mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
rudolfkoenig 6b68453575 Adding Id: to the modules
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1098 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2011-11-12 07:51:08 +00:00

446 lines
13 KiB
Raw Blame History

# Copyright notice
# (c) 2009 Copyright: Kai 'wusel' Siering (wusel+fhem at uu dot org)
# All rights reserved
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
package main;
# 70_WS3600.pm
# Modul for FHEM
# Contributed by Kai 'wusel' Siering <wusel+fhem@uu.org> in 2009/2010
# Based in part on work for FHEM by other authors ...
# $Id$
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Device::SerialPort;
my %sets = (
"cmd" => "",
"freq" => "",
my %TranslatedCodes = (
"Date" => "Date",
"Time" => "Time",
"Ti" => "Temp-inside",
"Timin" => "Temp-inside-min",
"Timax" => "Temp-inside-max",
"TTimin" => "Temp-inside-min-Time",
"DTimin" => "Temp-inside-min-Date",
"TTimax" => "Temp-inside-max-Time",
"DTimax" => "Temp-inside-max-Date",
"To" => "Temp-outside",
"Tomin" => "Temp-outside-min",
"Tomax" => "Temp-outside-max",
"TTomin" => "Temp-outside-min-Time",
"DTomin" => "Temp-outside-min-Date",
"TTomax" => "Temp-outside-max-Time",
"DTomax" => "Temp-outside-max-Date",
"DP" => "Dew-Point",
"DPmin" => "Dew-Point-min",
"DPmax" => "Dew-Point-max",
"TDPmin" => "Dew-Point-min-Time",
"DDPmin" => "Dew-Point-min-Date",
"TDPmax" => "Dew-Point-min-Time",
"DDPmax" => "Dew-Point-min-Date",
"RHi" => "rel-Humidity-inside",
"RHimin" => "rel-Humidity-inside-min",
"RHimax" => "rel-Humidity-inside-max",
"TRHimin" => "rel-Humidity-inside-min-Time",
"DRHimin" => "rel-Humidity-inside-min-Date",
"TRHimax" => "rel-Humidity-inside-max-Time",
"DRHimax" => "rel-Humidity-inside-max-Date",
"RHo" => "rel-Humidity-outside",
"RHomin" => "rel-Humidity-outside-min",
"RHomax" => "rel-Humidity-outside-max",
"TRHomin" => "rel-Humidity-outside-min-Time",
"DRHomin" => "rel-Humidity-outside-min-Date",
"TRHomax" => "rel-Humidity-outside-max-Time",
"DRHomax" => "rel-Humidity-outside-max-Date",
"WS" => "Wind-Speed",
"DIRtext" => "Wind-Direction-Text",
"DIR0" => "Wind-DIR0",
"DIR1" => "Wind-DIR1",
"DIR2" => "Wind-DIR2",
"DIR3" => "Wind-DIR3",
"DIR4" => "Wind-DIR4",
"DIR5" => "Wind-DIR5",
"WC" => "Wind-Chill",
"WCmin" => "Wind-Chill-min",
"WCmax" => "Wind-Chill-max",
"TWCmin" => "Wind-Chill-min-Time",
"DWCmin" => "Wind-Chill-min-Date",
"TWCmax" => "Wind-Chill-max-Time",
"DWCmax" => "Wind-Chill-max-Date",
"WSmin" => "Wind-Speed-min",
"WSmax" => "Wind-Speed-max",
"TWSmin" => "Wind-Speed-min-Time",
"DWSmin" => "Wind-Speed-min-Date",
"TWSmax" => "Wind-Speed-max-Time",
"DWSmax" => "Wind-Speed-max-Date",
"R1h" => "Rain-1h",
"R1hmax" => "Rain-1h-hmax",
"TR1hmax" => "Rain-1h-hmax-Time",
"DR1hmax" => "Rain-1h-hmax-Date",
"R24h" => "Rain-24h",
"R24hmax" => "Rain-24-hmax",
"TR24hmax" => "Rain-24h-max-Time",
"DR24hmax" => "Rain-24h-max-Date",
"R1w" => "Rain-1w",
"R1wmax" => "Rain-1w-max",
"TR1wmax" => "Rain-1w-max-Time",
"DR1wmax" => "Rain-1w-max-Date",
"R1m" => "Rain-1M",
"R1mmax" => "Rain-1M-max",
"TR1mmax" => "Rain-1M-max-Time",
"DR1mmax" => "Rain-1M-max-Date",
"Rtot" => "Rain-total",
"TRtot" => "Rain-total-Time",
"DRtot" => "Rain-total-Date",
"RP" => "rel-Pressure",
"AP" => "abs-Pressure",
"RPmin" => "rel-Pressure-min",
"RPmax" => "rel-Pressure-max",
"TRPmin" => "rel-Pressure-min-Time",
"DRPmin" => "rel-Pressure-min-Date",
"TRPmax" => "rel-Pressure-max-Time",
"DRPmax" => "rel-Pressure-max-Date",
"Tendency" => "Tendency",
"Forecast" => "Forecast",
