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# $Id$
# FHEM Module for Viessman Vitotronic200 / Typ KW1 und KW2
# Derived from 89_VCONTROL.pm: Copyright (C) Adam WItalla
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# The GNU General Public License may also be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html .
#package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Time::Local;
# Helper Constants
use constant NO_SEND => 9999;
use constant POLL_ACTIVE => 1;
use constant POLL_PAUSED => 0;
use constant READ_ANSWER => 1;
use constant READ_UNDEF => 0;
use constant GET_TIMER_ACTIVE => 1;
use constant GET_TIMER_PAUSED => 0;
use constant GET_CONFIG_ACTIVE => 1;
use constant GET_CONFIG_PAUSED => 0;
#Poll Parameter
my $defaultPollInterval = 180;
my $last_cmd = 0;
my $poll_now = POLL_PAUSED;
my $get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_PAUSED;
my $get_config_now = GET_CONFIG_PAUSED;
my $command_config_file = "";
my $poll_duration = 0;
#Send Parameter
my $send_now = NO_SEND;
my $send_additonal_param="";
#Get Parameter
#Answer Parameter
my $read_now = READ_UNDEF;
#actually used command list
my @cmd_list;
my @poll_cmd_list;
my @write_cmd_list;
my @timer_cmd_list;
my @set_cmd_list;
my @get_timer_cmd_list;
#remember days for daystart values
my %DayHash;
#States the Heater can be set to
my @mode = ("WW","RED","NORM","H+WW","H+WW FS","ABSCHALT");
my $temp_mode=0;
sub VCONTROL_1ByteUParse($$);
sub VCONTROL_1ByteSParse($$);
sub VCONTROL_2ByteSParse($$);
sub VCONTROL_2ByteUParse($$);
sub VCONTROL_2BytePercentParse($$);
sub VCONTROL_4ByteParse($$);
sub VCONTROL_timerParse($);
sub VCONTROL_ModusParse($);
sub VCONTROL_DateParse($);
sub VCONTROL_1ByteUConv($);
sub VCONTROL_1ByteSConv($);
sub VCONTROL_1ByteUx10Conv($);
sub VCONTROL_2ByteUConv($);
sub VCONTROL_2ByteSConv($);
sub VCONTROL_DateConv($);
sub VCONTROL_TimerConv($$);
sub VCONTROL_Clear($);
sub VCONTROL_Read($);
sub VCONTROL_Ready($);
sub VCONTROL_Parse($$$$);
sub VCONTROL_Poll($);
sub VCONTROL_CmdConfig($);
my ($hash) = @_;
require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "VCONTROL_Read";
#$hash->{WriteFn} = "VCONTROL_Write";
$hash->{ReadyFn} = "VCONTROL_Ready";
$hash->{DefFn} = "VCONTROL_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "VCONTROL_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "VCONTROL_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "VCONTROL_Get";
$hash->{StateFn} = "VCONTROL_SetState";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "VCONTROL_Shutdown";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 setList closedev:0,1 ". $readingFnAttributes;
# define <name> VIESSMANN <port> <commad_config> [<interval>]
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $po;
if (@a != 4 && @a != 5) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> VCONTROL <port> <command_config> [<interval>]";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
#Close Device to initialize properly
if (index($a[2], ':') == -1) {
delete $hash->{USBDev};
delete $hash->{FD};
my $name = $a[0];
my $dev = $a[2];
#check existence of config_file
$command_config_file = $a[3];
if(-e $command_config_file){
Log3 $name, 3, "VCONTROL: Define open DATEI '$command_config_file'";
else {
my $msg = "config file $command_config_file does not exist";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
#set command list to poll list
@cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list;
#use configured Pollinterval if given
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $a[4];
else {
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $defaultPollInterval;
$hash->{STATE} = "defined";
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
#Opening USB Device
Log3($name, 3, "VCONTROL opening VCONTROL device $dev");
if (index($a[2], ':') == -1) {
if ($^O=~/Win/) {
require Win32::SerialPort;
$po = new Win32::SerialPort ($dev);
} else {
require Device::SerialPort;
$po = new Device::SerialPort ($dev);
if(!$po) {
my $msg = "Can't open $dev: $!";
Log3($name, 3, $msg) if($hash->{MOBILE});
return $msg if(!$hash->{MOBILE});
$readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash;
return "";
Log3($name, 3, "VCONTROL opened VCONTROL device $dev");
$hash->{USBDev} = $po;
if( $^O =~ /Win/ ) {
$readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash;
} else {
$hash->{FD} = $po->FILENO;
$selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash;
#Initialize to be able to receive data
VCONTROL_DoInit($hash, $po);
else {
DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, undef);
VCONTROL_DoInit($hash, undef);
#set Internal Timer on Polling Interval
my $timer = gettimeofday()+1;
Log3($name, 5, "VCONTROL set InternalTimer +1 to $timer");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "VCONTROL_Poll", $hash, 0);
return undef;
