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viegener 386a1875e2 bugfix: 10_SOMFY: remove debug statements
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2020-09-27 15:55:14 +00:00

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# 10_SOMFY.pm
# This file is part of Fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# $Id$
# SOMFY RTS / Simu Hz protocol module for FHEM
# (c) Thomas Dankert <post@thomyd.de>
# (c) Johannes Viegener / https://github.com/viegener/Telegram-fhem/tree/master/Somfy
# Discussed in FHEM Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,53319.msg450080.html#msg450080
# History:
# 1.0 thomyd initial implementation
# 1.1 Elektrolurch state changed to open,close,pos <x>
# 1.6 viegener New state and action handling (trying to stay compatible also adding virtual receiver capabilities)
# 2016-12-30 viegener - New sets / code-commands 9 / a - wind_sun_9 / wind_only_a
# 2017-01-08 viegener - Handle fixed encryption A0 for switches - switchable fixed_enckey
# 2017-01-21 viegener - updatestate also called in non virtual mode to sent events
# 2017-02-19 viegener - Restructuring of method blocks
# 1.9 Prep for rebuilt and signalduino
# - myUtilsSOMFY_Initialize removed
# - SOMFY_StartTime removed
# - prepare: restructure code
# - clean up history
# - modify of definition to replace attr handling for enc and rolling_code
# - remove attribute for enc_key and rollingcode
# - cleanup namings of globals
# - set default model as attribute to shutter
# - support different settings for different models
# - rawDevice attr
# - parse function calls dispatcher for rawDevices on remotes
# - changed errors in parseFn to log
# - some doc cleanup
# - remove dummy attribute
# - special cases for pos to avoid mypos being used since stop signal is sent after automatic stop
# - changed Ys format only . no 0
# - doc rework on set commands
# - allow define with encryption key without starting with A
# - added manual function for setting position manually without movement commands
# - remove any postfiy on position setting (like 50 pct)
# - allow set command position
# 2.0 Update for official version to allow further rework and Alexa handling
# - change log entries and remove debug in _Parse
# - added back parsestate temporarily - #msg743423
# - new attributes disable/disabledForIntervals
# - disabled will be honored - no updates/no sending/no received commands
# - allow 20 characters messages for SOMFY (not just 14)
# - new attr autoStoreRollingCode - store rc in uniqueID
# - store rolling code in uniqueid based on addr
# - ensure largest rollingcode (either reading or unqieid is used)
# - FIX: hex value warning for rollcode
# - FIX: allow empty ioTypes for testing
# - finalPosReading as addtl attribute - specify name
# - finalPosReading set at the end of a move with final position
# - change all old log commands to log3
# - log rolling code and enc key on sending verbose 5
# - document rawdevice
# - fix for finalposreading also reacting in virtual mode
# - fix for finalposreading also reacting on stop
# - store roll code on setting of attribute
# - no update of DEF anymore with rolling code (roll code and enc key will be removed)
# - FIX: corrected autostore rolling code (esp. restart)
# - FIX: DEBUG commands removed
# Somfy Modul - OPEN
# - Doc rework on model, set commands, rawDevice, coupling remotes
# -
# - test parseFn / Remotes
# -
# - send also wind/sun sensor codes with code E and constant rolling code --> allow complete raw send (just address is added)
# -
# - Check readings set
# - add queuing for commands
# - Autocreate
# - Complete shutter / blind as different model
# - Make better distinction between different IoTypes - CUL+SCC / Signalduino
# - Known Issue - if timer is running and last command equals new command (only for open / close) - considered minor/but still relevant
# Idea rebuilt handling from scratch
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
#use List::Util qw(first max maxstr min minstr reduce shuffle sum);
my %somfy_codes = (
"10" => "go-my", # goto "my" position
"11" => "stop", # stop the current movement
"20" => "off", # go "up"
"40" => "on", # go "down"
"80" => "prog", # finish pairing
"90" => "wind_sun_9", # wind and sun (sun + flag)
"A0" => "wind_only_a", # wind only (flag)
"100" => "on-for-timer",
"101" => "off-for-timer",
"XX" => "z_custom", # custom control code
my %somfy_sets = (
"off" => "noArg",
"on" => "noArg",
"stop" => "noArg",
"prog" => "noArg",
"on-for-timer" => "textField",
"off-for-timer" => "textField",
"z_custom" => "textField",
my %somfy_sets_addition = (
"go-my" => "noArg",
"pos" => "100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10,0",
"position" => "100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10,0",
"manual" => "200,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10,0,on,off",
"wind_sun_9" => "noArg",
"wind_only_a" => "noArg",
my %somfy_sendCommands = (
"open" => "off",
"close" => "on",
my %somfy_c2b;
my $somfy_defsymbolwidth = 1240; # Default Somfy frame symbol width
my $somfy_defrepetition = 6; # Default Somfy frame repeat counter
my $somfy_updateFreq = 3; # Interval for State update
# new globals for new set
my $somfy_posAccuracy = 2;
my $somfy_maxRuntime = 50;
my %positions = (
"moving" => "50",
"go-my" => "50",
"open" => "0",
"off" => "0",
"down" => "150",
"closed" => "200",
"on" => "200"
my %translations = (
"0" => "open",
"150" => "down",
"200" => "closed"
my %translations100To0 = (
"100" => "open",
"10" => "down",
"0" => "closed"
# Forward declarations
sub SOMFY_CalcCurrentPos($$$$);
sub SOMFY_isSwitch($);
sub SOMFY_SendCommand($@);
sub SOMFY_readRollCode($);
sub SOMFY_storeRollCode($$);
sub SOMFY_getRollCode($;$);
sub SOMFY_UpdateState($$$$$$);
## Module operation - type + instance
sub SOMFY_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
# map commands from web interface to codes used in Somfy RTS
foreach my $k ( keys %somfy_codes ) {
$somfy_c2b{ $somfy_codes{$k} } = $k;
# $hash->{Match} = "^Ys...0..........\$";
$hash->{Match} = "^Ys..............\$";
$hash->{SetFn} = "SOMFY_Set";
#$hash->{StateFn} = "SOMFY_SetState";
$hash->{DefFn} = "SOMFY_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SOMFY_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "SOMFY_Parse";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SOMFY_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = " drive-down-time-to-100"
. " drive-down-time-to-close"
. " drive-up-time-to-100"
. " drive-up-time-to-open "
. " additionalPosReading "
. " finalPosReading "
. " positionInverse:1,0 "
. " IODev"
. " symbol-length"
. " repetition"
. " switch_rfmode:1,0"
. " fixed_enckey:1,0"
. " do_not_notify:1,0"
. " ignore:0,1"
. " disable:0,1"
. " disabledForIntervals "
. " autoStoreRollingCode:0,1 "
. " model:somfyblinds,somfyshutter,somfyremote,somfyswitch2,somfyswitch4"
. " loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6"
. " rawDevice"
. " $readingFnAttributes";
sub SOMFY_Define($$) {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my $u = "wrong syntax: define <name> SOMFY address "
. "[encryption-key] [rolling-code]";
# fail early and display syntax help
if ( int(@a) < 3 ) {
return $u;
# check address format (6 hex digits)
if ( ( $a[2] !~ m/^[a-fA-F0-9]{6}$/i ) ) {
return "Define $a[0]: wrong address format: specify a 6 digit hex value "
# group devices by their address
my $name = $a[0];
my $address = $a[2];
$hash->{ADDRESS} = uc($address);
# set default model if not yet set
if ( ! defined( $attr{$name}{model} ) ) {
$attr{$name}{model} = "somfyshutter";
# check optional arguments for device definition
if ( int(@a) > 3 ) {
# check encryption key (2 hex digits, first must be "A")
if ( ( $a[3] !~ m/^[a-fA-F0-9]{2}$/i ) ) {
return "Define $a[0]: wrong encryption key format:"
. "specify a 2 digits hex value "
# reset reading time on def to 0 seconds (1970)
my $tzero = FmtDateTime(0);
# store it as reading, so it is saved in the statefile
# only store it, if the reading does not exist yet
# if(! defined( ReadingsVal($name, "enc_key", undef) )) {
setReadingsVal($hash, "enc_key", uc($a[3]), $tzero);
# }
if ( int(@a) == 5 ) {
# check rolling code (4 hex digits)
if ( ( $a[4] !~ m/^[a-fA-F0-9]{4}$/i ) ) {
return "Define $a[0]: wrong rolling code format:"
. "specify a 4 digits hex value "
# store it, if old reading does not exist yet
# if(! defined( ReadingsVal($name, "rolling_code", undef) )) {
setReadingsVal($hash, "rolling_code", uc($a[4]), $tzero);
# store in uniqueID if requested
SOMFY_storeRollCode( $hash, uc($a[4]) ) if ( AttrVal( $name, "autoStoreRollingCode", 0 ) );
# }
my $code = uc($address);
my $ncode = 1;
$hash->{CODE}{ $ncode++ } = $code;
$modules{SOMFY}{defptr}{$code}{$name} = $hash;
$hash->{move} = 'stop';
# change 23.9.2020 - def will be modified to only include address
$hash->{DEF} = $hash->{ADDRESS}." ";
sub SOMFY_Undef($$) {
my ( $hash, $name ) = @_;
foreach my $c ( keys %{ $hash->{CODE} } ) {
$c = $hash->{CODE}{$c};
