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# $Id$
package WMBus;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Digest::CRC; # libdigest-crc-perl
eval "use Crypt::Mode::CBC"; # cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CBC
my $hasCBC = ($@)?0:1;
eval "use Crypt::Mode::CTR"; # cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CTR
my $hasCTR = ($@)?0:1;
eval "use Digest::CMAC"; # cpan -i Digest::CMAC
my $hasCMAC = ($@)?0:1;
require Exporter;
my @ISA = qw(Exporter);
my @EXPORT = qw(new parse parseLinkLayer parseApplicationLayer manId2ascii type2string setFrameType getFrameType VIF_TYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC);
sub manId2ascii($$);
use constant {
# Transport Layer block size
# Link Layer block size
# size of CRC in bytes
CRC_SIZE => 2,
# sent by meter
SND_NR => 0x44, # Send, no reply
SND_IR => 0x46, # Send installation request, must reply with CNF_IR
ACC_NR => 0x47,
ACC_DMD => 0x48,
# sent by controller
SND_NKE => 0x40, # Link reset
CNF_IR => 0x06,
# CI field
CI_RESP_4 => 0x7a, # Response from device, 4 Bytes
CI_RESP_12 => 0x72, # Response from device, 12 Bytes
CI_RESP_0 => 0x78, # Response from device, 0 Byte header, variable length
CI_ERROR => 0x70, # Error from device, only specified for wired M-Bus but used by Easymeter WMBUS module
CI_TL_4 => 0x8a, # Transport layer from device, 4 Bytes
CI_TL_12 => 0x8b, # Transport layer from device, 12 Bytes
CI_ELL_2 => 0x8c, # Extended Link Layer, 2 Bytes
CI_ELL_10 => 0x8e, # Extended Link Layer, 10 Bytes
CI_ELL_8 => 0x8d, # Extended Link Layer, 8 Bytes (see https://www.telit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Telit_Wireless_M-bus_2013_Part4_User_Guide_r14.pdf, 2.3.4)
CI_ELL_16 => 0x8f, # Extended Link Layer, 16 Bytes (see https://www.telit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Telit_Wireless_M-bus_2013_Part4_User_Guide_r14.pdf, 2.3.4)
CI_AFL => 0x90, # Authentification and Fragmentation Layer, variable size
CI_RESP_SML_4 => 0x7e, # Response from device, 4 Bytes, application layer SML encoded
CI_RESP_SML_12 => 0x7f, # Response from device, 12 Bytes, application layer SML encoded
CI_SND_UD_MODE_1 => 0x51, # The master can send data to a slave using a SND_UD with CI-Field 51h for mode 1 or 55h for mode 2
CI_SND_UD_MODE_2 => 0x55,
# DIF types (Data Information Field), see page 32
DIF_NONE => 0x00,
DIF_INT8 => 0x01,
DIF_INT16 => 0x02,
DIF_INT24 => 0x03,
DIF_INT32 => 0x04,
DIF_FLOAT32 => 0x05,
DIF_INT48 => 0x06,
DIF_INT64 => 0x07,
DIF_READOUT => 0x08,
DIF_BCD2 => 0x09,
DIF_BCD4 => 0x0a,
DIF_BCD6 => 0x0b,
DIF_BCD8 => 0x0c,
DIF_VARLEN => 0x0d,
DIF_BCD12 => 0x0e,
DIF_SPECIAL => 0x0f,
VIF_EXTENSION => 0xFB, # true VIF is given in the first VIFE and is coded using table 8.4.4 b) (128 new VIF-Codes)
# TYPE C transmission uses two different frame types
# see http://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/application_note/3f/fb/35/5a/25/4e/41/ba/DM00233038.pdf/files/DM00233038.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00233038.pdf
# content type (CC bits of configuration field)
# stored in $self->{cw_parts}{content}
CONTENT_STANDARD => 0b00, # Standard data message with unsigned variable meter data
CONTENT_STATIC => 0b10, # Static message (consists of parameter, OBIS definitions and other data points
# which are not frequently changed see also
sub valueCalcNumeric($$) {
my $value = shift;
my $dataBlock = shift;
# some sanity checks on the provided data
if (defined($value) && defined($dataBlock->{valueFactor}) && looks_like_number($value))
return $value * $dataBlock->{valueFactor};
} else {
return 0;
sub valueCalcDate($$) {
my $value = shift;
my $dataBlock = shift;
#value is a 16bit int
#day: UI5 [1 to 5] <1 to 31>
#month: UI4 [9 to 12] <1 to 12>
#year: UI7[6 to 8,13 to 16] <0 to 99>
# 0b0000 1100 111 11111 = 31.12.2007
# 0b0000 0100 111 11110 = 30.04.2007
my $day = ($value & 0b11111);
my $month = (($value & 0b111100000000) >> 8);
my $year = ((($value & 0b1111000000000000) >> 9) | (($value & 0b11100000) >> 5)) + 2000;
if ($day > 31 || $month > 12 || $year > 2099) {
return sprintf("invalid: %x", $value);
} else {
return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $year, $month, $day);
sub valueCalcDateTime($$) {
my $value = shift;
my $dataBlock = shift;
#min: UI6 [1 to 6] <0 to 59>
#hour: UI5 [9 to13] <0 to 23>
#day: UI5 [17 to 21] <1 to 31>
#month: UI4 [25 to 28] <1 to 12>
#year: UI7[22 to 24,29 to 32] <0 to 99>
# IV:
# B1[8] {time invalid}:
# IV<0> :=
#IV>1> := invalid
#SU: B1[16] {summer time}:
#SU<0> := standard time,
#SU<1> := summer time
#RES1: B1[7] {reserved}: <0>
#RES2: B1[14] {reserved}: <0>
#RES3: B1[15] {reserved}: <0>
my $datePart = $value >> 16;
my $timeInvalid = $value & 0b10000000;
my $dateTime = valueCalcDate($datePart, $dataBlock);
if ($timeInvalid == 0) {
my $min = ($value & 0b111111);
my $hour = ($value >> 8) & 0b11111;
my $su = ($value & 0b1000000000000000);
if ($min > 59 || $hour > 23) {
$dateTime = sprintf('invalid: %x', $value);
} else {
$dateTime .= sprintf(' %02d:%02d %s', $hour, $min, $su ? 'DST' : '');
return $dateTime;
sub valueCalcHex($$) {
my $value = shift;
my $dataBlock = shift;
return unpack("H*", $value);
sub valueCalcAscii($$) {
my $value = shift;
my $dataBlock = shift;
my $result = unpack('a*',$value);
# replace non printable chars
$result =~ s/[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/?/g;
return $result;
sub valueCalcu($$) {
my $value = shift;
my $dataBlock = shift;
my $result = '';
$result = ($value & 0b00001000 ? 'upper' : 'lower') . ' limit';
return $result;
sub valueCalcufnn($$) {
my $value = shift;
my $dataBlock = shift;
my $result = '';
$result = ($value & 0b00001000 ? 'upper' : 'lower') . ' limit';
$result .= ', ' . ($value & 0b00000100 ? 'first' : 'last');
$result .= sprintf(', duration %d', $value & 0b11);
return $result;
sub valueCalcMultCorr1000($$) {
my $value = shift;
my $dataBlock = shift;
$dataBlock->{value} *= 1000;
return "correction by factor 1000";
my %TimeSpec = (
0b00 => 's', # seconds
0b01 => 'm', # minutes
0b10 => 'h', # hours
0b11 => 'd', # days
sub valueCalcTimeperiod($$) {
my $value = shift;
my $dataBlock = shift;
$dataBlock->{unit} = $TimeSpec{$dataBlock->{exponent}};
return $value;
# VIF types (Value Information Field), see page 32
my %VIFInfo = (
VIF_ENERGY_WATT => { # 10(nnn-3) Wh 0.001Wh to 10000Wh
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b00000000,
bias => -3,
unit => 'Wh',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_ENERGY_JOULE => { # 10(nnn) J 0.001kJ to 10000kJ
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b00001000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'J',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_VOLUME => { # 10(nnn-6) m3 0.001l to 10000l
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b00010000,
bias => -6,
unit => 'm³',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_MASS => { # 10(nnn-3) kg 0.001kg to 10000kg
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b00011000,
bias => -3,
unit => 'kg',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_ON_TIME_SEC => { # seconds
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'sec',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_ON_TIME_MIN => { # minutes
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100001,
bias => 0,
unit => 'min',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_ON_TIME_HOURS => { # hours
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100010,
bias => 0,
unit => 'hours',
VIF_ON_TIME_DAYS => { # days
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100011,
bias => 0,
unit => 'days',
VIF_OP_TIME_SEC => { # seconds
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100100,
bias => 0,
unit => 'sec',
VIF_OP_TIME_MIN => { # minutes
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100101,
bias => 0,
unit => 'min',
VIF_OP_TIME_HOURS => { # hours
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100110,
bias => 0,
unit => 'hours',
VIF_OP_TIME_DAYS => { # days
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100111,
bias => 0,
unit => 'days',
VIF_ELECTRIC_POWER => { # 10(nnn-3) W 0.001W to 10000W
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b00101000,
bias => -3,
unit => 'W',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_THERMAL_POWER => { # 10(nnn) J/h 0.001kJ/h to 10000kJ/h
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b00110000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'J/h',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_VOLUME_FLOW => { # 10(nnn-6) m3/h 0.001l/h to 10000l/h
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b00111000,
bias => -6,
unit => 'm³/h',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_VOLUME_FLOW_EXT1 => { # 10(nnn-7) m3/min 0.0001l/min to 10000l/min
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b01000000,
bias => -7,
unit => 'm³/min',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_VOLUME_FLOW_EXT2 => { # 10(nnn-9) m3/s 0.001ml/s to 10000ml/s
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b01001000,
bias => -9,
unit => 'm³/s',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_MASS_FLOW => { # 10(nnn-3) kg/h 0.001kg/h to 10000kg/h
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b01010000,
bias => -3,
unit => 'kg/h',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_FLOW_TEMP => { # 10(nn-3) °C 0.001°C to 1°C
typeMask => 0b01111100,
expMask => 0b00000011,
type => 0b01011000,
bias => -3,
unit => '°C',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_RETURN_TEMP => { # 10(nn-3) °C 0.001°C to 1°C
typeMask => 0b01111100,
expMask => 0b00000011,
type => 0b01011100,
bias => -3,
unit => '°C',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_TEMP_DIFF => { # 10(nn-3) K 1mK to 1000mK
typeMask => 0b01111100,
expMask => 0b00000011,
type => 0b01100000,
bias => -3,
unit => 'K',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_EXTERNAL_TEMP => { # 10(nn-3) °C 0.001°C to 1°C
typeMask => 0b01111100,
expMask => 0b00000011,
type => 0b01100100,
bias => -3,
unit => '°C',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_PRESSURE => { # 10(nn-3) bar 1mbar to 1000mbar
typeMask => 0b01111100,
expMask => 0b00000011,
type => 0b01101000,
bias => -3,
unit => 'bar',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_TIME_POINT_DATE => { # data type G
