mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-09 02:27:05 +00:00
rudolfkoenig 1c341dae0b Version 1.4 from Martin.
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@329 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2009-01-12 10:26:50 +00:00

1170 lines
32 KiB
Executable File

# $Id: fhem-speech,v 1.1 2009-01-12 10:26:50 rudolfkoenig Exp $
# Copyright notice
# (c) 2008 Copyright: Martin Fischer (m_fischer at gmx dot de)
# All rights reserved
# This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);;
use Cwd;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use JSON::XS;
use vars qw{$call};
use vars qw{%dev};
use vars qw(%lang);
use vars qw{%sys};
use vars qw($VERSION);
use vars qw($VERSION);
# Variables
$sys{fhem}{host} = "";
$sys{fhem}{port} = "7072";
# Mandatory external Files
$sys{file}{mbrola} = "/usr/local/bin/mbrola";
$sys{file}{pipefilt} = "/usr/local/bin/pipefilt";
$sys{file}{play} = "/usr/bin/play";
$sys{file}{preproc} = "/usr/local/bin/preproc";
$sys{file}{preprocRules} = "/usr/share/mbrola/Rules.lst";
$sys{file}{preprocShort} = "/usr/share/mbrola/Hadifix.abk";
$sys{file}{sox} = "/usr/bin/sox";
$sys{file}{recode} = "/usr/bin/recode";
$sys{file}{txt2pho} = "/usr/local/bin/txt2pho";
$sys{file}{voiceFemale} = "/usr/share/mbrola/de3/de3";
$sys{file}{voiceMale} = "/usr/share/mbrola/de2/de2";
# mbrola / txt2pho options
$sys{speech}{sex} = "f";
$sys{speech}{male} = "-f0.8 -t0.9 -l 15000";
$sys{speech}{female} = "-f1.2 -t1.0 -l 22050";
$sys{speech}{wav} = "-t au - -r 8000 -c1";
$sys{speech}{gsm} = "-t au - -r 8000 -c1";
# FHEM Translation
# misc / default
$lang{'comment'} = "Status %s";
$lang{'room'} = "Raum %s";
$lang{'battery'} = "Batterie %s";
$lang{'state'} = "%s";
$lang{'on'} = "an";
$lang{'off'} = "aus";
$lang{'yes'} = "ja";
$lang{'no'} = "nein";
$lang{'comma'} = "Komma";
$lang{'error'} = "Status unbekannt";
$lang{'zirkumflex'} = "Zirkumflex";
$lang{'underline'} = "Unterstrich";
$lang{'apostrophe'} = "Hochkomma";
$lang{'degree'} = "Grad";
$lang{'minus'} = "Minus";
$lang{'plus'} = "Plus";
$lang{'squareopen'} = "eckige Klammer auf";
$lang{'squareclose'} = "eckige Klammer zu";
$lang{'backtick'} = "Rueckwaerts geneigtes Hochkomma";
$lang{'singlequote'} = "einfaches Anfuehrungszeichen";
$lang{'quote'} = "Anfuehrungszeichen oben";
$lang{'backslash'} = "umgekehrter Schraegstrich";
$lang{'squaremm'} = "Quadratmilimeter";
$lang{'squarecm'} = "Quadratzentimeter";
$lang{'squarem'} = "Quadratmeter";
$lang{'cubicmm'} = "Kubikmilimeter";
$lang{'cubiccm'} = "Kubikzentimeter";
$lang{'cubicm'} = "Kubikmeter";
# keys:
$lang{'actuator'} = "Ventilstellung %s Prozent";
$lang{'day-temp'} = "Temperatur Tag %s Grad";
$lang{'desired-temp'} = "Angeforderte Temperatur %s Grad";
$lang{'measured-temp'} = "Gemessene Temperatur %s Grad";
$lang{'mode'} = "Modus %s";
$lang{'night-temp'} = "Temperatur Nacht %s Grad";
$lang{'windowopen-temp'} = "Temperatur Fenster offen %s Grad";
# values:
$lang{'auto'} = "Automatik";
$lang{'holiday'} = "Urlaub";
$lang{'holiday_short'} = "Kurzurlaub";
$lang{'manual'} = "Manuell";
# KS300/KS555
# keys:
$lang{'humidity'} = "Luftfeuchtigkeit %s Prozent";
$lang{'israining'} = "Niederschlag %s";
$lang{'temperature'} = "Aussentemperatur %s Grad";
$lang{'wind'} = "Windgeschwindigkeit %s km/h";
# keys:
$lang{'smoke_detect'} = "Alarm %s";
# End of Variables
# Forward declaration
sub sayFHEM;
sub queryFHEM($);
sub parseFHEM($$);
sub translateKey;
sub translateValue($$);
