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# ############################################################################
# FHEM Modue for Squeezebox Players
# ############################################################################
# used to interact with Squeezebox Player
# ############################################################################
# This is absolutley open source. Please feel free to use just as you
# like. Please note, that no warranty is given and no liability
# granted
# ############################################################################
# we have the following readings
# state not yet implemented
# ############################################################################
# we have the following attributes
# timer the time frequency how often we check
# volumeStep the volume delta when sending the up or down command
# timeout the timeout in seconds for the TCP connection
# ############################################################################
# we have the following internals (all UPPERCASE)
# PLAYERIP the IP adress of the player in the network
# PLAYERID the unique identifier of the player. Mostly the MAC
# SERVER based on the IP and the port as given
# IP the IP of the server
# PLAYERNAME the name of the Player
# CONNECTION the connection status to the server
# CANPOWEROFF is the player supporting power off commands
# MODEL the model of the player
# DISPLAYTYPE what sort of display is there, if any
# ############################################################################
# $Id$
# ############################################################################
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use URI::Escape;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
# include this for the self-calling timer we use later on
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use constant { true => 1, false => 0 };
# the list of favorites
my %SB_PLAYER_Favs;
# the list of sync masters
my %SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters;
# the list of Server side playlists
my %SB_PLAYER_Playlists;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialisation routine called upon start-up of FHEM
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Initialize( $ ) {
my ($hash) = @_;
# the commands we provide to FHEM
# installs the respecitive call-backs for FHEM. The call back in quotes
# must be realised as a sub later on in the file
$hash->{DefFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Undef";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Shutdown";
$hash->{SetFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Get";
# for the two step approach
$hash->{Match} = "^SB_PLAYER:";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "SB_PLAYER_Parse";
# the attributes we have. Space separated list of attribute values in
# the form name:default1,default2
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ignore:1,0 do_not_notify:1,0 ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "volumeStep volumeLimit ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "ttslanguage:de,en,fr ttslink ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "donotnotify:true,false ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "idismac:true,false ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "serverautoon:true,false ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "fadeinsecs ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "amplifier:on,play ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "coverartheight:50,100,200 ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= "coverartwidth:50,100,200 ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= $readingFnAttributes;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Definition of a module instance
# called when defining an element via fhem.cfg
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Define( $$ ) {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
# do we have the right number of arguments?
if( ( @a < 3 ) || ( @a > 5 ) ) {
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Define: falsche Anzahl an Argumenten" );
return( "wrong syntax: define <name> SB_PLAYER <playerid> " .
"<ampl:FHEM_NAME> <coverart:FHEMNAME>" );
# remove the name and our type
# my $name = shift( @a );
shift( @a ); # name
shift( @a ); # type
# needed for manual creation of the Player; autocreate checks in ParseFn
if( SB_PLAYER_IsValidMAC( $a[ 0] ) == 1 ) {
# the MAC adress is valid
$hash->{PLAYERMAC} = $a[ 0 ];
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Define: playerid ist keine MAC Adresse " .
"im Format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx oder xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx";
Log3( $hash, 1, $msg );
return( $msg );
# shift the MAC away
shift( @a );
$hash->{AMPLIFIER} = "none";
$hash->{COVERARTLINK} = "none";
foreach( @a ) {
if( $_ =~ /^(ampl:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{AMPLIFIER} = $2;
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(coverart:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{COVERARTLINK} = $2;
} else {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Define successfully called" );
# remove the : from the ID
my @idbuf = split( ":", $hash->{PLAYERMAC} );
my $uniqueid = join( "", @idbuf );
# our unique id
$hash->{FHEMUID} = $uniqueid;
# do the alarms fade in
$hash->{ALARMSFADEIN} = "?";
# the number of alarms of the player
$hash->{ALARMSCOUNT} = 2;
# for the two step approach
$modules{SB_PLAYER}{defptr}{$uniqueid} = $hash;
AssignIoPort( $hash );
# preset the internals
# can the player power off
$hash->{CANPOWEROFF} = "?";
# graphical or textual display
$hash->{DISPLAYTYPE} = "?";
# which model do we see?
$hash->{MODEL} = "?";
# what's the ip adress of the player
$hash->{PLAYERIP} = "?";
# the name of the player as assigned by the server
$hash->{PLAYERNAME} = "?";
# the last alarm we did set
$hash->{LASTALARM} = 1;
# the reference to the favorites list
$hash->{FAVREF} = " ";
# the command for selecting a favorite
$hash->{FAVSET} = "favorites";
# the entry in the global hash table
$hash->{FAVSTR} = "not,yet,defined ";
# the selected favorites
$hash->{FAVSELECT} = "not";
# last received answer from the server
$hash->{LASTANSWER} = "none";
# for sync group (multi-room)
$hash->{SYNCMASTER} = "?";
$hash->{SYNCGROUP} = "?";
$hash->{SYNCED} = "?";
# seconds until sleeping
$hash->{WILLSLEEPIN} = "?";
# the list of potential sync masters
$hash->{SYNCMASTERS} = "not,yet,defined";
# is currently playing a remote stream
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = "?";
# the server side playlists
$hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} = "not,yet,defined";
# the URL to the artwork
$hash->{ARTWORKURL} = "?";
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "?";
$hash->{COVERID} = "?";
# the IP and Port of the Server
$hash->{SBSERVER} = "?";
# preset the attributes
# volume delta settings
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{volumeStep} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{volumeStep} = 10;
# Upper limit for volume setting
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{volumeLimit} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{volumeLimit} = 100;
# how many secs for fade in when going from stop to play
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{fadeinsecs} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{fadeinsecs} = 10;
# do not create FHEM notifies (true=no notifies)
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{donotnotify} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{donotnotify} = "true";
# is the ID the MAC adress
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{idismac} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{idismac} = "true";
# the language for text2speech
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{ttslanguage} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{ttslanguage} = "de";
# link to the text2speech engine
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{ttslink} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{ttslink} = "http://translate.google.com" .