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01101100,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcDate,
VIF_TIME_POINT_DATE_TIME => { # data type F
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01101101,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcDateTime,
VIF_HCA => { # Unit for Heat Cost Allocator, dimensonless
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01101110,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_FABRICATION_NO => { # Fabrication No
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01111000,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcAscii,
VIF_OWNER_NO => { # Eigentumsnummer (used by Easymeter even though the standard allows this only for writing to a slave)
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01111001,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'sec',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110001,
bias => 0,
unit => 'min',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110010,
bias => 0,
unit => 'hours',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110011,
bias => 0,
unit => 'days',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110100,
bias => 0,
unit => 'sec',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110101,
bias => 0,
unit => 'min',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110110,
bias => 0,
unit => 'hours',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110111,
bias => 0,
unit => 'days',
# Codes used with extension indicator $FD, see 8.4.4 on page 80
my %VIFInfo_FD = (
VIF_CREDIT => { # Credit of 10nn-3 of the nominal local legal currency units
typeMask => 0b01111100,
expMask => 0b00000011,
type => 0b00000000,
bias => -3,
unit => '€',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_DEBIT => { # Debit of 10nn-3 of the nominal local legal currency units
typeMask => 0b01111100,
expMask => 0b00000011,
type => 0b00000100,
bias => -3,
unit => '€',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_ACCESS_NO => { # Access number (transmission count)
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00001000,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_MEDIUM => { # Medium (as in fixed header)
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00001001,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcAscii,
VIF_MANUFACTURER => { # Manufacturer (as in fixed header)
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00001010,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_PARAMETER_SET_ID => { # Parameter set identification
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00001011,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_MODEL_VERSION => { # Model / Version
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00001100,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_HARDWARE_VERSION => { # Hardware version #
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00001101,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_FIRMWARE_VERSION => { # Firmware version #
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00001110,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_SOFTWARE_VERSION => { # Software version #
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00001111,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_CUSTOMER_LOCATION => { # Customer location
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00010000,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcHex
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00010001,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcHex
VIF_ACCESS_CODE_USER => { # Access code user
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00010010,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcHex
VIF_ACCESS_CODE_OPERATOR => { # Access code operator
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00010011,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcHex
VIF_ACCESS_CODE_SYSTEM_OPERATOR => { # Access code system operator
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00010100,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcHex
VIF_PASSWORD => { # Password
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00010110,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcHex
VIF_ERROR_FLAGS => { # Error flags (binary)
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00010111,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcHex,
VIF_DURATION_SINCE_LAST_READOUT => { # Duration since last readout [sec(s)..day(s)]
typeMask => 0b01111100,
expMask => 0b00000011,
type => 0b00101100,
bias => 0,
unit => 's',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcTimeperiod,
VIF_VOLTAGE => { # 10nnnn-9 Volts
typeMask => 0b01110000,
expMask => 0b00001111,
type => 0b01000000,
bias => -9,
unit => 'V',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_ELECTRICAL_CURRENT => { # 10nnnn-12 Ampere
typeMask => 0b01110000,
expMask => 0b00001111,
type => 0b01010000,
bias => -12,
unit => 'A',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_RECEPTION_LEVEL => { # reception level of a received radio device.
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110001,
bias => 0,
unit => 'dBm',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_STATE_PARAMETER_ACTIVATION => { # State of parameter activation
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01100110,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_SPECIAL_SUPPLIER_INFORMATION => { # Special supplier information
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01100111,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
VIF_FD_RESERVED => { # Reserved
typeMask => 0b01110000,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01110000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'Reserved',
# Codes used with extension indicator $FB
my %VIFInfo_FB = (
VIF_ENERGY => { # Energy 10(n-1) MWh 0.1MWh to 1MWh
typeMask => 0b01111110,
expMask => 0b00000001,
type => 0b00000000,
bias => -1,
unit => 'MWh',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
# Codes used for an enhancement of VIFs other than $FD and $FB
my %VIFInfo_other = (
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00000000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'No error',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00000001,
bias => 0,
unit => 'Too many DIFEs',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00001100,
bias => 0,
unit => 'Illegal VIF-Group',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00010111,
bias => 0,
unit => 'Data underflow',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per second',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100001,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per minute',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100010,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per hour',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100011,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per day',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100100,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per week',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100101,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per month',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100110,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per year',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00100111,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per revolution/measurement',
typeMask => 0b01111110,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00101000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'increment per input pulse on input channnel #',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
typeMask => 0b01111110,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00101010,
bias => 0,
unit => 'increment per output pulse on output channnel #',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00101100,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per liter',
VIF_PER_M3 => {
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00101101,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per m³',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00101110,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per kg',
VIF_PER_K => {
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00101111,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per K',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00110000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per kWh',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00110001,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per GJ',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00110010,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per kW',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00110011,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per (K*l)',
VIF_PER_V => {
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00110100,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per V',
VIF_PER_A => {
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00110101,
bias => 0,
unit => 'per A',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00110110,
bias => 0,
unit => 'multiplied by sek',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00110111,
bias => 0,
unit => 'multiplied by sek / V',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00111000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'multiplied by sek / A',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00111001,
bias => 0,
unit => 'start date(/time) of',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00111011,
bias => 0,
unit => 'Accumulation only if positive contribution',
typeMask => 0b01110111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01000001,
bias => 0,
unit => '# of exceeds',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcu,
typeMask => 0b01110000,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01010000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'duration of limit exceeded',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcufnn,
typeMask => 0b01111000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b01110000,
bias => -6,
unit => '',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01111101,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcMultCorr1000,
