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synced 2025-03-09 02:27:05 +00:00
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# $Id$
# 98_statistic.pm
# Copyright notice
# (c) 2014 Torsten Poitzsch < torsten . poitzsch at gmx . de >
# This module computes statistic data of and for readings of other modules
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the text file GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# define <name> statistics <regexp>
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;
sub statistics_PeriodChange($);
sub statistics_DoStatisticsAll($$);
sub statistics_DoStatistics ($$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticMinMax ($$$$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$$$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticDelta ($$$$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticDuration ($$$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticDurationSingle ($$$$$$);
sub statistics_storeSingularReadings ($$$$$$$$$$);
sub statistics_getStoredDevices($);
sub statistics_FormatDuration($);
# Modul Version for remote debugging
my $modulVersion = "2014-05-13";
# Syntax: deviceType, readingName, statisticType, decimalPlaces
# statisticType: 0=noStatistic | 1=minMaxAvg | 2=delta | 3=stateDuration
my @knownReadings = ( ["brightness", 1, 0]
,["count", 2, 0]
,["current", 1, 3]
,["energy", 2, 0]
,["energy_current", 1, 1]
,["energy_total", 2, 3]
,["humidity", 1, 0]
,["lightsensor", 3, 1]
,["lock", 3, 1]
,["motion", 3, 1]
,["power", 1, 1]
,["rain", 2, 1]
,["rain_rate", 1, 1]
,["rain_total", 2, 1]
,["temperature", 1, 1]
,["total", 2, 2]
,["voltage", 1, 1]
,["wind", 1, 0]
,["wind_speed", 1, 1]
,["windSpeed", 1, 0]
,["Window", 3, 1]
,["window", 3, 1]
sub ##########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "statistics_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "statistics_Undefine";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "statistics_Notify";
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
$hash->{SetFn} = "statistics_Set";
$hash->{NotifyOrderPrefix} = "10-"; # Want to be called before the rest
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 "
."dayChangeTime "
."deltaReadings "
."durationReadings "
."excludedReadings "
."minAvgMaxReadings "
."periodChangePreset "
."singularReadings "
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> statistics <devicename-regexp> [prefix]"
if(3>@a || @a>4);
my $name = $a[0];
my $devName = $a[2];
if (@a == 4) {$hash->{PREFIX} = $a[3];}
else {$hash->{PREFIX} = "stat";}
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$devName$/ };
return "Bad regexp: $@" if($@);
$hash->{DEV_REGEXP} = $devName;
$hash->{STATE} = "Waiting for notifications";
# Run period change procedure next full hour (15 seconds before).
my $periodEndTime = 3600 * ( int(gettimeofday()/3600) + 1 ) - 15 ;
InternalTimer( $periodEndTime, "statistics_PeriodChange", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, $val) = @_;
my $resultStr = "";
if ($cmd eq 'resetStatistics') {
if ($val ne "") {
my $regExp;
if ($val eq "all") { $regExp = ""; }
else { $regExp = $val.":.*"; }
foreach (sort keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} }) {
if ($_ =~ /^\.$regExp/ && $_ ne "state") {
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_};
$resultStr .= "\n * " . substr $_, 1;
if ( $resultStr eq "" ) {
$resultStr = "$name: No statistics to reset";
} else {
$resultStr = "$name: Statistic value(s) reset:" . $resultStr;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Statistic value(s) reset: $val",1);
# Log3 $hash, 3, $resultStr;
return $resultStr;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'doStatistics') {
return undef;
my $list = "resetStatistics:all" . statistics_getStoredDevices($hash);
$list .= " doStatistics:noArg";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
# At startup: delete old Readings of monitored devices and rebuild from hidden readings
if ($devName eq "global" && grep (m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/,@{$dev->{CHANGED}})) {
foreach my $r (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($r =~ /^monitoredDevices.*/) {
