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# $Id$
# v3.2-dev
# The file is taken from the FHEMduino project and modified in serval ways for processing the incomming messages
# see http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/SIGNALDuino
# It was modified also to provide support for raw message handling which it's send from the SIGNALduino
# The purpos is to use it as addition to the SIGNALduino which runs on an arduno nano or arduino uno.
# It routes Messages serval Modules which are already integrated in FHEM. But there are also modules which comes with it.
# N. Butzek, S. Butzek, 2014-2015
# S.Butzek 2016
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
#use POSIX qw( floor); # can be removed
#use Math::Round qw();
sub SIGNALduino_Attr(@);
sub SIGNALduino_Clear($);
#sub SIGNALduino_HandleCurRequest($$);
#sub SIGNALduino_HandleWriteQueue($);
sub SIGNALduino_Parse($$$$@);
sub SIGNALduino_Read($);
sub SIGNALduino_ReadAnswer($$$$);
sub SIGNALduino_Ready($);
sub SIGNALduino_Write($$$);
sub SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite(@);
#my $debug=0;
my %gets = ( # Name, Data to send to the SIGNALduino, Regexp for the answer
"version" => ["V", '^V\s.*SIGNALduino.*'],
"freeram" => ["R", '^[0-9]+'],
"raw" => ["", '.*'],
"uptime" => ["t", '^[0-9]+' ],
"cmds" => ["?", '.*Use one of[ 0-9A-Za-z]+[\r\n]*$' ],
"ITParms" => ["ip",'.*'],
"ping" => ["P",'OK\r\n'],
"config" => ["CG",'^MS.*MU.*MC.*\r\n'],
# "ITClock" => ["ic", '\d+'],
# "FAParms" => ["fp", '.*' ],
# "TCParms" => ["dp", '.*' ],
# "HXParms" => ["hp", '.*' ]
my %sets = (
"raw" => '',
"flash" => '',
"reset" => 'noArg',
#"disablereceiver" => "",
"ITClock" => 'slider,100,20,700',
"enableMessagetype" => 'syncedMS,unsyncedMU,manchesterMC',
"disableMessagetype" => 'syncedMS,unsyncedMU,manchesterMC',
'sendMsg' => "",
## Supported Clients per default
my $clientsSIGNALduino = ":IT:"
# ."SIGNALduino_RSL:"
# ."SD_AS:"
# ."SD_WS:"
## default regex match List for dispatching message to logical modules, can be updated during runtime because it is referenced
my %matchListSIGNALduino = (
"1:IT" => "^i......", # Intertechno Format
"2:CUL_TCM97001" => "^s[A-Fa-f0-9]+", # Any hex string beginning with s
# "3:SIGNALduino_RSL" => "^r[A-Fa-f0-9]+", # Any hex string beginning with r
"5:CUL_TX" => "^TX..........", # Need TX to avoid FHTTK
# "6:SD_AS" => "^P2#[A-Fa-f0-9]{7,8}", # Arduino based Sensors, should not be default
"4:OREGON" => "^(3[8-9A-F]|[4-6][0-9A-F]|7[0-8]).*",
"7:Hideki" => "^P12#75[A-F0-9]+",
"10:SD_WS07" => "^P7#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}F[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}",
"11:SD_WS09" => "^P9#[A-Fa-f0-9]+",
# "12:SD_WS" => '^W\d+#.*',
"13:RFXX10REC" => '^(20|29)[A-Fa-f0-9]+',
"X:SIGNALduino_un" => '^[uP]\d+#.*',
my %ProtocolListSIGNALduino = (
"0" =>
name => 'weather1', # Logilink, NC, WS, TCM97001 etc.
id => '0',
one => [1,-8],
zero => [1,-4],
sync => [1,-18],
clockabs => '500', # not used now
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 's', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '00', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => 'CUL_TCM97001', # not used now
#modulematch => '^s[A-Fa-f0-9]+', # not used now
length_min => '24',
length_max => '40',
paddingbits => '8', # pad up to 8 bits, default is 4
"1" =>
name => 'ConradRSL', #
id => '1',
one => [2,-1],
zero => [1,-2],
sync => [1,-11],
clockabs => '560', # not used now
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 'r', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => 'SIGNALduino_RSL', # not used now
#modulematch => '^r[A-Fa-f0-9]+', # not used now
length_min => '12',
"2" =>
name => 'AS', # Self build arduino sensor
id => '2',
one => [1,-2],
zero => [1,-1],
sync => [1,-20],
clockabs => '500', # not used now
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P2#', # prepend to converted message
clientmodule => 'SD_AS', # not used now
modulematch => '^P2#.{7,8}',
length_min => '32',
length_max => '34', # Don't know maximal lenth of a valid message
paddingbits => '8', # pad up to 8 bits, default is 4
"3" =>
name => 'itv1',
id => '3',
one => [3,-1],
zero => [1,-3],
#float => [-1,3], # not full supported now later use
sync => [1,-31],
clockabs => -1, # -1=auto
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 'i',
clientmodule => 'IT', # not used now
modulematch => '^i......', # not used now
length_min => '24',
#length_max => '800', # Don't know maximal lenth of a valid message
"4" =>
name => 'arctech2',
id => '4',
#one => [1,-5,1,-1],
#zero => [1,-1,1,-5],
one => [1,-5],
zero => [1,-1],
#float => [-1,3], # not full supported now, for later use
sync => [1,-14],
clockabs => -1, # -1 = auto
format => 'twostate', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
preamble => 'i', # Append to converted message
postamble => '00', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => 'IT', # not used now
modulematch => '^i......', # not used now
length_min => '32',
#length_max => '76', # Don't know maximal lenth of a valid message
"5" => ## Similar protocol as intertechno, but without sync
name => 'unitec6899',
id => '5',
one => [3,-1],
zero => [1,-3],
clockabs => 500, # -1 = auto
format => 'twostate', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
preamble => 'p5#', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => 'IT', # not used now
modulematch => '^i......', # not used now
length_min => '24',
"6" => ## Eurochron Protocol
name => 'weatherID6',
id => '6',
one => [1,-10],
zero => [1,-5],
sync => [1,-36], # This special device has no sync
clockabs => 220, # -1 = auto
format => 'twostate', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
preamble => 'u6#', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => 'undef', # not used now
#modulematch => '^u......', # not used now
length_min => '24',
"7" => ## weather sensors like EAS800z
name => 'weatherID7',
id => '7',
one => [1,-4],
zero => [1,-2],
sync => [1,-8],
clockabs => 484,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P7#', # prepend to converted message
clientmodule => 'undef', # not used now
modulematch => '^P7#.{6}F.{2}', # not used now
length_min => '35',
length_max => '40',
"8" => ## TX3 (ITTX) Protocol
name => 'TX3 Protocol',
id => '8',
one => [1,-2],
zero => [2,-2],
#sync => [1,-8], #
clockabs => 470, #
format => 'pwm', #
preamble => 'TX', # prepend to converted message
clientmodule => 'ittx', # not used now
modulematch => '^TX......', # not used now
length_min => '43',
length_max => '44',
remove_zero => 1, # Removes leading zeros from output
"9" => ## Funk Wetterstation CTW600
name => 'CTW 600',
id => '9',
zero => [3,-2],
one => [1,-2],
#float => [-1,3], # not full supported now, for later use
#sync => [1,-8], #
clockabs => 480, # -1 = auto undef=noclock
format => 'pwm', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
preamble => 'P9#', # prepend to converted message
clientmodule => 'undef', # not used now
#modulematch => '^u9#.....', # not used now
length_min => '70',
length_max => '120',
"10" => ## Oregon Scientific 2
name => 'OSV2o3',
id => '10',
clockrange => [300,520], # min , max
format => 'manchester', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
modulematch => '^(3[8-9A-F]|[4-6][0-9A-F]|7[0-8]).*',
length_min => '64',
length_max => '220',
method => \&SIGNALduino_OSV2 # Call to process this message
"11" => ## Arduino Sensor
name => 'AS',
id => '11',
clockrange => [380,425], # min , max
format => 'manchester', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
preamble => 'P2#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '14_SD_AS', # not used now
modulematch => '^P2#.{7,8}',
length_min => '52',
length_max => '56',
method => \&SIGNALduino_AS # Call to process this message
"12" => ## hideki
name => 'Hideki protocol',
id => '12',
clockrange => [420,510], # min, max better for Bresser Sensors, OK for hideki/Hideki/TFA too
format => 'manchester',
preamble => 'P12#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '14_hideki', # not used now
modulematch => '^P12#75.+', # not used now
length_min => '72',
length_max => '104',
method => \&SIGNALduino_Hideki # Call to process this message
"13" => ## FA21RF
name => '21RF',
id => '13',
one => [1,-2],
zero => [1,-4],
sync => [10,-1],
clockabs => 800,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u13#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '20',
length_max => '40',
"14" => ## Heidemann HX
name => 'Heidemann HX',
id => '14',
one => [1,-2],
zero => [1,-1],
#float => [-1,3], # not full supported now, for later use
sync => [1,-14], #
clockabs => 350,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u14#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '10',
length_max => '20',
"15" => ## TCM234759
name => 'TCM Bell',
id => '15',
one => [1,-1],
zero => [1,-2],
sync => [1,-45], #
clockabs => 700,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u15#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '10',
length_max => '20',
#method => \&SIGNALduino_Cresta # Call to process this message
"16" => # Rohrmotor24 und andere Funk Rolladen / Markisen Motoren
name => 'Dooya shutter',
id => '16',
one => [2,-1],
zero => [1,-2],
start => [16,-5],
clockabs => 300,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u16#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '40',
length_max => '40',
"17" =>
name => 'arctech',
id => '17',
one => [1,-5,1,-1],
zero => [1,-1,1,-5],
#one => [1,-5],
#zero => [1,-1],
sync => [1,-10],
clockabs => -1, # -1 = auto
format => 'twostate', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
preamble => 'i', # Append to converted message
postamble => '00', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => 'IT', # not used now
modulematch => '^i......', # not used now
length_min => '32',
#length_max => '76', # Don't know maximal lenth of a valid message
postDemodulation => \&SIGNALduino_bit2Arctec,
"18" => ## Oregon Scientific v1
name => 'OSV1',
id => '18',
clockrange => [1550,1650], # min , max
format => 'manchester', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
#preamble => '', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => 'to be written', # not used now
modulematch => '^(3[8-9A-F]|[4-6][0-9A-F]|7[0-8]).*',
length_min => '8',
length_max => '8',
method => \&SIGNALduino_OSV1 # Call to process this message
#"19" => # nothing knowing about this 2015-09-28 01:25:40-MS;P0=-8916;P1=-19904;P2=390;P3=-535;P4=-1020;P5=12846;P6=1371;D=2120232323232324242423232323232323232320239;CP=2;SP=1;
