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2012-11-04 13:49:43 +00:00

385 lines
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# 70_STV.pm
# a module to send messages or commands to a Samsung TV
# for example a LE40B650
# written 2012 by Gabriel Bentele <gabriel at bentele.de>>
# $Id$
# Version = 1.1
# define <name> STV <host>
# set <name> <key> <value>
# where <key> is one of mute, volume, call, sms, date
# examples:
# set <name> mute on
# set <name> volume 20
# set <name> call Peter 1111111 Klaus 222222Peter 1111111 Klaus 222222
# set <name> sms Peter 1111111 Klaus 222222 das ist der text
# set <name> date 2012-12-10 18:07:04 Peter 11111 Bier 2012-12-11 23:59:20 Paulaner
package main;
use IO::Socket::INET;
my @gets = ('dummy');
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "STV_Define";
$hash->{StateFn} = "STV_SetState";
$hash->{SetFn} = "STV_Set";
$hash->{AttrList} = "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5";
my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_;
$val = $1 if($val =~ m/^(.*) \d+$/);
return "Undefined value $val" if(!defined($it_c2b{$val}));
return undef;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @args = split("[ \t]+", $def);
if (int(@args) < 2)
return "energy_Define: too much arguments. Usage:\n" .
"define <name> STV <host> <port>";
$hash->{Host} = $args[2];
$hash->{STATE} = 'Initialized';
Log 3, "sub define2 with host: $hash->{Host}";
return undef;
sub connection($$)
my $tmp = shift ;
Log 4, "connection message: $tmp";
my $TV = shift;
my $buffer = "";
my $tmp2 = "";
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => $TV,
PeerPort => '52235',
Proto => 'tcp',
Timout => 5
if (defined ($sock)){
print $sock $tmp;
my $buff ="";
while ((read $sock, $buff, 1) > 0){
$buffer .= $buff;
@tmp2 = split (/\n/,$buffer);
Log 3, "$TV response: $tmp2[0]";
Log 4, "$TV buffer response: $buffer";
Log 4, "$TV: socket closed";
Log 4, "$TV: not able to close socket";
sub STV_Set($@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $TV = $hash->{Host};
my $count = @a;
my $arg = lc($a[1]); # mute volume
my $cont1 = ucfirst($arg); # Mute
my $cont2 = "";
my $cont3 = "";
my $cont4 = "";
my $cont5 = "";
my $cont6 = "";
my $cont7 = "";
my $cont8 = "";
my $cont9 = "";
if (defined $a[2]) { $cont2 = $a[2]}
if (defined $a[3]) { $cont3 = $a[3]}
if (defined $a[4]) { $cont4 = $a[4]}
if (defined $a[5]) { $cont5 = $a[5]}
if (defined $a[6]) { $cont6 = $a[6]}
if (defined $a[7]) { $cont7 = $a[7]}
if (defined $a[8]) { $cont8 = $a[8]}
if (defined $a[9]) { $cont9 = $a[9]}
my $callsoap = "";
my $message = "";
my $head = "";
my $kind = 0;
my $size = "";
my $body = "";
if ( $arg eq "mute" )
$kind = 1;
if ( $cont2 eq "off" ){
$cont2 = 0 ;
}else {
$cont2 = 1 ;
if ( $arg eq "volume")
if ( $cont2 > 0 and $cont2 < 100 ){
$kind = 1;
}else {
Log 3, "$name Volume: not correct";
$kind = 0;
if ( $arg eq "call")
$kind = 2;
if ( $arg eq "sms")
$kind = 3;
for my $i (6..$count){
$body .= $a[$i];
$body .= " ";
if ( $arg eq "date")
$kind = 4;
for my $i (10..$count){
$body .= $a[$i];
$body .= " ";
if ( $kind eq 1){
$callsoap .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<s:Envelope s:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\" xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\">\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<s:Body>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<ns0:Set$cont1 xmlns:ns0=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1\">\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<Desired$cont1>$cont2</Desired$cont1>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<Channel>Master</Channel>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</ns0:Set$cont1>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</s:Body>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</s:Envelope>\r\n";
$size = length($callsoap);
$head .= "POST /upnp/control/RenderingControl1 HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$head .= "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n";
$head .= "SOAPACTION: \"SoapAction:urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1#Set$cont1\"\r\n";
$head .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
$head .= "Host: $TV:52235\r\n";
$head .= "Content-Length: $size\r\n";
$head .= "Connection: Close\r\n";
$head .= "\r\n";
$message .= $head;
$message .= $callsoap;
my $calldate=`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`;
my $calltime=`date +"%H:%M:%S"`;
if ( $kind eq 2 ){ # CALL
$callsoap .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<s:Envelope s:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\" xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" >\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<s:Body>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<u:AddMessage xmlns:u=\"urn:samsung.com:service:MessageBoxService:1\\\">\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<MessageType>text/xml</MessageType>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<MessageID>1334799348</MessageID>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<Message>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Category&gt;Incoming Call&lt;/Category&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;DisplayType&gt;Maximum&lt;/DisplayType&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;CallTime&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Date&gt;$calldate&lt;/Date&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Time&gt;$calltime&lt;/Time&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;/CallTime&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Callee&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Name&gt;An: $cont4&lt;/Name&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Number&gt;Nr: $cont5&lt;/Number&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;/Callee&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Caller&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Name&gt;Von: $cont2&lt;/Name&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Number&gt;Nr: $cont3&lt;/Number&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;/Caller&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</Message>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</u:AddMessage>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</s:Body>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</s:Envelope>\r\n";
$size = length($callsoap);