# turn on the server when player is used
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{serverautoon} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{serverautoon} = "true";
# amplifier on/off when play/pause or on/off
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{amplifier} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{amplifier} = "play";
# height and width of the cover art for the URL
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{coverartwidth} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{coverartwidth} = 50;
if( !defined( $attr{$name}{coverartheight} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{coverartheight} = 50;
# Preset our readings if undefined
my $tn = TimeNow();
# according to development guidelines of FHEM AV Module
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{presence}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{presence}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{presence}{TIME} = $tn;
# according to development guidelines of FHEM AV Module
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{power}{TIME} = $tn;
# the last unkown command
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{lastunkowncmd}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{lastunkowncmd}{VAL} = "none";
$hash->{READINGS}{lastunkowncmd}{TIME} = $tn;
# the last unkown IR command
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{lastir}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{lastir}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{lastir}{TIME} = $tn;
# the id of the alarm we create
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{alarmid1}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{alarmid1}{VAL} = "none";
$hash->{READINGS}{alarmid1}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{alarmid2}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{alarmid2}{VAL} = "none";
$hash->{READINGS}{alarmid2}{TIME} = $tn;
# values according to standard
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{playStatus}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{playStatus}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{playStatus}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentArtist}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentArtist}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentArtist}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentAlbum}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentAlbum}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentAlbum}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{favorites}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{favorites}{VAL} = "not";
$hash->{READINGS}{favorites}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{playlists}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{playlists}{VAL} = "not";
$hash->{READINGS}{playlists}{TIME} = $tn;
# for the FHEM AV Development Guidelinses
# we use this to store the currently playing ID to later on return to
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentMedia}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentMedia}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentMedia}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistName}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistName}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistName}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistUrl}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistUrl}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentPlaylistUrl}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{volume}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{volume}{VAL} = 0;
$hash->{READINGS}{volume}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{volumeStraight}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{volumeStraight}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{volumeStraight}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{connected}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{connected}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{connected}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{signalstrength}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{signalstrength}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{shuffle}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{shuffle}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{repeat}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{repeat}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{currentTitle}{TIME} = $tn;
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = "?";
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = $tn;
# save / recall status
# if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{savedState}{VAL} ) ) {
# $hash->{READINGS}{savedState}{VAL} = "off";
# $hash->{READINGS}{savedState}{TIME} = $tn;
# }
# if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{savedPlayStatus}{VAL} ) ) {
# $hash->{READINGS}{savedPlayStatus}{VAL} = "paused";
# $hash->{READINGS}{savedPlayStatus}{TIME} = $tn;
# }
if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} ) ) {
$hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} = "stopped";
$hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{TIME} = $tn;
# do and update of the status
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10,
0 );
return( undef );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# called from the global dispatch if new data is available
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Parse( $$ ) {
my ( $iohash, $msg ) = @_;
# we expect the data to be in the following format
# xxxxxxxxxxxx cmd1 cmd2 cmd3 ...
# where xxxxxxxxxxxx is derived from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
# that needs to be done by the server
Log3( $iohash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: called with $msg" );
# storing the last in an array is necessery, for tagged responses
my ( $modtype, $id, @data ) = split(":", $msg, 3 );
Log3( $iohash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: type:$modtype, ID:$id CMD:@data" );
if( $modtype ne "SB_PLAYER" ) {
# funny stuff happens at the disptach function
Log3( $iohash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: wrong type given." );
# let's see what we got. Split the data at the space
# necessery, for tagged responses
my @args = split( " ", join( " ", @data ) );
my $cmd = shift( @args );
my $hash = $modules{SB_PLAYER}{defptr}{$id};
if( !$hash ) {
Log3( undef, 3, "SB_PLAYER Unknown device with ID $id, " .
"please define it");
# do the autocreate; derive the unique id (MAC adress)
my @playermac = ( $id =~ m/.{2}/g );
my $idbuf = join( ":", @playermac );
Log3( undef, 3, "SB_PLAYER Dervived the following MAC $idbuf " );
if( SB_PLAYER_IsValidMAC( $idbuf ) == 1 ) {
# the MAC Adress is valid
Log3( undef, 3, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: the unknown ID $id is a valid " .
"MAC Adress" );
# this line supports autocreate
return( "UNDEFINED SB_PLAYER_$id SB_PLAYER $idbuf" );
} else {
# the MAC adress is not valid
Log3( undef, 3, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: the unknown ID $id is NOT " .
"a valid MAC Adress" );
return( undef );
# so the data is for us
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "" if(IsIgnored($name));
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name CMD:$cmd ARGS:@args..." );
# what ever we have received, signal it
$hash->{LASTANSWER} = "$cmd @args";
# signal the update to FHEM
readingsBeginUpdate( $hash );
if( $cmd eq "mixer" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "volume" ) {
# update the volume
if ($args[ 1 ] eq "?") {
# it is a request
} else {
SB_SERVER_UpdateVolumeReadings( $hash, $args[ 1 ], true );
} elsif( $cmd eq "remote" ) {
if( defined( $args[ 0 ] ) ) {
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = "$args[ 0 ]";
} else {
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = "0";
} elsif( $cmd eq "play" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "playing" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq "stop" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "stopped" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq "pause" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "playing" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "paused" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq "mode" ) {
#Log3( $hash, 1, "Playmode: $args[ 0 ]" );
# alittle more complex to fulfill FHEM Development guidelines
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "play" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "playing" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "stop" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "stopped" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "pause" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "paused" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", $args[ 0 ] );
} elsif( $cmd eq "newmetadata" ) {
# the song has changed, but we are easy and just ask the player
# sending the requests causes endless loop
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} artist ?\n" );
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} album ?\n" );
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} title ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} remote ?\n" );
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} status 0 500 tags:Kc\n" );
SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq "playlist" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "newsong" ) {
# the song has changed, but we are easy and just ask the player
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} artist ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} album ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} title ?\n" );
SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $hash );
# the id is in the last return. ID not reported for radio stations
# so this will go wrong for e.g. Bayern 3
# if( $args[ $#args ] =~ /(^[0-9]{1,3})/g ) {
# readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentMedia", $1 );
# }
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "cant_open" ) {
#TODO: needs to be handled
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "open" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentMedia", "$args[ 1]" );
# $args[ 2 ] =~ /^(file:)(.*)/g;
# if( defined( $2 ) ) {
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentMedia", $2 );
# }
if ($hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} eq "requested") {
# should be my talk
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER: talkstatus = " .
$hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "talkStatus", "playing" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} eq "requested " .
"recall pending" ) {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER: talkstatus = " .
$hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "talkStatus", "playing " .
"recall pending", 1 );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "repeat" ) {
if( $args[ 1 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "off" );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "one" );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "all" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "?" );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "shuffle" ) {
if( $args[ 1 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "off" );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "song" );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "album" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "?" );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "name" ) {
shift( @args );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentPlaylistName",
join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "url" ) {
shift( @args );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentPlaylistUrl",
join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "stop" ) {
if( $hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} eq "playing recall pending" ) {
# I was waiting for the end of the talk and a playlist stopped
# need to recall saved playlist and saved status
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER: stop talking - talkStatus was " .
"$hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL}" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "talkStatus", "stopped" );
# recall
if( $hash->{READINGS}{savedState}{VAL} eq "off" ) {
# I need to call the playlist and shut off the SB
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume " .
"fhem_$hash->{NAME} noplay:1\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 0\n" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "off" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER: recall : off" );
} elsif( $hash->{READINGS}{savedPlayStatus}{VAL} eq "stopped" ) {
# Need to recall playlist + stop
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume " .
"fhem_$hash->{NAME} noplay:1\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} stop\n" );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER: recall : stop" );
} elsif( $hash->{READINGS}{savedPlayStatus}{VAL} eq "paused" ) {
# Need to recall playlist + pause
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume " .
"fhem_$hash->{NAME} noplay:1\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 1\n" );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER: recall : pause 1" );
} else {
# Need to recall and play playlist
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume " .
"fhem_$hash->{NAME}\n" );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER: recall now - talkStatus=" .
"$hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL}" );
} elsif( $hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} eq "playing" ) {
# I was waiting for the end of the talk and a playlist stopped
# keep all like this
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER: stop talking - talkStatus was " .
"$hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL}" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "talkStatus", "stopped" );
} else {
# Should be an ordinary playlist stop
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER: no recall pending - talkstatus " .
"= $hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL}" );
} else {
# check if this caused going to play, as not send automatically
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mode ?\n" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "playlistcontrol" ) {
#playlistcontrol cmd:load artist_id:22 count:4
} elsif( $cmd eq "connected" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "connected", $args[ 0 ] );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "present" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "name" ) {
$hash->{PLAYERNAME} = join( " ", @args );
} elsif( $cmd eq "title" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentTitle", join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "artist" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentArtist", join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "album" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentAlbum", join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "player" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "model" ) {
$hash->{MODEL} = $args[ 1 ];
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "canpoweroff" ) {
$hash->{CANPOWEROFF} = $args[ 1 ];
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "ip" ) {
$hash->{PLAYERIP} = "$args[ 1 ]";
if( defined( $args[ 2 ] ) ) {
$hash->{PLAYERIP} .= ":$args[ 2 ]";
} else {
} elsif( $cmd eq "power" ) {
if (!(@args)) {
# power toggle : should only happen when called with SB CLI
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") eq "on") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "absent" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "off" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "off" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "on" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "on" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "on" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "on" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "absent" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "off" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "off" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} else {
# should be "?" normally
} elsif( $cmd eq "displaytype" ) {
$hash->{DISPLAYTYPE} = $args[ 0 ];
} elsif( $cmd eq "signalstrength" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "signalstrength", "wired" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "signalstrength", "$args[ 0 ]" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "alarm" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "sound" ) {
# fired when an alarm goes off
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "end" ) {
# fired when an alarm ends
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "snooze" ) {
# fired when an alarm is snoozed by the user
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "snooze_end" ) {
# fired when an alarm comes back from snooze
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "add" ) {
# fired when an alarm has been added.
# this setup goes wrong, when an alarm is defined manually
# the last entry in the array shall contain th id
my $idstr = $args[ $#args ];
if( $idstr =~ /^(id:)([0-9a-zA-Z\.]+)/g ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "alarmid$hash->{LASTALARM}", $2 );
} else {
} else {
} elsif( $cmd eq "alarms" ) {
SB_PLAYER_ParseAlarms( $hash, @args );
} elsif( $cmd eq "showbriefly" ) {
# to be ignored, we get two hashes
} elsif( ($cmd eq "unknownir" ) || ($cmd eq "ir" ) ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastir", $args[ 0 ] );
} elsif( $cmd eq "status" ) {
SB_SERVER_ParsePlayerStatus( $hash, \@args );
} elsif( $cmd eq "client" ) {
if( ($args[ 0 ] eq "disconnect") || ($args[ 0 ] eq "connect") ) {
# filter "client disconnect" and "client reconnect" messages
} elsif( $cmd eq "prefset" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "server" ) {
if( $args[ 1 ] eq "currentSong" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentMedia", $args[ 2 ] );
} elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "volume" ) {
SB_SERVER_UpdateVolumeReadings( $hash, $args[ 2 ], true );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastunkowncmd",
$cmd . " " . join( " ", @args ) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "NONE" ) {
# we shall never end up here, as cmd=NONE is used by the server for
# autocreate
} else {
# unkown command, we push it to the last command thingy
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastunkowncmd",
$cmd . " " . join( " ", @args ) );
# and signal the end of the readings update
if( AttrVal( $name, "donotnotify", "false" ) eq "true" ) {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 0 );
} else {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Parse: $name: leaving" );
return( $name );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Undefinition of an SB_PLAYER
# called when undefining (delete) and element
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Undef( $$$ ) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Undef: called" );
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
# to be reviewed if that works.
# check for uc()
# what is $hash->{DEF}?
delete $modules{SB_PLAYER}{defptr}{uc($hash->{DEF})};
return( undef );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shutdown function - called before fhem shuts down
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Shutdown( $$ ) {
my ($hash, $dev) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Shutdown: called" );
return( undef );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get of a module
# called upon get <name> cmd, arg1, arg2, ....
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Get( $@ ) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Get: called with @a" );
if( @a < 2 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Get: $name: wrong number of arguments";
Log3( $hash, 5, $msg );
return( $msg );
#my $name = shift( @a );
shift( @a ); # name
my $cmd = shift( @a );
if( $cmd eq "?" ) {
my $res = "Unknown argument ?, choose one of " .