# {
# name => 'unknown19',
# id => '19',
# one => [1,-2],
# zero => [1,-1],
# sync => [1,-50,1,-22],
# clockabs => 395,
# format => 'twostate',
# preamble => 'u19#', # prepend to converted message
# #clientmodule => '', # not used now
# #modulematch => '', # not used now
# length_min => '16',
# length_max => '32',
# },
"20" => #Livolo
name => 'livolo',
id => '20',
one => [3],
zero => [1],
start => [5],
clockabs => 110, #can be 90-140
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u20#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '16',
filterfunc => 'SIGNALduino_filterSign',
"21" => #Einhell Garagentor
name => 'einhell garagedoor',
id => '21',
one => [-3,1],
zero => [-1,3],
#sync => [-50,1],
start => [-50,1],
clockabs => 400, #ca 400us
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u21#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '32',
length_max => '32',
paddingbits => '1', # This will disable padding
"22" => #TX-EZ6 / Meteo
name => 'TX-EZ6',
id => '22',
one => [1,-8],
zero => [1,-3],
sync => [1,16],
clockabs => 500, #ca 400us
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u22#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '40',
#length_max => '', # must be tested
"23" => # Pearl Sensor
name => 'perl unknown',
id => '23',
one => [1,-6],
zero => [1,-1],
sync => [1,-50],
clockabs => 200, #ca 200us
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u23#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '36',
length_max => '44',
"24" => # visivon
name => 'visivon remote',
id => '24',
one => [3,-2],
zero => [1,-5],
#one => [3,-2],
#zero => [1,-1],
start => [30,-5],
clockabs => 150, #ca 150us
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u24#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '54',
length_max => '58',
"25" => # LES remote for led lamp
name => 'les led remote',
id => '25',
one => [-2,1],
zero => [-1,2],
sync => [-46,1], # this is a end marker, but we use this as a start marker
clockabs => 350, #ca 350us
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u25#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '24',
length_max => '50', # message has only 24 bit, but we get more than one message, calculation has to be corrected
"26" => # some remote code send by flamingo style remote controls
name => 'remote26',
id => '26',
one => [1,-3],
zero => [3,-1],
# sync => [1,-6], # Message is not provided as MS, due to small fact
start => [1,-6], # Message is not provided as MS, due to small fact
clockabs => 380, #ca 380
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u26#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24', # message has only 24 bit, but we get more than one message, calculation has to be corrected
"27" => # some remote code, send by flamingo style remote controls
name => 'remote27',
id => '27',
one => [1,-2],
zero => [2,-1],
start => [6,-15], # Message is not provided as MS, worakround is start
clockabs => 480, #ca 480
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u27#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24',
"28" => # some remote code, send by aldi IC Ledspots
name => 'IC Ledspot',
id => '28',
one => [1,-1],
zero => [1,-2],
start => [4,-5],
clockabs => 600, #ca 600
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u28#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '8',
length_max => '8',
"29" => #
name => 'HT12e remote',
id => '29',
one => [-2,1],
zero => [-1,2],
#float => [1,-1],
start => [-38,1], # Message is not provided as MS, worakround is start
clockabs => 220, #ca 220
format => 'tristate', # there is a pause puls between words
preamble => 'u29#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '10',
length_max => '12', # message has only 10 bit but is paddet to 12
"30" => # a unitec remote door reed switch
name => 'unitec47031',
id => '30',
one => [-1,2],
zero => [-2,1],
start => [-33,1], # Message is not provided as MS, worakround is start
clockabs => 300, # ca 300 us
format => 'twostate', # there is a pause puls between words
preamble => 'u30#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '12',
length_max => '12', # message has only 10 bit but is paddet to 12
"31" => # Pollin Isotronic
name => 'pollin isotronic',
id => '31',
one => [-1,2],
zero => [-2,1],
start => [1],
clockabs => 600,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u31#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '20',
length_max => '20',
"32" => #FreeTec PE-6946 -> http://www.free-tec.de/Funkklingel-mit-Voic-PE-6946-919.shtml
name => 'freetec 6946',
id => '32',
one => [4,-2],
zero => [1,-5],
sync => [1,-49],
clockabs => 140, #ca 140us
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u32#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24',
"33" => #Thermo-/Hygrosensor S014
name => 'weather33', #
id => '33',
one => [1,-8],
zero => [1,-4],
sync => [1,-15],
clockabs => '500', # not used now
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 'u33#', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '42',
length_max => '44',
"34" =>
name => 'unknown34',
id => '34',
one => [2,-1],
zero => [1,-2],
start => [3,-3,3,-3,3,-3,3,-3],
clockabs => '240',
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 'u34#', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '40',
length_max => '40',
"35" =>
name => 'socket35',
id => '35',
one => [1,-4],
zero => [4,-1],
sync => [1,-19],
clockabs => '280',
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 'u35#', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '28',
length_max => '32',
"36" =>
name => 'socket36',
id => '36',
one => [1,-3],
zero => [1,-1],
start => [20,-20],
clockabs => '500',
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 'u36#', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24',
"37" =>
name => 'weather37',
id => '37',
one => [2,-1],
zero => [1,-2],
start => [3,-3,3,-3],
clockabs => '230',
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 'W37#', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => '', # not used now
#modulematch => '', # not used now
length_min => '40',
length_max => '44',
"38" =>
name => 'weather38',
id => '38',
one => [1,-10],
zero => [1,-5],
sync => [1,-25],
clockabs => '360', # not used now
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 's', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '00', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => 'CUL_TCM97001', # not used now
#modulematch => '^s[A-Fa-f0-9]+', # not used now
length_min => '32',
length_max => '32',
paddingbits => '8',
"39" => ## X10 Protocol
name => 'X10 Protocol',
id => '39',
one => [1,-3],
zero => [1,-1],
start => [16,-4],
clockabs => 650,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => '', # prepend to converted message
clientmodule => 'RFXX10REC', # not used now
#modulematch => '^TX......', # not used now
length_min => '38',
length_max => '44',
paddingbits => '8',
postDemodulation => \&SIGNALduino_lengtnPrefix,
filterfunc => 'SIGNALduino_compPattern',
my ($hash) = @_;
require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm";
# Provider
$hash->{ReadFn} = "SIGNALduino_Read";
$hash->{WriteFn} = "SIGNALduino_Write";
$hash->{ReadyFn} = "SIGNALduino_Ready";
# Normal devices
$hash->{DefFn} = "SIGNALduino_Define";
$hash->{FingerprintFn} = "SIGNALduino_FingerprintFn";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SIGNALduino_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "SIGNALduino_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "SIGNALduino_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SIGNALduino_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"Clients MatchList do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0"
." hexFile"
." initCommands"
." flashCommand"
." hardware:nano328,uno,promini328"
." debug:0,1"
." longids:0,1"
." minsecs"
." whitelist_IDs"
." $readingFnAttributes";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "SIGNALduino_Shutdown";
my ($name, $msg) = @_;
# Store only the "relevant" part, as the Signalduino won't compute the checksum
#$msg = substr($msg, 8) if($msg =~ m/^81/ && length($msg) > 8);
return ($name, $msg);
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
if(@a != 3) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> SIGNALduino {none | devicename[\@baudrate] | devicename\@directio | hostname:port}";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
my $name = $a[0];
if (!exists &round)
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Signalduino can't be activated (sub round not found). Please update Fhem via update command";
return undef;
my $dev = $a[2];
#Debug "dev: $dev" if ($debug);
#my $hardware=AttrVal($name,"hardware","nano328");
#Debug "hardware: $hardware" if ($debug);
if($dev eq "none") {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: device is none, commands will be echoed only";
$attr{$name}{dummy} = 1;
#return undef;
if ($dev ne "none" && $dev =~ m/[a-zA-Z]/ && $dev !~ m/\@/) { # bei einer IP wird kein \@57600 angehaengt
$dev .= "\@57600";
$hash->{CMDS} = "";
$hash->{Clients} = $clientsSIGNALduino;
$hash->{MatchList} = \%matchListSIGNALduino;
#if( !defined( $attr{$name}{hardware} ) ) {
# $attr{$name}{hardware} = "nano328";
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{flashCommand} ) ) {
# $attr{$name}{flashCommand} = "avrdude -p atmega328P -c arduino -P [PORT] -D -U flash:w:[HEXFILE] 2>[LOGFILE]"
$attr{$name}{flashCommand} = "avrdude -c arduino -b 57600 -P [PORT] -p atmega328p -vv -U flash:w:[HEXFILE] 2>[LOGFILE]"
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
my $ret=undef;
my $whitelistIDs = AttrVal($name,"whitelist_IDs","");
SIGNALduino_IdList($hash ,$name, $whitelistIDs);
if($dev ne "none") {
$ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "SIGNALduino_DoInit");
if ($hash->{INACTIVE}==1){
return $ret ;
$hash->{Interval} = "300";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{Interval}, "SIGNALduino_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Firmwareversion: ".$hash->{READINGS}{Version}{VAL} if ($hash->{READINGS}{Version}{VAL});
return $ret;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if(defined($defs{$d}) &&
defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) &&
$defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash)
my $lev = ($reread_active ? 4 : 2);
Log3 $name, $lev, "$name: deleting port for $d";
delete $defs{$d}{IODev};
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, "X00"); # Switch reception off, it may hang up the SIGNALduino
