mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:06:37 +00:00
1350 lines
54 KiB
Executable File
1350 lines
54 KiB
Executable File
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday time);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
sub HMLAN_Initialize($);
sub HMLAN_Define($$);
sub HMLAN_Undef($$);
sub HMLAN_RemoveHMPair($);
sub HMLAN_Attr(@);
sub HMLAN_Set($@);
sub HMLAN_ReadAnswer($$$);
sub HMLAN_Write($$$);
sub HMLAN_Read($);
sub HMLAN_uptime($@);
sub HMLAN_Parse($$);
sub HMLAN_Ready($);
sub HMLAN_SimpleWrite(@);
sub HMLAN_DoInit($);
sub HMLAN_KeepAlive($);
sub HMLAN_secSince2000();
sub HMLAN_relOvrLd($);
sub HMLAN_condUpdate($$);
my %sets = ( "hmPairForSec" => "HomeMatic"
,"hmPairSerial" => "HomeMatic"
,"reassignIDs" => ""
my %gets = ( "assignIDs" => ""
my %HMcond = ( 0 =>'ok'
,2 =>'Warning-HighLoad'
,4 =>'ERROR-Overload'
#my %HM STATE= ( =>'opened'
# =>'disconnected'
# =>'overload');
my $HMOvLdRcvr = 6*60;# time HMLAN needs to recover from overload
my $HMmlSlice = 6; # number of messageload slices per hour (10 = 6min)
sub HMLAN_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm";
# Provider
$hash->{ReadFn} = "HMLAN_Read";
$hash->{WriteFn} = "HMLAN_Write";
$hash->{ReadyFn} = "HMLAN_Ready";
$hash->{SetFn} = "HMLAN_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "HMLAN_Get";
$hash->{NotifyFn}= "HMLAN_Notify";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "HMLAN_Attr";
$hash->{Clients} = ":CUL_HM:";
my %mc = (
"1:CUL_HM" => "^A......................",
$hash->{MatchList} = \%mc;
# Normal devices
$hash->{DefFn} = "HMLAN_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "HMLAN_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0 " .
"addvaltrigger " .
"hmId hmKey hmKey2 hmKey3 hmKey4 hmKey5 " .
"respTime " .
"hmProtocolEvents:0_off,1_dump,2_dumpFull,3_dumpTrigger ".
"hmMsgLowLimit ".
"hmLanQlen:1_min,2_low,3_normal,4_high,5_critical ".
"wdTimer:5,10,15,20,25 ".
"logIDs ".
sub HMLAN_Define($$) {#########################################################
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
if(@a != 3) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> HMLAN ip[:port]";
Log3 $hash, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
my $name = $a[0];
my $dev = $a[2];
$dev .= ":1000" if($dev !~ m/:/ && $dev ne "none" && $dev !~ m/\@/);
if($dev eq "none") {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name device is none, commands will be echoed only";
$attr{$name}{dummy} = 1;
return undef;
$attr{$name}{hmLanQlen} = "1_min"; #max message queue length in HMLan
no warnings 'numeric';
$hash->{helper}{q}{hmLanQlen} = int($attr{$name}{hmLanQlen})+0;
use warnings 'numeric';
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
$hash->{msgKeepAlive} = ""; # delay of trigger Alive messages
$hash->{helper}{k}{DlyMax} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin} = 30;
$hash->{helper}{q}{answerPend} = 0;#pending answers from LANIf
my @arr = ();
@{$hash->{helper}{q}{apIDs}} = \@arr;
$hash->{helper}{q}{cap}{$_} = 0 for (0..($HMmlSlice-1));
$hash->{helper}{q}{cap}{last} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{q}{cap}{sum} = 0;
$defs{$name}{helper}{log}{all} = 0;# selective log support
$defs{$name}{helper}{log}{sys} = 0;
my @al = ();
@{$hash->{helper}{log}{ids}} = \@al;
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = 0;#define hash
$hash->{helper}{assIdRep} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} = 0;
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,253);#set disconnected
$hash->{owner} = "";
my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "HMLAN_DoInit");
return $ret;
sub HMLAN_Undef($$) {##########################################################
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if(defined($defs{$d}) &&
defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) &&
$defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash){
Log3 $hash, 2, "deleting port for $d";
delete $defs{$d}{IODev};
return undef;
sub HMLAN_RemoveHMPair($) {####################################################
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
sub HMLAN_Notify(@) {##########################################################
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
if ($dev->{NAME} eq "global" && grep (m/^INITIALIZED$/,@{$dev->{CHANGED}})){
if ($hash->{helper}{attrPend}){
my $aVal = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"logIDs","");
HMLAN_Attr("set",$hash->{NAME},"logIDs",$aVal) if($aVal);
delete $hash->{helper}{attrPend};
elsif ($dev->{NAME} eq $hash->{NAME}){
foreach (grep (m/CONNECTED$/,@{$dev->{CHANGED}})) { # connect/disconnect
if ($_ eq "DISCONNECTED") {HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,253);}
# elsif ($_ eq "CONNECTED") {covered by init;}
sub HMLAN_Attr(@) {############################################################
my ($cmd,$name, $aName,$aVal) = @_;
if ($aName eq "wdTimer" && $cmd eq "set"){#allow between 5 and 25 second
return "select wdTimer between 5 and 25 seconds" if ($aVal>30 || $aVal<5);
$attr{$name}{wdTimer} = $aVal;
$defs{$name}{helper}{k}{Start} = 0;
elsif($aName eq "hmLanQlen"){
if ($cmd eq "set"){
no warnings 'numeric';
$defs{$name}{helper}{q}{hmLanQlen} = int($aVal)+0;
use warnings 'numeric';
$defs{$name}{helper}{q}{hmLanQlen} = 1;
elsif($aName =~ m /^hmKey/){
my $retVal= "";
if ($cmd eq "set"){
my $kno = ($aName eq "hmKey")?1:substr($aName,5,1);
my ($no,$val) = (sprintf("%02X",$kno),$aVal);
if ($aVal =~ m/:/){#number given
($no,$val) = split ":",$aVal;
return "illegal number:$no" if (hex($no) < 1 || hex($no) > 255 || length($no) != 2);
$attr{$name}{$aName} = "$no:".