# As after a rename the $name my be different from the $defptr{$c}{$n}
# we look for the hash.
foreach my $dname ( keys %{ $modules{SOMFY}{defptr}{$c} } ) {
if ( $modules{SOMFY}{defptr}{$c}{$dname} == $hash ) {
delete( $modules{SOMFY}{defptr}{$c}{$dname} );
# on delete - remove key
SOMFY_storeRollCode( $hash, undef );
return undef;
sub SOMFY_Attr(@) {
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return "\"SOMFY Attr: \" $name does not exist" if (!defined($hash));
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
# Convert in case of change to positionINverse --> but only after init is done on restart this should not be recalculated
if ( ($aName eq 'positionInverse') && ( $init_done ) ) {
my $rounded;
my $stateTrans;
my $pos = ReadingsVal($name,'exact',undef);
if ( !defined($pos) ) {
$pos = ReadingsVal($name,'position',undef);
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ( ( $aVal ) && ( ! AttrVal( $name, "positionInverse", 0 ) ) ) {
# set to 1 and was 0 before - convert To100To10
# first exact then round to pos
$pos = SOMFY_ConvertTo100To0( $pos );
$rounded = SOMFY_Runden( $pos );
$stateTrans = SOMFY_Translate100To0( $rounded );
} elsif ( ( ! $aVal ) && ( AttrVal( $name, "positionInverse", 0 ) ) ) {
# set to 0 and was 1 before - convert From100To10
# first exact then round to pos
$pos = SOMFY_ConvertFrom100To0( $pos );
$rounded = SOMFY_Runden( $pos );
$stateTrans = SOMFY_Translate( $rounded );
} elsif ($cmd eq "del") {
if ( AttrVal( $name, "positionInverse", 0 ) ) {
# delete and was 1 before - convert From100To10
# first exact then round to pos
$pos = SOMFY_ConvertFrom100To0( $pos );
$rounded = SOMFY_Runden( $pos );
$stateTrans = SOMFY_Translate( $rounded );
if ( defined( $rounded ) ) {
$hash->{STATE} = $stateTrans;
} elsif ($aName eq 'autoStoreRollingCode') {
if ($cmd eq "set") {
# change 23.9.2020 - store roll code on setting of attribute
if ( $aVal ) {
my $rollcode = SOMFY_getRollCode( $hash, 1 ); # ensure rollcode being read first during start specifically
SOMFY_storeRollCode( $hash, $rollcode );
} else {
SOMFY_storeRollCode( $hash, undef );
} elsif ($cmd eq "del") {
SOMFY_storeRollCode( $hash, undef );
} elsif ($cmd eq "set") {
if($aName eq 'drive-up-time-to-100') {
return "SOMFY_attr: value must be >=0 and <= 100" if($aVal < 0 || $aVal > 100);
} elsif ($aName =~/drive-(down|up)-time-to.*/) {
# check name and value
return "SOMFY_attr: value must be >0 and <= 100" if($aVal <= 0 || $aVal > 100);
if ($aName eq 'drive-down-time-to-100') {
$attr{$name}{'drive-down-time-to-100'} = $aVal;
$attr{$name}{'drive-down-time-to-close'} = $aVal if(!defined($attr{$name}{'drive-down-time-to-close'}) || ($attr{$name}{'drive-down-time-to-close'} < $aVal));
} elsif($aName eq 'drive-down-time-to-close') {
$attr{$name}{'drive-down-time-to-close'} = $aVal;
$attr{$name}{'drive-down-time-to-100'} = $aVal if(!defined($attr{$name}{'drive-down-time-to-100'}) || ($attr{$name}{'drive-down-time-to-100'} > $aVal));
} elsif($aName eq 'drive-up-time-to-100') {
$attr{$name}{'drive-up-time-to-100'} = $aVal;
$attr{$name}{'drive-up-time-to-open'} = $aVal if(!defined($attr{$name}{'drive-up-time-to-open'}) || ($attr{$name}{'drive-up-time-to-open'} < $aVal));
} elsif($aName eq 'drive-up-time-to-open') {
$attr{$name}{'drive-up-time-to-open'} = $aVal;
$attr{$name}{'drive-up-time-to-100'} = 0 if(!defined($attr{$name}{'drive-up-time-to-100'}) || ($attr{$name}{'drive-up-time-to-100'} > $aVal));
return undef;
## Parse a received command
sub SOMFY_DispatchRemoteCmd($$) {
my ($hash, $cmd) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ($cmd eq "10") {
$cmd = "11"; # use "stop" instead of "go-my"
my $txtcmd = $somfy_codes{ $cmd };
return if ( ! $txtcmd );
my $rawdAttr = AttrVal($name,'rawDevice',undef);
# check if rdev is defined and exists
if( defined($rawdAttr) ) {
# normalize address in rawdev
$rawdAttr = uc( $rawdAttr );
my @rawdevs = split( /\s+/, $rawdAttr );
foreach my $rawdev ( @rawdevs ) {
my $slist = $modules{SOMFY}{defptr}{$rawdev};
if ( defined($slist)) {
foreach my $n ( keys %{ $slist } ) {
my $rawhash = $modules{SOMFY}{defptr}{$rawdev}{$n};
Log3 $hash, 4, "SOMFY_DispatchRemoteCmd " . $name . " found dispatch SOMFY device " . $rawhash->{NAME} . " sent command :$txtcmd:";
# add virtual as modifier to set command and directly call send
my $ret = SOMFY_InternalSet( $rawhash, $rawhash->{NAME}, "virtual", $txtcmd );
Log3 $hash, 1, "SOMFY_DispatchRemoteCmd " . $name . " Internal set :$txtcmd: to ".$rawhash->{NAME}." returned " . $ret if ( $ret );
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1, "SOMFY_DispatchRemoteCmd SOMFY rawDevice $rawdev not found from $name";
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1, "SOMFY_DispatchRemoteCmd No rawDevice set in remote $name";
sub SOMFY_Parse($$) {
my ($hash, $msg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret;
my $ioType = $hash->{TYPE};
# return "IODev unsupported" if ((my $ioType = $hash->{TYPE}) !~ m/^(CUL|SIGNALduino)$/);
# preprocessing if IODev is SIGNALduino
if ($ioType eq "SIGNALduino") {
my $encData = substr($msg, 2);
$ret = "Somfy RTS message format error (length must be 14 or 20)! :".$encData.":" if ( (length($encData) != 14) && (length($encData) != 20));
$ret = "Somfy RTS message format error! :".$encData.":" if ( ( ! $ret ) && ($encData !~ m/^[0-9A-F]+$/) );
my ( $decData, $check );
if ( ! $ret ) {
$decData = SOMFY_RTS_Crypt("d", $name, $encData);
$check = SOMFY_RTS_Check($name, $decData);
$ret = "Somfy RTS checksum error! :".$encData.":" if ( ( ! $ret ) && ($check ne substr($decData, 3, 1)) );
if ( $ret ) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SOMFY_Parse : ".$ret;
return undef;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Somfy RTS preprocessing check: $check enc: $encData dec: $decData";
$msg = substr($msg, 0, 2) . $decData;
# Msg format:
# Ys AB 2C 004B 010010
# address needs bytes 1 and 3 swapped
if (substr($msg, 0, 2) eq "Yr" || substr($msg, 0, 2) eq "Yt") {
# changed time or repetition, just return the name
return "";
# Check for correct length
if ( length($msg) != 16 ) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SOMFY_Parse : SOMFY incorrect length for command (".$msg.") / length should be 16";
return undef;
# get address
my $address = uc(substr($msg, 14, 2).substr($msg, 12, 2).substr($msg, 10, 2));