"volume " . $hash->{FAVSET} . " ";
return( $res );
} elsif( $cmd eq "volume" ) {
return( scalar( ReadingsVal( "$name", "volumeStraight", 25 ) ) );
} elsif( $cmd eq $hash->{FAVSET} ) {
return( "$hash->{FAVSELECT}" );
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Get: $name: unkown argument";
Log3( $hash, 5, $msg );
return( $msg );
return( undef );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set of a module
# called upon set <name> cmd, arg1, arg2, ....
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Set( $@ ) {
my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @arg ) = @_;
#my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set: called with $cmd" );
# check if we have received a command
if( !defined( $cmd ) ) {
my $msg = "$name: set needs at least one parameter";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
# now parse the commands
if( $cmd eq "?" ) {
# this one should give us a drop down list
my $res = "Unknown argument ?, choose one of " .
"on off stop:noArg play:noArg pause:noArg " .
"save recall " .
"volume:slider,0,1,100 " .
"volumeUp:noArg volumeDown:noArg " .
"mute:noArg repeat:off,one,all show statusRequest:noArg " .
"shuffle:on,off next:noArg prev:noArg playlist sleep " .
"alarm1 alarm2 allalarms:enable,disable cliraw talk " .
"unsync:noArg ";
# add the favorites
$res .= $hash->{FAVSET} . ":" . $hash->{FAVSTR} . " ";
# ad the syncmasters
$res .= "sync:" . $hash->{SYNCMASTERS} . " ";
$res .= "playlists:" . $hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} . " ";
return( $res );
# as we have some other command, we need to turn on the server
#if( AttrVal( $name, "serverautoon", "true" ) eq "true" ) {
# SB_PLAYER_ServerTurnOn( $hash );
# }
if( ( $cmd eq "Stop" ) || ( $cmd eq "STOP" ) || ( $cmd eq "stop" ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} stop\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "Play" ) || ( $cmd eq "PLAY" ) || ( $cmd eq "play" ) ) {
my $secbuf = AttrVal( $name, "fadeinsecs", 10 );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play $secbuf\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "Pause" ) || ( $cmd eq "PAUSE" ) || ( $cmd eq "pause" ) ) {
my $secbuf = AttrVal( $name, "fadeinsecs", 10 );
if( @arg == 1 ) {
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "1" ) {
# pause the player
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 1 $secbuf\n" );
} else {
# unpause the player
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 0 $secbuf\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause $secbuf\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "next" ) || ( $cmd eq "NEXT" ) || ( $cmd eq "Next" ) ||
( $cmd eq "channelUp" ) || ( $cmd eq "CHANNELUP" ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist jump %2B1\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "prev" ) || ( $cmd eq "PREV" ) || ( $cmd eq "Prev" ) ||
( $cmd eq "channelDown" ) || ( $cmd eq "CHANNELDOWN" ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist jump %2D1\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "volume" ) || ( $cmd eq "VOLUME" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Volume" ) ||( $cmd eq "volumeStraight" ) ) {
if( @arg != 1 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for Vol given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
# set the volume to the desired level. Needs to be 0..100
# no error checking here, as the server does this
if( $arg[ 0 ] <= AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 100 ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume $arg[ 0 ]\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume " .
AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 50 ) . "\n" );
} elsif( $cmd eq $hash->{FAVSET} ) {
if( defined( $SB_PLAYER_Favs{$name}{$arg[0]}{ID} ) ) {
my $fid = $SB_PLAYER_Favs{$name}{$arg[0]}{ID};
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} favorites playlist " .
"play item_id:$fid\n" );
$hash->{FAVSELECT} = $arg[ 0 ];
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "$hash->{FAVSET}", "$arg[ 0 ]", 1 );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "volumeUp" ) || ( $cmd eq "VOLUMEUP" ) ||
( $cmd eq "VolumeUp" ) ) {
# increase volume
if( ( ReadingsVal( $name, "volumeStraight", 50 ) +
AttrVal( $name, "volumeStep", 10 ) ) <=
AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 100 ) ) {
my $volstr = sprintf( "+%02d", AttrVal( $name, "volumeStep", 10 ) );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume $volstr\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume " .
AttrVal( $name, "volumeLimit", 50 ) . "\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "volumeDown" ) || ( $cmd eq "VOLUMEDOWN" ) ||
( $cmd eq "VolumeDown" ) ) {
my $volstr = sprintf( "-%02d", AttrVal( $name, "volumeStep", 10 ) );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume $volstr\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "mute" ) || ( $cmd eq "MUTE" ) || ( $cmd eq "Mute" ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer muting toggle\n" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "on" ) {
if( $hash->{CANPOWEROFF} eq "0" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 1\n" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "off" ) {
# off command to go here
if( $hash->{CANPOWEROFF} eq "0" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} stop\n" );
} else {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 0\n" );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "repeat" ) || ( $cmd eq "REPEAT" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Repeat" ) ) {
if( @arg != 1 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for repeat given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "off" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 0\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "one" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 1\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "all" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist repeat 2\n" );
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: unknown argument for repeat given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "shuffle" ) || ( $cmd eq "SHUFFLE" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Shuffle" ) ) {
if( @arg != 1 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for shuffle given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "off" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist shuffle 0\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "on" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist shuffle 1\n" );
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: unknown argument for shuffle given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "show" ) ||
( $cmd eq "SHOW" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Show" ) ) {
# set <name> show line1:text line2:text duration:ss
my $v = join( " ", @arg );
my @buf = split( "line1:", $v );
@buf = split( "line2:", $buf[ 1 ] );
my $line1 = uri_escape( $buf[ 0 ] );
@buf = split( "duration:", $buf[ 1 ] );
my $line2 = uri_escape( $buf[ 0 ] );
my $duration = $buf[ 1 ];
my $cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} display $line1 $line2 $duration\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "talk" ) ||
( $cmd eq "TALK" ) ||
( $cmd eq "talk" ) ) {
my $outstr = join( "+", @arg );
$outstr = uri_escape( $outstr );
$outstr = AttrVal( $name, "ttslink", "none" )
. "&tl=" . AttrVal( $name, "ttslanguage", "de" )
. "&q=". $outstr;
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Set: talk: $name: $outstr" );
#readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "talkStatus", "requested", 1 );
# example for making it speak some google text-to-speech
#IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist play " . $outstr . "\n" );
if( $hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} eq "stopped") {
# new talk, no talk already playing
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist clear\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist add ". $outstr . "\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} play\n" );
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER: talk: initialize playlist" );
} else {
# already playing
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist add ". $outstr . "\n" );
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER: talkStatus = $hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL}" );
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER: talk: add $outstr" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "talkStatus", "requested", 1 );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "playlist" ) ||
( $cmd eq "PLAYLIST" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Playlist" ) ) {
if( ( @arg != 2 ) && ( @arg != 3 ) ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for Playlist given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
if( @arg == 1 ) {
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "track" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadtracks " .
"track.titlesearch:$arg[ 1 ]\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "album" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadtracks " .
"album.titlesearch:$arg[ 1 ]\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "artist" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadtracks " .
"contributor.titlesearch:$arg[ 1 ]\n" );
} else {
} elsif( @arg == 3 ) {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set($name): implement identifiers with " .
"spaces etc. inside" );
# the spaces might need %20 so we might need some more here
# please introduce a fromat like genre:xxx album:xxx artist:xxx
# and then run the results through uri_escape
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist loadalbum $arg[ 0 ] " .
"$arg[ 1 ] $arg[ 2 ]\n" );
} else {
# what the f... we checked beforehand
} elsif( $cmd eq "allalarms" ) {
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "enable" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm enableall\n" );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "disable" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm disableall\n" );
} else {
} elsif( index( $cmd, "alarm" ) != -1 ) {
my $alarmno = int( substr( $cmd, 5 ) ) + 0;
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set: $name: alarmid:$alarmno" );
return( SB_PLAYER_Alarm( $hash, $alarmno, @arg ) );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "sleep" ) || ( $cmd eq "SLEEP" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Sleep" ) ) {
# split the time string up
my @buf = split( ":", $arg[ 0 ] );
if( scalar( @buf ) != 3 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: please use hh:mm:ss for sleep time.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
my $secs = ( $buf[ 0 ] * 3600 ) + ( $buf[ 1 ] * 60 ) + $buf[ 2 ];
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} sleep $secs\n" );
return( undef );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "cliraw" ) || ( $cmd eq "CLIRAW" ) ||
( $cmd eq "Cliraw" ) ) {
# write raw messages to the CLI interface per player
my $v = join( " ", @arg );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set: cliraw: $v " );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} $v\n" );
return( undef );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "save" ) || ( $cmd eq "SAVE" ) ) {
# saves player's context
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set: save " );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash,
1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash,
1 );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist save fhem_$hash->{NAME}\n" );
# if( $hash->{READINGS}{savedState}{VAL} eq "pause" ) {
# # last commands changed the status to stopped ???
# IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 1\n" );
# }
return( undef );
} elsif( ( $cmd eq "recall" ) || ( $cmd eq "RECALL" ) ) {
if( defined( $hash->{READINGS}{savedState}{VAL} ) ) {
# something has been saved
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Set: recall( $hash->{READINGS}{savedState}{VAL}, $hash->{READINGS}{savedPlayStatus}{VAL})" );
if( $hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} ne "stopped" ) {
# I am talking : need to wait for the end i.e. for a stop
if( !($hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL} =~/pending/ )) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "talkStatus", $hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL}." recall pending", 1 );
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER: recall : need to wait for stop - talkStatus=$hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL}" );
} else {
# I am not talking, recall anyway
if( $hash->{READINGS}{savedState}{VAL} eq "off" ) {
# I need to call the playlist and shut off the SB
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume fhem_$hash->{NAME} noplay:1\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power 0\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "off", 1 );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER: recall : off" );
} elsif( $hash->{READINGS}{savedPlayStatus}{VAL} eq "stopped" ) {
# Need to recall playlist + stop
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume fhem_$hash->{NAME} noplay:1\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} stop\n" );
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER: recall : stop" );
} elsif( $hash->{READINGS}{savedPlayStatus}{VAL} eq "paused" ) {
# Need to recall playlist + pause
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume fhem_$hash->{NAME} noplay:1\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} pause 1\n" );
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER: recall : pause 1" );
} else {
# Need to recall and play playlist
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist resume fhem_$hash->{NAME}\n" );
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER: recall now - talkStatus=$hash->{READINGS}{talkStatus}{VAL}" );
} else {
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Set: recall without save");
return( undef );
} elsif( $cmd eq "statusRequest" ) {
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq "sync" ) {
if( @arg == 1 ) {
if( defined( $SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters{$name}{$arg[0]}{MAC} ) ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} sync " .
"$SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters{$name}{$arg[0]}{MAC}\n" );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for sync given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} elsif( $cmd eq "unsync" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} sync -\n" );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq "playlists" ) {
if( @arg == 1 ) {
my $msg;
if( defined( $SB_PLAYER_Playlists{$name}{$arg[0]}{ID} ) ) {
$msg = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlistcontrol cmd:load " .
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Set($name): playlists command = " .
