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# $Id$
# Usage
# define <name> serviced <service name> [user@ip-address]
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Blocking;
use Time::HiRes;
use vars qw{%defs};
my $servicedVersion = "1.2.8";
sub serviced_shutdownwait($);
sub serviced_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{AttrFn} = "serviced_Attr";
$hash->{DefFn} = "serviced_Define";
$hash->{GetFn} = "serviced_Get";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "serviced_Notify";
$hash->{SetFn} = "serviced_Set";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "serviced_Shutdown";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "serviced_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1,0 ".
"disabledForIntervals ".
"serviceAutostart ".
"serviceAutostop ".
"serviceGetStatusOnInit:0,1 ".
"serviceInitd:1,0 ".
"serviceLogin ".
"servicePort ".
"serviceRegexFailed ".
"serviceRegexStarted ".
"serviceRegexStarting ".
"serviceRegexStopped ".
"serviceStatusInterval ".
"serviceStatusLine:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,last ".
"serviceSudo:0,1 ".
sub serviced_Define($$)
my ($hash,$def) = @_;
my @args = split " ",$def;
return "Usage: define <name> serviced <service name> [user\@ip-address] [port]"
if (@args < 3 || @args > 5);
my ($name,$type,$service,$remote,$port) = @args;
return "Remote host must be like 'pi\@' or 'pi\@myserver' or 'pi\@ 222' if you need to declare a SSH port other than the default port!"
if (($remote && $remote !~ /^\w{2,}@(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}|[\w\.\-_]{2,})$/) || ($port && $port !~ /^\d{2,5}$/));
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
$hash->{SERVICENAME} = $service;
$hash->{VERSION} = $servicedVersion;
if ($init_done && !defined $hash->{OLDDEF})
$attr{$name}{alias} = "Service $service";
$attr{$name}{cmdIcon} = "restart:rc_REPEAT stop:rc_STOP status:rc_INFO start:rc_PLAY";
$attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = "Initialized|status:light_question error|failed:light_exclamation running:audio_play:stop stopped:audio_stop:start stopping:audio_stop .*starting:audio_repeat";
$attr{$name}{room} = "Services";
$attr{$name}{icon} = "hue_room_garage";
$attr{$name}{serviceLogin} = $remote if ($remote);
$attr{$name}{servicePort} = $port if ($port);
$attr{$name}{webCmd} = "start:restart:stop:status";
if (grep /^homebridgeMapping/,split(" ",AttrVal("global","userattr","")))
$attr{$name}{genericDeviceType} = "switch";
$attr{$name}{homebridgeMapping} = "On=state,valueOff=/stopped|failed/,cmdOff=stop,cmdOn=start\n".
return undef;
sub serviced_Undef($$)
my ($hash,$name) = @_;
BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}) if ($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID});
return undef;
sub serviced_Notify($$)
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devname = $dev->{NAME};
return if (IsDisabled($name));
my $events = deviceEvents($dev,0);
return if (!$events);
if ($devname eq "global" && grep /^INITIALIZED$/,@{$events})
if (AttrNum($name,"serviceGetStatusOnInit",1) || AttrNum($name,"serviceStatusInterval",0))
Log3 $name,4,"$name: get status of service \"$hash->{SERVICENAME}\" due to startup and/or interval";
my $delay = AttrVal($name,"serviceAutostart",0);
$delay = $delay > 300 ? 300 : $delay;
if ($delay)
Log3 $name,3,"$name: starting service \"$hash->{SERVICENAME}\" with delay of $delay seconds";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $delay,"serviced_Set","$name|start");
sub serviced_Get($@)
my ($hash,$name,$cmd) = @_;
return if (IsDisabled($name) && $cmd ne "?");
my $params = "status:noArg";
if ($cmd eq "status")
return "Work already/still in progress... Please wait for the current process to finish."
if ($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} && !$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{terminated});
return "Unknown argument $cmd for $name, choose one of $params";
sub serviced_Set($@)
my ($hash,$name,$cmd) = @_;
if (ref $hash ne "HASH")
($name,$cmd) = split /\|/,$hash;
$hash = $defs{$name};
return if (IsDisabled($name) && $cmd ne "?");
my $params = "start:noArg stop:noArg restart:noArg status:noArg";
return "$cmd is not a valid command for $name, please choose one of $params"
if (!$cmd || $cmd eq "?" || !grep(/^$cmd:noArg$/,split " ",$params));
return "Work already/still in progress... Please wait for the current process to finish."
