mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
309 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
309 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my %readings;
my %defptr;
my $negcount = 0;
# Note: this is just an empty hull.
my ($hash) = @_;
# Message is like
# 810d04f94027a00171212730000008
# 81 0d 04 f9 4027a00171 212730000008
$hash->{Category} = "DEV";
$hash->{Match} = "^810.04..402.a001";
$hash->{SetFn} = "KS300_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "KS300_Get";
$hash->{StateFn} = "KS300_SetState";
$hash->{ListFn} = "KS300_List";
$hash->{DefFn} = "KS300_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "KS300_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "KS300_Parse";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "No set function implemented";
my ($hash,@a) = @_;
return "No get function implemented";
my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_;
my $n = $hash->{CODE};
if(!$readings{$n}{$vt} || $readings{$n}{$vt}{TIM} lt $tim) {
$readings{$n}{$vt}{TIM} = $tim;
$readings{$n}{$vt}{VAL} = $val;
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $str = "";
my $n = $hash->{CODE};
if(!defined($readings{$n})) {
$str .= "No information about " . $hash->{NAME} . "\n";
} else {
foreach my $m (keys %{ $readings{$n} }) {
$str .= sprintf("%-19s %-15s %s\n",
$readings{$n}{$m}{TIM}, $m, $readings{$n}{$m}{VAL});
return $str;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "wrong syntax: define <name> KS300 <code> " .
"[ml/raincounter] [wind-factor]" if(int(@a) < 3 || int(@a) > 5);
$a[2] = lc($a[2]);
return "Define $a[0]: wrong CODE format: specify a 4 digit hex value"
if($a[2] !~ m/^[a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]$/);
$hash->{CODE} = $a[2];
my $rainunit = ((int(@a) > 3) ? $a[3] : 255);
my $windunit = ((int(@a) > 4) ? $a[4] : 1.0);
$hash->{CODE} = $a[2];
$hash->{RAINUNIT} = $rainunit;
$hash->{WINDUNIT} = $windunit;
$defptr{$a[2]} = $hash;
return undef;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
return undef;
my ($hash,$msg) = @_;
if($msg !~ m/^810d04..4027a001/) {
Log 4, "KS300 unknown message $msg";
return "";
# 1 2
#0123456789012345 67890123456789
#810d04f94027a001 71212730000008
my @a = split("", $msg);
# I've seldom (1 out of 700) seen messages of length 10 and 11 with correct
# CRC, they seem to contain partial data (e.g. temp/wind/hum but not rain)
# They are suppressed as of now.
if(hex($a[3]) != 13) {
Log 4, "Strange KS400 message received, wont decode ($msg)";
return "";
if(int(keys %defptr)) {
my @arr = keys(%defptr); # No code is known yet
my $dev = shift(@arr);
my $def = $defptr{$dev};
my $haverain = 0;
my @v;
my @txt = ( "rain_raw", "rain", "wind", "humidity", "temperature",
"israining", "unknown1", "unknown2", "unknown3");
my @sfx = ( "(counter)", "(l/m2)", "(km/h)", "(%)", "(Celsius)",
"(yes/no)", "","","");
# The next instr wont work for empty hashes, so we init it now
$readings{$dev}{$txt[0]}{VAL} = 0 if(!$readings{$dev});
my $r = $readings{$dev};
$v[0] = hex("$a[28]$a[27]$a[26]");