(($val =~ m /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}$/ )
? $val
: unpack('H*', md5($val)));
$retVal = "$aName set to $attr{$name}{$aName}"
if($aVal ne $attr{$name}{$aName});
delete $attr{$name}{$aName};
return $retVal;
elsif($aName eq "hmMsgLowLimit"){
if ($cmd eq "set"){
return "hmMsgLowLimit:please add integer between 10 and 120"
if ( $aVal !~ m/^(\d+)$/
||$aVal >120 );
elsif($aName eq "hmId"){
if ($cmd eq "set"){
my $owner_ccu = InternalVal($name,"owner_CCU",undef);
return "device owned by $owner_ccu" if ($owner_ccu);
return "wrong syntax: hmId must be 6-digit-hex-code (3 byte)"
if ($aVal !~ m/^[A-F0-9]{6}$/i);
elsif($aName eq "logIDs"){
if ($cmd eq "set"){
if ($init_done){
my @ids = split",",$aVal;
my @idName;
if (grep /sys/,@ids){
push @idName,"sys";
if (grep /all/,@ids){
push @idName,"all";
$_=substr(CUL_HM_name2Id($_),0,6) foreach(grep !/^$/,@ids);
$_="" foreach(grep !/^[A-F0-9]{6}$/,@ids);
@ids = HMLAN_noDup(@ids);
push @idName,CUL_HM_id2Name($_) foreach(@ids);
$attr{$name}{$aName} = join(",",@idName);
@{$defs{$name}{helper}{log}{ids}}=grep !/^(sys|all)$/,@ids;
$defs{$name}{helper}{attrPend} = 1;
my @ids = ();
@{$defs{$name}{helper}{log}{ids}}=grep !/^(sys|all)$/,@ids;
return "logging set to $attr{$name}{$aName}"
if ($aVal && $attr{$name}{$aName} ne $aVal);
elsif($aName eq "dummy"){
if ($cmd eq "set" && $aVal != 0){
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAliveCk:".$name);
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAlive:".$name);
HMLAN_condUpdate($defs{$name},251);#state: dummy
if ($cmd eq "set"){
$attr{$name}{$aName} = $aVal;
delete $attr{$name}{$aName};
DevIo_OpenDev($defs{$name}, 1, "HMLAN_DoInit");
sub HMLAN_UpdtMsgCnt($) {######################################################
# update HMLAN capacity counter
# HMLAN will raise high-load after ~610 msgs per hour
# overload with send-stop after 670 msgs
# this count is an approximation and best guess - nevertheless it cannot
# read the real values of HMLAN that might persist e.g. after FHEM reboot
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+100, "HMLAN_UpdtMsgCnt", "UpdtMsg:".$name, 0);
sub HMLAN_UpdtMsgLoad($$) {####################################################
my($name,$incr) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $hCap = $hash->{helper}{q}{cap};
my $t = int(gettimeofday()/(3600/$HMmlSlice))%$HMmlSlice;
if ($hCap->{last} != $t){
$hCap->{last} = $t;
$hCap->{$t} = 0;
# try to release high-load condition with a dummy message
# one a while
if (ReadingsVal($name,"cond","") =~ m /(Warning-HighLoad|ERROR-Overload)/){
$hash->{helper}{recoverTest} = 1;
$hCap->{$hCap->{last}}+=$incr if ($incr);
my @tl;
$hCap->{sum} = 0;
for (($t-$HMmlSlice+1)..$t){# we have 6 slices
push @tl,int($hCap->{$_%$HMmlSlice}/450);
$hCap->{sum} += $hCap->{$_%$HMmlSlice}; # need to recalc incase a slice was removed
$hash->{msgLoadEst} = "1hour:".int($hCap->{sum}/450)."% "
.(60/$HMmlSlice)."min steps: ".join("/",reverse @tl);
#testing only ." :".$hCap->{sum}
sub HMLAN_Get($@) {############################################################
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $ret = "";
return "\"get $hash->{NAME}\" no command given" if(@a < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %gets)
my $name = shift @a;
my $cmd = shift @a;
my $arg = join("", @a);
if($cmd eq "assignIDs") { #--------------------------------------
return "set $name $cmd doesn't support parameter" if(scalar(@a));
my @aIds = map{CUL_HM_id2Name($_)} keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}};
@aIds = map{CUL_HM_name2Id($_)." : $_"} sort @aIds;
$ret = "assignedIDs: ".scalar(@aIds)."\n".join("\n", @aIds);
return ($ret);# no not generate trigger outof command
sub HMLAN_Set($@) {############################################################
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "\"set $hash->{NAME}\" no command given" if(@a < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %sets)
my $name = shift @a;
my $cmd = shift @a;
my $arg = join("", @a);
if($cmd eq "hmPairForSec") { ####################################
return "Usage: set $name hmPairForSec <seconds_active>"
if(!$arg || $arg !~ m/^\d+$/);
$hash->{hmPair} = 1;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$arg, "HMLAN_RemoveHMPair", "hmPairForSec:$name", 1);
elsif($cmd eq "hmPairSerial") { #################################
return "Usage: set $name hmPairSerial <10-character-serialnumber>"
if(!$arg || $arg !~ m/^.{10}$/);
my $id = InternalVal($hash->{NAME}, "owner", "123456");
$hash->{HM_CMDNR} = $hash->{HM_CMDNR} ? ($hash->{HM_CMDNR}+1)%256 : 1;
HMLAN_Write($hash, undef, sprintf("As15%02X8401%s000000010A%s",
$hash->{HM_CMDNR}, $id, unpack('H*', $arg)));
$hash->{hmPair} = 1;
$hash->{hmPairSerial} = $arg;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+20, "HMLAN_RemoveHMPair", "hmPairForSec:".$name, 1);
elsif($cmd eq "reassignIDs") { ##################################
return "set $name $cmd doesn't support parameter" if(scalar(@a));
return ("",1);# no not generate trigger outof command
sub HMLAN_ReadAnswer($$$) {# This is a direct read for commands like get
my ($hash, $arg, $regexp) = @_;
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
return ("No FD", undef)
if(!$hash && !defined($hash->{FD}));
my ($mdata, $rin) = ("", '');
my $buf;
my $to = 3; # 3 seconds timeout
$to = $hash->{RA_Timeout} if($hash->{RA_Timeout}); # ...or less
for(;;) {
return ("Device lost when reading answer for get $arg", undef)
vec($rin, $hash->{FD}, 1) = 1;
my $nfound = select($rin, undef, undef, $to);
if($nfound < 0) {
next if ($! == EAGAIN() || $! == EINTR() || $! == 0);
my $err = $!;
return("HMLAN_ReadAnswer $arg: $err", undef);
return ("Timeout reading answer for get $arg", undef) if($nfound == 0);
$buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);# and now read
return ("No data", undef) if(!defined($buf));
if($buf) {
Log3 $hash, 5, "HMLAN/RAW (ReadAnswer): $buf";
$mdata .= $buf;
if($mdata =~ m/\r\n/) {
if($regexp && $mdata !~ m/$regexp/) {
HMLAN_Parse($hash, $mdata);
else {
return (undef, $mdata);
sub HMLAN_Write($$$) {#########################################################
my ($hash,$fn,$msg) = @_;
if (defined($fn) && $fn eq "cmd"){
elsif (length($msg)>21){
my ($mtype,$src,$dst) = (substr($msg, 8, 2),
substr($msg, 10, 6),
substr($msg, 16, 6));
if ( $mtype eq "02" && $src eq $hash->{owner} && length($msg) == 24
&& defined $hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst}){
# Acks are generally send by HMLAN autonomously
# Special
Log3 $hash, 5, "HMLAN: Skip ACK";