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01111110,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
typeMask => 0b01111111,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b01111111,
bias => 0,
unit => 'manufacturer specific',
# For Easymeter (manufacturer specific)
my %VIFInfo_ESY = (
typeMask => 0b01000000,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00000000,
bias => -2,
unit => 'W',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
my %VIFInfo_ESY2 = (
typeMask => 0b01111110,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00101000,
bias => 0,
unit => 'phase #',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
# For Kamstrup (manufacturer specific)
my %VIFInfo_KAM = (
typeMask => 0b00000000,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00000000,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
# according to MBUS Spec:
# E00x xxxx
# Reserved for object actions (master to slave): see table on page 75
# or for error codes (slave to master): see table on page 74
# but Kamstrup uses it for a value that is called
# "target V1, month"
# or
# "V1 reverse"
# both are volumes, with one is sent depends of the value of the configuration register R
# the value of the register is not part of the WMBUS data but is set at manufacturing
my %VIFInfo_KAM2 = (
VIF_TARGET_OR_REVERSE_VOLUME => { # 10(nnn-6) m3/h 0.001l/h to 10000l/h
typeMask => 0b00010000,
expMask => 0b00000111,
type => 0b00010000,
bias => -6,
unit => 'm³/h',
calcFunc => \&valueCalcNumeric,
# see 4.2.3, page 24
my %validDeviceTypes = (
0x00 => 'Other',
0x01 => 'Oil',
0x02 => 'Electricity',
0x03 => 'Gas',
0x04 => 'Heat',
0x05 => 'Steam',
0x06 => 'Warm Water (30 °C ... 90 °C)',
0x07 => 'Water',
0x08 => 'Heat Cost Allocator',
0x09 => 'Compressed Air',
0x0a => 'Cooling load meter (Volume measured at return temperature: outlet)',
0x0b => 'Cooling load meter (Volume measured at flow temperature: inlet)',
0x0c => 'Heat (Volume measured at flow temperature: inlet)',
0x0d => 'Heat / Cooling load meter',
0x0e => 'Bus / System component',
0x0f => 'Unknown Medium',
0x10 => 'Reserved for utility meter',
0x11 => 'Reserved for utility meter',
0x12 => 'Reserved for utility meter',
0x13 => 'Reserved for utility meter',
0x14 => 'Calorific value',
0x15 => 'Hot water (> 90 °C)',
0x16 => 'Cold water',
0x17 => 'Dual register (hot/cold) Water meter',
0x18 => 'Pressure',
0x19 => 'A/D Converter',
0x1a => 'Smokedetector',
0x1b => 'Room sensor (e.g. temperature or humidity)',
0x1c => 'Gasdetector',
0x1d => 'Reserved for sensors',
0x1e => 'Reserved for sensors',
0x1f => 'Reserved for sensors',
0x20 => 'Breaker (electricity)',
0x21 => 'Valve (gas)',
0x22 => 'Reserved for switching devices',
0x23 => 'Reserved for switching devices',
0x24 => 'Reserved for switching devices',
0x25 => 'Customer unit (Display device)',
0x26 => 'Reserved for customer units',
0x27 => 'Reserved for customer units',
0x28 => 'Waste water',
0x29 => 'Garbage',
0x2a => 'Carbon dioxide',
0x2b => 'Environmental meter',
0x2c => 'Environmental meter',
0x2d => 'Environmental meter',
0x2e => 'Environmental meter',
0x2f => 'Environmental meter',
0x31 => 'OMS MUC',
0x32 => 'OMS unidirectional repeater',
0x33 => 'OMS bidirectional repeater',
0x37 => 'Radio converter (Meter side)',
# bitfield, errors can be combined, see on page 22
my %validStates = (
0x00 => 'no errors',
0x01 => 'application busy',
0x02 => 'any application error',
0x03 => 'abnormal condition/alarm',
0x04 => 'battery low',
0x08 => 'permanent error',
0x10 => 'temporary error',
0x20 => 'specific to manufacturer',
0x40 => 'specific to manufacturer',
0x80 => 'specific to manufacturer',
my %encryptionModes = (
0x00 => 'standard unsigned',
0x01 => 'signed data telegram',
0x02 => 'static telegram',
0x03 => 'reserved',
my %functionFieldTypes = (
0b00 => 'Instantaneous value',
0b01 => 'Maximum value',
0b10 => 'Minimum value',
0b11 => 'Value during error state',
sub type2string($$) {
my $class = shift;
my $type = shift;
return $validDeviceTypes{$type} || 'unknown';
sub state2string($$) {
my $class = shift;
my $state = shift;
my @result = ();
if ($state) {
foreach my $stateMask ( keys %validStates ) {
push @result, $validStates{$stateMask} if $state & $stateMask;
} else {
@result = ($validStates{0});
return @result;
sub calcCRC($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $ctx = Digest::CRC->new(width=>16, init=>0x0000, xorout=>0xffff, refout=>0, poly=>0x3D65, refin=>0, cont=>0);
return $ctx->digest;
sub removeCRC($$)
my $self = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $i;
my $res;
my $crc;
my $blocksize = LL_BLOCK_SIZE;
my $blocksize_with_crc = LL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size};
my $crcoffset;
my $msgLen = $self->{datalen}; # size without CRCs
my $noOfBlocks = $self->{datablocks}; # total number of data blocks, each with a CRC appended
my $rest = $msgLen % LL_BLOCK_SIZE; # size of the last data block, can be smaller than 16 bytes
#print "crc_size $self->{crc_size}\n";
return $msg if $self->{crc_size} == 0;
# each block is 16 bytes + 2 bytes CRC
#print "Länge $msgLen Anz. Blöcke $noOfBlocks rest $rest\n";
for ($i=0; $i < $noOfBlocks; $i++) {
$crcoffset = $blocksize_with_crc * $i + LL_BLOCK_SIZE;
#print "$i: crc offset $crcoffset\n";
if ($rest > 0 && $crcoffset + $self->{crc_size} > ($noOfBlocks - 1) * $blocksize_with_crc + $rest) {
# last block is smaller
$crcoffset = ($noOfBlocks - 1) * $blocksize_with_crc + $rest;
#print "last crc offset $crcoffset\n";
$blocksize = $msgLen - ($i * $blocksize);
$crc = unpack('n',substr($msg, $crcoffset, $self->{crc_size}));
#printf("%d: CRC %x, calc %x blocksize $blocksize\n", $i, $crc, $self->calcCRC(substr($msg, $blocksize_with_crc*$i, $blocksize)));
if ($crc != $self->calcCRC(substr($msg, $blocksize_with_crc*$i, $blocksize))) {
$self->{errormsg} = "crc check failed for block $i";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
return 0;
$res .= substr($msg, $blocksize_with_crc*$i, $blocksize);
return $res;
sub manId2hex($$)
my $class = shift;
my $idascii = shift;
return (ord(substr($idascii,1,1))-64) << 10 | (ord(substr($idascii,2,1))-64) << 5 | (ord(substr($idascii,3,1))-64);
sub manId2ascii($$)
my $class = shift;
my $idhex = shift;
return chr(($idhex >> 10) + 64) . chr((($idhex >> 5) & 0b00011111) + 64) . chr(($idhex & 0b00011111) + 64);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub _initialize {
my $self = shift;
$self->{crc_size} = CRC_SIZE;
$self->{frame_type} = FRAME_TYPE_A; # default
sub setCRCsize {
my $self = shift;
$self->{crc_size} = shift;
sub getCRCsize {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{crc_size};
sub decodeConfigword($) {
my $self = shift;
#printf("cw: %01x %01x\n", $self->{cw_1}, $self->{cw_2});
$self->{cw_parts}{mode} = ($self->{cw_2} & 0b00011111);
#printf("mode: %02x\n", $self->{cw_parts}{mode});
if ($self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 5 || $self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 0) {
$self->{cw_parts}{bidirectional} = ($self->{cw_2} & 0b10000000) >> 7;
$self->{cw_parts}{accessability} = ($self->{cw_2} & 0b01000000) >> 6;
$self->{cw_parts}{synchronous} = ($self->{cw_2} & 0b00100000) >> 5;
$self->{cw_parts}{encrypted_blocks} = ($self->{cw_1} & 0b11110000) >> 4;
$self->{cw_parts}{content} = ($self->{cw_1} & 0b00001100) >> 2;
$self->{cw_parts}{repeated_access} = ($self->{cw_1} & 0b00000010) >> 1;
$self->{cw_parts}{hops} = ($self->{cw_1} & 0b00000001);
} elsif ($self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 7) {
# configword ist 3 Bytes lang
$self->{cw_parts}{key_id} = ($self->{cw_3} & 0b00001111);
$self->{cw_parts}{dynamic_key} = ($self->{cw_3} & 0b01110000) >> 4;
$self->{cw_parts}{content} = ($self->{cw_2} & 0b11000000) >> 6;
$self->{cw_parts}{encrypted_blocks} = ($self->{cw_1} & 0b11110000) >> 4;
sub decodeBCD($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $digits = shift;
my $bcd = shift;
my $byte;
my $val=0;
my $mult=1;
#print "bcd:" . unpack("H*", $bcd) . "\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $digits/2; $i++) {
$byte = unpack('C',substr($bcd, $i, 1));
$val += ($byte & 0x0f) * $mult;
$mult *= 10;
$val += (($byte & 0xf0) >> 4) * $mult;
$mult *= 10;
return $val;
sub findVIF($$$) {
my $vif = shift;
my $vifInfoRef = shift;
my $dataBlockRef = shift;
my $bias;
if (defined $vifInfoRef) {
VIFID: foreach my $vifType ( keys %$vifInfoRef ) {
#printf "vifType $vifType VIF $vif typeMask $vifInfoRef->{$vifType}{typeMask} type $vifInfoRef->{$vifType}{type}\n";
if (($vif & $vifInfoRef->{$vifType}{typeMask}) == $vifInfoRef->{$vifType}{type}) {
#printf " match vif %02x vifType %s\n", $vif, $vifType;
$dataBlockRef->{vif} = $vif;
$bias = $vifInfoRef->{$vifType}{bias};
$dataBlockRef->{exponent} = $vif & $vifInfoRef->{$vifType}{expMask};
$dataBlockRef->{type} = $vifType;
$dataBlockRef->{unit} = $vifInfoRef->{$vifType}{unit};
if (defined $dataBlockRef->{exponent} && defined $bias) {
$dataBlockRef->{valueFactor} = 10 ** ($dataBlockRef->{exponent} + $bias);
} else {
$dataBlockRef->{valueFactor} = 1;
$dataBlockRef->{calcFunc} = $vifInfoRef->{$vifType}{calcFunc};
#printf("type %s bias %d exp %d valueFactor %d unit %s\n", $dataBlockRef->{type}, $bias, $dataBlockRef->{exponent}, $dataBlockRef->{valueFactor},$dataBlockRef->{unit});
return 1;
#printf "no match!\n";
return 0;
return 1;
sub decodePlaintext($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $vib = shift;
my $dataBlockRef = shift;
my $offset = shift;
my $vifLength = unpack('C', substr($vib,$offset++,1));
$dataBlockRef->{type} = "see unit";
$dataBlockRef->{unit} = substr($vib, $offset, $vifLength);
$dataBlockRef->{unit} = reverse($dataBlockRef->{unit}) unless $self->{mode_bit};
$offset += $vifLength;
return $offset;
sub decodeValueInformationBlock($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $vib = shift;
my $dataBlockRef = shift;
my $offset = 0;
my $vif;
my $vifInfoRef;
my $vifExtension = 0;
my $vifExtNo = 0;
my $isExtension;
my $dataBlockExt;
my @VIFExtensions = ();
my $analyzeVIF = 1;
$dataBlockRef->{type} = '';
# The unit and multiplier is taken from the table for primary VIF
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo;
EXTENSION: while (1) {
$vif = unpack('C', substr($vib,$offset++,1));
$isExtension = $vif & VIF_EXTENSION_BIT;
#printf("vif: %x isExtension %d\n", $vif, $isExtension);
if ($isExtension) {
$dataBlockRef->{vif} = $vif;