# get command and set new state
my $cmd = sprintf("%X", hex(substr($msg, 4, 2)) & 0xF0);
if ($cmd eq "10") {
$cmd = "11"; # use "stop" instead of "go-my"
my $newstate = $somfy_codes{ $cmd };
my $def = $modules{SOMFY}{defptr}{$address};
if ( ($def) && (keys %{ $def }) ) { # Check also for empty hash --> issue #5
my @list;
foreach my $name (keys %{ $def }) {
my $lh = $def->{$name};
$name = $lh->{NAME}; # It may be renamed
return "" if(IsIgnored($name));
return "" if(IsDisabled($name));
# update the state and log it
# Debug "SOMFY Parse: $name msg: $msg --> $cmd-$newstate";
Log3 $name, 4, "SOMFY Parse: $name msg: $msg --> $cmd-$newstate --> io is $ioType";
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "received", $cmd, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "parsestate", $newstate, 1);
SOMFY_DispatchRemoteCmd($lh, $cmd ) if ( SOMFY_isRemote( $lh ) );
push(@list, $name);
# return list of affected devices
return @list;
} else {
# rolling code and enckey
my $rolling = substr($msg, 6, 4);
my $encKey = substr($msg, 2, 2);
Log3 $hash, 1, "SOMFY Unknown device $address ($encKey $rolling), please define it";
return "UNDEFINED SOMFY_$address SOMFY $address $encKey $rolling";
## Central SET routine (internal and external)
### New set (state) method (using internalset)
### Reimplemented calculations for position readings and state
### Allowed sets to be done without sending actually commands to the blinds
### syntax set <name> [ <virtual|send> ] <normal set parameter>
### position and state are also updated on stop or other commands based on remaining time
### position is handled between 0 and 100 blinds down but not completely closed and 200 completely closed
### if timings for 100 and close are equal no position above 100 is used (then 100 == closed)
### position is rounded to a value of 5 and state is rounded to a value of 10
### General assumption times are rather on the upper limit to reach desired state
# Readings
## state contains rounded (to 10) position and/or textField
## position contains rounded position (limited detail)
## might contain position or textual form of the state (same as STATE reading)
# call with hash, name, [virtual/send], set-args (send is default if ommitted)
sub SOMFY_Set($@) {
my ( $hash, $name, @args ) = @_;
if ( lc($args[0]) =~m/(virtual|send)/ ) {
SOMFY_InternalSet( $hash, $name, @args );
} else {
SOMFY_InternalSet( $hash, $name, 'send', @args );
# call with hash, name, virtual/send, set-args
sub SOMFY_InternalSet($@) {
my ( $hash, $name, $mode, @args ) = @_;
return undef if ( IsIgnored($name) );
return undef if ( IsDisabled($name) );
### Check Args
return "SOMFY_InternalSet: mode must be virtual or send: $mode " if ( $mode !~m/(virtual|send)/ );
my $numberOfArgs = int(@args);
return "SOMFY_set: No set value specified" if ( $numberOfArgs < 1 );
my $cmd = lc($args[0]);
# just a number provided, assume "pos" command
if ($cmd =~ m/^\d{1,3}$/) {
# overwrite args if pos (only pos and num pos)
@args = ( "pos", $cmd );
$cmd = "pos";
$numberOfArgs = int(@args);
if( ! SOMFY_getTestSets( $hash, $cmd ) ) {
my $setist = SOMFY_getTestSets( $hash );
return "SOMFY_set: Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of " . $setist;
my $arg1 = "";
if ( $numberOfArgs >= 2 ) {
$arg1 = $args[1];
my $isSwitch = SOMFY_isSwitch( $hash );
return "SOMFY_set: Bad time spec" if($cmd =~m/(on|off)-for-timer/ && $numberOfArgs == 2 && $arg1 !~ m/^\d*\.?\d+$/);
return "SOMFY_set: Switch: only on/off supported" if($cmd !~ m/(on|off)/ && $isSwitch );
# read timing variables
my ($t1down100, $t1downclose, $t1upopen, $t1up100) = SOMFY_getTimingValues($hash);
#Log3($name,5,"SOMFY_set: $name -> timings -> td1:$t1down100: tdc :$t1downclose: tuo :$t1upopen: tu1 :$t1up100: ");
# get current infos
my $state = $hash->{STATE};
my $pos = ReadingsVal($name,'exact',undef);
if ( !defined($pos) ) {
$pos = ReadingsVal($name,'position',undef);
# do conversions
if ( AttrVal( $name, "positionInverse", 0 ) ) {
Log3($name,4,"SOMFY_set: $name Inverse before cmd:$cmd: arg1:$arg1: pos:$pos:");
$arg1 = SOMFY_ConvertFrom100To0( $arg1 ) if( ($cmd eq 'pos') || ($cmd eq 'manual') ) ;
$pos = SOMFY_ConvertFrom100To0( $pos );
Log3($name,4,"SOMFY_set: $name Inverse after cmd:$cmd: arg1:$arg1: pos:$pos:");
if($cmd eq 'manual') {
$mode = 'virtual'; # manual is virtual setting - no command to be sent
return "SOMFY_set: No manual position given" if(!defined($arg1));
return "SOMFY_set: $arg1 must be between 0 and 100 or on/off for manual " if($arg1 !~ /^(on|off|200|150|[1-9]?0)$/ );
$arg1 = 200 if ( $arg1 eq "on" );
$arg1 = 0 if ( $arg1 eq "off" );
} elsif ( ($cmd eq 'pos') || ($cmd eq 'position') ) {
return "SOMFY_set: No pos specification" if(!defined($arg1));
return "SOMFY_set: $arg1 must be between 0 and 100 for pos" if($arg1 < 0 || $arg1 > 200);
return "SOMFY_set: Please set attr drive-down-time-to-100, drive-down-time-to-close, etc"
if(!defined($t1downclose) || !defined($t1down100) || !defined($t1upopen) || !defined($t1up100));
$cmd = "pos";
# special cases for pos to avoid mypos being used since stop signal is sent after automatic stop
$cmd = "on" if ( $arg1 == 200 );
$cmd = "off" if ( $arg1 == 0 );
### initialize locals
my $drivetime = 0; # timings until halt command to be sent for on/off-for-timer and pos <value> -> move by time
my $updatetime = 0; # timing until update of pos to be done for any unlimited move move to endpos or go-my / stop
my $move = $cmd;
my $newState;
my $updateState;
# translate state info to numbers - closed = 200 , open = 0 (correct missing values)
if ( !defined($pos) ) {
if(exists($positions{$state})) {
$pos = $positions{$state};
} else {
$pos = ($state ne "???" ? $state : 0); # fix runtime error
$pos = sprintf( "%d", $pos );
Log3($name,4,"SOMFY_set: $name -> entering with mode :$mode: cmd :$cmd: arg1 :$arg1: pos :$pos: ");
# check timer running - stop timer if running and update detail pos
# recognize timer running if internal updateState is still set
if ( defined( $hash->{updateState} )) {
# timer is running so timer needs to be stopped and pos needs update
$pos = SOMFY_CalcCurrentPos( $hash, $hash->{move}, $pos, SOMFY_UpdateStartTime($hash) );
delete $hash->{starttime};
delete $hash->{updateState};
delete $hash->{runningtime};
delete $hash->{runningcmd};
################ No error returns after this point to avoid stopped timer causing confusion...