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "\"set SIGNALduino\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 2);
if (!defined($sets{$a[1]})) {
my $arguments = ' ';
foreach my $arg (sort keys %sets) {
$arguments.= $arg . ($sets{$arg} ? (':' . $sets{$arg}) : '') . ' ';
#Log3 $hash, 3, "set arg = $arguments";
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . $arguments;
my $name = shift @a;
my $cmd = shift @a;
my $arg = join(" ", @a);
if($cmd eq "raw") {
Log3 $name, 4, "set $name $cmd $arg";
SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $arg);
} elsif( $cmd eq "flash" ) {
my @args = split(' ', $arg);
my $log = "";
my $hexFile = "";
my @deviceName = split('@', $hash->{DeviceName});
my $port = $deviceName[0];
my $hardware=AttrVal($name,"hardware","nano328");
my $defaultHexFile = "./FHEM/firmware/$hash->{TYPE}_$hardware.hex";
my $logFile = AttrVal("global", "logdir", "./log/") . "$hash->{TYPE}-Flash.log";
if(!$arg || $args[0] !~ m/^(\w|\/|.)+$/) {
$hexFile = AttrVal($name, "hexFile", "");
if ($hexFile eq "") {
$hexFile = $defaultHexFile;
else {
$hexFile = $args[0];
return "Usage: set $name flash [filename]\n\nor use the hexFile attribute" if($hexFile !~ m/^(\w|\/|.)+$/);
$log .= "flashing Arduino $name\n";
$log .= "hex file: $hexFile\n";
$log .= "port: $port\n";
$log .= "log file: $logFile\n";
my $flashCommand = AttrVal($name, "flashCommand", "");
if($flashCommand ne "") {
if (-e $logFile) {
unlink $logFile;
$hash->{STATE} = "disconnected";
$log .= "$name closed\n";
my $avrdude = $flashCommand;
$avrdude =~ s/\Q[PORT]\E/$port/g;
$avrdude =~ s/\Q[HEXFILE]\E/$hexFile/g;
$avrdude =~ s/\Q[LOGFILE]\E/$logFile/g;
$log .= "command: $avrdude\n\n";
local $/=undef;
if (-e $logFile) {
open FILE, $logFile;
my $logText = <FILE>;
close FILE;
$log .= "--- AVRDUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$log .= $logText;
$log .= "--- AVRDUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
else {
$log .= "WARNING: avrdude created no log file\n\n";
else {
$log .= "\n\nNo flashCommand found. Please define this attribute.\n\n";
DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "SIGNALduino_DoInit");
$log .= "$name opened\n";
return $log;
} elsif ($cmd =~ m/reset/i) {
return SIGNALduino_ResetDevice($hash);
} elsif( $cmd eq "ITClock" ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "set $name $cmd $arg";
my $clock = shift @a;
$clock=250 if ($clock eq "" );
return "argument $arg is not numeric" if($clock !~ /^\d+$/);
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Setting ITClock to $clock (sending $arg)";
SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $arg);
SIGNALduino_ReadAnswer($hash, "ITClock", 0, $arg); ## Receive the transmitted message
} elsif( $cmd eq "disableMessagetype" ) {
my $argm = 'CD' . substr($arg,-1,1);
SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $argm);
Log3 $name, 4, "set $name $cmd $arg $argm";;
} elsif( $cmd eq "enableMessagetype" ) {
my $argm = 'CE' . substr($arg,-1,1);
SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $argm);
Log3 $name, 4, "set $name $cmd $arg $argm";
} elsif( $cmd eq "sendMsg" ) {
my ($protocol,$data,$repeats) = split("#",$arg);
$protocol=~ s/[Pp](\d+)/$1/; # extract protocol num
$repeats=~ s/[rR](\d+)/$1/; # extract repeat num
$repeats=1 if ($repeats eq "");
return "$name: sendmsg, unknown protocol: $protocol" if (!exists($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$protocol}));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: sendmsg Preparing rawsend command for protocol=$protocol, repeats=$repeats, bits=$data";
#print ("data = $data \n");
#print ("protocol = $protocol \n");
#print ("repeats = $repeats \n");
my %signalHash;
my %patternHash;
my $pattern="";
my $cnt=0;
my $clock=$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$protocol}{clockabs} > 1 ?$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$protocol}{clockabs}:$hash->{ITClock};
foreach my $item (qw(sync start one zero))
#print ("item= $item \n");
next if (!exists($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$protocol}{$item}));
foreach my $p (@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$protocol}{$item}})
#print (" p = $p \n");
if (!exists($patternHash{$p}))
#print (" signalHash{$item} = $signalHash{$item} \n");
my @bits = split("", $data);
my %bitconv = (1=>"one", 0=>"zero");
my $SignalData="D=";
$SignalData.=$signalHash{sync} if (exists($signalHash{sync}));
$SignalData.=$signalHash{start} if (exists($signalHash{start}));
foreach my $bit (@bits)
next if (!exists($bitconv{$bit}));
#Log3 $name, 5, "encoding $bit";
$SignalData.=$signalHash{$bitconv{$bit}}; ## Add the signal to our data string
my $sendData = "SR;R=$repeats;$pattern$SignalData;";
SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $sendData);
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: sending via SendMsg: $sendData";
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "set $name $cmd $arg";
#SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $arg);
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ".$hash->{CMDS};
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "$name is not active, may firmware is not suppoted, please flash" if (exists($hash->{INACTIVE}) && $hash->{INACTIVE}==1);
#my $name = $a[0];
Log3 $name, 5, "\"get $type\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 2);
return "\"get $type\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 2);
if(!defined($gets{$a[1]})) {
my @cList = map { $_ =~ m/^(file|raw)$/ ? $_ : "$_:noArg" } sort keys %gets;
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . join(" ", @cList);
my $arg = ($a[2] ? $a[2] : "");
return "no command to send, get aborted." if (length($gets{$a[1]}[0]) == 0 && length($arg) == 0);
my ($msg, $err);
if (IsDummy($name))
if ($arg =~ /^M[CSU];.*/)
$arg="\002$arg\003"; ## Add start end end marker if not already there
Log3 $name, 5, "$name/msg adding start and endmarker to message";
if ($arg =~ /^\002.*\003$/)
Log3 $name, 4, "$name/msg get raw: $arg";
return SIGNALduino_Parse($hash, $hash, $hash->{NAME}, $arg);
return "No $a[1] for dummies" if(IsDummy($name));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: command for gets: " . $gets{$a[1]}[0] . " " . $arg;
if ($a[1] eq "raw")
# Dirty hack to check and modify direct communication from logical modules with hardware
if ($arg =~ /^is.*/ && length($arg) == 34)
# Arctec protocol
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: calling set :sendmsg P17;R6#".substr($arg,2);
return "$a[0] $a[1] => $arg";
SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $gets{$a[1]}[0] . $arg);
($err, $msg) = SIGNALduino_ReadAnswer($hash, $a[1], 0, $gets{$a[1]}[1]);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: received message for gets: " . $msg if ($msg);
if(!defined($msg)) {
$msg = "No answer";
} elsif($a[1] eq "cmds") { # nice it up
$msg =~ s/.*Use one of//g;
} elsif($a[1] eq "uptime") { # decode it
$msg =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
#$msg = hex($msg); # /125; only for col or coc
$msg = sprintf("%d %02d:%02d:%02d", $msg/86400, ($msg%86400)/3600, ($msg%3600)/60, $msg%60);
$msg =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
#$hash->{READINGS}{$a[1]}{VAL} = $msg;
#$hash->{READINGS}{$a[1]}{TIME} = time();
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $a[1], $msg, 0);
return "$a[0] $a[1] => $msg";
my $hash = shift;
# Clear the pipe
$hash->{RA_Timeout} = 0.1;
for(;;) {
my ($err, undef) = SIGNALduino_ReadAnswer($hash, "Clear", 0, undef);
last if($err && $err =~ m/^Timeout/);
my ($hash) = @_;
my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "SIGNALduino_DoInit");
return $ret;
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $err;
my $msg = undef;
my ($ver, $try) = ("", 0);
#Dirty hack to allow initialisation of DirectIO Device for some debugging and tesing
Log3 $hash, 1, "define: ".$hash->{DEF};
undef($hash->{INACTIVE}) if exists($hash->{INACTIVE});
if (($hash->{DEF} !~ m/\@DirectIO/) and ($hash->{DEF} !~ m/none/) )
Log3 $hash, 1, "init: ".$hash->{DEF};
# Try to get version from Arduino
while ($try++ < 3 && $ver !~ m/^V/) {
SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, "V");
($err, $ver) = SIGNALduino_ReadAnswer($hash, "Version", 0, undef);
return "$name: $err" if($err && ($err !~ m/Timeout/ || $try == 3));
$ver = "" if(!$ver);
# Check received string
if($ver !~ m/SIGNALduino/) {
#$attr{$name}{dummy} = 1; ## Todo: Do not alter attribues, they belong to the user
$msg = "$name: Not an SIGNALduino device, setting attribute dummy=1 got for V: $ver";
Log3 $hash, 1, $msg;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "no SIGNALduino found", 1);
return $msg;
elsif($ver =~ m/3.1./) {
#$attr{$name}{dummy} = 1;
$msg = "$name: Version of your arduino is not compatible, pleas flash new firmware. (setting device to inactive) Got for V: $ver";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "unsupported firmware found", 1);
Log3 $hash, 1, $msg;
return $msg;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "Version", $ver, 0);
#$hash->{VERSION} = $ver;
$ver =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
#$debug = AttrVal($name, "verbose", 3) == 5;
#Log3 $name, 3, "$name: setting debug to: " . $debug;
# Cmd-String feststellen
my $cmds = SIGNALduino_Get($hash, $name, "cmds", 0);
$cmds =~ s/$name cmds =>//g;
$cmds =~ s/ //g;
$hash->{CMDS} = $cmds;
Log3 $hash, 3, "$name: Possible commands: " . $hash->{CMDS};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "Programming", 1);
# if( my $initCommandsString = AttrVal($name, "initCommands", undef) ) {
# my @initCommands = split(' ', $initCommandsString);
# foreach my $command (@initCommands) {
# SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $command);
# }
# }
# $hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "Initialized", 1);
# Reset the counter
return undef;
# This is a direct read for commands like get
# Anydata is used by read file to get the filesize
my ($hash, $arg, $anydata, $regexp) = @_;
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
while($hash->{TYPE} eq "SIGNALduino_RFR") { # Look for the first "real" SIGNALduino
$hash = $hash->{IODev};
return ("No FD", undef)
if(!$hash || ($^O !~ /Win/ && !defined($hash->{FD})));
my ($mSIGNALduinodata, $rin) = ("", '');
my $buf;
my $idx;
my $cut = 0;
my $to = 3; # 3 seconds timeout
$to = $hash->{RA_Timeout} if($hash->{RA_Timeout}); # ...or less
for(;;) {
if($^O =~ m/Win/ && $hash->{USBDev}) {
$hash->{USBDev}->read_const_time($to*1000); # set timeout (ms)