Log3 $name,5,"$name: Initialization - Delete old reading '$r'.";
statistics_DoStatisticsAll $hash, 0;
my %unknownDevices;
foreach my $r (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($r =~ /^\.(.*):.*/) { $unknownDevices{$1}++; }
my $val="";
foreach my $device (sort (keys(%unknownDevices))) {
if (not exists ($defs{$device})) {
if ($val ne "") { $val.=","; }
$val .= $device;
if ($val ne "") {
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Initialization - Found hidden readings for device(s) '$val'.";
# ignore my own notifications
if($devName eq $name) {
Log3 $name,5,"$name: Notifications of myself received.";
return "" ;
# Return if the notifying device is not monitored
return "" if(!defined($hash->{DEV_REGEXP}));
my $regexp = $hash->{DEV_REGEXP};
if($devName !~ m/^($regexp)$/) {
Log3 $name,5,"$name: Notification of '".$dev->{NAME}."' received. Device not monitored.";
return "" ;
# Check if it notifies only for the statistic values
my $prefix = $hash->{PREFIX};
my $normalReadingFound = 0;
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
next if(!defined($s));
if ($s !~ /^$prefix[A-Z]/) { $normalReadingFound = 1;}
if ($normalReadingFound==1) {
statistics_DoStatistics $hash, $dev, 0;
Log3 $name,5,"$name: Notification of '".$dev->{NAME}."' received. Update statistics.";
} else {
Log3 $name,5,"$name: Notification of '".$dev->{NAME}."' received but for my own readings only.";
sub ########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dummy;
my $val;
my $periodChangePreset = AttrVal($name, "periodChangePreset", 5);
my $isDayChange = ( ReadingsVal($name, "nextPeriodChangeCalc", "") =~ /Day Change/ );
# Determine the next day change time
my @th=localtime();
my $dayChangeDelay = 0;
my $dayChangeTime = timelocal(0,0,0,$th[3],$th[4],$th[5]+1900);
if (AttrVal($name, "dayChangeTime", "00:00") =~ /(\d+):(\d+)/ && $1<24 && $1 >=0 && $2<60 && $2>=0) {
$dayChangeDelay = $1 * 3600 + $2 * 60;
$dayChangeTime += $dayChangeDelay - $periodChangePreset;
# Run period change procedure each full hour ("periodChangePreset" second before).
my $periodEndTime = 3600 * ( int((gettimeofday()+1800)/3600) + 1 ) - $periodChangePreset ;
# Run procedure also for given dayChangeTime
$val = "";
if ( $dayChangeDelay>0 && gettimeofday()<$dayChangeTime && $dayChangeTime<=$periodEndTime ) {
$periodEndTime = $dayChangeTime;
$val = " (Day Change)";
$val = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($periodEndTime)) . $val;
InternalTimer( $periodEndTime, "statistics_PeriodChange", $hash, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "nextPeriodChangeCalc", $val, 0);
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Next period change will be calculated at ".strftime ("%H:%M:%S", localtime($periodEndTime));
return if( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 );
# Determine if time period switched (day, month, year)
# Get deltaValue and Tariff of previous call
my $periodSwitch = 0;
my $yearLast;
my $monthLast;
my $dayLast;
my $hourLast;
my $hourNow;
my $dayNow;
my $monthNow;
my $yearNow;
if ($dayChangeDelay>0 && $isDayChange) {
($dummy, $dummy, $hourLast, $dayLast, $monthLast, $yearLast) = localtime (gettimeofday() - $dayChangeDelay);
($dummy, $dummy, $hourNow, $dayNow, $monthNow, $yearNow) = localtime (gettimeofday() + $periodEndTime);
if ($yearNow != $yearLast) { $periodSwitch = -4; }
elsif ($monthNow != $monthLast) { $periodSwitch = -3; }
elsif ($dayNow != $dayLast) { $periodSwitch = -2; }
if ($dayChangeDelay % 3600 == 0) { $periodSwitch = abs($periodSwitch); }
} else {
($dummy, $dummy, $hourLast, $dayLast, $monthLast, $yearLast) = localtime (gettimeofday() - 1800);
($dummy, $dummy, $hourNow, $dayNow, $monthNow, $yearNow) = localtime (gettimeofday() + 1800);
if ($yearNow != $yearLast) { $periodSwitch = 4; }
elsif ($monthNow != $monthLast) { $periodSwitch = 3; }
elsif ($dayNow != $dayLast) { $periodSwitch = 2; }
elsif ($hourNow != $hourLast) { $periodSwitch = 1; }
statistics_DoStatisticsAll $hash, $periodSwitch;
return undef;
my ($hash,$periodSwitch) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "" if(!defined($hash->{DEV_REGEXP}));
my $regexp = $hash->{DEV_REGEXP};