$msg . " ........ with $arg[0]" );
IOWrite( $hash, $msg . "\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "playlists", "$arg[ 0 ]", 1 );
SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $hash );
} else {
$msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no name for playlist defined.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: no arguments for playlists given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: unsupported command given";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
return( undef );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set Alarms of the Player
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Alarm( $$@ ) {
my ( $hash, $n, @arg ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( ( $n != 1 ) && ( $n != 2 ) ) {
Log3( $hash, 1, "SB_PLAYER_Alarm: $name: wrong ID given. Must be 1|2" );
my $id = ReadingsVal( "$name", "alarmid$n", "none" );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Alarm: $name: ID:$id, N:$n" );
my $cmdstr = "";
if( $arg[ 0 ] eq "set" ) {
# set <name> alarm set 0..6 hh:mm:ss playlist
if( ( @arg != 4 ) && ( @arg != 3 ) ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: not enough arguments for alarm given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
if( $id ne "none" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm delete $id\n" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmid$n", "none", 0 );
my $dow = $arg[ 1 ];
# split the time string up
my @buf = split( ":", $arg[ 2 ] );
if( scalar( @buf ) != 3 ) {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: please use hh:mm:ss for alarm time.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
my $secs = ( $buf[ 0 ] * 3600 ) + ( $buf[ 1 ] * 60 ) + $buf[ 2 ];
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm add dow:$dow repeat:0 enabled:1";
if( defined( $arg[ 3 ] ) ) {
$cmdstr .= " playlist:" . $arg[ 3 ];
$cmdstr .= " time:$secs\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
$hash->{LASTALARM} = $n;
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "enable" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
$cmdstr .= "enabled:1\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "disable" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
$cmdstr .= "enabled:0\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "volume" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm update id:$id ";
$cmdstr .= "volume:" . $arg[ 1 ] . "\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
} elsif( $arg[ 0 ] eq "delete" ) {
if( $id ne "none" ) {
$cmdstr = "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} alarm delete id:$id\n";
IOWrite( $hash, $cmdstr );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "alarmid$n", "none", 1 );
} else {
my $msg = "SB_PLAYER_Set: unkown argument for alarm given.";
Log3( $hash, 3, $msg );
return( $msg );
return( undef );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Status update - just internal use and invoked by the timer
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_GetStatus( $ ) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $strbuf = "";
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_GetStatus: called" );
# we fire the respective questions and parse the answers in parse
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} artist ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} album ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} title ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} playlist url ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} remote ?\n" );
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} status 0 500 tags:Kc\n" );
# the other values below are provided by our server. we don't
# need to ask again
if( $hash->{PLAYERIP} eq "?" ) {
# the server doesn't care about us
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} player ip ?\n" );
if( $hash->{MODEL} eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} player model ?\n" );
if( $hash->{CANPOWEROFF} eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} player canpoweroff ?\n" );
if( $hash->{PLAYERNAME} eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} name ?\n" );
if( ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "?" ) eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} power ?\n" );
if( ReadingsVal( $name, "connected", "?" ) eq "?" ) {
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} connected ?\n" );
# do and update of the status
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 300,
0 );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_GetStatus: leaving" );
return( );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# called from the IODev for Broadcastmessages
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_RecBroadcast( $$@ ) {
my ( $hash, $cmd, $msg, $bin ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Broadcast($name): called with $msg" );
# let's see what we got. Split the data at the space
my @args = split( " ", $msg );
if( $cmd eq "SERVER" ) {
# a message from the server
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "OFF" ) {
# the server is off, so are we
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "off", 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "off", 1 );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "ON" ) {
# the server is back
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "on", 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "on", 1 );
# do and update of the status
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10,
0 );
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "IP" ) {
$hash->{SBSERVER} = $args[ 1 ];
} else {
# unkown broadcast message
} elsif( $cmd eq "FAVORITES" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "ADD" ) {
# format: ADD IODEVname ID shortentry
$SB_PLAYER_Favs{$name}{$args[3]}{ID} = $args[ 2 ];
if( $hash->{FAVSTR} eq "" ) {
$hash->{FAVSTR} = $args[ 3 ];
} else {
$hash->{FAVSTR} .= "," . $args[ 3 ];
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "FLUSH" ) {
undef( %{$SB_PLAYER_Favs{$name}} );
$hash->{FAVSTR} = "";
} else {
} elsif( $cmd eq "SYNCMASTER" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "ADD" ) {
if( $args[ 1 ] ne $hash->{PLAYERNAME} ) {
$SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters{$name}{$args[1]}{MAC} = $args[ 2 ];
if( $hash->{SYNCMASTERS} eq "" ) {
$hash->{SYNCMASTERS} = $args[ 1 ];
} else {
$hash->{SYNCMASTERS} .= "," . $args[ 1 ];
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "FLUSH" ) {
undef( %{$SB_PLAYER_SyncMasters{$name}} );
$hash->{SYNCMASTERS} = "";
} else {
} elsif( $cmd eq "PLAYLISTS" ) {
if( $args[ 0 ] eq "ADD" ) {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_RecbroadCast($name): PLAYLISTS ADD " .
"name:$args[1] id:$args[2] uid:$args[3]" );
$SB_PLAYER_Playlists{$name}{$args[3]}{ID} = $args[ 2 ];
$SB_PLAYER_Playlists{$name}{$args[3]}{NAME} = $args[ 1 ];
if( $hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} eq "" ) {
$hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} = $args[ 3 ];
} else {
$hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} .= "," . $args[ 3 ];
} elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "FLUSH" ) {
undef( %{$SB_PLAYER_Playlists{$name}} );
$hash->{SERVERPLAYLISTS} = "";
} else {
} else {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# parse the return on the alarms status
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_ParseAlarms( $@ ) {
my ( $hash, @data ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) {
shift( @data );
if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) {
shift( @data );
if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^(fade:)([0|1]?)/ ) {
shift( @data );
if( $2 eq "0" ) {
$hash->{ALARMSFADEIN} = "yes";
} else {
$hash->{ALARMSFADEIN} = "no";
if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^(count:)([0-9].*)/ ) {
shift( @data );
$hash->{ALARMSCOUNT} = scalar( $2 );
if( $hash->{ALARMSCOUNT} > 2 ) {
Log3( $hash, 2, "SB_PLAYER_Alarms($name): Player has more than " .