if ($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} && !$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{terminated});
$cmd = "restart"
if ($cmd eq "start" && ReadingsVal($name,"state","") =~ /^running|starting|failed$/);
my $service = $hash->{SERVICENAME};
my $login = AttrVal($name,"serviceLogin","");
$login .= $login ? " -p ".AttrNum($name,"servicePort",22) : "";
my $sudo = AttrNum($name,"serviceSudo",1) && $login !~ /^root@/ ? "sudo " : "";
my $line = AttrVal($name,"serviceStatusLine",3);
my $com;
$com .= "ssh $login '" if ($login);
$com .= $sudo;
if (AttrNum($name,"serviceInitd",0))
$com .= "service $service $cmd";
$com .= "systemctl $cmd $service";
$com .= "'" if ($login);
Log3 $name,5,"$name: serviced_Set executing shell command: $com";
$com = encode_base64($com,"");
if ($hash->{LOCKFILE})
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("serviced_ExecCmd","$name|$cmd|$com|$line","serviced_ExecFinished");
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("serviced_ExecCmd","$name|$cmd|$com|$line","serviced_ExecFinished",301,"serviced_ExecAborted",$hash);
my $state = $cmd eq "status" ? $cmd : $cmd =~ /start/ ? $cmd."ing" : $cmd."ping";
sub serviced_Attr(@)
my ($cmd,$name,$attr_name,$attr_value) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($cmd eq "set")
if ($attr_name =~ /^disable|serviceGetStatusOnInit|serviceInitd|serviceSudo$/)
return "$attr_value not valid, can only be 0 or 1!"
if ($attr_value !~ /^1|0$/);
if ($attr_name eq "disable")
BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}) if ($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID});
elsif ($attr_name =~ /^serviceAutostart|serviceAutostop$/)
my $er = "$attr_value not valid for $attr_name, must be a number in seconds like 5 to automatically (re)start service after init of fhem (min: 1, max: 300)!";
$er = "$attr_value not valid for $attr_name, must be a timeout in seconds like 1 to automatically stop service while shutdown of fhem (min: 1, max: 300)!" if ($attr_name eq "serviceAutostop");
return $er
if ($attr_value !~ /^(\d{1,3})$/ || $1 > 300 || $1 < 1);
elsif ($attr_name eq "serviceLogin")
return "$attr_value not valid for $attr_name, must be a ssh login string like 'pi\@' or 'pi\@myserver'!"
if ($attr_value !~ /^\w{2,}@(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}|[\w\.\-_]{2,})$/);
elsif ($attr_name eq "servicePort")
return "$attr_value not valid for $attr_name, must be a port number like 22 or 222!"
if ($attr_value !~ /^\d{2,5}$/);
elsif ($attr_name =~ /^serviceRegexFailed|serviceRegexStopped|serviceRegexStarted|serviceRegexStarting$/)
my $ex = "dead|failed|exited";
$ex = "inactive|stopped" if ($attr_name eq "serviceRegexStopped");
$ex = "running|active" if ($attr_name eq "serviceRegexStarted");
$ex = "activating|starting" if ($attr_name eq "serviceRegexStarting");
return "$attr_value not valid for $attr_name, must be a regex like '$ex'!"
if ($attr_value !~ /^[\w\-_]{3,}(\|[\w\-_]{3,}){0,}$/);
elsif ($attr_name eq "serviceStatusInterval")
return "$attr_value not valid for $attr_name, must be a number in seconds like 300 (min: 5, max: 999999)!"
if ($attr_value !~ /^(\d{1,6})$/ || $1 < 5);
$hash->{helper}{interval} = $attr_value;
elsif ($attr_name eq "serviceStatusLine")
return "$attr_value not valid for $attr_name, must be a number like 2, for 2nd line of status output, or 'last' for last line of status output!"