sub text2speech($);
sub isNumber;
sub isInteger;
sub isFloat;
sub usage;
sub usageShort;
sub version;
# Main
sub main {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if(grep(/debug/, @ARGV));
my $result;
# disable buffering
# Variables
$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
my $requiredOptions = "dft";
# do some checks
# check for required files
foreach my $exec (sort keys %{$sys{file}}) {
_missing_file($sys{file}{$exec}) unless(-r $sys{file}{$exec});
_debug($call,"check file: '".$sys{file}{$exec}."'") if(grep(/debug/, @ARGV));
# check options
_missing_argv($requiredOptions) if(int(@ARGV) == 0);
# get options
my $args = {
asterisk => 0, # default false
cache => "", # default undef
debug => 0, # default false
device => "", # default undef
file => "", # default undef
force => 0, # default false
host => "", # default undef
out => "", # default undef
port => "", # default undef
prefix => "", # default undef
quiet => 0, # default false
set => "", # default undef
sex => "", # default undef
text => "", # default undef
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
"asterisk|a" => \$args->{asterisk},
"cache|c=s" => \$args->{cache},
"debug" => \$args->{debug},
"device|d=s" => \$args->{device},
"file|f=s" => \$args->{file},
"force" => \$args->{force},
"host|h=s" => \$args->{host},
"out|o=s" => \$args->{out},
"port|p=i" => \$args->{port},
"prefix=s" => \$args->{prefix},
"quiet|q" => \$args->{quiet},
"set=s" => \$args->{set},
"sex|S=s" => \$args->{sex},
"text|t=s" => \$args->{text},
"H|?" => sub { pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 0); },
"help" => sub { pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 0); },
"man" => sub { pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 2); },
"version|V" => sub { version(0) }
} or pod2usage();
# set global options
$sys{asterisk} = $args->{asterisk} if($args->{asterisk});
$sys{debug} = $args->{debug} if($args->{debug});
$sys{force} = $args->{force} if($args->{force});
$sys{prefix} = $args->{prefix} if($args->{prefix});
$sys{quiet} = $args->{quiet} if($args->{quiet});
$sys{speech}{sex} = $args->{sex} if($args->{sex});
$sys{speech}{cache} = $args->{cache} if($args->{cache});
$sys{speech}{out} = $args->{out} if($args->{out});
# check for dependent options
_wrong_set("-d or -f or -t") if($args->{device} && ($args->{file} || $args->{text}));
_wrong_set("-d or -f or -t") if($args->{device} && ($args->{file} && $args->{text}));
_wrong_set("-f [-acoqS]") if($args->{file} && ($args->{host} || $args->{port}));
_wrong_set("-f [-acoqS]") if($args->{file} && ($args->{host} && $args->{port}));
_wrong_set("-t [-acoqS]") if($args->{text} && ($args->{host} || $args->{port}));
_wrong_set("-t [-acoqS]") if($args->{text} && ($args->{host} && $args->{port}));
_wrong_set("-d <devspec> --set <state> [-hp]") if(
$args->{set} && ($args->{astersik} || $args->{cache} ||
$args->{file} || $args->{text} || $args->{force} ||
$args->{out} || $args->{prefix} || $args->{quiet} ||
_wrong_set("[-d|-f|-t] argument [-acopqS]") if($args->{asterisk} && ($args->{host} || $args->{port}));
# check for dependent options
_missing_required("-d") if(!$args->{device} && ($args->{host} || $args->{port}));
_missing_required("-d") if(!$args->{device} && ($args->{host} && $args->{port}));
_missing_required("-o") if(!$args->{out} && $args->{cache});
_missing_required("-c") if(!$args->{cache} && ($args->{prefix} || $args->{force}));