foreach my $devName (sort keys %defs) {
if ($devName ne $name && $devName =~ m/^($regexp)$/) {
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Doing statistics (type $periodSwitch) for device '$devName'";
statistics_DoStatistics($hash, $defs{$devName}, $periodSwitch);
my ($hash, $dev, $periodSwitch) = @_;
my $hashName = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $devType = $dev->{TYPE};
my $statisticDone = 0;
return "" if(AttrVal($hashName, "disable", undef));
my $readingName;
my $exclReadings = AttrVal($hashName, "excludedReadings", "");
my $regExp = '^'.$devName.'$|^'.$devName.',|,'.$devName.'$|,'.$devName.',';
# Return if the notifying device is already served by another statistics instance
if (exists ($dev->{helper}{_98_statistics})) {
my $servedBy = $dev->{helper}{_98_statistics};
if ($servedBy ne $hashName) {
my $monReadingValue = ReadingsVal($hashName,"monitoredDevicesUnserved","");
if ($monReadingValue !~ /$regExp/) {
if($monReadingValue eq "") { $monReadingValue = $devName;}
else {$monReadingValue .= ",".$devName;}
Log3 $hashName,3,"$hashName: Device '$devName' identified as supported but already servered by '$servedBy'.";
} else {
# Loop through all known device types and readings
foreach my $f (@knownReadings)
# notifing device has known reading, no statistic for excluded readings
$readingName = $$f[0];
my $completeReadingName = $devName.":".$readingName;
next if ($completeReadingName =~ m/^($exclReadings)$/ );
- next if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
$statisticDone = 1;
if ($$f[1] == 1) { statistics_doStatisticMinMax ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $$f[2], $periodSwitch);}
if ($$f[1] == 2) { statistics_doStatisticDelta ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $$f[2], $periodSwitch);}
if ($$f[1] == 3) { statistics_doStatisticDuration ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $periodSwitch);}
my @specialReadings = split /,/, AttrVal($hashName, "deltaReadings", "");
foreach $readingName (@specialReadings)
my $completeReadingName = $devName.":".$readingName;
next if ($completeReadingName =~ m/^($exclReadings)$/ );
next if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
$statisticDone = 1;
statistics_doStatisticDelta ($hash, $dev, $readingName, 1, $periodSwitch);
@specialReadings = split /,/, AttrVal($hashName, "durationReadings", "");
foreach $readingName (@specialReadings)
my $completeReadingName = $devName.":".$readingName;
next if ($completeReadingName =~ m/^($exclReadings)$/ );
next if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
$statisticDone = 1;
statistics_doStatisticDuration ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $periodSwitch);
@specialReadings = split /,/, AttrVal($hashName, "minAvgMaxReadings", "");
foreach $readingName (@specialReadings)
my $completeReadingName = $devName.":".$readingName;
next if ($completeReadingName =~ m/^($exclReadings)$/ );
next if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
$statisticDone = 1;
statistics_doStatisticMinMax ($hash, $dev, $readingName, 1, $periodSwitch);
if ($statisticDone != 1) {
if (exists ($dev->{READINGS}{state})) {
statistics_doStatisticDuration $hash, $dev, "state", $periodSwitch;
$statisticDone = 1;
if ($periodSwitch >0) {readingsEndUpdate($dev,1);}
else {readingsEndUpdate($dev,0);}
# Record device as monitored
my $monReadingName;
if ($statisticDone == 1) {
$monReadingName = "monitoredDevices".$devType;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Updated stats for: $devName",1);
} else {
$monReadingName = "monitoredDevicesUnsupported";
$devName .= "#$devType";
$regExp = '^'.$devName.'$|^'.$devName.',|,'.$devName.'$|,'.$devName.',';
my $monReadingValue = ReadingsVal($hashName,$monReadingName,"");
if ($monReadingValue !~ /$regExp/) {
if($monReadingValue eq "") { $monReadingValue = $devName;}
else {$monReadingValue .= ",".$devName;}
my $monReadingValue = ReadingsVal($hashName,"monitoredDevicesUnknownType","");
if ($monReadingValue =~ /$regExp/) {
$monReadingValue =~ s/$devName,?//;
$monReadingValue =~ s/,$//;
if ($monReadingValue ne "") {
} else {
delete $hash->{READINGS}{monitoredDevicesUnknownType};
return undef;