if ($attr_value !~ /^(\d{1,2}|last)$/);
if ($attr_name eq "disable")
elsif ($attr_name eq "serviceStatusInterval")
$hash->{helper}{interval} = 0;
sub serviced_ExecCmd($)
my ($string) = @_;
my @a = split /\|/,$string;
my $name = $a[0];
my $cmd = $a[1];
my $com = decode_base64($a[2]);
my $line = $a[3];
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $lockfile = $hash->{LOCKFILE};
my $er = 0;
$com .= " 2>&1" if ($cmd ne "status");
my @qx = qx($com);
if (!@qx && $cmd eq "status")
$com .= " 2>&1";
@qx = qx($com);
$er = 1;
Log3 $name,5,"$name: serviced_ExecCmd com: $com, line: $line";
my @ret;
my $re = "";
for (@qx)
$_ =~ s/[\s\t ]{1,}/ /g;
$_ =~ s/(^ {1,}| {1,}$)//g;
push @ret,$_ if ($_);
$er = 1 if (@ret && $cmd ne "status");
if (!$er && @ret)
$re = $ret[@ret-1] if ($line eq "last" && $ret[@ret-1]);
$re = $ret[$line-1] if ($line =~ /^\d/ && $ret[$line-1]);
elsif (@ret)
$re = join " ",@ret;
if ($lockfile)
Log3 $name,3,"$name: shutdown sequence of service $name finished";
my $er = FileDelete($lockfile);
if ($er)
Log3 $name,2,"$name: error while deleting controlfile \"$lockfile\": $er";
Log3 $name,4,"$name: controlfile \"$lockfile\" deleted successfully";
$re = encode_base64($re,"");
return "$name|$er|$re";
sub serviced_ExecFinished($)
my ($string) = @_;
my @a = split /\|/,$string;
my $name = $a[0];
my $er = $a[1];
my $ret = decode_base64($a[2]) if ($a[2]);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $service = $hash->{SERVICENAME};
delete $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID};
if ($er)
Log3 $name,3,"$name: Error: $ret";
elsif ($ret)
my $refail = AttrVal($name,"serviceRegexFailed","dead|failed|exited");
my $restop = AttrVal($name,"serviceRegexStopped","inactive|stopped");
my $restart = AttrVal($name,"serviceRegexStarted","running|active");
my $restarting = AttrVal($name,"serviceRegexStarting","activating|starting");
if ($ret =~ /$restarting/)
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Service \"$hash->{SERVICENAME}\" is starting";
elsif ($ret =~ /$restop/)
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Service \"$hash->{SERVICENAME}\" is stopped";
elsif ($ret =~ /$refail/)
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Service \"$hash->{SERVICENAME}\" is failed";
elsif ($ret =~ /$restart/)
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Service \"$hash->{SERVICENAME}\" is started";
if (AttrNum($name,"serviceStatusInterval",0))
return undef;
sub serviced_ExecAborted($)
my ($hash,$cause) = @_;
$cause = "BlockingCall was aborted due to 301 seconds timeout" if (!$cause);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
delete $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID};
Log3 $name,2,"$name: BlockingCall aborted: $cause";
return undef;
sub serviced_GetUpdate(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if (IsDisabled($name) || !$init_done);
my $sec = defined $hash->{helper}{interval} ? $hash->{helper}{interval} : AttrNum($name,"serviceStatusInterval",undef);
delete $hash->{helper}{interval} if (defined $hash->{helper}{interval});
return if (!$sec);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $sec,"serviced_GetUpdate",$hash);
sub serviced_Shutdown($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $autostop = AttrNum($name,"serviceAutostop",0);
$autostop = $autostop > 300 ? 300 : $autostop;
if ($autostop)
$hash->{SHUTDOWNTIME} = time;
Log3 $name,3,"$name: stopping service \"$hash->{SERVICENAME}\" due to shutdown";
my $lockfile = AttrVal("global","modpath",".")."/log/".$name."_shut.lock";
my $er = FileWrite($lockfile,"controlfile shutdown sequence");
if ($er)
Log3 $name,2,"$name: error while creating controlfile \"$lockfile\": $er";
Log3 $name,4,"$name: controlfile \"$lockfile\" created successfully for shutdown-sequence \"$hash->{SERVICENAME}\" ";
$hash->{LOCKFILE} = $lockfile;
return undef;
sub serviced_shutdownwait($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $autostop = AttrVal($name,"serviceAutostop",0);
$autostop = $autostop > 300 ? 300 : $autostop;
my $lockfile = $hash->{LOCKFILE};
my ($er,undef) = FileRead($lockfile);
if (!$er)
sleep 1;
if (time > $hash->{SHUTDOWNTIME} + $autostop)
$er = FileDelete($lockfile);
if ($er)
Log3 $name,2,"$name: Error while deleting controlfile \"$lockfile\": $er";
Log3 $name,3,"$name: Maximum shutdown waittime of $autostop seconds excceeded, force shutdown.";
Log3 $name,3,"$name: Maximum shutdown waittime of $autostop seconds excceeded. Controlfile \"$lockfile\" deleted and force sutdown.";
return serviced_shutdownwait($hash);
return undef;
=item device
=item summary local/remote services management
=item summary_DE lokale/entfernte Dienste Verwaltung
=begin html
<a id="serviced"></a>