_missing_required("-c") if(!$args->{cache} && ($args->{prefix} && $args->{force}));
_missing_required("-c") if(!$args->{cache} && $args->{asterisk});
# listen to text
if($args->{text}) {
$sys{speech}{text} = $args->{text} if($args->{text});
_debug($call,"ARGV: \$sys{speech}{text}: '".$sys{speech}{text}."'") if($sys{debug});
$result = sayTEXT();
# listen to file
if($args->{file}) {
$sys{speech}{file} = $args->{file} if($args->{file});
_debug($call,"ARGV: \$sys{speech}{file}: '".$sys{speech}{file}."'") if($sys{debug} && $args->{file});
$result = sayFILE();
# let FHEM talk :-)
if($args->{device}) {
_debug($call,"ARGV is 'fhem'") if($sys{debug});
$sys{fhem}{device} = $args->{device};
_debug($call,"ARGV: \$sys{fhem}{device}: '".$sys{fhem}{device}."'") if($sys{debug});
$sys{fhem}{set} = $args->{set} if($args->{set});
_debug($call,"ARGV: \$sys{fhem}{set}: '".$sys{fhem}{set}."'") if($sys{debug});
$sys{fhem}{host} = $args->{host} if($args->{host});
_debug($call,"ARGV: \$sys{fhem}{host}: '".$sys{fhem}{host}."'") if($sys{debug});
$sys{fhem}{port} = $args->{port} if($args->{port});
_debug($call,"ARGV: \$sys{fhem}{port}: '".$sys{fhem}{port}."'") if($sys{debug});
$result = sayFHEM() if(!$sys{fhem}{set});
$result = setFHEM() if($sys{fhem}{set});
return 0;
# Text
sub sayTEXT {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
my $result;
my $say;
$say = $sys{speech}{text} if($sys{speech}{text});
$result = text2speech($say) if($say);
# File
sub sayFILE {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
my $content = "";
my $file = $sys{speech}{file};
my $result;
_file_error($file) if(!-e $file || -B $file);
my $fh = new IO::File($file, "r") or _file_error($file);
_debug($call,"read : '".$file."'") if($sys{debug});
while (my $line = $fh->getline()) {
$content = $content.$line;
sub setFHEM {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
my $fhemCmd = "set ".$sys{fhem}{device}." ".$sys{fhem}{set};
my $result;
# query FHEM and start working
$result = queryFHEM($fhemCmd);
chomp $result if($result);
_debug($call,"\$result: '".$result."'") if($sys{debug} && $result);
_fhem_error($result) if($result && $result =~ /No.*set/);
sub sayFHEM {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
my $fhemCmd = "jsonlist ".$sys{fhem}{device};
my $result;
my $fhemRaw;
my $say;
# query FHEM and start working
$result = queryFHEM($fhemCmd);
chomp $result;
_debug($call,"\$result: '".$result."'") if($sys{debug});
_fhem_error($result) if(!$result || $result =~ /No.*device/);
$fhemRaw = decode_json $result;
%dev = %{$fhemRaw->{ResultSet}->{Results}};
parseFHEM("room",$dev{ATTRIBUTES}{room}) if($dev{ATTRIBUTES}{room});
parseFHEM("comment",$dev{ATTRIBUTES}{comment}) if($dev{ATTRIBUTES}{comment});
while (my ($key,$value) = each %dev) {
_debug($call,"\$key: '".$key."'") if($sys{debug});
if($key eq "ATTRIBUTES" || $key eq "READINGS") {
while (my ($subKey,$subValue) = each %{$dev{$key}}) {
if($subKey ne "comment" && $subKey ne "room") {
_debug($call,"\$subKey: '".$subKey."'") if($sys{debug});
$say = parseFHEM($subKey,$subValue) if($key eq "ATTRIBUTES");
$say = parseFHEM($subKey,$subValue->{VAL}) if($key eq "READINGS");
} else {
$say = parseFHEM($key,$value);
sub queryFHEM($) {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
my $host = $sys{fhem}{host} . ":" . $sys{fhem}{port};
my $cmd = shift;
my $result;
my $buf = "";
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host);
_debug($call, "\$host: '".$sys{fhem}{host}.":".$sys{fhem}{port}."'") if($sys{debug});