# calc posRounded
my $posRounded = SOMFY_RoundInternal( $pos );
### handle commands
if ( $isSwitch ) {
if($cmd eq 'on') {
$newState = 'closed';
} elsif($cmd eq 'off') {
$newState = 'open';
} else {
} elsif(!defined($t1downclose) || !defined($t1down100) || !defined($t1upopen) || !defined($t1up100)) {
#if timings not set
if($cmd eq 'on') {
$newState = 'closed';
# $newState = 'moving';
# $updatetime = $somfy_maxRuntime;
# $updateState = 'closed';
} elsif($cmd eq 'off') {
$newState = 'open';
# $newState = 'moving';
# $updatetime = $somfy_maxRuntime;
# $updateState = 'open';
} elsif($cmd eq 'on-for-timer') {
# elsif cmd == on-for-timer - time x
$move = 'on';
$newState = 'moving';
$drivetime = $arg1;
if ( $drivetime == 0 ) {
$move = 'stop';
} else {
$updateState = 'moving';
} elsif($cmd eq 'off-for-timer') {
# elsif cmd == off-for-timer - time x
$move = 'off';
$newState = 'moving';
$drivetime = $arg1;
if ( $drivetime == 0 ) {
$move = 'stop';
} else {
$updateState = 'moving';
} elsif($cmd =~m/go-my/) {
$move = 'stop';
$newState = 'go-my';
} elsif($cmd =~m/stop/) {
$move = 'stop';
$newState = $state;
} elsif($cmd =~m/manual/) {
$newState = $arg1;
} else {
$newState = $state;
###else (here timing is set)
} else {
# default is roundedPos as new StatePos
$newState = $posRounded;
if($cmd eq 'on') {
if ( $posRounded == 200 ) {
# if pos == 200 - no state pos change / no timer
} elsif ( $posRounded >= 100 ) {
# elsif pos >= 100 - set timer for 100-to-closed --> update timer(newState 200)
my $remTime = ( $t1downclose - $t1down100 ) * ( (200-$pos) / 100 );
$updatetime = $remTime;
$updateState = 200;
} elsif ( $posRounded < 100 ) {
# elseif pos < 100 - set timer for remaining time to 100+time-to-close --> update timer( newState 200)
my $remTime = $t1down100 * ( (100 - $pos) / 100 );
$updatetime = ( $t1downclose - $t1down100 ) + $remTime;
$updateState = 200;
} else {
# else - unknown pos - assume pos 0 set timer for full time --> update timer( newState 200)
$newState = 0;
$updatetime = $t1downclose;
$updateState = 200;
} elsif($cmd eq 'off') {
if ( $posRounded == 0 ) {
# if pos == 0 - no state pos change / no timer
} elsif ( $posRounded <= 100 ) {
# elsif pos <= 100 - set timer for remaining time to 0 --> update timer( newState 0 )
my $remTime = ( $t1upopen - $t1up100 ) * ( $pos / 100 );
$updatetime = $remTime;
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ( $posRounded > 100 ) {
# elseif ( pos > 100 ) - set timer for remaining time to 100+time-to-open --> update timer( newState 0 )
my $remTime = $t1up100 * ( ($pos - 100 ) / 100 );
$updatetime = ( $t1upopen - $t1up100 ) + $remTime;
$updateState = 0;
} else {
# else - unknown pos assume pos 200 set time for full time --> update timer( newState 0 )
$newState = 200;
$updatetime = $t1upopen;
$updateState = 0;
} elsif($cmd eq 'pos') {
if ( $pos < $arg1 ) {
# if pos < x - set halt timer for remaining time to x / cmd close --> halt timer`( newState x )
$move = 'on';
my $remTime = $t1down100 * ( ( $arg1 - $pos ) / 100 );
$drivetime = $remTime;
$updateState = $arg1;
} elsif ( ( $pos >= $arg1 ) && ( $posRounded <= 100 ) ) {
# elsif pos <= 100 & pos > x - set halt timer for remaining time to x / cmd open --> halt timer ( newState x )
$move = 'off';
my $remTime = ( $t1upopen - $t1up100 ) * ( ( $pos - $arg1) / 100 );
$drivetime = $remTime;
if ( $drivetime == 0 ) {
# $move = 'stop'; # avoid sending stop to move to my-pos
$move = 'none';
} else {
$updateState = $arg1;
} elsif ( $pos > 100 ) {
# else if pos > 100 - set timer for remaining time to 100+time for 100-x / cmd open --> halt timer ( newState x )
$move = 'off';
my $remTime = ( $t1upopen - $t1up100 ) * ( ( 100 - $arg1) / 100 );
my $posTime = $t1up100 * ( ( $pos - 100) / 100 );
$drivetime = $remTime + $posTime;
$updateState = $arg1;
} else {
# else - send error (might be changed to first open completely then drive to pos x) / assume open
$newState = 0;
$move = 'on';
my $remTime = $t1down100 * ( ( $arg1 - 0 ) / 100 );
$drivetime = $remTime;
$updateState = $arg1;
### return "SOMFY_set: Pos not currently known please open or close first";
} elsif($cmd =~m/stop|go-my/) {
# update pos according to current detail pos
$move = 'stop';
} elsif($cmd eq 'off-for-timer') {
# calcPos at new time y / cmd close --> halt timer ( newState y )
$move = 'off';
$drivetime = $arg1;
if ( $drivetime == 0 ) {
$move = 'stop';
} else {
$updateState = SOMFY_CalcCurrentPos( $hash, $move, $pos, $arg1 );
} elsif($cmd eq 'on-for-timer') {
# calcPos at new time y / cmd open --> halt timer ( newState y )
$move = 'on';
$drivetime = $arg1;
if ( $drivetime == 0 ) {
$move = 'stop';
} else {
$updateState = SOMFY_CalcCurrentPos( $hash, $move, $pos, $arg1 );
} elsif($cmd =~m/manual/) {
$newState = $arg1;
## special case close is at 100 ("markisen")
if( ( $t1downclose == $t1down100) && ( $t1up100 == 0 ) ) {
if ( defined( $updateState )) {
$updateState = minNum( 100, $updateState );
$newState = minNum( 100, $posRounded );
### update hash / readings
Log3($name,4,"SOMFY_set: handled command $cmd --> move :$move: newState :$newState: ");
if ( defined($updateState)) {
Log3($name,5,"SOMFY_set: handled for drive/udpate: updateState :$updateState: drivet :$drivetime: updatet :$updatetime: ");
} else {
Log3($name,5,"SOMFY_set: handled for drive/udpate: updateState :: drivet :$drivetime: updatet :$updatetime: ");
# check if finalPos or will be updated after time
my $isFinal = 0;
$isFinal = 1 if ( ( $updatetime != 0 ) || ( $drivetime != 0 ) || ( $move eq 'stop' ) );
# bulk update should do trigger if virtual mode
# SOMFY_UpdateState( $hash, $newState, $move, $updateState, ( $mode eq 'virtual' ) );
SOMFY_UpdateState( $hash, $newState, $move, $updateState, 1, $isFinal );
### send command
if ( $mode ne 'virtual' ) {
if ( $move ne 'none' ) {
$args[0] = $somfy_sendCommands{$move};
$args[0] = $move if ( ! defined( $args[0] ) );
} else {
# do nothing if commmand / move is set to none
} else {
# in virtual mode define drivetime as updatetime only, so no commands will be send
if ( $updatetime == 0 ) {
$updatetime = $drivetime;
$drivetime = 0;
### update time stamp
$hash->{runningtime} = 0;
if($drivetime > 0) {
$hash->{runningcmd} = 'stop';
$hash->{runningtime} = $drivetime;
} elsif($updatetime > 0) {
$hash->{runningtime} = $updatetime;
### start timer
if($hash->{runningtime} > 0) {
# timer fuer stop starten
if ( defined( $hash->{runningcmd} )) {
Log3($name,4,"SOMFY_set: $name -> stopping in $hash->{runningtime} sec");
} else {
Log3($name,4,"SOMFY_set: $name -> update state in $hash->{runningtime} sec");
my $utime = $hash->{runningtime} ;
if($utime > $somfy_updateFreq) {
$utime = $somfy_updateFreq;
} else {
delete $hash->{runningtime};
delete $hash->{starttime};
return undef;
} # end sub SOMFY_setFN
## Internal helper - not position related
# stores ROllingcode // rcode empty means delete
sub SOMFY_storeRollCode($$)
