b> Word contains 4 or more letters<br>
<b>empty</b> Word Contains an empty string<br>
<b>else</b> If none of the cases apply<br>
If a &lt;type&gt; is identified for $n the &lt;value&gt; is beeing used.
Example: <code>light (\S*) = set light $1{true =&gt; on,false =&gt; off}</code>
Comma separated list: [value1,value2,...,[else,value], [empty,value]] or [@modwordlist]<br>
If $n is a number, the word at that position in &lt;list&gt; is selected.<br><br>
If $n is a text, it searches for a list in its parenthesis in the &lt;regexp&gt; part. (a|b|c) or (@keywordlist)
In this list, $n is searched for and successively positioned in &lt;list&gt; chosen for $n.
<br>Example: <code>light .* (kitchen|corridor|bad) (\S*) on = set $1[dev_a,dev_b,dev_c] $2{true =&gt; on,false =&gt; off}</code>
<li>$n@<br>The word is adopted as it is written in the list in the &lt;regexp&gt;-part.</li>
Environment variables::
There are a number of variables that can be accessed in the &lt;command&gt;-part.
<li><b>$&amp;</b> Contains all found words </li>
<li><b>!$&amp;</b> Contains the rest that was not included by RegExp</li>
<li><b>$DATE</b> Contains the time and date text of the voice </li>
<li><b>$AGAIN</b> Contains the word again if it is a command again</li>
<li><b>$TIME</b> Contains the found time.</li>
<li><b>$NAME</b> Contains the devicename.</li>
<li><b>$IF</b> Contains the text of the detected T2F_if configuration.</li>
<li><b>$0</b> Contains the text of the detected T2F_origin regexp.</li>
<a name="Talk2Fhemset"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; [!]&lt;text&gt;</code>
The text is sent to the module via the <i>set</i> command.
See <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#set">commandref#set</a> for more help.
<li>cleartimers</li> Removes the pending time-related commands
<li>cleartriggers</li> Removes the pending event-related commands
<a name="Talk2Fhemget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;option&gt;</code>
Information can be read from the module via <i>get</i>.
        See <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#get">commandref#get</a> for more information on "get". <br><br>
<li><i>@keywordlist</i> <i>@modwordlist</i><br>
Compare the two lists word by word.</li>
A list of the configured "keyword" lists. For easier positioning of "modword" lists </li>
Shows the log entries of the last command </li>
Shows the regexp of the modificationtypes. </li>
Load the standartfilter and print it in the Attribute T2F_filter if its empty </li>
The module version</li>
<a name="Talk2Fhemreadings"></a>
Contains the last text sent via "set".
Contains the last executed command. Is also set with disable = 1.
Contains the response text of the last command.
Contains the last error message. <br>
"No match" match with no RegExp. <br>
"Error on Command" see FHEM log.
Got the response of the fhem Command.
Contains the found string of the RegExp defined in the attribute T2F_origin.
Got the status of the request.
response, disabled, err, answers, done
Contains the conditions at which the command will be executed.
Contains a list of the devices that are relevant for the currently waiting conditional commands. There is an internal notify on these devices.
<a name="Talk2Fhemattr"></a>
<code>attr &lt;name&gt; &lt;attribute&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code>
See <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#attr">commandref#attr</a> for more information about the attributes.
<li><i>T2F_keywordlist</i> &lt;name&gt; = &lt;list&gt;<br>
A comma-separated list of keywords such as: rooms, names, colors, etc ... <br>
In other words, things named with a natural name. </li>
<li><i>T2F_modwordlist</i> &lt;name&gt; = &lt;list&gt;<br>
A comma seperated list of substitution words used for the keywords.
For example: device names in FHEM <br> </li>
A collection of event-driven configurations. The syntax is that of the definition. Command part is an IF condition. <br>
z.B.: (when|if) .*?door = [door] eq "open"
Comma-separated list of RegExp generally removed. <br>
Standard: \bplease\b,\balso\b
A RegExp which is generally removed and whose output can be accessed via $0. <br>
Can be used for user mapping.</li>
The used language can be set via the global attribute "language". Or overwritten with this attribute.
<li><i>T2F_disableumlautescaping</i> &lt;0|1&gt;<br>
Disable convertimg umlauts to "\S\S?"</li>
<li><i>disable</i> &lt;0|1&gt;<br>
Can be used for test purposes. If the attribute is set to 1, the FHEM command is not executed
but written in reading cmds.
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="Talk2Fhem"></a>
Das Modul <i>Talk2Fhem</i> stellt eine Verbindung zwischen nat&uuml;rlicher Sprache und FHEM Befehlen her.
Die Konfiguration erfolgt dabei komfortabel &uuml;ber das FHEM Webfrontend.<br>
F&uuml;r eine genauere Beschreibung und weiterf&uuml;hrende Beispiele siehe <a href="http://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Modul_Talk2Fhem">Talk2Fhem Wiki</a>.