# Read anstatt input sonst funzt read_const_time nicht.
$buf = $hash->{USBDev}->read(999);
return ("Timeout reading answer for get $arg", undef)
if(length($buf) == 0);
} else {
return ("Device lost when reading answer for get $arg", undef)
vec($rin, $hash->{FD}, 1) = 1;
my $nfound = select($rin, undef, undef, $to);
if($nfound < 0) {
next if ($! == EAGAIN() || $! == EINTR() || $! == 0);
my $err = $!;
return("SIGNALduino_ReadAnswer $arg: $err", undef);
return ("Timeout reading answer for get $arg", undef)
if($nfound == 0);
$buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
return ("No data", undef) if(!defined($buf));
if($buf) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "$name/RAW (ReadAnswer): $buf";
$mSIGNALduinodata .= $buf;
$mSIGNALduinodata = SIGNALduino_RFR_DelPrefix($mSIGNALduinodata) if($type eq "SIGNALduino_RFR");
$idx = index($mSIGNALduinodata,"\003\n");
if($idx != -1) {
$cut = 1;
if($mSIGNALduinodata =~ m/\002.*\003\n/) { # vollstaendige Signal Nachricht
Log3 $name, 4, "$name/RAW (ReadAnswerCut002003): $mSIGNALduinodata";
#if(defined($regexp)) { # kein parse wenn von doInit aufgerufen
SIGNALduino_Parse($hash, $hash, $name, $mSIGNALduinodata);
$mSIGNALduinodata =~ s/\002.*\003\n//;
} else { # Signal Nachricht ohne Anfang
Log3 $name, 4, "$name/RAW (ReadAnswerCut003 $idx): $mSIGNALduinodata";
$mSIGNALduinodata = substr($mSIGNALduinodata, $idx+2);
Log3 $name, 4, "$name/RAW (ReadAnswerCutDone " . length($mSIGNALduinodata) . "): $mSIGNALduinodata";
# \n\n is socat special
if($mSIGNALduinodata =~ m/\r\n$/ || $anydata || $mSIGNALduinodata =~ m/\n\n$/ ) {
if(!defined($regexp) || $mSIGNALduinodata =~ m/$regexp/) {
if ($cut == 1) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name/RAW (ReadAnswerCut): $mSIGNALduinodata";
return (undef, $mSIGNALduinodata)
# Check if the 1% limit is reached and trigger notifies
my ($hash,$fn) = @_;
my $now = time();
if(!$hash->{XMIT_TIME}) {
$hash->{XMIT_TIME}[0] = $now;
$hash->{NR_CMD_LAST_H} = 1;
my $nowM1h = $now-3600;
my @b = grep { $_ > $nowM1h } @{$hash->{XMIT_TIME}};
if(@b > 163) { # Maximum nr of transmissions per hour (unconfirmed).
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
} else {
push(@b, $now);
$hash->{XMIT_TIME} = \@b;
$hash->{NR_CMD_LAST_H} = int(@b);
my ($hash,$fn,$msg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: sending $fn$msg";
my $bstring = "$fn$msg";
SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $bstring);
# my ($hash, $bstring) = @_;
# my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# if($bstring ne "") {
# SIGNALduino_XmitLimitCheck($hash,$bstring);
# SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite($hash, $bstring);
# }
# Write the next buffer not earlier than 0.23 seconds
# = 3* (12*0.8+1.2+1.0*5*9+0.8+10) = 226.8ms
# else it will be sent too early by the SIGNALduino, resulting in a collision
# InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.3, "SIGNALduino_HandleWriteQueue", $hash, 1);
# my $hash = shift;
# my $arr = $hash->{QUEUE};
# if(defined($arr) && @{$arr} > 0) {
# shift(@{$arr});
# if(@{$arr} == 0) {
# delete($hash->{QUEUE});
# return;
# }
# my $bstring = $arr->[0];
# if($bstring eq "") {
# SIGNALduino_HandleWriteQueue($hash);
# } else {
# SIGNALduino_SendFromQueue($hash, $bstring);
# }
# }
# called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data
my ($hash) = @_;
my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
return "" if(!defined($buf));
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $debug = AttrVal($name,"debug",0);
my $SIGNALduinodata = $hash->{PARTIAL};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name/RAW READ: $SIGNALduinodata/$buf" if ($debug);
$SIGNALduinodata .= $buf;
while($SIGNALduinodata =~ m/\n/) {
my $rmsg;
($rmsg,$SIGNALduinodata) = split("\n", $SIGNALduinodata, 2);
$rmsg =~ s/\r//;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name/msg READ: $rmsg";
SIGNALduino_Parse($hash, $hash, $name, $rmsg) if($rmsg);
$hash->{PARTIAL} = $SIGNALduinodata;
sub SIGNALduino_GetUpdate($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: ping ...";
SIGNALduino_Get($hash,$name, "ping");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{Interval}, "SIGNALduino_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
### Helper Subs >>>
sub SIGNALduino_splitMsg
my $txt = shift;
my $delim = shift;
my @msg_parts = split(/$delim/,$txt);
return @msg_parts;
# $value - $set <= $tolerance
sub SIGNALduino_inTol($$$)
#Debug "sduino abs \($_[0] - $_[1]\) <= $_[2] ";
return (abs($_[0]-$_[1])<=$_[2]);
# - - - - - - - - - - - -
#=item SIGNALduino_PatternExists()
#This functons, needs reference to $hash, @array of values to search and %patternList where to find the matches.
# Will return -1 if pattern is not found or a string, containing the indexes which are in tolerance and have the smallest gap to what we searched
# =cut
sub SIGNALduino_PatternExists
my ($hash,$search,$patternList) = @_;
#my %patternList=$arg3;
#Debug "plist: ".Dumper($patternList) if($debug);
#Debug "searchlist: ".Dumper($search) if($debug);
my $searchpattern;
my $valid=1;
my $pstr="";
my $debug = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"debug",0);
foreach $searchpattern (@{$search}) # z.B. [1, -4]
#my $patt_id;
# Calculate tolernace for search
#my $tol=abs(abs($searchpattern)>=2 ?$searchpattern*0.3:$searchpattern*1.5);
my $tol=abs(abs($searchpattern)>3 ? abs($searchpattern)>16 ? $searchpattern*0.17 : $searchpattern*0.3 : 1); #tol is minimum 1 or higer, depending on our searched pulselengh
Debug "tol (+- $tol) for ($searchpattern)" if($debug);
my %pattern_gap ; #= {};
# Find and store the gap of every pattern, which is in tolerance
%pattern_gap = map { $_ => abs($patternList->{$_}-$searchpattern) } grep { abs($patternList->{$_}-$searchpattern) <= $tol} (keys %$patternList);
if (scalar keys %pattern_gap > 0)
Debug "index => gap in tol (+- $tol) of pulse ($searchpattern) : ".Dumper(\%pattern_gap) if($debug);
# Extract fist pattern, which is nearst to our searched value
my $closestidx = (sort {$pattern_gap{$a} <=> $pattern_gap{$b}} keys %pattern_gap)[0];
Debug "closest pattern has index: $closestidx" if($debug);
} else {
# search is not found, return
#return ($valid ? $pstr : -1); # return $pstr if $valid or -1
#foreach $patt_id (keys %$patternList) {
#Debug "$patt_id. chk ->intol $patternList->{$patt_id} $searchpattern $tol";
#$valid = SIGNALduino_inTol($patternList->{$patt_id}, $searchpattern, $tol);
#if ( $valid) #one pulse found in tolerance, search next one
# $pstr="$pstr$patt_id";
# # provide this index for further lookup table -> {$patt_id = $searchpattern}
# Debug "pulse found";
# last ; ## Exit foreach loop if searched pattern matches pattern in list
#last if (!$valid); ## Exit loop if a complete iteration has not found anything
return ($valid ? $pstr : -1); # return $pstr if $valid or -1
#SIGNALduino_MatchSignalPattern{$hash,@array, %hash, @array, $scalar}; not used >v3.1.3
sub SIGNALduino_MatchSignalPattern($\@\%\@$){
my ( $hash, $signalpattern, $patternList, $data_array, $idx) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#print Dumper($patternList);
#print Dumper($idx);
#Debug Dumper($signalpattern) if ($debug);
my $tol="0.2"; # Tolerance factor
my $found=0;
my $debug = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"debug",0);
foreach ( @{$signalpattern} )
#Debug " $idx check: ".$patternList->{$data_array->[$idx]}." == ".$_;
Debug "$name: idx: $idx check: abs(". $patternList->{$data_array->[$idx]}." - ".$_.") > ". ceil(abs($patternList->{$data_array->[$idx]}*$tol)) if ($debug);
#print "\n";;
#if ($patternList->{$data_array->[$idx]} ne $_ )
### Nachkommastelle von ceil!!!
if (!defined( $patternList->{$data_array->[$idx]})){
Debug "$name: Error index ($idx) does not exist!!" if ($debug);
return -1;
if (abs($patternList->{$data_array->[$idx]} - $_) > ceil(abs($patternList->{$data_array->[$idx]}*$tol)))
return -1; ## Pattern does not match, return -1 = not matched
if ($found)
return $idx; ## Return new Index Position
sub SIGNALduino_b2h {
my $num = shift;
my $WIDTH = 4;
my $index = length($num) - $WIDTH;
my $hex = '';
do {
my $width = $WIDTH;
if ($index < 0) {
$width += $index;
$index = 0;
my $cut_string = substr($num, $index, $width);
$hex = sprintf('%X', oct("0b$cut_string")) . $hex;
$index -= $WIDTH;
} while ($index > (-1 * $WIDTH));
return $hex;
sub SIGNALduino_Split_Message($$)
my $rmsg = shift;
my $name = shift;
my %patternList;
my $clockidx;
my $syncidx;
my $rawData;
my $clockabs;
my @msg_parts = SIGNALduino_splitMsg($rmsg,';'); ## Split message parts by ";"
my %ret;
my $debug = AttrVal($name,"debug",0);
foreach (@msg_parts)
#Debug "$name: checking msg part:( $_ )" if ($debug);
if ($_ =~ m/^MS/ or $_ =~ m/^MC/ or $_ =~ m/^MU/) #### Synced Message start
$ret{messagetype} = $_;
elsif ($_ =~ m/^P\d=-?\d{2,}/ or $_ =~ m/^[SL][LH]=-?\d{2,}/) #### Extract Pattern List from array
$_ =~ s/^P+//;
$_ =~ s/^P\d//;
my @pattern = split(/=/,$_);
$patternList{$pattern[0]} = $pattern[1];
Debug "$name: extracted pattern @pattern \n" if ($debug);
elsif($_ =~ m/D=\d+/ or $_ =~ m/^D=[A-F0-9]+/) #### Message from array
$_ =~ s/D=//;
$rawData = $_ ;
Debug "$name: extracted data $rawData\n" if ($debug);
$ret{rawData} = $rawData;
elsif($_ =~ m/^SP=\d{1}/) #### Sync Pulse Index
(undef, $syncidx) = split(/=/,$_);
Debug "$name: extracted syncidx $syncidx\n" if ($debug);
#return undef if (!defined($patternList{$syncidx}));
$ret{syncidx} = $syncidx;
elsif($_ =~ m/^CP=\d{1}/) #### Clock Pulse Index
(undef, $clockidx) = split(/=/,$_);
Debug "$name: extracted clockidx $clockidx\n" if ($debug);;
#return undef if (!defined($patternList{$clockidx}));
$ret{clockidx} = $clockidx;
elsif($_ =~ m/^C=\d+/) #### Message from array
$_ =~ s/C=//;
$clockabs = $_ ;
Debug "$name: extracted absolute clock $clockabs \n" if ($debug);
$ret{clockabs} = $clockabs;
} else {
Debug "$name: unknown Message part $_" if ($debug);;
#print "$_\n";
$ret{pattern} = {%patternList};
return %ret;