# my $IDHM = '+'.$dst.',01,00,F1EF'; # used by HMconfig - meaning??
# my $IDadd = '+'.$dst; # guess: add ID?
# my $IDack = '+'.$dst.',02,00,'; # guess: ID acknowledge
# my $IDack = '+'.$dst.',FF,00,'; # guess: ID acknowledge
# my $IDsub = '-'.$dst; # guess: ID remove?
# my $IDnew = '+'.$dst.',00,01,'; # newChannel- trailing 01 to be sent if talk to neu channel
my $IDadd = '+'.$dst.',00,00,'; # guess: add ID?
if (!$hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst} && $dst ne "000000"){
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, $IDadd);
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst}{name} = CUL_HM_id2Name($dst);
$hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} = scalar(keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}});
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = $hash->{helper}{assIdCnt}
.(($hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} eq $hash->{helper}{assIdRep})
:" report:$hash->{helper}{assIdRep}")
elsif($msg =~ m /init:(......)/){
my $dst = $1;
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst} &&
$modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{newChn} ){
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst}{name} = CUL_HM_id2Name($dst);
$hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} = scalar(keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}});
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = $hash->{helper}{assIdCnt}
.(($hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} eq $hash->{helper}{assIdRep})
:" report:$hash->{helper}{assIdRep}")
elsif($msg =~ m /remove:(......)/){
my $dst = $1;
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst} &&
$modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{newChn} ){
delete $hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst};
$hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} = scalar(keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}});
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = $hash->{helper}{assIdCnt}
.(($hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} eq $hash->{helper}{assIdRep})
:" report:$hash->{helper}{assIdRep}")
my $tm = int(gettimeofday()*1000) % 0xffffffff;
$msg = sprintf("S%08X,00,00000000,01,%08X,%s",$tm, $tm, substr($msg, 4));
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, $msg);
sub HMLAN_Read($) {############################################################
# called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data
my ($hash) = @_;
my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
return "" if(!defined($buf));
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $hmdata = $hash->{PARTIAL};
Log3 $hash, 5, "HMLAN/RAW: $hmdata/$buf";
$hmdata .= $buf;
while($hmdata =~ m/\n/) {
my $rmsg;
($rmsg,$hmdata) = split("\n", $hmdata, 2);
$rmsg =~ s/\r//;
HMLAN_Parse($hash, $rmsg) if($rmsg);
$hash->{PARTIAL} = $hmdata;
sub HMLAN_uptime($@) {#########################################################
my ($hmtC,$hash) = @_; # hmTime Current
$hmtC = hex($hmtC);
if ($hash && $hash->{helper}{ref}){ #will calculate new ref-time
my $ref = $hash->{helper}{ref};#shortcut
my $sysC = int(time()*1000); #current systime in ms
my $offC = $sysC - $hmtC; #offset calc between time and HM-stamp
if ($ref->{hmtL} && ($hmtC > $ref->{hmtL})){
if (($sysC - $ref->{kTs})<20){ #if delay is more then 20ms, we dont trust
if ($ref->{sysL}){
$ref->{drft} = ($offC - $ref->{offL})/($sysC - $ref->{sysL});
$ref->{sysL} = $sysC;
$ref->{offL} = $offC;
else{# hm had a skip in time, start over calculation
delete $hash->{helper}{ref};
$hash->{helper}{ref}{hmtL} = $hmtC;
$hash->{helper}{ref}{kTs} = 0;
my $sec = int($hmtC/1000);
return sprintf("%03d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
int($hmtC/86400000), int($sec/3600),
int(($sec%3600)/60), $sec%60, $hmtC % 1000);
sub HMLAN_Parse($$) {##########################################################
my ($hash, $rmsg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @mFld = split(',', $rmsg);
my $letter = substr($mFld[0],0,1); # get leading char
if ($letter =~ m/^[ER]/){#@mFld=($src, $status, $msec, $d2, $rssi, $msg)
# max speed for devices is 100ms after receive - example:TC
my ($mNo,$flg,$type,$src,$dst,$p) = unpack('A2A2A2A6A6A*',$mFld[5]);
my $mLen = length($mFld[5])/2;
my $CULinfo = "";
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, "HMLAN_Parse: $name R:".$mFld[0]
.(($mFld[0] =~ m/^E/)?' ':'')
.' stat:' .$mFld[1]
.' t:' .$mFld[2]
.' d:' .$mFld[3]
.' r:' .$mFld[4]
.' m:'.$mNo
.' '.$flg.$type
.' '.$src
.' '.$dst
.' '.$p;