# Input is hexstring
## This function will not be used until now!
# my ($hash,$fn,$msg) = @_;
# my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# return if(!defined($fn));
# my $bstring;
# $bstring = "$fn$msg";
# Log3 $name, 5, "$hash->{NAME} sending $bstring";
# DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $bstring, 1);
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if(defined($defs{$d}) &&
defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) &&
$defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash)
my $lev = ($reread_active ? 4 : 2);
Log3 $name, $lev, "deleting port for $d";
delete $defs{$d}{IODev};
return undef;
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#global Module Trigger that Polling is started
$poll_duration = gettimeofday();
Log3 $name, 4, "VCONTROL: Start of Poll !";
my $timer = gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL};
Log3($name, 5, "VCONTROL: set InternalTimer to $timer");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "VCONTROL_Poll", $hash, 0);
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef;
my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_;
return undef;
my $hash = shift;
my $buf;
# clear buffer:
if($hash->{USBDev}) {
while ($hash->{USBDev}->lookfor()) {
$buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
if($hash->{TCPDev}) {
return $buf;
#Initialisation -> Send one 0x04 so the heating started to send 0x05 Synchonity-Bytes
my ($hash,$po) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $init = pack('H*', "04");
if ($po)
#set USB Device Parameter
$defs{$name}{STATE} = "Initialized";
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $init, 0);
Log3 $name, 3,"VCONTROL: Initialization";
return undef;
# called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5,"VCONTROL_READ";
# count the commands to send for complete poll sequence
my $cmdcount = @cmd_list;
#Read on Device
my $mybuf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
#USB device is disconnected try to connect again
if(!defined($mybuf) || length($mybuf) == 0) {
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
Log3 $name, 3,"VCONTROL: USB device $dev disconnected, waiting to reappear";
DoTrigger($name, "DISCONNECTED");
$readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; # Start polling
$hash->{STATE} = "disconnected";
# Without the following sleep the open of the device causes a SIGSEGV,
# and following opens block infinitely. Only a reboot helps.
return "";
#msg read on device
my $hexline = unpack('H*', $mybuf);
Log3 $name, 5,"VCONTROL: VCONTROL_Read '$hexline'";
#Append data to partial data we got before
#ADW: 05 muss auch angeh<65>ngt werden!
if ( $read_now == READ_ANSWER && $poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE ){
# if ( $read_now == READ_ANSWER && $poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE && $hexline ne "05"){
$hexline = $hash->{PARTIAL}.$hexline;
#if not received all bytes exit an read next
my $receive_len = hex(substr($cmd_list[$last_cmd][1],8,2))*2;
if ( length($hexline) < $receive_len ){
Log3 $name, 5,"VCONTROL: VCONTROL_Read receive_len < $receive_len, $hexline";
$hash->{PARTIAL} = $hexline;
#exit if no poll period
#exit if no set command send
if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED && $send_now == NO_SEND ){
return ""; }
my $sendbuf="";
#End of Poll Interval
if ($poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE && $last_cmd == $cmdcount)
$poll_duration = (gettimeofday() - $poll_duration);
my $duration = sprintf("%.2f", $poll_duration);
$hash->{DURATION} = "$duration";
Log3 $name, 4, "VCONTROL: End of Poll ! Duration: $duration";
$poll_now = POLL_PAUSED;
$last_cmd = 0;
@cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list;
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
#activate timer get list if questioned
if ($get_timer_now == GET_TIMER_ACTIVE && $send_now == NO_SEND ){
@cmd_list = @get_timer_cmd_list;
Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: Poll TIMER!";
$get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_PAUSED;
#reload config file if questioned
if ($get_config_now == GET_CONFIG_ACTIVE ){
@cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list;
$get_config_now = GET_CONFIG_PAUSED;
my $closeAfterPoll = AttrVal($name, "closedev", "0");
###if Attribut to close after poll -> close
if ($closeAfterPoll == 1) {
delete $hash->{USBDev};
delete $hash->{FD};
Log3 $name, 3, "VCONTROL: USB device closed";
return "";
#exit if buffer just filled with 0x05 but not for mode (0x05 is a definde mode state)
my $bufflen = length($hexline);
my $buffhalflen = $bufflen/2;
if ( $bufflen > 2 && $hexline =~ /(05){$buffhalflen,}/ && $cmd_list[$last_cmd][2] ne "mode"){
Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: exit if buffer just filled with 0x05";
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
$read_now = READ_UNDEF;
return ""; }
#if one 05 received we can send command
if ( length($hexline) == 2 && $hexline eq "05" && $read_now == READ_UNDEF)
my $sendstr ="";
#set next poll command
if ($poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE ){
Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: Setze sendstr";
$sendstr = $cmd_list[$last_cmd][1];
# no polling active but set command was given
if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED && $send_now != NO_SEND ){
$sendstr = $write_cmd_list[$send_now][2]."$send_additonal_param";
if ( $sendstr && $sendstr ne "" ){
Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: send '$sendstr'";
$sendbuf = pack('H*', "$sendstr");
#Send on Device
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $sendbuf, 0);
#we have send cmd next receive should be answer
$read_now = READ_ANSWER;
else { #wenn wir hier reinrutschen ist etwas mit den listen durcheinander geraten, workaround reset der liste und der commands!
Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: List reset!";
$poll_now = POLL_PAUSED;
$last_cmd = 0;
@cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list;
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
$get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_PAUSED;
$get_config_now = GET_CONFIG_PAUSED;
elsif ( $read_now == READ_ANSWER) #we expect answer on before send command
if ($poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE && $hexline ne "05"){
$temp_mode = 0;
#if the mode is requestet and 0x05 is received
#try again to be sure that 0x05 is not the sync byte
elsif ($poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE && $cmd_list[$last_cmd][2] eq "mode" && substr("$hexline",0,2) eq "05" ){
Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: check temp_mode";
if ($temp_mode < 5){
Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: set temp_mode = $temp_mode";
elsif ($temp_mode == 5){
$temp_mode = 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: set mode = ABSCHALT";
#parse answer on set command
if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED && $send_now != NO_SEND ){
VCONTROL_Parse($hash,$send_now,$hexline,1) if ($hexline ne "05");
$read_now = READ_UNDEF;
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
my ($hash, $cmd, $hexline,$answer) = @_;
my $value = "";
my $valuename = "";
my $pn = $hash->{NAME};
if ($answer == 0){
if ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "1ByteU"){
$value = VCONTROL_1ByteUParse(substr($hexline, 0, 2),$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 1);
} elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "1ByteS"){
$value = VCONTROL_1ByteSParse(substr($hexline, 0, 2),$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 1);
} elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "2ByteS"){
$value = VCONTROL_2ByteSParse($hexline,$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 3);
} elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "2ByteU"){
$value = VCONTROL_2ByteUParse($hexline,$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 3);
} elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "2BytePercent"){
$value = VCONTROL_2BytePercentParse($hexline,$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 1);
} elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "4Byte"){
$value = VCONTROL_4ByteParse($hexline,$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 7);
} elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "mode"){
$value = VCONTROL_ModeParse($hexline) if (length($hexline) > 1);
} elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "timer"){
$value = VCONTROL_timerParse($hexline) if (length($hexline) > 7);
} elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "date"){
$value = VCONTROL_DateParse($hexline) if (length($hexline) > 7);
#this will be the name of the Reading
$valuename = "$cmd_list[$cmd][4]";
Log3 $pn, 5,"VCONTROL: receive '$valuename : $value'";
return $pn if ($value eq "");
if ( $cmd_list[$cmd][2]
&& $cmd_list[$cmd][2] ne "mode"
&& $cmd_list[$cmd][2] ne "timer"
&& $cmd_list[$cmd][3] ne "state"
&& $cmd_list[$cmd][3] > 99){
$value = sprintf("%.2f", $value);
#TODO config Min and Max Values ????
if ( substr($valuename,0,4) eq "Temp"){
if ( $value < -30 || $value > 199 ){
$value = ReadingsVal($pn,"$valuename",0);
#get systemtime
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime;
$mon = $mon+1;
my $plotmonth = $mon;
my $plotmday = $mday;
my $plothour = $hour;
my $plotmin = $min;
my $plotsec = $sec;
if ($mon < 10) {$plotmonth = "0$mon"};
if ($mday < 10) {$plotmday = "0$mday"};
if ($hour < 10) {$plothour = "0$hour"};
if ($min < 10) {$plotmin = "0$min"};
if ($sec < 10) {$plotsec = "0$sec"};
my $systime="$year-$plotmonth-$plotmday"."_"."$plothour:$plotmin:$plotsec";
#Start Update Readings
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "$valuename", $value);
#calculate Kumulation Readings and Day Readings
if ("$cmd_list[$cmd][5]" eq "day" ){
my $start_of_the_day;
if ( $value < 0 ){
$value = ReadingsVal($pn,"$valuename",0);
$value = sprintf("%.2f", $value);
$start_of_the_day = ReadingsVal($pn,"$valuename"."DayStart",$value);
my $kumul_day = $value - $start_of_the_day;
$kumul_day = sprintf("%.2f", $kumul_day);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "$valuename"."Today", $kumul_day);
#Next Day for this value is reached
my $debug_day= $DayHash{$valuename};
Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: DEBUG nextday $mday <-> $debug_day";
if ($mday != $DayHash{$valuename}){
$start_of_the_day = $value;
$start_of_the_day = sprintf("%.2f", $start_of_the_day);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "$valuename"."LastDay" , $kumul_day);
$kumul_day = 0;
$DayHash{$valuename} = $mday;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "$valuename"."DayStart" , $start_of_the_day);
#if all polling commands are send, update Reading UpdateTime
my $all_cmd = @cmd_list -1;
if ( $cmd == $all_cmd){
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "UpdateTime", $systime );
#End Update Reading
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
else #answer on set request
#Start Poll to refresh readings if send of set request was answered with 00
# and no additional send has to be done
if (substr($hexline, 0, 2) == "00")
# it may be configured that another command has to be send
my $next_send = NO_SEND;
foreach(@write_cmd_list) {
if ($$_[0] eq "SET" && $$_[1] eq $write_cmd_list[$send_now][4]){
if ($next_send == NO_SEND){
#activate timer get list if questioned
if ($get_timer_now == GET_TIMER_ACTIVE ){
@cmd_list = @get_timer_cmd_list;
$get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_PAUSED;
if (substr($hexline, 0, 2) == "00"){
Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: Poll SET!";
$send_now = $next_send;
return $pn;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $po;