my ($hash, $rcode) = @_;
my $index = "SOMFY_".$hash->{ADDRESS}."_rollingcode";
#OLD my $index = "SOMFY_".$name."_rollingcode";
my $err = setKeyValue($index, $rcode);
return "error while saving the API token - $err" if(defined($err));
return "API token successfully saved";
} # end SOMFY_storeRollCode
# read the rolling code either from uniqueid
sub SOMFY_readRollCode($)
my ($hash ) = @_;
my $index = "SOMFY_".$hash->{ADDRESS}."_rollingcode";
#OLD my $index = "SOMFY_" . $name . "_rollingcode";
my $rcode;
my $err;
($err, $rcode) = getKeyValue($index);
if ( defined($err) ) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "SOMFY_readRollCode: Error: unable to read rolling code from file: $err";
return "0000";
return $rcode;
} # end SOMFY_readRollCode
# get the rolling code either from Reading or if empty consider stored from uniqueid
sub SOMFY_getRollCode($;$)
my ($hash, $doAutoStore) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $rollingcode = uc(ReadingsVal($name, "rolling_code", "0000"));
$doAutoStore = AttrVal( $name, "autoStoreRollingCode", 0 ) if ( ! defined( $doAutoStore ) );
if ( $doAutoStore ) {
my $storeRC = uc( SOMFY_readRollCode( $hash ) );
$storeRC = "0000" if ( $storeRC !~ /[0-9A-F]{4}/ );
my $storeDec = hex( $storeRC );
my $rollDec = hex( $rollingcode );
# Debug "Store hex: $storeRC dec: $storeDec";
# Debug "RollC hex: $rollingcode dec: $rollDec";
if ( $storeDec > $rollDec ) {
$rollingcode = $storeRC;
# Debug "Result Rolling code: $rollingcode";
return $rollingcode;
} # end SOMFY_getRollCode
# 0 blinds / 2 or 4 for switches
sub SOMFY_isSwitch($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = AttrVal( $name, "model", "" );
if ( $model =~ /switch(\d)$/ ) {
$model = $1;
} else {
$model = 0;
return $model;
sub SOMFY_isShutter($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = AttrVal( $name, "model", "shutter" );
return ( $model =~ /shutter$/ )?$model:0;
sub SOMFY_isRemote($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = AttrVal( $name, "model", "" );
return ( $model =~ /remote$/ )?$model:0;
# 26.9.2020 - not used anymore - rc and ec removed from def on define
# #####################################
# sub SOMFY_updateDef($;$$)
# {
# my ($hash, $ec, $rc) = @_;
# my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# $ec = ReadingsVal($name, "enc_key", "A0") if ( ! defined( $ec ) );
# $rc = SOMFY_getRollCode( $hash ) if ( ! defined( $rc ) );
# $hash->{DEF} = $hash->{ADDRESS}." ".uc($ec)." ".uc($rc);
# }
### Helper for set routine
sub SOMFY_getTestSets($;$) {
my ($hash, $cmd) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( $cmd ) {
# no sets for remotes
return 0 if ( SOMFY_isRemote( $hash ) );
# default sets
return 1 if ( exists($somfy_sets{$cmd}) );
# addtl cmds for shutters and blinds (not switches)
return 1 if ( ( ! SOMFY_isSwitch( $hash ) ) && ( exists($somfy_sets_addition{$cmd}) ) );
return 0;
# no sets for remotes
return "" if ( SOMFY_isRemote( $hash ) );
my @cList;
foreach my $k (sort keys %somfy_sets) {
my $opts = $somfy_sets{$k};
push(@cList,$k.(defined($opts)?':' . $opts:""));
} # end foreach
if ( ! SOMFY_isSwitch( $hash ) ) {
foreach my $k (sort keys %somfy_sets_addition) {
my $opts = $somfy_sets_addition{$k};
push(@cList,$k.(defined($opts)?':' . $opts:""));
} # end foreach
return join(" ", @cList);
sub SOMFY_Runden($) {
my ($v) = @_;
if ( ( $v > 105 ) && ( $v < 195 ) ) {
$v = 150;
} else {
$v = int(($v + 5) /10) * 10;
return sprintf("%d", $v );
} # end sub SOMFY_Runden
sub SOMFY_Translate($) {
my ($v) = @_;
if(exists($translations{$v})) {
$v = $translations{$v}
return $v
sub SOMFY_Translate100To0($) {
my ($v) = @_;
if(exists($translations100To0{$v})) {
$v = $translations100To0{$v}
return $v
sub SOMFY_ConvertFrom100To0($) {
my ($v) = @_;
return $v if ( ! defined($v) );
return $v if ( length($v) == 0 );
return $v if ( $v =~ /^(on|off)$/);
$v = minNum( 100, maxNum( 0, $v ) );
return (( $v < 10 ) ? ( 200-($v*10.0) ) : ( (100-$v)*10.0/9 ));
sub SOMFY_ConvertTo100To0($) {
my ($v) = @_;
return $v if ( ! defined($v) );
return $v if ( length($v) == 0 );
$v = minNum( 200, maxNum( 0, $v ) );
return ( $v > 100 ) ? ( (200-$v)/10.0 ) : ( 100-(9*$v/10.0) );
sub SOMFY_RoundInternal($) {
my ($v) = @_;
return sprintf("%d", ($v + ($somfy_posAccuracy/2)) / $somfy_posAccuracy) * $somfy_posAccuracy;
} # end sub SOMFY_RoundInternal
# call with hash, translated state
sub SOMFY_CalcCurrentPos($$$$) {
my ($hash, $move, $pos, $dt) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $newPos = $pos;
# Attributes for calculation
my ($t1down100, $t1downclose, $t1upopen, $t1up100) = SOMFY_getTimingValues($hash);
if(defined($t1down100) && defined($t1downclose) && defined($t1up100) && defined($t1upopen)) {
if( ( $t1downclose == $t1down100) && ( $t1up100 == 0 ) ) {
$pos = minNum( 100, $pos );
if($move eq 'on') {
$newPos = minNum( 100, $pos );
if ( $pos < 100 ) {
# calc remaining time to 100%
my $remTime = ( 100 - $pos ) * $t1down100 / 100;
if ( $remTime > $dt ) {
$newPos = $pos + ( $dt * 100 / $t1down100 );
} elsif($move eq 'off') {
$newPos = maxNum( 0, $pos );
if ( $pos > 0 ) {
$newPos = $dt * 100 / ( $t1upopen );
$newPos = maxNum( 0, ($pos - $newPos) );
} else {
Log3($name,1,"SOMFY_CalcCurrentPos: $name move wrong $move");
} else {
if($move eq 'on') {
if ( $pos >= 100 ) {
$newPos = $dt * 100 / ( $t1downclose - $t1down100 );
$newPos = minNum( 200, $pos + $newPos );
} else {
# calc remaining time to 100%
my $remTime = ( 100 - $pos ) * $t1down100 / 100;
if ( $remTime > $dt ) {
$newPos = $pos + ( $dt * 100 / $t1down100 );
} else {
$dt = $dt - $remTime;
$newPos = 100 + ( $dt * 100 / ( $t1downclose - $t1down100 ) );
} elsif($move eq 'off') {
if ( $pos <= 100 ) {
$newPos = $dt * 100 / ( $t1upopen - $t1up100 );
$newPos = maxNum( 0, $pos - $newPos );
} else {
# calc remaining time to 100%
my $remTime = ( $pos - 100 ) * $t1up100 / 100;
if ( $remTime > $dt ) {
$newPos = $pos - ( $dt * 100 / $t1up100 );
} else {
$dt = $dt - $remTime;
$newPos = 100 - ( $dt * 100 / ( $t1upopen - $t1up100 ) );
} else {
Log3($name,1,"SOMFY_CalcCurrentPos: $name move wrong $move");
} else {
### no timings set so just assume it is always moving
$newPos = $positions{'moving'};
return $newPos;
### Helper for TIMING
sub SOMFY_UpdateStartTime($) {
my ($d) = @_;
my ($s, $ms) = gettimeofday();
my $t = $s + ($ms / 1000000); # 10 msec
my $t1 = 0;
$t1 = $d->{starttime} if(exists($d->{starttime} ));
$d->{starttime} = $t;
my $dt = sprintf("%.2f", $t - $t1);
return $dt;
} # end sub SOMFY_UpdateStartTime
sub SOMFY_TimedUpdate($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if(IsDisabled($name));
# get current infos
my $pos = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},'exact',undef);
if ( AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "positionInverse", 0 ) ) {
Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"SOMFY_TimedUpdate : pos before convert so far : $pos");