die "Can't connect to server " . $sys{fhem}{host} . " port " . $sys{fhem}{port} . "\n" if(!$server);
syswrite($server, "$cmd;quit\n");
_debug($call, "\$cmd: '".$cmd."'") if($sys{debug});
while(sysread($server, $buf, 256) > 0) {
$result .= $buf;
return $result;
sub parseFHEM($$) {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
my ($key,$value) = @_;
my $translatedKey;
my $translatedValue;
my @say;
my $result;
$result = translateKey($key);
_debug($call,"\$key: '".$key."' \$result = '<null>'") if($sys{debug} && !$result);
if($result) {
$translatedKey = $result;
_debug($call,"\$key: '".$key."' \$translatedKey: '".$translatedKey."'") if($sys{debug});
if($result ne "\%s") {
@say = split("\%s",$translatedKey);
text2speech($say[1]) if($say[1] && $say[1] ne ":");
} else {
sub translateKey {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
return $lang{$_[0]} if(exists $lang{$_[0]});
sub translateValue($$) {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
my ($key,$value) = @_;
_debug($call,"\$key: '".$key."' \$value: '".$value."'") if($sys{debug});
my $return;
$value = removeUnits($value);
# FS20
if($key eq "state" || $key eq "smoke_detect") {
_debug($call,"\$key: '".$key."' is on/off") if($sys{debug});
$value = $lang{'off'} if($value eq "off");
$value = $lang{'on'} if($value eq "on");
# KS300/KS555
if($key eq "israining") {
_debug($call,"\$value: '".$value."'") if($sys{debug});
$value = $lang{'no'} if($value eq "no (yes/no)");
$value = $lang{'yes'} if($value eq "yes (yes/no)");
_debug($call,"\$value converted to: '".$value."'") if($sys{debug});
if($value =~ m/^-/) {
$value = substr($value,1);
if(isInteger($value)) {
} elsif(isFloat($value)) {
my ($strLeft,$strRight) = split("\\.",$value);
_debug($call,"\$strLeft: '".$strLeft."' \$strRight '".$strRight."'") if($sys{debug});
if($strRight !~ m/0+/) {
} else {
# mbrola
sub text2speech($) {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
my $str = shift;
my $cmd;
my $voice;
my $options;
my $out;
my $result;
# define voice
if($sys{speech}{sex} eq "f") {
$voice = $sys{file}{voiceFemale};
$options = $sys{speech}{female};
if($sys{speech}{sex} eq "m") {
$voice = $sys{file}{voiceMale};
$options = $sys{speech}{male};
# define extern commands
my $recode = $sys{file}{recode} . " " . "UTF-8..lat1";
my $pipefilt = $sys{file}{pipefilt};
my $preproc = $sys{file}{preproc} . " " . $sys{file}{preprocRules} . " " . $sys{file}{preprocShort};
my $txt2pho = $sys{file}{txt2pho} . " -" . $sys{speech}{sex};
my $mbrola = $sys{file}{mbrola} . " $options " . $voice . " - -.au";
my $sox = $sys{file}{sox};
# set current dir for output if no directory defined
$sys{speech}{cache} = cwd() if(!$sys{speech}{cache} && $sys{speech}{out});
# sox options
if(defined($sys{speech}{out})) {
if($sys{speech}{out} eq "wav") {
# options for wav
$sys{speech}{soxOptions} = $sys{speech}{wav};
} elsif($sys{speech}{out} eq "gsm") {
# options for gsm
$sys{speech}{soxOptions} = $sys{speech}{gsm};
# } elsif($sys{speech}{out} eq "mp3") {
# # options for mp3
# $sys{speech}{soxOptions} = $sys{speech}{mp3};
} else {
# remove blanks
_debug($call,"remove bad chars") if($sys{debug});
# remove unwanted chars
$str = decodeChar($str);
print $str . "\n" if(!$sys{quiet} && !$sys{asterisk});
# remove trailing slash
$sys{speech}{cache} =~ s/\/+$// if($sys{speech}{out});
_debug($call,"\$str: '".substr($str,0,40)."'") if($sys{debug});
_debug($call,"\$sys{speech}{sex}: '".$sys{speech}{sex}."'") if($sys{debug});