# Function which dispatches a message if needed.
sub SIGNALduno_Dispatch($$$)
my ($hash, $rmsg,$dmsg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: converted Data to ($dmsg)";
#Dispatch only if $dmsg is different from last $dmsg, or if 2 seconds are between transmits
if ( ($hash->{DMSG} ne $dmsg) || ($hash->{TIME}+1 < time()) ) {
$hash->{TIME} = time();
$hash->{DMSG} = $dmsg;
my $event = 0;
if (substr($dmsg,0,1) eq 'u') {
$event = 1;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL}, $event);
$hash->{RAWMSG} = $rmsg;
my %addvals = (RAWMSG => $rmsg, DMSG => $dmsg);
Dispatch($hash, $dmsg, \%addvals); ## Dispatch to other Modules
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Dropped ($dmsg) due to short time or equal msg";
my ($hash, $iohash, $name, $rmsg,%msg_parts) = @_;
my $protocolid;
my $syncidx=$msg_parts{syncidx};
my $clockidx=$msg_parts{clockidx};
my $protocol=undef;
my $rawData=$msg_parts{rawData};
my %patternList;
#$patternList{$_} = $msg_parts{rawData}{$_] for keys %msg_parts{rawData};
#$patternList = \%msg_parts{pattern};
#Debug "Message splitted:";
#Debug Dumper(\@msg_parts);
my $debug = AttrVal($iohash->{NAME},"debug",0);
if (defined($clockidx) and defined($syncidx))
## Make a lookup table for our pattern index ids
#Debug "List of pattern:";
my $clockabs= $msg_parts{pattern}{$msg_parts{clockidx}};
return undef if ($clockabs == 0);
$patternList{$_} = round($msg_parts{pattern}{$_}/$clockabs,1) for keys %{$msg_parts{pattern}};
#Debug Dumper(\%patternList);
#my $syncfact = $patternList{$syncidx}/$patternList{$clockidx};
#Debug "SF=$syncfact";
#### Convert rawData in Message
my $signal_length = length($rawData); # Length of data array
## Iterate over the data_array and find zero, one, float and sync bits with the signalpattern
## Find matching protocols
my $id;
my $message_dispatched=0;
foreach $id (@{$hash->{msIdList}}) {
my $valid=1;
Debug "Testing against Protocol id $id -> $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{name}" if ($debug);
# Check Clock if is it in range
$valid=SIGNALduino_inTol($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{clockabs},$clockabs,$clockabs*0.30) if ($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{clockabs} > 0);
Debug "validclock = $valid" if ($debug);
next if (!$valid) ;
my $bit_length = ($signal_length-(scalar @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}}))/((scalar @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}} + scalar @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{zero}})/2);
#Check calculated min length
$valid = $valid && $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min} <= $bit_length if (exists $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min});
#Check calculated max length
$valid = $valid && $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max} >= $bit_length if (exists $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max});
next if (!$valid) ;
Debug "expecting $bit_length bits in signal" if ($debug && $valid);
#Debug Dumper(@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}});
Debug "Searching in patternList: ".Dumper(\%patternList) if($debug);
Debug "searching sync: @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}}[0] @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}}[1]" if($debug); # z.B. [1, -18]
#$valid = $valid && SIGNALduino_inTol($patternList{$clockidx}, @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}}[0], 3); #sync in tolerance
#$valid = $valid && SIGNALduino_inTol($patternList{$syncidx}, @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}}[1], 3); #sync in tolerance
my $pstr;
my %patternLookupHash=();
$valid = $valid && ($pstr=SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}},\%patternList)) >=0;
Debug "Found matched sync with indexes: ($pstr)" if ($debug && $valid);
$patternLookupHash{$pstr}="" if ($valid); ## Append Sync to our lookuptable
my $syncstr=$pstr; # Store for later start search
Debug "sync not found " if (!$valid && $debug); # z.B. [1, -18]
next if (!$valid) ;
$valid = $valid && ($pstr=SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}},\%patternList)) >=0;
Debug "Found matched one with indexes: ($pstr)" if ($debug && $valid);
$patternLookupHash{$pstr}="1" if ($valid); ## Append Sync to our lookuptable
#Debug "added $pstr " if ($debug && $valid);
Debug "one pattern not found" if ($debug && !$valid);
$valid = $valid && ($pstr=SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{zero}},\%patternList)) >=0;
Debug "Found matched zero with indexes: ($pstr)" if ($debug && $valid);
$patternLookupHash{$pstr}="0" if ($valid); ## Append Sync to our lookuptable
Debug "zero pattern not found" if ($debug && !$valid);
#Debug "added $pstr " if ($debug && $valid);
next if (!$valid) ;
#Debug "Pattern Lookup Table".Dumper(%patternLookupHash);
## Check somethin else
#Anything seems to be valid, we can start decoding this.
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Matched MS Protocol id $id -> $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{name}" if ($valid);
my $signal_width= @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}};
#Debug $signal_width;
my @bit_msg; # array to store decoded signal bits
#for (my $i=index($rawData,SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}}))+$signal_width;$i<length($rawData);$i+=$signal_width)
#for (my $i=scalar@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}};$i<length($rawData);$i+=$signal_width)
my $message_start =index($rawData,$syncstr)+length($syncstr);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Starting demodulation at Position $message_start";
for (my $i=$message_start;$i<length($rawData);$i+=$signal_width)
my $sig_str= substr($rawData,$i,$signal_width);
#Log3 $name, 5, "demodulating $sig_str";
#Debug $patternLookupHash{substr($rawData,$i,$signal_width)}; ## Get $signal_width number of chars from raw data string
if (exists $patternLookupHash{$sig_str}) { ## Add the bits to our bit array
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Found wrong signalpattern, catched ".scalar @bit_msg." bits, aborting demodulation";
Debug "$name: decoded message raw (@bit_msg), ".@bit_msg." bits\n" if ($debug);;
my ($rcode,@retvalue) = SIGNALduino_callsub('postDemodulation',$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{postDemodulation},$name,@bit_msg);
next if (!$rcode);
#Log3 $name, 5, "$name: postdemodulation value @retvalue";
@bit_msg = @retvalue;
undef(@retvalue); undef($rcode);
my $padwith = defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{paddingbits}) ? $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{paddingbits} : 4;
my $i=0;
while (scalar @bit_msg % $padwith > 0) ## will pad up full nibbles per default or full byte if specified in protocol
Debug "$name padded $i bits to bit_msg array" if ($debug);
#my $logmsg = SIGNALduino_padbits(@bit_msg,$padwith);
#Check converted message against lengths
$valid = $valid && $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min} <= scalar @bit_msg if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min}));
$valid = $valid && $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max} >= scalar @bit_msg if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max}));
next if (!$valid);
#my $dmsg = sprintf "%02x", oct "0b" . join "", @bit_msg; ## Array -> String -> bin -> hex
my $dmsg = SIGNALduino_b2h(join "", @bit_msg);
$dmsg = "$dmsg"."$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{postamble}" if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{postamble}));
$dmsg = "$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{preamble}"."$dmsg" if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{preamble}));
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Decoded MS Protocol id $id dmsg $dmsg length " . scalar @bit_msg;
#my ($rcode,@retvalue) = SIGNALduino_callsub('preDispatchfunc',$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{preDispatchfunc},$name,$dmsg);
#next if (!$rcode);
#$dmsg = @retvalue;
#undef(@retvalue); undef($rcode);
my $modulematch;
if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{modulematch})) {
$modulematch = $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{modulematch};
if (!defined($modulematch) || $dmsg =~ m/$modulematch/) {
Debug "$name: dispatching now msg: $dmsg" if ($debug);
return 0 if (!$message_dispatched);
return 1;
## //Todo: check list as reference
sub SIGNALduino_padbits(\@$)
my $i=@{$_[0]} % $_[1];
while (@{$_[0]} % $_[1] > 0) ## will pad up full nibbles per default or full byte if specified in protocol
return " padded $i bits to bit_msg array";
# - - - - - - - - - - - -
#=item SIGNALduino_getProtoProp()
#This functons, will return a value from the Protocolist and check if it is defined
# returns "" if the var is not defined
# =cut
# $id, $propertyname,
sub SIGNALduino_getProtoProp($$)
my $id = shift;
my $propNameLst = shift;
return $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{$propNameLst} if defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{$propNameLst});
return undef;
sub SIGNALduino_Parse_MU($$$$@)
my ($hash, $iohash, $name, $rmsg,%msg_parts) = @_;
my $protocolid;
my $clockidx=$msg_parts{clockidx};
my $protocol=undef;
my $rawData;
my %patternListRaw;
my $message_dispatched=0;
my $debug = AttrVal($iohash->{NAME},"debug",0);
Debug "$name: processing unsynced message\n" if ($debug);
#my $clockabs; #Clock will be fetched from Protocol
#$patternListRaw{$_} = floor($msg_parts{pattern}{$_}/$clockabs) for keys $msg_parts{pattern};
$patternListRaw{$_} = $msg_parts{pattern}{$_} for keys %{$msg_parts{pattern}};
if (defined($clockidx))
## Make a lookup table for our pattern index ids
#Debug "List of pattern:"; #Debug Dumper(\%patternList);
## Find matching protocols
my $id;
foreach $id (@{$hash->{muIdList}}) {
my $valid=1;
my $clockabs= $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{clockabs};
my %patternList;
if (exists($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{filterfunc}))
my $method = $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{filterfunc};
if (!exists &$method)
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Error: Unknown filtermethod=$method. Please define it in file $0";
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: applying filterfunc $method";
no strict "refs";
(my $count_changes,$rawData,my %patternListRaw_tmp) = $method->($name,$id,$rawData,%patternListRaw);
use strict "refs";
%patternList = map { $_ => round($patternListRaw_tmp{$_}/$clockabs,1) } keys %patternListRaw_tmp;
} else {
%patternList = map { $_ => round($patternListRaw{$_}/$clockabs,1) } keys %patternListRaw;
my $signal_length = length($rawData); # Length of data array
my @keys = sort { $patternList{$a} <=> $patternList{$b} } keys %patternList;
#Debug Dumper(\%patternList);
#Debug Dumper(@keys);
Debug "Testing against Protocol id $id -> $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{name}" if ($debug);
# $valid=SIGNALduino_inTol($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{clockabs},$clockabs,$clockabs*0.30) if ($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{clockabs} > 0);
next if (!$valid) ;
my $bit_length = ($signal_length/((scalar @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}} + scalar @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{zero}})/2));
Debug "Expect $bit_length bits in message" if ($valid && $debug);
#Check calculated min length
#$valid = $valid && $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min} <= $bit_length if (exists $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min});
#Check calculated max length
#$valid = $valid && $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max} >= $bit_length if (exists $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max});
#next if (!$valid) ;
#Debug "expecting $bit_length bits in signal" if ($debug && $valid);
Debug "Searching in patternList: ".Dumper(\%patternList) if($debug);
next if (!$valid) ;
my %patternLookupHash=();
#Debug "phash:".Dumper(%patternLookupHash);
my $pstr="";
$valid = $valid && ($pstr=SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}},\%patternList)) >=0;
Debug "Found matched one" if ($debug && $valid);
$patternLookupHash{$pstr}="1" if ($valid); ## Append one to our lookuptable
Debug "added $pstr " if ($debug && $valid);
$valid = $valid && ($pstr=SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{zero}},\%patternList)) >=0;
Debug "Found matched zero" if ($debug && $valid);
$patternLookupHash{$pstr}="0" if ($valid); ## Append zero to our lookuptable
Debug "added $pstr " if ($debug && $valid);
if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{float}))
$valid = $valid && ($pstr=SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{float}},\%patternList)) >=0;
Debug "Found matched float" if ($debug && $valid);
$patternLookupHash{$pstr}="F" if ($valid); ## Append float to our lookuptable
Debug "added $pstr " if ($debug && $valid);
next if (!$valid) ;
#Debug "Pattern Lookup Table".Dumper(%patternLookupHash);
## Check somethin else
#Anything seems to be valid, we can start decoding this.
