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# 98_statistic.pm
# Copyright notice
# (c) 2014 Torsten Poitzsch < torsten . poitzsch at gmx . de >
# inspired by 98_rain.pm of Andreas Vogt
# This module computes statistic data of and for readings of other modules
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the text file GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# define <name> statistics <regexp>
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;
sub statistics_PeriodChange($);
sub statistics_doStatisticMinMax ($$$$$);
sub statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$$$);
sub statistics_DoStatistics ($$$);
# Modul Version for remote debugging
my $modulVersion = "2014-05-04";
# Syntax: deviceType, readingName, statisticType, decimalPlaces
# statisticType: 0=noStatistic | 1=maxMinAvgStatistic | 2=integralTimeStatistic | 3=onOffTimeCount
my @knownDeviceReadings = (
["CUL_WS", "humidity", 1, 0]
,["CUL_WS", "temperature", 1, 1]
,["KS300", "humidity", 1, 0]
,["KS300", "temperature", 1, 1]
,["KS300", "wind", 1, 0]
,["KS300", "rain", 2, 1]
,["FBDECT", "current", 1, 3]
,["FBDECT", "energy", 2, 0]
,["FBDECT", "power", 1, 1]
,["FBDECT", "voltage", 1, 1]
sub ##########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "statistics_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Undefine";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "statistics_Notify";
$hash->{NotifyOrderPrefix} = "10-"; # Want to be called before the rest
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 "
."DayChangeTime "
."excludedReadings "
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> statistics <devicename-regexp> [prefix]"
if(3>@a || @a>4);
my $name = $a[0];
my $devname = $a[2];
if (@a == 4) {$hash->{PREFIX} = $a[3];}
else {$hash->{PREFIX} = "stat";}
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$devname$/ };
return "Bad regexp: $@" if($@);
$hash->{DEV_REGEXP} = $devname;
$hash->{STATE} = "active";
#Run period change procedure each hour.
my $periodEndTime = 3600 * (int( gettimeofday() / 3600 ) + 1) ;
InternalTimer( $periodEndTime, "statistics_PeriodChange", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $dev) = @_;
statistics_DoStatistics $hash, $dev, 0;
sub ########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dummy;
#Run period change procedure each hour.
my $periodEndTime = 3600 * (int( gettimeofday() / 3600 ) + 1 );
InternalTimer( $periodEndTime, "statistics_PeriodChange", $hash, 0);
return if( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 );
# Determine if time period switched (day, month, year)
# Get deltaValue and Tariff of previous call
my $periodSwitch = 1;
my $yearLast;
my $monthLast;
my $dayLast;
my $dayNow;
my $monthNow;
my $yearNow;
($dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $dayLast, $monthLast, $yearLast) = localtime (gettimeofday()-1800);
($dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $dayNow, $monthNow, $yearNow) = localtime (gettimeofday());
if ($yearNow != $yearLast) { $periodSwitch = 4; }
elsif ($monthNow != $monthLast) { $periodSwitch = 3; }
elsif ($dayNow != $dayLast) { $periodSwitch = 2; }
foreach my $r (keys $hash->{READINGS})
if ($r =~ /^monitoredDevices.*/) {
Log3 $name,5,"$name: Starting period change statistics (Type: $periodSwitch) for all devices of reading $r";
my $devNameArray = split /,/, $r;
foreach my $devName ($devNameArray) {
Log3 $name,5,"$name: Doing period change statistics for device $devName";
# statistics_DoStatistics($hash, $defs{$devName}, $periodSwitch);
return undef;
my ($hash, $dev, $periodSwitch) = @_;
my $hashName = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $devType = $dev->{TYPE};
return "" if(AttrVal($hashName, "disable", undef));
# Return if the notifying device is not monitored
return "" if(!defined($hash->{DEV_REGEXP}));
my $regexp = $hash->{DEV_REGEXP};
return "" if($devName !~ m/^($regexp)$/);
my $output = $devName." (".$devType.")" ;
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
my $readingName;
my $value;
# Loop through all known device types and readings
foreach my $f (@knownDeviceReadings)
$readingName = $$f[1];
# notifing device type is known and the device has also the known reading
if ($$f[0] eq $devType ) {
if ($$f[2] == 1) { statistics_doStatisticMinMax ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $$f[3], $periodSwitch);}
# Record device as monitored
my $monReadingName = "monitoredDevices".$devType;
my $monReadingValue = ReadingsVal($hashName,$monReadingName,"");
my $temp = '^'.$devName.'$|^'.$devName.',|,'.$devName.'$|,'.$devName.',';
if ($monReadingValue !~ /$temp/) {
if($monReadingValue eq "") { $monReadingValue = $devName;}
else {$monReadingValue .= ",".$devName;}
return undef;
# Calculates single MaxMin Values and informs about end of day and month
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticMinMax ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $decPlaces, $periodSwitch) = @_;