$head .= "POST /PMR/control/MessageBoxService HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$head .= "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n";
$head .= "SOAPACTION: \"urn:samsung.com:service:MessageBoxService:1#AddMessage\"\r\n";
$head .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
$head .= "Host: $TV:52235\r\n";
$head .= "Content-Length: $size\r\n";
$head .= "Connection: Close\r\n";
$head .= "\r\n";
$message .= $head;
$message .= $callsoap;
if ( $kind eq 3 ){ # SMS
$callsoap .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<s:Envelope s:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\" xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" >\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<s:Body>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<u:AddMessage xmlns:u=\"urn:samsung.com:service:MessageBoxService:1\\\">\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<MessageType>text/xml</MessageType>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<MessageID>1334799348</MessageID>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<Message>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Category&gt;SMS&lt;/Category&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;DisplayType&gt;Maximum&lt;/DisplayType&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;ReceiveTime&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Date&gt;$calldate&lt;/Date&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Time&gt;$calltime&lt;/Time&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;/ReceiveTime&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Receiver&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Name&gt;An: $cont4&lt;/Name&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Number&gt;Nr: $cont5&lt;/Number&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;/Receiver&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Sender&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Name&gt;Von: $cont2&lt;/Name&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Number&gt;Nr: $cont3&lt;/Number&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;/Sender&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Body&gt;Inhalt: $body&lt;/Body&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</Message>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</u:AddMessage>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</s:Body>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</s:Envelope>\r\n";
$size = length($callsoap);
$head .= "POST /PMR/control/MessageBoxService HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$head .= "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n";
$head .= "SOAPACTION: \"urn:samsung.com:service:MessageBoxService:1#AddMessage\"\r\n";
$head .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
$head .= "Host: $TV:52235\r\n";
$head .= "Content-Length: $size\r\n";
$head .= "Connection: Close\r\n";
$head .= "\r\n";
$message .= $head;
$message .= $callsoap;
if ( $kind eq 4 ){ # Termin
$callsoap .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<s:Envelope s:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\" xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" >\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<s:Body>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<u:AddMessage xmlns:u=\"urn:samsung.com:service:MessageBoxService:1\\\">\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<MessageType>text/xml</MessageType>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<MessageID>1334799348</MessageID>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "<Message>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Category&gt;Schedule Reminder&lt;/Category&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;DisplayType&gt;Maximum&lt;/DisplayType&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;StartTime&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Date&gt;$cont2&lt;/Date&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Time&gt;$cont3&lt;/Time&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;/StartTime&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Owner&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Name&gt;Fr: $cont4&lt;/Name&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Number&gt;Nr: $cont5&lt;/Number&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;/Owner&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Subject&gt;Betreff: $cont6&lt;/Subject&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;EndTime&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Date&gt;$cont7&lt;/Date&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Time&gt;$cont8&lt;/Time&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;/EndTime&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Location&gt;Ort: $cont9&lt;/Location&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "&lt;Body&gt;Inhalt: $body&lt;/Body&gt;\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</Message>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</u:AddMessage>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</s:Body>\r\n";
$callsoap .= "</s:Envelope>\r\n";
$size = length($callsoap);
$head .= "POST /PMR/control/MessageBoxService HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$head .= "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n";
$head .= "SOAPACTION: \"urn:samsung.com:service:MessageBoxService:1#AddMessage\"\r\n";
$head .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
$head .= "Host: $TV:52235\r\n";
$head .= "Content-Length: $size\r\n";
$head .= "Connection: Close\r\n";
$head .= "\r\n";
$message .= $head;
$message .= $callsoap;
if ( $kind ne 0 ){
connection($message, $TV);
return "Unknown argument $name, choose one of mute volume call sms date";
=begin html
<a name="STV"></a>
This module supports Samsung TV devices with few commands. It's developed and tested with Samsung LE39B650.<br>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; STV &lt;host&gt;]</code><br>
define Television1 STV <br>
set &lt;name&gt; &lt;value&gt; &lt;nummber&gt;<br>where value is one of:<br><br>
<li><code>mute</code> </li>
<li><code>volume </code> </li>
<li><code>call</code> </li>
<li><code>sms </code> </li>
<li><code>date </code> </li>
set &lt;name&gt; mute <br>
set &lt;name&gt; volume 20 <br>
set &lt;name&gt; call Peter 012345678 Phone 87654321 <br><br>
=end html