if (index($dev, ':') == -1) {
if(!$po) { # Looking for the device
if ($^O=~/Win/) {
$po = new Win32::SerialPort ($dev);
} else {
$po = new Device::SerialPort ($dev);
return undef if(!$po);
Log3 $name, 3, "VCONTROL: USB device $dev reappeared";
$hash->{USBDev} = $po;
if( $^O !~ /Win/ ) {
$hash->{FD} = $po->FILENO;
$selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash;
} else {
$readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash;
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
VCONTROL_DoInit($hash, $po);
DoTrigger($name, "CONNECTED");
return undef;
} else {
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, undef);
return undef if(!exists($hash->{FD}));
return undef if(!defined($_[0]->{TCPDev}));
VCONTROL_DoInit($hash, undef);
DoTrigger($name, "CONNECTED");
return undef;
# This is relevant for windows only
if (index($dev, ':') == -1) {
return undef if !$po;
my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags)=$po->status;
return ($InBytes>0);
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $pn = $hash->{NAME};
my $arg = $a[1];
my $value = (defined $a[2]) ? $a[2] : "";
my $setList = AttrVal($pn, "setList", " ");
#return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of HWW ABSCHALT SPAR-ON SPAR-OFF PARTY-ON PARTY-OFF" if( $arg eq "?");
return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of $setList" if( $arg eq "?");
#needed if cmd in config_file is just a prefix, e.g. set of an timer value
#set write commands to send
foreach(@write_cmd_list) {
my $debug_info0=$$_[0];
my $debug_info1=$$_[1];
Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: DEBUG SET <-> $debug_info0 / $arg <-> $debug_info1";
if ($$_[0] eq "SET" && $$_[1] eq $arg){
if ($$_[3] eq "1ByteU"){
elsif ($$_[3] eq "1ByteS"){
elsif ($$_[3] eq "1ByteUx10"){
elsif ($$_[3] eq "2ByteU"){
elsif ($$_[3] eq "2ByteS"){
elsif ($$_[3] eq "date"){
my $strtemp = VCONTROL_DateConv($value);
Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: DEBUG Timestr: $strtemp";
elsif ($$_[3] eq "timer"){
my $tempday = $$_[4];
@get_timer_cmd_list = @timer_cmd_list;
$get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_ACTIVE;
return "";
# possible to correct DayStart Values
if(index($arg,"DayStart") >= 0){
if ( $value ne "" )
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $arg, $value);
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
#else {
# print "not data_ready: $arg \n";
return "";
sub VCONTROL_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "no get value specified" if(@a < 2);
my $pn = $hash->{NAME};
my $arg = $a[1];
my $value = (defined $a[2]) ? $a[2] : "";
return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of TIMER CONFIG" if( $arg eq "?");
if ($arg eq "TIMER" )
@get_timer_cmd_list = @timer_cmd_list;
elsif ($arg eq "CONFIG" )
if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED ){
@cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list;
else { $get_config_now = GET_CONFIG_ACTIVE; }
return "";
if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED ){
@cmd_list = @get_timer_cmd_list;
Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: Poll GET!";
else { $get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_ACTIVE; }
return "";
## Load Config
sub VCONTROL_CmdConfig($)
my $cmd_config_file = shift;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime;
my $write_idx=0;
Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: open DATEI '$cmd_config_file'";
open(CMDDATEI,"<$cmd_config_file") || die "problem opening $cmd_config_file\n" ;
undef @poll_cmd_list;
undef @write_cmd_list;
undef @timer_cmd_list;
# undef @timer_ww_cmd_list;
my $zeile=trim($_);
Log3 undef, 5, "VCONTROL: CmdConfig-Zeile $zeile";
if ( length($zeile) > 0 && substr($zeile,0,1) ne "#")
my @cfgarray = split(",",$zeile);
foreach(@cfgarray) {
$_ = trim($_);
if ($cfgarray[0] eq "POLL"){
if ( $cfgarray[2] ne "1ByteU"
&& $cfgarray[2] ne "1ByteS"
&& $cfgarray[2] ne "2ByteS"
&& $cfgarray[2] ne "2ByteU"
&& $cfgarray[2] ne "2BytePercent"
&& $cfgarray[2] ne "4Byte"
&& $cfgarray[2] ne "mode"
&& $cfgarray[2] ne "date"
&& $cfgarray[2] ne "timer"
Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: unknown parse method '$cfgarray[2]' in '$cmd_config_file'";
elsif( index($cfgarray[1],"01F7") == -1 || length($cfgarray[1]) < 10 ){
Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: wrong Address '$cfgarray[1]' in '$cmd_config_file'";
else {
if ($cfgarray[2] eq "timer")
my @timercmd = ($cfgarray[0],$cfgarray[1],$cfgarray[2],$cfgarray[3],$cfgarray[4],$cfgarray[5]);
else {
my @pollcmd = ($cfgarray[0],$cfgarray[1],$cfgarray[2],$cfgarray[3],$cfgarray[4],$cfgarray[5]);
if ("$cfgarray[5]" eq "day"){
$DayHash{$cfgarray[4]} = $mday;
elsif ($cfgarray[0] eq "SET"){
if ($cfgarray[3] eq "timer")
if ( $cfgarray[4] ne "MO"
&& $cfgarray[4] ne "DI"
&& $cfgarray[4] ne "MI"
&& $cfgarray[4] ne "DO"
&& $cfgarray[4] ne "FR"
&& $cfgarray[4] ne "SA"
&& $cfgarray[4] ne "SO"
{ Log3 undef, 1, "VCONTROL: wrong Day '$cfgarray[4]' in '$cmd_config_file'";
else {
my @setcmd = ($cfgarray[0],$cfgarray[1],$cfgarray[2],$cfgarray[3],$cfgarray[4],$write_idx);
else {
my @setcmd = ($cfgarray[0],$cfgarray[1],$cfgarray[2],$cfgarray[3],$cfgarray[4],$write_idx);
Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: unknown command '$cfgarray[0]' in '$cmd_config_file'";
close (CMDDATEI);
Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: DATEI '$cmd_config_file' refreshed";
sub VCONTROL_1ByteUParse($$)
my $hexvalue = shift;
my $divisor = shift;
my $retstr="";
if (!$divisor || length($divisor) == 0 || $divisor eq "state"){
$retstr = ($hexvalue eq "00") ? "off" : "on";
#check if divisor is numeric and not 0
if ( $divisor =~ /^\d+$/ && $divisor != 0){
$retstr = hex($hexvalue)/$divisor;
else {
Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: divisor not numeric '$divisor' or 0, it will be ignored";