# build command string
$cmd = "(echo \"$str\" | ";
# pipefilt | preproc | txt2pho | mbrola |
$cmd .= $recode . " | " . $pipefilt . " | " . $preproc . " | " . $txt2pho . " | " . $mbrola . " | ";
# append command string for play only
if(!$sys{speech}{out}) {
$cmd .= $sys{file}{play} . " -q -t au -)";
# let's get ready to rumble
$result = systemCmd($cmd);
# append command string for destination file
if($sys{speech}{out}) {
$out = substr($str,0,32);
$out =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/gi;
$out = $sys{prefix}.$out if($sys{prefix});
_debug($call,"\$sys{speech}{out}: '".$sys{speech}{out}."'") if($sys{debug});
_debug($call,"\$sys{speech}{cache}: '".$sys{speech}{cache}."' \$out: '".$out."'") if($sys{debug});
# sox
$cmd .= $sox . " " . $sys{speech}{soxOptions} . " " . $sys{speech}{cache} . "/" . $out . ".wav";
# extend cmd for gsm
if($sys{speech}{out} eq "gsm") {
$cmd .= "; ";
# sox imput from wav
$cmd .= $sox . " " . $sys{speech}{cache} . "/" . $out . ".wav" . " ";
# sox output to gsm
$cmd .= $sys{speech}{cache} . "/" . $out . "." . $sys{speech}{out} . "; ";
# remove temporary wav file
$cmd .= "rm " . $sys{speech}{cache} . "/" . $out . ".wav" . "; ";
# close cmd
$cmd .= ")";
# let's get ready to rumble
if($sys{force} || !-r $sys{speech}{cache} . "/" . $out . "." . $sys{speech}{out}) {
$result = systemCmd($cmd);
# print string for asterisk
if($sys{asterisk}) {
print "EXEC BACKGROUND ". $sys{speech}{cache} . "/" . $out . " \"\"\n";
$result = <STDIN>;
# play the result
if(!$sys{quiet}) {
$cmd = $sys{file}{play} . " -q -t " . $sys{speech}{out} . " ";
$cmd .= $sys{speech}{cache} . "/" . $out . "." . $sys{speech}{out};
$result = systemCmd($cmd);
# misc
sub version {
print <<EOT;
\e[1mfhem-speech $VERSION\e[0m
Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Fischer <m_fischer\@gmx.de>
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Martin Fischer
# helper
sub systemCmd {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
_debug($call,"system: '" . $_[0] . "'") if($sys{debug});
return system($_[0]) == 0 || die "failed: $?";
sub removeUnits {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
$_[0] =~ s/\s\(Celsius\)//gi;
$_[0] =~ s/\s\(%\)//gi;
$_[0] =~ s/\s\(km\/h\)//gi;
$_[0] =~ s/%//gi;
return $_[0];
sub decodeChar {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
$_[0] =~ s/^[\s\t]+//gi;
$_[0] =~ s/[\s\t]$//gi;
$_[0] =~ s/\^/ $lang{zirkumflex} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/_/ $lang{underline} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/'/ $lang{apostrophe} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/°/ $lang{degree} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/-/ $lang{minus} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/\+/ $lang{plus} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/\[/ $lang{squareopen} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/\]/ $lang{squareclose} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/`/ $lang{backtick} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/\'/ $lang{singlequote} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/"/ $lang{quote} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/\\/ $lang{backslash} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/mm²/$lang{squaremm} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/cm²/$lang{squarecm} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/m²/$lang{squarem} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/mm³/$lang{cubicmm} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/cm³/$lang{cubiccm} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/m³/$lang{cubicm} /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/[\s\t]+/ /gi;