# Is this an extension?
last EXTENSION if (!$isExtension);
# yes, process extension
if ($vifExtNo > 10) {
$dataBlockRef->{errormsg} = 'too many VIFE';
$dataBlockRef->{errorcode} = ERR_TOO_MANY_VIFE;
# switch to extension codes
$vifExtension = $vif;
#printf("vif ohne extension: %x\n", $vif);
if ($vif == 0x7D) {
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo_FD;
} elsif ($vif == 0x7B) {
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo_FB;
} elsif ($vif == 0x7C) {
# Plaintext VIF
$offset = $self->decodePlaintext($vib, $dataBlockRef, $offset);
$analyzeVIF = 0;
} elsif ($vif == 0x7F) {
if ($self->{manufacturer} eq 'ESY') {
# Easymeter
$vif = unpack('C', substr($vib,$offset++,1));
#printf("ESY VIF %x\n", $vif);
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo_ESY;
} elsif ($self->{manufacturer} eq 'KAM') {
# Kamstrup
$vif = unpack('C', substr($vib,$offset++,1));
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo_KAM;
} else {
# manufacturer specific data, can't be interpreted
$dataBlockRef->{unit} = "";
$analyzeVIF = 0;
} else {
# enhancement of VIFs other than $FD and $FB (see page 84ff.)
#print "other extension\n";
$dataBlockExt = {};
if ($self->{manufacturer} eq 'ESY') {
#print "ESY\n";
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo_ESY2;
$dataBlockExt->{value} = unpack('C',substr($vib,2,1)) * 100;
} elsif ($self->{manufacturer} eq 'KAM') {
#print "KAM\n";
#$dataBlockExt->{value} = $vif;
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo_KAM2;
} else {
$dataBlockExt->{value} = $vif;
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo_other;
if (findVIF($vif, $vifInfoRef, $dataBlockExt)) {
# if ($self->{manufacturer} ne 'KAM') {
push @VIFExtensions, $dataBlockExt;
# }
} else {
$dataBlockRef->{type} = 'unknown';
$dataBlockRef->{errormsg} = "unknown VIFE " . sprintf("%x", $vifExtension) . " at offset " . ($offset-1);
$dataBlockRef->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_VIFE;
last EXTENSION if (!$isExtension);
if ($analyzeVIF) {
if ($vif == 0x7C) {
# Plaintext VIF
$offset = $self->decodePlaintext($vib, $dataBlockRef, $offset);
} elsif (findVIF($vif, $vifInfoRef, $dataBlockRef) == 0) {
$dataBlockRef->{errormsg} = "unknown VIFE " . sprintf("%x", $vifExtension) . " at offset " . ($offset-1);
$dataBlockRef->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_VIFE;
$dataBlockRef->{VIFExtensions} = \@VIFExtensions;
if ($dataBlockRef->{type} eq '') {
$dataBlockRef->{type} = 'unknown';
$dataBlockRef->{errormsg} = sprintf("in VIFExtension %x unknown VIF %x",$vifExtension, $vif);
$dataBlockRef->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_VIF;
return $offset;
sub decodeDataInformationBlock($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $dib = shift;
my $dataBlockRef = shift;
my $dif;
my $tariff = 0;
my $difExtNo = 0;
my $offset;
my $devUnit = 0;
$dif = unpack('C', $dib);
$offset = 1;
my $isExtension = $dif & DIF_EXTENSION_BIT;
my $storageNo = ($dif & 0b01000000) >> 6;
my $functionField = ($dif & 0b00110000) >> 4;
my $df = $dif & 0b00001111;
$dataBlockRef->{dif} = $dif;
#printf("dif %02x storage %d\n", $dif, $storageNo);
EXTENSION: while ($isExtension) {
$dif = unpack('C', substr($dib,$offset,1));
last EXTENSION if (!defined $dif);
$isExtension = $dif & DIF_EXTENSION_BIT;
if ($difExtNo > 10) {
$dataBlockRef->{errormsg} = 'too many DIFE';
$dataBlockRef->{errorcode} = ERR_TOO_MANY_DIFE;
$storageNo |= ($dif & 0b00001111) << ($difExtNo*4)+1;
$tariff |= (($dif & 0b00110000) >> 4) << (($difExtNo-1)*2);
$devUnit |= (($dif & 0b01000000) >> 6) << ($difExtNo-1);
#printf("dife %x extno %d storage %d\n", $dif, $difExtNo, $storageNo);
$dataBlockRef->{functionField} = $functionField;
$dataBlockRef->{functionFieldText} = $functionFieldTypes{$functionField};
$dataBlockRef->{dataField} = $df;
$dataBlockRef->{storageNo} = $storageNo;
$dataBlockRef->{tariff} = $tariff;
$dataBlockRef->{devUnit} = $devUnit;
#printf("in DIF: datafield %x\n", $dataBlockRef->{dataField});
#print "offset in dif $offset\n";
return $offset;
sub decodeDataRecordHeader($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $drh = shift;
my $dataBlockRef = shift;
my $offset = $self->decodeDataInformationBlock($drh,$dataBlockRef);
$offset += $self->decodeValueInformationBlock(substr($drh,$offset),$dataBlockRef);
#printf("in DRH: type %s\n", $dataBlockRef->{type});
return $offset;
sub decodePayload($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $payload = shift;
my $offset = 0;
my $dif;
my $vif;
my $scale;
my $value;
my $dataBlockNo = 0;
my @dataBlocks = ();
my $dataBlock;
#printf ("payload is %s\n" , unpack("H*", $payload));
PAYLOAD: while ($offset < length($payload)) {
# create a new anonymous hash reference
$dataBlock = {};
$dataBlock->{number} = $dataBlockNo;
$dataBlock->{unit} = '';
while (unpack('C',substr($payload,$offset,1)) == 0x2f) {
# skip filler bytes
#printf("skipping filler at offset %d of %d\n", $offset, length($payload));
if ($offset >= length($payload)) {
$offset += $self->decodeDataRecordHeader(substr($payload,$offset), $dataBlock);
#printf("No. %d, type %x at offset %d\n", $dataBlockNo, $dataBlock->{dataField}, $offset-1);
# DIF_INT are _signed_ values
if ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_NONE or $dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_READOUT) {
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_BCD2) {
$value = $self->decodeBCD(2, substr($payload,$offset,1));
$offset += 1;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_BCD4) {
$value = $self->decodeBCD(4, substr($payload,$offset,2));
$offset += 2;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_BCD6) {
$value = $self->decodeBCD(6, substr($payload,$offset,3));
$offset += 3;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_BCD8) {
$value = $self->decodeBCD(8, substr($payload,$offset,4));
$offset += 4;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_BCD12) {
$value = $self->decodeBCD(12, substr($payload,$offset,6));
$offset += 6;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_INT8) {
$value = unpack('c', substr($payload, $offset, 1));
$offset += 1;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_INT16) {
$value = unpack('s<', substr($payload, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_INT24) {
my @bytes = unpack('CCC', substr($payload, $offset, 3));
$offset += 3;
$value = $bytes[0] + $bytes[1] << 8 + $bytes[2] << 16;
# two's complement
$value = ~$value + 1;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_INT32) {
$value = unpack('l<', substr($payload, $offset, 4));
$offset += 4;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_INT48) {
my @words = unpack('vvv', substr($payload, $offset, 6));
$value = $words[0] + ($words[1] << 16) + ($words[2] << 32);
# two's complement
$value = ~$value + 1;
$offset += 6;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_INT64) {
$value = unpack('q<', substr($payload, $offset, 8));
$offset += 8;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_FLOAT32) {
#not allowed according to wmbus standard, Qundis seems to use it nevertheless
$value = unpack('f', substr($payload, $offset, 4));
$offset += 4;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_VARLEN) {
my $lvar = unpack('C',substr($payload, $offset++, 1));
#print "in datablock $dataBlockNo: LVAR field " . sprintf("%x", $lvar) . "\n";
#printf "payload len %d offset %d\n", length($payload), $offset;
if ($lvar <= 0xbf) {
if ($dataBlock->{type} eq "MANUFACTURER SPECIFIC") {
# special handling, LSE seems to lie about this
$value = unpack('H*',substr($payload, $offset, $lvar));
#print "VALUE: " . $value . "\n";
} else {
# ASCII string with LVAR characters
$value = valueCalcAscii(substr($payload, $offset, $lvar), $dataBlock);