# handle status.
#HMcnd stat
# 00 00= msg without relation
# 00 01= ack that HMLAN waited for
# 00 02= msg send, no ack requested
# 00 08= nack - ack was requested, msg repeated 3 times, still no ack
# 00 21= ??(seen with 'R') - see below
# 00 2x= should: AES was accepted, here is the response
# 00 30= should: AES response failed
# 00 4x= AES response accepted
# 00 50= ??(seen with 'R')
# 00 8x= response to a message send autonomous by HMLAN (e.g. A112 -> wakeup)
# 01 xx= ?? 0100 AES response send (gen autoMsgSent)
# 02 xx= prestate to 04xx. Message is still sent. This is a warning
# 04 xx= nothing sent anymore. Any restart unsuccessful except power
# parameter 'cond'- condition of the IO device
# Cond text
# 0 ok
# 1 AES request by HMLAN pending
# 2 Warning-HighLoad
# 4 Overload condition - no send anymore
my ($HMcnd,$stat) = map{hex($_)} unpack('A2A2',($mFld[1]));
if ($HMcnd == 0x01 && $mFld[3] ne "FF"){#HMLAN responded to AES request
$CULinfo = "AESKey-".$mFld[3];
if ($stat){# message with status information
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,$HMcnd)if ($hash->{helper}{q}{HMcndN} != $HMcnd);
my $myId = $attr{$name}{hmId};
if ($stat & 0x03 && $dst eq $myId){HMLAN_qResp($hash,$src,0);}
elsif ($stat & 0x08 && $src eq $myId){HMLAN_qResp($hash,$dst,0);}
HMLAN_UpdtMsgLoad($name,((hex($flg)&0x10)?($mLen*2+880) #burst=17units *2
:($mLen*2+22))) #ACK=1 unit *2
if (($stat & 0x48) == 8);# reject - but not from repeater
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst}{flg} = 0 if(defined $hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst});
#got response => unblock sending
if ($stat & 0x0A){#08 and 02 dont need to go to CUL, internal ack only
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, "HMLAN_Parse: $name no ACK from $dst" if($stat & 0x08);
elsif (($stat & 0x70) == 0x30){Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, "HMLAN_Parse: $name AES code rejected for $dst $stat";
$CULinfo = "AESerrReject";
elsif (($stat & 0x70) == 0x20){$CULinfo = "AESok";
elsif ( $stat & 0x40) {$CULinfo = "AESCom-".($stat & 0x10?"fail":"ok");
if ( $letter eq "E"
&& (hex($flg)&0x60) == 0x20 # ack but not from repeater
&& $dst eq $attr{$name}{hmId}
&& $hash->{helper}{ids}{$src});
my $rssi = hex($mFld[4])-65536;
#update some User information ------
$hash->{uptime} = HMLAN_uptime($mFld[2]);
$hash->{RSSI} = $rssi;
$hash->{RAWMSG} = $rmsg;
$hash->{"${name}_TIME"} = TimeNow();
my $dly = 0; #--------- calc messageDelay ----------
if ($hash->{helper}{ref} && $hash->{helper}{ref}{drft}){
my $ref = $hash->{helper}{ref};#shortcut
my $sysC = int(time()*1000); #current systime in ms
$dly = int($sysC - (hex($mFld[2]) + $ref->{offL} + $ref->{drft}*($sysC - $ref->{sysL})));
$hash->{helper}{dly}{lst} = $dly;
my $dlyP = $hash->{helper}{dly};
$dlyP->{min} = $dly if (!$dlyP->{min} || $dlyP->{min}>$dly);
$dlyP->{max} = $dly if (!$dlyP->{max} || $dlyP->{max}<$dly);
if ($dlyP->{cnt}) {$dlyP->{cnt}++} else {$dlyP->{cnt} = 1} ;
$hash->{msgParseDly} = "min:" .$dlyP->{min}
." max:" .$dlyP->{max}
." last:".$dlyP->{lst}
." cnt:" .$dlyP->{cnt};
################# debugind help
#my $st = $sysC - $dly;#time send
#my $stms = sprintf("%03d",$st%1000);
#my @slt = localtime(int($st/1000));
#Log 1,"HMLAN dlyTime st:$slt[2]:$slt[1]:$slt[0].".$stms." dly:$dly";
$dly = 0 if ($dly<0);
# HMLAN sends ACK for flag 'A0' but not for 'A4'(config mode)-
# we ack ourself an long as logic is uncertain - also possible is 'A6' for RHS
my $wait = 0.100 - $dly/1000;
$modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$src}{helper}{io}{nextSend} = gettimeofday()+$wait
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$src} && $wait > 0);
if (hex($flg)&0xA4 == 0xA4 && $hash->{owner} eq $dst){
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, "HMLAN_Parse: $name ACK config";
HMLAN_Write($hash,undef, "As15".$mNo."8002".$dst.$src."00");
if ($letter eq 'R' && $hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{flg}){
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{flg} = 0 if($dst ne "000000"); #release send-holdoff
if ($hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{msg}){ #send delayed msg if any
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
,"HMLAN_SdDly: $name $src";
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, $hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{msg});
$hash->{helper}{ids}{$src}{msg} = ""; #clear message
# prepare dispatch-----------
# HM format A<len><msg>:<info>:<RSSI>:<IOname> Info is not used anymore
my $dmsg = sprintf("A%02X%s:$CULinfo:$rssi:$name",
$mLen, uc($mFld[5]));
my %addvals = (RAWMSG => $rmsg, RSSI => hex($mFld[4])-65536);
Dispatch($hash, $dmsg, \%addvals) if($mFld[5] !~ m/99.112999999000000/);#ignore overload test
elsif($mFld[0] eq 'HHM-LAN-IF'){#HMLAN version info
$hash->{uptime} = HMLAN_uptime($mFld[5],$hash);
$hash->{helper}{assIdRep} = hex($mFld[6]);
$hash->{assignedIDsCnt} = $hash->{helper}{assIdCnt}
.(($hash->{helper}{assIdCnt} eq $hash->{helper}{assIdRep})
:" report:$hash->{helper}{assIdRep}")
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRec} = 1;
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRpt} = 0;
Log3 $hash, ($hash->{helper}{log}{sys}?0:5)
, 'HMLAN_Parse: '.$name. ' V:'.$mFld[1]
.' sNo:'.$mFld[2].' d:'.$mFld[3]
.' O:' .$mFld[4].' t:'.$mFld[5].' IDcnt:'.$mFld[6];
my $myId = AttrVal($name, "hmId", "");
$myId = $attr{$name}{hmId} = $mFld[4] if (!$myId);
my (undef,$info) = unpack('A11A29',$rmsg);
if (!$hash->{helper}{info} || $hash->{helper}{info} ne $info){
my $fwVer = hex($mFld[1]);
$fwVer = sprintf("%d.%d", ($fwVer >> 12) & 0xf, $fwVer & 0xffff);
$hash->{owner} = $mFld[4];
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"D-firmware" ,$fwVer);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"D-serialNr" ,$mFld[2]);
$hash->{helper}{info} = $info;
if($mFld[4] ne $myId && !AttrVal($name, "dummy", 0)) {
Log3 $hash, 1, 'HMLAN setting owner to '.$myId.' from '.$mFld[4];
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "A$myId");
elsif($rmsg =~ m/^I00.*/) {;
# Ack from the HMLAN
else {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name Unknown msg >$rmsg<";
sub HMLAN_Ready($) {###########################################################
my ($hash) = @_;
return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, "HMLAN_DoInit");
sub HMLAN_SimpleWrite(@) {#####################################################
my ($hash, $msg, $nonl) = @_;
return if(!$hash || AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dummy", 0) != 0);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $len = length($msg);
# It is not possible to answer befor 100ms
if ($len>51){
my $HMcnd = $hash->{helper}{q}{HMcndN};
return if ( ($HMcnd == 4 || $HMcnd == 253)
&& !$hash->{helper}{recoverTest});# no send if overload or disconnect
delete $hash->{helper}{recoverTest}; # test done
my ($s,undef,$stat,undef,$t,undef,$d,undef,$r,undef,$no,$flg,$typ,$src,$dst,$p) =
my $hmId = AttrVal($name,"hmId","");
my $hDst = $hash->{helper}{ids}{$dst};# shortcut
my $tn = gettimeofday();
if($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst} &&
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{nextSend}){
my $dDly = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{nextSend} - $tn;
#$dDly -= 0.05 if ($typ eq "02");# delay at least 50ms for ACK, but not 100
select(undef, undef, undef, (($dDly > 0.1)?0.1:$dDly))
if ($dDly > 0.01);
if ($dst ne $hmId){ #delay send if answer is pending
if ( $hDst->{flg} && #HMLAN's ack pending
($hDst->{to} > $tn)){#won't wait forever! check timeout
$hDst->{msg} = $msg; #postpone message
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl($hash,$src,$dst,"5"),"HMLAN_Delay: $name $dst";
if ($src eq $hmId){
$hDst->{flg} = (hex($flg)&0x20)?1:0;# answer expected?