return if not exists ($dev->{READINGS}{$readingName});
# Get reading, cut out first number without units
my $value = $dev->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL};
$value =~ s/^([\d.]*).*/$1/eg;
# statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle: $hash, $readingName, $value, $saveLast, decPlaces
# Daily Statistic
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName."Day", $value, ($periodSwitch >= 2), $decPlaces;
# Monthly Statistic
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName."Month", $value, ($periodSwitch >= 3), $decPlaces;
# Yearly Statistic
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $dev, $readingName."Year", $value, ($periodSwitch == 4), $decPlaces;
return ;
# Calculates single MaxMin Values and informs about end of day and month
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $value, $saveLast, $decPlaces) = @_;
my $result;
my $hiddenReadingName = ".".$dev->{NAME}.".".$readingName;
my $statReadingName = $hash->{PREFIX};
$statReadingName .= ucfirst($readingName);
my @hidden;
my @stat;
my $firstRun = not exists($hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName});
if ( $firstRun ) {
# Show since-Value
$hidden[1] = 0; $hidden[3] = 0; $hidden[9] = 1;
$stat[1] = $value; $stat[3] = $value; $stat[5] = $value;
$stat[7] = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S",localtime() );
} else {
# Do calculations if hidden reading exists
@hidden = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$hiddenReadingName}{VAL}; # Internal values
@stat = split / /, $dev->{READINGS}{$statReadingName}{VAL};
my $timeDiff = gettimeofday()-$hidden[7];
$hidden[1] += $hidden[5] * $timeDiff; # sum
$hidden[3] += $timeDiff; # time
if ($value < $stat[1]) { $stat[1]=$value; } # Min
$stat[3] = $hidden[1] / $hidden[3]; # Avg
if ($value > $stat[5]) { $stat[5]=$value; } # Max
# Prepare new current reading
$result = "Min: ". sprintf( "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[1]);
$result .= " Avg: ". sprintf( "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[3]);
$result .= " Max: ". sprintf( "%.".$decPlaces."f", $stat[5]);
if ($hidden[9] == 1) { $result .= " (since: $stat[7] )"; }
# Store current reading as last reading, Reset current reading
if ($saveLast) {
readingsSingleUpdate($dev, $statReadingName . "Last", $result,0);
$hidden[1] = 0; $hidden[3] = 0; $hidden[9] = 0; # No since value anymore
$result = "Min: $value Avg: $value Max: $value";
# Store current reading
readingsSingleUpdate($dev, $statReadingName, $result,0);
# Store hidden reading
$result = "Sum: $hidden[1] Time: $hidden[3] LastValue: ".$value." LastTime: ".gettimeofday()." ShowDate: $hidden[9]";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $hiddenReadingName, $result,0);
# Calculates deltas for day, month and year
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticDelta ($$$$)
my ($hash, $dev, $readingName, $decPlaces) = @_;
my $dummy;
my $result;
my $deltaValue;
my $previousTariff;
my $showDate;
my $value = $dev->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL};
# Determine if time period switched (day, month, year)
# Get deltaValue and Tariff of previous call
my $periodSwitch = 0;
my $yearLast; my $monthLast; my $dayLast; my $hourLast; my $hourNow; my $dayNow; my $monthNow; my $yearNow;
if (exists($hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName . "Before"})) {
($yearLast, $monthLast, $dayLast, $hourLast) = ($hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName . "Before"}{TIME} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d)/);
$yearLast -= 1900;
$monthLast --;
($dummy, $deltaValue, $dummy, $showDate) = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName . "Before"}{VAL} || "";
$deltaValue = $value - $deltaValue;
} else {
($dummy, $dummy, $hourLast, $dayLast, $monthLast, $yearLast) = localtime;
$deltaValue = 0;
$previousTariff = 0;
$showDate = 8;
($dummy, $dummy, $hourNow, $dayNow, $monthNow, $yearNow) = localtime;
if ($yearNow != $yearLast) { $periodSwitch = 4; }
elsif ($monthNow != $monthLast) { $periodSwitch = 3; }
elsif ($dayNow != $dayLast) { $periodSwitch = 2; }
elsif ($hourNow != $hourLast) { $periodSwitch = 1; }
# Determine if "since" value has to be shown in current and last reading
if ($periodSwitch == 4) {
if ($showDate == 1) { $showDate = 0; } # Do not show the "since:" value for year changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 2) { $showDate = 1; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first year change
if ($periodSwitch >= 3){
if ($showDate == 3) { $showDate = 2; } # Do not show the "since:" value for month changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 4) { $showDate = 3; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first month change
if ($periodSwitch >= 2){