# Calculates single MaxMin Values and informs about end of day and month
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticMinMax ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $decPlaces, $periodSwitch) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
return if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
# Get reading, cut out first number without units
my $value = $dev->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL};
$value =~ s/^[\D]*([\d.]*).*/$1/eg;
Log3 $name, 4, "Calculating min/avg/max statistics for '".$dev->{NAME}.":$readingName = $value'";
# statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle: $hash, $readingName, $value, $saveLast, decPlaces
# Daily Statistic
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Day", $value, ($periodSwitch >= 2), $decPlaces;
# Monthly Statistic
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Month", $value, ($periodSwitch >= 3), $decPlaces;
# Yearly Statistic
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Year", $value, ($periodSwitch == 4), $decPlaces;
return ;
# Calculates single MaxMin Values and informs about end of day and month
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $period, $value, $saveLast, $decPlaces) = @_;
my $result;
my $hiddenReadingName = ".".$dev->{NAME}.":".$readingName.$period;
my $name=$hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $statReadingName = $hash->{PREFIX};
$statReadingName .= ucfirst($readingName).$period;
my @hidden;
my @stat;
my $firstRun = not exists($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName});
if ( $firstRun ) {
# Show since-Value
$hidden[1] = 0; $hidden[3] = 0; $hidden[9] = 1;
$stat[1] = $value; $stat[3] = $value; $stat[5] = $value;
$stat[7] = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S",localtime() );
} else {
# Do calculations if hidden reading exists
@hidden = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}; # Internal values
@stat = split / /, $dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName}{VAL};
my $timeDiff = int(gettimeofday())-$hidden[7];
$hidden[1] += $hidden[5] * $timeDiff; # sum
$hidden[3] += $timeDiff; # time
if ($value < $stat[1]) { $stat[1]=$value; } # Min
if ($hidden[3]>0) {$stat[3] = $hidden[1] / $hidden[3];} # Avg
if ($value > $stat[5]) { $stat[5]=$value; } # Max
# Prepare new current reading
$result = sprintf( "Min: %.".$decPlaces."f Avg: %.".$decPlaces."f Max: %.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1], $stat[3], $stat[5]);
if ($hidden[9] == 1) { $result .= " (since: $stat[7] )"; }
# Store current reading as last reading, Reset current reading
if ($saveLast) {
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName . "Last", $result, 1);
Log3 $name, 5, "Set '".$statReadingName . "Last'='$result'";
$hidden[1] = 0; $hidden[3] = 0; $hidden[9] = 0; # No since value anymore
$result = "Min: $value Avg: $value Max: $value";
# Store current reading
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName, $result, 0);
Log3 $name, 5, "Set '$statReadingName'='$result'";
# Store single readings
my $singularReadings = AttrVal($name, "singularReadings", "");
if ($singularReadings ne "") {
# statistics_storeSingularReadings $hashName,$singleReading,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$value,$saveLast
my $statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1];
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Min",$period,$statValue,$value,$saveLast);
$statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[3];
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Avg",$period,$statValue,$value,$saveLast);
$statValue = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[5];
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Max",$period,$statValue,$value,$saveLast);
# Store hidden reading
$result = "Sum: $hidden[1] Time: $hidden[3] LastValue: ".$value." LastTime: ".int(gettimeofday())." ShowDate: $hidden[9]";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $hiddenReadingName, $result, 0);
Log3 $name, 5, "Set '$hiddenReadingName'='$result'";
# Calculates deltas for day, month and year
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticDelta ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $decPlaces, $periodSwitch) = @_;