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id $id -> $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{name} matches, trying to demodulate" if ($valid);
my $signal_width= @{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}};
#Debug $signal_width;
my @bit_msg=(); # array to store decoded signal bits
my $message_start=0 ;
my @msgStartLst;
my $startStr="";
my $start_regex;
my $oneStr=SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}},\%patternList);
my $zeroStr=SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{zero}},\%patternList);
if (@msgStartLst = SIGNALduino_getProtoProp($id,"start"))
$rawData =~ /$start_regex/;
if (defined($-[0] && $-[0] > 0)) {
$message_start=$-[0]+ length($startStr);
} else {
undef @msgStartLst;
#for (my $i=index($rawData,SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync}}))+$signal_width;$i<length($rawData);$i+=$signal_width)
Debug "Message starts at $message_start - length of data is ".length($rawData) if ($debug);
next if (!defined($message_start));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Starting demodulation at Position $message_start";
#my $onepos= index($rawData,SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}},\%patternList));
#my $zeropos=index($rawData,SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{zero}},\%patternList));
#Log3 $name, 3, "op=$onepos zp=$zeropos";
#Debug "phash:".Dumper(%patternLookupHash);
my $padwith = defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{paddingbits}) ? $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{paddingbits} : 4;
for (my $i=$message_start;$i<=length($rawData)-$signal_width;$i+=$signal_width)
my $sig_str= substr($rawData,$i,$signal_width);
Debug "$name: i=$i search=$sig_str" if ($debug);
$valid=1; # Set valid to 1 for every loop
#Debug $patternLookupHash{substr($rawData,$i,$signal_width)}; ## Get $signal_width number of chars from raw data string
if (exists $patternLookupHash{$sig_str})
my $bit = $patternLookupHash{$sig_str};
push(@bit_msg,$bit) if (looks_like_number($bit)) ; ## Add the bits to our bit array
if (!exists $patternLookupHash{$sig_str} || $i+$signal_width>length($rawData)-$signal_width) ## Dispatch if last signal or unknown data
Debug "$name: demodulated message raw (@bit_msg), ".@bit_msg." bits\n" if ($debug);
#Check converted message against lengths
$valid = $valid && $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max} >= scalar @bit_msg if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max}));
$valid = $valid && $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min} <= scalar @bit_msg if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min}));
#next if (!$valid); ## Last chance to try next protocol if there is somethin invalid
if ($valid) {
my ($rcode,@retvalue) = SIGNALduino_callsub('postDemodulation',$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{postDemodulation},$name,@bit_msg);
next if (!$rcode);
#Log3 $name, 5, "$name: postdemodulation value @retvalue";
@bit_msg = @retvalue;
undef(@retvalue); undef($rcode);
while (scalar @bit_msg % $padwith > 0) ## will pad up full nibbles per default or full byte if specified in protocol
Debug "$name: padding 0 bit to bit_msg array" if ($debug);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: dispatching bits: @bit_msg";
my $dmsg = SIGNALduino_b2h(join "", @bit_msg);
$dmsg =~ s/^0+// if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{remove_zero}));
$dmsg = "$dmsg"."$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{postamble}" if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{postamble}));
$dmsg = "$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{preamble}"."$dmsg" if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{preamble}));
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: decoded matched MU Protocol id $id dmsg $dmsg length " . scalar @bit_msg;
my $modulematch;
if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{modulematch})) {
$modulematch = $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{modulematch};
if (!defined($modulematch) || $dmsg =~ m/$modulematch/) {
Debug "$name: dispatching now msg: $dmsg" if ($debug);
} else {
if ($debug)
my $debugstr;
$debugstr.=$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min} if defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min});
$debugstr.=$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max} if defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max});
Debug "$name: length ($debugstr) does not match (@bit_msg), ".@bit_msg." bits\n";
@bit_msg=(); # clear bit_msg array
#Find next position of valid signal (skip invalid pieces)
my $regex=".{$i}".$start_regex;
Debug "$name: searching new start with ($regex)\n" if ($debug);
$rawData =~ /$regex/;
if (defined($-[0] && $-[0] > 0)) {
$i=$-[0]+ $i+ length($startStr);
Debug "$name: found restart at Position $i ($regex)\n" if ($debug);
} else {
#if ($startStr)
# $i= index($rawData,$startStr,$i);
# } else {
# $i = (index($rawData,SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}},\%patternList),$i+$signal_width) < index($rawData,SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{zero}},\%patternList),$i+$signal_width) ? index($rawData,SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{one}},\%patternList),$i+$signal_width) : index($rawData,SIGNALduino_PatternExists($hash,\@{$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{zero}},\%patternList),$i+$signal_width));
# $i-=$signal_width if ($i<length($rawData)-$signal_width) ;
# }
# last if ($i <=-1);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: restarting demodulation at Position $i+$signal_width" if ($debug);
#my $dmsg = sprintf "%02x", oct "0b" . join "", @bit_msg; ## Array -> String -> bin -> hex
return 0 if (!$message_dispatched);
return 1;
my ($hash, $iohash, $name, $rmsg,%msg_parts) = @_;
my $clock=$msg_parts{clockabs}; ## absolute clock
my $rawData=$msg_parts{rawData};
my $bitData;
my $dmsg;
my $message_dispatched=0;
my $debug = AttrVal($iohash->{NAME},"debug",0);
return undef if (!$clock);
#my $protocol=undef;
#my %patternListRaw = %msg_parts{patternList};
Debug "$name: processing manchester messag len:".length($rawData) if ($debug);
my $hlen = length($rawData);
my $blen = $hlen * 4;
$bitData= unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData));
Debug "$name: extracted data $bitData (bin)\n" if ($debug); ## Convert Message from hex to bits
my $id;
foreach $id (@{$hash->{mcIdList}}) {
if ( $clock >$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{clockrange}[0] and $clock <$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{clockrange}[1] and length($rawData)*4 >= $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min} )
Debug "clock and min length matched" if ($debug);
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Found manchester Protocol id $id clock $clock -> $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{name}";
my $method = $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{method};
if (!exists &$method)
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Error: Unknown function=$method. Please define it in file $0";
} else {
my ($rcode,$res) = $method->($name,$bitData,$id);
if ($rcode != -1) {
$dmsg = $res;
$dmsg=$ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{preamble}.$dmsg if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{preamble}));
my $modulematch;
if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{modulematch})) {
$modulematch = $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{modulematch};
if (!defined($modulematch) || $dmsg =~ m/$modulematch/) {
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: protocol does not match return from method: ($res)" if ($debug);
return 0 if (!$message_dispatched);
return 1;
my ($hash, $iohash, $name, $rmsg, $initstr) = @_;
#print Dumper(\%ProtocolListSIGNALduino);
return undef if !($rmsg=~ m/^\002M.;.*;\003/); ## Check if a Data Message arrived and if it's complete (start & end control char are received)
my $debug = AttrVal($iohash->{NAME},"debug",0);
$rmsg=~ s/^\002(M.;.*;)\003/$1/; # cut off start end end character from message for further processing they are not needed
Debug "$name: incomming message: ($rmsg)\n" if ($debug);
my %signal_parts=SIGNALduino_Split_Message($rmsg,$name); ## Split message and save anything in an hash %signal_parts
#Debug "raw data ". $signal_parts{rawData};
my @msg_parts = SIGNALduino_splitMsg($rmsg,';'); ## Split message parts by ";"
my $dispatched;
# Message Synced type -> M#
if ($rmsg=~ m/^M\d+;(P\d=-?\d+;){4,7}D=\d+;CP=\d;SP=\d;/)
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: You are using an outdated version of signalduino code on your arduino. Please update";
return undef;
if (@{$hash->{msIdList}} && $rmsg=~ m/^MS;(P\d=-?\d+;){3,6}D=\d+;CP=\d;SP=\d;/)
$dispatched= SIGNALduino_Parse_MS($hash, $iohash, $name, $rmsg,%signal_parts);
# Message unsynced type -> MU
elsif (@{$hash->{muIdList}} && $rmsg=~ m/^MU;(P\d=-?\d+;){3,6}D=\d+;CP=\d;/)
$dispatched= SIGNALduino_Parse_MU($hash, $iohash, $name, $rmsg,%signal_parts);
# Manchester encoded Data -> MC
elsif (@{$hash->{mcIdList}} && $rmsg=~ m/^MC;.*;/)
$dispatched= SIGNALduino_Parse_MC($hash, $iohash, $name, $rmsg,%signal_parts);
else {
Debug "$name: unknown Messageformat, aborting\n" if ($debug);
return undef;
if ( AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"verbose","0") > 4 && !$dispatched)
my $notdisplist;
my @lines;
if (defined($hash->{unknownmessages}))
@lines = split ('#', $notdisplist); # or whatever
shift(@lines)if (scalar @lines >25);
$notdisplist = join('#',@lines);
return undef;
#Todo compare Sync/Clock fact and length of D= if equal, then it's the same protocol!
