mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:47:00 +00:00

Fix showhelper Bug on lock/unlock. The error that after a trigger action the curren tab is changed to the "old" activetab tab has been fixed. feature Tabs can show an icon. git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@4809 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
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332 lines
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// dashboard.js
// Released : 14.11.2013 @svenson08
// Version :
// 1.01: Released to testers
// 1.02: Add DebugMsg. Fix independent Groupsize adjustment after set & siterefresh. Fix
// wrong set of +Toogle Icon on Siderefresh
// 2.00: First Changes vor Dashboard Tabs. Change method store Positiondata. optimization restore Positiondata. Clear poor routines.
// Change max/min Values for Groupresize. Top- and Bottom-Row always 100%
// 2.01: Add Longpoll function. Dashboard can hide FHEMWEB Roomliste and Header.
// 2.02: Tabs can set on top, bottom or hidden
// 2.03: Fix showhelper Bug on lock/unlock. The error that after a trigger action the curren tab is changed to the "old" activetab tab has
// been fixed.
// Known Bugs/Todo's
// See 95_Dashboard.pm
function saveOrder() {
var EndSaveResult = "";
var ActiveTab = $("#tabs .ui-tabs-panel:visible").attr("id").substring(14,13);
//------------------- Build new Position string ----------------------
$(".dashboard_column").each(function(index, value){
var colid = value.id;
var SaveResult = "";
var neworder = $('#' + colid).sortable("toArray");
for ( var i = 0, n = neworder.length; i < n; i++ ) {
var tab = $('#' + neworder[i]).parent().attr("id").substring(14,13);
var column = $('#' + neworder[i]).parent().attr("id").substring(20);
if (ActiveTab == tab) {
var groupdata = ($('#' + neworder[i]).data("groupwidget").split(",")); //get curren Group-Configuration
if (groupdata[1] != ''){
groupdata[0] = "t"+tab+"c"+$('#' + neworder[i]).parent().attr("id").substring(20);
groupdata[2] = $('#' + neworder[i]).find('.dashboard_content').is(':visible');
groupdata[3] = $('#' + neworder[i]).outerWidth();
if (groupdata[4] == 0) {groupdata[4] = $('#' + neworder[i]).outerHeight();}
if (groupdata[2] == true) {
groupdata[4] = $('#' + neworder[i]).outerHeight();
$('#' + neworder[i]).find(".dashboard_content").data("userheight", $('#' + neworder[i]).outerHeight());
$(neworder[i]).data("groupwidget",groupdata); //store in current Widget
SaveResult = SaveResult+groupdata+":";
if (SaveResult != ""){ EndSaveResult = EndSaveResult + SaveResult; } //NewResult: <tab><column>,<portlet-1>,<status>,<height>,<width>,<portlet-n>,<status>,<height>,<width>:<columNumber.....
//--------------------- Store new Positions ------------------------
if (EndSaveResult != "") { $("#tabs .ui-tabs-panel:visible").data("tabwidgets",EndSaveResult); } //store widgetposition in active tab Widget
document.getElementById("dashboard_button_set").classList.add('dashboard_button_changed'); //Mark that the Changes are not saved
function restoreOrder() {
var params = (document.getElementById("dashboard_attr").value).split(","); //get current Configuration
var ActiveTab = $("#tabs .ui-tabs-panel:visible");
var ActiveTabId = ActiveTab.attr("id").substring(14,13);
var aColWidth = GetColWidth(params[7],params[12]);
//--------------------------------------------- Set Row and Column Settings --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (ActiveTab.has("#dashboard_rowtop_tab"+ActiveTabId).length){ $("#dashboard_rowtop_tab"+ActiveTabId).height(params[8]); }
if (ActiveTab.has("#dashboard_rowcenter_tab"+ActiveTabId).length){ $("#dashboard_rowcenter_tab"+ActiveTabId).height(params[5]); }
if (ActiveTab.has("#dashboard_rowbottom_tab"+ActiveTabId).length){ $("#dashboard_rowbottom_tab"+ActiveTabId).height(params[9]); }
for (var i = 0, n = params[7]; i <= n; i++) {
if (ActiveTab.has("#dashboard_tab"+ActiveTabId+"column"+i).length) { $("#dashboard_tab"+ActiveTabId+"column"+i).width(aColWidth[i]+"%"); }
if (params[2] == 1) { $(".ui-row").addClass("dashboard_columnhelper"); } else { $(".ui-row").removeClass("dashboard_columnhelper"); }//set showhelper
$(".dashboard_widget").each(function(index, value) {
var groupdata = $(this).data("groupwidget").split(","); //get the position string from the data
var TabId = groupdata[0].substring(1,2);