$_[0] =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]+//gi;
# convert to lowercase
$_[0] = lc($_[0]);;
return $_[0];
sub isNumber {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
$_[0] =~ /^\d+$/
sub isInteger {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
$_[0] =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/
sub isFloat {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
$_[0] =~ /^[+-]?\d+\.?\d*$/
sub _debug {
printf("\e[33m== debug:\e[37m \e[32m[%s]\e[37m \e[1m%s\e[0m\n",$_[0],$_[1]);
sub _call {
sub _missing_file {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
warn "fhem-speech: Mandatory file `".$_[0]."` does not exist, or is not readable!\n";
warn "fhem-speech has been stopped. please fix this problem...\n";
sub _missing_argv {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
warn "fhem-speech: You must specify one of the `-".$_[0]."` options.\n";
warn "Try `fhem-speech --help` for more information.\n";
sub _wrong_set {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
warn "fhem-speech: Wrong combination! Usage: `".$_[0]."` for options!\n";
warn "Try `fhem-speech --help` for more information.\n";
sub _missing_required {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
warn "fhem-speech: Missing required option `".$_[0]."`!\n";
warn "Try `fhem-speech --help` for more information.\n";
sub _fhem_error {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
$_[0] = $lang{'error'} if(!$_[0]);
chomp $_[0];
warn "fhem-speech: FHEM result: `".$_[0]."`\n";
sub _file_error {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
$_[0] = $lang{'error'} if(!$_[0]);
warn "fhem-speech: File `".$_[0]."` is binary. This filetype is not supported!\n";
sub _sox_format_error {
$call = _call();
_debug($call,"called") if($sys{debug});
$_[0] = $lang{'error'} if(!$_[0]);
warn "fhem-speech: format `".$_[0]."` not supported!\n";
=head1 NAME
fhem-speech - Synthesized voice (based on MBROLA) extension for FHEM
B<fhem-speech> B<-d> device [B<-achopqS>]
B<fhem-speech> B<-d> device B<--set> state [B<-hp>]
B<fhem-speech> B<-f> file [B<-acoqS>]
B<fhem-speech> B<-t> "text" [B<-acoqS>]
B<fhem-speech> [B<-HmV?>]
Try `B<fhem-speech> B<--man>` for full manual!
=head2 fhem-speech
fhem-speech read the status of a FHEM device and talk using the MBROLA
speech synthesizer. Furthermore it can read the content of a given file
or text.
=head2 FHEM
FHEM is used to automate some common tasks in the household like switching
lamps/shutters/heating/etc. and to log events like temperature/humidity/power
consumption. Visit the FHEM's homepage L<http://www.koeniglich.de/fhem/fhem.html>
for more information.
=head2 The MBROLA project
Central to the MBROLA project is MBROLA, a speech synthesizer based on the
concatenation of diphones. It takes a list of phonemes as input, together
with prosodic information, and produces speech samples on 16 bits (linear),
at the sampling frequency of the diphone database used. This synthesizer
is provided for free, for non commercial, non military applications
only. Visit the MBROLA's homepage L<http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/> for
more information.