my ($hash) = @_;
return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, "SIGNALduino_DoInit")
if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected");
# This is relevant for windows/USB only
my $po = $hash->{USBDev};
my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags);
if($po) {
($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status;
return ($InBytes && $InBytes>0);
my ($hash, $msg, $nonl) = @_;
return if(!$hash);
if($hash->{TYPE} eq "SIGNALduino_RFR") {
# Prefix $msg with RRBBU and return the corresponding SIGNALduino hash.
($hash, $msg) = SIGNALduino_RFR_AddPrefix($hash, $msg);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name SW: $msg";
$msg .= "\n" unless($nonl);
$hash->{USBDev}->write($msg) if($hash->{USBDev});
syswrite($hash->{TCPDev}, $msg) if($hash->{TCPDev});
syswrite($hash->{DIODev}, $msg) if($hash->{DIODev});
# Some linux installations are broken with 0.001, T01 returns no answer
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.01);
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $debug = AttrVal($name,"debug",0);
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Calling Getting Attr sub with args: $cmd $aName = $aVal";
if( $aName eq "Clients" ) { ## Change clientList
$hash->{Clients} = $aVal;
$hash->{Clients} = $clientsSIGNALduino if( !$hash->{Clients}) ; ## Set defaults
return "Setting defaults";
} elsif( $aName eq "MatchList" ) { ## Change matchList
my $match_list;
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
$match_list = eval $aVal;
if( $@ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, $name .": $aVal: ". $@;
if( ref($match_list) eq 'HASH' ) {
$hash->{MatchList} = $match_list;
} else {
$hash->{MatchList} = \%matchListSIGNALduino; ## Set defaults
Log3 $name, 2, $name .": $aVal: not a HASH using defaults" if( $aVal );
elsif ($aName eq "verbose")
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: setting Verbose to: " . $aVal;
$hash->{unknownmessages}="" if $aVal <4;
elsif ($aName eq "debug")
$debug = $aVal;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: setting debug to: " . $debug;
elsif ($aName eq "whitelist_IDs")
SIGNALduino_IdList($hash, $name, $aVal);
return undef;
sub SIGNALduino_IdList($$$)
my ($hash, $name, $aVal) = @_;
my @msIdList = ();
my @muIdList = ();
my @mcIdList = ();
my %WhitelistIDs;
my $wflag = 0;
if (defined($aVal) && length($aVal)>0)
%WhitelistIDs = map { $_ => 1 } split(",", $aVal);
#my $w = join ', ' => map "$_" => keys %WhitelistIDs;
#Log3 $name, 3, "Attr whitelist $w";
$wflag = 1;
my $id;
foreach $id (keys %ProtocolListSIGNALduino)
next if ($id eq 'id');
if ($wflag == 1 && !defined($WhitelistIDs{$id}))
#Log3 $name, 3, "skip ID $id";
if (exists ($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{format}) && $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{format} eq "manchester")
push (@mcIdList, $id);
elsif (exists $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{sync})
push (@msIdList, $id);
elsif (exists ($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{clockabs}))
push (@muIdList, $id);
@msIdList = sort @msIdList;
@muIdList = sort @muIdList;
@mcIdList = sort @mcIdList;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: IDlist MS @msIdList";
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: IDlist MU @muIdList";
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: IDlist MC @mcIdList";
$hash->{msIdList} = \@msIdList;
$hash->{muIdList} = \@muIdList;
$hash->{mcIdList} = \@mcIdList;
sub SIGNALduino_callsub
my $funcname =shift;
my $method = shift;
my $name = shift;
my @args = @_;
if ( defined $method && defined &$method )
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: applying $funcname method $method";
#Log3 $name, 5, "$name: value bevore $funcname: @args";
my @returnvalues = $method->(@args) ;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: modified value after $funcname: @returnvalues";
return (1,@returnvalues);
} elsif (defined $method ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Error: Unknown method $funcname Please check definition";
return (0,undef);
return (1,@args);
# calculates the hex (in bits) and adds it at the beginning of the message
# input = @list
# output = @list
sub SIGNALduino_lengtnPrefix
my $msg = join("",@_);
#$msg = unpack("B8", pack("N", length($msg))).$msg;
$msg=sprintf('%08b', length($msg)).$msg;
return split("",$msg);
sub SIGNALduino_bit2Arctec
my $msg = join("",@_);
# Convert 0 -> 01 1 -> 10 to be compatible with IT Module
$msg =~ s/0/z/g;
$msg =~ s/1/10/g;
$msg =~ s/z/01/g;
return split("",$msg);
sub SIGNALduino_OSV2()
my ($name,$bitData,$id) = @_;
my $preamble_pos;
my $message_end;
my $message_length;
if ($bitData =~ m/^.?(10){12,16}.?10011001/)
{ # Valid OSV2 detected!
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: OSV2 protocol detected: preamble_pos = $preamble_pos";
return return (-1," sync not found") if ($preamble_pos <=24);
$message_end = length($bitData) if ($message_end <$preamble_pos);
$message_length = ($message_end - $preamble_pos)/2;
return (-1," message is to short") if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min}) && $message_length < $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min} );
return (-1," message is to long") if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max}) && $message_length > $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max} );
my $idx=0;
my $osv2bits="";
my $osv2hex ="";
for ($idx=$preamble_pos;$idx<length($bitData);$idx=$idx+16)
if (length($bitData)-$idx < 16 )
my $osv2byte = "";
my $rvosv2byte="";
for (my $p=1;$p<length($osv2byte);$p=$p+2)
$rvosv2byte = substr($osv2byte,$p,1).$rvosv2byte;
$osv2hex=$osv2hex.sprintf('%02X', oct("0b$rvosv2byte"));
$osv2bits = $osv2bits.$rvosv2byte;
$osv2hex = sprintf("%02X", length($osv2hex)*4).$osv2hex;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: OSV2 protocol converted to hex: ($osv2hex) with length (".(length($osv2hex)*4).") bits";
return (1,$osv2hex);
elsif ($bitData =~ m/^.?(1){16,24}0101/) { # Valid OSV3 detected!
$preamble_pos = index($bitData, '0101', 16);
$message_end = length($bitData);
$message_length = $message_end - ($preamble_pos+4);
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: OSV3 protocol detected: preamble_pos = $preamble_pos, message_length = $message_length";
my $idx=0;
#my $osv3bits="";
my $osv3hex ="";
for ($idx=$preamble_pos+4;$idx<length($bitData);$idx=$idx+4)
if (length($bitData)-$idx < 4 )
my $osv3nibble = "";
my $rvosv3nibble="";
for (my $p=0;$p<length($osv3nibble);$p++)
$rvosv3nibble = substr($osv3nibble,$p,1).$rvosv3nibble;
$osv3hex=$osv3hex.sprintf('%X', oct("0b$rvosv3nibble"));
#$osv3bits = $osv3bits.$rvosv3nibble;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: OSV3 protocol = $osv3hex";
my $korr = 10;
# Check if nibble 1 is A
if (substr($osv3hex,1,1) ne 'A')
my $n1=substr($osv3hex,1,1);
$korr = hex(substr($osv3hex,3,1));
substr($osv3hex,1,1,'A'); # nibble 1 = A
substr($osv3hex,3,1,$n1); # nibble 3 = nibble1
# Korrektur nibble
my $insKorr = sprintf('%X', $korr);
# Check for ending 00
if (substr($osv3hex,-2,2) eq '00')
#substr($osv3hex,1,-2); # remove 00 at end
$osv3hex = substr($osv3hex, 0, length($osv3hex)-2);
my $osv3len = length($osv3hex);
$osv3hex .= '0';
my $turn0 = substr($osv3hex,5, $osv3len-4);
my $turn = '';
for ($idx=0; $idx<$osv3len-5; $idx=$idx+2) {
$turn = $turn . substr($turn0,$idx+1,1) . substr($turn0,$idx,1);
$osv3hex = substr($osv3hex,0,5) . $insKorr . $turn;
$osv3hex = substr($osv3hex,0,$osv3len+1);
$osv3hex = sprintf("%02X", length($osv3hex)*4).$osv3hex;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: OSV3 protocol converted to hex: ($osv3hex) with length (".((length($osv3hex)-2)*4).") bits";
return (1,$osv3hex);
return (-1,undef);
sub SIGNALduino_OSV1()
my ($name,$bitData,$rawData) = @_;
my $idx=0;
my $osv1hex ;# ~hex('0x'.$rawData);
my $osv1bit = $bitData =~ tr/10/01/r;
#Log3 $name, 5, "$name: OSV1 protocol converted from ($bitData) to bit: ($osv1bit)" ;
$osv1hex=sprintf("%02X", length($rawData)*4, $osv1hex).SIGNALduino_b2h($osv1bit);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: OSV1 protocol converted to hex: ($osv1hex) with length (".(length($rawData)*4).") bits \n";
return (1,$osv1hex);
sub SIGNALduino_AS()
my ($name,$bitData,$id) = @_;
my $debug = AttrVal($name,"debug",0);
if(index($bitData,"1100",16) >= 0) # $rawData =~ m/^A{2,3}/)
{ # Valid AS detected!