$retstr = hex($hexvalue)
return $retstr;
sub VCONTROL_1ByteSParse($$)
my $hexvalue = shift;
my $divisor = shift;
return unpack('c', pack('C',hex(substr($hexvalue,0,2))))/$divisor;
sub VCONTROL_2ByteUParse($$)
my $hexvalue = shift;
my $divisor = shift;
return hex(substr($hexvalue,2,2).substr($hexvalue,0,2))/$divisor;
sub VCONTROL_2ByteSParse($$)
my $hexvalue = shift;
my $divisor = shift;
return unpack('s', pack('S',hex(substr($hexvalue,2,2).substr($hexvalue,0,2))))/$divisor;
sub VCONTROL_2BytePercentParse($$)
my $hexvalue = shift;
my $divisor = shift;
return hex(substr($hexvalue,2,2))/$divisor;
sub VCONTROL_4ByteParse($$)
my $hexvalue = shift;
my $divisor = shift;
return hex(substr($hexvalue,6,2).substr($hexvalue,4,2).substr($hexvalue,2,2).substr($hexvalue,0,2))/$divisor;
sub VCONTROL_ModeParse($)
my $index = hex(shift);
return "$mode[$index]" if ($mode[$index]);
return "";
sub VCONTROL_timerParse($)
my $binvalue = shift;
$binvalue = pack('H*', "$binvalue");
my ($h1,$h2,$h3,$h4,$h5,$h6,$h7,$h8) = unpack ("CCCCCCCC",$binvalue);
my @bytes = ($h1,$h2,$h3,$h4,$h5,$h6,$h7,$h8);
my $timer_str;
for ( $a = 0; $a < 8; $a = $a+1){
my $delim = "-";
if ( $a % 2 ){
$delim = "/";
my $byte = $bytes[$a];
if ($byte == 0xff){
$timer_str = $timer_str."--$delim";
my $hour = ($byte & 0xF8)>>3;
my $min = ($byte & 7)*10;
$hour = "0$hour" if ( $hour < 10 );
$min = "0$min" if ( $min < 10 );
$timer_str = $timer_str."$hour:$min$delim";
return "$timer_str";
sub VCONTROL_DateParse($){
my $hexvalue = shift;
my $vcday;
#01 23 45 67 89 01 23 45
$vcday = "So" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "00" );
$vcday = "Mo" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "01" );
$vcday = "Di" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "02" );
$vcday = "Mi" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "03" );
$vcday = "Do" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "04" );
$vcday = "Fr" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "05" );
$vcday = "Sa" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "06" );
$vcday = "So" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "07" );
return $vcday.",".substr($hexvalue,6,2).".".substr($hexvalue,4,2).".".substr($hexvalue,0,4)." ".substr($hexvalue,10,2).":".substr($hexvalue,12,2).":".substr($hexvalue,14,2);
sub VCONTROL_1ByteUConv($)
my $convvalue = shift;
return (sprintf "%02X", $convvalue);
sub VCONTROL_1ByteSConv($)
my $convvalue = shift;
my $cnvstrvalue = (sprintf "%02X", $convvalue);
if ($convvalue <0){
return substr($cnvstrvalue,6,2);
else {
return $cnvstrvalue;
sub VCONTROL_1ByteUx10Conv($)
my $convvalue = shift;
return (sprintf "%02X", $convvalue*10);
sub VCONTROL_2ByteUConv($)
my $convvalue = shift;
my $hexstr = (sprintf "%04X", $convvalue);
return substr($hexstr,2,2).substr($hexstr,0,2);
sub VCONTROL_2ByteSConv($)
my $convvalue = shift;
my $cnvstrvalue = (sprintf "%04X", $convvalue);
if ($convvalue <0){
return substr($cnvstrvalue,6,2).substr($cnvstrvalue,4,2);
else {
return substr($cnvstrvalue,2,2).substr($cnvstrvalue,0,2);
sub VCONTROL_DateConv($){
my $date = shift;
my $vcday = substr($date,0,2);
my $vcmonth = substr($date,3,2);
my $vcyear = substr($date,6,4);
my $vchour = substr($date,11,2);
my $vcmin = substr($date,14,2);
my $vcsec = substr($date,17,2);
my $wday;
my $tmp;
my $hlptime = timelocal($vcsec, $vcmin, $vchour, $vcday, $vcmonth -1 , $vcyear - 1900);
($tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $wday) = localtime $hlptime;
my @Wochentage = ("00","01","02","03","04","05","06");
$wday = $Wochentage[$wday];
#01 23 45 67 89 01 23 45
return $vcyear.$vcmonth.$vcday.$wday.$vchour.$vcmin.$vcsec;
sub VCONTROL_TimerConv($$){
my $timer_day = shift;
my $value = shift;
my @timerarray = split(",",$value);
return "" if (@timerarray != 8);
my @hextimerdata;
foreach(@timerarray) {
if ($_ eq "--"){
my ($timerhour, $timermin) = split(":",$_,2);
if (length($timerhour) != 2 || length($timermin) != 2 ){
{return "";}
if ( $timerhour < "00" || $timerhour > "23" ){
{return "";}
if ( $timermin ne "00" && $timermin ne "10" && $timermin ne "20" && $timermin ne "30" && $timermin ne "40" && $timermin ne "50"){
{return "";}
my $helpvalue = (($timerhour <<3) + ($timermin/10)) & 0xff;
push(@hextimerdata, (sprintf "%X", $helpvalue));
my $suffix="";
foreach (@hextimerdata){
$suffix = "$suffix"."$_";
return $suffix;
=begin html
<a name="VCONTROL"></a>
VCONTROL is the fhem-Modul to control and read information from a VIESSMANN heating via Optolink-adapter.<br><br>
An Optolink-Adapter is necessary (USB or LAN), you will find information here:<br>
<a href="http://http://openv.wikispaces.com/">http://openv.wikispaces.com/</a><br><br>
Additionaly you need to know Memory-Adresses for the div. heating types (e.g. V200KW1, VScotHO1, VPlusHO1 ....),<br>
that will be read by the module to get the measurements or to set the actual state.<br>
Additional information you will fin in the forum <a href="http://http://openv.wikispaces.com/">http://openv.wikispaces.com/</a> and on the following wiki page <a href="http://http://openv.wikispaces.com/">http://openv.wikispaces.com/</a><br><br><br>
<a name="VCONTROLdefine"><b>Define</b></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; VCONTROL &lt;serial-device/LAN-Device:port&gt; &lt;configfile&gt; [&lt;intervall&gt;] </code><br>
USB Port (e.g. com4, /dev/ttyUSB3) or TCPIP:portnumber<br>
Poll Intervall in seconds (default 180)<br>
path to the configuration file, containing the memory addresses<br>
serial device com4, every 3 minutes will be polled, configuration file name is 99_VCONTROL.cfg, existing in the fhem root directory<br><br>
define Heizung VCONTROL com4 99_VCONTROL.cfg 180<br><br>
define Heizung VCONTROL /dev/ttyUSB3 99_VCONTROL.cfg 180<br>
<a name="VCONTROLset"><b>Set</b></a>
These commands will be configured in the configuartion file.