=head2 Asterisk
Optionally fhem-speech supports AGI commands to communicate with Asterisk.
Visit the Asterisk(R) homepage L<http://www.asterisk.org/> for more information.
=head1 OPTIONS
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
Ordering Options:
=item B<-d>, B<--device> F<device>
Run in FHEM mode. Specifies the FHEM device to be queried. The given device
must be defined.
=item B<-f>, B<--file> F<file-name>
Run in file mode. fhem-speech will read the given file.
=item B<-t>, B<--text> F<"TEXT">
Run in Speaker's mode. fhem-speech will read the given "TEXT".
Other options:
=item B<-a>, B<--asterisk>
Run in Asterisk mode. fhem-speech print out AGI-commands for direct usage in Asterisk.
=item B<-c>, B<--cache> F<directory>
Specifies the location of where the files should be saved if fhem-speech
started with the -o or --out argument.
Default location: current directory.
=item B<--force>
Overwrites existing files.
=item B<-h>, B<--host> F<host>
Specifies the hostaddress for FHEM.
Default address: "localhost".
=item B<-o>, B<--out> [F<gsm>|F<wav>]
fhem-speech saves the output to a file with the specified output format.
Default address: "localhost".
=item B<-p>, B<--port> F<port>
Communicate with FHEM on defined port.
Default port: "7072".
=item B<--prefix> F<prefix>
Set the given prefix in front of filename.
=item B<-q>, B<--quiet>
Run in quiet mode.
=item B<--set> F<state>
Send <state> to device.
=item B<-S>, B<--sex> [F<f>|F<m>]
Specifies the sex for the voice. It depends on which voices for MBROLA
have been installed.
Default: "de3" for the German female voice and "de2" for the German
male voice.
=item B<-m>, B<--man>
Show the manual page and exits.
=item B<-H>, B<--help>
Show a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-V>, B<--version>
Show fhem-speech's version number and exit.
Get status information for device <EG.wz.HZ> in quiet mode:
`fhem-speech -d EG.wz.HZ -q`
Same as above with a male voice. FHEM runs on IP
`fhem-speech -d EG.wz.HZ -S m -h`
Get status information for device <EG.wz.HZ> in Asterisk mode:
`fhem-speech -d EG.wz.HZ -a -q -o gsm -c /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fhem/`
Read the file <foobar>:
`fhem-speech -f foobar`
Read the given text "Geht nicht gibt's nicht.":
`fhem-speech -t "Geht nicht gibt's nicht."`
Set the state for device <EG.wz.SD.01>:
`fhem-speech -d EG.wz.SD.01 --set on`
=head2 Requirements
=head3 MBROLA
You need MBROLA synthesizer, a synthesis voice, txt2pho and sox. For more
information visit:
o MBROLA project, L<http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/>
o hadifix, L<http://www.ikp.uni-bonn.de/dt/forsch/phonetik/hadifix/>
=head3 FHEM
For FHEM mode you need FHEM 4.5+ and the command extension "jsonlist". For
more information take a look at:
or visit the FHEM's homepage:
=head3 JSON::XS
The required command extension "jsonlist" send the result as a JSON encoded
string. fhem-speech need the Perl module JSON::XS to decode the information.
There are several ways to install the module:
You can download the last version at:
Or you can use the package from the L<contrib>-folder which was delivered
with fhem-speech.
You can use the L<cpan> command on bash-prompt.