<a name="Talk2Fhemdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Talk2Fhem</code>
Beispiel: <code>define talk Talk2Fhem</code>
Die eigentliche Konfigration sollte erst auf der FHEM Seite erfolgen.
Die einzelnen Sprachphrasen werden Zeile f&uuml;r Zeile konfiguriert. Hierbei f&auml;ngt eine Konfiguration
immer mit dem Regul&auml;rem Ausdruck an, gefolgt von mindestens einem Leerzeichen oder Tabulator gefolgt
von einem Gleichheitszeichen.<br>
Der Kommandoteil f&auml;ngt nach dem Gleichheitszeichen mit einem Leerzeichen, Tabulator oder Zeilenumbruch an.<br><br>
<code>&lt;regexp&gt; = &lt;command&gt;</code>
<code>&lt;RegExpPart&gt; [&amp;&amp; [?!]&lt;RegExpPart_n&gt;] = [ &lt;FHEM command&gt; | { &lt;Perl code&gt; } | (&lt;option&gt; =&gt; '&lt;wert&gt;' , ... ) ]</code>
Beispiel: <code>hallo welt = {Log 1, Hallo Welt}</code>
Alles nach einem Hashtag '#' wird bis zum Zeilenende ignoriert.
<ul>Regul&auml;rer Ausdruck der den Text beschreibt, bei dem das Kommando ausgef&uuml;hrt werden soll</ul>
Der ausf&uuml;hrende Teil. Folgende Formate sind Zul&auml;ssig:
<li>FHEM Kommando</li>
<li>(&lt;option&gt; =&gt; '&lt;wert&gt;' , ... )</li>
<li><b>cmd</b><br>FHEM Kommando wie oben</li>
<li><b>offset</b><br>Ganzzahliger Wert in Sekunden der auf den Zeitpunkt addiert wird</li>
<li><b>answer</b><br>Perl Code dessen R&uuml;ckgabe in das Reading answer geschrieben wird</li>
Im Regul&auml;rem Ausdruck gesetzte Klammern k&ouml;nnen in den Kommandoteil mit $1, $2, [...], $n &uuml;berf&uuml;hrt und
modifiziert werden. Folgende Modifizierungsm&ouml;glichkeiten stehen hierbei zur Verf&uuml;gung.
<li>$n<br>Ohne &Auml;nderung direkt das Wort &uuml;berf&uuml;hren.</li>
<li>$n{&lt;typ&gt; =&gt; &lt;wert&gt;}<br>
Die Typen sind:<br>
true, false, integer, float, numeral, /&lt;regexp&gt;/, word, empty, else<br>
<b>true</b> entspricht: ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|..?ffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*<br>
<b>false</b> entspricht: nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie..?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*<br>
<b>integer</b> Wort enth&auml;lt eine Zahl
<b>float</b> Wort enth&auml;lt eine Gleitkommazahl
<b>numeral</b> Word ist ein Zahlenwort oder Zahl <br>
<b>/&lt;regexp&gt;/</b> Wort entspricht der &lt;regexp&gt;
<b>word</b> Wort enth&auml;lt gleich oder mehr als 4 Zeichen
<b>empty</b> Wort enth&auml;lt eine Leere Zeichenkette
<b>else</b> Falls keines der F&auml;lle zutrifft
Wird ein &lt;typ&gt; identifiziert wird f&uuml;r $n der &lt;wert&gt; eingesetzt<br>
Beispiel: <code>licht (\S*) = set light $1{true =&gt; on,false =&gt; off}</code>
Kommaseparierte Liste: [wert1,wert2,...,[else,value], [empty,value]] oder [@modwordlist]<br>
Ist $n eine Zahl, wird das Wort das an dieser Position in &lt;list&gt; steht gew&auml;hlt.<br><br>
Ist $n ein Text wird in der zugeh&ouml;rigen Klammer im &lt;regexp&gt;-Teil nach einer Liste gesucht. (a|b|c) oder (@keywordlist)
In dieser Liste, wird nach $n gesucht und bei erfolg dessen Position in &lt;list&gt; f&uuml;r $n gew&auml;hlt.
<br>Beispiel: <code>licht .* (k&uuml;che|flur|bad) (\S*) an = set $1[dev_a,dev_b,dev_c] $2{true =&gt; on,false =&gt; off}</code>
<li>$n@<br>Das Wort wird so &uuml;bernommen wie es in der Liste im &lt;regexp&gt;-Teil steht.</li>
Es stehen eine Reihe von Variablen zur Verf&uuml;gung auf die im &lt;command&gt;-Teil zugegriffen werden k&ouml;nnen.