# My KS300 sends a (quite huge) "negative" rain, when the rain begins,
# then the value is "normal" again. So we have to filter neg. rain out.
# But if the KS300 is sending this value more than once, then accept it,
# as the KS300 was probably reset
if($r->{rain_raw}{VAL}) {
my ($rrv, undef) = split(" ", $r->{rain_raw}{VAL});
$haverain = 1 if($v[0] != $rrv);
if($v[0] < $rrv) {
if($negcount++ < 3) {
Log 3, "KS300 negative rain, ignoring it";
$v[0] = $rrv;
} else {
Log 1, "KS300 was probably reset, accepting new rain value";
} else {
$negcount = 0;
$v[1] = sprintf("%0.1f", $v[0] * $def->{RAINUNIT} / 1000);
$v[2] = sprintf("%0.1f", ("$a[25]$a[24].$a[23]"+0) * $def->{WINDUNIT});
$v[3] = "$a[22]$a[21]" + 0;
$v[4] = "$a[20]$a[19].$a[18]" + 0; $v[4] = "-$v[4]" if($a[17] eq "7");
$v[4] = sprintf("%0.1f", $v[4]);
$v[5] = ((hex($a[17]) & 0x2) || $haverain) ? "yes" : "no";
$v[6] = $a[29];
$v[7] = $a[16];
$v[8] = $a[17];
# Negative temp
$v[4] = -$v[4] if($v[8] & 8);
my $tm = TimeNow();
Log 4, "KS300 $dev: $msg";
my $max = int(@v);
for(my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
$r->{$txt[$i]}{TIM} = $tm;
my $val = "$v[$i] $sfx[$i]";
$r->{$txt[$i]}{VAL} = $val;
$def->{CHANGED}[$i] = "$txt[$i]: $val";
# For logging/summary
my $val = "T: $v[4] H: $v[3] W: $v[2] R: $v[1] IR: $v[5]";
$def->{STATE} = $val;
$def->{CHANGED}[$max++] = $val;
# AVG computing
if(!$r->{cum_day}) {
$r->{cum_day}{VAL} = "$tm T: 0 H: 0 W: 0 R: $v[1]";
$r->{avg_day}{VAL} = "T: $v[4] H: $v[3] W: $v[2] R: $v[1]";
} else {
my @cv = split(" ", $r->{cum_day}{VAL});
my @cd = split("[ :-]", $r->{cum_day}{TIM});
my $csec = 3600*$cd[3] + 60*$cd[4] + $cd[5]; # Sec of last reading
my @d = split("[ :-]", $tm);
my $sec = 3600*$d[3] + 60*$d[4] + $d[5]; # Sec now
my @sd = split("[ :-]", "$cv[0] $cv[1]");
my $ssec = 3600*$sd[3] + 60*$sd[4] + $sd[5]; # Sec at start of day
my $difft = $sec - $csec;
$difft += 86400 if($d[2] != $cd[2]); # Sec since last reading
my $t = $cv[3] + $difft * $v[4];
my $h = $cv[5] + $difft * $v[3];
my $w = $cv[7] + $difft * $v[2];
my $e = $cv[9];
$r->{cum_day}{VAL} = "$cv[0] $cv[1] T: $t H: $h W: $w R: $e";
$difft = $sec - $ssec;
$difft += 86400 if($d[2] != $sd[2]); # Sec since last reading
$t /= $difft; $h /= $difft; $w /= $difft; $e = $v[1] - $cv[9];
$r->{avg_day}{VAL} =
sprintf("T: %.1f H: %d W: %.1f R: %.1f", $t, $h, $w, $e);
if($d[2] != $sd[2]) { # Day changed, report it
$def->{CHANGED}[$max++] = "avg_day $r->{avg_day}{VAL}";
$r->{cum_day}{VAL} = "$tm T: 0 H: 0 W: 0 R: $v[1]";
if(!$r->{cum_month}) { # Check the month
$r->{cum_month}{VAL} = "1 $r->{avg_day}{VAL}";
$r->{avg_month}{VAL} = $r->{avg_day}{VAL};
} else {
my @cmv = split(" ", $r->{cum_month}{VAL});
$t += $cmv[2]; $w += $cmv[4]; $h += $cmv[6];
$r->{cum_month}{VAL} =
sprintf("%d T: %.1f H: %d W: %.1f R: %.1f",
$cmv[0], $t, $h, $w, $cmv[8]+$e);
$r->{avg_month}{VAL} =
sprintf("T: %.1f H: %d W: %.1f R: %.1f",
$t/$cmv[0], $h/$cmv[0], $w/$cmv[0], $cmv[8]+$e);
if($d[1] != $sd[1]) { # Month changed, report it
$def->{CHANGED}[$max++] = "avg_month $r->{avg_month}{VAL}";
$r->{cum_month}{VAL} = "0 T: 0 H: 0 W: 0 R: 0";
$r->{cum_month}{TIM} = $r->{avg_month}{TIM} = $tm;
$r->{cum_day}{TIM} = $r->{avg_day}{TIM} = $tm;
# AVG computing
return $def->{NAME};
} else {
Log 4, "KS300 detected: $msg";
return "";