my $message_start = index($bitData,"1100",16);
Debug "$name: AS protocol detected \n" if ($debug);
my $message_end=index($bitData,"1100",$message_start+16);
$message_end = length($bitData) if ($message_end == -1);
my $message_length = $message_end - $message_start;
return (-1," message is to short") if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min}) && $message_length < $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min} );
return (-1," message is to long") if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max}) && $message_length > $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max} );
my $msgbits =substr($bitData,$message_start);
my $ashex=sprintf('%02X', oct("0b$msgbits"));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: AS protocol converted to hex: ($ashex) with length ($message_length) bits \n";
return (1,$bitData);
return (-1,undef);
sub SIGNALduino_Hideki()
my ($name,$bitData,$id) = @_;
my $debug = AttrVal($name,"debug",0);
Debug "$name: search in $bitData \n" if ($debug);
my $message_start = index($bitData,"10101110");
if ($message_start >= 0 ) # 0x75 but in reverse order
Debug "$name: Hideki protocol detected \n" if ($debug);
# Todo: Mindest Laenge fuer startpunkt vorspringen
# Todo: Wiederholung auch an das Modul weitergeben, damit es dort geprueft werden kann
my $message_end = index($bitData,"10101110",$message_start+71); # pruefen auf ein zweites 0x75, mindestens 72 bit nach 1. 0x75, da der Regensensor minimum 8 Byte besitzt je byte haben wir 9 bit
$message_end = length($bitData) if ($message_end == -1);
my $message_length = $message_end - $message_start;
return (-1,"message is to short") if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min}) && $message_length < $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_min} );
return (-1,"message is to long") if (defined($ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max}) && $message_length > $ProtocolListSIGNALduino{$id}{length_max} );
my $hidekihex;
my $idx;
for ($idx=$message_start; $idx<$message_end; $idx=$idx+9)
my $byte = "";
$byte= substr($bitData,$idx,8); ## Ignore every 9th bit
Debug "$name: byte in order $byte " if ($debug);
$byte = scalar reverse $byte;
Debug "$name: byte reversed $byte , as hex: ".sprintf('%X', oct("0b$byte"))."\n" if ($debug);
$hidekihex=$hidekihex.sprintf('%02X', oct("0b$byte"));
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: hideki protocol converted to hex: $hidekihex with " .$message_length ." bits, messagestart $message_start";
return (1,$hidekihex); ## Return only the original bits, include length
return (-1,"");
# - - - - - - - - - - - -
#=item SIGNALduino_filterSign()
#This functons, will act as a filter function. It will remove the sign from the pattern, and compress message and pattern
# Will return $count of combined values, modified $rawData , modified %patternListRaw,
# =cut
sub SIGNALduino_filterSign($$$%)
my ($name,$id,$rawData,%patternListRaw) = @_;
my $debug = AttrVal($name,"debug",0);
my %buckets;
# Remove Sign
%patternListRaw = map { $_ => abs($patternListRaw{$_})} keys %patternListRaw; ## remove sing from all
my $intol=0;
my $cnt=0;
# compress pattern hash
foreach my $key (keys %patternListRaw) {
#print "chk:".$patternListRaw{$key};
#print "\n";
foreach my $b_key (keys %buckets){
#print "with:".$buckets{$b_key};
#print "\n";
# $value - $set <= $tolerance
if (SIGNALduino_inTol($patternListRaw{$key},$buckets{$b_key},$buckets{$b_key}*0.25))
#print"\t". $patternListRaw{$key}."($key) is intol of ".$buckets{$b_key}."($b_key) \n";
eval "\$rawData =~ tr/$key/$b_key/";
#if ($key == $msg_parts{clockidx})
# $msg_pats{syncidx} = $buckets{$key};
# }
# elsif ($key == $msg_parts{syncidx})
# {
# $msg_pats{syncidx} = $buckets{$key};
# }
$buckets{$b_key} = ($buckets{$b_key} + $patternListRaw{$key}) /2;
#print"\t recalc to ". $buckets{$b_key}."\n";
delete ($patternListRaw{$key}); # deletes the compressed entry
if ($intol == 0) {
return ($cnt,$rawData, %patternListRaw);
#print "rdata: ".$msg_parts{rawData}."\n";
#print Dumper (%buckets);
#print Dumper (%msg_parts);
#modify msg_parts pattern hash
#$patternListRaw = \%buckets;
# - - - - - - - - - - - -
#=item SIGNALduino_compPattern()
#This functons, will act as a filter function. It will remove the sign from the pattern, and compress message and pattern
# Will return $count of combined values, modified $rawData , modified %patternListRaw,
# =cut
sub SIGNALduino_compPattern($$$%)
my ($name,$id,$rawData,%patternListRaw) = @_;
my $debug = AttrVal($name,"debug",0);
my %buckets;
# Remove Sign
#%patternListRaw = map { $_ => abs($patternListRaw{$_})} keys %patternListRaw; ## remove sing from all
my $intol=0;
my $cnt=0;
# compress pattern hash
foreach my $key (keys %patternListRaw) {
#print "chk:".$patternListRaw{$key};
#print "\n";
foreach my $b_key (keys %buckets){
#print "with:".$buckets{$b_key};
#print "\n";
# $value - $set <= $tolerance
if (SIGNALduino_inTol($patternListRaw{$key},$buckets{$b_key},$buckets{$b_key}*0.4))
#print"\t". $patternListRaw{$key}."($key) is intol of ".$buckets{$b_key}."($b_key) \n";
eval "\$rawData =~ tr/$key/$b_key/";
#if ($key == $msg_parts{clockidx})
# $msg_pats{syncidx} = $buckets{$key};
# }
# elsif ($key == $msg_parts{syncidx})
# {
# $msg_pats{syncidx} = $buckets{$key};
# }
$buckets{$b_key} = ($buckets{$b_key} + $patternListRaw{$key}) /2;
#print"\t recalc to ". $buckets{$b_key}."\n";
delete ($patternListRaw{$key}); # deletes the compressed entry
if ($intol == 0) {
return ($cnt,$rawData, %patternListRaw);
#print "rdata: ".$msg_parts{rawData}."\n";
#print Dumper (%buckets);
#print Dumper (%msg_parts);
#modify msg_parts pattern hash
#$patternListRaw = \%buckets;
#print Dumper (%msg_parts);
#print "\n";
#print Dumper (%msg_parts);
#print "\n";
=begin html
<a name="SIGNALduino"></a>
The SIGNALduino ia based on an idea from mdorenka published at <a
href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,17196.0.html">FHEM Forum</a>.
With the opensource firmware (see this <a
href="https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/SIGNALduino">link</a>) it is capable
to receive and send different protocols over different medias. Currently are 433Mhz protocols implemented.
The following device support is currently available:
Wireless switches <br>
ITv1 & ITv3/Elro and other brands using pt2263 or arctech protocol--> uses IT.pm<br>
Temperatur / humidity senso
<li>PEARL NC7159, LogiLink WS0002,GT-WT-02,AURIOL,TCM97001, TCM27 and many more -> 14_CUL_TCM97001 </li>
<li>Oregon Scientific v2 and v3 Sensors -> 41_OREGON.pm</li>
<li>Temperatur / humidity sensors suppored -> 14_SD_WS07</li>
<li>technoline WS 6750 and TX70DTH -> 14_SD_WS07</li>
<li>Eurochon EAS 800z -> 14_SD_WS07</li>
<li>CTW600, WH1080 -> 14_SD_WS09 </li>
<li>Hama TS33C, Bresser Thermo/Hygro Sensor -> 14_Hideki</li>
<li>FreeTec Au<41>enmodul NC-7344 -> 14_SD_WS07</li>
It is possible to attach more than one device in order to get better
reception, fhem will filter out duplicate messages.<br><br>
Note: this module require the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort
module. It can currently only attatched via USB.
<a name="SIGNALduinodefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SIGNALduino &lt;device&gt; </code> <br>
USB-connected devices (SIGNALduino):<br>
&lt;device&gt; specifies the serial port to communicate with the SIGNALduino.
The name of the serial-device depends on your distribution, under
linux the cdc_acm kernel module is responsible, and usually a
/dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyUSB0 device will be created. If your distribution does not have a
cdc_acm module, you can force usbserial to handle the SIGNALduino by the
following command:
modprobe usbserial
</ul>In this case the device is most probably
You can also specify a baudrate if the device name contains the @
character, e.g.: /dev/ttyACM0@57600<br><br>This is also the default baudrate
It is recommended to specify the device via a name which does not change:
e.g. via by-id devicename: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0@57600
If the baudrate is "directio" (e.g.: /dev/ttyACM0@directio), then the
perl module Device::SerialPort is not needed, and fhem opens the device
with simple file io. This might work if the operating system uses sane
defaults for the serial parameters, e.g. some Linux distributions and
OSX. <br><br>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#attrdummy">dummy</a></li>
This will bring the module in a very verbose debug output. Usefull to find new signals and verify if the demodulation works correctly.
This is the command, that is executed to performa the firmware flash. Do not edit, if you don't know what you are doing.<br>
The default is: avrdude -p atmega328P -c arduino -P [PORT] -D -U flash:w:[HEXFILE] 2>[LOGFILE]<br>
It contains some place-holders that automatically get filled with the according values:<br>
is the port the Signalduino is connectd to (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0) and will be used from the defenition</li>
is the .hex file that shall get flashed. There are three options (applied in this order):<br>
- passed in set flash<br>
- taken from the hexFile attribute<br>
- the default value defined in the module<br>
The logfile that collects information about the flash process. It gets displayed in FHEM after finishing the flash process</li>
When using the flash command, you should specify whar hardware you have connected to the usbport. Doing not, can cause failures of the device.
This is a very special attribute. It is provided to other modules. minsecs should act like a threshold. All logic must be done in the logical module.
If specified, then supported modules will discard new messages if minsecs isn't past.
Comma separated list of device-types for SIGNALduino that should be handled using long IDs. This additional ID allows it to differentiate some weather sensors, if they are sending on the same channel. Therfor a random generated id is added. If you choose to use longids, then you'll have to define a different device after battery change.<br>
Default is to not to use long IDs for all devices.
# Do not use any long IDs for any devices:
attr sduino longids 0
# Use any long IDs for all devices (this is default):
attr sduino longids 1
# Use longids for BTHR918N devices.
# Will generate devices names like BTHR918N_f3.
attr sduino longids BTHR918N
<a name="SIGNALduinoget"></a>
return the SIGNALduino firmware version
Issue a SIGNALduino firmware command, and wait for one line of data returned by
the SIGNALduino. See the SIGNALduino firmware code for details on SIGNALduino
commands. With this line, you can send almost any signal via a transmitter connected
Depending on the firmware installed, SIGNALduinos have a different set of
possible commands. Please refer to the sourcecode of the firmware of your
SIGNALduino to interpret the response of this command. See also the raw-
For sending IT Signals for wireless switches, the number of repeats and the base duration can be set.
With the get command, you can verify what is programmed into the uC.
<a name="SIGNALduinoset"></a>
Sets the clock which is used to send the signal for IT switches. (Default is 300)
Issue a SIGNALduino firmware command, without waiting data returned by
the SIGNALduino. See the SIGNALduino firmware code for details on SIGNALduino
commands. With this line, you can send almost any signal via a transmitter connected
This will do a reset of the usb port and normaly causes to reset the uC connected.
<li>flash [hexFile]<br>
The SIGNALduino needs the right firmware to be able to receive and deliver the sensor data to fhem. In addition to the way using the
arduino IDE to flash the firmware into the SIGNALduino this provides a way to flash it directly from FHEM.
There are some requirements:
<li>avrdude must be installed on the host<br>
On a Raspberry PI this can be done with: sudo apt-get install avrdude</li>
<li>the hardware attribute must be set if using any other hardware as an Arduino nano<br>
This attribute defines the command, that gets sent to avrdude to flash the uC.<br></li>
This command will create the needed instructions for sending raw data via the signalduino. Insteaf of specifying the signaldata by your own you specify
a protocol and the bits you want to send. The command will generate the needed command, that the signalduino will send this.
Please note, that this command will work only for MU or MS protocols. You can't transmit manchester data this way.
Input args are:
P<protocol id>#binarydata#R<num of repeats>
<br>Example: P0#0101#R3
<br>Will generate the raw send command for the message 0101 with protocol 0 and instruct the arduino to send this three times.
Allows you to enable the message processing for
<li>messages with sync (syncedMS),</li>
<li>messages without a sync pulse (unsyncedMU)</li>
<li>manchester encoded messages (manchesterMC) </li>
The new state will be saved into the eeprom of your arduino.
Allows you to disable the message processing for
<li>messages with sync (syncedMS),</li>
<li>messages without a sync pulse (unsyncedMU) </li>
<li>manchester encoded messages (manchesterMC) </li>
The new state will be saved into the eeprom of your arduino.
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