<li><b>$&amp;</b> Enth&auml;lt alle gefundenen W&ouml;rter</li>
<li><b>!$&amp;</b> Enth&auml;lt den Rest der nicht von der RegExp eingeschlossen wurde</li>
<li><b>$DATE</b> Enth&auml;lt den Zeit und Datumstext des Sprachbefehls</li>
<li><b>$AGAIN</b> Enth&auml;lt das Wort wieder wenn es sich um ein wieder Kommando handelt</li>
<li><b>$TIME</b> Enth&auml;lt die erkannte Zeit.</li>
<li><b>$NAME</b> Enth&auml;lt den Devicenamen.</li>
<li><b>$IF</b> Enth&auml;lt den Text der erkannten T2F_if Konfiguration.</li>
<li><b>$0</b> Enth&auml;lt den Text der erkannten T2F_origin RegExp.</li>
<a name="Talk2Fhemset"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; [!]&lt;text&gt;</code>
&Uuml;ber das <i>set</i> Kommando wird der zu interpretierende Text an das Modul gesendet.
Schaue unter <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#set">commandref#set</a> f&uuml;r weiterf&uuml;hrende Hilfe.
<li>cleartimers</li> Entfernt die wartenden zeitbezogenen Kommandos
<li>cleartriggers</li> Entfernt die wartenden ereignisbezogenen Kommandos
<a name="Talk2Fhemget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;option&gt;</code>
&Uuml;ber <i>get</i> lassen sich Informationen aus dem Modul auslesen.
Siehe <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#get">commandref#get</a> f&uuml;r weitere Informationen zu "get".
<li><i>@keywordlist</i> <i>@modwordlist</i><br>
Vergleich der zwei Listen Wort f&uuml;r Wort</li>
Eine Auflistung der Konfigurierten "Keyword"-Listen. Zur einfacheren Positionierung der "Modword"-Listen</li>
Zeigt die Logeintr&auml;ge des letzten Kommandos</li>
Zeigt die RegExp der Modifikationstypen. </li>
L&auml;dt den Standardfilter und schreibt ihn in das Attribut T2F_filter wenn er leer ist</li>
Die Modulversion</li>
<a name="Talk2Fhemreadings"></a>
Enth&auml;lt den zuletzt &uuml;ber "set" gesendeten Text.
Enth&auml;lt das zuletzt ausgef&uuml;hrte Kommando. Wird auch bei disable=1 gesetzt.
Enth&auml;lt den Antworttext des letzten Befehls.
Enth&auml;lt die letzte Fehlermeldung.<br>
"No match" &Uuml;bereinstimmung mit keiner RegExp.<br>
"Error on Command" siehe FHEM log.
Enth&auml;llt die R&uuml;ckgabe des FHEM Befhels.
Enth&auml;lt die gefundene Zeichenkette der in dem Attribut T2F_origin definierten RegExp.
Enth&auml;lt den Status der Ausgabe.
response, disabled, err, answers, done
Enth&auml;lt die Bedingungen bei denen das Kommando ausgef&uuml;hrt werden wird.
Enth&auml;lt eine Auflistung der Devices die f&uuml;r die aktuell wartenden bedingten Kommandos relevant sind. Auf diesen Devices liegt ein internes notify.
<a name="Talk2Fhemattr"></a>
<code>attr &lt;name&gt; &lt;attribute&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code>
Siehe <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#attr">commandref#attr</a> f&uuml;r weitere Informationen zu den Attributen.
<li><i>T2F_keywordlist</i> &lt;name&gt; = &lt;list&gt;<br>
Eine Komma seperierte Liste von Schl&uuml;sselw&ouml;rtern wie z.B.: R&auml;umen, Namen, Farben usw...<br>
Mit anderen Worten, mit nat&uuml;rlichem Namen benannte Sachen.
<li><i>T2F_modwordlist</i> &lt;name&gt; = &lt;list&gt;<br>
Eine Komma seperierte Liste von Ersetzungsw&ouml;rten die f&uuml;r die Schl&uuml;sselw&ouml;rter eingesetzt werden.
z.B.: Ger&auml;tenamen in FHEM<br>
Eine Auflistung von ereignisgesteuerten Konfigurationen. Die Syntax ist die der Definition. Kommandoteil ist eine IF Bedingung.<br>
z.B.: wenn .*?t&uuml;r = [door] eq "open"
Kommaseparierte Liste von RegExp die generell entfernt werden.<br>
Standard: \bbitte\b,\bauch\b,\bkann\b,\bsoll\b
Eine RegExp die generell entfernt wird und deren Ausgabe &uuml;ber $0 angesprochen werden kann.<br>
Kann f&uuml;r eine Benutzerzuordnung verwendet werden.
Die verwendete Sprache kann &uuml;ber das globale Attribut "language" gesetzt werden. Oder &uuml;ber dieses Attribut &uuml;berschrieben werden.
<li><i>T2F_disableumlautescaping</i> &lt;0|1&gt;<br>
Deaktiviert das Konvertieren der Umlaute in "\S\S?"</li>
<li><i>disable</i> &lt;0|1&gt;<br>
Kann zu Testzwecken verwendet werden. Steht das Attribut auf 1, wird das FHEM-Kommando nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt
aber in das Reading cmds geschrieben.
=end html_DE