$pos = SOMFY_ConvertFrom100To0( $pos );
Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"SOMFY_TimedUpdate : pos so far : $pos");
my $dt = SOMFY_UpdateStartTime($hash);
my $nowt = gettimeofday();
$pos = SOMFY_CalcCurrentPos( $hash, $hash->{move}, $pos, $dt );
# my $posRounded = SOMFY_RoundInternal( $pos );
Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"SOMFY_TimedUpdate : delta time : $dt new rounde pos (rounded): $pos ");
$hash->{runningtime} = $hash->{runningtime} - $dt;
if ( $hash->{runningtime} <= 0.1) {
if ( defined( $hash->{runningcmd} ) ) {
SOMFY_SendCommand($hash, $hash->{runningcmd});
# trigger update from timer
SOMFY_UpdateState( $hash, $hash->{updateState}, 'stop', undef, 1, 1 ); ## is final
delete $hash->{starttime};
delete $hash->{runningtime};
delete $hash->{runningcmd};
} else {
my $utime = $hash->{runningtime} ;
if($utime > $somfy_updateFreq) {
$utime = $somfy_updateFreq;
SOMFY_UpdateState( $hash, $pos, $hash->{move}, $hash->{updateState}, 1, 0 ); ## not final yet
if ( defined( $hash->{runningcmd} )) {
Log3($hash->{NAME},4,"SOMFY_TimedUpdate: $hash->{NAME} -> stopping in $hash->{runningtime} sec");
} else {
Log3($hash->{NAME},4,"SOMFY_TimedUpdate: $hash->{NAME} -> update state in $hash->{runningtime} sec");
my $nstt = maxNum($nowt+$utime-0.01, gettimeofday()+.1 );
Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"SOMFY_TimedUpdate: $hash->{NAME} -> next time to stop: $nstt");
Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"SOMFY_TimedUpdate DONE");
} # end sub SOMFY_TimedUpdate
# SOMFY_UpdateState( $hash, $newState, $move, $updateState, drotrigger, isFinal );
sub SOMFY_UpdateState($$$$$$) {
my ($hash, $newState, $move, $updateState, $doTrigger, $isFinal) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $addtlPosReading = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},'additionalPosReading',undef);
if ( defined($addtlPosReading )) {
$addtlPosReading = undef if ( ( $addtlPosReading eq "" ) or ( $addtlPosReading eq "state" ) or ( $addtlPosReading eq "position" ) or ( $addtlPosReading eq "exact" ) );
$isFinal = 0 if ( ! defined( $isFinal ) );
my $finalPosReading = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},'finalPosReading',undef);
if ( defined($finalPosReading )) {
$finalPosReading = undef if ( ( $finalPosReading eq "" ) or ( $finalPosReading eq "state" ) or ( $finalPosReading eq "position" ) or ( $finalPosReading eq "exact" ) );
my $newExact = $newState;
if(exists($positions{$newState})) {
$hash->{STATE} = $newState;
$newExact = $positions{$newState};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$addtlPosReading,$newExact) if ( defined($addtlPosReading) );
} else {
my $rounded;
my $stateTrans;
Log3($name,4,"SOMFY_UpdateState: $name enter with newState:$newState: updatestate:".(defined( $updateState )?$updateState:"<undef>").
": move:$move:");
# do conversions
if ( AttrVal( $name, "positionInverse", 0 ) ) {
$newState = SOMFY_ConvertTo100To0( $newState );
$newExact = $newState;
$rounded = SOMFY_Runden( $newState );
$stateTrans = SOMFY_Translate100To0( $rounded );
} else {
$rounded = SOMFY_Runden( $newState );
$stateTrans = SOMFY_Translate( $rounded );
Log3($name,4,"SOMFY_UpdateState: $name after conversions newState:$newState: rounded:$rounded: stateTrans:$stateTrans:");
$hash->{STATE} = $stateTrans;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$finalPosReading,$newExact) if ( ( defined($finalPosReading) ) && ( $isFinal ) );
if ( defined( $updateState ) ) {
$hash->{updateState} = $updateState;
} else {
delete $hash->{updateState};
$hash->{move} = $move;
} # end sub SOMFY_UpdateState
# Return timingvalues from attr and after correction
sub SOMFY_getTimingValues($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $t1down100 = AttrVal($name,'drive-down-time-to-100',undef);
my $t1downclose = AttrVal($name,'drive-down-time-to-close',undef);
my $t1upopen = AttrVal($name,'drive-up-time-to-open',undef);
my $t1up100 = AttrVal($name,'drive-up-time-to-100',undef);
return (undef, undef, undef, undef) if(!defined($t1downclose) || !defined($t1down100) || !defined($t1upopen) || !defined($t1up100));
if ( ( $t1downclose < 0 ) || ( $t1down100 < 0 ) || ( $t1upopen < 0 ) || ( $t1up100 < 0 ) ) {
Log3($name,1,"SOMFY_getTimingValues: $name time values need to be positive values");
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
if ( $t1downclose < $t1down100 ) {
Log3($name,1,"SOMFY_getTimingValues: $name close time needs to be higher or equal than time to pos100");
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
} elsif ( $t1downclose == $t1down100 ) {
$t1up100 = 0;
if ( $t1upopen <= $t1up100 ) {
Log3($name,1,"SOMFY_getTimingValues: $name open time needs to be higher or equal than time to pos100");
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
if ( $t1upopen < 1 ) {
Log3($name,1,"SOMFY_getTimingValues: $name time to open needs to be at least 1 second");
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
if ( $t1downclose < 1 ) {
Log3($name,1,"SOMFY_getTimingValues: $name time to close needs to be at least 1 second");
return (undef, undef, undef, undef);
return ($t1down100, $t1downclose, $t1upopen, $t1up100);
## Helper for command parse and send
sub SOMFY_RTS_Crypt($$$)
my ($operation, $name, $data) = @_;
my $res = substr($data, 0, 2);
my $ref = ($operation eq "e" ? \$res : \$data);
for (my $idx=1; $idx < 7; $idx++)
my $high = hex(substr($data, $idx * 2, 2));
my $low = hex(substr(${$ref}, ($idx - 1) * 2, 2));
my $val = $high ^ $low;
$res .= sprintf("%02X", $val);
return $res;
sub SOMFY_RTS_Check($$)
my ($name, $data) = @_;
my $checkSum = 0;
for (my $idx=0; $idx < 7; $idx++)
my $val = hex(substr($data, $idx * 2, 2));
$val &= 0xF0 if ($idx == 1);
$checkSum = $checkSum ^ $val ^ ($val >> 4);
##Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Somfy RTS check: " . sprintf("%02X, %02X", $val, $checkSum);
$checkSum &= hex("0x0F");
return sprintf("%X", $checkSum);
## Central Command send routine
sub SOMFY_SendCommand($@)
my ($hash, @args) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
my $cmd = $args[0];
my $message;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $numberOfArgs = int(@args);
my $io = $hash->{IODev};
my $ioType = $io->{TYPE};
$ioType = "" if ( ! defined( $ioType ) );
return $ret if(IsIgnored($name));
return $ret if(IsDisabled($name));
Log3($name,4,"SOMFY_sendCommand: $name -> cmd :$cmd: ");
# custom control needs 2 digit hex code
return "Bad custom control code, use 2 digit hex codes only" if($args[0] eq "z_custom"
&& ($numberOfArgs == 1
|| ($numberOfArgs == 2 && $args[1] !~ m/^[a-fA-F0-9]{2}$/)));
my $command = $somfy_c2b{ $cmd };
# eigentlich überflüssig, da oben schon auf Existenz geprüft wird
if ( !defined($command) ) {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of "
. join( " ", sort keys %somfy_c2b );