if ($self->{manufacturer} eq 'ESY') {
# Easymeter stores the string backwards!
$value = reverse($value);
$offset += $lvar;
} elsif ($lvar >= 0xc0 && $lvar <= 0xcf) {
# positive BCD number with (LVAR - C0h) • 2 digits
$value = $self->decodeBCD(($lvar-0xc0)*2, substr($payload,$offset,($lvar-0xc0)));
$offset += ($lvar-0xc0);
} elsif ($lvar >= 0xd0 && $lvar <= 0xdf) {
# negative BCD number with (LVAR - D0h) • 2 digits
$value = -$self->decodeBCD(($lvar-0xd0)*2, substr($payload,$offset,($lvar-0xd0)));
$offset += ($lvar-0xd0);
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = "in datablock $dataBlockNo: unhandled LVAR field " . sprintf("%x", $lvar);
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_LVAR;
return 0;
} elsif ($dataBlock->{dataField} == DIF_SPECIAL) {
# special functions
#print "DIF_SPECIAL at $offset\n";
$value = unpack("H*", substr($payload,$offset));
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = "in datablock $dataBlockNo: unhandled datafield " . sprintf("%x",$dataBlock->{dataField});
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_DATAFIELD;
return 0;
if (defined $dataBlock->{calcFunc}) {
$dataBlock->{value} = $dataBlock->{calcFunc}->($value, $dataBlock);
#print "Value raw " . $value . " value calc " . $dataBlock->{value} ."\n";
} elsif (defined $value) {
$dataBlock->{value} = $value;
} else {
$dataBlock->{value} = "";
my $VIFExtensions = $dataBlock->{VIFExtensions};
for my $VIFExtension (@$VIFExtensions) {
$dataBlock->{extension_unit} = $VIFExtension->{unit};
#printf("extension unit %s\n", $dataBlock->{extension_unit});
if (defined $VIFExtension->{calcFunc}) {
#printf("Extension value %d, valueFactor %d\n", $VIFExtension->{value}, $VIFExtension->{valueFactor});
$dataBlock->{extension_value} = $VIFExtension->{calcFunc}->($VIFExtension->{value}, $dataBlock);
} elsif (defined $VIFExtension->{value}) {
$dataBlock->{extension_value} = sprintf("%x",$VIFExtension->{value});
} else {
#$dataBlock->{extension} = "";
undef $value;
push @dataBlocks, $dataBlock;
$self->{datablocks} = \@dataBlocks;
return 1;
sub decrypt_mode5($) {
my $self = shift;
my $encrypted = shift;
my $padding = 2;
# see, page 26
my $initVector = substr($self->{msg},2,8);
for (1..8) {
$initVector .= pack('C',$self->{access_no});
if (length($encrypted)%16 == 0) {
# no padding if data length is multiple of blocksize
$padding = 0;
} else {
$padding = 2;
#printf("length encrypted %d padding %d\n", length($encrypted), $padding);
my $cipher = Crypt::Mode::CBC->new('AES', $padding);
return $cipher->decrypt($encrypted, $self->{aeskey}, $initVector);
sub decrypt_mode7($) {
my $self = shift;
my $encrypted = shift;
my $padding = 2;
my $identno;
# generate dynamic key
my $cmac = Digest::CMAC->new($self->{aeskey});
#my $cmac = Digest::CMAC->new(pack("H*",'000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F'));
# The calculation of Kenc and Kmac for the meter:
# Kenc = CMAC(MK, 0x00 ||C[7..0] ||C[15..8] ||C[23..16] ||C[31..24] ||ID_0||ID_1||ID_2||ID_3||0x07||0x07||0x07||0x07||0x07||0x07||0x07)
# Where C[7..0] is the LSB and C[31..24] is the MSB (Big Endian) of the counter AFL.MCR.C from meter to other (gateway).
$cmac->add(pack("H*", "00"));
#$self->{afl}{mcr} = pack("H*", "b30a0000");
#print "MCR " . unpack("H*", $self->{afl}{mcr}) . "\n";
if (exists($self->{meter_id_raw})) {
$identno = $self->{meter_id_raw};
} else {
$identno = $self->{afield_identno};
#print "identno " . unpack("H*", $identno) . "\n";
$cmac->add(pack("H*", "07070707070707"));
my $key = $cmac->digest;
#printf("Dynamic key %s\n", $cmac->hexdigest);
# see 9.2.4, page 59
my $initVector = '';
for (1..16) {
$initVector .= pack('C',0x00);
if (length($encrypted)%16 == 0) {
# no padding if data length is multiple of blocksize
$padding = 0;
} else {
$padding = 2;
#$encrypted = pack("H*","9058475F4BC91DF878B80A1B0F98B629024AAC727942BFC549233C0140829B93");
#print unpack("H*", $encrypted) . "\n";
my $cipher = Crypt::Mode::CBC->new('AES', $padding);
return $cipher->decrypt($encrypted, $key, $initVector);
sub decodeAFL($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $afl = shift;
my $offset = 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl} = unpack('v', $afl);
$offset += 2;
$self->{afl}{fcl_mf} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0100000000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_mclp} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0010000000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_mlp} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0001000000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_mcrp} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0000100000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_macp} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0000010000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_kip} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0000001000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_fid} = $self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0000000011111111;
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_mclp}) {
# AFL Message Control Field (AFL.MCL)
$self->{afl}{mcl} = unpack('C', substr($afl, $offset, 1));
#printf "AFL MCL %01x\n", $self->{afl}{mcl};
$offset += 1;
$self->{afl}{mcl_mlmp} = ($self->{afl}{mcl} & 0b01000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{mcl_mcmp} = ($self->{afl}{mcl} & 0b00100000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{mcl_kimp} = ($self->{afl}{mcl} & 0b00010000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{mcl_at} = ($self->{afl}{mcl} & 0b00001100) >> 2;
$self->{afl}{mcl_ato} = ($self->{afl}{mcl} & 0b00000011);
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_mcrp}) {
# AFL Message Counter Field (AFL.MCR)
#$self->{afl}{mcr} = unpack('N', substr($afl, $offset));
$self->{afl}{mcr} = substr($afl, $offset, 4);
$offset += 4;
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_mlp}) {
# AFL Message Length Field (AFL.ML)
$self->{afl}{ml} = unpack('v', substr($afl, $offset));
$offset += 2;
if ($self->{afl}{mcl_at} == 1) {
# CMAC-AES128 (see 9.3.1)
my $mac_len = 0;
if ($self->{afl}{mcl_ato} == 1) {
$mac_len = 8;
$self->{afl}{mac} = (unpack('N', substr($afl, $offset, 4))) << 32 | ((unpack('N', substr($afl, $offset+4, 4))));
#printf "AFL MAC %8x\n", $self->{afl}{mac};
} else {
# reserved
$offset += $mac_len;
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_kip}) {
# AFL Key Information-Field (AFL.KI)
$self->{afl}{ki} = unpack('v', $afl);
$self->{afl}{ki_key_version} = ($self->{afl}{ki} & 0b1111111100000000) >> 8;
$self->{afl}{ki_kdf_selection} = ($self->{afl}{ki} & 0b0000000001110000) >> 4;
$self->{afl}{ki_key_id} = ($self->{afl}{ki} & 0b0000000000001111);
$offset += 2;
return $offset;
sub decodeCompactFrame($$)
my $self = shift;
my $compact = shift;
my $applicationlayer = "";
# VIF depends on the resolution of the volume register
# 13 = 3 decimals
# 14 = 2 decimals
# 15 = 1 decimal
# 16 = 0 decimals
# functionField part of DIF is also variable, at least for temperatures
# all in all that would be 4 * 4 (for vif) * 4 * 4 (for dif) * 3 (type of telegram) combinations (768)
# for now only search for those that are documented or have been observed in real telegrams
for my $vif ("13","14","15","16") {
my $vifExt = '9' . substr($vif,1,1);
#print $vifExt;
#printf("compact frame $vif\n");
if ($self->{format_signature} == $self->calcCRC(pack("H*", "02FF20" . "04$vif" . "44$vif"))) {
# Info, Volume, Target Volume
# convert into full frame
$applicationlayer = pack("H*", "02FF20") . substr($compact, 5, 2) # Info
. pack("H*", "04$vif") . substr($compact,7,4) # volume
. pack("H*", "44$vif") . substr($compact,11,4); # target volume
} elsif ($self->{format_signature} == $self->calcCRC(pack("H*", "02FF20" . "0413" . "523B" . "04${vifExt}3C"))) {
# Info, Volume, Max flow, Target Volume
# convert into full frame
print "CF found\n";
$applicationlayer = pack("H*", "02FF20") . substr($compact, 5, 2) # Info
. pack("H*", "04$vif") . substr($compact,7,4) # volume
. pack("H*", "523B") . substr($compact,11,2) # max flow
. pack("H*", "04${vifExt}3C") . substr($compact,13,4); # target volume
} elsif ($self->{format_signature} == $self->calcCRC(pack("H*", "02FF20" . "04$vif" . "523B"))) {
# Info, Volume, Max flow, Target Volume
# convert into full frame
$applicationlayer = pack("H*", "02FF20") . substr($compact, 5, 2) # Info
. pack("H*", "04$vif") . substr($compact,7,4) # volume
. pack("H*", "523B") . substr($compact,11,2); # max flow
} elsif ($self->{format_signature} == $self->calcCRC(pack("H*", "02FF20" . "04$vif" . "44$vif" . "615B" . "6167"))) {
# Info, Volume, Max flow, min flow temp, max external temp
# convert into full frame
$applicationlayer = pack("H*", "02FF20") . substr($compact, 5, 2) # Info
. pack("H*", "04$vif") . substr($compact,7,4) # volume
. pack("H*", "44$vif") . substr($compact,11,4) # target volume