my %WantedCodesForStatus = (
"Ti" => "Ti:",
"To" => "T:",
"DP" => "DP:",
"RHi" => "Hi:",
"RHo" => "H:",
"WS" => "W:",
"DIRtext" => "Dir:",
"WC" => "WC:",
"R1h" => "R:",
"RP" => "P:",
"Tendency" => "Tendency:",
"Forecast" => "Forecast:",
my ($hash) = @_;
# Consumer
$hash->{DefFn} = "WS3600_Define";
$hash->{AttrList}= "model:WS3600,WS2300 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "WS3600_Read";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "WS3600_Undef";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Define the /path/to/fetch3600 as a parameter" if(@a != 3);
my $FH;
my $dev = sprintf("%s |", $a[2]);
Log 3, "WS3600 using \"$dev\" as parameter to open(); trying ...";
open($FH, $dev);
if(!$FH) {
return "WS3600 Can't start $dev: $!";
local $_;
while (<$FH>) {
# my ($reading, $val)=split(/ /, $_);
if(/^(Date) (.*)/ || /^(Time) (.*)/ || /^(Ti) (.*)/ || /^(To) (.*)/) {
Log 3, "WS3600 initial read: $1 $2";
Log 3, "WS3600 initial read done";
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
$hash->{Timer} = 64; # call every 64 seconds; normal wireless update interval
# is 128 sec, on wind >10 km/h 32 sec. 64 sec should ensure
# quite current data.
# my $tn = TimeNow();
# $hash->{READINGS}{"freq"}{TIME} = $tn;
# $hash->{READINGS}{"freq"}{VAL} = $hash->{Timer};
# $hash->{CHANGED}[0] = "freq: $hash->{Timer}";
# InternalTimer blocks if init_done is not true
# my $oid = $init_done;
# $init_done = 1;
# WS3600_GetStatus($hash);
# $init_done = $oid;
Log 3, "WS3600 setting callback timer";
my $oid = $init_done;
$init_done = 1;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{Timer}, "WS3600_GetStatus", $hash, 1);
$init_done = $oid;
Log 3, "WS3600 initialized";
$hash->{STATE} = "initialized";
$hash->{TMPSTATE} = "";
return undef;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if(defined($hash->{FD})) {
delete $hash->{FD};
delete $selectlist{"$name.pipe"};
Log GetLogLevel($name,3), "$name shutdown complete";
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $dnr = $hash->{DEVNR};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
my $FH;
# Call us in n seconds again.
# InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{Timer}, "WS3600_GetStatus", $hash, 1);
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "WS3600 contacting station";
open($FH, $dev);
if(!$FH) {
return "WS3600 Can't start $dev: $!";
$selectlist{"$name.pipe"} = $hash;
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "WS3600 pipe opened";
# $hash->{STATE} = "running";
$hash->{pipeopentime} = time();
# InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 6, "WS3600_Read", $hash, 1);
return $hash->{STATE};
my ($hash) = @_;
my $dnr = $hash->{DEVNR};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
my $FH;
my $inputline;
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "WS3600 Read entered";
if(!defined($hash->{FD})) {
Log GetLogLevel($name,3), "Oops, WS3600 FD undef'd";
return undef;
if(!$hash->{FD}) {
Log GetLogLevel($name,3), "Oops, WS3600 FD empty";
return undef;
$FH = $hash->{FD};
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "WS3600 reading started";
my @lines;
my $eof;
my $i=0;
my $tn = TimeNow();
my $StateString=$hash->{TMPSTATE};
my $HumidString="";
my $TempsString="";
my $OtherString="";
my $reading;
my $readingforstatus;
($eof, @lines) = nonblockGetLines($FH);
if(!defined($eof)) {
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "WS3600 FIXME: eof undefined?!";
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "WS3600 reading ended with eof==$eof";