var ColumnId = groupdata[0].substring(3,groupdata[0].length);
if (TabId == ActiveTabId){ //Restore only for the current active tab
var groupname = groupdata[1];
var visible = groupdata[2];
var width = groupdata[3];
var height = groupdata[4];
//---------- Max. Width of an Group. Reduce group-with if need | Min. Width if need ----------
var widgetmaxwidth = $(this).parent().width();
if (width == 0) { width = $(this).find(".dashboard_content").children().outerWidth()+10;}
if (width > widgetmaxwidth) {width = widgetmaxwidth}; //width is =< columnwith
//-------------------------------- Height of an Group. | Min. Height if need ---------------------------
if (height == 0) { height = $(this).outerHeight();}
if ($(this).outerHeight() > height) {$(this).outerHeight(height); } //set heigh only if > group min. height
$(this).find(".dashboard_content").data("userheight", height-5);
if (params[2] == 1) { $(this).addClass("dashboard_widgethelper"); } else { $(this).removeClass("dashboard_widgethelper"); }//Show Widget-Helper Frame
if (visible === 'false') {
if ($(this).find("span").hasClass("dashboard_button_iconminus")){
.removeClass( "dashboard_button_iconminus" )
.addClass( "dashboard_button_iconplus" );
function GetColWidth(ColCount, ColWidth){
var aColWidth = ColWidth.replace(/%/g, "").split(":");
if (aColWidth.length > ColCount) { aColWidth.length = ColCount; }
if (aColWidth.length < ColCount) { for (var i = aColWidth.length; i < ColCount; i++) { aColWidth[i] = "20"; } } //fill missin width parts with 20%
var ColWidthCount = aColWidth.length;
var ColWidthSum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < ColWidthCount; i++) { ColWidthSum = parseInt(aColWidth[i]) + ColWidthSum; }
if (ColWidthSum > 100) { //reduce width down to 100%
while (ColWidthSum > 100){
ColWidthSum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < ColWidthCount; i++) {
if (parseInt(aColWidth[i]) > 10) { aColWidth[i] = parseInt(aColWidth[i])-1; }
ColWidthSum = parseInt(aColWidth[i]) + ColWidthSum;
if (ColWidthSum < 100) { aColWidth[ColWidthCount-1] = parseInt(aColWidth[ColWidthCount-1]) + (100 - ColWidthSum); } //fill up to 100% width
aColWidth[0] = parseInt(aColWidth[0])-(0.2 * ColCount);
return aColWidth;
//Only use for debugging
function showdebugMessage(msg){
document.getElementById("dashboard_jsdebug").value = msg;
function dashboard_tooglelock(){
var params = (document.getElementById("dashboard_attr").value).split(","); //get current Configuration
if (params[3] == "lock"){ //current state lock, do unlock
params[3] = "unlock";
$("#dashboard_button_lock").button( "option", "label", "Lock" );
} else { //current state unlock, set lock
params[3] = "lock";
$("#dashboard_button_lock").button( "option", "label", "Unlock" );
document.getElementById("dashboard_attr").value = params;
FW_cmd(document.location.pathname+'?XHR=1&cmd.'+params[0]+'=attr '+params[0]+' dashboard_lockstate '+params[3]);
function dashboard_setlock(){
$("#dashboard_button_lock").prepend('<span class="dashboard_button_icon dashboard_button_iconlock"></span>');
$( ".dashboard_column" ).sortable( "option", "disabled", true );
$( ".dashboard_widget" ).removeClass("dashboard_widgethelper");
if ($( ".dashboard_widget" ).hasClass("ui-resizable")) { $( ".dashboard_widget" ).resizable("destroy"); };
$( ".dashboard_column" ).removeClass("dashboard_columnhelper");
function dashboard_unsetlock(){
var params = (document.getElementById("dashboard_attr").value).split(","); //get current Configuration
$("#dashboard_button_lock").prepend('<span class="dashboard_button_icon dashboard_button_iconunlock"></span>');
$( ".dashboard_column" ).sortable( "option", "disabled", false );
if (params[2] == 1) { $( ".dashboard_widget" ).addClass("dashboard_widgethelper"); } else { $( ".dashboard_widget" ).removeClass("dashboard_widgethelper"); }//Show Widget-Helper Frame
if (params[2] == 1) { $( ".dashboard_column" ).addClass("dashboard_columnhelper"); } else { $( ".dashboard_column" ).removeClass("dashboard_columnhelper"); }//Show Widget-Helper Frame
function dashboard_setposition(){
var params = (document.getElementById("dashboard_attr").value).split(","); //get current Configuration
//------------------- store group position ----------------------------
for (var i = 0, n = params[10]; i < n; i++ ) {
if ($("#dashboard_tab"+i).data("tabwidgets") != null) {