. pack("H*", "615B") . substr($compact,15,1) # flow temp
. pack("H*", "6167") . substr($compact,16,1); # external temp
} elsif ($self->{format_signature} == $self->calcCRC(pack("H*", "02FF20" . "04$vif" . "44$vif" . "615B" . "5167"))) {
# Info, Volume, Max flow, min flow temp, max external temp
# convert into full frame
$applicationlayer = pack("H*", "02FF20") . substr($compact, 5, 2) # Info
. pack("H*", "04$vif") . substr($compact,7,4) # volume
. pack("H*", "44$vif") . substr($compact,11,4) # target volume
. pack("H*", "615B") . substr($compact,15,1) # flow temp
. pack("H*", "5167") . substr($compact,16,1); # external temp
} elsif ($self->{format_signature} == $self->calcCRC(pack("H*", "0406" . "04FF07" . "04FF08" . "04$vif" . "043B" . "0259" . "025d" . "04FF22" . "026c" . "4406" . "44$vif" . "426c"))) {
# Energy, Info, Info, volume, volume flow, flow temp, return temp, time point date, energy, volume, time point date
# convert into full frame
$applicationlayer = pack("H*", "0406") . substr($compact, 5, 4) # Energy
. pack("H*", "04FF07") . substr($compact, 9, 4) # Info
. pack("H*", "04FF08") . substr($compact, 13, 4) # Info
. pack("H*", "04$vif") . substr($compact, 17, 4) # volume
. pack("H*", "043b") . substr($compact, 21, 4) # volume flow
. pack("H*", "0259") . substr($compact, 25, 2) # flow temp
. pack("H*", "025d") . substr($compact, 27, 2) # return temp
. pack("H*", "04FF22") . substr($compact, 29, 4) # Info
. pack("H*", "026c") . substr($compact, 33, 2) # time point date
. pack("H*", "4406") . substr($compact, 35, 4) # Energy storage 1
. pack("H*", "44$vif") . substr($compact, 39, 4) # volume storage 1
. pack("H*", "426c") . substr($compact, 43, 2); # time point date
return $applicationlayer;
sub decodeApplicationLayer($) {
my $self = shift;
my $applicationlayer = $self->{applicationlayer};
my $payload;
#print unpack("H*", $applicationlayer) . "\n";
$self->{isEncrypted} = 0;
if ($self->{errorcode} != ERR_NO_ERROR) {
# CRC check failed
return 0;
$self->{cifield} = unpack('C', $applicationlayer);
my $offset = 1;
my $has_ell = 1;
if ($self->{cifield} == CI_ELL_2) {
# Extended Link Layer
($self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{access_no}) = unpack('CC', substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$offset += 2;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_ELL_10) {
# Extended Link Layer (long)
($self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{access_no}) = unpack('CC', substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$offset += 2;
$self->{ell}{manufacturer} = substr($applicationlayer,$offset, 2);
$offset += 2;
$self->{ell}{identno} = substr($applicationlayer,$offset, 4);
$offset += 4;
($self->{ell}{version},$self->{ell}{device}) = unpack('CC', substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$offset += 2;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_ELL_8) {
# Extended Link Layer, payload CRC is part of (encrypted) payload
($self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{access_no}, $self->{ell}{session_number}) = unpack('CCV', substr($applicationlayer, $offset));
$offset += 6;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_ELL_16) {
# Extended Link Layer
($self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{access_no}, $self->{ell}{m2}, $self->{ell}{a2}, $self->{ell}{session_number}) = unpack('CCvC6V', substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$offset += 14;
} else {
$has_ell = 0;
if (exists($self->{ell}{session_number})) {
$self->{ell}{session_number_enc} = $self->{ell}{session_number} >> 29;
$self->{ell}{session_number_time} = ($self->{ell}{session_number} & 0b0001111111111111111111111111111) >> 4;
$self->{ell}{session_number_session} = $self->{ell}{session_number} & 0b1111;
$self->{isEncrypted} = $self->{ell}{session_number_enc} != 0;
$self->{decrypted} = 0;
if ($self->{isEncrypted}) {
if ($self->{aeskey}) {
if ($hasCTR) {
# M-field, A-field, CC, SN, 00, 0000
my $initVector = pack("v", $self->{mfield}) . $self->{afield} . pack("CV", $self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{session_number}) . pack("H*", "000000");
my $m = Crypt::Mode::CTR->new('AES', 1);
my $ciphertext = substr($applicationlayer,$offset); # payload CRC must also be decrypted
#printf("##ciphertext: %s\n", unpack("H*", $ciphertext));
$payload = $m->decrypt($ciphertext, $self->{aeskey}, $initVector);
#printf("##plaintext %s\n", unpack("H*", $payload));
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = 'Crypt::Mode::CTR is not installed, please install it (sudo cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CTR)';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CIPHER_NOT_INSTALLED;
return 0;
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = 'encrypted message and no aeskey provided';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_NO_AESKEY;
return 0;
$self->{ell}{crc} = unpack('v', $payload);
$offset += 2;
# PayloadCRC is a cyclic redundancy check covering the remainder of the frame (excluding the CRC fields)
# payload CRC is also encrypted
if ($self->{ell}{crc} != $self->calcCRC(substr($payload, 2, $self->{lfield}-20))) {
#printf("crc %x, calculated %x\n", $self->{ell}{crc}, $self->calcCRC(substr($payload, 2, $self->{lfield}-20)));
$self->{errormsg} = "Payload CRC check failed on ELL" . ($self->{isEncrypted} ? ", wrong AES key?" : "");
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
return 0;
} else {
$self->{decrypted} = 1;
$applicationlayer = $payload;
$offset = 2; # skip PayloadCRC
if ($offset > 1) {
$applicationlayer = substr($applicationlayer,$offset);
$self->{cifield} = unpack('C', $applicationlayer);
$offset = 1;
if ($self->{cifield} == CI_AFL) {
# Authentification and Fragmentation Layer
$self->{afl}{afll} = unpack('C', substr($applicationlayer, $offset));
#printf "AFL AFLL %02x\n", $self->{afl}{afll};
$offset += 1;
$offset += $self->{afl}{afll};
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_mf}) {
$self->{errormsg} = "fragmented messages are not yet supported";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_FRAGMENT_UNSUPPORTED;
return 0;
if ($offset > 1) {
$applicationlayer = substr($applicationlayer,$offset);
$self->{cifield} = unpack('C', $applicationlayer);
$offset = 1;
# initialize some fields
$self->{cw_1} = 0;
$self->{cw_2} = 0;
$self->{cw_3} = 0;
$self->{status} = 0;
$self->{statusstring} = "";
$self->{access_no} = 0;
$self->{sent_from_master} = 0;
#printf("CI Field %02x\n", $self->{cifield});
# Config Word ist normalerweise 2 Bytes lang, nur bei encryption mode 7 drei Bytes
# erstmal drei Bytes auslesen, aber den Offset nur um 2 Bytes erhöhen
if ($self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_4 || $self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_SML_4) {
# Short header
($self->{access_no}, $self->{status}, $self->{cw_1}, $self->{cw_2}, $self->{cw_3}) = unpack('CCCCC', substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
#printf("Short header access_no %x\n", $self->{access_no});
$offset += 4;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_12 || $self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_SML_12) {
# Long header
$self->{meter_id_raw} = substr($applicationlayer,$offset,4);
($self->{meter_man}, $self->{meter_vers}, $self->{meter_dev}, $self->{access_no}, $self->{status}, $self->{cw_1}, $self->{cw_2}, $self->{cw_3})
= unpack('vCCCCCCC', substr($applicationlayer,$offset+4));
$self->{meter_id} = sprintf("%08d", unpack('V', $self->{meter_id_raw}));
$self->{meter_devtypestring} = $validDeviceTypes{$self->{meter_dev}} || 'unknown';
$self->{meter_manufacturer} = uc($self->manId2ascii($self->{meter_man}));
#printf("Long header access_no %x\n", $self->{access_no});
$offset += 12;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_0 || $self->{cifield} == 0x30) {
# no header
#print "No header\n";
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == 0x79 && $self->{manufacturer} eq 'KAM') {
#print "Kamstrup compact frame header\n";
$self->{format_signature} = unpack("v", substr($applicationlayer,$offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$self->{full_frame_payload_crc} = unpack("v", substr($applicationlayer, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$applicationlayer = $self->decodeCompactFrame($applicationlayer);
if ($applicationlayer eq "") {
$self->{errormsg} = 'Unknown Kamstrup compact frame format';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_COMPACT_FORMAT;
return 0;
} else {
$offset = 0;
if ($self->{full_frame_payload_crc} != $self->calcCRC($applicationlayer)) {
$self->{errormsg} = 'Kamstrup compact frame format payload CRC error';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
return 0;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_SND_UD_MODE_1 || $self->{cifield} == CI_SND_UD_MODE_2) {
$self->{sent_from_master} = 1;