my $dummy;
my $result;
my $showDate;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
# Get reading, cut out first number without units
my $value = $dev->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL};
$value =~ s/^[\D]*([\d.]*).*/$1/eg;
Log3 $name, 4, "Calculating delta statistics for '".$dev->{NAME}.":$readingName = $value'";
my $hiddenReadingName = ".".$dev->{NAME}.":".$readingName;
my $statReadingName = $hash->{PREFIX};
$statReadingName .= ucfirst($readingName);
my @hidden; my @stat; my @last;
my $firstRun = not exists($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName});
if ( $firstRun ) {
# Show since-Value and initialize all readings
$showDate = 8;
@stat = split / /, "Hour: 0 Day: 0 Month: 0 Year: 0";
$stat[9] = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S",localtime() );
@last = split / /, "Hour: - Day: - Month: - Year: -";
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Initializing statistic of '$hiddenReadingName'.";
} else {
# Do calculations if hidden reading exists
@stat = split / /, $dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName}{VAL};
@hidden = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}; # Internal values
$showDate = $hidden[3];
if (exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName."Last"})) {
@last = split / /, $dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName."Last"}{VAL};
} else {
@last = split / /, "Hour: - Day: - Month: - Year: -";
my $deltaValue = $value - $hidden[1];
# Do statistic
$stat[1] += $deltaValue;
$stat[3] += $deltaValue;
$stat[5] += $deltaValue;
$stat[7] += $deltaValue;
# Determine if "since" value has to be shown in current and last reading
# If change of year, change yearly statistic
if ($periodSwitch == 4 || $periodSwitch == -4) {
$last[7] = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[7];
$stat[7] = 0;
if ($showDate == 1) { $showDate = 0; } # Do not show the "since:" value for year changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 2) { $showDate = 1; $last[9] = $stat[9]; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first year change
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Shifting current year in last value of '$statReadingName'.";
# If change of month, change monthly statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 3 || $periodSwitch <= -3){
$last[5] = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[5];
$stat[5] = 0;
if ($showDate == 3) { $showDate = 2; } # Do not show the "since:" value for month changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 4) { $showDate = 3; $last[9] = $stat[9]; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first month change
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Shifting current month in last value of '$statReadingName'.";
# If change of day, change daily statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 2 || $periodSwitch <= -2){
$last[3] = $stat[3];
$stat[3] = 0;
if ($showDate == 5) { $showDate = 4; } # Do not show the "since:" value for day changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 6) { # Shows the "since:" value for the first day change
$showDate = 5;
$last[9] = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[9];
# Next monthly and yearly values start at 00:00 and show only date (no time)
$stat[5] = 0;
$stat[7] = 0;
$stat[9] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(); # start
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Shifting current day in last value of '$statReadingName'.";
# If change of hour, change hourly statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 1){
$last[1] = sprintf "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1];
$stat[1] = 0;
if ($showDate == 7) { $showDate = 6; } # Do not show the "since:" value for day changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 8) { $showDate = 7; $last[9] = $stat[9]; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first hour change
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Shifting current hour in last value of '$statReadingName'.";