$hDst->{to} = $tn + 2;# flag timeout after 2 sec
$hDst->{msg} = "";
HMLAN_qResp($hash,$dst,1) if ($hDst->{flg} == 1);
if ($len > 52){#channel information included, send sone kind of clearance
my $chn = substr($msg,52,2);
if (!$hDst->{chn} || $hDst->{chn} ne $chn){
my $updt = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$dst}{helper}{io}{newChn};
if ($updt){
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, 'HMLAN_Send: '.$name.' S:'.$updt;
syswrite($hash->{TCPDev}, $updt."\r\n") if($hash->{TCPDev});
$hDst->{chn} = $chn;
Log3 $hash, HMLAN_getVerbLvl($hash,$src,$dst,"5")
, 'HMLAN_Send: '.$name.' S:'.$s
.' stat: ' .$stat
.' t:' .$t
.' d:' .$d
.' r:' .$r
.' m:' .$no
.' ' .$flg.$typ
.' ' .$src
.' ' .$dst
.' ' .$p;
HMLAN_UpdtMsgLoad($name,length($p)/2+20 +((hex($flg)&0x10)?440:0));#burst counts
Log3 $hash, ($hash->{helper}{log}{sys}?0:5), 'HMLAN_Send: '.$name.' I:'.$msg;
$msg .= "\r\n" unless($nonl);
syswrite($hash->{TCPDev}, $msg) if($hash->{TCPDev});
sub HMLAN_DoInit($) {##########################################################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $id = AttrVal($name, "hmId", "999999");
# readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","init",1);
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "A$id") if($id ne "999999");
my $s2000 = sprintf("%02X", HMLAN_secSince2000());
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "T$s2000,04,00,00000000");
delete $hash->{helper}{ref};
$hash->{helper}{q}{cap}{$_}=0 foreach (keys %{$hash->{helper}{q}{cap}});
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRec} = 1; # ok for first time
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRpt} = 0; # ok for first time
my $tn = gettimeofday();
my $wdTimer = AttrVal($name,"wdTimer",25);
$hash->{helper}{k}{Start} = $tn;
$hash->{helper}{k}{Next} = $tn + $wdTimer;
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAliveCk:".$name);# avoid duplicate timer
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAlive:".$name);# avoid duplicate timer
InternalTimer($tn+$wdTimer, "HMLAN_KeepAlive", "keepAlive:".$name, 0);
# send first message to retrieve HMLAN condition
return undef;
sub HMLAN_assignIDs($){
# remove all assigned IDs and assign the ones from list
my ($hash) = @_;
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "C"); #clear all assigned IDs
HMLAN_Write($hash,"","init:$_") foreach(keys %{$hash->{helper}{ids}});
sub HMLAN_writeAesKey($) {#####################################################
my ($name) = @_;
my ($k,$kNo);
foreach my $i (1..3){
($kNo,$k) = ("0".$i,AttrVal($name,"hmKey".($i== 1?"":$i),""));
($kNo,$k) = split(":",$k);
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($defs{$name}, "Y0$i,".($k?"$kNo,$k":"00,"));
sub HMLAN_KeepAlive($) {#######################################################
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
$hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRec} = 0; # reset indicator
return if(!$hash->{FD});
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "K");
my $tn = gettimeofday();
my $wdTimer = AttrVal($name,"wdTimer",25);
my $kDly = int(($tn - $hash->{helper}{k}{Next})*1000)/1000;
$hash->{helper}{k}{DlyMax} = $kDly if($hash->{helper}{k}{DlyMax} < $kDly);
if ($hash->{helper}{k}{Start}){
my $kBuf = int($hash->{helper}{k}{Start} + 30 - $tn);
$hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin} = $kBuf if($hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin} > $kBuf);
$hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin} = 30;
$hash->{msgKeepAlive} = "dlyMax:".$hash->{helper}{k}{DlyMax}
." bufferMin:". $hash->{helper}{k}{BufMin};
$hash->{helper}{k}{Start} = $tn;
$hash->{helper}{k}{Next} = $tn + $wdTimer;
$hash->{helper}{ref}{kTs} = int($tn*1000);
my $rt = AttrVal($name,"respTime",1);
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAlive:".$name);# avoid duplicate timer
InternalTimer($tn+$wdTimer,"HMLAN_KeepAlive", "keepAlive:".$name, 1);
sub HMLAN_KeepAliveCheck($) {##################################################
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRec} != 1){# no answer
if ($hash->{helper}{q}{keepAliveRpt} >2){# give up here
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,252);# trigger timeout event
sub HMLAN_secSince2000() {#####################################################
# Calculate the local time in seconds from 2000.
my $t = time();
my @l = localtime($t);
my @g = gmtime($t);
$t += 60*(($l[2]-$g[2] + ((($l[5]<<9)|$l[7]) <=> (($g[5]<<9)|$g[7])) * 24) * 60 + $l[1]-$g[1])