# The EN1434-3 defines two possible data sequences in multibyte records.
# The bit two (counting begins with bit 0, value 4), which is called M bit or Mode bit,
# in the CI field gives an information about the used byte sequence in multibyte data structures.
# If the Mode bit is not set (Mode 1), the least significant byte of a multibyte record is transmitted first,
# otherwise (Mode 2) the most significant byte.
# The Usergroup recommends to use only the Mode 1 in future applications.
$self->{mode_bit} = $self->{cifield} & 4;
} else {
# unsupported
$self->{errormsg} = 'Unsupported CI Field ' . sprintf("%x", $self->{cifield}) . ", remaining payload is " . unpack("H*", substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_CIFIELD;
return 0;
$self->{statusstring} = join(", ", $self->state2string($self->{status}));
$self->{encryptionMode} = $encryptionModes{$self->{cw_parts}{mode}};
if ($self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 0) {
# no encryption
if (!$self->{isEncrypted}) {
$self->{decrypted} = 1;
$payload = substr($applicationlayer, $offset);
} elsif ($self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 5 || $self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 7) {
# data is encrypted with AES 128, dynamic init vector
# decrypt data before further processing
$self->{isEncrypted} = 1;
$self->{decrypted} = 0;
if ($self->{aeskey}) {
if ($hasCBC) {
# payload can be only partially encrypted.
# decrypt only the encrypted part
my $encrypted_length = $self->{cw_parts}{encrypted_blocks} * 16;
if ($self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 5) {
#printf("encrypted payload %s\n", unpack("H*", substr($applicationlayer,$offset, $encrypted_length)));
eval {
$payload = $self->decrypt_mode5(substr($applicationlayer, $offset, $encrypted_length));
} else {
# mode 7
if ($hasCMAC) {
$offset++; # account for codeword byte 3
#printf("encrypted payload %s\n", unpack("H*", substr($applicationlayer,$offset, $encrypted_length)));
eval {
$payload = $self->decrypt_mode7(substr($applicationlayer, $offset, $encrypted_length));
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = 'Digest::CMAC is not installed, please install it (sudo cpan -i Digest::CMAC)';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CIPHER_NOT_INSTALLED;
return 0;
if ($@) {
#fatal decryption error occurred
$self->{errormsg} = "fatal decryption error for mode " . $self->{cw_parts}{mode} . ": $@";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_DECRYPTION_FAILED;
return 0;
# add unencrypted payload
$payload .= substr($applicationlayer, $offset+$encrypted_length);
#printf("decrypted payload %s\n", unpack("H*", $payload));
if (unpack('n', $payload) == 0x2f2f) {
$self->{decrypted} = 1;
} else {
# Decryption verification failed
$self->{errormsg} = sprintf('Decryption mode %d failed, wrong key?', $self->{cw_parts}{mode});
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_DECRYPTION_FAILED;
#printf("%x\n", unpack('n', $payload));
return 0;
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = 'Crypt::Mode::CBC is not installed, please install it (sudo cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CBC)';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CIPHER_NOT_INSTALLED;
return 0;
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = 'encrypted message and no aeskey provided';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_NO_AESKEY;
return 0;
} else {
# error, encryption mode not implemented
$self->{errormsg} = sprintf('Encryption mode %x not implemented', $self->{cw_parts}{mode});
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCRYPTION;
$self->{isEncrypted} = 1;
$self->{decrypted} = 0;
return 0;
if ($self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_SML_4 || $self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_SML_12) {
# payload is SML encoded, that's not implemented
$self->{errormsg} = "payload is SML encoded, can't be decoded, SML payload is " . unpack("H*", substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_SML_PAYLOAD;
return 0;
} else {
return $self->decodePayload($payload);
sub decodeLinkLayer($$)
my $self = shift;
my $linklayer = shift;
#print "decodeLinkLayer\n";
if (length($linklayer) < TL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size}) {
$self->{errormsg} = "link layer too short";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_LINK_LAYER_INVALID;
return 0;
($self->{lfield}, $self->{cfield}, $self->{mfield}) = unpack('CCv', $linklayer);
$self->{afield} = substr($linklayer,4,6);
$self->{afield_identno} = substr($self->{afield}, 0, 4);
$self->{afield_id} = sprintf("%08d", $self->decodeBCD(8,substr($linklayer,4,4)));
($self->{afield_ver}, $self->{afield_type}) = unpack('CC', substr($linklayer,8,2));
#printf("lfield %d\n", $self->{lfield});
if ($self->{frame_type} eq FRAME_TYPE_A) {
#print "FRAME TYPE A\n";
if ($self->{crc_size} > 0) {
$self->{crc0} = unpack('n', substr($linklayer,TL_BLOCK_SIZE, $self->{crc_size}));
#printf("crc0 %x calc %x\n", $self->{crc0}, $self->calcCRC(substr($linklayer,0,10)));
if ($self->{crc0} != $self->calcCRC(substr($linklayer,0,TL_BLOCK_SIZE))) {
$self->{errormsg} = "CRC check failed on link layer";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
#print "CRC check failed on link layer\n";
return 0;
# header block is 10 bytes + 2 bytes CRC, each following block is 16 bytes + 2 bytes CRC, the last block may be smaller
$self->{datalen} = $self->{lfield} - (TL_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); # this is without CRCs and the lfield itself
$self->{datablocks} = int($self->{datalen} / LL_BLOCK_SIZE);
$self->{datablocks}++ if $self->{datalen} % LL_BLOCK_SIZE != 0;
$self->{msglen} = TL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size} + $self->{datalen} + $self->{datablocks} * $self->{crc_size};
if (length($self->{msg}) < $self->{msglen}) {
$self->{errormsg} = "message too short, expected " . $self->{msglen} . ", got " . length($self->{msg}) . " bytes";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_MSG_TOO_SHORT;
return 0;
#printf("calc len %d, actual %d crc_size %d\n", $self->{msglen}, length($self->{msg}), $self->{crc_size});
$self->{applicationlayer} = $self->removeCRC(substr($self->{msg},TL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size}));
return 0 if $self->{errorcode};