<a name="VCONTROLget"><b>Get</b></a>
get &lt;name&gt; CONFIG<br><br>
reload the module specific configfile<br><br>
More commands will be configured in the configuartion file.
<a name="VCONTROLparameter"><b>configfile</b></a>
You will find Examples for the configuration file for the heating types V200KW1, VScotHO1, VPlusHO1 on the wiki page <a href="http://http://openv.wikispaces.com/">http://openv.wikispaces.com/</a>.<br><br>
The lines of the configuration file can have the following structure:<br><br>
<li>lines beginning with "#" are comments!<br></li>
<li>Polling Commands (POLL) to read values.<br></li>
<li>Set Commandos (SET) to set values.<br></li>
<b>Polling Commands have the following structure:<br><br></b>
is fix POLL<br>
Memory Address leading to the value, the will be read in the memory on the heating.<br>
It is subdivided in 3 parts:<br>
<li> Beginning is fix 01F7 (defines a reading command)</li>
<li> followed by actuak address<br></li>
<li> followed by number of Bytes to be read.<br></li>
Method how to parse the read bytes.<br>
methods so far:<br>
<li>1ByteU :<br> Read value is 1 Byte without algebraic sign (if column Divisor set to state -> only 0 / 1 or off / on)<br></li>
<li>1ByteS :<br> Read value is 1 Byte with algebraic sign (wenn Spalte Divisor state ist -> nur 0 / 1 also off / on)<br></li>
<li>2ByteS :<br> Read value is 2 Byte with algebraic sign<br></li>
<li>2ByteU :<br> Read value is 2 Byte without algebraic sign<br></li>
<li>2BytePercent :<br> Read value is 2 Byte in percent<br></li>
<li>4Byte :<br> Read value is 4 Byte<br></li>
<li>mode :<br> Read value is the actual operating status<br></li>
<li>timer :<br> Read value is an 8 Byte timer value<br></li>
<li>date :<br> Read value is an 8 Byte timestamp<br></li>
POLL Commands unsing the method timer will not be polled permanent, they have to be read by a GET Commando explicitly.<br>
GET &lt;devicename&gt; TIMER<br>
If the parsed value is multiplied by a factor, you can configure a divisor.<br>
Additionally for values, that just deliver 0 or 1, you can configure state in this column.<br>
This will force the reading to off and on, instead of 0 and 1.<br>
The read and parsed value will be stored in a reading with this name in the device.
Accumulated Day values will be automatically stored for polling commands with the value day in the column KUMULATION.<br>
Futhermore there will be stored the values of the last day in additional readings after 00:00.<br>
So you have the chance to plot daily values.<br>
The reading names will be supplemented by DayStart, Today and LastDay!<br>
<code>POLL, 01F7080402, 2ByteS, 10 , Temp-WarmWater-Actual , -<br></code>
<code>POLL, 01F7088A02, 2ByteU, 1 , BurnerStarts , day<br></code>
<b>Set Commands have the following structure:<br><br></b>
is fix SET<br>
SETCMD are commands that will be used in FHEM to set a value of a device<br>
set &lt;devicename&gt; &lt;setcmd&gt;<br>
e.g. SET &lt;devicename&gt; WW to set the actual operational status to Warm Water processing<br>
Memory Address where the value has to be written in the memory of the heating.<br>
It is subdivided in 4 parts:<br>
<li> Beginning is fix 01F4 (defines a writing command)</li>
<li> followed by actual address<br></li>
<li> followed by number of data-bytes to be written<br></li>
<li> followed by the data-bytes themselves<br></li>
There are two Address versions:<br>
<li>Version 1: Value to be set is fix, e.g. Spar Mode on is fix 01<br></li>
<li>Version 2: Value has to be passed, e.g. warm water temperature<br></li>
Method how to convert the value with Version 2 in Bytes.<br>
For Version 1 you can use - here.<br>
Methods so far:<br>
<li>1ByteU :<br> Value to be written in 1 Byte without algebraic sign<br>with Version 2 it has to be a number<br></li>
<li>1ByteS :<br> Value to be written in 1 Byte with algebraic sign<br>with Version 2 it has to be a number<br></li>
<li>2ByteS :<br> Value to be written in 2 Byte with algebraic sign<br>with Version 2 it has to be a number<br></li>
<li>2ByteU :<br> Value to be written in 2 Byte without algebraic sign<br>with Version 2 it has to be a number<br></li>
<li>timer :<br> Value to be written is an 8 Byte Timer value<br>with Version 2 it has to be a string with this structure:<br>
8 times of day comma separeted. (ON1,OFF1,ON2,OFF2,ON3,OFF3,ON4,OFF4)<br>
no time needed ha to be specified with -- .<br>
Minutes of the times are just allowed to thi values: 00,10,20,30,40 or 50<br>
Example: 06:10,12:00,16:00,23:00,--,--,--,--</li>
<li>date :<br> Value to be written is an 8 Byte timestamp<br>with Version 2 it has to be a string with this structure:<br>
format specified is DD.MM.YYYY_HH:MM:SS<br>
Example: 21.03.2014_21:35:00</li>
<li><b>NEXT_CMD or DAY</b><br>
This column has two functions:
<li> If this columns is configured with a name of another SETCMD, it will be processed directly afterwards.<br>