With <i>serviced</i> you are able to control running services either running on localhost or a remote host.<br>
The usual command are available: start/restart/stop/status.<br>
<a id="serviced-define"></a>
<code>define <name> serviced <service name> [<user@ip-address>]</code><br>
Example for running serviced for local service(s):
<code>define hb serviced homebridge</code><br>
Example for running serviced for remote service(s):
<code>define hyp serviced hyperion pi@</code><br>
For remote services you have to grant passwordless ssh access for the user which is running FHEM (usually fhem). You'll find a tutorial how to do that by visiting <a target="_blank" href="http://www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html">this link</a>.
To use systemctl (systemd) or service (initd) you have to grant permissions to the system commands for the user which is running FHEM (usually fhem) by editing the sudoers file (/etc/sudoers) (visudo).
For systemd (please check your local paths):
<code>fhem ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl</code>
For initd (please check your local paths):
<code>fhem ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service</code>
If you have homebridgeMapping in your attributes an appropriate mapping will be added, genericDeviceType as well.
<a id="serviced-set"></a>
<a id="serviced-set-start">start</a><br>
start the stopped service
<a id="serviced-set-stop">stop</a><br>
stop the started service
<a id="serviced-set-restart">restart</a><br>
restart the service
<a id="serviced-set-status">status</a><br>
get status of service
<a id="serviced-get"></a>
<a id="serviced-get-status">status</a><br>
get status of service<br>
same like 'set status'
<a id="serviced-attr"></a>
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceAutostart">serviceAutostart</a><br>
delay in seconds to automatically (re)start service after start of FHEM<br>
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceAutostop">serviceAutostop</a><br>
timeout in seconds to automatically stop service while shutdown of FHEM<br>
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceGetStatusOnInit">serviceGetStatusOnInit</a><br>
get status of service automatically on FHEM start<br>
default: 1
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceInitd">serviceInitd</a><br>
use initd (system) instead of systemd (systemctl)<br>
default: 0
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceLogin">serviceLogin</a><br>
ssh login string for services running on remote hosts<br>
passwordless ssh is mandatory<br>
<a id="serviced-attr-servicePort">servicePort</a><br>
ssh port to use if other than default port (22)<br>
default: 22
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceRegexFailed">serviceRegexFailed</a><br>
regex for failed status<br>
default: dead|failed|exited
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceRegexStarted">serviceRegexStarted</a><br>
regex for running status<br>
default: running|active
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceRegexStarting">serviceRegexStarting</a><br>
regex for starting status<br>
default: activating|starting
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceRegexStopped">serviceRegexStopped</a><br>
regex for stopped status<br>
default: inactive|stopped
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceStatusInterval">serviceStatusInterval</a><br>
interval of getting status automatically<br>
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceStatusLine">serviceStatusLine</a><br>
line number of status output containing the status information<br>
default: 3
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceSudo">serviceSudo</a><br>
use sudo<br>
default: 1
<a id="serviced-read"></a>
<p>All readings updates will create events.</p>
<a id="serviced-read-error">error</a><br>
last occured error, none if no error occured<br>
<a id="serviced-read-state">state</a><br>
current state
<a id="serviced-read-status">status</a><br>
last status line from 'get/set status'
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a id="serviced"></a>
Mit <i>serviced</i> können lokale und entfernte Dienste verwaltet werden.<br>
Die üblichen Kommandos sind verfügbar: start/restart/stop/status.<br>
<a id="serviced-define"></a>
<code>define <name> serviced <Dienst Name> [<user@ip-adresse>]</code><br>
Beispiel serviced für lokale Dienste:
<code>define hb serviced homebridge</code><br>
Beispiel serviced für entfernte Dienste:
<code>define hyp serviced hyperion pi@</code><br>
Für entfernte Dienste muss dem Benutzer unter dem FHEM läuft dass passwortlose Anmelden per SSH erlaubt werden. Eine Anleitung wie das zu machen geht ist unter <a target="_blank" href="http://www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html">diesem Link</a> abrufbar.