# Store visible statistic readings (delta values)
$result = sprintf "Hour: %.".$decPlaces."f Day: %.".$decPlaces."f Month: %.".$decPlaces."f Year: %.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1], $stat[3], $stat[5], $stat[7];
if ( $showDate >=2 ) { $result .= " (since: $stat[9] )"; }
readingsBulkUpdate($dev,$statReadingName,$result, 1);
Log3 $name,5,"$name: Set '$statReadingName'='$result'";
# if changed, store previous visible statistic (delta) values
if ($periodSwitch >= 1) {
$result = "Hour: $last[1] Day: $last[3] Month: $last[5] Year: $last[7]";
if ( $showDate =~ /1|3|5|7/ ) { $result .= " (since: $last[9] )"; }
readingsBulkUpdate($dev,$statReadingName."Last",$result, 1);
Log3 $name,4,"$name: Set '".$statReadingName."Last'='$result'";
# Store single readings
my $singularReadings = AttrVal($name, "singularReadings", "");
if ($singularReadings ne "") {
# statistics_storeSingularReadings $hashName,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Delta","Hour",$stat[1],$last[1],$periodSwitch >= 1);
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Delta","Day",$stat[3],$last[3],$periodSwitch >= 2);
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Delta","Month",$stat[5],$last[5],$periodSwitch >= 3);
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,"Delta","Year",$stat[7],$last[7],$periodSwitch >= 4);
# Store hidden reading
$result = "LastValue: $value ShowDate: $showDate ";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $hiddenReadingName, $result, 0);
Log3 $name,5,"$name: Set '$hiddenReadingName'='$result'";
return ;
# Calculates single Duration Values and informs about end of day and month
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticDuration ($$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $periodSwitch) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
return if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
# Get reading, cut out first number without units
my $state = $dev->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL};
Log3 $name, 4, "Calculating duration statistics for '".$dev->{NAME}.":$readingName = $state'";
# Daily Statistic
statistics_doStatisticDurationSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Day", $state, ($periodSwitch >= 2);
# Monthly Statistic
statistics_doStatisticDurationSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName, "Month", $state, ($periodSwitch >= 3);
return ;
# Calculates single duration values
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticDurationSingle ($$$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $period, $state, $saveLast) = @_;
my $result;
my $hiddenReadingName = ".".$dev->{NAME}.":".$readingName.$period;
my $name=$hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $statReadingName = $hash->{PREFIX};
$statReadingName .= ucfirst($readingName).$period;
my %hidden;
my $firstRun = not exists($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName});
my $lastState = $state;
my $statValue = "00:00:00";
if ( $firstRun ) {
# Show since-Value
$hidden{"showDate:"} = 1;
$saveLast = 0;
# $stat[7] = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S",localtime() );
} else {
# Do calculations if hidden reading exists
%hidden = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}; # Internal values
$lastState = $hidden{"lastState:"};
my $timeDiff = int(gettimeofday())-$hidden{"lastTime:"};
$hidden{$lastState.":"} += $timeDiff;
$statValue = statistics_FormatDuration ($hidden{$lastState.":"});
$hidden{"lastState:"} = $state;
$hidden{"lastTime:"} = int(gettimeofday());
# Prepare new current reading, delete hidden reading if it is used again
$result = "";
while (my ($key, $duration) = each(%hidden)){
if ($key !~ /lastState:|lastTime:|showDate:/) {
if ($result ne "") {$result .= " ";}
$result .= "$key ".statistics_FormatDuration($duration);
if ($saveLast) { delete $hidden{$key}; }
if ($result eq "") {$result = "$state: 0";}
# if ($hidden[9] == 1) { $result .= " (since: $stat[7] )"; }
# Store current reading as last reading, Reset current reading
if ($saveLast) {
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName . "Last", $result, 1);
Log3 $name, 5, "Set '".$statReadingName . "Last'='$result'";
$result = "$state: 00:00:00";