# timezone and daylight saving...
- 946684800 # seconds between 01.01.2000, 00:00 and THE EPOCH (1970)
- 7200; # HM Special
return $t;
sub HMLAN_qResp($$$) {#response-waiting queue##################################
my($hash,$id,$cmd) = @_;
my $hashQ = $hash->{helper}{q};
if ($cmd){
$hashQ->{answerPend} ++;
push @{$hashQ->{apIDs}},$id;
if ($hashQ->{answerPend} >= $hashQ->{hmLanQlen}){
$hash->{XmitOpen} = 2;#delay further sending
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "HMLAN_clearQ", "hmClearQ:$hash->{NAME}", 0);
$hashQ->{answerPend}-- if ($hashQ->{answerPend}>0);
@{$hashQ->{apIDs}}=grep !/$id/,@{$hashQ->{apIDs}};
RemoveInternalTimer("hmClearQ:$hash->{NAME}")if ($hash->{XmitOpen} == 0);
if ($hashQ->{HMcndN} == 4 ||
$hashQ->{HMcndN} == 253){ $hash->{XmitOpen} = 0;}
elsif($hashQ->{answerPend} >= $hashQ->{hmLanQlen}){$hash->{XmitOpen} = 2;}
else{ $hash->{XmitOpen} = 1;}
sub HMLAN_clearQ($) {#clear pending acks due to timeout########################
my($in ) = shift;
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
@{$hash->{helper}{q}{apIDs}} = (); #clear Q-status
$hash->{helper}{q}{answerPend} = 0;
Log3 $hash, 4, "HMLAN_ack: timeout - clear queue";
my $HMcnd = $hash->{helper}{q}{HMcndN};
if ($HMcnd == 4 || $HMcnd == 253) {$hash->{XmitOpen} = 0;
}else{ $hash->{XmitOpen} = 1;}
sub HMLAN_condUpdate($$) {#####################################################
my($hash,$HMcnd) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $hashCnd = $hash->{helper}{cnd};#short to helper
my $hashQ = $hash->{helper}{q};#short to helper
$hash->{helper}{cnd}{$HMcnd} = 0 if (!$hash->{helper}{cnd} ||
if ($HMcnd == 4){#HMLAN needs a rest. Supress all sends exept keep alive
if (InternalVal($name,"STATE","") eq "overload");
my $HMcndTxt = $HMcond{$HMcnd}?$HMcond{$HMcnd}:"Unknown:$HMcnd";
Log3 $hash, 1, "HMLAN_Parse: $name new condition $HMcndTxt";
my $txt;
$txt .= $HMcond{$_}.":".$hash->{helper}{cnd}{$_}." "
foreach (keys%{$hash->{helper}{cnd}});
$hashQ->{HMcndN} = $HMcnd;
if ($HMcnd == 4 || $HMcnd == 253) {#transmission down
$hashQ->{answerPend} = 0;
@{$hashQ->{apIDs}} = (); #clear Q-status
$hash->{XmitOpen} = 0; #deny transmit
if ( $HMcnd == 253
&& $hash->{helper}{k}{Start}
&&(gettimeofday() - 29) > $hash->{helper}{k}{Start});
elsif ($HMcnd == 255) {#reset counter after init
$hashQ->{answerPend} = 0;
@{$hashQ->{apIDs}} = (); #clear Q-status
$hash->{XmitOpen} = 0; #deny transmit
$hash->{XmitOpen} = ($hashQ->{answerPend} < $hashQ->{hmLanQlen})?"1":"2";#allow transmit
my $ccu = InternalVal($name,"owner_CCU","");
CUL_HM_UpdtCentralState($ccu) if ($ccu);
sub HMLAN_noDup(@) {#return list with no duplicates
my %all;
return "" if (scalar(@_) == 0);
$all{$_}=0 foreach (grep !/^$/,@_);
delete $all{""}; #remove empties if present
return (sort keys %all);
sub HMLAN_getVerbLvl ($$$$){#get verboseLevel for message
my ($hash,$src,$dst,$def) = @_;
return ($hash->{helper}{log}{all}||
(grep /($src|$dst)/,@{$hash->{helper}{log}{ids}}))?0:$def;
=begin html
<a name="HMLAN"></a>
The HMLAN is the fhem module for the eQ-3 HomeMatic LAN Configurator.<br>
A description on how to use <a href="https://git.zerfleddert.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/hmcfgusb">hmCfgUsb</a> can be found follwing the link.<br/>
The fhem module will emulate a CUL device, so the <a href="#CUL_HM">CUL_HM</a> module can be used to define HomeMatic devices.<br/>
In order to use it with fhem you <b>must</b> disable the encryption first with the "HomeMatic Lan Interface Configurator"<br>
(which is part of the supplied Windows software), by selecting the device, "Change IP Settings", and deselect "AES Encrypt Lan Communication".<br/>
This device can be used in parallel with a CCU and (readonly) with fhem. To do this:
<li>start the fhem/contrib/tcptee.pl program</li>
<li>redirect the CCU to the local host</li>
<li>disable the LAN-Encryption on the CCU for the Lan configurator</li>
<li>set the dummy attribute for the HMLAN device in fhem</li>
<a name="HMLANdefine"><b>Define</b></a>
<code>define <name> HMLAN <ip-address>[:port]</code><br>
port is 1000 by default.<br/>
If the ip-address is called none, then no device will be opened, so you can experiment without hardware attached.
<a name="HMLANset"><b>Set</b></a>
<li><a href="#hmPairForSec">hmPairForSec</a></li>
<li><a href="#hmPairSerial">hmPairSerial</a></li>
<li><a href="#HMLANset_reassignIDs">reassignIDs</a>
Syncs the IDs between HMLAN and teh FHEM list.
Usually this is done automatically and only is recomended if there is a difference in counts.
<a name="HMLANget"><b>Get</b></a>
<li><a href="#HMLANgetassignIDs">assignIDs</a>
Gibt eine Liste aller diesem IO zugewiesenen IOs aus.
<a name="HMLANattr"><b>Attributes</b></a>
<li><a href="#addvaltrigger">addvaltrigger</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#attrdummy">dummy</a></li>
<li><a href="#HMLANlogIDs">logIDs</a><br>
enables selective logging of HMLAN messages. A list of HMIds or names can be
entered, comma separated, which shall be logged.<br>
The attribute only allows device-IDs, not channel IDs.
Channel-IDs will be modified to device-IDs automatically.