if ($showDate == 5) { $showDate = 4; } # Do not show the "since:" value for day changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 6) { $showDate = 5; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first day change
if ($periodSwitch >= 1){
if ($showDate == 7) { $showDate = 6; } # Do not show the "since:" value for day changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 8) { $showDate = 7; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first hour change
# statistics_doStatisticDeltaSingle; $hash, $readingName, $deltaValue, $periodSwitch, $showDate, $firstCall
statistics_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($hash, $readingName, $deltaValue, $periodSwitch, $showDate);
# Hidden storage of current values for next call(before values)
$result = "Value: $value ShowDate: $showDate ";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".".$readingName."Before", $result);
return ;
sub ########################################
statistics_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $readingName, $deltaValue, $periodSwitch, $showDate) = @_;
my $dummy;
my $result;
# get existing statistic reading
my @curr;
if (exists($hash->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL})) {
@curr = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL} || "";
if ($curr[0] eq "Day:") { $curr[9]=$curr[7]; $curr[7]=$curr[5]; $curr[5]=$curr[3]; $curr[3]=$curr[1]; $curr[1]=0; }
} else {
$curr[1] = 0; $curr[3] = 0; $curr[5] = 0; $curr[7] = 0;
$curr[9] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime(); # start
# get statistic values of previous period
my @last;
if ($periodSwitch >= 1) {
if (exists ($hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Last"})) {
@last = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Last"}{VAL};
if ($last[0] eq "Day:") { $last[9]=$last[7]; $last[7]=$last[5]; $last[5]=$last[3]; $last[3]=$last[1]; $last[1]="-"; }
} else {
@last = split / /, "Hour: - Day: - Month: - Year: -";
# Do statistic
$curr[1] += $deltaValue;
$curr[3] += $deltaValue;
$curr[5] += $deltaValue;
$curr[7] += $deltaValue;
# If change of year, change yearly statistic
if ($periodSwitch == 4){
$last[7] = $curr[7];
$curr[7] = 0;
if ($showDate == 1) { $last[9] = $curr[9]; }
# If change of month, change monthly statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 3){
$last[5] = $curr[5];
$curr[5] = 0;
if ($showDate == 3) { $last[9] = $curr[9];}
# If change of day, change daily statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 2){
$last[3] = $curr[3];
$curr[3] = 0;
if ($showDate == 5) {
$last[9] = $curr[9];
# Next monthly and yearly values start at 00:00 and show only date (no time)
$curr[5] = 0;
$curr[7] = 0;
$curr[9] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(); # start
# If change of hour, change hourly statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 1){
$last[1] = $curr[1];
$curr[1] = 0;
if ($showDate == 7) { $last[9] = $curr[9];}
# Store visible statistic readings (delta values)
$result = "Hour: $curr[1] Day: $curr[3] Month: $curr[5] Year: $curr[7]";
if ( $showDate >=2 ) { $result .= " (since: $curr[9] )"; }
# if changed, store previous visible statistic (delta) values
if ($periodSwitch >= 1) {
$result = "Hour: $last[1] Day: $last[3] Month: $last[5] Year: $last[7]";
if ( $showDate =~ /1|3|5|7/ ) { $result .= " (since: $last[9] )";}
=begin html
<a name="statistics"></a>
This modul calculates for certain readings of given devices statistical values and adds them to the devices.
<code>define <name> statistics <deviceNameRegExp> [Prefix]</code>
Beispiel: <code>define Statistik statistics Sensor_.*|Wettersensor</code>
Optional. Prefix set is place before statistical data. Default is <i>stat</i>
Regular expression of device names. !!! Not the device readings !!!
Until now the following device types and readings are analysed:
<ul><li><b>CUL_WS:</b> humidity, temperature</li>
<li><b>KS300:</b> humidity, temperature, wind, rain</li>
<li><b>FBDECT:</b> energy, power, voltage</li>
<ul>not implemented yet
<ul>not implemented yet
<a name="JSONMETERattr"></a>
<ul>not implemented yet
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="statistics"></a>
Dieses Modul wertet von den angegebenen Geräten bestimmte Werte statistisch aus und f<>gt sie den jeweiligen Geräten als neue Werte hinzu.
<code>define <Name> statistics <GeräteNameRegExp> [Prefix]</code>
Beispiel: <code>define Statistik statistics Sensor_.*|Wettersensor</code>
Optional. Der Prefix wird vor den Namen der statistischen Ger<65>tewerte gesetzt. Standardmässig <i>stat</i>
Regularer Ausdruck f<>r den Gerätenamen. !!! Nicht die Ger<65>tewerte !!!
Derzeit werden folgende Gerätetypen und Gerätewerte ausgewertet:
<ul><li><b>CUL_WS:</b> humidity, temperature</li>
<li><b>KS300:</b> humidity, temperature, wind, rain</li>
<li><b>FBDECT:</b> energy, power, voltage</li>
<ul>noch nicht implementiert
<ul>noch nicht implementiert
<a name="JSONMETERattr"></a>
<ul>noch nicht implementiert
=end html_DE
=cut |