Example: after setting Spar Mode on (S-ON), you have to set Party Mode off (P-OFF) <br></li>
<li>Using timer as CONVMETHODE, so it has to be specified a week day in this columns.<br>
possible values: MO DI MI DO FR SA SO<br></li>
<code>SET, WW , 01F423010100, state , -<br></code>
<code>SET, S-ON , 01F423020101, state_spar , P-OFF<br></code>
<code>SET, WWTEMP , 01F4630001 , 1ByteU , -<br></code>
<code>SET, TIMER_2_MO, 01F4200008 , timer , MO<br></code>
<a name="VCONTROLreadings"><b>Readings</b></a>
<ul>The values read will be stored in readings, that will be configured as described above.</ul>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="VCONTROL"></a>
Das VCONTROL ist das fhem-Modul eine VIESSMANN Heizung via Optolink-Schnittstelle auszulesen und zu steuern.<br><br>
Notwendig ist dazu ein Optolink-Adapter (USB oder LAN), zu dem hier Informationen zu finden sind:<br>
<a href="http://http://openv.wikispaces.com/">http://openv.wikispaces.com/</a><br><br>
Zus&auml;tzlich m&uuml;ssen f&uuml;r die verschiedenen Heizungstypen (z.B. V200KW1, VScotHO1, VPlusHO1 ....) Speicher-Adressen bekannt sein,<br>
unter denen die Messwerte abgefragt oder aber auch Stati gesetzt werden k&ouml;nnen.<br>
Informationen hierzu findet man im Forum <a href="http://http://openv.wikispaces.com/">http://openv.wikispaces.com/</a> und auf der wiki Seite <a href="http://http://openv.wikispaces.com/">http://openv.wikispaces.com/</a><br><br><br>
<a name="VCONTROLdefine"><b>Define</b></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; VCONTROL &lt;serial-device/LAN-Device:port&gt; &lt;configfile&gt; [&lt;intervall&gt;] </code><br>
USB Port (z.B. com4, /dev/ttyUSB3) oder aber TCPIP:portnummer<br>
Anzahl Sekunden wie oft die Heizung ausgelesen werden soll (default 180)<br>
Pfad wo die Konfigurationsdatei f&uuml;r das Modul zu finden ist, die die Adressen beinhaltet<br>
serielle Schnittstelle &uuml;ber com4, alle 3 Minuten wird gepollt, configfile heisst 99_VCONTROL.cfg und liegt im fhem root Verzeichnis<br><br>
define Heizung VCONTROL com4 99_VCONTROL.cfg 180<br><br>
define Heizung VCONTROL /dev/ttyUSB3 99_VCONTROL.cfg 180<br>
<a name="VCONTROLset"><b>Set</b></a>
Diese m&uuml;ssen &uuml;ber das configfile konfiguriert werden.
<a name="VCONTROLget"><b>Get</b></a>
get &lt;name&gt; CONFIG<br><br>
Mit diesem Befehl wird das Modul spezifische configfile nachgeladen.<br><br>
Diese anderen Befehler m&uuml;ssen &uuml;ber das configfile konfiguriert werden.
<a name="VCONTROLparameter"><b>configfile</b></a>
Im configfile hat man nun die folgenden Konfigurations M&ouml;glichkeiten.<br><br>
Beispieldateien f&uml;r die Ger&auml;te-Typen V200KW1, VScotHO1, VPlusHO1 sind auf der wiki Seite <a href="http://http://openv.wikispaces.com/">http://openv.wikispaces.com/</a> zu finden.<br><br>
<li>Zeilen die mit "#" beginnen sind Kommentar!<br></li>
<li>Polling Commandos (POLL) zum Lesen von Werten k&ouml;nnen konfiguriert werden.<br></li>
<li>Set Commandos (SET) zum setzen von Werten k&ouml;nnen konfiguriert werden.<br></li>
<b>Polling Commandos haben den folgenden Aufbau:<br><br></b>
muss fest auf POLL stehen<br>
Adresse, an der der auszulesende Wert im Speicher zu finden ist.<br>
Sie besteht aus 3 Teilen:<br>
<li> beginnt immer mit 01F7 (Kommando zum Lesen)</li>
<li> danach folgt die eigentliche Addresse<br></li>
<li> danach muss die Anzahl der zu lesenden Bytes noch an die Adresse angeh<65>ngt werden.<br></li>
Methode wie die gelesenen Bytes interpretiert werden m&uuml;ssen.<br>
Bisher m&ouml;gliche Parsemethoden:<br>
<li>1ByteU :<br> Empfangener Wert in 1 Byte ohne Vorzeichen (wenn Spalte Divisor state ist -> nur 0 / 1 also off / on)<br></li>
<li>1ByteS :<br> Empfangener Wert in 1 Byte mit Vorzeichen (wenn Spalte Divisor state ist -> nur 0 / 1 also off / on)<br></li>
<li>2ByteS :<br> Empfangener Wert in 2 Byte mit Vorzeichen<br></li>
<li>2ByteU :<br> Empfangener Wert in 2 Byte ohne Vorzeichen<br></li>
<li>2BytePercent :<br> Empfangener Wert in 2 Byte als Prozent Wert<br></li>
<li>4Byte :<br> Empfangener Wert in 4 Byte<br></li>
<li>mode :<br> Empfangener Wert ist der Betriebsstatus<br></li>
<li>timer :<br> Empfangener Wert ist ein 8 Byte Timer Werte<br></li>
<li>date :<br> Empfangener Wert ist ein 8 Byte Zeitstempel<br></li>
POLL Commandos die die Parsemethode timer enthalten werden nicht st<73>ndig gelesen, sondern m<>ssen mit einem GET Commando geholt werden.<br>
GET &lt;devicename&gt; TIMER<br>
Wenn der interpretierte Wert noch um einen Faktor zu hoch ist, kann hier ein Divisor angegeben werden.<br>
Zus&auml;tzlich hat man hier bei Werten, die nur 0 oder 1 liefern die m&ouml;glich state einzutragen.<br>
Dies f&uuml;hrt dazu, dass das Reading mit off (0) und on (1) belegt wird, statt mit dem Wert.<br>
Der gelesene und interpretierte Wert wird unter diesem Reading abgelegt.