"two alarms. So not fully under control by FHEM" );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# used for checking, if the string contains a valid MAC adress
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_IsValidMAC( $ ) {
my $instr = shift( @_ );
my $d = "[0-9A-Fa-f]";
my $dd = "$d$d";
if( $instr =~ /($dd([:-])$dd(\2$dd){4})/og ) {
return( 1 );
} else {
return( 0 );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# used to turn on our server
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_ServerTurnOn( $ ) {
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $servername;
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_ServerTurnOn($name): please implement me" );
fhem( "set $servername on" );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# used to turn on a connected amplifier
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $ ) {
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( ( $hash->{AMPLIFIER} eq "none" ) ||
(!defined( $defs{$hash->{AMPLIFIER}} ) ) ) {
# amplifier not specified
my $setvalue = "off";
Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): called" );
if( AttrVal( $name, "amplifier", "play" ) eq "play" ) {
my $thestatus = ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "pause" );
if( $thestatus eq "playing" ) {
$setvalue = "on";
} elsif( ( $thestatus eq "paused" ) ||
( $thestatus eq "stopped" ) ) {
$setvalue = "off";
} else {
$setvalue = "off";
} elsif( AttrVal( $name, "amplifier", "on" ) eq "on" ) {
if( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "off" ) eq "on" ) {
$setvalue = "on";
} else {
$setvalue = "off";
} else {
Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): ATTR amplifier " .
"set to wrong value [on|play]" );
my $actualState = ReadingsVal( "$hash->{AMPLIFIER}", "state", "off" );
if ( $actualState ne $setvalue) {
fhem( "set $hash->{AMPLIFIER} $setvalue" );
fhem( "trigger $hash->{AMPLIFIER} $setvalue" );
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name): set " .
"$hash->{AMPLIFIER} $setvalue" );
} else {
Log3( $hash,5,"SB_PLAYER_Amplifier($name):no amplifier state change");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# update the coverart image
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $ ) {
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# compile the link to the album cover
if( ( $hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} eq "0" ) ||
( $hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} == 0 ) ) {
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "http://" . $hash->{SBSERVER} . "/music/" .
"current/cover_" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartheight", 50 ) .
"x" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartwidth", 50 ) .
} elsif( ( $hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} eq "1" ) ||
( $hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} == 1 ) ) {
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "http://www.mysqueezebox.com/public/" .
"imageproxy?u=" . $hash->{ARTWORKURL} .
"&h=" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartheight", 50 ) .
"&w=". AttrVal( $name, "coverartwidth", 50 );
} else {
$hash->{COVERARTURL} = "http://" . $hash->{SBSERVER} . "/music/" .
"-160206228/cover_" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartheight", 50 ) .
"x" . AttrVal( $name, "coverartwidth", 50 ) . ".jpg";
if( ( $hash->{COVERARTLINK} eq "none" ) ||
( !defined( $defs{$hash->{COVERARTLINK}} ) ) ||
( $hash->{COVERARTURL} eq "?" ) ) {
# weblink not specified
} else {
fhem( "modify " . $hash->{COVERARTLINK} . " image " .
$hash->{COVERARTURL} );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handle the return for a playerstatus query
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_SERVER_ParsePlayerStatus( $$ ) {
my( $hash, $dataptr ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# typically the start index being a number
if( $dataptr->[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) {
shift( @{$dataptr} );
} else {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParsePlayerStatus($name): entry is " .
"not the start number" );
# typically the max index being a number
if( $dataptr->[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) {
shift( @{$dataptr} );
} else {
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParsePlayerStatus($name): entry is " .
"not the end number" );
my $datastr = join( " ", @{$dataptr} );
# replace funny stuff
$datastr =~ s/mixer volume/mixervolume/g;
$datastr =~ s/mixertreble/mixertreble/g;
$datastr =~ s/mixer bass/mixerbass/g;
$datastr =~ s/mixer pitch/mixerpitch/g;
$datastr =~ s/playlist repeat/playlistrepeat/g;
$datastr =~ s/playlist shuffle/playlistshuffle/g;
$datastr =~ s/playlist index/playlistindex/g;
Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParsePlayerStatus($name): data to parse: " .
$datastr );
my @data1 = split( " ", $datastr );
# the rest of the array should now have the data, we're interested in
readingsBeginUpdate( $hash );
# set default values for stuff not always send
$hash->{SYNCMASTER} = "none";
$hash->{SYNCGROUP} = "none";
$hash->{SYNCED} = "no";
$hash->{COVERID} = "?";
$hash->{ARTWORKURL} = "?";
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = "0";
# needed for scanning the MAC Adress
my $d = "[0-9A-Fa-f]";
my $dd = "$d$d";
# needed for scanning the IP adress
my $e = "[0-9]";
my $ee = "$e$e";
# loop through the results
foreach( @data1 ) {
if( $_ =~ /^(player_connected:)([0-9]*)/ ) {
if( $2 == "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "connected", $2 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "present" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "connected", $3 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", "absent" );
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(player_ip:)(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}:\d{3,5})/ ) {
if( $hash->{PLAYERIP} ne "?" ) {
$hash->{PLAYERIP} = $2;
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(player_name:)(.*)/ ) {
if( $hash->{PLAYERNAME} ne "?" ) {
$hash->{PLAYERNAME} = $2;
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(power:)([0-9\.]*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "1" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "on" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", "off" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(signalstrength:)([0-9\.]*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "signalstrength", "wired" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "signalstrength", "$2" );
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(mode:)(.*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "play" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "playing" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $2 eq "stop" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "stopped" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "playStatus", "paused" );
SB_PLAYER_Amplifier( $hash );
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(sync_master:)($dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd)/ ) {
$hash->{SYNCMASTER} = $2;
$hash->{SYNCED} = "yes";