} else {
# each block is at most 129 bytes long.
# first contains the header (TL_BLOCK), L field and trailing crc
# L field is included in crc calculation
# each following block contains only data and trailing crc
#print "FRAME TYPE B\n";
if (length($self->{msg}) < $self->{lfield}) {
$self->{errormsg} = "message too short, expected " . $self->{lfield} . ", got " . length($self->{msg}) . " bytes";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_MSG_TOO_SHORT;
return 0;
my $length = 129;
if ($self->{lfield} < $length) {
$length = $self->{lfield};
if ($self->{crc_size} > 0) {
$length -= $self->{crc_size};
$length++; # for L field
#print "length: $length\n";
$self->{crc0} = unpack('n', substr($self->{msg}, $length, $self->{crc_size}));
#printf "crc in msg %x crc calculated %x\n", $self->{crc0}, $self->calcCRC(substr($self->{msg}, 0, $length));
if ($self->{crc0} != $self->calcCRC(substr($self->{msg}, 0, $length))) {
$self->{errormsg} = "CRC check failed on block 1";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
return 0;
$self->{datablocks} = int($self->{lfield} / 129);
$self->{datablocks}++ if $self->{lfield} % 129 != 0;
# header block is 10 bytes, following block
$self->{datalen} = $self->{lfield} - (TL_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) - ($self->{datablocks} * $self->{crc_size}) ; # this is with CRCs but without the lfield itself
$self->{msglen} = $self->{lfield};
if ($self->{datablocks} == 2) {
} else {
$self->{applicationlayer} = substr($self->{msg}, TL_BLOCK_SIZE, $length - TL_BLOCK_SIZE); # - $self->{crc_size});
if (length($self->{msg}) > $self->{msglen}) {
$self->{remainingData} = substr($self->{msg},$self->{msglen});
# according to the MBus spec only upper case letters are allowed.
# some devices send lower case letters none the less
# convert to upper case to make them spec conformant
$self->{manufacturer} = uc($self->manId2ascii($self->{mfield}));
$self->{typestring} = $validDeviceTypes{$self->{afield_type}} || 'unknown';
return 1;
sub encodeLinkLayer($)
my $self = shift;
my $linklayer = pack('CCv', $self->{lfield}, $self->{cfield}, $self->{mfield});
($self->{lfield}, $self->{cfield}, $self->{mfield}) = unpack('CCv', $linklayer);
$self->{afield} = substr($linklayer,4,6);
$self->{afield_id} = sprintf("%08d", $self->decodeBCD(8,substr($linklayer,4,4)));
($self->{afield_ver}, $self->{afield_type}) = unpack('CC', substr($linklayer,8,2));
#printf("lfield %d\n", $self->{lfield});
if ($self->{frame_type} eq FRAME_TYPE_A) {
if ($self->{crc_size} > 0) {
$self->{crc0} = unpack('n', substr($linklayer,TL_BLOCK_SIZE, $self->{crc_size}));
#printf("crc0 %x calc %x\n", $self->{crc0}, $self->calcCRC(substr($linklayer,0,10)));
if ($self->{crc0} != $self->calcCRC(substr($linklayer,0,TL_BLOCK_SIZE))) {
$self->{errormsg} = "CRC check failed on link layer";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
#print "CRC check failed on link layer\n";
return 0;
# header block is 10 bytes + 2 bytes CRC, each following block is 16 bytes + 2 bytes CRC, the last block may be smaller
$self->{datalen} = $self->{lfield} - (TL_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); # this is without CRCs and the lfield itself
$self->{datablocks} = int($self->{datalen} / LL_BLOCK_SIZE);
$self->{datablocks}++ if $self->{datalen} % LL_BLOCK_SIZE != 0;
$self->{msglen} = TL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size} + $self->{datalen} + $self->{datablocks} * $self->{crc_size};
#printf("calc len %d, actual %d\n", $self->{msglen}, length($self->{msg}));
$self->{applicationlayer} = $self->removeCRC(substr($self->{msg},TL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size}));
} else {
# each block is at most 129 bytes long.
# first contains the header (TL_BLOCK), L field and trailing crc
# L field is included in crc calculation
# each following block contains only data and trailing crc
if (length($self->{msg}) < $self->{lfield}) {
$self->{errormsg} = "message too short, expected " . $self->{lfield} . ", got " . length($self->{msg}) . " bytes";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_MSG_TOO_SHORT;
return 0;
my $length = 129;
if ($self->{lfield} < $length) {
$length = $self->{lfield};
if ($self->{crc_size} > 0) {
$length -= $self->{crc_size};
$length++; # for L field
#print "length: $length\n";
$self->{crc0} = unpack('n', substr($self->{msg}, $length, $self->{crc_size}));
#printf "crc in msg %x crc calculated %x\n", $self->{crc0}, $self->calcCRC(substr($self->{msg}, 0, $length));
if ($self->{crc0} != $self->calcCRC(substr($self->{msg}, 0, $length))) {
$self->{errormsg} = "CRC check failed on block 1";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
return 0;
$self->{datablocks} = int($self->{lfield} / 129);
$self->{datablocks}++ if $self->{lfield} % 129 != 0;
# header block is 10 bytes, following block
$self->{datalen} = $self->{lfield} - (TL_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) - ($self->{datablocks} * $self->{crc_size}) ; # this is with CRCs but without the lfield itself
$self->{msglen} = $self->{lfield};
if ($self->{datablocks} == 2) {
} else {
$self->{applicationlayer} = substr($self->{msg}, TL_BLOCK_SIZE, $length - TL_BLOCK_SIZE); # - $self->{crc_size});
if (length($self->{msg}) > $self->{msglen}) {
$self->{remainingData} = substr($self->{msg},$self->{msglen});
} elsif (length($self->{msg}) < $self->{msglen}) {
$self->{errormsg} = "message too short, expected " . $self->{msglen} . ", got " . length($self->{msg}) . " bytes";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_MSG_TOO_SHORT;
return 0;
# according to the MBus spec only upper case letters are allowed.
# some devices send lower case letters none the less
# convert to upper case to make them spec conformant
$self->{manufacturer} = uc($self->manId2ascii($self->{mfield}));
$self->{typestring} = $validDeviceTypes{$self->{afield_type}} || 'unknown';
return 1;
sub setFrameType($$)
my $self = shift;
$self->{frame_type} = shift;
sub getFrameType($)
my $self = shift;
return $self->{frame_type};
sub parse($$)
my $self = shift;
$self->{msg} = shift;
$self->{errormsg} = '';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_NO_ERROR;
if (length($self->{msg}) < 12) {
$self->{errormsg} = "Message too short";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_MSG_TOO_SHORT;
return 1;
if (substr($self->{msg}, 0, 4) eq pack("H*", "543D543D")) {
$self->{msg} = substr($self->{msg},4);
if ($self->decodeLinkLayer(substr($self->{msg},0,12)) != 0) {
$self->{linkLayerOk} = 1;
return $self->decodeApplicationLayer();
return 0;
sub parseLinkLayer($$)
my $self = shift;
$self->{msg} = shift;
$self->{errormsg} = '';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_NO_ERROR;
$self->{linkLayerOk} = $self->decodeLinkLayer(substr($self->{msg},0,12));
return $self->{linkLayerOk};
sub parseApplicationLayer($)
my $self = shift;
$self->{errormsg} = '';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_NO_ERROR;
return $self->decodeApplicationLayer();
sub dumpResult($)
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{linkLayerOk}) {
printf("Manufacturer %x %s\n", $self->{mfield}, $self->{manufacturer});
printf("IdentNumber %s\n", $self->{afield_id});
printf("Version %d\n", $self->{afield_ver});
printf("Type %x %s\n", $self->{afield_type}, $self->{typestring});
printf("IsEncrypted %d\n", $self->{isEncrypted});
if ($self->{errorcode} == ERR_NO_ERROR) {
printf("Status: %x %s\n", $self->{status}, $self->{statusstring});
if ($self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 5) {
print "Codeword:\n";
print "bidirectional: ". $self->{cw_parts}{bidirectional} . "\n";
print "accessability: ". $self->{cw_parts}{accessability} . "\n";
print "synchronous: $self->{cw_parts}{synchronous}\n";
print "mode: $self->{cw_parts}{mode}\n";
print "encrypted_blocks: $self->{cw_parts}{encrypted_blocks}\n";
print "content: $self->{cw_parts}{content}\n";
print "hops: $self->{cw_parts}{hops}\n";
if ($self->{errorcode} == ERR_NO_ERROR) {
if ($self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_12) {
printf("Meter Id %d\n", $self->{meter_id});
printf("Meter Manufacturer %x %s\n", $self->{meter_man}, $self->manId2ascii($self->{meter_man}));
printf("Meter Version %d\n", $self->{meter_vers});
printf("Meter Dev %x %s\n", $self->{meter_dev}, $self->type2string($self->{meter_dev}));
printf("Access No %d\n", $self->{access_no});
printf("Status %x\n", $self->{status});
my $dataBlocks = $self->{datablocks};
my $dataBlock;
for $dataBlock ( @$dataBlocks ) {
#if ( $dataBlock->{type} eq "MANUFACTURER SPECIFIC") {
# print $dataBlock->{number} . " " . $dataBlock->{type} . "\n";
#} else {
print $dataBlock->{number} . ". StorageNo " . $dataBlock->{storageNo} . " " ;
print $dataBlock->{functionFieldText} . " ";
print $dataBlock->{type} . " " . $dataBlock->{value} . " " . $dataBlock->{unit};
if ($dataBlock->{errormsg}) {
print "(" . $dataBlock->{errormsg} . ")";
if (defined($dataBlock->{extension_unit})) {
print " [" . $dataBlock->{extension_unit} . ", " . $dataBlock->{extension_value} . "]";
print "\n";
} else {
printf("Error %d: %s\n", $self->{errorcode}, $self->{errormsg});