# CUL specifics
if ($ioType ne "SIGNALduino") {
## Do we need to change RFMode to SlowRF?
if ( defined( $attr{ $name } )
&& defined( $attr{ $name }{"switch_rfmode"} ) )
if ( $attr{ $name }{"switch_rfmode"} eq "1" )
{ # do we need to change RFMode of IODev
my $ret =
CallFn( $io->{NAME}, "AttrFn", "set",
( $io->{NAME}, "rfmode", "SlowRF" ) );
## Do we need to change symbol length?
if ( defined( $attr{ $name } )
&& defined( $attr{ $name }{"symbol-length"} ) )
$message = "t" . $attr{ $name }{"symbol-length"};
IOWrite( $hash, "Y", $message );
Log3 $hash, 5, "SOMFY_send set symbol-length: $message for $io->{NAME}";
## Do we need to change frame repetition?
if ( defined( $attr{ $name } )
&& defined( $attr{ $name }{"repetition"} ) )
$message = "r" . $attr{ $name }{"repetition"};
IOWrite( $hash, "Y", $message );
Log3 $hash, 5, "SOMFY_send set repetition: $message for $io->{NAME}";
# convert old attribute values to READINGs
my $timestamp = TimeNow();
# message looks like this
# Ys_key_ctrl_cks_rollcode_a0_a1_a2
# Ys ad 20 0ae3 a2 98 42
my $enckey = uc(ReadingsVal($name, "enc_key", "A0"));
my $rollingcode = SOMFY_getRollCode( $hash );
if($command eq "XX") {
# use user-supplied custom command
$command = $args[1];
# increment encryption key and rolling code
my $new_enc_key = $enckey;
if ( (! AttrVal( $name, "fixed_enckey", 0 ) ) && ( ! SOMFY_isSwitch($hash) ) ) {
my $enc_key_increment = hex( $enckey );
$new_enc_key = sprintf( "%02X", ( ++$enc_key_increment & hex("0xAF") ) );
my $rolling_code_increment = hex( $rollingcode );
my $new_rolling_code = sprintf( "%04X", ( ++$rolling_code_increment ) );
$message = "s"
. $new_enc_key
. $command
. $new_rolling_code
. uc( $hash->{ADDRESS} );
## Log that we are going to switch Somfy
Log3 $hash, 4, "SOMFY_send $name " . join(" ", @args) . ": $message";
Log3 $hash, 5, "SOMFY_send $name enc key : ". $new_enc_key." rolling code : ".$new_rolling_code;
## Send Message to IODev using IOWrite
if ($ioType eq "SIGNALduino") {
my $SignalRepeats = AttrVal($name,'repetition', '6');
# swap address, remove leading s
my $decData = substr($message, 1, 8) . substr($message, 13, 2) . substr($message, 11, 2) . substr($message, 9, 2);
my $check = SOMFY_RTS_Check($name, $decData);
my $encData = SOMFY_RTS_Crypt("e", $name, substr($decData, 0, 3) . $check . substr($decData, 4));
$message = 'P43#' . $encData . '#R' . $SignalRepeats;
#Log3 $hash, 4, "$hash->{IODev}->{NAME} SOMFY_sendCommand: $name -> message :$message: ";
IOWrite($hash, 'sendMsg', $message);
} else {
#Log3($name,5,"SOMFY_sendCommand: $name -> message :$message: ");
IOWrite( $hash, "Y", $message );
# update the readings, but do not generate an event
setReadingsVal($hash, "enc_key", $new_enc_key, $timestamp);
setReadingsVal($hash, "rolling_code", $new_rolling_code, $timestamp);
# store in uniqueID if requested
SOMFY_storeRollCode( $hash, $new_rolling_code ) if ( AttrVal( $name, "autoStoreRollingCode", 0 ) );
# modify definition of device with actual enc/rc
# change 23.9.2020 - no update def anymore with rolling code (roll code and enc key will be removed)
# SOMFY_updateDef( $hash, $new_enc_key, $new_rolling_code );
# CUL specifics
if ($ioType ne "SIGNALduino") {
## Do we need to change symbol length back?
if ( defined( $attr{ $name } )
&& defined( $attr{ $name }{"symbol-length"} ) )
$message = "t" . $somfy_defsymbolwidth;
IOWrite( $hash, "Y", $message );
Log3 $hash, 5, "SOMFY_send set symbol-length back: $message for $io->{NAME}";
## Do we need to change repetition back?
if ( defined( $attr{ $name } )
&& defined( $attr{ $name }{"repetition"} ) )
$message = "r" . $somfy_defrepetition;
IOWrite( $hash, "Y", $message );
Log3 $hash, 5, "SOMFY_send set repetition back: $message for $io->{NAME}";
## Do we need to change RFMode back to HomeMatic??
if ( defined( $attr{ $name } )
&& defined( $attr{ $name }{"switch_rfmode"} ) )
if ( $attr{ $name }{"switch_rfmode"} eq "1" )
{ # do we need to change RFMode of IODev?
my $ret =
CallFn( $io->{NAME}, "AttrFn", "set",
( $io->{NAME}, "rfmode", "HomeMatic" ) );
# Look for all devices with the same address, and set state, enc-key, rolling-code and timestamp
my $code = "$hash->{ADDRESS}";
my $tn = TimeNow();
foreach my $n ( keys %{ $modules{SOMFY}{defptr}{$code} } ) {
my $lh = $modules{SOMFY}{defptr}{$code}{$n};
$lh->{READINGS}{enc_key}{TIME} = $tn;
$lh->{READINGS}{enc_key}{VAL} = $new_enc_key;
$lh->{READINGS}{rolling_code}{TIME} = $tn;
$lh->{READINGS}{rolling_code}{VAL} = $new_rolling_code;
# change 23.9.2020 - no update def anymore with rolling code (roll code and enc key will be removed)
# SOMFY_updateDef( $lh, $new_enc_key, $new_rolling_code );
return $ret;
} # end sub SOMFY_SendCommand
=item summary supporting devices using the SOMFY RTS protocol - window shades
=item summary_DE für Geräte, die das SOMFY RTS protocol unterstützen - Rolläden
=begin html
<a name="SOMFY"></a>
<h3>SOMFY - Somfy RTS / Simu Hz protocol</h3>
The Somfy RTS (identical to Simu Hz) protocol is used by a wide range of devices,
which are either senders or receivers/actuators.