<b>all</b> will log raw messages for all HMIds<br>
<b>sys</b> will log system related messages like keep-alive<br>
in order to enable all messages set "<b>all,sys</b>"<br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmMsgLowLimit">hmMsgLowLimit</a><br>
max messages level of HMLAN allowed for low-level message queue
to be executed. Above this level processing will be postponed.<br>
HMLAN will allow a max of messages per hour, it will block sending otherwise.
After about 90% messages the low-priority queue (currently only CUL_HM autoReadReg)
will be delayed until the condition is cleared. <br>
hmMsgLowLimit allowes to reduce this level further.<br>
Note that HMLAN transmitt-level calculation is based on some estimations and
has some tolerance. <br>
<li><a href="#hmId">hmId</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey">hmKey</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey2">hmKey2</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey3">hmKey3</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey4">hmKey4</a></li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey5">hmKey5</a><br>
AES keys for the HMLAN adapter. <br>
The key is converted to a hash. If a hash is given directly it is not converted but taken directly.
Therefore the original key cannot be converted back<br>
<li><a href="#hmProtocolEvents">hmProtocolEvents</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANrespTime">respTime</a><br>
Define max response time of the HMLAN adapter in seconds. Default is 1 sec.<br/>
Longer times may be used as workaround in slow/instable systems or LAN configurations.</li>
<li><a name="HMLAN#wdTimer">wdTimer</a><br>
Time in sec to trigger HMLAN. Values between 5 and 25 are allowed, 25 is default.<br>
It is <B>not recommended</B> to change this timer. If problems are detected with <br>
HLMLAN disconnection it is advisable to resolve the root-cause of the problem and not symptoms.</li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmLanQlen">hmLanQlen</a><br>
defines queuelength of HMLAN interface. This is therefore the number of
simultanously send messages. increasing values may cause higher transmission speed.
It may also cause retransmissions up to data loss.<br>
Effects can be observed by watching protocol events<br>
1 - is a conservatibe value, and is default<br>
5 - is critical length, likely cause message loss</li>
<a name="HMLANparameter"><b>parameter</b></a>
number of IDs that are assigned to HMLAN by FHEM.
If the number reported by HMLAN differ it will be reported as 'reported'.<br>
It is recommended to resync HMLAN using the command 'assignIDs'.
performance of keep-alive messages. <br>
<B>dlyMax</B>: maximum delay of sheduled message-time to actual message send.<br>
<B>bufferMin</B>: minimal buffer left to before HMLAN would likely disconnect
due to missing keepAlive message. bufferMin will be reset to 30sec if
attribut wdTimer is changed.<br>
if dlyMax is high (several seconds) or bufferMin goes to "0" (normal is 4) the system
suffers on internal delays. Reasons for the delay might be explored. As a quick solution
wdTimer could be decreased to trigger HMLAN faster.</li>
estimation of load of HMLAN. As HMLAN has a max capacity of message transmit per hour
FHEM tries to estimate usage - see also
<a href="#hmMsgLowLimit">hmMsgLowLimit</a><br></li>
calculates the delay of messages in ms from send in HMLAN until processing in FHEM.
It therefore gives an indication about FHEM system performance.
<a name="HMLANreadings"><b>parameter and readings</b></a>
<li><B>prot_disconnect</B> <br>recent HMLAN disconnect</li>
<li><B>prot_init</B> <br>recent HMLAN init</li>
<li><B>prot_keepAlive</B> <br>HMLAN disconnect likely do to slow keep-alive sending</li>
<li><B>prot_ok</B> <br>recent HMLAN ok condition</li>
<li><B>prot_timeout</B> <br>recent HMLAN timeout</li>
<li><B>prot_Warning-HighLoad</B> <br>high load condition entered - HMLAN has about 10% performance left</li>
<li><B>prot_ERROR-Overload</B> <br>overload condition - HMLAN will receive bu tno longer transmitt messages</li>
<li><B>prot_Overload-released</B><br>overload condition released - normal operation possible</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="HMLAN"></a>
Das HMLAN ist das fhem-Modul für den eQ-3 HomeMatic LAN Configurator welcher als IO
in FHEM fungiert. Siehe <a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/HM-CFG-LAN_LAN_Konfigurations-Adapter">HM-CFG-LAN_LAN_Konfigurations-Adapter</a> zur Konfiguration.<br>
Eine weitere Beschreibung, wie der HomeMatic USB Konfigurations-Adapter
<a href="https://git.zerfleddert.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/hmcfgusb">(HM-CFG-USB)</a>
verwendet werden kann, ist unter dem angegebenen Link zu finden.<br/>
Dieses Gerät kann gleichzeitig mit einer CCU und (nur lesend) mit FHEM verwendet werden.
Hierfür ist wie folgt vorzugehen:
<li>Starten des fhem/contrib/tcptee.pl Programms</li>
<li>Umleiten der CCU zum local host</li>
<li>Ausschalten der LAN-Encryption auf der CCU für den LAN-Configurator</li>
<li>Setzen des dummy Attributes für das HMLAN Gerät in FHEM</li>
<a name="HMLANdefine"><b>Define</b></a>
<code>define <name> HMLAN <ip-address>[:port]</code><br>
Der Standard-Port lautet: 1000.<br/>
Wenn keine IP-Adresse angegeben wird, wird auch kein Gerät geöffnet; man kann
also auch ohne angeschlossene Hardware experimentieren.
<a name="HMLANset"><b>Set</b></a>
<li><a href="#hmPairForSec">hmPairForSec</a></li>
<li><a href="#hmPairSerial">hmPairSerial</a></li>
<li><a href="#HMLANset_reassignIDs">reassignIDs</a>
Synchronisiert die im HMLAN eingetragenen IDs mit der von FHEM verwalteten Liste.
I.a. findet dies automatisch statt, koennte aber in reset Fällen abweichen.
<a name="HMLANget"><b>Get</b></a>
<li><a href="#HMLANgetassignIDs">assignIDs</a>
Gibt eine Liste aller diesem IO zugewiesenen IOs aus.
<a name="HMLANattr"><b>Attributes</b></a>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#attrdummy">dummy</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#addvaltrigger">addvaltrigger</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#HMLANlogIDs">logIDs</a><br>
Schaltet selektives Aufzeichnen der HMLAN Meldungen ein. Eine Liste der
HMIds oder Namen, die aufgezeichnet werden sollen, können - getrennt durch
Kommata - eingegeben werden.<br>
Die Attribute erlauben ausschließlich die Angabe von Device-IDs und keine Kanal-IDs.