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(sync_slaves:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{SYNCGROUP} = $2;
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(will_sleep_in:)([0-9\.]*)/ ) {
$hash->{WILLSLEEPIN} = "$2 secs";
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(mixervolume:)(.*)/ ) {
if( ( index( $2, "+" ) != -1 ) || ( index( $2, "-" ) != -1 ) ) {
# that was a relative value. We do nothing and fire an update
IOWrite( $hash, "$hash->{PLAYERMAC} mixer volume ?\n" );
} else {
SB_SERVER_UpdateVolumeReadings( $hash, $2, true );
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(playlistshuffle:)(.*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "off" );
} elsif( $2 eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "song" );
} elsif( $2 eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "album" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "shuffle", "?" );
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(playlistrepeat:)(.*)/ ) {
if( $2 eq "0" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "off" );
} elsif( $2 eq "1") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "one" );
} elsif( $2 eq "2") {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "all" );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "repeat", "?" );
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(playlistname:)(.*)/ ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentPlaylistName", $2 );
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(artwork_url:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{ARTWORKURL} = uri_escape( $2 );
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(coverid:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{COVERID} = $2;
} elsif( $_ =~ /^(remote:)(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{ISREMOTESTREAM} = $2;
} else {
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# update the cover art
SB_PLAYER_CoverArt( $hash );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# update the volume readings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub SB_SERVER_UpdateVolumeReadings( $$$ ) {
my( $hash, $vol, $bulk ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( $bulk == true ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "volumeStraight", $vol );
if( $vol > 0 ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "volume", $vol );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "volume", "muted" );
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "volumeStraight", $vol, 0 );
if( $vol > 0 ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "volume", $vol, 0 );
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "volume", "muted", 0 );
# ############################################################################
# No PERL code beyond this line
# ############################################################################
=begin html
<a name="SB_PLAYER"></a>
<a name="SBplayerdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> SB_PLAYER <player_mac_adress> [<ampl>] [<coverart>]</code>
This module allows you to control Squeezebox Media Players connected with an defined Logitech Media Server. A SB_SERVER device is need to work.<br>
Normally you don't need to define your SB_PLAYERS because autocreate will do that if enabled.<br><br>
<li><code><player_mac_adress></code>: Mac adress of the player found in the LMS. </li>
<li><code><[ampl]></code>: You can define a FHEM Device to react when an on or off event is received. With the attribute amplifier you can specify to turn the selected FHEM Device on|off or play|stop. </li>
<li><code><[coverart]></code>: You can define a FHEM weblink. The player will update the weblink with the current coverart. Useful for putting coverarts in the floorplan </li>
<a name="SBplayerset"></a>
<code>set <name> <command> [<parameter>]</code>
This module supports the following commands:<br>
SB_Player related commands:<br>
<li><b>play</b> - starts the playback (might only work if previously paused).</li>
<li><b>pause [<0|1>]</b> - toggles between play and pause. With parameter 0 it unpause and with 1 it pause the player, doesn't matter which state it has before</li>
<li><b>stop</b> - stop the playback</li>
<li><b>next|channelUp</b> - jump to the next track</li> /* CHECK SYNTAX
<li><b>prev|channelDown</b> - jump to the previous track or the beginning of the current track.</li> /* CHECK SYNTAX
<li><b>mute</b> - toggels between mute and unmuted</li>
<li><b>volume <n></b> - sets the volume to <n>. <n> must be a number between 0 and 100</li>
<li><b>volumeStraight <n></b> - same as volume</li>
<li><b>volumeDown|volDown <n></b> - volume down</li> /* CHECK SYNTAX
<li><b>volumeUp|volUp <n></b> - volume up</li> /* CHECK SYNTAX
<li><b>on</b> - set the player on if possible. Otherwise it does play</li>
<li><b>off</b> - set the player off if possible. Otherwise it does stop</li>
<li><b>shuffle <on|off></b> - Enables/Disables shuffle mode</li>
<li><b>repeat <one|all|off></b> - Sets the repeat mode</li>
<li><b>sleep <n></b> - Sets the player off in <n> seconds and fade the player volume down</li>
<li><b>favorites <favorit></b> - Empty the current playlist and start the selected playlist. Favorits are selectable through a dropdown list</li>
<li><b>talk <text></b> - Empty the current playlist and speaks the selected text with google TTS</li>
<li><b>playlist <track|album|artist> <x></b> - Empty the current playlist starts the track album or artist <x></li>
<li><b>playlist <genre> <artist> <album></b> - Empty the current playlist starts the track which will match the search. You can use * as wildcard for everything</li>
<code>set myplayer playlist * Whigfield *</code>
<li><b>statusRequest</b> - Update of all readings</li>
<li><b>sync</b> - Sync with other SB_Player for multiroom function. Other players are selectable through a dropdown list. The shown player is the master</li> /* CHECK BESCHREIBUNG
<li><b>unsync</b> - Unsync the player from multiroom group</li>
<li><b>playlists</b> - Empty the current playlist and start the selected playlist. Playlists are selectable through a dropdown list</li>
<li><b>cliraw <command></b> - Sends the <command> to the LMS CLI for selected player</li>
<code>set sbradio show <line1> <line2> <duration></code>
<li><b>line1</b> - Text for first line</li>
<li><b>line2</b> - Text for second line</li>
<li><b>duration</b> - Duration for apperance in seconds</li>
You can define up to 2 alarms.
<code>set sbradio alarm1 set <weekday> <time></code>
<li><b><weekday></b> - Number of weekday. The week starts with Sunday and is 0</li>
<li><b><time></b> - Timeformat HH:MM:SS</li>
<code>set sbradio alarm1 set 5 12:23:17<br>
set sbradio alarm2 set 4 17:18:00</code>
<li><b>alarm<1|2> delete</b> - Delete alarm</li>
<li><b>alarm<1|2> volume <n></b> - Set volume for alarm to <n></li>
<li><b>alarm<1|2> <enable|disable></b> - Enable or disable alarm</li>
<li><b>allalarms <enable|disable></b> - Enable or disable all alarms</li>
<b>Generated Readings</b><br>
<a name="SBplayerattr"></a>
Sets the volume limit of the player between 0 and 100. 100 means the function is disabled.</li>
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