Bei den Polling Commandos mit dem Wert day bei der Spalte KUMULATION werden Tageswerte Kumuliert.<br>
Es werden dann jeweils nach 00:00 Uhr die Werte des letzten Tages ebenfalls als Readings im Device eingetragen,<br>
so dass man die Werte pro Tag auch plotten oder auswerten kann.<br>
Beim Readingnamen wird dann jeweils: DayStart,Today und LastDay angehangen!<br>
<code>POLL, 01F7080402, 2ByteS, 10 , Temp-WarmWasser-Ist , -<br></code>
<code>POLL, 01F7088A02, 2ByteU, 1 , BrennerStarts , day<br></code>
<b>Set Commandos haben den folgenden Aufbau:<br><br></b>
muss fest auf SET stehen<br>
Die SETCMD sind die Commandos die man in FHEM zum setzen angeben muss<br>
set &lt;devicename&gt; &lt;setcmd&gt;<br>
z.B. SET &lt;devicename&gt; WW zum setzen auf den Status nur Warm Wasser Aufbereitung<br>
Adresse, an der der zu setzende Wert im Speicher zu schreiben ist.<br>
Sie besteht aus 4 Teilen:<br>
<li> beginnt immer mit 01F4 (Kommando zum Lesen)</li>
<li> danach folgt die eigentliche Addresse<br></li>
<li> danach folgt die Anzahl der zu schreibenden Daten-Bytes<br></li>
<li> danach m&uuml;ssen die Daten-Bytes selber noch an die Adresse angeh<65>ngt werden.<br></li>
Es gibt zwei Varianten bei den Adressen:<br>
<li>Variante 1: Wert steht bereits fest, z.B. Spar Modus einschalten ist fix 01<br></li>
<li>Variante 2: Wert muss &uumlbergeben werden, z.B. Warm Wasser Temperatur<br></li>
Methode wie der zu schreibende Wert bei Variante 2 in Bytes konvertiert werden muss.<br>
Bei Variante 1 kann man - eintragen.<br>
Bisher m&ouml;gliche Convmethoden:<br>
<li>1ByteU :<br> Zu sendender Wert in 1 Byte ohne Vorzeichen<br>bei Variante 2 muss eine Zahl &uuml;bergeben werden<br></li>
<li>1ByteS :<br> Zu sendender Wert in 1 Byte mit Vorzeichen<br>bei Variante 2 muss eine Zahl &uuml;bergeben werden<br></li>
<li>2ByteS :<br> Zu sendender Wert in 2 Byte mit Vorzeichen<br>bei Variante 2 muss eine Zahl &uuml;bergeben werden<br></li>
<li>2ByteU :<br> Zu sendender Wert in 2 Byte ohne Vorzeichen<br>bei Variante 2 muss eine Zahl &uuml;bergeben werden<br></li>
<li>timer :<br> Zu sendender Wert ist ein 8 Byte Timer Werte<br>bei Variante 2 muss folgender String uebergeben werden:<br>
8 Uhrzeiten mit Komma getrennt. (AN1,AUS1,AN2,AUS2,AN3,AUS3,AN4,AUS4)<br>
Keine Uhrzeit muss als -- angegeben werden.<br>
Minuten der Uhrzeiten d<>rfen nur 00,10,20,30,40 oder 50 sein<br>
Beispiel: 06:10,12:00,16:00,23:00,--,--,--,--</li>
<li>date :<br> Zu sendender Wert ist ein 8 Byte Zeitstempel<br>bei Variante 2 muss folgender String uebergeben werden:<br>
es muss das Format DD.MM.YYYY_HH:MM:SS eingehalten werden<br>
Beispiel: 21.03.2014_21:35:00</li>
<li><b>NEXT_CMD or DAY</b><br>
Diese Spalte erf&uuml;llt zwei Funktionen:
<li>Gibt man in dieser Spalte ein anderes konfiguriertes SETCMD an, so wird dies anschlie<69>end ausgef<65>hrt.<br>
Beispiel: nach dem Spar Modus (S-ON) gesetzt wurde, muss der Party Modus (P-OFF) ausgeschaltet werden<br></li>
<li>Ist als CONVMETHODE timer angegeben, so muss man in dieser Spalte den Wochentag angeben, f<>r den der Timer gilt.<br>
M&ouml;gliche Werte: MO DI MI DO FR SA SO<br></li>
<code>SET, WW , 01F423010100, state , -<br></code>
<code>SET, S-ON , 01F423020101, state_spar , P-OFF<br></code>
<code>SET, WWTEMP , 01F4630001 , 1ByteU , -<br></code>
<code>SET, TIMER_2_MO, 01F4200008 , timer , MO<br></code>
<a name="VCONTROLreadings"><b>Readings</b></a>
<ul>Die eingelesenen Werte werden wie oben beschrieben in selbst konfigurierten Readings abgelegt.</ul>
=end html_DE