var j = i+1;
FW_cmd(document.location.pathname+'?XHR=1&cmd.'+params[0]+'=attr '+params[0]+' dashboard_tab'+j+'sorting '+$("#dashboard_tab"+i).data("tabwidgets"));
//--------------------- store active Tab ------------------------------
//var activeTab = ($( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active" ))+1;
//if (params[11] != activeTab){
// FW_cmd(document.location.pathname+'?XHR=1&cmd.'+params[0]+'=attr '+params[0]+' dashboard_activetab '+activeTab);
// }
function dashboard_modifyWidget(){
$( ".dashboard_widget" ).resizable({
'grid': 5,
start: function(e, ui) {
var params = (document.getElementById("dashboard_attr").value).split(","); //get current Configuration
var groupdata = $(this).data("groupwidget").split(","); //get the position string from the data
var TabId = $(this).parent().attr("id").substring(14,13);
var ColumnId = $(this).parent().attr("id").substring(20);
var widgetmaxwidth = $(this).parent().width();
if (ColumnId == "100") { var widgetmaxheight = params[8]; }
if ((ColumnId != "100") && (ColumnId != "200")) { var widgetmaxheight = params[5]; }
if (ColumnId == "200") { var widgetmaxheight = params[9]; }
maxWidthOffset = widgetmaxwidth;
resize: function(e, ui) {
if ($(this).find(".dashboard_widgetheader").outerWidth() < $(this).find(".dashboard_content").children().outerWidth()) {$(this).resizable("option","minWidth", $(this).find(".dashboard_content").children().outerWidth()+5 ); }
if ($(this).find(".dashboard_widget").outerHeight() < $(this).find(".dashboard_widgetinner").outerHeight()) { $(this).resizable("option","minHeight", $(this).find(".dashboard_widgetinner").outerHeight()); }
stop: function() {
$(document).ready( function () {
//--------------------------------- Attribute des Dashboards ------------------------------------------------------------------
var params = (document.getElementById("dashboard_attr").value).split(","); //get current Configuration
$("body").attr("longpollfilter", ".*") //need for longpoll
if (params[13] == 1){ //disable roomlist and header
$("#content").css({position: 'inherit'});
connectWith: ['.dashboard_column', '.ui-row'],
cursor: 'move',
stop: function() { saveOrder(); }
if (params[4] == "hidden") {
if (params[6] == 1){ //ToogleButton show/hide
.addClass( "dashboard_widget ui-corner-all" )
.addClass( "dashboard_widgetheader ui-corner-all" )
.prepend('<span class="dashboard_button_icon dashboard_button_iconminus"></span>')
$(".dashboard_widgetheader .dashboard_button_icon").click(function(event) {
if ($(this).hasClass("dashboard_button_iconplus")) {
$(this).removeClass( "dashboard_button_iconplus" );
$(this).addClass( "dashboard_button_iconminus" );
var newHeigth = $(this).parents(".dashboard_widget:first").find(".dashboard_content").data("userheight");
//-------- set heigh only if > group min. height -------------
if ($(this).parents(".dashboard_widgetinner").outerHeight() > newHeigth) {
} else { $(this).parents(".dashboard_widget:first").outerHeight(newHeigth);}
} else {
$(this).removeClass( "dashboard_button_iconminus" );
$(this).addClass( "dashboard_button_iconplus" );
var currHeigth = Math.round($(this).parents(".dashboard_widget:first").height());
$(this).parents(".dashboard_widget:first").find(".dashboard_content").data("userheight", currHeigth);
var newHeigth = $(this).parents(".dashboard_widget:first").find(".dashboard_widgetinner").height()+5;
//--------------------------------- Dashboard Tabs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
active: 0,
create: function(event, ui) {
$( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active", params[11]-1 ); //set active Tab
activate: function (event, ui) {
var activeTab = ($( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active" ))+1;
if (params[11] != activeTab){
FW_cmd(document.location.pathname+'?XHR=1&cmd.'+params[0]+'=attr '+params[0]+' dashboard_activetab '+activeTab);
if ($("#dashboard_tabnav").hasClass("dashboard_tabnav_bottom")) { $(".dashboard_tabnav").appendTo(".dashboard_tabs"); } //set Tabs on the Bottom
$(".dashboard_tab_hidden").css("display", "none"); //hide Tabs
create: function( event, ui ) {
create: function( event, ui ) {
create: function( event, ui ) {
if (params[3] == "lock") {
$(this).button( "option", "label", "Unlock" );
} else {
$(this).button( "option", "label", "Lock" );