Zur Benutzung von systemctl (systemd) oder service (initd) müssen dem Benutzer unter dem FHEM läuft die entsprechenden Rechte in der sudoers Datei erteilt werden (/etc/sudoers) (visudo).
Für systemd (bitte mit eigenen Pfaden abgleichen):
<code>fhem ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl</code>
Für initd (bitte mit eigenen Pfaden abgleichen):
<code>fhem ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service</code>
Wenn homebridgeMapping in der Attributliste ist, so wird ein entsprechendes Mapping hinzugefügt, ebenso genericDeviceType.
<a id="serviced-set"></a>
<a id="serviced-set-start">start</a><br>
angehaltenen Dienst starten
<a id="serviced-set-stop">stop</a><br>
laufenden Dienst anhalten
<a id="serviced-set-restart">restart</a><br>
Dienst neu starten
<a id="serviced-set-status">status</a><br>
Status des Dienstes abrufen
<a id="serviced-get"></a>
<a id="serviced-get-status">status</a><br>
Status des Dienstes abrufen<br>
identisch zu 'set status'
<a id="serviced-attr"></a>
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceAutostart">serviceAutostart</a><br>
Verzögerung in Sekunden um den Dienst nach Start von FHEM (neu) zu starten<br>
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceAutostop">serviceAutostop</a><br>
Timeout in Sekunden um den Dienst bei Beenden von FHEM ebenso zu beenden<br>
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceGetStatusOnInit">serviceGetStatusOnInit</a><br>
beim Start von FHEM automatisch den Status des Dienstes abrufen<br>
Voreinstellung: 1
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceInitd">serviceInitd</a><br>
benutze initd (system) statt systemd (systemctl)<br>
Voreinstellung: 0
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceLogin">serviceLogin</a><br>
SSH Anmeldedaten für entfernten Dienst<br>
passwortloser SSH Zugang ist Grundvoraussetzung<br>
<a id="serviced-attr-servicePort">servicePort</a><br>
SSH Port falls ein anderer als der Standard Port (22) verwendet wird<br>
Voreinstellung: 22
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceRegexFailed">serviceRegexFailed</a><br>
Regex für failed Status<br>
Voreinstellung: dead|failed|exited
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceRegexStarted">serviceRegexStarted</a><br>
Regex für running Status<br>
Voreinstellung: running|active
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceRegexStarting">serviceRegexStarting</a><br>
Regex für starting Status<br>
Voreinstellung: activating|starting
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceRegexStopped">serviceRegexStopped</a><br>
Regex für stopped Status<br>
Voreinstellung: inactive|stopped
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceStatusInterval">serviceStatusInterval</a><br>
Interval um den Status automatisch zu aktualisieren<br>
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceStatusLine">serviceStatusLine</a><br>
Zeilennummer der Status Rückgabe welche die Status Information enthält<br>
Voreinstellung: 3
<a id="serviced-attr-serviceSudo">serviceSudo</a><br>
sudo benutzen<br>
Voreinstellung: 1
<a id="serviced-read"></a>
<p>Alle Aktualisierungen der Readings erzeugen Events.</p>
<a id="serviced-read-error">error</a><br>
letzter aufgetretener Fehler, none wenn kein Fehler aufgetreten ist
<a id="serviced-read-state">state</a><br>
aktueller Zustand
<a id="serviced-read-status">status</a><br>
letzte Statuszeile von 'get/set status'
=end html_DE