$hidden{"showDate:"} = 0;
# Store current reading
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName, $result, 0);
Log3 $name, 5, "Set '$statReadingName'='$result'";
# Store single readings
my $singularReadings = AttrVal($name, "singularReadings", "");
if ($singularReadings ne "") {
# statistics_storeSingularReadings $hashName,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$value,$saveLast
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($name,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,ucfirst($lastState),$period,$statValue,0,$saveLast);
# Store hidden reading
$result = "";
while (my ($key, $duration) = each(%hidden)){
if ($result ne "") {$result .= " ";}
$result .= "$key $duration";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $hiddenReadingName, $result, 0);
Log3 $name, 5, "Set '$hiddenReadingName = $result'";
sub ####################
statistics_storeSingularReadings ($$$$$$$$$$)
my ($hashName,$singularReadings,$dev,$statReadingName,$readingName,$statType,$period,$statValue,$lastValue,$saveLast) = @_;
return if $singularReadings eq "";
if ($statType eq "Delta") { $statReadingName .= $period;}
else { $statReadingName .= $statType;}
my $devName=$dev->{NAME};
if ("$devName:$readingName:$statType:$period" =~ /^($singularReadings)$/) {
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName, $statValue, 1);
Log3 $hashName, 5, "Set ".$statReadingName." = $statValue";
if ($saveLast) {
readingsBulkUpdate($dev, $statReadingName."Last", $lastValue, 1);
Log3 $hashName, 5, "Set ".$statReadingName."Last = $lastValue";
sub ####################
statistics_getStoredDevices ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $result="";
foreach my $r (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
if ($r =~ /^\.(.*):.*/) {
my $device = $1;
my $regExp = '^'.$1.'$|^'.$1.',|,'.$1.'$|,'.$1.',';
if ($result !~ /$regExp/) {
$result.="," . $device;
return $result;
sub ########################################
my ($value) = @_;
my $returnstr ="";
if ($value > 86400) { $returnstr = sprintf "%dd ", int($value/86400); }
# Stunden
$value %= 86400;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d:", int($value/3600);
$value %= 3600;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d:", int($value/60);
$value %= 60;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d", $value;
return $returnstr;
=begin html
<a name="statistics"></a>
<ul style="width:800px">
This modul calculates for certain readings of given devices statistical values and adds them to the devices.
Until now statistics for the following readings are automatically built:
<li><b>Minimal, average and maximal values:</b> brightness, current, humidity, temperature, voltage, wind, windSpeed</li>
<li><b>Delta values:</b> count, energy, power, total, rain, rain_total</li>
<li><b>Duration of states:</b> Window, state <i>(if no other reading is valid)</i></li>
Further readings can be added via the correspondent <a href="#statisticsattr">attribut</a>.
<code>define <name> statistics <deviceNameRegExp> [Prefix]</code>
Beispiel: <code>define Statistik statistics Sensor_.*|Wettersensor</code>
Optional. Prefix set is place before statistical data. Default is <i>stat</i>
Regular expression of device names. !!! Not the device readings !!!
<ul>not implemented yet
<ul>not implemented yet
<a name="statisticsattr"></a>
<li><code>dayChangeTime <Zeit></code>
Time of day change. Default is 00:00. For weather data the day change is e.g. 06:50.
<li><code>deltaReadings <Gerätewerte></code>
Comma separated list of reading names for which a delta statistic shall be calculated.
<li><code>durationReadings <Gerätewerte></code>
Comma separated list of reading names for which a duration statistic shall be calculated.
<li><code>excludedReadings <code><DeviceRegExp:ReadingNameRegExp></code></code>
Regular expression of the readings that shall be excluded from the statistics.<br>
The reading have to be entered in the form <i>deviceName:readingName</i>. E.g. "FritzDect:current|Sensor_.*:humidity"
<li><code>minAvgMaxReadings <Gerätewerte></code>
Comma separated list of reading names for which a min/average/max statistic shall be calculated.