=head2 Installation
This describes the installation on ubuntu:
Make a temporarily directory for the needed files and change to the new
directory, e.g.:
`mkdir /usr/local/src/mbrola; cd !$`
Download the required files:
`wget http://www.ikp.uni-bonn.de/dt/forsch/phonetik/hadifix/txt2pho.zip`
`wget http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/mbrola/bin/pclinux/mbrola3.0.1h_i386.deb`
Download at least one synthesis voice (e.g. German female voice):
`wget http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/mbrola/dba/de3/de3.zip`
=head2 txt2pho
Install txt2pho:
`unzip txt2pho.zip -d /usr/share/`
`chmod 755 /usr/share/txt2pho/txt2pho`
Edit txt2phorc:
`vi /usr/share/txt2pho/txt2phorc`
and change the path for DATAPATH and INVPATH:
Copy txt2phorc to /etc/txt2pho:
`cp /usr/share/txt2pho/txt2phorc /etc/txt2pho`
=head2 Synthesis Voice
Install the synthesis voice (e.g. German female voice):
`unzip de7.zip -d /usr/share/mbrola/de7`
fhem-speech use "de2" and "de3" as default voices. You can change this
if you like.
=head2 MBROLA
Install MBROLA:
`dpkg -i mbrola3.0.1h_i386.deb`
=head2 sox
Install sox:
`apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all`
=head2 Test
Test your installation:
`echo "Test" | /usr/share/txt2pho/txt2pho |\
mbrola /usr/share/mbrola/de7/de7 - -.au | play -q -t au -`
=head2 fhem-speech
Copy the script fhem-speech to a directory of your choice, e.g.:
`cp fhem-speech /usr/local/bin`
and make it executable:
`chmod 775 /usr/local/bin/fhem-speech`
=head2 Perl
If you use the delivered module F<contrib/JSON-XS-2.231.tar.gz>:
`tar xzf JSON-XS-2.231.tar.gz`
`cd JSON-XS-2.231`
`perl Makefile.pl`
`make test`
and as root:
`make install`
Open fhem-speech with your prefered editor.
=head2 FHEM host settings
Change the default host, if you like:
$sys{fhem}{host} = "localhost";
$sys{fhem}{port} = "7072";
=head2 External commands
Change the paths depending on the installed distribution:
# Mandatory external Files
$sys{file}{mbrola} = "/usr/local/bin/mbrola";
$sys{file}{pipefilt} = "/usr/local/bin/pipefilt";
$sys{file}{play} = "/usr/bin/play";
$sys{file}{preproc} = "/usr/local/bin/preproc";
Change the default settings for synthesis voice:
# mbrola / txt2pho options
$sys{speech}{sex} = "f";
$sys{speech}{male} = "-f0.8 -t0.9 -l 15000";
$sys{speech}{female} = "-f1.2 -t1.0 -l 22050";
=head2 Translation
fhem-speech need the $lang{} settings to decide what messages from FHEM
to be spoken. For example take a look at the FHT part:
# FHEM Translation
# keys:
$lang{'actuator'} = "Ventilstellung: %s Prozent";
$lang{'day-temp'} = "Temperatur Tag: %s Grad";
$lang{'desired-temp'} = "Angeforderte Temperatur: %s Grad";
$lang{'measured-temp'} = "Gemessene Temperatur: %s Grad";
$lang{'mode'} = "Modus: %s";
$lang{'night-temp'} = "Temperatur Nacht: %s Grad";
$lang{'windowopen-temp'} = "Temperatur Fenster offen: %s Grad";
On every FHEM response all of the defined $lang{} status information will
be spoken. If you don't like status information for e.g. 'windowopen-temp' then comment this out:
# $lang{'windowopen-temp'} = "Temperatur Fenster offen: %s Grad";
If you like to know the status for e.g. 'lowtemp-offset' add a line like this:
$lang{'lowtemp-offset'} = "Versatz Temperatur %s Grad";
The '%s' stands as a placeholder for the value.
=head2 Asterisk
fhem-speech support AGI commands for direct output in Asterisk.
=head3 Wrapper
If you like fhem-speech for use in Asterisk, you have to install a wrapper around
fhem-speech. You can use the example from F<contrib/fhem-speech.agi>.
Copy the wrapper to your asterisk-environment, e.g:
`cp contrib/fhem-speech.agi /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/`
=head3 extension.conf
Take a look at the example from F<contrib/extension.conf>.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is
NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Fischer <m_fischer@gmx.de>