Die Kanal-IDs werden automatisch in Device-IDs umgewandelt.<br>
<b>all</b> zeichnet die Original-Meldungen für alle HMIds auf.<br>
<b>sys</b> zeichnet alle systemrelevanten Meldungen wie keep-alive auf.<br>
<b>all,sys</b> damit wird die Aufzeichnung aller Meldungen eingeschaltet<br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmMsgLowLimit">hmMsgLowLimit</a><br>
maximale Anzahl der Meldungen, die HMLAN für weniger wichtige Meldungen zur
Ausführung zulässt. Bei darüber hinaus gehenden Meldungen wird die Verarbeitung aufgeschoben. <br>
HMLAM erlaubt eine maximale Anzahl von Meldungen pro Stunde. Wird diese überschritten,
wird die Aussendung der Meldungen blockiert. Nach ungefähr 90% der maximalen Anzahl
wird die Liste der weniger wichtigen Meldungen (momentan nur CUL_HM autoReadReg)
solange verzögert abgearbeitet, bis die Rahmenbedingungen eine weitere Verarbeitung
wieder zulassen. <br>
hmMsgLowLimit ermöglicht eine weitere Reduzierung dieses Grenzwertes.<br>
Hinweis: Der HMLAN berechnet die maximale Anzahl der auszusendenden Meldungen
auf Basis einiger Annahmen und ist deshalb mit einer Toleranz behaftet.<br>
<li><a href="#hmId">hmId</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey">hmKey</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey2">hmKey2</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey3">hmKey3</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey4">hmKey4</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANhmKey5">hmKey5</a><br>
AES Schlüssel für den HMLAN Adapter. <br>
Der Schlüssel wird in eine hash-Zeichenfolge umgewandelt. Wenn eine Hash-Folge unmittelbar
eingegeben wird, erfolgt keine Umwandlung, sondern eine eine direkte Benutzung der Hash-Folge.
Deshalb kann der Originalschlüssel auch nicht entschlüsselt werden.<br>
<li><a href="#hmProtocolEvents">hmProtocolEvents</a></li><br>
<li><a name="HMLANrespTime">respTime</a><br>
Definiert die maximale Antwortzeit des HMLAN-Adapters in Sekunden. Standardwert ist 1 Sekunde.<br/>
Längere Zeiten können übergangsweise in langsamen und instabilen Systemen oder in
LAN-Konfigurationen verwendet werden.</li>
<li><a name="HMLAN#wdTimer">wdTimer</a><br>
Zeit in Sekunden, um den HMLAN zu triggern. Werte zwischen 5 und 25 sind zulässig.
Standardwert ist 25 Sekunden.<br>
Es wird <B>davon abgeraten</B> diesen Timer zu verändern. Wenn Probleme mit
HMLAN-Abbrüchen bestehen wird empfohlen die Ursache des Problems zu finden
und zu beheben und nicht die Symptom.</li>
<li><a name="HMLANhmLanQlen">hmLanQlen</a><br>
Definiert die Länge der Warteschlange des HMLAN Interfaces. Es ist deshalb die Anzahl
der gleichzeitig zu sendenden Meldungen. Erhöhung des Wertes kann eine Steigerung der
Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit verursachen, ebenso können wiederholte Aussendungen
Datenverlust bewirken.<br>
Die Auswirkungen werden durch die Ereignisse im Protokoll sichtbar.<br>
1 - ist ein Wert auf der sicheren Seite und deshalb der Standardwert<br>
5 - ist eine kritische Länge und verursacht wahrscheinlich Meldungsverluste</li>
<a name="HMLANparameter"><b>parameter</b></a>
Anzahl der IDs, die von FHEM einem HMLAN zugeordnet sind.
Sollte die Anzahl von der im HMLAN abweichen wird dies als 'reported' gemeldet.<br>
Wird eine Abweichung festgestellt kann man mit dem Kommando assignIDs das HMLAN synchronisieren.
Güte der keep-alive Meldungen. <br>
<B>dlyMax</B>: maximale Verzögerungsdauer zwischen dem geplanten Meldungszeitpunkt
und der tatsächlich gesendeten Meldung.<br>
<B>bufferMin</B>: minimal verfügbarer Speicher bevor HMLAN voraussichtlich
unterbrochen wird bedingt durch die fehlende keepAlive Meldung. bufferMin
wird auf 30 Sekunden zurückgesetzt wenn das Attribut wdTimer verändert wird.<br>
Wenn dlyMax hoch ist (mehrere Sekunden) oder bufferMin geht gegen "0" (normal ist 4)
leidet das System unter den internen Verzögerungen. Den Gründen hierfür muss
nachgegangen werdensystem. Als schnelle Lösung kann der Wert für wdTimer
verkleinert werden, um HMLAN schneller zu triggern.</li>
Abschätzung der Last auf dem HMLAN. Da HMLAN nur eine begrenzte Kapzität hat,
um je Stunde eine bestimmte Anzahl an Meldungen abzusetzen, versucht FHEM
diese Last vorauszuberechnen - siehe auch
<a href="#hmMsgLowLimit">hmMsgLowLimit</a><br></li>
Kalkuliert die Verzögerungen einer Meldung vom Zeitpunkt des Abschickens im HMLAN
bis zu Verarbeitung in FHEM. Deshalb ist dies ein Indikator für die Leistungsfähigkeit
des Systems von FHEM.
<a name="HMLANreadings"><b>Parameter und Readings</b></a>
<li><B>prot_disconnect</B> <br>letzter HMLAN disconnect</li>
<li><B>prot_init</B> <br>letzter HMLAN init</li>
<li><B>prot_keepAlive</B> <br>HMLAN unterbrochen, wahrscheinlich um langsame
keep-alive Meldungen zu senden.</li>
<li><B>prot_ok</B> <br>letzte HMLAN ok Bedingung</li>
<li><B>prot_timeout</B> <br>letzter HMLAN Timeout</li>
<li><B>prot_Warning-HighLoad</B> <br>hohe Auslastung erreicht -
HMLAN hat nur noch 10% seiner Leistungsfähigkeit übrig</li>
<li><B>prot_ERROR-Overload</B> <br>Überlastung -
HMLAN wird zwar Meldungen empfangen aber keine Meldungen mehr absenden</li>
<li><B>prot_Overload-released</B><br>Überlastung beendet - normale Arbeitsweise ist möglich</li>
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