<li><code>periodChangePreset <Sekunden></code>
Start of the calculation of periodical data, default is 5 Sekunden before each full hour,
Allows the correct timely assignment within plots, can be adapted to the cpu load.
<li><code>singularReadings <DeviceRegExp:ReadingRegExp>:statTypes<i>(Min|Avg|Max|Delta)</i>:period<i>(Hour|Day|Month|Year)</i></code>
Regulare expression of statistic values, which shall not be shown in summary but also in singular readings. Eases the creation of plots.
z.B. <code>Wettersensor:rain:Delta:(Hour|Day))|(FritzDect:(current|power):(Avg|Max|Delta):(Hour|Day)</code>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="statistics"></a>
<ul style="width:800px">
Dieses Modul wertet von den angegebenen Geräten (als regulärer Ausdruck) bestimmte Werte statistisch aus und fügt das Ergebnis den jeweiligen Geräten als neue Werte hinzu.
Derzeit werden Statistiken für folgende Gerätewerte vom Modul automatisch berechnet:
<li><b>Minimal-, Mittel- und Maximalwerte:</b> brightness, current, humidity, temperature, voltage, wind, windSpeed</li>
<li><b>Deltawerte:</b> count, energy, power, total, rain, rain_total</li>
<li><b>Dauer der Stati:</b> Window, state <i>(wenn kein anderer Gerätewert gültig)</i></li>
Weitere Gerätewerte können über die entsprechenden <a href="#statisticsattr">Attribute</a> hinzugefügt werden
<code>define <Name> statistics <GeräteNameRegExp> [Prefix]</code>
Beispiel: <code>define Statistik statistics Sensor_.*|Wettersensor</code>
Regulärer Ausdruck für den Gerätenamen. !!! Nicht die Gerätewerte !!!
Optional. Der Prefix wird vor den Namen der statistischen Gerätewerte gesetzt. Standardmässig <i>stat</i>
<li><code>resetStatistics <All|Gerätename></code>
Setzt die Statistiken der ausgewählten Geräte zurück
<ul>nicht implementiert
<a name="statisticsattr"></a>
<li><code>dayChangeTime <Zeit></code>
Uhrzeit des Tageswechsels. Standardmässig 00:00. Bei Wetterdaten erfolgt der Tageswechsel z.B. 6:50.
<li><code>deltaReadings <Gerätewerte></code>
Durch Kommas getrennte Liste von Gerätewerten
<li><code>durationReadings <Gerätewerte></code>
Durch Kommas getrennte Liste von Gerätewerten
<li><code>excludedReadings <GerätenameRegExp:GerätewertRegExp></code>
regulärer Ausdruck der Gerätewerte die nicht ausgewertet werden sollen.
z.B. "FritzDect:current|Sensor_.*:humidity"
<li><code>minAvgMaxReadings <Gerätewerte></code>
Durch Kommas getrennte Liste von Gerätewerten
<li><code>periodChangePreset <Sekunden></code>
Start der Berechnung der periodischen Daten, standardmässig 5 Sekunden vor der vollen Stunde,
Erlaubt die korrekte zeitliche Zuordnung in Plots, kann je nach Systemauslastung verringert oder vergrößert werden
<li><code>singularReadings <GerätenameRegExp:GerätewertRegExp>:Statistiktypen<i>(Min|Avg|Max|Delta)</i>:ZeitPeriode<i>(Hour|Day|Month|Year)</i></code>
Regulärer Ausdruck statistischer Werte, die nicht nur in zusammengefassten sondern auch als einzelne Werte gespeichert werden sollen.
Erleichtert die Erzeugung von Plots.
z.B. <code>Wettersensor:rain:Delta:(Hour|Day))|(FritzDect:(current|power):(Avg|Max|Delta):(Hour|Day)</code>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a>
=end html_DE
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