Right now only SENDING of Somfy commands is implemented in the CULFW, so this module currently only
supports devices like blinds, dimmers, etc. through a <a href="#CUL">CUL</a> device (which must be defined first).
Reception of Somfy remotes is only supported indirectly through the usage of an FHEMduino
<a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/FHEMduino">http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/FHEMduino</a>
which can then be used to connect to the SOMFY device.
<a name="SOMFYdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SOMFY &lt;address&gt; [&lt;encryption-key&gt;] [&lt;rolling-code&gt;] </code>
The address is a 6-digit hex code, that uniquely identifies a single remote control channel.
It is used to pair the remote to the blind or dimmer it should control.
Pairing is done by setting the blind in programming mode, either by disconnecting/reconnecting the power,
or by pressing the program button on an already associated remote.
Once the blind is in programming mode, send the "prog" command from within FHEM to complete the pairing.
The blind will move up and down shortly to indicate completion.
You are now able to control this blind from FHEM, the receiver thinks it is just another remote control.
<li><code>&lt;address&gt;</code> is a 6 digit hex number that uniquely identifies FHEM as a new remote control channel.
<br>You should use a different one for each device definition, and group them using a structure.
<li>The optional <code>&lt;encryption-key&gt;</code> is a 2 digit hex number (first letter should always be A)
that can be set to clone an existing remote control channel.</li>
<li>The optional <code>&lt;rolling-code&gt;</code> is a 4 digit hex number that can be set
to clone an existing remote control channel.<br>
If you set one of them, you need to pick the same address as an existing remote.
Be aware that the receiver might not accept commands from the remote any longer,<br>
if you used FHEM to clone an existing remote.
This is because the code is original remote's codes are out of sync.</li>
Rolling code and encryption key in the device definition will be always updated on commands sent and can be also changed manually by modifying the original definition (e.g in FHEMWeb - modify).
<code>define rollo_1 SOMFY 000001</code><br>
<code>define rollo_2 SOMFY 000002</code><br>
<code>define rollo_3_original SOMFY 42ABCD A5 0A1C</code><br>
<a name="SOMFYset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;value&gt; [&lt;time&gt]</code>
where <code>value</code> is one of:<br>
pos value (0..100) # see note
prog # Special, see note
manual 0,...,100,200,on,off
<code>set rollo_1 on</code><br>
<code>set rollo_1,rollo_2,rollo_3 on</code><br>
<code>set rollo_1-rollo_3 on</code><br>
<code>set rollo_1 off</code><br>
<code>set rollo_1 pos 50</code><br>
<li>prog is a special command used to pair the receiver to FHEM:
Set the receiver in programming mode (eg. by pressing the program-button on the original remote)
and send the "prog" command from FHEM to finish pairing.<br>
The blind will move up and down shortly to indicate success.
<li>on-for-timer and off-for-timer send a stop command after the specified time,
instead of reversing the blind.<br>
This can be used to go to a specific position by measuring the time it takes to close the blind completely.
<li>pos value<br>
The position is variying between 0 completely open and 100 for covering the full window.
The position must be between 0 and 100 and the appropriate
attributes drive-down-time-to-100, drive-down-time-to-close,
drive-up-time-to-100 and drive-up-time-to-open must be set. See also positionInverse attribute.<br>
<li>wind_sun_9 and wind_only_a send special commands to the Somfy device that to represent the codes sent from wind and sun detector (with the respective code contained in the set command name)
<li>manual will only set the position without sending any commands to the somfy device - can be used to correct the position manually
The position reading distinuishes between multiple cases
<li>Without timing values (see attributes) set only generic values are used for status and position: <pre>open, closed, moving</pre> are used
<li>With timing values set but drive-down-time-to-close equal to drive-down-time-to-100 and drive-up-time-to-100 equal 0
the device is considered to only vary between 0 and 100 (100 being completely closed)
<li>With full timing values set the device is considerd a window shutter (Rolladen) with a difference between
covering the full window (position 100) and being completely closed (position 200)
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SOMFYattr"></a>
Set the IO or physical device which should be used for sending signals
for this "logical" device. An example for the physical device is a CUL.<br>
Note: The IODev has to be set, otherwise no commands will be sent!<br>
If you have both a CUL868 and CUL433, use the CUL433 as IODev for increased range.
Inverse operation for positions instead of 0 to 100-200 the positions are ranging from 100 to 10 (down) and then to 0 (closed). The pos set command will point in this case to the reversed pos values. This does NOT reverse the operation of the on/off command, meaning that on always will move the shade down and off will move it up towards the initial position.
Position of the shutter will be stored in the reading <code>pos</code> as numeric value.
Additionally this attribute might specify a name for an additional reading to be updated with the same value than the pos.
This attribute can specify the name of an additional posReading that is only set at the end of a move. Meaning intermediate values are not set.
The name can not be any of the standard readings
<li>fixed_enckey 1|0<br>
If set to 1 the enc-key is not changed after a command sent to the device. Default is value 0 meaning enc-key is changed normally for the RTS protocol.
<li>autoStoreRollingCode 1|0<br>
If set to 1 the rolling code is stored automatically in the FHEM uniqueID file (Default is 0 - off). After setting the attribute, the code is first saved after the next change of the rolling code.
<li>rawDevice <somfy address - 6 digit hex> [ <list of further somfy addresses> ]<br>
If set this SOMFY device is representing a manual remote, that is used to control a somfy blind. The address of the blind (the physical blind) is specified in the rawdevice attribute to sync position changes in the blind when the remote is used. This requires an iodevice able to receive somfy commands (e.g. signalduino). Multiple physical blinds can be specified separated by space in the attribute.
Replace event names and set arguments. The value of this attribute
consists of a list of space separated values, each value is a colon
separated pair. The first part specifies the "old" value, the second
the new/desired value. If the first character is slash(/) or comma(,)
then split not by space but by this character, enabling to embed spaces.
attr store eventMap on:open off:closed<br>
attr store eventMap /on-for-timer 10:open/off:closed/<br>
set store open
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li><br>
The model attribute denotes the model type of the device.
The attributes will (currently) not be used by the fhem.pl directly.
It can be used by e.g. external programs or web interfaces to
distinguish classes of devices and send the appropriate commands
(e.g. "on" or "off" to a switch, "dim..%" to dimmers etc.).<br>
The spelling of the model names are as quoted on the printed
documentation which comes which each device. This name is used
without blanks in all lower-case letters. Valid characters should be
<code>a-z 0-9</code> and <code>-</code> (dash),
other characters should be ommited.<br>
Here is a list of "official" devices:<br>
<b>Receiver/Actor</b>: somfyblinds<br>
Ignore this device, e.g. if it belongs to your neighbour. The device
won't trigger any FileLogs/notifys, issued commands will silently
ignored (no RF signal will be sent out, just like for the <a
href="#attrdummy">dummy</a> attribute). The device won't appear in the
list command (only if it is explicitely asked for it), nor will it
appear in commands which use some wildcard/attribute as name specifiers
(see <a href="#devspec">devspec</a>). You still get them with the
"ignored=1" special devspec.
The time the blind needs to drive down from "open" (pos 0) to pos 100.<br>
In this position, the lower edge touches the window frame, but it is not completely shut.<br>
For a mid-size window this time is about 12 to 15 seconds.
The time the blind needs to drive down from "open" (pos 0) to "close", the end position of the blind.<br>
Note: If set, this value always needs to be higher than drive-down-time-to-100
This is about 3 to 5 seonds more than the "drive-down-time-to-100" value.
The time the blind needs to drive up from "close" (endposition) to "pos 100".<br>
This usually takes about 3 to 5 seconds.
The time the blind needs drive up from "close" (endposition) to "open" (upper endposition).<br>
Note: If set, this value always needs to be higher than drive-down-time-to-100
This value is usually a bit higher than "drive-down-time-to-close", due to the blind's weight.
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