# FIXME! Current observed behaviour is "would block", then read of only EOF.
# Not sure if it's always that way; more correct would be checking
# for empty $inputline or undef'd $rawreading,$val. -wusel, 2010-01-04
if($eof != 1) {
foreach my $inputline ( @lines ) {
$inputline =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($rawreading, $val)=split(/ /, $inputline);
Log GetLogLevel($name,5), "WS3600 read $inputline:$rawreading:$val";
if(defined($TranslatedCodes{$rawreading})) {
# delete $defs{$name}{READINGS}{" $rawreading"};
$defs{$name}{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL} = $val;
$defs{$name}{READINGS}{$reading}{TIME} = $tn;
# -wusel, 2010-01-30: BIG CHANGE: only put into CHANGED[] what will be in
# STATE as well; this is done to reduce the burden on
# the notification framework (each one currently leads
# to a separate notify which will in turn lead a call
# of EVERY NotifyFn()) and to improve FHEMs overall
# performance.
# Every value is still be stored in READINGS though.
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = "$reading: $val";
if(defined($WantedCodesForStatus{$rawreading})) {
$StateString=sprintf("%s %s %s", $StateString, $readingforstatus, $val);
$hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = "$reading: $val";
# if($rawreading =~ m/^(Tendency|Forecast)/) {
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = "$reading: $val";
# $StateString=sprintf("%s %s: %s", $StateString, $reading, $val);
# }
# if($rawreading =~ m/^(Ti$|To$|WC$)/) {
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = "$reading: $val";
# $TempsString=sprintf("%s %s: %s <20>C", $TempsString, $reading, $val);
# }
# if($rawreading =~ m/^(RHi$|RHo$)/) {
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = "$reading: $val";
# $HumidString=sprintf("%s %s: %s %%", $HumidString, $reading, $val);
# }
# if($rawreading =~ m/^(R1h$|R24h$)/) {
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = "$reading: $val";
# $OtherString=sprintf("%s %s: %s mm", $OtherString, $reading, $val);
# }
# if($rawreading =~ m/^(RP$|AP$)/) {
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = "$reading: $val";
# $OtherString=sprintf("%s %s: %s hPa", $OtherString, $reading, $val);
# }
$hash->{TMPSTATE} = $StateString;
if($eof) {
delete $hash->{FD};
delete $selectlist{"$name.pipe"};
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{Timer}, "WS3600_GetStatus", $hash, 1);
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "WS3600 done reading pipe";
} else {
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "WS3600 (further) reading would block";
# $OtherString =~ s/^\s+//;
# $HumidString =~ s/^\s+//;
# $TempsString =~ s/^\s+//;
# $StateString =~ s/^\s+//;
# $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Humidity"}{VAL} = $HumidString;
# $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Humidity"}{TIME} = $tn;
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = $HumidString;
# $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Temperatures"}{VAL} = $TempsString;
# $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Temperatures"}{TIME} = $tn;
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = $TempsString;
# $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Rain/Pressure"}{VAL} = $OtherString;
# $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Rain/Pressure"}{TIME} = $tn;
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = $OtherString;
# $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Forecast"}{VAL} = $StateString;
# $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Forecast"}{TIME} = $tn;
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = $StateString;
# -wusel, 2010-01-06: FIXME: does this logic with STATE work?
# -wusel, 2010-01-30: Removed setting STATE to "reading".
if($eof) {
# $hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = "Status: $StateString";
$hash->{STATE} = $hash->{TMPSTATE};
$hash->{TMPSTATE} = "";
DoTrigger($name, undef);
# } else {
# $hash->{STATE} = "reading";
return $hash->{STATE};
# From http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=713384 / http://davesource.com/Solutions/20080924.Perl-Non-blocking-Read-On-Pipes-Or-Files.html
# Used, hopefully, with permission ;)
# An non-blocking filehandle read that returns an array of lines read
# Returns: ($eof,@lines)
my %nonblockGetLines_last;
sub nonblockGetLines {
my ($fh,$timeout) = @_;
$timeout = 0 unless defined $timeout;
my $rfd = '';
$nonblockGetLines_last{$fh} = ''
unless defined $nonblockGetLines_last{$fh};
vec($rfd,fileno($fh),1) = 1;
return unless select($rfd, undef, undef, $timeout)>=0;
# I'm not sure the following is necessary?
return unless vec($rfd,fileno($fh),1);
my $buf = '';
my $n = sysread($fh,$buf,1024*1024);
# If we're done, make sure to send the last unfinished line
return (1,$nonblockGetLines_last{$fh}) unless $n;
# Prepend the last unfinished line
$buf = $nonblockGetLines_last{$fh}.$buf;
# And save any newly unfinished lines
$nonblockGetLines_last{$fh} =
(substr($buf,-1) !~ /[\r\n]/ && $buf =~ s/([^\r\n]*)$//)
? $1 : '';
$buf ? (0,split(/\n/,$buf)) : (0);